Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: ariinv on April 10, 2022, 03:51:09 PM

Title: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: ariinv on April 10, 2022, 03:51:09 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Stalker22 on April 10, 2022, 05:46:18 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Gold and silver are most commonly referred to as precious metals, so there is no need to label them in binary as "gold" and "silver" because the price movements of both assets are mostly correlated.

This chart compares gold prices and silver prices back to 2012.
Gold Prices vs Silver Prices Historical Chart (

When it comes to investment portfolios, most advisors would tell you that a portfolio should have a mix of traditional, risk-managed and alternative investments. This means that if you are invested in stocks, bonds, real estate and commodities, your portfolio should include assets such as Bitcoin to help diversify and to ensure you are not over exposed to a single asset class. If you are investing for the long-term and are risk tolerant, you would want to put 10 to 20 percent of your investments into Bitcoin and maybe other cryptocurrencies as well. Although it may sound risky to own an asset class that has significant price volatility and can even be speculative, but this is not something to ignore. It is important to diversify your assets, and Bitcoin may be just the asset you should diversify into.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Freeesta on April 10, 2022, 06:12:33 PM
What's with the weird question? Of course gold! What could be better than gold to keep your savings? At all times, gold has always had a high price. If I have a lot of money, a small part can be invested in cryptocurrency, but I will still invest the main part in gold.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Flexystar on April 10, 2022, 06:13:22 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Gold and silver are most commonly referred to as precious metals, so there is no need to label them in binary as "gold" and "silver" because the price movements of both assets are mostly correlated.

Very well explained. Right to the point. Truly it’s worthless to compare these three together. If op really want to compare then just compare it with fiat because that is the closet type of asset which we see into bitcoin. There are still many people who do not consider bitcoin as current and neither many consider it as asset. The thing is vice versa is another dimensional truth.

This is why many times people compare bitcoin with gold as store value or something like an asset for long keeping. But hodling Bitcoin is another chapter in crypto space which is purely based on its limited supply etc.

So gold is gold, it’s physical, lucid, and people Love to wear it.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Haunebu on April 10, 2022, 06:38:35 PM
It all comes down to risk management at the end of the day. If you are focusing on low-medium risk options that could potentially increase your investment by a small-medium margin, I suggest investing in Gold or Silver.

On the other hand, if you are focusing on medium-high risk options that could potentially increase your investment by a medium-high margin, I suggest investing in BTC and other popular cryptocurrencies.

I am not a financial advisor obviously and these are just my personal thoughts. Do your own research thoroughly before investing op.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: _act_ on April 10, 2022, 06:48:47 PM
What's with the weird question? Of course gold! What could be better than gold to keep your savings? At all times, gold has always had a high price. If I have a lot of money, a small part can be invested in cryptocurrency, but I will still invest the main part in gold.
Why only gold when there are assets like bitcoin? Gold is a store of value but bitcoin is a store of value and the value will also passively increase if hold for long. The amount of goods that gold can buy in the last 10 years is almost the same amount gold can buy this year, just little difference would be there. But what certain amount of what bitcoin can buy in the last 5 years, the same amount of bitcoin can buy 10 times more of the goods this year. I will prefer bitcoin.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Fortify on April 10, 2022, 07:09:04 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Who are these magical advisers? Because there are a million others probably saying that stocks and bonds might be better. Or platinum, or palladium, or fine wine, or artwork. Diversification is the best thing for anybodies financial health and you should definitely not limit yourself to only the original 3 options. For starters, gold and silver are usually roughly correlated, so if there was a collapse in price tomorrow they will likely both fall and that's not a very helpful investment. People generally stick with the stock market, if only through pensions, because it is driven forward by productive companies generating cash and that cash is either reinvested or distributed to shareholders, it has been returning something like 7-8%|+ per year on average for the last couple decades.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Smartvirus on April 10, 2022, 07:18:58 PM
Before I get to say whateve, I'll like to point out that there is always a risk factor in every investment one wants to go into. With that being said, I'll like to point out one fact:

* In the light of making profit, evolving feilds always promises more than an already stabilised field. In essence, cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin) offers more than gold and silver which are already stabilised to some extent. Same applies in the risk factor too.
* When we look at relatively stable fields like Gold and Silver, your growth is sure to  come but rather slowly although much safer.

I am a bitcoin patriot and as such, I would go for bitcoin over any of those listed commodities. Simply because I believe in it but still, I've got to keep my investments to what I could afford to loose.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: wheelz1200 on April 10, 2022, 07:19:12 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Why not all of them?  I know people will bring up stats of what has done better but there should be room in your portfolio for all of them.  Diversify is king for capital retention.  It should
never be which one but more a what percentage of your portfolio is each.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: mindrust on April 10, 2022, 07:26:46 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Any of them may come in handy in different situations. Silver takes more space but it is at its all time lows against gold so if you have room space, you can buy silver. Crypto has no physical form but choosing the right one is quite tricky.

You can always have all three. It is not either this or that. Buy some gold, some silver and some crypto.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: wxa7115 on April 10, 2022, 07:43:05 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
It depends, gold can be a good investment but the time it needs to be held is measured not in years but in decades, if you can wait that long, you can take physical delivery of your gold, you can keep it safe and you can verify you are buying real gold then gold is a good investment.

But if you cannot do one of those things then you need to think about different alternatives, and without a doubt bitcoin is one of the best assets you can buy right now so you can protect your wealth during the next years.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: tabas on April 10, 2022, 09:55:57 PM
If you have the chance to have all of them then take all of it and that will serve as your diversified portfolio. It's always been good to have gold and silver if you're into traditional assets.
But the better market that we have today is obviously in crypto, specifically bitcoin. So if you think that you have to allocate your money in all of them then that's much better.
And if you're only going to need and take one of them then your very option is to take bitcoin. You're in a bitcoin forum and everyone would be suggesting you the same.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: goaldigger on April 10, 2022, 10:17:16 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Those are great investments since then, slowly rising in value and compare to stocks the supply is quiet limited and that’s why the values continues to rise. During uncertainty and war, many people turns into gold investment to protect their wealth and right now, it could be the best thing to do under this circumstances. Good thing is that, crypto is just been added to that options, which I prefer to have more now. They are all good, if there’s a chance to have them all grab it, that can be more worth it in the years to come.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: ajochems on April 10, 2022, 11:03:42 PM
When you asked me this question before 2013,my answer will be Gold.Because after my involvement in the trading of crypto, my investment towards the Gold was reduced .Because gold return was very less compared to the crypto currency from 2013 itself.My investment on silver was reduced from now and then.Because the investment of Silver doesn’t need a huge investment.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Scripture on April 10, 2022, 11:12:01 PM
They are all good depends on which risk you wanna take, because even if they are good there are still risk and with cryptocurrency, the risk are very high so better to be ready for than. If you want a more stable pumping, go for gold and silver but if you want to be more active and know how to play in the market, then cryptocurrency is the best for you.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: crzy on April 10, 2022, 11:14:33 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
They are correct since we’ve seen so much inflation with fiat currency and while there’s a war you can expect for the value of fiat currency to be decrease because of a high inflation. You should not invest on crypto if you are not familiar with it, this is not just like gold and silver, cryptomarket is really different and too volatile as well but for long term investment, Bitcoin can be good.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: romero121 on April 10, 2022, 11:57:35 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
If you think of the investment for this decade, then it is cryptocurrency. Gold can be considered as a security asset whereas bitcoin can be prioritised as a long term investment. For users who doesn't risk their money has to go with gold for limited profit whereas with cryptocurrency the risk of losing is big so is the profiting.

Don't complicate it. Just take a small piece of paper and write down the price of gold and bitcoin today. Just leave it and take it after a week or a month. Now once again write the price of bitcoin and gold by that time. You'll find the difference with both. With bitcoin you will see the price high from the initial or else it'll be down. If the price is down understand the risk and if it has increased, understand the profiting.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: arwin100 on April 10, 2022, 11:57:53 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Actually its up for you to decide on which of those valuable assets will you choose to trade since in the end og the day we still have chance to lose our money their if market volatility is not doing good and earn when those price pump. So I guess this talk depends on what people like and if they want high risk and high reward thing maybe we can say crypto is good to that, also expect that majority will answer crypto since you are asking this question on bitcoin and cryptocurrency forum.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: nullama on April 11, 2022, 12:22:35 AM
Gold and silver have a lot of issues given that they're physical objects, hard to carry around, difficult to validate, etc.

Altcoins are mostly scams.

Which leaves Bitcoin as the best investment, by far.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: adaseb on April 11, 2022, 02:32:58 AM
I don’t think gold is a good long term investment. Especially at $2000. Even if you bought it years ago at $1200 you would barely make anything.

From what I read the gold price is highly manipulated and there is more gold traded in the future markets than actually exists so basically there are entities which keep the price at a certain level. Same with silver but to a small degree.

Out of the three crypto obviously seems like the smarter play.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Moneyprism on April 11, 2022, 02:35:02 AM
Gold, Silver and Crypto are investment instruments that have their respective potentials ... but if asked to choose I will choose gold and crypto for long-term investments ... and I will increase the proportion of my investment in crypto, because it is clear that in the future adoption of crypto will increase, and this will definitely increase the price of popular crypto,, but also I don't want to put my assets in one basket,,, so gold is the best choice as a safe asset

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Chato1977 on April 11, 2022, 03:27:11 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Please never ask competition question regarding digital and virtual specially here in Bitcointalk forum when almost everyone is Bitcoin holder and supporter.

I will give my direct answer for your knwoledge.

I am holding small amount of Gold for emergency purpose , same as silver , But majority of my investments are in Bitcoin and Altcoins.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Poker Player on April 11, 2022, 03:43:24 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

One problem with gold and silver, apart from what has already been said about them being difficult to store and transport, is that especially if you buy modest amounts, if you plan to sell in a few years you will probably not even cover the buying and selling commissions. They have traditionally been hedges against inflation but without giving spectacular returns in the long term, and in an environment with high inflation it does not seem that they will beat it. Investing in Bitcoin is much more likely to not only protect you from inflation but to be profitable on a net basis. We can't be so sure of this, however, when it comes to precious metals.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Sir Legend on April 11, 2022, 05:02:27 AM
For long-term asset security, of course dividing the investment into several posts is the best thing, even though gold has a slow development that is not more than 10% per year but gold investment is the best at this time, and dividing the investment portion is the thing that will allow us to get profit according to the target we set.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: lienfaye on April 11, 2022, 05:21:36 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Every investment has risk so we cant be so certain if we choose the right investment for us to gain huge. However with these options (Gold, silver and crypto), I can say that its good to diversify with these type of investments.

Gold and silver has a physical form and a traditional investment for many people, its a good option to keep for long. While crypto particularly Bitcoin is a profitable investment as well, though its an speculative asset, old investors proved that its a wise decision to invest in Bitcoin as early as you can.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: josgandosbro on April 11, 2022, 05:34:09 AM
Gold and silver good investment but it not easy to use any where. Bitcoin is any time to use and any where to use it future digital coins. So it usefull for the future growth. Bitcoins any time to increase the price. Gold and silver valu also increase but it any use any where. Bitcoin is future corrence. It good future investment.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: _act_ on April 11, 2022, 05:55:32 AM
Gold and silver have a lot of issues given that they're physical objects, hard to carry around, difficult to validate, etc.

Altcoins are mostly scams.

Which leaves Bitcoin as the best investment, by far.
Out of almost 19000 altcoins, only few are not scam, the once that are not scam are more volatile and the bear time is not encouraging. What I do not like about altcoins mostly is because they are centralized unlike bitcoin. To go for most decentralized coin, bitcoin is the true and only option.

Also about gold, gold bar has a specific price, people can buy certain amount of gold bar in a way you can not divide it or hard to divide, unlike bitcoin that you can even buy $100 worth of bitcoin or even lower amount.

Is another is the convenience of storage, bitcoin is easy to store than gold which require space.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Oasisman on April 11, 2022, 06:04:43 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Screw this financial advisors lol, I would go all out for Bitcoin.
Or If you're a risk taker, you should try and start your research with potential alts in the market.
Though Silver or Gold may protect you against inflation, but the goal here is to create significant gains let's say in just a couple of years.
Silver and Gold is way lesser volatile than crypto. So, that depends on your purpose. If you want a lesser gains but prioritize your money to safeguard against inflation then you can go with Gold and Silver.
However, if you want significant gains, I'd always have to invest in Crypto.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: davis196 on April 11, 2022, 06:21:45 AM
I would say that you(and everyone else) should pick both precious metals and Bitcoin.
The world of finance isn't some weird game,where you have to pick only one option and completely abandon all the other options.Every financial expert is talking about diversification for a reason.
Bitcoin outperformed precious metals in the last years,but currently,the BTC price isn't going to another ATH(in times of high inflation and insecurity),while many people started buying gold again.
Bitcoin kinda failed as a protection against inflation and a safe heaven asset.Perhaps this might change in the future.

I don’t think gold is a good long term investment. Especially at $2000. Even if you bought it years ago at $1200 you would barely make anything.

From what I read the gold price is highly manipulated and there is more gold traded in the future markets than actually exists so basically there are entities which keep the price at a certain level. Same with silver but to a small degree.

Out of the three crypto obviously seems like the smarter play.

People buy gold to preserve the value of their capital,not to make gigantic profits.
We have to differentiate speculative investments from hedging investments.The first are risk-seeking,while the second want to escape from risk.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: fauzan Ichsan on April 11, 2022, 06:27:38 AM
I think this selection depends on our goals. gold and silver have less fluctuation than crypto. but with cryptocurrencies we will get a bigger return than those two. for people who have high speculation then choosing crypto as an investment tool is right. but for those who want more secure security, then the choice of diversification and investing in all three is also good. For me, the most important thing is that we know the characteristics of the three, so we don't make the wrong move, just like the panic sell I mean

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: strunberg on April 11, 2022, 06:41:37 AM
Gold, Silver and Crypto are investment instruments that have their respective potentials ... but if asked to choose I will choose gold and crypto for long-term investments ... and I will increase the proportion of my investment in crypto, because it is clear that in the future adoption of crypto will increase, and this will definitely increase the price of popular crypto,, but also I don't want to put my assets in one basket,,, so gold is the best choice as a safe asset
take silver as your portofolio too, its actually hidden gem commodity which is applied in any industry. alot prediction said it could reach $1000 in several years, when no one know about its potency we should be early investors. gold and crypto saved by alot investors, and its price more volatile if compare with silver. no one doubt at this moment gold still be best metal,but someday silver will take this place.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Mamun74 on April 11, 2022, 07:17:31 AM
Gold and silver good investment but it not easy to use any where. Bitcoin is any time to use and any where to use it future digital coins. So it usefull for the future growth. Bitcoins any time to increase the price. Gold and silver valu also increase but it any use any where. Bitcoin is future corrence. It good future investment.

Gold and silver old asset but bitcoin digital global currency. Both are valuable and people usually using these things. Gold and silver value and price too much low many years ago but now gold and silver price huge increase. At the same thing bitcoin more and more increase in 2021 and already touched $68k+.Gold and silver people's usually using but bitcoin using to investment. I think bitcoin investment best for present and future. I hope bitcoin investment  will be more popular and most valuable in future.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: blockman on April 11, 2022, 08:12:36 AM
Why don't you add to the choices of real estate? If it's included then I'll choose two, I'll dump gold and silver for bitcoin and real estate. That's all that I want.
I'm not a fan of those precious metals but I know that they've got a good value but they've been moving too slow and I don't like that. Whilst for bitcoin and real estate, I've got the feeling that having these two will make me secure with my investments although some say that real estate is a bubble and bitcoin is a volatile market. Well, there goes with a risk for each investments that we take and I'm willing to take all of those.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: zaesvlas on April 11, 2022, 01:41:50 PM
In the current situation, I definitely choose gold. I think many have made a conclusion and understand why it is now beneficial.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 11, 2022, 01:43:25 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
If you got financial advisors and you are asking on an internet forum, its like asking for medical advice on facebook comments after a specialist has already seen you. ::)

My suggestion is that if you trust your advisors go with what they have suggested. If you want to do more research on this topic, then you have to hold on and learn to observe charts and patterns before going in.

Of course for the long term, all three are good. Gold and Silver area already well established on their liquidity and long term value. The small problems are only with bitcoin, which I consider as starting hurdles and they will be recovered with time. Diversifying your portfolio is good as long as crypto is limited to only bitcoin and nothing more.

Like others have suggested, real estate and art have also got their demand. So if possible check all the methods possible to invest in before starting.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: FairUser on April 11, 2022, 01:56:21 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Do you feel that's true for you? Personally, I do not deny this view, but whatever you think of it as a financial investment asset, you need to consider and evaluate yourself if you are suitable to approach them, knowing the risks and less. That's what I learned. Don't blame your miscalculation on the investment products. :) 

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: fiulpro on April 11, 2022, 02:13:55 PM
Gold :
- Need high amount of initial investment
- You cannot sell it whenever you want you might have to follow the rules as set by the government
- you cannot earn passive income using it
- volatility is not as defined
- The return value won't be the same if you go sell any physical gold as well

I do think that for me cryptocurrencies are the choice of investment since they :
- Do not require any minimum amount for the investment
- they are super easy to use and everything can be done on your mobile
- volatility is always a + point if you know how to use it
- you have a lot of trading opportunities
- it's not controlled by the government at all!!!

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Zanab247 on April 11, 2022, 02:39:15 PM
I think gold and silver are good for investment but crypto is the best investment that will make your profits to increase higher in the community. During the pandemic that caused gold and silver to lose value which was giving bitcoin investors an opportunity to make more money through out the pandemic. Those that invested all their money on gold and silver few years ago, are finding it difficult to earn well in their investment because the price of gold and silver is not encouraging yet than to hold till the price improve higher before they can sell to make a good profit.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Lubang Bawah on April 11, 2022, 03:14:06 PM
Since 2010 not yet 2016 I have been active to invest gold until I have collected about 220 grams, unfortunately the price of gold is too slow so I sell all the gold I have. I think crypto is a very promising investment because the profit opportunity is up to hundreds of percent within a year or even less, but the most important thing is to be able to control your emotions so you don't panic when prices drop.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Alisha-k on April 11, 2022, 03:21:02 PM
All are good investment options at the moment. But crypto is more riskier but it still has it's own benefits. Gold and silver gives you a guaranteed return but you get regulated for every profit made. Forced taxation, companies percentage and others but crypto gives every man entitlement to their wallets.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Crypto Library on April 11, 2022, 03:29:50 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Not the others I will say and suggest only gold as the best investment if there is multiple options . However, the suggestion will be just to get the best security of money. The value of gold has remained intact since ancient times. If you invest here, at least you don't have to worry about security. On the other hand, cryptocurrency has the potential to be as profitable as it is likely to be destitute at once. Gold will be the first in terms of security.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: merchantofzeny on April 11, 2022, 03:37:57 PM
Precious metals are definitely a conservative investment. I don't own them but apparently the price increase is not that much. Only good thing about them is people BELIEVE they have value and with how things are going would probably trust them more over the dollar. If you want profits go for crypto.

I don’t think gold is a good long term investment. Especially at $2000. Even if you bought it years ago at $1200 you would barely make anything.

