Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Davidvictorson on May 21, 2022, 06:35:15 AM

Title: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Davidvictorson on May 21, 2022, 06:35:15 AM
Some weeks ago, I explained in a post how  I taught my octogenarian and Septuagenarian parents about Bitcoin ( One of the comments that caught my attention was made by Jet Cash.

I'm 80 in June. Why are you guys surprised that older people can embrace the concept of Bitcoin? Many of us have enquiring minds, and are prepared to look at new concepts with an open attitude. This is why many older people have a better understanding of the 'rona scam and vaccination mania, and don't just accept government and pharma' propaganda.

At that point, some of the questions that came to mind were, at what age did he start learning about bitcoin? What role did age and prior experience play in helping him learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency? With his current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, does he wish he started at an earlier age?

I was 29 when I started learning about bitcoin and it has been one hell of a ride.  I know other members of this community also have their unique experiences which I am interested in reading about. So, I may just as well throw these questions open for discussion.

1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

Dear Jet Cash, I wish you a very happy birthday in advance. Thank you for all that you do for the community.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: mk4 on May 21, 2022, 07:10:34 AM
1. Heard of Bitcoin in my latter teenage years, actually seriously learned about Bitcoin somewhere in my early 20s.

2. I guess my age helped A LOT in easily grasping the concept of non-tangible assets/goods; because I grew up playing video games with their own tradable items and currencies and such. Based on the older folks around me, they couldn't grasp paying for literally anything digital. The fact that people buy things that they can't hold is so mind-boggling to them.

3. I mean, literally everyone wishes they learned about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies earlier lol.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Mr.sprin on May 21, 2022, 07:44:02 AM
I started getting to know bitcoin at the age of 30. I was introduced to bitcoin by my own brother. He told me that bitcoin can make $ so I was very interested. I created a bitcointalk account and joined the project and after I joined the project, it turned out that it could actually generate $. 2018 because at that time almost all the projects I joined were scams and in 2019 I started to be active again until now I am still hunting for coins.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on May 21, 2022, 08:05:46 AM
Some weeks ago, I explained in a post how  I taught my octogenarian and Septuagenarian parents about Bitcoin ( One of the comments that caught my attention was made by Jet Cash.

I remember your topic, and even then I remembered our Jet Cash, which can very easily surprise any young person with its knowledge of bitcoin. I have infinite respect for such people.

But unfortunately, I did not take all the news about bitcoin seriously at the time, even though I was 20 years old at the time. As I already wrote, I came to this forum quite by accident. About 10 years have passed since I heard about bitcoin. Of course, if you return this period back to me, I would be infinitely happy. Nevertheless, I am glad that, although later, the road to bitcoin led me to the right time and the right place.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Asiska02 on May 21, 2022, 08:15:07 AM
1. I first heard about bitcoin during my early age in the university (age 17)  through airdrop this and that. I never knew their was more to that to learn. So I never had  interest in it as I don’t have sufficient and proper understanding of how it was then.

2. I will say am not too old to still learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, at this stage in life my brain is still open to learn and accumulate new things faster. Am still learning though and I won’t stop because I now know the benefits in it.

3. I would say this can also be my early age, everybody will always wished they started years back. But I have no regrets of starting now, it is still cool for me to start now.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Renampun on May 21, 2022, 08:23:02 AM
I was told about bitcoin by my friend when I was 28 years old (late 2017)...

it was luck (age) for me because since then my life changed 180%. bitcoin has now become an investment asset that most people want to know about and being one of those who know Bitcoin at an age that I think is quite easy is a beautiful thing. I really appreciate my friend who told me about bitcoin and also satoshi who created bitcoin and this great forum.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: teosanru on May 21, 2022, 08:25:15 AM
Some weeks ago, I explained in a post how  I taught my octogenarian and Septuagenarian parents about Bitcoin ( One of the comments that caught my attention was made by Jet Cash.

I'm 80 in June. Why are you guys surprised that older people can embrace the concept of Bitcoin? Many of us have enquiring minds, and are prepared to look at new concepts with an open attitude. This is why many older people have a better understanding of the 'rona scam and vaccination mania, and don't just accept government and pharma' propaganda.

At that point, some of the questions that came to mind were, at what age did he start learning about bitcoin? What role did age and prior experience play in helping him learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency? With his current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, does he wish he started at an earlier age?

I was 29 when I started learning about bitcoin and it has been one hell of a ride.  I know other members of this community also have their unique experiences which I am interested in reading about. So, I may just as well throw these questions open for discussion.

1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

Dear Jet Cash, I wish you a very happy birthday in advance. Thank you for all that you do for the community.
I came to know about bitcoin when i was 16 years old, my prior experience was obviously zero, but I had a very keen interest towards technology which obviously helped me a lot in understanding things, but yes I always feel that If I would have started at an earlier age things would have been very different, i know it's primarily because of the price that we say this, If you would have come to know about it couple of years earlier you would have entered at a much better price therefore would be having much holdings at this point in time. In terms on knowledge this might not be that true.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: aoluain on May 21, 2022, 09:25:49 AM

1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?

I was in my mid 30's when I first heard about Bitcoin but it took me about 6 years to actually
make a start with it so I was in my 40's when I first started learning about Bitcoin.

2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?

My older age helped me in regards to a few things,

(a.) been working for 25+ years and realising there was no chance of being able to quit
or retire early.

(b.) having the experience to realise the rat race I was in and how I was tied to and reliant
on the FIAT financial system.

I could/can see a way to break free eventually from the above with Bitcoin.

3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

Absolutely, I just wish I payed more attention to Bitcoin back in 2013? and being a little
bit more inquisitive then.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: KingsDen on May 21, 2022, 09:59:27 AM

I'm 80 in June. Why are you guys surprised that older people can embrace the concept of Bitcoin? Many of us have enquiring minds, and are prepared to look at new concepts with an open attitude. This is why many older people have a better understanding of the 'rona scam and vaccination mania, and don't just accept government and pharma' propaganda.
It is cool to see old and older people in bitcoin. It is not something common though. I am also aware that mothers invlove in bitcoin too. Some of the older folks and women in bitcoin are here just for the sake of their children. I said this because an 80years old man has actually retired from work and relieving his pension and other benefits? Of what use is investment again if not to leave something for their children.

In other ways, old people could be the real users of bitcoin as a currency because they like to practice everything as long as they live.

Bitcoin is slightly older than a decade, so the question of at what age is somewhat ambitious. You could ask at what year.  I am sure not one at the age of 30 embraced bitcoin at the age of 10.
But for emphasis purposes, old people scale through in some investment schemes because they better understand scam and can differentiate same with genuineness. A young dude may pay less attention to details, and that cannot be said for an old man who truly understands the principle of money.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: kryptqnick on May 21, 2022, 11:00:05 AM
I tried explaining Bitcoin to a relative who is in the 70+ category, but he was all about it being a scam, volatility being dangerous and fiat being great because the state has control over it. But I think it's not as much about age as it is about a person. As for me, I started hearing about Bitcoin when I was a teenager, and while I was open to it (not negative), I wasn't very interested. I don't think age played a big part, I think it's more about context. When you're a teen, you still live with parents, probably don't have a job and much money of your own which you could invest or experiment with. But some people are in the same situation when they are in their 20s or even 30s sometimes. So it's about the experiences and knowledge more than about age to me.
I'm very surprised that Jet Cash is almost 80, btw. I sort of always perceive most forum members as relatively young (as millennials). But I'm happy that this assumption is wrong and that there are people of various age who are interested in cryptos.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: cheezcarls on May 21, 2022, 12:50:05 PM
I learned about Bitcoin in early 2014. I was 27 back then. This is where I created my Bitcointalk account, Coins PH, Blockchain wallet, etc. But the problem is that I had no clue on what Bitcoin is really all about. That time, BTC was under $600 and since I only earned very low that time as a guy from a 3rd world country, I can’t afford it.

Only if I hadn’t put my money into network marketing back then, I could have at least throw it into BTC. Because of my poor decision, I ignored and forgot Bitcoin for more than 3 years. The reason why I got back into BTC is that not only it crosses $10k for the first time that year (2017), but I’ve seen some people on Facebook have made money very well in BTC and cryptocurrencies (especially airdrops and bounties) and the rest is history.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Ultegra134 on May 21, 2022, 12:52:41 PM
I don't accurately remember at what age I learned about Bitcoin, but it was in my teenage years, somewhere between 14-16 years old. Unfortunately, since I was underage, purchasing Bitcoin was a tough process, while I had no access to a credit/debit card at that moment. I didn't know much back then, nor was I in the right mind to learn what Bitcoin was actually about, thus, I only messed with faucets or buying online accounts, Minecraft particularly.

What do I regret the most is not getting to know about Bitcoin better, and especially, not spending any amount I had earned in worthless online accounts.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Oluwa-btc on May 21, 2022, 12:53:48 PM
Beautiful Birthday Wishes Jet Cash! Do have a decent day Ahead. I think I did go through he's profile and saw how he  wanted experimenting of Bitcoin mining in a pool near by he's home with a car battery. He's a user I go down he's profile too read.

Still a fvckn juvenile at this though  ;D although I started learning when I did see the benefits of having Bitcoin during the pandemic.
Some two years back and probably in my twenties.
And also not all in them eighties are Bitcoin aware. As they don't know shit about em!
Most older generations are not fvckers with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: AicecreaME on May 21, 2022, 01:02:55 PM
I learned about Bitcoin because of my colleague, I was intrigued on how he earns money online on this forum, then on trading later on. I was in college that time, it was mentioned on one of the seminars I attend in but it was Bitcoin mining, I didn't have any interest that time, it was 2014 I guess. Then in 2016, I decided to give it a try, I was happy with the first signature campaign I joined in.

I wish I know about Bitcoin sooner, like when it was just a cheap coin that can be afford to buy with everyone. Age doesn't matter I guess if you're open minded about such innovation. Bitcoin helps me a lot in my financial needs, I'm forever grateful for that.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: hd49728 on May 21, 2022, 01:03:02 PM
I remember your topic, and even then I remembered our Jet Cash, which can very easily surprise any young person with its knowledge of bitcoin. I have infinite respect for such people.
Persecution of the elderly ( Jet Cash wrote that he was 80 years old one year ago. We can not verify what he wrote but if it is true, he is one of the oldest members in the forum.

