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Economy => Trading Discussion => Topic started by: Rruchi man on April 02, 2022, 08:36:07 AM

Title: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Rruchi man on April 02, 2022, 08:36:07 AM
I had this conversation with a friend about which rookie candidate will make a better trader and much quickly;

- Is it the candidate that learns trading from someone directly, that is - pay someone to teach them?

- Or the candidate that invest time into online resources to teach themselves?

Before you share your opinions, i'd like to share mine first;
I feel a better candidate will be the one who pays someone to teach them directly trading and the technical know-how, my reason being that, a direct teacher shares more than knowledge to you but their experience over the years as well unlike learning yourself which you may have to make your own mistakes, sometimes may be very costly.

What is your candid opinion on this subject?

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Beparanf on April 02, 2022, 08:41:15 AM
I had this conversation with a friend about which rookie candidate will make a better trader and much quickly;

- Is it the candidate that learns trading from someone directly, that is - pay someone to teach them?

- Or the candidate that invest time into online resources to teach themselves?

Before you share your opinions, i'd like to share mine first;
I feel a better candidate will be the one who pays someone to teach them directly trading and the technical know-how, my reason being that, a direct teacher shares more than knowledge to you but their experience over the years as well unlike learning yourself which you may have to make your own mistakes, sometimes may be very costly.

What is your candid opinion on this subject?

I will choose the first one that pay for a teacher to teach him if the teacher portfolio and experience is proven successful because the newbie might be in the bad spot in case the teacher style is not suitable to the person he is teaching. DYOR on trading is a must to not rely to anyone and to verify others teachings if it has a point or not. I will prefer the combination of both option because on my own principle, I don't blindly believe to anyone that teach me especially in trading that involves money unless I have basic knowledge on what he is teaching or there's study material to confirm it.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: mk4 on April 02, 2022, 09:35:42 AM
Who will be the one teaching, and how competitive is he/she actually is with trading?

Which specific set of online resources will the person focus on?

You can't really answer this with one or the other.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on April 02, 2022, 10:10:42 AM
The candidate who is discipline, willing to learn and dedicated to succeed in trading will, it doesn't matter where the source of the knowledge is coming from. There are different factor that can affect candidate from your both options. The candidate that the teacher has to be physically present could have some disadvantages like not been able to learn if the teacher isn't there, but the candidate learning from online sources has advantage to resources that can fastern his learning process, putting into consideration both parties have access to the best in their respective options.

Now let assume both parties have the same zeal and access to the best teachers in their respective options, I'll say since the best information can be found online this days, the candidate with the online resources should be favorite to learn quickly and become a better trader. Since he'll be learning from different professional instead of just learning from one angle with a physical coach.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Wexnident on April 02, 2022, 10:42:04 AM
It would still depend on what kind of information they're taking in and how well they take it in. If we do consider them taking it pretty normal, then the level of information would matter (like the levels of information given to them at an acceptable level that they learn each and every bit properly). Honestly, I'll take the one with the learning from someone thing since if they know how to teach and know their stuff with how to trade, it's time well spent for whoever is their student. Learning level by level is a lot better than slamming it all at once after all.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: hugeblack on April 02, 2022, 12:16:37 PM
trading is related to several sciences that are not related to each other, for example:

 - Psychology: To control emotions, fear, anxiety, greed and other psychological factors that control the market.
 - Programming language: You don't need to know detailed but at least keep yourself informed.
 - Economics: You will need some factors to analyze the market, reading charts, resistance and support points, Fibonacci analysis and moving averages.
 - Track the news: News is a good source of price prediction.

Therefore, you may need someone to teach you the sciences above and then you will be ready to start trading.
The more you trade, the more experience you have, and therefore the better your financial performance.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: joeperry on April 02, 2022, 12:27:35 PM
Actually both, depends on the trader itself whether if he is really good or not but the "candidate that learns trading from someone directly" has the advantage since he doesn't need to look for learning materials and there is someone who will teach him and guide him. Unlike user who will look for learning materials and do self study the first candidate has more advantage but still depends on the trader since even if you pay and hire a personal teacher to teach you how to trade if you are not serious at all then you are not going to learn.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: palle11 on April 02, 2022, 07:48:09 PM
Learning from someone is better and faster to equip the newbie on the things needed and the speed of knowledge is not the same with that person that is just glued to the screen and trying to stumble in it. Yes after having the beginner's knowledge, that is having that start, you can then begin to practice those learnt skills and start teaching yourself again and by then it is clearer in your eyes

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: adaseb on April 03, 2022, 02:29:56 AM
The issue with getting training from someone directly is whether or not that individual actually trades profitability or not. Most of these trading gurus are great teachers but they are horrible traders. So who knows if you would be better off just learning on your own.