From what I read the gold price is highly manipulated and there is more gold traded in the future markets than actually exists so basically there are entities which keep the price at a certain level. Same with silver but to a small degree.

Out of the three crypto obviously seems like the smarter play.

Do you think it'll make any difference to the price of gold if some countries start going back to a gold standard?

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: suzanne5223 on April 11, 2022, 03:58:52 PM
What's with the weird question? Of course gold! What could be better than gold to keep your savings? At all times, gold has always had a high price. If I have a lot of money, a small part can be invested in cryptocurrency, but I will still invest the main part in gold.
You have a point about gold cause it has been used as money (before the creation of fiat currency) thousands of years ago cause it is somehow stable in price than cryptocurrency but you seem not to understand the difference between investment and saving when you said you'll invest small part in crypto and main part in gold.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Dhaniii on April 11, 2022, 05:22:01 PM
What's with the weird question? Of course gold! What could be better than gold to keep your savings? At all times, gold has always had a high price. If I have a lot of money, a small part can be invested in cryptocurrency, but I will still invest the main part in gold.
You have a point about gold cause it has been used as money (before the creation of fiat currency) thousands of years ago cause it is somehow stable in price than cryptocurrency but you seem not to understand the difference between investment and saving when you said you'll invest small part in crypto and main part in gold.

I think gold, silver and crypto have their respective advantages and all three are very good investments in this decade. There is nothing wrong with investing in crypto so far, where in the eyes of the world bitcoin has entered the latest legend in the world's legal payment process and this will be the best investment going forward.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: bitzizzix on April 11, 2022, 05:58:33 PM
In my opinion, it all depends on the investment objective, whether to maintain value or increase the value of the investment because different objectives have different strategies.
Gold is suitable for hedging including silver because its price is relatively stable and it is difficult to increase the value of investments, and cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, can increase the value of our investments even in a short time.
Bitcoin can increase investment with great returns and also has great risk too, but in the long run bitcoin is much better, safer and more profitable than other investments.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: perfect999 on April 11, 2022, 06:14:25 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Do you feel that's true for you? Personally, I do not deny this view, but whatever you think of it as a financial investment asset, you need to consider and evaluate yourself if you are suitable to approach them, knowing the risks and less. That's what I learned. Don't blame your miscalculation on the investment products. :)
He is not sure, that's why he creates this thread and ask us about this matter. We can't deny that cryptos are good investment because all of us that are here in the forum have an interest with it or already have some crypto on our wallet but for gold and cryptos I guess not all have a knowledge about these two.

In my case I know that gold is a promising investment, it is kinda stable and just like cryptos, its value is also increasing over time but about silver? I am not sure about this one, maybe the value of silver now is dropping for them to include in on their bucket list. Blaming is bad but instead of blaming yourself, why can't you just focus on how to improve?

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Fredomago on April 11, 2022, 06:27:15 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Not the others I will say and suggest only gold as the best investment if there is multiple options . However, the suggestion will be just to get the best security of money. The value of gold has remained intact since ancient times. If you invest here, at least you don't have to worry about security. On the other hand, cryptocurrency has the potential to be as profitable as it is likely to be destitute at once. Gold will be the first in terms of security.

Good point and you also provide potential where crypto got the good chance of multiplying in many folds, security or in terms of volatility, if you a type of conservative investor gold serves as a good investment to save your money, a small run either pump or dump won't hurt your investment that much, unlike with crypto,

the risk is too high but the benefits in case you made the right time to invest inside are clearly high as well.

There are many successful traders and investors who ride along using crypto,
they made a lot of money from each trades that they've made.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Captain Corporate on April 11, 2022, 06:57:20 PM

 In my nation, since we have a very very high inflation, all of them have been a good investment. I can't say much about nations that have decent rate on inflation and no idea how much it is in dollars (if it went up or not) but I know for a fact that gold is a great store of value as well for my nation. However, its not very easy to buy it and securely store it. I would feel bad about keeping it in my house for example, and that is where crypto comes in. Unless you put it somewhere that could be hacked, a place like Binance or a ledger nano is a great place to put your crypto and shouldn't be a big problem.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: carlfebz2 on April 11, 2022, 07:17:11 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Do you feel that's true for you? Personally, I do not deny this view, but whatever you think of it as a financial investment asset, you need to consider and evaluate yourself if you are suitable to approach them, knowing the risks and less. That's what I learned. Don't blame your miscalculation on the investment products. :)
He is not sure, that's why he creates this thread and ask us about this matter. We can't deny that cryptos are good investment because all of us that are here in the forum have an interest with it or already have some crypto on our wallet but for gold and cryptos I guess not all have a knowledge about these two.

In my case I know that gold is a promising investment, it is kinda stable and just like cryptos, its value is also increasing over time but about silver? I am not sure about this one, maybe the value of silver now is dropping for them to include in on their bucket list. Blaming is bad but instead of blaming yourself, why can't you just focus on how to improve?
Gold is always been a good investment before crypto market had existed and now that crypto is here then it is also a good investment option or choices.So it wont really be that a problem on finding out investment

if you do have money to spend or invest on.Diversify as much as you could because this is much better rather than on going all in on a single investment but of course this is something not possible for everyone
because we do have different financial capabilities which neither might give us the opportunity or would just simply be missing out for we dont have some funds to be allocated.

If you do have money then go ahead but of course you should be mindful about the risk behind or involved.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Desmong on April 11, 2022, 09:59:21 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
My opinion is we should put out fund in what works best for us just like a trader that is used to trading gold will find it easier to buy and sell gold with good strategies that works for them than leaving what you know best and jumping in something you are not skilled in just because of hype or what you heard about them. If trading and investing in cryptocurrency works for you, then you need to hold on to that and if others like Gold, Silver investment works for you, then go on with that.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: boty on April 12, 2022, 04:56:27 AM

 In my nation, since we have a very very high inflation, all of them have been a good investment. I can't say much about nations that have decent rate on inflation and no idea how much it is in dollars (if it went up or not) but I know for a fact that gold is a great store of value as well for my nation. However, its not very easy to buy it and securely store it. I would feel bad about keeping it in my house for example, and that is where crypto comes in. Unless you put it somewhere that could be hacked, a place like Binance or a ledger nano is a great place to put your crypto and shouldn't be a big problem.
gold still recognized as inflation hedge assets at this moment if compare with bitcoin or other cryptocurrency due its volatility. although actually bitcoin has better supply amount , it should be better in rarerity than gold. but due too many fud come to cryptocurrency bitcoin goal as number safest assets could not achieved. stealing assets will happen in many market with different ways, robbering or attacking system now be the new methode, and we should becarefull with this variety.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: aprilnot on April 12, 2022, 05:31:35 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Gold is an investment with low risk but has a low ROI. but it's good for dealing with inflation and it's proven. crypto is different, this investment has a big risk, but with a very high ROI. we can see bitcoin, shiba inu, solana, ethereum, BNB go up very high in just a few months. but this is worth the risk, as now bitcoin falls you will experience a large enough loss. but both are indeed worthy of being used as long-term investments, depending on how you choose the risk.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Smartprofit on April 12, 2022, 05:42:58 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

There are four main precious metals - gold, silver, platinum and palladium. 

Over the past 10 years, palladium has shown the largest price increase.  This is because this metal is not only very beautiful and widely used for jewelry and bullion coins, but also widely used in electronics and automotive. 

Perhaps in the future the price of palladium will continue to grow.  It is also possible that platinum will rise in price. 

At the same time, from the point of view of the convenience of making transactions, cryptocurrency (in particular Bitcoin) is significantly superior to gold and other precious metals.  In a digital society, Bitcoin is the most convenient for payments. 

Therefore, the cryptocurrency has a very high potential for price growth.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on April 12, 2022, 06:47:21 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

As a licensed financial advisor I don’t agree with the above statement. The vast majority of financial advisors, including myself, recommend that one’s portfolio always have a “backbone” built with traditional investments such as mutual funds and or ETFs. Depending on if your portfolio is on track for retirement and if you’ve got extra funds to invest, then buying hedges (not necessarily investments) such as gold and silver can be a good idea and buying bitcoin works for the portion of speculative investments in one’s portfolio.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: FairUser on April 12, 2022, 07:19:19 AM
...In my case I know that gold is a promising investment, it is kinda stable and just like cryptos, its value is also increasing over time but about silver? I am not sure about this one, maybe the value of silver now is dropping for them to include in on their bucket list. Blaming is bad but instead of blaming yourself, why can't you just focus on how to improve?
Just like your advice, when we start to study a certain area, mistakes are inevitable. In general, maybe we don't live in the same environment, and our views on money will also be different together. Its worth determines whether you can afford it or not.In every product, I have reasons for problems as well as opportunities, both good and bad. But you will have the right to decide to achieve the goal. Even failure should be viewed as a lesson to correct and do better.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: RealMalatesta on April 12, 2022, 02:23:50 PM
you also provide potential where crypto got the good chance of multiplying in many folds, security or in terms of volatility, if you a type of conservative investor gold serves as a good investment to save your money, a small run either pump or dump won't hurt your investment that much, unlike with crypto,

the risk is too high but the benefits in case you made the right time to invest inside are clearly high as well.

There are many successful traders and investors who ride along using crypto,
they made a lot of money from each trades that they've made.
That is one of the advantages of crypto and great thing is it is just one of them. You could buy bitcoin, or some other coin and you could gain like 100% per year, or maybe you won't but it looks like the average has been more than that. This is how people got rich in crypto and in the long run should be getting even richer.

On top of that we are talking about being a lot more secure, I mean crypto is digital whereas gold is not, there are some banks that offer gold accounts as well, meaning you could turn your fiat into gold in your bank account, but that is a brand new thing and not very common everywhere in the world, so crypto is still by far better for sure.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: CaptainCrapper on April 12, 2022, 04:20:46 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Gold and silver do not move at price overnight but currency investment can change your life at any moment if you invest in a good place or very good project just like a block chin-based project is a very long lasting project I think.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Roidz on April 12, 2022, 05:15:29 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Gold and silver do not move at price overnight but currency investment can change your life at any moment if you invest in a good place or very good project just like a block chin-based project is a very long lasting project I think.
What you say is true, gold, gold and crypto are indeed good investment assets, but I think all three have different functions, the attractiveness of gold will depend on the existing economic conditions, because usually people invest in gold as a hedging tool money because its price movements are not speculative, while crypto has a different function, namely as a value added asset because its movements are very speculative but also have high volatility and high risk.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Xal0lex on April 12, 2022, 07:12:03 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

You can invest in three assets as a diversification. But I would prefer to invest in cryptocurrencies. Gold has turned your $1,000 into $950 or so in 10 years. Count what bitcoin would have turned your $1,000 in the last 10 years into. You would be a millionaire. I realize this is all FOMO, but digital gold looks a lot more attractive to invest in than physical gold or silver.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: bustabitsboy on April 12, 2022, 07:39:52 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

You can invest in securities and stocks of companies. With a successful investment, you can not only save your money but also increase it. I remember the wonderful movie "Forrest Gump". That's when a man successfully invested his money ;D I can also suggest keeping your savings in different currencies. There is always a chance that some part of the money will remain.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Hamphser on April 12, 2022, 09:10:00 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

You can invest in securities and stocks of companies. With a successful investment, you can not only save your money but also increase it. I remember the wonderful movie "Forrest Gump". That's when a man successfully invested his money ;D I can also suggest keeping your savings in different currencies. There is always a chance that some part of the money will remain.
As long you are financially capable then the more the better as we do all know but only a few is on this particular state and most of us does have only limited or having some small amount thats why we do really ask

out on what would be the best investment decision which isnt bad to consider stocks and securities which is definitely that a good option if you are aiming for somewhat secure but of course the risk would be always
there but considering on choosing gold silver or crypto then this 3 would really be ideal as long you do have the money to be put on.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Rengga Jati on April 12, 2022, 11:42:27 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
No need to confuse with Gold and silver, all know how precious these things in the world.
and for the new era of technology, cryptocurrency is also considered as a worthy investment, but also risky enough. No confusion again, as long as what we invest is the precious crypto, it will be a good investment, but if it is about shitcoins, it will end as shit investment. the one that becomes the most recommended and worthiest crypto investment is Bitcoin, that's it, moreover for long term.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: TimeTeller on April 12, 2022, 11:47:49 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
No need to confuse with Gold and silver, all know how precious these things in the world.
and for the new era of technology, cryptocurrency is also considered as a worthy investment, but also risky enough. No confusion again, as long as what we invest is the precious crypto, it will be a good investment, but if it is about shitcoins, it will end as shit investment. the one that becomes the most recommended and worthiest crypto investment is Bitcoin, that's it, moreover for long term.

And if you can afford, why not invest in both, precious metals and crypto?
A tangible asset is always better to have in diversifying your portfolio.
And when it comes to crypto, better invest in valuable coins like bitcoin.
But in my case, I am more on gold than silver. Because with gold, if you have no money, you can easily pawn it.
Whereas, with silver not many shops are accepting it as pawn.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: mich on April 13, 2022, 06:14:18 AM
I have also had people try to convince me to buy gold and silver. Historically, comedies like gold and silver were great ways to store value during times of inflation. However, I believe Bitcoin is a better investment right now for several reasons.
First, BTC has way more growth potential, especially if you are planning to hold long. Furthermore, it is highly likely that BTC will break 100k in 2022 and that would be over 100 percent ROI in 2022 alone.
Second, silver is not really limited in its supply, this year alone 784 million ounces of silver were mined globally.
Lastly, gold has already been booming in 2022 meaning that its due for a correction soon, I could not recommend investing when it's presently overvalued.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Pejoh Asu on April 13, 2022, 08:08:09 AM
If we already have millions of dollars, of course we will choose a very safe investment, namely gold, such as data from every year that gold always rises even though it is never more than 20% per year, and for me crypto is a good opportunity to develop money so I make crypto as an option first investment.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: perfect999 on April 13, 2022, 03:06:46 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
As a licensed financial advisor I don’t agree with the above statement. The vast majority of financial advisors, including myself, recommend that one’s portfolio always have a “backbone” built with traditional investments such as mutual funds and or ETFs. Depending on if your portfolio is on track for retirement and if you’ve got extra funds to invest, then buying hedges (not necessarily investments) such as gold and silver can be a good idea and buying bitcoin works for the portion of speculative investments in one’s portfolio.
I do agree with you because I wondering which financial advisor would advise someone to go for Bitcoin, Gold and Silver, I know for sure that Mutual funds and ETFs were the most recommended.

I do invest in mutual funds anyway, but one thing I would say is that you don’t really get much from it; on average I might be getting 9% per annum, which is small compared to cryptocurrency where I can possibly make double of my investment and more. But, mutual funds are more of a safer investment because they are stable, while cryptocurrency is a high risk investment type.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: glendall on April 14, 2022, 07:18:43 AM
gold, with a fairly stable price compared to crypto which always makes heart exercise, but every investment has its own risks and benefits as we know, but I personally prefer gold than crypto

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: iv4n on April 14, 2022, 08:04:46 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

If you are already hesitating between gold, silver, and crypto, bet on all three! Simply split your investment, you can do it in equal parts, like 33.3% in each, or you can invest in some of them more and in some less, as it suits you! Depending on your goals and whether you want to play safer with a possible lower profit or you want to risk a little more but with a possible higher profit! It's really up to you!

I don't like gold and silver, I believe in crypto as a far better investment for the future! Bitcoin and some other coins will make a miracle on the global stage, I mean that's already happening, but I guess it will be nothing compared to what is coming!

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: istiak2277 on April 14, 2022, 08:29:35 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

There are many reasons why these commodities are precious today. Gold and silver were a universal medium of trade and exchange for a long time but the cryptocurrency has been added to that list recently.

Gold and silver are not only collectible and shiny but also flexible commodities that can be reshaped, reused, and melt with other minerals. It is a great conductor of electricity. From every high-tech electric device to small chips everything needs gold and silver.

On the other hand, the cryptocurrency appears as a great mountain against inflation. When every other financial market is crumbling due to the weight of inflation and unsure about its future crypto market shows enormous progress. It seems the only thing the crypto market knows is growth.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: rahmad2nd on April 14, 2022, 08:50:04 AM
I have been on Gold and Silver looks have little increase up price and now have pay tax in my country with gold and silver assets, so I move my investment on cryptocurrency because faster get profit. Some time when bitcoin and altcoin have lower price I can take profit more than 10% until 20% in daily day, impossible we can get much profit in daily day on gold or silver investment. I think with gold and silver as safety investing assets not possibility dump drastically like cryptocurrency, but less profitable earn and about 3% until 5% each years increase up price from gold and silver.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: jaberwock on April 14, 2022, 10:11:29 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
For years those three (Gold, Silver and Bitcoin)has been the best investment by far, unless you are trying to compare them with each other, in which case I would say that Bitcoin has been a better investment for the past decade. This is personal, it doesn’t apply to other investors as their own personal definitely differs with whatever experience I might have had over the years.

I have also tried investing in Gold, and I would say it is a good hedge for inflation and also good choice if you’re looking into with longevity, because it has lasted since God knows when. But why I chose Bitcoin is because I have made more profit from Bitcoin than Gold within this short period.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Franctoshi on April 14, 2022, 11:44:15 AM
When you talk about crypto precisely Bitcoin , Between Gold and Bitcoin I will choose Bitcoin 10 times over gold. Reason is Bitcoin has out performed Gold for the past ten years now, Almost in all aspects listed below.

Growth & profit
As means of payment
Inflation hedge.
Store of value.
With above reasons , some people sees Bitcoin as digital Gold.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: SirLancelot on April 14, 2022, 03:38:34 PM
As a licensed financial advisor I don’t agree with the above statement. The vast majority of financial advisors, including myself, recommend that one’s portfolio always have a “backbone” built with traditional investments such as mutual funds and or ETFs. Depending on if your portfolio is on track for retirement and if you’ve got extra funds to invest, then buying hedges (not necessarily investments) such as gold and silver can be a good idea and buying bitcoin works for the portion of speculative investments in one’s portfolio.
I do agree with you because I wondering which financial advisor would advise someone to go for Bitcoin, Gold and Silver, I know for sure that Mutual funds and ETFs were the most recommended.

I do invest in mutual funds anyway, but one thing I would say is that you don’t really get much from it; on average I might be getting 9% per annum, which is small compared to cryptocurrency where I can possibly make double of my investment and more. But, mutual funds are more of a safer investment because they are stable, while cryptocurrency is a high risk investment type.
Mutual funds are not there so that you would make a lot of money, sometimes they do not even earn as much as the inflation. It is there so that your money wouldn't stand still, it is one of the least riskiest methods of all time. But that comes with a cost of low returns for sure.

