Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: KotKot20 on March 29, 2022, 11:44:53 AM

Title: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: KotKot20 on March 29, 2022, 11:44:53 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: cheezcarls on March 29, 2022, 12:09:26 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

To be honest, I am not comfortable in sharing how much I’ve earned in crypto to my friends no matter if it’s in real-life or in social media. Why would I do that? To prove something to them like a “not to brag, but to inspire” statement?

While I see most of my crypto friends on Facebook are crazy enough in bragging about their crypto earnings every day (like they can’t live a day without bragging so much), I just remained silent and staying low key. In fact, I am technically inactive on Facebook since the beginning of 2022. In other words, I’m just a silent reader.

Coz’ if they keep doing that, one day karma will return to them. They might be targeted by scammers, criminals, etc., later on in stealing their money and other possessions. Not only that, some of the social media friends might reach out to you to borrow them money on a consistent basis.

And yes there is already a case that a woman was bragging about her crypto earnings, and then one day some men declared a holdup to her early morning in the street, assaulting her and get away with her possessions and important stuff.

Back then, all I am sharing is just my travel experiences, news updates and videos about cryptocurrencies, etc., and not how much I’ve earned, etc. If they do ask me one day in private, I’ll just educate them and not showing my exact earnings to them.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: passwordnow on March 29, 2022, 12:13:55 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?
Only to a few whom I trust.

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
I do share it but as I've said, only to a few that I really have my trust. It doesn't have to be with everyone that I'm friend with but it's okay to share it with those that are also in the same thing that I do for which, they're also investors and traders. About achievements, they're also sharing as well so I share mine just to keep it up. But if it's those with people whom I just known, I'm not telling them everything.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Charles-Tim on March 29, 2022, 12:20:26 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?
Your friend can believe more in the way you earn if you are actually earning from trading, he would want to know about it from you if your way of living is good and making money from trading. What I know is that you can't tell friends a lot of things about you, a friend can become the person that may be able to look for way to compromise your wallet or trading account. About your strategy, there is no harm if telling your friend about it, but not about how much you earn.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Despairo on March 29, 2022, 12:20:36 PM
The question is why I should tell them? Flexing habit is really bad, you don't get anything when you tell your achievements to your friends. Except you're an influencer and have own referral to earn money, but the risk is your identity and also your family. You need to know, most of relationship ruined because of involved, if you want to have long term relationship, better to stay calm. Only dumb person is wanted to show his earnings to anyone.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Cryptions on March 29, 2022, 12:29:41 PM
Stopped speaking about cryptos, including trading with most of my friends. They just follow main stream news and ultimately don't understand cryptos. They were always happy when cryptos "crashed" and speaked about illegal use, tax evasion etc when I said how well things can go... I only speak with a few who know how things work :) This way everyone sleeps better  ::)

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Rruchi man on March 29, 2022, 01:04:10 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?
first of, be careful the people you call friends, secondly it is generally not advisable to talk about your successes (earnings) to people even to the people you call friends all the time, it may breed jealousy which may become dangerous.

But as for trading strategies that worked for you, so far your friends are traders as well and can apply same strategy to make profit, i see no reason why you can't share such with them especially if you call them friends. Sharing your strategy with them will not stop your own from working, also remember that tables change in life, you may decide to hoard your strategy now and maybe later in the short future, your strategy begins to fail.. You may need someone's help to point you in the right direction.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: cryptoperkele on March 29, 2022, 01:15:08 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

I used to years ago, after 2018 i just lied that i lost it all in crashes and exit scams. I don't know if they believed me but they stopped asking. Only my closest friends are aware what i do and since i am paying taxes from them, basically anyone who really wants to know could see it as taxes are transparent in my country.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Hypnosis00 on March 29, 2022, 01:18:07 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?
Nope, unless they bother to ask me. Honestly, I want to keep everything in secret, maybe the closest friend whom I feel can be trusted.

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
That seems an option and of course, your decision. Sometimes we got proud because of our success and wanting to help others and share ideas but keeping it secret give you some security.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: BernyJB on March 29, 2022, 01:36:30 PM
Nope, not ever. Most of them don't even know I'm into crypto at all.
There's a saying that was told to me a log time ago: "a secret stops being a secret when two people know about it". I follow that phrase to a "T".
Another saying goes: "the worst thing about betrayal is it never comes from an enemy".
Money does funny things, even to good, honest people. I can't risk that.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: KingsDen on March 29, 2022, 01:45:45 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

There is something I discovered about crypto earnings. I have closer bonds to my friends that are in crypto than others than are not in crypto. Before I joined crypto, it wasn't that way. My friends being together with me in crypto makes me share my achievements with them and they also do to me. This will not breed envy or hatred. But your friends that are not in crypto, if you tell them your crypto success, they'll either not believe or become so jealous. So I don't tell then.

For trading strategy, it is good to share with your group before the strategy becomes ineffective. No strategy works till infinity.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Erumo on March 29, 2022, 01:49:52 PM
Everyone knows the rule "money loves silence" and I try to stick to it. I can not be responsible for my friends actions fully. I dont know what information about me he can spread further. Who know, maybe one day, when I become billionaire, my crypto achievement can become a compromising evidence. Who know what consequences I will face because of my big mouth. I'd better stay silent. Friends would be less jealous :D

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: tranthidung on March 29, 2022, 01:51:36 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?
You should not, for many reasons

If you tell it, you will expose your crypto life to others. The more exposure to people around you, the more risk you will face with. However, it is not the worst. Worst is sharing your trading history, profit, etc. on social media or any messenger applications. It will put you under more risk of hacks, phishing links, etc. Don't do this because prevention is better than cure.

