Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: stompix on March 20, 2022, 11:28:16 AM

Title: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: stompix on March 20, 2022, 11:28:16 AM
This is an article from, as I understand from their description is a tabloid and one of the lowest of the low, but it is still owned by people in the government so I guess they won't publish something that might hurt the reputation of their country without a bit of truth somewhere in this.
Google translation as the translation my own local newspaper did is far worse than that, if somebody speaks Russian and there are errors please highlight those.

After the announcement by the West of new anti-Russian sanctions, the life of Russians has changed significantly, changes have affected almost all spheres of life, including sex services.

Russian prostitutes began to take cryptocurrency from clients

Recently, prices for intimate services have shocked even regular customers. A date with a domestic nymph will now cost 40 thousand rubles per hour (!) As the source of the publication explained, this is due to the fact that, along with Western brands, foreign lovers of such leisure have also left Russia, and "models" have left the country behind them. Since the demand has not gone away, we had to increase the cost.
Another significant change in the underground market is associated with the volatility of the ruble. The exchange rate of the Russian currency changes so often that many escorts have decided to switch to bitcoin.
"The world is now so restless that it is safer to keep your hard-earned money in a crypto wallet!" - says the interviewed prostitute.

Now we had dancers getting tips with QR tattoos, we had escorts occasionally taking crypto payments, but now we have (if we believe this) an entire industry that is moving to ditch the ruble for cryptos as probably dollars are now even harder to get, especially with a ban on foreign currency purchase. Tossing aside the fact that probably this still happens at a small scale and most of the escorts there probably are not accustomed to bitcoin nor do they have the means of exchanging those for goods and pay for stuff without rising eyebrows I can see a bit of hope this thing might be catching a bit of momentum.

The country has blocked people from seeking a safe haven in foreign currencies, the trust in their own is down the drain, but on top of that if you want to get stuff that is no longer available for import there you need to seek it on the black market, and what I've learned in 20 years of communism is that nobody there will accept anything but foreign currency, in my case, it was dollars or marks or get the fuck out!  ;)

So, do you see this trend going on and become nothing relevant or not, and at the same time do you think the authorities will try and squash this before it gets any traction and will of course harm their efforts of currency control even more?

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: NeuroticFish on March 20, 2022, 12:39:48 PM
So, do you see this trend going on and become nothing relevant or not, and at the same time do you think the authorities will try and squash this before it gets any traction and will of course harm their efforts of currency control even more?

Prostitution is one of the oldest forms of business that cannot be "squashed" and don't care about what would make the governments sleep well, instead, all they care about is the income.
It could become a trend. It could show that you don't have to be rocket computer scientist to get to benefit from Bitcoin and it could make the.. erm...customers... think a bit and give bitcoin a chance.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: swogerino on March 20, 2022, 12:49:12 PM
So, do you see this trend going on and become nothing relevant or not, and at the same time do you think the authorities will try and squash this before it gets any traction and will of course harm their efforts of currency control even more?

Prostitution is one of the oldest forms of business that cannot be "squashed" and don't care about what would make the governments sleep well, instead, all they care about is the income.
It could become a trend. It could show that you don't have to be rocket computer scientist to get to benefit from Bitcoin and it could make the.. erm...customers... think a bit and give bitcoin a chance.

A lot of mobile wallets are out there can really make that happen and if other prostitutes around the world get inspired by this article they can also start to accept Bitcoin.The only problem that I see here would be the fees because where I am located you can sometimes in some remote villages find a prostitute for just 5 EUR or like 10-20 EUR in cities,I am not talking about escorts that cost like 300-500 EUR for night.Many people would be turned down by fees if fees in the Bitcoin network are high at the moment of the "meeting".

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: NeuroticFish on March 20, 2022, 12:58:42 PM
A lot of mobile wallets are out there can really make that happen and if other prostitutes around the world get inspired by this article they can also start to accept Bitcoin.The only problem that I see here would be the fees because where I am located you can sometimes in some remote villages find a prostitute for just 5 EUR or like 10-20 EUR in cities,I am not talking about escorts that cost like 300-500 EUR for night.Many people would be turned down by fees if fees in the Bitcoin network are high at the moment of the "meeting".

