Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: kryptqnick on February 27, 2022, 11:56:00 AM

Title: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: kryptqnick on February 27, 2022, 11:56:00 AM
I'm Ukrainian, and while by a mere coincidence I'm currently in relative safety abroad on my PhD exchange, my family, friends and colleagues are not. I talked to a guy I used to know who's from Moscow, and even though he's against the war and has an audience of thousands of Russians who look up to him, he's afraid to protest or even publicly express his opinion about the war, saying he'll be immediately imprisoned. I don't think there's a good excuse to stay silent now, when your country is sending your boys to die in my country, hits our homes and kindergartens, but if you're afraid and yet feel ashamed and want to do at least something to compensate for the actions of your country, now's the time to use Bitcoin.
You can use Bitcoin to donate to Ukraine's biggest charity that helps the war efforts. The address is bc1qkd5az2ml7dk5j5h672yhxmhmxe9tuf97j39fm6, you can check it here, on their official website ( There's also another wallet, the one shared by Ukraine's official Twitter account (, and they accept BTC, ETH, USDT.
I'm not here to change your mind if you don't feel responsible and don't want to help Ukrainians (or don't feel like donating), or if you indeed support the actions of your government. I'm only writing this for the sort of people from Russia whom I know: people who feel ashamed for what their country is doing and for being afraid to stand with Ukraine openly. If you're careful and use Bitcoin wallets that are not linked to our IDs, sending money to our military forces in Bitcoin is the simplest way to show your support without much risk to your lives.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: Upgrade00 on February 27, 2022, 12:29:08 PM
I talked to a guy I used to know who's from Moscow, and even though he's against the war and has an audience of thousands of Russians who look up to him, he's afraid to protest or even publicly express his opinion about the war, saying he'll be immediately imprisoned. I don't think there's a good excuse to stay silent now, when your country is sending your boys to die in my country, hits our homes and kindergartens,
This is an unfortunate situation for the citizens involved on both sides, and while discussing the politics behind it is a bit complex, the bottom line is that humanity should prevail and loss of lives avoided at all costs.
Contrary to what you said, the threat to ones safety is reason enough for them to stay silent publicly, they have a life and family as well. Silence solves nothing of course and making yourself a sort of martyr could make a huge difference, it should however not be expected from people, but a conscious decision they make.

Donating is a good way to help, and to do so anonymously as well. Is there also a donation address that goes directly to the affected citizens and foreigners who are caught in the crossfire?

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: GreatArkansas on February 27, 2022, 12:57:02 PM
Action like this by Ukraine will help other countries to convince how Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies are extremely good.
And I am also curious why other people seem to be more greedy, they are worried about the price of Bitcoin that it could dump more because of what happening between Ukraine and Russia now.
To be honest, it's not best time to talk about the price now but they should appreciate the use of Bitcoin in times like these. Look how using Bitcoin now and in the future, financial freedom indeed.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: DaveF on February 27, 2022, 01:19:34 PM
Action like this by Ukraine will help other countries to convince how Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies are extremely good.
And I am also curious why other people seem to be more greedy, they are worried about the price of Bitcoin that it could dump more because of what happening between Ukraine and Russia now.
To be honest, it's not best time to talk about the price now but they should appreciate the use of Bitcoin in times like these. Look how using Bitcoin now and in the future, financial freedom indeed.

Because there are a lot of people who are just greedy and want money no matter what the cost.
And to be blunt, there are a lot of people on both sides that don't care about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and only care about the money in their pockets.

I actually think it might be a good thing for BTC in the coming weeks. If you want to donate to the people of the Ukraine but don't want it public because you worry about what other people may say or do if it's known you are donating then BTC is a good way to do it. With a little bit of OpSec you can anonymize your coins enough that it could never come back to you.


Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: cheezcarls on February 27, 2022, 01:25:10 PM
I'm Ukrainian, and while by a mere coincidence I'm currently in relative safety abroad on my PhD exchange, my family, friends and colleagues are not. I talked to a guy I used to know who's from Moscow, and even though he's against the war and has an audience of thousands of Russians who look up to him, he's afraid to protest or even publicly express his opinion about the war, saying he'll be immediately imprisoned. I don't think there's a good excuse to stay silent now, when your country is sending your boys to die in my country, hits our homes and kindergartens, but if you're afraid and yet feel ashamed and want to do at least something to compensate for the actions of your country, now's the time to use Bitcoin.
You can use Bitcoin to donate to Ukraine's biggest charity that helps the war efforts. The address is bc1qkd5az2ml7dk5j5h672yhxmhmxe9tuf97j39fm6, you can check it here, on their official website ( There's also another wallet, the one shared by Ukraine's official Twitter account (, and they accept BTC, ETH, USDT.
I'm not here to change your mind if you don't feel responsible and don't want to help Ukrainians (or don't feel like donating), or if you indeed support the actions of your government. I'm only writing this for the sort of people from Russia whom I know: people who feel ashamed for what their country is doing and for being afraid to stand with Ukraine openly. If you're careful and use Bitcoin wallets that are not linked to our IDs, sending money to our military forces in Bitcoin is the simplest way to show your support without much risk to your lives.

Man I'm sorry for what is happening in your home land right now. I have both beautiful and amazing friends coming from Ukraine and Russia respectively. I knew that my Russian friends doesn't want this war as much as the other ordinary citizens, but this ridiculous rule by Putin prevents them from speaking out or protest against the war coz' it's an "act of treason" in their country and may get imprisoned.

Suppose to be both Ukraine and Russia are one of my dream destinations when this pandemic is over, especially attending crypto-related meetups, events, conferences, summits, etc. I'm just happy that the Ukrainian government tweeted about accepting donations in BTC, ETH and USDT20. In fact, they've already legalized it days before the full-scale invasion began.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on February 27, 2022, 01:38:57 PM
Please be careful, because against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, scammers do not stop being scammers. Carefully check all the wallets you want to donate to.

These days, Avast antivirus warns that fraud has become even more.
As cybercriminals seek to take advantage of the chaos, we have tracked in the last 48 hours a number of scammers who are tricking people out of money by pretending they are Ukrainians in desperate need of financial help. In the past, we have seen similar scams for people stuck while traveling or looking for love

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: Accardo on February 27, 2022, 07:03:53 PM
President Putin is so mean about his citizens going against this war and he's surprised about the outcome of this war. The way his troops are getting defeated in Ukraine. It's a sad news that your Family is in Ukraine right now. For sure a lot of Russian citizens are not happy for the decision of their Government on Ukraine. The world is supporting Ukraine fight this war and it'll be a solidarity for citizens of Russia to support Ukrainians too as a sign of respect to what they have lost during this war. Peace of mind, properties, education and freedom of the occupants of Ukraine Matters.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: marilynmanson21 on February 27, 2022, 10:32:25 PM
the many fundraising for ukraine, making donors confused whether this donation will arrive?
it should be emphasized that there are many scammers in the name of this fundraiser
however , OP . I will participate in fundraising at the btc address you provided, and I hope it reaches those in need

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: tippytoes on February 27, 2022, 10:37:26 PM
the many fundraising for ukraine, making donors confused whether this donation will arrive?
it should be emphasized that there are many scammers in the name of this fundraiser
however , OP . I will participate in fundraising at the btc address you provided, and I hope it reaches those in need

Make sure also that it will not be tied up to your known public address, just for security purposes because you'll never know possible consequences of your charitable act. We don't know what the Russian government is capable of. We know, a lot of Russians are disappointed and some are scared not to show their support to Ukranians. But it is their prerogative because a lot of them are indeed in fear of their lives, which, is very understandable to me. Also, check the official websites first. Scammers will be on the loose again.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: AakZaki on March 01, 2022, 09:28:28 AM
Of course this is a disgraceful deed and cannot be heard. In an emergency like this, scammers who are certainly more cruel than scammers commit fraud by pretending to be a Ukrainian person who needs help of money. incident
This must be a concern, don't let our good intentions be misused by scammer.
Hopefully this war can immediately subside and not many casualties. Greetings peace for everything.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: kotajikikox on March 01, 2022, 09:46:38 AM
Supporting this One mate , How i love to help donating from this miserable situation of Ukraine now as Russia is one of the biggest country in the world and has a power to destroy which country they wanted too.

Now that i have already promised donating mu funds to a Gambling site initiative here

I think all our small help can save at least one Hungry or in cold Ukrainian .. Please be well and Keep your family safe .

