Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Kakmakr on March 14, 2022, 05:42:28 AM

Title: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: Kakmakr on March 14, 2022, 05:42:28 AM
I watched some guy that was gambling on a "Live" stream on TiKtok this weekend and I saw that the symbol for his currency (Baht ฿) was very similar to the Bitcoin symbol BTC close that it might be a bit confusing, depending on what Font you were using.

Can someone from Thailand give us some first hand experience with how they are dealing with the similarity of these symbols in their country? It must be very difficult to differentiate between the two symbols, especially if the font is smaller?

I think some small change to the Bitcoin symbol can make it more recognizable? What if we give the the two boobs a nipple on the B for instance. (obviously joking)

Let's discuss...  ;)  

Ps... Type this in Google ==> "bath currency symbol" then click on images and see how many times they use the Bitcoin symbol as the symbol for the Baht currency.  ::)

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: Poker Player on March 14, 2022, 05:58:06 AM
Interesting. I didn't know about that. I just googled it and they indeed look very similar. I think the only difference is that it has one vertical bar instead of two and that it goes through the B, as opposed to Bitcoin, where only the top and bottom parts of the two bars are visible.

Can someone from Thailand give us some first hand experience with how they are dealing with the similarity of these symbols in their country? It must be very difficult to differentiate between the two symbols, especially if the font is smaller?

Looking forward to it as well.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: leea-1334 on March 14, 2022, 06:53:54 AM
I am not from Thailand but where I used to work we have a lot of moneychangers near my area and a few specifically Thai places for workers to send their money home (like a special instant baht remittance),,, and although I have always seen the symbol, I never got confused. Until now you are the only one who has ever brought it up that I can recall.

One line and double line makes a big difference to me I guess,,, plus also Bitcoin double lines do not run through. I do not feel it is confusing  :D BTC

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: Charles-Tim on March 14, 2022, 06:58:34 AM
Can someone from Thailand give us some first hand experience with how they are dealing with the similarity of these symbols in their country? It must be very difficult to differentiate between the two symbols, especially if the font is smaller?
If you are able to differentiate altcoins like bitcoin cash, bitcoin sv and the other forked coins that have similar logo with bitcoin, you should not also find it difficult to differentiate between bitcoin and baht ฿ which are not the same at all, they may have B in the logo but they still both look differently and not the same. It will be easy for the citizens of Thailand to know the differences as they are not the same, it will not appear the same to people that know much about their local currency's logo. Ifni see that logo, my mind will never even go to the part of thinking it is bitcoin.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: pooya87 on March 14, 2022, 06:59:09 AM
This "issue" is as old as time itself :)
Example article from 2014

It hasn't caused any confusion apart from early days when the symbol was proposed and I believe it is different enough that ensures distinction, not to mention the color that is usually used in the signs (orange) is an obvious giveaway.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: aoluain on March 14, 2022, 07:34:12 AM

This discussion came as Bitcoin has gained popularity around the world
but there’s no official symbol that represents this cryptocurrency yet

What? I think most of us take it that the creator of Bitcoin came up with the Symbol/logo
for their own creation, meaning it is the official one.
There are a few discussions about that here too somewhere....

As regards Bitcoiners we wouldnt confuse the two symbols, we can differentiate
between the two but I can see how possibly some people would mix the two up or think
one represents the first glance.

Here is a thread comparing company logos/symbols to the Bitcoin one but in the end
the Bitcoin logo is unique, Satoshi made sure it wouldnt end up being the same >

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: noorman0 on March 14, 2022, 07:51:17 AM
Can someone from Thailand give us some first hand experience with how they are dealing with the similarity of these symbols in their country?

