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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Israelgogo on May 23, 2022, 01:55:17 PM

Title: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Israelgogo on May 23, 2022, 01:55:17 PM
The youths have a strong say in politics but they have failed to realise it ,the youths are the most populated in every country ,they should be able to influence the right person,if they come together in one voice and unity under one umbrella to determine who rules them next but greediness and impatience is affecting the youths due to selfish personal reasons to benefit themselves.
90% of protest ,campaigns activity are been dominated by the youths,yet they have failed to realise tge have a say in governance, it is been said that the youths are the leaders of tomorrow in politics yet the old are the once ruling in power determining how the country will be runned .
Rise up youths and take your rightful place in politics ,you have the energy then put it in use ,make a way ,have a say in the runnning of every country.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Marvelman on May 23, 2022, 08:31:05 PM
Yes, most of them are not politically savvy, they will just show up at the rally, take part in elections and, when the voting is over, will just go back home and go about their business. The youths should be actively involved in politics by participating in political parties and making the electoral choices and voting choices they want.

They should be giving their opinions about the type of environment they want to be governed by and whether they are contented with that environment or not. They should also be having robust debates among themselves and with the people of their generation about why they think certain things should be and should not be done.
They should know that whatever they do, they should do it for themselves and for their generation, because that is the only thing that can ensure their future.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: ololajulo on May 23, 2022, 08:49:28 PM
We might need to compare youth from different countries and compare the influence of some factors on countries youth. Most countries have their larger population in the youth, for a country that spend to help the country, it will have a significant effect. I will consider the following factors to help youths in any country;
1. Education will improve the cognitive thinking skill of their youth in choice of leader. They will be able to analyze aspirants, considering the track record in leadership, confidence, articulating his idea and convincing the populace on his or her idea of leading.
2. efficient and sane media channels will educate the populace especially the youths on the state of the country, the countries aspirants without bias and more discovery
3. Youth that are self sufficient because of available jobs and good income may be difficult to be influenced by politicians with money to buy his vote or use against a peaceful election

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Masplanc on May 23, 2022, 10:13:54 PM
The youth have not realised that they have power in their hands to choose who their leader will be , they give room to the old politicians to decieve them with little peanuts just to get their support.  The day the youth will say no to bad government that is when we will have a better society.  Youths don't really know what they have.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Proro on May 26, 2022, 07:02:54 PM
It is true that the youth should get involved in politics. But it depends on the country. In Nigeria for example, the amount for a presidential ticket in a political party is alarming, there are very few youth who can afford that. And even if a youth buys the form, the next day the police will start investigation on him how he was able to raise such an amount of money.

And I the youth manage to vote for their favorite candidate, the system always fine a way to change the right person.

If they decide to use their voice and walk round so that the world should see the they end up killing them. Sometimes it's not that the youth run from politics, but the system chase them from politics.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Majestic-milf on May 28, 2022, 07:10:09 AM
Youths have the power to even change the game as it is, but with the current rate at which they are prone to drugs and cultism and other weird vices, it's easy for the politicians to give them little stipends and it will be enough to sell their votes or cause chaos when it's time to elect and by that, they sell their rights so to speak.
 I think the elderly who are in power now believe the youths are not ready to stand for their rights yet because somehow, they have not known their worth.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Mometaskers on May 28, 2022, 12:06:10 PM
I don't really know how to feel about this. If they also keep falling for misinformation and propaganda on social media just like the boomers they despise, are their votes any better than the boomers?

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: D-law on May 28, 2022, 12:54:54 PM
Very correct but will take a long time before it happens in Nigeria.
The youths bare scared, they all are busy doing other things, trying to make ends meet.
Yes they have the power but who ain't scared of death, everyone scared, who will Bell the cat

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: ammodotcom on May 30, 2022, 07:59:08 PM
The poorest members of society have the least resources to exert their political influence. They support parties which promise to make them richer but invariably do the opposite.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: tvbcof on May 30, 2022, 08:19:47 PM

The 'youths' born after 2000 or so are so badly vaxxed up that they cannot even figure out whether they are male of female!

