Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Bitcoinbride on April 25, 2022, 12:09:33 PM

Title: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Bitcoinbride on April 25, 2022, 12:09:33 PM
Prior to learning about crypto and joining this forum, I never was the type to be inclined to digital devices like my phone and personal computer, recently after finding out that a big determinant to one's financial success will soon depend on the amount of information one possesses. I find bitcointalk very informative, and since my time here, I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Upgrade00 on April 25, 2022, 12:22:58 PM
The world is going digital and many jobs require one to use a mobile device or PC; You will find a desk top computer on almost every table in a company as it is a major requirement, so you would have to accept this as a part of the new normal, especially when working remotely.

I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.
Moderation needs to be applied to any activity, this includes screen time.
There are unhealthy side effects of increased use of mobile devices, there is also the risk of posture defects if you sit to long at your work table.
• It would help if you build healthy habits to counter these effects, use eye care mode on your screen to reduce effect of the screen light,
• Avoid working late hours, closer to your bed time,
• If you work at a table, get a chair of appropriate height and practise good sitting posture,
• By all means regulate the time you spend on your computer to only when necessary.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on April 25, 2022, 12:23:04 PM
But of course, if spending more time online is not detrimental to your health or takes you completely away from family I don't see why it should be a bother to you. People get addicted to different stuff. If the one you're about getting addicted to sets you up for more information that aligns you with current trend that can advance you, it's good. Being here is one of the good things the internet has offered me. As a crypto noob in 2017, I can convincingly say I've come a long way because of this forum. I'm convinced too that you will enjoy being here if you hang on longer.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: jackg on April 25, 2022, 02:26:46 PM
I'd consider limiting how long you spend trying to absorb information (especially from places like forums, news sites and niche websites where the critique and moderation might not be up to a good standard - for example removing any obscurity or ambiguity from text).

You'll have to find a balance of how much time you spend doing things and this should just be included in that - if you're finding your interest has piqued from not having much to do before crypto related things then find more projects you can take on (they can still be online just don't become too dependent on one thing) - no one can spend more than a few hours learning about something per day without beginning to trade off efficiency either.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: BitKongy on April 25, 2022, 02:37:01 PM
This habit has no side effects or whatsoever, why are you worried? I am a PC gamer and I spent hours in front of my 4K TV every day playing games and I sent some hours watching YouTube videos and as well as the BTT forum too, you have nothing to worry about.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Lucius on April 26, 2022, 01:17:17 PM
This habit has no side effects or whatsoever, why are you worried? I am a PC gamer and I spent hours in front of my 4K TV every day playing games and I sent some hours watching YouTube videos and as well as the BTT forum too, you have nothing to worry about.

There is a saying in my language that could be translated "Old days will ask you what you did in your young days". What I want to say is that the consequences of the way of life you live today are not immediately visible, but one day you will feel them for sure. Too much time sitting in front of a tv computer has health consequences.

Obesity. Too much time engaging in a sedentary activity, such as playing video games or watching TV, can be a risk factor for obesity. Heart health is also impacted and can lead to a higher risk of diabetes, increased blood pressure or cholesterol.

Sleep problems. The light emitted from electronic devices interferes with the brain’s sleep cycle and can prevent getting a good night’s sleep. To sleep more soundly, keep screens out of the bedroom and avoid them for at least an hour before you climb into bed.

Chronic neck and back pain. Too much screen time can lead to poor posture, causing chronic neck, shoulder and back pain. Instead, take breaks from sitting to walk around, stand or stretch. Make sure your chair provides ample back support and try to keep the device at eye level.

Depression and anxiety. All the time spent in front of screens can negatively affect your mental and emotional wellbeing. Experts suggest that higher screen time and depression could be connected along with an increase in suicidal behaviors and lower one’s ability to read emotions in general.

Of course, not all people react the same and not everyone will have problems like this, but you need to keep in mind that what most people do today is not something people did 20 years ago - and we can say that in a way it's about behavior which has very negative consequences for human health.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: KingsDen on April 26, 2022, 02:15:46 PM
Speaking from my personal experience:
Before I know about crypto or btt, I am already addicted to my devices (laptop and mobile phones). These two gadgets are major parts of my life. I don't do without them. So, knowing crypto has no effects on me.

Speaking from general experience

There is need for moderation in whatever you do.
Over exposure to screen lights will affect the eyes. If you buy devices, go for quality ones that has advanced and reliable eyes care services.
Then if online is not your thing, don't over push yourself.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: joker_josue on April 26, 2022, 03:07:14 PM
I find bitcointalk very informative, and since my time here, I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.

This question is a little dubious.

It's one thing to read content about cryptocurrencies here on the forum or elsewhere is good, because it will help you understand how everything works and make the best choices for you.