I would say that the best is still crypto, what else could gain 2x and still give you this much? It is obvious that crypto is not perfect and we have a lot of shitcoins, but when we are talking about something like ETH or BTC, then you know that you can trust them and you know that it will give you greater returns as well. That's all you need, just have to face the volatility while you are holding.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Zanab247 on April 14, 2022, 05:59:04 PM
gold, with a fairly stable price compared to crypto which always makes heart exercise, but every investment has its own risks and benefits as we know, but I personally prefer gold than crypto
I guess,gold investment is very easy for people to make a good profit in this season than crypto which the price is not encouraging investors.  Since we came out from pandemic gold Price has improved higher which is seriously giving people hope to remain in gold investment than crypto which the price is not yet stable, since we came out from pandemic. I will continue to invest a huge amount of money on gold to have something good to achieve in this season than crypto which the price is still dumping in the market.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: rahmad2nd on April 14, 2022, 11:06:40 PM
gold, with a fairly stable price compared to crypto which always makes heart exercise, but every investment has its own risks and benefits as we know, but I personally prefer gold than crypto
I guess,gold investment is very easy for people to make a good profit in this season than crypto which the price is not encouraging investors.  Since we came out from pandemic gold Price has improved higher which is seriously giving people hope to remain in gold investment than crypto which the price is not yet stable, since we came out from pandemic. I will continue to invest a huge amount of money on gold to have something good to achieve in this season than crypto which the price is still dumping in the market.
Gold investment very easy to earn profit but still with small amount although waiting one or two years later for selling it, I don't know what people mind when try investing with gold only. I see every year about 3% until 5% for reaching up price from gold as investment assets, maybe on cryptocurrency without one day can earn almost 10% depending when buy on dip or lower price. Actually I like with bitcoin investment assets than gold or silver with less potential and faster to earn profit.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 15, 2022, 07:43:34 AM
When you talk about crypto precisely Bitcoin , Between Gold and Bitcoin I will choose Bitcoin 10 times over gold. Reason is Bitcoin has out performed Gold for the past ten years now, Almost in all aspects listed below.

With above reasons , some people sees Bitcoin as digital Gold.
So why not invest in both? 8)

With money at hand you have to make these decisions based on not only own knowledge but from past charts too. Bitcoin is not easily tradeable in every country yet but gold and other previous metals are. For the time being, it is a good investment, for considering the average life expectancy of the members of this forum, bitcoin will take time to become that popular so as to be called "digital gold" in the real sense and not just a buzzword used by some firms.

If we already have millions of dollars, of course we will choose a very safe investment, namely gold, such as data from every year that gold always rises even though it is never more than 20% per year, and for me crypto is a good opportunity to develop money so I make crypto as an option first investment.
Bitcoin average yearly volatility is <15%. And crypto should mean only bitcoin, because altcoins are not compare-able to it and compared to them gold is a better option in several terms.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Rupok on April 15, 2022, 08:12:09 AM
My opinion mind crypto is good another one but also good gold.i don't suggest silver.Al of depend on your mind. What do you know about very well.if you know very well about crypto that's best for you.Crypto platform not for all, the platform for a professional person.crypto mean risky tough confusion etc so need to be professional.Then you can yarn more benefits.Gold is not risk but hold a long time and yarn a little profit.But you a batter understand about cryto you yarn a huge profits.Gold invest so easy but crypto invest it's not easy.So i suggest are you a new crypto platform that's place not for you.                           

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Dunamisx on April 15, 2022, 09:18:29 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

They are all worth investing on but can you permit me to make little adjust to that? I will recommend bitcoin, gold and real estate. This three are the investments that one could not afford doing without, their value does not depreciate and are best used for asset and store of value, i will also advise you to make more research on them each and know the ways in which you can have a good start by investing on them.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: molsewid on April 15, 2022, 01:01:57 PM

They are all worth investing on but can you permit me to make little adjust to that? I will recommend bitcoin, gold and real estate. This three are the investments that one could not afford doing without, their value does not depreciate and are best used for asset and store of value, i will also advise you to make more research on them each and know the ways in which you can have a good start by investing on them.

What you have mentioned mate are totally the most recommended assets for me that a person must have but sad to say not all can afford to have it these three altogether one at a time. I am very fond with bitcoin or crypto assets, gold and real estate because these for me the best investments that I can have in life and for now I have bitcoin or crypto yet as an investment and the two assets will follow I am very positive with that.  So answering the OP's query I can't choose which one is best because these are pretty good choice.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: 19Nov16 on April 15, 2022, 02:46:22 PM
Gold is the first priority of investment, this is because wherever and whenever gold will continue to be received, gold investment has occurred since thousands of years ago and will last for thousands of years, after gold of course I will choose crypto because the profit opportunity is very large and has been proven that by only holding crypto for the long term can get big profits.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Abiky on April 15, 2022, 06:18:39 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

I would choose all of them just to minimize risks of loss as much as possible. Crypto may be the best-performing asset of all time, but the risk of loss is higher than it's the case with Gold or even Silver. By diversifying your investment into both precious metals (Gold and Silver) and Crypto, you'll be able to achieve piece of mind in the long term. I usually convert some of my Bitcoin to Gold whenever there's a spike in market prices in order to protect my purchasing power as much as possible. It's a strategy most avid investors do in order to avoid losing it all in an instant.

Both precious metals and crypto have their respective advantages/disadvantages so it's up to you to decide what you want to do with your money. As long as you don't invest more than what you can't afford to lose, you'll have nothing to worry about. ;)

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: sayaya17 on April 15, 2022, 10:05:34 PM
My opinion mind crypto is good another one but also good gold.i don't suggest silver.Al of depend on your mind. What do you know about very well.if you know very well about crypto that's best for you.Crypto platform not for all, the platform for a professional person.crypto mean risky tough confusion etc so need to be professional.Then you can yarn more benefits.Gold is not risk but hold a long time and yarn a little profit.But you a batter understand about cryto you yarn a huge profits.Gold invest so easy but crypto invest it's not easy.So i suggest are you a new crypto platform that's place not for you.                           

Actually it depends on ourselves, how far we know the asset we want to buy. Because it's true that we shouldn't invest in something we don't
understand. Especially crypto where the price is very volatile, making the risk of investing in crypto very high. So avoid investing in crypto
if we don't understand crypto properly, because it forces investments in assets that we don't understand, it will only make us lose money.
I prefer investing in crypto over other assets, because I really understand how the crypto world works. Therefore it makes it easier for me
to be able to make a profit, because I understand how to invest in crypto properly. Then for newbies who are new to crypto, don't be in a hurry
to invest in large amounts, start with small capital, if there is a loss we can consider it as a learning cost. For newbie in crypto world,
it's better to just focus on investing in Gold, which is proven to be safer.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Lanatsa on April 15, 2022, 11:04:25 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

I would choose all of them just to minimize risks of loss as much as possible. Crypto may be the best-performing asset of all time, but the risk of loss is higher than it's the case with Gold or even Silver. By diversifying your investment into both precious metals (Gold and Silver) and Crypto, you'll be able to achieve piece of mind in the long term. I usually convert some of my Bitcoin to Gold whenever there's a spike in market prices in order to protect my purchasing power as much as possible. It's a strategy most avid investors do in order to avoid losing it all in an instant.

Both precious metals and crypto have their respective advantages/disadvantages so it's up to you to decide what you want to do with your money. As long as you don't invest more than what you can't afford to lose, you'll have nothing to worry about. ;)
Risk is everywhere and we know that when it comes to investment decisions then diversification would be the most ideal thing to be done as long you do have the money or finances to support then go ahead yet this would

be the best idea for you to take and not really just focusing on a single point because chances of recovery once those things failed is really hard compared if you do have lots of investment whether on crypto space or traditional investment then you could really be always have that back up plans. Proper planning and proper managing off your funds on applying into different industry is something that should be done
but we know that not all would really be capable enough.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Uang_kartal on April 15, 2022, 11:20:48 PM
In my opinion, just allocate it to the 3 types of assets, if there is a thought there, indeed these 3 types have different functions and benefits. Now try to evaluate Anfa's portfolio, to share your basket in financial matters. Just research what assets you want and which ones are right for you to invest in the future. The ideal portion according to the budget you save.
if you choose crypto with all the flexibility, convenience and secrecy, this has a plus. Try choosing several platforms, for example Defi (decentralized finance) there are many kinds of offers and mechanisms that make users comfortable. You also have the right to choose the APY that suits you, with smart contracts and even the crypto world is so advanced and fast that currently there are lots of stacking programs that only store d wallets, you can search for them on daps or the official defi website. All you have to do is connect to your non-custodial wallet and the guide is available. Between gold, silver and crypto according to your portion

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: STT on April 15, 2022, 11:30:08 PM
Gold is a reserve asset dating back thousands of years and not likely to alter in that general usage though FIAT itself may alter considerably.  On the other end of the scale is highly speculative assets such as crypto which is no bad thing as we are also talking sky high growth occurring, the two assets should not be compared within the same sentence as they are not close in usage, in their basic origins or likely end game but both are inverse to dollar thats it.

Silver is more of a middle ground, its speculative and commonly mined alongside lead and a few other metals.  It also has a history of being a reserve asset but right now I'd argue its industrial and linked to solar panels etc.  Silver isnt a bad asset to consider but at times it might suffer the worst elements of all three.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: DanWalker on April 16, 2022, 02:14:35 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Portfolio diversification is the best idea, Crypto brings high returns but comes with high risks, gold and silver are considered the safest, least risky investment channels because the volatility is not high. Depending on the investment preferences of each person, choose the appropriate type, but investing is always a risky channel, so allocate capital properly and don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: boty on April 16, 2022, 02:50:15 AM
I would choose all of them just to minimize risks of loss as much as possible. Crypto may be the best-performing asset of all time, but the risk of loss is higher than it's the case with Gold or even Silver. By diversifying your investment into both precious metals (Gold and Silver) and Crypto, you'll be able to achieve piece of mind in the long term.
We will distribute risk if spread our portofolio into several assets, crypto with high risk high gain and gold or silver with moderate risk. this is good combination to gain maximum profits with less risk. commodity market or metal have good future since demand from industry year by year increase alot.

I usually convert some of my Bitcoin to Gold whenever there's a spike in market prices in order to protect my purchasing power as much as possible. It's a strategy most avid investors do in order to avoid losing it all in an instant.
buying power or purchasing could added when we regularly taking profit when price in high. by having more buying power , number of coins we could bought more and profit potenncy will become bigger too.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Leo on April 16, 2022, 03:47:41 AM
What's with the weird question? Of course gold! What could be better than gold to keep your savings? At all times, gold has always had a high price. If I have a lot of money, a small part can be invested in cryptocurrency, but I will still invest the main part in gold.
Main looking at the returns of investment, if one had an insight to what bitcoin would have become today, investing in bitcoin way back when it was still cheaper is the best, its definitely better than gold and silver, gold has not increased that much for the past couple of years, in five to ten years time the price of gold cannot surpass $5000, but bitcoin is expected to surge pass $40k, in five to ten years time, when more adoption of bitcoin emerges, y'all will be surprised with the return of investment from bitcoin, i will go for bitcoin and strong altcoins as against gold and silver

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Zambranoo on April 16, 2022, 08:59:29 AM
I don't put eggs in the same cage.
I invested half of my assets in gold. One-third of assets are invested in cryptocurrencies.
Any investment is risky, and there are many types of cryptocurrencies. Have your own choice.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: riso2015 on April 16, 2022, 09:20:38 AM
If you have the chance to have all of them then take all of it and that will serve as your diversified portfolio. It's always been good to have gold and silver if you're into traditional assets.
But the better market that we have today is obviously in crypto, specifically bitcoin. So if you think that you have to allocate your money in all of them then that's much better.
And if you're only going to need and take one of them then your very option is to take bitcoin. You're in a bitcoin forum and everyone would be suggesting you the same.
I totally agree with your review, my friend, if we are able and have better money, we better take everything, but if asked to choose, I will definitely choose bitcoin as my number one investment, even though I know the risk of investing in bitcoin is very large compared to investing in gold. , but I still believe the risks we receive must be balanced with the benefits we get.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Mauser on April 16, 2022, 10:04:58 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Buying gold right now doesn't seem like a good investment to me, the price is just too high. Gold and silver are pretty much the same thing, correlation is very high between the two because investors look at it as a safe haven for money. The problem is that precious commodities don't generate any income, their whole price is based on supply and demand by investors. Only a small fraction is being used in industrial production. In case you already hold gold I would keep it and not sell it. But I also wouldn't buy more of it. Cryptos are a much better option in my opinion with a big upside potential. Making 100% return in cryptos seems much more likely than making 50% in gold.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: tygeade on April 16, 2022, 01:01:21 PM
Gold is the first priority of investment, this is because wherever and whenever gold will continue to be received, gold investment has occurred since thousands of years ago and will last for thousands of years, after gold of course I will choose crypto because the profit opportunity is very large and has been proven that by only holding crypto for the long term can get big profits.
Just because it has been around for thousands of years doesn't mean that it is a good investment. In fact, I would rather say that gold is one of the worst investments right now because of how boring it is. When everything goes up, gold goes up very little, and the good thing is when everything goes down it goes down very little as well.

This allows you to not make a big loss and I understand that, but it also causes you to lose a lot of money at the same from the potential profit. Just check from any time to today on how would you fare if you had gold and if you had bitcoin. If you go back, it would be bitcoin very easily, but if you pick close levels, it’s still better.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Marvell1 on April 16, 2022, 02:36:35 PM
Gold is the first priority of investment, this is because wherever and whenever gold will continue to be received, gold investment has occurred since thousands of years ago and will last for thousands of years, after gold of course I will choose crypto because the profit opportunity is very large and has been proven that by only holding crypto for the long term can get big profits.
Just because it has been around for thousands of years doesn't mean that it is a good investment. In fact, I would rather say that gold is one of the worst investments right now because of how boring it is. When everything goes up, gold goes up very little, and the good thing is when everything goes down it goes down very little as well.

This allows you to not make a big loss and I understand that, but it also causes you to lose a lot of money at the same from the potential profit. Just check from any time to today on how would you fare if you had gold and if you had bitcoin. If you go back, it would be bitcoin very easily, but if you pick close levels, it’s still better.

Gold is more suitable as a store of assets than as a viable investment because the volatility of gold is not so great. As an investor and looking for profit, I still prefer to invest in cryptocurrencies because of their high volatility. They can easily bring big profits but can also make us lose, but as an investment there must be winners and losers depending on the bravery of each individual.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: ultrloa on April 16, 2022, 02:40:48 PM
Gold is the first priority of investment, this is because wherever and whenever gold will continue to be received, gold investment has occurred since thousands of years ago and will last for thousands of years, after gold of course I will choose crypto because the profit opportunity is very large and has been proven that by only holding crypto for the long term can get big profits.
Just because it has been around for thousands of years doesn't mean that it is a good investment. In fact, I would rather say that gold is one of the worst investments right now because of how boring it is. When everything goes up, gold goes up very little, and the good thing is when everything goes down it goes down very little as well.

This allows you to not make a big loss and I understand that, but it also causes you to lose a lot of money at the same from the potential profit. Just check from any time to today on how would you fare if you had gold and if you had bitcoin. If you go back, it would be bitcoin very easily, but if you pick close levels, it’s still better.

But also if it goes down the effect of those incident is less since we know gold is high valuable asset. But since you don't like to invest on it and want fash cash I guess.crypto will be more better to you, but we need to understand that crypto move fast and this could also drain our money faster. Also since we are use to invest with bitcoin most provably bitcoin users will choose this compare to any other assets out there.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: breathlessz on April 16, 2022, 04:07:02 PM
gold and silver is an older investment than cryptocurrencies, while cryptocurrencies have only been around for a few years, but can be worth it with gold and silver. For me, all three are worth investing in, especially women, of course, are very happy with gold when it is realized in jewelry, so it has two functions in my opinion. On the other hand, cryptocurrency actually also has two functions, although at this time it only functions as an ongoing investment tool, while as a currency it is still not effective. but what is clear is that all three have their own characteristics, so knowledge is needed to know all three, so that we can choose where to invest

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Maestro75 on April 16, 2022, 05:26:52 PM

It is cryptocurrency for me if I have to choose between the three options. I will pick a nice crypto like bitcoin, Ethereum or any other one I may think ok and buy for a long hold. This ones are taken to be reliable and will not scam or disappear. You can buy cryptocurrency without exposing your identity and privacy but am not sure you can buy gold or silver without doing that because you will need to have an account on a platform to do that. With crypto I can buy and store in a private wallet without going to an exchange.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Gyfts on April 16, 2022, 07:12:20 PM
gold still recognized as inflation hedge assets at this moment if compare with bitcoin or other cryptocurrency due its volatility. although actually bitcoin has better supply amount , it should be better in rarerity than gold. but due too many fud come to cryptocurrency bitcoin goal as number safest assets could not achieved.

Supply doesn't matter, demand matters.

Bitcoin easily could become a relatively safe (absolute safety is not possible with any asset, even with precious metals) if mass adoption occurs. There isn't a lot of incentive to invest in Bitcoin if stability is your main goal but given the inflation rate of major currencies, there isn't much stability in fiat currency either. Perhaps it's a matter of picking the lesser of two evils but if you're willing to hold out, any crypto misinformation won't be able to stop Bitcoin adoption as people recognize their bank accounts to be losing purchasing power with insane inflation rates.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: wxa7115 on April 16, 2022, 09:03:27 PM
I don’t think gold is a good long term investment. Especially at $2000. Even if you bought it years ago at $1200 you would barely make anything.

From what I read the gold price is highly manipulated and there is more gold traded in the future markets than actually exists so basically there are entities which keep the price at a certain level. Same with silver but to a small degree.

Out of the three crypto obviously seems like the smarter play.
Without a doubt this is true as paper gold and paper silver are traded as the real thing and they suppress the price of metallic gold and silver, however once the economy begins to show signs that we are headed towards hyperinflation then those gold and silver certificates will be worth nothing and people will go back to the real thing.

This will make the price of gold and silver to increase dramatically, the question is if bitcoin will rival their growth? And I think it will, so when we add the rest of the advantages that bitcoin has over them then this makes bitcoin by far the best option to hold for the long term.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Mamun74 on April 17, 2022, 03:45:23 AM

It is cryptocurrency for me if I have to choose between the three options. I will pick a nice crypto like bitcoin, Ethereum or any other one I may think ok and buy for a long hold. This ones are taken to be reliable and will not scam or disappear. You can buy cryptocurrency without exposing your identity and privacy but am not sure you can buy gold or silver without doing that because you will need to have an account on a platform to do that. With crypto I can buy and store in a private wallet without going to an exchange.

Both are valuable and popular. Gold and silver both are old asset but bitcoin is digital virtual currency. Bitcoin already proved their value. People interested in bitcoin investment increase day by day and people still believe in bitcoin investment. I think bitcoin investment is more profitable than Gold and silver hold.Gold and silver price huge increase now.But I'm suggested to You can buy bitcoin and hold long time i hope you will get good profit from it.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: uneng on April 17, 2022, 05:11:28 AM
For most people only crypto investment among the three options will make sense, because gold and silver are only for consolidated rich individuals who need to protect their wealthy from devaluation, so they go for low volatile assets. For the average investors it makes no sense to keep their money in gold or silver, since their patrimony won't grow too much that way, it will just makes the patrimony stable. Then bitcoin becomes the best alternative for them, as the volatility keeps pushing the price upside on long run. Once investors achieve profit in bitcoin, gold and silver may become an interesting investment. But that is just "late game".

