Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: virtualdn on February 02, 2022, 02:58:47 PM

Title: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: virtualdn on February 02, 2022, 02:58:47 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Darker45 on February 02, 2022, 03:19:59 PM
I am also not a fan of NFT, at least as far as its current state is concerned, and the rising metaverse.

The cyber space is already here. Metaverse is not really a breakthrough or a timely or useful innovation. It is nothing but a mere fad or a novelty in the huge online world.

As far as non-fungible tokens are concerned, perhaps we could find real-life uses to them. For example, we could keep records such as land titles, ownership certificates, and the likes in the form of NFTs. But the way NFTs are being exploited right now seems to make no sense at all. It is mostly associated with artworks that are not really inspiring or creative or simply devoid of artistry, even stolen or whose original idea is taken from existing artworks.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Sterbens on February 02, 2022, 03:26:23 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.
I don't have it, I can't access it and I don't know how other people have implemented it either. The benefits are also not that great, Metaverse is just a game world from Mark madness. So in general we don't really care what's in the Metaverse, it's for them and to keep their big business going. We can't be as big as Mark to go crazy in the Metaverse world. it's too scary to spend time with VR which reduces real-world interactions.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: bittraffic on February 02, 2022, 03:35:17 PM

Sure you are not the only one. Many crypto i vestors dont stray themselves into losing BTC by investing in NFT or piece of Meta land, I'm sure its just hype. There were already crypto developments like this before such as the kitties and they died. We didnt call them NFT back then.

I'm already satisfied playing i  the market trading but theres also one that I'm interested the Play to earn games which is part of the metaverse. If I want my kid not to get involve in a wrong crowd, metaverse will be good. Learn to make money and be independent.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: pressing207 on February 02, 2022, 03:57:37 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.
These are broader concepts in the overall development of blockchain technologies. Not only glasses and idle pastime. Another and necessary step in the development of a new financial and artistic Internet.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: jackg on February 02, 2022, 03:57:55 PM
I don't have a good grasp on it but I feel the metaverse could just be the Minecraft of the past - both will probably keep growing.

In game and art nfts are fine and useful. Paying $180+ to play a game is probably not what anyone would consider too reasonable though or buying some land for a few $k.

I think people are searching for a modern day version of netflix/amazon/bitcoin/ethereum and falling at it.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: poldanmig on February 02, 2022, 04:10:40 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.
Just like you, I also have no interest in investing in virtual things like that, we don't know if the metaverse can last long or if it's just hype that will be replaced by other hype in the future, instead of having to buy property in the virtual world, of course it would be better for us to invest property in real world , because in the end all of us who are here must be faced with real life not virtual.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: franky1 on February 02, 2022, 04:10:59 PM
metaverse is simply a replacement of webpages for interactive shopping mall(3d RPG).

retailers would buy 'land' so they can design virtual retail stores that can do more then a real world brick and mortar store can do aesthetically.

obviously having certain retail 'land' in suitable locations can become its own real estate.
EG there can be female fashion, jewellery, perfumes, soaps shopping mall.. and have 100 female centered retailers in one server(gamezone)
and more male centered retailers in a separate zone

its not about buying 'in game' artifacts. its about viewing ingame artifacts that represent real world products, where you can buy the item 'ingame' which translates to a real world product getting delivered to your house.

replace ebay item images which you click on to add to cart, with instead a 3d rendered model that you put in your backpack. and the same applies. you pay for the item seen on the web and the real world good gets delivered.

the whole nft stuff is so that for instance pepsi can render a 3d model of a case of bottles. and t-shirts. and then licence who can sell pepsi official items to certain retailers. whereby the retailers are also ordering real world cases of bottles from pepsi to sell to customers that 'click' on a 3d render and pay for it.

yes people can also create their own items to sell.. much like interior designers create displays for retailer and get paid for it.
yes people can also create their own items to sell.. much like any craftsman can create their own wares and products to sell to customers

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Anonylz on February 02, 2022, 04:32:08 PM
Unlike before,  now there is what they called play-2-earn, gamers can now spend time playing games and earn money in return, people spend thousands to buy PlayStation to play games for nothing (all for the fun of it) they spend real cash to buy in-game items before without getting anything in return, but with metaverse introducing the p2e idea, the narrative is changing, it is possible to actually earn something, if you see it as a waste of time, know that it didn't start from metaverse, because most metaverse projects are game related and gaming has been in existence way back when I don't see what is bad in it,
But I do think nft are overhyped, I can't imagine spending so much money on digital art, I guess art lovers don't have a problem with that.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: TheNineClub on February 02, 2022, 04:51:02 PM
No, you are not alone in that. I mean, to each his own, and we have to take some things into consideration. Even though we think the METAverse is a dumb idea, younger generations might not. Just think how the generation before us (you) thought about our generation and its technological achievements. The other thing to consider is the SF thought experiment that solves the Fermi Paradox, and that is that advanced species in the universe, rather than venturing outward into space, actually go inward into a simulated reality.

As for's just irritating that they are throwing NFTs at anything to see what sticks.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: so98nn on February 02, 2022, 05:52:56 PM
Everyone has their opinions. If you will ask any artist whether they like the NFT or not ? Then obviously given the chance to put their artwork online and get paid they will always say yes for it. It’s their wager you know?

Obviously personally we can always put forth our decision to like bitcoin or NFT or metaverse; but things do not work on individual opinion.

For anything to be successful both sides need to be thoughtfully learnt and in this case usability of coins over blockchain and the user himself.

Let’s not forget the waste of money for you became someone daily wage because of NFT.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: fiulpro on February 02, 2022, 06:39:48 PM
I strongly support bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies but when it's about metaverse I cannot really place my bets on there. For me the whole idea of NFT is legit at many places but I would never own an NFT for sure, NFT'S are definately becoming a big part of everyday routine and at the same time they are getting a lot of recognition from everywhere as well. Something that might be valuable in a few year's time is definately a good investment. Also it's providing a lot of artists recognition but then again always receiving those notifications on the Instagram is quite annoying people are turning it as a scam and also tracking the people down as well. I think it's a 50-50 thing, the metaverse.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: fuguebtc on February 02, 2022, 06:52:32 PM
I am not so much a fan of NFTs but why I should have to hate NFTs!!  ???
I don't like NFTs cause it seems useless to me, all of these are hype,

ICO, STO, IEO, IDO, meme coin, NFT all are hyped projects and evolved from time to time.
I've heard people say that NFTs are very popular with artists, maybe it will play an important role in preserving the art of future generations. Many people collect NFTs as a hobby. I don't like NFTs because they are of no use to me, so I don't hate them.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: kryptqnick on February 02, 2022, 06:57:35 PM
I think that the general ideas of the Metaverse are sound, and having a unified virtual space for various experiences could be a good thing. But for that to be actually nice and useful, it should be a decentralized system, not something built by Facebook Meta or Microsoft. If you're talking about VR, it's actually pretty good and allows experiencing things you're not going to experience otherwise (walking around bizarre worlds of video games, flying a helicopter and things like that).
As for NFTs, I don't hate the idea of them, but I think there's way too much hype over them, and they are not very useful for anything apart from supporting those who create art.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on February 02, 2022, 07:04:45 PM
Never really cared about Metaverse aside from just hearing it a lot here in the forum in the Altcoin Discussion. About NFTs, I never really bought any NFTs nor I have the plans to do so in the future. People are now looking at NFTs as either an artwork being sold in OpenSea or just another in-game item/s in a random game. I am still curious about these two you mentioned, but from how it is being seen and used by my friends in social media, I don't think I am getting way further from what I knew about it.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: uneng on February 02, 2022, 07:07:39 PM
Aren't people already living in virtual fake universes even without the called metaverse hype? Every mmorpg or dumb mobile app game are a kind of metaverse where people put hundreds or thousands of dollars on their accounts to upgrade their stats or make their characters look cooler. And it really works for developers, otherwise many popular online games which are alive for decades already would be dead at this time.