So far there isn't any key on the keyboard that can write BTC symbols instantly (except in this forum), and about this symbol ₿ (Unicode: U+20BF) is neither official nor widely used. So that anyone including Thai people will prefer BTC over the BTC to represent Bitcoin symbol in writing on social media, documents, or anything that contains text. In short, other than images (which are customizable) you probably won't see the bitcoin symbol in text.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: Mbitr on March 14, 2022, 07:57:39 AM
There’s a good thread from way back , that discusses a similar query , from Feb 5th 2010 , started by
 It’s a good read, but doesn’t give a definitive answer. Hope it helps  :)

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: Beparanf on March 14, 2022, 07:59:57 AM
Visually yes but considering the value of both tokens, they have a huge difference in terms of value and used. Thailand baht used is limited only for thailand residents while Bitcoin is being used globally as general money. And also Bitcoin is cryptocurrency while Baht is fiat so they are 2 different type of currency which visual similarities in symbol is not that crucial since no one will gonna mistake paying Bitcoin instead of Baht because they have different types of wallet address for receiving. There’s a big difference too in value so this mistakes is definitely impossible to happened at all.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: Maus0728 on March 14, 2022, 08:30:58 AM
So far there isn't any key on the keyboard that can write BTC symbols instantly (except in this forum), and about this symbol ₿ (Unicode: U+20BF) is neither official nor widely used.
There is! The Google keyboard adapts the bitcoin currency symbol to be used for iOS users only [1]  :'(. I've tried finding it in the settings, but to no avail. I couldn't find any. Perhaps this is the best time to leave a 3 star comment in the playstore and start demanding to use BTC as a default.


Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: smartaction on March 14, 2022, 09:28:03 AM
Can someone from Thailand give us some first hand experience with how they are dealing with the similarity of these symbols in their country? It must be very difficult to differentiate between the two symbols, especially if the font is smaller?
The ฿ currency is a Local fiat money and BTC is short system icon of bitcoin which is a digital & virtual currency. The two things are completely different. Many companies create different logos that are relatively similar to each other but they are different companies so you can't call it one because the two symbols are completely different only their composition is a bit similar.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: crwth on March 14, 2022, 09:38:36 AM
The only people who would probably be confused with this are those who have no idea what Bitcoin is. They might discover or see it as "0.005 BTC" and think, how would they divide the amount of baht ฿ that they have or something. It would automatically trigger them or understand that it's not Baht but BTC. People from Thailand or people who use Baht would be the most confused out of us, but it's not that confusing,

How about Bytecoin and BTC? Or any other type of crypto that has B on it? Lol

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: Baofeng on March 14, 2022, 09:47:54 AM
Kinda remind me of this old thread:

[1]Bitcoin Currency Symbol ฿ (
[2]The Thai Baht (฿) has always been the most frequently used Bitcoin symbol right?  (

I'm not sure though if we need some changes to the BTC symbol. For me it's perfectly fine unless the Thai government petition it to be change since it's similar to their monetary symbol  ;D.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: PrivacyG on March 14, 2022, 10:15:22 AM
The price, the distinctive symbol, the colors, the popularity.  They are all giveaway signs for this confusion to be prevented.  I strongly doubt most of the world even knows about the existence of Baht.  Most of the world does know however about the existence of Bitcoin.  And considering I never even heard about Baht before this thread, in what context would you confuse Baht for Bitcoin or the opposite anyway?


Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: kryptqnick on March 14, 2022, 01:53:32 PM
I think that for people who know the symbol of their national currency, they wouldn't confuse it with anything else just because they've seen it a lot, and they know exactly how the lines go through it. I'm judging based on a fairly weird symbol of my own local fiat (₴), and yet I know that I wouldn't confuse it with anything similar to it. But even from the forum, it seems that they are similar enough to talk about it, yes, but not something I would confuse because it's one line striking through B versus two non-striking lines through B. So overall, I don't think it's a big issue.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: Natalim on March 14, 2022, 01:58:00 PM
It looks very similar but crypto users know what's the difference between fiat and crypto or bitcoin in particular in this case.

I'm not from Thailand so this is not my concern, but even if I live in that country and I'm active in gambling, I would still not be confused because I usually gamble on a crypto casinos and that crypto assets are only displayed and no fiat currency.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: hyudien on March 14, 2022, 03:20:21 PM

Merely measuring the philosophical value of the two, it is not only the visual terms that distinguish but the history also becomes a very strong difference between the Bath symbol and Bitcoin. I only realized this when I googled it. And why did I know about the Thai currency symbol for the first time? maybe because I don't really care about other countries currencies. However, as many have said, it will not be the same, it will not have the same meaning, because just one vertical line creates different symbols and philosophies. Bitcoin and its symbols are unique in that they are difficult to compare with other symbols.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: nullama on March 15, 2022, 12:07:05 AM
People use context to not confuse similar things.