Those who live in and have been 'educated' in 'first world' societies are pretty much destined to never develop into adults (mentally.)  The WEF's plan for them is to keep them busy with video games until they die (prematurely in most cases) and they are not likely to procreate much even if they should overcome some of the programming wish to do so.

Said youths may go to BLM or abortion or rallys or once in a while, but only in exchange for metaverse NFT's or glean some extra social credit score points or some such.  In terms of having a genuine political impact, their existence will not be anywhere nearly as much of a factor as, say, the 'hippies' of the 1960's or whatever.  That's a good thing because they are totally owned by the corporations, and whatever impact they might have would be negative and counterproductive.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Spontaneous on May 30, 2022, 11:23:04 PM
 Actually youth had their own power ,but some of them they never use their mind about the politics, they just think war and rally they getting worst of the politics problems.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Lordhermes on June 04, 2022, 12:42:38 PM
Youths are very important to every voting system, Every political party needs the youths to give them their support and votes,because the population of the youths in the world are very bigger than that of the adults.Youth's energy during election is the main reason why any political party that passes election succeeds.The devotion and the strength they put in an election while it's going on is the major reason why the party who succeeds or wins wins.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on June 04, 2022, 01:22:09 PM
Youths are very important to every voting system, Every political party needs the youths to give them their support and votes,because the population of the youths in the world are very bigger than that of the adults.
You say that with complete neglect to any statistics but, I'm forced to agree with you otherwise and that's out of my own sentiments because, I feel the same way. With that being said, I think there need to be a fine defined line in age that particularly differentiates at what level do an individual starts or stops being a youth.
What is obtainable in my country I 40years and below. Without being sonical I think that's pretty much high. I mean, I don't consider someone at 40years of age to be a youth anymore. I think the UN recognises 18-29years. If that could be defined then, you can start defining the roles in the politics of a nation.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: tvbcof on June 04, 2022, 01:26:16 PM
Youths are very important to every voting system, Every political party needs the youths to give them their support and votes,because the population of the youths in the world are very bigger than that of the adults.Youth's energy during election is the main reason why any political party that passes election succeeds.The devotion and the strength they put in an election while it's going on is the major reason why the party who succeeds or wins wins.

Good argument for making sure that actual 'democracy' never actually occurs.

'Youths' may make reasonable choices at more or less coin-flip rates if there were actually choices to be made, but the way the 'democracy' game usually works it is played with a two-headed coin.  'Youths' are used for other things which is why social engineers in service to the power structures demand to get access to them at a very young age (see 'public schools', truancy regulations, etc.)  In doing so, they gain ownership of most peoples minds for at least two or three decades when in some people it starts to wear off.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Ebede on June 04, 2022, 07:46:21 PM
The youth have not realised that they have power in their hands to choose who their leader will be , they give room to the old politicians to decieve them with little peanuts just to get their support.  The day the youth will say no to bad government that is when we will have a better society.  Youths don't really know what they have.
The youth that does not realize that they have power for any election and society they belong to. Why countries suffer for economic problem is bad government and youths are the one that suppose to stand to correct the  problem with the power of youths because if they Carry out peacefully demonstration and government will listen to them.youths is power and government is also power

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Mr.right85 on June 04, 2022, 10:36:39 PM
Youths are very important to every voting system, Every political party needs the youths to give them their support and votes,because the population of the youths in the world are very bigger than that of the adults.Youth's energy during election is the main reason why any political party that passes election succeeds.The devotion and the strength they put in an election while it's going on is the major reason why the party who succeeds or wins wins.

Good argument for making sure that actual 'democracy' never actually occurs.

'Youths' may make reasonable choices at more or less coin-flip rates if there were actually choices to be made, but the way the 'democracy' game usually works it is played with a two-headed coin.  'Youths' are used for other things which is why social engineers in service to the power structures demand to get access to them at a very young age (see 'public schools', truancy regulations, etc.)  In doing so, they gain ownership of most peoples minds for at least two or three decades when in some people it starts to wear off.