Whether spending too much time in front of the screen is good or bad is another matter. I think there has to be common sense and balance. We should always take time to be with friends and family, away from screens and preferably outdoors. Therefore, as far as possible, the time spent in front of the slaves should be moderate, regardless of the content viewed.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Doan9269 on April 26, 2022, 03:16:04 PM
is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.

There's a saying and i quote "what worth doing worth doing well" as long as you see bitcointalk and any other platform or crypto activities you engage doing really deserve taking your time them you can go ahead, but be reminded as well that any thing you're doing for long and you have no results to show for it is as waste of timez energy and resources, i will also advise you to have a future plan on a long run because later in future or at old age you might not be able to be as versatile as this, nature can't be cheated, also learn to prioritize things, have schedules for all activities, getting busy with your phone or laptop doesn't mean you should dissociate yourself from enjoying every good things in life including human relationship.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: bitmover on April 26, 2022, 03:17:19 PM
Prior to learning about crypto and joining this forum, I never was the type to be inclined to digital devices like my phone and personal computer, recently after finding out that a big determinant to one's financial success will soon depend on the amount of information one possesses.

It is time consuming to take care about your money.
A long my financial journey I spend countless hours reading about investment strategies,  about assets, how to build a portfolio , etc

Bitcoin is particularly different due to its unique asset type, so I needed to read a lot about it to understand it. It's high volatility is also complicated to understand and get used it. I also have somehow a passion about it.

At least for me it is totally worth it. I made more money with bitcoin and other investment types  by investing than I would evert made working.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: passwordnow on April 27, 2022, 04:12:21 PM
You're having the excitement and that's why those activities are starting to show up and it's changing your routine. Everything that's too much is bad.
If lurking using your phone and PC is becoming more than what it should be and it's no longer normal. Think of it and try to moderate it so that it won't affect other things that you do in life. But as I've said, you're having the excitement to learn more so it's really going to take a lot of time. Just make sure that you won't compromise your health.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Cookdata on April 27, 2022, 10:27:50 PM

Bitcointalk is place to rub mind with others to learn the doings of Bitcoin, hence been online to read, scan, skim is a normal thing but if you are the type that is not used to be cling phone and PC, you may at point begin to question yourself why have you changed after joining the forum but you know the good thing is that, you will always find this forum amusing after learning some things. In fact, there isn't a days that goes in this forum that you wouldn't come across new interesting thing to digest, you will continue to learn as long as you are active and communicate with others but all these cannot be possible unless Bitcointalk is one of your Hobbies.
You want to see something interesting about bitcoin? go through boards like development and technical discussions, bitcoin technical support, you will learn things and be prepared  :D

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: tranthidung on April 28, 2022, 02:46:52 AM
I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.
You should not spend most of your time online. It is not good for your physical health as well as mental health.

Let's plan your time to hang out with friends, family; or do physical activities which are good for both of your physical and mental health. When your brain is fresh as effects from physical activities, you can learn and work better, more effectively and productively.

Total time you spent for a work does not decide a quality of what you finish with it.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Oluwa-btc on April 28, 2022, 05:54:28 AM
Everyone should be responsible for he's/herself,as you should also look deep into yourself for guidance, you should know what's best for you and what's bad, knowing when to start and when to stop if you have been too engrossed here/online. You need to set a balance!!
Although habits embedded in once self can be learnt and also changed you just have to discipline yourself to that extent.
Also, Do well to eat green foods, increase your water in take, sleep for eight hours + as and exercise when necessary.
The world is going digitalized doesn't mean you can grow in other aspects of the world, you just have to make sure you're doing the right thing.
You don't really need to be 24hours present, asides btt and Crypto,there should be other financial books you can also read to expand your financial horizons.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: pakhitheboss on April 30, 2022, 06:24:24 AM
You need to spend more time elsewhere than on digital technologies. If it is necessary then only spend time on the forum or cryptocurrency related website. Mental health is one of the most serious issue in today's internet based lifestyle. Keep yourself as much away from the internet as you can. There are a lot of activities that you can do outside that will help you in increasing your productivity.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: SatoPrincess on April 30, 2022, 07:25:11 AM
Prior to learning about crypto and joining this forum, I never was the type to be inclined to digital devices like my phone and personal computer, recently after finding out that a big determinant to one's financial success will soon depend on the amount of information one possesses. I find bitcointalk very informative, and since my time here, I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.
It depends on perspective, I think you believe that this is becoming addictive for you. In the OP your reason for spending most of time online is this “after finding out that a big determinant to one's financial success will soon depend on the amount of information one possesses” I beg to differ, you can also get information from reading books, knowledge is not limited to the forum. Also how many hours in a day do you spend on the forum and how does it affect your productivity in the day? If you’re the sort that sits on the couch all day, drinking beer and lives on the internet then there may be risk factors for your health.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: decodx on April 30, 2022, 08:36:30 AM
Our daily lives have become increasingly dependent on the Internet, but it has also brought many dangers. Internet addiction is becoming an increasingly common problem without us even being aware of it. Defining how many hours one should spend online as "normal" is difficult, but certain behaviors can indicate excessive use. As a result of daily or long-term engagement in online activities, you may neglect your other activities, such as everyday tasks and chores, time with family and friends, or the requirements of your job or education. Whenever excessive time is spent online, it can reduce the quality of your life, which then can affect the quality of your work and your relationships.