NFT just upgrades this ecosystem a little bit. So instead of only putting money on games without cashing out anything, now you will be able to sell your stuff as well if you wish at some point. For me there isn't any cons on it. That is actually pretty good and rewarding for people who spends their whole lives on virtual environments playing videogames.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Smartvirus on February 02, 2022, 07:14:31 PM
I recently heard that NFTs has become a game for the rich. Don't get me wrong, anyone can invest but then, to get NFTs with some real value or to put yours out, the funds are huge and for what!? That's the biggest surprise, for what! What's the point in actual of having some virtual art. Something that is easily pirated by just anyone and everyone. Not like it's being displayed in some digital museum or something or you would get some monetary value per view on the piece. Its just there and getting overrated. I think, its time would pass because, its idea isn't concrete enough.

Bitcoin have survived so long and even taken some other forms to it because, if was supposed for an everyday life or usage but then, its value turned and even at that, its original purpose is still maintained. Though, its really used but NFTs, I can't say!

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: coupable on February 02, 2022, 07:34:38 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.
You are not likely to be the only one who has nothing toward NFTs.
Personally, i just love bitcoin and two other altcoins. I am not OK with all the waves that came with the expanding growth of the Blockchain technology, including NFTs and Meme coins.
About NFTs, i think it's a wave moved by Hype and it still haven't any real utility or use cases. I would never be a fan of nonsense called "Digital Arts" .

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: serjent05 on February 02, 2022, 07:48:20 PM
We share a common feeling towards NFT stuff but I admit it, even if people hate it and look at it as useless and just a waste of time and money, thinking the profit it can give by taking advantage of people's idiocracy, I think is good enough reason for profit loving wise people to indulge themselves in participating on these so-called profit-generating venture.

I recently heard that NFTs has become a game for the rich.

It has been since the beginning.  Only people with super big funds in their pocket can shine in NFT games.  Well, it is actually the custom in any pay-to-win game.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: darkangel11 on February 02, 2022, 07:51:32 PM
I never liked shitcoins and I don't like NFTs. They're nothing but a gambling opportunity where you buy trash hoping that you can sell it to someone who doesn't understand it for more, or that there will be someone who is like you but thinks he still has a chance to fetch a higher price.

Like think for a second. If I gave you a crayon drawing of a bird would you pay me $1k for it? I'd promise that it's one of a kind and that I'll never try to sell a drawing of a bird like that. :D
If you wouldn't then the question is why people do it? Why do they think a stupid 16 bit pixel art is worth a million dollars? You have to be crazy to think you can keep making money selling pictures of animals in hats drawn in paint.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: ItsNotSean on February 02, 2022, 07:58:04 PM
People have widely varying definitions  for what they mean when they say "NFT" and "metaverse".

As far as the world of "digital tchotchkis" that everyone is buying right now, those NFTs are an economic dead-end waiting to happen. A ponzi scheme at best, where early adopters and creators get to take advantage of FOMO gripping the digital investing space right now and squeeze money out of the ignorant and greedy.

Tokenized investment vehicles, however, which will be in the form of tokens that will be unique and non-/minimally-fungible, are the future of real estate and commerce globally.

But the value in all this crap passed off as "digital art" will make its way near zero over the medium term.

Regarding the metaverse, it's similar. Any value that will be created in the gaming space will come from established studios that know how to make fun games. They will find ways to add NFTs and tokens to their games, not some random blockchain jockeys selling a token and saying "give us your money we'll build a good game, how hard can it be?"

Current blockchain/ metaverse games:
(1) are awful;
(2) have no communities; and
(3) are built around blockchain first, token-selling second, and gameplay far down the list.

For gaming, that's a guaranteed bankruptcy. Because its blockchain, there are $billions of sucker investment who will FOMO into it, apparently, and keep this space funded...  for now.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Rruchi man on February 02, 2022, 08:42:49 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.
First i like the fact that you are not the type that follows the mass without an opinion, because many who are constantly acting as activists for NFTs and the Metaverse, creating the hype, do not actually understand the concept behind it. Unfortunately, many are just intrigued by the hype and want to act up to date. I don't have anything against NFT's and Metaverse, i feel they have created opportunities for artists and graphic designers/others in that field to stay relevant, but although they are an investment to consider, do not use all your btc for NFT's.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on February 02, 2022, 08:48:12 PM
There's even far more worse than just a drawing of a bird, as just few days ago I recall a post in Facebook pertaining that someone sold a selfie/photo of their nips in OpenSea. I can't quite recall how much was it, but it cost more than a hundreds of dollars. I forgot to include it in my recent post in here, as I just recalled it when you mentioned "crayon drawing of a bird". :D

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: franky1 on February 02, 2022, 09:27:01 PM
most NFT auctions are not real

they are where people purposefully bid high on their own product to get a high price, enough to be news worthy and go viral. so that they can set a mindset that NFT are worth alot more. then their second product they sell to real people knowing that the bids would be high.

it used to be a thing in brick and mortar auctions and even on ebay. people sell things to themselves to create value.
much like in the 1990's many people would sell a 50pence UK currency(£0.50) for £300($400) to themselves. to set a perceived value. and then try palming off lots of 50p's to unwitting people for anything above £100($135)

so dont base NFT auctions on value investment.

i see metaverse as just a more interactive retailers website. where they can look at things in 3d rather than a 2d 'click to buy' image.
where by virtual landscapes will become a virtual real estate industry

much like how NFL, NBA video games sell advertising space on their ingame billboards
heck even live TV coverage of real sports now can replace a billboard with a different advert for different regional tv stations where businesses pay to get their logo seen by local viewers of the on tv stadium grass verge

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: glendall on February 02, 2022, 09:51:51 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.

I don't think you're alone, I don't like it,but  I don't hate it, the metavers project doesn't interest me in all respects, just like you humans will look stupid with their virtual glasses, I hope metavers fail because I as a parent are afraid if my child uses glasses that, can't control what he sees in the glasses

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: franky1 on February 02, 2022, 10:00:13 PM
I don't think you're alone, I don't like it,but  I don't hate it, the metavers project doesn't interest me in all respects, just like you humans will look stupid with their virtual glasses, I hope metavers fail because I as a parent are afraid if my child uses glasses that, can't control what he sees in the glasses

yes animated porn will be a thing, but then porn is available on the web already.
im sure facebook will ask for ID to age check who can enter certain zones

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: TelolettOm on February 02, 2022, 11:31:10 PM
It is a choice whether we want to love which one.
And I think that it is not only you. Somebody else out there may also have the same opinion. The thought is that Bitcoin is the only one.
Moroever the metavere and also NFT may be cosndiered as a hype.
But forme, I love Bitcoin so much
But I am also following the NFT project (although starting haha) and also the Metaverse project. Of course, not all projects will be interesting. This is also like what we are considering when choosing the altcoins, needs some analysis to check which is actually worthy enough for hold.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: tippytoes on February 02, 2022, 11:33:22 PM
I don't think you're alone, I don't like it,but  I don't hate it, the metavers project doesn't interest me in all respects, just like you humans will look stupid with their virtual glasses, I hope metavers fail because I as a parent are afraid if my child uses glasses that, can't control what he sees in the glasses

yes animated porn will be a thing, but then porn is available on the web already.
im sure facebook will ask for ID to age check who can enter certain zones

There will be some type of restrictions here because if not this metaverse concept is dangerous for youngsters especially if they are not guided by their parents. Though I am not into NFT or metaverse, but I believe, these concepts are helping the awareness in crypto among people. I also like the fact that some never-heard good artists can sell their arts now. Because the reality is only popular artists can have their art exhibits. There are so many artists that are underrated and now, this is their chance to show to the world what they have done in a very economical way.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: stomachgrowls on February 02, 2022, 11:41:12 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.
Well, i do get your point and do understand on how you do feel which i  do some sort have the same feeling with these current hype and interest in the market today which you could really raise up some

questions on your mind that whats the total relevance of these digital artworks and games or something called NFT's in bigger picture or overall aspect.?

