Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: DBProductions on March 24, 2022, 07:49:31 PM

Title: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: DBProductions on March 24, 2022, 07:49:31 PM
Sorry I didn't edit this -- Id love to hear your feedback/arguments against this

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on March 24, 2022, 08:05:41 PM
TLDR; clickbaity article says that Peter Wuille is Satoshi.

Behind this misleading "proof, reasoning and statistical analysis" there's a coincidence that Peter registered in bitcointalk few days after Satoshi's last active date. Just another meaningless attempt where we try to unmask Satoshi.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: PrivacyG on March 24, 2022, 10:29:39 PM
Just another meaningless attempt where we try to unmask Satoshi.
Which is so much dumber than it sounds.  The man, group or whatever Satoshi was who gave you financial freedom and decided to vanish from the scene is now attacked by the users of his own creation.  Instead of spending our time to unmask and possibly kill or incarcerate an entity who gave us freedom, we should maybe better take a step back and see how this time can be used to make Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain better.

If Satoshi is not a government or an institution, then he is hundred percent a government's target and by unmasking the identity behind his name, we are doing him the worst thing he could get.


Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: titular on March 25, 2022, 03:33:48 AM
Just another meaningless attempt where we try to unmask Satoshi.
Which is so much dumber than it sounds.  The man, group or whatever Satoshi was who gave you financial freedom and decided to vanish from the scene is now attacked by the users of his own creation.  Instead of spending our time to unmask and possibly kill or incarcerate an entity who gave us freedom, we should maybe better take a step back and see how this time can be used to make Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain better.

If Satoshi is not a government or an institution, then he is hundred percent a government's target and by unmasking the identity behind his name, we are doing him the worst thing he could get.


People just don't understand how bad ( it could get if Satoshi were to actually be identified. People don't understand the media sh*t-storm that would ensue from such an event. Were this to happen, we would see an attack on bitcoin like nothing we have ever seen. And now.. they would have a face to attach to it.

Regardless of our internal curiosities, we have to understand this is not a can of worms we want to open. Let Satoshi remain a legend.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: bittraffic on March 25, 2022, 03:57:38 AM
Just another meaningless attempt where we try to unmask Satoshi.
Which is so much dumber than it sounds.  The man, group or whatever Satoshi was who gave you financial freedom and decided to vanish from the scene is now attacked by the users of his own creation.  Instead of spending our time to unmask and possibly kill or incarcerate an entity who gave us freedom, we should maybe better take a step back and see how this time can be used to make Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain better.

If Satoshi is not a government or an institution, then he is hundred percent a government's target and by unmasking the identity behind his name, we are doing him the worst thing he could get.


People just don't understand how bad ( it could get if Satoshi were to actually be identified. People don't understand the media sh*t-storm that would ensue from such an event. Were this to happen, we would see an attack on bitcoin like nothing we have ever seen. And now.. they would have a face to attach to it.

Regardless of our internal curiosities, we have to understand this is not a can of worms we want to open. Let Satoshi remain a legend.

Not only that. A group of people or even the government could force him to re-edit codes and will take him 1M BTC or probably add more 21B BTC before killing him.

OP post should be considered spam for attempting to waste user's time to read that article.  Peter is just like the other people who claims to be Satoshi, given an attention, he will make his followers believe he is entitled to fork BTC.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: odolvlobo on March 25, 2022, 04:07:40 AM
And he was able to stay silent for exactly 4 days. On December 17, 2010 a man named Peter Wuille created his bitcoin talk account. He is a member of the bitcoin development team and always has been. He arrived in the forum out of seemingly thin air and jumped right into the thick of things and has been there ever since.

That's not a very strong argument. 186 people joined Bitcointalk between December 10 and when Peter Wuille joined, and by your logic, any of those people could be satoshi. Furthermore, you are assuming that satoshi created an account after he said goodbye. If he was planning on switching to a new account, it would also make sense that he created the new account before his post, perhaps even months ahead of time.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: BorisTheHorist on March 25, 2022, 04:11:24 AM
Unfortunately, I believe that he has passed away much like Hal Finney.
Though they are not the same person.
He loved what he did BTC.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: DBProductions on March 25, 2022, 04:30:04 AM
And he was able to stay silent for exactly 4 days. On December 17, 2010 a man named Peter Wuille created his bitcoin talk account. He is a member of the bitcoin development team and always has been. He arrived in the forum out of seemingly thin air and jumped right into the thick of things and has been there ever since.

