Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Israelgogo on May 06, 2022, 02:03:18 AM

Title: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Israelgogo on May 06, 2022, 02:03:18 AM
Due to the undetermined flunctuations of the bitcoins ,tho many expert have studied and are very good in the btc markets.
My curiousity to know if bitcoin will be an everlasting investment platforms is craving for more answers ,
As we hear all around of the closure/breakdown of different crypto companies and app. My furious questions will be as follows.
•Is btc here to stay ?
•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: tranthidung on May 06, 2022, 02:31:52 AM
•Is btc here to stay ?
There were more risk of death than survival for Bitcoin years ago, in 2009, 2013 or 2017 but now, the risk is smaller. When time goes on, the Lindy effect will become bigger and nowadays, there are more probability that Bitcoin will be here to stay and will not die.
  • Please read The bullish case for Bitcoin ( from Vijay Boyapati
  • It is one of the most comprehensive introductory article on Bitcoin, for newbies and they should spend their time to read it.

•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
It is not a platform for investment. Bitcoin is for everyone, for many use cases. Investment is only one of Bitcoin use cases.

•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
Its design (Peer-to-peer) and its healthy decentralized network are enough for its network and Bitcoin transactions. It is much safer than any centralized assurance or guarantee!
  • How many confirmations are equivalent* to 6 Bitcoin confirmations? (

•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?
No. It won't replace or take over anything. All kinds of currency will co-exist globally, exclusively Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: mk4 on May 06, 2022, 03:12:07 AM
I'm definitely not going to say lifetime because who knows what some crazy person can invent in the far future, but I'm going to safely assume that BTC will last multiple lifetimes.

•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?
More likely that Bitcoin will run parallel to the current financial system than replace it. As for physical notes, isn't physical notes being slowly but surely phased out worldwide already? And as far as I know some countries are already fully cashless.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: pooya87 on May 06, 2022, 04:19:18 AM
I've said this before but one of the worst things that has plagued bitcoin has been people who "invest" in bitcoin. This became worse in the past 2 years when we got a lot of gamblers coming from the corrupt markets starting to make bets on bitcoin price. This is why we see bitcoin price drop whenever the shitty US stock market dumps instead of it shooting up to the moon like it has been in the past decade.

In simple terms, bitcoin is not an investment. It is a currency and that's what makes it be "everlasting".

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Despairo on May 06, 2022, 04:29:24 AM
•Is btc here to stay ?
No one know, Bitcoin could crash and hit the bottom e.g. on 2018 Bitcoin's price was $3000.

•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
Bitcoin isn't created for investment, it's a currency where you can use to buy anything if the merchants accept Bitcoin as payment. If you're from El Salvador, Central African Republic or Panama, many businesses already accept Bitcoin as payment alternative

•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
There's no assurance and guarantee on Bitcoin, if you want assurance and guarantee, stick with centralized fiat where the value keep losing every year. The interest rate 2% APY they offer wouldn't cover up the inflation and bank charges.

•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?
Nope, Bitcoin isn't created to replace fiat money. It's just for alternative payment if someone prefer to spend Bitcoin instead of fiat.

Important note: If you read some exchanges said your funds is safe because of so called SAFU e.g. Binance, it's a bullshit. Leaving your coins on exchanges is the most unsecured way to hold your coins.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: electronicash on May 06, 2022, 05:13:02 AM
•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
There's no assurance and guarantee on Bitcoin, if you want assurance and guarantee, stick with centralized fiat where the value keep losing every year. The interest rate 2% APY they offer wouldn't cover up the inflation and bank charges.

the assurance of BTC is that its will always be decentralized and guaranteed no one could take it from you.