So it's a big problem if for the 5-20 EUR you will have to pay some 10-50 cents extra for the fee?
Or you were talking about/mixing up with the fees for withdrawing from an exchange?!

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: JohnBitCo on March 20, 2022, 01:08:39 PM
So, do you see this trend going on and become nothing relevant or not, and at the same time do you think the authorities will try and squash this before it gets any traction and will of course harm their efforts of currency control even more?

Prostitution is one of the oldest forms of business that cannot be "squashed" and don't care about what would make the governments sleep well, instead, all they care about is the income.
It could become a trend. It could show that you don't have to be rocket computer scientist to get to benefit from Bitcoin and it could make the.. erm...customers... think a bit and give bitcoin a chance.

A lot of mobile wallets are out there can really make that happen and if other prostitutes around the world get inspired by this article they can also start to accept Bitcoin.The only problem that I see here would be the fees because where I am located you can sometimes in some remote villages find a prostitute for just 5 EUR or like 10-20 EUR in cities,I am not talking about escorts that cost like 300-500 EUR for night.Many people would be turned down by fees if fees in the Bitcoin network are high at the moment of the "meeting".

If you read the news shared by the stompix, you will find that it is not about only bitcoin, but all the cryptocurrencies.
Russian prostitutes began to take cryptocurrency from clients
This means that prostitutes can take money in litecoin, dogecoin or any other crypto currencies where they do not have to pay the fee and also the transaction speed will be fast. The big question remains that are all the prostitutes are so educated that they know how the crypto currencies work  ???

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on March 20, 2022, 01:40:22 PM
Oh my God. What worries you? Prostitutes? Is this a disadvantaged segment of the population of Russia? Brothels are generally prohibited there, and this is not a dictatorship, but simply a ban. I often watch the news in the Russian segment, although I do not live there, seeing your worries about prostitutes makes me laugh bitterly. I am against all earth wars, however, now the news in Europe is one-sided.
I don't see crying people complaining about sanctions, I only see unity. If you call Putin a dictator, then how to call it?
More than two hundred thousand people gathered at the stadium, did someone drive them there?

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: Coyster on March 20, 2022, 02:01:03 PM
It is no longer news how the numerous sanctions imposed is heavily affecting the Russian economy and its people, there are now quite a lot of difficulties in getting things that were ordinarily easy to get in the past as many establishments have fled the country, i read this article sometime ago, which somewhat depicts what the situation on ground looks like, of course i am not in Russia so i can't attest to its veracity, but still here is the news:

Having said that, i would not be surprised if prostitutes have changed their mode of payment for the meantime in order to still continue working, earning and retaining the value of what they earn, the government might not worry too much about it, but on the other hand if such people have never used crypto before then they will have some learning to do, which generally isn't bad if they get to learn about the network.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: eaLiTy on March 20, 2022, 02:09:18 PM
A lot of mobile wallets are out there can really make that happen and if other prostitutes around the world get inspired by this article they can also start to accept Bitcoin.The only problem that I see here would be the fees because where I am located you can sometimes in some remote villages find a prostitute for just 5 EUR or like 10-20 EUR in cities,I am not talking about escorts that cost like 300-500 EUR for night.Many people would be turned down by fees if fees in the Bitcoin network are high at the moment of the "meeting".
The majority who work these line of work are uneducated people and you cannot expect them to understand how to accept BTCitcoin, let alone for us to think that anyone who works in the streets will understand these things is a bit funny  :D.

I do expect a gradual progression in these and may be they are accepting cryptocurrency in high end clubs and strip clubs and i wont be surprised if these wallets are controlled by someone else and not the working women  ;).

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: stompix on March 20, 2022, 02:40:35 PM
Oh my God. What worries you? Prostitutes?
 seeing your worries about prostitutes makes me laugh bitterly.

Probably rather than laughing you should try reading my post twice and if that doesn't help can you please point out the line that makes you think I worry about prostitutes, about their customers, and about anything else in my post? Cause I centrally don't!

