Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Tanya_S on May 24, 2022, 02:43:58 PM

Title: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Tanya_S on May 24, 2022, 02:43:58 PM
The crypto market made massive progress in 2021, but we can see significant swings that have scared many crypto investors in 2022. The price of Bitcoin has dropped below $31,000, and many investors panicked. But don’t run from crypto before you read the article.

Bitcoin’s price dropped
The bitcoin's price decreased below $26,000 for the first time in 16 months, amid a sell-off in cryptocurrencies that erased more than $200 billion from the entire market in a single day. Ethereum, the most well-known altcoin, tanked to as low as $1,704. It’s the first time the token has fallen beneath the $2,000 mark since June 2021.
TerraUSD (UST) is intended to be pegged to the $1 but it sank as low as 12 cents and collapsed in a run as investors panicked and sold off their tokens. The Terra blockchain has since officially halted.
Some crypto investors are fleeing from cryptocurrencies. Many crypto investors think about what they should do to save their money. Potential crypto investors are as scared as experts.
What’s behind the latest bitcoin drop? Are crypto market collapsed?

Don’t panic
First, Bitcoin saw its dropping below $31,000 for the first time since July 2021. Such bitcoin’s price was just over a year ago and it means that you don’t need to pay 10,000 bitcoins for pizza. Bitcoin is still a valuable digital asset.
Second, cryptocurrencies have plunged in tandem with Wall Street, and are almost on par with the tech-centric Nasdaq, as investors fret about the Federal Reserve’s next moves to tame inflation. When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to combat levels of inflation unseen in the U.S. for forty years, it has the effect of lessening demands for more growth companies, like tech stocks and speculative risk assets like Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies are a part of the economy.
Third, the volatility of cryptocurrencies makes them attractive for investment and risky at the same time. If you seek shelter, you should invest in low-risk assets such as US Treasury bonds but the profitability of assets is also low. By investing in Bitcoin, many investors expect that the speculative craze hasn't diminished, and they will be able to sell it again for much more than they paid. But recent history should be that such plans, while tempting, are never easy to achieve. . The thrill of speculatively investing is not the best strategy because bitcoin is a long-term asset.
Looking back at every past bitcoin downturn, there is absolutely no need to panic in such a situation.

Should you own bitcoin? Should you invest in bitcoin now?
It doesn't really matter who you are, a first-time crypto investor or an experienced crypto trader. The most important thing is to be prepared for the bear market. You should hold or even increase your position if you're set up because bitcoin is a long-term asset. The price drop is a good time to buy bitcoins and use a buy-and-hold strategy. Volatility is as old as the hills, and it's not going anywhere. Keep your cryptocurrency investments under 5% of your portfolio. If you've done that, don't stress about the swings because they will keep happening. If you want to invest in altcoins, you should create a balanced portfolio.
Anyway, bitcoin down is an opportunity for growth, and you can take this opportunity.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on May 24, 2022, 03:06:35 PM

Bitcoin’s price dropped
The bitcoin's price decreased below $26,000 for the first time in 16 months, amid a sell-off in cryptocurrencies that erased more than $200 billion from the entire market in a single day.

Point of correction: I've personally have not seen bitcoin trade below $26,000 since the downtrend began, the lowest bitcoin has traded since the crash began according to coinmarketcap is $26,350, you can confirm this from the screenshot below or you can as well do a proper research yourself on coinmarketcap.

TerraUSD (UST) is intended to be pegged to the $1 but it sank as low as 12 cents and collapsed in a run as investors panicked and sold off their tokens. The Terra blockchain has since officially halted.

When discussing the current crypto downturn in price, I think Terra Luna and TerraUSD should be excluded because what happened with this both projects is not like every normal crash but more of an attack on the project, who actually are those who attacked this project(s)?, I don't know but I believe we all know the story circulating around of what actually lead to the downturn of this both project.
So personally, I believe what happened with Luna and TerraUSD is something unique on its own, it's an attack and not just a normal crash that the crypto market in general is currently experiencing.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Wiwo on May 24, 2022, 03:53:26 PM
Very correct for pointing that out and both corrections need to be effected by ops, @Tanya_s will like you to always include date on your writings most especially when you analyzing a chart so that readers can easily check the event, The case of Luna is indeed not a market correction incident both more of an exit scam as this user have pointed out more also Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have indeed faced the worst phase of market correction in 2022 such that have not been witnessed before for a long time now since 2017-2018 down market.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: amishmanish on May 24, 2022, 04:03:12 PM
Bitcoin price drop certainly provide an opportunity to buy bitcoin. But I wont suggest you to invest all your life savings right away. Currently forces like Russia war and US rate changes along with ban by china and possibility of ban by Russia is plaquing the bitcoin economy. These economical factors will surely get resolved, but it will take some time. Yes I guess if you are thinking of a long term investment. You can invest a part of your money, and in very long run your grand children will thank you for investing in bit coin, but please ensure you pass on the keys

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: naira on May 24, 2022, 04:21:35 PM
For now, market stability is quite worrying. The issues out there that affect the price are very volatile. But every drop is an opportunity, but not to buy in bulk. Maybe you can take Bitcoin little by little. Because at the time of decline there will be another decline. If you're not ready, then don't go all-in just because you can't filter out the information out there.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Pesona1 on May 24, 2022, 05:00:57 PM
The many negative issues that continue to hit the market make many who are still afraid to enter the market today, I think it is a natural thing after the hit that bitcoin got in the last month and made the bitcoin price fall quite deep, but for those who believe in bitcoin fundamentals strong, of course now is the right time and maybe even a very rare opportunity to get because you can buy bitcoin at a fairly cheap price.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Anonylz on May 24, 2022, 05:19:33 PM
Even with opportunities like this, many people are still afraid to buy cos of the possibility of the price dropping lower. In reality, every btc drop is an opportunity, price drop is more positive than negative. If you are an ath buyer,  all you need is a little bit of patience and dca, and for others, a great time to buy at a more cheaper price.
This is the time to build your portfolio against the next bull season instead of being fearful, btc investment has been proven to be the best choice among other assets, so why not take the opportunity.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: m2017 on May 24, 2022, 05:27:07 PM
I'm sure no one will argue with Tanya_S that a bitcoi nprice drop is a great time to buy. :) But the catch is that we can't know at what point the decline will stop and the best time to buy bitcoin will be. Many can still expect more attractive prices than now: when bitcoin will drop to a low in this cycle. Personally, I find this to be like chasing a shadow and almost impossible. It seems to me that it is preferable to buy bitcoin whenever finances allow and hold it. In the future, sooner or later, these investments will return with a profit. Although it looks like a "lazy technique", it will save your nerve cells and possibly money.

If you want to invest in altcoins, you should create a balanced portfolio.
Altcoins have always been more vulnerable to falls, and I'm afraid this is the situation now. You can easily see from the graphs that altcoins have suffered more and the most frustrating thing is that this may continue to continue. We don't know when the crypto market will turn around and therefore I wouldn't risk investing in altcoins now. As time has shown, all the same, bitcoin is more reliable, even if we evaluate it by price charts.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: |MINER| on May 24, 2022, 05:27:57 PM
I also think btc price drop is a excellent opportunity for traders to get a dip for profit. But After the Luna's incidents many people are being afraid to invest in Cryptocurrencies. You will be surprised to Heard that some also were in a doubt to invest in BTC. I think they have mixed Bitcoin and Luna. There's no need to panic when you are going to investing in btc specially about security . Yes there is a some issues with the market volatility but it's a natural think. The market will rise and fall and in the meantime traders will be trading for profit .

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: stompix on May 24, 2022, 06:17:24 PM

Bitcoin’s price dropped
The bitcoin's price decreased below $26,000 for the first time in 16 months, amid a sell-off in cryptocurrencies that erased more than $200 billion from the entire market in a single day.

Point of correction: I've personally have not seen bitcoin trade below $26,000 since the downtrend began, the lowest bitcoin has traded since the crash began according to coinmarketcap is $26,350, you can confirm this from the screenshot below or you can as well do a proper research yourself on coinmarketcap.

He(she)'s actually right, coin market cap uses an average median for the lowest price, and so does coingecko, if you compare the both for some date you will see wide discrepancies.

The price did go below 26k on several exchanges:
Coinbase  25 338
Bitstamp  25401
Kraken 25 333

Very correct for pointing that out and both corrections need to be effected by ops, @Tanya_s will like you to always include date on your writings most especially when you analyzing a chart so that readers can easily check the event,

Didn't age well, right?  :D

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: fiulpro on May 24, 2022, 06:52:41 PM
Ofcourse it's the best time to buy Bitcoins, the whole world seems to be waiting for the next wave an how the price would go to the ATH again, I do think if you do have some extra money lying around it would be very beneficial for you to invest.
- We always see the price reaching top around the end of the year and it starts from September therefore it might be the last opportunity to get into it at the same time even if you are not into holding you can define get some benefits from trading be it intraday or be it long term. You can also trade and exchange coins which is again very interesting since most of them are crashing and going up again. Immense opportunities!

