Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: Anguwa on February 10, 2022, 01:44:57 PM

Title: An accounts used my POA and I found out his connected Alts account
Post by: Anguwa on February 10, 2022, 01:44:57 PM
My attention has been drawn to accounts that are using a single wallet by different accounts when I noticed paraspatel (;u=3383819) used my POA to register the Bounty detective campaign.

paraspatel (;u=3383819) copy my proof of Authentication and posted it as his own and unfortunately, he forgot to change Forum username, profile link, and address, he was accepted in the campaign but ended up using his own wallet on the spreadsheet.

Forum Username: Anguwa
Forum Profile Link:;u=3350348
Telegram Username: @Haydar002
Participated Campaigns: Twitter, Facebook and Telegram
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xA06fBB737D1b7C2d40072942E0eACA9c66B80aef
Posted on: Today at 01:32:09 PM New messagePosted by: Atik099 (

link to the spreadsheet (

paraspatel (;u=3383819) is also connected to other accounts:

First connected accounts:
paraspatel (;u=3383819)
Mehulkoitya (;u=3369876)
bhargavd (;u=3357660)

#Proof Of Authentication
Forum username: paraspatel
Forum Profile Link:;u=3383819
Telegram Username: @sahilmm
Participating Campaigns: Twitter Facebook telegram, Discord
Bsc/Bep20 address: 0xe7Ef9f15C717b54E6184965F10A73C03393cC60E
ETH Address: 0x21CdbB6bDC040e4DAdD8c75CAf308B0644e8d1Fd

Reporting  Week 8: 12/10/2021 -18/10/2021
Bitcointalk Username: Mehulkoitya
Telegram Username: @sachinpanchal554
Twitter Username: @sahilmetraniya
Twitter Profile Link:
Twitter Followers:700
5 Tweet Links:

5 Retweet Links:

Binance Smart Chain Wallet Address: 0xe7Ef9f15C717b54E6184965F10A73C03393cC60E

Reporting Week 8: 12/10/2021 -18/10/2021
Bitcointalk Username: Mehulkoitya
Telegram Username: @sachinpanchal554
Facebook Username: Hiteshpatel876
Facebook Profile Link:
Facebook Friends: 4700
5 post link:

5 Repost link:

Binance Smart Chain Wallet Address: 0xe7Ef9f15C717b54E6184965F10A73C03393cC60E
Thread has been locked but Archived here (
Forum Username: BhargavD
Forum Profile Link:;u=3357660
Telegram Username: @Sahilpparmar
Participated Campaigns: Twitter , Telegram, Facebook
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xe7Ef9f15C717b54E6184965F10A73C03393cC60E

Second connected accounts:
paraspatel (;u=3383819)
kuldipgajjar (;u=2875783)
hardiksoni966 (;u=3352062)
skpanchal (;u=2855730)

Proof of Authentication
Bitcointalk Username: kuldipgajjar
Forum Profile Link:;u=2875783
Telegram Username: @Sahilparmar
Participated Campaigns: Twitter
BSC Address: 0xcAEd55f35C8f2f7435492afd94Ed7d411D606f90

Thread closed but Archived here (

Forum Username: paraspatel
Forum Profile Link:;u=3383819
Telegram Username: @sachinpanchal554
Participated Campaigns: Twitter, telegarm
BSC Wallet Address:0xcAEd55f35C8f2f7435492afd94Ed7d411D606f90

Thread closed but Archived here (

Forum Username: hardiksoni966
Forum Profile Link:;u=3352062
Telegram Username: @Sahilparmar
Participated Campaigns: Twitter
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xcAEd55f35C8f2f7435492afd94Ed7d411D606f90

Thread closed but Archived here (

Forum Username: skpanchal
Forum Profile Link:;u=2855730
Telegram Username: @Mehulprajapati12
Participated Campaigns: Facebook, twitter
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xcAEd55f35C8f2f7435492afd94Ed7d411D606f90

Thread closed but Archived here (

Third connected accounts:
paraspatel (;u=3383819)
kuldipgajjar (;u=2875783)

Forum Username: paraspatel
Forum Profile Link:;u=3383819
Telegram Username: @sahilmm
Participated Campaigns: Twitter, Facebook, telegram
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xCAFB14396a5Db55ad12e54Da46DfA32259Ad209d

Thread closed but Archived here (

Bitcointalk Username: kuldipgajjar
Discord Username: [Sahilparmar | Citizen Finance]#1164
ETH (BEP20 - BSC - Bianance Smart chain) address: 0xCAFB14396a5Db55ad12e54Da46DfA32259Ad209d
Bitcointalk username: kuldipgajjar
Twitter username: @Sharddha0
Twitter profile link:
Twitter Followers: 3600
ETH (BEP20 - BSC - Bianance Smart chain) address: 0xCAFB14396a5Db55ad12e54Da46DfA32259Ad209d

This was how someone used my name on his POA in the past and I think they have started again.