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Pejoh Asu on April 17, 2022, 06:46:45 AM
For most people only crypto investment among the three options will make sense, because gold and silver are only for consolidated rich individuals who need to protect their wealthy from devaluation, so they go for low volatile assets. For the average investors it makes no sense to keep their money in gold or silver, since their patrimony won't grow too much that way, it will just makes the patrimony stable. Then bitcoin becomes the best alternative for them, as the volatility keeps pushing the price upside on long run. Once investors achieve profit in bitcoin, gold and silver may become an interesting investment. But that is just "late game".

Yes that's right, gold and silver can only be bought by the rich, for those whose annual income is below $ 10k of course it is impossible to save gold, crypto is an investment that promises big profits in a short time so that it becomes a trend, the other thing is crypto is easy to sell so when there is a problem finance then no more confused.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Dr.Osh on April 17, 2022, 01:24:13 PM
Personally, I might prefer gold, but I choose gold if my condition is not financially difficult. Currently, I tend to choose crypto as an option for investment and business development. I feel that crypto is more flexible than gold in asset enhancement. however, gold is very good for long-term investment.
however, I also believe that most crypto users are more likely to stock crypto than gold for the same reason. however, if I already have enough assets, then gold and silver makes a pretty good place to hold it for a long time.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: 7788bitcoin on April 17, 2022, 04:16:11 PM
Gold and silver have a lot of issues given that they're physical objects, hard to carry around, difficult to validate, etc.
Altcoins are mostly scams.
Which leaves Bitcoin as the best investment, by far.
There is not much issues and you can purchase gold bonds and you will have a paper certificate rather than holding the physical gold or silver and can cash out with the gold bonds you are holding. I do agree with the fact that majority of the alts are scams and the purpose of majority of the projects is pump and dump and you need to monitor them constantly to take positions whether to hold them or not. Bitcoin is the best bet when it comes to cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Uang_kartal on April 18, 2022, 05:08:12 AM
Personally, I might prefer gold, but I choose gold if my condition is not financially difficult. Currently, I tend to choose crypto as an option for investment and business development. I feel that crypto is more flexible than gold in asset enhancement. however, gold is very good for long-term investment.
however, I also believe that most crypto users are more likely to stock crypto than gold for the same reason. however, if I already have enough assets, then gold and silver makes a pretty good place to hold it for a long time.

some who have small money like me, maybe crypto asset is a wise choice, we can buy as little as possible with lowest decimal unit. Units either ingots or different for use with limited budgets want many forms of investment and the right variety of assets.
although maybe what you mean is gold bars, not digital, right? although gold may be an ancient asset but I believe it is still good to have and will not be eroded by time.
me too, that's a great idea mate.crypto first gold and silver later,

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: rahmad2nd on April 18, 2022, 09:14:59 AM
Personally, I might prefer gold, but I choose gold if my condition is not financially difficult. Currently, I tend to choose crypto as an option for investment and business development. I feel that crypto is more flexible than gold in asset enhancement. however, gold is very good for long-term investment.
however, I also believe that most crypto users are more likely to stock crypto than gold for the same reason. however, if I already have enough assets, then gold and silver makes a pretty good place to hold it for a long time.

some who have small money like me, maybe crypto asset is a wise choice, we can buy as little as possible with lowest decimal unit. Units either ingots or different for use with limited budgets want many forms of investment and the right variety of assets.
although maybe what you mean is gold bars, not digital, right? although gold may be an ancient asset but I believe it is still good to have and will not be eroded by time.
me too, that's a great idea mate.crypto first gold and silver later,
Not care with small money or not but I think most profitable investing on cryptocurrency than gold or silver, nowadays many people keep safety assets with gold or silver as investment way but not really brave investing on bitcoin or altcoin assets. Several of them worry with take risk and keep safety got return profit from gold and silver although few percent only every year, just have several person brave with higher risk and higher return by investing on cryptocurrency but depending with research firstly before investing on several altcoin.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: LastKiss on April 18, 2022, 09:39:52 AM
some who have small money like me, maybe crypto asset is a wise choice, we can buy as little as possible with lowest decimal unit. Units either ingots or different for use with limited budgets want many forms of investment and the right variety of assets.
although maybe what you mean is gold bars, not digital, right? although gold may be an ancient asset but I believe it is still good to have and will not be eroded by time.
me too, that's a great idea mate.crypto first gold and silver later,
Not care with small money or not but I think most profitable investing on cryptocurrency than gold or silver, nowadays many people keep safety assets with gold or silver as investment way but not really brave investing on bitcoin or altcoin assets. Several of them worry with take risk and keep safety got return profit from gold and silver although few percent only every year, just have several person brave with higher risk and higher return by investing on cryptocurrency but depending with research firstly before investing on several altcoin.

Old people tend to invest in something that has good credibility like gold and silver but those who have a mind that they can rich quickly will take risks with cryptocurrency. It's people's choice of what they like and what they want. About the risk crypto and gold/silver have a big difference, because of that no wonder old people will choose gold/silver rather than crypto even if it only has a small ROI.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Sir Legend on April 18, 2022, 10:26:00 AM
After I have been actively investing since the last 10 years, now I only focus on investing in cryptocurrencies, this is because when we invest in crypto, when we really need cash we can do it anytime, while gold, silver or other types of investment take a long time to invest. be cash. and of course a very large profit opportunity if we invest in cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Uang_kartal on April 18, 2022, 10:44:22 AM
Not care with small money or not but I think most profitable investing on cryptocurrency than gold or silver, nowadays many people keep safety assets with gold or silver as investment way but not really brave investing on bitcoin or altcoin assets. Several of them worry with take risk and keep safety got return profit from gold and silver although few percent only every year, just have several person brave with higher risk and higher return by investing on cryptocurrency but depending with research firstly before investing on several altcoin.

I also feel that way, friend, if it wasn't for the capital to trade, it would affect the profit of each unit, even decimal for a profit. The bigger the profitable capital follows, for example 10% for money management to take profit, it's really logical than measuring capital later, if counting from the security of gold its physical appearance is visible to others and this can create opportunities, we must be vigilant to maintain safety.
but that doesn't mean that even in the internet world it is considered the safest, because there are no hidden loopholes and systems. However, if what you mention and its easy profit, cheap buy back at the moment, easy exchange and fast liquidity, I agree cryptocurrencies superior friend

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Dunamisx on April 18, 2022, 11:38:16 AM
After I have been actively investing since the last 10 years, now I only focus on investing in cryptocurrencies, this is because when we invest in crypto, when we really need cash we can do it anytime, while gold, silver or other types of investment take a long time to invest. be cash. and of course a very large profit opportunity if we invest in cryptocurrencies.

You're really getting along with the ideology, investing in any natural substance has much disadvantages when compared with cryptocurrency, for instance let's take gold as an example, if one invest in gold, this totally mean you're not in custody of your investment, the coperate body in charge determines your ROI and your privacy in the investment is low even though the security level is high, cryptocurrency investment can yield you a good profit returns within the space of one year whereas you might not be able to achieve that within five years of investment on natural metals. Cryptocurrency has the highest profitability of investment than gold base on resent development in the crypto sectors and more people are keying to this adoption.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Joshapat on April 18, 2022, 12:05:17 PM
I think only giants have the ability to invest in gold or silver, it can't be denied that gold and silver is a traditional investment that is always profitable, even gold and silver is a measure of anyone's wealth, but investment is of course very difficult to profit, and at this time I will choose crypto over gold or silver.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: livingfree on April 18, 2022, 12:51:09 PM
He's an advisor so he'll advise based on what he know and what he wants to promote. But with all of those having that said, they won't pay someone to just being advised.

As they're popular assets, you're on the right assets if you buy all of those and you can diversify your portfolio.

I think only giants have the ability to invest in gold or silver, it can't be denied that gold and silver is a traditional investment that is always profitable, even gold and silver is a measure of anyone's wealth, but investment is of course very difficult to profit, and at this time I will choose crypto over gold or silver.
Even normal people that are not that much wealthy can invest into those.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 18, 2022, 01:12:24 PM
I think only giants have the ability to invest in gold or silver, it can't be denied that gold and silver is a traditional investment that is always profitable, even gold and silver is a measure of anyone's wealth, but investment is of course very difficult to profit, and at this time I will choose crypto over gold or silver.
Giants? I believe you mean rich people, kinda left out that detail in the translation? ???

Even middle-class people can buy gold and silver and they often do, because they are looking for safer and time tested investments for their hard earned money. Their priority is safety and easy liquidity in markets.

Crypto should be kept narrowed down to bitcoin if you are investing and looking for a long term profit not some short term gamble. With the current price dropping back to 39k levels, I think it is a good time to buy when a even steeper downward trend starts.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Abiky on April 18, 2022, 01:35:37 PM
Gold is a reserve asset dating back thousands of years and not likely to alter in that general usage though FIAT itself may alter considerably.  On the other end of the scale is highly speculative assets such as crypto which is no bad thing as we are also talking sky high growth occurring, the two assets should not be compared within the same sentence as they are not close in usage, in their basic origins or likely end game but both are inverse to dollar thats it.

Silver is more of a middle ground, its speculative and commonly mined alongside lead and a few other metals.  It also has a history of being a reserve asset but right now I'd argue its industrial and linked to solar panels etc.  Silver isnt a bad asset to consider but at times it might suffer the worst elements of all three.

Gold is more trusted than silver by people worldwide, so it's no surprise the precious metal has greater demand over any other precious metal on the market. Crypto is relatively new to the world, with little backing behind it. Prices are widely volatile these days, making crypto quite challenging as a serious long-term investment. Only Bitcoin can be considered the best choice among all the other cryptocurrencies on the market due to its deflationary design. Which asset to invest into is entirely up to you. As long as you don't invest more money than what you can't afford to lose, you will have nothing to worry about. Just my thoughts ;D

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: ice18 on April 18, 2022, 02:02:29 PM
What's with the weird question? Of course gold! What could be better than gold to keep your savings? At all times, gold has always had a high price. If I have a lot of money, a small part can be invested in cryptocurrency, but I will still invest the main part in gold.
Cant agree with you mate, what if a war erupt in your location unexpectedly and your all holdings of gold is in the bank, how could you protect that gold? But in crypto you can easily secured it on your own hardware wallet and keep it with you wherever you go no one can steal your wealth.   

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: RealMalatesta on April 18, 2022, 09:00:34 PM
Gold is more trusted than silver by people worldwide, so it's no surprise the precious metal has greater demand over any other precious metal on the market. Crypto is relatively new to the world, with little backing behind it. Prices are widely volatile these days, making crypto quite challenging as a serious long-term investment. Only Bitcoin can be considered the best choice among all the other cryptocurrencies on the market due to its deflationary design. Which asset to invest into is entirely up to you. As long as you don't invest more money than what you can't afford to lose, you will have nothing to worry about. Just my thoughts ;D
I would say that ETH doesn't look too bad neither. I mean it is like silver to gold, and eth to bitcoin are the same things I am not saying that it is a bad idea, it just doesn't mean that we should be considering bitcoin as the only one. Obviously, if you consider BTC to be most trustworthy then you will be mostly right, and if you want to invest only into bitcoin and nothing else then it is not a bad idea neither.

Certainly better than some people who have only doge investments lol. However, do not be afraid of alts neither, even though there are tens of thousands of bad ones, there are a few ones, maybe like a dozen of them which are nice as well.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: riso2015 on April 18, 2022, 09:59:42 PM
Personally, I might prefer gold, but I choose gold if my condition is not financially difficult. Currently, I tend to choose crypto as an option for investment and business development. I feel that crypto is more flexible than gold in asset enhancement. however, gold is very good for long-term investment.
however, I also believe that most crypto users are more likely to stock crypto than gold for the same reason. however, if I already have enough assets, then gold and silver makes a pretty good place to hold it for a long time.
It's true as you said, most millennial children now prefer to invest in crypto than investing in gold and silver, indeed investing in gold has no significant risk that we experience, but the turnover we get is not too much, even though we invest for a long time, but if we invest in bitcoin the risk we receive is large, but the benefits we get are equal to the risk we accept.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: jrrsparkles on April 20, 2022, 03:54:00 PM
What's with the weird question? Of course gold! What could be better than gold to keep your savings? At all times, gold has always had a high price. If I have a lot of money, a small part can be invested in cryptocurrency, but I will still invest the main part in gold.
Cant agree with you mate, what if a war erupt in your location unexpectedly and your all holdings of gold is in the bank, how could you protect that gold? But in crypto you can easily secured it on your own hardware wallet and keep it with you wherever you go no one can steal your wealth.   
I don't think billionaires hold most of their value into gold, so its perfect for middle class and upper middle class so probably few hundred grams maximum which can easily fit into anywhere if you manage to get out of your country at the time of emergency situations. As an investment its not really good but as a storage of value nothing can beat gold until now due to the trust level.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on April 20, 2022, 06:58:03 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
The thing that I don't like about investing in gold or silver is that the amount is unlimited even though it's hard to get, while bitcoin has an amount of only 21 million (cannot be added or subtracted) which makes me believe in long-term investments and also future of bitcoin, and also the best investment of the last decade.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Mahanton on April 20, 2022, 09:17:10 PM
What's with the weird question? Of course gold! What could be better than gold to keep your savings? At all times, gold has always had a high price. If I have a lot of money, a small part can be invested in cryptocurrency, but I will still invest the main part in gold.
Cant agree with you mate, what if a war erupt in your location unexpectedly and your all holdings of gold is in the bank, how could you protect that gold? But in crypto you can easily secured it on your own hardware wallet and keep it with you wherever you go no one can steal your wealth.   
I don't think billionaires hold most of their value into gold, so its perfect for middle class and upper middle class so probably few hundred grams maximum which can easily fit into anywhere if you manage to get out of your country at the time of emergency situations. As an investment its not really good but as a storage of value nothing can beat gold until now due to the trust level.
Its perfect for everybody but we know that this isnt something that everyone could get a hold of because into its value which is something that cant really be purchased down easily.
When it comes to investment then diversification would be always the best doesnt matter if its on the form of traditional investment or with this very new crypto that we've been dealing off.
Since it is really still sharing on the same goal which is to make profits or do really think off about future investment which these things are really capable of.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: fara_buduk on April 20, 2022, 09:18:56 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
The thing that I don't like about investing in gold or silver is that the amount is unlimited even though it's hard to get, while bitcoin has an amount of only 21 million (cannot be added or subtracted) which makes me believe in long-term investments and also future of bitcoin, and also the best investment of the last decade.
if we look from the past year until now, mas never experienced this inflation which made me interested in investing there and crypto is a job by way of short and long term investment because mas is different from crypto in terms of fluctuation

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: STT on April 20, 2022, 09:38:34 PM
The thing that I don't like about investing in gold or silver is that the amount is unlimited even though it's hard to get, while bitcoin has an amount of only 21 million (cannot be added or subtracted) which makes me believe in long-term investments and also future of bitcoin, and also the best investment of the last decade.

The supply for gold is far exceeded by the demand or requirement long term for gold backing financial instruments.   At present gold is not rated as having any worth beyond historic and industrial, the idea is the world has exceeded its utility.  The central bankers say their politics and innovation of FIAT standards make gold pointless, QE etc.      Or in the crypto sphere some think gold should be replaced entirely by protocols established here and there no worth in gold.
   My take is neither view is right and all 3 are likely to continue and demand will outweigh supply (for reliable regular settled value) only FIAT dollars will find demand drops vs that endless supply.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Abiky on April 20, 2022, 10:40:11 PM
Cant agree with you mate, what if a war erupt in your location unexpectedly and your all holdings of gold is in the bank, how could you protect that gold? But in crypto you can easily secured it on your own hardware wallet and keep it with you wherever you go no one can steal your wealth.   

Crypto is both portable and highly-divisible, outpacing Gold by a long shot. There's been a new wave of "tokenized" assets pegged to the value of Gold, bringing the benefits of crypto/Blockchain tech to the world's beloved precious metal. With a token like Paxos Gold, you can virtually take your Gold with you on your hardware wallet wherever you go. It's the best of both worlds if you ask me. It doesn't matter which asset or commodity you invest into as long as you're able to gain more purchasing power over time. As long as you don't put all of your eggs in one basket, you will have nothing to worry about. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 21, 2022, 06:34:47 AM
Cant agree with you mate, what if a war erupt in your location unexpectedly and your all holdings of gold is in the bank, how could you protect that gold? But in crypto you can easily secured it on your own hardware wallet and keep it with you wherever you go no one can steal your wealth.
If war was to suddenly happen in some place, which I hope never happens again, your bitcoin would become as unusable as the gold. Because to use bitcoin you need a working internet connection and electricity supply.

Given that your smartphone has a battery, getting a working internet would be the biggest problem, until your phone battery runs out. Do you think that in a real life war, you would be hunting for internet or trying to save your head from getting blown away? It is called priority of life over money. In such situations only fiat currency can save the day unless we reach a technological nexus at which bitcoin can be spent without having to connect to internet/offline.

I think these statements come more from the current perspective and not the long term view, war is temporary after all. In the big picture, you would want to keep money in all of these, each has its own pros and cons.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Sir Legend on April 21, 2022, 08:09:19 AM
The increase in gold can reach around 10% per year, of course it is a very profitable and safe thing if we invest in gold, at an expensive price of course not everyone can buy gold, and for me, who has an income of less than $ 1000 per month, I can only leave about $ 200 and I will use it to buy crypto.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Uang_kartal on April 22, 2022, 02:03:18 AM
The increase in gold can reach around 10% per year, of course it is a very profitable and safe thing if we invest in gold, at an expensive price of course not everyone can buy gold, and for me, who has an income of less than $ 1000 per month, I can only leave about $ 200 and I will use it to buy crypto.
Is it really fixed with the 10% increase in percentage, my friend? If you have a reference link, please include it, I want to see the chart and curve for each turn of the year. I'm curious and I will run for more in-depth research. That's interesting friends, one alternative if it is feasible and sufficient assets to maintain asset value funds and securing gold may be almost the same as stable coins when in crypto, right? this is our ancestral way of investing but I find it interesting, are you a 50:50 divider between gold and cryptocurrencies in your portfolio? Sorry, I just want to follow the way you manage and invest well my friend

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Paul Pogba on April 22, 2022, 04:26:40 PM
The increase in gold can reach around 10% per year, of course it is a very profitable and safe thing if we invest in gold, at an expensive price of course not everyone can buy gold, and for me, who has an income of less than $ 1000 per month, I can only leave about $ 200 and I will use it to buy crypto.
Is it really fixed with the 10% increase in percentage, my friend? If you have a reference link, please include it, I want to see the chart and curve for each turn of the year. I'm curious and I will run for more in-depth research. That's interesting friends, one alternative if it is feasible and sufficient assets to maintain asset value funds and securing gold may be almost the same as stable coins when in crypto, right? this is our ancestral way of investing but I find it interesting, are you a 50:50 divider between gold and cryptocurrencies in your portfolio? Sorry, I just want to follow the way you manage and invest well my friend

Maybe you can see in this link:, globally, gold prices increase by around 10% per year, gold is indeed the whale's choice for long-term and safest investment, never worried about dumps like cryptocurrencies, but right now I prefer to invest in crypto even though it is risky.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: macson on April 22, 2022, 07:33:09 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
the price of gold does grow but very slowly, the same with silver but cryptocurrencies have fluctuating growth, every year is always different, that's what makes investing in cryptocurrencies especially bitcoin very profitable.  bitcoin price will continue to grow, it can't be stopped.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: SirLancelot on April 22, 2022, 09:06:04 PM
I don't think billionaires hold most of their value into gold, so its perfect for middle class and upper middle class so probably few hundred grams maximum which can easily fit into anywhere if you manage to get out of your country at the time of emergency situations. As an investment its not really good but as a storage of value nothing can beat gold until now due to the trust level.
When you want to leave the nation in case of emergency, they take it from you unfortunately :(. I know it sounds horrible but when Ukrainians wanted to leave their nations and go to another nation, the patrol that took them in usually confiscated their possessions and specially their gold.

