Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Mr.right85 on March 10, 2022, 01:08:38 PM

Title: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Mr.right85 on March 10, 2022, 01:08:38 PM

Hi guys,

I am finding it difficult on the best way to start this thread but, I start where I do now and it's been a while I was greatly involved on this platform. I guess I'm getting back to my fit but to say the least, i have been a user on the forum for almost a year now and have made far a little progress. At a time, the forum felt like the best place to be and I was learning at a great pace until disaster struck in an illness that wasn't brief.

I wouldn't want to discuss that but, it took a few months to get back to my fit and it didn't just end there.

Come the illness, went my job and its really sad how a company you work for treat your absence despite your predicament. Its not like I never knew this but, hadn't experienced it and its such a sad reality that is better heard than felt. Until you experience it, you never know how it truly feels to be your own person on every end.
Anyway, I'llness and lost job did put out most of my finance and then came some bad investments in a bid to recover what have been lost. Tried some harsh trading skills and it downed on me in ways I never imagined. Lots and lots of lessons came with all these sad experiences but some of the best of them was;

* Always be your own man and that's what Bitcoin offers
* Side hustles or jobs of which you stand as the boss might be the thing that truly stands in the long run
* Your company values profit more than they do you
* Make long term investments and always starch something away for emergencies

I've got a lot more but, let me hold it there.
The bottom line of these whole story is, with all these set-backs to my forward, left most of my motivation towards Bitcoin or Cryptos for a whole.

1. I just think to myself, what's the point when you can loose it all in one bad move.
2. Cryptos might be the way but fiat and all things tangible would still be around and sticking with them could be winning too.
3. Is one not involved in cryptos making some bad decisions.

Even in all these thoughts, I still understand that cryptos is the future, it has made some reach and others poor. It all depends on the side you fall in all these and that's entirely based on your investment judgements. One who makes a bad decision in cryptis could do the same in every other field of human endeavor.

I guess my issue now is, where to find my motivation or enthusiasm for cryptos because, most of it is gone. If you've got any story or clue on how you got back up after falling in this regard, please share. Your thoughts on how to stand would be helpful and you can be rest assured that I would be paying a keen attention to this thread. Its my hope that others in the same predicament can learn and be encouraged by the thread and the responses that would follow. Thank you.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: jackg on March 10, 2022, 01:13:23 PM
I don't think you can rush motivation and expect it just to randomly come back.

Find something interesting to look up to do with crypto and go from there though whenever you do get some motivation/want to find more.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on March 10, 2022, 02:08:57 PM
Buddy, I remember you, you rose well on the forum. Today I saw your topic, and I see you in despondency. But you must understand that our life cannot always consist only of white stripes, there are also black ones.
In these moments when everything happened, you just need to accept everything that happens. Don't ask: “why me?”  Just take it easy. Then think about what can await you ahead, and what can you do now? Don't think that you can't do it. I think there are many scarier stories where people mustered all their strength and moved on.
Just look around. The world is complicated, with wars, elements, and other troubles, but people are moving. You have a choice of where to go up or down.
And only you decide in which direction to move.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: bitmover on March 10, 2022, 04:25:05 PM
1. I just think to myself, what's the point when you can loose it all in one bad move.


I guess my issue now is, where to find my motivation or enthusiasm for cryptos because, most of it is gone. If you've got any story or clue on how you got back up after falling in this regard, please share. Your thoughts on how to stand would be helpful and you can be rest assured that I would be paying a keen attention to this thread. Its my hope that others in the same predicament can learn and be encouraged by the thread and the responses that would follow. Thank you.[/left]

I think you have had a bad experience because you wanted to get rich fast. You lacked patience, and now you suffered heavy losses.

Bitcoin is a long term investment, and holding is the best strategy for 99% of the people out there (some traders say they make money, but most of trader do lose money even in bull markets, or make less many than they should).

If you just buy bitcoin and hold it for years you can't "lose it all in one bad move". Let's be realistic here, it is not 2010s anymore and bitcoin is not going to zero.
Bitcoin may  drop 50-80%, but it is not going to zero and it will probably recover (at least a little) from terrible losses. It won't go to zero in the next 10years.

So, my advice is: Buy bitcoin and hold it in a HW. Don't get to excited about it, dont look the price 10 times a day. Just hold it, and after a few years it will be worth much more than now, or much less, but not zero. Don't put all your money in it, ofc.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: BernyJB on March 10, 2022, 04:55:22 PM
Mr.right85: I'm so very sorry for all you're going through. I can definitely relate on all counts.

First thing you need to understand: it's not that companies care more for profit than they care for their workers. They don't care for their workers at all. We're at a point in time that workers (even qualified ones) are just meat, that's it.