But unfortunately, I did not take all the news about bitcoin seriously at the time, even though I was 20 years old at the time. As I already wrote, I came to this forum quite by accident. About 10 years have passed since I heard about bitcoin. Of course, if you return this period back to me, I would be infinitely happy. Nevertheless, I am glad that, although later, the road to bitcoin led me to the right time and the right place.
In bear market, it is best to skip news and social media. Hold your Bitcoin and wait for the winter ending, because the more negative news you read, the more chance you will lose your faith in Bitcoin and will sell it.

People can start to learn Bitcoin anytime they are ready. With the Internet, free access to many resources, they can learn a lot in short time if they want to learn. Age is not a matter or barrier against their Bitcoin learning.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: DoublerHunter on May 21, 2022, 01:15:57 PM
Most older generations are not fvckers with Bitcoin.
^Perfect and that is definitely right.
I am proud to myself that I belong to that group, old BTC believers and just BTClovers, they cannot able to throw bad words at the BTC, and besides that, they are willing to teach anyone those who wants to learn about BTC and the technology.
But look at those people who early adopted BTC, they are just weak people, easy to get panic selling, they are easy to get FUD, that is how newbies will react to the market.
Me? at the age of 23 I have a knowledge on BTC and until now I still continue getting interest on it.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Darker45 on May 21, 2022, 02:17:15 PM
Well, I wasn't that old when I first learned about Bitcoin.

It helped a lot that I was relatively young when I first encountered Bitcoin, because being young generally means being more exposed to new technologies. It means things are not completely strange to me, and I could be more open-minded about them.

Especially in my country, I must say Bitcoin sells more to the younger generation than to the grandpas and grandmas. My grandparents didn't even know how to use a smart phone, much less a personal computer, didn't use credit cards, didn't have any inkling about PayPal, and so on. So it would be too hard for them to embrace the concept of Bitcoin. And they are also too preoccupied with the things that they care about to learn so alien a thing as Bitcoin.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: GreatArkansas on May 21, 2022, 02:27:12 PM
For me, during my teenager days. I have already been introduced to Bitcoin, I'm just happy because, in my group of friends, I was the first that discover Bitcoin, I'm glad about that and some of my friends have become curious and I started to share with them what is Bitcoin and how it works.
I agree that age doesn't matter when people want to know about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Mauser on May 21, 2022, 02:44:19 PM

1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

First time I heard about bitcoins I was 22, but I didn't get so excited and interest about crypto currencies back then. My whole investing career had a very bad timing. The first time i tried to manage my own money was in 2007/2008, right before the big financial crisis. That meant for me that all my positions went red for the next 4 years. I lost completely interest in investing and took a break. In 2014/2015 I got back into investing and that was also when I learned more about bitcoins. Now with hindsight I wish I had put all my money into cryptos back then. Unfortunately we can't turn back time, only learn from our mistakes.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Upgrade00 on May 21, 2022, 02:49:05 PM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
• I was in my late teenage years when I first learned about the crypto and by extension; Bitcoin, from an acquaintance.

• I would say my age played a role in making me more receptive of new knowledge, at that age, I had very little financial knowledge in relation to taxes, inflation, assets and the likes and basically learnt through Bitcoin.

• Not necessarily. I would have loved to start at an earkjiage, cause I would have got into Bitcoin when it was cheaper, but it's not a regret I have. It all happened in due time and I have been able to learn and grow a lot through this forum and the members in it.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Anonylz on May 21, 2022, 03:03:10 PM
It seems op trying to figure out forum members age by asking this question ........ kidding  ;)

Well i get to know about btc almost the same age as you, at that time i didn't take it serious until after about 2 years or so. I kept seeing some ads with btc online back then because i surf the internet a lot, i decided to click on one of such ads and it took me to a platform.. an investment platform I think, and that was how i continue digging, searching for more info, getting scammed along the way.
since i had zero knowledge about btc then my age did not play any important role to be honest because i had no idea what i was getting involved in.
Of course we all which we had started earlier, in fact i always regret not getting involved immediately i came across btc instead of wasting 2 years before paying attention.
Well It was a great experience looking back.  8)

1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Sterbens on May 21, 2022, 03:08:50 PM
At first, I was even skeptical to know about Bitcoin. But that's destiny, the uniqueness it offers makes me curious to the point of trying to break into what Bitcoin is, and so far bitcoin has contributed greatly to supporting my needs for almost 10 years. Before getting to know Bitcoin, to be honest my economy wasn't doing well. After years of studying, and discussing with friends who understand more, finally realized there is a lot of potential for Bitcoin in the future. It pushed me to fully understand the concept and purpose, and benefits of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: uelque on May 21, 2022, 03:20:28 PM
I think I learned bitcoin during my teenage years. Me and my family was actually struggling financially during that time, and I am finding a way to somehow finance my studies and future expenses. And then I found out bitcoin with a help of a friend. I'm very thankful to that person because he is my mentor. He taught me everything I need to know to start here and how amazing this technology was.

And I believe most of us wish we started at an earlier age, or discovered bitcoin when the value was still cheaper. But seems like that's not the kind of fate given to us. But that's okay, we are all here, and we are never late. And no one is old for a technology like this. Remember, age is just a number.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Ale88 on May 21, 2022, 03:43:59 PM
I'm not 100% sure but the first time I heard about bitcoin probably I was 22-24, something like that, I remember it was mentioned on some website I used to read for tech news, but I never actually went deeper at that time, unfortunately. It would take me some other years before actually deciding to properly check what bitcoin was.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: qwertyup23 on May 21, 2022, 04:16:45 PM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?

I started learning about BTC only when the time I joined in this forum last 2017, maybe I was around 19-20 years old? Fortunately, my close friend introduced me this forum which definitely widen my knowledge about cryptocurrencies.

2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?

Age definitely played a major factor into HODLing my coins. As a young college student with little-to-no funds at all for my daily expenses, most of my proceeds from campaign signatures were quickly converted to cash in order to either purchase books or any relevant stuff. While I do not regret such decision, it made me look back and ask such question that if I just saved my coins for now, I would have earned and realized +++ money in the process.

3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

Yes definitely! With all the knowledge that I have about cryptocurrencies, I wish I discovered this website upon its existence. With that knowledge that I have, I could have at least raise my family out of this below income median household and give my father the life he deserves.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Disruptivas on May 21, 2022, 04:23:29 PM
I have noticed an increasing entry of older people into crypto. For me, having a curious mind, anyone can understand anything. Perhaps it really is a time when older people are looking for alternatives to retirement. It's hard for them to work and find new sources of income, so crypto becomes an interesting option.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Leviathan.007 on May 21, 2022, 05:58:16 PM
I'm currently 27 and I started learning about bitcoin 5 or 4 years ago. So I would say I started learning about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies when I was 22. However, it seems like you tried to understand the real age of people(jk). Regardless of that when I was 22 I remember I was younger and for a curious teenager it was very interesting to know about new technology and especially if this technology is going to help people to have borderless transactions. I got the first notes about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as my birthday gift plus a few bitcoins I received that day, so I started learning about it from the internet and some friends.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Issa56 on May 22, 2022, 10:27:26 PM
I can't really remember the year I first heard about bitcon, but i went fully into bitcoin around 2020 during the Covid 19 lockdown. I was hearing about bitcon before the pandemic but I don't really know what it was all about and I don't have anybody to teach me about it, during the early stage of the pandemic which I was always at home then I started doing more research about bitcoin and I started learning different things from videos on YouTube and books online, when I started trading bitcoin I wasted lots of money because I don't have anybody to put me true I have to learn it myself but now am not a novice in crypto space.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: nurilham on May 22, 2022, 10:53:36 PM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
1. It was in 2017, I was already above 25 years old.

2. I've graduated from college, so I got no difficulties learning Bitcoin or crypto. I've been mature enough at the age of 25, the digital investment isn't really something new for me. I imagine if I learn Bitcoin or crypto at the age of less than 18, I think I'll be not interested to know it deeply.

3. I think it is not an earlier age. I know Bitcoin and crypto at the right age. So, nothing wrong with my age, everything is okay.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: blockman on May 22, 2022, 11:29:45 PM
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
Technically, we all want to be that early since we've first learned about bitcoin. We have thought of how about getting too early on it and buying hundreds and thousands of them.
Then, right now, we're all that rich and don't have to work from 9-5 jobs and we're free to do anything that we want since we're early investors. Those who have bought a lot and sold at the top are living their lives now at the best and can do anything that they want and invest somewhere again if they want to.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Newlifebtc on May 23, 2022, 05:41:28 AM
The thing is that you can start for early stage and old stage to learn bitcoin, i don't know bitcoin through my 40 years of age but today i have bitcoin and i have other things too that im work for, is not age that matters in the development of bitcoin and working with Bitcoin and is not for young youths is for every body, if you have the mind you can invest for bitcoins it does not matter the age it is of interest and development

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: taufik123 on May 23, 2022, 06:58:42 AM
any age is not that important, but how can you learn it well and can develop from what you have learned in bitcoin. Investing in bitcoin and several other altcoins of course requires basic knowledge of how to make a good investment and do some research before entering.

I started about cryptocurrency and bitcoin since I was 20 years old and until I was 27 years old I continued to study and be active in forums and bitcoin trading. Cryptocurrency knowledge is very broad and can be learned by anyone.
Early learning is also good for young people today.
But remember, it must always be emphasized that the risk will continue to exist.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: peter0425 on May 23, 2022, 09:25:43 AM
I believe that there is nothing much about the ages because it is depend on how we are being introduce or at least lured , I come to know Bitcoin at the age of late 30s and for me? this is enough years of my days to understand and risk my money and time.

