Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: BitcoinGirl.Club on March 26, 2022, 08:31:48 AM

Title: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on March 26, 2022, 08:31:48 AM
For discussion, please step into the topic (, I will keep this topic clean. Achievements, self praising kind of post will only be kept here.

I think I had enough of these common topics like "Finally a member/full member/hero/legendary", "xday/xmonth/xyear legendary", "x is finally a member/full member/hero/legendary now", "1k/2k/3k/..../nk merit club", "one/two/three/n milestones achieved", "I am now member/full member/hero/legendary", "From beginner to member/full member/hero/legendary in x days", "Got my 1st/2nd/3rd/.../nth badge", "celebrating 1year/2years/3years/.../n years", "My/his/their contribution to the forum", "x men forum guide list" the list is way too long!

Just look at Ratimov
1000-Day Legendary (  29 merits
My contribution to the fight against low-value posts ( 70 merits
7k Merit Club. When is Legendary ?  ( 5 merits
[END][GIVEAWAY]- Ratimov 2 Years on Bitcointalk - [PRIZE: 100$ in BTC] ( 30 merits
Ratimov - 2 Years on Bitcointalk + Giveaway !!! ( 44 merits
Ratimov - 1 year on Bitcointalk ( 28 merits
First Newbie of 2019 who received 1000 merits !!! ( 9 merits
My 100 days on Bitcointalk ( 32 merits
Hoвый иcтoчник зacлyг - Ratimov. Oбcyждeниe. ( 33 merits

There could be more.

This just became a bad show to deceive for more merits. All have common scripts but coming with new covers.

The reputation board is already filled up with these kind of topics. Do we really want more to come? I think it's time for a common thread and let this thread do the job for you.

You ranked up?
Share your excitements here.

It ranked up extraordinary quick?
Share your excitements here.

You got x merits and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You are in an x Club and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You achieved a milestone and you can't sleep?
Share your excitements here.

You stayed x years and you are taking break?
Share your excitements here.

You want to share an exciting contribution with us?
Share your excitements here.

You have a list of guide and you lost fat?
Share your excitements here.

Share all your self-praise with us in this thread instead of flooding this reputation board please. Thank you and we are looking forward to see more exciting stories from forum users.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: naim027 on March 26, 2022, 09:27:26 AM
First of all, No offense to them who created a few threads to celebrate their rank up. Becuase you and me all know how it feels when we rank up. To be honest, I also wanted to create a thread for myself when I reached the Just Member rank four months ago. But, later I have decided to learn more and I will create a thread if I can reach Full member rank. As you can see, I am a Sr. member right now and I never had time to create a thread. To be honest, I was demotivated to create a thread when I see people create a thread to celebrate their rank up and some of us call him Merit Begger intentionally. So I gave up.

Now we have a dedicated Rank-up thread here.

I have reached the Sr. Member Rank two weeks ago and I feel great. Thank you community and special thanks to @Ratimov and @fillippone who send the most merits to me.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: m2017 on March 30, 2022, 09:27:30 PM
And today I reached my goal - Hero Member. You can find the backstory here - Beginers dream of becoming a Legendary, and my goal is Hero (

I am not writing here in order to get my moment of fame, to receive congratulations and praise, or in the hope that they will throw on a couple of merits. I'm doing this to show that in the new era, rank up is doable if you put in the effort and be proactive (+ with a pinch of luck).

I don't want to write loud and joyful words about how well done I am and so on. It's not like that at all. All my merit is only in patience and activity. Far from outstanding activity, I tell you. But without it, there will be no new ranks and it's naive to expect doing nothing, when merit-rain down. The more you invest your personal resource in the forum, the more feedback will be. Don't expect freebies.

Let my topic and a short story bring a piece of positive and give strength on the path of rank-up to beginners who are desperate to wait for this. This will be the best reward for me instead of words of congratulations and other things. I wish you patience (which is sometimes lacking in the last steps to the rank) and more productive activity (meaningful discussion).

P.S. I thank all those who are involved in my merit-list. Without you are, I wouldn't have a rank. 

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: FriendlyKwsik on April 02, 2022, 10:03:23 AM
For discussion, please step into the topic (, I will keep this topic clean. Achievements, self praising kind of post will only be kept here.

I think I had enough of these common topics like "Finally a member/full member/hero/legendary", "xday/xmonth/xyear legendary", "x is finally a member/full member/hero/legendary now", "1k/2k/3k/..../nk merit club", "one/two/three/n milestones achieved", "I am now member/full member/hero/legendary", "From beginner to member/full member/hero/legendary in x days", "Got my 1st/2nd/3rd/.../nth badge", "celebrating 1year/2years/3years/.../n years", "My/his/their contribution to the forum", "x men forum guide list" the list is way too long!

Just look at Ratimov
1000-Day Legendary (  29 merits
My contribution to the fight against low-value posts ( 70 merits
7k Merit Club. When is Legendary ?  ( 5 merits
[END][GIVEAWAY]- Ratimov 2 Years on Bitcointalk - [PRIZE: 100$ in BTC] ( 30 merits
Ratimov - 2 Years on Bitcointalk + Giveaway !!! ( 44 merits
Ratimov - 1 year on Bitcointalk ( 28 merits
First Newbie of 2019 who received 1000 merits !!! ( 9 merits
My 100 days on Bitcointalk ( 32 merits
Hoвый иcтoчник зacлyг - Ratimov. Oбcyждeниe. ( 33 merits

There could be more.

This just became a bad show to deceive for more merits. All have common scripts but coming with new covers.

The reputation board is already filled up with these kind of topics. Do we really want more to come? I think it's time for a common thread and let this thread do the job for you.

You ranked up?
Share your excitements here.

It ranked up extraordinary quick?
Share your excitements here.

You got x merits and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You are in an x Club and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You achieved a milestone and you can't sleep?
Share your excitements here.

You stayed x years and you are taking break?
Share your excitements here.

You want to share an exciting contribution with us?
Share your excitements here.

You have a list of guide and you lost fat?
Share your excitements here.

Share all your self-praise with us in this thread instead of flooding this reputation board please. Thank you and we are looking forward to see more exciting stories from forum users.

Just starting journey in the name Of Allah.
I wish i will loyal on my post and truthfull on any types of suggestions. One day i will here in the position of legendary and will share my happiness In Sha Allah.
 Thanks to everyone

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Stalker22 on April 02, 2022, 09:59:44 PM
I have achieved a 2000 posts milestone and it doesn't keep me awake at night! What's wrong with me?

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mr.right85 on April 03, 2022, 09:48:01 AM


Hello everyone,
I bring you the warm greetings of the day. For the past 2days, I've thought of the best way to better show my gratitude to the users on this forum and to have acted in one accord as a supportive community to my upliftment.

Not so long a lgo I returned to the forum, after I had been long away following certain activities that hindered me from being active during the previous year. I told my tale briefly and had the community there to offer not just words of encouragement but also ideas that have been proven to work, either form personal experience or that of someone else's or some study out there and believe me, these have been a light unto my path. A path that isn't limited to the real world (off forum) but also, on the forum.
It is on this count that I would like to appreciate everyone one of us for there deeds of good towards me, encourage others with a need to better themselves and celebrate my FULL MEMBER rank with us all.

Like an exiled forum user, I returned to the forum a member
Bittered and broken by the constraints of the real world that sort my ruin
I came seeking comfort and asylum, from a community of anonymity
And more than ever, I was welcomed.

Cloaked with nothing but armed with only a will
A will to preserve and make better my old beginning
It became a mission of save yourself with a little help, to be tougher and develop
A thirst for the knowledge in cryptos, with the forum rules as my guide.

So i chose to note my wins as I go
With a thread of words to neat my win own forum fabrics
To be a landmark for me and beginners alike on where I've been
And a compass that points to my next stop and where I need be.

To be continued in the next stop...

It is remarkable indeed for me to have come by this increase in a month and few days. What I never archived in over 6months came through now in few with a big push. While in my grasps I look ahead for more and hope disaster never strikes no more.
With these, I give my words of encouragement.

Be open to criticism
Every perfect system is often one that has been tested by series of criticism and when they don't break you, they make you. In your need to be better, never expect only kind words from most persons or anyone, its the first step to disappointment and brokenness. On this, I I say you should grow a thick skin like THE PHARMACIST and LOVESMAYFAMILIS would say and instead of being bittered, learn to utilise and apply them to be better.

Never be in a haste
The need to earn merits and rank up is certainly one of the major goals of most newbies on the forum and also, this goal has proven to be the major reasons why most newbies have seen there end rather too early on the forum. Being too hasty makes you want to seek out shortcuts. Shortcuts that makes you want to break the rules and go into acts like plagiarism and spamming. The next, you've succumbed to laziness which develops on you and discourages any form of creativity within you. Unfortunately, the forum rules never bends for anyone and as it is with law breakers, you eventually get caught and is shown the way out.

Progress in small beginnings
A say goes that, 'the tortoise though might be slow, I often wins the race'. Slow and steady steps always comes with a promise. A promise that your goals are within reach and every step ok the way is bringing you the more closer. You just have to keep persevering and when the time is right, you would archive it.

Keep you from you
The of thing that could actually stop a determined mind is you! Your all it takes to stop yourself from winning and so, the need to stop you from you!! As you know, you'll your own competition and as such, you've got to be mindful of the voice that plays in your head and actually gets to you. Do only things that would keep you on the path of your goals and learn from false steps, mistakes and your wins alike. They all have a way of guiding you to your asylum.

I would like to end this by sending my heart out to you all. Be it a newbie or ranked user, you all had a way of motivating me. Even your silence did carry a message that was well received! Your roles by means of meriting, threads, comments and silence was a means to an upliftment that lead up to this point and still pushes me still. On this, I would like to officially congratulate us all and myself that, I am now a FULL MEMBER. Cheers!!!

Thank You

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: uchegod-21 on April 07, 2022, 09:37:21 AM
Congratulations Mr.right85.
I congratulate you in three categories:
1. For your rank up to full member, I saw that you have been here for a while but you were not active. Maybe something motivated you to follow the way of crypto and that is great. You use good wordings in your grammar.

2. For using this thread by BitcoinGirl.Club, there were many celebration thread created but they were ignored. The community might get it right this time if OP continue bumping this thread and encourage people to post in it

3. For using a unique type of celebration. When I became a senior member I did something like this (Poem and Song). I pray that my love for this forum should not wax cold.
Congratulations and make this forum a nice place.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Agbe on April 18, 2022, 12:15:26 PM

Although this thread is coming late, but I won't like that delayer to be a reason by not sending a note of thanks to many users and the good people of this forum.

I must say, it's been a very challenging time since I got here. Also trying to learn and measure up with the good people of this forum  and align myself with the rules/ways of doing things. And sincerely, I will  tell you  that, I am making some huge progress. I look at myself now and I can say, I am on a journey, a journey that I don't know where it will end, but bagging me knowledge.

This is why I have decided to appreciate every user whom by there articles, comments and merits have pushed me to this far. I am most grateful to you all for this milestone, I am now a member. Thanks, God bless you all.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Doan9269 on April 22, 2022, 05:01:52 AM
My Ranking Up Epistle

Doan9269 Full Member

Honestly i never thought I could pullout this, down in written sooner than expected but i see it as a great opportunity for me to express my appreciation along the line, firstly i want to thank the collective ideas behind the birth of this noble thread, its such a wonderful innovation and i see the need to having all the ranking up celebrations to be collectively directed on a single thread, and to   BitcoinGirl.Club (;u=662330) you have done so well in achieving this, to be honest I've seen the forum as a wonderful platform one cannot do without in a day.

I joined this forum last year August 15th, 2021 but was not that committed due to the fact that i have lots of engagements which couldn't permit my being consistent not until this year January when i turned a new leaf back to the forum and ever since then, my experience here have being so wonderful like never before, as we all know that the forum consist of different ethnic groups and we all come together under the unique benefit of bitcointalk.

My profound gratitude isn't complete if I don't mention some users who's impact I've felt so deep within, they are good examples who's trait are worthy of trail, they are not just ordinary members of the forum but also are important assets to the forum as well, some of which are: @Welsh, @o_e_l_e_o, @LoyceV, @DdmrDdmr, @JayJuanGee, @The Pharmacist, @Ratimov, @CryptopreneurBrainboss, @fillippone and @Charles-Tim. There's no time I come across their threads (post) and never get blessed and this is how thousands of users out there were as well proud of their steadfastness to the forum.

Lastly, chance will not permit me but i must confess that bitcointalk is as well loaded with the impact of every members of the forum especially those i couldn't mentioned but their good works speaks, atimes i see many experienced users actively involved in more than two sections (boards) everyday in their commitments and the standard never compromised. i really appreciate the influence and benefits added to my knowledge in bitcoin and cryptocurrency as a whole through this platform and i see myself reaching the next milestone with better experience.
Thank you all.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DVlog on April 22, 2022, 12:25:44 PM
Level up to member: When I first came to this forum it was never my intention to rank up. I was just trying to make some conversation with other members to acquire some knowledge and pass my time. Actually, I didn't know about this ranking system and when I tried to add some images for my post I figured out newbie can not do that. So I moved into the Beginners & Help thread to find out what was wrong. There I learned about some basic rules and requirements for the forum.

Actually, my first intention was to get to jr members so that I can add images to my post. So i did increase my activity because i have already got more than one merit by that time. Right now I am in member rank and it seems the only way I can get merit to this forum is by helping others. I do know some stuff about crypto and bitcoin but I think I need to take more time to contribute something that contains the real value to the forum.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Falconer on April 22, 2022, 08:46:37 PM
Thank you for providing this thread for forum users especially when they want to announce something they are proud of.

First of all, I never wanted to feel superior to any user in this forum because I just wanted to be a more useful person for myself and others without being arrogant. Regarding merit and rank, I'm currently almost close to the Legendary rank I've been dreaming of where I only need 149 more merit to reach.

Honestly that I felt like posting it here and announcing it at the right time at the moment, but I'm still on my way to achieving it. Now I just want to let you know that the change in my activity and the increase in the quality of my posts have allowed me to earn 351 merit and have also distributed 153 merit to 72 different profiles to date. Of course it's not the best achievement I've had and I hope I can keep improving it over time, so I'm just hoping to edit this post in a few months to let you know that Legendary has been accomplished.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Zlantann on April 24, 2022, 01:57:57 AM
I am very Grateful

Although its coming late but I need to celebrate this dream come through: I am now a member. Firstly,  It's an uncommon privilege to be in this forum. This forum is so organized that I embraced it few minutes after I was introduced to it. For me this forum is far higher than the university in different areas. Many people people in this forum have positively impacted my life. I want to say a big thank you to all of them. I want to also appreciate my wife and children for understanding that daddy needs to divide his time between them and the forum. This forum has thought me that I must be:

Ready to Research: My first posts had some blunders and I paid dearly for the mistake. I felt very bad that I was sacred to read people's responses. This forum is filled with intellectuals and geniuses that are well grounded in diverse fields. Hence, before you post ensure you have done a lot of relevant and current research.

Ready to learn: To succeed and enjoy the forum, you must be teachable. If you are not willing to be corrected, then you might get offended. This is because some members might not correct you politely.

Ready to endure: Patience is an important virtue in this forum. Sometimes you might spend so much time and resources to produce a post and it might not receive the response you desire. You have to be patient and keep going.

Ready to observe: Most success tips in this forum are not specified. You must be sensitive to observe other members that are successful. I have learnt a lot from fillippone by reading his post and observing his style.

Ready to give: If your main aim is to receive reward for everything you offer in this forum, then you might not go far. You must learn to be liberal. If you want to receive, then you must also give.

Ready to obey: This forum have some fearful rules. Ignorance is not an excuse. Ensure you read and obey then. Some mistakes in this forum can be costly.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on April 25, 2022, 12:25:25 AM
Ready to obey: This forum have some fearful rules. Ignorance is not an excuse. Ensure you read and obey then. Some mistakes in this forum can be costly.
Lol.  The rules here aren't "fearful" by any stretch of the imagination--or at least in comparison to other discussion forums.  Very few actions will earn you a permaban, and they're the ones people ought to know not to do just as a matter of course. 

Newbies should most definitely read the rules anyway, because some aspects of bitcointalk are strict (like post quality) and might be different from other sites, where you can just post "lol" or "+1" and nobody bats an eye.

Congrats on getting to Member status by the way--you got there in less than a year, which is probably the average time for a decent poster.  Hopefully it won't take you too long to reach Full Member.

And look at that, BitcoinGirl.Club!  I didn't think anyone would use this thread the way you intended it, but it looks like some members are.  Cool.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Blue King on April 27, 2022, 06:02:12 PM
First of all, I greet the senior brothers. I am new to this forum. Before I came to the forum, I got the idea of ​​forum rules and forum. The good thing about this is that everyone helps.But if we ask our friends for help, they will not.One thing I realized when I came to the forum is that it helps more newcomers to get their rank up quickly.And pretty much everyone here helps.Those who have an account in the senior member rank have a different feeling.Since my rank newbie.. As I think now if I go to Member rank no one else will be as happy as me.


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Ahli38 on April 29, 2022, 02:08:10 AM

 Thank You All for Helping Me
Thanks for bringing up this thread. It was really hard the first time I joined this Forum. because at the beginning of registering it turned out that my account was limited. for reasons that I don't know, it's clear that my ip address is said to have violated the rules. And of course it surprised me for the first time joining. and I am required a little BTC. I was a little disappointed that time. I want to send BTC so I want to join. but I see a thread about this problem can be solved without paying, namely by registering a whitelist. and I signed up and a few weeks or maybe a month later there was an incoming email that required me to just answer a few questions and finally I got a whitelist. ahhhh I'm so happy even though I have to wait a long time. but I will never forget this struggle.

it doesn't stop there, it turns out that the rules on this forum are very disciplined and I'm not used to it at the beginning. so many of my posts are deleted by moderators. and I gave up for some time. until a few months later I got a boost again when a merit landed on my account. which indicates that I managed to become a Newbie who was originally a beginner. my spirit is back. and it was the happiest and unforgettable moment. so I decided not to be stingy about sharing smerit to a beginner or newbie or to seniors to legends. because I really feel happiness when someone appreciates us. and I am determined to learn more about this forum. I hope the one I give merit can be as enthusiastic as I am. and my thanks to all who have awarded me MERIT. especially those on local boards. I learned a lot from all of you.

I can't believe I'm a MEMBER now. and of course I am well aware that this increase is not because I am an achiever or because I am very good. but I was able to move up the rankings because of the motivation and support and help from all of everyone in this forum. especially to those with the initials M******a and I*** S******N . I am very grateful. he even sent me a private message when I made a lot of mistakes and he supported me by helping to give very wise suggestions.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Bamjos on April 29, 2022, 08:24:42 AM
i joined the forum 3 months ago and being part of this educating society has been one of my greatest experience, though it all started with me procrastinating a lot of the plans I had to start my activity on the forum. At first, I found the interface of the site so overwhelming, It wasn't easy finding my way around. Also seeing people's profiles, especially people with thousands of posts, activities and merits, made me feel intimidated. I used few weeks on battling with my inner mind to create my first thread (, I kept postponing this plan, but thank goodness, I finally overcame myself and created the thread.

Consequentially, that thread earned me my first merit and there was where my Joy and sense of fulfillment started, it was as if I won a scholarship, "so someone finally merited my post!" I exclaimed. Even in all these I still feel intimidated, as I said earlier, anytime I come across profile of people in higher ranks, but I've learnt to use that to my advantage, I've come to realise that "nothing worthwhile ever come easily" and that "a journey of thousand miles start with a step taken". Yeah, I took that first step and I am no more where I use to be: this also delight me, that feeling that I'm on a journey and I'm making progress, that I'm growing, that I'm learning, not only about cryptocurrency, but also how to be more constructive and creative in my writing skill, and most especially how to be disciplined (patient). All of these have affected my life in the real world and I consider them achievement in my journey so far.

Finally, my Joy came to its climax early this week as I transited from Newbie rank to Jr. Member, that's my greatest achievement so far and I look forward to achieving more on the forum. My appreciation goes to everyone existing on this space, to those who gave responses to my threads and clarify my ignorance, also to those who were magnanimous enough to merit my posts; I'm grateful, Thanks!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: saxydev on April 29, 2022, 03:01:55 PM
Hey, I am a member and just now I realised my ranked changed because you need merits on this forum. At first I thought these are like the thumbs up on cracked or something similar, but just now I saw it actually helps you to rank up.
Thanks to everyone helping me ranking up. :)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Despairo on April 30, 2022, 07:40:35 AM
Despairo's Sr. Member Achievement

I'm Despairo, a malaysian citizen who interested about Bitcoin. Firstly I have heard a word "Bitcoin" on 2017 when there's sudden pump and reached $19K. But I didn't care anything at that times and just continued my normal life until I looking for side jobs to cover my expenses.

I searched "how to earn money via online" in google and I read an article mention "faucet". I was interested with faucet since it's very easy to claim some satoshi by solve a captcha or watch short video. I give all of my effort and time to claim every faucet until reached the minimum withdrawal. After around 3 weeks, I have reached the minimum withdrawal and that's the first Bitcoin transaction I ever made.

But since 3 weeks is really long and I didn't earn to much, I decided to stop claiming faucet and learn some Bitcoin courses. I did earn some money by trading, but mostly I earn through investing. A year passed and I joined this forum, honestly I don't know where and how I can found this forum, I'm completely forgot about that.

My first post was about mini seminar launched by myself on 2020 (, it's my first contribution about Bitcoin related stuff especially for Malaysian. I feel happy to share my limited knowledge about Bitcoin to average joe or people who doesn't understand Bitcoin at all. Those participants still contact me about his Bitcoin investment and thankfully to me for introduce Bitcoin to him.

Then day after day I keep learning about the forum rules, trustlist, feedback, how's the forum work and regularly create post in my local thread. I got so many merits when I was started with my first post, I even got rewarded with the most merited... I keep posting and contributing, mostly about Bitcoin, privacy, exchanges, and forum related stuffs. I didn't really care with merit at that time, what I think is improving my quality post and gain more knowledge.

When I got 250 merits, I realized my merit start slowing down than my merit was under 250. I don't think my quality post is decreased, but I would think the higher your merit, the higher difficult you will earn the next merit. But it's understandable since anyone always need to improve their quality to become better, not stucked at one point.

Currently my contributions on this forum is:
1. Creating high quality posts in my local thread and translating high quality topics to learn more about the subject.
- Arti bitcoin dan kelebihannye (
- Cara membeli Bitcoin di Malaysia (
- Data covid-19 Malaysia dan cara prevent (
- [GUIDE] Panduan pemula untok gunekan Trust sistem yang betol oleh LoyceV (
- Apa yang anda mahu tahu tentang BTC futures hadapan tapi takut untuk tanya! (

2. Creating topics in global board to share my knowledge.
- El Salvador retirees protest against Bitcoin as legal tender (
- Compilation of all "Scam Accusations" threads related to exchanges V.2 (
- [GUIDE] 10 complete steps for new casino into this forum (

Based on BPIP stats (, I'm currently 662th most earned merit and DT2 with 1 strength only. There's not much forum achievements I got, unlike other people got most merit, most active, most trusted, most recognized and most posts. But I believe it's take times and I will continue my journey in this forum. Still, getting 297 merit isn't easy and I was impressed I can get them, I hope I will ranked up to Hero member very soon.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: SatoPrincess on May 07, 2022, 02:38:36 PM
Senior Member Unlocked

I recently became senior member. I’ve waited for my activity to clocked 250 to achieve this status. Honestly I can’t complain, it’s better than lacking merits to rank up, for this reason I consider myself lucky . I'm so proud of myself for reaching senior member at this time. I’m grateful to everyone who has been helpful,  thank you to those who work hard to keep the forum sane.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Jatiluhung on May 11, 2022, 10:29:47 AM
congratulations to myself for being a part of this great bitcointalk forum

if others, they may boast of promotions or other achievements that should be proud of. but I'm a new kid who has not had any achievements. I feel happy and proud to be a part of this forum. here I found great people. and hopefully I can be part of that great person in the future.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Ahli38 on May 15, 2022, 07:23:30 AM
congratulations to myself for being a part of this great bitcointalk forum

if others, they may boast of promotions or other achievements that should be proud of. but I'm a new kid who has not had any achievements. I feel happy and proud to be a part of this forum. here I found great people. and hopefully I can be part of that great person in the future.

Yes, I like your words. because it made me realize that I would also be so proud that I could be here in this unique forum. where quality is valued and waste is cleaned. what a fun forum. although I rarely comment on great posts, but I spend a lot of time reading quality posts and discussions in them. although sometimes there are still many terms that I do not know. but that's what makes me search more and continue to learn a lot from the people in this forum.


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Agbe on May 18, 2022, 05:47:34 PM
Happiness Take Over Me Today

Base on the OP Subject, I decide to drop this exciting hour of mine. I took a challenge on ogNasty and so98nn Threads to create encrypted message and Table and I did it perfectly.
Table tutorial

My heart is over joy for performing this today. Unimaginable became imaginable.


 keDIDMQWYvVR58B FTfTeDQNHuItY0V lq67dxjNaxKb26S A4REAinvz3ANSEO bs11hw0BpOvSTP5 lFtoL4e96Sh3tVb wrdOq0337kOGX3C 0VmSkmFCH5htxtB SNMnDFNbtQDXH8T ksHoXfXn0dUFTuG OVSaRxj6RPWPlKE QLJxJ6ewWIvojEq EztO3j084XYPJXF HiSeDHPXBPpu41S Z7gc9Js74URCc6a GCGLiwVexfi3MfY 1BHj3YYeWSNBpnV 6fQkL8vPSpAXnO2 MQ5RvEgZ4RuK5A0 l5HF8QWpJJePvMG 880tyvtTDEuIJSM O1pJaqPU9PlkYWT V9pRAgBIfMTwspC oaXzxfnXh4f9TCu CK1DiObyI1CB3ED FeeNi0B.


Username Agbe
Merit 89
Position Member

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Wakate on May 22, 2022, 07:15:53 PM
Appreciation for my Full Member Rank

I am so much delighted for getting to the rank of a full member with so much contributions from reputable members in this forum. It all started like a dream that could never be accomplished with so much things I needed to learn here every single day I logged in here. I was like this journey would take me a while but life can be very funny atimes.

It all started like a baby trying to learn how to write and read. The journey was never easy for me and I thought I will never come back to the forum and continue my normal activities here learning new ideas. I had to leave the forum for one or two issues that had affect my health and dream of being a self employed graduate. Honestly the lifestyle of a white collar employee is not as interesting to me as having my own business here. I left for completely four months or more to build myself and fixed my healthy imbalance so I could be self sufficient, and grow up with vast knowledge in life.

I am very grateful to everyone I've learnt from and that had added to my success to this current position. I have read so many good posts here from reputable members that had improved my intellectual and enlightenment on cryptocurrency in general.
My appreciation goes to everybody on this forum and other great men that had strengthen my weakness and encouraged me through posts I've read and others. A big thanks to @LoyceV, @BitcoinGirl.Club @fillippone @DdmrDdmr, @JayJuanGee, @The Pharmacist, @Ratimov, @CryptopreneurBrainboss  @Welsh, @o_e_l_e_o, @hugeblack @Slow death.

Thanks everyone!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on May 23, 2022, 11:35:00 PM
I'll probably congratulate myself on the member ranking, even though it's still not worth saying because there are still many references and there's still a lot I don't know about the ins and outs of this forum and I still need to read a lot here.

I've known this forum not too long ago and I should probably thank  Steamtyme (;u=1112531) for creating a youtube channel Steam tyme ( which uploaded some videos related to bitcointalk although I did find this by accident but this forum made me curious and finally decided to create an account in early January this year.

It was really funny at first because I posted in the wrong place and got reprimanded by dkbit98 (;u=1410401), Upgrade00 (;u=2423488)  and lucifur (;u=2866253) as a result of my careless actions, but fortunately apart from the warning I was also directed to find information about beginners first which made me feel more challenged and more willing to contribute here. Thanks dude for contributing to what I'm doing here.
Now I have reached Member here even though this is still very low when compared to colleagues who were here before but I am quite proud of my achievements now

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: meser# on May 24, 2022, 08:06:16 PM (

I left 100 days of my life to this forum and stepped into the 100 days club :D I admit that I have a Bitcointalk addiction :D In the middle of a job, I open a new tab and enter bitcointalk and its happen without realising . Its like you are opening the door of fridge and starts to think why did i came here :) I will call this addiction as a "Bitcointalkophobia"  :D

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Woodie on May 25, 2022, 12:04:07 PM

With 35 days clocked in on my dash in terms of " Total time logged in" I am counting down to breaking the 3000 posts marker which is huge for me, a symbol of being an active member of the forum which might not matter much to others, but I have seen myself grow with the forum and is a milestone worth some recognition in my books. Btw let the 35 days not fool you, I have come to know some big names of the forum such as BiPolarBob (;u=343899) most generous guy ever, Lauda (;u=101872) and many others whose names might be in the archives but can't be forgotten...I have also come to see the black book aka blacklist which many would have found themselves on by now ...all thanks to the BitMixer sig :P . Cheers to a bigger, better and stronger forum of tomorrow 🥂.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Agbe on May 30, 2022, 11:32:58 PM
Congratulations to my Rank up to Full Member

Happiness never Ceases
Celebration ends when another celebration begins. In the month of March I was rank up to the member rank and after then I learned a lot of things and I was so happy, and I became a full member on the 26 of May, 2022. This is a forum of celebration and vast knowledge.

I will like to appreciate those who direct, guide, encourage and help me from one way or the other. I call them my professors in the forum. Such as:
lovesmayfamilis, LoyceV, JayJuanGee, The Pharmacist, Ratimov, CryptopreneurBrainboss, fillippone, Zlantann,  Pokapoka124, CryptoHeadlineNews, Davidvictorson, Wiwo etc. Please if I didn't call your name, please, you are also among. Just that I can't list all.

I also want to use this opportunity to apologise to those that I have offended through my comments or post unknowingly, please forgive me.

I am in this forum to learn and to contribute when I have learned. I am not for the forum's goods but for the forum good. I learned mostly from Fillippone threads.

Finally, becoming a full member was not a dream for now because when I visited and viewed some users that are full member, and they registered since 2019 & 2020, and I also saw someone registered early this year and the person is a full member now. And I picked courage. And now here am I, a full member rank. I am also encouraging my juniors not to give up. Continue learning, your next level is very close.

Excitement ends when another excitement begins.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Markinzo on May 31, 2022, 11:08:22 AM

Am so so excited with this opportunity, it's like for measure if this thread was specifically made for me ;D. I remember when I got my first merit as a beginner I jumped up with so much euphoria as one who have just won a free unexpensed paid trip to Tokyo. And then gradually I got to the member rank without a prior knowledge that there's need for appreciation to myself for the efforts have put in thus far, and most especially to everyone who had in one way or the other supported, encouraged and constructively criticized me with the aim to grow me up.

When I started seeing other forum users creating threads to celebrate their new ranks (especially member rank) I just feel sad ;) for myself, and it was like am ungrateful to those who have mentor, supported, and encouraged me up to my member rank, wishing I just could make up an appreciation post for them all even if it's not about me. But on the other hand there was a feeling that it was too late to do so since it has been weeks to a month there about since I ranked up to member rank.

But right now with this opportunity made available here, I felt and developed a different mindset wether it's coming late or not. From my deepest heart and widest smiles am appreciating those who motivated, directed encouraged, guided, supported and constructively criticized my works, actions and inactions here in the forum and outside the forum. You guys are the most amazing.

Even now as I work towards greater rank's as to becoming a full member I won't hesitate to ring the bells of celebration and appreciations immediately I ranked up to full member. Am glad to be here, and I wouldn't stop making threads/posts with quality content to the best of my ability.

wooooow..... Am so excited about this at last. ;D

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Bamjos on May 31, 2022, 08:41:03 PM
My Story Continues...
I woke up to the realization that I've just transited from Junior member Rank to Member Rank. I joined the forum on 17th of March, 2022: I've used exactly 10 weeks and 5 days in the forum. The period spent here haven't been exactly easy, but my little achievements so far has made the whole experience worthwhile. I am indeed happy and grateful for everyone who has helped—either by merits or comments, especially the corrections on my post that taught me invaluable lessons—in this little journey to achieve this feat. I also want to say this to every newbie who find themselves struggling to survive here:  "there's no limit to what you can achieve".

The journey to the next rank (Full Member) starts with immediate effect—though getting there seems impossible and difficult due to the requirements, my aim remains to contribute towards this society of knowledge and to stick to the rules that guide this cryptocurrency  universe (the forum).

Yours dearly

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Oluwa-btc on June 03, 2022, 08:01:11 AM
Frankly, it's no wise decision to prattle about oneself, but I'm more than delighted so have got too share this. As one of the beautiful thing's I have seen is, seeing yourself grow,( Nothing's Beautiful as Growth) And for the privilege to read and learn without payment of tuition fees or school fees, it's been a great time reading in the forum,and also meeting diverse people all over the world indirectly, seems like a total new planet to me.
 Kudo's to @BitcoinGirl.Club for setting up a great coordinated thread, thanks to @LoyceV @The Pharmacist, @CryptopreneurBrainboss @Lovesmayfamilis, I don't want too talk loads and to all those( Both mentioned and not ) that have contributed to the growth of newbies and the community. Y'all are GOATED.
I turned a Full Member yesterday :D

With the Bearish state of the market a whole are in the state, a little bit of advice and reminder is for you too be patient and HOLD!

Cheers! ([img]http (

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Lida93 on June 03, 2022, 08:30:53 AM
Appreciation for my Junior member rank

Lik they say, no man is an island, and that, to be uplifted in life man needs his fellow man. And that's the show of upliftment I have come to experience and taught by the users of this forum right from the first day I found myself here.

From just a beginner to a newbie and now am a junior member, I want to say a big thanks to everyone of you guys for your merits, comments, and corrections brought me up to this height.

For at first I never knew what actually I was doing here in the forum but the threads and comments of everyone of you have a meaningful to me being here in the forum and now I strive to grow in knowlege here in the forum just like everyone of  you all.

Am glad to be a member of this wonderful comity of diverse people with one goal and objective.

Hold and silver have I not but to say thank you, thank you for this unqualified milestone.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Lida93 on June 07, 2022, 12:21:46 AM
For discussion, please step into the topic (, I will keep this topic clean. Achievements, self praising kind of post will only be kept here.

I think I had enough of these common topics like "Finally a member/full member/hero/legendary", "xday/xmonth/xyear legendary", "x is finally a member/full member/hero/legendary now", "1k/2k/3k/..../nk merit club", "one/two/three/n milestones achieved", "I am now member/full member/hero/legendary", "From beginner to member/full member/hero/legendary in x days", "Got my 1st/2nd/3rd/.../nth badge", "celebrating 1year/2years/3years/.../n years", "My/his/their contribution to the forum", "x men forum guide list" the list is way too long!

Just look at Ratimov
1000-Day Legendary (  29 merits
My contribution to the fight against low-value posts ( 70 merits
7k Merit Club. When is Legendary ?  ( 5 merits
[END][GIVEAWAY]- Ratimov 2 Years on Bitcointalk - [PRIZE: 100$ in BTC] ( 30 merits
Ratimov - 2 Years on Bitcointalk + Giveaway !!! ( 44 merits
Ratimov - 1 year on Bitcointalk ( 28 merits
First Newbie of 2019 who received 1000 merits !!! ( 9 merits
My 100 days on Bitcointalk ( 32 merits
Hoвый иcтoчник зacлyг - Ratimov. Oбcyждeниe. ( 33 merits

There could be more.

This just became a bad show to deceive for more merits. All have common scripts but coming with new covers.

The reputation board is already filled up with these kind of topics. Do we really want more to come? I think it's time for a common thread and let this thread do the job for you.

You ranked up?
Share your excitements here.

It ranked up extraordinary quick?
Share your excitements here.

You got x merits and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You are in an x Club and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You achieved a milestone and you can't sleep?
Share your excitements here.

You stayed x years and you are taking break?
Share your excitements here.

You want to share an exciting contribution with us?
Share your excitements here.

You have a list of guide and you lost fat?
Share your excitements here.

Share all your self-praise with us in this thread instead of flooding this reputation board please. Thank you and we are looking forward to see more exciting stories from forum users.
A words encouragement to an anonymous out there that's just like me.

Starting up any good business, idea or project of any kind isn't that easy. It's something we should all know by now. And that's why I just want to take out this moment to remind every forum users out there, especially the newbies and my fellow junior members  all you need to keep you to continuously being active and doing what you know how best to do here in the forum is self-encouragement first.

You know, I decided to develop the character of encouraging myself on a daily in the forum by clicking on my profile and telling myself am doing better, I don't need to give up, am gradually progressing.

These self acclaimed words keeps and gives me hope that someday I'll be a legendary too. Cause if others can then I can too.

So encourage yourself, reasons being that you're your first fan.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Zlantann on June 08, 2022, 04:03:06 PM
I am really grateful

I was in a data analysis class with other students learning about data analysis softwares. But I always observed one student who was always quiet and reserved. He was always studying lecture materials on Bitcoin during break and after closing hour. And I also observed that he was always looking at an unattractive website that looked an old black and white television screen. Most students have also observed him and one day we decided to ask him what he was always doing. He was generous and openhearted that he introduced us to Bitcointalk. He was a very good teacher that almost all of us understood his Bitcointalk lectures. Four out of almost eight of us decided to register, while others felt it was a ponzi scheme. For some months I abandoned this forum but he kept encouraging and teaching me. Today I am very grateful because with diligence and dedication I have really found a family. I have been enlightened and mentored by members of this community that today I can at-least speak to someone about Bitcoin. Just last week one of those my colleague that overlooked this forum called me and congratulated me for my little and humble advancement in this forum. I never thought I would become a full member in less than one year. I want to thank everyone that have encouraged, criticized and believed me. But I am eternally grateful to that superhuman that kept encouraging me to embrace this forum.    

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Falconer on June 08, 2022, 05:41:53 PM
I'm currently almost close to the Legendary rank I've been dreaming of where I only need 149 more merit to reach.
Now my journey to Legendary is only 41 merit away. It's been thrilling to reach this rank after such a long struggle, but I'll still be realistic about continuing to do my best even if this month or the following month I haven't had the chance to secure a Legendary. This may sound strange, but I am very happy when that rating is reached especially after I put in my best effort. I don't expect it to be too long for me now, it would be nice if I reach it at the end of the month.

When is Legendary?  ::)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: m2017 on June 09, 2022, 06:17:31 PM
I'm currently almost close to the Legendary rank I've been dreaming of where I only need 149 more merit to reach.
Now my journey to Legendary is only 41 merit away. It's been thrilling to reach this rank after such a long struggle, but I'll still be realistic about continuing to do my best even if this month or the following month I haven't had the chance to secure a Legendary. This may sound strange, but I am very happy when that rating is reached especially after I put in my best effort. I don't expect it to be too long for me now, it would be nice if I reach it at the end of the month.