For many people, excessive use of the Internet is a lifestyle, not just a habit. If you feel you are using the Internet excessively, you should consult your physician to find out if this behavior might be a symptom of a more serious health problem. Seek professional help to understand the possible causes and treatment options of excessive Internet use and other online or digital addiction. Excessive Internet can be linked to other problems. The presence of a mental health disorder may increase the risk of excessive Internet use. Other risk factors include social isolation, depression, stress, and addiction to online gambling, or online social networking.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: khaled0111 on April 30, 2022, 02:02:19 PM
I find bitcointalk very informative, and since my time here, I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin?
No, it's not a good habit. Sitting behind a computer screen all day or using a mobile phone for long hours isn't good for your health especially for your eyes.
Besides, spending many hours a day reading about a subject doesn't mean you will understand it or learn more about it faster. At the contrary, your mind won't be able to absorb and process all that new information.
At least, use a desktop computer rather than a mobile device and try to get a good monitor with large screen size and a high resolution.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on April 30, 2022, 03:38:21 PM
Newer smartphones of today come with eye care features like reading mode that somehow reduce the strain on the eye when looking at your screen for a long period of time, you can find these features in the quick menu on android phones, mine has it and it's an android 12.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Shamm on April 30, 2022, 03:53:24 PM
Prior to learning about crypto and joining this forum, I never was the type to be inclined to digital devices like my phone and personal computer, recently after finding out that a big determinant to one's financial success will soon depend on the amount of information one possesses. I find bitcointalk very informative, and since my time here, I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.
Bitcoin talk is the best forum it contains knowledge about bitcoins and other related crypto currencies and If you are here you will learn a lot of things all you need is read and understand what the text is then you can share it with your relatives an friends.
I think you need to control your self you need to maintain your health condition, cause phones or PC can give you an not healthy eye when you are abusing it.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: noorman0 on April 30, 2022, 04:22:05 PM
Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.
You need to reset your time for this forum. There are certain times where you can absorb information well based on the ability of the human brain (please google it), in this case digging for information all the time is not really recommended.
And one important thing, you are a social being who needs to interact with the outside world (not just with family).

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: acroman08 on April 30, 2022, 05:40:05 PM
if you are worried about spending a lot of time on your devices it would be best to regulate the time you spent on your phone or computer. but in my opinion, if spending your time on your devices is productive enough and doesn't affect much of your daily routine or your health, I say go for it.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: qwertyup23 on April 30, 2022, 06:17:36 PM
Prior to learning about crypto and joining this forum, I never was the type to be inclined to digital devices like my phone and personal computer, recently after finding out that a big determinant to one's financial success will soon depend on the amount of information one possesses. I find bitcointalk very informative, and since my time here, I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.

It depends on your general outcome of your habits. Again, these habits are linked with the stuff that you do (e.g. spending time on your computer/phone playing games, etc.). There is nothing wrong with spending or using your computer/phone if it allows you to learn from the stuff that you do. Since you mentioned that this allows you to learn more about the forum, then you do not have to worry about developing this habit too much.

What makes it negative is when you channel this kind of habit into several stuff that does not equate to any productivity. For example, there are people who spend countless hours using the computer, just casually browsing through social medias, etc.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: BD Crypto on April 30, 2022, 06:25:08 PM
To be truthful, spending a huge time on your phone and pc is surely a bad habit and it can be a reason for your health issues. Because we know that it can cause headache, eye problem and many more. When spending a lot of time on your phone and laptop it will be a bad habit and then you will feel how much dangerous it is.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: TheNineClub on April 30, 2022, 07:06:02 PM
There's definitely a certain amount of time that will have to be allocated towards spending on the internet, and it will definitely be more than it was before that, but, you don't have to compromise. You could just decrease your leisure time spent on your phone. And I am sure you do have those periods :) All in all, don't stress too much about it. If you are thinking about it, that in itself is a positive step forward.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on April 30, 2022, 08:42:12 PM
For me, it's not all about how much time you spend on the phone that matters but how productive you were able to use the few minutes or hours spent on the device that actually matters because come to think of it, had it been you never used your phone, how would you have found out that a forum like this exists? Never... Because I'm here to tell you that there is so much information on the internet that can transform your life to whatever you choose to be, but rather what the majority of people do is prefer to waste away time on social media chatting, gossipping snd following careless hashtags on Twitter and Instagram that adds no value to there lives.
So it's left for you to choose now between frequent use of your phone and you get to access information online or keeping away from phones and missing out on online opportunities that could change your life for good both financially and knowledge-wise.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on May 03, 2022, 06:43:27 AM
Nowadays, the use of various kinds of gadgets has become a priority for many people. But you must understand that by straining your eyes, you risk harming your vision. If you regularly look at your phone without a break, your eyesight will definitely deteriorate. In addition, while reading the forum, you need to take breaks, otherwise, all the information ceases to be properly assimilated. Do not rush, because it is clear that many users who come to the forum mistakenly think that the more they read the information, the faster they will understand all the intricacies of cryptocurrencies. But do not forget that there are people around you who want your attention as well as an offline life, which many people forget, and turn into some kind of zombie, living their life on the Internet.