Now I see nothing that i will care about because all i experienced is success though i sometime mistaken in Gambling area.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Bitcoins101 on May 23, 2022, 09:28:55 AM
First heard about it when I was 16. Can't believe how long I have been dedicating my time to Bitcoin.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Ahli38 on May 23, 2022, 11:47:42 AM
studied normally at the age of 25. but studied it seriously at the age of 27. I am now starting to introduce it to my family. and my family has been open about this bitcoin insight. and some have started to collect bitcoins as a future investment.

and yesterday's moment on bitcoin pizza day. I made it an opportunity to pass bitcoin education to my family while enjoying a small party with snacks such as pizza. non-serious warm chats make education run smoothly and easily accepted. My brother who is 15 years old has even started to be interested in bitcoin. My mission after family is neighbors.

and even my family is interested in this bitcointalk forum. out of nowhere he knows this forum. because he asked first about this forum. maybe my family on this one searched for information about bitcoin on google and came across this forum.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Gosgosking on May 23, 2022, 04:01:13 PM
I started reading books about bitcoin at the of 26 , that was 3 years ago when I was still in the university. When I started learning bitcoin I didn't invest so fast, after my 8 month of learning I bought my first bitcoin and it went very well for me because I spent time to know more about it.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: nurilham on May 23, 2022, 09:00:21 PM
First heard about it when I was 16. Can't believe how long I have been dedicating my time to Bitcoin.
In what year do you hear about Bitcoin and are involved in its investment? In 2013? I guess you already dedicated your time for more than 5 years.
Anyway, you were lucky that you know it since you were 16 years old, which means you know it quite early. You have the chance to buy Bitcoin with a very cheap price.

When I started learning bitcoin I didn't invest so fast, after my 8 month of learning I bought my first bitcoin and it went very well for me because I spent time to know more about it.
You were very careful, you just bought Bitcoin after learning it for several years. I think it is what every newbie or beginner must do, don't be too hurry to buy Bitcoin. If you learned for 8 months, you actually have enough knowledge about the nature of Bitcoin price and know well how the crypto market works. We need sufficient knowledge first before trying to invest or trade Bitcoin.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: CaVO32 on May 23, 2022, 09:16:48 PM
First heard about it when I was 16. Can't believe how long I have been dedicating my time to Bitcoin.
In what year do you hear about Bitcoin and are involved in its investment? In 2013? I guess you already dedicated your time for more than 5 years.
Anyway, you were lucky that you know it since you were 16 years old, which means you know it quite early. You have the chance to buy Bitcoin with a very cheap price.

When I started learning bitcoin I didn't invest so fast, after my 8 month of learning I bought my first bitcoin and it went very well for me because I spent time to know more about it.
You were very careful, you just bought Bitcoin after learning it for several years. I think it is what every newbie or beginner must do, don't be too hurry to buy Bitcoin. If you learned for 8 months, you actually have enough knowledge about the nature of Bitcoin price and know well how the crypto market works. We need sufficient knowledge first before trying to invest or trade Bitcoin.

Known this market for 7 years already and yet I have no savings of bitcoin.  ;D The earnings that I got either from trading or campaigns, I used it to pay my bills and buy other expenses.  So even if I have no crypto savings, I am not too hard with myself because I know, I used it to important things and not just because I am wasting it. Lucky for those who can hold their bitcoin for years and still keeping it.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Marvelman on May 23, 2022, 09:42:01 PM
I started hearing about bitcoin in 2018, as it was something that really stood out for me. It was fascinating to me to know that someone could use the internet and use technology and get out of poverty. I was still in college at the time. I wanted to learn more and try and understand the technology behind it. I was studying computer science.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Prince Malik on May 23, 2022, 11:43:12 PM
I heard about bitcoin first time at 2017 from my friends and i start using this forum since October 2017, first time i used crypto was in the same year but i really feel unlucky because i didn't heard about it early when everything was cheap and getting 1 bitcoin was a very easy task

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: topman21 on May 23, 2022, 11:54:45 PM
I started working on Bitcoin when I was an adult.  My friend and I started working on Bitcoin.  We two friends first opened an account in the Bitcoin forum and then slowly started working.  From there we have got a lot and learned a lot so far.  Now I see that many young boys and girls have started working in the Bitcoin forum.  It is not right to work without studying at this young age.  I think you should work on Bitcoin if you are an adult.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Ahli38 on May 24, 2022, 12:06:36 AM
I started working on Bitcoin when I was an adult.  My friend and I started working on Bitcoin.  We two friends first opened an account in the Bitcoin forum and then slowly started working.  From there we have got a lot and learned a lot so far.  Now I see that many young boys and girls have started working in the Bitcoin forum.  It is not right to work without studying at this young age.  I think you should work on Bitcoin if you are an adult.

what definition of adult do you mean? Is it mature in age, or is it mature in thought?
if you mean mature in thought then it is very justified and I totally agree with you. because even though he is mature in age but if his nature and character is still like a child (childish) then surely they will not last long in bitcoin. because entering the world of bitcoin requires mature thinking who knows the risks and can measure them logically. while people who are not mature in thought, they tend to give up quickly and carelessly because sometimes they enter without knowing the risks they are taking.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Strongkored on May 24, 2022, 02:41:38 AM
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
Of course this is highly desired by almost everyone who is familiar with bitcoin/crypto, because the earlier you know it, the more benefits you will get, but being able to get to know bitcoin or the crypto world is enough for me even though it's earlier or new than not knowing it at all .
If there are olders who can still understand or be interested in crypto I think it only happens in developed countries because crypto is related to technology and the internet and these two parts is more accessible in developed countries not in third world country.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: bitzizzix on May 24, 2022, 03:38:30 AM
I first got to know bitcoin in March 2017 and I am about 32 years old, and I was introduced by some of my close friends who have been in bitcoin for a long time including in this forum. I actually regretted it when they told me in 2013 and I ignored it because I didn't understand and thought it was weird.
and over time I saw changes in some of my friends who have been in bitcoin for a long time, especially financial changes, and that's what made me finally volunteered to get involved with bitcoin and they told me in detail and told me to go to this forum until now. And I really enjoy great benefits that I could not imagine before and this is freedom because I control everything myself.

I am very grateful to some of my friends, because of them I can make everyone I love happy because I can help them and change my life.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: KaliLinux on May 24, 2022, 06:31:12 AM
I was first introduced to Bitcoin actually by a friend and I believe that was back around 2015-16 I guess but I didn't really take seriousness to it or maybe because he too didn't really educate me on investing in it other than we can buy it to pay for a service we wanted to do at that time but a couple of years down the line, my sister was the one that made me start investing properly in Bitcoin and am still here now.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 29, 2022, 08:57:11 AM
Shower thought on a person's age, learning Bitcoin, and accepting Bitcoin. Because most of the "older people", especially in government, reject it, then I usually ask myself, "how much longer must Bitcoin run to accepted by the no-coiners"?

I believe I was asking the wrong question. There is NO "solution", other than let the older generation die and be replaced by a younger generation more willing to accept Bitcoin, OR who might already be HODLing Bitcoin.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Stalker22 on May 29, 2022, 09:27:10 AM
I believe I was asking the wrong question. There is NO "solution", other than let the older generation die and be replaced by a younger generation more willing to accept Bitcoin, OR who might already be HODLing Bitcoin.

Yes, but there is a problem with your "plan". By the time it happens, we willl be the "older" generation, and, I don't know about you, but I don't want to wait that long. No, I still think that a better solution is to bring Bitcoin closer to the older generation, allowing those to learn about and get into it in a way that won't scare them away, and, giving them some fun things to learn about along the way.

I love the idea that the "Bitcoin generation" can grow up and become a large part of the market, but I also think that there is value in being introduced to Bitcoin at any age. We all know about "old school" currencies, but there is a new, shiny form of money coming into the world now, and we don't want the "older" generation to be frightened off by it or feel like it's not something that they can understand.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Ultegra134 on May 29, 2022, 10:29:28 AM
Shower thought on a person's age, learning Bitcoin, and accepting Bitcoin. Because most of the "older people", especially in government, reject it, then I usually ask myself, "how much longer must Bitcoin run to accepted by the no-coiners"?

I believe I was asking the wrong question. There is NO "solution", other than let the older generation die and be replaced by a younger generation more willing to accept Bitcoin, OR who might already be HODLing Bitcoin.
It's not that uncommon for older generations to not embrace technology, thus, it's understandable that a decent chunk of them won't accept something that is beyond their cognitive boundaries. The adoption will be a tedious procedure which won't occur day by day, it will take years to develop. Let me also point out that a decent amount of people over 40 or 50 years old aren't even capable of using online banking services, or practically anything that has transformed into the digital world.

You're right, there isn't a one way solution to this issue, but only to wait it out.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Cryptmuster on May 29, 2022, 10:41:19 AM
It's not that uncommon for older generations to not embrace technology, thus, it's understandable that a decent chunk of them won't accept something that is beyond their cognitive boundaries. The adoption will be a tedious procedure which won't occur day by day, it will take years to develop. Let me also point out that a decent amount of people over 40 or 50 years old aren't even capable of using online banking services, or practically anything that has transformed into the digital world.

You're right, there isn't a one way solution to this issue, but only to wait it out.

The younger generation is more adaptable to a rapidly changing world, before the speed of life was different. Now updates are constantly coming, new models of gadgets are coming out and a person must adapt to innovations very quickly. Older people cannot reorganize in a new way, it is difficult for them. In a few decades, the older generation will be very advanced and I hope they will be able to adapt just as easily to all the innovations that will appear.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: bayudndy on May 29, 2022, 10:43:14 AM
I've known about this market since I was about 15 or 16 years old, but I honestly don't understand anything and don't have enough time to research it on the internet. It wasn't until I was about 20 years old when I started college and researched into areas in MMOs that I discovered them, and indeed I was intrigued by what I saw. The matter of having access to them or not having access to them is also a big gap for us. Sometimes our age or life brings us closer or further away from it. I'm not sure old people can sit back and listen to it. But in my family or even the relatives that I meet in society, they don't understand more about it than I do, even though I know for sure that I am just a grain of sand in the desert of knowledge in the market. I find that people who can connect with each other with the same ideal or thought also need a lot of learning and luck.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Marvell1 on May 29, 2022, 10:52:08 AM
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
Of course this is highly desired by almost everyone who is familiar with bitcoin/crypto, because the earlier you know it, the more benefits you will get, but being able to get to know bitcoin or the crypto world is enough for me even though it's earlier or new than not knowing it at all .
If there are olders who can still understand or be interested in crypto I think it only happens in developed countries because crypto is related to technology and the internet and these two parts is more accessible in developed countries not in third world country.