Yes, you do love BTC and majority is been eyeing to accumulate this which is normal but there are people whom do really love to engage into something
even though we do call it dumb things.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Ryker1 on February 03, 2022, 10:04:50 PM
Well, this is just my own opinion --I have never been interested in the metaverse since I am currently focused on constructing a better future for myself. However, the fact that many people now live in the virtual world and play online games cannot be denied. I am still perplexed as to why NTFs matters most to the majority of us. But, whether it is a waste of time and money or whatever, I don't care. I support art however, I would prefer to spend most of my time on the value of bitcoin because I am aware of the benefits it can provide for my better future.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on February 03, 2022, 10:12:49 PM
I think it's pretty common, because more and more Bitcoin holders becoming Bitcoin "maximalists" - they don't hold altcoins and don't see any potential in them. NFTs and metaverse are bad for the same reason altcoins are bad - they are just empty promises that can never come true, made to fill the pockets of the people behind them and leave bagholders to suffer the losses.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Kelvinid on February 03, 2022, 10:42:16 PM
NFT's, Metaverse? Well, too sad to say but just never have the interest in them.
I'm not looking for hype projects nor taking advantage of it as it was just for a short while and it die. I don't see how this gives benefits to the people around which could help to increase users and realize the value of crypto but having this weighs nothing instead, that something it helps to ruin the market. It perhaps, a lot of scammers had exist and use these projects as a medium to scam.

If we care about securing our future and having good investments, this not be a thing to consider.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Mahanton on February 03, 2022, 10:54:39 PM
I think it's pretty common, because more and more Bitcoin holders becoming Bitcoin "maximalists" - they don't hold altcoins and don't see any potential in them. NFTs and metaverse are bad for the same reason altcoins are bad - they are just empty promises that can never come true, made to fill the pockets of the people behind them and leave bagholders to suffer the losses.
It would be a continous process or cycle on which if there is some sort of trend then it would just simply wither and die when the time comes and would be replaced by another trend or hype
in the market and if you've been here on this market then you have seen those several trends which had been started on ICO which i could say that some projects are really worth to invest
on since they do really have that kind of relevance in terms of usability and actual usage and not just focusing on something which cant really be
used after all.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Distinctin on February 03, 2022, 11:06:50 PM
I am not a hater of any, these platforms and projects are proof the market is developing and growing, so why stop it and limit it to bitcoin only? I mean, bitcoin is good, it's the father of all cryptocurrencies but we should not only stop from there as the more the market will grow the more it will be easier to adopt.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: pooya87 on February 04, 2022, 06:32:33 AM
Anything that provides a utility is going to be useful.
Bitcoin is providing a valuable utility as the only decentralized money in human history so it is valuable and useful. Conversely tokens provide no utility in real world are their whole purpose is for gambling and scamming, so they have no value and no future. This is why they keep changing the name and disguising the same shit with different names (ICO > IEO > STO > DEFI > NFT > ...).

As for metaverse I don't think it is going to make people dumber, they are already dumb to begin with. The problem is somewhere else, these companies are just capitalizing on it.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: franky1 on February 04, 2022, 06:49:02 AM
Anything that provides a utility is going to be useful.
Bitcoin is providing the most secure decentralized money, with the highest security cost,  so it is valuable and useful. Conversely tokens provide other less secure utility in real world where their whole purpose is for other things like patent logging, property ownership,  gambling and scamming, so they have less,limited, variable or no value and possibly in many/most cases no future. This is why they keep changing the name and disguising the same shit with different names (ICO > IEO > STO > DEFI > NFT > ...).

As for metaverse I don't think it is going to make people dumber, they are already dumb to begin with. The problem is somewhere else, these companies are just capitalizing on it.

fixed that for you

NFT is like a property/patent ownership registry. it has a completely different purpose than bitcoin
NFT is not a threat to bitcoin

NFT's 'flow' blockchain protocol is PoS based so less secure and 0 cost in its creation/maintenance so not secure or valuable as a registry ledger on its own..

the requirement of ethereum to sell/buy NFT is the more threat, where people dont need bitcoin to buy/sell a NFT
metaverse is not a 'market' like a exchange(imagine forex) its a new market place(imagine ebay, but 3d),
but because metaverse is using NFT people will need to buy ethereum to buy nft. so bitcoin is not really needed in metaverse.
but that should not stop meta(facebook) from allowing fiat, btc, from being converted to eth.

imagine meta(facebook) becoming the paypal for metaverse(3d ebay).
metaverse(3d ebay) uses ethereum to buy/sell its listed products(nft listing)
meta(facebook) would/should accept many fiats and many crypto to convert to eth (paypal deposits many currencies to give 'paypal balance')

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: AakZaki on February 05, 2022, 06:10:35 PM
Everyone has their own point of view, and it can't be forced to like someone else's point of view. Because every hobby or liking is a personal thing. NFT and Metaverse really don't make sense, let alone NFT with a price of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. But for those who like it it is a wonderful thing and certainly has its own satisfaction, because they have used money for their personal pleasure.
Metaverse has also become a digital world which of course not everyone is happy. But many also like the metaverse world, a digital world where some people can express themselves freely and they can't in the real world.
Technology is advancing and of course there will be many more amazing and absurd things.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: RapTarX on February 05, 2022, 06:19:29 PM
I'm yet to drive into the Metaverse; have read a few articles & got a little idea about it. I won't say I liked the idea or disliked but to be honest, I would appreciate any development which would make our life easier. I guess there are many people out there who either don't like Metaverse or have no interest to know about either; mostly I believe the bitcoin maximalists are of that sort.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: franky1 on February 05, 2022, 06:42:23 PM
too many people think metaverse means people need to use NFT as a currency. truth is, they dont
NFT is the land registry blockchain. to buy land you need ethereum

certain metaverse servers(virtual nations) have their own crypto tender (cryptocoin for that server) for the day to day currency
MANA: is the native cryptocurrency on Decentraland
SAND: is the native cryptocurrency on sandbox
AXS: is the native cryptocurrency for popular gaming platform Axie Infinity

there wont be a single currency like ether or bitcoin. each server (virtual nation) will decide what tender it wants to use
so infact the sooner bitcoiners get involved in starting up metaverse servers the sooner bitcoin can be accepted in metaverse

EG if there are 3 main servers using MANA, SAND, AXS, ETH.. but then bitcoiners set up 100 servers using btc, (popular servers worthy of using because they do something fun, interesting ofcourse) then bitcoin becomes the main currency, and people will get annoyed having to swap currencies, thus prefer to get the 3of 103 that dont use btc to start using it..
.. just an idea, well more like common sense approach

the best way to explain it
someone saying "i dont like metaverse because of NFT, why dont they use bitcoin"
is the same as saying "i dont like america because of US patent office(USPO), why dont they use $pound"
whereby it must be explained
metaverse does not use NFT as a currency, it uses it as a property register.. metaverse uses ETH or other crypto as currency
meaning america does not use USPO as a currency, it uses it as a property register.. america uses dollar or other fiats as currency

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Cryptmuster on February 06, 2022, 09:31:08 AM
I'm yet to drive into the Metaverse; have read a few articles & got a little idea about it. I won't say I liked the idea or disliked but to be honest, I would appreciate any development which would make our life easier. I guess there are many people out there who either don't like Metaverse or have no interest to know about either; mostly I believe the bitcoin maximalists are of that sort.