I don't see crying people complaining about sanctions, I only see unity. If you call Putin a dictator, then how to call it?

naZism ( ?  ;D
Of course, every Russian has a huge flag under his bed or in his flag chest and they just bought those from home and every single one of them asked for a day off so they could come to the stadium just to celebrate. Yeah, right, how many mushrooms do you have to gulp down and smoke to believe that?

Many people would be turned down by fees if fees in the Bitcoin network are high at the moment of the "meeting".

LN, if that was actually a problem, but a 1$ or 20sat/b fee would still not make any sense right now in about 99% of the cases if I'm looking at the mempool chart situation where you couldn't get in the next block with half probably happened only twice in the last three months.

The majority who work these line of work are uneducated people and you cannot expect them to understand how to accept BTCitcoin, let alone for us to think that anyone who works in the streets will understand these things is a bit funny  :D.

And yet some have no problem at all declaring that 20 or even 30% of a country's population in the 3rd world is owning and using BTC.
I don't think that it would ever be possible for all of them to charge in crypto, that's just out of the question, but probably the ones that do make 200$ an hour are a different story, besides, even this line of work has changed, no longer pick-ups by the side of the road but internet ads and FB and forum groups.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: bittraffic on March 20, 2022, 02:47:07 PM
A lot of mobile wallets are out there can really make that happen and if other prostitutes around the world get inspired by this article they can also start to accept Bitcoin.The only problem that I see here would be the fees because where I am located you can sometimes in some remote villages find a prostitute for just 5 EUR or like 10-20 EUR in cities,I am not talking about escorts that cost like 300-500 EUR for night.Many people would be turned down by fees if fees in the Bitcoin network are high at the moment of the "meeting".
The majority who work these line of work are uneducated people and you cannot expect them to understand how to accept BTCitcoin, let alone for us to think that anyone who works in the streets will understand these things is a bit funny  :D.

I do expect a gradual progression in these and may be they are accepting cryptocurrency in high end clubs and strip clubs and i wont be surprised if these wallets are controlled by someone else and not the working women  ;).

It'd be fun to see strip clubs do that. The problem is if these prostitutes don't know how to use their mobile wallets or forget about the password after getting wasted. Commonly they use drugs.

There were already ladies not just Russians accepting crypto on thier fans only community, Reddit bitcoin nude girls are already accepting BTC. I don't see any difference from the prostitutes accepting BTC as well. It's safer that way. They can even deny there is prostitution happening since there is no physical money transaction.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: darkangel11 on March 20, 2022, 02:49:51 PM
It's hard to say if they go against crypto. On one hand Putin said some positive things about cryptocurrencies and on the other it goes against that recent law that 80% of foreign currency profits must be converted to the ruble. Will they consider bitcoin a foreign currency that can only work as a step between the service that is bought and the ruble? We can't say anything definite because the government of Russia likes to say one thing and do another.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: so98nn on March 20, 2022, 03:08:05 PM
So they are accepting bitcoin because ruble is going down! But against what are they going to trade? USD or RUBLE? Whatever they might choose I think bitcoin price is going to be equivalent of their service charge. I don’t know what’s the point behind this? I’m still trying to recollect whether they Love the bitcoin or are they trying to achieve some sort of foreign accounting here as it’s no more safe in the Russia to keep the money in bank accounts.  ::)

I mean if it’s Ruble then I can understand they may not be able to secure the funds in Russian accounts but if it’s not that then what is ?