This is what I think everyone wants, perhaps a lot of people regretted knowing bitcoin too late or ignoring it before. It's not too late because today's bitcoin and cryptocurrencies like the internet in the 1990s are both very new and just getting started.

Instead of regretting it, let's keep earning bitcoin and focus more on it, teaching our children enough knowledge about bitcoin so they don't have to regret it like we do. Today, it is not too difficult to teach children to get used to everything, especially those related to computer phones, they will learn very quickly.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Alisha-k on May 29, 2022, 11:02:52 AM
If Jet Cash at 80 can embrace bitcoin then there is no excuse what so ever for younger ones to still live in doubt and disbelieve. I first heard of bitcoin in 2017, then embraced it in 2020, began my first class on Defi towards the end of 2020 although my class is still and the crypto industry is an everyday learning experience.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: sklopan on May 29, 2022, 11:15:43 AM
Given the realities of today's world, the most correct option is to start training as early as possible. I think this will be the most correct option for success in the future.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 29, 2022, 12:05:27 PM
I believe I was asking the wrong question. There is NO "solution", other than let the older generation die and be replaced by a younger generation more willing to accept Bitcoin, OR who might already be HODLing Bitcoin.

Yes, but there is a problem with your "plan". By the time it happens, we willl be the "older" generation, and, I don't know about you, but I don't want to wait that long. No, I still think that a better solution is to bring Bitcoin closer to the older generation, allowing those to learn about and get into it in a way that won't scare them away, and, giving them some fun things to learn about along the way.

I love the idea that the "Bitcoin generation" can grow up and become a large part of the market, but I also think that there is value in being introduced to Bitcoin at any age. We all know about "old school" currencies, but there is a new, shiny form of money coming into the world now, and we don't want the "older" generation to be frightened off by it or feel like it's not something that they can understand.

I'm not talking it about from my perspective, I'm talking about it from Bitcoin's perspective. For me personally, OF COURSE I want to see full acceptance/understanding today, but it's impossible. Bitcoin has to outlive a generation or probably two before it can have more favorable conditions socially and politically.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Ultegra134 on May 29, 2022, 12:35:54 PM
It's not that uncommon for older generations to not embrace technology, thus, it's understandable that a decent chunk of them won't accept something that is beyond their cognitive boundaries. The adoption will be a tedious procedure which won't occur day by day, it will take years to develop. Let me also point out that a decent amount of people over 40 or 50 years old aren't even capable of using online banking services, or practically anything that has transformed into the digital world.

You're right, there isn't a one way solution to this issue, but only to wait it out.

The younger generation is more adaptable to a rapidly changing world, before the speed of life was different. Now updates are constantly coming, new models of gadgets are coming out and a person must adapt to innovations very quickly. Older people cannot reorganize in a new way, it is difficult for them. In a few decades, the older generation will be very advanced and I hope they will be able to adapt just as easily to all the innovations that will appear.
The generation after 1990-2000 was born during the most major technological advances. Personally, I knew how to use a computer from an extremely young age, and was exposed to the internet (dial up connections) since elementary school. To be honest, it's totally understandable that we're more understanding and capable of adapting to new technologies that constantly emerge.

Jet Cash who is 80 years old according to other posters, could be an exception of a highly intelligent individual. It's only reasonable to say that the majority of other 80 year olds aren't capable of that, not necessarily because of their intelligence levels but due to the way and they were raised.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: wiss19 on May 29, 2022, 04:11:10 PM
I got in 2016, and I have been here ever since, became a 30+ year old person ever since I learned about it and built a whole family after learning about it. The best part about it is that I got to provide my family a good income thanks to it and that is a great thing because every man wants to provide as much as possible for their family, there is nothing wrong with that.

However, it is also not so great that I ended up not getting anything in return from life, because as we all know, a man provides for his family, but rarely gets to do anything crazy for themselves because every dollar you spend on yourself could have gone for your family, hence why we hesitate to spend on ourselves. So all of this profit and income worked out great for my family, but I have been living exactly the same life :D.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: UmerIdrees on May 29, 2022, 04:18:16 PM
I got in 2016, and I have been here ever since, became a 30+ year old person ever since I learned about it and built a whole family after learning about it. The best part about it is that I got to provide my family a good income thanks to it and that is a great thing because every man wants to provide as much as possible for their family, there is nothing wrong with that.

However, it is also not so great that I ended up not getting anything in return from life, because as we all know, a man provides for his family, but rarely gets to do anything crazy for themselves because every dollar you spend on yourself could have gone for your family, hence why we hesitate to spend on ourselves. So all of this profit and income worked out great for my family, but I have been living exactly the same life :D.

For most of us, we got to know about bitcoin in our 30s + age. The reason is that bitcoin is still very new and most people still have not heard about it. I also came to know about bitcoin in 2016/17 but at that time I was not much interested in it. I never thought that this bitcoin will become so much popular one day. I wished I would have bought some bitcoin in 2016 when it was under a 1000$.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: YOSHIE on May 29, 2022, 04:46:53 PM
Knowing Bitcoin in 2017, when it was more or less 65 years old, at first I didn't believe in the name Crypto I thought, something impossible, my friend gave a real example for me, then I learned, it turns out that Bitcoin is really real, I mean real money.

I learned about how the Bitcoin system works and I did direct research and until now, it turns out that Bitcoin is not a bedtime story, for that I have known Bitcoin for about 6 years, I may be unlucky because I know Bitcoin is over 65 years old, not as lucky as those who are 20-30 years old, they will have a lot of time to know more about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: hyudien on May 29, 2022, 04:54:15 PM
Maybe I don't remember the first time I got to know Bitcoin exactly. It makes for a lot of barely recorded trips. The reason is, when someone starts to feel something, they will focus on the things that are in front of them. Bitcoin made me almost forget everything, even Bitcoin made me take the decision to quit my regular job.

Just wanted to ask a little, do you feel that after getting to know Bitcoin with all its benefits, you will indirectly appreciate how important financial freedom is?

That's how I feel, and until now the feeling of financial freedom has really become a disciplinary rule in my daily life.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: amihada on May 30, 2022, 11:31:49 AM
I have known bitcoin for a long time and I tried to explain bitcoin to my relatives how the advantages of bitcoin investment are but my relatives think I am boasting after I proved to my relatives the advantages of bitcoin investment then my relatives regret not following what I explained and now my relatives are trying to learn bitcoin investment .

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: pawanjain on May 30, 2022, 01:56:56 PM

1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

1. I started learning about bitcoin around the age of 20. I was quite overwhelmed when I got to know about bitcoin at first.
A few years down the line it all made sense to me and I turned out to become a bitcoin believer.

2. As I was quite young I didn't have any experience in the financial field. Crypto was the first financial system I was playing around with.
This made me open to risks and losses and helped me overcome my fear of losses.

3. Obviously. Everyone present here wishes they knew about bitcoin earlier.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Luzin on May 30, 2022, 03:39:59 PM

1. I started learning about bitcoin around the age of 20. I was quite overwhelmed when I got to know about bitcoin at first.
A few years down the line it all made sense to me and I turned out to become a bitcoin believer.

Of course it was nice to know bitcoin from a young age. I got to know crypto around the age of 26, I think it's too old for now, but to be late it's not. I think knowing bitcoin anytime is lucky, especially since you have some parts. Currently, the way to go is to take advantage of the opportunities that exist. If you think and regret that getting to know bitcoin is new nowadays, it is actually wrong. Right now the best thing is to take advantage of every opportunity that exists from Bitcoin. I'm sure you'll get good results later.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: brianelliotwv on May 30, 2022, 05:35:03 PM
Elliott Wave Principle that tells how to understand investors intent and market forecasts by observing the psychology of the investors. According to a lot of experienced investors predictions through the pattern derived in this theory gives more then 80% success results. For beginners who aims to understand how cryptocurrency and blockchain technology works, Elliott Wave Theory ( is useful source of information how does the impulses and waves works in forecasting about the crypto and stocks prices

What you guys think of this theory, does it comes true on technical basis or just an idea?

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on May 30, 2022, 05:40:46 PM
I am now 27 years old but on the other hand I have only studied crypto since the age of 26 but for an introduction I have actually known this for quite a long time considering I am one of the people who have worked in the financial system regulated by banks so I know a little and get to know about the crypto threat.
But at that time I actually hated this and at the end of 2020 someone made me realize that I was actually a little wrong so I looked back about crypto and switched to a crypto system that was originally on the side of the bank.

I think my current age is still quite young even though learning might be a little difficult but I still think that my current age is still good enough to adapt to crypto even though I have some regrets why I didn't do this a few years ago

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Marvelman on May 30, 2022, 05:49:52 PM
I think my current age is still quite young even though learning might be a little difficult but I still think that my current age is still good enough to adapt to crypto even though I have some regrets why I didn't do this a few years ago

Don't think like that. It’s never too late to learn new things, and 27 years old isn’t much at all. Would you believe that there are people here who are twice as old as you? They are here learning with you.
We all have to start somewhere, and getting a practical introduction to this fascinating new technology right now is a great first step to setting up the long-term success. You’ll gain valuable insight and practical experience, and be a part of something big.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: glendall on May 30, 2022, 10:26:14 PM
1. I found out bitcoin when I was close to 37 years old,

2, I don't think the age when I started bitcoin was old enough and I can still absorb what a blockchain is, and I can still be productive, just like young people who know bitcoin first.

3. No, because at the beginning of the creation of bitcoin I was already an adult  ;D , maybe I would teach my child Bitcoin at an early age.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: MommyElsa on May 30, 2022, 10:34:24 PM
Was informed this bitcoin thing 8 yrs ago but then i am not totally interested and never show any plans of buying bitcoin. When someone is sharing their experience with bitcoin. I always listen and forget about it. Totally, i am not interested until my friend show me some evidence what she gets from btc that is the time I finally took chance of buying and keep my coin in my wallet and considered it as my investment for my retirement.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: molsewid on May 30, 2022, 11:34:13 PM
Was informed this bitcoin thing 8 yrs ago but then i am not totally interested and never show any plans of buying bitcoin. When someone is sharing their experience with bitcoin. I always listen and forget about it. Totally, i am not interested until my friend show me some evidence what she gets from btc that is the time I finally took chance of buying and keep my coin in my wallet and considered it as my investment for my retirement.