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Just for people who are already in crypto market and your very closed friends. Limit the number of people you talk about it, the better.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Coyster on March 29, 2022, 02:09:38 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
It depends, and from your post you seem to be asking if it is good to tell your friends about your trading strategy/how you earn through trading, thus this is what i think: it could actually be cool to share such if your friends just like you are traders themselves who understand the network, there is absolutely nothing wrong in doing that, since you all are traders and can share strategies to help one another earn through trading.

But having said that, if your friends are complete novices that are new to the network, i would rather prefer you say nothing to them in the beginning, they should start from somewhere, do their research and in that process know a thing or two about the network, mind you that why we consider it bad to tell people you're into Bitcoin is cause more often than not, due to lack of knowledge they immediately think you are rich and that could leave you open to attacks, but if such people understand the network then they will know better.

Overall, it is bad to go about telling people you own Bitcoins, but it is not wrong to share trading strategies with your friends that are felllow traders. Check this thread:
why it's important to avoid telling everyone about your crypto holdings (

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: DevFile90 on March 29, 2022, 02:45:33 PM
No I don't tell my friend about my crypto achievement, I'm from a country where by people go bad on people when they are achieving their goals, trust nobody, when it comes to money people are envious.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Rockstarguy on March 29, 2022, 05:19:05 PM
Reviewing cryptocurrency earnings to friends is not that very good because its not necessary to do so , it can be risky depending on the kind of friends one has,  but I feel crypto earning is to be private to one's seĺf. What is important to share with friends is good ideas, experience about cryptocurrency that can be of help for one to earn better. Not bad to share or tell cryptocurrency experience to friends but if comes to earning  its not important to let it know to people.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: The Cryptovator on March 29, 2022, 06:17:39 PM
Yes, sharing is only for those who are familiar with cryptocurrency. Those who aren't familiar or not interested in sharing with them are just useless. There isn't much achievement though, but I want to adopt Bitcoin with my nearest friends. So only a few become interested and involved with that. But they become panicked during dump season like me lol. However, I don't force or suggest investing in cryptocurrency. Because I did a mistake some suggested a younger brother. His portfolio become down during the bear and become panic which gave me more panic.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: ShowOff on March 29, 2022, 07:18:15 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
You can't convince yourself that your friends have no ill will towards you when they find out how much money you have in your wallet. You should hide it from them for security reasons, but maybe not for a trading strategy if they like trading too.

You can share your knowledge with your friends about how you profit, what strategies you use and what you prefer to trade because they will never cost you financially. I don't think you should hide it, but maybe not for those who have absolutely no interest in trading.

However, I don't force or suggest investing in cryptocurrency. Because I did a mistake some suggested a younger brother. His portfolio become down during the bear and become panic which gave me more panic.
Lol, sounds a bit funny to someone who already knows how the market works. But that is, sometimes we can also panic because of pressure from the people around us.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Kasabus on March 29, 2022, 08:34:22 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

To be honest, I am not comfortable in sharing how much I’ve earned in crypto to my friends no matter if it’s in real-life or in social media. Why would I do that? To prove something to them like a “not to brag, but to inspire” statement?

While I see most of my crypto friends on Facebook are crazy enough in bragging about their crypto earnings every day (like they can’t live a day without bragging so much), I just remained silent and staying low key. In fact, I am technically inactive on Facebook since the beginning of 2022. In other words, I’m just a silent reader.

Coz’ if they keep doing that, one day karma will return to them. They might be targeted by scammers, criminals, etc., later on in stealing their money and other possessions. Not only that, some of the social media friends might reach out to you to borrow them money on a consistent basis.

And yes there is already a case that a woman was bragging about her crypto earnings, and then one day some men declared a holdup to her early morning in the street, assaulting her and get away with her possessions and important stuff.

Back then, all I am sharing is just my travel experiences, news updates and videos about cryptocurrencies, etc., and not how much I’ve earned, etc. If they do ask me one day in private, I’ll just educate them and not showing my exact earnings to them.
Indeed, that's the best thing to do, to remain private and low key. Sharing your crypto earnings even to your close friends is never a good idea because its inevitable that at the end of the day, someone might get jealous on you and plans something bad like stealing what you have. Sometimes, even closest friends can be your best enemies so you should not trust people easily most especially when it comes to money matters. Greed and jealousy are always there, and people may find it hard to control most of the times.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: aoluain on March 29, 2022, 08:46:40 PM
Why would you want to tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
That can be seen as gloating.

Personally I dont tell anyone of my personal affairs, crypto or otherwise.
People generally dont go around telling everyone how much they earn,
how much they have in the bank so why divulge your crypto portfolio?

How many times in the last year have you sen anyone on the forum
post about how much Bitcoin they have? its just not the done thing.

Go about your business privately and be happy and confident in what
you are doing, you dont need confirmation from other people on how
fantastically brilliant your are.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Markinzo on March 29, 2022, 09:04:54 PM
Sharing your crypto benefits and achievements with friends ain't actually a bad idea but it actually depends on whom you share with. What level of trust and bond such a person shares with you.
Cause should you go on sharing to the wrong person's in the disguise of friendship you might end up regretting for real.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Stalker22 on March 29, 2022, 09:31:48 PM
Why would you want to tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
That can be seen as gloating.