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on March 20, 2022, 03:16:10 PM
These girls aren’t stupid, most of the ones who are even slightly above average in their chosen occupation earn more than the average guy. People can laugh & look down on them but mostly they have the last laugh. Good for them if they are migrating to crypto & specifically BTC, I wish them the best of luck.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: romero121 on March 20, 2022, 04:39:06 PM
Bitcoin accepted services were available in the market. Now these girls switching from ruble to bitcoin could get them a better life in the long run. Majority of these girls get into this occupation by situation. Everyone deserves a better life, and keeping the same in focus they laugh standing around the streets. What they receive now could make them leave prostitution and find a better occupation to lead good life.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: retreat on March 20, 2022, 05:51:54 PM
If you read the news shared by the stompix, you will find that it is not about only bitcoin, but all the cryptocurrencies.
Russian prostitutes began to take cryptocurrency from clients
This means that prostitutes can take money in litecoin, dogecoin or any other crypto currencies where they do not have to pay the fee and also the transaction speed will be fast. The big question remains that are all the prostitutes are so educated that they know how the crypto currencies work  ???
don't underestimate prostitutes because many of them are actually smart, it's just that they are less fortunate and choose to work as prostitutes. they definitely know and will understand very quickly if things related to bitcoin or crypto are taught to them. I don't know if the article above offers a good concept or not to prostitutes but they should be able to take advantage of crypto as a way out of their difficult economy.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: pooya87 on March 21, 2022, 07:00:54 AM
an entire industry that is moving to ditch the ruble for cryptos as probably dollars are now even harder to get, especially with a ban on foreign currency purchase.
By that logic other sex workers in other countries have also ditched their respective fiat currencies for cryptos because on same small scale they too accept bitcoin and some shitcoins for their work. In fact they started years ago, not recently!

The country has blocked poeple from seeking a safe haven in foreign currencies,
It looks like your hate of any other country that is not a carrot country has made you naive.

Things are more complicated than that. Right now there is a considerable irrational panic going on in Russia. It is not just in currency exchange market, it is in supermarkets too. Naive brainwashed people are panic buying stuff, and any sane administration should do something when the sheeple are acting this way.
We had the same situation in late 2020 too, it ended with a couple of dozen heart attacks among the same sheeple who were brainwashed into panic exchanging their currency for foreign currency and lost almost half of their investment because the bubble they created popped!

So, do you see this trend going on and become nothing relevant or not, and at the same time do you think the authorities will try and squash this before it gets any traction and will of course harm their efforts of currency control even more?
This is not big enough to cause any issues, so the chances of it even getting on the authorities radar is small let alone they want to try anything against it. However, if this were to become big enough to cause issues then it would be a different story.
Another reason is that economy doesn't really care if bitcoin price goes up 50% against Rouble but it will care if other fiat currencies like USD go up 50% against Rouble.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: bittraffic on March 21, 2022, 07:15:09 AM
an entire industry that is moving to ditch the ruble for cryptos as probably dollars are now even harder to get, especially with a ban on foreign currency purchase.
By that logic other sex workers in other countries have also ditched their respective fiat currencies for cryptos because on same small scale they too accept bitcoin and some shitcoins for their work. In fact they started years ago, not recently!

Choosing altcoin would be risky for the sex workers, it will be a big loss when they bag some of Sexcoin while there will be a bear market.

A popular trader Ray Dalio also has been spreading the word about countries ditching thier own currency because all countries today are printing more and more. Countries that oil exporters also ditch $ for Yuan like the Saudi. It's interesting they pick another currency when they should be choosing BTC.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: pooya87 on March 21, 2022, 07:47:54 AM
Choosing altcoin would be risky for the sex workers, it will be a big loss when they bag some of Sexcoin while there will be a bear market.
I completely agree. Also the number of people who even know altcoins let alone have any in their pocket for payment is a lot less than the number of people who own bitcoin and are willing to spend it.

A popular trader Ray Dalio also has been spreading the word about countries ditching thier own currency because all countries today are printing more and more. Countries that oil exporters also ditch $ for Yuan like the Saudi. It's interesting they pick another currency when they should be choosing BTC.
These are two different subjects.
1. People in one country ditching their own fiat for something else for their day to day money usage. This is not going to happen, at least in foreseeable future. People may buy bitcoin to have the "alternative" option but they will not ditch their fiat.

2. Countries ditch the US dollar as their reserve currency or international trade currency. This has been happening for some time now with emerging economic superpowers such as China. And US has been speeding it up by increasing the conflict with the rest of the world while sinking its own economy weakening US dollar. Also sanctioning a lot of countries and isolating United States (to some extent) has hastened this.
The choice here is going to be another fiat currency and if bitcoin is used it will be on a very small scale. Bitcoin is still too volatile and has a small market to be used in such a big scale (between countries for import/export).

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: Kakmakr on March 21, 2022, 08:17:16 AM
Well, I have seen a husband and wife using TiKtok to get gifts for them to go to Telegram Live to have "Live sex" on that platform. They used Twitter Live and Instagram Live before, but Russia was blocked on those services.