That's not a very strong argument. 186 people joined Bitcointalk between December 10 and when Peter Wuille joined, and by your logic, any of those people could be satoshi. Furthermore, you are assuming that satoshi created an account after he said goodbye. If he was planning on switching to a new account, it would also make sense that he created the new account before his post, perhaps even months ahead of time.

You make some interesting points. However, if 186 people indeed joined during that time frame (where did you get that info?) I would argue that none have had the impact/influence on the project. None of them stepping into the forefront of development days after and still.

But I want to say that it’s only a hypothesis. I look at it as a mystery which is compelling, like a treasure hunt of sorts. Whoever is behind the username is a larger than life figure. I certainly didn’t mean any disrespect. I’m sorry if I offended anybody with my post. I can take it down if that’s so.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on March 25, 2022, 06:42:16 AM
A group of people or even the government could force him to re-edit codes and will take him 1M BTC or probably add more 21B BTC before killing him.
Okay, first of, no one has a clue of how many BTC they own and second, they aren't some kind of Gods who can change the total bitcoins that will ever be produced.

But I want to say that it’s only a hypothesis.
Then don't mess it up with "proof, reasoning and statistical analysis" as it's just a conspiracy. Maybe don't even bother to search of who they are for the reasons PrivacyG outlined.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: PrivacyG on March 25, 2022, 11:44:18 AM
Were this to happen, we would see an attack on bitcoin like nothing we have ever seen. And now.. they would have a face to attach to it.
Think about it.  The guy who invented the Silk Road has been convicted for creating a website that allowed anything to be sold without censorship.  Sure, they are saying he did much more than that but the main reason for attacking him is the website.

Satoshi invented finance without censorship.  It allows any illicit transaction to happen without any kind of censorship.  Revealing Satoshi's identity may lead to an insane trial.  All of this for a curiosity of ours.

Not only that. A group of people or even the government could force him to re-edit codes and will take him 1M BTC or probably add more 21B BTC before killing him.
That would not work, unless they had a time machine to force him re-edit the lines of code before actually making Bitcoin a thing.  The beauty of decentralization is, you can only modify the real Bitcoin if the community decides it is for the better.  He may have influence, but at the end of the day look at Bitcoin Cash.  If no consensus is brought, there is a fork and you get to still support whatever Bitcoin was before.  Even with influence and a different Bitcoin, there will be an alternative.  It just would not work.


Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: romeitaly on March 25, 2022, 01:16:48 PM
TLDR; clickbaity article says that Peter Wuille is Satoshi.

Behind this misleading "proof, reasoning and statistical analysis" there's a coincidence that Peter registered in bitcointalk few days after Satoshi's last active date. Just another meaningless attempt where we try to unmask Satoshi.
People will always try to point out coincidence as much as they can because they're obsessed with answers that weren't really there, I don't mind these kind of people doing this stuff though, it's amusing that they're still obsessing over the enigma that we call Satoshi Nakamoto.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: aysg76 on March 25, 2022, 01:29:34 PM
Another one of the articles where we are trying to reveal the indentity of the Satoshi but this attempt are more of proving the fake ones real Satoshi which could never happen.The best is we realise the fact that we all are Satoshi and respect what he bas created and his anonymity.

Not only that. A group of people or even the government could force him to re-edit codes and will take him 1M BTC or probably add more 21B BTC before killing him.
If you know about it then bitcoin is open source and nobody has central control over it which means any decision to make some amendments in the code will require conseus of more than 51% of the community and the changes are subjected under Blockstream's developers who made the final changes to the code.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: franky1 on March 25, 2022, 01:42:33 PM
seems the topic creator has been thinking about this hypothesis since january 2019 (the screenshots show when he grabbed the screenshots of forum member profile data)

but here is the thing.
satoshi didnt believe in a company controlling the code.
pieter wuille does believe in a company controlling the code.. he works for that company and has shares in it as one of the co-founders

satoshi didnt believe value being swapped in ways that can be contract broken/revoked/undone
pieter wuille does. he coded ways to swap out transactions(RBF) and also have ways to lock and revoke finalised payments, and delay finalisations. heck he is even working on ways to obfuscate the value units of measure from being accounted for so that people cant account/audit the coin circulation/creation.