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: OgNasty on May 24, 2022, 07:04:55 PM
I would agree that buying now is better than buying at the all time high.  However, don't expect to catch the bottom of this falling knife.  There's a high probability we see a $10,000 Bitcoin before this correction is over.  For that reason, don't go all in at once.  Use the old dollar cost averaging technique to start accumulating.  The only time I'd go in with a big buy at this point is once we've seen a high volume drop that signals capitulation.  We saw one at $26K, which would have been a good point to buy and flip above $30K, but right now we are settled into a trading range, so I wouldn't be making big bets here.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: KingsDen on May 24, 2022, 07:39:36 PM
Bitcoin price drop certainly provide an opportunity to buy bitcoin. But I wont suggest you to invest all your life savings right away. Currently forces like Russia war and US rate changes along with ban by china and possibility of ban by Russia is plaquing the bitcoin economy. These economical factors will surely get resolved, but it will take some time. Yes I guess if you are thinking of a long term investment. You can invest a part of your money, and in very long run your grand children will thank you for investing in bit coin, but please ensure you pass on the keys
Apart from bitcoin being a volitile asset, even when investing in other commodities, be it volitile or not, online or offline, no one is expected to invest his all in one business. This should be a natural phenomenon. There are so many uncertainties in the world. Who knows another disease will blow up this year which will cage everyone to depend only on the cash at hand.
No thing is 100% sure, even the life we live we aren't sure of it. Everything disappoints at a certain time. It should therefore not be a wise decision to put ones eggs in a basket.
Saving and diversification is a key in as much as investment is concerned.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Yaunfitda on May 24, 2022, 07:46:25 PM
Of course when bitcoin is down and very cheap it's always a good time to buy especially in this kind of situation - bear market.

But you need to hold it and then wait for the next eventual bull run, otherwise if you sell it early, you may not maximized your profits. So it's a question if you are willing to hold for years or do you have that kind of mentally? And there are also this kind of strategy, DCA which can help early and newbie investors.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: jossiel on May 24, 2022, 08:19:37 PM
Right, no need to panic.

But when people are looking at the past price of bitcoin, please also include how it went from 2020. It was the actual start of the bull run and as well as the pandemic for which we thought that bitcoin's price would plummet a lot.

And it turns out that we were wrong and that's actually the opposite of that thinking because it shown that it's the beginning of the best time and moment as it skyrockets.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: GeorgeJohn on May 24, 2022, 08:22:35 PM
Cryptocurrency is something that you will know it value and price cap through the help of observing chart. Some people panic to sell cryptocurrency because their always of losing it from a moment and really happened to people who don't know who to study the chart and again set of traders who don't know the basic concept of cryptocurrency movement.
Via the price rotation this year and last year, their is difference between the market of 2021 and 2022 market speculation, ever since this year we have been experiencing bear market. And i think this is the best opportunity to buy bitcoins or any other cryptocurrencies for long and short term investment. If you buy and hold, it's very within the space six months they will be a potential profit from any cryptocurrency investment.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on May 24, 2022, 08:56:26 PM
There are people that won't see the bigger picture and there ain't anything we can do about it since they either don't care or just started investing making them just mind about the present or last week's price.
That 2020 bull run was insane and I am not gonna lie that I was surprised that it got past 20k considering that back in 2017 we were just eyeing on getting past the 20k and it did not happen "for quite a long time".

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Charles-Tim on May 24, 2022, 09:40:31 PM
Point of correction: I've personally have not seen bitcoin trade below $26,000 since the downtrend began, the lowest bitcoin has traded since the crash began according to coinmarketcap is $26,350, you can confirm this from the screenshot below or you can as well do a proper research yourself on coinmarketcap.
That is close to $26000, it shouldn't be what arguing for, never mind I used argue. The price on exchanges are slightly different. I checked Binance spot trading chart and I saw $26700. Maybe it is slightly below $26000 on some exchanges if OP is right. But according to Binance spot trading chart, it is not even blow $26500.

When discussing the current crypto downturn in price, I think Terra Luna and TerraUSD should be excluded because what happened with this both projects is not like every normal crash but more of an attack on the project, who actually are those who attacked this project(s)?, I don't know but I believe we all know the story circulating around of what actually lead to the downturn of this both project.
The story of luna that caused some people to commit suicide can not be excluded, it proves to be shitcoin and the price went down 1000000x before moving 100x up and yet it has continue to decrease again but and very volatile. Also, UST which is algorithmic stables coin had a great fall. The story is in history how some altcoins could be deadly. And UST is not the first of its kind to have such volatile price while calling it stable coin, but totally a deceit.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: coolcoinz on May 24, 2022, 09:51:04 PM
When discussing the current crypto downturn in price, I think Terra Luna and TerraUSD should be excluded because what happened with this both projects is not like every normal crash but more of an attack on the project, who actually are those who attacked this project(s)?, I don't know but I believe we all know the story circulating around of what actually lead to the downturn of this both project.
So personally, I believe what happened with Luna and TerraUSD is something unique on its own, it's an attack and not just a normal crash that the crypto market in general is currently experiencing.

The project was a scam in the first place, a ticking bomb. Those who attacked it saw its weakness and exploited it to make some money, but by exposing it they potentially stopped many people from investing in this shitcoin.
You could say that exploiting a weakness in the coin is a bad thing, but they also showed what the plan of the Tera team was and what kind of people they were. They used trust that people had in Bitcoin to pump their own shitcoin. They not only lied about the amount of money they were planning to buy bitcoin with and really bought much less than they were bragging about, but also lied that this will make their stable coin backed by bitcoin.

In the real world their bitcoin was just lying there on a privately owned account and they were hoping that the purchase would not only pump Luna and increase trust in UST, but also pump BTC and make their holdings worth more. They were ready to dump BTC on the market and they did just that, only at a loss because the players got outplayed this time.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Kasabus on May 24, 2022, 09:55:49 PM
Bitcoin price drop certainly provide an opportunity to buy bitcoin. But I wont suggest you to invest all your life savings right away. Currently forces like Russia war and US rate changes along with ban by china and possibility of ban by Russia is plaquing the bitcoin economy. These economical factors will surely get resolved, but it will take some time. Yes I guess if you are thinking of a long term investment. You can invest a part of your money, and in very long run your grand children will thank you for investing in bit coin, but please ensure you pass on the keys
Bitcoin would be the best in demand crypto asset right now, but using all your hard earned money to invest in bitcoin is certainly not a smart move. Yes, you can take advantage with the present opportunity but always invest on the amount you can afford to lose. Bitcoin is never an exception and still susceptible to losses, so never invest an amount that you can't stand to lose. Well, this current price drops in the market brings a lot of opportunity, but you could still end up in losing if you can't manage well your investments, or you manage to invest in the wrong coins and lose eventually.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: sheenshane on May 24, 2022, 10:21:19 PM
It's an opportunity to buy Bitcoin while in the correction but we don't know until when the correction is over and there's no clear speculation on that.
Maybe as we can suggest to them, invest only what you can afford to hold in the long term because there's no sign that Bitcoin will resist and head to the bull run, for now, Bitcoin struggling so much in the market and yes, it's an opportunity to buy.

Investment in Bitcoin didn't have a time frame when you'll have profit, you must willing to wait for this when the right time comes.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: TribalBob on May 24, 2022, 10:30:56 PM
invest properly don't because bitcoin is having a discount you are playing crazy, remember the terra problem is still warm so think one day btc will also be like that, it's true if you look at the price of btc in 2021 it can give you wealth but times will not repeat the same if bitcoin is always hit by bad news

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Vaskiy on May 24, 2022, 10:36:01 PM
Every drop is considered as an opportunity to increase the holding. The price of bitcoin as well as other altcoins are varying in a mutual manner.  This is the right time, because none is sure of bitcoin's low bottom. During this season even the users who doesn't have big idea about the market have started to build their portfolio.

For now the price is around $30k and we don't know whether this will drop or take-off. So dollar cost average buying can be preferred to get the best price.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Natalim on May 24, 2022, 10:47:45 PM
invest properly don't because bitcoin is having a discount you are playing crazy, remember the terra problem is still warm so think one day btc will also be like that, it's true if you look at the price of btc in 2021 it can give you wealth but times will not repeat the same if bitcoin is always hit by bad news
Don't compare Bitcoin to Luna as it was here several years and was also noted for its credibility and it sustains despite many market downfalls that come. But Luna is a scam coin, while Bitcoin does not exist to have that kind of purpose. So I ask and encourage people to buy Bitcoin and stop worrying about the failure of other projects as it was another story.

