Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: venkitt on February 20, 2022, 08:21:49 AM

Title: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: venkitt on February 20, 2022, 08:21:49 AM
Hi i have lost btc worth 6000 USD to a scammer
i just want to recovery the same without paying UPFRONT payment bcos i lost again 300 USD who posted as recovery agent recently

kindly let me know any Bitcoin Recovery FIRM or Agent who does not ask for UPFRONT Payment and get paid post recocvery of funds to my wallet
but the agent or firm should be TRUSTED One

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: Bttzed03 on February 20, 2022, 08:33:21 AM
You can check this thread

It's about missing characters in her password. It could be different from your problem but you can find the people who helped her.

Another service was also posted in that thread They said it's trustworthy but don't take our word for it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: OmegaStarScream on February 20, 2022, 08:36:26 AM
I'm not sure I understand. The first person you lost your funds to was supposed to help you recover your funds from your wallet? or was he a scammer and you're now trying to find someone to get you your money back from him?

If you're trying to recover the funds that you sent to the scammer, then I'm afraid there's nothing you could do unless of course you have enough information about that person (IP, name, physical address, whether he was using an exchange to receive the funds, etc.)  in which case you should report this to law enforcement.

Now, if you lost access to your non-custodial wallet, then the service above is the way to go (WalletRecoveryServices). They're legit, they won't ask you to pay upfront, but they will take 20% once they manage to recover the money. I have used them myself, and you can find multiple positive reviews online.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: odolvlobo on February 20, 2022, 08:58:22 AM
Hi i have lost btc worth 6000 USD to a scammer
i just want to recovery the same without paying UPFRONT payment bcos i lost again 300 USD who posted as recovery agent recently

kindly let me know any Bitcoin Recovery FIRM or Agent who does not ask for UPFRONT Payment and get paid post recocvery of funds to my wallet
but the agent or firm should be TRUSTED One

If you have lost btc to a scammer, then there is no recovery (unless you can report the scammer to law enforcement and they can force the scammer to return it).

There are no recovery firms that can get your btc back from a scammer. Anyone who says they can is a scammer.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: Baofeng on February 20, 2022, 09:09:13 AM
I'm sorry to burst the bubble for you but I don't think someone can help you out recover what you have lost to the scammer. And as what we say here, charge it to experience and learn from your mistakes. I know it's a big sum of money, but there is no such firm that can help you out and those who claim that they can do it is probably a scammer too, so that will be a double whammy to you.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: noorman0 on February 20, 2022, 09:20:14 AM
Bitcoins cannot be recovered after being moved. And another important note, all agents who offer you (personally) recovery solutions are sure to be other scammers taking advantage of the situation. Be careful when writing your problem on the internet.

Your only hope is to contact the police because what you have to hunt down is the thief of your bitcoins as the new owner.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: so98nn on February 20, 2022, 09:35:55 AM
If they have already lost it to the scammer then how come it’s gonna be recoverable? Do you really think they might just have it just lying in their wallets? That’s just insane and I don’t think even if any agent or someone come by then the cost of recovery and his fees would be heavy. It’s gonna be crazy deal and no one willingly go first without payments. Believe me, if you still get someone to recover the keys or whatever it may be it’s gonna need escrow and it will cost you big bucks.

Moreover, must know that the coins may not be there anymore, better keep checking the address from where it got stolen and if it’s not there anymore then leave it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: Tony116 on February 20, 2022, 09:42:47 AM

If you have lost btc to a scammer, then there is no recovery (unless you can report the scammer to law enforcement and they can force the scammer to return it).

He can report to the police or law enforcement if he is living in a country where bitcoin is legal. The country I live in they don't recognize bitcoin as legal and always warn citizens to take responsibility for themselves if they are involved in investing or trading in bitcoin or crypto. The law will not be able to protect you.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: YOSHIE on February 20, 2022, 10:38:45 AM
but the agent or firm should be TRUSTED One
I just found out that there is an agent who can recover Bitcoins that have been sent to scammers, I tried to search on this forum, I couldn't find the agent you were looking for, what I found was as below.

After struggling for weeks to find any hope of recovering my bitcoin, I was pointed in the direction of a person called Dave at by a member on this forum.  Dave was a fantastic support throughout.   Not only did he successfully recover my password an enable me to access my bitcoin again but he gave proactive advice and support to me on how to transfer my coin and setup a secure new wallet once I had gained control of the lost wallet.  I couldn't recommend Dave enough to anyone struggling to recover their  wallets.  if you are dispair ad need someone trustworthy to help get in touch with him

I don't know which Dave that person said, whether he succeeded or not, it's clear from his words that he seems very happy because his Bitcoins can be recovered.