I have read several articles and have a vague understanding of the metaverses, but I probably have no negative attitude towards them. I don't like the NFT idea, there is a lot of unnecessary rubbish and the majority understands this well. Metaverses have a right to exist, but this is just a temporary fad until something more interesting appears on the market.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 07, 2022, 05:47:55 AM
I am not a hater of any, these platforms and projects are proof the market is developing and growing, so why stop it and limit it to bitcoin only? I mean, bitcoin is good, it's the father of all cryptocurrencies but we should not only stop from there as the more the market will grow the more it will be easier to adopt.
I also have that perception, however, when evaluating many events that occurred in 2021, if we start to see the NFT games, the majority came out as scams, as ponzi models in execution, but if you are fundamentally right when you affirm that thanks to those NFTs and others people begin to see BTC, and they know that it has a very great value, obviously any person when they find out what BTC represents wants to own, even if it is a small part but wants to own it, this actually works as a possible adoption for those who have never heard or seen the BTC or BTC market.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: mindrust on February 09, 2022, 04:26:42 AM
No you are definitely not the only one. I don't see any value in both of these projects neither but some people probably do. And there are also some other people who want to make money from this even though they don't really like the idea. Just because you don't like something don't mean you can't profit from it.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: pooya87 on February 09, 2022, 04:46:43 AM
NFT is like a property/patent ownership registry.

Since they claim to be decentralized and we know there is no regulations and law enforcement involved, they do NOT register ownership or anything like that, they only create illusion of it.
Any registry on any of these platforms could be duplicated multiple times on the same platform or other platforms. For example those selling "art NFT" can easily sell it more than once to more than one person on one or more token platform and there is absolutely nothing stopping them from doing so.

If we centralize this whole thing then there is no point in having the "token" and "blockchain technology" in first place, we already have centralized entities with their own databases that are doing a pretty good job at registering stuff.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: smartaction on February 09, 2022, 05:01:17 AM
Metaverse technology is good but NFT is totally Unnecessary . NFT just lost people huge money for collect Art , picture , video or something else . I also hate NFT like OP. Bitcoin is always good . and best digital currency. Which have better future and BTC is profitable digital asset

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Ghepetto on February 10, 2022, 06:43:54 AM
my worthless input;

The ORIGINAL metaverse was Star Wars Galaxies.  Period.   Anybody who knows what I speak of understands.  I am both a collector and a gamer.  I collect original movie posters up to the 70's, comics, toys, autos, movie props and art.

My initial impression of NFT's was -bullshit-  110%

So I decided to dump some eth on NFT's for the experience, to learn.  To test the waters sometimes costs, I don't mind paying to learn if I have to.   But my ass still hurts because of the eth gas fees.

Paying 50k for some shitty artwork of some dumbass monkey seemed ridiculous and moronic to me.   And I still feel the same.  This is because the artist was horrible at best.

I am also a musician, not professional because it meant so much to me that I made the decision very early on in life that I would rather gain confidence from my skills rather than monetize it.  Spread good energy at every gig I played.  And the fact is the best guitarist is probably 80 years old on the streets of Spain somewhere that never made a dime and nobody has ever heard of, and never will.  So I didn't want to corrupt something that gave me self worth through intense discipline and devotion for a paycheck.  What music does for me in my life gives me something that has no price tag, and can not be paid for.

So I jumped in as an experiment, not to invest bought some bullshit NFT's my son found. 

After buying a few I sent one to consolidate them all on one account to myself, and I was like damn I feel like I just moved some crypto to a different wallet.  And my outlook started to change for NFT's.  Fast forward a few months I bought Ghost Recon and got a few NFT drops on the Tezos chain while grinding my toon.   Worthless, no market, no volume, and press coverage saying it was an epic flop and they proclaimed gamers don't get it at all. 

Made me think if SWG had nft's I'd be a billionaire, easily.   Back then ebay allowed the sale of digital items, and a Krayt enhanced T21 rifle with a 50% damage slice (as long as the tissues were 190+) sold for 600 bucks, 200 million credits sold for 300 bucks.  It paved the way for the pay to win crap we see today.  And everyone that played SWG knew all the dumbass gamers that had no skill or drive to overcome or die, well, they played WOW.

I want to know who planted a toon named Satoshi Nakamoto outside Coronet on the Bloodfin server in the shopping area that never moved, never played and never spoke.  That's another topic.  The server shut down in 2011 but this occurred years before that by my estimates.  I was crypto illiterate back then, but I remember it because it was not far from my vendor and it was always there.  All day, every day.

So with all this being said, there is no fucking way I'm paying anything for some god damn gorilla picture.


NFT's do put the art back in the hands of the artist and cuts out the record labels, art galleries, publishers, Hollywood etc in the same way Btc renders the banksters irrelevant.   Like Kodak film, nobody hates it, we simply no longer need it.   And the fact that if I sell an NFT (be it art music or video) that I created, well I can make it so I get 4% of all future sales.  So if I sell it for 100 bucks and someone else sells it for 4 million, I get a cut, every time it sells.  This is extremely disruptive, which I love.  Blockchain redefines reality in this way.  It's a tool to stomp out the entities that have been mooching off others that actually have talent.  I admire the dumbass grilla NFT's ability to sell for millions and pave the way for real artists, but at the same time I want no part of it.

All this being said I agree with the previous posts that say the best cases for the NFT are the deed to a house or the title to a car.   The problem for artists is they can create beautiful things, make them into an nft- but they might have a difficult time advertising it because that costs money.   However I am looking into some sort of solution for this, via the correct social environment.   

So, I believe that NFT's have a future and I don't think we have even seen it's true potential yet.   But you can keep the ape.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: FinneysTrueVision on February 10, 2022, 07:25:15 AM
It's annoying that there is so much attention on NFT's and people who are uneducated about crypto automatically associate them with Bitcoin. People see millions of dollars being thrown around at some hideous monkey pictures and assume that anything having to do with cryptocurrency is scammy. I don't have the same visceral hatred towards NFTs as some other people, but I think the trend has gotten way out of hand and it would make me happy to see it come crashing down to some reasonable levels. I would rather see the money being put into NFTs be invested in something more worthwhile.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Ararbermas on February 10, 2022, 07:44:52 AM
For sure it's all about the hypes why a lot of people wants to spend their money by investing NFT's and metaverse wherein no other reason. because obviously nowadays you can really get massive returns only especially in just a short period of time if you will ride which is popular around the internet. So that what is happening right now, i mean no one wants to miss the opportunity when it comes NFT's and meta.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: kamilah147 on February 10, 2022, 08:33:03 AM
in this case it's not only you who don't like metaverse and NFT, but also many people and crypto developers are also less interested in it, because this seems like a fool in thinking common sense but this is the technological development of our world today which looks increasingly strange but also There are many fans of the current metaverse and NFT, which we consider to be people who are full of hallucinations, but not everyone who joins them enjoys the facilities spiritually, but some of them only use it to seek profit which is considered to have many profit opportunities in it.
I see this as people who sell UC on PUBG games and top up on other games, they look stupid to buyers but look smart to those who sell just for profit.
see in terms of benefits even though sometimes it looks strange.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: virasog on February 10, 2022, 08:36:21 AM
I'm yet to drive into the Metaverse; have read a few articles & got a little idea about it. I won't say I liked the idea or disliked but to be honest, I would appreciate any development which would make our life easier. I guess there are many people out there who either don't like Metaverse or have no interest to know about either; mostly I believe the bitcoin maximalists are of that sort.

