Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: PawGo on March 18, 2022, 09:46:05 AM

Title: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: PawGo on March 18, 2022, 09:46:05 AM

Using Opera I have started (yesterday?) having strange error/behavior - some parts of webpage has been "missing". I was able to find the cause going to private mode (without plugins). It appeared that plugin "uBlock Origin" is protecting so much that hides content which should not be hidden.
The result:
normal (with plugin): (
without plugin: (

Anyone had a similar issue before?

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: NeuroticFish on March 18, 2022, 10:02:19 AM
While I do have uBlock origin installed on my Firefox, I keep it disabled on bitcointalk - I don't see a good reason to keep it enabled here and maybe this could be the fix for you too in this case.
Also I've enabled it for a test and on Firefox (I don't have Opera) I cannot reproduce your problem.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: PawGo on March 18, 2022, 10:07:09 AM
Also I've enabled it for a test and on Firefox (I don't have Opera) I cannot reproduce your problem.

Now I do not have the issue too, but I see the latest post has changed. I think I will disable that plugin, now I have found another page where it blocks the desired content -- I checked the source of the page and I completely see not reason for that.

But it was weird to see the blank gap in the middle of forum main page.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: DdmrDdmr on March 18, 2022, 10:29:17 AM
It happens on Firefox too (using the same Plugin). I can’t recall when it started, and it’s not something that appears too frequently, at least not frequently enough to become annoying. On average, and out of the top of my mind, I’d say that I’ve seen it happen once or twice this week.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: PX-Z on March 18, 2022, 10:32:25 AM
But it was weird to see the blank gap in the middle of forum main page.
It's common on ublock origin, it is much strict than other ad blocker that is why its the most recommended. Plus there are lots crypto related malware, making it enabled on a site like bitcointalk will cause much like that.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: khaled0111 on March 18, 2022, 10:51:10 AM
I believe it's either because of the username (promo123) or the topic title (Peer-to-Peer Advertising, and Social Network Powered by Bitcoin + Stacks).
I've never used uBlock Origin before but it looks like it uses some kind of filter to block/hide elements that contain certain words!

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: TryNinja on March 18, 2022, 11:15:36 AM
uBlock Origin has a few rules related to the forum, which often messes up something, on their basic list:


Either whitelist the forum or go to uBlock -> Settings -> uBlock Filters (click the eye icon) -> remove the text above.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: Lucius on March 18, 2022, 11:23:17 AM
@PawGo, this problem has existed for more than a year (, and in addition to the problems you describe, in some cases, the signatures have also been blocked. As others have already noticed, I can also confirm that I notice the same thing 2-3 times a month - but it lasts for a very short time (maybe 1-3 minutes) after which everything returns to normal.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on March 18, 2022, 11:30:12 AM
Try resetting all settings to default. My opera with the extension works without errors. Also, check the “my rules” section. You probably accidentally added unnecessary locks. ( (

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: logfiles on March 18, 2022, 11:32:53 AM
It all started with this guy

Ublock team messed and ended up blocking even signatures ( Well, they certainly don't know that one can disable viewing signatures.

Another issue that came up was the problem you are exactly describing now. Notice how the filter appears only when a post with the word advertising is on top, but then the filter disappears when another post comes on top in that board?

mole0815 also noticed the same problem ( back then

I made a Reddit post ( complaining about this, but they reverted only the signature blockade.

I believe it's either because of the username (promo123) or the topic title (Peer-to-Peer Advertising, and Social Network Powered by Bitcoin + Stacks).
It's because of that word "advertising"
So the blockade comes up everytime any posting having the word advertising comes on top of any board when you have loaded the Bitcointalk's homepage

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: mole0815 on March 18, 2022, 12:37:26 PM
With uBlock there were already various difficulties or issues that had to be solved.
For example: Signatures gone? (
Despite everything, a very useful browser extension!