The best advise I can give you (which is what I'm doing now): start dreaming. It doesn't matter what you dream about. Dreaming about a better future will give you the drive you feel you're lacking now. And learn. Learn here, read books, get courses online, anything that rocks your boat. Tough times lay ahead, it's always hard to get back from a difficult time. But if you're consistent and smart, anything can be achieved. Just (like I always say) KEEP AT IT!

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: FirmWars on March 10, 2022, 04:57:19 PM
Losing it all in one bad move sounds like you put all your eggs in one basket, even if it's trading or buying coins you need to use the perfect amount that you are willing to throw away, sorry for your loss.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: ShowOff on March 10, 2022, 05:54:09 PM
I read your story and it's true what you need right now is motivation after all the hardships you've been through. Losing your job is the most painful thing, then you are completely down with poor health. But are you sure that everything can return to normal when you have the desire to rise?

What you need now is interest, if it is about crypto then try to focus on continuing to learn something that interests you. Your main focus is on learning but you might be able to find something of value if you really want to contribute to the forum. Don't give up, only that will be able to keep you strong to survive in any situation.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: martha1 on March 10, 2022, 05:59:41 PM
You shouldn't rely on motivation too much in life because the thing is motivation is temporary you can't expect to stay motivated for something all year long, maybe try adding h a routine that suits you and whenever you feel lost just remember where you started and why you're doing what you're doing.

Good luck

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: dbc23 on March 10, 2022, 06:18:31 PM
Self motivation is what keeps the determined going. It's all about having the passion for something. Once the passion is there you find the motivation to keep on the pace. I once had my own share of those times when I lost complete interest but found motivation in my own self to keep up the task. It's more of the knowledge and less of the campaign. The knowledge should be the key reason we all should be hear because crypto has found a big spot in our ecosystem and having the right knowledge of it will limit the abuse and scams

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Oceat on March 10, 2022, 10:18:54 PM
I think you need to figure that out of yourself since motivation isn't something you can get from people, it starts with you. Just like a bothered addict of gambling or any addiction they need to change their way of "get used to it" part. It's like a therapy and once you find some peace within yourself I think the motivation will start from there.

Try to do the usual thing you when you are the crypto market but don't rush but instead you should study the pace where you made your mistake and read more about trading and strategy.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Darker45 on March 11, 2022, 03:35:43 AM
I feel sorry for what you're going through right now. I hope and pray that whatever happens in the future, whether your enthusiasm for crypto returns or not, you'll really be happy.

Having said that, happiness in life is not found in crypto. I think I've seen truly happy people and they've got no inkling about crypto and Bitcoin and blockchain and whatnot. You've gone through a lot. I think you need to take a good rest or vacation. As a matter of fact, forget about crypto for now. You've got an illness and lost your job. Now that you're hopefully in good shape and has found a way to have income, give yourself a break. Travel once in a while perhaps, go on dates and picnics and movies, indulge in good food and a few bottles of beer, whatever.

My apologies if I'm reading it all wrong, but it seems to me you need to regain that enthusiasm for life first. I wish you all the best!

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: rat03gopoh on March 11, 2022, 04:13:41 AM
There's no motivation I can give you to keep you in the cryptocurrency space as long as no one can guarantee that crypto "promises" wealth.
For whatever reason, cryptocurrencies can't be your complete escape from financial problems. Many initially think that crypto can be a brilliant solution on the verge of collapse without thinking that most cryptocurrencies including bitcoin aren't yet fully functional as currencies. Financial problems are a reality that should be solved with real, not virtual solutions.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: DevFile90 on March 11, 2022, 08:08:07 AM
There's no motivation I can give you to keep you in the cryptocurrency space as long as no one can guarantee that crypto "promises" wealth.
For whatever reason, cryptocurrencies can't be your complete escape from financial problems. Many initially think that crypto can be a brilliant solution on the verge of collapse without thinking that most cryptocurrencies including bitcoin aren't yet fully functional as currencies. Financial problems are a reality that should be solved with real, not virtual solutions.
I get it but even real solutions will always come with a flaw, is there anything in the history of human race that's completely perfect? As far as we have good and bad nothing will remain perfect, OP I suggest you read success stories of members on here this will slowly heal you, it's why I buy the idea of members sharing their success story on this forum to strengthen others.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Pmalek on March 11, 2022, 09:05:05 AM
I think Sylvester Stallone said in one of his Rocky movies: "It's not about how hard you hit, but how hard you can get hit and still keep going". You have been knocked down, you have been bruised, but you are still here. You are alive and kicking. You have lost your job and your health. The way I see it is that it can only get better from this point on.