I have read several articles and have a vague understanding of the metaverses, but I probably have no negative attitude towards them. I don't like the NFT idea, there is a lot of unnecessary rubbish and the majority understands this well. Metaverses have a right to exist, but this is just a temporary fad until something more interesting appears on the market.

We need to understand from where all these ideas of NFT and metaverse come from? First, we have the bitcoin and then all the altcoins came into existence and then we have stuff like metaverse and nfts. So if there was no blockchain, no bitcoin and there would be no such innovations. So i think that in a broader perspective everything is linked to bitcoin as a whole.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: fzkto on February 10, 2022, 09:32:25 AM
Without going into too much detail, metaverses can be seen as a normal computer game, such as Minecraft. It's just that there's been a hype and that's why metaverses are too popular. It's the same with NFT. History is repeating itself. There used to be a rush for ICOs, which then, if not scammed, lost 99% of their value. I think the same thing will happen to NFT in the future when owners of jpeg-monkeys, punks, penises and who knows what else will be left with nothing. But you have to hand it to the metaverses and NFT, thanks to them the crypto market is booming right now.  

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: im posible on February 10, 2022, 10:18:16 AM
I also can't think logically about this metaverse and NFT technology. This technology seems to invite humans to carry out online activities continuously without involving real and healthy physical activities.
On the other hand, this technology is beneficial from a financial point of view and for people who are engaged in the creative industry. Where it can be easier to get money than the previous way.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Marykeller on February 10, 2022, 10:49:56 AM
My major problem with NFTs is how to market them on opensea. I find it difficult to understand how it is been done. I have some NFTs gotten from Airdrop. Am just accumulating them cos NFTs received today might be worth thousands of dollars tomorrow.
In an actual sense, bitcoin remains my best, second by Metaverse

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: franky1 on February 10, 2022, 10:55:09 AM
NFT is like a property/patent ownership registry.

Since they claim to be decentralized and we know there is no regulations and law enforcement involved, they do NOT register ownership or anything like that, they only create illusion of it.
Any registry on any of these platforms could be duplicated multiple times on the same platform or other platforms. For example those selling "art NFT" can easily sell it more than once to more than one person on one or more token platform and there is absolutely nothing stopping them from doing so.

the idea is that because its a public ledger, it can be used like a copyright timestamp. where a file has a unique id for the exact bytes meaning if 2 items are the same, only one can be 'owned', which is usually the first one seen

if seen being sold on a different ledger claiming to be a property registry, then you take them to court displaying your proof of timestamp ownership preceeds some other person trying to sell something with same hash id.

a standard old fashioned copyright/patent office also does not have law enforcement involved by default. they are just the register, not the law enforcement, they have no authority to chase after people.. taking someone to court is a separate activity done by the owner, not the registry office

of course the flaws are:
1) its like a patent/copyright register.. no one ever said the old fashioned copyright register has the courtroom/punishment attached to it by default, it requires humans to make the connection between a product and a timestamp and ownership proof, and then more human activity to still find the real life human 'thief/counterfeiter' and serving them a court order to appear
in both standard copyright cases and NFT cases.

2) just change one byte of the file, changes the hash. thus not selling the same 'hash'. thus easy to counter the hash log and sell duplicates.
funnily enough, artists are doing this, selling a graphic character with a very slight difference. thus breaking any copyright possible claim of 'similar work'/counterfeit. by validating that altering just the most insignificant detail makes it unique. thus harder to then claim copyright ownership in court because a slightest most insignificant change, is treated as unique work, not similar work in the nft world.

3) it requires watching every market and site offering products(much the same as old fashioned copright), IF you do spot it then it comes into the counterfeit, plagiarism, copyright arena debate in court of how close to the other art is the second piece copying.(then see flaw (2)&(1) for how thats not automatic and not easy either)

4) if there are other copyright ledgers(nft ledger) its then even less easy to spot(3) unless you are watching every ledger and knowing what is associated with the hashes to compare to the one on the ledger you use,(then see flaw (2)&(1) for how thats not automatic and not easy either)

you are right that ledgers cant do much, ledgers are not a court that hand out penalties like prison terms so it does require old fashioned things like human watchers, moderators and real world courts.

you are also right that there can be a bitcoin backed NFT copyright ledger, heck there is already polygon, klaytn and a ethereum copyright ledger. (much like europe, asia, uk and US have separate old fashioned copyright registries) where jurisdictions and courts then having the hassle of proving which one is the true first and true owner (which is not automatic(see flaw (2) and (1))

My major problem with NFTs is how to market them on opensea. I find it difficult to understand how it is been done.

alot of the large news media sensational headline stories, are where funds 'spent' are actually people buying their own art to get some viral news story recognition.(hint, a tactic marykeller can try)
thus not costing anything. the buyer is the seller, the seller is the buyer. so no real cost bar the 'gas'
yes this tactic is not new.

ebay used to have people selling things to themselves to show a ebay 'sold' listing at a high price, to then have them going out to other markets or seen in news media, to then list the product again trying to get others to buy for similar high price using the first 'sold' listing' as the valuator
.. also some of the items are sold to themselves multiple times to show fake volume to get listed higher listing pages.
(most of the news media viral stories, are not idiots buying something expensive, but business minded people shuffling their own funds back to themselves to trigger a fake listed value)

that said, even when ebay was listing things like a UK 50pence piece for £500. not many actually fell into that trick, not many actually paid £500 for something really worth 0.1% of 'sold listed' price, it was usually just a couple people selling to themselves hundreds of times, to make it appear that there is demand and value in the item

yes media used to show many stories about a 50p worth £500 being sold multiple times.. but there were more news stories advertising the headline, than there were victims of the trick

as for others thinking that alot of money has gone through NFT. .. not really
NFT is not something that actually has 'millions of people', its more like thousands of people pretending to be hundreds of millions of people.
(yea dont worry much about the sudden jump of 'unique ethereum addresses created' from ~1m to ~190m in the last 5 years)

if you look at the blocksize of ethereum. its only average blocks are 150kbytes, meaning very few (dozen a block) transactions are happening per block. so its not really that much activity really happening with not that many people actually buying fresh eth to then move it to then buy nft

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Taskford on February 10, 2022, 11:02:28 AM
My major problem with NFTs is how to market them on opensea. I find it difficult to understand how it is been done. I have some NFTs gotten from Airdrop. Am just accumulating them cos NFTs received today might be worth thousands of dollars tomorrow.
In an actual sense, bitcoin remains my best, second by Metaverse

Well marketing is one important factor to sell your NFT on opensea since if you don't have anything to introduce your project well provably buyers will skip what you sell and go to the project where people hype it up. I also have NFT's from airdrop but I don't expect anything on it since mostly the one we got from airdrop has no value.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: cheezcarls on February 10, 2022, 11:33:38 AM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.

Of course, just like in any other niches and interests, NFTs and metaverse is for everyone, but not actually for “everyone”. I understand and respect your opinions here.

Call me crazy but I really like to invest something that is “impossible in the minds” of most people, whether if they are into Bitcoin or not. Even in the early days of Bitcoin, I am one of those who are calling it “impossible” and “delusional”, until I’ve regretted it big time not risking my small money into BTC while it was still cheap.

