Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling => Topic started by: MrcMrc on February 09, 2022, 11:53:22 AM

Title: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: MrcMrc on February 09, 2022, 11:53:22 AM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: judeafante on February 09, 2022, 12:05:32 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.

That would make him more miserable if it's an over the counter drug but if the drug comes from a doctor who examines him and as a means for you to get more relaxed and do away with anxiety, I think it will help, people should not take drugs that are not prescribed by professionals, unprescribed drugs or a drug recommended by people will do more harm than good.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Wexnident on February 09, 2022, 12:43:11 PM
No, it won't. That's a pretty dumb mindset to have ngl, Yes, it might remove him from his addiction from gambling, but it doesn't really solve the root problem since drugs would simply replace the void that was opened up due to forgetting about gambling. I honestly would recommend getting another hobby instead, maybe Gundam building, jogging, biking, idk. it may seem more expensive than gambling, but I'd honestly say it's a lot better since it wouldn't turn into an addiction, unlik gambling.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Little Mouse on February 09, 2022, 01:47:20 PM
Drugs mean? Drugs prescribed by a doctor? I don’t think so.
Or if you are talking about some drug addiction, that's not the way to get out of gambling. He is simply getting engaged with something else which will eventually ruined his life at the end. Getting out gambling is a practice. You have to set goal to reduce it, not to directly get out of this.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: CaVO32 on February 09, 2022, 01:57:00 PM
No, it won't. That's a pretty dumb mindset to have ngl, Yes, it might remove him from his addiction from gambling, but it doesn't really solve the root problem since drugs would simply replace the void that was opened up due to forgetting about gambling. I honestly would recommend getting another hobby instead, maybe Gundam building, jogging, biking, idk. it may seem more expensive than gambling, but I'd honestly say it's a lot better since it wouldn't turn into an addiction, unlik gambling.

The better way indeed is to find another activity that will freshen up his mind. But with the situation in most countries, it is still hard to move around why a lot are still preferring to stay at home. And you can only do much when you are inside. Maybe as a start, he needs to see a professional doctor, and asks his situation. Being in the depressed mode or with this anxiety thing is very hard and most of the time, you can't manage it on your own.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: acroman08 on February 09, 2022, 02:01:44 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.
what kind of drugs exactly? anyway, I don't think general advice would help. he should go to a rehabilitation center to get proper treatment. taking drugs without proper supervision could lead to another addiction. if your friend wants to change his habit I extremely recommend getting proper help and not just asking for advice from people that do not have the proper experience.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: avikz on February 09, 2022, 02:05:32 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.

Lol! It's like taking a loan to pay off an existing loan. It seems your friend needs medical attention rather than anything else. Because fronlm your statement, it seems, you friend needs an addiction all the time to stay alive which is bad and damaging at the same time.

If you have a helpline number where free counseling can be done against addiction, please recommend that to your friend.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Renampun on February 09, 2022, 02:10:23 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.
Drugs will not be able to stop someone's addiction without a strong desire to quit from that person...

if your friends don't make losses and mess like creating debts or harming family during betting then it's not a bad thing, all you need to do is help him manage his emotions and addictions, give him your best advice as a friend.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: cryptocreap on February 09, 2022, 02:11:15 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.

Lol! It's like taking a loan to pay off an existing loan. It seems your friend needs medical attention rather than anything else. Because fronlm your statement, it seems, you friend needs an addiction all the time to stay alive which is bad and damaging at the same time.

If you have a helpline number where free counseling can be done against addiction, please recommend that to your friend.