Wow! 2 more years, you will know bitcoin for decade. I knew bitcoin since 2015, but I am not yet fully interested about it, I just drop by here and there but I did not do some deep research about bitcoin because as for me? I saw many scam hyip during that time as long as I remember. 2017 is my breakthrough, I learn more and explore more, I even reach my friends about it but they did not interact with me and interested, and now I saw them being in crypto like wth guys I teach you when it is very low now you are crazy bout it.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: carlfebz2 on May 30, 2022, 11:38:05 PM
Was informed this bitcoin thing 8 yrs ago but then i am not totally interested and never show any plans of buying bitcoin. When someone is sharing their experience with bitcoin. I always listen and forget about it. Totally, i am not interested until my friend show me some evidence what she gets from btc that is the time I finally took chance of buying and keep my coin in my wallet and considered it as my investment for my retirement.

Wow! 2 more years, you will know bitcoin for decade. I knew bitcoin since 2015, but I am not yet fully interested about it, I just drop by here and there but I did not do some deep research about bitcoin because as for me? I saw many scam hyip during that time as long as I remember. 2017 is my breakthrough, I learn more and explore more, I even reach my friends about it but they did not interact with me and interested, and now I saw them being in crypto like wth guys I teach you when it is very low now you are crazy bout it.
I know bitcoin in the same year which is something that regrettable because i do have those kind of feels that if i hadnt able to miss out then i might be rich as of today which is something  that haunts me

every now and then whenever i do see on how cheap bitcoin  was into those days if ever i do able to get hold at least a few of coins then my life status or situation.
Well, there's nothing we can do but to move on and better to make investment as of this moment yet we know that potential for bitcoin to rise up its price
in the future is high but well its not an assurance.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: ultrloa on May 30, 2022, 11:47:54 PM
Was informed this bitcoin thing 8 yrs ago but then i am not totally interested and never show any plans of buying bitcoin. When someone is sharing their experience with bitcoin. I always listen and forget about it. Totally, i am not interested until my friend show me some evidence what she gets from btc that is the time I finally took chance of buying and keep my coin in my wallet and considered it as my investment for my retirement.

Wow! 2 more years, you will know bitcoin for decade. I knew bitcoin since 2015, but I am not yet fully interested about it, I just drop by here and there but I did not do some deep research about bitcoin because as for me? I saw many scam hyip during that time as long as I remember. 2017 is my breakthrough, I learn more and explore more, I even reach my friends about it but they did not interact with me and interested, and now I saw them being in crypto like wth guys I teach you when it is very low now you are crazy bout it.

I know this on year 2013 but actually I didn't care much about it since this is not something big way that before and many didn't expect that this will go far just what it reached today. I became active back on year 2015 and then the same as before I quit for quite some time then came back and repeat that scheme due to some personal reason. Then gladly seeing how bitcoin achieve especially the adoption for sure we can see more younger kids adopting and trying their luck on bitcoin and cryptocurrency industry.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Dr.Osh on May 31, 2022, 09:04:24 AM
when I was 18 years old until now. however, I learned this from the internet, and social media. actually, it didn't start from bitcoin, but from altcoins. after that, I got to know bitcoin which was a very good topic to know about at that time. other than that, I started from airdrop, until I got to know this forum and learned various aspects of how to earn bitcoins. however, since 2015, a lot has happened to the crypto world, specifically bitcoin, such as hitting a new ATH, then dumping, then rising again after a few years, and dumping back. nowadays, the development of bitcoin has really expanded. in fact, people used to think that this would end quickly, but who would have thought that this could actually be an alternative payment and the price was very expensive.
however, there were some friends who mentored me a few years ago. however, many people want to get to know bitcoin early in order to get the most out of it.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: DeathAngel on May 31, 2022, 10:41:35 PM
I was early 20’s when I first started buying bitcoin. Best thing I ever did to be honest, it's never too late to educate yourself on new, innovative tech though. Look at the quoted post in the OP regarding Jet Cash, the guy is nearly 80 & still ballin’

Educate yourself on bitcoin, it’s the best form of money ever created, it’ll be the best thing you ever do.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: TribalBob on May 31, 2022, 11:01:28 PM
I got to know bitcoin about 8 years ago, where my friend gave me info that there is digital money that will provide financial freedom later if it is correct in processing it and choosing the right coin and what makes me very enthusiastic about being able to get it for free is by participating in airdrops and bounties held in this forum

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: stomachgrowls on May 31, 2022, 11:31:20 PM
I was early 20’s when I first started buying bitcoin. Best thing I ever did to be honest, it's never too late to educate yourself on new, innovative tech though. Look at the quoted post in the OP regarding Jet Cash, the guy is nearly 80 & still ballin’

Educate yourself on bitcoin, it’s the best form of money ever created, it’ll be the best thing you ever do.
Also in my early 20's on which one of my friend online do really able to mention about bitcoin and thats the time i got curios and made out some searches until i do find out this place and learn a lot

not only limited on bitcoin alone but also in all cryptocurrency aspect and that was 5 years ago as far as i remember and i thankful to that one friend of mine because if he havent told me about
bitcoin the i might not able to experience on things that im currently experiencing in terms of financial and assets.

It might not be much but at least it did really give some significant progress and upgrade on my lifestyle.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: minime0105 on June 01, 2022, 08:32:05 AM
I heard of bitcoin in my early twenties but in detail, I got to know about it when I was 26 years old. Age obviously didn’t play any role but as I was already trading forex, I had an idea about how the financial markets work, it helped me with crypto trading as well. As far as it is about starting to trade bitcoin at an early stage, it would surely have been great.
That means you were not sure and comfortable with bitcoin then. Now no body is ready not learn bitcoin and perfect it, children of this time ask different questions of bitcoin to show their curiosity from knowing bitcoin directly, why people did not participate or show much interest of knowing bitcoin is because it was new currency and can't compare the child born in 2010 and some one that is born in 1985 to have same interest, the 1985 have seen traditional currency very well and know the important why 2010 was born in the era of bitcoin and it will be happy to use the one close to it future despite that both is currency

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: wxa7115 on June 01, 2022, 09:47:29 PM
I am now 27 years old but on the other hand I have only studied crypto since the age of 26 but for an introduction I have actually known this for quite a long time considering I am one of the people who have worked in the financial system regulated by banks so I know a little and get to know about the crypto threat.
But at that time I actually hated this and at the end of 2020 someone made me realize that I was actually a little wrong so I looked back about crypto and switched to a crypto system that was originally on the side of the bank.

I think my current age is still quite young even though learning might be a little difficult but I still think that my current age is still good enough to adapt to crypto even though I have some regrets why I didn't do this a few years ago
You are still quite young, as long as you can keep saving your bitcoin and you can hold it for the long term then you will do well in the future, now it is unrealistic to expect to get the profits the early investors got, but you can still get significant profits if you wait for long enough.

And in that case your age plays in your favor as you can hold your bitcoin for decades without any problem, and in the case you decide to begin to enjoy your profits you will also have decades to do so.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: dataispower on June 01, 2022, 09:59:19 PM
I got to know bitcoin about 8 years ago, where my friend gave me info that there is digital money that will provide financial freedom later if it is correct in processing it and choosing the right coin and what makes me very enthusiastic about being able to get it for free is by participating in airdrops and bounties held in this forum
That's quite good and you have been practicing bitcoin. I know bitcoin when it still smallish in value and people do not regard bitcoin, include myself i was having double taught of cryptocurrency. I know bitcoin in 2011 but i never knew that it will be regarded worldwide because when i notice Bitcoin is through a ponzi scheme seminar program were our educators as us to invest into cryptocurrency and the value will appreciate like landed profit if we keep for long time, that's how i know what is bitcoin but i was not giving full support

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: suzanne5223 on June 01, 2022, 10:49:23 PM
I am now 27 years old but on the other hand I have only studied crypto since the age of 26 but for an introduction I have actually known this for quite a long time considering I am one of the people who have worked in the financial system regulated by banks so I know a little and get to know about the crypto threat.
But at that time I actually hated this and at the end of 2020 someone made me realize that I was actually a little wrong so I looked back about crypto and switched to a crypto system that was originally on the side of the bank.
It is still nice you know the genuine concept of Bitcoin during the year 2020 when all 21Million coins is yet to be mined.
I totally understand you seeing Bitcoin as a threat since you worked in a financial setting that was regulated by Banks and the FUD spread by some government and naive institutions is the major problem we have now because they never make people understand the importance of Bitcoin. What they do is spread wrong information about BTC and all thanks to the total lockdown caused by the Covid-19 which showcases the real benefit of BTC to the world.

I think my current age is still quite young even though learning might be a little difficult but I still think that my current age is still good enough to adapt to crypto even though I have some regrets why I didn't do this a few years ago
Your current age is never young if you ask me because if already have people who are 12 years and currently crypto millionaire.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Oceat on June 01, 2022, 11:28:24 PM
I got to know bitcoin about 8 years ago, where my friend gave me info that there is digital money that will provide financial freedom later if it is correct in processing it and choosing the right coin and what makes me very enthusiastic about being able to get it for free is by participating in airdrops and bounties held in this forum
I also happen to have a friend who know Bitcoin back then but we aren't friends at that time yet so later on after a few years when Bitcoin was at the three digit price that was the time I learned about Bitcoin but I still have no idea at that time on what is the purpose of it since to it's just like another kind of new currency that masked in digital. But I was wrong as I learned what is Bitcoin and how does it work although my knowledge at that time isn't enough yet so I have to explore and study then I came to this forum a few years ago and I'm surprised how much more knowledge do I have to gain in order to fully understand this crypto currency.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: xSkylarx on June 02, 2022, 05:40:39 AM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?

I learned about bitcoin way back 2016 which I was 19 years old at that time. I was looking for some additional income to my college expenses then I found about bitcoin because some people I know are earning from it. A friend that I only met online told me about this forum that you can get paid by joining signature campaigns and that was the start of my crypto journey.

3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

Bitcoin is still in an early stage that time so 2016 is a good year that I started to learn about it. I just wish that I did more faucets grinding that time because during those years, faucets websites give bitcoin for free. You can easily earn 0.001 btc that time in less than a week. No one paid attention too much from it because the value that time is only small.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 02, 2022, 02:42:02 PM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?