One example in the traditional world is no other than the Moderna vaccine. During it’s early stages, my godfather from the United States who is a medical professional, have invested into Moderna stocks. Although that most of us back then are calling these vaccines “impossible” that it was developed so fast thanks to the combination of the current technology along with science (compare to the previous pandemic where a vaccine takes several years to develop), he saw it as an opportunity and decided to invest some stocks in it. As of this date, Moderna’s value in the stock market rise and he benefited from it.

Now same thing goes to the NFT and metaverse. I consider that this is still in early stages, so whether you like it or not, I have began my venture since last year. Most of the NFTs I’ve bought are from play to earn games like Blankos Block Party, etc., and sold it for profit when the prices and value of each NFT have skyrocketed. I also had collectibles, virtual lands/plots/real estate, etc.

I am aware of the risks so I don’t mind and consider the amount that I’ve invested as “dead money”. So I took that chance, and never repeat the same mistake as I have missed BTC during the early days.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: DeathAngel on February 10, 2022, 11:44:06 AM
My hand is up in the air too OP. I’m not interested in any of that nonsense, I have a few alts but the vast majority of my net worth is in bitcoin. I have no interest in NFT’s or any of that Metaverse nonsense. I know people have done really well out of NFT’s but simply HODLING bitcoin has never failed me, it’s my tried & trusted method of increasing my net worth & I am not about to change that now.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: e_abrams on February 10, 2022, 02:35:02 PM
I confess I am feeling a little sceptical when it comes to NFTs. Ever since they started getting popular they have come off as a fad to me. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong and they are here to stay. Some people sure are profiting off them.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: jaberwock on February 10, 2022, 06:58:59 PM
We need to understand from where all these ideas of NFT and metaverse come from? First, we have the bitcoin and then all the altcoins came into existence and then we have stuff like metaverse and nfts. So if there was no blockchain, no bitcoin and there would be no such innovations. So i think that in a broader perspective everything is linked to bitcoin as a whole.
Not linked to bitcoin or blockchain because before both of this came out the technology is already evolving. We have virtual reality gadgets that is used on video games, movies and videos. The idea of metaverse came because of it but for the nft's?

It started out with the crypto kitties game , a game that exist in the blockchain and uses cryptos as their in game currencies. If no cryptos and blockchain I am not sure if there will be nft's. It is wrong if we put a hate into something that does not harm us. Can we just leave them if we do not like them because they will also wont care for us or to our interest. We like bitcoins and cryptos, nothing else. So, be it.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: wxa7115 on February 10, 2022, 08:45:42 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.
I am not a fan either but that is where we are headed, and in fact this is nothing new, Second Life has existed for almost two decades and it has very similar concepts to the metaverse and NFT, in which people had a virtual life and could buy and sell virtual property.

In a nutshell they are the very same thing with the difference this time around the experience it seems is going to be way more immersive, and since I think this is something people will actually want there is now way to stop it, even if we do not like it.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Renampun on February 10, 2022, 08:57:54 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.
I also feel the same way as you but we are helpless because there are so many people who like metaverse lol...

Until now I have never invested in a metaverse project, my husband and I believe in Bitcoin more than having to bet on concepts that can't actually be applied to the public. I'm not against metaverse I just don't really like those who support metaverse tokens more than bitcoin.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: tabas on February 10, 2022, 11:02:17 PM
I also feel the same way as you but we are helpless because there are so many people who like metaverse lol...

Until now I have never invested in a metaverse project, my husband and I believe in Bitcoin more than having to bet on concepts that can't actually be applied to the public. I'm not against metaverse I just don't really like those who support metaverse tokens more than bitcoin.
I've read people that it's really like betting with the metaverse projects. But we really can't help there. We have types of project that we want to invest and some are just wanting to stay holding bitcoin. There's nothing wrong with any of the choice and as long as you're targeting something to gain in the future through your holdings, that's what others are also thinking about and that's why they get into different forms of projects like Metaverse, Defi and other invest-able projects that's truly bearing higher risk.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: dothebeats on February 10, 2022, 11:55:32 PM
Not a total fan of NFTs, but I must admit that NFT games (some of them) offer a great opportunity for people to earn on the side. Other things such as digital paintings, pictures, and digital lands, I'm not a fan of. We can already do that quite easily, and it's as if everything is being converted to NFT just to sell something in a fast manner.

Most NFT projects have no real value, and does not add anything to the crypto space save for sales and other metrics that doesn't define crypto in general.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Anonylz on February 11, 2022, 02:05:30 AM
I also feel the same way as you but we are helpless because there are so many people who like metaverse lol...

Until now I have never invested in a metaverse project, my husband and I believe in Bitcoin more than having to bet on concepts that can't actually be applied to the public. I'm not against metaverse I just don't really like those who support metaverse tokens more than bitcoin.

It means you really don't bother to read news or pay attention to what is happening in the crypto world, believe it or not, NFT is taking the crypto world like a storm and you can either join or watch as it erupts.
You said a concept that can not actually applied to the public,
Here are some real cases of NFT from big organizations who by the way have not yet adopt btc but already building a world around NFT for their business:-
>>Alfa Romeo Is Building NFTs Into Latest Hybrid Car (

>>Tickets to This Year's Super Bowl Will Come With Souvenir NFTs (

>>Disney launches search for NFT manager (

>>McDonald’s is jumping into the metaverse. (

And many more real-life use cases from giant companies, which is something surprising how they are jumping into nft so quickly, now I see nft from a different perspective.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: molsewid on February 11, 2022, 09:59:38 AM
Not a total fan of NFTs, but I must admit that NFT games (some of them) offer a great opportunity for people to earn on the side. Other things such as digital paintings, pictures, and digital lands, I'm not a fan of. We can already do that quite easily, and it's as if everything is being converted to NFT just to sell something in a fast manner.

Most NFT projects have no real value, and does not add anything to the crypto space save for sales and other metrics that doesn't define crypto in general.

Me too bud, I am not a total fan of NFT's too but I'd like the feature of this platform that gives great opportunity to the people to earn from it like the NFT games that has a play-to-earn feature. A good thing about it is that the investors are not the only one who would going to earn a profit from it but also their players who just only a player and didn't spend even a single cents to invest in a team so for me it is quite a great help to those players.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: topbitcoin on February 11, 2022, 10:14:00 AM
I am not hate Metaverse / NFTS just not really care with it. I mean, people maybe free to choose what thing that can give them profit, like NFTs which i actually don't know why people give it value maybe they have their own reason not like usual coin which developer try to keep their value with updates and implement that use their coins. But i will just ignore it and focus on what i do to make profit.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Oasisman on February 11, 2022, 10:25:28 AM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.