This was a news and even got someone fired, but it did happen. This is why crypto is much better, nobody would need to know where your money is and you could access it anywhere in the world, you do not even have to carry anything with you, everyone has a phone and you could carry it there and even have an account somewhere that you could access from a different phone or a pc.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: magneto on April 22, 2022, 10:33:36 PM
Precious metals is definitely more "proven" as an asset class.

However, I think the future is going to be crypto. There is virtually no benefit in holding precious metals over crypto given all of the advantages that it has.

If you are going to be in PMs though I would suggest silver - it is undervalued by historical standards via the gold/silver ratio, it is significantly more industrially useful compared to gold, and has more of a community following it.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Rengga Jati on April 22, 2022, 11:32:26 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
It's no doubtful that those three are worthy investment for long term. They are with their own profit probabilities and also the risks. Gold and silver have been for long time ago trusted as a very worthy investment, done by many people for years.
It may be different with cryptocurrency which is newer  and this is also still a debatable among people. But for me, as long as we are investing in the right coin such as BTC, ut's exactly a very worthy investment, too.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: verita1 on April 22, 2022, 11:35:12 PM
Since we know the advantages of investing in bitcoin or any crypto and now NFTs. Thinking of investing in gold or silver is unlikely.
But the people who do not use bitcoin in their investments, what are they investing in?
Although there is a lot of information about bitcoin and the entire crypto market, people lack information on how to invest in crypto, they prefer to have money in hand.
I share an experience from my region. I live in a state where gold is exploited but people only care about selling their gold for US dollars.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: marine4u on April 23, 2022, 04:53:46 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Gold or silver both have similar properties to bitcoin because the supply has to be mined, compared to volatility gold and silver are clearly safer than bitcoin but conversely, bitcoin's profitability is completely superior to with gold and silver.  Gold, silver or bitcoin are all popular forms in investment portfolios, personally I choose bitcoin as the top target for investment to seek long-term profits.   :)
I still remember in an analysis Pompliano very well analyzed bitcoin's incremental returns in any mixable portfolio.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Wong Gendheng on April 23, 2022, 05:44:57 AM
I think gold and silver is the safest investment and has long-term prospects, as we know that gold and silver is an investment that has been used for thousands of years and I believe it can last for thousands of years, as investors of course we must be wise and can be smart in putting our money.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on April 23, 2022, 06:16:17 AM

They are all worth investing on but can you permit me to make little adjust to that? I will recommend bitcoin, gold and real estate. This three are the investments that one could not afford doing without, their value does not depreciate and are best used for asset and store of value, i will also advise you to make more research on them each and know the ways in which you can have a good start by investing on them.

What you have mentioned mate are totally the most recommended assets for me that a person must have but sad to say not all can afford to have it these three altogether one at a time. I am very fond with bitcoin or crypto assets, gold and real estate because these for me the best investments that I can have in life and for now I have bitcoin or crypto yet as an investment and the two assets will follow I am very positive with that.  So answering the OP's query I can't choose which one is best because these are pretty good choice.

All this has a unique value, many people are looking for a way to be able to diversify their money safely, and if one way is with BTC, cryptocurrencies, gold, precious metals, real estate, but you have to evaluate what is more valid and what things can help you in the future, for now people put their money in gold when they have doubts, now taking into account that everything is going in the direction of safety, it is when they are taking into account the btc in other countries in order to put all in a model of a safe haven, and therefore some countries have decided to let btc in on a regulated basis.

Diversification is always the best option, but for me the safest is: BTC, Gold and Real Estate.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Wawa2013 on April 23, 2022, 07:49:07 AM
I think gold and silver is the safest investment and has long-term prospects, as we know that gold and silver is an investment that has been used for thousands of years and I believe it can last for thousands of years, as investors of course we must be wise and can be smart in putting our money.

It is true that Gold and Silver have been used by many people for a long time for long-term investments, and are proven to be safe. But we can't
just look for the most secure investment, but we also have to be brave to take risks that can provide large profits. I think crypto is a good choice
for investment, especially if investing in Bitcoin. Many people who get rich just invest in Bitcoin in a few years. Because the increase in Bitcoin is
indeed very significant, in contrast to Gold and Silver, whose increase is not like Bitcoin. But because of the high risk, we should really have
the knowledge first to be able to understand how to invest well in crypto. Not because many people become rich after investing in crypto,
then we without any preparation try to invest in crypto with large capital. It will only make us lose the money we have, because investing in crypto is
not as easy as investing in Gold and Silver. So make careful preparation before deciding to invest in crypto.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: livingfree on April 23, 2022, 09:54:28 AM
I think gold and silver is the safest investment and has long-term prospects, as we know that gold and silver is an investment that has been used for thousands of years and I believe it can last for thousands of years, as investors of course we must be wise and can be smart in putting our money.
They're safe and its true because they're not as volatile as crypto investments.

But if you've been into crypto, you might just leave the two and stay with your crypto investments if you have tested how profitable it is. But coming with the word of being profitable.

That's where many are being misled and think that it's easy as the word comes out to our mouths.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: riso2015 on April 23, 2022, 11:25:19 AM
I think gold and silver is the safest investment and has long-term prospects, as we know that gold and silver is an investment that has been used for thousands of years and I believe it can last for thousands of years, as investors of course we must be wise and can be smart in putting our money.
It's true as you said, gold and silver are the safest investments, but for now I prefer to invest in bitcoin, although there are many risks that we accept when investing in bitcoin, but the benefits we get are equivalent to the risks we accept

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Pejoh Asu on April 23, 2022, 12:05:10 PM
Cyrpto is a realistic choice when the economy is bad, even though Gold investment is very safe but only suitable for those who have big capital, while with Crypto if we invest $ 1000, we have the opportunity to get profit more than 100% in a year, even if we invest in Altcoins can be more from 500% in a year.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Mamun74 on April 23, 2022, 06:00:25 PM
Cyrpto is a realistic choice when the economy is bad, even though Gold investment is very safe but only suitable for those who have big capital, while with Crypto if we invest $ 1000, we have the opportunity to get profit more than 100% in a year, even if we invest in Altcoins can be more from 500% in a year.

Of course Gold and silver safest investment. Gold and silver are stable asset but both assest price increasing per day by day.But crypto currency investment is risky.Bitcoin and Ethereum both crypto currency is most popular and most valuable coin. Both are decentralization it will never be stable. So crypto currency price moving always dump and pump.Crypto currency is more profitable than gold and silver old asset but not risky.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Romeotom on April 23, 2022, 06:28:33 PM
First of all we can say that investing in crypto currency is risky but if you are an experienced person then you will get huge profit from crypto. Investing in gold and silver on the other hand is risk free and their value continues to rise as their value never decreases. Any business starts with advantages and disadvantages but always try to reduce the risk.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Furious 7 on April 23, 2022, 06:59:31 PM
First of all we can say that investing in crypto currency is risky but if you are an experienced person then you will get huge profit from crypto. Investing in gold and silver on the other hand is risk free and their value continues to rise as their value never decreases. Any business starts with advantages and disadvantages but always try to reduce the risk.
The point is experience and learning.
When you say Crypto then there is definitely a very big risk in it but it is very worth the results (if we understand how it works).
For gold itself it is also very good and they are more stable but indeed this is only for investment who really don't want to lack money with a lot and this is not very suitable for those who like challenges

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: fara_buduk on April 23, 2022, 09:55:23 PM
between the two have weaknesses and advantages in some views but in fact for novice investors who want to avoid high risk, then gold investment can be the right choice while crypto offers high returns / high returns so high risk

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: TheGreatPython on April 24, 2022, 09:30:46 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Gold or silver both have similar properties to bitcoin because the supply has to be mined, compared to volatility gold and silver are clearly safer than bitcoin but conversely, bitcoin's profitability is completely superior to with gold and silver.  Gold, silver or bitcoin are all popular forms in investment portfolios, personally I choose bitcoin as the top target for investment to seek long-term profits.   :)
I still remember in an analysis Pompliano very well analyzed bitcoin's incremental returns in any mixable portfolio.
Yes, all three are minable but the only difference is that bitcoin is digital and being mined in the internet using gpu's while gold and silver are mined under the ground in real life. Another difference is bitcoin is a currency but the rest of the are only just an asset and the reason why bitcoin is profitable is because it is more risky or volatile between the two.

In terms of popularity, I can say that gold is the most popular on the three of them then followed by silver and next is bitcoin. Usually people that are here in the forum prefer bitcoins because most of us already have an experience with it then compare to owning a real gold and silver. For the people outside they obviously prefer gold and silver over bitcoins.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 04, 2022, 01:49:58 PM
between the two have weaknesses and advantages in some views but in fact for novice investors who want to avoid high risk, then gold investment can be the right choice while crypto offers high returns / high returns so high risk
Gold is more or less safe if bought at low prices, which many of the older generation have been doing over the last few decades in many less developed countries. The good thing about this is the gradual and steady saving of money to avoid over-spending that money on things that they might not need. To them crypto is something new and truely it might not yet been in a green legal light there. So it is diligent of them to focus on things their government does not frown upon.

Also bitcoin is more or less within the 15% volatility range when trading every year. So it is also safe if you know what you are doing and not buying when the prices are high.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: LogitechMouse on May 04, 2022, 02:03:36 PM
Gold and Silver have been there for a long time thus, they offer lesser profit since they are less volatile compare to Bitcoin that has been there for only 12+ years.
It depends on your risk appetite and time frame as well. If you want to hold something for long term then you might consider either the three of them but Bitcoin is more riskier than the 2 metals.

After all, it will all comes to your risk management. As for me, I'm a bit young so I will be more aggressive when it comes to investing and I would rather choose Bitcoin to invest my money with. At least I believe that it will go higher in the long run and it will give me more profit than Gold and Silver.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Falconer on May 04, 2022, 03:14:29 PM
Meanwhile I like the 2 options that the OP has, and those are gold and cryptocurrencies. Gold was one of the investment assets I owned even before cryptocurrencies existed and I never thought gold was one of the bad assets to have in my portfolio. Then, I also have crypto now in my investment portfolio and I don't think I should ignore both.

Indeed I admit that in the last 1 decade cryptocurrency is an investment asset that has actually benefited quite a lot of people. For me anything that is profitable may be good for investment assets in the long term, so it doesn't matter how big the profit is because the most important thing is that we can make a profit from the asset we invest regardless of whether it is gold or cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: ven7net on May 04, 2022, 05:17:42 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

I believe that this is the right decision, since you always need to invest in different assets, especially those that have shown more than once that they are reliable in any negative situation. The fact that our world is on the verge of great changes is forcing many investors to look for additional assets in order to diversify their investments in the hope that in the future they will be able to at least maintain their wealth, and at most increase it.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Fredomago on May 04, 2022, 06:51:48 PM
Meanwhile I like the 2 options that the OP has, and those are gold and cryptocurrencies. Gold was one of the investment assets I owned even before cryptocurrencies existed and I never thought gold was one of the bad assets to have in my portfolio. Then, I also have crypto now in my investment portfolio and I don't think I should ignore both.

Indeed I admit that in the last 1 decade cryptocurrency is an investment asset that has actually benefited quite a lot of people. For me anything that is profitable may be good for investment assets in the long term, so it doesn't matter how big the profit is because the most important thing is that we can make a profit from the asset we invest regardless of whether it is gold or cryptocurrency.

Regardless of the three, what is important is you gain after you invest your money. It's tough since those three assets have their own ways of providing benefits, though with Crypto heavy volatility is always present, the market movements is very risky for people who don't have that right mindsets to stay calm during the corrections, you can quickly lose your invested money if you panic when the market turns against you.

Better to go deep and do more research before you engage yourself and invest your hard earned money. Whatever you decide, as long as knowledge is upfront, the chance is very decent for you to succeed.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: sulendra12 on May 04, 2022, 07:33:45 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
I mean why would you limiting yourself to only invests on one single investment instrument? Where you can just invest on all of them in affordable amount and watch the grow as the time goes by. It is always a good idea to have different kind of investment especially when we have so many things to invest nowadays.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Quidat on May 04, 2022, 09:18:05 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
I mean why would you limiting yourself to only invests on one single investment instrument? Where you can just invest on all of them in affordable amount and watch the grow as the time goes by. It is always a good idea to have different kind of investment especially when we have so many things to invest nowadays.
All matters with your financial capacity and we know that not all would really be having that kind of capability on where they could really invest on multiple assets or investments
which they do really like for them to get engaged on because its not that always happening for someone to have other sources or finances on  doing so.
We know that the more the better but of course the risk is divided too but in general preference it is really that a good idea to have this kind of investment

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: boyptc on May 04, 2022, 10:14:04 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

I believe that this is the right decision, since you always need to invest in different assets, especially those that have shown more than once that they are reliable in any negative situation. The fact that our world is on the verge of great changes is forcing many investors to look for additional assets in order to diversify their investments in the hope that in the future they will be able to at least maintain their wealth, and at most increase it.
The world has seen what events can affect their wealth and investments. These three aren't affected by those events that has come to the world since 2 years ago.

They're all fool-proof and all of them are great choices but if I had to pick only that I really like, no questions that it's cryptocurrencies.

Very volatile but I like it as it's always making the patient folks the winners.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: coolcoinz on May 04, 2022, 10:38:40 PM
Gold when you want to retain your wealth and are only interested in battling inflation.
Silver is a little more risky. I'd say why buy silver if you can have gold? Maybe it has more potential, but there's also less industrial need for it. If you're considering silver, you can as well buy copper or brass. They both doubled since 2020.

Bitcoin is the one that will allow you to make money and the risk is not that high with it. I'd say that investing in startups carries much more risk and yet people keep doing it.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: n0ne on May 04, 2022, 10:49:57 PM
Gold when you want to retain your wealth and are only interested in battling inflation.
Silver is a little more risky. I'd say why buy silver if you can have gold? Maybe it has more potential, but there's also less industrial need for it. If you're considering silver, you can as well buy copper or brass. They both doubled since 2020.

Bitcoin is the one that will allow you to make money and the risk is not that high with it. I'd say that investing in startups carries much more risk and yet people keep doing it.
Yes, gold helps in fighting inflation. When the user looks for diversified investment, then add silver to the list. In recent days the interest among common people to invest over metals have increased. This is all because of the rare availability of metals. Cryptocurrency investment is risky, but that can be easily overcome by holding. If there is good growth in the market need to sell it, else just hold. This lowers the investment risks.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: lienfaye on May 05, 2022, 03:36:01 AM
Very volatile but I like it as it's always making the patient folks the winners.
Crypto (particularly Bitcoin) is profitable for long term, but not everyone can bear holding it for long period because of the roller coaster ride of the price. Plus it has no physical features thats why some investors prefer silver or gold wherein you can use it as accessories even the value is moving slowly. Crypto is meant for investors who can wait patiently and not for investors who have a weak hands. Bitcoin and Gold are the best option.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Semar Mesem on May 05, 2022, 07:15:59 AM
If I have more than $10 million then i will use 75% for gold and the rest for cryptocurrencies, there is no denying that gold is the most profitable and safe investment compared to others, and it has been proven that gold is the type of investment that has been used since thousands of years ago.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: 19Nov16 on May 05, 2022, 07:41:14 AM
Everyone certainly does not hesitate with Gold which is a measure of wealth and economic stability, but for those who want a big profit in a short time, Crypto is the best solution, as we know that the chances of the Crypto increase can be hundreds of percent per year while the Gold and Silver Record increases never reaching 100% in a year.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: boyptc on May 05, 2022, 09:02:11 AM
Very volatile but I like it as it's always making the patient folks the winners.
Crypto (particularly Bitcoin) is profitable for long term, but not everyone can bear holding it for long period because of the roller coaster ride of the price. Plus it has no physical features thats why some investors prefer silver or gold wherein you can use it as accessories even the value is moving slowly. Crypto is meant for investors who can wait patiently and not for investors who have a weak hands. Bitcoin and Gold are the best option.
It's the reason that stop others to invest in bitcoin.

It's not tangible unlike gold and silver, they can have it and keep it anywhere they want. But they have to understand that we're in the modern days, things are becoming digitally owned.

And amongst them all, bitcoin is the great asset to have digitally. No need to compare for these precious metals and that's our preference to choose bitcoin over these two.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: awik p on May 05, 2022, 03:22:43 PM
Everyone certainly does not hesitate with Gold which is a measure of wealth and economic stability, but for those who want a big profit in a short time, Crypto is the best solution, as we know that the chances of the Crypto increase can be hundreds of percent per year while the Gold and Silver Record increases never reaching 100% in a year.
after we compare the benefits of each investment field, then we must also take into account the risks. gold and silver have a physical form as jewelry, although the increase is not more than 100%, but both have a small risk, considering that everyone in the world already believes in it. while crypto even though it is possible to experience an increase of more than 100% in a year but the level of risk is higher, so we must be careful in analyzing it. I personally prefer to invest in all three

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: BOAEDAN on May 05, 2022, 03:38:06 PM
between the two have weaknesses and advantages in some views but in fact for novice investors who want to avoid high risk, then gold investment can be the right choice while crypto offers high returns / high returns so high risk
gold, silver and crypto, indeed have their own advantages and disadvantages, if we invest in gold, of course there will be no significant risk, as well as silver, but the profits we get are not much, but if we invest in crypto, the risk is definitely very high. high, but the benefits we get are balanced with the risks we accept, usually the risk is close to sustenance.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Markinzo on May 05, 2022, 05:47:43 PM
Precious metals are a very good assets for investment as it appreciate increasingly more than it depreciation rate. Wether cryptocurrency or precious metals they're both a very good means of investment it just about choice on the part of the investor on which to invest on.

Although they both have their different risks and a needed level of patience for profit making.
But many persons prefer using gold or silver as a store of value for retaining their wealth.

Moreso, every financial advisor shouldn't forget to advise their clients about (housing) estate investment too. As It's another lucrative investment with a handsome profit returns. Once erected you just sit back and watch your profit coming in from rentage be it on monthly or yearly basis for years to come.

Donald Trump can relate better ;D .

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: mindrust on May 05, 2022, 06:35:45 PM
Since 2010 not yet 2016 I have been active to invest gold until I have collected about 220 grams, unfortunately the price of gold is too slow so I sell all the gold I have. I think crypto is a very promising investment because the profit opportunity is up to hundreds of percent within a year or even less, but the most important thing is to be able to control your emotions so you don't panic when prices drop.

When you invest in gold, you should prepare yourself to hold it forever. That's how gold investments work. Your children or maybe your grand-children will benefit from your gold investments. Not you. Gold is not a long term investment, it is a super-long term investment. Talking about centuries here.