I think most of these courses are good for extreme beginners however when you make it to the intermediate stage you are better off trading on your own and finding what works for you best.

Long time ago I learnt that when it comes to trading you can’t teach experience. You need to learn it the hard way on your own.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Mauser on April 03, 2022, 05:06:31 AM
It depends on how good the teacher is in my opinion. Nothing wrong with paying someone to teach us his skills. The only problem might be that he is a very good trader, but very bad teaching others. There are people who make the right decisions on his brain very fast, but struggle to explain how they reached that conclusion. If the teacher has a good track record of teaching beginners the arts of trading, I would probably go with him than teach myself. Teaching ourselves might be free but will involve a lot of more time. It is up to us to distinguish between bad trading ideas/strategies and good ones. It also depends a bit on the individual, there are some people who enjoy listening to others and learn faster that way. Than there are others who maybe have a different learning speed and enjoy more reading things at their own past. Both ways can make good traders.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: crwth on April 03, 2022, 05:29:06 AM
For me as someone who has tried different workshops on trading online and in actual, It’s the better too be someone because there would be a curriculum in which you could easily absorb the materials and the knowledge that would be given by the teacher.

It would be faster because there would be someone who you could ask on the questions that you have. In that way you could easily apply what you have learned.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: davis196 on April 03, 2022, 11:31:20 AM
I would say none of the above options,but both options can be helpful along the way.
The best way to learn is by practice and by trial/error.
That doesn't exclude the two options you mentioned,but it depends of the "teacher" and the quality of the tutorials.If the mentor is really good,that would be a great supplement for the rookie traders,who are his students.
If the mentor is a fake "trading guru",then everything would be a waste of time and money.
The same thing applies to the online courses and tutorials.There are some good online tutorials and there are multiple shitty/mediocre online tutorials as well.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: jrrsparkles on April 03, 2022, 01:30:29 PM
IMO, not both of them because I feel trading can't be taught it has to come from the experience so one who spend time on learning on their own can be the better trader but when you ask about the quickest it really depends on the learning and adaptability of the individual which varies highly from one person to another.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: pawanjain on April 03, 2022, 01:37:13 PM
I had this conversation with a friend about which rookie candidate will make a better trader and much quickly;

- Is it the candidate that learns trading from someone directly, that is - pay someone to teach them?

- Or the candidate that invest time into online resources to teach themselves?

Before you share your opinions, i'd like to share mine first;
I feel a better candidate will be the one who pays someone to teach them directly trading and the technical know-how, my reason being that, a direct teacher shares more than knowledge to you but their experience over the years as well unlike learning yourself which you may have to make your own mistakes, sometimes may be very costly.

What is your candid opinion on this subject?

According to me, a better trader is the one who invests time and use various resources to gain knowledge and build wealth.
This is a long approach and consumes time but over the time the trader becomes well experienced and eventually becomes really good at trading.

On the other hand, if there's a teacher teaching you then you might start trading soon but again that depends completely on the teacher and his teaching methods.
If he is a good teacher then he might make you avoid all the mistakes that generally a beginner does.
But if the teacher is teaching just because it is his job and doesn't put much effort into you then you might end up not gaining any knowledge at all.

So I think the one who learns by himself will become better overall.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: tranthidung on April 03, 2022, 02:29:50 PM
- Is it the candidate that learns trading from someone directly, that is - pay someone to teach them?

- Or the candidate that invest time into online resources to teach themselves?

Practice makes perfect.

Moreover, what is good for your teacher, might not be good for you. Because you have your own traits that decide how you response on the market. You are the one stays in front of the screen and open, close your positions.

Learning is key and essential for your beginning phase as well as anytime you can learn something new. But practice helps you understand what you learn better, improve yourself gradually.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: goaldigger on April 03, 2022, 03:02:55 PM
- Is it the candidate that learns trading from someone directly, that is - pay someone to teach them?

- Or the candidate that invest time into online resources to teach themselves?

Both of them, considering the knowledge that they get on those resources if they can adopt everything in just a short period of time then I see them to become a profitable trader.