pieter wuilles extra features are not designed to make the unbanked have a simpler way to transact between other unbanked people. his code is to aid businesses to offer services to manage funds for people and manage major features that people can no longer do independently and cheaply by themselves

pieter wuille has pretty much undone and rewrote pretty much every line of code of bitcoin
pieter wuille has also implemented changes that actually make it more difficult for the unbanked to use bitcoin. he loves adding cruddy code for fee's and data miscalculation, and convoluted code to make it out of reach for people that only make a few dollars a day in income.

pieter wuille does not believe that the bitcoin network should be used for everyone to do things for daily use.

pieter wuille believes that every node could and should prune historic data thus undoing the whole point of decentralised blockchain security
Perfectly clear, but I disagree. Nodes can already prune history, and I think in the future nearly every node will. This does not impact security, as they still download and verify everything.

what pieter wuille doesnt realise is that if every node does prune.. where the F**K do new users get the IBD from when setting up for the first time. (hint: a more centralised set of nodes)

pieter wuille does not fit the profile of satoshi in any way.. plus it has taken the topic creator 3 years of research and the only thing he could think of was when the forum profile of pieter wuille was made.
in short.. not much proof at all

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: BitcoinMoses on March 25, 2022, 02:15:32 PM
What If the governments already know who is Satoshi Nakamoto ?  What If the governments have  hired faketoshi to create obsticle for Satoshi to reveal his identity ?  What if few of the Bitcoin community leaders do not want Satoshi Nakamoto to come back in the forum ?  What if Satoshi Nakamoto has been cornered by the government's infiltrated agents in the Bitcoin Community ?   What if Satoshi Nakamoto stuck to his original plan ?  What if Satoshi Nakamoto has lost his private key ?   What if Satoshi Nakamoto has not lost his private key but the Bitcoin has been hijacked from him ?  What if the Bitcoin Core hass been hijacked by the QT Incorporation and re branded QT as Bitcoin Core ?  What are the  people analysing is purly nonsense. Try to reason it. Few Bitcoin whales do not want Satoshi Nakamoto to  live a peaceful life. It is not the government agents who is after Satoshi Nakamoto but few  Bitcoin community leaders who are claiming to become Satoshi Nakamoto. Do you want Satoshi Nakamoto to complete his mission ?  Bitcoin price went to $66000 dollars last year, many people have  become Bitcoin millionaires and Bitcoin billionaires; do they care about Satoshi Nakamoto ?  They are just after the money. They wanted to become rich. Satoshi Nakamoto's invention has made them rich. Now they are the ones who together harting Satoshi Nakamoto, not the governments.   Few of you specullating if Satoshi reveal his identity then governments will come after him or mafia will come after him. This is purely nonsense. Government already know who is Satoshi Nakamoto. I am Moses speking here, you cannot understand my language. Satoshi has already revealed his identity. More than 70 Bitcoin community leaders and all the Super nations governments know who is Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi Nakamoto has provided plenty of proofs and evidences from his social media. Now you people want Satoshi to sign a message from Genesis Block, well do you want Satoshi to Sign the message ?
Why Satoshi need to sign a message to prove his identity ?  If he want he can sell some of his bitcoins and live a quite life some where in a hidden place but the truth is Satoshi Nakamoto is not hiding at all; he never run away from the Bitcoin forum. All was a drama, Bitcoin drama. Now, what Satoshi is going through is unacceptable in this civilised western world. Satoshi Nakamoto has been a victim over the last 10 years. He is under surveilance 24 hours. Not by the government's agent but by the Bitcoin community leaders and their  agents. Please leave Satoshi alone. Why are you hearting Satoshi, who is a defenseless economic scientist ?  What he had done against you ?

 Satoshi Nakamoto has done nothing wrong to you. Leave him alone, other wise the Curse of Satoshi will strike you  soon, your heart will not be in peace. Another Bitcoin Shark will attack you and destroy you according to the prophecy of Bitcoin Moses.

Warning ! One of the Catholic Moderator might delete my Message. If my message get deleted again; I will delete him from My Bitcoin Forum and Bitcoin Space. I will replace him with some one else who is more human. This is my promise.


Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 01, 2022, 07:55:53 PM
There are many hypotheses of who Satoshi could be, but the crux of all this is why? I have seen many threads that talk about this topic, and well, although they have their side of uncertainty and that many have tried to somehow see who Satoshi could be, they start from the fact that Satoshi is 1 person, when in reality we do not know if it is a group of people, how could we come to that conclusion in the first place? the fact of having published in the forum and being the creator may be that a group of people have agreed to create it and have left 1 person in charge to give the information here, I know that there are people with a unique ingenuity and with a very superior intellect in the world, and that if it is possible that it be 1 person, but when taking into account the first option I think it changes all statistics and probability.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: hatshepsut93 on April 01, 2022, 11:05:01 PM
No one will ever find the real Satoshi with just looking at existing facts. The only way real Satoshi would be found if a new piece of strong evidence will be uncovered. There's a chance that maybe one of theories being thrown is correct, but we have zero reasons to think that a specific theory is correct. So, speculating about Satoshi's identity is a waste of time. It's also a bit immoral to disrespect the privacy of a person who clearly wants to remain private. If I knew Satoshi's real identity, I would have kept it secret.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: qwertyup23 on April 01, 2022, 11:39:59 PM
TLDR; clickbaity article says that Peter Wuille is Satoshi.

Behind this misleading "proof, reasoning and statistical analysis" there's a coincidence that Peter registered in bitcointalk few days after Satoshi's last active date. Just another meaningless attempt where we try to unmask Satoshi.

Why are people so obsessed in unveiling and knowing the identity of Satoshi? Sure, he created bitcoin and the blockchain technology which changed the entirety of transactions and introduced an innovative idea of money, but I do think that nothing will happen once we find out about his true identity.

I guess in the far future, we would soon see some hints about his true identity but there is always that chance that we will never know about him. I just hope that people would stop owning and claiming that they are such person, when in fact, they are not. It just puts them at risk whenever they try to make false assumptions and claims about something.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: kevinovecka on April 01, 2022, 11:49:05 PM
I saw somewhere video about Paul Le Roux and the possibility of him being our OG

He was cryptography enthusiast and made some good software
He was using Solotshi in his IDs
He launder and hide sooo much money nowhere to be found
When Satoshi announced he has some other things to do by that time Paul moved to physical business (drug lord)
He was arrested in 2012

So Satoshi is offline for so many years and Bitcoins didn't move because he is doing his jailtime

What do you think?
I think that this really could be Satoshi Nakamoto

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: Darker45 on April 02, 2022, 01:42:10 AM
It seems Peter is indeed Satoshi. Not only do proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis point at him, he also admitted it himself. Just hours ago. Here: LOL!

Seriously, though, are we not done with this Satoshi hunting yet? You know, this pointless hunting has already caused so much trouble to people's lives. Why can't we just stop and give the man/woman/people a break? Satoshi gave us Bitcoin and preferred to live a life away from it. Why can't we give him/her/them that?

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: nullama on April 02, 2022, 04:12:23 AM
Satoshi is/was a clever man.

But Bitcoin is independent of its creator.

Instead of investing time trying to find out who Satoshi is, it would be more productive to understand more about Bitcoin itself.

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 02, 2022, 08:10:28 AM
Why are people so obsessed in unveiling and knowing the identity of Satoshi?
Here are few reasons off the top of my head.

  • They'll make tons of money from the media.
  • They're curious to know how they are.
  • They want to know if they're still alive. (And has still access to their money)

Generally, for those who make this kind of researches it's probably the former. 

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: kevinovecka on April 02, 2022, 03:29:51 PM
Why are people so obsessed in unveiling and knowing the identity of Satoshi?
Here are few reasons off the top of my head.

  • They'll make tons of money from the media.
  • They're curious to know how they are.
  • They want to know if they're still alive. (And has still access to their money)

Generally, for those who make this kind of researches it's probably the former. 