Lol, you are right. Taking pills to treat gambling addiction:) The next time you will need to take other piils to take your pill's addiction. I think everyone should just stop playing if they have any addiction and not trying to tell themselves that they can't.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: aioc on February 09, 2022, 02:17:33 PM
If gambling is the one causing the anxiety and lack of sleep yes why not, some doctors are administering prescription drugs to quiet the nerves it's actually part of the therapy, but if it is a drug that is not prescribed but over the counter antidepressant it could worsen your friend's situation, we should not advise anyone from taking drugs without consulting a professional first, drugs have a side effect.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 09, 2022, 02:19:03 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.
It depends on addiction level and it should be advised by the psychiatrist or the one who is treating the addiction and rehabilitation people from such activities. Taking pills on yourself is not going to help anything but it can worsen the things further if he addicted to those pills.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: hahay on February 09, 2022, 02:19:48 PM
If you only aim to make it easier to sleep, you can take sleeping pills without having to be a drug user. Since the problem you're talking about is difficulty sleeping or resting, it's a different case if you want to experience different sensations like taking drugs then taking it might be the goal. But still, drug use will not be good for your finances and also your health, no matter you win big from gambling because in the end the money you have will only be wasted on buying drugs.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: maydna on February 09, 2022, 02:28:04 PM
No, it won't help him. You should not advise him to use that because I am afraid that he can get an addiction to that. Perhaps, you can ask him to have another activity and not stay at home for a long time and stay away from all of his devices for some time. That can work for him as he will not think about his devices, instead of using that activity to distract his mind from thinking about football. You can go beside him while he does his activity and talks to each other because that really helps him solve his addiction.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Tellek Garing on February 09, 2022, 02:40:54 PM
That is so dumb of a thought how can one replace addiction with another, if your friend is so addicted and want to find a way out is not to dive into drugs it's better he finds the root of the addiction and once he can solve it then he will be better off.

May be changing environment can help because addiction flows in its comfort zone Advise the friend to take a total break from betting and focus more on some other activities that are of interest, the drug is not a solution as it can make him more miserable in the future.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: bitbollo on February 09, 2022, 02:45:38 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.

Drugs (legal) MUST be ALWAYS prescribed by Medical Doctor and not taken randomly.
Using illegal drugs or (the legal) without a prescriptions is a strong risk for personal health and future of a person.
Gambling addiction It's a serious matter that should be taken seriously and discussed with health professional.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: coolcoinz on February 09, 2022, 02:52:00 PM
It's basically a question if when you get drunk, get into a fight with friends, puke on your girlfriend and wake up the next day feeling miserable, you should drink again to kill the pain and forget about it. No, this is the dumbest way out. Drinking to kill the pain, taking drugs to manage other addictions, contemplating suicide because life seems hard- these are all the dumbest possible ways of dealing with a problem. You can deal with it by fighting it or lie down and give up. Taking drugs is giving up, tell your friend to man up and deal with it, unless he wants to be a junkie and live in a cardboard box under a bridge, or in prison, because that's where this leads.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: jpcfan on February 09, 2022, 02:53:37 PM
hookers n blow can help a little

so i heard

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on February 09, 2022, 03:10:09 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.
Categorically, I would say NO!, drugs can not help, drugs itself in addictive, there is no way you can manage a problem with another problem, if your friend start taking drugs in order to manage his gambling addictiveness, what if in the process, he becomes addicted to the drugs as well??
Have you paused to ask yourself the question above?

What I think he should do is to talk to people, let him open himself up and make new friends, both online and offline, let him find some other fun things to do with other people, both online and offline, some thing that will always make him forget about gambling for that day, as time passes, I believe he will gain more control over he's addiction.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: michellee on February 09, 2022, 03:12:45 PM
If he wants to visit his doctor and ask for the drugs, that will not be a problem because he will meet a professional who knows what he needs to do. But if he only wants to consume drugs to have control and stay away from his addiction, I do not think that will work because when he awakens, he can have his addiction and it could be worse than before. The best is to ask him to visit the doctor asks for the right medicine to calm down his mind. Maybe visiting a psychiatrist will be better as he can get a solution from that psychiatrist.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Cling18 on February 09, 2022, 03:48:19 PM
As for me, drugs or any type of medication would only be a band-aid solution. Gambling addiction could ruin even someone's health. It would be better if he would ask for professional help and start to control himself from too much gambling. The cure should start on himself. He must learn how to control his emotions and discipline himself. It's hard but he could take baby steps to release himself from this type of addiction.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: dothebeats on February 09, 2022, 05:34:48 PM
Personally I don't think taking drugs immediately without visiting a physician, or getting some professional intervention would do your friend any good. Recreational drugs are one thing, and may keep your friend off gambling for some time, but then he'll eventually develop an addiction to another thing.