We can't compare this two, we all have different timeline and there's no competition in trading so its better to focus on the learning process. Both are good ways to learn more about trading, I guess the one who will succeed here are the one who are more dedicated to master trading, this will depend on the traders behavior.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Silberman on April 03, 2022, 04:04:25 PM
I had this conversation with a friend about which rookie candidate will make a better trader and much quickly;

- Is it the candidate that learns trading from someone directly, that is - pay someone to teach them?

- Or the candidate that invest time into online resources to teach themselves?

Before you share your opinions, i'd like to share mine first;
I feel a better candidate will be the one who pays someone to teach them directly trading and the technical know-how, my reason being that, a direct teacher shares more than knowledge to you but their experience over the years as well unlike learning yourself which you may have to make your own mistakes, sometimes may be very costly.

What is your candid opinion on this subject?
To me that does not make any difference, I think we have all seen during our years at school excellent students that could learn a great deal of knowledge with no help from their teachers as long as they got the books, while we have also witnessed bad students that will never learn a topic even if the best teacher was with them 24/7, at the end it depends on your own skill to understand the markets and your ability to deal with them at an emotional level, which is something the majority of the people cannot do.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Oceat on April 03, 2022, 05:24:32 PM
The answer would definitely depends on someone's ability to cope up or master the technique or strategy in trading. Since a lot of factors that influence the results e.g. someone might be good at trading but not good at teaching or the client can't keep up with their teacher. And if it's someone who invest a lot of time learning through reading lots of books they might sucks at the actual trading although, trading for the first time won't give you more profit since you are in the training stage. So the result would actually varies with these different factors.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: hyudien on April 03, 2022, 06:08:49 PM
I had this conversation with a friend about which rookie candidate will make a better trader and much quickly;

- Is it the candidate that learns trading from someone directly, that is - pay someone to teach them?

- Or the candidate that invest time into online resources to teach themselves?

Both have advantages and disadvantages of each, depending on how agile a person in absorbing the information obtained. However, the first point has the advantage that we don't have to guess at identifying information, because there are already guides and guides with good skills and experience in the field of trading. So we will focus on trading and the material that has been given. While teaching ourselves, apart from the difficulty of finding reference sources, we are also required to carry out trades with minimal understanding.

If we do have more capital, then choosing the first point will be much more effective.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Helpme_please on April 03, 2022, 09:07:20 PM
personally all of that will back to ourself , did we could absorb tranfer knowledge well from any source even directly teach by expert or not. every one will have different progress in their learning , maybe due some reason beginer traders whose have big patience and good emotion controll could grow up better.our sacrifice in learning will show the progress, its not instant and never thinking if teached by expert could have easier way.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Scripture on April 03, 2022, 09:52:38 PM
There’s no correct answer here because it will always depend on the market situation and depends on how those two trade in the market. No all those who trained to be a good trader able to make money at first, because the situation in real market is totally different and those who teach themselves might have a limited knowledge about the market, they still need real practice before they can have a good trades. The moment you spend time learning how to trade is already a good move, the next thing to do is to focus on your own strategy.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Ararbermas on April 04, 2022, 03:53:00 AM
Of course the one that will have better trade and can gain quickly in trading are those traders that paying someone for guidance and knowledge , because there's always a correction once there's a mistakes on their speculation, unlike those traders that doing the job on their own which is no one will correct them.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Strongkored on April 04, 2022, 08:15:29 AM
I had this conversation with a friend about which rookie candidate will make a better trader and much quickly;

- Is it the candidate that learns trading from someone directly, that is - pay someone to teach them?

- Or the candidate that invest time into online resources to teach themselves?

What is your candid opinion on this subject?
Both ways will probably be the best, because it all depends on the comfort of the newbie learning about trading and the newbie's ability to use the money to increase the knowledge, there will be those who prefer to spend their money on trading than paying teachers so online source is the choice, and I am one who prefers to use the money to trade directly and increase knowledge through online resources.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Flexystar on April 04, 2022, 12:31:03 PM
It depends on few factors though. For example, if I’m to learn trading techniques then I would love to keep learning online even though they have taught me in offline class. I mean whenever they teach us something in post grad program I would still go online, learn even more in depth science behind it and gain more with examples. Like many people have ability to learn quickly from tutor but many of them still need self study. It’s that kinda stuff where few Love to have visual learning’s while others would just listen and grasp. For me it’s both ways. I will never understand things firmly in the first instance itself.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: taufik123 on April 04, 2022, 03:40:23 PM
Of course the one that will have better trade and can gain quickly in trading are those traders that paying someone for guidance and knowledge , because there's always a correction once there's a mistakes on their speculation, unlike those traders that doing the job on their own which is no one will correct them.
Taking offline classes or learning from other people who are already professionals in trading are good choices. Of course such learning will be guided directly and will get some learning when there are some that must be justified and understood.