I was around 25 when I started learning about bitcoin, and it did be interesting to let you guys know that I lost my very first bitcoins I bought to a scam ico back then in 2016 when the concept was still very young, it was a wild experience but am glad it taught me what it taught me 😁.

2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
Well, I honestly don't believe age has any role to play, what I think has  a very big role to play is prior experience and IQ level.
Right from my younger age, I've always loved the internet and anything that has to do with internet has always catched my interest, back then, I fancy the internet more than I fancy driving sports cars, I believe this is what actually helped me in learning about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
Look around you, everybody wish they know what they know now earlier, it's normal and that's how life is designed to be, as we grow and acquire knowledge of certain things, we begin to wish we acquired those knowledge yesterday, because we think our lives wouldn't be the way it is now (i.e, we think our lives would be much more better) if we knew what we know now yesterday.
So universally, this kind of regret is practically common with every one, starting something today, and after you've made some progress, you begin to wish you started it earlier, it's a normal feeling.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on June 02, 2022, 04:26:38 PM
I posted about this before, asking everyone here when they learned about bitcoin and if they remember how. I found bitcoin I believe sometime in early or mid 2014.  I always hate that I can't fully remember how I found out about it, but I know it was around that time frame.  I was in my mid to late 20's when this was the case.  Getting older of course, but with age comes wisdom and I've only become more in love with bitcoin and it's features.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Rengga Jati on June 02, 2022, 05:54:01 PM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
I think that it was at around 28YO.  :D

2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
readiness, acceptance, and also seriousness.
At my age, I have been ready for that kind of new thing for me, because I really want something that could gain money at that time, only focus on money and money LOL. (that's why I failed at first).
Working and doing in crypto without previous experience means too risky. After getting more and more learning and experiences, it led me to be more ready, physically, emotionally, financially, and also psychologically.

3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
No doubt, honestly yes

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Cling18 on June 02, 2022, 06:27:54 PM
I was 25 when I first heard about Bitcoin. I actually have regrets because I missed the opportunity to invest in it right away. I got interested in it two years later which was quite late and I already missed the first bull run. However, I'm still grateful that I was able to learn things about Bitcoin and other altcoins when I already have a stable job to sustain my investment funds. It's hard to start investing without enough funds so I made sure that I'm financially and emotionally prepared upon entering the world of crypto investment.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Myntist.official on June 04, 2022, 11:21:53 AM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
I think that it was at around 28YO.  :D

2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
readiness, acceptance, and also seriousness.
At my age, I have been ready for that kind of new thing for me, because I really want something that could gain money at that time, only focus on money and money LOL. (that's why I failed at first).
Working and doing in crypto without previous experience means too risky. After getting more and more learning and experiences, it led me to be more ready, physically, emotionally, financially, and also psychologically.

3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
No doubt, honestly yes
Not specifically about Bitcoin but  blockchain should be leaned by every one regardless of the age and gender.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Ale88 on June 04, 2022, 04:07:12 PM
First heard about it when I was 16. Can't believe how long I have been dedicating my time to Bitcoin.
That's actually pretty impressive: not only discovering bitcoin at such a young age but also understanding its potential, so that also means understanding/knowing that the financial world is a mess and things will get even worse for the younger generations. I wish I was so smart when I was your age, well done!

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: dezoel on June 05, 2022, 07:24:53 AM
I can still remember vividly in the year 2010 when I scarcely heard about Bitcoin, but just like any new trend, I just felt it was one of those things that come and go, so I paid little or no attention to it. I was not very advanced in technology as at the time to even begin with. When it really got my attention was in 2013, when I heard someone complain of losing money, said Bitcoin actually dropped from $266 to $100.

I was 22 years old at the time, I was a bit inclined technologically - so I had to ask for more clarification on how this online stuff gives them money, I actually had disbelief in the possibility of the whole system to be honest. I just wanted to hear what he wanted to tell me about Bitcoin. Sooner than later, I did research and so on, about it and later went to him for mentorship. Ever since then, I have had no regrets in the decision I made then, I only wish I knew earlier - would have invested enough.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Brownish1 on June 05, 2022, 07:50:16 AM
I heard about Bitcoin in my late teenage years and that was my 20s so I decide to learned about Bitcoin. It was a good thing for getting to know and having more ideas about Bitcion, and now my greatest regret is for me not getting to know about Bitcion because I have earned allot from the time I started.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Tony116 on June 05, 2022, 10:47:00 AM
I was 25 when I first heard about Bitcoin. I actually have regrets because I missed the opportunity to invest in it right away. I got interested in it two years later which was quite late and I already missed the first bull run. However, I'm still grateful that I was able to learn things about Bitcoin and other altcoins when I already have a stable job to sustain my investment funds. It's hard to start investing without enough funds so I made sure that I'm financially and emotionally prepared upon entering the world of crypto investment.

If you think of the regret of missing out on bitcoin, not investing in the first place, then I think not only you but millions of people will regret it. I'm sure a lot of people have heard of bitcoin before they entered the market, but no one will care until bitcoin spikes and gives the impression they start looking and investing in bitcoin.

Bitcoin is becoming more and more popular and accepted in many places but there are still a lot of people who don't know about it, haven't used it so let's be proud that we are still pioneers in the bitcoin revolution. And what's even more amazing is that we have the opportunity to own bitcoin for cheap, in the future when bitcoin hits $500k or $1million many will continue to regret it.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Jet Cash on June 05, 2022, 02:22:28 PM
I don't think age has anything to do with Bitcoin. Previous experience, and an open mind is far more relevant. I heard about Bitcoin in various discussions in a domain name trading forum, and Bitcoin Talk was the obvious place to find out about it. I've got a systems programming background, and this led me to argue about the structure of Bitcoin, and how my ideas would improve it. :) The senior members here were very patient with me, and explained why my ideas would damage Bitcoin, and I am grateful for their help. I've got an accounting/stock broking background as a computer analyst, and I was working for the stock exchange during the big bang. Eventually I came to understand the brilliance of the Bitcoin concept, and much of that is due to the members of this forum.

One bad aspect of my experience came from my time as an Ebay trader using PayPal, and the fraud and theft that was rife in both of those platforms made me reluctant to buy Bitcoin online. If I had been able to overcome that, no doubt I would own a few thousand more coins now. By the time I had decided to start mining, ASICs had become essential, and due to personal circumstances, I was reluctant to experiment with them. That was another mistake.

I understand how a virtual asset like Bitcoin can be a hard asset, and Bitcoin is the only crypto that has this attribute. I have tried to explain this to many people, but I have yet to find someone who really appreciates this. I use the analogy of a novel, which is another abstract concept with a hard value, and, as far as I know, I am the only person who does this. People still don't seem to understand the similarity though.

I believe that the most important thing to understand about Bitcoin is its place in the new emerging world order. Obviously you need to understand the basic mechanism of Bitcoin payments and security, but you also need to realise the political ramifications of an increasingly valuable assets that is outside the control of the ruling dynasties. These are about to undergo a very radical change. The dominant dynasty is the British crown, and the British Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are/were the heads of this. Unfortunately the Duke has dies, and the Queen is reducing her political activities. We don't know who will take control in her absence, and we don't know if the Crown will slip from is major position. The Rothschilds have been number 2, but there have been some major disagreements in the family. The Vatican is number 3, and it used to control the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller, and they went on to form the British Empire when the Vatican tried to seize their fabulous wealth. The British Empire shifted into banking and recruited many other wealthy dynasties to form the ruling body that now controls Washington, Westminster, the EU and many other nations. We are now entering some exciting and turbulent times, and Bitcoin is one way that a few of us will be able to manage our wealth or savings.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Scaterbrainn on July 25, 2022, 05:04:20 AM
I started last year. I was considering investing in bitcoins from before but never really did it due to some personal reasons. Since I invested, it has changed my life for the better. I had read about it years back. Just never had the confidence to make a move.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: lienfaye on July 25, 2022, 05:32:56 AM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Im 24 when I became aware of the Bitcoin's existence, but that time im not yet interested because my mind is filled with other things. 27, when I started learning about it and 28 when I got my first earning.

2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
Well, its a big help to fully understand crypto. Being mature enough to know the risk if you engage yourself especially I already have a family of my own. Hence im motivated to learn and embrace the opportunity thats in front of me.

3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
No. Because regardless of a person's age as long as they can understand Bitcoin (or crypto in general) and the technology behind it, then thats enough. Because everyone can learn it if they're willing to do so. Thus even you're already old its not too late to join the ride.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: coinerer on July 25, 2022, 08:43:10 AM
I am start learning about bitcoin and come on this forum when my age is 16. But it's my failure that I couldn't hold Bitcoin at that time. Although I was very young at that time, I developed a lot of interest in Bitcoin. But at first the Bitcoin algorithm seemed very complicated to me. But learning about it now makes Bitcoin very interesting.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Jemzx00 on July 25, 2022, 09:35:28 AM
I am start learning about bitcoin and come on this forum when my age is 16. But it's my failure that I couldn't hold Bitcoin at that time. Although I was very young at that time, I developed a lot of interest in Bitcoin. But at first the Bitcoin algorithm seemed very complicated to me. But learning about it now makes Bitcoin very interesting.
Actually, it's cool to know that you were able to be involved on bitcoin and cryptocurrency at a young age. Also, I suggest not to hold on to the past and consider it as a failure since I'm sure that bitcoin has provided financial assistance to you at the time and consider it as a learning factor.