Concentrate on your health first and foremost. Eat healthy and get plenty of sleep. Go out into the nature and surround yourself with positive energy. Do some yoga, meditation, and light physical exercises if you can. If you have the desire, you can even try the Wim Hof method ( with breading exercises, cold showers, and positive thinking.     

Once your health improves, concentrate on your career. Maybe you can combine Bitcoin and crypto with work. Providing some services in exchange for bitcoin where you would be your own boss, depending on what real-life skills you possess.

Good luck and stay healthy!   

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Marykeller on March 11, 2022, 12:10:17 PM
Know this and know peace "You are easily placed at the place of your work". No matter how relevant you think you are. Stay strong and be focused cos health is wealth.

I once had such an experience, was sick for days, only to come back and find out that I have been replaced by someone else. That's the kind of world we live in. Don't hope only on your job cos you can be sacked one day. Work and have other side hustles.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: examplens on March 11, 2022, 12:20:48 PM
I fully understand your situation, I went through something very similar.
I guess you certainly have some specific hobby or interest, I suggest you try to find a way to combine your hobby and crypto if it's possible and to go from there. it is ideal if you are doing something that is your passion.
if you still have no idea how to put it together, you can always ask here for a possible idea.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Findingnemo on March 11, 2022, 02:39:20 PM
Very few people are born rich and most of the people in the richest people in the world made themselves to be in so if someone can do it then why can't you and ne do it, probably it may take decades or generations but definitely possible and you're already in the rough patch which will teach you many life lessons especially the value of money so all you need to do is find your way to break the financial barriers.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Kelvinid on March 11, 2022, 04:49:03 PM
Too sad to hear that OP but I think you don't need to give up "Be a man on yourself". Success may come next if we don't lose our hopes and our motivation. Giving up is just like we don't care about ourselves and we don't care about our future. But I think you still have the courage left and I just say, keep moving and never stop. It is sometimes we may fall down but you know what, this may help us to realize what we really wanted to happen in our life. And I just hope you found it already but as reality says that not all of us who come in crypto investment ends great. There is a place that suits us and that we need to find.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: PX-Z on March 11, 2022, 05:02:13 PM
Losing in just one move seems reckless betting your all into this one move, always don't put your eggs in just one basket.

For now focus on what you have left, learned from the mistakes you get and start over, just try and try since you have the knowledge already and stop having a mindset that you will become rich overnight, crpto isn't like that unless you saved hundreds of bitcoin bought years back and decided to open and recover those coins at one night,

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Mr.right85 on March 12, 2022, 08:19:32 AM
Like I said in OP, I would surely be paying attention to this thread as I hope it would give me the consolation I want and build my motivation/enthusiasm for a new and better start once more. I must say, its a privilege and it give me great comfort to have you guys around, readily and willing to always help. After going through all your posts and diverse ideas or view points, I must say, I'm not disappointed at all but encouraged and have gotten some enlightenment out of your many responses. I wish I had enough merit to give some comments that got to me and really refreshed my mind with new ideas and ways to look at or direction to tackle my current predicament in managementof my paste. Although, out of the little merit I had earned lately, I've given off and is now exhausted of smerit. All your comments are valid and I can say I picked at least a phrase, a concept or even a word put of every single comment and I'm most grateful on you guys taking out the time to read my epistle and giving your insights.

As a matter of fact, forget about crypto for now.

My apologies if I'm reading it all wrong, but it seems to me you need to regain that enthusiasm for life first. I wish you all the best!
Can one truly do this, forget about some means to an income that helped in the paste and could still do. Although it might have seemed to have played a role in my degrading finance but in the real sense, it was a situation born out of an aggressive approach towards an investment. Having that in mind, can one truly forget about crypto or take a break from it in an attempt to build one's self on the same crypto?

An yeah, your in the right on your perspective and I like that. Intrigued actually!

Financial problems are a reality that should be solved with real, not virtual solutions.
I don't really follow on this part of your comment. Are you saying in context of the word that, cryptos which takes a virtual form aren't solving or can't be a solution to life issues?

I ask this because even at the moment and when things were going quite well, I think cryptos which comes from a virtual reality had a way of getting its physical manifestation. We exchange cryptos for fiat and with that, solve our daily need issues. Some persons are either traders, managers on the forum and a few investors that buy and hodl and still, get a physical manifestation of the virtual field in fiat and solve real life issues.
Perhaps you meant it differently and I'll like some clarity.