But even so, learning online independently will also be beneficial for long-term learning, because if we only rely on tutors or materials from other people we as people who want to learn trading will never grow.

Master the knowledge of the person who teaches us and then develop it by doing independent research, it will be better.

But the most important thing is how good and mentally strong we are in dealing with real trading, it will determine whether we are able to become a trader or not.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: gabbie2010 on April 04, 2022, 03:46:20 PM
I had this conversation with a friend about which rookie candidate will make a better trader and much quickly;

- Is it the candidate that learns trading from someone directly, that is - pay someone to teach them?

- Or the candidate that invest time into online resources to teach themselves?

Before you share your opinions, i'd like to share mine first;
I feel a better candidate will be the one who pays someone to teach them directly trading and the technical know-how, my reason being that, a direct teacher shares more than knowledge to you but their experience over the years as well unlike learning yourself which you may have to make your own mistakes, sometimes may be very costly.

What is your candid opinion on this subject?
I personally invested my time on online resources to learn trading, option 2, though I have not gotten to a level of being an expert yet, however I garnered experience in the art of trading having spent plenty of charting hours to study, analyze and learn candlestick patterns, I don't think any paid service can render such a service, I learnt trading by live trading to test my strategy and emotions and possibly correct any mistakes that arise from a loss trade, so far the experience had been very valuable and encouraging and getting prepared towards adding more funds into my trading account.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: tvplus006 on April 04, 2022, 06:30:16 PM
...feel a better candidate will be the one who pays someone to teach them directly trading and the technical know-how...

Of course, individual training will be preferable to self-training in trading. But in this case, it is very important that the teacher is really a professional not only in theory, but also a successful trader who can really not only explain the theory correctly, but also be able to trade successfully.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Silberman on April 07, 2022, 04:37:57 PM
...feel a better candidate will be the one who pays someone to teach them directly trading and the technical know-how...

Of course, individual training will be preferable to self-training in trading. But in this case, it is very important that the teacher is really a professional not only in theory, but also a successful trader who can really not only explain the theory correctly, but also be able to trade successfully.
And that is something that is even more difficult to find, after all there are many traders out there, but very few successful traders, and with this in mind then it is going to be very difficult for anyone to experience the first scenario, and even if you could find one then the amount of money that you will need to pay to hire him is very high, while a person learning from books can learn more and faster and they can do it for a very reduced price, keeping most of their capital intact in the process.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Reid on April 07, 2022, 07:03:50 PM
There are successful traders who did it themselves so I guess there's no right answer here.
With the broad amount of tools in the internet it is not that hard to learn trading anymore. I have seen younger guys who managed to make profits out of learning in watching streams and reading articles.
If there's someone to teach, it will depend on both listener and how good the teacher is. Not all have the patience to answer foolish questions from a beginner.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: tvplus006 on April 08, 2022, 01:05:15 PM
And that is something that is even more difficult to find, after all there are many traders out there, but very few successful traders, and with this in mind then it is going to be very difficult for anyone to experience the first scenario, and even if you could find one then the amount of money that you will need to pay to hire him is very high, while a person learning from books can learn more and faster and they can do it for a very reduced price, keeping most of their capital intact in the process.

High-quality training is expensive, but there is no guarantee that after completing the training you will trade with profit. After all, in fact, you will get only theoretical knowledge, but for successful trading you will also need a long practice. As for self-education, it will undoubtedly take even more time and also does not guarantee that you will become a successful trader.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: ethereumhunter on April 08, 2022, 04:35:23 PM
Becoming a better and faster trader took time and if he could find a teacher who would guide him, that would be even better. But for starters, maybe a beginner can learn on their own about trading knowledge while looking for a suitable person to teach him trading further.