When is Legendary?  ::)
I made my small contribution and now you are 1 merit closer to your goal. :)

40 merit is not 400 merit, so just be patient and you will get a rank increase. Judging by the date of your registration, it took you 8 years to get to Legendary rank, which seems like an awfully long time. But the more valuable your achievement will be: the harder it gets, the more we appreciate it. Based on your rate of getting merit, I'm sure by the fall (October - the date of he's registration) you will definitely get rank up.

In your case, pretty soon.
If you are bored of waiting, you can hold a contest to guess the date of your rank up.  ;)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: salad daging on June 09, 2022, 06:28:58 PM
Now my journey to Legendary is only 41 merit away. It's been thrilling to reach this rank after such a long struggle, but I'll still be realistic about continuing to do my best even if this month or the following month I haven't had the chance to secure a Legendary. This may sound strange, but I am very happy when that rating is reached especially after I put in my best effort. I don't expect it to be too long for me now, it would be nice if I reach it at the end of the month.

When is Legendary?  ::)
You have done a very good journey in this forum of course by looking forward to ranking up to become Legendary is something extraordinary and surely you are waiting for this unforgettable moment, but believe me in time you will achieve your dream with the Legendary target in the days to come.
Your contribution to the forum is very good.

@The Pharmacist once offered a monthly post history review by the way he PMs, maybe that helps you a bit to get to Legendary in the near future. ;)

I've offered a post history review to anyone who PMs me (monthly), and if you'd like to take advantage of that just send me a message.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: ShowOff on June 09, 2022, 08:09:10 PM
When is Legendary?  ::)
I hope this is not a complaint but your real wish. You're getting closer to that rank now and just a little extra effort to get there. I know you as one of the well-contributed users of the local board, you have a lot of merit stats there, so I think you will have no trouble achieving that dream. For now I don't have the strength to contribute much to you, but so far some merit from me should get you closer to the rankings. Congratulations on that. 962/1000 - you'll be there very soon.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Ahli38 on June 18, 2022, 10:32:13 AM
Become a full member Thanks to you all

I really didn't expect that today I had moved up the ranks to become a Full Member. I think it's still a long time for me to achieve it. but thanks to the help and motivation of everyone on this forum I can achieve it now.

So I'm going to say a big Thank you to everyone on this forum I've been involved with and also to the OP.

and of course i am very special thanks to these great people who have helped me to reach this rank i.e

Antonas1 (;u=927656), JayJuanGee (;u=252510), The Pharmacist (;u=487418), Halab (;u=1053119), Husna QA (;u=1827294), bitmover (;u=1554927), Lubcub62 (;u=3429001), babo (;u=65636), bitbollo (;u=364070), MAAManda (;u=2747752), Pmalek (;u=112493), hilariousandco (;u=164822), Coin-1 (;u=1133335), Ryu_Ar1 (;u=3430388), LoyceV (;u=459836), davis196 (;u=710218), Jatiluhung (;u=3471005), blue Snow (;u=2772969), aoluain (;u=965440), BitcoinGirl.Club (;u=662330), mamesso (;u=689146), vv181 (;u=327124), Falconer (;u=387572), Rengga Jati (;u=1276008), vapourminer (;u=33156), xandry (;u=382413), ETFbitcoin (;u=359716), Bobrox (;u=904048), (;u=470478), Uang_kartal (;u=3397174), skarais (;u=943729), AakZaki (;u=839568), 1miau (;u=2143453), Timelord2067 (;u=131361), Ratimov (;u=2627711), ShowOff (;u=537721), dkbit98 (;u=1410401), NotATether (;u=2739424), Shamm (;u=3325792), Daniel91 (;u=334636), pooya87 (;u=379147), Welsh (;u=84521), OgNasty (;u=18321), Mpamaegbu (;u=940323).

Thank you for sharing your happiness with me

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: LoyceV on June 18, 2022, 11:22:27 AM
Today's achievement: I've reached 20,000 posts! (
from Imgflip Meme Generator (

And by posting this, I've spoiled it :(

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Pmalek on June 18, 2022, 12:55:01 PM
And by posting this, I've spoiled it :(

If you want, we can report some of your posts to bring that number down to 20.000 again. Or better yet, 10.000.
Give me just a minute... here we go. I took your activity points as well, but your merits are fine, don't worry.

*Don't believe everything you see on the internet.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: NdaMk on June 20, 2022, 09:15:37 AM
Today's achievement: I've reached 20,000 posts! (
from Imgflip Meme Generator (

And by posting this, I've spoiled it :(

Congratulations boss this just about the number of post but the quality of them. And how u have been everywhere in the forum sharing your knowledge. Thank you for all you do and also anticipating the next 20, 000  ;D

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on June 20, 2022, 12:43:44 PM
Today's achievement: I've reached 20,000 posts!

And by posting this, I've spoiled it :(
Damn you! 11206 Merits, 20028 Posts, how? 😉

These are just the numbers but at least this shows that the amount of time and hard work you put to this forum to improve the experience of others is paying off well. The return is obviously the position you have in the forum, a strong character to follow by others.

If fact this entire forum is a collection of characters. A very few know each others in person but almost all of us do not know each others however have to some level of trust between each others judgement, and to show respect to each others. This is a place to skip from the busy distractive environment around us. 

Congratulations brother.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: yhiaali3 on June 21, 2022, 08:50:40 PM
Personally, the best thing I achieved in the forum was the day I got the rank of Legendary member, I felt happy and loving at the same time towards the members of the forum who helped me to get the number of merits required to upgrade my rank to Legendary, I was missing some merits and my name was put in the topic of members who are eligible for Legendary rank but lacking some merits, forum members started sending merits on my threads and I managed to reach this rank with their help, I felt very happy that day and had feelings of love and gratitude towards forum members and I felt like we are really one family.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Falconer on June 23, 2022, 08:32:14 AM
When is Legendary?  ::)
It's time for me to celebrate one of the best achievements I've ever had in this forum, I've been up to now.
My desire, effort, hard work, consistency and help are some of the things that made me manage to reach the highest point of bitcointalk user ranking. I managed to get 534 merit in 261 transactions, from 54 different profiles and that made my rank Legendary. Thanks to everyone who helped, it's an honor to celebrate with you here.
Image from google.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: ShowOff on June 23, 2022, 05:31:31 PM
It's time for me to celebrate one of the best achievements I've ever had in this forum, I've been up to now.
Like my last comment, ( I believe you can reach Legendary in no time and in fact in less than a month you've come back to this thread to announce it. I don't know what to say about your success other than just saying congratulations. I also saw several people congratulating you on the local board for this success, you really deserve it. Good efford.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on June 25, 2022, 07:24:39 AM
Finally I Became A Full Member

There is a Latin word "Tempus Fugit" which simply means "Time Flies", because I could remember when I registered an account on the forum and luckily today (24 June 2022) celebrating my rank of a Full Member. It's really amazing and I'm grateful.
All these wouldn't have been possible if not for your undiluted supports, love and words of encouragement for me, and I really appreciate. You guys are the best and I'm happy to be among you guys on the forum full time now.


While searching the internet one fateful day in June 2021, I got to know about this forum as a site you learn and discuss about Bitcoin, but never did I had an idea how or where to start from, as the home page was too cumbasome to comprehend, and I finally got to register on 20th June 2021. It took me time to understand the forum, as I tried, tried and gave up in my first 3 months. But thanks to God I didn't quit and today, celebrating my new rank. I know it's wasn't easy, it was tough, it was hard, but despite it all I kept pushing forward, and I know there is someone out there who is also facing the same struggle like I did, and am here for you. Because i ones took a break off the forum when I was feeling confused and exhausted to learn how the forum works and came back. So it's not a crime to take a break if you are feeling exhausted, as long as you won't quit, because I never did, and that's why am celebrating today.


As a result of my few months of activeness on the forum, I have learnt to understand that it's good to take a break sometimes, as long as you don't plan quitting. Because frankly speaking, it's actually not easy here, it's not easy coming up with a good thread, it's not easy helping others understand a particular concept and it's not easy maintaining & promoting a conducive atmosphere on the forum, and that's why I always respect all ranks irrespective of category, because we have got people here who offer for free what others pay $100 to $1000 to learn from an online course, and that's why I appreciate them all


I wish to appreciate the following persons
Slow death (;u=783422), ETFbitcoin (;u=359716), CryptopreneurBrainboss (;u=1052091), Halab (;u=1053119), Davidvictorson (;u=3344451), Kingsden (;u=3333894), Rruchi man (;u=2863343), JayJuanGee (;u=252510), pooya87 (;u=379147), Pmalek (;u=112493),  Cryptocurrencyking (;u=2701506), lovesmayfamilis (;u=1982152), DdmrDdmr (;u=1582324), SatoPrincess (;u=3380863), Lucius (;u=533583), seoincorporation (;u=334783), famososMuertos (;u=1593137), uneng (;u=493772), so98nn (;u=729766), igehhh (;u=1045971)  and more others whose name not mention above, because I am really grateful for your support and encouragement you gave to me here on this forum. You guys are actually the best.


I have got only 18 threads posted so far since I started the forum till this moment of my new rank as a Full Member on 23rd June 2022. So listed below are just a few of them.

1.   Qualities Of A Good Bitcointalker (
2.  6 Real-life Lessons I Learnt From Bitcoin (No 6 Will Amaze You) (
3.  What is NFT? & How To Get Free NFTs On Coinmarketcap (
4.  Why I Think Cryptocurrency Should Be Introduced Into Our Higher Institutions (
5.  Teaching College Students About Bitcoin (
6. 8 Mistakes People Make When Investing In Crypto (
7. 13 Facts You Never Knew About Bitcoin And It's Forum (
8. How to locate a nearby Bitcoin ATM (A step by step guide) (
9. Some silly Bitcoin trading mistake people make occasionally (
10. Crypto memes we come across on daily basis  (


In conclusion, with consistency, hard work, and perseverance, you too can achieve same result as mine, it's just a matter of time, so don't rush, as everybody has his or her appointed time. Thank you.

NOTE: It's never a crime to take a break as long as you don't quit.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Yawa2020 on June 25, 2022, 08:14:04 AM
😅 😅 😅
Like seriously, this thread is for me😋 I haven't logout from forum since morning. Do you know why? 🤔 I just earn my first merit this morning 💪and the happiness I'm currently having is just like heaven on earth. Honestly, it makes someone to be happy and also give strength to push for more of it.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on June 25, 2022, 10:07:03 AM
😅 😅 😅
Like seriously, this thread is for me😋 I haven't logout from forum since morning. Do you know why? 🤔 I just earn my first merit this morning 💪and the happiness I'm currently having is just like heaven on earth. Honestly, it makes someone to be happy and also give strength to push for more of it.

CryptopreneurBrainboss gave you good motivation by giving you one merit. But I checked your posts. You complain about nepotism, when in fact you didn't lift a finger to create at least a few posts to get your merit. All your "creativity" is solid bounty reports.
Nevertheless, I will give you merit too, so that you do not think that everything is entangled in acquaintances.
If you are happy today, continue to be happy, but be more productive. Reports drag you down.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Yawa2020 on June 25, 2022, 11:54:40 AM

CryptopreneurBrainboss gave you good motivation by giving you one merit. But I checked your posts. You complain about nepotism, when in fact you didn't lift a finger to create at least a few posts to get your merit. All your "creativity" is solid bounty reports.
Nevertheless, I will give you merit too, so that you do not think that everything is entangled in acquaintances.
If you are happy today, continue to be happy, but be more productive. Reports drag you down.
I must commend your generosity for giving me merit even after my flaws. Like I use to say in most of my posts here, I'm ready to learn from anybody that's willing to carry me along boss 🙌

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Hyphen(-) on June 25, 2022, 02:30:15 PM

In conclusion, with consistency, hard work, and perseverance, you too can achieve same result as mine, it's just a matter of time, so don't rush, as everybody has his or her appointed time. Thank you.

NOTE: It's never a crime to take a break as long as you don't quit.
Congratulations @CryptoHeadlineNews on your Full member Rank, may you keep the good work you have started in this forum. There are a lot things to learn in the forum, I hope you come back fully after your short break.
Once again, congratulations

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 25, 2022, 07:36:04 PM
Finally I Became A Full Member
Congratulations mate, it is indeed worth celebrating cus like you said, coming up with good thread on this forum is not ice cream, it takes a lot of
critical thinking and research to come up with great ideas, and after that, it take some little effort and hard work to bring the idea to live on the forum, its not at all easy and I can totally relate.
But then, a big congratulations to you once again for being one the conquerors, and I know you wont relax just yet, for the journey just began, I wish you a smoother, easier and faster journey this time, one that you wont have to take a break from, I too once took a break of 4 years (2017 to end of 2020) because I didn't understand the forum and all the rudiments to it, But now that I know better, there is no more breaks until God calls me cus #WEDIEHERE :D.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DVlog on June 26, 2022, 12:56:00 PM
😅 😅 😅
Like seriously, this thread is for me😋 I haven't logout from forum since morning. Do you know why? 🤔 I just earn my first merit this morning 💪and the happiness I'm currently having is just like heaven on earth. Honestly, it makes someone to be happy and also give strength to push for more of it.

You just remained me of my first day of getting merits. It was like winning a lottery. Before that day I was just thinking that getting a merit in the forum is extremely hard and only for people who are specialized in certain knowledge. Actually, it's all about helping each other. You do not have to always create something new to get merits it can be a piece of info that someone is looking for.

What is hard in this forum is increasing activity. You need to have consistency in posting to increase your activity. Only merit won't rank up if you do not have activity. Also, this motivates people to be active in the forum. The overall system is a piece of the creativity of genius minds.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on June 26, 2022, 01:47:53 PM
Sorry I needed to delete the post. I will suggest to share it on the discussion thread if it is necessary. I removed one more posts too. This topic is about celebrating the ranking up or any achievement you are excited about. I appreciate to limit the discussion. It will be easier for the readers.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on June 27, 2022, 10:41:31 AM
Hello everyone, because the number 777 merit looks like a sacred number that lasted a few days since I got it, so today I want to save it here. I can tell you that I will still have to wait a few months to rank up to become a Hero Member even though I currently fulfill one of the [500 merit] requirements to be at that rank. I just had to wait for the activity count to be around 480 for me to rank as a Hero Member, this meant I would have to spend at least a few more months in the Sr. Member rank. But it's not a big problem for me, but I just want to let you know that I have succeeded in proving that the merit system never depends on your rank. You can get more merit even if your ranking is still low because it all depends on your posting habits. The better the quality of your posts, the better your chances of getting merit.

I'm not saying this is my greatest achievement, but it is good evidence to let you know that the merit system has been useful to most people who care about the quality of their posts. So do your best so you get a good experience too.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on June 27, 2022, 10:57:34 AM
It's ruined. Congratulations! 😂

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: aysg76 on June 27, 2022, 12:11:59 PM
I just had to wait for the activity count to be around 480 for me to rank as a Hero Member, this meant I would have to spend at least a few more months in the Sr. Member rank.
It is good to see many members across the forum these days who have more merits then activity and having continuous approach the same way so best of luck and you already have  saved your 777 merit records  ( your next target is locked.

Speaking about your activity then as you are active and every two weeks 14 activity points are distributed it would take another 3 months for you to actually have the senior rank on your profile but till then you will be having legendary rank merits if the pace continues.

Your work and effective contributions on the forum with your knowledge will lead you to success path and then merit is no hinderance for you but you will automatically gain them without even worrying about it.

It's ruined. Congratulations! 😂
The @Pharmacist merit machine detected him again and was ruined with additional 23 merits and now his record is moving to next 888 merits so congratulations to him for the same.

All others who are asking for how to gain merit and rank up on the forum you don't need to think about them but only Focus on making quality post, sharing and exchange of knowledge and results will be as per your wish.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Markinzo on June 29, 2022, 05:42:42 AM
For discussion, please step into the topic (, I will keep this topic clean. Achievements, self praising kind of post will only be kept here.

I think I had enough of these common topics like "Finally a member/full member/hero/legendary", "xday/xmonth/xyear legendary", "x is finally a member/full member/hero/legendary now", "1k/2k/3k/..../nk merit club", "one/two/three/n milestones achieved", "I am now member/full member/hero/legendary", "From beginner to member/full member/hero/legendary in x days", "Got my 1st/2nd/3rd/.../nth badge", "celebrating 1year/2years/3years/.../n years", "My/his/their contribution to the forum", "x men forum guide list" the list is way too long!

Just look at Ratimov
1000-Day Legendary (  29 merits
My contribution to the fight against low-value posts ( 70 merits
7k Merit Club. When is Legendary ?  ( 5 merits
[END][GIVEAWAY]- Ratimov 2 Years on Bitcointalk - [PRIZE: 100$ in BTC] ( 30 merits
Ratimov - 2 Years on Bitcointalk + Giveaway !!! ( 44 merits
Ratimov - 1 year on Bitcointalk ( 28 merits
First Newbie of 2019 who received 1000 merits !!! ( 9 merits
My 100 days on Bitcointalk ( 32 merits
Hoвый иcтoчник зacлyг - Ratimov. Oбcyждeниe. ( 33 merits

There could be more.

This just became a bad show to deceive for more merits. All have common scripts but coming with new covers.

The reputation board is already filled up with these kind of topics. Do we really want more to come? I think it's time for a common thread and let this thread do the job for you.

You ranked up?
Share your excitements here.

It ranked up extraordinary quick?
Share your excitements here.

You got x merits and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You are in an x Club and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You achieved a milestone and you can't sleep?
Share your excitements here.

You stayed x years and you are taking break?
Share your excitements here.

You want to share an exciting contribution with us?
Share your excitements here.

You have a list of guide and you lost fat?
Share your excitements here.

Share all your self-praise with us in this thread instead of flooding this reputation board please. Thank you and we are looking forward to see more exciting stories from forum users.
Appreciation thread on my one year Anniversary in Bitcointalk forum.

Today exactly makes me one year in the forum and as a notorious and established fact that it hasn't been easy with all the challenges faced I have also gained a lot of crypto  knowledge with other general knowledge from the forum users inputs in the forum.

I might have erred but still am grateful and appreciate everyone's chastisement and support towards my growth in the forum throughout this one year.
Thank you all!!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Lida93 on June 29, 2022, 06:06:05 PM
Hello everyone, because the number 777 merit looks like a sacred number that lasted a few days since I got it, so today I want to save it here. I can tell you that I will still have to wait a few months to rank up to become a Hero Member even though I currently fulfill one of the [500 merit] requirements to be at that rank. I just had to wait for the activity count to be around 480 for me to rank as a Hero Member, this meant I would have to spend at least a few more months in the Sr. Member rank. But it's not a big problem for me, but I just want to let you know that I have succeeded in proving that the merit system never depends on your rank. You can get more merit even if your ranking is still low because it all depends on your posting habits. The better the quality of your posts, the better your chances of getting merit.

I'm not saying this is my greatest achievement, but it is good evidence to let you know that the merit system has been useful to most people who care about the quality of their posts. So do your best so you get a good experience too.

Many just focused on merit achievements mostly forgetting that  a good quality post is a means to an that they seek for. Congratulations on your 777 merits, for that number is actually a number to reverence.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Franctoshi on June 30, 2022, 01:04:46 PM
                                       RANKED FULL MEMBER

I feel so much happy in joining other successful members here to announce my rank up and to have officially became a full member of these forum, meeting up the requirements needed to rank up. Having look back from when I started this journey few months ago, I really want use this time to appreciate everyone who have contributed to this success both in words of encouragement via Thread/post created in this forum have indeed impacted and played a significant role in helping me get to this rank.
I have really learnt a lot from you guys different experience.
Some thread like ranking up is possible by filiponne (
Ranking up is possible! (
encouraged me a lot and including other educative threads as well, that gave me the confidence, thus made me believe that I can equally do same.

But the game doesn't just end here I will continue to do my possible best to improve myself and have quality contribution to this great community, because it's indeed a great platform for someone to be.

                         I WANT TO  THANK  THE  FOLLOWING  PERSON

for encouraging me with their merit because getting merit from this experienced legendary and Hero members kinda show me I'm beginning to improve.
CrytoneurBrainboss (;u=1052091)
JayJuanGee (;u=252510)
Torque (;u=163318)
Welsh (;u=84521)
BitcoinBunny (;u=1153445)
hugeblack (;u=1059082)
TryNinja (;u=557798)
DdmrDdmr (;u=1582324)
OgNasty (;u=18321)
Arriemoller (;u=159292)
empowering (;u=191697)
LFC_Bitcoin (;u=379487)
Dabs (;u=54791) and can't forget to mention  
Fivestar4everMVP (;u=882964)
who happens to be the very first person that multivated me with merit.
and a lot of other people I couldn't mention their names here who did merit me.

                        I appreciate you all, I will continue to do my best.

         Lessons I Have learnt so far Which I want to pass to other people looking up to reaching this level and above is that .....

1• everything is possible with God , if you believe and put effort ,become consistence in what ever you find yourself doing and equally put focus on what your doing because whatever thing you focus on will expand.

2. Research is one of the key thing to becoming successful in this forum, from point of experience. I don't think it will be easy to succeed If you aren't doing research, even if you don't know much about Bitcoin or other related things that makes up topics for discussion here, by learning and doing more research you will get to knowing more of what you don't know before.


#Believe it is possible then it will be possible through quality effort and time.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: GiftedMAN on June 30, 2022, 07:06:20 PM


I am amazed looking at where I have gotten to. I never imagined that I would have gotten this far at this moment but after waking up to reality, I found out that this is where I am. I am now a ranked Full Member!
I am grateful to God Almighty and I appreciate every one of you who has chosen to be the ladder at which I have climbed to this point.

My journey thus far has been made possible because of your guidance through your quality threads, encouragement with your merits, and as a little child, learning to stand you have chosen to hold my hand so that I do not fall. I take to cognizant how inconvenienced it has been for you to guide and sacrifice your merits just to encourage me and I am overwhelmed by the love I wish I have a word bigger than thank you that I would have used but I am saying thank you to you all.

My Lessons

1) You can achieve anything if you believe in yourself and work towards it and stay humble
2) Success is for everyone but determination, learning with an open mind and consistency takes you there

My Advice To Newbies Who Aspire To Get Here

1) Stay focused
2)Never stop learning
3) Be inspired by what others see as challenges
4) Be open to correction and appreciate it when it comes to you


A wise man by the name Chintan Jan said
" Aspire to Acquire the Desire that you Admire, but if in the process you Perspire don't Retire but Refire to Acquire the Desire which you Admire".

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on June 30, 2022, 08:13:27 PM
Congratulations to the two of you who have rank up to Full Members. Glad to see more knowledgeable people are on this forum and discussing something useful. Increase your activity and don't forget that Legendary requires 1000 merit and you have to prove it to anyone who ever doubted your abilities. If you know that rank up to Legendary is not easy, then I think you should know what to do. Contribution not only with words, but prove it with real practice towards this space community.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Hyphen(-) on July 01, 2022, 08:43:32 PM

                                      RANKED FULL MEMBER


congratulation on attaining a new rank, keep the work you have doing in this forum more ranks ahead.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Bhig Daddy on July 06, 2022, 08:59:31 AM
A very big congratulations to me, not because I reached the member rank but because of the knowledge I have acquired so far on this forum and also I have been able to contribute to the forum with the little I have. I am so glad I came across this tread and I really wish to get to the top and also contribute to the forum in any way I can. Thanks you guys for your support.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on July 06, 2022, 09:07:02 AM
A very big congratulations to me, not because I reached the member rank but because of the knowledge I have acquired so far on this forum and also I have been able to contribute to the forum with the little I have. I am so glad I came across this tread and I really wish to get to the top and also contribute to the forum in any way I can. Thanks you guys for your support.
Congratulations, you have a long way to go. Member, Full Member, Sr. Member, Hero and finally Legendary. You also need to chase the activity which updates every 14 days. So to reach to the Legendary rank you are looking at nearly two years. Your username reminds me the user Big Daddy. Have you seen the username before or it was something you considered to use when you registered.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Bhig Daddy on July 06, 2022, 01:19:41 PM
A very big congratulations to me, not because I reached the member rank but because of the knowledge I have acquired so far on this forum and also I have been able to contribute to the forum with the little I have. I am so glad I came across this tread and I really wish to get to the top and also contribute to the forum in any way I can. Thanks you guys for your support.
Congratulations, you have a long way to go. Member, Full Member, Sr. Member, Hero and finally Legendary. You also need to chase the activity which updates every 14 days. So to reach to the Legendary rank you are looking at nearly two years. Your username reminds me the user Big Daddy. Have you seen the username before or it was something you considered to use when you registered.
well I got the name during my NYSC camping, and ever since then I stick to it because I really like the name. Then when I wanted registering I just feel like to use it, Hope the bigdaddy you know doesn't remind you of any bad thing.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on July 06, 2022, 02:03:27 PM
well I got the name during my NYSC camping, and ever since then I stick to it because I really like the name. Then when I wanted registering I just feel like to use it, Hope the bigdaddy you know doesn't remind you of any bad thing.
Nothing wrong with Big Daddy. My memory is telling me we had a user name "Big Daddy". I did some forum search too to find him. I was sure I was going to find from the search very easily. But the search result brought me "big_daddy (;u=257004)" which I was not expecting.

I sent a PM to the user.
hey brother,
Are you the same guys who is Big Daddy on the poker series we used to play? Your username seems changed or I have lost some part of my memory LOL

It's confusing because on the Poker thread a lot of us were also mentioning him as Big Daddy. I am expecting him to change his username to big_daddy.
You will find it in this sheet :

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Hyphen(-) on July 07, 2022, 12:07:49 AM
Appreciation to the entire Bitcointalk forum; Hyphen(-) is now a Full Member

My first question in this wonderful forum was about key an address I need help on How to easily Generate Public key from private key. (, The responses I received were very encouraging, and I realized I was in the right place to learn everything I wanted to know about Bitcoin and other related issues. That is how it began, and today I am grateful to be fully recognized as a Full Member of the Bitcointalk forum.
This is only the beginning of my struggle because there are many things I still need to contribute to the forum because I have learned so much from others. I will also want to share some of my knowledge as much as i can.
I Congratulate myself for attaining this level.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: WatChe on July 07, 2022, 04:12:37 AM
Congratulations on becoming Member. Full member, senior, Hero and Legendary rank to Achieve

I got Member rank few days ago and like everyone else it feels great. My few satoshis about getting merits is that it didn't come overnight, you need consistency in order to get merits and go up in rank. Getting started is difficult but once you figure out how to get merits then things become relatively easy.

Just few points which I wanna share from my experience are that :

1. Dont just post for the sake of posting.
2. Try to understand what discussion is going on in thread and post only if you can add something to discussion going on. You have to put more effort into your posts and make them more insightful, try reading the previous replies to a topic.
3. Try to help out people who are looking for help on certain topics like which bitcoin is secure to use etc. You can do so only by increasing your knowledge about technology.
4. Respect, respect and respect everyone on this forum.

As I said above points are just my few satoshis

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mpamaegbu on July 07, 2022, 10:37:01 AM
Hope the bigdaddy you know doesn't remind you of any bad thing.
Lol 😂... So true. It's the same thing I would think if told that I looked like someone or reminded them of someone, even in real life. You never can tell what memory the other person left on someone.

You will find it in this sheet :
The puzzle would've been easily solved if the spreadsheet had users' url links on it. You just click on it and it takes you to the correct user's profile. It could be that the big daddy you're seeking registered on the poker site without an underscore to their moniker and that makes it look like it's a different user.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: meser# on July 09, 2022, 08:29:15 PM (

333 looks very nice until reach to 444 :)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on July 10, 2022, 12:42:19 PM
Here I Come As A Hero Member

I am most happy to announce to the community that i am celebrating my latest achievement on this forum which is making it to the rank of a Hero member.

My Story - My Journey

     On July, 2016, I found my way to this forum through a crypto related search on google and with the help of Dalecoin Dev (;u=1086840) who was a member of the forum before me with another account which I cant remember the username right now, though i believe both accounts are now inactive, this user was the one who helped me get around the forum then and later, he introduced me to the first crypto project i invested money in through this forum which later turned into Scam, you all can check out the thread of that project HERE. (

     I lost almost all my savings on that project but with my never giving up spirit and love for cryptocurrencies, I continued to stay on the forum and started participating on Airdrops and bounty campaigns since I didn't have money to invest in the ICOs then, the Airdrops and bounties was, as at that time, my major reason of being on this forum - though not any more as a lot of things have changed in my life.

     By 2017, I got tired of all the scam airdrops and bounties that amounted to nothing after receiving the token in the wallet, I managed to raise a little amount of money and started day trading on Poloniex, ( back then, poloniex was the biggest cryptocurrency exchange) and I decided to take a break from the forum.

     I was away till around August 2020 but in-between that period, I hopped on on the forum one day around 2019 and discovered that Merit has been introduced to the forum, and that it has become the major means through which one can rank up, for about one week, I tried to see if I can earn some merit but I didn't earn any, I got discouraged again and continue my break  ;D, I believe the month of August, 2020 was the month I came back to the forum fully after a google search on something lead me to a thread here which after reading, I decided to login and continue with my account, is started participating in bounty campaigns in the altcoins board again and paid zero attention to earning merits or ranking up for quite some time, at some point, I became interested in ranking up and after going though many threads on how to earn merits, I decide not to pay attention to merit anymore but to just focus on making quality posts and sharing what I know could be of benefit to others, surprisingly, the merits started rolling in little by little, And am happy that today that i made it to a rank of a Hero member.

       I want to specially thank all my Top Merit fans and everyone who have supported me in one way or the other to achieve this height, its not easy and I really appreciate all your valuable time you spent reading my posts and meriting the ones you found merit worthy.

-- I want to specially thank @YAHOO62278 (;u=355846) who supported me with a set of 20 merits at ones when that amount was what I needed to climb to the rank of a Hero member.
-- I want specially thank @HUGEBLACK (;u=1059082) who is the next on my Top Merit fans.
-- I want specially thank @DDMRDDMR (;u=1582324) who is the number 3 on my Top Merit fans.
-- I want specially thank @LOYCEV (;u=459836) who is the number 4 on my Top Merit fans.
-- I want specially thank @O_E_L_E_O (;u=1188543) who is the number 5 on my Top Merit fans.

--I can never do this and forget @CRYPTOPRENEURBRAINBOSS (;u=1052091) who supported me greatly, through Merit i earned from this Brother, I qualified, I applied, and got accepted in my first ever Bitcoin paying Signature campaign in the service board.
--I want to appreciate the entire members of my Nigerian Community Board, ( you for all the support from you all, though this days, I hardly have time to be active in the board, I want to assure you all that I did not forget my root.

--I received support from a lot of users on this forum and it is not possible to mention everyone, but this does not mean I don't appreciate, i appreciate and celebrate each and every one you on this forum that have supported me in terms of knowledge and help that brought me to where I am today...Thank you everyone.

     I honestly have not much to say here as my story above already contains a lot of lessons which anybody can draw advice from, But to make everything complete, i would say, Never give up, the community on this great forum is like a two edged sword, how you use it will determine the outcome of your stay here, if you use it well, it will help you get to the top, if you decide to use it the wrong way , you will destroy your stay here, the choice is yours to make.

[FUN][In Merit] Post Count Down To Your Next Rank Here. (
How I Almost Gave Scammers Access To My wallet This Morning. (
The History Of Gambling. (
Finally, I Bought Something With Full Payment In Bitcoin. (
A Centralized Exchange With A Non-Custodial Wallet System - How feasible Is This? (
[HISTORY] Some Notable Bitcoin's Past Events + Price Prediction Contest. ( - BTW, the price prediction contest is coming, just haven't found enough time lately, i will launch it as soon as i am able to put one and two together.
Over-Speeding Kills, Always Slow Down When Driving A Car (

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: naira on July 10, 2022, 07:42:55 PM
Here I Come As A Hero Member

I am most happy to announce to the community that i am celebrating my latest achievement on this forum which is making it to the rank of a Hero member.
Congratulations buddy you have surpassed me and it is a great achievement and pride of self. Improve and always provide something educational. If I'm not mistaken, when you created this thread still haven't reached hero rank, and within 2 days your boom shows a change.

I hope to have the same opportunity as you. It takes a few more merits to get to the hero, pray for me to catch up with you.

-73 merit again I will also try my best.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: m2017 on July 10, 2022, 08:06:51 PM
-73 71 merit again I will also try my best.
Try harder, with your activity, it's time for you to get a Hero member rank. You are already close to it and are at the finish line. The question is not whether it will happen or not, but when you will achieve it. I wish you this as soon as possible.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on July 10, 2022, 08:32:24 PM
-73 71 69 merit again I will also try my best.
Keep on pushing mate, you will make it sooner than you think, I never expected I will be a Hero member by now, but it happened sooner than I thought, yours will happen sooner than you think too, just keep pushing, you've walked the greater part of the journey, you need just a few steps more to arrive at this junction, don't relent, keep passing knowledge, keep sharing good ideas, share your crypto achievements with the community, put in your best in every single post, it will all count for joy soon.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: SquirrelJulietGarden on July 11, 2022, 01:33:14 AM
Excuse me!

I did not make any topic to celebrate my achievements from Jr. member, Full Member to Senior Member. Can I say hi to you and celebrate it all today

Hi community. I have achieved above ranks and I am climbing up to Hero member.

My contribution
- Define the (scam) DeFi (
- Transactions (complilation for newbies) (
- Websites to check bitcoin transactions or addresses from scammers (
- Revoke Smart Contract Allowance with (
- Taproot - The biggest upgrade for Bitcoin since 2017 & documents to read. (
- Bitcoin and cryptocurrency monthly return (%) from (
- Websites for Dollar Cost Averaging DCA (
- Websites to check withdrawal fee and transaction fee (
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Congratulations to everyone who has achieved any rank from your work and your received merit :-*

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Wiwo on July 11, 2022, 07:06:14 AM
A big happy bitcointalk birthday to me, thank you forum admin for this big candlelight to celebrate my one year in this forum.
I appreciate other forum members, for their support corrections and advise.
This past one year have been the most exciting time for me and I know the years ahead will be much better.
My achievement within 1 year on bitcointalk
1: 1026 post counts
2: 321 merits
3:  378 activities
3:  sr member rank

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Issa56 on July 20, 2022, 02:09:18 PM
A big happy bitcointalk birthday to me, thank you forum admin for this big candlelight to celebrate my one year in this forum.
I appreciate other forum members, for their support corrections and advise.
This past one year have been the most exciting time for me and I know the years ahead will be much better.
My achievement within 1 year on bitcointalk
1: 1026 post counts
2: 321 merits
3:  378 activities
3:  sr member rank

Happy one year birthday on the forum, have been seeing lots of your posts of the forum and is of great help to the forum members, thank for making positive impact on the forum, I wish you higher rank in future and more achievements.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on July 28, 2022, 06:21:54 PM
Welcome to this thread and I just welcomed your high hopes here as one of the forum users. I hope you can enjoy good days as a forum member and you can also be consistent to learn but can you tell me why there should be a paragraph in each of your posts, I don't think the forum needs it because obviously we are not working on a thesis or some kind of work scientific.

I checked your post history but I get all the same. What is it, some kind of habit or do you really want to be a different poster with more in and out tab?

By the way, I just missed a new milestone at 888 merit. Now I hope that 1000 will be reached in 1 to 2 months. But unfortunately I have to stagnan at sr rank for a few more months until I finally rank up to hero.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Agbe on August 01, 2022, 03:50:07 PM
one of my Goals in Life has Come to Pass From Bitcointalk.

Employer of Labour/Help the Needies in the Society
Having a personal company/Firm/Enterprise was one of my aims in life and also I am having the habition to help the needy whenever I have, for that I have even registered Cooperate Affair Commission (CAC) to have a company name since 2020, but there was no capital to start up the enterprise. And today I have finally gotten one of the enterprises, and become employer of labour through bitcontalk campaigns. I really like to help the needy in the society. Therefore, anyone who is helping me here in  the forum is also helping the needies in the society.
I want to user this medium to greet and appreciate the following managers and others for the help rendered to me to help others in the society.

Bitcointalk Username: Agbe
Profile link:;u=3419144
Btc Address: bc1qum4au6s69mmk9qjdwz5d9q79nk36ckxahfxw5w
Post Count: 102
Forum Rank: Member
Wear sig and avatar: Yes
Giving you a chance, you will need to improve your post quality. Good luck.
At that time I was struggling to learn, made comments and post in the forum, I was not expecting myself to be accepted based my low posts but yahoo62278 picked me among all the users that had very high quality posts and he also encouranged me to improve my posts. He will never lack.
 WINZ.IO Casino Signature and avatar Campaign  (

He managed one of the highest pay campaign for Member Rank in the forum.  I enjoyed working with him. 🎰 Signature campaign ⚽🏏🥊🏀 7 EURO Free bet 777 users! 🔥]  (

This is one of the smart manager in the forum. I didn’t know him at first when I came to the forum, I have not even seen him before, but he pop up in the month of June and managered 3 campaigns at once, and still having more. I say, wow!!!  And He saw me has one of the serious and active user in the forum and picked me in his campaign. And he will never lack
 GXGBet - World's Leading Defi Crypto Gaming - SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN (


Good - Trusted and Safe BTC Mixing - Signature Campaign |Full M+  (

He is one of the reputable managers in the forum. Users respect him base on his managerial skills policies. He is dedicated, commited and punctual. I am happy to work with him. Signature Campaign | The Honest Online Casino | Full Members+  (
The only way I can show appreciation is to merit them. But please I am not a merit source so take anything you see.

There are my Brothers and Sisters From Another Parents in another countries and my country that helped me to achieve the goal. They are educating me and also encouraging me. All my achievements in the forum, they are the brain behind.
I wanted to mention names but I might not able to list all and the ones I could not list might take it as offence so I leave the naming ceremony. But if you know, you have helped me from one way to the other, your are among. You will never lack.

This is what I have achieved from the forum campaigns.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on August 01, 2022, 05:04:49 PM
Good, you get what I mean. This thread is great for holding more celebrations of user success and achievements on this forum than having your own thread. Obviously you are one of the many people who have benefited from this forum where signature campaigns have brought you good results to help you achieve that dream.

But of course you can't rely on signature campaign forever because at some point this will end. You can manage your finance that you have earned from the campaign, it can mean you invest, trade or do other things that generate profit. But first, congratulations on that success.

About me, the first 1000 post were reached today, and it might be really nice if some people help me to reach the 1000 merit which would match the current 1000 posts. LOL

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on August 01, 2022, 07:02:06 PM
First, congratulations mate on your latest achievement and for the enterprise youve been able to set up through earnings from signature campaign, it's indeed a step in the right direction based on the fact that signature campaigns isnt a source of earning to be dependent on, like _blackstar said, signature campaigns will at some point fade away, so now that we have the opportunity, it's good that we use it judiciously to our benefit and the benefit of those around us.
For those that have nothing doing and also do not have a business, setting up one that can be brining in profit even after signature campaigns are no more is indeed one of the ways to use the opportunity judiciously.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Frankolala on August 03, 2022, 10:51:02 AM
Congratulations to my Jr. Member Rank
I was happy seen my first merit on the forum. Though I registered since May but base on my personal activities I was not active but now that we are on the 2Q of the year holiday, I will be active. I appreciate all who corrected me, guided me and encouraged me from one way to the other.
Thanks you all.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Razmirraz on August 04, 2022, 06:21:18 AM
So far I am still trying to reach a new rank, yes being in a new level has been my dream for a long time. To be honest there am nothing I can be proud of here other than getting 59 merits and sending 29 merits in the last 150 days.