Haven't said all that, I'm trying not to rush on the comments and as such, I want to read more and not spam my thread but, you could be rest assured, I'm sure to go through all your contributions.
Now I truly understand how much I missed you all and the forum.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Eureka_07 on March 12, 2022, 01:03:22 PM
I guess my issue now is, where to find my motivation or enthusiasm for cryptos because, most of it is gone.

Have you tried going on a vacation or short one just to pause and reset your mind from all of these challenges that you have faced? Personally I would have done it since it really helps clearing out my mind from all the mess I have encountering. Reset your mind and emotions, see what you can do again from starting over. You have your friends and family, you can spend time with them for sometime, just being with them surely helps.

After that reset, I am sure you have better will to face these difficulties in your life. Maybe after that you have your motivation back, not just in crypto but on other things you want to do.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Taskford on March 12, 2022, 01:55:05 PM
I guess my issue now is, where to find my motivation or enthusiasm for cryptos because, most of it is gone. If you've got any story or clue on how you got back up after falling in this regard, please share. Your thoughts on how to stand would be helpful and you can be rest assured that I would be paying a keen attention to this thread. Its my hope that others in the same predicament can learn and be encouraged by the thread and the responses that would follow. Thank you.[/left]

You are just upset on things which you didn't understand because its really hard to understand how people survive on their start up as well how we can earn faster on it and also you don't have any supporting people around you that's why you get demotivated. Maybe for now since youe are on demotivated stage best to research back again those informations you needed and go back on those things where you made a mistake since from there you can learn something useful to you. Also find a group of people which have same interest with you since this will be fun more fun if we find friends online which share the same likes and ideas.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Daniel91 on March 12, 2022, 02:17:05 PM
Mr.right85, I really understand how you feel because I've been through it all in my life.
In 20 years, there is no opportunity on the Internet to make money that I have not tried, and I have mostly lost money everywhere.
I even started a few businesses offline, started firms that also failed.
It is very difficult after all these failed attempts to keep faith in yourself and your abilities, be motivated and move on.
You need to have inner strength and confidence, and never give up.
Crypto offers a lot of opportunities for financial freedom, but it is necessary to analyze all the information well and make good long-term decisions, with a clear exit strategy.
I have divided my portfolio into crypto investments and business start-up investments because I believe that diversification into different asset classes is the most cost-effective strategy in the long run.
Still, patience and long-term planning are the most important here. Good luck with your investments!

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Blended@ on March 12, 2022, 07:39:09 PM
Wahoo is a nice experience, an your motivation is interesting,however a down fall of a man is not the end of his life,so it is better to start some where than been standant,one thing l know is that failure is mean that u can not make it is all about determination

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Hypnosis00 on March 12, 2022, 09:26:41 PM

1. I just think to myself, what's the point when you can loose it all in one bad move.
2. Cryptos might be the way but fiat and all things tangible would still be around and sticking with them could be winning too.
3. Is one not involved in cryptos making some bad decisions.

We sometimes get hopeless because of our bad experiences in life. We sometimes thought that was the end of our crypto journey. We feel the disappointment and very downfall to our losses but maybe we have to understand that life never goes that easy always. Suffering the most difficult times makes helps us to grow older and stronger but if just let our emotion drives it, we surely become negative and totally lost our courage.

I suggest for you think deeply and remind yourself why you are here and why you are working hard? Maybe in that way, you can realize that all of these things is only a test. You can surpass all of these things if you will never quit.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on March 12, 2022, 10:13:56 PM
Bad shits or experiences are a part of life and definitely, some one has got to experience them and in this case, it happened to have been you. I wouldn't claim to know exactly how you feel after going through all these bad shit but I can relate the feeling from similar experiences with unpleasant situations.

One thing you should come to understand is, what is done is done and there is no undoing of it. The best you could do to to remedy your past is make a more better future out of it. You ensure those experience aren't for nothing by assimilating the pain and use it in building for yourself, a better stronghold to prevent events like that from reoccurring in your life.

Clear your mind and try again. There is always a chance of success if you could just try.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Jerseyao on March 13, 2022, 02:13:45 AM
Motivation comes and goes and in my experience if you do like what you are doing in your life (intrinsic and / or extrinsic motivation), there will be no problem at all (on a long term vision perspective, not the daily hassles).