I guess a lot of people like to brag about their successes. It makes them feel good about their achievements. Or they may just be happy that someone understands what they are working on and they want to tell them all about it.

I'm sure there will be lots of situations where you do this and it will be ok. But I wouldn't recommend doing it over and over to friends all the time. Some might become envious of your successes and hate you for it.

Another thing is that when you are telling people about your crypto successes, they are not always going to be positive. In fact, many people can be downright obnoxious about crypto. They can be jealous. They can be critical of your decisions. They can even laugh at you and mock you.

Again, this is just my opinion, but I prefer to focus on crypto without having to deal with people's negative or critical attitude.  So I avoid talking about it with most people.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Vaculin on March 29, 2022, 09:52:18 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
No, i prefer to keep it to myself. There's no point actually if i tell my friends about it because they might be offended and think that i'm bragging when in fact i'm not. So as much as possible i always keep myself low key and never share to others how far i've gone in crypto. Though they know already that i'm into crypto but telling them about my crypto earnings is always a bad idea. If they can see how my life improves in crypto, then that will give them an idea how much i'm earning in crypto.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: qwertyup23 on March 29, 2022, 10:27:59 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

Definitely! If there is an opportunity to share my earnings and methods of earning BTC, I always share it to my friends and even to strangers whom I just recently talked to!

The reason on why I am always keen on sharing it because of its impact to me in my life. It changed on how I see payments and earning money in an alternative method. The fact that I am experiencing such privilege of earning BTC weekly is just truly a blessing that I am endowed to share to anyone- though if they do follow it, they are bound to know about cryptocurrencies from their experience.

I discovered this forum from my close friend way back in 2017 and I feel like I have this duty of spreading the word to anyone, hoping to change their lives the way it changed mine.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: jerry0 on March 29, 2022, 11:28:03 PM
Would you say there is a big difference between this vs stocks?  Since someone can't just hack your stock account and withdraw it to their bank account?

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Finestream on March 29, 2022, 11:31:00 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
I always share things with my friends but not when it comes to my crypto earnings. I always believe that as long as money is involved, no one gets to be trusted so you better keep it safe to yourself. Some may mostly brag about what they have, especially in social media. But you know what's the effect? People just come to you and borrow money and if you can't give them what they want, you will be the one that ends up a bad and selfish person. That's exactly the thing i want to avoid and by keeping myself private, i feel safer and nothing to worry about if someone plans to take advantage on me.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Rengga Jati on March 29, 2022, 11:35:49 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?
I never tell about my crypto earning achievement so far to others, I think that it is no need to do this, because we don't know what other people will think about us, about our earnings, and also others. This is done for the sake of more security, moreover posting our earning achievement in the social media, not tod o that for me personally.

However, if this is about trading strategy, I will only share it to people who are asking me about crypto trading strategy. I understand myself more that I ma not a good trader, so, I will also tell them about this, tell them about the risks, and the probabilities of earning incomes. However, I cannot guarantee that the startegy will aslo wrok on the others.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Shamm on March 30, 2022, 04:40:58 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

I'll prefer to be quite and not give any statement to my friends about crypto earnings but if they will ask me about bitcoin then I'll teach them but not saying that I am earning money in here. Honestly few months ago while I am posting here then my friends back of me said that what is that thing why do you always open that link? Then I said to them that This is all about bitcoin then they will not respond.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on March 30, 2022, 06:53:29 AM
Here, many have some kind of misunderstanding of the word "friend"
If you have friends, then it should be complete trust, just like the word "native person." I have no secrets from these people. And yes, I do business with my friends and relatives. I tell them about everything that I have, exactly as they do not hide anything from me.
There is just a big difference in terms. Many people give the word "friend" to everyone in a row. And for me, this word weighs very dearly and is exactly the same meaning as mine. For a better understanding, I trust my friends as I trust myself.
But I understand that not everyone has friends. This is very sad.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Kelvinid on March 30, 2022, 09:20:50 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?
For some selected friends, I don't want them to think that I was selfish. And also helping to educate them.
Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
That was your choice. It is sometimes we think about our privacy but guess what, it can also create wrong speculations about your life. It was better for your closest friends to know and be aware of your doings for at least, they still have the confidence being with you. If that never creates any trouble which I think not, they also have the right to know something. That is the meaning of true friends.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: KotKot20 on March 30, 2022, 10:22:29 AM
No I don't tell my friend about my crypto achievement, I'm from a country where by people go bad on people when they are achieving their goals, trust nobody, when it comes to money people are envious.

Oh, what country is that?  :o

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: ice18 on March 30, 2022, 02:50:56 PM
No, unless they ask me about it when they saw some of my post regarding cryptocurrency in some of my social media accounts. Others cant believe of my achievements on how crypto change my financial needs compared to some of them who are working for years and end up no savings, they mostly got interested and some of them are now crypto investors.  

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on March 30, 2022, 06:10:17 PM
I usually just share some experiences I get when I am sending Bitcoin to another individual. It's more of.... technical stuff. I do not brag about my crypto returns, cause even myself either do not care about those people bragging too much, while I feel sometimes happy for some that a little humble at least.
"People just come to you and borrow money". Oh boy and then there would be a time that you would get annoyed by those people borrowing from you and that can also ruin connections from other people as well. Well I can just say that they brought that stuff for themselves. :D

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Dunamisx on March 30, 2022, 06:22:23 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Of course yes, but it now depends on the kind of company that you keep and in doing so, you have to be careful not to relate your sensitive credentials to them and don't let them know all you've worth, i realize that most people tend to loose privacy into the hands of friends especially when under the influence of alcohol during hangout.