Well, FUDs aren't new and people are already immuned hearing to such things. May these newbies got affected but these old-timers will simply just ignore them.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: MiF on May 25, 2022, 02:57:30 AM
If the price drop buying opportunity comes the question is how long is your patience to hold because there is no way to know how long price drop or would it become stable or rise up high, no one can predict and control bitcoin price, So if you have a plan for buying you need to get ready and prepare your big patience when the price continue to drop after you buy.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Sayeds56 on May 25, 2022, 03:45:37 AM
invest properly don't because bitcoin is having a discount you are playing crazy, remember the terra problem is still warm so think one day btc will also be like that, it's true if you look at the price of btc in 2021 it can give you wealth but times will not repeat the same if bitcoin is always hit by bad news

It looks good opportunity to take entry because Bitcoin is trading between 28-30K range but nobody can predict correctly  where is the bottom. Long term investors should take entry on every cross over by using weekly chart of MACD and don't make all your buying in one go, take 3 step strategy. This is how I accumulate  Bitcoin and it always works in the long term to make huge profit.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: bittraffic on May 25, 2022, 03:56:28 AM
invest properly don't because bitcoin is having a discount you are playing crazy, remember the terra problem is still warm so think one day btc will also be like that, it's true if you look at the price of btc in 2021 it can give you wealth but times will not repeat the same if bitcoin is always hit by bad news

It looks good opportunity to take entry because Bitcoin is trading between 28-30K range but nobody can predict correctly  where is the bottom. Long term investors should take entry on every cross over by using weekly chart of MACD and don't make all your buying in one go, take 3 step strategy. this is how I accumulate  Bitcoin and it always works in the long term.

We are almost close to the bottom, I personally think we are almost there. If it drops to $25K I guess we're there already and it could be ready to soar the sky once again. But still its my view only. And my view will not matter compare to the crisis the world is imposing to everyone.

Whether you figure to earn as it bottomed or not,  you as a person will need to spend more these days due to inflation which is the biggest hurdle today for prices to go up  even on stock market. We are in the recession.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Fakhrulenclix on May 25, 2022, 04:46:35 AM
If the price drop buying opportunity comes the question is how long is your patience to hold because there is no way to know how long price drop or would it become stable or rise up high, no one can predict and control bitcoin price, So if you have a plan for buying you need to get ready and prepare your big patience when the price continue to drop after you buy.
it is true that no one knows to what extent the decline in the price of Bitcoin will occur but in the last few days the continuous decline in the market has stopped, now the price tends to be stable, which is now the price of Bitcoin is back at the 30k point which previously had fallen at 26k. .
but if for long term investment I think it will be very appropriate, the price has fallen too deep and the possibility of recovery is very large and no one doubts that Bitcoin will recover sooner or later.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: GreatArkansas on May 25, 2022, 05:51:10 AM
If the price drop buying opportunity comes the question is how long is your patience to hold because there is no way to know how long price drop or would it become stable or rise up high, no one can predict and control bitcoin price, So if you have a plan for buying you need to get ready and prepare your big patience when the price continue to drop after you buy.
it is true that no one knows to what extent the decline in the price of Bitcoin will occur but in the last few days the continuous decline in the market has stopped, now the price tends to be stable, which is now the price of Bitcoin is back at the 30k point which previously had fallen at 26k. .
This is one of the best examples that not all cheap is worth buying or the "buying the dip" strategy will always work because you will not know until when that dip will be, it's like you are catching falling knives, but there are some people who are making a lot of money using that method or some are the opposite, they are starting to buy once the market starting to pullback or recover.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: amihada on May 25, 2022, 09:11:27 AM
Bitcoin price drop is a great opportunity awaited by people who want to invest in bitcoin. currently the price of bitcoin is going down again if it is not used, then losses or regrets will be obtained in the future, as in 2018 many did not take advantage of the opportunity at that time, don't let this opportunity be missed like in 2018.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: traderethereum on May 25, 2022, 09:36:35 AM
I'm considering buying bit by bit as the price drops deeper as that would give me a chance to hold it for a while and sell it later.
So when the price drops to the $28k-$29k level, it will be a good time to buy more bitcoins but don't buy all-in because we don't know what happens after we buy them.
Better save money to buy it later if the price drops again.
Hopefully, $28k is a bitcoin low that won't drop any further and after this, we'll just have to wait until the time comes for the price to bounce up again.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: kryptqnick on May 25, 2022, 10:23:06 AM
The lowest price point I see is $26,900 (I use Coingecko for such data), and it was on May 12, so I'm not sure that op meant by the price getting below $26,000. Same goes for Ethereum which, according to Coingecko, didn't go below $1800.
Also, I don't think that what happens in the crypto market is related to the stock market and, in turn, with the Federal Reserve's policies. It's quite a separate industry, and while there's significant correlation with the stock market sometimes, it doesn't mean that the causes are the same.
I also see no reason to limit cryptos to only 5% of one's portfolio.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Sayeds56 on May 25, 2022, 12:35:59 PM
invest properly don't because bitcoin is having a discount you are playing crazy, remember the terra problem is still warm so think one day btc will also be like that, it's true if you look at the price of btc in 2021 it can give you wealth but times will not repeat the same if bitcoin is always hit by bad news

It looks good opportunity to take entry because Bitcoin is trading between 28-30K range but nobody can predict correctly  where is the bottom. Long term investors should take entry on every cross over by using weekly chart of MACD and don't make all your buying in one go, take 3 step strategy. this is how I accumulate  Bitcoin and it always works in the long term.

We are almost close to the bottom, I personally think we are almost there. If it drops to $25K I guess we're there already and it could be ready to soar the sky once again. But still its my view only. And my view will not matter compare to the crisis the world is imposing to everyone.

Whether you figure to earn as it bottomed or not,  you as a person will need to spend more these days due to inflation which is the biggest hurdle today for prices to go up  even on stock market. We are in the recession.

All financial markets are in turmoil and so is Bitcoin due to rising inflation, in this scenario where there is possibility of further increase in interest, it would be very difficult to predict bottom of Bitcoin correctly. Some Technical experts are even predict bottom below 20K which I think won't happen. My main worry is since we all believe Bitcoin is a store of value and it is digital gold so it  should decouple itself from stock market and move independently.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: rhomelmabini on May 25, 2022, 12:49:41 PM
Should you own bitcoin? Should you invest in bitcoin now?
It doesn't really matter who you are, a first-time crypto investor or an experienced crypto trader. The most important thing is to be prepared for the bear market. You should hold or even increase your position if you're set up because bitcoin is a long-term asset. The price drop is a good time to buy bitcoins and use a buy-and-hold strategy. Volatility is as old as the hills, and it's not going anywhere. Keep your cryptocurrency investments under 5% of your portfolio. If you've done that, don't stress about the swings because they will keep happening. If you want to invest in altcoins, you should create a balanced portfolio.
Anyway, bitcoin down is an opportunity for growth, and you can take this opportunity.
But not all individuals/the market itself has the same mindset to the bold and the few like you. If someone saw or feels exhaustion they are in panic and that's why we see these kind of selloffs, even the traditional market feels the same, what more to an infant market like Bitcoin?

To survive in a bear market, first, you don't act too hastily, at least DCA on your desired market value and not because you're into FOMO. All-in doesn't seems the best course of action in a bear market. Well, if you're just putting small portion of your portfolio then getting all-in if you can afford to lose it, then it's fine I guess, it depends on individuals risky appetite.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: rahmad2nd on May 25, 2022, 02:23:00 PM
The lowest price point I see is $26,900 (I use Coingecko for such data), and it was on May 12, so I'm not sure that op meant by the price getting below $26,000. Same goes for Ethereum which, according to Coingecko, didn't go below $1800.
Also, I don't think that what happens in the crypto market is related to the stock market and, in turn, with the Federal Reserve's policies. It's quite a separate industry, and while there's significant correlation with the stock market sometimes, it doesn't mean that the causes are the same.
I also see no reason to limit cryptos to only 5% of one's portfolio.
Bitcoin have been stable price last several weeks ago and I think drop under $26,900 and reach higher price above $30,800. Not any significiant price up from bitcoin and make several investor prefer waiting and watching moment when bitcoin can back above $50,000 again. Almost this month not any effective with bitcoin price keep going down and have change few percent only every day. But any have good news will next month bitcoin reach higher price or back drop again.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: evilgreed on May 25, 2022, 02:59:30 PM
               Buying Bitcoin on every drop is always rewarding specially for the long term holders. What investors should be wary of specially beginners or newbies is that it is not wise to go all in on every dip because of greed. It should he a little percent specially on a bearish market. The purpose of this is to always have extra funds to spend in DCA strategies. You may miss out on profits but you won't suffer tons of losses. I used to he greedy at catching bottoms and I learned the hard way which I never wish to happen on anyone else. Oh well, at the end of the day, it is your funds this is just a humble advice :))

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: skarais on May 25, 2022, 02:59:45 PM
Bitcoin have been stable price last several weeks ago and I think drop under $26,900 and reach higher price above $30,800.
The price of bitcoin is never stable but maybe the market fluctuations are not very high. The lowest price for bitcoin price after last year's ATH was $26.9K based on Coingecko (most people say $26K) but I think now the market is in a sideways state where bitcoin is trading in the $28K to $30K range for the past week.