You need to properly spend your resources so that you do not have to regret anything later.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Apocollapse on May 03, 2022, 06:50:43 AM
Obviously phone, pc, or any devices have a radiation and doesn't good for your health. But due to technology, everyone getting forced to use it and it also help your activities. You should limit your time to use a device, regularly exercise, eat healthy food and find an active hobby.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on May 03, 2022, 10:03:13 AM
The time spent being glued to a phone or p.c, all in the name of trading crypto or bitcoin should be of immense benefits. Otherwise, one wouldnt spend so much time in there.  Habits have thier consequences, one must not smoke or drink before that is considered detrimental to health. Living in the social media space for long hours uninterrupted is not real living, as there is a life happening outside, which is the real world.
I understand the need to earn or increase earnings, but so much money with none to share it with is not really a good idea.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: elevates on May 03, 2022, 12:13:19 PM
Prior to learning about crypto and joining this forum, I never was the type to be inclined to digital devices like my phone and personal computer, recently after finding out that a big determinant to one's financial success will soon depend on the amount of information one possesses. I find bitcointalk very informative, and since my time here, I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.
I do agree, that spending a lot of time with phone and PC might cause health issues, but as long as one could practice healthy living habits, spending time with gadgets can be taken care of.
And yes, I do agree, you are fascinated to explore more about Bitcoins, so you going on exploring, but I would suggest having regular hours for work designated to make each day useful and also pleasant at the same time.
Happy exploring!!!

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Agbe on May 03, 2022, 01:33:59 PM
Prior to learning about crypto and joining this forum, I never was the type to be inclined to digital devices like my phone and personal computer, recently after finding out that a big determinant to one's financial success will soon depend on the amount of information one possesses. I find bitcointalk very informative, and since my time here, I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.

There is advantages and Disadvantages of everything one does. Yes, really base on the country I came from, there is no constant light for me to login to Bitcointalk anytime I want, so I managed to buy mini Solar system to power my devices.

Since I have this system, my navigating on the internet for information has increased. But that does not mean that I should super glue the internet with the device. If you marry (gum) your phone or PC for a very period of time. The screen will affect your eyes. Which will cause you another expensive. Therefore, you have to schedule your time which you will use to enter and navigate the internet. Really, Bitcointalk is informative, yet you have to rest and relax your brain to accumulate what you have read from other people post if not it affect your brain IQ.

So you have to modirate your reading ability to have good health and sound body system.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Taskford on May 03, 2022, 01:39:18 PM
Prior to learning about crypto and joining this forum, I never was the type to be inclined to digital devices like my phone and personal computer, recently after finding out that a big determinant to one's financial success will soon depend on the amount of information one possesses. I find bitcointalk very informative, and since my time here, I have noticed an increased time spent on both my phone and computer... is this a good habit that I'm about to begin? Or should I continue to regulate the time I spend with my phone and computer.

It will be a good habit if you gain something in return on what you do while using your phone or computer, but if this will not take you to anywhere and instead you gain you lose, also if your patience is not high then crypto will be bad for you so decide if spending a lot of time on your phone really worths to you. If you are not into this and then follow what your mind saying to you since this will give you a piece of mind.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: Hypnosis00 on May 03, 2022, 01:48:07 PM
Just think about that you have spent more time on your PC/phone for a very important reason, not just because you are wasting your time.

For health concerns, this was not a healthy practice especially if you are too focused on the monitor and having sleepless nights. But if you still have enough time to relax especially your eyes, I guess we have nothing to worry about. You need to manage your time wisely. I think to have 5 hours straight on the computer is enough for learning, we don't need to do it over time.

Title: Re: Concern on time spent my phone & pc due to crypto and btt, is this good or bad?
Post by: ice18 on May 03, 2022, 03:26:21 PM
There are jobs online that spending like 8-10 or more hours online daily, how about you OP, how many hours you spend in this forum daily? if its less than 5 hours a day then no need to worry its normal to people who wants knowledge and learning about your future financial stability, other members on this forum take more time than you spent your not alone.