BTC is here to stay as long as there is buying and selling of it, it will be an everlasting investment platform. because everything in finance will soon be digital including the fiat, we're all going to be using digital currencies including BTC.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: cryptoaddictchie on May 06, 2022, 05:40:18 AM
•Is btc here to stay ?
•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?
Bitcon will stay its the decentralized and only one in the blockchain patronizing a 100% decentralization. So safe to assume it is, an everlasting already. However in the future some genius will probably invent others which people might be interested and leave bitcoin but this is only a speculation, we can never know what will happened. If btc still in demand or not we can just wait for it to happened but surely btc will stays.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: passwordnow on May 06, 2022, 07:21:53 AM
We can safely assume that bitcoin is here to say. But we don't know if it's going to be there for a lifetime since it's still said and considered to be in its early stage.
But just look how massive the growth of this asset that we've been part of. And to think that it's going to replace fiat, we can stop thinking about it because it won't happen as fiat and bitcoin will stay together.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Pmalek on May 06, 2022, 08:05:30 AM
•Is btc here to stay ?
I think that Bitcoin has already proven its strengths in the decade it's been with us. It has survived price crashes of 80% and more. It's been banned in some parts of the world, regulated in others, and even used as legal tender. Nothing that has happened to it has stopped it from reaching new highs.

•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
It has never been an investment platform. It's a trustless, decentralized, and censorship-resistant digital currency that achieves transaction finality in one hour on average.

•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
If you are asking if the network has regulators in the traditional sense of the word, no it doesn't. As long as people are willing to invest money in expensive mining equipment, maintain full-nodes, and use Bitcoin as a P2P payment option, it will be here. Feels weird talking about what the future will bring when there is a sick a derailed man sitting in an underground bunker somewhere asking himself how long it would take for his nuclear weapons to reach London, Paris, or Berlin.

•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?
No, that won't happen. That doesn't prevent you from getting paid or paying for goods and services in Bitcoin. If something has value, there will be a market for it. Pencils, water, and deodorants are also not government-controlled and issued currencies, but you can accept them in a trade, and chances are, someone somewhere would be willing to pay you that way.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Rruchi man on May 06, 2022, 10:27:20 AM
•Is btc here to stay ?
It is here to stay sure, but there's no telling if there will another innovation that becomes superior to it.

•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
Btc as investment was never the original intention of Satoshi, we merely have observed it's high volatility and are taking advantage of it. It will not remain so forever, a time will come when btc will assume it's original purpose which is to facilitate transactions and eliminate government influence.

•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
No assurance and guarantee, just believe backed by knowledge.

•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?
Maybe not immediately or completely, but btc will definitely someday gain mass acceptance and many people will most likely prefer it's usage to physical notes.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Smartvirus on May 06, 2022, 12:54:57 PM
•Is btc here to stay ?
•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?
Is there anyone that could answer this in all accuracy? My best guess would be no. None could be so certain on the future of any commodity or asset but, a lot of persons could only try based on the factors that affects the commodity or asset and how its handled it so far.

I like the graph that have been put up by tranthidung to give an overview on the possible future of bitcoin. One commodity for which bitcoin have been compared with mostly is the gold. As we all know bitcoin is a currency and at the moment, many see it as a currency of the future and gold once served a currency function in the past and transcended to be an asset of value. Same that could be said about bitcoin today, as not serving just the currency functionn for which was the original intent but also, serves as a store of value.

On like other cryptocurrencies out there, bitcoin is pioneer currency although, its argued that a few other crypto projects came up before bitcoin but wasn't able to stand. Being thee truly decentralized currency out there, the pseudo nature of its creator and the anonymity it provides coupled with the blockchain it operates on, there are chances that it would stand when all else fails.

Other than that, your still advice to invest what you could afford to loose!

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Ziskinberg on May 06, 2022, 01:04:46 PM
Due to the undetermined flunctuations of the bitcoins ,...
The reason why many we're still afraid to invest in Bitcoin.
•Is btc here to stay ?
•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?

It is not impossible but we can't guarantee that.
Even though many experts will say it was a good investment, this ain't enough to assure that everything will still be good in the future.
Digital platforms actually seem good and it gives convenience to the people, however, technologies always developing, and possibly there is another platform that could replace Bitcoin someday that we never know.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: KingsDen on May 06, 2022, 02:47:36 PM
To be honest, I have been seeing these type of endless questions about Bitcoin and whenever I see it, I am never tired of giving my personal opinion on the matter and I will also give it now.