If you can't stomach a time frame like this, then stocks/crypto is a better choice for you.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Gyfts on May 05, 2022, 07:01:55 PM
between the two have weaknesses and advantages in some views but in fact for novice investors who want to avoid high risk, then gold investment can be the right choice while crypto offers high returns / high returns so high risk
Gold is more or less safe if bought at low prices, which many of the older generation have been doing over the last few decades in many less developed countries. The good thing about this is the gradual and steady saving of money to avoid over-spending that money on things that they might not need. To them crypto is something new and truely it might not yet been in a green legal light there. So it is diligent of them to focus on things their government does not frown upon.

Also bitcoin is more or less within the 15% volatility range when trading every year. So it is also safe if you know what you are doing and not buying when the prices are high.

15% volatility is still significant. It's not particularly safe even if you can truly predict the market because of the inherent risk involved. If there's mass adoption one can reasonably expect the volatility swings to decrease, but until we get there, it's one of the major challenges crypto currency faces. I don't think people can adopt crytpo currency with the expectation they must predict the market in order to protect their purchasing power.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: investorss on May 05, 2022, 07:34:50 PM
I have also heard about this issue! Thanks for such valuable information! It has really helped me to solve the problem!
Who thinks that crypto is better?

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: savetheFORUM on May 05, 2022, 08:58:05 PM
Everyone certainly does not hesitate with Gold which is a measure of wealth and economic stability, but for those who want a big profit in a short time, Crypto is the best solution, as we know that the chances of the Crypto increase can be hundreds of percent per year while the Gold and Silver Record increases never reaching 100% in a year.
That was before when money is not yet invented but ever since money came and become the main chose choice for trades (buying goods) it have now become the main thing to measure one's wealth. Gold still co exists with that along with other investment asset that a person holds.

You must be specific if what crypto you mean can produce big profit in a short amount of time because there are also cryptos that are on the stable side and only pumps after a long time, although you should understand the risk is high the more you wanted to earn quicker profits because you will likely end up picking up shitcoins and meme coins or pump and dump coin in general.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Abiky on May 06, 2022, 01:50:25 PM
It's the reason that stop others to invest in bitcoin.

It's not tangible unlike gold and silver, they can have it and keep it anywhere they want. But they have to understand that we're in the modern days, things are becoming digitally owned.

And amongst them all, bitcoin is the great asset to have digitally. No need to compare for these precious metals and that's our preference to choose bitcoin over these two.

Bitcoin is also tangible since people can print a paper wallet which contains the private key or seed to access it anytime, anywhere. Not only that, but there are also physical coins loaded with Bitcoin on them. Carrying one of these with you is no different than carrying physical Gold or Silver bullion.

Now that the Blockchain is becoming extremely popular, Gold is being "digitized" in order to provide people with better portability and divisibility. A token like Paxos Gold enables you to carry Gold with you in a digital manner across borders. It's the best of both worlds, if you ask me. While precious metals and crypto are completely different things, we cannot deny the fact that Bitcoin has outperformed every other asset/commodity on Earth. Investing more into Bitcoin than Gold or Silver makes sense based on its previous market performance. With inflation on the rise, who would ignore these assets in the first place? Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: yawars20 on May 06, 2022, 03:17:40 PM
This debate does on forever as every expert has it own thought about investment plan.
Well if you already working on something and have a full time job then the best option to multiply your assets is to go for something passively witch can be more profitable in coming future and there are many ways to do it.
If you compare Gold, Silver and Crypto for future investment then its not bad to choice either of them.
Gold is always the major part of any human civilization and will go on due to its uniqueness. And from the recent survey I came to know that the major known gold mines around the world soon be ran out gold too. So its value could potential grow even more.
Silver is doing great as its demand is always high.
For the crypto, It is still in debate as the market is quite unstable of it. But one thing is confirm that crypto base payment system will go on. So the choice is yours but choose carefully for investments.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: budz0425 on May 06, 2022, 04:26:09 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

For me, I'd rather invest in Gold and Silver, because, Gold and Silver increase in value every year.
Crypto doesn't have a backend only trust. there is a high risk in investing in crypto compared to Gold and Silver

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: kelonmusk on May 06, 2022, 05:12:11 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

For me, I'd rather invest in Gold and Silver, because, Gold and Silver increase in value every year.
Crypto doesn't have a backend only trust. there is a high risk in investing in crypto compared to Gold and Silver

every investment always contains risk, be it gold, silver, or cryptoqurrency. Regarding gold, it is a type of asset that is not affected by inflation, besides that the increase in gold prices is relatively slow. for me gold is more suitable for long-term investment.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Fesatmas on May 06, 2022, 05:26:43 PM
I personally can't say which one is better, because all of them have their own advantages and disadvantages, moreover I also invest in gold, silver and crypto. This depends on our individual tastes, if we prefer gold then invest in gold, and so does silver and crypto, all of which offer advantages. If there are those who argue that investing in gold is better, and vice versa it goes back to each of us.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: kapalmabur on May 06, 2022, 05:31:49 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

For me, I'd rather invest in Gold and Silver, because, Gold and Silver increase in value every year.
Crypto doesn't have a backend only trust. there is a high risk in investing in crypto compared to Gold and Silver
Talking about risk, I think all investments have risks, be it stocks, gold or crypto,
so what we can do is manage that risk, the goal is of course to minimize it,
everyone has his own choice and it also depends on knowledge and skills

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: ShowOff on May 06, 2022, 08:14:28 PM
For me, I'd rather invest in Gold and Silver, because, Gold and Silver increase in value every year.
Crypto doesn't have a backend only trust. there is a high risk in investing in crypto compared to Gold and Silver
Gold and silver carry relatively little risk compared to crypto investments, so they are a good investment option for those who do not like to be involved with the high risks of crypto investments. I have gold as a "not much" investment, and it gives me good returns. But I never neglect crypto investments even if they are in relatively smaller amounts compared to gold.

Gold and silver prices also fluctuate, but maybe not as high as crypto. Well here you will determine which one is the most suitable for you to invest between gold, silver and crypto.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Sir Legend on May 08, 2022, 02:40:35 AM
There is no denying that gold is the safest type of investment, gold is accepted throughout the world of all time and has always been a measure of the price of all commodities, and I always recommend making gold the first priority of investment, and in my opinion crypto is an investment that can provide great profit opportunities in a short time.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on May 08, 2022, 05:25:09 AM
For a few years before I knew Crypto, of course I would put Gold in the first position because indeed this is something that is very worthy to have besides that the essence of gold will never disappear which makes me like it but after I know Crypto I will change the main choice me, even though I still keep Gold for now but I also divide my savings into Crypto and Crypto is the main asset that I choose now and gold may be in the second part because this is indeed a smaller risk

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: blatchcorn on May 08, 2022, 07:57:43 AM

every investment always contains risk, be it gold, silver, or cryptoqurrency. Regarding gold, it is a type of asset that is not affected by inflation, besides that the increase in gold prices is relatively slow. for me gold is more suitable for long-term investment.

Building a diversified portfolio is better then investing all your money in one sector. Gold market is biggest in terms of market cap while crypto is catching up nicely but its far from gold in terms of market cap. Crypto as risk and this risk works in both ways. Its better to invest in both, I would invest 60% in gold (because of its maturity) and 40% in crypto (to take risk).

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Kadal Ijo on May 08, 2022, 03:51:55 PM
Currently I work in an office with a monthly income of around $ 520, a monthly expenditure of around $ 450 and usually the remaining a little money I usually use for hobbies like going to the mountain by cycling with friends, after knowing crypto I will try to invest in crypto because I think it's easier sold from gold or silver.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: kelonmusk on May 08, 2022, 07:25:54 PM
every investment always contains risk, be it gold, silver, or cryptoqurrency. Regarding gold, it is a type of asset that is not affected by inflation, besides that the increase in gold prices is relatively slow. for me gold is more suitable for long-term investment.

Building a diversified portfolio is better then investing all your money in one sector. Gold market is biggest in terms of market cap while crypto is catching up nicely but its far from gold in terms of market cap. Crypto as risk and this risk works in both ways. Its better to invest in both, I would invest 60% in gold (because of its maturity) and 40% in crypto (to take risk).
Yes, that's true. remember the adage that says not to keep eggs in one basket and what you just described is the beginning of how to lead to success in investing. but it should be underlined that no wealth comes instantly.

other things; some people are certainly no stranger to gold, which is known as an investment asset in the form of goods. while crypto is a digital asset that is still rarely known by the public. apart from that, financial management needs to be implemented, research, must be ready to take risks from every decision you have made etc.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: maikrothaman on May 09, 2022, 12:26:37 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Bitcoin is your money, immune to abuse by governments and banks. The Democratization of Money: Bitcoin is the Currency of Liberation And so came Bitcoin, a permanent thing that men could keep without spoiling, and that men would take by mutual consent in exchange for the really useful but perishable supports of life. For the first time in history, we as individuals have access to tools that allow us to truly possess our own wealth and participate directly in the system that controls it. In 1995, surveying most companies about their internet strategy yielded the same answer as today's questions from organizations about their Bitcoin strategy.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: nullama on May 09, 2022, 12:39:25 AM
Bitcoin in your own wallet has the unique benefit that no one is between you and your money.

You could replicate this with gold, but there are many issues with this approach that you won't have if you use Bitcoin instead.

So really Bitcoin is the best option.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: rodskee on May 09, 2022, 01:36:56 AM
Buy them all, then save your Money for that lol

There is no denying that gold is the safest type of investment, gold is accepted throughout the world of all time and has always been a measure of the price of all commodities, and I always recommend making gold the first priority of investment, and in my opinion crypto is an investment that can provide great profit opportunities in a short time.

it may be safe but it is also Bitcoin in which the safer and wildest investing .

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: skarais on May 09, 2022, 04:54:40 AM
I don't have silver, but I do have gold for investments and jewelry. Gold is also a profitable investment with a level of risk that may be lower than bitcoin or other crypto investments. The gains from gold may be worth the risk although not as much as the gains from investing in cryptocurrencies. Gold investing is a good option for those who do not like the high risk involved in crypto investing, although the higher the risk, the higher the possible returns. I have both in my portfolio, it is good and profitable.

To most people I know, they tell me that gold is a great store of value to have.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: kotajikikox on May 09, 2022, 05:37:52 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Eversince i start earning money? I kept buying silver and gold for my own security as i dont trust banks .
But when i started learning and trusting crytp ? Then i invest most of my money inside .

And still has my silver and gold that i kept long now before i bought my crypto back then.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Oluwa-btc on May 09, 2022, 06:06:45 AM
I'm not an expert at this, but, if I should give my own share contribution to the thread, I'll say that the demand for gold and silver must have reduced, I'm not saying they're not valuable any longer but they have reduced unlike the way it was some years ago.
Gold might still be valuable because they are used to make jewelries,I'm not a big fan of silver, as I would have love talks of diamonds than silver.
As for Cryptocurrencies, everyone has to keep up with the current trend, it is unwise not to be part of this decentralized financial freedom as government and bank's are the main scammer's, they make good use of your savings and get enough profits from them.
Also it's unwise to to keep your coins in an exchange, too many people are ignorant as they see people emphasizing on this as an hullabaloo. In Crypto Currencies, buy Bitcoin and hold! for long term purpose, for short term and profit making, alternative coins can come up for you too pick.

So in conclusion, this are all good suggestions, I'll choose both gold and Crypto, also to add a landed property as they will sure appreciate over time in the future! But don't forget to do your own research!

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: SirLancelot on May 09, 2022, 12:48:22 PM
Everyone certainly does not hesitate with Gold which is a measure of wealth and economic stability, but for those who want a big profit in a short time, Crypto is the best solution, as we know that the chances of the Crypto increase can be hundreds of percent per year while the Gold and Silver Record increases never reaching 100% in a year.
after we compare the benefits of each investment field, then we must also take into account the risks. gold and silver have a physical form as jewelry, although the increase is not more than 100%, but both have a small risk, considering that everyone in the world already believes in it. while crypto even though it is possible to experience an increase of more than 100% in a year but the level of risk is higher, so we must be careful in analyzing it. I personally prefer to invest in all three
The biggest risk with those type of investments is the fact that since it's physical, it could also be stolen. I know that you won't be caring it in your pocket, but you could store it in your house and it could be stolen that way. If it is in the banks than it could be seized by the government as well, most major nations won't do that but poorer nations like mine could end up in something like that.

When government is doing horribly, they may end up with getting your gold and selling it and using that money to get out of the financial debt, or maybe they will simply bankrupt but we do not know which one they will do. Hence, why it’s risky.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: maikrothaman on May 09, 2022, 01:33:20 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Gold and silver are most commonly referred to as precious metals, so there is no need to label them in binary as "gold" and "silver" because the price movements of both assets are mostly correlated.

Very well explained. Right to the point. Truly it’s worthless to compare these three together. If op really want to compare then just compare it with fiat because that is the closet type of asset which we see into bitcoin. There are still many people who do not consider bitcoin as current and neither many consider it as asset. The thing is vice versa is another dimensional truth.

This is why many times people compare bitcoin with gold as store value or something like an asset for long keeping. But hodling Bitcoin is another chapter in crypto space which is purely based on its limited supply etc.

So gold is gold, it’s physical, lucid, and people Love to wear it.

Fiat currencies also have no guarantee. At least not beyond the government's ability to honor them, which is not a certainty. Due to this growing uncertainty in the modern world, gold is reaching new nominal highs with each passing day. Gold, as with any other good money, is its own guarantee; Because its physical composition is a useful commodity that can be sold for something, even if the institution that shaped it into a tradable form no longer exists. This is not the case with fiat currencies because the paper used to make currency doesn't even make decent toilet paper.

Bitcoin is also not supported in a rigid way, which is why it does not qualify as money or even hard currency. But the difference is that the community has confidence in Bitcoin because of its design strengths. If a fatal flaw is ever found in the system, it could destroy Bitcoin as a currency; but the failure of a single government or institution would not do it.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: horrifiedx1 on May 09, 2022, 02:21:18 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Eversince i start earning money? I kept buying silver and gold for my own security as i dont trust banks .
But when i started learning and trusting crytp ? Then i invest most of my money inside .

And still has my silver and gold that i kept long now before i bought my crypto back then.
saving to invest in cryptocurrencies is indeed more profitable, in my opinion. times like this are indeed the right moment to invest. with a low price, the kit has the opportunity to make big profits with crypto. gold and silver is actually also not a bad investment tool than we save in the bank. but both do not have a significant price increase like crypto

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on May 10, 2022, 10:14:11 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Eversince i start earning money? I kept buying silver and gold for my own security as i dont trust banks .
But when i started learning and trusting crytp ? Then i invest most of my money inside .

And still has my silver and gold that i kept long now before i bought my crypto back then.
I did the same thing as you did but in this case I just put the Gold there.
I started with a bank and never got off the bank until 2019/2020.
in 2020 I started from scratch by studying crypto until now there are many benefits that I get there and indeed most of my investments are in Crypto especially bitcoin for gold this is only an option for me

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: bmwister on May 11, 2022, 10:08:03 AM
And I'm more inclined to the fact that gold is much more stable, unlike cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency is like a soap bubble, you can buy, for example, DOGE in general, a currency that consists of hype. After all, many people buy it and the very next day they see how it collapsed. I don't remember a single case of this with gold. I don't consider silver as a precious metal. Sorry ))

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Reatim on May 11, 2022, 10:45:07 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
The answer is? How much you can afford to invest , because if you only have limited funds then you can only invest in Single of those choices .

But if you happen to have huge funds? then Why not segregate your funds towards all of these?

But gold of course, But Silver of course, Buy diamond of course , But never forget to Buy Bitcoin more than those stones .

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Pejoh Asu on May 12, 2022, 09:19:17 AM
Today the market continues to be corrected and this is the importance of we have to divide the portion of investment, in the history of life we have never heard the price of gold and silver drop by more than 10%, but in a week the price of bitcoin drops more than 40%, of course it is difficult to avoid losses but today be an important lesson for us.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: rodskee on May 12, 2022, 10:56:00 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
What made you have a second thought? when you can purchase and have them all together instead of choosing , Like take  20% of Gold, 20% of silver and 60% of crypto specially Bitcoin?

those are the best strategy that you can take in this scenario because readying in everything will keep you safe for everything you need in your investment and for the safety.

Today the market continues to be corrected and this is the importance of we have to divide the portion of investment, in the history of life we have never heard the price of gold and silver drop by more than 10%, but in a week the price of bitcoin drops more than 40%, of course it is difficult to avoid losses but today be an important lesson for us.

there is no way that we can divide mate now, instead what we can only do now is to Keep the funds and wait for the growth .

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Rasa nanas on May 12, 2022, 01:00:34 PM
it is true that these three are the best investments at the moment, but crypto investment cannot be equated with gold or silver investment because investing in crypto has a much higher risk than gold or silver investment. I prefer investments with large returns with a fast timeframe, so I prefer investing in crypto even though it has a very high risk. but that doesn't mean I don't invest in real world or low risk investments because I also invest in low risk investments like gold and land.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: molsewid on May 12, 2022, 04:18:37 PM
it is true that these three are the best investments at the moment, but crypto investment cannot be equated with gold or silver investment because investing in crypto has a much higher risk than gold or silver investment. I prefer investments with large returns with a fast timeframe, so I prefer investing in crypto even though it has a very high risk. but that doesn't mean I don't invest in real world or low risk investments because I also invest in low risk investments like gold and land.

But the cons with crypto is, that it has very high volatility, just like what is happening right now. Gold and silver investment grow their value over time, if you have a gold in your past or your family member bought a bar of gold in the past, it is worth a thousand right now depending on the amount you are holding. I am not saying that crypto is not a good investment, I highly suggest buying gold/silver too not only crypto. Right now the market is falling , just monitor it and do some analysis if it is right time to buy now or wait for more dip in the next few days.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Sir Legend on May 13, 2022, 04:04:23 AM
If we want big profits and in a short time then putting in crypto is the best solution, a few days ago the market correction was very deep and once reached $26k, and now it has returned to $30k, I believe the opportunity to return to $40k is very large maximum a week, if we buy now I believe can profit more than 25% in a week.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: asus09 on May 13, 2022, 06:55:46 AM
Today the market continues to be corrected and this is the importance of we have to divide the portion of investment, in the history of life we have never heard the price of gold and silver drop by more than 10%, but in a week the price of bitcoin drops more than 40%, of course it is difficult to avoid losses but today be an important lesson for us.
true as you said, we have to take every opportunity that comes, and we have to invest in many places, so that our finances are maintained, crypto investment is definitely promising but the risks we face are not small, gold investment can't get big profits surely the risk is small, I myself invest in gold, silver but I invest more in bitcoin, although now the price is falling, but I will take this opportunity to try to buy bitcoin.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: judaspriest on May 13, 2022, 09:53:58 AM
If we want big profits and in a short time then putting in crypto is the best solution, a few days ago the market correction was very deep and once reached $26k, and now it has returned to $30k, I believe the opportunity to return to $40k is very large maximum a week, if we buy now I believe can profit more than 25% in a week.
Indeed at this time the price of Bitcoin is slowly rising and of course that is a good thing,
but we must also realize that the market is not yet stable which there is still the possibility of going back down again,
So is this the right time to buy I think it needs to be analyzed again before deciding on this

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: yohananaomi on May 14, 2022, 12:03:58 AM
If we want big profits and in a short time then putting in crypto is the best solution, a few days ago the market correction was very deep and once reached $26k, and now it has returned to $30k, I believe the opportunity to return to $40k is very large maximum a week, if we buy now I believe can profit more than 25% in a week.
right, I agree when you say that holding crypto is something that is very profitable in the short or long term. Bitcoin price in July last year fell below $30K and yesterday it has fallen again below $30K, only overnight it has returned above $30K. within 24 hours there has been a change of $ 2.5K, of course a very profitable price if followed correctly. so don't be surprised if you say that for a certain time it can increase sharply, it's just our readiness to be able to do well.