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: GeorgeJohn on March 13, 2022, 10:39:04 AM
Losing it all in one bad move sounds like you put all your eggs in one basket, even if it's trading or buying coins you need to use the perfect amount that you are willing to throw away, sorry for your loss.
Many people don't understand that investment and more especially trading is risk, if really a newbie want to venture into cryptocurrency investment, the person should be able to understand the criteria or the disadvantages of cryptocurrency investment first, one thing i notice in freshers investment, is that they like to go in into investment without understanding the concept or the implications, so they just want to make huge profit to satisfy their objective.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Daniel91 on March 13, 2022, 11:51:09 AM
Losing it all in one bad move sounds like you put all your eggs in one basket, even if it's trading or buying coins you need to use the perfect amount that you are willing to throw away, sorry for your loss.
Many people don't understand that investment and more especially trading is risk, if really a newbie want to venture into cryptocurrency investment, the person should be able to understand the criteria or the disadvantages of cryptocurrency investment first, one thing i notice in freshers investment, is that they like to go in into investment without understanding the concept or the implications, so they just want to make huge profit to satisfy their objective.

I can completely agree with this.
Unlike traditional investing, where it is very difficult for ordinary people to invest directly, in cryptocurrencies and trading can be invested by virtually anyone with internet access and at least some money to invest.
Most investors are very young and without any experience and often approach investing and trading very emotionally, instead of rationally planning their investment and have a clear investment strategy and exit strategy.
We all know that the crypto market is very changeable with frequent ups and downs and that is why it is important not to be overwhelmed by to emotions but to make rational decisions.
It's very important to analyze the market and understand the basic techniques of analysis, otherwise trading comes down to luck, and luck is not a good ally.
It's possible to make big money in the crypto market, but it should be understood as a job and you should be well prepared.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Dillonhebist on March 13, 2022, 12:52:22 PM
* Always be your own man and that's what Bitcoin offers

Always be yourself never allow people to weigh you down, there is always an ups-and-downs of life that doesn't mean your life is over what it means is to stand-up push forward and never give up. People may say all sorts of things to discourage you so that you won't see the better things ahead of you but don't be discouraged. The greatest advice is the advice you give yourself.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: pawanjain on March 13, 2022, 03:50:17 PM
@Mr.right85 I can understand what you must be going through but trust me, it's not over yet. You still have a long way to go and most of which will bring you joy in the long run.
The fact that you are here and find a motivation to stick around makes you one step ahead than the others.
All you need to do is keep going on. Keep learning, keep growing, keep making posts on this forum, keep exploring and last but not the least keep finding opportunities to earn.
Do not ever fall for scams and HYIP but find genuine sources where you can utilize your skills and knowledge and transform them to a service which can yield you an income.
At the same time you can find another day job and I am sure you can easily get one and keep hustling until all your dreams become true.
All the best.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Darker45 on March 14, 2022, 01:47:30 AM
As a matter of fact, forget about crypto for now.

My apologies if I'm reading it all wrong, but it seems to me you need to regain that enthusiasm for life first. I wish you all the best!
Can one truly do this, forget about some means to an income that helped in the paste and could still do. Although it might have seemed to have played a role in my degrading finance but in the real sense, it was a situation born out of an aggressive approach towards an investment. Having that in mind, can one truly forget about crypto or take a break from it in an attempt to build one's self on the same crypto?

An yeah, your in the right on your perspective and I like that. Intrigued actually!

If crypto is your source of income, why should you forget about it? But you made it appear in your OP that you've had bad experiences with crypto investment and trading. This, after falling to an illness and losing your job. That must have been too much to bear. So I thought you need some time to think about and focus on yourself before anything else. After all, as you've rightly said, "fiat and all things tangible would still be around and sticking with them could be winning too." After all, at the end of the day, in all practicality, it doesn't matter if your wealth is in fiat or crypto.

But if you want to build yourself in crypto then stick to crypto. But you need to recover from yourself first.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: maydna on March 14, 2022, 02:14:11 PM
I don't know if this will help you get up or not at all.

At times like this, maybe what you need is to reflect and look back on what you have achieved, for what success you have achieved. If it is for your parents, then use them as motivation to get back up. If it is for yourself, then make yourself the motivation.

Remember that a baby who learns to walk and falls in the middle of the road will definitely try to get up again and will never give up. They do not know why they should try to get up, but they only know that is part of learning to walk. I believe you also do not want to give up because you know that you still have a hidden power that you have not used.

What motivated you to believe in and jump into crypto before? What did you want to achieve through crypto before? What should you do in crypto? And a million "what" words that might be on your mind. And do you still want to continue what you haven't done? If the answer is yes, you have to prepare yourself by trying to get up.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Mr.right85 on March 15, 2022, 08:02:55 AM
That was poetic, all summarised in a few lines and you can be rest assured the answer is not surprisingly YES. Somehow, I know I've got people here to give me some closure in trying to understand my feelings.