There are also a lot of other Russian people doing "Adult" related things on TiKtok for gifts.... from just showing their bare feet to imitating masturbating online. (We live in a weird world, but these people have found a way to make money and they doing it)  ::)

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: stompix on March 21, 2022, 09:47:00 AM
an entire industry that is moving to ditch the ruble for cryptos as probably dollars are now even harder to get, especially with a ban on foreign currency purchase.
By that logic other sex workers in other countries have also ditched their respective fiat currencies for cryptos because on same small scale they too accept bitcoin and some shitcoins for their work. In fact they started years ago, not recently!

Except nobody has banned dollars in the US or Euros in the EU!  ;D
And the sex workers elsewhere were already accepting dollars and euros as their currency was useless.
When you have garbage as a currency normally you won't accept garbage, wouldn't you?

It looks like your hate of any other country that is not a carrot country has made you naive.

Things are more complicated than that. Right now there is a considerable irrational panic going on in Russia. It is not just in currency exchange market, it is in supermarkets too. Naive brainwashed people are panic buying stuff, and any sane administration should do something when the sheeple are acting this way.

There is no hate, one can't hate something that seems so pitiful, what can I hate about Russia's economy?
And about the irrational panic, loooool, when the government bans the purchase of foreign currency when their government forcefully exchanges your deposits in ruble at the rate they want to, what is irrational here?  There is a complete hunt for every single bill of foreign currency in the country and you call it "irrational" ?

But I love how you twist your logic in order to always oppose what you don't like.

On one topic you're saying every single person in the world is ditching their dying currency to invest in BTC to avoid inflation, here in Russia where it seems you have something personal to deal with, no it's not the same, here there is no such panic, nobody ditches the ruble for BTC , actually, there is no inflation at all. Hilarious, every single thing about BTC turns 180 degrees in meaning when it's about some countries like Russia and Iran.

Americans ditching the dollar for BTC!  Good for bitcoin, something any sane person will do!
Russians ditching the ruble for BTC! This is irrational fear and manipulation!

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: hatshepsut93 on March 21, 2022, 10:23:59 AM
Pretty interesting case of Bitcoin both being viewed as a more stable and strong currency and being a tool for breaking past the Iron Curtain 2.0. But I think the problem of broader adoption will still hold. For an average person who is not good with technology, there will be many barriers, especially in Russia. We are very-very far from Bitcoin having any observable macroeconomic effects on a scale of entire countries. For now its just lone anecdotes.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: Sebas.tian on March 21, 2022, 11:19:51 AM
These girls aren’t stupid, most of the ones who are even slightly above average in their chosen occupation earn more than the average guy. People can laugh & look down on them but mostly they have the last laugh. Good for them if they are migrating to crypto & specifically BTC, I wish them the best of luck.

Yes, they are not stupid for such decision to earn something good from crypto investment. Girls are really making a lot of money from crypto than guys these days because some of them have more time on crypto base on what some guys in the community are doing with their money they made from crypto. Looking down on them will not take anything from them than to add more value to their occupation where respected people earn money from in the community.  It is a welcome development, seeing more girls in cryptocurrency which will really help them in future.  

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: pooya87 on March 21, 2022, 01:48:38 PM
But I love how you twist your logic in order to always oppose what you don't like.
On one topic you're saying every single person in the world is ditching their dying currency to invest in BTC to avoid inflation,
I believe this is the topic you are referring to and I don't see usage of the word "ditch", abandon or anything like that. This is a term you used in your opening post not me! I even use the "part of their purchase power" which is clear there is no "ditching fiat" involved!
In my experience when fiat is dumping people will look for a way to keep their purchase power or at least part of it. That is achieved by investment. I believe bitcoin has become a viable investment ~
At this point I'm convinced you are intentionally trying to not-understand my posts at all and just blindly disagree :)

here in Russia where it seems you have something personal to deal with, no it's not the same, here there is no such panic, nobody ditches the ruble for BTC , actually, there is no inflation at all. Hilarious, every single thing about BTC turns 180 degrees in meaning when it's about some countries like Russia and Iran.
What are you going on about? My stance is clear:
- All 150 million Russians (or whatever subcategory of Russians you choose like the sex workers) aren't ditching their fiat to buy bitcoin, no matter how much you insist. You are delusional if you think otherwise. It is also clear from bitcoin's lack of price rise.
- A certain number of Russians (I don't know what percentage) are looking to invest part of the fiat currency that has declined in value to keep their purchase power. Exactly as I explained in that other topic. That doesn't mean they are ditching fiat.
- Their investment is in different assets, one of which is bitcoin. It is a small scale but it is good for bitcoin.