Not any significiant price up from bitcoin and make several investor prefer waiting and watching moment when bitcoin can back above $50,000 again. Almost this month not any effective with bitcoin price keep going down and have change few percent only every day. But any have good news will next month bitcoin reach higher price or back drop again.
The normal price recovery although not very fast, but still a good time for long-term investors if looking to buy to hold it. I don't think they should wait for a deeper drop to make a purchase as currently the bitcoin price is still -58% of its previous ATH. If next month the bitcoin price goes up and the market rebounds then that's good news, but if next month the bitcoin price drops deeper then I don't think it's good news (that's bad news) unless you really want to take advantage of it to buy more.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: masterrex on May 25, 2022, 03:13:30 PM
IMO, Yes I believe it is, when the Bitcoin price experienced some corrections many investors mostly whales have rushed in to accumulate more Bitcoins from the panic sellers, and it's not a secret anymore because thats what they do every time the market has been experiencing some downtrend and for that reason, many whales are getting richer and richer when the market is bullish and recover again. And IMHO, even $26.5K per Bitcoin can be attractive to those so-called whales who knows?    

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: bitzizzix on May 25, 2022, 03:19:55 PM
The bitcoin price is currently only moving slightly below and above the 30k area which I think is a good time to buy it and buy every drop if the price continues to drop below 30k.
no one can predict the lowest bitcoin price point and vice versa because the right choice is to buy every drop and hold it for the long term, because bitcoin will provide excellent returns in the long run.
it's just a matter of time and there will come a time when the bitcoin price will reverse in a positive direction, so taking advantage of the opportunity to buy under 50% of ATH is a good choice most importantly be patient.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Ale88 on May 25, 2022, 03:56:49 PM
The crypto market made massive progress in 2021, but we can see significant swings that have scared many crypto investors in 2022. The price of Bitcoin has dropped below $31,000, and many investors panicked. But don’t run from crypto before you read the article.
Besides the article, do you guys realize in what kind of mess our world is right now? If we think all the stuff that happened and that keep happening I think it's incredible to have bitcoin at this current value. Should have happened this situation 4-5 years ago probably at this point we'd be at -90%.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: evichi on May 25, 2022, 08:11:39 PM
While Bitcoin price drop is an opportunity to buy Bitcoins, it is important to do that with caution. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, have speculated that Bitcoin might fall to $24000.00 (   Kiyosaki is a renowned entrepreneur and business man and I think he is worth listening to. Kiyosaki is a bitcoin enthusiast. He believes that the U.S. dollar is dying as the government continues to give people free money. "Do not save. Buy gold, silver, bitcoin. Dollar is dying,” he said in April last year. What is important is to invest only what you can afford to loose. We note that what he made was just a prediction, the market may not fall to that level, or may even fall lower.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on May 25, 2022, 08:45:15 PM
Who knows anyway in the end? All of us are just purely speculating on the prices lately and of course some might even speculate that  it could recover back to 50k though I rarely heard that kind of speculation lately.
I am not familiar to who Robert Kiyosaki is though nor the book you mentioned.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: prosperoustop on May 25, 2022, 09:57:01 PM
all experts said that BTC will not be lower than 30k, but it have it own way, so how to buy dip? when will be dip?))

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: lionheart78 on May 25, 2022, 10:37:38 PM
For now, market stability is quite worrying.

I don't think the current Bitcoin market stability is worrying.  It is normal to have a downtrend price in a bear market.

The issues out there that affect the price are very volatile. But every drop is an opportunity, but not to buy in bulk. Maybe you can take Bitcoin little by little. Because at the time of decline there will be another decline. If you're not ready, then don't go all-in just because you can't filter out the information out there.

It is really good to buy BTC during the price drop.  It is considered as buying at a discounted price.  It is also best to DCA when the price of Bitcoin keeps crashing.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Captain Corporate on May 25, 2022, 11:06:01 PM
I don't think the current Bitcoin market stability is worrying.  It is normal to have a downtrend price in a bear market.

This here should be highlighted everywhere in the crypto world, it should be told to anyone who worries about the current price. Bitcoin has never been a stable currency, it does drop a lot but it also recovers very well. I get that there has been a few stocks that went up a lot during the past few years, namely Tesla but the reality is that looking back on the past 5 years, you can pick any year and it will always be a profitable thing if you hold it long enough. Yes it does have drops time to time, but when hasn't it recovered eventually? I do not know when it will be, but I know %100 for sure that it will recover again.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Vaculin on May 25, 2022, 11:34:15 PM
The crypto market made massive progress in 2021, but we can see significant swings that have scared many crypto investors in 2022. The price of Bitcoin has dropped below $31,000, and many investors panicked. But don’t run from crypto before you read the article.

Bitcoin’s price dropped
The bitcoin's price decreased below $26,000 for the first time in 16 months, amid a sell-off in cryptocurrencies that erased more than $200 billion from the entire market in a single day. Ethereum, the most well-known altcoin, tanked to as low as $1,704. It’s the first time the token has fallen beneath the $2,000 mark since June 2021.
TerraUSD (UST) is intended to be pegged to the $1 but it sank as low as 12 cents and collapsed in a run as investors panicked and sold off their tokens. The Terra blockchain has since officially halted.
Some crypto investors are fleeing from cryptocurrencies. Many crypto investors think about what they should do to save their money. Potential crypto investors are as scared as experts.
What’s behind the latest bitcoin drop? Are crypto market collapsed?

Don’t panic
First, Bitcoin saw its dropping below $31,000 for the first time since July 2021. Such bitcoin’s price was just over a year ago and it means that you don’t need to pay 10,000 bitcoins for pizza. Bitcoin is still a valuable digital asset.
Second, cryptocurrencies have plunged in tandem with Wall Street, and are almost on par with the tech-centric Nasdaq, as investors fret about the Federal Reserve’s next moves to tame inflation. When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to combat levels of inflation unseen in the U.S. for forty years, it has the effect of lessening demands for more growth companies, like tech stocks and speculative risk assets like Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies are a part of the economy.
Third, the volatility of cryptocurrencies makes them attractive for investment and risky at the same time. If you seek shelter, you should invest in low-risk assets such as US Treasury bonds but the profitability of assets is also low. By investing in Bitcoin, many investors expect that the speculative craze hasn't diminished, and they will be able to sell it again for much more than they paid. But recent history should be that such plans, while tempting, are never easy to achieve. . The thrill of speculatively investing is not the best strategy because bitcoin is a long-term asset.
Looking back at every past bitcoin downturn, there is absolutely no need to panic in such a situation.

Should you own bitcoin? Should you invest in bitcoin now?
It doesn't really matter who you are, a first-time crypto investor or an experienced crypto trader. The most important thing is to be prepared for the bear market. You should hold or even increase your position if you're set up because bitcoin is a long-term asset. The price drop is a good time to buy bitcoins and use a buy-and-hold strategy. Volatility is as old as the hills, and it's not going anywhere. Keep your cryptocurrency investments under 5% of your portfolio. If you've done that, don't stress about the swings because they will keep happening. If you want to invest in altcoins, you should create a balanced portfolio.
Anyway, bitcoin down is an opportunity for growth, and you can take this opportunity.

There's no other big opportunity to invest in bitcoin but with this present dip as bitcoin value has dropped a lot more. And there's none of us who can tell when this price drop will stop so better do the DCA so we'll never miss a single opportunity to own bitcoin. Hopefully, newbies will also realize that there are also good things happening when the market is bearish, so they won't be panicking when everything in their portfolio is dropping even bitcoin which they think the price will always move up.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Rigon on May 25, 2022, 11:49:40 PM
The bitcoin market is now much lower. For those of you who may have been waiting for the price of bitcoin to fall, I would say that today is the time for them to buy bitcoin.When the price of Bitcoin was in the range of $69k, many people said that if Bitcoin was in the range of $30k, they would actually buy and invest.But now that the market is below $30k, they have made up their minds to buy and invest. The Bitcoin market will soon be pumping.Bitcoin may soon go to $100K.So those who want to invest in Bitcoin can invest right now.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: lienfaye on May 26, 2022, 01:41:26 AM
During correction many investors are having worries and in panic due to the consistent declined. Usually their mindset are full of negative thoughts and not seeing the good side of this situation.

Its quite normal to have worries, but this is not the first time bearish market happened and I think its the advantage of investors who already been here for years. They're used to seeing the market unstable and aware of what to do in times we're in bearish trend. Its indeed an opportunity to fill our bags because the crypto movement can change unexpectedly.

If crypto turn bullish again its certainly a huge gain depending on how much capital you use to buy Bitcoin.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Darker45 on May 26, 2022, 02:18:26 AM
I indeed find it amusing and confusing when people run away from Bitcoin when it has a cheap price tag and flock toward it when it rallies so hard.

Well, perhaps this is a natural human attitude. Perhaps people are naturally avoiding risks and uncertainty. And perhaps that's the reason why those few who try to suppress it and do otherwise are the ones who are successful.

Perhaps the great Warren Buffet was right when he said that wise investors are "fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.”

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: blatchcorn on May 26, 2022, 03:38:48 AM
I indeed find it amusing and confusing when people run away from Bitcoin when it has a cheap price tag and flock toward it when it rallies so hard.

Well, perhaps this is a natural human attitude. Perhaps people are naturally avoiding risks and uncertainty. And perhaps that's the reason why those few who try to suppress it and do otherwise are the ones who are successful.