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

Yes, i do share with my friends, especially on aspect i think will be of very important to them in cryptocurrency at large

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Asiska02 on March 30, 2022, 06:31:48 PM
This is a very dangerous thing to do seriously. When you live in a place where people always want you to remain the same or not achieve more than them, you can’t do such. People will even have negative thinking about the whole stuff, thinking that you’re bragging. But this all comes back to “Trust”, you share your achievements with people that you trust and can support and encourage you to do more and not just a random person or anyone you can’t trust.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Falconer on March 30, 2022, 06:53:27 PM
Here, many have some kind of misunderstanding of the word "friend"
If you have friends, then it should be complete trust, just like the word "native person." I have no secrets from these people. And yes, I do business with my friends and relatives. I tell them about everything that I have, exactly as they do not hide anything from me. There is just a big difference in terms. Many people give the word "friend" to everyone in a row.
There is particular emphasis when the OP mentions the word friend, it should be interpreted as someone we know both online and in the real world.
Do you tell your friends...
Do you share with your friends?

And for me, this word weighs very dearly and is exactly the same meaning as mine. For a better understanding, I trust my friends as I trust myself. But I understand that not everyone has friends. This is very sad.
I trust my friends, but not 100% especially if it's about money or some other secret. I often talk about trading strategies with some people I know are traders, maybe it's good to increase their knowledge and mine too. But it may not be advisable to tell him how much balance I have in the wallet because it is one of the secrets for security reasons.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: aoluain on March 30, 2022, 09:44:36 PM
Why would you want to tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
That can be seen as gloating.


Again, this is just my opinion, but I prefer to focus on crypto without having to deal with people's negative or critical attitude.  So I avoid talking about it with most people.

As do I, I keep my business to myself.

Something which hasnt been mentioned, we can choose who we would like to tell
about our crypto dealings but we cannot choose or control who those people share
that information with. Once it is in the public domain we lose control of our "secrets"
so its best to consider what we want going public and what we want to keep private.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: decodx on March 30, 2022, 09:58:51 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Although I feel like I have to tell everyone everything I do, actually it's not my favorite thing to do. Some of my friends actually enjoy my trading stories, others are just plain weirded out! Sometimes I even get people asking me how I do that when they have no clue what I'm talking about, even though they do know what a crypto is. It's ok, they are actually happy for me. But I will never show my crypto portfolios or the account I'm on, it's too risky for my security and I hate to show off my money!

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Oluwa-btc on March 31, 2022, 12:56:39 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

Although I'm still a juvenile at this Cryptocurrencies,but I have sang stuffs about it like a song, but this friend's of mine are recalcitrant and and adamant, you'll say heaven and earth and they'll rebuff talks about them.
When they're ready I'll be educated enough to share my experience.
But I have seen folks that does hurdle information about bitcoin and Crypto Currencies even in such information age we are in.

Here, many have some kind of misunderstanding of the word "friend"
If you have friends, then it should be complete trust, just like the word "native person." I have no secrets from these people. And yes, I do business with my friends and relatives.

Do business with them but, with families as stranger's and to strangers as families.
Got to read this some years back and I felt I should share.
Families can get your business down, without you dealing with them, but stranger's can be dealt with if they're not your blood.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: TheNewcomer on March 31, 2022, 05:58:23 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

I keep to myself how much I invest. That's also my business. It's not a problem for me because none of my friends are invested in crypto or interested in it.
I generally don't talk much with friends about finances for several reasons:

1. often my friends and I have different opinions (that's ok of course but then you rather talk about something else)
2.i generally don't like to talk about money, because people get jealous very quickly.
3.if I talk little with others about it, I let myself be influenced less and can form my own opinion.

(I hope my english is halfway ok ;))

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Poker Player on March 31, 2022, 06:03:40 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

No, there's really only one person I know IRL who knows I have Bitcoin. It's not like I have a lot of Bitcoin achievements either, I don't trade, I'm just doing DCA, and little by little my Bitcoin holdings are going up.

I would recommend you to be a bit cautious talking about your achievements in crypto with people.

Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

I keep to myself how much I invest. That's also my business. It's not a problem for me because none of my friends are invested in crypto or interested in it.
I generally don't talk much with friends about finances for several reasons:

1. often my friends and I have different opinions (that's ok of course but then you rather talk about something else)
2.i generally don't like to talk about money, because people get jealous very quickly.
3.if I talk little with others about it, I let myself be influenced less and can form my own opinion.

(I hope my english is halfway ok ;))

Same here. And your English is OK.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: cryptoaddictchie on March 31, 2022, 06:09:34 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
Yes only to those who are also doing it and interested too. But of course if your together with your friends that arent crypto people then dont talk about it cause they will only out of place when you start talking about it. Better to try other topics or your usual one. Non crypto users will only be confuse, or unless they are interested to know or learn and be general only not specifics I guess when you use such crypto words.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Majestic-milf on March 31, 2022, 08:05:09 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
Truth is, some times I want to share, other times I be like, "what's the point?". There are different reactions to your story if you share; some feel you are trying to over assert yourself with your opinions and then you hear things like " will we hear the end of this crypto talk?" While some will prefer you bread them always because you have qualified into the ranks of the "big boys' and will always see you as their money plug.
 As for me, I keep to myself and only disclose when I feel that individual is ready to learn.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: YOSHIE on March 31, 2022, 08:58:06 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
Friends are important, but friends are divided into several parts, there are friends who can share knowledge and trading strategies there are friends who can't be told about crypto trading.

