Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: davi1d on March 31, 2022, 06:55:45 PM

Title: Online web tool for posting bitcoin submitblock hex data
Post by: davi1d on March 31, 2022, 06:55:45 PM
Hi, first post here, so hopefully it doesn't get run over too badly.  Let me precede the question with an explanation that although the question has a mining-related driver, this is not a mining question but a request for help on how to Post a submitblock RPC(?) to the bitcoin network.

Background is, I recently created an excel spreadsheet for a fun, interactive way to run the bitcoin mining process (; I believe this is the first time someone has done this.  I did it not just to learn myself, but to attract others to bitcoin by demystifying how the mining process works and encourage people to run their own nodes for posting successful submitblock results, and earn a little bitcoin at the same time.  If some users of the spreadsheet do not want to run a node, I thought it would be useful to offer a window on the aforementioned web page where they could post a successful block to the bitcoin network.

I went through this thread and searched within the bitcointalk forum and found this thread, (, but it doesn't look like the tool exists.  I don't want to repeat the work if it already exists and would like to leverage what is out there, and if it doesn't exist, would anyone be able to help me set this up?  My web page instance is on WIX, and any development like this needs a real computer engineer, not a novice like myself