•Is btc here to stay ?
•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
I am assuring you that bitcoin is here to stay. Yes, bitcoin is going now where, but the type of bitcoin you see today is not gonna be the type we see in years to come. There will be so much transformation of bitcoin, both is scalability and method of securing the bitcoin network.

•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?

Bitcoin will not replace fiat, both will co-exist. Fiat is not just a currency but the identity and culture of the people. So, it will continue to be part of the people.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: death69 on May 06, 2022, 02:55:35 PM
As long as the Internet is still available and humans are not replaced by any sort of other civilization, yes, bitcoin will indeed stay with humankind.

And if you ask for assurance and guarantee of bitcoin, I have to say that there is no such thing. It is just simply based on belief. The current stage of the society is strong and stable enough for any new kind of money to replace traditional/physical ones. But as we see in the past, many types of money have been permanently erased when being conquered by another empire. Well, unless there is an alien invasion, nuclear war, etc.. i agree with what tranthidung said:
No. It won't replace or take over anything. All kinds of currency will co-exist globally, exclusively Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Pokapoka124 on May 06, 2022, 04:32:38 PM
•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
Bitcoin is not an investment platform! Bitcoin is a digital currency based on a decentralized network. The fact that Bitcoin is a currency is easy to forget because majority of the whales, newbies in this space buy bitcoin for profit and hodl. They do not intend to actually use their bitcoins as a means of payment, that's why it will be difficult for Bitcoin to replace fiat.
•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
Do not take my word for it. Read the white paper. It's a matter of self conviction.

•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?
I believe this is going to happen someday, maybe not in my lifetime but it definitely will. The world is bound to evolve with time, I think the future will be a cashless world. The most likely to happen is CBDC replacing fiat.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Kelvinid on May 06, 2022, 09:01:51 PM
Due to the undetermined flunctuations of the bitcoins ,tho many expert have studied and are very good in the btc markets.
My curiousity to know if bitcoin will be an everlasting investment platforms is craving for more answers ,
As we hear all around of the closure/breakdown of different crypto companies and app. My furious questions will be as follows.
•Is btc here to stay ?
•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?

Unfortunately, the answer to all your questions is NO. That was my opinion.
There is certainly a thing called Limitation and we remember that having Bitcoin is only an alternative option as a currency, and even if this will die and might replace with another platform, we still survive.

Anyway, Everything you've heard is just their own opinion as well. We all can be wrong but there is one thing I could say, Never think that Bitcoin will last forever.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: hatshepsut93 on May 06, 2022, 09:37:46 PM
•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?

There's no guarantee that Bitcoin will have a bright future or that it will even exist in the next 30-100 years. But you can say the same for many things, so don't worry about it.

Bitcoin won't replace physical money, because it's not its purpose to do so. And physical money itself won't ever be fully replaced, because it has its benefits.

There's a very-very huge field of possibilities of what can happen with Bitcoin, starting from complete disappearance of it and ending with Bitcoin replacing the fiat system. And both extremes are very unlikely to happen, the most likely scenario is continuation of what we are seeing now - a slow adoption, primarily as a store of value/investment, secondary as a currency.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: BITCOIN4X on May 06, 2022, 09:56:01 PM
•Is btc here to stay ?
•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?
Nothing lasts forever in this world and everything will be replaced by time. In terms of e-currencies then I think there is always a possibility that bitcoin will be replaced by another better e-currency with better scalability than bitcoin. Maybe something could happen in the future so I will not be 100% sure bitcoin will be irreplaceable and become a everlasting investment asset.

  • Bitcoin will still exist and probably will not be phased out as the currency that symbolizes decentralization
  • Probably not, but I don't know.
  • The guarantee now is that bitcoin has grown and developed as an adopted currency and means of payment, but things may change in the future
  • Maybe not, but increased adoption is possible.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Despairo on May 07, 2022, 03:05:07 AM
the assurance of BTC is that its will always be decentralized and guaranteed no one could take it from you.