The bottom line: friends, I mean friends who are always loyal, happy and difficult, of course sharing knowledge of trading in crypto to achieve success, I can't be alone without knowledge from friends, it's the same in this forum, if there are no friends who provide knowledge about crypto, I'm sure you don't know all this, sometimes the strategy that I don't have my friend has it as well as me the strategy that I have my friend doesn't have it, sharing knowledge with each other will achieve a good level of success.

Basically, Not all friends are bad and not all friends are good, there are good and loyal friends who share and some are bad, Conclusion: depends on friends.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Assmosis on April 01, 2022, 07:17:49 AM
I avoid that unless someone asks me. Plus, I don’t think it is important to tell them because it’s a personal affair. And honestly, my friends do not ask. Everyone is busy with their own lives.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on April 01, 2022, 11:09:54 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

Strategy can be shared if it has been profitable to you on multiple occasions. There's no point hiding it as you both can used same strategy and still come out successful. There's enough money to be made in the market that it'll go round. Hiding what you know will benefit your friends from your friends isn't ethnical or do you want your friends been a buddy on you forever?. Don't forgot it's more healthier when your cycle is financial free.

There's as big difference between crypto earning and strategy. Your earning shoudn't be exposed, don't disclosed does on purpose as you can become a target of different crimes just so your earnings can be stolen. It could be physical attack like kidnapping or digital, in forma of malware, hacks etc.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Natalim on April 01, 2022, 12:08:35 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?
Does it really need to tell them? That might possible if they will ask then but for as long as they don't bother to ask me, I'd rather keep quiet and keep it secret.
Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
Not was hard for me, I may call myself selfish for not telling others but I think it was not an issue, sometimes we have to be silent especially when it talks about money. For security reasons, we have sometimes not bulgar to anyone around us, not unless if they belong to your family.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Munir575 on April 01, 2022, 09:58:31 PM
I always find it hard to keep all my crypto achievement to myself, maybe its because I talk alot and can't be quiet at times. I do tell my friends about my journey in crypto especially the ones who show interest I believe if they are wise enough they can learn from my experience. It doesn't matter if anyone knows your earning strategy they can't stop your earning so it won't be a problem if they know.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: nurilham on April 01, 2022, 11:43:10 PM
Personally, I'm not comfortable when I have to share or tell about the achievements that I've achieved, even if it's to my friends, unless they really ask about it themselves. when asked about the actual strategy, each person has a different strategy with their respective suitability because we can't choose a strategy just by following other people's strategies. but if it's just a reference in choosing a strategy then that's okay. so I think there is no need to share the achievements with others unless the person first asks about the achievements we have got so that we can encourage others.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Ahli38 on April 02, 2022, 01:29:14 AM
I will only share my experience if my friend asks and needs it.

If friends don't ask then why should I tell them.

unless friends need inspiration or motivation and help then I will help with existing knowledge and tell a little about my achievements in crypto trading to make my friend more motivated in crypto.

sometimes if we tell without people asking then we will only be considered showing off or boasting.
in fact it can make friendships to be less good.

share when needed.
talk when asked.

and indeed sometimes it is difficult to tell at certain times or in certain things. so you can't tell everything.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Rockstarguy on April 02, 2022, 01:49:44 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

Strategy can be shared if it has been profitable to you on multiple occasions. There's no point hiding it as you both can used same strategy and still come out successful. There's enough money to be made in the market that it'll go round. Hiding what you know will benefit your friends from your friends isn't ethnical or do you want your friends been a buddy on you forever?. Don't forgot it's more healthier when your cycle is financial free.

There's as big difference between crypto earning and strategy. Your earning shoudn't be exposed, don't disclosed does on purpose as you can become a target of different crimes just so your earnings can be stolen. It could be physical attack like kidnapping or digital, in forma of malware, hacks etc.

You are right cryptocurrency strategies is not what is supposed to be hidden if truly it is working for the person, the purpose of having a good strategy that works fine is not only to earn from it but to help close ones to also benefit.  Tell people about cryptocurrency earning is risky and not safe because information like this does not stay in a particular place, it travels so far. Earnings should be made private especially if it usually comes steady.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Viscore on April 02, 2022, 09:54:57 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
I always share to my friends about crypto but i think when it comes to my personal earnings, it should always be in private. They may think that i'm boastful or arrogant the moment i share what i have been earning these past few years, so as much as possible i want to avoid it. Its better to stay being a low key person. And i don't want other people to judge me based on my earnings like i should live this way or not. As long as i keep my wealth to myself, i will always have the freedom to live the lifestyle i want.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: dansus021 on April 03, 2022, 01:32:15 AM
share crypto achievements yes not all of it but currently right know crypto become my full time job  ;D one or two friend skeptical about crypto other support and there some that curious and i tell them everything i know but usually they still confused so i give them some youtube video

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: sunsilk on April 03, 2022, 04:44:00 PM
I always share to my friends about crypto but i think when it comes to my personal earnings, it should always be in private. They may think that i'm boastful or arrogant the moment i share what i have been earning these past few years, so as much as possible i want to avoid it. Its better to stay being a low key person. And i don't want other people to judge me based on my earnings like i should live this way or not. As long as i keep my wealth to myself, i will always have the freedom to live the lifestyle i want.
It's true that they may think like that if you try to share your profits specially if it's quite high. You don't know what's on their mind whether they'll be happy for you or think negatively about you as there's this possibility that they may like to earn as much as you but you can't help them with that.