Perhaps the great Warren Buffet was right when he said that wise investors are "fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.”

What Warren said is for wise investors not for light heart investors. I am sure Whales along with sensible investors are busy buying BTC at current price and will start selling when price will go up. Its time when majority except whales and wise people rush to buy bitcoin. There is the reason why whales are called Whales. We can also become Whales if we gather courage to take such risks.   

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Sayeds56 on May 26, 2022, 05:20:44 AM
The crypto market made massive progress in 2021, but we can see significant swings that have scared many crypto investors in 2022. The price of Bitcoin has dropped below $31,000, and many investors panicked. But don’t run from crypto before you read the article.
Besides the article, do you guys realize in what kind of mess our world is right now? If we think all the stuff that happened and that keep happening I think it's incredible to have bitcoin at this current value. Should have happened this situation 4-5 years ago probably at this point we'd be at -90%.

It is true the world economy is in serous trouble since Ukraine war broke out  and since then all financial markets are  consistently declining however Bitcoin looks stable between 28-31K that reflects its in herent strength but most of market participants think that further escalation of Ukraine war will consequently result in further increase in crude oil prices which can potentially cause panic selling in stock & crypto market.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: KaliLinux on May 26, 2022, 05:44:58 AM
While Bitcoin price drop is an opportunity to buy Bitcoins, it is important to do that with caution. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, have speculated that Bitcoin might fall to $24000.00 (   Kiyosaki is a renowned entrepreneur and business man and I think he is worth listening to. Kiyosaki is a bitcoin enthusiast. He believes that the U.S. dollar is dying as the government continues to give people free money. "Do not save. Buy gold, silver, bitcoin. Dollar is dying,” he said in April last year. What is important is to invest only what you can afford to loose. We note that what he made was just a prediction, the market may not fall to that level, or may even fall lower.
I am not really worried about whether the market will fall some more according to what some might be predicting but the thing is, will it recover at some point regardless of whether it falls below here or it is going to be from this point? and like we all know, even when the market is falling, you shouldn't just buy all at a go DCA is a good way to go as long as the market is not confirmed as DEAD :) investing in all the dips if you have the means is ok.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: corel on May 26, 2022, 06:04:10 AM
OP is right. It's no need to hurry up at this moment

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Leviathan.007 on May 26, 2022, 07:35:24 PM
That's easy to say this is a good time to buy bitcoin or any other asset whenever the price goes down to the lower prices but the most important thing is how to buy it and people usually buy all the bitcoins they want to buy at one price level while even during the time of price fall the best you can do is to divide your funds and place buy orders in different price levels to lower your average buy level for example when the price fallen down I placed buy order from 30K to 24K and some order didn't execute buy I could lower my buying level to maximize the profit I can get.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: thet on May 26, 2022, 10:23:45 PM
The crypto market made massive progress in 2021, but we can see significant swings that have scared many crypto investors in 2022. The price of Bitcoin has dropped below $31,000, and many investors panicked. But don’t run from crypto before you read the article.

Bitcoin’s price dropped
The bitcoin's price decreased below $26,000 for the first time in 16 months, amid a sell-off in cryptocurrencies that erased more than $200 billion from the entire market in a single day. Ethereum, the most well-known altcoin, tanked to as low as $1,704. It’s the first time the token has fallen beneath the $2,000 mark since June 2021.
TerraUSD (UST) is intended to be pegged to the $1 but it sank as low as 12 cents and collapsed in a run as investors panicked and sold off their tokens. The Terra blockchain has since officially halted.
Some crypto investors are fleeing from cryptocurrencies. Many crypto investors think about what they should do to save their money. Potential crypto investors are as scared as experts.
What’s behind the latest bitcoin drop? Are crypto market collapsed?

Don’t panic
First, Bitcoin saw its dropping below $31,000 for the first time since July 2021. Such bitcoin’s price was just over a year ago and it means that you don’t need to pay 10,000 bitcoins for pizza. Bitcoin is still a valuable digital asset.
Second, cryptocurrencies have plunged in tandem with Wall Street, and are almost on par with the tech-centric Nasdaq, as investors fret about the Federal Reserve’s next moves to tame inflation. When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to combat levels of inflation unseen in the U.S. for forty years, it has the effect of lessening demands for more growth companies, like tech stocks and speculative risk assets like Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies are a part of the economy.
Third, the volatility of cryptocurrencies makes them attractive for investment and risky at the same time. If you seek shelter, you should invest in low-risk assets such as US Treasury bonds but the profitability of assets is also low. By investing in Bitcoin, many investors expect that the speculative craze hasn't diminished, and they will be able to sell it again for much more than they paid. But recent history should be that such plans, while tempting, are never easy to achieve. . The thrill of speculatively investing is not the best strategy because bitcoin is a long-term asset.
Looking back at every past bitcoin downturn, there is absolutely no need to panic in such a situation.

Should you own bitcoin? Should you invest in bitcoin now?
It doesn't really matter who you are, a first-time crypto investor or an experienced crypto trader. The most important thing is to be prepared for the bear market. You should hold or even increase your position if you're set up because bitcoin is a long-term asset. The price drop is a good time to buy bitcoins and use a buy-and-hold strategy. Volatility is as old as the hills, and it's not going anywhere. Keep your cryptocurrency investments under 5% of your portfolio. If you've done that, don't stress about the swings because they will keep happening. If you want to invest in altcoins, you should create a balanced portfolio.
Anyway, bitcoin down is an opportunity for growth, and you can take this opportunity.

Thanks for this post and for the information about bitcoin and altcoins.

The best time to buy for me is at the lowest point of Bitcoin or altcoins. Everyone is expecting a good change in the price and finally altcoin price will rise again. If it rise, our investment will gain more profits.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Viscore on May 26, 2022, 11:03:14 PM
The crypto market made massive progress in 2021, but we can see significant swings that have scared many crypto investors in 2022. The price of Bitcoin has dropped below $31,000, and many investors panicked. But don’t run from crypto before you read the article.

Bitcoin’s price dropped
The bitcoin's price decreased below $26,000 for the first time in 16 months, amid a sell-off in cryptocurrencies that erased more than $200 billion from the entire market in a single day. Ethereum, the most well-known altcoin, tanked to as low as $1,704. It’s the first time the token has fallen beneath the $2,000 mark since June 2021.
TerraUSD (UST) is intended to be pegged to the $1 but it sank as low as 12 cents and collapsed in a run as investors panicked and sold off their tokens. The Terra blockchain has since officially halted.
Some crypto investors are fleeing from cryptocurrencies. Many crypto investors think about what they should do to save their money. Potential crypto investors are as scared as experts.
What’s behind the latest bitcoin drop? Are crypto market collapsed?

Don’t panic
First, Bitcoin saw its dropping below $31,000 for the first time since July 2021. Such bitcoin’s price was just over a year ago and it means that you don’t need to pay 10,000 bitcoins for pizza. Bitcoin is still a valuable digital asset.
Second, cryptocurrencies have plunged in tandem with Wall Street, and are almost on par with the tech-centric Nasdaq, as investors fret about the Federal Reserve’s next moves to tame inflation. When the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to combat levels of inflation unseen in the U.S. for forty years, it has the effect of lessening demands for more growth companies, like tech stocks and speculative risk assets like Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies are a part of the economy.
Third, the volatility of cryptocurrencies makes them attractive for investment and risky at the same time. If you seek shelter, you should invest in low-risk assets such as US Treasury bonds but the profitability of assets is also low. By investing in Bitcoin, many investors expect that the speculative craze hasn't diminished, and they will be able to sell it again for much more than they paid. But recent history should be that such plans, while tempting, are never easy to achieve. . The thrill of speculatively investing is not the best strategy because bitcoin is a long-term asset.
Looking back at every past bitcoin downturn, there is absolutely no need to panic in such a situation.

Should you own bitcoin? Should you invest in bitcoin now?
It doesn't really matter who you are, a first-time crypto investor or an experienced crypto trader. The most important thing is to be prepared for the bear market. You should hold or even increase your position if you're set up because bitcoin is a long-term asset. The price drop is a good time to buy bitcoins and use a buy-and-hold strategy. Volatility is as old as the hills, and it's not going anywhere. Keep your cryptocurrency investments under 5% of your portfolio. If you've done that, don't stress about the swings because they will keep happening. If you want to invest in altcoins, you should create a balanced portfolio.
Anyway, bitcoin down is an opportunity for growth, and you can take this opportunity.