I am nobody here, but I have the desire to make a good contribution to the forum as best I can. There are so many users who become mentors for me to continue to improve my quality on the forum, I am trying to achieve something I can be proud of, the motivation and support of more senior users can fuel my enthusiasm to do something good.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on August 04, 2022, 09:26:57 PM
So far I am still trying to reach a new rank, yes being in a new level has been my dream for a long time. To be honest there am nothing I can be proud of here other than getting 59 merits and sending 29 merits in the last 150 days.

I am nobody here, but I have the desire to make a good contribution to the forum as best I can. There are so many users who become mentors for me to continue to improve my quality on the forum, I am trying to achieve something I can be proud of, the motivation and support of more senior users can fuel my enthusiasm to do something good.
You know, on August 8th, you will be 5 years old on this forum as a user. I checked your merit history on bpip, you seem to be doing pretty well on your local boards where so far you've mostly got them there.

If it's all about merit then I'd just advise you to stay focused on local boards because there's a lot you can achieve there that users might appreciate more. I wouldn't even consider me a nobody even though my merit are higher than activity, this doesn't prove much because I'm not a a lot of knowledge. You should be much more experienced than me based on the age of the account.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Razmirraz on August 05, 2022, 04:35:48 AM
You know, on August 8th, you will be 5 years old on this forum as a user. I checked your merit history on bpip, you seem to be doing pretty well on your local boards where so far you've mostly got them there.

If it's all about merit then I'd just advise you to stay focused on local boards because there's a lot you can achieve there that users might appreciate more. I wouldn't even consider me a nobody even though my merit are higher than activity, this doesn't prove much because I'm not a a lot of knowledge. You should be much more experienced than me based on the age of the account.
Five years on a forum with a Full Member rating is definitely not a good achievement, but this is the reality I have to accept because I woke up late from a long sleep.
Thank you for checking my post history and merit, previously I was quite active on local boards, in the last few months I managed to enter the list of Top 10 posters that dominate the Local Board, and most of the merit I have earned on the local board.

This is very good advice for me, thank you for your attention. I consider nobody because I have not contributed much to the forum, there are still many aspects that I need to learn. I really need guidance from anyone who is willing to give a positive value for my good in the future, if judged by account age, I am older than you, but in terms of forum knowledge I have to learn a lot from you.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Agbe on August 10, 2022, 04:19:54 PM
Great Achievement for Sr Member Rank
I can't even talk again because of over happiness. I was nobody in the forum but today I am somebody in the forum. I struggle to become somebody in the forum this year and here am I. I don't want to say too much again... I am now a Sr. Member with 510 merit which a Hero member Rank merits as well.

I thank everyone for this great achievement.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: yudi09 on August 10, 2022, 05:36:22 PM
Great Achievement for Sr Member Rank
I can even talk again because of over happiness. I was nobody in the forum but today I am somebody in the forum. I struggle to become somebody in the forum this year and here am I. I don't want to say too much again... I am now a Sr. Member with 510 merit which a Hero member Rank merits as well.

I thank everyone for this great achievement.
Hi Agbe
Congratulations to you friend.
You really deserve the achievement for the contribution you have made so far.
You are able to generate ideas and ideas to spread knowledge about Bitcoin to those who you think are worth teaching.


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: aylabadia05 on August 14, 2022, 06:12:45 AM
Great Achievement for Sr Member Rank
I can't even talk again because of over happiness. I was nobody in the forum but today I am somebody in the forum. I struggle to become somebody in the forum this year and here am I. I don't want to say too much again... I am now a Sr. Member with 510 merit which a Hero member Rank merits as well.

I thank everyone for this great achievement.
You registered on December 06, 2021, 07:44:35 PM and are now in the Senior Member rank and will soon be heading to the Hero Member rank, it's just a matter of time.
Congratulations @Agbe. You should be proud.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mr.right85 on August 14, 2022, 12:12:38 PM

I recall we both did a full member celebration almost the same week and just recently, you've come to celebrate your Sr. Member Rank although, I chose not to celebrate mine. I remember you from a time you were criticised to have got almost zero Knowledge on bitcoin itself based on the content of your posts that seemed to have highlighted what you had known so far on the forum then and now, you teach cryptocurrency to school children in your locality.

You've come to have and continue to build your own understanding of the forum and the network and that's what the forum needs. Your own unique idea as an addition to all that it entails and you can see how appreciated/encouraging the forum has been to your development. You can tell with you just ranking up as a Sr. Member with enough merits for a Hero Member and is only held back by activities. That's to say, you've become relevant but, don't be too excited and make a mistake as the forum would always look after itself and you too are the forum.

Keep doing what you've come to do best, building a part for yourself and locality in the understanding of bitcoin and make better our locality. Congratulations Agbe.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Die_empty on August 16, 2022, 10:43:37 AM
I am pleased to be part of this forum

I am overjoyed to have achieved the rank of a member. It was not an easy task but the encouragement, corrections and direction I received from members of the forum kept me going. My earnest expectation is that I would continue to learn and contribute positively to the development of the forum I want to appreciate everyone that have been a part of my success story. I am very grateful.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: WatChe on August 16, 2022, 02:37:59 PM
Congratulations on becoming Member. Full member, senior, Hero and Legendary rank to Achieve

I got Member rank few days ago and like everyone else it feels great. My few satoshis about getting merits is that it didn't come overnight, you need consistency in order to get merits and go up in rank. Getting started is difficult but once you figure out how to get merits then things become relatively easy.

Just few points which I wanna share from my experience are that :

This is second time I am posting here. First time I posted here when I got Member rank and now I am full member, next destination is senior member.

It's always feel great to go up in rank. One thing I noticed is that as you go up in Rank people here start taking you seriously. And with this comes big responsibility also, you need to be careful about what you post. Since you are up in rank , you are supposed to speak with great care. Make sure whatever you write comes after extensive thinking and research.

Just keep posting good stuff and you will be good here.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on August 18, 2022, 09:33:19 AM
I have just ranked up to Hero member, sooner than expected, thanks to The Pharmacist.

For anyone missing a few merits to rank up I recommend you read this thread and consider whether to tell The Pharmacist to check your post history.

Rules for my post history review offer to the community (

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on August 19, 2022, 06:22:00 AM
I have just ranked up to Hero member, sooner than expected, thanks to The Pharmacist.
Yay!  Awesome, man. 

Also, as an FYI, I gave 50 merits to Mr.right85's post above instead of meriting each one of his posts for this month individually, which from the looks of his history, I would have been doing.  I'm just taking a shortcut, which saves me time and achieves the same result with no harm done.  Glad I could be of service to each of you, and keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Pandu Geddon on August 19, 2022, 06:56:50 AM
I have just ranked up to Hero member, sooner than expected, thanks to The Pharmacist.

For anyone missing a few merits to rank up I recommend you read this thread and consider whether to tell The Pharmacist to check your post history.

Rules for my post history review offer to the community (

congrats on your new rank.

I read your post and followed that thread. sent PM and very fast The Pharmacist sent 46 merits.
Even though I haven't ranked up yet, I'm now closer to ranking above me.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: lizarder on August 19, 2022, 03:04:30 PM
I was nobody in the forum but today I am somebody in the forum. I struggle to become somebody in the forum this year and here am I
It's a great achievement my friend, you have become part of your thinking, quality and way of giving an understanding of bitcoin and this forum to others, actually this forum is a place for us to get to know the new world, technology, bitcoin and others.
What I understand and the most important is "Trust".
do not cheat and always run in accordance with forum regulations.

We are motivated to follow in your footsteps, hopefully the quality improvement will be more real.
Happy Agbe

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on August 20, 2022, 08:26:10 AM
Finally I Became A Full Member

There is a Latin word "Tempus Fugit" which simply means "Time Flies", because I could remember when I registered an account on the forum and luckily today (24 June 2022) celebrating my rank of a Full Member. It's really amazing and I'm grateful.
All these wouldn't have been possible if not for your undiluted supports, love and words of encouragement for me, and I really appreciate. You guys are the best and I'm happy to be among you guys on the forum full time now.

On the 25th of June I was here to announce my rank as a "Full Member" and today I'm here again for another wonderful testimony of my achievement of a new rank, and this time, the rank of a "Sr. Member"..
I am very grateful, thankful to every one who made my journey thus far successful.
I really don't have much to say, but I am really grateful.

Thank you... Thank you... & Thank you all (

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Razmirraz on August 25, 2022, 04:43:10 AM
I have just ranked up to Hero member, sooner than expected, thanks to The Pharmacist.
Yay!  Awesome, man. 

Also, as an FYI, I gave 50 merits to Mr.right85's post above instead of meriting each one of his posts for this month individually, which from the looks of his history, I would have been doing.  I'm just taking a shortcut, which saves me time and achieves the same result with no harm done.  Glad I could be of service to each of you, and keep up the good work.

We really understand how busy you are all this time, both online in this forum or offline in real work. The shortcut you took is very effective in reducing the time in reviewing @Mr.right85 posts, in a way that you don't have to look at each of @Mr.right85 posts. when viewed from the appearance of history, I can say it really deserves an award.

Something good will bring good from good people.
Thank you for serving us so far. May God always bless you.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: naira on August 25, 2022, 05:24:17 PM
Yay!  Awesome, man. 

Also, as an FYI, I gave 50 merits to Mr.right85's post above instead of meriting each one of his posts for this month individually, which from the looks of his history, I would have been doing.  I'm just taking a shortcut, which saves me time and achieves the same result with no harm done.  Glad I could be of service to each of you, and keep up the good work.
Something good will bring good from good people.
Thank you for serving us so far. May God always bless you.
He is a person who has contributed to the survival of many people's hopes to continue to grow even better and continue to be ourselves so that we believe in the abilities we have. I am part of the people he has supported to continue to grow. For me, it is very appropriate that one day when my account reaches Hero, the first person I will call and say thank you is The Pharmacist.  ::)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on August 28, 2022, 03:58:45 PM
1000 merit achieved. It's time to wait for enough activity points to rank up to Hero & Legendary.

It is a pleasure and happiness to tell you all that I achieved 1000 merit. I agree that the merit I receive are simply statistics in the numbers theymos introduce to forum members in an effort to reduce spam and encourage more quality posts. Of course 1000 merit will never be big compared to experts who contribute greatly to the forum, but this is one proof that good quality posts will be appreciated by forum users who care about the existing system.

In this opportunity I would like to thank every profile that has helped me to get merit, but I can't mention your name one by one, but magic tool by DdmrDdmr [merit dashboard] will help me to name all of you. Thank you.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: indah rezqi on August 28, 2022, 04:58:20 PM
Honestly I don't want to spoil your happiness but since you are a quality poster then I think it's very rude to miss your useful post from some merit. I congratulate you on your new 1K milestone merit, it's really amazing especially you managed to reach it before your activity was enough to move up the rank.

I hope things like this can keep me motivated and motivated to do better things in this forum. I have no ambition to be the best among the best, but I just want to be useful. I only get 10% of the total merit you currently have (not including the merit airdrop), but over time I hope the number will increase and can announce it too in this thread. 47 more merit for Sr members, I will try to achieve it. Congratulations to you _BlackStar.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Munir575 on August 28, 2022, 05:13:43 PM
1000 merit achieved. It's time to wait for enough activity points to rank up to Hero & Legendary.

It is a pleasure and happiness to tell you all that I achieved 1000 merit. I agree that the merit I receive are simply statistics in the numbers theymos introduce to forum members in an effort to reduce spam and encourage more quality posts. Of course 1000 merit will never be big compared to experts who contribute greatly to the forum, but this is one proof that good quality posts will be appreciated by forum users who care about the existing system.

In this opportunity I would like to thank every profile that has helped me to get merit, but I can't mention your name one by one, but magic tool by DdmrDdmr [merit dashboard] will help me to name all of you. Thank you.

Congratulations on reaching this milestone. Your hardword paid off and everyone u mentioned saw how hard working you are and rewarded as an appreciation. Don't renlent now and keep being a motivation to new members.

I also recently reach the member rank and this feeling i feel is something i cant keep to myself anymore. Am very happy and i feel motivated to improve my work and achieve more in this forum.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: lizarder on August 28, 2022, 07:35:12 PM
1000 merit achieved. It's time to wait for enough activity points to rank up to Hero & Legendary.

It is a pleasure and happiness to tell you all that I achieved 1000 merit. I agree that the merit I receive are simply statistics in the numbers theymos introduce to forum members in an effort to reduce spam and encourage more quality posts. Of course 1000 merit will never be big compared to experts who contribute greatly to the forum, but this is one proof that good quality posts will be appreciated by forum users who care about the existing system.

In this opportunity I would like to thank every profile that has helped me to get merit, but I can't mention your name one by one, but magic tool by DdmrDdmr [merit dashboard] will help me to name all of you. Thank you.

Hello @BlackStar
I have reviewed your profile quite often nowadays, I am surprised at what you have achieved.
I don't want to praise, because it looks terrible.;D
Perhaps the award for your achievements is more than deserved.
Simply motivated by what you do, let's toast with a cup of coffee, celebrate your success with joy

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on September 05, 2022, 05:05:41 PM
I got 2 different user posts that are getting close to their new rankings today. They just lacked merit to rank up while the activity had more than enough. I took part to help rank for them, it must be something good for them especially because I don't think they are bullshit posters.

Congratulations to TopTort777 and Ultegra134 who are both ranked up to Legendary and Hero Member. I hope you can really maintain your quality.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on September 07, 2022, 05:25:48 PM
Honestly I don't want to spoil your happiness but since you are a quality poster then I think it's very rude to miss your useful post from some merit. I congratulate you on your new 1K milestone merit, it's really amazing especially you managed to reach it before your activity was enough to move up the rank.
I don't know why I merited the above post.  Actually, I do.  Because effort was put into it, and I was being generous--but I don't understand the bolded part and it's obvious I should have read it more closely.  Shoot me now, someone.

_BlackStar, congrats on ranking up.  I like that pic you posted of your top merit-givers; I like it so much, I should probably download it just to stroke my ego when I'm feeling blue.  Happy to help you out, and I hope you help out lower-ranked members with any sMerits you have, as you know how important it is to people in the ranking up process.  Pay it forward, my man.

I have reviewed your profile quite often nowadays, I am surprised at what you have achieved.
I don't want to praise, because it looks terrible.;D
Perhaps the award for your achievements is more than deserved.
Are you being serious with that statement?  I'd like to know, since you've asked me for a post history review, and if you are indeed serious then I'm going to judge your posts relative to _BlackStar's, who very clearly puts a good amount of thought into his.  Same with indah rezqi above.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: indah rezqi on September 07, 2022, 06:07:36 PM
Honestly I don't want to spoil your happiness but since you are a quality poster then I think it's very rude to miss your useful post from some merit. I congratulate you on your new 1K milestone merit, it's really amazing especially you managed to reach it before your activity was enough to move up the rank.
I don't know why I merited the above post.  Actually, I do.  Because effort was put into it, and I was being generous--but I don't understand the bolded part and it's obvious I should have read it more closely.  Shoot me now, someone.
The Pharmacist, well I'll tell you about that.

At the time I made the post you quoted, the number of merit on _BlackStar's profile was 1000. I think he was quite happy to see him longer, but I took the initiative to give him 2 merit to complete my congratulations to him which have broken the number to 1002. Does this explanation still confuse you?

As for the lizarder, I don't know what connection his comments have with me. Might as well try to get someone's attention, but I'm sure you can tell the difference. For me learning is better than imitating because the results will never be the same.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on September 07, 2022, 10:20:13 PM
_BlackStar, congrats on ranking up.
I haven't, please be patient before you congratulate mate.  :D
It will take the next 14 days to rank up to Hero, but maybe more than 1 year for Legendary. LOL

I like that pic you posted of your top merit-givers; I like it so much, I should probably download it just to stroke my ego when I'm feeling blue.  Happy to help you out, and I hope you help out lower-ranked members with any sMerits you have, as you know how important it is to people in the ranking up process.  Pay it forward, my man.
Yes, it has to be the best painting of the year from your contribution to me. I know that every sMerit I currently own has to be useful to other users [regardless of what it's ranked in], so I hope I won't be keeping it in the atm for much longer. The Pharmacist, thank you for your great contribution for me.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: lizarder on September 08, 2022, 09:21:14 AM
Are you being serious with that statement?  I'd like to know, since you've asked me for a post history review, and if you are indeed serious then I'm going to judge your posts relative to _BlackStar, who very clearly puts a good amount of thought into his.  Same with indah rezqi above.
It will definitely be my responsibility. It's true, I often review the profile in question, but in a learning capacity, because I am very impressed and motivated by @BlakcStar's achievements, is that wrong?
and I also know that BlackStar contributes quite a lot in the forum, While I haven't done anything for the forum, isn't it good to motivate me.

As for the lizarder, I don't know what connection his comments have with me. Might as well try to get someone's attention, but I'm sure you can tell the difference. For me learning is better than imitating because the results will never be the same.
Relax indah rezqi, I'm not trying to copy your style, because I'm building my own.
Trying to get someone's attention, reminding me to approach girls, how deep are your accusations?
Maybe I forgot to say something.
Congratulations on achieving your rank increase

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on September 08, 2022, 11:58:41 AM
Does this explanation still confuse you?
Yes, because I still don't understand what that has to do with the part of your quote that I bolded, but let's move on.  Obviously there's an enormous language barrier present here.

As for the lizarder, I don't know what connection his comments have with me. Might as well try to get someone's attention, but I'm sure you can tell the difference. For me learning is better than imitating because the results will never be the same.
My point was that I'm going to read both of your posts more closely if and when I do more post history reviews for the two of you.  I might not have expressed myself as clearly as I could have, but again, I get the feeling that you don't understand English--how to read it or write in it.  That would be perfectly fine except for the fact that you're posting in English, not to mention that you're getting paid to do so. 

_BlackStar, congrats on ranking up.
I haven't, please be patient before you congratulate mate. 
Yeah, you can just slap me silly right now.  Try this: congratulations on earning enough merits to achieve Hero and then Legendary when you get enough activity points.  It's just a waiting game for you, which is a nice problem to have. :)

The Pharmacist, thank you for your great contribution for me.
You don't have to thank me--you made the posts that earned the merits.  I'm just a helper in the process, a cog in the big merit wheel that keeps a-cycling.  It's a Cycling Club thing, you know?

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Igebotz on September 08, 2022, 09:55:25 PM
1000 merit achieved. It's time to wait for enough activity points to rank up to Hero & Legendary.
Best wishes, pal I remember how you got started; you even received a neutral tag for sharing a similar name with Darkstar. At first, we thought you were a bounty spammer attempting to impersonate Darkstar, but you managed to avoid suspicion, have your tag removed, and have taken the forum by storm. You took advice to heart and worked hard. I used to disagree with some of your tags, but it was a process of learning that we all underwent. I've been wanting to know how you got involved with the Blackstar; are you perhaps from Africa? because the Ghanaian national team's slogan is "Blackstar."

and 2 posts ago, I reached Legendary status This was swift. It feels the same, lol. 8)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Frankolala on September 08, 2022, 10:20:00 PM
                                    MEMBER RANK UPGRADE

 I appreciate everybody that has impacted positively on my journey as a newbie to my present rank. Its hasn't be easy for me in the beginning but with much reading of your threads and articles, it taught and motivated me in my challenges on my journey in this forum.
    My journey of knowledge has just begun as I feel so good to be a member. Thanks to you all that added a milestone to my new rank.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Smartvirus on September 08, 2022, 11:36:36 PM
and 2 posts ago, I reached Legendary status This was swift. It feels the same, lol. 8)
We did it together bro, Cheers!

Suddenly, ranks doesn't seem to matter or be an issue to me no more. The feeling of its nothingness seems to have dawned on me just know as it dienst come with much excitement except a feeling of accomplishment and no worries over when would you attain the Legendary rank.

Never the less, its a relief from the rank system and I've got few people to thank especially The Sceptical Chymist, you've been an ample of help and I acknowledge you. I'll also like to acknowledge my Nigerian brother CryptopreneurBrainboss, I still recall you tell me in my newbie days never to capitalise my topics and I in turn have transferred this Knowledge over the years in the forum.

To the forum, the diverse nature of the users have brought me much exposure and yiu guys have surely thought me a lesson of which, I appreciate. You guys are the best. I make this post as my first post at the Legendary rank of the forum.
Thanks guys!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on September 09, 2022, 05:37:15 PM
Yeah, you can just slap me silly right now.  Try this: congratulations on earning enough merits to achieve Hero and then Legendary when you get enough activity points.  It's just a waiting game for you, which is a nice problem to have. :)
Yes, now you are right. I just have to wait to rank up from now, I've earned enough merit for rank up to Hero and Legendary even though the activity isn't qualified yet.

You don't have to thank me--you made the posts that earned the merits.  I'm just a helper in the process, a cog in the big merit wheel that keeps a-cycling. It's a Cycling Club thing, you know?
Why not, but yes I get it.  ;)

are you perhaps from Africa? because the Ghanaian national team's slogan is "Blackstar."
I hope it doesn't really matter mate, but I'm pretty close to Africans. They are good people, but _BlackStar is not from Africa. Trust me.

and 2 posts ago, I reached Legendary status This was swift. It feels the same, lol. 8)
We did it together bro, Cheers!
Congratulations to both of you, you are Legendary now.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on September 09, 2022, 05:44:53 PM
and 2 posts ago, I reached Legendary status This was swift. It feels the same, lol. 8)
We did it together bro, Cheers!
You two are well deserved Legendaries. It feels like finally the topic found some glory after seeing you two to celebrate your achievements.

    My journey of knowledge has just begun as I feel so good to be a member. Thanks to you all that added a milestone to my new rank.
You are still a baby considering the two examples set in front of you. Enjoy your time and you will see few years are gone just like that. You will not need to worry about rank at all.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: aylabadia05 on September 11, 2022, 07:43:16 PM
Achievement ranking from Full Member to Senior Member

Allow me to convey and save my initial achievements that have been promoted to the Sr. Member ranking in this thread since the implementation of the merit system.
Still a long journey. I admit it is certainly not easy to remember there are still many shortcomings that I still need to fix.

Thank you for all who helped me step into this starting point.
This achievement will be my 5th birthday present in this forum from you which I will celebrate on September 25th.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on September 12, 2022, 01:43:29 AM
I am very excited to be a part of these community--not just a a number but a "valuable integer"--as we may all have it. Apparently, I wasn't aware of a thread like this from @bitcoingirl, it's cool but, honestly I'm not seeing anything to be excited about just by achieving a mere jrn member or member rank reasons for this is uncertain and best known to me👩‍🦱
 I have observed that if someone is celebrating an achievement on the above mentioned rank,it is considered as merit-begging. This is the last thing I'd do so I try as much as possible to avoid 'em.
  I'm really considering Full member rank as the step to the whole milestone ahead of everyone; I'm not saying other ranks ain't valid but I became a member and I didn't feel any possible difference, that's awkward right?!
                            FULL MEMBERSHIP
Now I'm expecting my first forum rank ☺️
I think I still need some weeks to cover up the loops in my activities to achieve the rank.
I just wanna keep encouraging the community members to keep creating wonderful impacts,just like this one

I still have alot to say but that, ofcourse is a story for another day.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Maestro75 on September 12, 2022, 11:47:49 AM
Does this explanation still confuse you?
Yes, because I still don't understand what that has to do with the part of your quote that I bolded, but let's move on.  Obviously there's an enormous language barrier present here.

I have seen alot of members take screenshots of their merit scores to post in that Save your nice merit records here ( thread and they look for nice number arrangements for their scores. That can be exactly what indah rezqi was trying to mean there. Maybe _Blackstar did not have a picture of his merit score before he gave him the extra 2 to get it spoilt above the round figure of 1000 merits. Hope this clears your confusion.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: indah rezqi on September 12, 2022, 07:58:53 PM
I have seen alot of members take screenshots of their merit scores to post in that Save your nice merit records here ( thread and they look for nice number arrangements for their scores. That can be exactly what indah rezqi was trying to mean there. Maybe _Blackstar did not have a picture of his merit score before he gave him the extra 2 to get it spoilt above the round figure of 1000 merits. Hope this clears your confusion.
I've explained it posted before and I think it makes it a little clearer on what I mean. But since I'm not a native English speaker, some words must look awkward when other people read them. But thanks for trying to explain again although I don't ask for it.

Achievement ranking from Full Member to Senior Member
Congratulation for you.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Maestro75 on September 13, 2022, 07:36:10 AM
I've explained it posted before and I think it makes it a little clearer on what I mean. But since I'm not a native English speaker, some words must look awkward when other people read them. But thanks for trying to explain again although I don't ask for it.

Sorry if my comment sounded like an insult to you. It was not intended to, I was only trying to explain it from what I thought. Sorry. But your English is not bad too.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on September 20, 2022, 02:03:47 AM
<snip>That can be exactly what indah rezqi was trying to mean there. Maybe _Blackstar did not have a picture of his merit score before he gave him the extra 2 to get it spoilt above the round figure of 1000 merits. Hope this clears your confusion. I get it.  I think I might have been sleepwalking when I made the last two posts in this thread.  That's my excuse anyway, lol.

I've explained it posted before and I think it makes it a little clearer on what I mean.
It isn't that big of a deal if I didn't understand, and I didn't mean to make it one so I apologize if it came off that way. 

There were a lot of members who ranked up this past month, and they must be humble ones since they're not posting in this thread.  I want to congratulate them anyway, and publicly, because it isn't easy to earn enough merits to get to the higher ranks here.  Everyone who's even gone from Jr. Member-->Member has worked hard to do so (and, though I hate to be a party-pooper, it only gets harder and harder from that point on).  Viva la merit system!!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Razmirraz on September 21, 2022, 05:13:57 AM
Thanks to all Bitcointalk users, Razmirraz is now Sr. Members.

I just got promoted to Sr. Member, it feels really great to be able to reach the rank I've been dreaming of for so long, to be in the ranks of Sr. Member is a proud achievement for me. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to my success in reaching a new rank, thanks to them, the morale boost has had a positive impact on me. I still have a long way to go to be in the highest rank (Legendary), I will continue to try to do my best to improve the quality of posts and contribute to this great forum.

Once again, thanks to these people who have supported me through several Merits that could take me to a higher rank than before.

  • naira (;u=558481)
  • JayJuanGee (;u=252510)
  • fillippone (;u=1852120)
  • mamesso (;u=689146)
  • skarais (;u=943729)
  • ETFbitcoin (;u=359716)
  • The Pharmacist (;u=487418)
  • Husna QA (;u=1827294)
  • Ultegra134 (;u=401014)
  • Falconer (;u=387572)

And without reducing my respect for all the users who have helped me so far, I really appreciate every Merit that you have distributed to me, you are extraordinary people who have an important role in my journey from Full. Member to Sr. Member.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on September 21, 2022, 05:45:45 AM
And without reducing my respect for all the users who have helped me so far, I really appreciate every Merit that you have distributed to me, you are extraordinary people who have an important role in my journey from Full. Member to Sr. Member.
Since you are a Sr. Member, it brings you more responsibility to the forum. Enjoy the time and have fun.

Only few more activities you left to be a Full member soon. Your merits are already above the required merit quota for the rank.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Razmirraz on September 22, 2022, 03:50:09 AM
And without reducing my respect for all the users who have helped me so far, I really appreciate every Merit that you have distributed to me, you are extraordinary people who have an important role in my journey from Full. Member to Sr. Member.
Since you are a Sr. Member, it brings you more responsibility to the forum. Enjoy the time and have fun.
I am very aware that the higher the rank, the more responsibilities in the forum, with the limited knowledge I have, of course I really need guidance from forum users to add insight in the forum. There are still two more ranks that I have to achieve Hero and Legendary, to get there it takes commitment and effort that is supported by quality posts to get attention from Merit Sources and generous people on the forum. I don't want to set a target to be in Hero rank immediately, because sooner or later I will be there.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on September 22, 2022, 05:02:34 PM

Hero Member Achieved

I'm happy to inform all of you that since yesterday I've been promoted to a Hero Member because the activity points I've been waiting for are sufficient as the last condition I need.

Of course there are feelings that I can't hide from all of you because as a normal human I also have feelings of pleasure for an achievement. You all have helped me have an amazing journey on this forum and I never want to forget it. One word to all of you, thank you - it should express all my feelings for you.

Best Regard


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: imamusma on September 22, 2022, 08:29:49 PM

Hero Member Achieved

I'm happy to inform all of you that since yesterday I've been promoted to a Hero Member because the activity points I've been waiting for are sufficient as the last condition I need.

Of course there are feelings that I can't hide from all of you because as a normal human I also have feelings of pleasure for an achievement. You all have helped me have an amazing journey on this forum and I never want to forget it. One word to all of you, thank you - it should express all my feelings for you.

Best Regard

Congratulations for your rank up _BlackStar.
You have proven to me that contributing to forum is the reason why ranking is so easy for them.
In fact, you just have to wait for activity points to advance to Legendary rank in the future because your merit requirements are is more than enough. I think you really deserve all these perks more than I do, so I hope now I'm more motivated by it.

Also congratulations to Razmirraz who managed to rank up to Sr member a few days ago.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mate2237 on September 22, 2022, 11:02:44 PM
Full Member Rank Obtained

I have not come here to congratulate my achievements from Newbie to Jr Member also my Member Rank but today I am here to thank myself the great achievement made so far. This is the beginning of the journey. Every successful man, there there is a helper, and I was helped to rank up by charity users.I want to use this medium to thank  DdmrDdmr, fillippone, Adbitco and CryptoHeadlineNews etc. DdmrDdmr was the first person who motivated my spirit in the forum before other follow up.

The Struggle in the Forum
Ah!!! winning trophy in the pitch is not an easy task or move. just like the survival of the fittest. It is only the brave, talented and educated ones survive in the forum. I have experienced it in the forum. There are some times you dont know want to say and write. Threads were deleted, locked and moved. upon all these today I am a full member. Thank you all for the support.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Razmirraz on September 23, 2022, 04:33:09 AM
Congratulations _BlackStar on your new rank, now you are at Hero Member rank after sufficient activity.
You've taught me so much about forums, so many lessons I can take from your journey since was at Jr. Member to Hero. Member. You have earned more Merits than the required number of activities, after this you only need the number of activities for promotion to the highest rank in the forum. It's only a matter of time, when enough activity you will be promoted to Legendary.

What you have achieved is the result of your efforts so far, Merit assistance from Merit Source is only a bonus from your contribution to the forum, without the support of quality, constructive and informative posts it is very difficult to achieve new rankings.
Have fun buddy with your new rank, after this there is still a rank you need to reach, Sr. Member, Hero and Legendary. Continue to provide education and information through quality posts, sooner or later you will reach a higher rank than Full. Member.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: aylabadia05 on September 23, 2022, 09:26:27 AM

Hero Member Achieved

What we sow, we will reap.
Congratulations _BlackStar. Hopefully can be a Hero in providing the best for the forum.

Have fun on the achievements. The next wait is Legendary when the activity number has been reached.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: bitzizzix on September 24, 2022, 06:31:00 PM

Hero Member Achieved

I'm happy to inform all of you that since yesterday I've been promoted to a Hero Member because the activity points I've been waiting for are sufficient as the last condition I need.

Of course there are feelings that I can't hide from all of you because as a normal human I also have feelings of pleasure for an achievement. You all have helped me have an amazing journey on this forum and I never want to forget it. One word to all of you, thank you - it should express all my feelings for you.

Best Regard


Congratulations to @BlackStar...a great achievement and you deserve it as a Hero member because your activity points are eligible.
to rank up is everyone's hope here which is not easy to get because we have to really have quality and work hard to get it, and hopefully I can be like you and continue to try to give my best in this forum. Even though it's not easy, I'll keep trying.

and congratulations also to @Mate2237 being a full member.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: indah rezqi on September 24, 2022, 08:08:38 PM

Hero Member Achieved

I'm happy to inform all of you that since yesterday I've been promoted to a Hero Member because the activity points I've been waiting for are sufficient as the last condition I need.
Congratulations _BlackStar, I hope I'm not too late for your party.  ;)

I would not hesitate to say that you are one of the most well-contributed users on the forum. The merit you get is enough to rank up to Legendary, so you only need to wait for the update of activity points in a 14 day cycle for 14 points. The merit system I've studied so far has made me fully aware that any user capable of providing something of value to this forum won't stay in the same rankings for much longer. There are some users who have the same opportunity as you, but I believe the number is not worth the number of spammers.

Of course there are feelings that I can't hide from all of you because as a normal human I also have feelings of pleasure for an achievement.
When I was promoted to Sr, I also had the same feeling to share in this forum. This is a great achievement, so I think we deserve to announce it and it is great that this thread has managed to facilitate many users to announce it in one place.

I will also come back to this thread to announce rank up to Hero member in the future.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on September 24, 2022, 10:12:02 PM
imamusma, Razmirraz, aylabadia05, bitzizzix, and indah rezqi thanks for all the kind words. I'm fine with this congratulation because it can make me feel that rank up is something worth celebrating. Some people also congratulated me on PM, I really feel cared for apparently.

Besides, I truly believe that all of you are struggling to rank up to higher rank. I can't do much for you but you will also determine your own destiny with quality and contribution. I only wish the best for you all because you deserve it too. So don't give up, you will definitely arrive at your goal.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: JoyMarsha on October 03, 2022, 10:35:53 AM
Recently upgraded to Full Member Rank

I couldn't have looked forward to this time and era from being a Newbie, Junior, Member and now Full member rank. Only to begin looking forward to another day or weeks without first celebrating my achievement and thanking those that help me grow in the forum through their advice and contributions on how to spread the awareness of crypto to my peers.

My big thanks go to those that help me grow this far in the forum. I do appreciate all of your good deeds immensely.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Oluwa-btc on October 07, 2022, 08:58:24 AM
                     Recently Ranked to Senior Member
    I couldn't have done shit alone, even if I did, toothing my own horn would be such shameful thing to do. It does gladdens me heart to see me evolve from one rank to another. ( Newbie - Junior Member - Member - Full Member and Senior Member at the moment ).
 Big Thanks to those who backed as supported our growth and journey. ( Biq T ( Theymos ) C - BrainBoss, The Chymist, GeorgeJohn, Zlatan, lovemafamilis Ddmr  etc ) all for your encouragements. You'll are GOATEED..... I'll put a halt here, I hate to talk load's.  Truthfully, I preciate ❤️

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Frankolala on October 15, 2022, 04:29:26 PM

This year May 2nd,I registered as a member of this community, at first I was a novice of bitcoin, this discouraged me ,I didn't come online anymore since I was very busy with work. July 15th I was on vacation, so I was less buy,I decided to engage myself doing something positive with my time. I login to the forum and thought how I can be progressive in this forum, I read some threads and listen to advices from top rank members that as a newbie, you are to be active,read more in the forum and also make research,then post less. I followed this instructions. On the 20th day of July, I got my first merit from 1v4n and completed activities,I was ranked up as Jnr Member on the 3rd of August,and at September 7th,I ranked up to a Member,then I said to myself,how will I get up to 90 merits for my next rank.

 Yesterday I have ranked up to a Full Member in this community, it is not that i know much,the journey of ranking up for me hasn't been easy but with your help and contributions made it possible. I celebrate my new rank with every member of this forum, I have learnt so much from all of you and will still need you to continue this journey of knowledge, there is a say that a tree cannot make a forest.

My appreciation goes to all of you,especially Pharmacist who is working tirelessly to assist members of this forum with a kind heart in reviewing all their post. Fillippone is not left out,he took it upon himself to merit our best post to enable the progress of every member below legendary rank. Cryptovator,Mate223,Marykeller,Lovingsyoufamily and so on. You have all encouraged members to make quality post.
God bless...

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Maestro75 on October 16, 2022, 09:04:16 AM

Senior Member Got Me

Few days ago I finally made it to the next rank. It was a very very very long journey for me, I should not be celebrating it considering how long I have stayed without ranking up. And that is what the many 'very' is doing there. Some members easily rank up here while other like me find it not easy. But finally am here and I will keep improving. Am a work in progress. I want to thank everyone who contributed to this and made it a possibility. It is a collective achievement, not mine alone. I would not have posted about it but because I want to remember the period I ranked up and that is why am posting it. Thank you

_Blackstar, I took the font idea from you on your rank up post. Congrats on your legendary status, even though you are restricted by activities now. You have enough merit already for it.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Odusko on October 16, 2022, 05:05:13 PM

Senior Member Got Me

Few days ago I finally made it to the next rank. It was a very very very long journey for me, I should not be celebrating it considering how long I have stayed without ranking up. And that is what the many 'very' is doing there. Some members easily rank up here while other like me find it not easy. But finally am here and I will keep improving. Am a work in progress. I want to thank everyone who contributed to this and made it a possibility. It is a collective achievement, not mine alone. I would not have posted about it but I want to remember the period I ranked up and that is why am posting it. Thank you

_Blackstar, I took the font idea from you on your rank-up post. Congrats on your legendary status, even though you are restricted by activities now. You have enough merit all ready for it.
Congratulations to both of you for attaining another forum rank both in activities and merits, am sure going forward I will be reading more quality contributions and ideas from the both of you as you have always done so.
Am glad to see both of you in your new forum positions as that could be seen from the quality of your signature display, the new rank comes with a lot of responsibilities I experienced the same when I rank from member to full member.
I wish you _Blackstar and Maestro75 all the best!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: GeorgeJohn on October 16, 2022, 05:56:15 PM
                     Recently Ranked to Senior Member
    I couldn't have done shit alone, even if I did, toothing my own horn would be such shameful thing to do. It does gladdens me heart to see me evolve from one rank to another. ( Newbie - Junior Member - Member - Full Member and Senior Member at the moment ).
 Big Thanks to those who backed as supported our growth and journey. ( Biq T ( Theymos ) C - BrainBoss, The Chymist, GeorgeJohn, Zlatan, lovemafamilis Ddmr  etc ) all for your encouragements. You'll are GOATEED..... I'll put a halt here, I hate to talk load's.  Truthfully, I preciate ❤️

I could remember you when you first started and your pm concerning advice, and the message only come onces, i never knew that you still have my encouragement at heart. I want to tell you that this forum is typically base on consistent and observation, it's because you have dedicated yourself and that is while you gone far to achieve senior member rank, just keep it on, i have checked your profile and you are good poster.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Obari on October 26, 2022, 09:26:56 AM

firstly, I want to thank the great organizers of this forum for a great platform like this, to God for the zeal and also I want to appreciate all the members who have in one way or the other been a part of my journey, may the Lord bless you all.