Anyways, For me, the first time I got into bitcoin was way back in 2015 when bitcoin and other crypto don't have a high value at the time yet. But I was able to earn and support myself, especially in my studies. I never regretted my decision on cashing out my coins as I was able to buy myself necessary things such as laptops, PCs, and other things that was able to help me out throughout my college studies.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: gabbie2010 on July 25, 2022, 10:37:10 AM
I started learning about bitcoin in late 2016 at 38 years though l joined the train a bit lately, however the journey had been splendid so far I had no regret, I had learned so many things about bitcoin which includes trading, staking, arbitrary trading, Hodling, pumping, dumping of bitcoin etc in the forum where I spent most time of the day and most importantly earning some decent bitcoin while participating in signature and campaigns, while hoping to continue learning and trading cryptocurrencies in a bid to earn more income, in fact so many opportunities abound in learning more about bitcoin example becoming a blockchain developer one of the most sought after job in the labour market.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Yamifoud on July 25, 2022, 11:25:52 AM
My interest in Bitcoin just started six years ago and for me, it was really a good start since during that time bounties and airdrop are really profitable. That time gives me some light that Bitcoin isn't just making the market getting known to the community but also altcoins. And because of having a good experience, I'd just tell my colleagues to also join me and be a part of crypto, I encourage them actually but guess what, only a few of them believe me while the majority of them think this was a scam investment.
I fail to educate them but Bitcoin never fails me.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: GiftedMAN on July 25, 2022, 02:33:32 PM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

1) I was 27 years old when I heard about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency through my girlfriend who was doing some airdrop stuff then. I was not interested to know what Bitcoin is about because it was not acceptable in my country so I felt getting knowledge of it will be a waste of my time. I developed the interest to learn more about Bitcoin this year around February 2022 when a friend of mine told me that he has been into bitcoin investment since 2017 and his journey so far has been smooth. The only regret I have for not starting my bitcoin and crypto journey earlier is that I would have had more knowledge than what I have now but no time is too late to start.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: virasisog on July 25, 2022, 02:58:38 PM
I started to learn about bitcoin in my 20' still learning most of us wish to learn it pretty earlier but i think 20's is not the bad time to start learning about bitcoin.

That's still a good age for you to start learning things about Bitcoin. There's no early or late age to begin studying things about Bitcoin as long as we could understand and adapt everything including its risks clearly. I have actually learned about Bitcoin at 25 where I'm already focusing on stability and earning good profit. I just have a little regret because I've heard about Bitcoin at an earlier age yet I ignored it.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Gosgosking on July 25, 2022, 04:55:57 PM
I get to know bitcoin at the age of 27 in 2019, sometimes I feel sad not getting to know bitcoin at my teenage age or 20's and I feel grateful too knowing bitcoin this late, by the time I knew about bitcoin I gave already somethings about bitcoin,  especially not to fall for scammers for bitcoin and free money. I already have understanding that nothing is free.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: coolcoinz on July 25, 2022, 09:27:10 PM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?

I was exactly 30 years old.

2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?

I had some negative experience with banks and some background in online marketing. I was at first interested in mining and came to the forum to learn how to make some money online.
Learning the basics wasn't hard. In the first they I already had several wallets, an exchange account and I was having fun reading threads in off-topic :D

3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

Of course, but not to learn more. I feel like I've reached the peak of my personal adoption curve. I'm not going to be a bitcoin dev or a blockchain analyst. I'm not going to be coding wallets or making my own altcoin. What I know once could learn in a week. They wouldn't have all the experience, but basic technical knowledge.
I'd like to start much earlier, preferably in early 2012, when you could claim faucets and when bitcoin was worth just a few bucks.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Ebede on July 25, 2022, 09:32:10 PM
I get to know bitcoin at the age of 27 in 2019, sometimes I feel sad not getting to know bitcoin at my teenage age or 20's and I feel grateful too knowing bitcoin this late, by the time I knew about bitcoin I gave already somethings about bitcoin,  especially not to fall for scammers for bitcoin and free money. I already have understanding that nothing is free.
This time around people do know bitcoin at the age of 11 years 10 years and 8 years because bitcoin value is something many people have campaign and advertise for and everybody is rushing invest in Bitcoin who have not seen anything bag or someone joining the two currency as earliest age for me oh I think the best time to involve ourselves for bitcoin from the area is

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: landheer on July 26, 2022, 04:09:57 AM
I learned about bitcoin at the age of 23. but from the time I was 20 years old I've heard the name bitcoin, at that time I heard on social media, but at that time I was less interested, because I didn't know what bitcoin was, but after 3 years later I heard that many people were successful from investing in bitcoins. and that's when I found out what bitcoin is. and I found out on the internet, until finally I was interested in investing in bitcoin.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Reatim on July 26, 2022, 04:32:54 AM
While I already had Idea that JC is a senior member , but does not exactly know his age not until now that i come across this thread.

Belated Happy Bday JC and wish you also a tons of years ahead to spread more about crypto in senior members of the world.

I learned about bitcoin at the age of 23. but from the time I was 20 years old I've heard the name bitcoin, at that time I heard on social media, but at that time I was less interested, because I didn't know what bitcoin was, but after 3 years later I heard that many people were successful from investing in bitcoins. and that's when I found out what bitcoin is. and I found out on the internet, until finally I was interested in investing in bitcoin.

there are several members that i met in the past that learned Bitcoin when they are teens , and now they are even graduated from college and earning good from this space.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: jaminunit on July 26, 2022, 10:21:42 AM
in 2010, OMG I'm old now.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: jaminunit on July 26, 2022, 10:23:13 AM
It's weird to think that there are teenagers now that have always known bitcoin

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: bakasabo on July 26, 2022, 10:40:10 AM
Why is it weird ? Those who use internet are aware of Bitcoin, those who dont, dont know anything about crypto. Teenagers are the audience the spend most time in gadgets or internet. That is simple.

For me it does not matter at what age a person found out about Bitcoin. There are kids that are smarter than some adults, and there elder people that are rather stupid. Like people say "age is just a number". First time I've heard about cryptocurrency was 6 or 7 years ago, but only 5 years ago I have found free or special time to dive into cryptocurrency and found it interesting and worth studying.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Agbe on July 26, 2022, 03:32:00 PM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
I got my first knowledge on bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies in the year 2015 in a seminar that I attended. And at that time, I was about 28 years plus, though I did not take it seriously by then, because of the experience got from the seminar.
As of the age, age plays a major role in the understanding of bitcoin and other crypto currencies. Like if you tell bitcoin to a child of 5 to 10 years of age, he might not understand know the value of it, but he would know the name as bitcoin and also might not take it serious. Though there are some elderly ones that would not take it seriously as well but their cognitive ability is far better than the under age. And if an elderly person is well educated on bitcoin. He would know the value more the under age child.
Knowing a particular thing comes as the specific time the thing is needed, so no age is specifically set aside to know bitcoin as fast as the person can read and write. As it is, I am very happy that I have known bitcoin now, now this my bitcoin knowledge most be impacted to my children. There is time and purpose of everything in life.

Dear Jet Cash, I wish you a very happy birthday in advance. Thank you for all that you do for the community.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Wiwo on July 26, 2022, 07:39:24 PM
Well am glad am part of the generation that witness Bitcoin and also take part in Bitcoin development, I still believe that I am not too late since Bitcoin is just a decade old. I never hard a second thought about Bitcoin when I was first introduced to it, and ever since then I have not stop loving the journey I wish Bitcoin have been around 2 decades ago that will give some older generation the experience of a total financial freedom and the money liberty that Satoshi brought, but nevertheless I thankful for this technology and the sacrifice Satoshi paid to get us to where we are today.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: CryptSafe on July 26, 2022, 08:50:00 PM
Some weeks ago, I explained in a post how  I taught my octogenarian and Septuagenarian parents about Bitcoin ( One of the comments that caught my attention was made by Jet Cash.

I'm 80 in June. Why are you guys surprised that older people can embrace the concept of Bitcoin? Many of us have enquiring minds, and are prepared to look at new concepts with an open attitude. This is why many older people have a better understanding of the 'rona scam and vaccination mania, and don't just accept government and pharma' propaganda.

At that point, some of the questions that came to mind were, at what age did he start learning about bitcoin? What role did age and prior experience play in helping him learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency? With his current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, does he wish he started at an earlier age?

I was 29 when I started learning about bitcoin and it has been one hell of a ride.  I know other members of this community also have their unique experiences which I am interested in reading about. So, I may just as well throw these questions open for discussion.

1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

Dear Jet Cash, I wish you a very happy birthday in advance. Thank you for all that you do for the community.

This is quite interesting though. As there's no barrier in learning so there's no barrier in knowledge. Age is not a hindrance in learning new developments and technologies.
I did get to know and learn about Blockchain in early  2009 when the system was just starting though. At first I saw it as a fiction and unrealistic. After some time of observation and graduation assimilation I found it very interesting. I had to start doing my own research and findings in respect to what I just got myself involved then.
I was very fast in getting acquainted to it as I was technological inclined so learning about such innovation was not an issue as I was very interested in learning new things. So therefore age is not a challenge in learning new thing anybody willing to learn and have knowledge of anything will definitely achieve it as long they are willing to learn.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Rigon on July 26, 2022, 11:59:22 PM
I started to know Bitcoin since I was in Class Ten.My interest to know about science was very high.I wish I knew a lot more about Bitcoin at one point.Now though I know but till now I can't recharge well with Bitcoin but my desire to know remains till now.I have always wanted to know about Bitcoin for the rest of my life.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: asfjkhasoi on August 08, 2022, 09:06:40 AM
In recent years, I heard about Bitcoin, and I want to get in touch with Bitcoin earlier, because I can have a deeper understanding of currency at this moment. I am very happy to know about Bitcoin, and I will continue to learn.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: taufik123 on August 08, 2022, 02:08:32 PM
maybe it's too late for me to know bitcoin when people are already enjoying the results I just started in 2018 to focus, where at that time bitcoin was priced as it is currently at its lowest value, but luck was on my side, I feel how when btc has a new ATH and true what my friend said the holder is the winner
Never too late as long as you want to seriously learn it. Age is not a problem to know and understand what bitcoin is and how bitcoin works and what technology is in it. If you say you're late, then what about some people here who are elderly but still want to learn about bitcoin and don't complain because they're old enough.