//edit: Now I was too slow until I sent here. Thanks logfiles :)

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: PawGo on March 18, 2022, 02:01:44 PM
Thank you all for the answers. I was not aware of previous issues with that plugin.
I will keep using it as in general it is very useful, now I just know what to do when I suspect that not the whole page was rendered.
As I wrote before, I had another issue (page was using external system for booking appointments, display calendar etc) and I think it is more serious issue, because it makes the whole page unusable at all. I will probably report that, however maybe it would be simpler/faster just temporarily disable the plugin.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: Welsh on March 18, 2022, 03:16:08 PM
Thank you all for the answers. I was not aware of previous issues with that plugin.
I will keep using it as in general it is very useful, now I just know what to do when I suspect that not the whole page was rendered.
As I wrote before, I had another issue (page was using external system for booking appointments, display calendar etc) and I think it is more serious issue, because it makes the whole page unusable at all. I will probably report that, however maybe it would be simpler/faster just temporarily disable the plugin.
As suggested, you can fix it yourself by manually editing what they block on the page, or do a blanket fix, and just whitelist in Ublock. If you whitelist it all, you can still disable forum ads via the forum settings. Ublock origin isn't doing too much on here anyhow, it only really slows it down, although you probably don't notice the effects since Ublock Origin is fairly good in  terms of performance.

That's the beauty of Ublock though, the list that they use to block things, is public, and you can edit it. Plus, you have the whitelist feature, which probably is good enough for the forum since we don't have too many things that are annoying in the first place, and even if you deem something annoying, anything that Ublock, blocks by default can be disabled in the forum settings.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: NotATether on March 18, 2022, 04:40:31 PM
uBlock Origin has a few rules related to the forum, which often messes up something, on their basic list:


Either whitelist the forum or go to uBlock -> Settings -> uBlock Filters (click the eye icon) -> remove the text above.

Oftentimes the above text will not be shown inside "My Filters" or "My Rules" tabs because it is most likely in a third-party filter. To prevent uBlock Origin blocking any kind of stuff on Bitcointalk, you need to add to the list in "Trusted Sites".

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: dkbit98 on March 21, 2022, 12:30:27 AM
I really don't understand how people can browse internet these days without ad blocker, but ads on Bitcointalk forum are not abusive and irritating like on other website, so I am keeping uBlock Origin disabled here, and in that way I am helping economy of Bitcointalk.
You can also set manual rules in uBlock and disable only specific parts on pages, but Opera browser is using their own ad blocker so it's counter productive to use two ad blockers at the same time.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: logfiles on March 21, 2022, 01:49:12 AM
but Opera browser is using their own ad blocker so it's counter productive to use two ad blockers at the same time.
I have used Opera browser before with ad blocker activated, but I don't remember it blocking the forum ads, however once uBlock Origin is active, it does block them if someone has not whitelisted the forum.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: dkbit98 on March 21, 2022, 01:21:25 PM
I have used Opera browser before with ad blocker activated, but I don't remember it blocking the forum ads, however once uBlock Origin is active, it does block them if someone has not whitelisted the forum.
I just tested it myself and I can confirm that Opera browser with integrated Opera Ad blocker does block ads in bitcointalk forum, but you can disable it in settings.
Opera changed a lot in recent years but I don't recommend it to anyone as daily driver because it uses proprietary code and it's full of bloatware, including some crypto wallets.
It's based on open source Chromium browser, so it's better to use that with uBlock Origin, or even better try fork of Firefox called LibreWolf.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: PawGo on March 21, 2022, 01:30:17 PM
I just tested it myself and I can confirm that Opera browser with integrated Opera Ad blocker does block ads in bitcointalk forum, but you can disable it in settings.
Opera changed a lot in recent years but I don't recommend it to anyone as daily driver because it uses proprietary code and it's full of bloatware, including some crypto wallets.
It's based on open source Chromium browser, so it's better to use that with uBlock Origin, or even better try fork of Firefox called LibreWolf.

I use Opera for so long... Since version 5 or 6, still with banner. And Opera was the first browser which introduced tabs. I know, I know, it is Chinese now, etc.
I haven't heard about LibreWolf, maybe I will give a try.

Title: Re: Problem with plugin uBlock Origin
Post by: Upgrade00 on March 21, 2022, 04:12:03 PM
Anyone had a similar issue before?
I get this exact same result sometimes when browsing the forum on my PC using duckduckgo, where I have uBlock origin installed.
I've never had the same issue on my mobile device where I have it disabled (mainly cause I only access bitcointalk on that browser and no other website).

As has bee suggested, whitelisting the forum, or disabling uBlock on it should fix the issue.