Well, I guess you're not alone. Though I don't really hate the idea of metaverse and any other form of virtual assets but I'm not also a fan of it. I'm kinda in the middle of It as long as it is a part of the cryptocurrency Innovative steps.
These crazy rich people started the luxurious idea of NFT to buy or to sell expensive digital arts, which I also find it useless. Similar to all the physical collections of several stuff, it's useless.
One of the few main reason why NFT's and metaverse are becoming very popular is because of the hype it creates in the internet and social media world.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Slow death on February 11, 2022, 10:29:29 AM
I don't understand anything about usability either, I don't waste my time and money investing in it and I also don't waste my time and money buying this digital art, I mean something physical that at least I can touch, honestly I don't know how it's possible to have people who spend money on buying these NFT. there are people who are spending millions with this NFTs joke

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Taskford on February 11, 2022, 10:56:10 AM
I don't understand anything about usability either, I don't waste my time and money investing in it and I also don't waste my time and money buying this digital art, I mean something physical that at least I can touch, honestly I don't know how it's possible to have people who spend money on buying these NFT. there are people who are spending millions with this NFTs joke

Well for people who doesn't like arts they have impression like this but for the collectors which see the potential of arts that can be used or be collected by them they find it good to pour their money with so its not surprising that we see many people buying NFT since some of them are their to support the growing industry. I'm split between liking it and doesn't since I'm exploring things which can possibly give me a profit.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Obito on February 11, 2022, 11:04:27 AM
You're not smart enough to use NFT to make money then because my friend is making bank flipping NFTs and they know how bad it is but they see the money in it so they still get into it. Of course it's bad but how can you not understand that some people find value in it and they're willing to pay for it. How come people hate on NFTs when that's basically how Fine Arts operate, they overprice the work and overrate the painter so they can sell the art at a much higher price.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: krishnaverma on February 11, 2022, 11:39:32 AM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.

Personally I also do not appreciate so much high valuation for NFTs. In reality it appears to :
1) Just a new way to make fast cash. Now that crypto cannot give the returns it gave in its initial years, some people designed a new way to make money with the people having interest in this field. This is why every project it coming up with its NFT.
2) Many researches have claimed that NFT are a way of money laundering. It is not yet proved but there is a possibility for this. I will like to stay away from such things where price is artificially inflated.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Renampun on February 11, 2022, 03:33:28 PM
It means you really don't bother to read news or pay attention to what is happening in the crypto world, believe it or not, NFT is taking the crypto world like a storm and you can either join or watch as it erupts.
You said a concept that can not actually applied to the public,
Here are some real cases of NFT from big organizations who by the way have not yet adopt btc but already building a world around NFT for their business:-

And many more real-life use cases from giant companies, which is something surprising how they are jumping into nft so quickly, now I see nft from a different perspective.
I know the news above, I just said that the application of the metaverse concept is not yet mature for the public...

The next 40 to 50 years will definitely be the right moment for the metaverse concept because at that time the infrastructure would have been supportive and the majority of people already understood technology. this is the reason why I don't really believe in metaverse tokens, I don't want to put my hopes in it for that long. I better put my hope in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: D ltr on February 11, 2022, 03:50:18 PM
I support NFT more than metavers where NFT is a new breakthrough for art lovers where the work cannot be copyrighted by creating a personal account on Opensea without having to bother going into the licensing section of one of the products,

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Uang_kartal on February 11, 2022, 04:07:23 PM
  I only have a few (metaverse token assets) that are on the exchange, have a number of assets (mana) and have been in hodl for quite a while even I just realized that it's one of the metaverses, from the point of view of people looking at the art and ownership of an object in metaverse is in out of my reach and I haven't gotten there yet, more to just use around exchanges and web developers,
  maybe you don't like it and it's okay from your choice you may have experienced something with this metaverse? I hope you are alright.
Basically, other friends also have opinions, whether bitcoin or nft or the advantages of beauty in the metaverse, of course they also have good reasons and views about a project and owning it or not (metaverse) is everyone's personal right.
  I respect what you say.bro

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Congyang on February 11, 2022, 04:43:45 PM
Maybe I'm quite different even though I don't really like NFT or indeed Metaverse but I'm still there :D
Because what I feel for now is not a matter of liking it or not, but I prefer to see their hype so that it is indeed there for my personal benefit.
For a project like this I don't really care about their future but I don't really care especially when it's in the early stages of their hype and I've benefited enough from NFT and Metaverse and when it's profitable I'm back in my circulation in bitcoin

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: famososMuertos on February 11, 2022, 06:35:14 PM
First of all if you hate the metaverse you should have done it many years ago even before the invention of bitcoin.

You take a classic position and in fact equal to the people who think about bitcoin and in general about blockchain technology, which has a diversity of applications in its extension that make it one of the revolutionary technologies of the XXI and this without putting in that package to which by itself means Bitcoin, the main example of the use that can be given to blockchain technology.

So the implications that the metaverse has are limited to your environment, your closed thought limited to your poor environment that locks it into the classic uses that you know.
The applications are as diverse as the same areas where it can be applied, there are more serious and intolerant things for which if it is worth bothering these days, adding creativity and utility to technologies is the best way to help.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on February 11, 2022, 08:58:19 PM
Well that's actually what some of my friends are planning to do. They will get out of Bitcoin for a while and invest to some of these metaverse and NFT stuffs and when it dies out, it's all just going back to Bitcoin again.
My concern is what happens if Bitcoin just went go bullish the day that Metaverse/NFT hype dries, lol. :D

I don't invest in these Metaverse and NFT, btw.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Mahanton on February 11, 2022, 09:31:46 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.

Well, I guess you're not alone. Though I don't really hate the idea of metaverse and any other form of virtual assets but I'm not also a fan of it. I'm kinda in the middle of It as long as it is a part of the cryptocurrency Innovative steps.
These crazy rich people started the luxurious idea of NFT to buy or to sell expensive digital arts, which I also find it useless. Similar to all the physical collections of several stuff, it's useless.
One of the few main reason why NFT's and metaverse are becoming very popular is because of the hype it creates in the internet and social media world.
Anything could really be hyped and its not a surprising thing on which even on the most dumbest idea could really be significant and could really be recognized as long there's a big money
circling around and its true that those dumbasses above or rich ones does really have some time on enjoying with these things but if you do really look on actual relevance and usage then
this is something nonsense at all.Talking about millions of dollars for a digital art which is some kind of bullshit to consider out.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Congyang on February 12, 2022, 08:30:36 AM
Well that's actually what some of my friends are planning to do. They will get out of Bitcoin for a while and invest to some of these metaverse and NFT stuffs and when it dies out, it's all just going back to Bitcoin again.
My concern is what happens if Bitcoin just went go bullish the day that Metaverse/NFT hype dries, lol. :D

I don't invest in these Metaverse and NFT, btw.
this is a risk that must be taken if we want to take advantage of something like this.
I personally know for sure the risks and only enter if it is really profitable but on the other hand when it is not profitable for the short term I will not do that because even though every step is a risk but we also can't forget the future prospects will be like what, and in this case the prospect of bitcoin is the brightest and I don't deny that.
If you look at Metaverse and NFT I don't think this is too much different from the meme coin that flies because of the pump (I think so) and it's also not up to us as long as we can maximize this well and know the momentum why not do it

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Peanutswar on February 12, 2022, 09:16:05 AM
When the start of the NFT like recently the Play to Earn games many people engage with the crypto world and now they make investing in it without having prior knowledge and now they are blaming the devs because it takes their money. To those people who invested in a good project good for you because you earn up immediately. Next is the NFT art trend imagine they can earn more than some of us because they are just flipping an art at some point we envy them because they earn more than we currently earn we cannot remove this. Still, this is a good thing that many people now support the use of crypto just sometimes annoying when think they know how to market and create speculation.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Fortify on February 12, 2022, 09:22:00 AM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.