But if you want to build yourself in crypto then stick to crypto. But you need to recover from yourself first.
I agree with you on all you've said and mostly on this. A sound mind is a fertile field and only fertile fields could produce the best yields. Recovering first is the best step of action and I must say, I have promptly put a stop to any form of investment in the crypto field that would require some experience like trading and buying altcoins. Hence, buying bitcoin to hold on a long term, let's say a few years is my approach at the moment towards cryptocurrency investment and that's what I would be doing in a few months when I'm the more stable. Mostly with any passive income.

I'm impressed so far with the progress I am making and you all are helping greatly. Feels like a therapy section and it feels good to be in a community that are experienced and ever zealous to help solve your problems.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Mpamaegbu on March 15, 2022, 11:28:41 AM
Come the illness, went my job and its really sad how a company you work for treat your absence despite your predicament.
Sorry to read about that. I guess you worked for a sole proprietorship/one-man kind of business arrangement. That's what you get in such. They don't hesitate to lay you off once you stop being productive for them, whether fit or sick.

Its not like I never knew this but, hadn't experienced it and its such a sad reality that is better heard than felt. Until you experience it, you never know how it truly feels to be your own person on every end.
This is why I advise people to always create more time for those around them than they will create for their jobs. One day, that job that always takes us away from our loved ones and makes us give excuses that we're busy and occupied will not be there to take care of us when we fall sick. Our loved ones will be there.

Anyway, I'llness and lost job did put out most of my finance and then came some bad investments in a bid to recover what have been lost. Tried some harsh trading skills and it downed on me in ways I never imagined.
Wrong move. The market doesn't like it when traders/investors attempt to take revenge. Instead, take your time to relax and stage a gradual come back. Don't plunge into the market for the sake of recovering your losses; you will lose more.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: cheezcarls on March 15, 2022, 02:17:37 PM
You reminded me of myself when I hit rock bottom during the early 2020.

I've made a lot of personal mistakes and bad financial decisions for most of my crypto career. I never learned how to manage my finances very well because I was too reliant on airdrops and bounty programs and not getting at least one stable job. Of course, between 2018-2019, I’ve travelled a lot locally and overseas, renting a condo unit in the capital which is far away from my family’s home city, attending and speaking at crypto conferences, hosting crypto educational events without much sponsors, etc., all coming from my own pocket money which these profits are mostly from airdrops and bounty programs.

The reason I am doing those stuff because I want to prove my doubters wrong about me, even from my inner circle. I wanna prove that I can be more than just being an unproven follower. It’s my indirect revenge against them for underestimating, doubting and making fun of me for years.

Because I’ve spent too much without having a decent stable work that can be done remotely and just relying on hope and luck, I paid a big price.

In early 2020 before I bought some ETH which is worth $180-$200 that time, I realized that my savings are draining. My crypto colleagues left me for finding better opportunities which isn’t my calling and my forte. I could have joined them, but I am financially drained and cannot afford to pay travel and accommodation expenses to go overseas to find great pleasures. Now they are enjoying themselves in Dubai, riding in sports cars, yachts, partying all day and night, attending crypto meetups and conferences, etc., and I am here left behind all alone back to zero.

Now that I have paid a big price, my motivation went down. Pandemic came and stuck at my parent’s house during the lockdown. I gained weight and almost at the obesity level. I wasn’t healthy-looking. I’m around 30+ but look like 45+ because of eating too much at home.

I was about to quit Bitcoin and the entire crypto industry, looking for a minimum wage job like being a call center agent. I could have almost been accepted that low wage call center job, but my heart is telling me that this isn’t what I am destined to be.

So I put a lil’ faith in myself trying to “regroup” and start all over again. Back then when I started crypto in early 2017, I was broke and had a lot of debt and a beginner in crypto, but I did overcome and made it because of that faith. This time, I already had knowledge about crypto and blockchain. So i started looking for a crypto-related job. Thank God, there’s one company who had me on board because of my resume and experience.

However, I’ve only earned between $200 to $300 a month, which was decent enough for a single person in a 3rd world country. Until now, I have never left this job who have saved me from getting broke. But that was a great start to get me back up again slowly. Then, I have revived my crypto Youtube channel in which I have used it for airdrops and bounty hunting. I slowly getting back to airdrop and bounty hunting despite the uncertainties, but I’ll take it. At least I have someone who can pay me steadily despite that it’s low.

I started doing free interviews, live AMAs, etc., without professional studio equipment. I was only relying on my old 2nd hand Macbook air, earphones and a cheap ring light. From that time and in the next few months, I was struggling to save money because of the ongoing essential expenses I have. But I told myself that one day, these sacrifices I have will bear fruit as long I keep going and having faith.