The journey, haven't been an easy one, not for a poor writer like myself, as I use this medium to announce my rank up to JR. MEMBER  while I await my MEMBER RANK.
this achievement may at some point not seem big to many but to me it's a great achievement and motivation to do more. Most times I go through the profile of my snr colleagues over here and keep asking myself, when will I ever get to those heights? But with this rank up I feel so happy and really motivated.
I thought about this so hard and tho it's coming late, I felt it necessary to share my happiness to the forum which I did yesterday on the beginners and  help thread but got redirected to this thread as we are here to unlearn ,learn and relearn.

I also want to appreciate my friend that brought me to this forum after considering my plead to learn about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency at large, because of the quest to get diversified, which my expectations have always been high, and I pray while I strive and work hard that the passion never goes cold.

Thank you all for always correcting me at every point I'm wrong.
The link to my appreciation post in the beginners and help

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: gantez on October 27, 2022, 02:18:51 PM
Most times I go through the profile of my snr colleagues over here and keep asking myself, when will I ever get to those heights?

You have the feeling to move to the high ranks?. Take it easy and patient is good all the time

I thought about this so hard and tho it's coming late, I felt it necessary to share my happiness to the forum which I did yesterday on the beginners and  help thread

Congratulations to you . What is actually coming late that you mean ? If you mean ranking up ?

My advise to you is not to focus on that always, if you do you might lose it and start begging for merit, not good for the forum rule. Be natural, consistent, focus on your strong point and improve. Being yourself will help you to enjoy your stay.

I also want to appreciate my friend that brought me to this forum after considering my plead to learn about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency at large,

Hope you learn something so far?

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 27, 2022, 03:34:51 PM
My appreciation goes to all of you,especially Pharmacist who is working tirelessly to assist members of this forum with a kind heart in reviewing all their post.
Oh snips, I missed diss heah post.  Don't know where my brain's been as of late, but if you check the bargain bin at your local dollar store and see some funky misshapen glop of goo, PM me ASAP so's I can get it back in my skull.

Congrats, Frankolala!  Pleasure to assist you in ranking up and I know I'm not the only one.  But more importantly, you made the posts that earned the merits.  If I didn't think you were writing anything worthwhile, I would likely have sent you a PM like the following:

The quality of your posts doesn't even come close to my standards for merit, sorry.
So I wasn't giving you the bitcointalk equivalent of welfare merits and the same is true for most merit-givers I'd imagine.  My point is that you played the humble role well, so let me pump up your ego for you.  Done and done.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: indah rezqi on October 27, 2022, 06:13:02 PM
I will also come back to this thread to announce rank up to Hero member in the future.
I almost forgot that apparently I once said I would return to this thread to announce the rank up when the Hero members were reached. Even I seem late, but I'm happy to tell you that in the last few weeks I've managed to rank up.

Thanks to whoever contributed, and I think I've said that in another thread:

Guys, it's nice to see you guys celebrating my rank even when I didn't know that I've been rank up to hero since yesterday. Honestly it's been a lot of fun and I'm grateful that so many people have helped me during this time. I also want to thank everyone who has helped me rank up so far, I can't mention them one by one but every one of you reading this post then rest assured I am very grateful to you.

Hero Member Reached

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: lizarder on October 29, 2022, 09:59:28 AM


Hi everyone!!!
let me say thank you for all the help people have given me, this only represents the deepest feeling of gratitude to all those who have helped me grow, even though I don't know the people directly. It is difficult to achieve something we want, if there is no encouragement, criticism and suggestions. We will never grow up, and achieve better knowledge, if we are allergic to criticism and never want to change personally.

I dedicate this achievement to all those who were directly or indirectly involved in increasing my knowledge, it is a joy that I cannot describe. Although there is still a long way to go as a form of struggle in this forum, I will still be strong enough to endure the process that I have done so far.
The next two levels of {Hero/Legendary} are the performance of the contribution I have to make going forward, although it looks difficult but it doesn't dampen my enthusiasm to reach the next level.


"Process Never Betrays Results"
As an opening I want to raise this theme in an expression of gratitude.

"Kindness will lead us to the path of peace, trust is the capital for us to develop, while quality is the process of knowledge that we deepen".

"When your dream has not been achieved, then do not change your dream, but change the strategy in another way that is more appropriate."


Consistency in action often finds pebbles, it is not easy to achieve something we want to seek, even though we have done everything in following the process.
I believe and believe, that consistency is needed by every individual, both inside and outside the forum.
Never stop, even though what we are doing has not given better results, maybe this is a delayed process for us to accept in the future. Better to be late, but have a way that can save, than a fast road, but lead us down a path of destruction.

In the forum we are only required to have consistency, learn to know things that need to be improved, and not commit fraud as the rules apply, while ranking is a bonus from the performance and contribution we give, although in different ways. If we do good, then the results we receive will also be good or vice versa.


If we want to grow, then believe that any criticism or how much we will receive, is a way for us to find more positive results, criticism will continue to encourage someone to learn and that's why it is important.
Allergies to criticism will only make us retreat in understanding a problem we are studying, successful people start with many problems, always get and never stop fixing them.
In this forum we will get a lot of information, if we are able to dig deeper, because in this forum we learn outside the curriculum education space, because I believe in any school or university we will not get this kind of knowledge.


I did not develop at the beginning of knowing this forum, as evidenced by the weak achievement of the increase in the rank of the account I received, because maybe I used to spend more time pursuing finances, than learning about forums, only this year I began to slowly improve the quality of related posts, given the lack of contributions I made to the forum.

The most important thing is never to give up on the achievements we want to achieve, continue to improve our knowledge, do something that can give people a reason to help us, this way we will be able to reach the next ranking level, although sometimes it is difficult for us to get started. "Giving up with the circumstances is an unnecessary betrayal". There are many paths that we can take, although difficult and not always easy.

Maybe this is enough to represent my feelings, thanks to those who have provided assistance, the journey from 2017 to 2022 was hard for me, although it looked quite light when I started to enjoy it. We have a path when we want to choose the best, and that path is open to anyone who wants to do so. This forum has taught me so much that I couldn't describe it if I wasn't here until now.
This help is very meaningful and continues to motivate me to be better, so that the improvements I have made are clearly visible. Although I cannot ignore the help of other members, unfortunately I cannot mention one by one the members who have helped me.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BITCOIN4X on October 29, 2022, 02:56:06 PM
Congratulations, you got it.  8)

The next two levels of {Hero/Legendary} are the performance of the contribution I have to make going forward, although it looks difficult but it doesn't dampen my enthusiasm to reach the next level.
You can't really say it's hard until you try. After all you have proven that this rank is not impossible to achieve if you care about quality. I've seen a big change from the way you post and it has supported your improvement. So try your best and never complain, you will reach the target.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: lizarder on October 31, 2022, 04:20:36 PM
You can't really say it's hard until you try. After all you have proven that this rank is not impossible to achieve if you care about quality. I've seen a big change from the way you post and it has supported your improvement. So try your best and never complain, you will reach the target.
The next two ranks are big targets for me to achieve (Hero and Legendary).
Although it is difficult, this is not a reason for me to give up, and I am sure that in the future I will reach the next two ranks.
"Because the process never betrays the result".
Thank you and toast

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Razmirraz on November 01, 2022, 05:20:24 AM
You can't really say it's hard until you try. After all you have proven that this rank is not impossible to achieve if you care about quality. I've seen a big change from the way you post and it has supported your improvement. So try your best and never complain, you will reach the target.
The next two ranks are big targets for me to achieve (Hero and Legendary).
Although it is difficult, this is not a reason for me to give up, and I am sure that in the future I will reach the next two ranks.
"Because the process never betrays the result".
Thank you and toast
lizarder, Congratulations on reaching a new Rank.

Sooner or later you can achieve it, keep on filling gas and add power consumption to always be consistent in making quality posts. Keep trying your best to reach Hero and Legendary ranks, Merit will always increase if you are able to post quality, constructive things that meet MS criteria. 
Make Hero and Legendary your dream Rank, that way you will be more motivated to keep trying to get that rank with effort and hard work. As long as you are still able to give something of value never stop doing it.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DVlog on November 01, 2022, 02:27:26 PM
Ranked up to Full member

I know it's been late and I Ranked up to full members a while now but it still gives me excitement and motivation by thinking about my journey. It was not easy at first but later I find out it gives you pleasure when you rank up. When I first came to this forum i thought that it is not possible to rank up because I, was not a native English speaker. But I find out that no one care about how fluent you are in a language it's all about dedication and contribution.

My contribution to this forum is small and it's nothing compared to most of the members but this rank-up gives me the motivation to improve myself. I rank up from the member to the full member and I want to give my gratitude to everyone who helped me to do that.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: GiftedMAN on November 03, 2022, 02:06:23 PM
I Just Wanna Say Thanks.

Am so delighted to be a part of this great community where knowledge is easily shared and useful information is not hidden from anyone regardless of rank or achievements. The journey has not been so smooth but each day has been wonderful seeing the different information which has given me a deeper understanding of my aim of being here I appreciate all of you who have made my journey so meaningful through your ideas and posting am grateful.

'If am not thankful for thought then am guilty of greed'

I wanna appreciate the following personalities for being part of my journey and for encouraging me to do better. GeorgeJohn, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Davidvictorson, The Pharmacist, KingsDen Rruchman Mpamaegbu, Smartvirus, DdmrDdmr, JayjuanGee thanks for the push-up.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mpamaegbu on November 03, 2022, 05:41:04 PM
'If am not thankful for thought then am guilty of greed'
That's the attitude of great minds. To say thank you may look minute but it's a great virtue. I'm a man given to gratitude myself and so I understand when people genuinely appreciate others. I congratulate your efforts at pulling yourself up. You're the real MVP in this case. Now, lace up your boots for more work awaits you to rank up to the top echelon here. Enjoy, bro.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: ShowOff on November 03, 2022, 07:04:19 PM
I Just Wanna Say Thanks.

Am so delighted to be a part of this great community where knowledge is easily shared and useful information is not hidden from anyone regardless of rank or achievements. The journey has not been so smooth but each day has been wonderful seeing the different information which has given me a deeper understanding of my aim of being here I appreciate all of you who have made my journey so meaningful through your ideas and posting am grateful.
Hi congrats to you, you deserve what you have achieved so far.
Many users really appreciate you, and I'm glad you did it for the community too. I see you earn merit so much from the community that you got promoted today but one of the good things is that you are not a sMerit hoarder who may now only have 0.5 sMerit left in your merit bank based on Unlike others, some might want the community to help them with more merit to rank up, but he forgot about the submit button for other users.  ;D

I don't want to mention who and who, but if you really want the community to help you then you should also help them with whatever you have including the knowledge and sMerit available.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on November 03, 2022, 08:08:14 PM
I don't want to mention who and who, but if you really want the community to help you then you should also help them with whatever you have including the knowledge and sMerit available.
Let's say, that's okay because after all they [me or other users] also need to be reminded not to be too afraid to spend out their smerit in good posts. At least they shouldn't lose their mind to get some good posts while working on various board, so regardless I think it's good to remind each other.

They're basically users who care about merit systems and rank, right? So it's safe to name one of them so they get used to appreciating whatever they think is quality [unless they don't care about the system].

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Woodie on November 05, 2022, 07:34:28 AM

Wasn't sure whether to post this or not, but tradition must continue, and am announcing my rank up to Sr member. This journey took time to get here but finally managed to get it. Just to share some tips: try to be part of the community don't isolate yourself with pride, you might have those constructive posts but if your aren't recognized by the regulars those little treasures won't come your way. Another thing is learning to grind for merit, not begging of course... If you see a forum competition, for example, try by all means to be part of it, you might not win but it's the easiest way to be noticed and gain some merits... No one will tell you this because these are some of the well kept secrets of the forum, and lastly, avoid those mega threads if you want your good posts noticed.

And a big shout out to all that made it happen it's a long list of people would have listed everybody but trying to keep the thread tidy, thank you bitcointalk community. Good luck to everybody else happy hunting.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: aylabadia05 on November 05, 2022, 05:21:26 PM

Congratulations to you Woodie on reaching the rank of Sr. Members. Trust me. There are so many people who expect achievements like you feel right now. They keep trying to make it happen.
Don't stop, let's do better because the responsibility will be bigger.

Congratulations on four gold coins.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: GeorgeJohn on November 07, 2022, 06:35:00 PM
I Just Wanna Say Thanks.

Am so delighted to be a part of this great community where knowledge is easily shared and useful information is not hidden from anyone regardless of rank or achievements. The journey has not been so smooth but each day has been wonderful seeing the different information which has given me a deeper understanding of my aim of being here I appreciate all of you who have made my journey so meaningful through your ideas and posting am grateful.
This community is called a knowledge transmitter indecencies that it educate people who don't know anything concerning cryptocurrency and especially bitcoin in particular to be knowledgeable of cryptocurrency, and it's an environment whereby a old user of the community will learn from the newbies of the community, because of the research of the newbies, so everything is basically on the ability of a user to make a personal research and educate others, nobody hold information of Bitcoin that will be favorable or profitable to anyone. So the community is interactive always, that's while anyone who observe the community well and follow the steps of experienced user do make well, i congratulate you for your new achievement.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: m2017 on November 09, 2022, 07:16:31 PM
My account just turned 5 years old. Is it a lot or a little? It is hard to say. It depends on how to evaluate, because I was the most active only last year, and not all this time. In any case, 5 years since registration is also an important event for me. A kind of small anniversary and this is my little unspoken achievement. I don't consider this a reason for self-praise, and my merit here can only be that I didn't abandon the forum during this time, as many others did, but, on the contrary, began to devote more time. The more time I spent here, the more useful and interesting I discovered for myself and I think that this is a unique experience.

I'm going to open a bottle of champagne.  ;)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: LDL on November 10, 2022, 05:30:09 AM
Congratulations All Members who Ranked up Higher

Since the proposed merit system here ( in January 2018, the process of getting ranks has become more difficult day by day.  Only those who are constantly working hard in the forum and giving constructive posts with appropriate information are getting merit.  I am most grateful to all the people who are always working to improve this forum by giving their time.
There are many kind knowledgeable members in this forum who always help lower rank members to get higher ranks by helping them in various ways.  I congratulate them very much.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Obari on November 17, 2022, 10:05:45 AM
Another Milestone Achieved

I really can't hold the joy in my heart, waking up to a Member rank up this morning.
This journey haven't been an easy one, especially not to a poor writer and reader like me.
The forum has really taught me so much, especially been patient and accepting criticism because everyone has a different opinion to every topic raised.
My special thanks goes @lovesmayfamilisfor also taking out time to see me grow even without knowing me in anyway and all the support so far, you're loved.
I want to sincerely thank the organizers of the forum and all those who have taken out their time and efforts to seeing me grow.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: reagansimms on November 18, 2022, 05:34:42 PM
Another Milestone Achieved

I really can't hold the joy in my heart, waking up to a Member rank up this morning.
This journey haven't been an easy one, especially not to a poor writer and reader like me.
The forum has really taught me so much, especially been patient and accepting criticism because everyone has a different opinion to every topic raised.
My special thanks goes @lovesmayfamilisfor also taking out time to see me grow even without knowing me in anyway and all the support so far, you're loved.
I want to sincerely thank the organizers of the forum and all those who have taken out their time and efforts to seeing me grow.
Congratulations on your successful promotion to Member rank, you deserve to celebrate, cheers.
It's not easy reach a new rank without any effort from yourself, anyone will feel proud of their success overcoming obstacles such as criticism and deleted posts. With patience and intention to learn to have made big changes to yourself. The higher the Rank, the more challenges that must be faced, you must always survive even when you are in a storm.

I think you have reason to especially thank lovesmayfamilis (;u=1982152), if I may assume, he became a mentor for you who has helped a lot and added insight in the forum either directly or indirectly.
I hope you haven't forgotten CryptopreneurBrainboss (;u=1052091), you have to thank him too. Your success in achieving Member rank cannot be separated from the contributions that have helped you so far. He is in the first place that sends the most merit to you.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on November 19, 2022, 10:12:38 AM

I hope you haven't forgotten CryptopreneurBrainboss (;u=1052091)

I think Obari has his reasons and vision for the post, as he posted it here. If you look closely, you will see that he edited it several times. And, of course, the first source was gratitude to CryptopreneurBrainboss.
Brainboss deserves a lot of respect, and I'm sure Obari will experience it with us.
By the way, Obari, sincere congratulations on your promotion. I have no doubt that soon we will see you as a Full Member, and we will celebrate, too. You are moving well; don't stop.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Obari on November 19, 2022, 10:39:04 AM
Another Milestone Achieved

I really can't hold the joy in my heart, waking up to a Member rank up this morning.
This journey haven't been an easy one, especially not to a poor writer and reader like me.
The forum has really taught me so much, especially been patient and accepting criticism because everyone has a different opinion to every topic raised.
My special thanks goes @lovesmayfamilisfor also taking out time to see me grow even without knowing me in anyway and all the support so far, you're loved.
I want to sincerely thank the organizers of the forum and all those who have taken out their time and efforts to seeing me grow.
Congratulations on your successful promotion to Member rank, you deserve to celebrate, cheers.
It's not easy reach a new rank without any effort from yourself, anyone will feel proud of their success overcoming obstacles such as criticism and deleted posts. With patience and intention to learn to have made big changes to yourself. The higher the Rank, the more challenges that must be faced, you must always survive even when you are in a storm.

I think you have reason to especially thank lovesmayfamilis (;u=1982152), if I may assume, he became a mentor for you who has helped a lot and added insight in the forum either directly or indirectly.
I hope you haven't forgotten CryptopreneurBrainboss (;u=1052091), you have to thank him too. Your success in achieving Member rank cannot be separated from the contributions that have helped you so far. He is in the first place that sends the most merit to you.
Thank you so much @reagansimms for pointing this out to me, I'm grateful but ever since I got to this forum, I've been constantly blessed by@cryptopreneurBrainboss and even without assessing my merit, I've knew I got the highest merit from him
I checked the profile several times and sent him/her several pm but no response from him, I was hoping to specially thank him when I get to full member rank and possibly see physical rewards from the forum then I can say a big shout out to him and if you observed my post very well, you'll see I made about two to three editing on the post after mentioning the name which I had a second thought because I didn't want to provoke the user because I checked and after about some hours I didn't get a response from him on my rank up and I felt and thought it wise to take the name down and wait till full member.

By the way, Obari, sincere congratulations on your promotion. I have no doubt that soon we will see you as a Full Member, and we will celebrate, too. You are moving well; don't stop.

Thank you so much senior for always taking out your time to bless me and also go through my post despite your activities and work, I'm grateful and also thank you for helping me respond,
I couldn't respond quick because I've been battling with ulcer for over three days now and haven't been really active over here and I do hope to be at the full member rank soon.
Thank you so much for all your efforts and I'm grateful.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DaNNy001 on November 19, 2022, 03:42:56 PM
Member Rank Unlocked

I appreciate (Dr.Bitcoin_Strange, The Cryptovator) and  everyone who made it  happened. I never thought I would be able to make to this stage and level in the forum, that's because I always feel all my works are nothing compared to the quality of posts I have  read in the forum. I started out with not knowing what to post or read in the forum, it was as if I will always get lost and confused on what to read and reply in the forum due to the broadness of the forum.
 One thing I later realized is you can't offer what you don't have or know, so all I decided to do was to keep on reading and researching so I can contribute to the forum in terms of providing quality posts and replies.
 I also want to thank everyone who encouraged me in getting to this stage, I am so happy to know, I'm also progressing in the forum and I am also grateful for your encouragement.

Before now I never actually believe that there is such a forum like bitcointalk in terms of the way it's well organized and the level at which the forum has been beneficial in teaching alot of people. This forum is truly an information store house

Once more I truly appreciate those that have elevated me to this level and I say a big thank you to all

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: GeorgeJohn on November 20, 2022, 11:22:56 PM
Another Milestone Achieved

I really can't hold the joy in my heart, waking up to a Member rank up this morning.
This journey haven't been an easy one, especially not to a poor writer and reader like me.
The forum has really taught me so much, especially been patient and accepting criticism because everyone has a different opinion to every topic raised.
My special thanks goes @lovesmayfamilisfor also taking out time to see me grow even without knowing me in anyway and all the support so far, you're loved.
I want to sincerely thank the organizers of the forum and all those who have taken out their time and efforts to seeing me grow.
I know that you are excited towards your growth, it's absolutely nice seeing a newbie making perfectly well in the community, your congratulations is very nice the way you place it. I know that brainboss has the highest aggregate of giving you merit, but you have the right to congrats whoever you feel like to congrats, because i understand that maybe you are not making your congratulations due to the merits you earned by your merits supporters but by some insight or directions, encouragement you receive personally by the forum users.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: 348Judah on November 21, 2022, 07:31:15 AM
Another Milestone Achieved

I really can't hold the joy in my heart, waking up to a Member rank up this morning.
This journey haven't been an easy one, especially not to a poor writer and reader like me.
The forum has really taught me so much, especially been patient and accepting criticism because everyone has a different opinion to every topic raised.
My special thanks goes @lovesmayfamilisfor also taking out time to see me grow even without knowing me in anyway and all the support so far, you're loved.
I want to sincerely thank the organizers of the forum and all those who have taken out their time and efforts to seeing me grow.

Just as everyone has comment good about OP, i also feels good to encourage newbies who are determined to follow up advise and learning procedures from others, just as lovesmayfamilis had said, i also wish in seing more of this growth with you in subsequent achievements ahead and to also see you got that opportunity to wear an avatar, but in other to achieve these, you must not relent your efforts, the more you grow the more the expectations from you with demands, congratulations to you and many more to come sooner.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 24, 2022, 07:20:46 AM
Once more I truly appreciate those that have elevated me to this level and I say a big thank you to all
You are very close to be a full member now. Mathematically you are three weeks behind by the activities.

I couldn't respond quick because I've been battling with ulcer for over three days now and haven't been really active over here and I do hope to be at the full member rank soon.
I hope it's not very serious. Get well soon. As long as you enjoy the time on the forum you can exchange discussions later.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Iroh on November 24, 2022, 09:04:09 PM

A big shoutout to the administrator for efficiently managing the forum over the years. The forum is a hive of information and learning and couldn’t be where it is without the efforts of the administrator, mods and every single member on here.

I recently got promoted to the full member rank and while ranks on here doesn’t mean much to me, it was still a nice feeling seeing my rank go from a member rank to a full member rank with 3 gold coins now  ;D

I want to thank every member that contribute immensely to my growth and the growth and development of the forum in his/her own unique way.
To The Pharmacist and other members who contribute meaningfully as well as helped me along; thank you for what you do.

Cheers to continuous learning and enlightenment..

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Majestic-milf on November 26, 2022, 04:20:41 PM
                    Another altitude reached
My journey on this platform started out as some; a curious newbie who wanted to satisfy not only curiosity, but also some deep placed belief that places like this cannot truely exist without having an iota of scam or illegitimacy.. Oh, how wrong I was!!🤦🤦🤦

 With consistency and devotion (and a truckload of pushing, if I may add), I've been able to come this far. Many exceptional individuals on here also so played a key role in my growth and it would be an act of ingratitude if I don't mention a few of them.

The Chymist; who has always been a strong pillar of support
Philipma 1957;  I should say a lot, probably a eulogy of sorts, but I'd just be brief. Thank you for your calm and wit and immense help
Cryptoprenuerbrainboss, Pooya, Welsh and all those who helped in one way or another to push me to this pinnacle.

 Learning, they say, never stops and I hope to keep learning till I get there. For now, I drop my pen here...To the real MVPs of this forum, I say my thanks.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: examplens on November 27, 2022, 11:31:40 AM

BitcoinGirl.Club do you have to announce something here?  :D

I mean this is something new or did I miss something  ;)

Miss Bitcointalk: BitcoinGirl.Club
Miss Bitcointalk: BitcoinGirl.Club
Miss Bitcointalk: BitcoinGirl.Club
Miss Bitcointalk: BitcoinGirl.Club

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 27, 2022, 09:04:34 PM
BitcoinGirl.Club do you have to announce something here?  :D
My girl is still too young to understand anything 😂

I mean this is something new or did I miss something  ;)
I wonder what will happen after few years when there will be not many OGs on the forum. The new generation will never know who is behind the name LOL.
Honestly saying people tends to forget things very quickly.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Edwardard on November 28, 2022, 02:38:15 AM
My girl is still too young to understand anything 😂
Do you run a girls club then ? just curious 😆

I wonder what will happen after few years when there will be not many OGs on the forum
Lets not worry When we die, our kids will take care of the doges and the new 100x shitcoins coming along the way.
Honestly saying people tends to forget things very quickly.
Maybe not, every OG account will look like satoshi's alt account for newer kids who join the space in future 😂

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Lida93 on November 28, 2022, 08:23:51 AM
For discussion, please step into the topic (, I will keep this topic clean. Achievements, self praising kind of post will only be kept here.

I think I had enough of these common topics like "Finally a member/full member/hero/legendary", "xday/xmonth/xyear legendary", "x is finally a member/full member/hero/legendary now", "1k/2k/3k/..../nk merit club", "one/two/three/n milestones achieved", "I am now member/full member/hero/legendary", "From beginner to member/full member/hero/legendary in x days", "Got my 1st/2nd/3rd/.../nth badge", "celebrating 1year/2years/3years/.../n years", "My/his/their contribution to the forum", "x men forum guide list" the list is way too long!

Just look at Ratimov
1000-Day Legendary (  29 merits
My contribution to the fight against low-value posts ( 70 merits
7k Merit Club. When is Legendary ?  ( 5 merits
[END][GIVEAWAY]- Ratimov 2 Years on Bitcointalk - [PRIZE: 100$ in BTC] ( 30 merits
Ratimov - 2 Years on Bitcointalk + Giveaway !!! ( 44 merits
Ratimov - 1 year on Bitcointalk ( 28 merits
First Newbie of 2019 who received 1000 merits !!! ( 9 merits
My 100 days on Bitcointalk ( 32 merits
Hoвый иcтoчник зacлyг - Ratimov. Oбcyждeниe. ( 33 merits

There could be more.

This just became a bad show to deceive for more merits. All have common scripts but coming with new covers.

The reputation board is already filled up with these kind of topics. Do we really want more to come? I think it's time for a common thread and let this thread do the job for you.

You ranked up?
Share your excitements here.

It ranked up extraordinary quick?
Share your excitements here.

You got x merits and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You are in an x Club and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You achieved a milestone and you can't sleep?
Share your excitements here.

You stayed x years and you are taking break?
Share your excitements here.

You want to share an exciting contribution with us?
Share your excitements here.

You have a list of guide and you lost fat?
Share your excitements here.

Share all your self-praise with us in this thread instead of flooding this reputation board please. Thank you and we are looking forward to see more exciting stories from forum users.
I am so excited and same time grateful to the forum as I have just ranked up to FULL MEMBER rank today.
This won't have been possible without you people and this is a big encouragement to me to put in my very best and more into the forum for the betterment all.

Thank youuuuuuuu!  ;D

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: noorman0 on November 29, 2022, 02:01:52 AM
I'm not here to celebrate my rankings up (I still feel unworthy in this position), only realized after visiting my profile page that today is my 5th anniversary since joining this forum. It doesn't feel like I'm old enough and this forum has matured my way of thinking besides gaining some very valuable knowledge.

I feel great.
Thanks if you all care about my celebration, I'm so touched :'(

I hope this thread is still open 5 years from now for the celebration to my 10th anniversary

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Poker Player on December 01, 2022, 06:53:21 AM
Until today I had not written any celebration thread nor had I written here for an achievement, but I saw that I have ranked up to Legendary and I thought it was worth commenting here.

It was a good idea of to concentrate all this kind of posts here.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Iroh on December 01, 2022, 07:23:03 AM
Until today I had not written any celebration thread nor had I written here for an achievement, but I saw that I have ranked up to Legendary and I thought it was worth commenting here.

It was a good idea of to concentrate all this kind of posts here.

Congratulations! I think it’s definitely worth commenting here cause it takes consistency to level up to where you are now. Congratulations on your legendary member rank.
And shout out to for the thread.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on December 01, 2022, 10:06:36 PM
Until today I had not written any celebration thread nor had I written here for an achievement, but I saw that I have ranked up to Legendary and I thought it was worth commenting here.

It was a good idea of to concentrate all this kind of posts here.
This is it? Is this how you are celebrating your rank that is the highest of all!
You need to hire JJG and ask him to write some wall of text for you and then post it 😉

My girl is still too young to understand anything 😂
Do you run a girls club then ? just curious 😆
I run a kids club and my little princes is the president of the club 😘
Lets not worry When we die, our kids will take care of the doges and the new 100x shitcoins coming along the way.
Will Bitcoin become a digital fossil? LOL

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Poker Player on December 02, 2022, 06:34:31 AM
This is it? Is this how you are celebrating your rank that is the highest of all!

It's just that I'm not really celebrating. I always saw the threads that were opened before you created this one as a mixture of merit fishing and vanity exhibition, and I never opened a self-congratulatory thread because of that.

Actually it's cool to get to Legendary but it was something that was foreseen to happen because I've had enough merit for a long time and I was going to get there. So it has been rather monotonous, that's why I didn't write a celebration in this thread, it has been rather a confirmation. And that's why I say that I think it's a good idea your thread, to concentrate all these posts here. In fact, if this thread didn't exist, I wouldn't have written anything about having reached Legendary rank.

You need to hire JJG and ask him to write some wall of text for you and then post it 😉

Let's see if JayJuanGee has notifications turned on and wants to write something about it.

He is, in my opinion, the best merit source, btw, the one who spends the most time reading threads on the forum. Sometimes some old threads, and giving merit to posts he finds to be constructive.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on December 06, 2022, 02:24:45 AM
                  becoming a legendary-SHE
 .... got my ranks lately. Kudos to y'all :) no fashion, no styles...nix

Sandra 🧑

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: m2017 on December 06, 2022, 06:08:19 AM
Until today I had not written any celebration thread nor had I written here for an achievement, but I saw that I have ranked up to Legendary and I thought it was worth commenting here.

It was a good idea of to concentrate all this kind of posts here.
Congratulations Poker Player, albeit belatedly. Another long way to Legendary rank has been passed and it really deserves praise. For the desire and will to go towards your goal, for patience in anticipation of the cherished day and activity on the forum. Without these qualities, one can't reach the maximum rank.

I completely agree that creating a separate topic for posts like this is a great idea. Thanks again.

Waiting for my turn to self-congratulate here.  ;D

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on December 06, 2022, 09:49:20 AM
@Poker Player, Legendary is finally here, and congrats for that.  ;)

Waiting for my turn to self-congratulate here.  ;D
I'm sure we'll get there sooner or later too, but maybe we should just be a little patient.
In your case, the number of merit required is not enough to meet the Legendary requirements and you will have to work for those 1000 merit if you want to rank up to Legendary. As for me, activity points are not enough to rank up to Legendary even though merit is enough. So we have to be patient enough to wait for Legendary to come.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: meser# on December 06, 2022, 08:21:04 PM (

  • 2 years and 2.5 month
  • 135 days, 3 hours and 13 minutes
  • 3333 message
  • 147 thread

I've come a long way

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Merit.s on December 14, 2022, 06:20:03 AM
congratulations to myself for being a part of this great bitcointalk forum
I was a newbie but today I have become a Jnr. Member, I know I still have a very long way to go in this forum, learning has just started for me and I want to thank this community for this great achievement which I have,I have learnt so many things in these few months of my membership here and I will love your great support as ever for I cannot make it all by myself but with your support and good work.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: m2017 on December 17, 2022, 12:15:27 PM
congratulations to myself for being a part of this great bitcointalk forum
I was a newbie but today I have become a Jnr. Member, I know I still have a very long way to go in this forum, learning has just started for me and I want to thank this community for this great achievement which I have,I have learnt so many things in these few months of my membership here and I will love your great support as ever for I cannot make it all by myself but with your support and good work.
Congratulations on this small achievement that adds up to high ranks. I'm glad you have the guts to move forward and don't complain that ranks are hard to get right now. You are already halfway (2/3) to Member and you will not notice how you reach this level. Really, don't get hung up on ranks and treat it like a mini-game or personal progress bar. All the same, the main value of the forum is the knowledge and experience of other people, which can be used with any rank.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Jatiluhung on December 20, 2022, 02:30:39 PM

my motivation is to do a race between the amount of Merit (I think of it as myself) and the amount of activity (i consider activity to be someone else's).

My race has 5 finishes.

finish first = Rank Member (I lost/ because the number of activities at that time was much more when I reached Member)

Finish second = Rank Full member (I lost)

Finish 3rd = Rank Senior Member (I WIN / because the number of Merit has exceeded 250 and activity is still lacking) 8)

And I want to celebrate this victory.

and now I'm racing back to HERO. But it seems the number of activities began to catch up. and it looks like the competition is going to be very tough.


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: tjtonmoy on December 21, 2022, 09:29:34 AM
So yesterday i just took a screenshot of my merit. It's just fun. I am very happy to get to this point. 123 LOL. Hoping to get to 169  ;D
And this was few days back.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Merit.s on December 23, 2022, 09:27:47 PM

I want to announce my new achievement in this forum, another gold coin has been added to uplift me to a member rank,I see the ranking up like a game by tapping in peoples knowledge through their threads and contributions in this forum. The journey to my next rank is not going to be easy but with all your advices,supports,corrections and encouragements,will strengthen me not to give up along the road. Am greatful to everyone here.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: digaran on December 24, 2022, 12:42:08 PM
Well here I am, in 2016 I got tired playing online games for a few years and decided to search for online jobs to have a decent income, after a few weeks of using pay to click sites I came across a service offering options trading, but the problem was that I had no money, however the said service was offering bitcoin options to trade.
So that was the time when I started my quest on getting some coins to trade online and earn money, little did I know what the future had stored for me.

My first step was to find a way to buy some bitcoin which turned to be a difficult task for an iranian living under heavy sanctions of the west, my only option was to buy bitcoin using visa or master card, I bought a pre-paid visa card and came to this forum looking for an exchange of my dollars with btc😅, we all know the story of newbies trying to buy btc using visa card, so no need to bother you with it.

Eventually I realized that there is a way to earn btc such as faucets and signature campaigns, that's when I discovered a new whole world of bitcointalk.

I had to learn so many things, had my ups and downs but managed to get my hands on some coins just to lose them to ponzi and cloud mining scams, that also taught me some good lessons, I later focused on earning without trying to waste my money on ponzis etc.

What bitcoin and forum gave me was my first financial independence from my parents without the need to leave my room.
Despite so many hostility from some members due to my poor understanding of English, I thrived to become a better person in life, long story short, I have learned so much from this community, now I know not everything is about money.
There are other aspects of life worth exploring.

Without this forum and every single one of you guys, I wouldn't be who I am today, I am content and happy thanks to your part in helping me to get here.

Ps, was I off topic? lol.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on December 25, 2022, 12:17:59 PM

To whom more is given, more is expected. In the last 3 months, I have received 119 merits, even before my activities could catch up. As one's rank grows, one is supposed to also have gained more knowledge about the forum and Bitcoin. I know that's not so in some cases, but the ones I have learned I will also explore and practice, hoping to still become as knowledgeable as some of the heroes and legends in the forum whom I admire. Learning never stops, and I never stop learning from the forum. Thanks to all who helped me learn.

For some weeks I have not been too active due to work challenges, but I am going to manage my time so I could still contribute in the forum because I love this community.

I am saying thanks to Sir BitcoiBarrel who gave me the first merit that was supposed to lift me to junior member, thanks to Sir Agbe who also gave me the last merit that was supposed to raise me to member rank, and a special thanks to Sir Cryptovator who gave me the merit to rank up to full member but activity is still pending.

I so thank all who I am learning from in the forum: Sir Lucius, Sir JayJuangee, Sir o_e_l_e_o, sir LoyceV, sir phillippone and many others too. Thanks to everyone who helped me learn and rank up as well. 

 Merry Christmas ⛄🎄 & Happy holiday 🎉💓 guys.

Dr. Bitcoin_Strange 👺

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on December 31, 2022, 02:33:35 PM

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Negotiation on January 04, 2023, 07:04:06 PM
Looking like Only left -27 Merits(now have 73 Merits) for my next rank (Full Member), if complete the mission (Full Member) so that the best achievements in my life on the bitcointalk. Waiting for the next rank. Nothing to be long but long happiness in my life with bitcointalk. Some image everyone can the see for my bitcointalk love. Go to...  ( hoppfully new happiness is the cooming soon.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 04, 2023, 07:15:29 PM
I just took a look at your post history, as I wanted to help you out, but I realized I'd already done a review for you (usernames escape my mind quite easily).  Lately you've been posting large images with very little writing, and before you took an extended break from the forum you were making posts of uniform length--that's an indication that you were trying to meet a character count quota for a campaign or bounty, and the content in those posts was sub-par.

You might well get merits from other members, but my advice to you is to put far more thought and effort into your posts.  Since your grasp of English clearly isn't that great, that's the only thing that's going to compensate for all the grammar and other language issues you've got going on.

Didn't mean to piss on your parade, just trying to give you some solid advice.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Negotiation on January 05, 2023, 06:11:53 PM
I just took a look at your post history, as I wanted to help you out, but I realized I'd already done a review for you (usernames escape my mind quite easily).  Lately you've been posting large images with very little writing, and before you took an extended break from the forum you were making posts of uniform length--that's an indication that you were trying to meet a character count quota for a campaign or bounty, and the content in those posts was sub-par.

You might well get merits from other members, but my advice to you is to put far more thought and effort into your posts.  Since your grasp of English clearly isn't that great, that's the only thing that's going to compensate for all the grammar and other language issues you've got going on.

Didn't mean to piss on your parade, just trying to give you some solid advice.

Thank you friend for understanding my current situation and several problems, but now I am sick, I will try to be healthy and follow your advice from now on.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mr.suevie on January 06, 2023, 12:46:34 AM
I just took a look at your post history, as I wanted to help you out, but I realized I'd already done a review for you (usernames escape my mind quite easily).  Lately you've been posting large images with very little writing, and before you took an extended break from the forum you were making posts of uniform length--that's an indication that you were trying to meet a character count quota for a campaign or bounty, and the content in those posts was sub-par.

You might well get merits from other members, but my advice to you is to put far more thought and effort into your posts.  Since your grasp of English clearly isn't that great, that's the only thing that's going to compensate for all the grammar and other language issues you've got going on.

Didn't mean to piss on your parade, just trying to give you some solid advice.
An advice is always welcome,  although am new to the forum but after checking most of the top members profile in the forum,  i saw the the good deed that you have been doing in the forum. I know there are other merits source in the forum but i think your efforts on helping members grow in the forum is way past other merit sources in the forum in my own observation so an advice from you is always welcome and would be treated as correction.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on January 06, 2023, 03:22:48 AM
although am new to the forum but after checking most of the top members profile in the forum,  i saw the the good deed that you have been doing in the forum. don't sound like you're a new member at all if you've been here less than a month and already know about merits, merit sources, and whatever good work you think I'm doing.  I'm guessing you're an alt account.  No offense, but it would take a brand new member more than a month to figure out how everything here operates.