None of this means the panic buying of another fiat currency that has a volatile price and wrecks havoc on the economy is justifiable. You seriously need to stop looking at that carrot and learn to see the distinction.

Buying other fiat currencies instead of making an actual investment is definitely irrational. I can't give example from Russia but in my 2020 example there were people who were selling everything they owned including their home to buy dollar which dumped nearly 50% soon after. If that's not irrational I don't know what is.

Americans ditching the dollar for BTC!  Good for bitcoin, something any sane person will do!
Russians ditching the ruble for BTC! This is irrational fear and manipulation!
Isn't this (the opposite) exactly what you said?
In the other topic you disagreed with me that people invest their money in bitcoin (among other things) when there is inflation but in this topic you are saying the opposite and even go further as claiming Russians are ditching fiat and buying bitcoin! :D

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: dbc23 on March 21, 2022, 02:49:14 PM
Squashing prostitution is similar to squashing a long standing tradition. And in as much as traditions don't get squashed completely but can only be modified to suit modern day life style the same is applicable to prostitution. Been that prostitution at some point is addictive this fellows only have to find a save currency amidst the declining rubies.

They have to discover crypto early since the sanctions surrounding the country limits them to deal with other foreign currencies so to save them from the declining economy and falling currency ditching their rubies for decentralized crypto currencies proof to be their safe haven

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: stompix on March 22, 2022, 02:32:13 AM
But I love how you twist your logic in order to always oppose what you don't like.
On one topic you're saying every single person in the world is ditching their dying currency to invest in BTC to avoid inflation,
I believe this is the topic you are referring to and I don't see usage of the word "ditch", abandon or anything like that. This is a term you used in your opening post not me! I even use the "part of their purchase power" which is clear there is no "ditching fiat" involved!

When you buy BTC for your fiat you ditch your fiat, that is what happens when you buy any other foreign currency.
When you buy $ with your euro savings you abandon your euros and your trust in it because you think the $ is stronger, same with bitcoin, you don't invest your fiat in BTC unless you believe your fiat equivalent will be worthless, so, you ditch it for BTC.
Be it your life savings or 5$ or the stimulus check, it's still the same.

At this point, I'm convinced you are intentionally trying to not-understand my posts at all and just blindly disagree

You're mistaken deeply on this one.
With people like franky1 who are obsessed with being right I simply point out their mistakes and that's done, I don't spend more than two replies with him since I know he can't argue with, with people fixed on one idea I do the same.
But you, you're really interesting because you twist facts not to just be right but at the same time to have your feet in two boats with another one in the middle and try to find an equilibrium.

I just love how your hate for fiat ends when your love for some country starts and despite that fiat being garbage suddenly BTC in that situation is no longer something effective. But at the same time if we change the storyline a bit, suddenly BTC is effective in the said country in order to avoid sanctions put in place by the countries you hate.

So, rather than disagreeing with you, as if you look closer to my last posts from our "confrontation" I never actually expressed my point of view, all I've done is try, maybe in vain, on analyzing your twisted logic, and it's quite a challenge but also pretty funny and entertaining.

- All 150 million Russians (or whatever subcategory of Russians you choose like the sex workers) aren't ditching their fiat to buy bitcoin, no matter how much you insist. You are delusional if you think otherwise. It is also clear from bitcoin's lack of price rise.
- A certain number of Russians (I don't know what percentage) are looking to invest part of the fiat currency that has declined in value to keep their purchase power. Exactly as I explained in that other topic. That doesn't mean they are ditching fiat.