Every bear market brings not just only an opportunity, but a new challenge because you are investing in those coins which you are not sure if they are going to survive from the bearish market or just stay being low priced and undervalued. But in order to lessen the risk of losing, focus on bitcoin. Even if its price drops more, and you were not able to buy it from its cheapest price, that is still fine. After all, bitcoin will surely survive from a bear market and will always reach its new ATH when the market turns to bullish.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: blockman on May 26, 2022, 11:08:12 PM
all experts said that BTC will not be lower than 30k, but it have it own way, so how to buy dip? when will be dip?))
We're all experts with our opinions and all of those who claim to be experts, always have their own opinion falling with the reality. Thus, this is a speculative market and we're all giving mere predictions on how much bitcoin would fall. The same goes for how much it will be last year and it wasn't met but that's okay. The dip probably has already come but to conclude, we don't know when it shall come or if it has been met. As you buy with your considered dip, list all of those low prices that you can get every time you purchase.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Finestream on May 26, 2022, 11:49:52 PM
Bitcoin price drop certainly provide an opportunity to buy bitcoin. But I wont suggest you to invest all your life savings right away. Currently forces like Russia war and US rate changes along with ban by china and possibility of ban by Russia is plaquing the bitcoin economy. These economical factors will surely get resolved, but it will take some time. Yes I guess if you are thinking of a long term investment. You can invest a part of your money, and in very long run your grand children will thank you for investing in bit coin, but please ensure you pass on the keys
Investing does not mean you have to put all what you have, always invest with caution and certainly put an amount that is enough to invest and enough to lose. And with this current market condition, investing into bitcoin is certainly a smart move, but it will be more successful and profitable if you prefer to hold it for a year or two. Others are even hodling it for 5-10 years for maximum profits, but for me, i will only suggest to hold it when the price is not yet reasonable to give you sufficient profits. Sell your bitcoin if you think the profits you'll gain will be very massive and huge already.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Oceat on May 26, 2022, 11:53:59 PM
Most people who barely know Bitcoin would not think of buying the dip but instead doing the opposite one which is panic selling. These are the people who think they could get rich in a single day when they invest Bitcoin but that's not how things work here. If we see a dip then that's a good result since you can buy during the dip meaning you have to accumulate more and planning to sell in the right time a.k.a. holding for a long term investment.

It's not just bull run is an excellent time we have to look at the bright side of why it does happen and having a correction is a good thing.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: TravelMug on May 27, 2022, 12:35:05 AM
Most people who barely know Bitcoin would not think of buying the dip but instead doing the opposite one which is panic selling. These are the people who think they could get rich in a single day when they invest Bitcoin but that's not how things work here. If we see a dip then that's a good result since you can buy during the dip meaning you have to accumulate more and planning to sell in the right time a.k.a. holding for a long term investment.

It's not just bull run is an excellent time we have to look at the bright side of why it does happen and having a correction is a good thing.

Money is made during bear market, because the price of bitcoin is going to be cheap that you can buy a lot and HODL it. And then just sell when the bull run comes, simply formula that everyone should follow. But for those who are afraid to buy in dip, I would say that it's because of lack of experience more than fear of the market. Because they think that it won't give them a huge profits. If they will just look long term, they will understand that bear market is the best time to accumulate.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Sayeds56 on May 27, 2022, 02:50:45 AM
Most people who barely know Bitcoin would not think of buying the dip but instead doing the opposite one which is panic selling. These are the people who think they could get rich in a single day when they invest Bitcoin but that's not how things work here. If we see a dip then that's a good result since you can buy during the dip meaning you have to accumulate more and planning to sell in the right time a.k.a. holding for a long term investment.

It's not just bull run is an excellent time we have to look at the bright side of why it does happen and having a correction is a good thing.

Money is made during bear market, because the price of bitcoin is going to be cheap that you can buy a lot and HODL it. And then just sell when the bull run comes, simply formula that everyone should follow. But for those who are afraid to buy in dip, I would say that it's because of lack of experience more than fear of the market. Because they think that it won't give them a huge profits. If they will just look long term, they will understand that bear market is the best time to accumulate.

Certainly money is made when we buy in bear market and sell in bullish market but only if you are long term investor who have capacity to hold and can wait for return of  Bull market. Crypto market always gives buying as well as selling opportunity to those who believe in it & firmly hold their Bitcoin and this is vindicated by historical record of Bitcoin since 2009.  

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: oaz7t on May 27, 2022, 03:14:12 AM
I still prefer to think Bitcoin is doing great as long as it is not down to zero. I mean I would worry a lot if bitcoin goes nuts by dropping to as low as $500 bucks because then it's as equal to as loosing everything we have in our wallets. It's around $26k, which means it's still huge valuation of bitcoin. Keep them holding, keep them in wallet and we are yet good.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: noormcs5 on May 27, 2022, 06:15:53 AM
I still prefer to think Bitcoin is doing great as long as it is not down to zero. I mean I would worry a lot if bitcoin goes nuts by dropping to as low as $500 bucks because then it's as equal to as loosing everything we have in our wallets. It's around $26k, which means it's still huge valuation of bitcoin. Keep them holding, keep them in wallet and we are yet good.

Views like bitcoin going to zero or bitcoin going to 500$ are just insane and bitcoin is never going to fall that far down. When bitcoin is bearish we hear such news everywhere in the market and many newbies sell their holdings on these news and regret later.

This is a time to hold your savings and investments in crypto. No need to be panic and buy more bitcoin if you have the funds.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Reatim on May 27, 2022, 06:39:40 AM
whenever you are ready mate , there is no need for certain price to buy nor a perfect time to invest but as long as you know that it is profitable or you can carry the low price and hold? then why need to have a second thought?

all your points are valid but i still believe that this market needs trust for you to earn and not just a way to make money over time.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: kotajikikox on May 27, 2022, 06:58:59 AM
all experts said that BTC will not be lower than 30k, but it have it own way, so how to buy dip? when will be dip?))

ALL EXPERTS? who are they ? because there are several of them that says Bitcoin will even fall down to below 20k so I think your feeds are not accurate  though it is given now that Bitcoin is even struggling to reach 30k or stays that level again.
so basically Bitcoin will be best to invest now and not to wait for more lower , this coin will soon increase and you will keep hating yourself for not buying when the chance is yours .

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Henrobakkara on May 27, 2022, 07:57:42 AM
Even with opportunities like this, many people are still afraid to buy cos of the possibility of the price dropping lower. In reality, every btc drop is an opportunity, price drop is more positive than negative. If you are an ath buyer,  all you need is a little bit of patience and dca, and for others, a great time to buy at a more cheaper price.
This is the time to build your portfolio against the next bull season instead of being fearful, btc investment has been proven to be the best choice among other assets, so why not take the opportunity.
You are absolutely correct but some investors do not see this so instead we keep seeing the repeated noise of how they think Bitcoin is dying instead of taking advantage and investing in the dip. Most investors are impulsive investors and don't seem to even take lessons from past Bitcoin reality. As you said, this is the time to grow your portfolio even by just DCAing.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: virasog on May 27, 2022, 06:30:53 PM
Even with opportunities like this, many people are still afraid to buy cos of the possibility of the price dropping lower. In reality, every btc drop is an opportunity, price drop is more positive than negative. If you are an ath buyer,  all you need is a little bit of patience and dca, and for others, a great time to buy at a more cheaper price.
This is the time to build your portfolio against the next bull season instead of being fearful, btc investment has been proven to be the best choice among other assets, so why not take the opportunity.
You are absolutely correct but some investors do not see this so instead we keep seeing the repeated noise of how they think Bitcoin is dying instead of taking advantage and investing in the dip. Most investors are impulsive investors and don't seem to even take lessons from past Bitcoin reality. As you said, this is the time to grow your portfolio even by just DCAing.

Those who go after this negative noise and fud, they will always lose money in crypto. Do you know who will make maximum money in this crypto world ? The one who will be able to buy at the lowest price and sell at higher prices. This is the right time to buy bitcoin for the long term. Believe me, those who buy bitcoin today, they would become billionaires in year or two.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Sanitough on May 27, 2022, 07:19:45 PM
Bitcoin price drop certainly provide an opportunity to buy bitcoin. But I wont suggest you to invest all your life savings right away. Currently forces like Russia war and US rate changes along with ban by china and possibility of ban by Russia is plaquing the bitcoin economy. These economical factors will surely get resolved, but it will take some time. Yes I guess if you are thinking of a long term investment. You can invest a part of your money, and in very long run your grand children will thank you for investing in bit coin, but please ensure you pass on the keys
If you are into bitcoin, i think there's not other best moment to accumulate more bitcoin than to see its own price drops every now and then.  Although it gets scared and panic for all those who bought bitcoin at a higher price, but as long as they did not sell their bitcoin, losses are still on hold. However, this is certainly a big opportunity for us, not that we only get to buy more bitcoin, but everything in the crypto market becomes cheap and are very affordable since bitcoin still creates a big influence on the whole crypto market.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: dothebeats on May 27, 2022, 07:27:07 PM
Waiting for at least $25k before I put some money to buy bitcoin again. The current price is already good enough but I believe there is still some room for this current downtrend with all these things happening around the world market and the stock market. Once I snatched that target price I have, I'd probably buy in small increments in the next coming weeks to average my entry for this current term. Rinse and repeat, and never really had problems with what I'm doing for years now since it always turns out positive for me.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: dataispower on May 27, 2022, 09:07:03 PM
whenever you are ready mate , there is no need for certain price to buy nor a perfect time to invest but as long as you know that it is profitable or you can carry the low price and hold? then why need to have a second thought?

all your points are valid but i still believe that this market needs trust for you to earn and not just a way to make money over time.
This is what people don't know about cryptocurrency, if you want to buy cryptocurrency buy the one that have good potential such as bitcoin, but i believe that you can buy to make profit when bitcoin price is low. Investors don't look at a specific time to buy bitcoins but they monitor market very easy and understand before buying, but no point in time you will buy Bitcoin and get lost of it, because bitcoin always rise and profit will be made. But this is perfect timing to by bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: jostorres on May 27, 2022, 09:09:34 PM
The bitcoin price is currently only moving slightly below and above the 30k area which I think is a good time to buy it and buy every drop if the price continues to drop below 30k.
no one can predict the lowest bitcoin price point and vice versa because the right choice is to buy every drop and hold it for the long term, because bitcoin will provide excellent returns in the long run.
it's just a matter of time and there will come a time when the bitcoin price will reverse in a positive direction, so taking advantage of the opportunity to buy under 50% of ATH is a good choice most importantly be patient.
The great thing is that it has been here for a while, anyone who had any money could have grabbed it from wherever it is and they could have gotten in as well. I personally could have sold my whole house by this time since it dropped to 30k or under and today, it has been here for that long.