Indeed at this time the price of Bitcoin is slowly rising and of course that is a good thing,
but we must also realize that the market is not yet stable which there is still the possibility of going back down again,
So is this the right time to buy I think it needs to be analyzed again before deciding on this
The improvements you say are temporary and don't look like they will continue to increase. so that every time there will always be a decline and in the not too distant future it will increase again. agree with you it takes time to analyze whether you want to buy or want to sell, because movements always come quickly.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: nur rochid on May 14, 2022, 03:15:21 AM
If we want big profits and in a short time then putting in crypto is the best solution, a few days ago the market correction was very deep and once reached $26k, and now it has returned to $30k, I believe the opportunity to return to $40k is very large maximum a week, if we buy now I believe can profit more than 25% in a week.
Indeed at this time the price of Bitcoin is slowly rising and of course that is a good thing,
but we must also realize that the market is not yet stable which there is still the possibility of going back down again,
So is this the right time to buy I think it needs to be analyzed again before deciding on this
many predictions say that until next week bitcoin will go down again, but indeed it can not be used as a guarantee. so don't be too confident, and I think this is a good time to invest. different from gold and silver, at least there is a physical form so that even if it drops, we can still use it as jewelry, or keep it in the form of bars, but it is safer because the fluctuations are not as big as crypto

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Abiky on May 24, 2022, 01:30:23 AM
I don't have silver, but I do have gold for investments and jewelry. Gold is also a profitable investment with a level of risk that may be lower than bitcoin or other crypto investments. The gains from gold may be worth the risk although not as much as the gains from investing in cryptocurrencies. Gold investing is a good option for those who do not like the high risk involved in crypto investing, although the higher the risk, the higher the possible returns. I have both in my portfolio, it is good and profitable.

To most people I know, they tell me that gold is a great store of value to have.

Gold is a great store of value, but you'll never achieve the same gains over the long term than investing on Bitcoin itself. You see, crypto brings huge profits due to its extremely unpredictable nature. Some people trust Gold and Silver more than crypto simply because they've been around for ages. Crypto is relatively new to the world, so there's a long road ahead before it gains the confidence among everyday people. Ultimately, it's all about diversifying your investment in order to minimize as much risks as possible. As long as you do that, you'll be on a road towards non-stop financial success. Just my opinion :)

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: ariinv on May 28, 2022, 08:12:14 PM
In the wake of rising gold prices, investors are mulling to invest in the precious metal. As gold investment is not restricted to physical gold only, people invest in electronic and paper gold as well. So, for those gold investors, who want to invest in other than physical gold option, Sovereign Gold Bond followed by gold ETF and gold mutual funds should not be preferred to digital gold. with digital gold an investor will be able to save an additional  percents difference on buying and selling of gold.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Bebe22 on August 24, 2023, 03:40:02 PM

When it comes to choosing between Bitcoin, gold, or silver, it's crucial to consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, and the characteristics of each asset.
Bitcoin's limited supply, utility, and growing adoption have attracted many investors. However, its price can be influenced by market sentiment, regulatory changes, and technological developments.

Gold and silver are both precious metals and have been considered a store of value for centuries. Gold tends to have more stability compared to Bitcoin but may offer lower returns over time. It has a long history of being used as a medium of exchange and is typically less volatile than Bitcoin. Silver generally has higher price volatility compared to gold, but it can offer higher potential returns as well.

Ultimately, the choice between Bitcoin, gold, or silver depends on your risk profile and investment objectives. It may be wise to consider diversifying your portfolio by including a mix of different assets to potentially mitigate risk.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: red4slash on August 24, 2023, 04:06:22 PM
I don't have silver, but I do have gold for investments and jewelry. Gold is also a profitable investment with a level of risk that may be lower than bitcoin or other crypto investments. The gains from gold may be worth the risk although not as much as the gains from investing in cryptocurrencies. Gold investing is a good option for those who do not like the high risk involved in crypto investing, although the higher the risk, the higher the possible returns. I have both in my portfolio, it is good and profitable.

To most people I know, they tell me that gold is a great store of value to have.

Gold is a great store of value, but you'll never achieve the same gains over the long term than investing on Bitcoin itself. You see, crypto brings huge profits due to its extremely unpredictable nature. Some people trust Gold and Silver more than crypto simply because they've been around for ages. Crypto is relatively new to the world, so there's a long road ahead before it gains the confidence among everyday people. Ultimately, it's all about diversifying your investment in order to minimize as much risks as possible. As long as you do that, you'll be on a road towards non-stop financial success. Just my opinion :)
We have different goals in investing or holding assets, and of the options OP mentioned, I think they are good assets to hold. Before bitcoin, I was also more focused on buying gold, but after I found out about bitcoin, I started to be interested and now I am more focused on bitcoin (by not ruling out gold).
Bitcoin continues to experience rapid growth, and from there I see opportunities that are a pity to miss.

For the views of many people, especially parents in my neighborhood, it can be said that gold is still the prima donna among them, yes it happens because in my neighborhood there are still many who do not know bitcoin.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: usekevin on August 24, 2023, 06:22:35 PM
We have different goals in investing or holding assets, and of the options OP mentioned, I think they are good assets to hold. Before bitcoin, I was also more focused on buying gold, but after I found out about bitcoin, I started to be interested and now I am more focused on bitcoin (by not ruling out gold).
Bitcoin continues to experience rapid growth, and from there I see opportunities that are a pity to miss.

For the views of many people, especially parents in my neighborhood, it can be said that gold is still the prima donna among them, yes it happens because in my neighborhood there are still many who do not know bitcoin.

Every one had their own opinion in the way of holding their assets.Because they had earned this money and have a potential to make their asset based on their opinion.At the ancient time,the gold was preferred one by the people and later to hold lesser shares they used Silver.Now after the invention of crypto currency,most of the people ready to hold in crypto currency.The main reason for holding in crypto currency is the profit time period for crypto currency will be low as compared to gold and silver.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: CarnagexD on August 24, 2023, 08:27:57 PM
We have different goals in investing or holding assets, and of the options OP mentioned, I think they are good assets to hold. Before bitcoin, I was also more focused on buying gold, but after I found out about bitcoin, I started to be interested and now I am more focused on bitcoin (by not ruling out gold).
Bitcoin continues to experience rapid growth, and from there I see opportunities that are a pity to miss.

For the views of many people, especially parents in my neighborhood, it can be said that gold is still the prima donna among them, yes it happens because in my neighborhood there are still many who do not know bitcoin.

Every one had their own opinion in the way of holding their assets.Because they had earned this money and have a potential to make their asset based on their opinion.At the ancient time,the gold was preferred one by the people and later to hold lesser shares they used Silver.Now after the invention of crypto currency,most of the people ready to hold in crypto currency.The main reason for holding in crypto currency is the profit time period for crypto currency will be low as compared to gold and silver.

Exactly! it's absolutely just self preference and their belief of which one has more value not just today but n te future. For some, they belive that crypto will be gone in the future. Those are the once who invest in gold and silver instead. For other, bitcoin is the future, so they even use their savings just to accumulate cryptocurrency. Is there anything wrng with that? None.

The most important is both parties are trying to wants to make generatinal wealth by investing in an asset that they believe in.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: STT on August 24, 2023, 11:32:44 PM
Main reason for crypto is the supply vs demand, contrasted to gold we are gigantically more constricted in supply vs gold which actually has an ever increasing quantity of supply.   The reason people are bullish on gold is the demand side which can be gigantic, literally it has the history of being in everyone's pocket and the backing for every government on earth via the original Bretton Woods agreement.   So the weighting is far towards gold, your parents merely respect history which alot of people will do.
   BTC has this very limited supply, we know on purpose and in 2024 the schedule as set down by the originator themselves is on time to once again tighten.  Meanwhile Dollar is falling into the sea of liquidity of its endless (scheduled) future supply to the world (ditto YEN etc.) and risks being washed away into nothingness though I dont believe that occurs this decade any paper standard almost by design can fail and expire in its total worth.    So crypto is oppisite to that bias and gold has an inert nature and does not self degrade, theres always some market for it as an element though its far below the market pricing I presume its still a background.  BTC has to develop its background of usage, this is the greatest criticism of it that I hear.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Vaskiy on August 24, 2023, 11:59:35 PM
We have different goals in investing or holding assets, and of the options OP mentioned, I think they are good assets to hold. Before bitcoin, I was also more focused on buying gold, but after I found out about bitcoin, I started to be interested and now I am more focused on bitcoin (by not ruling out gold).
Bitcoin continues to experience rapid growth, and from there I see opportunities that are a pity to miss.

For the views of many people, especially parents in my neighborhood, it can be said that gold is still the prima donna among them, yes it happens because in my neighborhood there are still many who do not know bitcoin.

Every one had their own opinion in the way of holding their assets.Because they had earned this money and have a potential to make their asset based on their opinion.At the ancient time,the gold was preferred one by the people and later to hold lesser shares they used Silver.Now after the invention of crypto currency,most of the people ready to hold in crypto currency.The main reason for holding in crypto currency is the profit time period for crypto currency will be low as compared to gold and silver.

Exactly! it's absolutely just self preference and their belief of which one has more value not just today but n te future. For some, they belive that crypto will be gone in the future. Those are the once who invest in gold and silver instead. For other, bitcoin is the future, so they even use their savings just to accumulate cryptocurrency. Is there anything wrng with that? None.

The most important is both parties are trying to wants to make generatinal wealth by investing in an asset that they believe in.
Yes, it all depends on their past experience. Some could've experienced good profit out of gold and some were taught mentioning gold s the safe haven. Thats the traditional following and now the preference among the young generations were to have diversified investment. Most of them does it and the importance can be seen on the volume. Some prefer to have bitcoin in higher volume against gold and silver. Some take decision in the opposite way based on what they've understood about technology.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: dothebeats on August 25, 2023, 01:21:04 AM
We have different goals in investing or holding assets, and of the options OP mentioned, I think they are good assets to hold. Before bitcoin, I was also more focused on buying gold, but after I found out about bitcoin, I started to be interested and now I am more focused on bitcoin (by not ruling out gold).
Bitcoin continues to experience rapid growth, and from there I see opportunities that are a pity to miss.

For the views of many people, especially parents in my neighborhood, it can be said that gold is still the prima donna among them, yes it happens because in my neighborhood there are still many who do not know bitcoin.

Every one had their own opinion in the way of holding their assets.Because they had earned this money and have a potential to make their asset based on their opinion.At the ancient time,the gold was preferred one by the people and later to hold lesser shares they used Silver.Now after the invention of crypto currency,most of the people ready to hold in crypto currency.The main reason for holding in crypto currency is the profit time period for crypto currency will be low as compared to gold and silver.

Exactly! it's absolutely just self preference and their belief of which one has more value not just today but n te future. For some, they belive that crypto will be gone in the future. Those are the once who invest in gold and silver instead. For other, bitcoin is the future, so they even use their savings just to accumulate cryptocurrency. Is there anything wrng with that? None.

The most important is both parties are trying to wants to make generatinal wealth by investing in an asset that they believe in.
Yes, it all depends on their past experience. Some could've experienced good profit out of gold and some were taught mentioning gold s the safe haven. Thats the traditional following and now the preference among the young generations were to have diversified investment. Most of them does it and the importance can be seen on the volume. Some prefer to have bitcoin in higher volume against gold and silver. Some take decision in the opposite way based on what they've understood about technology.

You are absolutely right. It all depends on the knowledge and experience people have. Some stand for gold as they have good past investments that produced great profits, some found it in silver, and these days a lot are finding it in crypto. There are is also the factor of what other share, their own experience, opinions, and suggestions that affects the reputation and popularity of the three in terms of investment.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Xampeuu on August 25, 2023, 01:47:04 AM
We have different goals in investing or holding assets, and of the options OP mentioned, I think they are good assets to hold. Before bitcoin, I was also more focused on buying gold, but after I found out about bitcoin, I started to be interested and now I am more focused on bitcoin (by not ruling out gold).
Bitcoin continues to experience rapid growth, and from there I see opportunities that are a pity to miss.

For the views of many people, especially parents in my neighborhood, it can be said that gold is still the prima donna among them, yes it happens because in my neighborhood there are still many who do not know bitcoin.

Every one had their own opinion in the way of holding their assets.Because they had earned this money and have a potential to make their asset based on their opinion.At the ancient time,the gold was preferred one by the people and later to hold lesser shares they used Silver.Now after the invention of crypto currency,most of the people ready to hold in crypto currency.The main reason for holding in crypto currency is the profit time period for crypto currency will be low as compared to gold and silver.

Exactly! it's absolutely just self preference and their belief of which one has more value not just today but n te future. For some, they belive that crypto will be gone in the future. Those are the once who invest in gold and silver instead. For other, bitcoin is the future, so they even use their savings just to accumulate cryptocurrency. Is there anything wrng with that? None.

The most important is both parties are trying to wants to make generatinal wealth by investing in an asset that they believe in.
Yes, it all depends on their past experience. Some could've experienced good profit out of gold and some were taught mentioning gold s the safe haven. Thats the traditional following and now the preference among the young generations were to have diversified investment. Most of them does it and the importance can be seen on the volume. Some prefer to have bitcoin in higher volume against gold and silver. Some take decision in the opposite way based on what they've understood about technology.

You are absolutely right. It all depends on the knowledge and experience people have. Some stand for gold as they have good past investments that produced great profits, some found it in silver, and these days a lot are finding it in crypto. There are is also the factor of what other share, their own experience, opinions, and suggestions that affects the reputation and popularity of the three in terms of investment.
and there is nothing wrong with what he chooses, because according to his knowledge, just like us as bitcoiners, of course choosing bitcoin is a must, and if you make a profit I think choosing will diversify gold and silver, all three have different characteristics, and we choose from the level of risk of each field, the advantages and disadvantages of each object are different, and all three are good investments, but I will also add as my wishful thinking to buy a property

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: summonerrk on August 25, 2023, 04:57:49 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

The answer to this question will be much easier than it seems. I think that silver is a bad investment, because the prices of leaders in their field are quite predictable (the crypto world is bitcoin, the reality is gold and dollars), but I don't like silver as an investment at all. Then the question remains: bitcoin or gold? Gold is called a Safe Haven Currency, because in bad times smart people invest in it, because it is material and always valuable. But if the times are good, then everyone is invested in bitcoin. In general, we need to look at the situation on the global financial market, and decide based on this.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Obari on August 25, 2023, 06:51:30 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Still wonder why they didn't include real estate but yeah they were right with their sayings but the truth is that if I have the options to go for them all, I wouldn't hesitate because all three assets are easy to trade not like land or real estate properties that would have alot of physical procedures and seller always seem lucky when he .eats a buyer.
Basically I will go for cryptocurrency(bitcoin) because it has more possibilities of appreciation than the other assets and it grows even more faster than gold or silver.
Bitcoin  will always be my first choice of asset investment.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Pejoh Asu on August 25, 2023, 01:40:29 PM
If we have a lot of money, of course, dividing money into 3 types of investments is a good solution, but if we don't have a lot of money then speculation by investing in cryptocurrencies is a more promising thing than buying gold or silver, especially since the current price conditions are cheap so be a good reason to buy more.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: red4slash on August 25, 2023, 05:22:10 PM
We have different goals in investing or holding assets, and of the options OP mentioned, I think they are good assets to hold. Before bitcoin, I was also more focused on buying gold, but after I found out about bitcoin, I started to be interested and now I am more focused on bitcoin (by not ruling out gold).
Bitcoin continues to experience rapid growth, and from there I see opportunities that are a pity to miss.

For the views of many people, especially parents in my neighborhood, it can be said that gold is still the prima donna among them, yes it happens because in my neighborhood there are still many who do not know bitcoin.

Every one had their own opinion in the way of holding their assets.Because they had earned this money and have a potential to make their asset based on their opinion.At the ancient time,the gold was preferred one by the people and later to hold lesser shares they used Silver.Now after the invention of crypto currency,most of the people ready to hold in crypto currency.The main reason for holding in crypto currency is the profit time period for crypto currency will be low as compared to gold and silver.

Exactly! it's absolutely just self preference and their belief of which one has more value not just today but n te future. For some, they belive that crypto will be gone in the future. Those are the once who invest in gold and silver instead. For other, bitcoin is the future, so they even use their savings just to accumulate cryptocurrency. Is there anything wrng with that? None.

The most important is both parties are trying to wants to make generatinal wealth by investing in an asset that they believe in.
Yes it is, we cannot necessarily say other people are wrong when they do not invest in what we invest in, and they also cannot say that what we do in investing in bitcoin is wrong, and indeed it is based on what we believe and what we understand.
I also see this also related to each other, I mean, people who initially invested in gold when they knew bitcoin they started investing in bitcoin (like me), and maybe bitcoin can be an opening for them to then they are also interested in investing in gold, not impossible right?

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: puloweh555 on August 25, 2023, 05:50:05 PM
We have different goals in investing or holding assets, and of the options OP mentioned, I think they are good assets to hold. Before bitcoin, I was also more focused on buying gold, but after I found out about bitcoin, I started to be interested and now I am more focused on bitcoin (by not ruling out gold).
Bitcoin continues to experience rapid growth, and from there I see opportunities that are a pity to miss.

For the views of many people, especially parents in my neighborhood, it can be said that gold is still the prima donna among them, yes it happens because in my neighborhood there are still many who do not know bitcoin.

Every one had their own opinion in the way of holding their assets.Because they had earned this money and have a potential to make their asset based on their opinion.At the ancient time,the gold was preferred one by the people and later to hold lesser shares they used Silver.Now after the invention of crypto currency,most of the people ready to hold in crypto currency.The main reason for holding in crypto currency is the profit time period for crypto currency will be low as compared to gold and silver.
Agree with you, everyone has their own opinion about how to save their wealth. For me Bitcoin is better in terms of storing treasures than gold or silver. Since it is unacceptable for gold to reinforce fiat currency in every country, at some point, for the sake of credibility, countries have to be transparent with their gold reserves (we need to know how much gold reserves there are in the world). Given what we're currently seeing, this is unlikely to happen. Just imagine the benefits countries receive when they manage to project the illusion of huge gold reserves (although this is most likely not the case).