In both posts, you can agree with me that youths do play any leadership role in the political structure of a nation state. The best place the tend to come in is in the process of leadership selection. This I think it's outrightly wrong.
I look a my country and I see them open slots and make it look accommodating for youths and even women, like they encourage and welcome there participation but, this is just another deceit in itself.
The leadership roles are decided and circulated by political godfathers and friends who chose a time to lead and whom to hand over to. Though candidates are paraded to us and make it look like democratic but in the real sense, it's just the godfathers playing there roles and the youths as just a means or tool to the process.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: tvbcof on June 05, 2022, 06:13:08 AM

'Youths' may make reasonable choices at more or less coin-flip rates if there were actually choices to be made, but the way the 'democracy' game usually works it is played with a two-headed coin.  'Youths' are used for other things which is why social engineers in service to the power structures demand to get access to them at a very young age (see 'public schools', truancy regulations, etc.)  In doing so, they gain ownership of most peoples minds for at least two or three decades when in some people it starts to wear off.

In both posts, you can agree with me that youths do play any leadership role in the political structure of a nation state. The best place the tend to come in is in the process of leadership selection. This I think it's outrightly wrong.
I look a my country and I see them open slots and make it look accommodating for youths and even women, like they encourage and welcome there participation but, this is just another deceit in itself.
The leadership roles are decided and circulated by political godfathers and friends who chose a time to lead and whom to hand over to. Though candidates are paraded to us and make it look like democratic but in the real sense, it's just the godfathers playing there roles and the youths as just a means or tool to the process.

I'm not sure you read my post correctly.  Youths tend to play the roll of the 2000 lb bull with the ring through it's nose.  You can put a rider on it's back and shock it with cattle prods to have a little fun, but mostly it lives in a pen and is content enough to munch food (video games and porn) until it is trucked to the next scheduled rodeo (BLM rally, climate change rally, Charleston psy-op, etc).

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: minime0105 on June 05, 2022, 10:34:37 PM
Youths are very important to every voting system, Every political party needs the youths to give them their support and votes,because the population of the youths in the world are very bigger than that of the adults.Youth's energy during election is the main reason why any political party that passes elections succeeds.  The devotion and the strength they put in an election while it's going on is the major reason why the party succeeds or wins.

Youths are important in the society not just in politics or elections but in all things,  I think the younger ones also known as the youths need to be regarded because they have more voting strength and their brains are still very active to pilot the country' affairs politically. Youths are bigger in population, they have more strength to withstand pressures from other political parties and opponent, So any political party that needs better success should carry the youths along so they can have massive turn up in elections.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on June 06, 2022, 03:20:14 AM
I have been hearing 'The youths ae the leaders of tomorrow since' since i was a child, and today i am old enough to father another child. In the country where i come from the set of people who has been ruling since 20years ago are still in power and ready to ever retire, because to them they see the affairs of the running of this country as there family business. And secondly, the youths don't have fund, and running for an election in my country is highly expensive