There are people in the circle of our friends that don't want anyone on their friends to go higher and above than them in terms of success and earnings and that's what I'm avoiding as well.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on April 03, 2022, 08:20:24 PM
You know the truth is, when you've got friends, it's no surprise that a few that cares and those who wish for there own progress as well will always want to know what your doing.
Especially, when they are your co-workers and for sure, there is always this idea that, your most likely not going to be dependent on a single stream of income and so, the question  of; What else do you do to boost your finances will always come up.

The once who knows your into crypto would just go straight at it and its always hard not to tell. The fact is, I tell them what I fell they should know and that's it. At times, its just buy and hodl.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Cryptmuster on April 04, 2022, 09:42:29 AM
You know the truth is, when you've got friends, it's no surprise that a few that cares and those who wish for there own progress as well will always want to know what your doing.
Especially, when they are your co-workers and for sure, there is always this idea that, your most likely not going to be dependent on a single stream of income and so, the question  of; What else do you do to boost your finances will always come up.

The once who knows your into crypto would just go straight at it and its always hard not to tell. The fact is, I tell them what I fell they should know and that's it. At times, its just buy and hodl.

None of my friends know that I have a cryptocurrency, and none of my employees know. I treat it as some kind of additional security. If someone starts a conversation in my presence on the subject of bitcoin, I simply do not support this topic, and that's it. The only one you can tell about this is the family, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives. These people will always be on your side and will not envy you - well, almost always... )

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Alisha-k on April 04, 2022, 01:33:32 PM
They're only 2 sets of persons I talk about my investments with,
1. This are co-investors, as we know, no man is an island of knowledge and majority of the times, we learn while teaching others.
Very commonly, they're some knowledge we do not know we possess unless we find ourselves dishing out knowledge and
2. Are persons I feel need financial freedom, and you know most people still have doubts about crypto so it's required you go extra such as showing them proves.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Franctoshi on April 04, 2022, 08:04:45 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P

It gives me a lot of joy to share my crypto achievement .Do you know that success without a successor is also failure? So when you're talking about crypto achievement your talking about your success in the crypto industry and which is very encouraging to do and by doing so you're helping out in creating more awareness on cryptocurrency and it's success and by further bringing up new people to also see such achievement as you've seen and the chain continues

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Masplanc on April 04, 2022, 10:32:46 PM
They're only 2 sets of persons I talk about my investments with,
1. This are co-investors, as we know, no man is an island of knowledge and majority of the times, we learn while teaching others.
Very commonly, they're some knowledge we do not know we possess unless we find ourselves dishing out knowledge and
2. Are persons I feel need financial freedom, and you know most people still have doubts about crypto so it's required you go extra such as showing them proves.

Telling achievements to co-investor is not bad, but Telling cryto achievements to who is not into cryptocurrency is very risky.  It is also good to tell coinvestors about cryptocurrency challenges not just achievements.  Opening up cryptocurrency challenges to coinvestors can also help on how to solve some problems that can be a burden in crypto trading.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Scaterbrainn on April 05, 2022, 10:11:21 AM
I would rather not. Honestly, my crypto journey has now started taking a ride. So I avoid discussing my wins. Initially, I used to discuss it with my parents. However, after discussing my failures, they told me to find something “stable.” There was also a point when I decided to quit. Thank God, I kept on. But if someone is genuinely curious, I don’t mind talking with them.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Marykeller on April 05, 2022, 04:49:59 PM
It's been a wonderful year so far, learning and knowing how to trade on crypto. My crypto achievement so far has been looking so amazing that I decided not to hide the source of my breakthrough(income) from them. Although at the initial it look difficult to let it out, later run I decided to let my few friends know about the source of my income comes from crypto.
To me hiding it from them makes no sense cause I can't be on a winning side while they are on a losing side.
Now, we all are doing well in crypto. It makes me feel good and fulfilled.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on April 05, 2022, 07:04:57 PM
This is quite....wholesome, but I guess there are just different people out there. Some are filled with jealousy towards you and would bash you over and over just to tell them your secret of your source of income, because who hates money right?
I hope you and your friends are doing well in the future.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on April 05, 2022, 08:10:24 PM
Actually, not all friends are friends, some are just passerby
some are observers and some are actually enemy in disguise waiting for the time you will fall victim and teach you the lesson you will never forget in a lifetime.
So it's advisable to keep things that has to do with finance between you and your God.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Bhig Daddy on April 05, 2022, 09:01:34 PM
Well I don't see a reason to tell my friends about my archivment, you can't trust nobody nowadays, not all people are happy to see you win, believe me some people can go extra miles just to see you fail. So to me I rather keep my finicial success to myself.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Hyphen(-) on April 05, 2022, 09:47:34 PM
Telling someone about your trading method appears to be risky at times because if you tell someone who isn't close to you about your trading pattern and strategy and he tries it and it doesn't work, he or she will forget that you shared the news to assist them and will blame you for their failure.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Ahli38 on April 06, 2022, 01:46:35 AM
Telling someone about your trading method appears to be risky at times because if you tell someone who isn't close to you about your trading pattern and strategy and he tries it and it doesn't work, he or she will forget that you shared the news to assist them and will blame you for their failure.
reality is mostly as you say. so I am not careless in giving information on my trading techniques to anyone. because sometimes people blame us for their defeat.
we must be wiser in sharing knowledge or achievements.

sometimes our good intentions are not always accepted as kindness.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on April 06, 2022, 07:52:37 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
Like you said, "sometimes, it hard to keep to one's self", I do share some of my crypto achievements as well as activities to my friends, but I do it very consciously making sure I don't expose my secret, and I share this things mainly as a way to motivate them to (for those are not yet in crypto) get into crypto, (and for those who are already into crypto (to keep going).