Of course I didn't do that, why would I sell my house, I would rather get another house than buy bitcoin, I prefer real estate to be a lot better. But at the same time we are talking about something that is a bit more difficult here, finding money if you do not have any, those people are the ones in the biggest trouble, I had some but I do not know what I would feel if I knew that it is a great time to invest and yet I had no money to invest and miss out.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Captain Corporate on May 27, 2022, 09:20:05 PM
It is still dropping as well. I know that we should be excited about this drop because it has been a while since we didn't reach a higher price, and the longer it stays low the sooner it will get to a high price. After one day of being low, it may not recover and I understand that, after a week it may not recover, after even a month it may not, but do you really believe that it will be 30k or under for a whole year? It will not, which means that each passing day is closer to going up. This is why I am excited, still sad to see the recovery hasn't started, but I am quite happy that we are getting there very soon.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: kawetsriyanto on May 27, 2022, 09:31:01 PM
Don’t panic
This is the first thing that we must have, never panic because the price of Bitcoin keeps dropping. It is better to stay calm and hold our Bitcoin. Panic will only make the situation worse. Moreover, if we are using loan money or savings for daily needs, we may feel panic enough. That is why always be smart and wise in doing investments in Bitcoin.
Additionally, I agree with this:
Should you own bitcoin? Should you invest in bitcoin now?
Yes exactly, Bitcoin is always the most valuable crypto and this is the worthiest crypto for long-term investment. just buy and hold it. Moreover we can also wait for another dip price again

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Oceat on May 27, 2022, 10:56:56 PM
Most people who barely know Bitcoin would not think of buying the dip but instead doing the opposite one which is panic selling. These are the people who think they could get rich in a single day when they invest Bitcoin but that's not how things work here. If we see a dip then that's a good result since you can buy during the dip meaning you have to accumulate more and planning to sell in the right time a.k.a. holding for a long term investment.

It's not just bull run is an excellent time we have to look at the bright side of why it does happen and having a correction is a good thing.

Money is made during bear market, because the price of bitcoin is going to be cheap that you can buy a lot and HODL it. And then just sell when the bull run comes, simply formula that everyone should follow. But for those who are afraid to buy in dip, I would say that it's because of lack of experience more than fear of the market. Because they think that it won't give them a huge profits. If they will just look long term, they will understand that bear market is the best time to accumulate.
I would say that lacking of experience will come with a cost but it's not bad to risk if you can afford what you can lose. High risk investment are more profitable though the chances would also be 50/50 but if you know what you are doing or have someone knew the market movement then it's a worthy risk.

Although, Bitcoin is not for quick-rich just like what they saw or experienced in most altcoins, it's different, it's best for long term investment.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: AmoreJaz on May 27, 2022, 11:52:58 PM
Most people who barely know Bitcoin would not think of buying the dip but instead doing the opposite one which is panic selling. These are the people who think they could get rich in a single day when they invest Bitcoin but that's not how things work here. If we see a dip then that's a good result since you can buy during the dip meaning you have to accumulate more and planning to sell in the right time a.k.a. holding for a long term investment.

It's not just bull run is an excellent time we have to look at the bright side of why it does happen and having a correction is a good thing.

Money is made during bear market, because the price of bitcoin is going to be cheap that you can buy a lot and HODL it. And then just sell when the bull run comes, simply formula that everyone should follow. But for those who are afraid to buy in dip, I would say that it's because of lack of experience more than fear of the market. Because they think that it won't give them a huge profits. If they will just look long term, they will understand that bear market is the best time to accumulate.
I would say that lacking of experience will come with a cost but it's not bad to risk if you can afford what you can lose. High risk investment are more profitable though the chances would also be 50/50 but if you know what you are doing or have someone knew the market movement then it's a worthy risk.

Although, Bitcoin is not for quick-rich just like what they saw or experienced in most altcoins, it's different, it's best for long term investment.

it would take time and deep understanding about bitcoin market, in order for the user to appreciate about its potential. for most newcomers, they thought this is their path to get rich. but there's more than meets the eyes here. for long timers, as theyve seen the numerous times of up and down movement, definitely, they will see this opportunity to accumulate more. but that is, if they have spare funds that they can afford to buy more. but for most new buyers, they are always in worry that they may not get the profit they want. patience is needed in this market. if you don't have, you will surely sell at a loss.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Tino6 on May 28, 2022, 03:57:33 AM
Nowadays cryptocurrency has gone to such a stage that people are making money from it and are facing losses. Although you have invested heavily in cryptocurrencies in the past, now is the time Patience is needed at times. This is because the state of the cryptocurrency market is much worse now than in the past, which is why all investors are now facing losses.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: xSkylarx on May 28, 2022, 04:13:55 AM
I still prefer to think Bitcoin is doing great as long as it is not down to zero. I mean I would worry a lot if bitcoin goes nuts by dropping to as low as $500 bucks because then it's as equal to as loosing everything we have in our wallets. It's around $26k, which means it's still huge valuation of bitcoin. Keep them holding, keep them in wallet and we are yet good.

This is a time to hold your savings and investments in crypto. No need to be panic and buy more bitcoin if you have the funds.

However, only invest what you can afford to lose because investing all of your money in it is like you are putting all of your eggs in one basket. There are instances that you will lose it all, like the holders of Luna. A lot of investors invested in it and then it crashed. Take it into your mind that anything can happen, so you'll be ready for what will happen to you and your investment and jus to br safe invest those money that it is okay for your or can't really affect a lot on you if you will lose it.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Haunebu on May 28, 2022, 04:19:30 AM
You should have mentioned seperately that you aren't a financial advisor just like other crypto investors op. Anyway, I do agree with your opinion that this is an excellent time to purchase BTC and HODL for the long-term.

I am confident that BTC will bounce back into the $40K - $50K region, but that could happen a week or an year from now. Also, this is just pure speculation which is why you should always invest only what you are willing to lose.

My speculation is based on the historical behaviour of BTC, but history doesn't always repeat itself.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: doomloop on May 28, 2022, 06:56:58 PM
Certainly money is made when we buy in bear market and sell in bullish market but only if you are long term investor who have capacity to hold and can wait for return of  Bull market. Crypto market always gives buying as well as selling opportunity to those who believe in it & firmly hold their Bitcoin and this is vindicated by historical record of Bitcoin since 2009.  
Maybe those people that sells in a bear market miss understood what you guys are saying about money is made during the bear because they are selling instead of buying but I think they also have their own point. You can only make cash or a profit once you sell and not when you buy but that is if they are still up by some percent.

Those who sells in a bear market does not always mean that they lose because some of those people have also bought their coins when it dumped heavily and they only sell it for a while for some reasons and maybe it's important because they are collecting more funds as soon as possible.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: sklopan on May 28, 2022, 08:27:15 PM
Why do you think that the price will not fall further? It should be understood that now the price of bitcoin generally does not feel very positive.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: cheezcarls on May 28, 2022, 08:47:57 PM
I just don't mind about the price of Bitcoin right now. I started doing DCA with BTC just this month when the price was around $30kish. My goal was to build wealth for the long term and I am planning to put my extra "not beer" money into BTC every month. Despite that we may not know what would be Bitcoin's price later on, I believe that it'll grow and surpass its previous all-time high in the future.

Whether if it's this year, next year or a few years, I am committed to buy more BTC in an old-school way of wealth building which is dollar-cost averaging.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: wxa7115 on May 28, 2022, 08:50:55 PM
I still prefer to think Bitcoin is doing great as long as it is not down to zero. I mean I would worry a lot if bitcoin goes nuts by dropping to as low as $500 bucks because then it's as equal to as loosing everything we have in our wallets. It's around $26k, which means it's still huge valuation of bitcoin. Keep them holding, keep them in wallet and we are yet good.

Views like bitcoin going to zero or bitcoin going to 500$ are just insane and bitcoin is never going to fall that far down. When bitcoin is bearish we hear such news everywhere in the market and many newbies sell their holdings on these news and regret later.