He could pay someone who knew the trade to teach him if he had more money. But if he doesn't have extra money, he can only do it by self-study. I think self-study is also okay with a better internet because a beginner can find many valuable lessons through the internet. He can learn from the internet and what's more important is that he can put it into practice by making real trades. Putting into practice what he has learned will help him improve his trading skills.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: crzy on April 08, 2022, 09:35:47 PM
Its hard to tell, they both have the knowledge in trading but we can’t know who will execute or trade properly. There’s no competition here, both of them wants to make money and trading seems to be a good opportunity for them and that’s why they took extra miles and learn how it works. We should always learn, focus on our own strategy and trade based on our needs and skills, we should not compete against other traders its better to compete against the market itself.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: jossiel on April 08, 2022, 09:41:58 PM
If the person being paid is really a trader and not just a sort of coach that earns money from his trading course. Then, I'd say that's a shortcut and that person could really help to make someone profitable.

I've seen real traders that are helping a lot of newbies to go into trading without any pay. Those type of teachers just really want to share their knowledge and has ample time to give insights and teachings about the market.

The second one, it's like the best traders that have gone through the experiences and I'd say that I'll choose this path if the speed of being profitable isn't a matter.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on April 09, 2022, 11:26:44 AM
There's a reason they say those who stand on the shoulders of giants are propelled to greater heights faster than those who don't have that opportunity. It's a simple matter that anyone who has someone teaching them trading will have a better and faster grasp of trading than those who are self taught. However, let me quickly put it out here that mastering the art of trading from a mentor will depend on the technical know-how of the person mentoring one. If one's mentor is well grounded, definitely one is in a better position. If not, one will perpetually incur trading frustrations here and there. To succeed in trading requires experience. That's what having a mentor affords anyone.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: barbara44 on April 09, 2022, 02:01:05 PM
I like your opinion and my view would be closer than that but I will only add that learning all by yourself is more satisfying. I agree that it can cost you more expenses at first for the trial and error phase but once you overcome this phase, you will feel that you can now overcome anything.

Your knowledge and skills is going to be more advanced than those people who pay someone else to teach them because what is being taught to them are only limited to what they pay. The only advantage with this is they can start trading immediately but it was not about who is first but it is about who will stay longer in the game and who can earn better in the long run.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: GreatArkansas on April 09, 2022, 02:33:20 PM
Always depends on the people. Even if you are either of the two or even do it both if you really don't want to learn or you don't love what you are doing or are not dedicated, it will not work.
Another thing is there are different people also who love learning on their own and others are not, it's like a method of learning.
But for me, having someone to teach you or paying just to learn is more serious here because there is other people or money involved, you don't need to waste it unless it's ok to you.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: palle11 on April 09, 2022, 04:41:53 PM
I like your opinion and my view would be closer than that but I will only add that learning all by yourself is more satisfying. I agree that it can cost you more expenses at first for the trial and error phase but once you overcome this phase, you will feel that you can now overcome anything.

It is always an advantage to have a good start. If you learn from someone, you can't undermine the speed of progress that you will witness in it. I understand your point of view that standing by your self is the angle you are looking at but forex is a highly risky business and if you only want to do it yourself you can end up losing courage because of the huge amount of money that will be wasted. So if you have a good mentorship, it will be better to have a good start.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: KingsDen on April 09, 2022, 09:35:05 PM
I had this conversation with a friend about which rookie candidate will make a better trader and much quickly;

- Is it the candidate that learns trading from someone directly, that is - pay someone to teach them?

- Or the candidate that invest time into online resources to teach themselves?

Why do we have to chose one among the above?
How about if the candidate combines the above methods, I think that would be the most successful candidate.
First, you pay to learn directly but at your leisure (no lecture time), you use the online resources to perfect what you learnt from your tutor.
Someone teaching you has a particular method of teaching and peculiar strategies, but in the online resources, you can find hundreds of ways to do a particular thing.
So, it will be fine not to depend on only one, careful combination of both will give a more appropriate result.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Silberman on April 11, 2022, 02:16:50 AM
And that is something that is even more difficult to find, after all there are many traders out there, but very few successful traders, and with this in mind then it is going to be very difficult for anyone to experience the first scenario, and even if you could find one then the amount of money that you will need to pay to hire him is very high, while a person learning from books can learn more and faster and they can do it for a very reduced price, keeping most of their capital intact in the process.