As I kept growing my channel, the turning point came during the late 2020 as I have finally started getting offers for sponsorships, paid interviews and live AMAs, etc. Some of the bounties I have joined have paid me enough money and had a little breakthrough. I got recommendations from my referrals for my services. Because of that, it gave me the opportunity to buy the necessary equipment I need for my home studio. This is where I am motivated once again that being a crypto Youtuber and content creator is my true calling.

I never stopped until now. Because of that, I have saved a good amount of money and I keep it growing. I learned how not to be greedy of my decisions, as I usually take profit if I am happy with that. I learn how to control, manage and diversify my finances. I have invested some of my income in those projects who are under seed, strategic, private or presale, and also some NFTs in which I did sell for profit. And also, I have never bragged about my income to my social media accounts, because I wanted to be humble and staying low key.

And regarding my health, I am okay and feeling much better now. I've lost a good amount of weight. From 84.7 kg down to 69.3 kg because of my keto low carb diet in only 4 months. Lab results are great!

I am never claiming myself to be successful already. I ain’t there yet. I still have long ways to go.

This is just a tip of the iceberg. My colleagues could have underestimated me, but one day I’ll be making a big difference. Hopefully this journey of mine inspired and motivates the OP and the rest of the community here.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: taufik123 on March 15, 2022, 05:03:15 PM
If you have lost your enthusiasm or passion for crypto, you should start thinking about whether your real goal is in crypto. If you understand your true purpose then you will be able to get up even in a slumped state. The problems in the crypto world are indeed very complex and will make anyone give up so they cannot survive and get up again.

I started it all in 2016 when crypto was still not widely known and the bitcoin price was still around $600 and it was a time when making free money through bounty campaigns and giveaways was very easy. it was the time when i started to get what i wanted easily, did all the work on the forums and started trading using the capital from the bounty campaign payouts i collected.

Until the time came in 2017 ATH Bitcoin began to be reached again and touched a more fantastic price and I also took part by doing some investing in Bitcoin and altcoins which in the end provides a lot of benefits.

But when in 2018 the market started crashing, slowly everything changed. Bounty campaigns start with lots of scammers and make little money. But I didn't give up and kept doing what I could until now.

Honestly, I'm also in a bad state right now and there are some investments that aren't going well. The most important thing is to do your job in accordance with your main goal, so that you are able to do it even under any circumstances.

Take advantage of every opportunity that exists, because nowadays it is not easy to earn, you have to upgrade your skills, start learning technical analysis and fundamentals because it will be very much needed.

and lastly, best wishes and keep the spirit, the storm will pass soon.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Rengga Jati on March 15, 2022, 11:59:44 PM
Losing it all in one bad move sounds like you put all your eggs in one basket, even if it's trading or buying coins you need to use the perfect amount that you are willing to throw away, sorry for your loss.
Many people don't understand that investment and more especially trading is risk, if really a newbie want to venture into cryptocurrency investment, the person should be able to understand the criteria or the disadvantages of cryptocurrency investment first, one thing i notice in freshers investment, is that they like to go in into investment without understanding the concept or the implications, so they just want to make huge profit to satisfy their objective.
Unfortunately, most of them will not care about this at the beginning because they only focus on the profits that they may be able to gain very highly and optimally. On the other hand, they know nothing about the investment that they are invlved in. Sometimes, they are only interested in other people's success without being willing to see what journey they are actually passing and doing si far to reach success.
That is about getting profit instantly, by following the hype and also FOMO, they expect too high to gain the high profits. Most newbies are like this what I have seen so far from people around me.
And guess what they said when I told them about this and about important knowledge and considerations when going to invest or trade in certain cryptos, they said that "you only don't want me to be as successful as them"  .. shit

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Falconer on March 16, 2022, 12:37:18 AM
Unfortunately, most of them will not care about this at the beginning because they only focus on the profits that they may be able to gain very highly and optimally. On the other hand, they know nothing about the investment that they are invlved in. Sometimes, they are only interested in other people's success without being willing to see what journey they are actually passing and doing si far to reach success.
Normal, it was a normal thing for human nature and they would learn on their own based on their experience later. Sometimes mistakes and failures can teach us to do better, but falling into the same pit more than once is a very bad thing.