Thank you friend for understanding my current situation and several problems, but now I am sick, I will try to be healthy and follow your advice from now on.
Not sure what your sickness is or how it affects your ability to make good posts (just look at yahoo62278; he's waiting for a heart transplant and is still making very substantive posts), but if you kick up your post quality by a factor of 10 maybe I'll help you out with merits.  But I'm not the only merit-giver on the forum, so you might get lucky.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DaNNy001 on January 08, 2023, 12:39:38 PM
I finally ranked up as a full member and am really greatful for my new rank and it all was possible due to many reasons like the seriousness to learn and grow which i had in me. First i created my account last year with the hopes of learning about bitcoin from the forum but then due to some challenges which lead to me loosing my phone , i was inactive for some time and I was unable to log in my account for a long time and even after i got a new phone, remembering my password was now the challenge so after everything I got back online and in the space of a very short time i have gain so much from the forum. 

I have even bought some bitcoin of my own through the help of some lessons i gathered in the forum and planning to hodl it till we experience another ath. So achieving all this was very good and am very happy and using this medium to show thanks to all those who helped me reach this level in the forum @the sceptical chemist formally known as the pharmacist @the cyrptovator @ dr. Bitcoin strange and so many others.

Thanks for helping me rank up and am still pushing hard by trying my best in creating quality posts and learning from the forum.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: aylabadia05 on January 08, 2023, 05:44:17 PM
I finally ranked up as a full member and am really greatful for my new rank and it all was possible due to many reasons like the seriousness to learn and grow which i had in me. First i created my account last year with the hopes of learning about bitcoin from the forum but then due to some challenges which lead to me loosing my phone , i was inactive for some time and I was unable to log in my account for a long time and even after i got a new phone, remembering my password was now the challenge so after everything I got back online and in the space of a very short time i have gain so much from the forum. 


Congratulations to you, DaNNy001

I invite you to focus on self-improvement during your activities in this forum so that we can benefit ourselves and benefit others in any form even if the benefits we get from us are not comparable to what we get from others.

I also invite you to respect each other. Sometimes in translating every post that does not come from a native English speaker.
The higher the rank level, the higher the responsibility we have to carry.

I am not in the mood to advise you, but I am advising myself.

Be careful not to let your guard down.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: sokani on January 08, 2023, 09:10:23 PM
Congratulations to you, DaNNy001
I invite you to focus on self-improvement during your activities in this forum so that we can benefit ourselves and benefit others in any form even if the benefits we get from us are not comparable to what we get from others.

I also invite you to respect each other. Sometimes in translating every post that does not come from a native English speaker.
The higher the rank level, the higher the responsibility we have to carry.

I am not in the mood to advise you, but I am advising myself.

Be careful not to let your guard down.

Thanks for your kindly advice... The advice is not just for DaNNy001 or yourself but for anyone who cares to listen to the voice of wisdom. I'm new here and within a space of one month I've learnt a lot.

I finally ranked up as a full member and am really greatful for my new rank and it all was possible due to many reasons like the seriousness to learn and grow which i had in me.

Congratulations Danny on your new rank. Just as aylabadia05 pointed out leadership comes with responsibilities and I hope you can make a difference here.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DaNNy001 on January 09, 2023, 10:54:32 AM
Congratulations to you, DaNNy001

I invite you to focus on self-improvement during your activities in this forum so that we can benefit ourselves and benefit others in any form even if the benefits we get from us are not comparable to what we get from others.

I also invite you to respect each other. Sometimes in translating every post that does not come from a native English speaker.
The higher the rank level, the higher the responsibility we have to carry.

I am not in the mood to advise you, but I am advising myself.

Be careful not to let your guard down.
Thanks very much for the advice, i am very greatful, and truly what you said is truth about getting more responsibility and i will do my best to see that i spread and also impact on others the knowledge i have gathered from the forum.
   And am also using this opportunity to tell those new forum members that are here on the forum to learn more about bitcoin that this is just the right place for them and they should all have that zeal to grow by learning and creating quality posts and in so doing they will also be acquiring lots of knowledge from the forum.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mr.right85 on January 11, 2023, 09:05:23 PM
although am new to the forum but after checking most of the top members profile in the forum,  i saw the the good deed that you have been doing in the forum. don't sound like you're a new member at all if you've been here less than a month and already know about merits, merit sources, and whatever good work you think I'm doing.  I'm guessing you're an alt account.  No offense, but it would take a brand new member more than a month to figure out how everything here operates.
Perhaps new might not mean new to the forum but, maybe just the day of account creation. Some brand new members are geniuses for sure. In anyway, your very much welcome to the forum (Mr.Suevie).

Not sure what your sickness is or how it affects your ability to make good posts (just look at yahoo62278; he's waiting for a heart transplant and is still making very substantive posts)
Wow! For real!! Like, I've always known Yahoo62278 to be in and put of the hospital from the few concerns he raises on the campaign threads he manages but, didn't have the idea as to what the illness might have been and this is thrilling.
Can't and don't want to imagine how he manages it but, his definitely carrying on well and I wish him well, good health and strength to battle his situation.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mr.suevie on January 11, 2023, 10:16:52 PM
although am new to the forum but after checking most of the top members profile in the forum,  i saw the the good deed that you have been doing in the forum. don't sound like you're a new member at all if you've been here less than a month and already know about merits, merit sources, and whatever good work you think I'm doing.  I'm guessing you're an alt account.  No offense, but it would take a brand new member more than a month to figure out how everything here operates.
I think i was just properly lecture and guided very well before i even created my account and plus been reading alot when am offline, its better to fully understand what you are involved in before making any possible contribution or suggestions and that's exactly what have been trying to do

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: aylabadia05 on January 12, 2023, 08:55:22 AM
Congratulations to you, DaNNy001

I invite you to focus on self-improvement during your activities in this forum so that we can benefit ourselves and benefit others in any form even if the benefits we get from us are not comparable to what we get from others.

I also invite you to respect each other. Sometimes in translating every post that does not come from a native English speaker.
The higher the rank level, the higher the responsibility we have to carry.

I am not in the mood to advise you, but I am advising myself.

Be careful not to let your guard down.
Thanks very much for the advice, i am very greatful, and truly what you said is truth about getting more responsibility and i will do my best to see that i spread and also impact on others the knowledge i have gathered from the forum.
   And am also using this opportunity to tell those new forum members that are here on the forum to learn more about bitcoin that this is just the right place for them and they should all have that zeal to grow by learning and creating quality posts and in so doing they will also be acquiring lots of knowledge from the forum.
We can only do and strive to be better every day. As for the benefits that can be taken by others, we cannot measure it. Every participant who has been promoted to a higher rank must feel happy because I and other friends have also experienced this, but in my opinion it is not a cause that makes us stop to continue to improve no matter how small the shortcomings.

For me, humble does not mean low self-esteem.

Again, I am not advising someone, but I am telling them what I need to do now and in the days to come so that I can be promoted to the next rank. Whether we deserve it or not, it all depends on our efforts and my invitation to appreciate each other because my quality is still mediocre.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DiMarxist on January 13, 2023, 06:35:33 AM
Jr. Member Rank unlocked
It is an another moment of an excitement, I woke up from sleep and check my account to see my Jr. Member Rank. I was thinking of next week because when I asked, they told me that, 14 activities is added every two weeks so I was not expecting it to be this week but it has happened.

First of all, I thank lovesmayfamilis who prayed for me and blessed me first to excel in the forum, the first Merit was a blessing to me, and I also thank The Cryptovator, Mahirap, aylabadia05, Coin_trader, fillippone may your families will never lack and lag behind. As you bless other the God you serve will bless abundantly.

How do I know that the Jr. Member Rank is unlocked, it was from the image. I was cross checking my threads to see if the is any new reply and o see that image appears.

Happy Jr Member Rank

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Obari on January 13, 2023, 10:05:04 AM
Full Member rank unlocked
I guess I've been overwhelmed and at such been speechless on what to write but in all I'm really grateful to God the Almighty Creator for a time like this and a safe smooth journey so far.

It haven't been an easy journey so far but I would say that, it has been a journey worth it with all the lessons, dramas and character molding.

One might wonder while I mentioned character molding in this post and this is because I've been a person of impatience but in all I've learnt so far, I've learnt patience the most.
Accepting criticism and drawing positive reasoning and energy from them.
There are a whole lot of people who have impacted my life over here and this is one of the times I've really taken track of my growth and success after leaving secondary school (high school).

I went through my merit to get confirmation to specially give honor to whom honour is due and I want to use this special moment of my life to thank @cryptocurrencybrainboss for all the encouragement and love shown to me, my very post was made in the Nigeria local thread now a board and I guess that was when I got favour from the boss.
I started making post and felt the need to do so and first I was only engaging in topics I felt confident of and it helped.
I made topics and got criticisms and also got lots of encouragements and love as well and now most times I go through the profiles of higher ranked members here just to draw motivations from and I'm glad I'm now a fully recognized member of the community.
Cheers to me.

By the way, Obari, sincere congratulations on your promotion. I have no doubt that soon we will see you as a Full Member, and we will celebrate, too. You are moving well; don't stop.
@lovesmayfamilis, you've been one of the profiles on my watchlist and I will never seize to thank you for finding me worthy to always check up on my profile and I want to let you know that I've made it to the full member rank and I want to say a big thank to you for all the love.

To everyone @Danny and all those who made it possible for me to climb upto this height I'm grateful. Thanks.

Thank you to all those who gave in their advice and corrections I'm indebted to you all and I promise to do mu best to contribute positively to the forum at all times, so help me God.

I love you all and I'm always open for whatever correction and suggestions you have fir me as my pm is always open to all.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: reagansimms on January 13, 2023, 12:30:45 PM
Jr. Member Rank unlocked
It is an another moment of an excitement, I woke up from sleep and check my account to see my Jr. Member Rank. I was thinking of next week because when I asked, they told me that, 14 activities is added every two weeks so I was not expecting it to be this week but it has happened.

First of all, I thank lovesmayfamilis who prayed for me and blessed me first to excel in the forum, the first Merit was a blessing to me, and I also thank The Cryptovator, Mahirap, aylabadia05, Coin_trader, fillippone may your families will never lack and lag behind. As you bless other the God you serve will bless abundantly.

How do I know that the Jr. Member Rank is unlocked, it was from the image. I was cross checking my threads to see if the is any new reply and o see that image appears.

Happy Jr Member Rank
Continue to feel addicted to getting Merit, your excitement when you get First Merit should never just disappear.
Those that you mentioned one by one above are mostly generous people in this forum, your feeling will be even happier when you see the fact that your account has been promoted to Full Member. The forum has so many generous people who are ready to help anyone, now start focusing on improving the quality of posts so that kind people always pay attention to your every post.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Negotiation on January 14, 2023, 12:01:15 PM
May be moving up my the next rank from the current one very soon, I personally feel that this is a big achievement for me, although it has been a long time since I understand my mistakes and am trying to correct them. Maybe I keep coming back to Bitcointalk because of my love for so many things. BitcoinTalk is such a place for me where there are many things that can never be expressed in language.
Dreaming of becoming a full member at Bitcointalk seems lucky to me, but in the past few years, many have been able to achieve great things by joining me or long after me, while on the other hand, there are many who have not made much headway. I will try my best and hope to be able to achieve the next rank in a few days, which is going to be one of my dreams.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Awaklara on January 14, 2023, 01:41:24 PM
May be moving up my the next rank from the current one very soon,
you look very rushed to rank up. what do you want to do after ranking up?
you are not a newbie to forums, so of course you know how Merit will come to you on its own. You haven't created much activity in the past year. you disappeared in march and came back in December and now.
you are still doing the same activity with your large images. now I hope you are lucky to be able to rank up according to your wishes.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Negotiation on January 14, 2023, 06:06:50 PM
May be moving up my the next rank from the current one very soon,
you look very rushed to rank up. what do you want to do after ranking up?
you are not a newbie to forums, so of course you know how Merit will come to you on its own. You haven't created much activity in the past year. you disappeared in march and came back in December and now.
you are still doing the same activity with your large images.

Everything is right brother...
I am already trying explain that it is the only for dream of a member, not only me everyone can grow up rank and get merit your are also same, not out in the world.

Of course I am trying to increase my rank but not rushed, I mean my personal experience which I have remembered and known in the last few years.

May be moving up my the next rank from the current one very soon,
you look very rushed to rank up. what do you want to do after ranking up?

I also want to be like you, I want to share what I know and learn about things unknown to others and communicate. want to continue with bitcointalk through regular posts actively and if you have any suggestions me, so don't worry you can tell me I will try to follow them.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Gaza13 on January 14, 2023, 07:09:10 PM

First of all I thank the Op for providing this forum, let me be a new member telling me about how well I know this forum, when I first got to know this forum I was a bit confused, and I learned through YouTube, and I applying information from YouTube one by one by replying to member/member comments and from the replies of Legendary members and local forums there I get valuable experience or input from Legendary, such as posts must be of high quality and notified about the Ranking System, Activities and Merit Requirements

You rank up?
I haven't leveled up because the Activity isn't eligible for Jr.member yet

You got x merits and excited?
Before I got Merit, I found cheating or blamed the awarding of merit on members. And I created my own thread with the title
Can Newbie Trust Abuse of Merit (
And there I got answers from local members in my country, and local legends. and immediately executed by the legendary himself. And I didn't expect to get the merit award given by Legendary, and that's where I was really excited

Thanks Legendary for their guidance thus far.



Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: reagansimms on January 15, 2023, 03:57:37 AM
you look very rushed to rank up. what do you want to do after ranking up?

I also want to be like you, I want to share what I know and learn about things unknown to others and communicate. want to continue with bitcointalk through regular posts actively and if you have any suggestions me, so don't worry you can tell me I will try to follow them.
Other users will respond to this question with the same answer, the desire to continue learning must always grow within each individual to increase knowledge in the forum. Sharing something that other people don't know is one thing to be proud of yourself.
There are still many processes that we need to go through to become like Awaklara, he has grown fast in adapting to forums. Make him your mentor, never hesitate to ask him directly, I'm sure he will answer it happily.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: John Abraham on January 15, 2023, 04:06:05 PM
I don't know what I should write. But I am not new in this forum. I wasn't active enough. I was usually active on WO. I used to explore the forum but didn't write many posts. I recently participated in the Pumpkin Carving contest and got some merits from there. I recently ranked up to Full member Rank, and I feel good about it. Thanks to all the forum members who helped me to rank up.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DaNNy001 on January 15, 2023, 11:32:50 PM
Jr. Member Rank unlocked
It is an another moment of an excitement, I woke up from sleep and check my account to see my Jr. Member Rank. I was thinking of next week because when I asked, they told me that, 14 activities is added every two weeks so I was not expecting it to be this week but it has happened.

First of all, I thank lovesmayfamilis who prayed for me and blessed me first to excel in the forum, the first Merit was a blessing to me, and I also thank The Cryptovator, Mahirap, aylabadia05, Coin_trader, fillippone may your families will never lack and lag behind. As you bless other the God you serve will bless abundantly.

How do I know that the Jr. Member Rank is unlocked, it was from the image. I was cross checking my threads to see if the is any new reply and o see that image appears.

Happy Jr Member Rank

Well-done on junior member achievement. Is really good to see folks growing and achieving new heights in the forum. I remembered how i felt when i first unlocked my junior member rank, it was something of great joy, because it was a sign that i  have been working hard and i have been developing in posting quality post. So (op) enjoy your rank achievements and i would advise you to keep learning and trying your best in developing your self in the forum and your hard work will always speak out for you.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: LoyceMobile on January 21, 2023, 04:46:07 PM
I finally made it to Hero Member! Thanks tranthidung (;u=1292764) for the final push :)

Considering I typed 90% (not the current post) on a keyboard smaller than my dick drink, I am quite happy with this.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: John Abraham on January 23, 2023, 06:07:14 PM
I finally made it to Hero Member! Thanks tranthidung (;u=1292764) for the final push :)

Considering I typed 90% (not the current post) on a keyboard smaller than my dick drink, I am quite happy with this.

OMG, Look who it is. This is Legend Loyce! I don't even know if it is a name or not. I don't know anything about you personally because of your super anonymity. Whatever it is, LoyceV becomes a brand in this forum. Congratulations on getting your new rank. I am wondering why people from Switzerland still wear a commercial signature when they have the highest average income (Just kidding).

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: imamusma on January 23, 2023, 07:47:54 PM
I thank God that I am still given the sanity to think that anything good can be achieved with effort and consistency. For too long I have been led astray by the poor quality of posts, maybe not because I can't afford it but because I don't care about quality.

Of course, some time ago I had been promoted to become Hero, that was an achievement that made me happy and grateful at the same time. Thanks to everyone who helped, and hopefully my journey to Legendary won't take too long.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: LoyceMobile on January 23, 2023, 10:37:21 PM
I am wondering why people from Switzerland still wear a commercial signature when they have the highest average income (Just kidding).
I'm not from Switzerland, I am Switzerland (allegedly) ;)

My mobile signature is because icopress asked me.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: John Abraham on January 24, 2023, 10:59:21 AM
I'm not from Switzerland, I am Switzerland (allegedly) ;)

Oh Really?
Maybe because you have an email with this country's name?
The allegation is pretty much OK. I support them because either you were there or you are still there. Otherwise, no one would create an email with a random country name. Wait, I don't remember where I see this. But, Your profile location is with a question mark. Let's not talk about private things; I believe you don't like it either.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: LoyceMobile on January 24, 2023, 04:01:46 PM
I'm not from Switzerland, I am Switzerland (allegedly) ;)
Oh Really?
Maybe because you have an email with this country's name?
The allegation is pretty much OK. I support them because either you were there or you are still there. Otherwise, no one would create an email with a random country name. Wait, I don't remember where I see this. But, Your profile location is with a question mark. Let's not talk about private things; I believe you don't like it either.
Actually, Lauda gave me the name Switzerland years ago, and it grew on me. Just like Marcel, which I got from the Gangs topic.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: bnbstorm on January 24, 2023, 07:43:23 PM
Just launched my service product on this platform. I am new to this forum and it feels great as my profile is increasing reputation slowly. Currently a Newbie but got 2 merits.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mate2237 on January 25, 2023, 10:10:59 PM
Sr. Member Rank Unfold

Bitcointalk System just unfold my Sr. Member Rank which I have been waiting to see since and finally it has been revealed to me and to the forum users. I have left five {5} Ranks and remain 2 two ranks to the last rank in the forum. I thank fillippone, The Sceptical Chymist  for their charity to push me to this stage and far. And also others who did the pushed may God bless you all.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mr.suevie on January 27, 2023, 06:53:28 PM
My journey official starts as am now a junior member

its not been long i came to the forum and although i have not been consistent in posting but that because i have doing lots of offline reading about the forum and today its with great joy that am announcing my new development in the forum as an official junior member. My coming here was due to the massive awareness that is ongoing in my area about bitcoin. The talks about bitcoin first got my attention and after having ill view about bitcoin my thoughts have finally change because of all the lessons i gotten from the forum. Although i don't have my own bitcoin investment yet but am still gathering some tangible fund to purchase my own bitcoin and hopefully hold it till a significant profit is achieved.
  With all that been said am still greatful for the great achievement so far. Next up MEMBER RANK. My stay here has been wonderful and hopping i will be able to grow and establish myself more in the forum as i proceed to the next phase.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Nwada001 on January 29, 2023, 06:59:52 AM
How I started and now to Member Rank

I think I could have done this much earlier than now. I created my account and abandoned it for several months because of the fear of the forum rules, but when I finally gathered the courage to create my first topic, "Ready to Learn," that was when I realized that this forum was much more simple than I expected. It's just to follow the rules and don't plagiarize, that's all. I couldn't have gotten this far without the help and advice of @mk4, @cryptoaddictchie, @Upgrade00, and @lovesmayfamilis, who made me realize that the forum doesn't have strict rules as I was told it has, that I should speak out my mind and my experience and @Lucius who I have learned a lot from (how to reduce picture size and other things) and many others who have guided me. I am grateful. This forum is so large, and lots of things interest me in it; learning is a gradual process. I've made it to Member Rank, all thanks to you all. And I am already wearing my first signature.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: sokani on January 30, 2023, 03:49:33 AM
The journey of a thousand mile they say begins with a step. I'm really excited about my new member rank and I'm grateful to everyone who made this possible especially to CryptopreneurBrainboss for your kindness and generosity. So far it has been an amazing learning curve and I hope to continue to learn, unlearn and relearn and also to make positive contribution to the success and growth of this forum. God bless Bitcointalk!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Lida93 on February 02, 2023, 04:03:49 AM
For discussion, please step into the topic (, I will keep this topic clean. Achievements, self praising kind of post will only be kept here.

I think I had enough of these common topics like "Finally a member/full member/hero/legendary", "xday/xmonth/xyear legendary", "x is finally a member/full member/hero/legendary now", "1k/2k/3k/..../nk merit club", "one/two/three/n milestones achieved", "I am now member/full member/hero/legendary", "From beginner to member/full member/hero/legendary in x days", "Got my 1st/2nd/3rd/.../nth badge", "celebrating 1year/2years/3years/.../n years", "My/his/their contribution to the forum", "x men forum guide list" the list is way too long!

Just look at Ratimov
1000-Day Legendary (  29 merits
My contribution to the fight against low-value posts ( 70 merits
7k Merit Club. When is Legendary ?  ( 5 merits
[END][GIVEAWAY]- Ratimov 2 Years on Bitcointalk - [PRIZE: 100$ in BTC] ( 30 merits
Ratimov - 2 Years on Bitcointalk + Giveaway !!! ( 44 merits
Ratimov - 1 year on Bitcointalk ( 28 merits
First Newbie of 2019 who received 1000 merits !!! ( 9 merits
My 100 days on Bitcointalk ( 32 merits
Hoвый иcтoчник зacлyг - Ratimov. Oбcyждeниe. ( 33 merits

There could be more.

This just became a bad show to deceive for more merits. All have common scripts but coming with new covers.

The reputation board is already filled up with these kind of topics. Do we really want more to come? I think it's time for a common thread and let this thread do the job for you.

You ranked up?
Share your excitements here.

It ranked up extraordinary quick?
Share your excitements here.

You got x merits and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You are in an x Club and excited?
Share your excitements here.

You achieved a milestone and you can't sleep?
Share your excitements here.

You stayed x years and you are taking break?
Share your excitements here.

You want to share an exciting contribution with us?
Share your excitements here.

You have a list of guide and you lost fat?
Share your excitements here.

Share all your self-praise with us in this thread instead of flooding this reputation board please. Thank you and we are looking forward to see more exciting stories from forum users.
A words encouragement to an anonymous out there that's just like me.

Starting up any good business, idea or project of any kind isn't that easy. It's something we should all know by now. And that's why I just want to take out this moment to remind every forum users out there, especially the newbies and my fellow junior members  all you need to keep you to continuously being active and doing what you know how best to do here in the forum is self-encouragement first.

You know, I decided to develop the character of encouraging myself on a daily in the forum by clicking on my profile and telling myself am doing better, I don't need to give up, am gradually progressing.

These self acclaimed words keeps and gives me hope that someday I'll be a legendary too. Cause if others can then I can too.

So encourage yourself, reasons being that you're your first fan.
Few months ago I celebrated my junior member
rank, and in less than a year in the forum just like in a blinking of an eye I have ranked up to the ranks of sr. member , and I want to attribute this growth of not just only in ranks but also in knowledge about bitcoin to all forum members, am grateful and appreciate you all for the opportunity giving me to get to this level.
Thank you, even as the journey continuous!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: aylabadia05 on February 08, 2023, 04:56:28 PM

Finally I have reached the stage where I want to say thank you very much to all those who have helped me rank up from Senior Member to Hero Member, especially to all the friends who have motivated me that I can't possibly mention one by one.

Being able to reach the Hero Member rank is an achievement that I should be grateful for because many friends want to get here, but behind it all I feel that being able to reach the Hero rank is a big responsibility that I have to carry considering there are still so many things I have to learn. But I hold on to one sentence that in the learning process there is never a term of fear of being wrong which is interpreted positively.


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on February 10, 2023, 12:14:47 AM

I thank everyone who has contributed to my relevance in the forum. I feel so honored to be a full member so soon. I didn't think it was going to be too soon because I see people with old registered accounts, but some are still member rank and some are full members, which makes me feel that to climb high in rank takes a whole lot of time, but I guess I was wrong. I say thanks to all hands that have merited me, all ideas that have contributed to my knowledge, and all suggestions that have contributed to my business here and elsewhere. I don't know how to express my joy, but thanks once again to everyone. I ranked up on Wednesday and am so happy 😁.

Aslo I have been able to report up to 53 posts with 98% accuracy between December 2022 and now, although 45 are good, 1 is bad, and 7 are unhandled. I am happy with myself that I am contributing too; thanks to all for your help.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: letteredhub on February 10, 2023, 02:18:04 PM
Oh what a feeling to be reckoned with a member rank.
I acknowledge everyone in the forum who in one way or another made my ranking up to a member rank possible today, I understand there are others that were here before me that are still as Jr members not that am too special or better off to have assumed the member rank before them, so I really do appreciate you guys for this. Lets continue to make the forum resourceful. Thanks alot!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DaNNy001 on February 11, 2023, 02:15:12 PM

I thank everyone who has contributed to my relevance in the forum. I feel so honored to be a full member so soon. I didn't think it was going to be too soon because I see people with old registered accounts, but some are still member rank and some are full members, which makes me feel that to climb high in rank takes a whole lot of time, but I guess I was wrong. I say thanks to all hands that have merited me, all ideas that have contributed to my knowledge, and all suggestions that have contributed to my business here and elsewhere. I don't know how to express my joy, but thanks once again to everyone. I ranked up on Wednesday and am so happy 😁.

Aslo I have been able to report up to 53 posts with 98% accuracy between December 2022 and now, although 45 are good, 1 is bad, and 7 are unhandled. I am happy with myself that I am contributing too; thanks to all for your help.
Congratulations on your achievements bro. It's  really a cool thing to see members grow and am also wishing to be reoorting some post that i have come across in the forum that definitely sounds like spamming and off-topic but never really actually knew the function and how to do it. Saw your announcement thread and learnt how to do this with your image added to the post.  I think am also growing myself and wish to umlock my member rank soon and hopefully my full member too. Congratulations on your new rank just keep on striving and developing more.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: JoyMarsha on February 12, 2023, 05:02:13 PM

If I don't express my gratitude to all who have supported me thus far in my bitcoin journey as a member of this forum, it would be too wrong of me.

So far, the journey has been really interesting. I'm here to express my gratitude to those who have encouraged me to be a good poster and who have helped me grow intellectually.

Honor those who deserve it. Therefore, I give the utmost respect to the personalities of nutlidah, Fillippone, DdmrDdmr, Halab, Cookdata, Fivestar4everMVP, Imamusma, and quite a good number of other forum members I can't mention.

I want to thank you all for helping me achieve this level. I greatly appreciate it.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mr.suevie on February 14, 2023, 08:38:39 AM
Officially a bitcointalk member
I thought i should share with the community now about my rapid growth in developing myself and acquiring more knowledge in the forum. i have successfully unlocked my member rank and am very grateful for all those members who have helped me in achieving this @lovemayfamilies,  you gave me the first lift to my member rank achievement. I specifically thank everyone who has contributed to my fast growing success in the forum
-the cryptovator
And so many more, am just happy I have this much after having ill view towards bitcoin in the past.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Nwada001 on February 15, 2023, 10:19:56 PM
Officially a bitcointalk member
I thought i should share with the community now about my rapid growth in developing myself and acquiring more knowledge in the forum. i have successfully unlocked my member rank and am very grateful for all those members who have helped me in achieving this @lovemayfamilies,  you gave me the first lift to my member rank achievement. I specifically thank everyone who has contributed to my fast growing success in the forum
-the cryptovator
And so many more, am just happy I have this much after having ill view towards bitcoin in the past.
Wishing you well, Mate. 
I will also give you the same advice they give me here in this forum. Just be consistent, be productive in whatever way you can, be free, learn, and contribute to others; don't chase rank too much; allow your good deeds to speak for you, and you will later realize that's what you have achieved so far; it's just the beginning.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: skarais on February 16, 2023, 02:36:11 PM
As a user of non-merit source, I am quite proud to dedicate myself as a contributing user to my own local board on merit distribution. Most of the sMerits I have sent have hit many of users in the local board and it has put me in the top 10 users who have contributed the most in the amount of merit sent.

If my calculations are correct, then I have to work hard to earn 1136 merit to distribute half of them to my local users (without some sMerit airdrop). It may not mean much, but being in the top 8 users who have contributed to the local board is an honor that I have to say. I would fun it if some of you reading this would review some of my posts for merit so that I can help more of my local users, but this is not for begging. This is just a friendly request to anyone willing to review it.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Merit.s on February 18, 2023, 05:57:50 PM
                                A Deam Come True

Finally my dream has come true to be a full member in this community, I didn't do it alone,because a tree can't make up a forest and a drop of water can't turn to an ocean. This goal achieved today was due to the support that I got from kind hearted forum members that loves to see newbies grow in the forum. With a humble heart, I use this opportunity to appreciate everyone that contributed to my growth directly or indirectly to my new rank. God bless you all in your daily endeavors. I am still on the journey to my next rank 'Snr.Member' and I hope to achieve that someday.
Thanks for the push up.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: m2017 on February 20, 2023, 04:03:56 PM
Well, now it's my turn to reach the highest rank. To be honest, this path was not so easy and not so fast, but nevertheless, this day has come. Thanks me :) to all the users who tagged my posts for this. Without you, everything would be different.

I express my special gratitude to _BlackStar for the surprise that gave me today and accelerated the achievement of Legendary rank. And then I thought that that day would never come. :)

So, this is the end of my next stage on this forum, which has been dragging on for more than a year, described in detail here - Beginers dream of becoming a Legendary, and my goal is Hero (

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on February 21, 2023, 02:31:00 PM
I express my special gratitude to _BlackStar for the surprise that gave me today and accelerated the achievement of Legendary rank. And then I thought that that day would never come. :)
You don't need to thank me specifically, it means nothing for your contribution [you deserve more]. I know you deserved it sooner than you expected, and I caught you on the right day.  :D

For all that, congratulations to you. Legendary is something, only status of the highest rank if you never maintain your quality. So keep up the good work, mate.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BTCGalaxyA12 on February 22, 2023, 05:00:26 AM
Well, now it's my turn to reach the highest rank. To be honest, this path was not so easy and not so fast, but nevertheless, this day has come. Thanks me :) to all the users who tagged my posts for this. Without you, everything would be different.

I express my special gratitude to _BlackStar for the surprise that gave me today and accelerated the achievement of Legendary rank. And then I thought that that day would never come. :)

So, this is the end of my next stage on this forum, which has been dragging on for more than a year, described in detail here - Beginers dream of becoming a Legendary, and my goal is Hero (
Congratulations m2017 who has arrived at the last rank, Legendary.
Inspired, it must be very inspired by your journey to achieve a dream. It feels like we also want to try to be able to feel what you feel from the lowest rank to the highest rank.

There is one that I like that you acknowledge that success will not happen without the help of all parties.

_BlackStar is only waiting for the number of activities so that the rank changes from Hero to Legendary.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: m2017 on February 22, 2023, 04:39:12 PM
I express my special gratitude to _BlackStar for the surprise that gave me today and accelerated the achievement of Legendary rank. And then I thought that that day would never come. :)
You don't need to thank me specifically, it means nothing for your contribution [you deserve more]. I know you deserved it sooner than you expected, and I caught you on the right day.  :D

For all that, congratulations to you. Legendary is something, only status of the highest rank if you never maintain your quality. So keep up the good work, mate.
I know that this day would have come anyway and it was predetermined. :)
It's just that the less I had to 1000, the more I wanted to achieve a result that was within reach. You just hastened this day, taking pity on me, and deciding not to torment me with expectation - at least for that I am grateful. :)

Thank you for the kind words and I will try keep walking up the good work and go in the same spirit.

Congratulations m2017 who has arrived at the last rank, Legendary.
Inspired, it must be very inspired by your journey to achieve a dream. It feels like we also want to try to be able to feel what you feel from the lowest rank to the highest rank.

There is one that I like that you acknowledge that success will not happen without the help of all parties.

_BlackStar is only waiting for the number of activities so that the rank changes from Hero to Legendary.
Thanks to you, our young forum member.
If you want to feel the same from reaching a high rank, everything is in your hands. No one else will do it for you and walk this path for you. Try to see it as an adventure, not an obstacle, and then the long road will not seem so long.

Few people admit it, but any success is impossible without the people around them. Each of them contributes both actively and passively. All this way, I felt the intangible support of other forum participants, and it seemed to me that they wanted me no less than me to get this fcking 1000 and stop being an eyesore, like a loser who is still barely crawling. :D

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: AHOYBRAUSE on March 05, 2023, 05:42:59 PM
Big shoutout to LoyceV for pushing me over the hump to finally become full member today!

Made my day.

Also big thank you to the German community on the board for the support and advise.

Now I can try to get in a signature campaign and continue my journey in this great forum.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: 1miau on March 05, 2023, 06:06:55 PM
Congrats for reaching Full Member Rank, AHOYBRAUSE.  :)
The first 100 Merits are the most difficult ones to earn, so from now on, it might be even easier.  ;)

I can confirm that your recent contributions in our German local section are very enriching and that deserves a nice amount of Merit of course.
Especially from new members of our local board, we are very happy to have new contributors.  :)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: UserU on March 06, 2023, 07:14:19 AM
I never thought I would see the moment whereby I reach Hero membership after more than 5 years being on the forum. A slow one but better late than never!

A huge thanks to those that saw value in some of my posts, especially nutildah, yahoo62278 and Ratimov. :)

The first 100 Merits are the most difficult ones to earn, so from now on, it might be even easier.  ;)

Agreed. I still remembered the struggles to earn 1 Merit when I didn't know where to start.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: yahoo62278 on March 06, 2023, 08:31:39 AM
I never thought I would see the moment whereby I reach Hero membership after more than 5 years being on the forum. A slow one but better late than never!

A huge thanks to those that saw value in some of my posts, especially nutildah, yahoo62278 and Ratimov. :)

The first 100 Merits are the most difficult ones to earn, so from now on, it might be even easier.  ;)

Agreed. I still remembered the struggles to earn 1 Merit when I didn't know where to start.
Congrats on reaching Hero status. I'm all for helping people rank up as long as they're not acting like fools. You're the spokesperson or person operating 500 casino and answer scam accusations and users in your thread with respect so helping you isn't a hard decision. Keep it up and good luck for Legendary.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: UserU on March 06, 2023, 08:43:11 AM

Congrats on reaching Hero status. I'm all for helping people rank up as long as they're not acting like fools. You're the spokesperson or person operating 500 casino and answer scam accusations and users in your thread with respect so helping you isn't a hard decision. Keep it up and good luck for Legendary.

Cheers, I appreciate your kind words as always. Indeed it ain't a smooth sailing ride since those decisions made were beyond my capabilities and I still had to take those negative tags but still, I'm glad to be part of a dedicated team.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: gantez on March 07, 2023, 03:26:46 PM

It ranked up extraordinary quick?
Share your excitements here.

No. In my own situation, it was not quick but very slow. At a time I did not expect it and didn't bother to keep checking on my merit earn. It happen today finally for me after along time. I am happy to announce my new rank (FULL MEMBER) and hoping that my way getting senior member will be quick.

I appreciate the users here:

My first gratitude to fillippone. He woke me up and help to encourage me with the merit I got in his thread. Thank you

Ratimov: He draw me out finally. I receive last merits to Full member from him. Thank you

yahoo62278: I am glad you support me by allowing me to be lucky to get into your signature campaign as a member because you are the manager allowing members in. That help me to pay subscription and I think some member rank also benefit from that. Thank you.

Thank you to others I didn't member the names, I appreciate all.

I wish getting next rank to be quick. Thank you.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on March 07, 2023, 08:11:51 PM
Snip -
I've been here before and was very confused about how to contribute better and rank up because i was here when im a member.
Now I'm back in better shape :) there were some circumstances where I couldn't be active for a few months and this left me a little behind. It took me almost a year but I'm pretty proud of what I've accomplished now at Sr Member  8)
Please don't think of me as arrogant because this is one of my expressions of happiness :D

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: CoinEraser on March 07, 2023, 10:25:37 PM
Also big thank you to the German community on the board for the support and advise.
Again, congratulations on your new rank. You definitely deserve it. Especially we in the german local board are always happy about good, active users who enrich the forum, like you.
But this was certainly just the beginning. If you remain active, you will surely soon be a Sr. Member.  ;)

Now I can try to get in a signature campaign and continue my journey in this great forum.
That will work out at some point. Just stay on the ball, write good post and then at some point it will work out with a signature campaign.
The important thing is to follow the rules of a campaign, then it will be a good experience. Fingers crossed for inclusion in a campaign soon.  :)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BTCGalaxyA12 on March 10, 2023, 08:41:31 AM
Congratulations m2017 who has arrived at the last rank, Legendary.
Inspired, it must be very inspired by your journey to achieve a dream. It feels like we also want to try to be able to feel what you feel from the lowest rank to the highest rank.

There is one that I like that you acknowledge that success will not happen without the help of all parties.

_BlackStar is only waiting for the number of activities so that the rank changes from Hero to Legendary.
Thanks to you, our young forum member.
If you want to feel the same from reaching a high rank, everything is in your hands. No one else will do it for you and walk this path for you. Try to see it as an adventure, not an obstacle, and then the long road will not seem so long.

Few people admit it, but any success is impossible without the people around them. Each of them contributes both actively and passively. All this way, I felt the intangible support of other forum participants, and it seemed to me that they wanted me no less than me to get this fcking 1000 and stop being an eyesore, like a loser who is still barely crawling. :D
My mindset has always been that without other people we will not get to the level we want. It's not necessarily about expecting other people's help, but rather trying my best so that other people can be helped by me.
You're not the only one who said try to see it as an adventure instead of an obstacle. For me, it's one of the billions of motivational sentences spoken by motivators all over the world who want us not to give up trying to reach the sky.

Whatever my ramblings, I really appreciate your advice to me who is still very young here. Every now and then, look at me. Who knows I've tripped over a pebble that keeps me from getting up.

As for the typical loser who is not happy with other people's success, that's normal and it's like a small pebble when we walk.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on March 11, 2023, 08:51:03 AM
I sincerely want to appreciate you guys for the in-depth knowledge you share on this forum about Bitcoin, I joined this forum about 3 months ago, today I've gotten to member rank, Is something I'm really grateful about. Thanks you guys

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: John Abraham on March 11, 2023, 02:04:20 PM
today I've gotten to member rank, Is something I'm really grateful about. Thanks you guys

I remember you ranked up yesterday and not today. I found you from DdmrDdmr's[1] thread, and you were one merit short of reaching the next level. I just checked your one post and merited it. Congratulations to you on achieving a new rank. I hope it will give you a boost to post quality content.

Yesterday I ranked up as well. It was an incredible day. When I woke up yesterday morning, I saw The Sceptical Chymist did a post-history review, and I got plenty of merits. After a few hours, Ratimov helps me reach the Sr. member rank. I want to thank both.
It gives me a considerable boost inside. I hope I will be able to reach the next rank this year. It took me a couple of years to get this rank because I was not active enough.