Title: Re: An accounts used my POA and I found out his connected Alts account
Post by: shasan on February 19, 2022, 03:50:11 AM
My attention has been drawn to accounts that are using a single wallet by different accounts when I noticed paraspatel used my POA to register the Bounty detective campaign.

Those who have posted your wallet or POA, you can give them a negative trust or neutral trust. I do not think if anyone copy your poa then any problem will happen to you. Hence they might be banned for the post they are copying. Yet, to stay safe from being marked as alt account you should provide them neutral or negative trust.

Title: Re: An accounts used my POA and I found out his connected Alts account
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on February 19, 2022, 06:10:38 AM
Ban evasion.

kuldipgajjar (;u=2875783) Autoban user (
skpanchal (;u=2855730) Autoban user (
hardiksoni966 (;u=3352062) Autoban user (
bhargavd (;u=3357660)
Mehulkoitya (;u=3369876)
paraspatel (;u=3383819)

BSC Address: 0xcAEd55f35C8f2f7435492afd94Ed7d411D606f90

BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xcAEd55f35C8f2f7435492afd94Ed7d411D606f90
[ archive ( ]

BSC-20 Wallet Address: 0xcAEd55f35C8f2f7435492afd94Ed7d411D606f90
[ archive ( ]

BSC-20 Wallet Address: 0xcAEd55f35C8f2f7435492afd94Ed7d411D606f90
[ archive ( ]

OP all accounts dodge the ban. I informed the moderators.

Title: Re: An accounts used my POA and I found out his connected Alts account
Post by: Anguwa on February 19, 2022, 06:59:18 AM
My attention has been drawn to accounts that are using a single wallet by different accounts when I noticed paraspatel used my POA to register the Bounty detective campaign.

Those who have posted your wallet or POA, you can give them a negative trust or neutral trust. I do not think if anyone copy your poa then any problem will happen to you. Hence they might be banned for the post they are copying. Yet, to stay safe from being marked as alt account you should provide them neutral or negative trust.
I really appreciate, but I don't really know how to go about it, i was scared for my account not to be tagged with negative trust, that was why I do my own research about the account that copy my details for POA and I saw some connected account also with that particular one, then make my report in order to be safe.

Title: Re: An accounts used my POA and I found out his connected Alts account
Post by: rhomelmabini on February 19, 2022, 07:08:43 AM
My attention has been drawn to accounts that are using a single wallet by different accounts when I noticed paraspatel used my POA to register the Bounty detective campaign.

Those who have posted your wallet or POA, you can give them a negative trust or neutral trust. I do not think if anyone copy your poa then any problem will happen to you. Hence they might be banned for the post they are copying. Yet, to stay safe from being marked as alt account you should provide them neutral or negative trust.
I think OP had the best response over this because it may be used to connect it to him sooner or later or tag it to him when in fact it's not that really connected on him, I guess this explains best by opening a thread. They'll be banned as per the investigation of @lovesmayfamilis.

I really appreciate, but I don't really know how to go about it, i was scared for my account not to be tagged with negative trust, that was why I do my own research about the account that copy my details for POA and I saw some connected account also with that particular one, then make my report in order to be safe.
Not a new thing to me since I seen some scenarios in the past but with in-depth investigation you can tell that these accounts are just connecting some behave accounts. I don't know the specific reasons but looks like a bot thing to me.

Title: Re: An accounts used my POA and I found out his connected Alts account
Post by: shasan on February 25, 2022, 09:05:39 AM
I really appreciate, but I don't really know how to go about it, i was scared for my account not to be tagged with negative trust, that was why I do my own research about the account that copy my details for POA and I saw some connected account also with that particular one, then make my report in order to be safe.
This post will help you from tagged negatively for using same data as proof of authentication. But you should try to write as more quality post as possible as you have already received neutral tagged if still you cant increase your post quality then that will be a bad experience for you.

Not a new thing to me since I seen some scenarios in the past but with in-depth investigation you can tell that these accounts are just connecting some behave accounts.
As the OP already find out the copy pasted post and informed on the forum the user might be remain safe from being tagged negatively as accusing connected accounts.