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: Leviathan.007 on March 04, 2022, 12:21:35 PM
Really sad to see something like this happening to Ukrinem Thanks god I never saw war happening in the country with my own eyes, yesterday I saw on the news that one of the best tv reporters in Ukraine were saying I had a good life and a good income while right now my life and all I got during these years are ruined. Even imagination of that is too hard for everyone and the text you read on the news or the videos you see about them cannot really describe the situation of their life, building something can take years to be done but destroying it can be done in a flash. I support you can you people and hope for you to get back to your normal life as soon as possible.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: Ozero on March 04, 2022, 01:44:10 PM
I would very much like the war to come home to the Russians. Let them feel what they constantly stand for.
I live in one of the regional centers of Ukraine and in my city air raid alerts are announced so often that I stopped responding to them. And this is in a relatively calm part of Ukraine, which even accepts refugees from other regions. Those cities that have become direct targets of attack are under constant shelling, especially at night.

Russian soldiers are now deliberately shooting at residential areas, electricity and heat generation facilities in order to cause panic among the population and achieve less resistance to aggression. In Ukraine, this has the opposite effect.

What is interesting: in Russia itself, a large part of the population supports the war and Putin's actions in relation to Ukraine. Yes, they have been brainwashed by Putin's propaganda for years. But to treat the recently neighboring "fraternal" people in this way is simply shocking.

In Russia they say that they are afraid to take to the streets and protest because they will be put in jail. So they have been supporting the Putin regime for more than 20 years. When in Ukraine in 2014, former President Yanukovych, in collusion with Putin, refused to support Ukraine's accession to the European Union, so many people took to the streets that even direct executions of peaceful protests did not help. The people went out until they won. Peaceful protests turned into armed resistance and Yanukovych simply fled to Russia. Now he was again brought to Belarus, where he is waiting for the seizure of Ukraine, so that Putin will put him back as president. Will not work. We have already learned to defend ourselves and believe in the strength of the people.

The population of Russia is afraid to go out and protest. But after all, it is not Putin himself who shells and kills the civilian population of Ukraine, but someone's brothers, husbands, fathers of the same civilians of Russia. And yet they are all innocent?

I wanted to write more harshly in relation to the Russian people, this nation of cowards and slaves, but perhaps I will not.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: zasad@ on March 04, 2022, 03:32:22 PM
I wanted to write more harshly in relation to the Russian people, this nation of cowards and slaves, but perhaps I will not.
If you study the history of the Russian people, then you will not call Russians cowards and slaves.
Russia is not at war with Ukraine, this is a war with NATO, that is, with the United States, because the United States is the main shareholder of NATO.

Read information about the latest conflicts where the United States participated: (

Since 1946, the United States has been approaching the borders of Russia and deploying nuclear weapons in NATO countries. Do you really think that this situation will contribute to peace in Europe?

For example, if Russia deploys its weapons in Venezuela, what do you think the US will do? In case of refusal, the US will destroy Venezuela, and it will be a war with Russia.

Therefore, before calling the Russian people slaves, think a little about who is responsible for this conflict.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: pooya87 on March 05, 2022, 06:10:19 AM
I would strongly advise against donating anything to the Ukrainian Regime. The funds will be used by the regime to violate human rights. They've already been using human shield and recently I heard from a friend who was studying in Ukraine that they are attacking all foreigners and they were even shot at by the Ukrainian forces when they were trying to cross the border and flee the conflict.