When you have felt the benefits of bitcoin and got the results of the previous bitcoin ATH that has happened, of course it will be a trigger for you to understand more deeply about bitcoin insights, not just hunting for profits.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: TribalBob on August 08, 2022, 02:29:09 PM
I got to know bitcoin about 8 years ago, where my friend gave me info that there is digital money that will provide financial freedom later if it is correct in processing it and choosing the right coin and what makes me very enthusiastic about being able to get it for free is by participating in airdrops and bounties held in this forum
That's quite good and you have been practicing bitcoin. I know bitcoin when it still smallish in value and people do not regard bitcoin, include myself i was having double taught of cryptocurrency. I know bitcoin in 2011 but i never knew that it will be regarded worldwide because when i notice Bitcoin is through a ponzi scheme seminar program were our educators as us to invest into cryptocurrency and the value will appreciate like landed profit if we keep for long time, that's how i know what is bitcoin but i was not giving full support

I don't have to fully support it, I think, just follow the flow and advances in technology besides taking advantage of all of this,
so that when people ask about btc we are not blind at all

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: smartaction on August 08, 2022, 03:30:26 PM
I started to know Bitcoin since I was in Class Ten.My interest to know about science was very high.I wish I knew a lot more about Bitcoin at one point.Now though I know but till now I can't recharge well with Bitcoin but my desire to know remains till now.I have always wanted to know about Bitcoin for the rest of my life.
I know about bitcoin seance 2013 and i start learning about bitcoin then and i always use google and youtube for learning about bitcoin and in 2014 i was create a account on this forum and this forum helped me to know better about Bitcoin

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Lida93 on August 10, 2022, 01:51:37 PM
Some weeks ago, I explained in a post how  I taught my octogenarian and Septuagenarian parents about Bitcoin ( One of the comments that caught my attention was made by Jet Cash.

I'm 80 in June. Why are you guys surprised that older people can embrace the concept of Bitcoin? Many of us have enquiring minds, and are prepared to look at new concepts with an open attitude. This is why many older people have a better understanding of the 'rona scam and vaccination mania, and don't just accept government and pharma' propaganda.

At that point, some of the questions that came to mind were, at what age did he start learning about bitcoin? What role did age and prior experience play in helping him learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency? With his current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, does he wish he started at an earlier age?

I was 29 when I started learning about bitcoin and it has been one hell of a ride.  I know other members of this community also have their unique experiences which I am interested in reading about. So, I may just as well throw these questions open for discussion.

1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?

Dear Jet Cash, I wish you a very happy birthday in advance. Thank you for all that you do for the community.
I had an interest in knowing about Bitcoin within my third decades a time at which I was already done with my first degree and was all in focus for nothing but  a nice employable  lucrative Job which pay is reasonable.

Ever since the introduction of Bitcoin to me and with the much interest I developed towards getting much knowledge about it and how financially beneficial it Should be to me, my focus on employee job has gotten a paradigm shift to finding ways I could raise income through Bitcoin and be self employed rather than been employed.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on August 10, 2022, 03:14:27 PM

I'm 80 in June. Why are you guys surprised that older people can embrace the concept of Bitcoin? Many of us have enquiring minds, and are prepared to look at new concepts with an open attitude. This is why many older people have a better understanding of the 'rona scam and vaccination mania, and don't just accept government and pharma' propaganda.
It is cool to see old and older people in bitcoin. It is not something common though. I am also aware that mothers invlove in bitcoin too. Some of the older folks and women in bitcoin are here just for the sake of their children. I said this because an 80years old man has actually retired from work and relieving his pension and other benefits? Of what use is investment again if not to leave something for their children.
You are totally right my friend, because I am speechless beyond words right now, knowing that there exist an 80years old active user still on this forum. If am not mistaking, at that age, one is expected to have been retired, while enjoying his pension with grandchildrens, because in the place where I come from, it will be easier for a Carmel to pass through the eyes of a niddle than for you to see a 60years Bitcoin enthusiast just like this man. Because this is actually a proof of how much this 80years old man so much believes in the Bitcoin evolution, and a clear sign that in Bitcoin investment it has no age limit

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: tjtonmoy on August 10, 2022, 03:45:45 PM
1. At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
  • It was maybe 2017. At that time, I was around 18. Now I'm 23. So the journey began at 18, and I came to know the detail about BTC in 2019.
2. What role did age and prior experience play in helping you learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency?
  • As I started in an early age, I will have more time to learn about BTC in the future. Because I think I'm still unaware about many things.
3. With your current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, do wish you started at an earlier age?
  • Of course, I would wish to start in more early days. I'm from a 3rd world country, so the knowledge was far away to reach. But with this little knowledge I have, I wish I had known this earlier.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: JohnBitCo on August 10, 2022, 05:12:06 PM
At that point, some of the questions that came to mind were, at what age did he start learning about bitcoin? What role did age and prior experience play in helping him learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency? With his current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, does he wish he started at an earlier age?

Actually, we know about bitcoins and none of us knew of them since childhood because bitcoin was introduced at a later stage of our lives.

However, the important thing is that we give awareness of bitcoin to the new generation, especially to the children.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Imran232 on August 10, 2022, 06:01:54 PM


1. Well, in 2016, when I saw the first video about Bitcoin on YouTube, I was 15 years old, but in 2017, when I was 16 years old, I actually started to learn about Bitcoin.

2. This is obvious that I am really early on the bitcoin section at my age, but though at bitcoin age, I thought I wish I had known about bitcoin a little earlier. But I thought in my life I had gotten enough early enough. It is obvious that at this age, if we get interested in something to learn, then obviously it gives us more benefit to stay focused on a particular topic, which obviously helps me to learn more at this age.

3. At my current age, what I learned about bitcoin and crypto currency really means a lot at this early age because most of my age group still don't know about the actual concept of bitcoin.
 Thank you so much. It's my overall experience on this topic. It's really a little bit emotional.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: sulendra12 on August 10, 2022, 07:24:07 PM
1. I knew Bitcoin in 2014, so when I was 15. The term of Bitcoin was introducing to me when I was really serious in PTC(Paid to Click) business at that time. I thought on that day Bitcoin was just some sort of useless thing in the internet because I just didn't know about that thing and didn't bother to even look up at what Bitcoin actually was at that day. Also the price was really low.

2. And I'm serious into Bitcoin in 2016 until today, I had a great regret I didn't continue about Bitcoin in 2014 because that would had been a huge step for me but that makes me think that the journey in Bitcoin I have taken so far is going to worth it at the end. I have gotten so much stuff with Bitcoin so would like to continue it.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Fatunad on August 10, 2022, 09:59:22 PM
At that point, some of the questions that came to mind were, at what age did he start learning about bitcoin? What role did age and prior experience play in helping him learn about bitcoin and cryptocurrency? With his current knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, does he wish he started at an earlier age?

Actually, we know about bitcoins and none of us knew of them since childhood because bitcoin was introduced at a later stage of our lives.

However, the important thing is that we give awareness of bitcoin to the new generation, especially to the children.
No one knows on what the future holds just into those times when internet has started and same goes with bitcoin that no one expected to reach up this far.
Age doesnt matter because its just common sense that on the right time and right awareness then someone would really able to know it but external  information and awareness does help.
Speaking of my age then it was 5 years ago and im 20.Yeah its a bit late but its better rather than on missing this stuff with few years. 8)

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Hispo on August 10, 2022, 10:19:19 PM
I first heard about Bitcoin back when I was around 15-16 years old, but I did not get into it
I end up learning in a serious way since I was 24 years old, I'd wish I got into it earlier, not only for potential earnings but also because in my opinion using cryptography in a non-custodial way it is a superior way to secure one's assets.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: luigicostello2 on August 10, 2022, 10:47:08 PM
I was probably around 23 or 24, googling some sketchy stuff that I had heard about  :) I forget which wallet it was that everyone had, I tried mining with it, well that laptop is probably long gone now.... I wonder how much BTC I was mining really, or if it was just sats  :-\

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Uang_kartal on August 10, 2022, 11:13:20 PM
age does not prevent someone from learning and understanding a formal science of economics, whatever it is. I started to know bitcoin and cryptocurency at the age of 21. I only played HYIP and maybe there were 2 sides that I got including understanding the concept until the company was scrambling to bring in investors. and vice versa.
I support a movement like this, traders or investors are very silly if they just jump in without knowing the basic fundamentals. It's not enough just to have money to exchange or big guts for an exchange. Even though self-taught and through the community, it's a good step and bitcoin is great creation

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: bhooscream on August 10, 2022, 11:34:38 PM
Actually, I really appreciate pole who learn Bitcoin from a young age or even in old age. That is why Bitcoin is special, this can be learned by anyone at any stage of age. As long as they have the willingness to learn, they are able to do it. Bitcoin is for everyone.
Personally, I know Bitcoin is around 25YO. I quite remember but not sure). However, I didn't think to learn it much at first, only hearing from someone else talking about this. With curiosity, I started learning, but not yet in this forum. After being in this forum, I can really know about Bitcoin, altcoins, and also the developments, including how the latest information about this is very important for me.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: savetheFORUM on August 11, 2022, 08:38:51 PM
1. I knew Bitcoin in 2014, so when I was 15. The term of Bitcoin was introducing to me when I was really serious in PTC(Paid to Click) business at that time. I thought on that day Bitcoin was just some sort of useless thing in the internet because I just didn't know about that thing and didn't bother to even look up at what Bitcoin actually was at that day. Also the price was really low.

2. And I'm serious into Bitcoin in 2016 until today, I had a great I didn't continue about Bitcoin in 2014 because that would had been a huge step for me but that makes me think that the journey in Bitcoin I have taken so far is going to worth it at the end. I have gotten so much stuff with Bitcoin so would like to continue it.
Good to know that at that very young age you are now already interested on making money online. I think on that year I am still at my 20's something. I am more older than you but unfortunately, I haven't discovered btc that time yet but I think I discovered it in the late 2016 or 2017.  Like you I also did ptc during those years before I finally switch on btc and other cryptos because their rates are much higher.

It's too early for us to retire yet so yes we must continue what we have started and by the time we already have our own families we can pass this great wisdom to them and then they will also do the same to their kids. We are going to be build a legacy.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: Codswallop on September 23, 2022, 07:35:48 AM
I've been familiar with bitcoin for a while, and I tried to explain to my relatives the benefits of investing in bitcoin, but they thought I was boasting. However, after I showed them the benefits, they realised they had made a mistake by not doing so, and now they are trying to learn how to invest in bitcoin.

Title: Re: At what age did you start learning about bitcoin?
Post by: BeeIforai on September 23, 2022, 08:44:22 AM
The first time I heard about Bitcoin, I was 8. My mum was talking about it. At the time, she didn't really believe in it's efficacy. Then, 1 Bitcoin was a dollar. She didn't invest. Fast forward to now, sure, they've been regrets of " Had I known" but I'm glad I invested in Bitcoin when I had the chance.