[1] Bitcointalk Ranking-up pipeline- Those close to their next rank (lacking Merits) (

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Falconer on March 11, 2023, 02:17:12 PM
Yesterday I ranked up as well. It was an incredible day. When I woke up yesterday morning, I saw The Sceptical Chymist did a post-history review, and I got plenty of merits. After a few hours, Ratimov helps me reach the Sr. member rank. I want to thank both.
It gives me a considerable boost inside. I hope I will be able to reach the next rank this year. It took me a couple of years to get this rank because I was not active enough.
That's good work, also the most worthy thing to be announced here.
All other users are also encouraged to announce it in this thread instead of making one of their own, but before that I congratulate you on your promotion to Sr Member.

Regarding the next ranking, you will also achieve that as long as you can maintain good quality and posting patterns. You can do it, so just do it with passion. Good luck on that.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: skarais on March 13, 2023, 05:59:26 PM
It took me 237 days to achieve Full Member status and I couldn’t be more happy. I was waiting so patiently for the moment I could don the hat madnessteat made for me.

I am proud to call BTT my home and happy place on the internet. The feeling I get from ranking up is similar to the feeling I got when I received my very first merit. It’s so motivating and the drive I have to chase Sr. Member has never been higher.
Congratulations to you, right now Full Member achieved and glad to hear that too.
Now you've entered a new challenge if you really care about rankings. 147 merit from now to move up the ranks to become Sr Member, so you have to work on it better than before.

Although I understand how you feel today, but I'm sure you will definitely feel much more enjoyable when you reach Sr Member, Hero to Legendary. So keep your interest in the forum and have fun instead of pushing yourself too hard.

In addition to activity, everyone now has a merit score, and you need both a certain activity level and a certain merit score in order to reach higher member ranks. The required scores are:

RankRequired activityRequired merit
Brand new00
Jr Member301
Full Member120100
Sr. Member240250
Hero Member480500
LegendaryRandom in the range 775-10301000

You get merit points when someone sends you some for one of your posts. Additionally, when someone sends you merit points, half of those points can be sent by you to other people.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: uche6215 on March 22, 2023, 10:03:18 PM
I want to use this wonderful opportunity  I have now to announce my new rank, and I want everybody on this medium to join me and celebrate my new rank, today I am now a member of Bitcoin talk, please people should come and celebrate with me on my new rank, once again congratulations to me and all those that are newly compartmentalized.

If it wasn't for the help of

1, Cryptovator 1merit

2, GazetaBitcoin 1merit

3, Danny001 1merit

4, Mr. Suevie 1merit

5, El duderino 4merit

6, Examplens 2merit

7, Rockson 1merit

8, Mr. Suevie 3merit

9, Cyrus 1merit

10, Danny001 1merit

11, Hugeblack 10merit

12, Fuso. hp 1merit

13, Rachael9385 1merit

14, Dr.Bitcoin-strange 4merit

15, Victorybit1 5merit






And their sponsorship  I don't think I could have achieved a member rank today, although it has been a little difficult for me but I managed through the help of the above persons I mentioned. I can testify that since I joined this forum I have learned a lot about cryptocurrency and all the rest, I promise to do my best and never let all my supporters down. Once again congratulations to me.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: sokani on March 29, 2023, 02:02:13 PM
                                                                                     A HEART OF GRATITUDE
There's a saying that the journey of a thousand mile begins with a step. Few months ago when I signed up here I never thought I could achieve the full member rank within this period of time but I did... And this couldn't have been possible without you and from the bottom of my heart I want to say a very big thank you to Cryptopreneurbrainboss, Charles-Tim, fillippone, Pandu Geddon, LoyceV, Cantsay and everyone who made this possible, I'm truly grateful. 🙏

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: ShowOff on March 29, 2023, 08:19:45 PM
                                                                                    A HEART OF GRATITUDE
There's a saying that the journey of a thousand mile begins with a step. Few months ago when I signed up here I never thought I could achieve the full member rank within this period of time but I did... And this couldn't have been possible without you and from the bottom of my heart I want to say a very big thank you to Cryptopreneurbrainboss, Charles-Tim, fillippone, Pandu Geddon, LoyceV, Cantsay and everyone who made this possible, I'm truly grateful. 🙏
First off, congrats on your recent rank up, rank up is great.
Second, this is the third rank that you managed to achieve, then you have to look at the other 3 higher ranks with higher amount of merit from each rank. You need 150 merit for Sr right now, then you need 250 merit for Hero when you reach Sr, and 500 merit for Legendary when you are Hero. This requires you to continue to make every effort to maintain quality and improve it.

Keep it up, you are on the right track. Once again, congratulations to you sokani.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: karmamiu on April 04, 2023, 03:10:35 PM
Mine is not about ranking up but regarding the merits I received the other day which made me feel fulfilled. On April 1 mr @theymos pulled a prank on us about marked as a suspected spammer if you didn't clear a mini game (flappy bird) before posting. I shattered the scoreboard that day and thanks to that I was rewarded with so many merits. It really feels nice to be recognized even on the smallest things. I thought there'd be some kind of hidden agenda why we need to collect those coins before posting or it is just purely prank. I was actually expecting I could convert those coins to something else, but in any case I'm purely happy on the merits alone. ;)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Agbe on April 05, 2023, 10:19:25 PM
The Long Waited Hero Member Rank Unlocked

All Glory Goes to the Almighty God and My Mentors The Sceptical Chymist, fillippone and CryptopreneurBrainboss who made it possible for me to achieve the highest Rank Merits in the forum. I got my hero member rank Merits since last year  August (, in December 2022 I celebrated my one year stay (anniversary ( and today I am excited to become the Hero Member of my dream with 1042 Merits. The Sceptical Chymist, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Welsh, Lovesmayfamilis, fillippone, NotATether, EFS, DdmrDdmr, The Cryptovator, JayJuanGee and etc. Without you guys I wouldn't make it to this far. God bless you all. I am hoping to see you guys physically one day across the sea.

Yours humble Mate

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mr.suevie on April 08, 2023, 05:52:51 AM
The Long Waited Hero Member Rank Unlocked

All Glory Goes to the Almighty God and My Mentors The Sceptical Chymist, fillippone and CryptopreneurBrainboss who made it possible for me to achieve the highest Rank Merits in the forum. I got my hero member rank Merits since last year  August (, in December 2022 I celebrated my one year stay (anniversary ( and today I am excited to become the Hero Member of my dream with 1042 Merits. The Sceptical Chymist, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Welsh, Lovesmayfamilis, fillippone, NotATether, EFS, DdmrDdmr, The Cryptovator, JayJuanGee and etc. Without you guys I wouldn't make it to this far. God bless you all. I am hoping to see you guys physically one day across the sea.

Yours humble Mate
Congratulations to you on Agbe on your  new rank unlocked, your achievements here on the forum is mouth watering, I can only imagine the hard work and effort you have put in to achieve such a wonderful height here on the forum. I think you should be an inspiration to every other person and newbie because most newbie here always feel it's an impossible feat to achieve such rank but you and few other have proven in the have proven that nothing is actually impossible only if you put hardwork into it.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Obari on April 10, 2023, 06:05:42 PM
The Long Waited Hero Member Rank Unlocked

All Glory Goes to the Almighty God and My Mentors The Sceptical Chymist, fillippone and CryptopreneurBrainboss who made it possible for me to achieve the highest Rank Merits in the forum. I got my hero member rank Merits since last year  August (, in December 2022 I celebrated my one year stay (anniversary ( and today I am excited to become the Hero Member of my dream with 1042 Merits. The Sceptical Chymist, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Welsh, Lovesmayfamilis, fillippone, NotATether, EFS, DdmrDdmr, The Cryptovator, JayJuanGee and etc. Without you guys I wouldn't make it to this far. God bless you all. I am hoping to see you guys physically one day across the sea.

Yours humble Mate

Congratulations mate and I was just doing some strolls on the forum and came across this your rak up post and I must commend you for this nice and straight to the point post, hero rank looks good on you😁

You've done so well for yourself and I see how rapidly you've grown your merits and I love the facts that you already have your merits waiting for you to rank up to the next level and I admire users like this but a little advice that you shouldn't let this merits and accolades get into your head as every other is also doing their best in one way or the other to  make it through.
Congrats agbe and you truly deserve all this merits.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: GiftedMAN on April 11, 2023, 02:56:21 PM
The Long Waited Hero Member Rank Unlocked

All Glory Goes to the Almighty God and My Mentors The Sceptical Chymist, fillippone and CryptopreneurBrainboss who made it possible for me to achieve the highest Rank Merits in the forum. I got my hero member rank Merits since last year  August (, in December 2022 I celebrated my one year stay (anniversary ( and today I am excited to become the Hero Member of my dream with 1042 Merits. The Sceptical Chymist, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Welsh, Lovesmayfamilis, fillippone, NotATether, EFS, DdmrDdmr, The Cryptovator, JayJuanGee and etc. Without you guys I wouldn't make it to this far. God bless you all. I am hoping to see you guys physically one day across the sea.

Yours humble Mate

Congratulations to you Agbe. Your growth here is worthy of emulation and trust me your efforts are appreciated, don't stop being you cause a lot of people are looking up to you because of the works you have done here.....your a legendary already is the activities that's holding you back, cheers to a new beginning.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: CryptoHFs on April 11, 2023, 05:27:39 PM
waiting the member stats

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on April 21, 2023, 08:43:18 AM
All Glory Goes to the Almighty God and My Mentors The Sceptical Chymist, fillippone and CryptopreneurBrainboss who made it possible for me to achieve the highest Rank Merits in the forum.
Dang, I missed the bumping of this thread and didn't see your post until now, nor did I notice you'd jumped that extremely high hurdle of Sr. Member-->Hero.  When I'm doing post history reviews, I generally don't pay attention to rank or at least how close someone is to their next rank.

Anyway, glad I could help out.  Now you're on the journey to the ultimate rank, and I hope you get it at the short end of the activity range and not near the end as in my case.  ;D

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: CryptSafe on April 21, 2023, 11:40:09 AM
The Long Waited Hero Member Rank Unlocked
All Glory Goes to the Almighty God and My Mentors The Sceptical Chymist, fillippone and CryptopreneurBrainboss who made it possible for me to achieve the highest Rank Merits in the forum. I got my hero member rank Merits since last year  August (, in December 2022 I celebrated my one year stay (anniversary ( and today I am excited to become the Hero Member of my dream with 1042 Merits. The Sceptical Chymist, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Welsh, Lovesmayfamilis, fillippone, NotATether, EFS, DdmrDdmr, The Cryptovator, JayJuanGee and etc. Without you guys I wouldn't make it to this far. God bless you all. I am hoping to see you guys physically one day across the sea.
Yours humble Mate

Congratulations on your achievements mate. It is a dream come through.  I like the speed at which this feat was achieved. So fast and with ease. I pray for that grace to speed up too. Your contributions are quite insightful and has helped alot and many to grow through ranks too. Same grace I pray for
Once again congratulations on your new rank.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Agbe on April 22, 2023, 07:51:11 AM
Anyway, glad I could help out.  Now you're on the journey to the ultimate rank, and I hope you get it at the short end of the activity range and not near the end as in my case.  ;D
welcome back for the long break. Thank you for the advice. I really appreciate it from my end. Yes with a few months to come, I will journey the golden stars. And all was your doing. Yes noted. But still your boy, friend from Africa.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Merit.s on April 24, 2023, 03:57:31 PM
The Long Waited Hero Member Rank Unlocked

All Glory Goes to the Almighty God and My Mentors The Sceptical Chymist, fillippone and CryptopreneurBrainboss who made it possible for me to achieve the highest Rank Merits in the forum. I got my hero member rank Merits since last year  August (, in December 2022 I celebrated my one year stay (anniversary ( and today I am excited to become the Hero Member of my dream with 1042 Merits. The Sceptical Chymist, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Welsh, Lovesmayfamilis, fillippone, NotATether, EFS, DdmrDdmr, The Cryptovator, JayJuanGee and etc. Without you guys I wouldn't make it to this far. God bless you all. I am hoping to see you guys physically one day across the sea.

Yours humble Mate
Congratulations @ Agbe, you have achieved the second to the highest rank in the forum in a little time,with 10075 merits to show that you are fully ready to reach the highest rank in the forum. I admire your zeal and contributions in forum activities, that was why you were helped by so many prominent and high reputation members in the forum to achieve your success. Keep on going higher and keep on with the good work. I don't know when I will get to a hero member rank but I know that someday,it will surely come true.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: nutildah on April 25, 2023, 09:20:37 AM
Shortly after my 9th anniversary on the forum, I surpassed 10,000 posts for the 2nd time and finished a thread I started 2 years ago of my Top 10 Bitcointalk Moments.

Here's the thread if you're interested in reading some highlights of my history on the forum:

10,000th Post Special: 10 of my Favorite Bitcoin Forum Moments (

Here's a rundown of the moments:

#9. Shitcoin 3.0 Announcement - Aug 2014
#8. My first post in the Wall Observer thread - Nov 2018
#7. Saddambitcoin Pees On His Own Head - Dec 2014
#6. My Almost Run-In With Celsius CEO Alex Mashinsky & How It Cost Me My Job - Oct 2022
#5. The Official Troll Poll - July 2019
#4. BSV Scam Accusation - May 2019
#3. The Counterparty BitBowl - Aug 2014
#2. ChipMixer Alt Account Scandal Exposed - Feb 2021
#1. My Tribute to Bruno, RIP - Apr 2020

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Onyeeze on May 15, 2023, 08:52:24 AM
I can see that the journey of bitcointalk is a gradual process, it's has being awhile I join the journey of bitcointalk and I almost backslide for the journey due to criticism, but i kept moving because i want to know more of bitcoin i would have being discouraged but i decided to push on.
I'm excited because I have gotten to the position of member rank in bitcointalk and if nobody celebrate me neither congratulate me i will congratulate myself, because this journey of forum is a journey of concentration and determination, i believe that one day I will reach to another milestone.

I wish to follow the advice of Sr colleagues and through their advice and their response in the forum is what has being keeping newbies to grow, when i joined forum newly I don't no anything until i started asking questions and I got so many replies and also links to read further, those links dropped by Sr colleagues is what make me to know that I have post  my ranking excitement to this thread. I was asked to lock my thread and post in this thread, which did. so am excited for reaching member rank and also following instructions.

I want to advice new ones, is not that i know better but i wish to tell new people who is joining forum today or feature time to give a listening hear to Sr colleagues and pick correction and also know that use of good English language will help to grow faster, i know that I'm not growing faster but I'm okay with the level of my achievement in the forum.

Thanks, i remain Onyeeze.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BTCGalaxyA12 on May 15, 2023, 05:42:02 PM
I'm excited because I have gotten to the position of member rank in bitcointalk and if nobody celebrate me neither congratulate me i will congratulate myself, because this journey of forum is a journey of concentration and determination, i believe that one day I will reach to another milestone.
Maybe for one reason or another we forgot.
If you want to be congratulated on your achievements so far, let me be the first to say it to you.

Congratulations Onyeeze has been ranked up.
Keep looking ahead and never forget to see what has happened behind.
Like the birth of a baby. You are the winner who managed to break through the wall.
Enjoying process after process is very enjoyable.
Your knowledge in the forum is good.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Obari on May 17, 2023, 09:48:56 PM
Celebrating double blessing and senior member rank unlock.

I want to use this very medium  to thank God almighty for adding one year to my life and also making  it possible to be alive to witness my senior member rank unlock.
I understand  that my announcement  might be late but I also want to thank everyone who has in one way or the other, made my journey in the forum a fulfilling  and hassle free one and I want to pray that your life in general  will be fruitful. Amen.

I had a little reminisce on my merits and journey  so far and hence I had to visit  my merit dashboard and words will really fail me if I'm expressing my gratitude  to all those who helped physically to boast my journey, so please pardon me if there where I'm wrong and join me celebrate my growth in the forum and judging from my merit dashboard

I want to specially thank the following members:

Brainboss (;u=1052091[/url)for how much you have loved a total stranger and i guess you started monitoring  me the first day I identified as a Nigerian and I'm glad and honored  you found my post worthy of your merits and I had to specially  thank you when I get to this very rank and I'm saying thank you again.

fillippone (;u=1852120[/url)most of the merits i got from you were mostly from your merit give away thread and I want to say a big thank you for finding my posts meritable enough but one more thing, and I also want to plead that when next you see my profile, please trying increasing the rewards for the post. Thanks 😊

348Judah ([/url), sir I'm truly  short of words when I saw you falling on the third position of my merit summary list because I know you don't run a merit give away thread, hence you truly rewarded my efforts and I just want to say thank you and please forgive me for been insensitive  to this.

Welsh (;u=84521[/url) your merits made my day the very day you sent over 16 merits to me and I was like wow, now I understand  the importance of quality  as profiles might get accessed by anyone at anytime.
Thank you so much sir for remembering me that very day.

Ratimov (;u=2627711[/url),thank you for pushing me to this position  and your 12 merits did the magic and I'm truly grateful. Thank you sir.

lovesmayfamilis (;u=1982152[/url),thank you so much for how you took me along like your own child and even defended me when someone attacked me on several occasions.
Thank you so much for your love and I will always try my best to be an active member of the forum.
Thanks for all that you do and will keep doing for me, I'm grateful.


You guys are amazing and also the best and you all made this journey  and amazing for me and I hope we all do this again to the  next level.

I don't want to bore you guys with long write up but to everyone who has been part of this journey, I say thank you and I will always love you guys.


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Agbe on May 17, 2023, 09:55:59 PM
I understand the hustle to climb up. Whenever one climb up to another level or rank, there is joy in the mind. And today you have expressed your joy to the world and also in return we celebrate with you. Sr. Member Rank is the peak {important} in the forum and that Hero and Legendary so your journey is still a thrown of a stone to achieve our final dream. Keep up your energy and enthusiasm love in the forum and bitcoin. Congratulations in your level and one year anniversary in the forum.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on May 18, 2023, 08:09:53 AM
Celebrating double blessing and senior member rank unlock.

I want to use this very medium  to thank God almighty for adding one year to my life and also making  it possible to be alive to witness my senior member rank unlock.
I understand  that my announcement  might be late but I also want to thank everyone who has in one way or the other, made my journey in the forum a fulfilling  and hassle free one and I want to pray that your life in general  will be fruitful. Amen.

I had a little reminisce on my merits and journey  so far and hence I had to visit  my merit dashboard and words will really fail me if I'm express my gratitude  to all those who helped physically  to busrt my journey and growth in the forum and judging from my merit dashboard

I want to specially thank @Brainboss for how much you have loved a total stranger and i guess you started monitoring  me the first day I identified as a Nigerian and I'm glad and honored  you found my post worthy of your merits and I had to specially  thank you when I get to this very rank and I'm saying thank you again.

@ fillippone, most of the merits i got from you were mostly from your merit give away thread and I want to say a big thank you for finding my posts meritable enough but one more thing, and I also want to plead that when next you see my profile, please trying the rewards for the post. Thanks 😊

@348Judah, sir I'm truly  short of words when I saw you falling on the third position of my merit summary list because I know you don't run a merit give away thread, hence you truly rewarded my efforts and I just want to say thank you and please forgive me for been insensitive  to this.

@Welsh, your merits made my day the very day you sent over 16 merits to me and I was like wow, now I understand  the importance of quality  as profiles might get accessed by anyone at anytime.
Thank you so much sir for remembering me that very day.

@Ratimov, thank you for pushing me to this position  and your 12 merits did the magic and I'm truly grateful. Thank you sir.

@lovesmayfamilis, thank you so much for how you took me along like your own child and even defended me when someone attacked me on several occasions.
Thank you so much for your love and I will always try my best to be an active member of the forum.
Thanks for all that you do and will keep doing for me, I'm grateful.

You guys are amazing and also the best and you all made this journey  and amazing for me and I hope we all do this again to the  next level.

I don't want to bore you guys with long write up but to everyone who has been part of this journey, I say thank you and I will always love you guys.


Congrats Sir Obari, is not easy to get to where you are now and this is a journey that will always continue to make Bitcointalk grow. Never stop doing what you've been doing, let this rank up be a motivation to you and to others to put more effort.
I'll continue to learn from people like you on how you give constructive posts, abiding by the rules and regulations of this great Forum, you're just a great person to learn from and you are open to corrections no matter the harsh replies you get.
Ones again congratulations to you Sir Obari more wins brother.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Onyeeze on May 18, 2023, 10:06:44 AM
Celebrating double blessing and senior member rank unlock.

I want to use this very medium  to thank God almighty for adding one year to my life and also making  it possible to be alive to witness my senior member rank unlock.
I understand  that my announcement  might be late but I also want to thank everyone who has in one way or the other, made my journey in the forum a fulfilling  and hassle free one and I want to pray that your life in general  will be fruitful. Amen.

I had a little reminisce on my merits and journey  so far and hence I had to visit  my merit dashboard and words will really fail me if I'm express my gratitude  to all those who helped physically  to busrt my journey and growth in the forum and judging from my merit dashboard

I want to specially thank @Brainboss for how much you have loved a total stranger and i guess you started monitoring  me the first day I identified as a Nigerian and I'm glad and honored  you found my post worthy of your merits and I had to specially  thank you when I get to this very rank and I'm saying thank you again.

@ fillippone, most of the merits i got from you were mostly from your merit give away thread and I want to say a big thank you for finding my posts meritable enough but one more thing, and I also want to plead that when next you see my profile, please trying the rewards for the post. Thanks 😊

@348Judah, sir I'm truly  short of words when I saw you falling on the third position of my merit summary list because I know you don't run a merit give away thread, hence you truly rewarded my efforts and I just want to say thank you and please forgive me for been insensitive  to this.

@Welsh, your merits made my day the very day you sent over 16 merits to me and I was like wow, now I understand  the importance of quality  as profiles might get accessed by anyone at anytime.
Thank you so much sir for remembering me that very day.

@Ratimov, thank you for pushing me to this position  and your 12 merits did the magic and I'm truly grateful. Thank you sir.

@lovesmayfamilis, thank you so much for how you took me along like your own child and even defended me when someone attacked me on several occasions.
Thank you so much for your love and I will always try my best to be an active member of the forum.
Thanks for all that you do and will keep doing for me, I'm grateful.

You guys are amazing and also the best and you all made this journey  and amazing for me and I hope we all do this again to the  next level.

I don't want to bore you guys with long write up but to everyone who has been part of this journey, I say thank you and I will always love you guys.

Congratulations obari for your new rank, you deserved encouraging because this journey is not a one day journey and I have seen that it's because of your motivation that kept you in this position, I have gone through some of your post's and I noticed something reasonable and something attractive in your discussion, alot of people has add meaning to your achievements, that's why you honoured them one after the other, it's amazing and excited to reach to reach this rank, I believe that the support you had from people in your list one day I will have them.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: sokani on May 18, 2023, 01:50:38 PM
A big congratulations to you Obari for attaining this new height. It always feels good to see a brother doing well and setting the pace for others to follow. A wise man once said people are more focused on the product and not paying attention to the process. You must have had your own share of challenges and setbacks when you began this journey but you kept pressing on and improving and today you're now a senior member. The sky is your starting point! Max up bro.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mpamaegbu on May 19, 2023, 05:46:00 AM
Congratulations, Obari. It's a saying that good things don't hide, like the gold fish they will surely be discovered. You indeed put in a good showing and have shown that you're determined to succeed. You deserve it all. It's just a pity I was always short on merit whenever I stumbled on your posts. I guess you're in luck today.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Obari on May 19, 2023, 10:07:00 AM
so your journey is still a thrown of a stone to achieve our final dream. Keep up your energy and enthusiasm love in the forum and bitcoin. Congratulations in your level and one year anniversary in the forum.
Thank you so much mate and you've aso been one person I've always wished to move like but nevertheless,  I know I can't be faster than my shadow.
Indeed my journey still has a long way to go but one thing is certain that there is no going back on this journey and I'm most grateful  for your kind words
Thanks again.

I'll continue to learn from people like you on how you give constructive posts, abiding by the rules and regulations of this great Forum, you're just a great person to learn from and you are open to corrections no matter the harsh replies you get.
Ones again congratulations to you Sir Obari more wins brother.

Wow I feel good someone is learning  from me and I wasn't even conscious of this😊
Thanks bro and I'm certain you'll  get to the peak of your dreams, and I will also advice that you always take things one step at a time and see the forum as a home.
Thank you so much for your kind words and congratulations.

alot of people has add meaning to your achievements, that's why you honoured them one after the other, it's amazing and excited to reach to reach this rank, I believe that the support you had from people in your list one day I will have them.
Thank you so much for your kind words and I'm sure that if you keep making good contributions without much expectations, you'll  definitely  get to heights you never imagined.
Keep the spirit high and you'll achieve your purpose.

A big congratulations to you Obari for attaining this new height. It always feels good to see a brother doing well and setting the pace for others to follow. A wise man once said people are more focused on the product and not paying attention to the process. You must have had your own share of challenges and setbacks when you began this journey but you kept pressing on and improving and today you're now a senior member. The sky is your starting point! Max up bro.

Yeah the setback where really much from criticism to all sort of set backs but I'm glad I got here By accepting  those criticism  and working on my myself.
The forum has been my home ever since I got here and it has been a slow but steady movement  and there is a saying that slow and steady wins the race 😊
Thank you so much for the love and concern.

Congratulations, Obari. It's a saying that good things don't hide, like the gold fish they will surely be discovered. You indeed put in a good showing and have shown that you're determined to succeed. You deserve it all. It's just a pity I was always short on merit whenever I stumbled on your posts. I guess you're in luck today.
With all due respect  sir, Are you Invariably saying I'm good?
If yes then thank you so much and I guess I learnt the goodwill from the forum and I'm really honored  to have you say congratulations  to me.
Thank you boss for showing up for me.

Thank you

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mpamaegbu on May 19, 2023, 10:33:36 AM
Are you Invariably saying I'm good?
Whoever introduced you to this forum must be very proud of you. You haven't disappointed them. Keep it up and don't lower the bar.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Obari on May 19, 2023, 11:41:53 PM
Are you Invariably saying I'm good?
Whoever introduced you to this forum must be very proud of you. You haven't disappointed them. Keep it up and don't lower the bar.

Thank you so much sir and definitely  I'm glad I found a family away from family.
Thank you so much for all those who shared in my joy and I pray joy and celebrations never seize in your life.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sim_card on June 07, 2023, 06:40:47 PM
                         Member rank achieved

I am happy to have attained a member rank ast week. It has been my dream when I first registered in this forum to rank up to a Legendary rank and I know that the journey to the last rank will take years for me. I am very grateful to forum members who have assisted me to get to member rank through your inspirations from your articles and contributions on the forum to help expand my knowledge bit by bit on bitcoin and every other related aspect of bitcoin. This forum seems the same with our physical world that you must be ready to start a journey to a great height,using whatever that comes your way as a lesson to carry on with life. I still have a very long way to go and I need everyone assistant in knowledge,encouragement and advice to help me rank up to my next rank because my mission will be impossible without your supports. I never knew that there is a thread like this to announce my rank but as I was navigating round the forum,my attention was caught with this thread. My vote of thanks goes to JayjuanGee who has being inspiring me with his knowledge.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: fathafraink on June 27, 2023, 02:11:43 AM
Hello everyone, warm greetings to all members of this forum whom I consider we are friends who have a strong sense of helping each other.
It's been a long time since I registered in this forum, but unfortunately, I didn't really understand how to be a good forum member before.
So I find out or learn to become a good forum member by contributing for this great forum.

After that, it really makes me feel great is the achievements that I've got, when I got 26 merit in just 3 weeks, and that
really made me feel amazed at my achievements. I started to be active in 8 June 2023. Hope I can Constantly doing the best for being a good forum member. Thanks Guys.

Hope my experience could motivated you Guys, So We can contribute together in this forum.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: rby on June 27, 2023, 05:49:13 PM
Celebrating double blessing and senior member rank unlock.

Congratulations Obari.
Your growth in this forum is something to celebrate. I am guessing that you came to this forum as a total novice and even of the cryptocurrency. But then you read, persevered, took corrections from criticism and didn't give up.
I also remember when you celebrated your 1000th post which I felt was not necessary but you are now celebrating a bigger and better achievement.
Do not drop the bar, continue to learn and continue to improve. Then don't also forget to teach the newbies because you are not a snr member.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Obari on June 27, 2023, 06:38:09 PM
Celebrating double blessing and senior member rank unlock.

Congratulations Obari.
Your growth in this forum is something to celebrate. I am guessing that you came to this forum as a total novice and even of the cryptocurrency. But then you read, persevered, took corrections from criticism and didn't give up.
I also remember when you celebrated your 1000th post which I felt was not necessary but you are now celebrating a bigger and better achievement.
Do not drop the bar, continue to learn and continue to improve. Then don't also forget to teach the newbies because you are not a snr member.
Thank you so much senior and encouragements like this really makes my day 💗
It haven't been an easy journey for me in the forum but I'm glad every moment and time spent here truly mattered at the long run.
I will always try my best to see that everyone is seeing the brighter side of life through bitcoin  and cryptocurrency  in general and I'm not seeing myself resenting anytime soon. so much for your kind words and I hope we can get more people like this who rather than make others feel bad,  will try to see them grow.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: PytagoraZ on June 28, 2023, 04:18:35 AM

I don't think I need to celebrate, But when I think I need to celebrate. I don't have any beer in the fridge, oh I forgot I'm not a beer drinker. So what should I do? do you have coffee? No, no. No one celebrates by drinking coffee. So? Never mind, it's just a junior title that I'll get at 11:00 (UTC). No one cares. I'd rather just keep sleeping and dream that I'm sleeping. Remember the only dream that comes true is when you dream about peeing...

I PytagoraZ created "MILESTONE 1". This is proof that my account is still under conscious control without any intimidation from any party. Created on June 28, 2023



See you in 5 years, I'll be a member

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sakanwa on July 02, 2023, 05:11:06 PM

Hello bitcointalkers, it has been a thing of great joy to me today as I logged into to meet a 100 merits reached to unlock my full member rank.
It has been an earnest desire for me to rank up to the full member rank to atleast have better preferences in the forum and today I already reached that rank and I want the house to join me in celebrating  this win.

Cheers to me.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: yahoo62278 on July 02, 2023, 05:27:13 PM

See you in 5 years, I'll be a member
If it takes you 5 years to rank up then you are not putting enough effort in. There are a couple different threads where users can ask for a post review (make sure you qualify before posting). You also just need to try to contribute and eventually you'll start seeing merits come in. Try not to be discouraged if they don't come in 1 week. No reason to be in a hurry.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: m2017 on July 02, 2023, 07:00:53 PM

See you in 5 years, I'll be a member
If it takes you 5 years to rank up then you are not putting enough effort in. There are a couple different threads where users can ask for a post review (make sure you qualify before posting). You also just need to try to contribute and eventually you'll start seeing merits come in. Try not to be discouraged if they don't come in 1 week. No reason to be in a hurry.
But there are good reasons to change your attitude towards of the rank up (it seems, not only to this). With such thoughts and aspirations, which @PytagoraZ voiced, he will not reach the member rank even after 5 years. If, with the current ideas about the ranking system and @PytagoraZ's actions, he didn't get the result he wanted, then changes are indispensable. @PytagoraZ is doing something wrong. What exactly? Let him understand this himself, because only he needs a new rank (if needed).

Beginners often believe that without any effort they will be inundated with merit. That doesn't happen. If you want to get something, be ready to give something in return, to make an effort. Whether it's good advice, valuable or useful information, whatever.

This theme is dedicated to celebrating various achievements, such as rank up. If @PytagoraZ doesn’t want to celebrate it, then he shouldn’t have written about it here and complained (describing some tosh with coffee, sleeping, dream and peeing). Get down to business, man. Stop whining.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: PytagoraZ on July 02, 2023, 07:17:26 PM

See you in 5 years, I'll be a member
If it takes you 5 years to rank up then you are not putting enough effort in. There are a couple different threads where users can ask for a post review (make sure you qualify before posting). You also just need to try to contribute and eventually you'll start seeing merits come in. Try not to be discouraged if they don't come in 1 week. No reason to be in a hurry.

I'm not in a rush so I'm quite enjoying the time with the 5 years I have  ;D

Mr yahoo please join in thread reputation.. we need your opinion

This theme is dedicated to celebrating various achievements, such as rank up. If @PytagoraZ doesn’t want to celebrate it, then he shouldn’t have written about it here and complained (describing some tosh with coffee, sleeping, dream and peeing). Get down to business, man. Stop whining.

You seem too serious, maybe you lack coffee? ;D :D

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Davidvictorson on July 02, 2023, 07:29:26 PM
See you in 5 years, I'll be a member
You are joking right? Nah, what would you be doing on the forum in those five years- idle? You don't seem to me like someone who would be idle. I'd say by this time next year you'd already be in Sr member rank. But then it is not bout the rank but how much value that you bring to the community. And users will reward in a lot of ways with merits being one of them. Stay active you will be there in no time.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on July 02, 2023, 07:31:35 PM
I'm not in a rush so I'm quite enjoying the time with the 5 years I have  ;D
I'm not sure - look how excited you are building rankings so fast you forget to sleep. It looks like your Indonesian time is now past 2am - does that prove you're not in a hurry?

PytagoraZ - don't rush it, you should enjoy it and learn more about bitcoin instead of worrying so much about drama in this forum. The play isn't going to improve your bitcoin knowledge and experience in crypto - it's just another part of forum life.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: PytagoraZ on July 02, 2023, 07:44:11 PM
forget to sleep. It looks like your Indonesian time is now past 2am - does that prove you're not in a hurry?

OMG.... Looks like a lot of people are starting to see me. That is dangerous. How can you do that? Please teach me

Wkwkwkw.... The reputation thread is currently interesting on the rby case. I was quite interested in it.. until I forgot what time it was

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on July 02, 2023, 09:43:22 PM
OMG.... Looks like a lot of people are starting to see me. That is dangerous. How can you do that? Please teach me

Wkwkwkw.... The reputation thread is currently interesting on the rby case. I was quite interested in it.. until I forgot what time it was

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Stalker22 on July 02, 2023, 09:57:00 PM
Wkwkwkw.... The reputation thread is currently interesting on the rby case. I was quite interested in it.. until I forgot what time it was

It looks like you are more interested on criticizing some senior members of the forum, which I find quite peculiar considering you have only been an active member for a month... If I may give a friendly advice, stay away from drama between seniors if it does not concern you directly or if you have nothing constructive to add. It is better to concentrate on learning and understanding more important things. Leave the drama for those who have nothing better to do.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: holydarkness on July 02, 2023, 10:54:23 PM

See you in 5 years, I'll be a member
If it takes you 5 years to rank up then you are not putting enough effort in. There are a couple different threads where users can ask for a post review (make sure you qualify before posting). You also just need to try to contribute and eventually you'll start seeing merits come in. Try not to be discouraged if they don't come in 1 week. No reason to be in a hurry.

He just needed few weeks to reach member rank, actually. He has met the merit requirement for member [10] and posted enough to reach the member treshold, all he needed left to reach member is time for the forum's biweekly activity update to caught up with his post count to reach 60. End of this month will be the time, if I correctly consult my calculation with this ancient spreadsheet (

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: yahoo62278 on July 02, 2023, 11:36:01 PM

See you in 5 years, I'll be a member
If it takes you 5 years to rank up then you are not putting enough effort in. There are a couple different threads where users can ask for a post review (make sure you qualify before posting). You also just need to try to contribute and eventually you'll start seeing merits come in. Try not to be discouraged if they don't come in 1 week. No reason to be in a hurry.

I'm not in a rush so I'm quite enjoying the time with the 5 years I have  ;D

Mr yahoo please join in thread reputation.. we need your opinion

This theme is dedicated to celebrating various achievements, such as rank up. If @PytagoraZ doesn’t want to celebrate it, then he shouldn’t have written about it here and complained (describing some tosh with coffee, sleeping, dream and peeing). Get down to business, man. Stop whining.

You seem too serious, maybe you lack coffee? ;D :D

I'll pass on joining that discussion for a few days. Seems rby has already had his fate decided.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DireWolfM14 on July 03, 2023, 12:36:16 AM
I'll pass on joining that discussion for a few days. Seems rby has already had his fate decided.

Once the hyenas start to swarm there's nothing rational one can say to sedate their thirst for blood.  
But then again, drumming up enough sympathy to intervene is easier in some situations...

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: PytagoraZ on July 04, 2023, 05:05:29 PM
Sorry I was on business so I couldn't be online yesterday. I'm surprised to see the replies here, all DT...

Honestly I also want to be a DT someday, you guys are cool. Although some I don't like because it attaches too much importance to its ability to tag others

He just needed few weeks to reach member rank, actually. He has met the merit requirement for member [10] and posted enough to reach the member treshold, all he needed left to reach member is time for the forum's biweekly activity update to caught up with his post count to reach 60. End of this month will be the time, if I correctly consult my calculation with this ancient spreadsheet (

haaha  ;D. It seems you are very thorough. Yes, I just need activity to rank up, hopefully I can quickly move up to FM too.

But this chat has gone off topic

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: letteredhub on July 05, 2023, 11:47:40 AM
It's with pleasure and gratitude to the BTT community for the Full Member rank I have been able to climb this day. I not only celebrating the rank bit also the knowledge earned from the community in the few months I have been part of the forum.  Am grateful and am saying a big thank you to Cryptovator, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Hugeblack, Fillippone, Neuroticfish and many many other community members as the list is endless. I stepped into this forum as a complete cryptocurrency novice but today I have gained a lot progress in the industry. Thank you BTT.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Frankolala on July 05, 2023, 09:42:25 PM
It's with pleasure and gratitude to the BTT community for the Full Member rank I have been able to climb this day. I not only celebrating the rank bit also the knowledge earned from the community in the few months I have been part of the forum.  Am grateful and am saying a big thank you to Cryptovator, CryptopreneurBrainboss, Hugeblack, Fillippone, Neuroticfish and many many other community members as the list is endless. I stepped into this forum as a complete cryptocurrency novice but today I have gained a lot progress in the industry. Thank you BTT.
Congratulations on your new rank OP, your contributions on the forum has earned you this achievement. I love to see forum members ranking up because it shows that they are growing and learning tirelessly in the forum.

