Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: mynonce on January 25, 2022, 07:42:57 PM

Title: Jack: help us make some decisions for the bitcoin hardware wallet we're building
Post by: mynonce on January 25, 2022, 07:42:57 PM
Jack Dorsey recently tweeted: help us make some decisions for the bitcoin hardware wallet we're building... (

Maybe, here are some guys who could support them...

Max Guise @max_guise (
What kind of battery should power the hardware wallet we're building? We've got a decision to make and would like to hear from you! You can find context about the decision and tradeoffs in this public document: (
In sharing this, we hope to learn and to improve the product by inviting scrutiny and input. These decisions are rarely obvious and @Blocks we’ve all learned extensively from others who've shown their work. I'm thankful for our talented team who have framed this design choice.
The decision document uses the SPADE format, brought to us by @gokulr . In this case, we've only completed the Setting, People, and Alternatives sections so far. We're looking for community input before we Decide and Explain.
What do you think we should land on, and why? What factors should we weigh heavily in this decision? What are we missing? Reply here or to We'll collect feedback over the next ~week, make a decision, and share the result.