If i may ask what exchange do you use to send Bitcoins, local exchange or Trust Wallet or similar, looks like you should ask for help from the exchange or Trust Wallet to trace to whose address you are sending.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: hosseinimr93 on February 20, 2022, 11:10:41 AM
I don't know which Dave that person said, whether he succeeded or not, it's clear from his words that he seems very happy because his Bitcoins can be recovered.
Dave is the owner of walletrecoveryservices and has an account (;u=130960) here on the forum.
walletrecoveryservices can be helpful for brute-forcing a password (if it's weak or you know a part of it) or the seed phrase (if you know a part of it).
OP's case seems to be different. No one can recover the fund sent to a scammer.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: SatoPrincess on February 20, 2022, 11:27:43 AM
I'm not sure I understand. The first person you lost your funds to was supposed to help you recover your funds from your wallet? or was he a scammer and you're now trying to find someone to get you your money back from him?
OP lost $6000 to a scammer. Then contacted another scammer who promised to help recover his money from the scammers for a upfront payment of $300. In total OP has lost $6300.

OP your money is long gone. No one can help you recover your money back. How would they do that? They would need the private keys to the scammers wallet. If the scammer bitcoin addressed is connected to a centralized exchange you can report to the authorities and ask them to file a complaint to the exchange. Even with that, there is little chance of success

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: Marvelman on February 20, 2022, 11:34:57 AM
Hi i have lost btc worth 6000 USD to a scammer
i just want to recovery the same without paying UPFRONT payment bcos i lost again 300 USD who posted as recovery agent recently

You should never pay someone who claims they can recover your bitcoins back from a scammer. They will never get your bitcoins. Bitcoin is immutable. Furthermore, with the blockchain, it is nearly impossible to reverse transactions once you’ve sent them. So once your bitcoins are gone, they are gone forever.

kindly let me know any Bitcoin Recovery FIRM or Agent who does not ask for UPFRONT Payment and get paid post recocvery of funds to my wallet
but the agent or firm should be TRUSTED One

The best thing you can do is report the scammer to the authorities, and hope that they catch the perpetrator.
I wish you luck!

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: Lucius on February 20, 2022, 11:43:18 AM
OP lost $600 to a scammer. Then contacted another scammer who promised to help recover his money from the scammers for a upfront payment of $300. In total OP has lost $900.

The OP clearly states that he lost $6000 and another $300 as a result of trying to regain what it lost - which totals $6300. It’s not some complicated math, you just need to pay attention to the details ;)

The same story is repeated over and over, instead of first asking for advice, beginners first lose money and then seek advice on how to get it back. Crypto scammers unfortunately have a pretty easy job nowadays, there are so many naive people in the world that the saying “easy money” has got its true meaning.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: Vatimins on February 20, 2022, 12:09:34 PM
     Damn, so sorry for your loss fam. I wonder how you got scammed? Also, services for jobs like this should have an escrow to ensure both parties don't get scammed. As for your scammed bitcoins, I think it'll be as close to impossible to have them back unless you hire those people who caught the bitfinex hackers. Which I highly doubt would be worth it considering the amount you have lost and the cost for tracing the scammer(s). Better to just think of this as paying for a valuable lesson that you learned so it won't hurt that much or you can just try to find someone though who does some Voodoo sht if you believe in those stuff. Anyway man, don't think about it to much, no sense crying over spilled milk.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: SatoPrincess on February 20, 2022, 12:12:17 PM
OP lost $600 to a scammer. Then contacted another scammer who promised to help recover his money from the scammers for a upfront payment of $300. In total OP has lost $900.

The OP clearly states that he lost $6000 and another $300 as a result of trying to regain what it lost - which totals $6300. It’s not some complicated math, you just need to pay attention to the details ;)
Thanks for the correction. I missed that one zero. OP has lost a huge amount of money $6300 is not chicken change no surprise he wants his money back at all cost.  

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on February 20, 2022, 12:38:35 PM
Again, a Newbie who was deceived. But he knows about the forum. OP, what roads brought you here to tell about your trouble? Why haven't you been here before? Why do we see these stories similar to each other?
Forget about your lost bitcoins, and don't trust anyone on the internet anymore.
People like the OP are partially influencing the general adoption of bitcoin. But after all, the whole problem is in people, in their lack of education, and bitcoin has nothing to do with it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: Lucius on February 20, 2022, 02:19:06 PM
I think it'll be as close to impossible to have them back unless you hire those people who caught the bitfinex hackers.

Do you think that is possible to hire the U.S. Federal Police (FBI) to deal with a private case in which someone was left without $6300 in cryptocurrency? I'm sure they don't even blink at such things, they are only interested in cases worth millions, so the only thing the OP can hope for is that his case it is part of a big scam and that the perpetrators will one day be caught.