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Gosgosking on June 06, 2022, 05:53:35 PM
I have been hearing 'The youths ae the leaders of tomorrow since' since i was a child, and today i am old enough to father another child. In the country where i come from the set of people who has been ruling since 20years ago are still in power and ready to ever retire, because to them they see the affairs of the running of this country as there family business. And secondly, the youths don't have fund, and running for an election in my country is highly expensive
It is because the youths are not ready to take over from the elderly leaders. We the youths believe the rightful people to lead a nation are the elderly ones. The elderly ones have really failed the young ones. You are right leadership has become a family business and a business of Carter.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: jrrsparkles on June 07, 2022, 10:16:05 AM
Most of the younger generation don't really care about the Politics or whatever, they want to settle and live a better lofe style so they are running towards it and also they lack of reality and ground knowledge they just focus on what has been shown in the social media and when a new issue comes up they move and forget the existing one so the political leaders know the power but also they know how to keep them in parts which doesn't affect much in the results.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Lordhermes on June 11, 2022, 09:36:43 AM
Most of the younger generation don't really care about the Politics or whatever, they want to settle and live a better lofe style so they are running towards it and also they lack of reality and ground knowledge they just focus on what has been shown in the social media and when a new issue comes up they move and forget the existing one so the political leaders know the power but also they know how to keep them in parts which doesn't affect much in the results.
The youths of today refuse to participate actively in politics these days because almost Everytime that the government make manifestoes of what they are going to do when elected into any position they aspire for,they fail to do them,and they also forget that the best thing that they can ever do for the youths is to provide employment opportunities.Most youths finish school without finding jobs,yet they are professionals at their different field of study.
Now that the youths have seen that  the government care less about them when they enter into the office,the youths also refuse to participate in politics as well.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Z-tight on June 11, 2022, 11:16:32 AM
Now that the youths have seen that  the government care less about them when they enter into the office,the youths also refuse to participate in politics as well.
Shunning political participation does not solve the issue, plato said "the price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men", governments have failed its citizens in many countries of the world, but the only solution is for the intelligent people to make themselves available to vote and be voted for, there will be obstacles, but with relentless effort a good leader will emerge someday and there will be a turn around for good. But the option of completely leaving the affairs of government to evil men will only lead the nation to complete ruin.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Masplanc on August 29, 2022, 07:29:34 PM
If you go to the social media you would see how youths are fighting follow youths for supporting different old thieves who are politicians. Most youths have the mentality it is not yet time for a youth to be a leader of a country,  that is why they feel less concerned of taking power.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Tallupooh on October 15, 2022, 04:21:23 AM
Today's youth, must understand more about politics. Because it was also for his own good. If there is a young man who is just lazing around in his life, then what about when he grows up. He will definitely have a family, and it must also have a political mind.

Don't waste your youth. If you don't want to regret it in the future.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on October 18, 2022, 07:39:46 AM
I think in today's world youth is more aware of politics and current happening in their respective countries,they know how much they and their vote is important for country and country's development as they are future of nation.
A nation can never prosper if their youth is ignorant and drown in darkness. They have the power to turn the tables and change regimes.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Lordhermes on October 18, 2022, 08:18:29 AM
Youths are strong forces in every nation on earth, and they are crucial to the success of every election. The youth are supposed to change every leadership by getting involved in politics and casting their votes for the best candidate. Youth can organize opposition to any administration that is not conducting elections.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: rahmad2nd on October 18, 2022, 12:31:04 PM
I don't know which country you mean, but actually it all depends on the system and the freedom of each country. there are some countries that are more democratic, some are liberal, some have a different ideological understanding, however, there are also some countries where the youths do not have freedom of opinion let alone get involved in politics.

I will not mention examples of countries that are completely devoid of freedom.

but in my country, the voices of youth are still being ignored to this day, even though the pioneers of our nation's independence once made a speech during the proclamation of independence, that youth are the future of a country.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Dunamisx on October 18, 2022, 08:15:15 PM
What can this present generation youth do about politics than to even do more worse beyond expectations, this is corruption we are talking about, there's no fareness in everything now regardless of age, religion or status, everyone is too greedy and selfish, we need something new to revolutionize the whole world and birth in new generation that will be a change agent, enough of enormous complaints, politics have gone beyond political ambitions, rather it has turn to violence by force, is not what we vote for that count anymore.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: White pawn on October 20, 2022, 06:51:54 PM
The young ones eligible to vote aren’t in most cases interested in voting. They haven’t got much interest in politics to begin with so the youth turnout for elections are low.
The youths in any nation commands a great presence and they’ve got the numbers to sway any elections. The youths in the US are now registering to vote and thereby changing the tide in elections.

Title: Re: The power of youths in politics and ensuring your vote and every vote counts
Post by: Dunamisx on October 20, 2022, 07:25:48 PM
The young ones eligible to vote aren’t in most cases interested in voting

Two things could have led to thks kind of decision from the young ones, first is fear and second is lack of trust in believing their ability to deliver upto expectation, politician only begs whenever they wanted to seek a political power and once this is achieved they become the master that no one dare look on and besides votes don't count anymore in most conditions.

The youths in the US are now registering to vote and thereby changing the tide in elections.

Things are getting better now since there's no age barrier policy that   descriminate the young adults from the overage ones that tries to make it a rotation of power among themselves and this makes it hard for youths to penetrate in.