As someone who has lived through a couple of these let me tell you that people do invest to keep their purchasing power. In fact many of them go on an investment spree even if they go hungry. I can show you pictures of long queues of people standing in line in 2018-2019 to buy gold coins because the government had just printed a ton of fiat and it was losing value.

Americans ditching the dollar for BTC!  Good for bitcoin, something any sane person will do!
Russians ditching the ruble for BTC! This is irrational fear and manipulation!
Isn't this (the opposite) exactly what you said?

No, it's a mirror, but it's a special one, it only works for you!  ;D

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: TheGreatPython on March 22, 2022, 09:38:10 PM
These girls aren’t stupid, most of the ones who are even slightly above average in their chosen occupation earn more than the average guy. People can laugh & look down on them but mostly they have the last laugh. Good for them if they are migrating to crypto & specifically BTC, I wish them the best of luck.
They are not stupid indeed, anyone who is really wise at this time would know the right thing to do. Holding a Fiat that is crumbling isn’t a good decision for anyone. It is going to be total loss for anyone that continues to hold a Russian ruble despite how bad that the economy has gotten and how volatile their currency is right now.

So, the girls are making the right decision by switching to bitcoin and accepting it for whatever services that they are offering. As time goes on more and more people in the country will even switch to making use of Bitcoin when they realize how bad that their currency has gotten and how it is a loss for them. Bitcoin will become a huge trend in that country.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: henmark on March 23, 2022, 06:18:07 AM
Before there has been news of Russia banning bitcoin from their country but it later happened that they never banned it and decided it will stay legal and they also allowed Bitcoin mining in some states in the country.

As of right now, due to how bad the Russian ruble has gotten, it is quite possible that they might decide to change their mind about bitcoin so that they can stop the trend and also try to control everything. But, it is clear on how difficult it is for any government to gain control on bitcoin, because bitcoin is completely out of their zone.

It is a decentralized currency and has no central unit that the government can try to control it from. So, it is going to be impossible for them to really squash the trend. It means when people start adopting bitcoin for their whatever reasons and purposes, the stand of government will go insignificant and that must be the power of p2p things.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: AakZaki on March 25, 2022, 10:05:02 PM
Squashing prostitution is similar to squashing a long standing tradition. And in as much as traditions don't get squashed completely but can only be modified to suit modern day life style the same is applicable to prostitution. Been that prostitution at some point is addictive this fellows only have to find a save currency amidst the declining rubies.

They have to discover crypto early since the sanctions surrounding the country limits them to deal with other foreign currencies so to save them from the declining economy and falling currency ditching their rubies for decentralized crypto currencies proof to be their safe haven
which means bitcoin is a digital currency that will save you from the economic crisis, from massive inflation, because bitcoin's digital asset is decentralized, no one can fully regulate it.
Those who discovered crypto since its inception may still be very foreign, but nowadays digital cryptocurrencies have become a valuable asset, especially bitcoin. Several countries are starting to adopt bitcoin.
Bitcoin is growing, more and more in demand so it will be good for future digital assets.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: Quidat on March 25, 2022, 10:16:44 PM
Squashing prostitution is similar to squashing a long standing tradition. And in as much as traditions don't get squashed completely but can only be modified to suit modern day life style the same is applicable to prostitution. Been that prostitution at some point is addictive this fellows only have to find a save currency amidst the declining rubies.

They have to discover crypto early since the sanctions surrounding the country limits them to deal with other foreign currencies so to save them from the declining economy and falling currency ditching their rubies for decentralized crypto currencies proof to be their safe haven
which means bitcoin is a digital currency that will save you from the economic crisis, from massive inflation, because bitcoin's digital asset is decentralized, no one can fully regulate it.
Those who discovered crypto since its inception may still be very foreign, but nowadays digital cryptocurrencies have become a valuable asset, especially bitcoin. Several countries are starting to adopt bitcoin.
Bitcoin is growing, more and more in demand so it will be good for future digital assets.
We didnt even expect that we would really be able to reach this far since bitcoin was something been ignored when it had started but when it do gains some attention and its actual utility had been
proved out then it is gradually getting that recognition which we didnt anticipate for it to happen.It do reaches up its value that we didnt even expect for it to be reached which something proves
out that it does really have that potential or even could really be the main thing on upcoming future.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: fuguebtc on March 26, 2022, 03:27:13 AM
These girls aren’t stupid, most of the ones who are even slightly above average in their chosen occupation earn more than the average guy. People can laugh & look down on them but mostly they have the last laugh. Good for them if they are migrating to crypto & specifically BTC, I wish them the best of luck.