Bitcoin came to fix everything. We know how much there is and how much there will be (maximum) and how much new supply is created. Gold is too opaque (in quantity and composition). So in conclusion bitcoin investment is more profitable to achieve maximum profits in the future.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: bayu7adi on August 25, 2023, 06:56:43 PM
All three have their merits; gold and silver possess robust intrinsic value, and these metals have been trusted since time immemorial, their worth proven to withstand inflation. I personally prefer to view gold and silver as safeguards in times of economic crisis.

As for cryptocurrency, it carries a high-risk, high-reward nature, where heightened risks hold the potential for substantial gains. Yet, there's no 100% assurance of success in the crypto realm. None among us can predict what lies ahead for our crypto assets—whether they'll crumble or soar to the moon.

Broadly, both the older and younger generations tend to favor gold on a global scale. And I still concur, albeit acknowledging its limitations. Bitcoin, too, warrants possession due to its grander potential; I won't miss the Bitcoin train to the moon.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Wimex on August 25, 2023, 07:44:36 PM
We have different goals in investing or holding assets, and of the options OP mentioned, I think they are good assets to hold. Before bitcoin, I was also more focused on buying gold, but after I found out about bitcoin, I started to be interested and now I am more focused on bitcoin (by not ruling out gold).
Bitcoin continues to experience rapid growth, and from there I see opportunities that are a pity to miss.

For the views of many people, especially parents in my neighborhood, it can be said that gold is still the prima donna among them, yes it happens because in my neighborhood there are still many who do not know bitcoin.

Every one had their own opinion in the way of holding their assets.Because they had earned this money and have a potential to make their asset based on their opinion.At the ancient time,the gold was preferred one by the people and later to hold lesser shares they used Silver.Now after the invention of crypto currency,most of the people ready to hold in crypto currency.The main reason for holding in crypto currency is the profit time period for crypto currency will be low as compared to gold and silver.

Exactly! it's absolutely just self preference and their belief of which one has more value not just today but n te future. For some, they belive that crypto will be gone in the future. Those are the once who invest in gold and silver instead. For other, bitcoin is the future, so they even use their savings just to accumulate cryptocurrency. Is there anything wrng with that? None.

The most important is both parties are trying to wants to make generatinal wealth by investing in an asset that they believe in.
Yes, it all depends on their past experience. Some could've experienced good profit out of gold and some were taught mentioning gold s the safe haven. Thats the traditional following and now the preference among the young generations were to have diversified investment. Most of them does it and the importance can be seen on the volume. Some prefer to have bitcoin in higher volume against gold and silver. Some take decision in the opposite way based on what they've understood about technology.

This is true, when you invest in something and it is effective, you see it as safe, which is why many over the years have seen gold or silver as a good choice, even much more than the traditional currency that is issued in each country as unique, for the simple reason of staying safe and having to defend themselves when a devaluation occurs due to inflation, anywhere in the world it is known that saving in fiduciary assets is a long-term loss , and I say this despite the fact that everyone chooses how to take care of their capital, it is a fact that everyone in general is aware that it would be a sure loss ... now with bitcoin it is different, this is a new asset, something very different To what we know, if you have to choose between these three, gold, silver or bitcoins, I suppose that most people would probably choose gold, since it scares them new, but if they dare to use it, and study it, they will realize Keep in mind that this innovation is also worth considering as effective… Personally, I would choose both, silver is not one of my favorites to be honest…

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Wakate on August 25, 2023, 08:52:20 PM
If we have a lot of money, of course, dividing money into 3 types of investments is a good solution, but if we don't have a lot of money then speculation by investing in cryptocurrencies is a more promising thing than buying gold or silver, especially since the current price conditions are cheap so be a good reason to buy more.
It is a good move if we out our money in different baskets but we need to watch our money if not we may lose it which is the reason why we need to our money where we can see our money grow without having any issues. We don't need to our money where we can't control it or where we can't have access to it that is why I see cryptocurrency as an investment where we can keep our eyes on different coins we are holding and sell whenever we want to sell or buy more. Trading Bitcoin and Gold is a good investment.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Quidat on August 25, 2023, 09:52:23 PM
We have different goals in investing or holding assets, and of the options OP mentioned, I think they are good assets to hold. Before bitcoin, I was also more focused on buying gold, but after I found out about bitcoin, I started to be interested and now I am more focused on bitcoin (by not ruling out gold).
Bitcoin continues to experience rapid growth, and from there I see opportunities that are a pity to miss.

For the views of many people, especially parents in my neighborhood, it can be said that gold is still the prima donna among them, yes it happens because in my neighborhood there are still many who do not know bitcoin.

Every one had their own opinion in the way of holding their assets.Because they had earned this money and have a potential to make their asset based on their opinion.At the ancient time,the gold was preferred one by the people and later to hold lesser shares they used Silver.Now after the invention of crypto currency,most of the people ready to hold in crypto currency.The main reason for holding in crypto currency is the profit time period for crypto currency will be low as compared to gold and silver.

Exactly! it's absolutely just self preference and their belief of which one has more value not just today but n te future. For some, they belive that crypto will be gone in the future. Those are the once who invest in gold and silver instead. For other, bitcoin is the future, so they even use their savings just to accumulate cryptocurrency. Is there anything wrng with that? None.

The most important is both parties are trying to wants to make generatinal wealth by investing in an asset that they believe in.
Yes, it all depends on their past experience. Some could've experienced good profit out of gold and some were taught mentioning gold s the safe haven. Thats the traditional following and now the preference among the young generations were to have diversified investment. Most of them does it and the importance can be seen on the volume. Some prefer to have bitcoin in higher volume against gold and silver. Some take decision in the opposite way based on what they've understood about technology.

This is true, when you invest in something and it is effective, you see it as safe, which is why many over the years have seen gold or silver as a good choice, even much more than the traditional currency that is issued in each country as unique, for the simple reason of staying safe and having to defend themselves when a devaluation occurs due to inflation, anywhere in the world it is known that saving in fiduciary assets is a long-term loss , and I say this despite the fact that everyone chooses how to take care of their capital, it is a fact that everyone in general is aware that it would be a sure loss ... now with bitcoin it is different, this is a new asset, something very different To what we know, if you have to choose between these three, gold, silver or bitcoins, I suppose that most people would probably choose gold, since it scares them new, but if they dare to use it, and study it, they will realize Keep in mind that this innovation is also worth considering as effective… Personally, I would choose both, silver is not one of my favorites to be honest…

If you do have the funds or money then why would limit out yourself on investing on a single point if you could really be having that multiple ones? Somehow its true that not all people does have that kind of financial capacity or capability on doing something like this on which you would really be making yourself that considering on going with multiple options. For those people who do really have that sufficient amount for a single investment then it would really be on your choice on which one you would really be choosing since we could really be making out that kind of research on the time that
we would really be tending to make an investment whether on Gold, Silver or Bitcoin or crypto as a whole but we cant really be able to deny that crypto investment is really that something that could
really be able to bring out that huge potential income or profits on the time that you did well on making that kind of entry or buy on low position and the the market price rose up then we do know that
crypto gains is really something that in gap or different comparing into those metals and other traditional stocks or forex and this is what makes different and been chosen by most people i should say.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: serjent05 on August 25, 2023, 10:50:22 PM
In investment, the more diversified our investment is the better it secures us from going bankrupt.  Since there are more markets we have ventured into, the chance of losing all the investment becomes smaller.

So I wouldn't mind investing in these three ventures since they have different markets, There will be a chance for me to profit if one market is not doing well since the other two markets may probably be performing well.

I don't get it when people compare different kinds of investment.  They have different audience targets and have different market performances.  They do not compete against each other and both have their own community that supports their market.  So choosing those three if the capital can allow is I think the best thing to do.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: STT on August 25, 2023, 11:59:28 PM
I concur :D   silver is industrial for example  this is my main take away from considering this market.  It can be the best performance of all three by far, but its heavily reliant on that industrial demand.  I have high hopes for silver still as it is related to Solar panels and this tech has developed greatly and is favored for usage by almost every country its only the cost of building and some connection to the grid that impedes further usage of solar.   Massive advances in that technology since the 1970's, many orders of magnitude more efficient.
  Silver can also be a monetary metal, its multi purpose but for now I think industrial and its supply is alongside lead and also gold, commonly a company will mine both.  Gold is seen as monetary but we know jewelry also and again gold does have usage for industry as an element sometimes nothing else can do the job just as well.   So yea they are all unique, I have some holding in all 3 though I might be most biased to crypto as I think digital is the most adaptable and fast growing tech hence crypto too has great prospects within that.   
  Im bullish on tech generally for the reasoning its so pervasive in countries which otherwise are not fully capitalist, many countries are greatly protected with border controls on the free flow of goods.   Biggest example would be the EU for example which wont allow free trade across its outer borders only within its member states; my theory is tech passes through these borders like modern day osmosis its able to find a way for people to do business.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: dothebeats on August 26, 2023, 01:55:43 AM
I concur :D   silver is industrial for example  this is my main take away from considering this market.  It can be the best performance of all three by far, but its heavily reliant on that industrial demand.  I have high hopes for silver still as it is related to Solar panels and this tech has developed greatly and is favored for usage by almost every country its only the cost of building and some connection to the grid that impedes further usage of solar.   Massive advances in that technology since the 1970's, many orders of magnitude more efficient.
  Silver can also be a monetary metal, its multi purpose but for now I think industrial and its supply is alongside lead and also gold, commonly a company will mine both.  Gold is seen as monetary but we know jewelry also and again gold does have usage for industry as an element sometimes nothing else can do the job just as well.   So yea they are all unique, I have some holding in all 3 though I might be most biased to crypto as I think digital is the most adaptable and fast growing tech hence crypto too has great prospects within that.   
  Im bullish on tech generally for the reasoning its so pervasive in countries which otherwise are not fully capitalist, many countries are greatly protected with border controls on the free flow of goods.   Biggest example would be the EU for example which wont allow free trade across its outer borders only within its member states; my theory is tech passes through these borders like modern day osmosis its able to find a way for people to do business.

I agree with you. All of them have great pros and of course, have underlying cons. I have never invested in Silver but I did hear that the drive and standing for profit heavily relies on industrial demand. Gold, on the other hand, is always a good investment as long as you know how to handle the investment properly and the right timing for it. As for crypto, which I also am pretty bias too, is just the easiest and more accesible investment for me.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: trendcoin on August 26, 2023, 01:59:12 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Gold and silver are solid coins in the same category of precious commodities. These investment instruments are as old as human history and as reliable as human history. I can always invest in them and never hesitate to do so. On the other hand, we need to unpack the concept of crypto in the topic title. I trust solid cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum as much as I trust gold and silver, and I invest in them as much as I invest in gold and silver. As a result, I don't see very sharp differences between gold, silver and Bitcoin. For me, these are alternative products in the category of solid money...

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: marcous on August 26, 2023, 11:06:45 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Gold and silver are solid coins in the same category of precious commodities. These investment instruments are as old as human history and as reliable as human history. I can always invest in them and never hesitate to do so. On the other hand, we need to unpack the concept of crypto in the topic title. I trust solid cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum as much as I trust gold and silver, and I invest in them as much as I invest in gold and silver. As a result, I don't see very sharp differences between gold, silver and Bitcoin. For me, these are alternative products in the category of solid money...
Agreed, but for a safe position and to maintain value I personally would invest in gold. If you have more spare funds, you will invest in Crypto such as BTC or ETH. In terms of earning Crypto profits more potentially, this is in accordance with the risks it has.

On the other hand, gold is still the safest place to store it now and in the future because its history has been proven. The choice returns to each, and risk management is needed before making an investment.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: Minecache on August 26, 2023, 11:22:17 AM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Gold and silver are solid coins in the same category of precious commodities. These investment instruments are as old as human history and as reliable as human history. I can always invest in them and never hesitate to do so. On the other hand, we need to unpack the concept of crypto in the topic title. I trust solid cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum as much as I trust gold and silver, and I invest in them as much as I invest in gold and silver. As a result, I don't see very sharp differences between gold, silver and Bitcoin. For me, these are alternative products in the category of solid money...

Are you sure there is no difference when comparing both gold, silver and bitcoin? Can gold and silver generate huge returns like bitcoin? Do they both give you privacy or give you full control over your assets?...There are a lot of differences when comparing these two investments. There are many differences when compared, even they are not suitable to compare with each other but because they are the most valuable assets, people always like to compare to find the winner.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: bestcoins1 on August 26, 2023, 01:36:02 PM
Agreed, but for a safe position and to maintain value I personally would invest in gold. If you have more spare funds, you will invest in Crypto such as BTC or ETH. In terms of earning Crypto profits more potentially, this is in accordance with the risks it has.
Everyone will choose an investment according to what they need or for the specific needs they want, for example, like gold, which is already more suitable for investment in maintaining value. Because Gold has been proven to be able to increase little by little so it doesn't cause a loss of the amount of money used when buying it, the same goes for when Gold experiences a decrease in price. Where it happens little by little in a very long time so that the value will tend to settle and not fluctuate.

On the other hand, gold is still the safest place to store it now and in the future because its history has been proven. The choice returns to each, and risk management is needed before making an investment.
Most people only buy gold when they don't want to involve themselves with very high risks, because gold is indeed very suitable for storing a number of asset values for a longer time. But for the level of profit, I don't think there will be a lot of size because Gold hasn't experienced a big increase for a short time, so some people still want to choose crypto to reap profits without feeling afraid of any risks. Even though they already have Gold as a store of value investment in their life.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: coinerer on August 26, 2023, 03:50:55 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?
Cryptos always have higher price swings than gold and silver.  However, gold and silver can be a strong investment, but crypto has many risks. but it is not possible to achieve anything good in life without taking risks. but instead of investing in one thing only, you have to invest in different things at percentage rate, in case of loss in one, the other will recover it. It can be a good strategy of investment and in this case risk can be less

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: khiholangkang on August 26, 2023, 04:08:27 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Gold and silver are solid coins in the same category of precious commodities. These investment instruments are as old as human history and as reliable as human history. I can always invest in them and never hesitate to do so. On the other hand, we need to unpack the concept of crypto in the topic title. I trust solid cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum as much as I trust gold and silver, and I invest in them as much as I invest in gold and silver. As a result, I don't see very sharp differences between gold, silver and Bitcoin. For me, these are alternative products in the category of solid money...
Agreed, but for a safe position and to maintain value I personally would invest in gold. If you have more spare funds, you will invest in Crypto such as BTC or ETH. In terms of earning Crypto profits more potentially, this is in accordance with the risks it has.

On the other hand, gold is still the safest place to store it now and in the future because its history has been proven. The choice returns to each, and risk management is needed before making an investment.
For me, who is still relatively young, and doesn't have a lot of burdens in life or experience in seeing from several sides between gold, silver and crypto, of course I choose crypto, even though I understand historically that gold and silver are assets that are indeed resistant to economic turmoil. and the longer the value of these two precious minerals never goes down because they are in equal proportions, and as we can see the longer the price of these two commodities increases, and does not have the nature of fluctuations like crypto.
Like bitcoin is of interest to me, because basically when it comes to security, then bitcoin will also be safe if you store it properly and under your own control, but indeed assets from bitcoin and Eth or other crypto have the nature of price fluctuations that refer to certain trends .
However, it is up to each individual to make decisions and see opportunities.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: leonair on August 26, 2023, 04:13:13 PM
Many financial advisors suggest gold , silver and cryptocurrencies as the best investment for this decade! what do you think?

Gold and silver are solid coins in the same category of precious commodities. These investment instruments are as old as human history and as reliable as human history. I can always invest in them and never hesitate to do so. On the other hand, we need to unpack the concept of crypto in the topic title. I trust solid cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum as much as I trust gold and silver, and I invest in them as much as I invest in gold and silver. As a result, I don't see very sharp differences between gold, silver and Bitcoin. For me, these are alternative products in the category of solid money...

Are you sure there is no difference when comparing both gold, silver and bitcoin? Can gold and silver generate huge returns like bitcoin? Do they both give you privacy or give you full control over your assets?...There are a lot of differences when comparing these two investments. There are many differences when compared, even they are not suitable to compare with each other but because they are the most valuable assets, people always like to compare to find the winner.
Bitcoin never guarantees huge profits but there are high chances and possibilities. If you can hold bitcoin for long time and buy bitcoin in a good time dip market you can get profit but it will never give you granted profit you can also huge lose from bitcoin. And since Bitcoin is not a currency controlled by any country's government or any organization, there are high risks if you are aware of them and can accept the risks, then Bitcoin is for you.  But for those who want a safe investment, gold and silver would be a good choice.  So who invests in what depends on their personal ability of accepting loss

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: kojektea on August 26, 2023, 04:18:01 PM
That's good. but I don't agree for cryptocurrencies in the long term. it is really profitable in the fast to medium term. not that I don't believe bitcoin or crypto currency continues to grow, the competition here is too tough it's not uncommon for projects with great value to just disappear like the LUNA case. learning from that I am more careful in investing in crypto currency.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: |MINER| on August 26, 2023, 04:54:14 PM
Of course, gold and silver are very valuable assets.  Investing in gold will undoubtedly be very good.  It is a very stable way to invest.  First I would advise you to invest in gold, but there is a physical issue and security is a very big issue.
Investing in crypto currency is also not a bad idea.  It is possible to gain good profit from here.  But before investing here, you have to gain knowledge about the security issues first, then you have to gain the fundamental knowledge of trading, then I will say that investing in Bitcoin is like investing in digital gold.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: lousie9 on August 26, 2023, 09:15:14 PM
Yes it is, we cannot necessarily say other people are wrong when they do not invest in what we invest in, and they also cannot say that what we do in investing in bitcoin is wrong, and indeed it is based on what we believe and what we understand.
Yes, of course we can't just judge someone as wrong if they have different views and don't believe in the investments we make. It's true that everyone has their own choice and everyone has their own experience of the investment they have made.
The most important point is that they or we use the money we have to invest in something we believe in, that we understand the risks and how the investment works and as long as we are also comfortable and have been able to or have had good profits from what we invest, whether it's gold, Bitcoin, stocks or real estate.
For me all investments are good and they will all be beneficial for us, the most important thing is that we have a good overall understanding of the investments we make.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: palle11 on August 26, 2023, 09:29:56 PM
That's good. but I don't agree for cryptocurrencies in the long term. it is really profitable in the fast to medium term. not that I don't believe bitcoin or crypto currency continues to grow, the competition here is too tough it's not uncommon for projects with great value to just disappear like the LUNA case. learning from that I am more careful in investing in crypto currency.

If you want to invest in cryptocurrency, it has been a public secret that bitcoin is the most reliable, so going for an investment for altcoins is a big risk because most of the altcoins are not going to meet the value of your entry price and that means lose will be incurred. Bitcoin is the most reliable because it is decentralized and no single person can manipulate the price that it won't bounce back to normal as it has largest community.

Title: Re: Gold , Silver Or Crypto?
Post by: odunybiz on August 26, 2023, 10:13:28 PM
What's with the weird question? Of course gold! What could be better than gold to keep your savings? At all times, gold has always had a high price. If I have a lot of money, a small part can be invested in cryptocurrency, but I will still invest the main part in gold.

I will like to support you. This is because of the high volatility involved in cryptocurrency. But I will prefer one to diversify is money on this investment instead of picking one. If one is down in the market, the other can stand a chance to raise the person up.