Tell your friend to speak with a psychologist, or a professional dedicated to such care. It helps if he is consistent with the appointments and also make efforts to stay away from gambling.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: famososMuertos on February 09, 2022, 06:04:57 PM
Change the league where you bet on, there are soccer leagues where it's very difficult to get good results... sports advice, sure, anyone can give it.

Come on, the best thing you can do is not even try to help him, because you're not doing it right, it's such a delicate matter, it's a disease, friend, it's like trying to save a person's life by doing an operation without being a doctor, so take him to a center assistance, need help.

The problem with this type of pathology is the wrong process of helping, no one here is even close to knowing what should be done because each case is individual.

I think this topic is always something far-fetched, I'm not saying it's your case, but they appear every so often and the scheme is the same, a friend of a friend, the first one I see in this 2022, but however the important ever is your friend gets better

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: xSkylarx on February 09, 2022, 06:14:27 PM
As for me, drugs or any type of medication would only be a band-aid solution. Gambling addiction could ruin even someone's health. It would be better if he would ask for professional help and start to control himself from too much gambling. The cure should start on himself. He must learn how to control his emotions and discipline himself. It's hard but he could take baby steps to release himself from this type of addiction.

This is not applicable to everyone because some people are unable to control their behavior and must seek assistance from others or enter a rehabilitation program. However, I recommend that you limit your time and frequency of gambling because this is the most common reason for addiction. Additionally, taking drugs can cause you to feel differently when you are gambling, increasing the likelihood that you will become addicted.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: yayayo on February 09, 2022, 06:22:42 PM
I think it actually reinforces each other. First, if someone is addicted, he will never just stop doing something that is an addiction for that person. And if you're on a lot of drugs, you often do things you don't really want to do, gambling is a good example of that. It would have been better to stop with both actually, if you want to stop with something at least.


Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Tellek Garing on February 09, 2022, 06:38:10 PM
My question is do we have an anti addiction drug when you mention drugs it is always associated with addiction unless it is a medical health recommendation drug, just like I said earlier one can not stop addiction by simply replacing it with another substance unless you are acting base on doctors recommendations.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Marvelman on February 09, 2022, 06:39:24 PM
It's basically a question if when you get drunk, get into a fight with friends, puke on your girlfriend and wake up the next day feeling miserable, you should drink again to kill the pain and forget about it. No, this is the dumbest way out. Drinking to kill the pain, taking drugs to manage other addictions, contemplating suicide because life seems hard- these are all the dumbest possible ways of dealing with a problem. You can deal with it by fighting it or lie down and give up. Taking drugs is giving up, tell your friend to man up and deal with it, unless he wants to be a junkie and live in a cardboard box under a bridge, or in prison, because that's where this leads.

That's a good analogy!

Well yeah. I would agree. Drugs are not the answer. Whatever problems you're having. Like people do alcohol to cope with problems, or whatever. It is a temporary fix and it can't really solve the problem. There are better ways to deal with your problems. If you think you have a gambling problem, then you should probably go to a therapist to get some help. You have a problem with gambling, so get help for that. But don't replace that with drugs, because that's just not going to work.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: goldkingcoiner on February 09, 2022, 06:49:49 PM
Thats really a topic you should talk to your doctor about, instead of consulting a crypto forum. However, I will try to answer as professionally as possible without actually being a medical professional of any kind.

No, I very much doubt that doing drugs will help you with any kind of addiction, whether its an addiction to nicotine or an addiction to gambling.

I have heard of individual special cases of heroin addicts using drugs like lsd or dmt to help them "restructure" their neural pathways in a way that destroys their addiction. But thats not really a fire-proof method and I am sure any doctor will tell you the same.

You will just be addicted to more than gambling, in the end.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: iv4n on February 09, 2022, 07:20:18 PM
Thats really a topic you should talk to your doctor about

No, actually not! He doesn't need a doctor for this, running away from one addiction into another is crazy as it is, and for sure if someone has problems with vices and how to control them he should stop with everything... or there will be problems!

OP used a very confusing term, "manage gambling addiction by taking drugs"! I mean, you can use some downers, in my country we call them "I don't care" pills... shit can fall from the sky but you don't really care! So when you are on those legally prescribed drugs you can stay away from life, not just from gambling, and I personally don't like that approach... after using them you will just get addicted to them as well! So curing one addiction with another is madness, it's literally a road to nowhere!