About the OP, I think you've gotten quite a bit of advice and motivation from other users so far. You just have to think about what is best for you and how you can survive in this forum. Motivate yourself about what you want to achieve because usually success will be achieved when you have a goal. The forum and users will help you figure out whatever you want based on their knowledge and experience, so you can ask questions and interact with any user when you want.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Lordhermes on March 17, 2022, 01:16:11 AM
Motivation is what takes one to where man wants to is that driving force that leads to success. Motivation is what every man needs in life,because when motivation and determination works together,success is the outcome  and nothing holds it.If a man is motivated and is ready to get to a particular height in life,the determination in him will propel him,and catapult him to the level he wants.
Therefore,the both works together.
When there is motivation,and there is no determination,the  person cannot still get to the height that he wants.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: lienfaye on March 17, 2022, 02:43:15 AM
Probably most of us already experience hardships and failure, it could be in our job, relationship and life choices. There's no smooth path to achieve what you wanted and often, problems are present but that makes us stronger if you were able to handle it positively and not treating it as burden.

Few years back when I was just a newbie in crypto, I made so many mistakes resulting to losses. I also consider to stop what im doing because it seems its not meant for me (having more losses than gaining). But you cant achieve anything if you'll do nothing so its better to try and think why you're striving. In my case I have a family to feed, a kids who are counting on me. I think its an enough reason to continue seek for resources to become financially stable and never give up.

Motivation doesnt mean it has to be close to you. Think of what you want to do, whats your plan, and whats your goal. If you have something that wants to achieve that would be a good reason to strive and start over again.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Rengga Jati on March 17, 2022, 11:27:57 PM
Unfortunately, most of them will not care about this at the beginning because they only focus on the profits that they may be able to gain very highly and optimally. On the other hand, they know nothing about the investment that they are invlved in. ....
Normal, it was a normal thing for human nature and they would learn on their own based on their experience later. Sometimes mistakes and failures can teach us to do better, but falling into the same pit more than once is a very bad thing.
Indeed, Someone who can take experiences from the past and also make them an evaluation for the future is those who have studied and tried well. And this can certainly be a very good teacher, especially from personal experience.
But if in the end, they can't learn from experience and instead use that experience as the basis for their thinking, then never mind, this goes back to their personal character. And it will be difficult for us to give advice or open minds to such people.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Cryptmuster on October 13, 2022, 09:18:22 AM

I guess my issue now is, where to find my motivation or enthusiasm for cryptos because, most of it is gone. If you've got any story or clue on how you got back up after falling in this regard, please share. Your thoughts on how to stand would be helpful and you can be rest assured that I would be paying a keen attention to this thread. Its my hope that others in the same predicament can learn and be encouraged by the thread and the responses that would follow. Thank you.[/left]

Sometimes in our life there are moments when we lose money, but you should not get upset about this, because money is the most renewable resource. Undoubtedly, health is the most valuable thing for every person, so take care of your health first. If you are healthy, you will have the strength to start over, find a good job where you will be appreciated more than it was at your previous job, and in the future, set a goal for you to become financially independent and move towards this goal, then you will not need to worry about whether you will be fired from your job or not.

Set clear goals for yourself and achieve them step by step, imagine the moment when you become a financially independent person, for me it has always been a good motivation to keep moving forward. Your results show that you are purposeful, so consider this period of rest, gain strength and continue on your way.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: traderethereum on October 13, 2022, 10:07:28 AM
I guess my issue now is, where to find my motivation or enthusiasm for cryptos because, most of it is gone. If you've got any story or clue on how you got back up after falling in this regard, please share. Your thoughts on how to stand would be helpful and you can be rest assured that I would be paying a keen attention to this thread. Its my hope that others in the same predicament can learn and be encouraged by the thread and the responses that would follow. Thank you.[/left]
Maybe after we fall into trying to get something, we need a break to let go of the pain for a while.
At least we can remember what we've done and learn from previous mistakes so that we don't do the same thing and can develop better.
The desire to rise may not be there but only something we want to get that can strengthen us to rise.
Here, we can only see if we should stop or continue what we have started and if it is not easy, keep believing in yourself that you can.
Try to get up slowly while seeing what you can do and keep in mind what you want to achieve in the future.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Z390 on October 13, 2022, 02:36:43 PM
Motivation takes time and that's all I know, its not something you can rush and you also have to be on your positive side always, and avoid the negative part of your life, when you start doing this day by day your motivation spirit will awake and from there on its left for you to keep it that way, stay away from any negativity and you will keep sailing like a pirate boss on a treasure hunt.

Title: Re: What happened to my motivation
Post by: Majestic-milf on October 17, 2022, 07:10:21 AM
It's not cool to know you've been replaced at your place of work when you sure gave a reasonable excuse as to your absence but this goes to show how less your company thinks of you. It's also not easy to get motivation when you lose it but I think determination is and has always been a propeller.

 You were commended for the effort in which you put to grow your account and honestly it's something to emulate. That alone should be the motivating factor to get back up and forget what life has thrown your way.