Thanks for the correction. I missed that one zero. OP has lost a huge amount of money $6300 is not chicken change no surprise he wants his money back at all cost. 

You're welcome. $900 is not a small amount in some countries, but the OP does not seem to be from such a country when it can afford such gambling with thousands of $. His wishes and reality are unfortunately very far from each other, but he can always hope - at least it's free.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: iamsheikhadil on February 20, 2022, 02:24:45 PM
I don't think anything is possible because bitcoin transactions are irreversible and as others have said, unless you can know who the person you scammed and can put a case against them in court, then only you might be able to get your funds back, because recovery is too hard when it comes to crypto transactions.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: SatoPrincess on February 20, 2022, 02:36:51 PM
I don't think anything is possible because bitcoin transactions are irreversible and as others have said, unless you can know who the person you scammed and can put a case against them in court, then only you might be able to get your funds back, because recovery is too hard when it comes to crypto transactions.

In most of these cases the scammers are anonymous. They don’t have an office, OP may have only been in contact with them online, I don’t think he considered doing FaceTime meeting to be sure of who he was talking to.  Bitcoin related scams are easy because scammers easily convince newbies they don’t have to see “traders” or visit the office to confirm who you’re in business with.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: franky1 on February 20, 2022, 02:52:35 PM
the only option to possibly stop the scammer 'cashing out' the stolen coins is to go to a court and file a civil suit against anyone that could potentially handle your coins in the future.
this means listing the addresses the coins moved to and any info you have on the people that scammed you. and listing a bunch of exchanges that you think could be used to filter/convert your funds through.
and then serve the exchanges with the court order asking them to freeze accounts and hand over any personal info they have on the account holder that deposited your coins.
(a coffee company done this recently with the 'freedom convoy' coins fundraised. and the exchanges seemed to have complied)

but for a loss of just $6k this is not an economical tactic, as it would cost you to do this. (im just informing of options not recommendations).

final option is as others already said. take any and all info you have on the scammer, (contact info) and report it to the police. and HOPE that there could be found some trace of the scammers identity if the police raise it up to the cyber crimes departments that have connections with ISP's and other communication services. but thats a HOPE

the learning experience from this is to never hand any funds to anyone unless you know enough about them to slap them with a wet fish(or other methods of in person torture) or a court order directly, if they abuse you. .. after all would you hand a stranger that passes you on the street a suitcase of $6k without even knowing their name

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: ven7net on February 20, 2022, 02:58:12 PM
Hi i have lost btc worth 6000 USD to a scammer
i just want to recovery the same without paying UPFRONT payment bcos i lost again 300 USD who posted as recovery agent recently

kindly let me know any Bitcoin Recovery FIRM or Agent who does not ask for UPFRONT Payment and get paid post recocvery of funds to my wallet
but the agent or firm should be TRUSTED One

Are there people who can help return the lost funds in BTC? Probably the fact that you were deceived again indicates that there are no such agents capable of returning your lost funds. Again, it all depends on the conditions under which you lost the funds, but as far as I know, the lost funds in cryptocurrency cannot be returned, well, only in one case, if the one who received them returns them to you himself. If, of course, you manage to return your funds, then be sure to report it here, it will also be important for me to learn about this method.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: Accardo on February 20, 2022, 09:43:44 PM
OP, it's a pity you lost such amount of bitcoin in USD, what actually happened what kind of transaction led to the scam. Please share on the thread so that other newbies can learn from your mistake. For the service you are seeking, I don't think they'll be any possible means of reversing your funds. The transaction has been confirmed multiple times on the blockchain.

Title: Re: Bitcoin recovery agent
Post by: Vatimins on February 21, 2022, 09:37:52 AM
Do you think that is possible to hire the U.S. Federal Police (FBI) to deal with a private case in which someone was left without $6300 in cryptocurrency? I'm sure they don't even blink at such things, they are only interested in cases worth millions, so the only thing the OP can hope for is that his case it is part of a big scam and that the perpetrators will one day be caught.

     Which is WHY I said I highly doubt that it would be worth it (meaning not worth the effort and resources) considering the amount hr lost which is not that huge compared to the bitfinex hack and that the cost would again not be worth it (again the effort and resources needed would make recovery of the stolen bitcoins not worth it).

     - Indeed, the only thing that the op can hope for is that the scam was part of a big enough scam that can pique the interest of the authorities. Huge enough meaning bigger amounts than usual unlike the most hacking wallets that existed which the authorities didn't chase down as much as they did on the wallet containing the bitfinex assets.

     - I hope that makes it easier for you to understand now.