BTC is here to stay as long as there is buying and selling of it, it will be an everlasting investment platform. because everything in finance will soon be digital including the fiat, we're all going to be using digital currencies including BTC.
I wouldn't call decentralization is an assurance, because it's the main purpose of Bitcoin was created. Assurance is more like a warranty or refund which I believe that's what @OP refers to. Though it's true no one can take our Bitcoin if we use correct decentralized exchanges, non custodial wallet and how to safety our funds. But most people doesn't really care with security and they lose their funds on centralized exchanges.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Agbe on May 07, 2022, 05:45:29 AM
Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms

Bitcoin is not an investment platform but it is a digital currency to buy goods and services in the world. That is another misconception on bitcoin again. It is only business platforms that fail in the international market space because if the organization is not strong enough to withstand with the international competitive market, they fold up. But as for bitcoin is it a Currency one uses to buy something of his or her choice in online. That is why you can see that Countries are adopting the currency to be used in their Countries.

For the everlasting, bitcoin is not a Fiat currency but it is an alternative currency to the Fiat currency, and bitcoin is here to stay. The total number of the person that are using bitcoin are more than the people that are not using the coin now in the world. Nobody control bitcoin in the server so bitcoin will never die or bow down to Fiat currencies, it doesn't come to take over the Fiat currency but to sustain bit, the only thing I Know that will happen to bitcoin is the decrease and increase in exchange rate Base on the business activities going on in the net. Except that bitcoin has come to stay.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Zlantann on May 07, 2022, 09:32:12 AM
I don't think there is any everlasting investment platform. Every investment have risk attarch to them and there is no guarantee that the investment would survive the next day. Land investments that is viewed by people as everlasting can loose value due natural disasters or insecurities. The dollar that is generally perceived as a stable currently can loose value like the ruble. Bitcoin has been relatively reliable but it cannot be viewed as an everlasting investment. This is because the political, economical, scientific and social space of the world cannot be predicted. If you had told a Ukrainian real estate mogul that he would be a refugee in Poland, he would have said it was impossible.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on May 07, 2022, 11:44:36 AM
Why talk about eternity? You do not know for yourself the future of the next day, and even more so to raise a conversation about eternity. But if you look at the past, then Bitcoin is the only currency that holds the first place for several years. No one can guarantee you that this will always be the case. Probably what will be. But if you protect your investments, that is, you are reinsured for the future, in any case, only you should decide whether you need it or not. Therefore, the best teacher is time and your experience. If you are interested in such questions, you will choose the best answer for yourself.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Daniel91 on May 07, 2022, 01:31:43 PM
I don't think there is any everlasting investment platform. Every investment have risk attarch to them and there is no guarantee that the investment would survive the next day. Land investments that is viewed by people as everlasting can loose value due natural disasters or insecurities. The dollar that is generally perceived as a stable currently can loose value like the ruble. Bitcoin has been relatively reliable but it cannot be viewed as an everlasting investment. This is because the political, economical, scientific and social space of the world cannot be predicted. If you had told a Ukrainian real estate mogul that he would be a refugee in Poland, he would have said it was impossible.

I think we should never focus on just one investment and follow the trends or thinking of most people.
What is popular today in 10 or 20 years may become unattractive to investors.
Today, in the age of the Internet, the world is changing very fast and those who can't follow changes fast enough will lose.
Bitcoin is still a good idea and project, and even an investment, but I would advise everyone to follow the market and look for ideas and projects that are just beginning, and have the greatest growth potential.
Nothing in this world is eternal except constant change and new ideas  ;D

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: suzanne5223 on May 07, 2022, 09:36:58 PM
Due to the undetermined flunctuations of the bitcoins ,tho many expert have studied and are very good in the btc markets.
My curiousity to know if bitcoin will be an everlasting investment platforms is craving for more answers
Yes, Bitcoin shocked the world and also show the true symbol of democracy and liberation but no investment option whatsoever should be considered an everlasting platform. Don't misunderstand me, I don't say Bitcoin will quench or evaporate out of the market but an innovative concept will be brought up in the next century which will definitely dethrone Bitcoin.
Remember, that before the creation of Bitcoin gold was also considered as an everlasting investment platform.

