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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: KingScorpio on March 16, 2022, 08:04:51 PM

Title: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: KingScorpio on March 16, 2022, 08:04:51 PM
IF the US uses the UN to condemn Russia one sided of Genocide while ignoring the Genocide in Donbass that Caused the war.

it could lead to Putin condemning the UN altogether as a US run Organisation not a humanist one and china and arabic states joining up,

leading to the formation of a second alternative (communistß) UN. the Cold War Situation could be even more rebuild.

do you think this is likely?

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: cmg777 on March 17, 2022, 02:28:47 AM
IF the US uses the UN to condemn Russia one sided of Genocide while ignoring the Genocide in Donbass that Caused the war.

it could lead to Putin condemning the UN altogether as a US run Organisation not a humanist one and china and arabic states joining up,

leading to the formation of a second alternative (communistß) UN. the Cold War Situation could be even more rebuild.

do you think this is likely?

I would say it is indeed likely that the cold war will kick off again but in this case it might be the western powers that become losers or so they want to be. The UN are just the cleaning crew after the west has devastated a country they come in and finish the people off on a lower scale like they did in Rwanda, Haiti and the list goes on. The western elites want a controlled demolition of their civilization so they can loot it for limited blame/liability to them. That is the people who have been wronged by them will never get real justice that is having them put in jail or executed for their continued crimes against humanity (GMO, poison pharma, pointless wars, corruptuon, etc.). I still think the biggest winners of WW3 will be China and India. China less so if they take Taiwan with the US resisting but with Biden in charge he'll just hand it to them and quote some woke propaganda.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: paxmao on March 17, 2022, 09:11:09 AM
IF the US uses the UN to condemn Russia one sided of Genocide while ignoring the Genocide in Donbass that Caused the war.


FAKE. The reason for the war is not a "genocide" of any short, that is just the usual propaganda you are pouring in all your post. There was an armed conflict sponsored by Russia in the Donbas unrelated to language, race, religion or culture.

The only reason for the war is that Putin wants to have control over what happens in Ukraine to feed his court of oligarchs and cronies by using the same "mafia style" of business model they have successfully implemented in Russia. An this is not just saying, we are talking about many journalists killed, people poisoned with Polonium even abroad, opposition leaders and even anti-war protesters are incarcerated while Putin hides in his bunker and speaks even to his closes circle across a 5 meter table.

What could potentially happen is not a second UN, but a simple expulsion of Putin's Russia from it as it he has show little intention of becoming a peaceful and prosperous estate, but rather chosen war, invasion, aggression and bullying towards his neighbours. What good is to have Putin in the UN if he despises it?

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: lumbanrang on March 17, 2022, 10:02:36 AM
Let's bet that the UN will not impose heavy sanctions on Russia regarding their attack on Ukraine. They only dared to give criticism and light sanctions to Russia. And because of this, Russia dared to launch its attacks, because nothing could stop them.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: Zlantann on March 18, 2022, 04:12:37 PM
Who cares if Russia spearheads the formation of a Second UN. The current UN is a puppet of the West and Russia would be the puppet master the second UN. The UN has not lived to its sole responsible of uniting the world and promoting dialogue. It has been an instrument of division and discrimination.

Has the former America George Bush been tried for lying about a weapon of mass destruction in Iraq that killed over one million people? No. What is the proof that the invasion of Afghanistan doesn't amount to a war crime. But because these guilty nations are the protégée of UN, their crimes against humanity is swept under the carpet.

The truth is the UN would continue to be influenced by its major financiers and establishment of a factional UN would institutionalise the cold war.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: Tash on March 18, 2022, 05:13:13 PM
Award Winning Journalist Lara Logan Talks With Ed Henry And Karyn Turk
(Fast forward 9 min for the juicy bits) MISINFORMATION everywhere!!!

Meanwhile a real genocide happening while everyone is distracted by Ukraine, and no-one cares.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: KingScorpio on March 18, 2022, 06:52:35 PM
IF the US uses the UN to condemn Russia one sided of Genocide while ignoring the Genocide in Donbass that Caused the war.