For example, USD, AUD, NZD, CAD, and others, all use exactly the same $ symbol, but people are not confused.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on March 15, 2022, 01:42:13 AM
This was already discussed more than a decade ago and it was settled. Whether others agreed with the decision to use BTC as a symbol or not, it wasn't a problem. Others preferred not to use the BTC symbol and instead use BTC. It's up to them. To each his own. But the bigger community has already adopted the BTC symbol. Changing it now is pointless. The symbol has been in use for many years and it hasn't caused significant confusion.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: The Cryptovator on March 15, 2022, 04:07:20 AM
Not confusing to me, it's totally different. Likely satoshi was born in Thailand and choose similar symbols lol (just fun). However, none of the symbols need to be changed. It's not a big issue, those are Bitcoin users in Thailand they are already familiar with that. You weren't aware of that and become confused. So the discussion about changing Bitcoin symbols is just a waste of time.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: traderethereum on March 15, 2022, 04:55:07 AM
I don't confuse because my focus is BTC for Bitcoin ;D
I don't think it will be a problem because it is a symbol for a country's currency, while Bitcoin has its own symbol, which of course, is different.
People in Thailand themselves will also not be confused because they are already used to the symbols of their country's currency and when bitcoin is in their midst, they will not be confused either.
Maybe new people from Thailand will ask about this but they will not feel much about it.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: Kakmakr on March 15, 2022, 05:59:16 AM
I have read all your comments and I agree with some, but I still want to see what the people in Thailand has to say about this? Remember that they are the people using both currencies the most, apart from money exchanges in other countries.  ::) 

I also see a lot of people saying that this has been discussed before, but most of those discussions was years back ...and a lot has happened since. (One thing that changed.. was the increased adoption of Bitcoin... which might increase the confusion, because more people are using it)

I think one of the best responses was from #crwth  ...because not a lot of people will confuse 0.0005 BTC with Baht and most items or services will cost less than 1 bitcoin on the street.  ::)

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: TheNineClub on March 15, 2022, 07:43:04 AM
Sure, it could be an issue. But it could be an issue in a sense where you can buy FIAT and Crypto in the same place. As for places like Binance, I doubt people get confused because I would like to think that they know why they are there in the first place. As someone mentioned earlier, there are so many altcoins available that if someone was to go buy, they would have to decipher much more than Baht and Bitcoin.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: crwth on March 15, 2022, 04:42:45 PM
I think one of the best responses was from #crwth  ...because not a lot of people will confuse 0.0005 BTC with Baht and most items or services will cost less than 1 bitcoin on the street.  ::)
I think people easily adapted to this just because of the value itself. Knowing that it would be way less in value if you were to look at the significant figures. Hence, it doesn't take a genius to know that it's a different currency for sure.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: acroman08 on March 15, 2022, 05:01:29 PM
I think some small change to the Bitcoin symbol can make it more recognizable?
to be honest I think the current symbol is perfect and the difference between the two is pretty distinguishable. though I understand that there are people who might be confused by it at first but will easily get used to it, especially since the baht and bitcoin are extremely different.

Title: Re: So will the Tailand Baht symbol ฿ not be confused with the Bitcoin symbol ?
Post by: hyudien on March 15, 2022, 06:55:47 PM
I think some small change to the Bitcoin symbol can make it more recognizable?
to be honest I think the current symbol is perfect and the difference between the two is pretty distinguishable. though I understand that there are people who might be confused by it at first but will easily get used to it, especially since the baht and bitcoin are extremely different.
As I said before, just for a few seconds may be ordinary people will be confused, but the next second if we offer 2 pictures between Bath and Bitcoin, it is certain that ordinary people will be able to tell the difference. In terms of images, it is different from the philosophical, aesthetic, and unique values that exist in the two logos. Don't worry, it's a simple matter, most important function, value, and usability can make a significant difference.