If you want to help then find someone in Ukraine and directly send money to them instead. There are a couple of users from Ukraine already active on this forum whom you can donate to.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: BlackPinker on March 05, 2022, 06:30:36 AM
President Putin is so mean about his citizens going against this war and he's surprised about the outcome of this war. The way his troops are getting defeated in Ukraine. It's a sad news that your Family is in Ukraine right now. For sure a lot of Russian citizens are not happy for the decision of their Government on Ukraine. The world is supporting Ukraine fight this war and it'll be a solidarity for citizens of Russia to support Ukrainians too as a sign of respect to what they have lost during this war. Peace of mind, properties, education and freedom of the occupants of Ukraine Matters.
Maybe the media is being controlled, and what you see is not necessarily the truth. Of course, I am also against war, but in this war, the question of who is right and who is wrong cannot be balanced. We can only get inspiration from the environment of war, knowing that The world financial landscape, reflected in the war, is changing.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: adzino on March 05, 2022, 07:03:46 AM
Sure they can do that. But based on how messed up their economy and currency is right now, I doubt anyone would want to spend any of their bitcoins.
You can use Bitcoin to donate to Ukraine's biggest charity that helps the war efforts. The address is bc1qkd5az2ml7dk5j5h672yhxmhmxe9tuf97j39fm6, you can check it here, on their official website ( There's also another wallet, the one shared by Ukraine's official Twitter account (, and they accept BTC, ETH, USDT.
why do different organization has to use different address to receive donation? Why not all those organization use a single address to receive the donation? Maybe the address posted officially by the government on their twitter? This would help in more transparency of where the coins are being spent. This would also help stop all those scammers taking advantage of this situation and scamming people.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: NoorulHuda on March 05, 2022, 07:13:35 AM
What the war do.? It only suck the life of people. The people who get injured they always look toward us.
And we can help them with our digital assets.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: mindrust on March 05, 2022, 07:18:35 AM
Please be careful, because against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, scammers do not stop being scammers. Carefully check all the wallets you want to donate to.

These days, Avast antivirus warns that fraud has become even more.
As cybercriminals seek to take advantage of the chaos, we have tracked in the last 48 hours a number of scammers who are tricking people out of money by pretending they are Ukrainians in desperate need of financial help. In the past, we have seen similar scams for people stuck while traveling or looking for love

The address shared by the Ukrainian twitter handle is probably safe but I can't say anything for the other one. That wallet very well might  belong to a terrorist group in the middle east. I wouldn't send my precious bits to some unknown address blindly. Do your research first. I am not saying the OP is a liar or a scammer though sometimes people help the scammers without knowing it.

Also be careful if you are Russian and living in Russia. Putin will not like this action of yours if he finds out. (helping the enemy)

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: zasad@ on March 05, 2022, 04:08:42 PM
There is criminal liability in Russia for "help" to those who are engaged in activities "directed against the security of the Russian Federation."
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 275. High treason
But in Russia, many charitable organizations accept things for refugees.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: fullhdpixel on March 06, 2022, 07:14:06 PM
The address shared by the Ukrainian twitter handle is probably safe but I can't say anything for the other one. That wallet very well might  belong to a terrorist group in the middle east. I wouldn't send my precious bits to some unknown address blindly. Do your research first. I am not saying the OP is a liar or a scammer though sometimes people help the scammers without knowing it.

Also be careful if you are Russian and living in Russia. Putin will not like this action of yours if he finds out. (helping the enemy)
The OP posted a wallet address together with a website. I tried to check the website to see if they have the same wallet address but I can't understand a thing as it was written in a different language and I'm also using a different browser with no auto translate. He also said that it was from the biggest charity in Ukraine.

You guys can google it out to see the records of the site if it was legit but if no other details found then its safe to doubt because anyone can create a new website and put convincing details there. If we want to donate we can use the address that is posted in twitter as it's more secure. We can use some kind of a VPN for extra protection if ever we are from Russia.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: Findingnemo on March 06, 2022, 07:41:28 PM
Even if the community rises a billion dollar it is not going to help anyone because even Ukraine government is not letting their own citizen to move out of the warzone so raising money for who? This is going to be never ending war and you know today I researched a lot about the actual cause of why Russia is trying to capture the Ukraine is simply because Russia don't want to lose its border to Nato countries which will become a lot easier for them if all the Nato countries reaches Ukraine border and start war with Russia.

If Ukraine president denies the NATO invitation this will end but he is asking for NATO countries to help so this is going to be hard and tough because someone has to fallen.

Title: Re: To those Russians who are against the war: use Bitcoin to help!
Post by: coolcoinz on March 06, 2022, 07:43:41 PM
There is criminal liability in Russia for "help" to those who are engaged in activities "directed against the security of the Russian Federation."
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 275. High treason
But in Russia, many charitable organizations accept things for refugees.

When a totalitarian regime threatens its citizens it's in their own interest to rebel.
I know that they are afraid of being arrested, but how many can they actually arrest and hold in jails? 5000? 10000? What If there's 1 million people protesting? Are they going to start killing them like the Chinese did in 89 or Poles in 81?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Apparently some Russians afraid of conscription are already running to Finland. The beginning of the end of this fake superpower.