You're definitely not the only one that has thing opinion. The Metaverse aka controlling a virtual avatar in a 3d world seems to be a perpetual idea that gets re-imagined every ten years and someone tries to give it a big push. Granted each iteration gets steadily better (anyone remember second life?) and what Zuckerburg claims to want to do this time might be a wild leap forward, but ultimately it's just a virtual world - a step away from reality. NFT's seem like a gigantic waste of money, the sellers are rolling in money and the buyers seem to be easily influenced people who must be the type to waste money buying a lot of virtual junk, 99% of which will be worthless in a couple years.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Quidat on February 13, 2022, 02:35:45 AM
When the start of the NFT like recently the Play to Earn games many people engage with the crypto world and now they make investing in it without having prior knowledge and now they are blaming the devs because it takes their money. To those people who invested in a good project good for you because you earn up immediately. Next is the NFT art trend imagine they can earn more than some of us because they are just flipping an art at some point we envy them because they earn more than we currently earn we cannot remove this. Still, this is a good thing that many people now support the use of crypto just sometimes annoying when think they know how to market and create speculation.
You would really expect something like this on which people would really be rushing off things because you dont like to miss out the bandwagon thats why its very common to have this kind of
actions made out by investors specially newbie ones which they do tend to believe that making profits was too easy or as simple as this but once they do experience
those losing investment then this is the time that they would really be wise on choosing which one later on.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: wxa7115 on February 16, 2022, 10:15:23 PM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.

You're definitely not the only one that has thing opinion. The Metaverse aka controlling a virtual avatar in a 3d world seems to be a perpetual idea that gets re-imagined every ten years and someone tries to give it a big push. Granted each iteration gets steadily better (anyone remember second life?) and what Zuckerburg claims to want to do this time might be a wild leap forward, but ultimately it's just a virtual world - a step away from reality. NFT's seem like a gigantic waste of money, the sellers are rolling in money and the buyers seem to be easily influenced people who must be the type to waste money buying a lot of virtual junk, 99% of which will be worthless in a couple years.
While I agree I think this time around there is going to be a big push for this idea to become a reality, Facebook is losing members on their platform for a variety of reasons so Zuckerberg is trying to find another way to keep them or to even increase the number of people using his platform and he thinks the metaverse is the right way to do it.

This means that he will invest a fortune in order to make this a reality, and if enough people buy into the idea then it is likely we will see the metaverse gaining traction and then becoming incredibly popular.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Victorik on February 17, 2022, 04:50:23 AM
You are not alone on this table mate. I don't just know why the metaverse and NFT trends doesn't just appeal to me at all. But like they say, follow the trend, don't fight it.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: stomachgrowls on February 17, 2022, 05:10:12 AM
You are not alone on this table mate. I don't just know why the metaverse and NFT trends doesn't just appeal to me at all. But like they say, follow the trend, don't fight it.
Why need to fight if you could just simply ignore? but you should be sure that you wouldnt be feeling off any regrets if you do see some opportunities which could possibly make you rich.

Even myself doesnt really love the idea of NFT's specially if it do focuses most in being collectors item which i dont really see any actual usage but its true
that trend is trend and theres nothing we could do about it as long it do shows up some interest and demand then it surely stays.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Cryptmuster on February 17, 2022, 08:30:30 AM
Why need to fight if you could just simply ignore? but you should be sure that you wouldnt be feeling off any regrets if you do see some opportunities which could possibly make you rich.

Even myself doesnt really love the idea of NFT's specially if it do focuses most in being collectors item which i dont really see any actual usage but its true
that trend is trend and theres nothing we could do about it as long it do shows up some interest and demand then it surely stays.

Perhaps some nfts can be equated with collectibles, like art, but most of them are useless and worth nothing. I am an adherent of the fact that it is better to buy some valuable item in the real world than to buy some incomprehensible thing in the virtual world. But it’s definitely not worth fighting this, ignoring will be a good option.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Mauser on February 17, 2022, 08:46:39 AM
Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber.

I understand your frustration, bitcoins and NFTs are two completely different things. NFTs don't have one fixed value, there are very subjective and the prices we see today might be too much. But who can give the exact value for an NFTs, it can't be 0. Just because you don't believe in them doesn't mean everybody else is also not believing. As long as there is one person on earth willing to pay for it, is there value in the market. Let's look at a different example, skins in online games. Why would anybody pay 50,000 USD for a very rare cosmetic change to an online game? There are no benefits in skins and if you ask my parents or grandparents the value for it would 0. And still there are collectors paying a lot of money for them. You could just install a mod on your PC for free that gives you that skin, only thing is that you don't own it and can't trade it.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Wexnident on February 17, 2022, 10:31:29 AM
I used to be entranced at the idea of NFT's, like when I understood what it meant. But when I entered the scene, oh boy was I immensely disappointed. It was full of hype instead of concrete, well, foundation imo. It's like the original purpose went poof all of a sudden at some point of it being used. Kinda liked it as well since I really wanted some support to happen for digital artists.

As for metaverse, I gave up on actually trying to understand it after a certain point and decided that nope, this ain't my thing and I'm out. I understand the idea, but eh idk, it just seems way too dumb. Like it was an idea that was overcomplicated with jargon so most people would think it's actually an innovation of sorts.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: Richardtolson1 on February 17, 2022, 11:18:42 AM
I don't find any real usability for this Metaverse: actually I think it will only make people and society dumber and closer to the Idiocracy movie. Spending time online wearing some stupid glasses it's a no no for me. Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber. Living in a digital realm sucks, I'm a human being not a stupid machine. Rant over.

Well ... its all about every user how they will handle the Metaverse situation .... times are changing .... everything is digitalised and we have to adapt. I agree with you that some people will get dumber and they will probably forget to take of the VR and slowly die in front of their pc :)) .... But there are probably good things also .... i mean NFT's are an interesting thing, some projects skyrocketed maybe to much .... but owning digital art is kinda cool.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: wxa7115 on February 22, 2022, 09:06:20 PM
Also the NFTs are a waste of time and money, I wouldn't buy useless digital shoes and buildings. I love BTC and have diamond hands but these 2 things I'm not a fan of and I know I will never be. Society needs to become wiser not dumber.

I understand your frustration, bitcoins and NFTs are two completely different things. NFTs don't have one fixed value, there are very subjective and the prices we see today might be too much. But who can give the exact value for an NFTs, it can't be 0. Just because you don't believe in them doesn't mean everybody else is also not believing. As long as there is one person on earth willing to pay for it, is there value in the market. Let's look at a different example, skins in online games. Why would anybody pay 50,000 USD for a very rare cosmetic change to an online game? There are no benefits in skins and if you ask my parents or grandparents the value for it would 0. And still there are collectors paying a lot of money for them. You could just install a mod on your PC for free that gives you that skin, only thing is that you don't own it and can't trade it.
We know that the price of something is subjective and at the end it depends on how much money people want to pay for it, however if that something has some kind of usefulness then it is way easier to justify its high price.

The issue with the majority of NFTs is that they depend exclusively on this perception of value to have a high price, this is something that also happens in the art market in which the materials used to make a painting are very cheap but the painting itself could be worth millions of dollars, however if we try to look at NFTs through the same eyes then the majority of them do not hold any value as art either, and as such their price will eventually match their value which is zero.

Title: Re: Am I the only one who loves BTC but hates the Metaverse idea and the NFTs?
Post by: DapanasFruit on February 28, 2022, 08:55:50 AM

Seems to me that you are not alone as there are really people who are convinced of the value of Bitcoin and maybe other top altcoins but could not see the same value in NFT and the trending Metaverse thing. Well, i would say that with the way things are in both NFT and Metaverse, there are many elements that are not yet desirable. As for NFT, my mind is having hard time why would an image of a rock can be costing a lot when there is no real use-cases for the same except maybe if you love to be staring on that rock for days (just kidding). Now, with metaverse, experts are saying that this can be the next big thing and though I would agree to some extent I still prefer to be existing in the real world all because I could not anymore find the time for things I want to do within the 24-hour day frame but then again if the metaverse can offer me a 100-hour per day maybe I would consider the offer (again, just kidding).