We all have our little secret, and as for me in particular, it takes great personal connection with a person for me to reveal one or more of my success secret to that person, anything outside of this, I only tell the person or persons all the great things I've achieved through cryptocurrencies, but I never tell them what exactly I did to achieve that.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: verbakalim on April 08, 2022, 06:22:18 AM
It doesn't make much sense to tell you about my work on cryptocurrencies. Why should I tell someone else? I can share this topic with a few people I'm very close to. Also, the people I talk to about cryptocurrencies will misunderstand me. Those who have more or less crypto money in the past have had problems because of this situation. There's no point in explaining this.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Daniel91 on April 09, 2022, 08:36:36 AM
Honestly, when it comes to finances, you really need to be very careful what you say and to whom you speak.
I don't even talk about finances with relatives and parents, much less with friends.
I find this a very personal and confidential topic that should not be discussed with others, such as the love life in your marriage.
I can generally tell my friends what I do and even help them get started with the crypto, but there is no way I can talk about the details and amounts of my crypto earnings.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: KingsDen on April 09, 2022, 08:55:05 AM
This is quite....wholesome, but I guess there are just different people out there. Some are filled with jealousy towards you and would bash you over and over just to tell them your secret of your source of income, because who hates money right?
I hope you and your friends are doing well in the future.
Some are filled with jealous and they'll do everything to get your secret to success. But majority of them loses interest when it is crypto related. And if they aren't interested in crypto, there is no need of sharing your crypto achievements with people outside the community of crypto.

But it seems Op was asking if it is right to share trading strategies with your friends who also are traders. I am not sure if this is his intended question, but if yes, it is good to share your strategies with your friends and vice versa.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Shamm on April 09, 2022, 02:44:01 PM
In terms of finances it's better to be safe and not tell anybody or your friends about your achievement if they won't ask. In short From my perspective,, I won't tell anybody or boast about what I've earned. But if someone told or ask me and they are worthy to be given then ill share my knowledge to them. Its better to quite than to a very boasting.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Rockstarguy on April 09, 2022, 04:43:43 PM
In terms of finances it's better to be safe and not tell anybody or your friends about your achievement if they won't ask. In short From my perspective,, I won't tell anybody or boast about what I've earned. But if someone told or ask me and they are worthy to be given then ill share my knowledge to them. Its better to quite than to a very boasting.

Their is no point telling them what is being earned it won't be any help to them. What is better to tell them instead is to share the knowledge which you have used in making your achievements,  it will be better that way than telling how money earned from achievements. Telll them achievements may lead to results that are not pleasant.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: acroman08 on April 09, 2022, 05:12:01 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
No, not really even if I had the urge to tell them unless they specifically ask me about it(I won't tell them everything though). they'd probably think that I am boasting if out of nowhere I suddenly talk about my earnings/profit(not that it's a lot) to them and besides, I don't really like telling anyone how much I earn even if not much.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Falconer on April 09, 2022, 06:56:33 PM
Their is no point telling them what is being earned it won't be any help to them. What is better to tell them instead is to share the knowledge which you have used in making your achievements,  it will be better that way than telling how money earned from achievements. Telll them achievements may lead to results that are not pleasant.
Most people are not interested in knowing and caring about how you achieve success, but they are more interested in your success than about your efforts. So you have to really filter these two things out because they're not really the same thing.

Obviously we've put a lot of effort and sacrifice into achieving such success, so I don't think we should tell them what the result was. I think it's good to tell them how we made this trip, but unethical to tell them how much we have because it just makes them want to jump in without trying to figure out much else. They must not be imitators, but they must acquire knowledge equivalent to what they desire.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Bamjos on April 09, 2022, 08:28:55 PM
I have two friends who we started learning together about cryptocurrency, we created a whatsapp group just for three of us in order to help ourselves learn, we discuss our success and our failures, we share our knowledge with each other and that's being a blessing to me personally, if we truly have friends it's not bad to shall our Lifehack with them, as some friends are more loyal than brothers. Especially friends you are aware that they are struggling to make a head way financially.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Shamm on April 09, 2022, 08:55:00 PM

There are many rumors if you get your achievements in my country if there's are people who calibrate their achievements many people around them rumors about their achievement.
This actually happen when a friend of mine known as a bitcoin trader they ask him {how you can do that? } {can I also do that?} Then when a friend of mine teach them the process then they replied that investment is a scam.
The main idea here is it's better to be quite if someone asking then you should investigate first if they are heartily want to learn or they are just insecure.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Ahli38 on April 10, 2022, 03:10:18 AM