Not only are they not stupid, but I think they are also very smart to keep up with the pace of life. RUB coins are having bad days, holding them right now people are killing themselves. Bitcoin and cryptos are for everyone rich or poor, so it's great to see bitcoin spreading to every corner of our world.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: ropyu1978 on March 26, 2022, 03:51:35 AM
Bitcoin accepted services were available in the market. Now these girls switching from ruble to bitcoin could get them a better life in the long run. Majority of these girls get into this occupation by situation. Everyone deserves a better life, and keeping the same in focus they laugh standing around the streets. What they receive now could make them leave prostitution and find a better occupation to lead good life.
It is true as you said, the presence of bitcoin can make everyone comfortable and can please everyone, especially in my country it is very difficult to get job openings, even though many have graduated from college but many are still unemployed, especially myself who is very foreign to the world. . education. it must be very difficult for me to get a job, with bitcoin so i can earn money and can supplement my family income. If there is no bitcoin maybe until now I am still unemployed, and still a burden on my family.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: asus09 on March 26, 2022, 04:00:17 AM
No bitcoin can be said to be unpleasant for me personally and my family, because I am the breadwinner of the family, I used to be depressed because I lost my job, while my dependents are very many, I have to pay for my family's needs, luckily there are friends who give the way to get out of economic problems, even though I don't have much money but with me getting to know bitcoin my family's life has started to improve.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: nur rochid on March 26, 2022, 04:44:53 AM
Bitcoin accepted services were available in the market. Now these girls switching from ruble to bitcoin could get them a better life in the long run. Majority of these girls get into this occupation by situation. Everyone deserves a better life, and keeping the same in focus they laugh standing around the streets. What they receive now could make them leave prostitution and find a better occupation to lead good life.
It is true as you said, the presence of bitcoin can make everyone comfortable and can please everyone, especially in my country it is very difficult to get job openings, even though many have graduated from college but many are still unemployed, especially myself who is very foreign to the world. . education. it must be very difficult for me to get a job, with bitcoin so i can earn money and can supplement my family income. If there is no bitcoin maybe until now I am still unemployed, and still a burden on my family.
Since the existence of bitcoin, many new rich people have sprung up. even this feels for me, even though I haven't got financial freedom, but at least I can buy something which can't be done if I only expect from my salary to work. but since getting to know bitcoin, I feel more alive, especially when bitcoin is experiencing a rally, of course my assets have increased too, and a sense of happiness is felt in my life, even though it is bearish, I am still happy because I can hone psychology, which is also useful for social life

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: Fesatmas on March 26, 2022, 06:45:57 AM
No bitcoin can be said to be unpleasant for me personally and my family, because I am the breadwinner of the family, I used to be depressed because I lost my job, while my dependents are very many, I have to pay for my family's needs, luckily there are friends who give the way to get out of economic problems, even though I don't have much money but with me getting to know bitcoin my family's life has started to improve.
Bitcoin does help in terms of economy for every user. Although I don't think everyone who uses bitcoin is someone who is said to be struggling from an economic perspective, like one of the big investors.
But for me personally too, there have been changes in my life since I first got to know bitcoin. I also believe that many people have been helped here.

Title: Re: No Bitcoin, No fun for you!
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 01, 2022, 03:07:03 PM
Well I think there is something to start with, I think that without Bitcoin there would be no fun for anyone, because Bitcoin is the only currency that has a life of its own, if Bitcoin did not exist I think that there would be no type of cryptocurrency, and it really is the only currency that okay and that it has the potential to even be left alone as the only survivor, when in countries they talk about regulation they include cryptocurrencies, they do this because they do not want to have double work accepting all the altcoins that exist, they know very well that when accepting Bitcoin they must be told yes to the other cryptocurrencies because they are dependent on Bitcoin.