High-quality training is expensive, but there is no guarantee that after completing the training you will trade with profit. After all, in fact, you will get only theoretical knowledge, but for successful trading you will also need a long practice. As for self-education, it will undoubtedly take even more time and also does not guarantee that you will become a successful trader.
True, however when we begin to think about whether newbie traders have more capital or time at their disposal this is a no contest, most newbie traders simply cannot afford to use a substantial amount of their capital hiring someone to teach them, learning from books or other sources on your own will be more time consuming and harder as well, but for the majority that is the only realistic option they have at their disposal, independently of how long it may take them to achieve a level high enough to become profitable while trading the markets.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 17, 2022, 02:42:06 PM
I like your opinion and my view would be closer than that but I will only add that learning all by yourself is more satisfying. I agree that it can cost you more expenses at first for the trial and error phase but once you overcome this phase, you will feel that you can now overcome anything.

It is always an advantage to have a good start. If you learn from someone, you can't undermine the speed of progress that you will witness in it. I understand your point of view that standing by your self is the angle you are looking at but forex is a highly risky business and if you only want to do it yourself you can end up losing courage because of the huge amount of money that will be wasted. So if you have a good mentorship, it will be better to have a good start.

Having a tutor is good, and even bad at the same time, because in one way or another you learn everything they can teach you, tricks, maybe things that they have taken from their experience, but all knowledge is not in one person, it is always good to take other teachings into consideration, more so if it comes from other sources, such as books, videos or others, particularly I always recommend reading books, but not technical analysis, but trying to understand how it moves the market.

When we take into account how the market moves, it is easier to enter with technical analysis, because only technical analysis does not determine market movements.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Desmong on April 17, 2022, 10:55:57 PM
I think the candidate that decided to pay someone to learn it from them might end up having limited understanding about what trading really entails. The candidate will be better more if they go as far to gain more knowledge from online resources or seek for mentorship so they can have better knowledge on what trading is all about.

 The other candidates that decided to have self learning might have some difficulty in understanding so parts when it comes to trading. He will understand trading but still need a mentor that will be a guidian based on the person's experience so far.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: tvplus006 on April 19, 2022, 11:25:05 AM
... The other candidates that decided to have self learning might have some difficulty in understanding so parts when it comes to trading. He will understand trading but still need a mentor that will be a guidian based on the person's experience so far.

The teacher will not be able to teach you more than he himself knows. But there is no doubt that he will teach you basic knowledge, on the basis of which you will be able to study independently. Thus, using this knowledge and gaining experience from independent trading, you will be able to improve your trading skills.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Findingnemo on April 22, 2022, 12:33:57 PM
Learning better or learning faster because both can't happen at once, you can hire someone and pay few thousand dollars for a week to teach you about trading strategies but no one can give assurance that you will be in profits because you learnt all those strategies which is something you can achieve from your experience.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: Wexnident on April 22, 2022, 02:14:49 PM
I think the candidate that decided to pay someone to learn it from them might end up having limited understanding about what trading really entails. The candidate will be better more if they go as far to gain more knowledge from online resources or seek for mentorship so they can have better knowledge on what trading is all about.

 The other candidates that decided to have self learning might have some difficulty in understanding so parts when it comes to trading. He will understand trading but still need a mentor that will be a guidian based on the person's experience so far.
But that means risking the idea that the candidate would need to learn everything all at once, from the jargon to what that means to what this means. It's a convoluted mess if you don't know what you're studying, and even if you do try to set a path, each path would have branching paths that you'd need to understand and look up yourself which makes it really difficult. Having someone teach you at the very least puts you on a path, even if it does limit what you learn.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 22, 2022, 02:49:19 PM
I think self learning is possible in this sector. There are resources available but it becomes better if someone does some hand holding. While this is best done with someone who has good intentions it is often taken up by shill promoters on YouTube and social media where in the problem starts.

Previous experience in stocks and other fiat markets do help is guiding the basics about Bitcoin and that becomes important to a new entrant. Someone who knows how market psychology works can remain strong during severe movements and still manage to trade in profit.

Reading books help, but often books are written with the motive of pushing some specific concepts because nobody out there is going to peer-review a book on trading strategies.

Title: Re: Which rookie candidate will make a better trader and quickly too?
Post by: ethereumhunter on April 22, 2022, 03:43:41 PM
Learning better or learning faster because both can't happen at once, you can hire someone and pay few thousand dollars for a week to teach you about trading strategies but no one can give assurance that you will be in profits because you learnt all those strategies which is something you can achieve from your experience.
This is true. Therefore, we better learn from various sources and use the money we have to try to trade. As long as we can still get trading lesson materials for free, we can use them for our purposes. In addition, by learning on our own and experiencing various kinds of mistakes, we can also learn to analyze to correct our previous mistakes. Of course, it will be able to increase our ability to trade.