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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Pumox on April 17, 2022, 01:20:14 PM

Title: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Pumox on April 17, 2022, 01:20:14 PM
Hy everyone, lets share the best memories we have had in our childhood times. We know that there is happy and sad moments both in childhood time but lets talk about happy moments.
My one is - Sharing things equally with my bestfriend either it is food or materials like pencils or some sorts of things. If there is no equal sharing then we have no talk for sometimes. Still that memory makes me smile. That was the best part of memory i still have in my mind.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Annie_courage on April 18, 2022, 02:57:02 AM
Hy everyone, lets share the best memories we have had in our childhood times. We know that there is happy and sad moments both in childhood time but lets talk about happy moments.
My one is - Sharing things equally with my bestfriend either it is food or materials like pencils or some sorts of things. If there is no equal sharing then we have no talk for sometimes. Still that memory makes me smile. That was the best part of memory i still have in my mind.

I wanted to go to Hogwarts. That was my the strongest wish ever. I imagined that all pencils and pens were a hidden magic wands and I tried to use them all. Every time I used a new pen or pencil, I was very excited. What a nice memory... want to become a child again and believe in Harry Potter

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: DeathAngel on April 18, 2022, 08:05:15 AM
Probably something like going to theme parks & family holidays. My long term memory is terrible to be honest but I do specifically remember enjoying those things from childhood. The first holiday I remember was going to France which was my first time on a plane.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Pumox on April 18, 2022, 04:11:50 PM
Probably something like going to theme parks & family holidays. My long term memory is terrible to be honest but I do specifically remember enjoying those things from childhood. The first holiday I remember was going to France which was my first time on a plane.

Wow i think that is quite fun right ? But i have never been to another countries in my childhood. Of course not by plane or by something else. In my childhood flying in a plane is just like a dream. I used to make a paper plane and enjoy the game with my friends. But that is also a quite fun. By the way you are lucky. I think, you have enjoyed a lot in france? It is one of my dream to go to france one day.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: amishmanish on April 18, 2022, 05:31:33 PM
My best memories of childhood was celebrating my birthday with my parents and siblings, and how painstakingly and perfectly my mom made all the arrangements. This still bring smile to my face when I see those old photographs.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: mich on April 24, 2022, 06:42:50 AM
My best memories of childhood usually revolve around the old house I grew up in with my family. I think my most significant memories involve playing with my dog as a small child. We had a maltese named snowy and that dog was so affectionate and loving.
He would just spend hours hanging out with me. I loved spending time with him on the floor in the living room. Whenever I think of that house I remember we had a lot of banana yellow decor. I wonder if my mother was a fan of it or if it just came with the house when my folks bought it?
I think that color will always have positive associations for me.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Mask00 on May 28, 2022, 09:23:48 AM
I miss you so much my School Life When I am small i am play in Field
Its Memorable Day in Everyone's Life😪😪😪

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Israelgogo on May 30, 2022, 06:11:08 AM
Been raised in the trenches, a ghetto area where surviving is from hand to mouth, In this area many work like an elephant and feed like a mouse abd faced with alot of challenges, scaling through was a strong determination ,hoping for the best and being positive, seen myself different from kids in the area ,looking up to others as mentor who has made from this local poverty stricken area and believing ,i can too and i can be better at it.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: lzrr on June 01, 2022, 04:46:00 PM
My best childhood memory was when I challanged Razor Callahan in need for speed most wanted 2005 I cannot express how happy I was that day.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Tallupooh on October 24, 2022, 12:44:27 AM
My best memory in childhood is playing with friends, at that time not many children had cell phones, so when we played it was a really fun time.

Sometimes small children now when playing, they always play with cell phones. Even though they are together, the cell phone is always the top priority. Sometimes I'm sad to see that, because the games that I used to often play, are now lost to the times.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: landheer on October 25, 2022, 05:22:35 AM
The best memory in my childhood is, the first time I went on an excursion with my family, namely to the beach and that made it hard for me to forget it, because I was very happy when I first bathed at the beach. and the experience of seeing the beach for the first time is an experience that will be hard to forget and will certainly be the most beautiful memory.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Car22 on March 10, 2023, 04:02:18 PM
My best memory of my childhood to play in hands of my mother when she is alive. When my father wants to punish on idiots things, i put myself in the lap of my mother to save myself .And that is best place for hide ..

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Qiubell5 on March 21, 2023, 11:38:47 PM
childhood memories are the best. I always run in dry fields with my friends, it's very fun. or watching people fly kites in the evening, with beautiful views, cool breeze and calm. made my childhood so meaningful. somehow i miss him a bit..

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Docnaster on March 23, 2023, 09:58:12 AM
I grew up in remote and undeveloped village in the biggest country in Africa that had not more than two millionaires in my local currency as of the I was still a child and I had so many memorable childhood moments.
 Growing up in a village where just four persons in a community of over a thousand people had visual black and white television was one indeed a memory to look back to because we(village kids) would have to trek miles in the dark night to watch TV programs in the house any of these "rich" men and sometimes we would retire back to our homes without viewing TV because it's not every night that these persons generate electricity to power the TVs.

But the most memorable among all of these memories was swimming in the local river called "Oguochie" river with other village kids. It was so fun that we were spending over 4 hours on every sunny afternoon playing different types of local aquatics games, singing and dancing in the river banks as well. But today, almost everything has changed because of rapid development.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: BADecker on March 23, 2023, 03:44:23 PM
Slightly before age 7, when I understood the 'I Am' that I am.


Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Vadors on March 23, 2023, 07:13:46 PM
My best memories were of summer walks with friends and carefree times

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Mikhalina Palaha on March 24, 2023, 04:25:12 AM
I have quite a few happy memories from my childhood, but one that stands out to me is playing outside with my siblings and friends. We would spend hours running around, climbing trees, and playing games like hide-and-seek and tag.

I remember the feeling of the sun on my face and the grass under my feet, and the joy of being with people I loved and having fun together. Another happy memory I have is baking cookies with my mom.

We would make a mess in the kitchen, but it was always worth it to have warm, fresh cookies to share with my family and friends. These are just a few of the many happy memories I have from my childhood, and they always bring a smile to my face whenever I think about them.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Raceonsucced on March 24, 2023, 07:13:51 AM
my childhood spent a lot of time with grandma. going to the garden, cooking or other activities with grandma. it is a beautiful memory for me.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: GideonGono on March 26, 2023, 09:31:21 PM
No Bills, more time of sleep, stress-free, could sleep on the couch and wake up in my bed.
But for real I guess it would be the time that my family is still okay and we would watch some disney cartoons every weekend all of us sleeping in the living room while watching it.
For me those are the best memories that I have with my family.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: rodskee on March 27, 2023, 02:56:04 AM
the day with my  best Buddy , and that is my brother (but suddenly ,  he died so young)

until now after almost 3 decade of him being gone? I still dream of our best day ever , and keep him alive in my mind and heart.

I love you brother , missing you so much .

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: Shielding2002 on April 08, 2023, 04:31:58 PM
Back then in primary school, I was about 9 years. During the prize giving day I got so many academic prizes. That is a day I will keep remembering.

Title: Re: What was the best memory of your childhood ?
Post by: gocryptoz on April 08, 2023, 09:19:34 PM
my best memory when i was playing football with my friends what funny is when you are a kid you have many friends than you have when you getting older.