FAKE. The reason for the war is not a "genocide" of any short, that is just the usual propaganda you are pouring in all your post. There was an armed conflict sponsored by Russia in the Donbas unrelated to language, race, religion or culture.


why the west is arming seperatists "freedom movements" all over the world and putting them into war against their government since decades.

lybia, syria, iraq, afghanistan, uighurs, Chechens, south sahara republic, sudan the list is long what putin according to you did in donbass (of which there is no proof) is nothing new, it is even not possible to prevent russian oligarchs doing this, on their own for power and wealth, since the west is a mixture of satanism and christianity, the russian oligarchs could also do corrupt stuff like that, in order to obtain rule over the people of donbass.

the west is arming seperatists before attacking the local government.

what russia did there was nothing different. than what the west did since decades. and russia wont be expulsed one sidedly there are many victims of the wests wars against regimes all over the world like this where the west armed seperatists, to take over something they didn't considered "democratic"

of the west we increasingly are talking of a more and more divided mainstream media cartel.

what is next, will the satanic childless politicians and elite, come for the children of those that have some to train them as soldiers to protect them from another satanic childless elite.

ofc. in a war in which both ultraleft satanic childless elites accuse each other over being the nazi, hitler, and stalin.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: paxmao on March 18, 2022, 10:37:13 PM

ofc. in a war in which both ultraleft satanic childless elites accuse each other over being the nazi, hitler, and stalin.

You are forgetting that they are also masons, drink the blood of newborns, are behind the COVID and also behind the assassination of Kennedy, the killing of Johannes of Arc, Gandhi's shooting and ... well just DYR and bring in something creative next time.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: cmg777 on March 19, 2022, 06:36:56 PM

Meanwhile a real genocide happening while everyone is distracted by Ukraine, and no-one cares.

Do they have an alternative video channel besides on YouTube? They already censored this.... goes to show you how the internet is going.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: Tash on March 19, 2022, 07:34:38 PM

Meanwhile a real genocide happening while everyone is distracted by Ukraine, and no-one cares.

Do they have an alternative video channel besides on YouTube? They already censored this.... goes to show you how the internet is going.
Unfortunately I don't know. Yes this days you really have to download everything before its gone.

Its just a mess

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: af_newbie on March 19, 2022, 08:00:06 PM
Talk about genocide.

Russians are killing people who escaped to Russia from Mariupol.

These people will not be heard from ever again.  Part of Putin's cleansing plan.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: tvbcof on April 02, 2022, 12:43:05 PM

ADL Gives Ukrainian 'Neo-Nazis' A Pass (Because they're actually Jewish Terrorists) (

You goyim starting to get it yet?

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: KingScorpio on April 02, 2022, 04:38:35 PM
Let's bet that the UN will not impose heavy sanctions on Russia regarding their attack on Ukraine. They only dared to give criticism and light sanctions to Russia. And because of this, Russia dared to launch its attacks, because nothing could stop them.

the joke of this entire war is that

russia (putin) and ukraine (zelinski)

have both legtitimate reasons to diffame the other one as a fascist nazi

i tend to be pro putin because i hate the racist woke that support zelinski, but, we have to admit that diffaming each other isn't going to help us.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: KingScorpio on April 02, 2022, 04:39:43 PM

ADL Gives Ukrainian 'Neo-Nazis' A Pass (Because they're actually Jewish Terrorists) (

You goyim starting to get it yet?

ADL should rename itself then into Pro Zionist Defamation League as they Defame others in the Name of Zionism as racists, white supremacists, islamists, antisemite etc.

or it has to learn to act and define universal

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: Franctoshi on April 02, 2022, 04:57:29 PM
IF the US uses the UN to condemn Russia one sided of Genocide while ignoring the Genocide in Donbass that Caused the war.

it could lead to Putin condemning the UN altogether as a US run Organisation not a humanist one and china and arabic states joining up,

leading to the formation of a second alternative (communistß) UN. the Cold War Situation could be even more rebuild.

do you think this is likely?

I think that the United Nation (UN) needs to step up their game and do the major reason and the job why the institution was established, by not only condemning the action taken by Russia, also by taking action and extending it job to other countries where Genocide has taken place without no action taken by so called UN. They should not politicize with the the lives of people.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: KingScorpio on April 02, 2022, 05:00:56 PM
I think that the United Nation (UN) needs to step up their game and do the major reason and the job why the institution was established, by not only condemning the action taken by Russia, also by taking action and extending it job to other countries where Genocide has taken place without no action taken by so called UN. They should not politicize with the the lives of people.

the UN doesn't work what the USA currently is trying to enforce the Insane Woke Will of the UN with racist Woke left wing Mobs and Migrant Mobs.

therefore it is insane to trust a US led UN, especially a left wing US led Ukraine.

Title: Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN
Post by: BADecker on April 06, 2022, 04:19:43 PM
Joke: T-mobile is trying to unite the world under their phone system. You can see it from the fact that they call themselves the "UN-CARRIER."