Gambling is a vice, like alcohol and drugs... many people enjoy one or all of them! It's all in some kind of control, you don't let your vices control your life, to cause you big problems! So you are able to control them or they will eat you!

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Fortify on February 09, 2022, 07:39:37 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.

There is no "anti-gambling drug". There may be many drugs that could potentially help with impulse control, but you are essentially feeding a dopamine rush every time you decide to gamble - win or lose. I don't think it is wise to replace one chemical inducing addiction with another chemical. Your friend needs to really figure out what it is that is driving them to gamble and learn to control themselves - it might be boredom, trying to recreate a feeling of happiness they found at an earlier point in life, lack of alternative stimulation, chasing losses or all manner of things. Until they identify the trigger and aim to deal with it, any drug is simply going to be suppressing an urge that could come back with a vengeance later.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: milewilda on February 09, 2022, 08:09:28 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.
You are making things worst because taking drugs was never a solution whether you are tending to fight gambling addiction or just talking some problems in life which it isnt really
that worth for you to consider out.YOu could quit up gambling addiction without adding up more problems knowing that drugs could really even make you addicted even more
which doesnt really talks about mental health but also your overall body condition which i do see for it to be a very dumb kind of consideration for having this option.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Johnyz on February 09, 2022, 08:39:26 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.
Drugs can only worsen the situation, and you are not helping him if you say yes better not to advice to take any drugs because we all know the effect of this especially when a person is already corrupted by gambling. Advice him not to gamble that much, he can watch football without placing any bet and just have fun. Your friend needs your help, advice him the right way and guide him until he recovers from this addiction.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: paxmao on February 09, 2022, 08:45:32 PM
I guess that is very dependent on why the person is gambling beyond what could be considered acceptable o why is it creating problems in their life. Some personalities are self-destructive and addictive and there is little that drugs can do for them, in general they will make it worse, but if it is due to nervousness or stress it may be useful to get prescription and legal remedies. Most of the times therapy would be more about psicology.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: 24Kt on February 09, 2022, 08:59:36 PM
I guess that is very dependent on why the person is gambling beyond what could be considered acceptable o why is it creating problems in their life. Some personalities are self-destructive and addictive and there is little that drugs can do for them, in general they will make it worse, but if it is due to nervousness or stress it may be useful to get prescription and legal remedies. Most of the times therapy would be more about psicology.

They need to find the root cause of where the anxiety is coming from. It may not just because of his gambling activities. Sometimes there are other reasons why people are getting addicted to gambling like family issues, personal problems and others. So if he can help pinpoint the reason why he's into gambling and address such issue, maybe he can address the gambling issue as well and there's no need for drugs that can calm him down. Address the root cause and it may greatly help him in healing his gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: Scripture on February 09, 2022, 09:09:40 PM
Thank you all for your wonderful advice and recommendations. I will relate all your recommendations to him and hope it will help resolve this addiction though his is making money from it. It was from him that I learned that gambling is not totally bad but if you do not manage it very well it can damage your life.
He makes money that’s fine but obviously he has no control anymore and sooner or later, he will start to lose money and this can make a lot of worst scenario for him. Taking drugs is not a solution for addiction, never ruin your life in drugs and of course in gambling, advice him not to be greedy because that is the start of a big nightmares that he might regret later on.

Title: Re: Can you manage gambling addict by taking drugs?
Post by: adzino on February 09, 2022, 09:14:40 PM
I was with one of my old friends yesterday and he was addicted to football gambling to the extent that he is finding it very difficult to sleep and do normal activities. He has won some of betting he has played on but correctly want to give it some time off. He is asking for general advice if drugs can help.
What drugs are you talking about? When you are addicted to something, you don't take drugs to get rid of the addiction. Even if he does manage to get rid of gambling addiction, he would end up getting addicted to the drug he has been taking. When you are addicted to gambling, you need to talk to people that will help you. You tell him to find a counsellor that will help him with his gambling disorder. Tell him to do it now before its too late and he does further harm to him.