This is the time for you to put effort on learning since you have just started another journey to your next rank,which is a senior member rank. I believe that you can achieve this easy if you are consistent with learning partaking in forum activities. A thousand mile journey starts with one step. I wish you the best in your journey to a senior member rank

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sim_card on July 06, 2023, 01:14:54 PM
                                        Full Member Rank Activated

Attention please,this is a public announcement from Sim_card to bitcointalk forum members that I have ranked up to a Full member rank and I am so happy about it because when I first came into the forum,I didn't know anything about the forum,neither do I have any knowledge on bitcoin. Today I must say that the forum has helped to build me to an extent that I can boldly tell people about bitcoin and its blockchain in my locality. I still have little experience in bitcoin speculation but I know that as time goes on I will understand more. My new rank has motivated me to keep on learning and also assisting the forum members with the little I know for me to be able to continue to grow in the forum. I have started a new journey to a senior member rank which I know that it is not easy but my journey needs consistency and wisdom,also with the support of the community members. My vote of thanks goes to JayJuanGee,for I have learn a lot from you,when it comes to how to be progressive in my bitcoin journey in this short period of time. I wouldn't forget all of you that contributed to my success towards achieving my new rank. God bless you all in all your endeavors.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on July 12, 2023, 05:23:34 PM
                           Greater Hight Awaits Me

 Hello everyone, I just want to inform you all that I've achieved a new rank and it pleases me to say congratulations to myself for attaining the member rank, the journey so far hasn't been very easy due to some circumstances and at a point i felt like giving up the forum but I'm grateful to everyone that's been of a great support and encouragement to me, I applauded your efforts for helping me get this far and I must say that I've learnt alot and the forum have given me an opportunity to gain more knowledge about bitcoin and several other boards.
 I urge newbies to take the forum seriously and see it as an agenda to learn and gain more knowledge, life itself is a journey and in that journey there's continuous learning no matter your status likewise the bitcointalk, be very open to criticism, acknowledge your mistakes and learn from it so as to grow, the forum is an open place and so everyone's contributions are highly welcomed so far you do not go against the rules and regulations, that's what I've learnt and it's got me this far. Once again thanks to everyone that's made my journey this far successful, I'm very grateful

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on July 16, 2023, 08:20:41 PM
Coming back to this thread (for the 3rd time) to honour myself.
I was first in this thread as a member and the second time in March I was back at Sr. Member rank and this is my third time here in gratitude for my promotion to hero.
I am very grateful to all those who have helped me to reach this rank. Of course with the increase in my rank there are also challenges and responsibilities to continue to contribute even better, there are still many things that I have not mastered and there is still a lot of learning that I still have to do so I still ask for help from all colleagues for me to be able to contribute even better.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Forever101 on July 17, 2023, 10:13:31 AM
Having gone through this post and reply and other boards in this forum, I must confess that this forum is another wold of its own. A lot is happening here. When I discover that this forum is as broad as this, it looks like winning a jackpot. Today, I decided to go through more boards to see more and learn more.
I will also use this opportunity to congratulate myself for attaining the rank of member. I will keep learning and also contribute in places I fit in

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Woodie on July 18, 2023, 09:48:11 PM
Coming back to this thread (for the 3rd time) to honour myself.
I was first in this thread as a member and the second time in March I was back at Sr. Member rank and this is my third time here in gratitude for my promotion to hero.
I am very grateful to all those who have helped me to reach this rank. Of course with the increase in my rank there are also challenges and responsibilities to continue to contribute even better, there are still many things that I have not mastered and there is still a lot of learning that I still have to do so I still ask for help from all colleagues for me to be able to contribute even better.
Am pretty sure we have crossed paths one way or another over the years, however it happened great seeing the inspirational message that can encourage someone out there that resilience on BCT can take you a long way and reward you in the process.

Congratulations to you, and enjoy your new rank :)
Next up Legendary ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🔯

                                       Full Member Rank Activated

Attention please,this is a public announcement from Sim_card to bitcointalk forum members that I have ranked up to a Full member rank and I am so happy about it because when I first came into the forum,I didn't know anything about the forum,neither do I have any knowledge on bitcoin.
Hey Simcard interesting name you it, btw this being a tech forum are you aware that we moving away from simcards to eSims  ;D Just pulling your leg, congrats on your new rank ,enjoy  8)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: asbani on July 19, 2023, 01:37:27 AM
I finally managed to surpass 30 posts after 9 yrs in the forums. This feels like a feat to me and I shall celebrate the rank up. They say 30+posts will rank you up but I don't know where to see my ranking up.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: examplens on July 19, 2023, 11:59:07 AM

Stop making fun of others please, this is internet if you want to be cool be it IRL otherwise you will be the one that people laugh at, just a free tip!
I would rather be inactive like that then a merit begger like you & maybe the can't spend 14 hours / day like you here.

Have a great day / CC!

As this is a self-moderated topic, maybe the OP BitcoinGirl.Club, could check the discussion, there seems to be a lot of trolling and spam posts that should be deleted.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: rachael9385 on July 19, 2023, 09:23:32 PM
                                  MEMBER RAMNK

Attention attention, I have been on this forum not quit long and I have never come across these thread but now here I am wanting to share my newly rank as a MEMBER, it is not an easy task to keep on learning and also giving your own opinion, understanding some threads and comments has been a hard task for me, I once thought that I aren't educated enough to be here but after seeing some new users whos ranks were lower than me have ranked up, I then realized that I was the one looking down on my own self (capability) because I am a girl and I also forget that being a girl doesn't mean I can do what others are doing, but now I can hilariously shout that I am now a member rank although I have a long way to go so I can become a full-member, I have been dreaming to reach there some day and I know I will. I have learnt and I still want to learn more because without learnings we aren't gaining.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on July 22, 2023, 05:17:23 PM

Stop making fun of others please, this is internet if you want to be cool be it IRL otherwise you will be the one that people laugh at, just a free tip!
I would rather be inactive like that then a merit begger like you & maybe the can't spend 14 hours / day like you here.

Have a great day / CC!

As this is a self-moderated topic, maybe the OP BitcoinGirl.Club, could check the discussion, there seems to be a lot of trolling and spam posts that should be deleted.

I just cleaned up some posts. Please feel free to PM me the links of the posts that you think should be removed. It's been long time I have not followed the thread but looks good some people are still celebrating their achievements. That account reached Jr. Member after 9 years is one made me laugh though LOL. But whatever it is, it's a good comeback and good to see there are some motivation to continue [hopefully]

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: CryptoHFs on July 22, 2023, 05:20:44 PM
Nothing to be proud of yet than experience mining in many formats since I joined the forum.. huge thanks to the mining section active members!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: PytagoraZ on August 02, 2023, 07:52:03 AM


Hi guys
I am now a member, congratulations to myself

hi guys
I am now a member, congratulations to myself




Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DYING_S0UL on August 02, 2023, 04:10:41 PM
Two days ago I got my first merit, my own first merit. It was from @Ratimov and the feeling was out of this world. I really can't express the happiness it felt.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on August 10, 2023, 08:52:52 AM
Yesterday, I ranked up to Sr. Member!
If you ask me how I am feeling? I don't know how I am feeling now. Obviously positive. I was waiting for a long time for the next activity distribution. I earned enough merits for the rank-up a while ago. I hope to earn enough merits for the next rank before I get the activity for the next rank. I want to thank everyone who helped me with guides, merits, criticism and anything that helped me to stick with the forum—big thanks to my local thread members. I got the most merits from my local threads. Thanks to GazetaBitcoin for appreciating my work and the good words that inspired me to continue.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sim_card on August 13, 2023, 08:41:51 PM
Yesterday, I ranked up to Sr. Member!
If you ask me how I am feeling? I don't know how I am feeling now. Obviously positive. I was waiting for a long time for the next activity distribution. I earned enough merits for the rank-up a while ago. I hope to earn enough merits for the next rank before I get the activity for the next rank. I want to thank everyone who helped me with guides, merits, criticism and anything that helped me to stick with the forum—big thanks to my local thread members. I got the most merits from my local threads. Thanks to GazetaBitcoin for appreciating my work and the good words that inspired me to continue.
Congratulations on your new rank mate as a Senior member. You will have the merits that you need for your next rank and you will also wait for your activities to be completed just like you did initially before you attained the Senior member rank. You quality post and contributions to the forum is noticed and that is what has being earning you your merits,especially in you local board and on wall observer. You must have added a positive impacts on those boards and continue with the good work.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Nheer on August 20, 2023, 01:08:04 PM
Yesterday, I ranked up to Sr. Member!
If you ask me how I am feeling? I don't know how I am feeling now. Obviously positive. I was waiting for a long time for the next activity distribution. I earned enough merits for the rank-up a while ago. I hope to earn enough merits for the next rank before I get the activity for the next rank. I want to thank everyone who helped me with guides, merits, criticism and anything that helped me to stick with the forum—big thanks to my local thread members. I got the most merits from my local threads. Thanks to GazetaBitcoin for appreciating my work and the good words that inspired me to continue.

Congratulations on your achievement! I believe I have seen your name here a few times even though we have never directly interacted. Achieving the Snr member rank on the forum is really an exciting experience and earning the required merit before reaching the required activity shows how diligent and productive you are in the forum. I hope you continue to work hard and make valuable contributions.

I've earned enough merits to advance to the next rank as well, but I'm still lacking in activity. In a few months, I'll join you as a Senior Member. Once more, congratulations Learn Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on August 23, 2023, 12:19:30 AM
Hi guys
I am now a member, congratulations to myself

Congratulations to you and from what I'm seeing I think in no time you'd become a Full Member.
Just keep on pushing and you'd get to your third milestone, continue doing what's best for the Forum and never look down on yourself, keep the quality posts and contributes coming in.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: SmartGold01 on August 27, 2023, 06:32:20 AM
Do I say I missed this thread during my ranking up to Sr member or do I say is late to come announce it here?
Please pardon me if I am not posting at the right time.
But just wanna say my Sr was unlocked some weeks ago and it's something very excited of as i don't know how come and how possible after already given up that here doesn't belong to people like me since I hardly looks into phone, but still those who keeps pushing and encouraging me to post and come online did a great a Job. Today I found myself in Sr member was something unbelievable and unimaginable to see that 4 gold coin below my username.
I believe to see more gold coin counted below my username.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: SeriouslyGiveaway on August 28, 2023, 01:25:48 PM
Do I say I missed this thread during my ranking up to Sr member or do I say is late to come announce it here?
Please pardon me if I am not posting at the right time.
You have threads for it self-praise

Bold steps leads to another bitcoin achievement (New phone launched) (
Little Bitcoin investment becoming something else (
The Journey So Far (
How I decided to buy some fractions of BTC after discussion with members here (
How do you feel on your first payment (

Share all your self-praise with us in this thread instead of flooding this reputation board please. Thank you and we are looking forward to see more exciting stories from forum users.
You are flooding Reputation more.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Frankolala on August 28, 2023, 04:44:11 PM
Do I say I missed this thread during my ranking up to Sr member or do I say is late to come announce it here?
Please pardon me if I am not posting at the right time.
But just wanna say my Sr was unlocked some weeks ago and it's something very excited of as i don't know how come and how possible after already given up that here doesn't belong to people like me since I hardly looks into phone, but still those who keeps pushing and encouraging me to post and come online did a great a Job. Today I found myself in Sr member was something unbelievable and unimaginable to see that 4 gold coin below my username.
I believe to see more gold coin counted below my username.

I guess that you were carried away with the joy of your new achievement as a Snr.member and that was why you couldn't remember that this thread is here for you to announce your new achievement. Anyway,it isn't too late for you doing this as it is a matter of choice to come to do thread and announce what makes you feel great.

Congratulations on your Snr. Member rank as I can see you have gotten more than 50 merits already,and this shows how dedicated and consistent you are in the forum. It wouldn't take you that long to achieve the next rank which is the Hero rank and I hope that you use this knowledge that you have gotten here to assist the forum members in your contributions on forum activities.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: yahoo62278 on August 28, 2023, 06:21:30 PM
Do I say I missed this thread during my ranking up to Sr member or do I say is late to come announce it here?
Please pardon me if I am not posting at the right time.
But just wanna say my Sr was unlocked some weeks ago and it's something very excited of as i don't know how come and how possible after already given up that here doesn't belong to people like me since I hardly looks into phone, but still those who keeps pushing and encouraging me to post and come online did a great a Job. Today I found myself in Sr member was something unbelievable and unimaginable to see that 4 gold coin below my username.
I believe to see more gold coin counted below my username.

1 self promotion is all that's needed. If you made your own thread, leave this one be. If not, then yes congratulate yourself. Remember this thread if you ever reach Hero member status and give yourself a pat on the back when that happens.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Ruttoshi on August 28, 2023, 11:08:29 PM
                   Junior Member Rank Unlocked

I am happy to have achieved the first rank in this forum today. It gives me joy to know that when you are passionate with whatever you are doing in life,you can achieve it quicker than you expected it. I registered I'm this forum April this year,but due to my commitments, I find it difficult to come around and partake in some activities but last week,I was on vacation from work and I decided to give my time to the forum and learn.

This was why I could rank up to a Jnr Member rank,with the help of your contributions and assistance. The journey to my next rank has just begun and I believe that if I put in more time and effort to learn here and make my own research and your support,I will achieve it. I appreciate everybody's contributions and services to the forum directly or indirectly as you guys have made the forum a better place to acquire knowledge on cryptocurrency (bitcoin).

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: LoyceV on August 29, 2023, 07:05:41 AM
In Request: Disable merits in the Wall Observer thread (, a few users were accused of shitposting for Merits. When I checked their post history, the only posts I had Merited were the ones to announce their "achievements" in Rank. That made me realize I should be more careful.
And the users who are shitposting for Merits should realize that may work in the short term, but in the longer term they'll end up on many Ignore lists, so they'll earn less Merit.

To stay on topic: I've reached 3000 Activity last month! That took much, much longer than 3000 Merit so I'd say it counts as an achievement of "sticking around long enough". I'm still behind compared to The Sceptical Chymist (;u=487418) who joined a month later than me. I wasn't very active in my early days on Bitcointalk.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: m2017 on August 29, 2023, 02:09:42 PM
In Request: Disable merits in the Wall Observer thread (, a few users were accused of shitposting for Merits. When I checked their post history, the only posts I had Merited were the ones to announce their "achievements" in Rank. That made me realize I should be more careful.
And the users who are shitposting for Merits should realize that may work in the short term, but in the longer term they'll end up on many Ignore lists, so they'll earn less Merit.

To stay on topic: I've reached 3000 Activity last month! That took much, much longer than 3000 Merit so I'd say it counts as an achievement of "sticking around long enough". I'm still behind compared to The Sceptical Chymist (;u=487418) who joined a month later than me. I wasn't very active in my early days on Bitcointalk.
Well, since this is the case, then I demand half the congratulations on your achievement! :) I also passed the 1500 activity mark last month. It's almost the same achievement as
I've reached 3000 Activity last month! That took much, much longer than 3000 Merit so I'd say it counts as an achievement of "sticking around long enough"
but divided by 2. ;)

How could I miss this event without reporting in this topic. :)

By the way, 3000 activity is an impressive figure and this is more than 8 years spent on this forum. It is important that almost all this period remaining active. It is worthy of praise, but I will not praise. :)

The path to merit can't be easy and fast (with a few exceptions) and will take a long time, therefore, attempts to cheat will not be successful. It's almost like with bitcoin - it only bears fruit in the long run.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: LoyceV on August 29, 2023, 02:23:04 PM
The path to merit can't be easy and fast (with a few exceptions)
The exceptions are very nice to see though: pluja (;u=3571596) has 6 posts and 247 Merit. BtcTalkShow (;u=3426802) has 21 posts and 533 Merit. They've both contributed a lot outside Bitcointalk, and the moment they show up here, they get showered in Merit.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on August 29, 2023, 02:44:13 PM
The path to merit can't be easy and fast (with a few exceptions)
The exceptions are very nice to see though: pluja (;u=3571596) has 6 posts and 247 Merit. BtcTalkShow (;u=3426802) has 21 posts and 533 Merit. They've both contributed a lot outside Bitcointalk, and the moment they show up here, they get showered in Merit.
No doubt the program created by pluja loved by many people and they appreciated it by sending those merits to him. Well deserved.

The last time I checked BtcTalkShow, it felt the project is dead.

On topic.

To stay on topic: I've reached 3000 Activity last month! That took much, much longer than 3000 Merit so I'd say it counts as an achievement of "sticking around long enough". I'm still behind compared to The Sceptical Chymist (;u=487418) who joined a month later than me. I wasn't very active in my early days on Bitcointalk.
3000 activity is a very rare achievement. I wonder how long is the list. Well done brother.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Rikafip on August 29, 2023, 02:48:27 PM
3000 activity is a very rare achievement. I wonder how long is the list.
According to bpip there are 115 members at the moment with 3000+ activity. So yeah, not long list at all.


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on August 29, 2023, 03:01:55 PM
3000 activity is a very rare achievement. I wonder how long is the list.
According to bpip there is 115 members at the moment with 3000+ activity. So yeah, not long list at all.

That is a surprise to me. I was not expecting that many. I was imagining 10 to 15 LOL

Okay things does not add up, I too have over 2500 activities LOL. I guess I never paid any attention in activities and posts before. I realized I have over 10k posts now. I can not remember last time which one we celebrated? LFC or another user?

To be honest, time goes just like this.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: SeriouslyGiveaway on August 29, 2023, 03:17:42 PM
Okay things does not add up, I too have over 2500 activities LOL. I guess I never paid any attention in activities and posts before. I realized I have over 10k posts now. I can not remember last time which one we celebrated? LFC or another user?

To be honest, time goes just like this.
10 years (EFS) (
I'm 10! (minifrij) (
12 Years on Bitcointalk Today! (OgNasty) (
20000 posts (LFC_Bitcoin) (
My 10 000 posts (LTU_btc) (
10 years of Bitcointalk (and Bitcoin) (joker_josue) (

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Rikafip on August 29, 2023, 03:46:53 PM
That is a surprise to me. I was not expecting that many. I was imagining 10 to 15 LOL
Considering there's more than 3 million accounts created (yeah I know that vast majority are low level but still), that's not a big number at all.

To be honest, time goes just like this.
Time flies when you are having fun. When I registered, those who had 1500 activity seemed to me like forum OGs and now when I am at that number it seems to me like I just recently joined his forum and still consider myself one of the newer members (might be because I am active on some forums for more than 20 years so these 4 years doesn't seem much to me).

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: SmartGold01 on August 30, 2023, 10:25:07 AM
1 self promotion is all that's needed. If you made your own thread, leave this one be. If not, then yes congratulate yourself. Remember this thread if you ever reach Hero member status and give yourself a pat on the back when that happens.

I didn't made any thread that speaks about my ranking rather my new device that I purchased ", if there were thread made i wouldn't come back here to announce it again.
The other thread was made in reputation about "give your ratings" (, so there are no thread of my personal ranking.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sim_card on September 10, 2023, 10:59:21 PM
                  Junior Member Rank Unlocked

I am happy to have achieved the first rank in this forum today. It gives me joy to know that when you are passionate with whatever you are doing in life,you can achieve it quicker than you expected it. I registered I'm this forum April this year,but due to my commitments, I find it difficult to come around and partake in some activities but last week,I was on vacation from work and I decided to give my time to the forum and learn.

This was why I could rank up to a Jnr Member rank,with the help of your contributions and assistance. The journey to my next rank has just begun and I believe that if I put in more time and effort to learn here and make my own research and your support,I will achieve it. I appreciate everybody's contributions and services to the forum directly or indirectly as you guys have made the forum a better place to acquire knowledge on cryptocurrency (bitcoin).
Congratulations on you Jnr. member rank achievement in the forum. You still have a little merit left to your next rank,which is a member rank and i know that you will achieve it in no time. What you need to do is to keep on learning so that you can improve yourself in order for you to grow in the forum. I have seen so many newbies that couldn't rank up and they still remain a newbie after a long period of time because they are too lazy to learn and read on their own. Be patient with learning and don't rush things because learning is a gradual process. You should als be consistent in the forum so that you can learn from other people's topic.
Good luck.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Makus on September 13, 2023, 05:17:59 PM
                     Member rank unlocked

I just ranked up to the member rank and also purchased my first set of satoshi (, the most interesting part is the love and advise I received from comments in my thread, I underrated the generosity of member in this forum but they never seize of surprise me.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BabyBandit on September 13, 2023, 06:08:28 PM
I just got ranked up from Newbie to Jr Member. Not a big deal, but still I think it's funny. At the same time I been on this cool forum for one month.  :-*
I rarely post only around one time each day, but I use the forum much more, the aknowledge here is insane.

Thanks to everyone for making this place to be possible!,
One day I hope I am allowed to join your Bitcointalk-famliy!


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: PytagoraZ on September 26, 2023, 02:10:52 AM


To be honest, I didn't expect to get this far, because my journey wasn't as smooth as others, there was some drama that happened, I should have avoided it but I enjoyed every discussion there and I read a lot because of it

So, enough of the nonsense

I am a Full Member now, Cheers

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on September 27, 2023, 06:11:37 PM

Thanks to everyone for making this place to be possible!,
One day I hope I am allowed to join your Bitcointalk-famliy!

Well, you are here already, you have an account and you recently got upgraded from a newbie to a junior member rank., what makes you think you are not yet part of the bitcointalk family?

You already are part of the family, and I personally celebrate your ranking up, just keep going and try as much as possible to improve your post quality and also post in boards where sources are always on and looking for quality posts, trust me, ranking up is easier than you think.

Congratulations on this one, waiting to see you on the next one.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BabyBandit on October 04, 2023, 02:13:18 PM

Thanks to everyone for making this place to be possible!,
One day I hope I am allowed to join your Bitcointalk-famliy!

Well, you are here already, you have an account and you recently got upgraded from a newbie to a junior member rank., what makes you think you are not yet part of the bitcointalk family?

You already are part of the family, and I personally celebrate your ranking up, just keep going and try as much as possible to improve your post quality and also post in boards where sources are always on and looking for quality posts, trust me, ranking up is easier than you think.

Congratulations on this one, waiting to see you on the next one.

Thanks for the kind words and good motivation. God bless! 🙏
You are a good person and I wish all the best for you and your family.


And now I have ranked up again 😀!
So I must be doing something right, as you said "just keep going" and it will come with time.
I really enjoy the journey here and learning new things everyday, slowly but right.
This forum is to be honest a must if you into crypto  8)
Thanks again mate, and who knows? Maybe in a year or two I will reach Full Member rank.  :)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BabyBandit on October 04, 2023, 02:16:58 PM


To be honest, I didn't expect to get this far, because my journey wasn't as smooth as others, there was some drama that happened, I should have avoided it but I enjoyed every discussion there and I read a lot because of it

So, enough of the nonsense

I am a Full Member now, Cheers

Congratulations to being Full Member mate! 🎉🙏

I see that some people dislike you at the beginning (but I could not find any valid reason for that) and thinking you have been here before (the same thing happen me, the reason was because I was typing in the Reputation-board and Loan-board I must have been here before), but you have just ignored it and still doing your thing! I Respect you for that. 🙌🙌
Keep being yourself and leave all drama and shit to the haters! Keep Rocking dude! 🤘

                    Member rank unlocked

I just ranked up to the member rank and also purchased my first set of satoshi (, the most interesting part is the love and advise I received from comments in my thread, I underrated the generosity of member in this forum but they never seize of surprise me.

A bit late, but congratulations 🎉

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sim_card on October 06, 2023, 10:28:55 PM


To be honest, I didn't expect to get this far, because my journey wasn't as smooth as others, there was some drama that happened, I should have avoided it but I enjoyed every discussion there and I read a lot because of it

So, enough of the nonsense

I am a Full Member now, Cheers
Congratulations mate...I was smiling when i saw your new achievement as a Full member because I could remember in one of your replies that you said, you want to be a member for a very long time, I have forgotten the duration of time that you said. So, this makes me to be happy when I see that you have finally left the member tank to a higher one. I hope that you continue with quality contributions to the forum so that you can attain your next rank soon.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: SmartGold01 on October 08, 2023, 02:13:54 PM

Thanks to everyone for making this place to be possible!,
One day I hope I am allowed to join your Bitcointalk-famliy!

Well, you are here already, you have an account and you recently got upgraded from a newbie to a junior member rank., what makes you think you are not yet part of the bitcointalk family?

You already are part of the family, and I personally celebrate your ranking up, just keep going and try as much as possible to improve your post quality and also post in boards where sources are always on and looking for quality posts, trust me, ranking up is easier than you think.

Congratulations on this one, waiting to see you on the next one.

You know sometimes I began to wonder why people keeps saying ranking up is hard although sincerely speaking is actually hard but I think everything has a key, and the key to this forum is being a dedicated reader who is active to contribute and create quality posts without involving themselves into copy and paste content from other websites.

Trust me, there are people who always looks out for quality posters same thing happens to my time when I started newly, I was finding it very difficult to increase in my rank but what I did was to fall back and began to trace my lapses and when I found out I noticed I was not patient to read post. Usually anyone who devotes themselves to reading post easily know things about the forum, the thing is do not be too desperate to have merits when your efforts are being recognized merits flows like water and ranking up comes so easily, just like me currently I have already gained the required merits meant for Hero while my activity keeps me on Sr. Member rank.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: tetaeridanus on October 11, 2023, 11:06:45 PM
10 merits is a huge milestone for me and I feel awesome! Feeling more adapted to the forum day by day.

Love you Bitcointalk ❤️


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Nheer on October 13, 2023, 08:27:15 AM
10 merits is a huge milestone for me and I feel awesome! Feeling more adapted to the forum day by day.

Love you Bitcointalk ❤️

That’s just how it is as you spend more time on the forum you will be getting used to it more and more and almost every high rank member here never believed they could get there also and when they got their first merits they were also joyous about it so it is natural for you to feel like this. Just keep up your effort and don’t relent until when receiving merits becomes a normal occurrence and in no time you will be surprised how far you have moved in rank. I can see you have earned enough merits to move to the next rank (Member rank) but you still lack enough Activity to activate the rank, in a couple of weeks you will join others in wearing the Member rank badge.  ;D

Congratulations on your achievement bitcointalk loves you too.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: tetaeridanus on October 13, 2023, 01:36:48 PM
10 merits is a huge milestone for me and I feel awesome! Feeling more adapted to the forum day by day.

Love you Bitcointalk ❤️

That’s just how it is as you spend more time on the forum you will be getting used to it more and more and almost every high rank member here never believed they could get there also and when they got their first merits they were also joyous about it so it is natural for you to feel like this. Just keep up your effort and don’t relent until when receiving merits becomes a normal occurrence and in no time you will be surprised how far you have moved in rank. I can see you have earned enough merits to move to the next rank (Member rank) but you still lack enough Activity to activate the rank, in a couple of weeks you will join others in wearing the Member rank badge.  ;D

Congratulations on your achievement bitcointalk loves you too.

Thanks for your nice words man🖐🏻.
Yes already became a member, it happens so fast; I don't understand people who come to forums and says they never get merits, if you are active it comes with it.


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Ruttoshi on October 13, 2023, 08:46:31 PM
10 merits is a huge milestone for me and I feel awesome! Feeling more adapted to the forum day by day.

Love you Bitcointalk ❤️

That’s just how it is as you spend more time on the forum you will be getting used to it more and more and almost every high rank member here never believed they could get there also and when they got their first merits they were also joyous about it so it is natural for you to feel like this. Just keep up your effort and don’t relent until when receiving merits becomes a normal occurrence and in no time you will be surprised how far you have moved in rank. I can see you have earned enough merits to move to the next rank (Member rank) but you still lack enough Activity to activate the rank, in a couple of weeks you will join others in wearing the Member rank badge.  ;D

Congratulations on your achievement bitcointalk loves you too.

Thanks for your nice words man🖐🏻.
Yes already became a member, it happens so fast; I don't understand people who come to forums and says they never get merits, if you are active it comes with it.

I can see the joy in you that you actually have earned 10 merits due to your time that you have put in to learn and get use to the forum. Dedication and constant learn is the key to grow in the forum. This is what so many newbies are missing and any of them that understands this wouldn't find it difficult to grow in the forum.

You will need more 90 merits to take you to the Full member rank and you can achieve this in no time if you continue with learning and contributing on the forum what others can learn from you. 90 merits are just numbers and gradually, you will get so use to the forum that you will see the merits coming in.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Richbased on October 16, 2023, 02:51:24 AM
Though I know that I still have a long way to go but am still grateful with the kinda experience I've gotten so far since I joined this bitcoin community since July, I feel that sometimes the reason why we don't experience much progress on our account is because some of us focus our energy more on the local board rather than the general board.

So far so good, I'm a member now hoping to grow up my account as soon as possible. It has really been so interesting sharing thoughts and ideas with some senior colleagues here and i commend those of us who have been working with so much positive energy to see that this community moves to greater heights.

I'm so happy to be among this community of high intellectual individuals working together in same space to share their knowledge with one another, I most say I'm impressed

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Nheer on October 18, 2023, 03:16:26 PM
I feel that sometimes the reason why we don't experience much progress on our account is because some of us focus our energy more on the local board rather than the general board.
Doesn’t really matter where you focus your energy all that matters is to make good contributions, we have seen people earn so much merit more than enough to move to another rank form local boards. We all have different sections where we have knowledge on because it’s difficult to understand almost everything in life so it’s just for u you to understand this and stick to those boards you are good at and build yourself. Interacting in our local languages is more easier for some people as English is not a general language for everyone.

So far so good, I'm a member now hoping to grow up my account as soon as possible. It has really been so interesting sharing thoughts and ideas with some senior colleagues here and i commend those of us who have been working with so much positive energy to see that this community moves to greater heights.
You don’t have to say all this and growing your account is not something you should be hasty about, as you grow in knowledge so will your account and to grow you don’t need words but actions. Don’t rush so you don’t end up making mistake along the way, take your time, it doesn’t matter how long you have been on the forum. I hope to see you in higher ranks someday.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on November 03, 2023, 11:16:20 PM
Hey Friends - I don't know what I want to say right now, but I'm happy to announce that I have ranked up to Legendary this time. I honestly didn't realize that I had ranked up to Legendary with 896 number of activity - this is a milestone that is probably worth announcing to you here. So for that - I thank whoever you are who has supported me during this time in any form, but at this time there is no celebration that I have in mind.

A few days ago on October 19 2023 - I also had my 3rd birthday on this forum. Maybe this is the most beautiful gift for my birthday from the forum.  :D

Thank you to all of you.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: PytagoraZ on November 04, 2023, 12:44:03 AM
Hey Friends - I don't know what I want to say right now, but I'm happy to announce that I have ranked up to Legendary this time. I honestly didn't realize that I had ranked up to Legendary with 896 number of activity - this is a milestone that is probably worth announcing to you here. So for that - I thank whoever you are who has supported me during this time in any form, but at this time there is no celebration that I have in mind.

Congratulations guys, this is a great achievement. You can get legendary rank before your activity reaches 1000. Does this happen because your merit is greater than your activity? Looks like most members will get legendary rank when the activity is 1000. Congratulations

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: joker_josue on November 04, 2023, 09:14:05 AM
Hey Friends - I don't know what I want to say right now, but I'm happy to announce that I have ranked up to Legendary this time. I honestly didn't realize that I had ranked up to Legendary with 896 number of activity - this is a milestone that is probably worth announcing to you here. So for that - I thank whoever you are who has supported me during this time in any form, but at this time there is no celebration that I have in mind.

A few days ago on October 19 2023 - I also had my 3rd birthday on this forum. Maybe this is the most beautiful gift for my birthday from the forum.  :D

Congratulations on reaching Legendary level, it is a sign that you are dedicated to this forum.

Congratulations guys, this is a great achievement. You can get legendary rank before your activity reaches 1000. Does this happen because your merit is greater than your activity? Looks like most members will get legendary rank when the activity is 1000. Congratulations

The Legendary level is reached when you have at least 1000 merits, and are active between 800-1200. This then varies depending on several factors decided by the forum algorithm. And because of this, you never know for sure when you will go up to Legendary.

As a rule, it is around 1000 activity levels together with 1000 merit points that you level up, but it is not exact. The only thing that is certain is that you need to have at least 1000 merits, and more than 800 of activity, from there you can level up at any time.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DaNNy001 on November 04, 2023, 09:37:02 AM
Hey Friends - I don't know what I want to say right now, but I'm happy to announce that I have ranked up to Legendary this time. I honestly didn't realize that I had ranked up to Legendary with 896 number of activity - this is a milestone that is probably worth announcing to you here. So for that - I thank whoever you are who has supported me during this time in any form, but at this time there is no celebration that I have in mind.

A few days ago on October 19 2023 - I also had my 3rd birthday on this forum. Maybe this is the most beautiful gift for my birthday from the forum.  :D

Thank you to all of you.
The famous legendary rank unlocked, it's a big achievement for anyone here to achieve this peculiar rank, a congratulations to you and this is truly a great milestone achieved. Am also hoping to reach such height here and I know this can only be achieve through thorough participation and contribution here in the community and in your case has been greatly involved. Once again congrats on your legendary rank unlocked and hope just to be like you in achievement such in the community here.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BITCOIN4X on November 04, 2023, 01:35:23 PM
The Legendary level is reached when you have at least 1000 merits, and are active between 800-1200. This then varies depending on several factors decided by the forum algorithm. And because of this, you never know for sure when you will go up to Legendary.
The requirements for Legendary are 1000 merit and activity between 775 to 1030. Each user will achieve them on different activity and they are usually awarded randomly. I ranked up to Legendary when my activity was 1134, but several other unique users reached below 800 or less than 900 activity.

Here's how it works:

Ranks and activity:

Brand New: 0 posts
Newbie: 1-29 activity
Jr. Member: 30-59 activity
Member:   60-119 activity
Full Member: 120-239 activity
Sr. Member: 240-479 activity
Hero Member: 480 activity
Legendary: Somewhere between 775 and 1030 activity


In addition to Activity you now need Merit to achieve each rank. The required merit is detailed below:

Brand new: 0
Newbie:   0
Jr Member: 1
Member: 10
Full Member: 100
Sr. Member: 250
Hero Member: 500
Legendary: 1000

@_BlackStar, congratulations. You got there faster than most others including me. It took me 3 years, 10 months, and 9 days to rank up to Legendary, but you get it much faster.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: _BlackStar on November 05, 2023, 09:30:15 PM
PytagoraZ, joker_josue, DaNNy001, BITCOIN4X - thank you for all your words. I'm excited about this historical milestone. So I chose this thread to tell you about it. There's no need for another special thread to announce this milestone - I think this thread is enough to facilitate plenty of celebration.

I've just returned from a simple weekend break - it felt special because it happened by coincidentally with some special things too. I hope the best for all of you too.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 07, 2023, 05:03:42 AM
PytagoraZ, joker_josue, DaNNy001, BITCOIN4X - thank you for all your words. I'm excited about this historical milestone. So I chose this thread to tell you about it. There's no need for another special thread to announce this milestone - I think this thread is enough to facilitate plenty of celebration.

I've just returned from a simple weekend break - it felt special because it happened by coincidentally with some special things too. I hope the best for all of you too.

Another Legendary! Fu*k you 😘
Welcome to the club brother. I don't think we had many involvement between us in topics but your username is very familiar to me, seen the name many times in many discussions with positive thinking. You have more responsibility to the forum now. Enjoy it and be the guide, and support for others. Congratulations.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sim_card on November 12, 2023, 09:31:20 PM
               Celebrate with me as a Senior member

Join me and celebrate as I am happy to share the joy that I feel on my achievement with you guys here on this thread. I have finally rank up to a Senior Member rank yesterday and I must say I didn't do this alone as a tree can't make a forest, but it was the help of other forum members in the forum that made my dream to come true. I know it might be nothing to the high rankings but this achievement is very special and great to me. I appreciate you all for you have made this community a lovely place to learn and gain much knowledge. I hope to be an Hero member soon, but the journey wouldn't be easy because is like I am starting over again to earn another 250 merits, which wouldn't be that easy, but it is worth getting.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Vod on November 15, 2023, 11:10:10 AM
I feel great because I am the longest trusted member.   I am the only member to have never been removed from default trust, despite infatuated scammers like OG.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BabyBandit on November 15, 2023, 03:46:01 PM
I feel great because I am the longest trusted member.   I am the only member to have never been removed from default trust, despite infatuated scammers like OG.

gratz  8) 🎉

              Celebrate with me as a Senior member

Join me and celebrate as I am happy to share the joy that I feel on my achievement with you guys here on this thread. I have finally rank up to a Senior Member rank yesterday and I must say I didn't do this alone as a tree can't make a forest, but it was the help of other forum members in the forum that made my dream to come true. I know it might be nothing to the high rankings but this achievement is very special and great to me. I appreciate you all for you have made this community a lovely place to learn and gain much knowledge. I hope to be an Hero member soon, but the journey wouldn't be easy because is like I am starting over again to earn another 250 merits, which wouldn't be that easy, but it is worth getting.

Congratulations friend! Enjoy your time as a Senior Member 🎉
PytagoraZ, joker_josue, DaNNy001, BITCOIN4X - thank you for all your words. I'm excited about this historical milestone. So I chose this thread to tell you about it. There's no need for another special thread to announce this milestone - I think this thread is enough to facilitate plenty of celebration.

I've just returned from a simple weekend break - it felt special because it happened by coincidentally with some special things too. I hope the best for all of you too.

 _BlackStar  Congratulations to legendary that's something extra! 🎉

- Regards BabyB. 👼

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Justbillywitt on November 18, 2023, 08:43:31 PM
I feel so happy to have ranked up to Member. I know I have a long way to go but this feel so special to me. I have this feeling that I have accomplished something so special in my life.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: julerz12 on November 19, 2023, 02:26:40 AM
I feel great because I am the longest trusted member.   I am the only member to have never been removed from default trust, despite infatuated scammers like OG.
Probably had something to do with what Peter is doing in your avatar.  Just kidding. ;D

Celebrate with me as a Senior member
I feel so happy to have ranked up to Member.
Job well done guys.

I'm also posting here to celebrate my 6 years of existence in this forum and also for ranking up to Legendary (which actually happened months ago, just celebrating it late.  :P )

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 19, 2023, 06:40:48 AM
Oh no. I forgot to celebrate my 500th merit achievement, which is also required to be a Hero Member. But as you can see, I am far away due to a lack of activity. But I feel great about achieving 500 merits and reaching 25 days of online time. I will have to wait another five months to get the next rank. I hope I will be able to gather another 250+ merits in the next five months.

Congratulations to everyone who ranked up in recent days and who will rank up in the coming weeks. Thanks to everyone who supported me with suggestions, merits, and criticism. GazetaBitcoin deserves a big thanks!

This is my 1601th Post  :)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Sim_card on November 23, 2023, 03:39:44 PM
I'm also posting here to celebrate my 6 years of existence in this forum and also for ranking up to Legendary (which actually happened months ago, just celebrating it late.  :P )
Congratulations Boss, for been an active member in this forum for 6yrs and you are still very active and outstanding in contributing to the growth of the forum. I celebrate with you on this.

Oh no. I forgot to celebrate my 500th merit achievement, which is also required to be a Hero Member. But as you can see, I am far away due to a lack of activity. But I feel great about achieving 500 merits and reaching 25 days of online time. I will have to wait another five months to get the next rank. I hope I will be able to gather another 250+ merits in the next five months.

Congratulations to everyone who ranked up in recent days and who will rank up in the coming weeks. Thanks to everyone who supported me with suggestions, merits, and criticism. GazetaBitcoin deserves a big thanks!