As we hear all around of the closure/breakdown of different crypto companies and app. My furious questions will be as follows.
This is expected because not every human will understand the true purpose of Bitcoin.

•Is btc here to stay ?
Yes, Bitcoin is here to stay. If it were not here to stay it would have been worth nothing right when the SEC was trying to stop it.

•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
Like i said nothing should consider everlasting cause tomorrow is not promised.

•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
Look around you, you'll a lot of people who quit their job all because they are doing well through Bitcoin and the institutional investors also see it as the needed hedge fund. Thats what I called assurance and guarantee.

•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?
Bitcoin was not created to replace fiat currency but to give the masses the needed liberation.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Viscore on May 07, 2022, 09:58:07 PM
We can safely assume that bitcoin is here to say. But we don't know if it's going to be there for a lifetime since it's still said and considered to be in its early stage.
But just look how massive the growth of this asset that we've been part of. And to think that it's going to replace fiat, we can stop thinking about it because it won't happen as fiat and bitcoin will stay together.
I would also agree that bitcoin will be here for good but not as an investment platform but a good currency because that is what's supposed to be. Although its hard to say for now that bitcoin will replace fiat, but seeing other countries shifting into digital currency, i guess there is always high probability that bitcoin will be the global currency in the future. If not, seeing bitcoin integrated into fiat is already a big achievement for bitcoin.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Franctoshi on May 07, 2022, 10:23:35 PM
Due to the undetermined flunctuations of the bitcoins ,tho many expert have studied and are very good in the btc markets.
My curiousity to know if bitcoin will be an everlasting investment platforms is craving for more answers ,
As we hear all around of the closure/breakdown of different crypto companies and app. My furious questions will be as follows.
•Is btc here to stay ?
•Is bitcoin going to be an everlasting investment platforms ?
•Assurance and guarantee of the bitcoin ?
•Bitcoin will replace the physical note tendency ?

--Bitcoin is here to stay because it has problems solution to current moneytory system.
--No one can predict the future it's likely but nothing is everlasting.
--Base on historical record of proving its quality class (proof of work), it going to be a Guaranteed investment.
--Not sure, but likely base on my thought due to advancement in technology and  the changing world.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: Oluwa-btc on May 07, 2022, 11:42:26 PM
You see man, the longer you wait for something, the more it's worth!
As nothing last forever, all that glitters ain't gold mate, all you have to do is to keep up with the current trend and don't get outdated keep yourself updated, get too know the pros and cons in a platform before you delve into finally.
I see bitcoin as a support to our financial woe's, so bitcoin will serve it's purpose and when it fails too something else and better will take it's place. But then enjoy the financial freedom Bitcoin gives you, and don't forget to Dyor!!!

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 08, 2022, 02:27:54 AM
Anything can change/replaced so you can't conclude anything will last forever that is the basic nature of evolution. As of now bitcoin is good and enough trustable so that people are using for investment purpose but the real intention of creation of bitcoin is to be used as a medium of exchange so when we look from that perspective definitely it maybe replaced, first we used barter system then metal coins and for the last few centuries we are using paper controlled by banks now bitcoin can be a replacement for it.

Title: Re: Will Btc be considered as an everlasting investment platforms
Post by: maikrothaman on May 09, 2022, 11:16:12 AM
It's the same as with money, because I wouldn't hesitate to call Bitcoin money. It's just in a different way. The thing is that money can also be a religion, and in many "consumer communities" it actually is. It's all about cash, because cash rules the world. People do everything they can to get it, they don't care if they have to do bad things for it. Not many people will have remorse to take dirty piles of money, it's obvious that they don't care if it will give them a good, prosperous life, right? Yes, in my opinion, Bitcoin could be a religion for someone.