For me it is more like curiosity about who made such awesome thing

I don't need his identity, face or anything

I would like to know who that person is- what was his skills, how he did it, if he did it alone, what was his inspiration, ideas, how long it took to finish it etc
Some story ;D

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: suzanne5223 on April 02, 2022, 08:50:24 PM
I hope everyone reading the proof and statistic provided know that it doesn't justify Peter Schiff to be the reason Satoshi

It seems Peter is indeed Satoshi. Not only do proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis point at him, he also admitted it himself. Just hours ago. Here: LOL!
Wait, don't tell me you believe Peter Schiff was indeed the reason Satoshi. I will advise you to read his tweet by heart and you'll see that he's pulling our legs after he's aware that some people claim he was Satoshi.
I hope you understand that we're in the "April fool" month.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: laurenB7742 on April 02, 2022, 09:58:34 PM
Sorry I didn't edit this -- Id love to hear your feedback/arguments against this

Is it too much to know? Ok i am telling you,
It is not necessary to know who Satoshi is. He has given us a system of passive earning and has made people financially self-dependent. He showed the thumbs up to the traditional banking system and explained to the people how to stay free from the tyranny of the government.

Without wasting time finding Satoshi, one should research his creation.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: Darker45 on April 03, 2022, 10:20:49 AM
I hope everyone reading the proof and statistic provided know that it doesn't justify Peter Schiff to be the reason Satoshi

Did you read it yourself? It wasn't even about Peter Schiff. It was about a different Peter, Peter Wuille. Of course, he's not Satoshi, either.

It seems Peter is indeed Satoshi. Not only do proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis point at him, he also admitted it himself. Just hours ago. Here: LOL!
Wait, don't tell me you believe Peter Schiff was indeed the reason Satoshi. I will advise you to read his tweet by heart and you'll see that he's pulling our legs after he's aware that some people claim he was Satoshi.
I hope you understand that we're in the "April fool" month.

Please read between the lines, my friend. There's such a thing as a tongue-in-cheek remark or post. That's sarcasm, in other words. I was hoping the LOL! would serve its purpose. It seems it didn't, at least on your part.

You don't read tweets by heart; you read them by your eyes. LOL!

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: Taskford on April 03, 2022, 10:40:20 AM
Here we are again discussing about Satoshi's identity and  another person popping out claiming that he is the one who create bitcoin. Maybe this is one of there free advertising method to make their name known to the public so I guess its better for people stop buying those claims and only believe if there'sa valid proof for example the satoshi account here will post about his comeback also a sign message will be one of solid proof about this claims.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: wozzek23 on April 03, 2022, 02:19:01 PM
I tried visiting the page but it seems that the post has been deleted, because it keeps saying that the page I have visited can’t be found. Anyways, from the comments so far that I have read, I was able to get what the article was talking about, and all I have got to say is that it is time that people really take a break from all these unveiling of Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity.

This theory even seems to be the worst from what I have seen other readers comment, because so far I have seen other theories that are far much better than it and quite believable than whatever the author has written here. But at the end, none of them is still able to tell who he is. So it’s best take a break from all these unnecessary theories that they are making.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: jostorres on April 03, 2022, 06:33:58 PM
Why are people so obsessed in unveiling and knowing the identity of Satoshi?
Here are few reasons off the top of my head.

  • They'll make tons of money from the media.
  • They're curious to know how they are.
  • They want to know if they're still alive. (And has still access to their money)

Generally, for those who make this kind of researches it's probably the former. 
Yeah, sure it’s definitely the first option, they are looking for a way to make tons of money from the media. Imagine being the one who reveals the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto? You’re going to get really popular and also make money off it.

But, the attempts that they are all making is now starting to seem really stupid to me, because it doesn’t make any sense at all trying to uncover mysteries that has been hidden for over a decade now and no one has been able to do it. Satoshi has seen that it is best for him or them to stay hidden, and I believe that whoever they are, before they went about this, they must have planned very well to hide their identity from the world.

Title: Re: Who is Satoshi? Hypothesis with proof, reasoning, and statistical analysis
Post by: suzanne5223 on April 04, 2022, 11:02:35 PM
I hope everyone reading the proof and statistic provided know that it doesn't justify Peter Schiff to be the reason Satoshi
Did you read it yourself? It wasn't even about Peter Schiff. It was about a different Peter, Peter Wuille. Of course, he's not Satoshi, either.
I didn't know its Peter Wuille cause when I tried to read to understand the storyline of the theory with proof, and statistical analysis in the link provided by the Op appears that story was taken down and when I read your post it was pointing to Peter Schiff so I thought he was the Peter predicted to be Satoshi.

I think the site owner understands the misinformation of the article writer that's why they take it down.