This is my 1601th Post  :)
Congratulations to you on your Hero rank in advance as you have gotten more than the required merits for that rank. Your quality contributions has earned you all those merit and I must say that you deserve it. Keep up the good work, and your can achieve those 250+ that you are hoping to gather, just keep on with your contributions.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: SmartGold01 on November 23, 2023, 11:34:32 PM
I'm also posting here to celebrate my 6 years of existence in this forum and also for ranking up to Legendary (which actually happened months ago, just celebrating it late.  :P )

I won't cease to say congratulations to your new rank and know one thing for sure is that no time is late in terms of posting your achievement, let say you forgot to post but that doesn't mean you can't still post for people to celebrate with you. Being a Legendary member of this forum is worth celebrating including being a known manager as well.
I know no more rank to be achieved anymore rather than increasing in merits sizes just as others did, hoping to see you at 1500 merits.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 24, 2023, 06:04:51 AM
Congratulations to you on your Hero rank in advance as you have gotten more than the required merits for that rank. Your quality contributions has earned you all those merit and I must say that you deserve it. Keep up the good work, and your can achieve those 250+ that you are hoping to gather, just keep on with your contributions.

Thanks, Sim_card!
I don't know how quality-full my posts are, but I guess the merits I have earned from the posts are well enough to get merited. Thanks for the wish. I always had a feeling that maybe you have been one of my country mates for a long time. But then I came to know you are from a different local board. Your choice of username is kind of odd. My country mates usually choose this kind of username. I remember you have posted many posts in a same thread due to the cloudflare issues  :P, I wish you good luck as well. Try to contribute positively and you will reach Hero rank too :).

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DYING_S0UL on November 24, 2023, 05:07:15 PM
I know it's nothing to be celebrate but I never thought I would come this far with such a small amount time. I began to post in August. And in just 4 months, I ranked up to be a full ranked member with 180 merits and on the way to senior. I truly cannot believe myself. I thought I won't even get a single merits.


As for achievement, I may have something to show. I got an award on BPIP.  I know I know, it's outside of bitcointalk, but it's something. ;)


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Billo_ on November 30, 2023, 11:53:36 PM
I'm also posting here to celebrate my 6 years of existence in this forum and also for ranking up to Legendary (which actually happened months ago, just celebrating it late.  :P )
Congratulations, manager! Nice to see your achievement! All the best for your management service as well and hopefully, we'll see you again providing a new campaign for Bitcointalk community, soon!
Your knowledge, your service for everyone here and of course yourself is truly appreciated!

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: PytagoraZ on February 07, 2024, 02:33:24 AM
It seems like I see some members successfully rank up but no one celebrates their achievements here

Yes, for high-quality members, getting merit and ranking up may not be difficult. It may even be more difficult to wait for activities than merit. Unfortunately I'm not a member like that so ....


I'm Sr. now

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on February 07, 2024, 06:11:15 AM

I'm Sr. now

See you in 5 years, I'll be a member

What calendar do you live by? :)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: PytagoraZ on February 07, 2024, 06:25:29 AM

I'm Sr. now

See you in 5 years, I'll be a member

What calendar do you live by? :)

Of course it's 2029, am I missing something?

Btw, when will you announce your rank up? Come on, you can't stay at your current rank forever. lol  ;)

Thank you so much mate, I never thought it would get this far.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: AirtelBuzz on February 07, 2024, 03:31:33 PM
It may even be more difficult to wait for activities than merit.
Unfortunately I was one of those who was not getting rankup for activity but had enough merit for rank.

But today I got that enough activity and I am a full member of this forum. Today is a very happy day for me because I have reached a certain goal of mine.

I am now a full member😍

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Nwada001 on February 08, 2024, 09:32:24 PM
Hero Member rank achieved.
I don't have much to say rather than share my gratitude with all those who have contributed to my learning here in the forum and helped me achieve this new rank.
The merit for my Hero rank was earned long ago, but activities were what were holding me back, but I finally reached that rank yesterday. If I start mentioning names, this thread will definitely see a new phase. I appreciate everyone's help, corrections, etc.
So far, so good. I have been able to achieve a total log-in time of 43 days, 20 hours, and more with a total of 121 reports to moderators that've come out with 96% accuracy, which is above average.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Mr.suevie on February 08, 2024, 09:36:50 PM
Hero Member rank achieved.
I don't have much to say rather than share my gratitude with all those who have contributed to my learning here in the forum and helped me achieve this new rank.
The merit for my Hero rank was earned long ago, but activities were what were holding me back, but I finally reached that rank yesterday. If I start mentioning names, this thread will definitely see a new phase. I appreciate everyone's help, corrections, etc.
So far, so good. I have been able to achieve a total log-in time of 43 days, 20 hours, and more with a total of 121 reports to moderators that've come out with 96% accuracy, which is above average.
Well congratulations to you mate, you have really earned all the stats on your profile. Most persons can't relate to how the journey was in the beginning but I think I can recall back then and compare now to clearly see that evolution and change has currently had its toll on you because you have really worked hard for it and achievements is a perfect example to that every growing success.

Next up legendary rank, so gear up although I know with this pace, your merits will get there in no time and I think the only thing that would hold you back will be the activity.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: PytagoraZ on February 08, 2024, 11:22:41 PM
It may even be more difficult to wait for activities than merit.
Unfortunately I was one of those who was not getting rankup for activity but had enough merit for rank.

But today I got that enough activity and I am a full member of this forum. Today is a very happy day for me because I have reached a certain goal of mine.

I am now a full member😍

Maybe you are a high quality member? and congratulations on your rank achievement

Hero Member rank achieved.

It's really impressive, I saw some of your posts and the merit you get are always higher than your activities. That is an impressive achievement. Maybe you will also immediately get a Legendary Member when your activity is sufficient. Congrats broo

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: JayJuanGee on February 11, 2024, 06:04:23 AM
This is it? Is this how you are celebrating your rank that is the highest of all!
It's just that I'm not really celebrating. I always saw the threads that were opened before you created this one as a mixture of merit fishing and vanity exhibition, and I never opened a self-congratulatory thread because of that.

Actually it's cool to get to Legendary but it was something that was foreseen to happen because I've had enough merit for a long time and I was going to get there. So it has been rather monotonous, that's why I didn't write a celebration in this thread, it has been rather a confirmation. And that's why I say that I think it's a good idea your thread, to concentrate all these posts here. In fact, if this thread didn't exist, I wouldn't have written anything about having reached Legendary rank.
You need to hire JJG and ask him to write some wall of text for you and then post it 😉
Let's see if JayJuanGee has notifications turned on and wants to write something about it.

He is, in my opinion, the best merit source, btw, the one who spends the most time reading threads on the forum. Sometimes some old threads, and giving merit to posts he finds to be constructive.

I don't use notifications, and so I came across the above-cited post (14 months after it was posted) and this thread by just reading through some of the posts.. which sometimes does result in skimming rather than reading in detail. 

I do sometimes send smerits even when I don't completely understand the posts (or agree with the contents)... yet I might consider the post to potentially contribute towards someone else's thinking or that maybe it appears that interesting ideas were contained therein.

My being known for walls of text might be another dilemma.. in which there cannot be any assurances regarding future walls of text - and so long as no one deletes them, at this time, I don't have any plans to delete or edit any of them... if I do edit any of my posts, then usually such editing would be within the first hour or so of the post, and once in a while I will go back and edit something within 24 hours.  I usually do not edit my posts beyond further out than 24 hours (except in OP posts of the very few threads that I created) .. . but if I were to edit any of my posts, especially greater than 24 hours, then I would likely put some kind of an "edit" note in the post.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Samlucky O on February 11, 2024, 07:12:14 AM
My being known for walls of text might be another dilemma.. in which there cannot be any assurances regarding future walls of text - and so long as no one deletes them, at this time, I don't have any plans to delete or edit any of them... if I do edit any of my posts, then usually such editing would be within the first hour or so of the post, and once in a while I will go back and edit something within 24 hours.  I usually do not edit my posts beyond further out than 24 hours (except in OP posts of the very few threads that I created) .. . but if I were to edit any of my posts, especially greater than 24 hours, then I would likely put some kind of an "edit" note in the post.
I don't think you owe anybody any explanation on your lugubrious writing. Perhaps it's you way of writing and can't be a thing of delima as you said. What I observe about you is that you alway like to reply multiple people at once, or trying to explain things in a diverse dimension for clarity and full understanding of the reader, but many people find it hard and also annoying, that's why they usually kick against it. But hey.. that's what makes you different from others. at least they should know you for something because everyone has what his know for. How you leave your life and how I leave my life can not be thesame. There is no point trying to please another and displease yourself. And moreover it has been you pattern for long, or do I call it your way of posting. Editing any of your post does not change anything. Those that find it interesting will still read it, no matter how cumbersome it might be.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on February 15, 2024, 05:48:55 AM
I am still a Sr. Member. But I am happy to say that I already reached 750+ Merits and this is something I consider a good achievement for me. Some of my forum friends helped me to reach this milestone by giving good advice, some of them criticized me when I made mistakes, and some of them helped me give merits to my posts and threads that I created.

The last month was a great thing for me when I was on the DT network for the first time and I want to thank my friend 1miau for that. Thanks to my locals who have helped with their words and appreciation when I did something good.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: JayJuanGee on February 16, 2024, 12:00:50 AM
1 self promotion is all that's needed. If you made your own thread, leave this one be. If not, then yes congratulate yourself. Remember this thread if you ever reach Hero member status and give yourself a pat on the back when that happens.
I didn't made any thread that speaks about my ranking rather my new device that I purchased ", if there were thread made i wouldn't come back here to announce it again.
The other thread was made in reputation about "give your ratings" (, so there are no thread of my personal ranking.

What about your third thread  ( the forum (about a year ago) in which you were questioning whether this here cat was human or bot?  Crazy things that peeps do, sometimes?  And, I frequently question why guys (or even gals for that matter) feel so many needs to start threads.. even though many newbies may well be starting threads for an increased likelihood of generating merits (but there is also a "wanna-be-seen" component that likely contributes to thread-starting motivations).

My being known for walls of text might be another dilemma.. in which there cannot be any assurances regarding future walls of text - and so long as no one deletes them, at this time, I don't have any plans to delete or edit any of them... if I do edit any of my posts, then usually such editing would be within the first hour or so of the post, and once in a while I will go back and edit something within 24 hours.  I usually do not edit my posts beyond further out than 24 hours (except in OP posts of the very few threads that I created) .. . but if I were to edit any of my posts, especially greater than 24 hours, then I would likely put some kind of an "edit" note in the post.
I don't think you owe anybody any explanation on your lugubrious writing. Perhaps it's you way of writing and can't be a thing of delima as you said. 


Yeah it is a built-in trait, and surely I recall how pissed off guys would get at or near the times that I was still new to the forum, and you can probably see some of those reactionary posts in the WO thread. .and frequently, when guys complained about the length of my posts, and "advise" me to cut down the length of my posts, frequently I would reply by proclaiming that my post lengths were exactly no more and no less than how much I decide (within my own complete discretion) they will be.  .. so I cannot recall ever giving any ground in regards to my chosen post length or even fairly rarely giving much thought in regards to whether a post of mine might be too lengthy or not.. even though for sure, I will sometimes comment upon the length of my own posts .. and even admit that there may well be times in which a bit of editing and reading through might be helpful in regards to readability.. if a guy (such as this here cat) were to feel that he has enough time to actually engage in such a winnowing pursuit..

What I observe about you is that you alway like to reply multiple people at once, or trying to explain things in a diverse dimension for clarity and full understanding of the reader, but many people find it hard and also annoying, that's why they usually kick against it.

Sometimes I find myself annoying, especially if I go back and read through some of my posts.. .. so there is that angle, too.

But hey.. that's what makes you different from others. at least they should know you for something because everyone has what his know for.

For sure members are going to have some disagreements, and there have been sometimes that I have refused to give an inch on some kind of topic, and it was not even for the reason of believing myself to be correct, but instead because I considered that giving in might not be a good thing to do based on those particular circumstances.  Surely, after the fact, there might be some reconsiderations, yet we need to consider whether we are going to post or not (engage or not with the other member) and then consider the extent to which we are going to give in or if we are going to battle it out, and it is not always an easy choice, including that members are going to differ in their ways of going about these kinds of matters.

I specifically remember a time in which I was berated for being too mean to a newbie in one of my posts, and I understand that my post could have had gone either way in terms of its level of mean-ness, including that the difference between mean and not mean might merely be the choice to change a few of the words to be less harsh, and at the time, I largely disagreed with my having had been too mean to that particular newbie - even though there were several times later that I did consider similar kinds of interactions with other newbies, and I reflected upon my earlier interaction about whether I had been "too mean" in my post, and based on those kinds of reflections, I would sometimes moderate my tone just because sometimes the extra level of mean-ness is not really necessary (or helpful), even if the newbie might seem to be engaging in a kind of trolling behavior. yet it still might be ambiguous in regards to whether the newbie is trolling or not..

How you leave your life and how I leave my life can not be thesame. There is no point trying to please another and displease yourself.

True, yet sometimes it can be helpful to interact and to ask questions with other forum members in order to attempt to figure out why they post the way that they do, and sometimes when we interact with other members, we can figure out if they are being genuine or not.... because I tend to NOT be as much worried about whether I agree with someone or not, but I am concerned with some members who might make certain strong stances on a topic but without providing explanations for how they reached their strong stances. 

I have experienced some forum members becoming very angry when I had asked them to explain some parts of the assertions to their posts, which sometimes demonstrate that they are not necessarily trying to be a genuine poster, and they might not even be a real person (maybe a troll or a paid shill?), so sometimes the interaction can be helpful in terms of figuring out if another member really stands behind his various assertions and is able to provide either facts and/or logic to back up their assertions.

And moreover it has been you pattern for long, or do I call it your way of posting. Editing any of your post does not change anything. Those that find it interesting will still read it, no matter how cumbersome it might be.

Part of the reason that I had mentioned editing earlier on is that I find it problematic when it is discovered that members will go back in their forum history and delete and/or edit their posts.  Sure, there might be times in which it is acceptable to edit posts, especially within the first hours or even up to a day of posting, especially if some clarification might be needed.. but if the post has been outstanding for a while and/or if the post had been cited by other members, then it may no longer be reasonable to edit the post - absent some kind of notation at the bottom of the post to clarify that the post had been edited.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Samlucky O on February 16, 2024, 03:02:57 AM
I specifically remember a time in which I was berated for being too mean to a newbie in one of my posts, and I understand that my post could have had gone either way in terms of its level of mean-ness, including that the difference between mean and not mean might merely be the choice to change a few of the words to be less harsh, and at the time, I largely disagreed with my having had been too mean to that particular newbie - even though there were several times later that I did consider similar kinds of interactions with other newbies, and I reflected upon my earlier interaction about whether I had been "too mean" in my post, and based on those kinds of reflections, I would sometimes moderate my tone just because sometimes the extra level of mean-ness is not really necessary (or helpful), even if the newbie might seem to be engaging in a kind of trolling behavior. yet it still might be ambiguous in regards to whether the newbie is trolling or not..
It is a normal thing sometimes people get upset with the kind of reply they get from people. You know one thing that makes people angry and makes you said some mean words to people, is the inability of them understanding your explanation due to tone or your accent
Or sometimes using some kind of word like "fuck you" you must be stupid for saying that" or more vague words which makes people reply aggressively and causes misinformation. I could remember the first time I came across your post, it was very difficult to comprehend to your level of explanation and it took me hours to understand your writeup. You have even reduced your writing pattern now for newbies to understand but I know many will still find it difficult to comprehend. But the reason behind that is that they don't know what the conversation is all about. Because they get more confuse expecially when they don't know what you are explaining. And you know what you don't know sounds pretty much like a grammatical blunder hahaha. But as time goes on I learnt that sometimes we misunderstood grammar for lack for our inability to comprehend write-up, and that is what makes you address newbies the way you think you did because it's always annoying in such situation.

True, yet sometimes it can be helpful to interact and to ask questions with other forum members in order to attempt to figure out why they post the way that they do, and sometimes when we interact with other members, we can figure out if they are being genuine or not.... because I tend to NOT be as much worried about whether I agree with someone or not, but I am concerned with some members who might make certain strong stances on a topic but without providing explanations for how they reached their strong stances.  
Definitely a man is not an island of knowledge hence there is need to interact and communicate freely with people, by knowing your lapses in other to be corrected because being a higher ranked member does not necessarily mean you are more educated/intellectual than others, or seeing their opinion as a waste. Human being are bound to learning regardless of age, belief, educational qualification or how influencial they can be. But being submissive is the key. Because if you have everything in life without communicating freely with people life will become unfriendly to you. I alway respect people who are rich and powerful but can still communicate with common people because the world is a small place and hence no need to be proud of nothing. I know my write-up might be a little bit far from the actual discussion, but any where can be a means or channel of passing a message across of life simplicity.

I have experienced some forum members becoming very angry when I had asked them to explain some parts of the assertions to their posts, which sometimes demonstrate that they are not necessarily trying to be a genuine poster, and they might not even be a real person (maybe a troll or a paid shill?), so sometimes the interaction can be helpful in terms of figuring out if another member really stands behind his various assertions and is able to provide either facts and/or logic to back up their assertions.

Not every body that has a good writing skill or comprehension skill. Reading and writing is a very serious work because it takes Time.
And it is annoying when you ask someone to repeat itself, it will be like telling a stammerer to repeat what he has said, definitely you will get a blow on your face. LoL  ;D Most people find it difficult to comprehend a particular quote or thread but solely depends on other people quote to really understand the context of the actual topic. While others don't bother to check from others, but choose to reply without knowing that they have confused themselves in trying to explain a simple thing. and when you tell such person to rephrase h/herself, they wouldn't even bother to come back to the thread again.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: JayJuanGee on February 16, 2024, 04:53:01 PM
I specifically remember a time in which I was berated for being too mean to a newbie in one of my posts, and I understand that my post could have had gone either way in terms of its level of mean-ness, including that the difference between mean and not mean might merely be the choice to change a few of the words to be less harsh, and at the time, I largely disagreed with my having had been too mean to that particular newbie - even though there were several times later that I did consider similar kinds of interactions with other newbies, and I reflected upon my earlier interaction about whether I had been "too mean" in my post, and based on those kinds of reflections, I would sometimes moderate my tone just because sometimes the extra level of mean-ness is not really necessary (or helpful), even if the newbie might seem to be engaging in a kind of trolling behavior. yet it still might be ambiguous in regards to whether the newbie is trolling or not..
It is a normal thing sometimes people get upset with the kind of reply they get from people. You know one thing that makes people angry and makes you said some mean words to people, is the inability of them understanding your explanation due to tone or your accent
Or sometimes using some kind of word like "fuck you" you must be stupid for saying that" or more vague words which makes people reply aggressively and causes misinformation. I could remember the first time I came across your post, it was very difficult to comprehend to your level of explanation and it took me hours to understand your writeup. You have even reduced your writing pattern now for newbies to understand but I know many will still find it difficult to comprehend. But the reason behind that is that they don't know what the conversation is all about. Because they get more confuse expecially when they don't know what you are explaining. And you know what you don't know sounds pretty much like a grammatical blunder hahaha. But as time goes on I learnt that sometimes we misunderstood grammar for lack for our inability to comprehend write-up, and that is what makes you address newbies the way you think you did because it's always annoying in such situation.

There are topics that are more basic, and there are topics that are more complex that potentially benefit from explanations.

I will admit that sometimes my explanations will be easier to understand than others, and surely each of us have opinions, so we are not always correct in our opinions... while at the same time, we might have a topic that has, facts, logic, conclusions and opinions, so there can be ways in which any of those could go wrong or need further explanations, and sometimes any of us might not feel that we don't need to explain or maybe we refer to some other article, link or post, and sometimes we might say things without explaining, which may or may not be the right thing to do, even though there are ONLY so many hours in a day in order to explain and/or to elaborate.

I surely will grapple with some of the more technical discussions, so sometimes I am more leary to chime into a kind of conversation that I don't feel that I have enough grasp of the topic.  There are some topics that I discuss now that I would not have had understood 10 years ago when I first started to get involved in bitcoin, so in some senses I feel that I have learned a lot in bitcoin, and I sometimes will try to relate to the perspective of my earlier self in order to try to communicate ideas to other members, yet even some of the things that I might describe about my earlier self, might not apply to current circumstances, since some aspects of the world are different today, including some aspects of bitcoin still might be similar, but there are some aspects of bitcoin that may well be different today too.. so even a newbie coming to bitcoin today, might need to apply a bit of a different investment approach than what I had applied starting in late 2013 and into my earliest times of getting more and more involved in bitcoin and learning about bitcoin.

There may be some ways that bitcoin newbies today could have advantages over bitcoin newbies from 2013 that involve the mere fact that the bitcoin network has now been live more than 15 years, even though when I got into bitcoin, it was just getting to it's 5th year of being live.

True, yet sometimes it can be helpful to interact and to ask questions with other forum members in order to attempt to figure out why they post the way that they do, and sometimes when we interact with other members, we can figure out if they are being genuine or not.... because I tend to NOT be as much worried about whether I agree with someone or not, but I am concerned with some members who might make certain strong stances on a topic but without providing explanations for how they reached their strong stances.  
Definitely a man is not an island of knowledge hence there is need to interact and communicate freely with people, by knowing your lapses in other to be corrected because being a higher ranked member does not necessarily mean you are more educated/intellectual than others, or seeing their opinion as a waste. Human being are bound to learning regardless of age, belief, educational qualification or how influential they can be. But being submissive is the key. Because if you have everything in life without communicating freely with people life will become unfriendly to you. I alway respect people who are rich and powerful but can still communicate with common people because the world is a small place and hence no need to be proud of nothing. I know my write-up might be a little bit far from the actual discussion, but any where can be a means or channel of passing a message across of life simplicity.

Sometimes we might deviate somewhat from the topic, yet hopefully we can still make attempts to relate our discussion and our arguable deviance to the topic, and in this thread we have a lot of members describing their accomplishments, so the thread could be interpreted fairly broadly - including communicating ideas that reaching higher and higher forum rank and/or status on the forum may well NOT relieve us of responsibilities to either continue to try to learn or even to NOT take the knowledge levels and/or the potential contributions of newbies for granted... even though sometimes there will be newbies who come to the forum and seem to be respected and accepted for their achievements outside of the forum and/or they may bring their outside status to the forum and expect to get reverence based on their outside status - and that can be problematic in terms of verifying outside status but also it could impede possibilities for conversations to stand on their own merit... ..

so ranking up in the forum does likely bring some of those similar kinds of outside world status to the member- even though some members may end up getting dinged a lot in their trust as a means that might end up off-setting their previously earned/gained status based on rank.

I have experienced some forum members becoming very angry when I had asked them to explain some parts of the assertions to their posts, which sometimes demonstrate that they are not necessarily trying to be a genuine poster, and they might not even be a real person (maybe a troll or a paid shill?), so sometimes the interaction can be helpful in terms of figuring out if another member really stands behind his various assertions and is able to provide either facts and/or logic to back up their assertions.
Not every body that has a good writing skill or comprehension skill. Reading and writing is a very serious work because it takes Time.

It takes time to develop decently good reading, writing and comprehension skills, and surely some members present their ideas very well, but they still may well end up being substantively wrong in their facts, logic, conclusions and/or opinions.  There can also be guys who are correct in some areas, and wrong in other areas, or they could be right or wrong at any given time, but then they end up changing and maybe into the opposite direction..   Another thing is that sometimes right and wrong is on a spectrum rather than being absolutes, depending on the topic, and depending on if we might be talking about facts, logic, conclusions and/or opinions, because a person could be logically correct, but dealing with bad facts or he could be dealing with correct facts but giving the wrong kinds of weights to the facts and therefore coming to bad conclusions.

Another thing is that sometimes guys will come out fighting and making arguments in order to challenge various status quo aspects of bitcoin or some other related topic, so then once they make many of their arguments, they may proclaim that it is UP to others to prove that they are wrong, which many times does not end up being the case. Frequently if anyone is going to attempt to challenge the status quo or to argue that something needs to be changed (let's say in regards to bitcoin), then they have the burden of production (of evidence/facts) and the burden of persuasion (of logic) to convince folks to side with them, and they might be successful or they might not.

For instance, I don't tend to participate in too many shitcoin threads because I don't want to put that much energy into combatting them within their own space, and from my thinking either people want to get involved in shitcoins or they don't and that is on them.  However, if people come to bitcoin threads or they refer to bitcoin as crypto or they bring up some shitcoin in a bitcoin thread without denigrating it, then frequently I will consider them to be either in need to explain their use of dumb and vague-ass terms such as crypto if they might have been wanting to talk about bitcoin or maybe I might argue or suggest that they are either in the wrong thread or in need of starting their own thread that might relate to their desire to potentially muddy bitcoin discussion with either ambiguous shitcoin information or to perhaps be intentionally or unintentionally pumping some shitcoin or denigrating bitcoin.

Newbies to bitcoin may or may not understand some of these kinds of discussions, and some of the longer term bitcoiners might have had already concluded that it is not helpful to give any grounds to any of the folks who are using ambiguous terms that might either be pumping shitcoins and/or gratuitously denigrating bitcoin, and so the extent to which they choose to argue the topic or not may well end up in frustrations on both sides, even though maybe both perspectives could potentially be equally valid, so there might not be any ability to stop some of those kinds of battles, because sometimes even pumping shitcoins and/or denigrating bitcoin could be valid in some circumstances, even within some bitcoin threads.

And it is annoying when you ask someone to repeat itself, it will be like telling a stammerer to repeat what he has said, definitely you will get a blow on your face. LoL  ;D

Sometimes members are not ready, willing and/or able to back up what they said.. and I am not necessarily exempt from those kind of criticisms of my own interactions.  Some members might ask me to further explain, and sometimes I will refuse to continue to elaborate or to explain further, and I may well end up just proclaiming that I stand by what I already wrote - even if I might not even remember exactly what I had already wrote.  There can sometimes be needs to just stop getting into the weeds of certain topics and just agree to disagree rather than even continuing to explore areas that may or may not be resolvable, but even members within the thread might start to get frustrated with the ongoing battle that is starting to either seem to be too much in the weeds or to have way too many personal rather than substantive components.

A member's level of English can surely start to make differences, especially when the arguments start to get into a lot of subtle details, and sometimes the arguments might not even end up getting into a lot of subtleties, but instead might end up boiling down to perceptions in regards to whether both sides are really trying to be genuine in terms of the kinds of arguments that they are raising - including getting emotional and/or taking some of the matters personal that might not have had meant to be personal. 

And, another angle could be whether or not some technological aspects of bitcoin or some other related topic might not be well understood by both of the parties, then there could be some needs to bow out of the argument if it is getting into those kinds of areas.. which could end up being another way to say something like:  "I don't understand enough about that aspect of your argument(s), so it is possible that you could be correct in what you are saying, but I am going to just agree to disagree with you."  The other side might not let you bow out and continue to want to argue that you have to agree with them if you are saying that you don't know enough but you are still disagreeing... which surely those kinds of arguments can be frustrating.. especially if the person still might not want to agree with the other but does not have enough technical knowledge and/or competence to argue the topic from the angle that the other side wants to argue.

Most people find it difficult to comprehend a particular quote or thread but solely depends on other people quote to really understand the context of the actual topic.

That is true.   Sometimes when we feel that we don't know enough on a topic, we will rely on the judgement of people who we trust to treat topics fairly (or who we believe to be more knowledgable than us), and there is ONLY so many hours in a day, so sometimes we do need to have those kinds of reliance, especially when we are still learning topics or if we don't have time or abilities to learn certain areas, yet each of us likely has some responsibilities to both attempt to engage in critical thinking and/or to learn about the areas of our interest, and surely it still is discretionary regarding how much extra studying and/or due diligence that we might need to carry out, including that we will frequently have a variety of other things going on in our lives, and we might ONLY have so many hours per day or per week that we are able to dedicate to learning a new topic or potentially figuring out a topic that we know might take 100s if not 1,000s of hours to learn with any level of competence... and so there could still be higher level ways to learn topics but then there could be ways to learn topics that might not involve as many hours, and sometimes we might just need to spend 5-10 minutes looking up some definitions and/or some of the basics of a topic (maybe even using wikipedia) in order to at least understand the reference so that we can then go on to better understand some context of what might be being said or argued.

While others don't bother to check from others, but choose to reply without knowing that they have confused themselves in trying to explain a simple thing.

Sometimes we do not know what we do not know, and one of the advantages of a forum like this is to bat around ideas, while at the same time, sometimes when we go to write out a post in order to respond, we may well come to a realization that we might not know the topic well enough in order to take a stance... or maybe we might come to realize that our previous stance was not very well informed and we have to look into the topic further based on what the other member said in response to our earlier post on the topic.

and when you tell such person to rephrase h/herself, they wouldn't even bother to come back to the thread again.


Yes.  Members respond in varying ways. Sometimes they will ghost you and/or the thread, other times they might say that they need to look into the matter.  Other times they might admit to being wrong or they might still say that they are right, even if they might realize that they are wrong.

Sometimes the way that we respond might end up affecting our reputation on the forum, and maybe sometimes it might be better to wait a few days before responding or maybe just to leave the topic (like you mentioned that some members will do).  I remember some posts from a few months ago that I had bookmarked, and I intended to get back to them within a few days or perhaps a week or two at most, but for some reason, time flew by and I was not able to get back to those posts, and with the passage of time, I consider that maybe there is no real need for me to get back to the posts even though I had somewhat formulated some possible responses in my head, but if I did not respond and I did not actually type out my response, I have not completely addressed the matter, and it still hangs out there, yet the more time that passes, the harder it may well become to go back and to respond to those earlier raised ideas - even though sometimes, we will witness members responding to posts that were many months earlier, and sometimes it can still work out to address the subject matter at a later date.. yet perhaps raising a need to address why there was such a delay in responding.

But yeah some members may well not even be genuine in terms of their posts. They raise various questions, and they start potentially provocative threads, yet they do not follow up or respond further in the thread, and those kinds of behaviors may well end up negatively affecting the member's reputation.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Ambatman on February 22, 2024, 11:05:26 PM
Finally a Full member
Never thought I would get this far but fortunately I did
I know it might be less of achievement to some but to me it's alot
It shows to me that growing in knowledge isn't for naught.
Still recall the past when UTXO,Segwit and the like felt foreign to me
But now I'm even using them.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Nheer on February 27, 2024, 09:27:16 PM
Finally a Full member
Never thought I would get this far but fortunately I did
I know it might be less of achievement to some but to me it's alot
It shows to me that growing in knowledge isn't for naught.
Still recall the past when UTXO,Segwit and the like felt foreign to me
But now I'm even using them.

That’s how it feels at the beginning, it will feel almost impossible to grow here but as time goes on it will become easier after you have learned and understand the ways of the forum. Acquiring knowledge is what most newbies take for granted but it’s the most beneficial thing that will help you grow here in the forum, if only they knew.

This forum will teach you alot especially when you are new to bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general but only for those willing to learn. I am glad you are one of those that was able to withstand the challenges and backlash as a newbie and be able to achieve this milestone. This is not the end of the road so you should not feel relaxed but rather be motivated to move higher in rank and in no time you will be surprised how far you would go.

Congratulations to you on your latest achievement, it feels good reading the milestone achieved by other members here and i feel like i am missing out a lot for not visiting this thread more often.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on March 13, 2024, 09:40:14 PM
Daily Golden Jubilee Celebration

I wish to specially congratulate myself as I celebrate my 50th days spent on this forum ever since I got registered here on June 2021. Because though it was never an easy task, but through the help & assistance of the good people here on this forum, my dream was able to come to reality, and today I mark my 50th days time frame spent on this forum (i.e Golden Jubilee Celebration). All thanks to you all

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Wiwo on March 18, 2024, 02:10:28 PM
I don't use notifications, and so I came across the above-cited post (14 months after it was posted) and this thread by just reading through some of the posts.. which sometimes does result in skimming rather than reading in detail. 

I do sometimes send smerits even when I don't completely understand the posts (or agree with the contents)... yet I might consider the post to potentially contribute towards someone else's thinking or that maybe it appears that interesting ideas were contained therein.

My being known for walls of text might be another dilemma.. in which there cannot be any assurances regarding future walls of text - and so long as no one deletes them, at this time, I don't have any plans to delete or edit any of them... if I do edit any of my posts, then usually such editing would be within the first hour or so of the post, and once in a while I will go back and edit something within 24 hours.  I usually do not edit my posts beyond further out than 24 hours (except in OP posts of the very few threads that I created) .. . but if I were to edit any of my posts, especially greater than 24 hours, then I would likely put some kind of an "edit" note in the post.
I got notification to this comment and I decided to ship in my few line of contributions to this discussion,  as how I perceived JayJuanGee as a member of the forum and how he has utilise every tool to properly analyse any topics that he fines interesting and making sure to include every vital informations and data's which makes his comments to occupy several lines, with detailed high quality contributions that any basic member of the forum could easily pick a point or two from his comment.

Anyway in other to stay on the topic, I see no need to even discuss or even try to analyse JJ because to me he is simply one of the best forum members,  who make alot of contributions to both newbies and engaging in intellectual discussion with other experienced forum members effortlessly.

On the issue of post editing,  I think every forum member have the right to edit his or her posts anytime you fine something wrong with the content and need to edit,  good enough the forum feature make every edits timing display to public to take note of the changes.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Princess Leah on March 19, 2024, 10:28:27 PM
                                    New Rank Achieved
 It's been a pleasure to be a member of this great Bitcoin forum, and right from the very first  day till this moment,  I must say that I've enjoyed everyday and time I spent learning and trying to give my opinions, the forum have helped broaden my knowledge about certain things especially about Bitcoin and I want to say I don't regret everytime I've spent here.

 Anyways I also want to say thanks to those that's helped me get this far, by giving me their opinions about certain topics I created and even corrected me when ever I make errors, and I also want to say thanks to those that encouraged me, cause it helped me attain this new rank, Congratulations to me on achieving a new rank.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: AprilioMP on April 01, 2024, 03:36:01 PM
[Motivation] Thank you for one year

Register an account on April 01, 2023. Today is exactly the year I am among great people with future thinking. I don't know why at that time I was introduced to a forum called Bitcoin Forum ( to learn more about Bitcoin.
When I started, I didn't even know where to start because I was just learning autodidactically by following every discussion on every board, even just reading without participating in making posts because I was afraid of making mistakes.

What I have gained so far is really very valuable, especially about Bitcoin, even though it is not as deep as other people's knowledge about Bitcoin, including knowledge about crypto in general.
I am grateful to all the people I acknowledge, although I cannot mention them one by one because almost all of them are people who have had an influence on the learning process that I have gone through up to now.

I realize that for me this is a stroke of luck that those outside the forum don't get. I am also aware that learning about Bitcoin and knowledge about crypto in general outside of forums in other spaces is also useful, but I think learning in this forum has other different values because here it is like being in real life even though you can't shake hands or can't look each other in the eye. .

What do I find here?
I know and understand the character of everyone here who is active. Get to know each person with their respective strengths in each different field through posted articles.
Here I discovered how to proceed from the bottom and how to feel the ups and downs and will continue to move and process appropriately by respecting every process that I will undergo.

What's more than me?
If there is a question like this, then in this aspect perhaps there is not much more to be gained from me because when I look in the mirror, only my own image appears, not the wider environment.
In fact, I have many visible shortcomings, such as the erratic quality of my posts. If we compare it to a graph, it often moves downwards rather than upwards, but I will always try to improve.

What will I do next
Saturation and boredom with the situation is a test. But that's just part of the process. If one day I can no longer maintain boredom and boredom, maybe I will rest for an indefinite period of time even though I am not a well-known and influential figure like those I consider teachers and teachers.

Finally I want to say thank you to everyone who helped. I made this post as a reminder to myself that I will always respect the strengths and weaknesses of everyone, both those who are older than me and those who are younger than me.
If in the course of one year I have hurt someone's feelings through my posts, then I hope to be forgiven (sorry to everyone).

There are still two more levels that are underway without me knowing when I will get there.
Hopefully this post can be my motivation to continue to see things from an optimistic perspective.


Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on April 04, 2024, 05:14:46 AM
Hello friends!

I am happy to announce my other rank here. Last night, I was promoted to Hero Member rank. I achieved the merit requirements when I met the senior member activity requirements. I am glad that I made it. Once, I thought that I would give up because of my mental health issues. I have been mentally unstable for a while, and I did not understand what I should do. I only came to the forum to read and did not even post. I left a signature campaign recently due to personal reasons and wanted to take a break, too. I am not too active now, But I am still stuck with the forum and the community. I don't have any great contributions. I am just an average person. I am still happy with my new rank. Thank you everyone! I am missing 1miau and o_e_l_e_o. I should thank GazetaBitcoin as well :)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: SickDayIn on April 14, 2024, 08:38:12 AM
Hey friends, this may not be the typical type of celebratory post on this thread, but I wanted to share that I am thankful for spending almost 9 years on this forum now and have began engaging with the community. I joined in August 2015, but lurked on the forum until this year, and was also very inactive over multiple years. I have rediscovered my love for bitcoin, and truly changed from a "trader" or "investor" to a bitcoin maximalist. To think that next year in August I will be celebrating 10 years is just incredible.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Vod on April 20, 2024, 02:39:49 PM

This post is one decade old today!

How naive I was when I wrote that lol.  I was sweeping the floors during a dust storm while Theymos left the windows open upstairs.   :)

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on April 20, 2024, 03:23:43 PM

This post is one decade old today!

How naive I was when I wrote that lol.  I was sweeping the floors during a dust storm while Theymos left the windows open upstairs.   :)
This post still is a good post. Nothing has changed in over a decade.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: Die_empty on April 22, 2024, 03:49:13 PM
Hey friends, this may not be the typical type of celebratory post on this thread, but I wanted to share that I am thankful for spending almost 9 years on this forum now and have began engaging with the community. I joined in August 2015, but lurked on the forum until this year, and was also very inactive over multiple years. I have rediscovered my love for bitcoin, and truly changed from a "trader" or "investor" to a bitcoin maximalist. To think that next year in August I will be celebrating 10 years is just incredible.
Welcome back to the forum. I have seen many posts about old-timers who left the forum and are now back to contribute to the platform. The good part of your post is that you are not regretting your absence but you have taken action to come back to the system. You might have lost some years but Bitcoin still has diverse opportunities that you could enjoy. It is also great to know that you have decided to love Bitcoin for what it is not just for financial gains. We need more people like you in the system who support Bitcoin unconditionally.

For me, Bitcoin is a lifetime investment that I will always engage in. Since Bitcoin will be part of my investment for life, this forum will always be part of me because I do most learning about Bitcoin here.

Happy Tenth Anniversary Buddie.

Title: Re: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!
Post by: DaNNy001 on April 26, 2024, 11:29:31 AM
Hero member rank
Well although it skipped my memory actually announced this great achievement here at the right time when I ranked up, I still felt the urge to do so because the journey wasn't an easy one and believe me when I say this because if someone actually pointed that I would definitely get or achieve such height here in the forum,  I would definitely be at doubt but thats whats patience and commitment can do.

Today am also a hero member 🙌  and am very grateful and thankful because it took alot of hard work and learning too, this bitcoin community is probably the most lucrative one in the whole crypto community,  well for those that I know of course. 

So using this medium to express the gratitude and appreciation of everyone who were an instrument and part of this journey.