There are many rumors if you get your achievements in my country if there's are people who calibrate their achievements many people around them rumors about their achievement.
This actually happen when a friend of mine known as a bitcoin trader they ask him {how you can do that? } {can I also do that?} Then when a friend of mine teach them the process then they replied that investment is a scam.
The main idea here is it's better to be quite if someone asking then you should investigate first if they are heartily want to learn or they are just insecure.
Agree. investigate in advance what the motives of a friend who ask is much better. rather than tell right away. because sometimes silence is so much better. rather than talk a lot and bring regret later on. thought it was not good. but being careful doesn't mean being presumptuous. be careful to just investigate and research and weigh the good and the bad in ourselves in the future for our actions that are going to be done now.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: erep on April 10, 2022, 06:19:39 AM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
Do you share with your friends?  :P
That not all friends have the right to know about your activities except trusted people, the fact that we live in a social environment, it is unethical to hide the opportunity to get sustenance for friends who have contributed to us, at least it will help improve their economy so far. I have given them various information about bounties, airdrops and trading strategies, but specifically for trading I have provided knowledge of the risk of loss, so I give signals only for potential profits when the market is potentially bullish.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Blank-Head on April 10, 2022, 10:10:45 AM
What I think, to be honest, I will never share with friends. I don't feel comfortable sharing how much I've earned in crypto. This is not what anyone wants right now. Whether it's in real life or on social media. So from my point of view I will not share. But I will help everyone to do something good.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: GeorgeJohn on April 10, 2022, 10:23:55 AM
Primarily the essence of generating or creating this platform is to discuss and influence people about bitcoin, by speculating the information of bitcoin, and in actual sense in order to bring more people who is ignorant of cryptocurrency is to enlightening them the profitable measure of cryptocurrency trading you generate weekly or monthly, so from my perspective it's cordial to elaborate your Profit made in cryptocurrency industry for friends, because doing that will attractive or attributes more courage to someone who lack the ideology of bitcoin to be inquisitive of learning the concept of cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Taskford on April 10, 2022, 10:47:15 AM
No because not everyone will appreciate your efforts even if you tell them about it they will just ignore you specially if your friend doesn't know about crypto. Best if they will discover that you already succeed on what you currently do because if they see you earning a lot of money from this crypto thing here for sure they provably come to you and ask about what did you do to earn such huge amount on crypto. Sometimes money is the main thing can convince people to try crypto.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: AakZaki on April 10, 2022, 03:26:04 PM
Their is no point telling them what is being earned it won't be any help to them. What is better to tell them instead is to share the knowledge which you have used in making your achievements,  it will be better that way than telling how money earned from achievements. Telll them achievements may lead to results that are not pleasant.
It will look arrogant. It's not important to tell us what we have and the plan. Maybe some people do that to get a mutually beneficial network or group. Maybe they know I'm a trader, they've seen the stuff I've got but not for all my achievements. I still live in the village so it's too sensitive for those who don't understand what I'm doing. But at least I didn't harm them, for those who want to ask about my knowledge, I always answer that with pleasure. I wouldn't keep that knowledge, I'm also happy if I could share it.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: Foolhardy on April 14, 2022, 05:38:13 AM
It might be a bit redundant to do that, since it can come off as bragging and acting superior. It may be better to bring it up casually or mention it in passing, since OP did say they want to tell others about it. It’s completely understandable to want to tell your friends, but keep in mind that they won’t all be as happy for you as you expect them to be. However, it is your decision at the end of the day, good luck!

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: mzuhry19 on April 14, 2022, 06:12:27 AM
for earned, I don't think there is a need to tell friends because this is a private secret, and for trading strategies it's better to share information with each other to get more knowledge

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: kawetsriyanto on April 14, 2022, 07:36:50 PM
Do you tell your friends about your crypto earnings and trading strategy?
NO, I never tell friends about my crypto achievement, earning, or strategy both investment-trading. It isn't something that I need to show up to friends, better to keep my privacy. Moreover, crypto jobs are still not really familiar in my country although it is legal. So, I am not comfortable sharing it with them, prefer to keep as a secret for now.

Sometimes it's hard to keep it to myself, but at the same time, I don't want to share my trading lifehacks.
If you want to share it with someone, why don't you tell trusted people in your family, mate?
Telling trusted family members seems not a bad idea. As long as they can understand that the crypto jobs aren't bad things, it is okay to share them.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on April 14, 2022, 09:07:39 PM
Got you there, mate! They are going to say that they feel happy for you, but then will stab in the back and would just keep putting you down in crypto and say all the negativities from it. Good thing I don't really brag at them.
It's good to share strategies, but just tell them that it came from your own experience and it might go different at their end due to market dynamics.

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: decodx on April 14, 2022, 09:16:55 PM
Got you there, mate! They are going to say that they feel happy for you, but then will stab in the back and would just keep putting you down in crypto and say all the negativities from it. Good thing I don't really brag at them.
It's good to share strategies, but just tell them that it came from your own experience and it might go different at their end due to market dynamics.

What kind of friends do you have? If they are really back-stabbing losers, I would kick them out of my life. They should be your friends for a reason, right? A decent man would respect and believe in your thoughts and opinions, right?

Title: Re: Do you tell your friends about your crypto achievements?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on April 14, 2022, 09:36:32 PM
It was my friends from the past.
After I hopped in college, I just found out that they were indeed back stabbing me about my crypto achievements. Good thing we separated ways already post-high school life.
I don't know where they are now, how they're doing lately or if they're trying to tail my ass due to how much I achieved in crypto, but I don't care. :D