This is a time to hold your savings and investments in crypto. No need to be panic and buy more bitcoin if you have the funds.
This is what happens when people think of bitcoin as just another coin that we have in this market, we need to be direct, if bitcoin went that low then the whole market of cryptocurrencies will crash all the way to zero.

And the only way something like that could happen is if a fatal flaw was found in bitcoin, something that is quite unlikely, after all many years have passed and many people have tried to do exactly that and they failed, so people need to be realistic and accept that something like that is most likely never going to happen.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: lablab03 on May 28, 2022, 08:54:15 PM
I don't think so. I hope you know what you're saying coz you know not all the time when bitcoin dropped it doesn't mean a good time to buy as it depends on the situation of the market. As the matter of fact there's a lot of people lost money in such situation coz they all thought thay it's always an excellent time to buy but it's not. Lmao so be careful bro!

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: DoublerHunter on May 28, 2022, 09:33:50 PM
I just don't mind about the price of Bitcoin right now. I started doing DCA with BTC just this month when the price was around $30kish. My goal was to build wealth for the long term and I am planning to put my extra "not beer" money into BTC every month. Despite that we may not know what would be Bitcoin's price later on, I believe that it'll grow and surpass its previous all-time high in the future.

Whether if it's this year, next year or a few years, I am committed to buy more BTC in an old-school way of wealth building which is dollar-cost averaging.
^ DCA way of buying BTC is a good start, you will not experience losing on this because you are not buying BTC at once and feel that you have a loss when the BTC price is drop. It is now exactly the right time to buy BTC and hold it in a long run. Spending $50 a day and buying BTC is not that bad, it seems you have a digital piggy bank wallet is on this way but never forget how to secure your assets and it should be an open-source code type of BTC wallet. When the BTC price will drastically down, investors will happen but holders will get sad.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Rufsilf on May 28, 2022, 09:37:54 PM
Excellent, perfect...that's up to you mate but yeah, we never have missed this opportunity for this won't happen long-term.
We have to take a mirror and remember the last bear season when people had missed buying Bitcoin at $4k? I believe in this time, we don't let this thing happen once again, we indeed make sure that we fill our bag already before the next halving comes or the next surge arrives as it certainly takes long before the market drops again.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: GigaBit on May 29, 2022, 06:58:53 AM
In cryptocurrency, successful people are those who can buy at the lowest price and sell at the highest. When the price of Bitcoin was $6,000, many people thought it was probably the highest. Many were afraid to invest there. Today, the price of Bitcoin is comparatively lower. In that case I think this is the right time to gain for the next bull market.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: maartenhaha on May 29, 2022, 06:59:14 AM
actually lowering the price of bitcoin is a good time to buy bitcoin but when bitcoin goes down many people don't buy bitcoin for fear of bitcoin price going down again. finally those who dare to take the attitude of buying bitcoins will win in the future.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: raidarksword on May 29, 2022, 08:27:39 AM
For me this is a healthy correction and it is a buying opportunity for new people in the industry.  We had a heck of ride last year and every coin/tokens blasting off and this correction is the best to happen to make the market more rational and more investors coming in. Bitcoin may drop many times but adoption is still very strong for us to embrace and next payment system in the future. Buying this bear market is the best decisions of our lives.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Issa56 on May 29, 2022, 02:33:18 PM
I don't think so. I hope you know what you're saying coz you know not all the time when bitcoin dropped it doesn't mean a good time to buy as it depends on the situation of the market. As the matter of fact there's a lot of people lost money in such situation coz they all thought thay it's always an excellent time to buy but it's not. Lmao so be careful bro!

I think the only set of people that lose money when investing in bitcoin are the short term holders, if you are a long term holder I don't think you will lose money, no matter the price you buy it if you can hold for long term you will definitely be in good profit later in the future, that's why I always advise people to hold bitcoin for long term if the want to invest in bitcon. So currently I believe it's a good price to buy if you are planning to hold for long term because very soon we might not see bitcoin drop to this current price again.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: bangjoe on May 30, 2022, 09:24:18 AM
actually lowering the price of bitcoin is a good time to buy bitcoin but when bitcoin goes down many people don't buy bitcoin for fear of bitcoin price going down again. finally those who dare to take the attitude of buying bitcoins will win in the future.
It's like a cycle, people want prices to go down but when they go down they hesitate and wait again, as a result they never buy until bitcoin returns to ATH and after that they regret it. Things like this we will always see in cryptocurrencies and it's a bit of a joke for me personally to see the same thing every year.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Ebede on May 30, 2022, 10:12:44 AM
Nowadays cryptocurrency has gone to such a stage that people are making money from it and are facing losses. Although you have invested heavily in cryptocurrencies in the past, now is the time Patience is needed at times. This is because the state of the cryptocurrency market is much worse now than in the past, which is why all investors are now facing losses.
. cryptocurrency on it own have a lot of risk even though you want to buy and invest for long time you will still experience the risk, losing for crypto investment is another stage of corrections of a mistake and people don't know that fully, the thing that make people also to do well for cryptocurrency is the risk they took during the investment, the market is rough and bad but some people will benefit from the this tough time of market falling because they will concentrates with buying

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: romero121 on May 30, 2022, 10:46:44 AM
actually lowering the price of bitcoin is a good time to buy bitcoin but when bitcoin goes down many people don't buy bitcoin for fear of bitcoin price going down again. finally those who dare to take the attitude of buying bitcoins will win in the future.
It's like a cycle, people want prices to go down but when they go down they hesitate and wait again, as a result they never buy until bitcoin returns to ATH and after that they regret it. Things like this we will always see in cryptocurrencies and it's a bit of a joke for me personally to see the same thing every year.
This is out of the fear. For now there is small forward move, and this could trigger the cryptocurrency users to invest for a profit believing in growth. When the market is in continued downtrend without much of progress out of the fluctuation people have a feeling that the price will fall even further. As per different predictions the market is supposed to go low to $25k and before that every opportunity need to be used to book profit.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Ebede on May 30, 2022, 11:00:55 AM
actually lowering the price of bitcoin is a good time to buy bitcoin but when bitcoin goes down many people don't buy bitcoin for fear of bitcoin price going down again. finally those who dare to take the attitude of buying bitcoins will win in the future.
This is the good time to buy any cryptocurrency that is good and have good volatility, and is not buy and resell but but and hold, people who is on funds now continue to buy cryptocurrency, i believe that any person that virtually buy now will make profit from next year because vthe price of bitcoins now is very down and when it will go up people that bought when is low will become a beneficiary for bull market.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: ragini330 on May 30, 2022, 11:09:58 AM
invest properly don't because bitcoin is having a discount you are playing crazy, remember the terra problem is still warm so think one day btc will also be like that, it's true if you look at the price of btc in 2021 it can give you wealth but times will not repeat the same if bitcoin is always hit by bad news

It looks good opportunity to take entry because Bitcoin is trading between 28-30K range but nobody can predict correctly  where is the bottom. Long term investors should take entry on every cross over by using weekly chart of MACD and don't make all your buying in one go, take 3 step strategy. this is how I accumulate  Bitcoin and it always works in the long term.

We are almost close to the bottom, I personally think we are almost there. If it drops to $25K I guess we're there already and it could be ready to soar the sky once again. But still its my view only. And my view will not matter compare to the crisis the world is imposing to everyone.

Whether you figure to earn as it bottomed or not,  you as a person will need to spend more these days due to inflation which is the biggest hurdle today for prices to go up  even on stock market. We are in the recession.

All financial markets are in turmoil and so is Bitcoin due to rising inflation, in this scenario where there is the possibility of a further increase in interest, it would be very difficult to predict the bottom of Bitcoin correctly. Some Technical experts are even predicting a bottom below 20K which I think won't happen. My main worry is since we all believe Bitcoin is a store of value and it is digital gold so it should decouple itself from the stock market and move independently.
[ I think other alternative options should also be kept side by side with bitcoin. Recently, I came across a site Mallconomy, that is Metaverse based and has great earning potential. If anyone wants to know about it and its potential, all are invited]

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: amihada on May 30, 2022, 11:52:51 AM
When the price of bitcoin is expensive, many are waiting for the price of bitcoin to go down but when the price of bitcoin goes down people will wait for it to go down again but in my opinion this is the right time to buy bitcoin, don't wait for bitcoin to go down further because bitcoin won't necessarily go down again, most likely bitcoin will be more expensive and you will regret not investing bitcoin now.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Mr.sprin on May 30, 2022, 04:34:20 PM
It's true that the right time to buy bitcoin is when the price of bitcoin is going down, now the price of bitcoin is going down this is a very big opportunity to buy bitcoin and save it because the price of bitcoin will definitely go up again and when the price of bitcoin goes up you will get a big profit.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: glendall on May 30, 2022, 10:30:52 PM
I feel that at this time there are many holders who are panicking by seeing the current value of btc, sometimes this situation is used by investors to buy more bitcoins and release them when the price is high, so be prepared to participate in the discount now so it's not too late
but it all comes back to their own decisions and risks

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: TribalBob on May 30, 2022, 10:36:08 PM
invest properly don't because bitcoin is having a discount you are playing crazy, remember the terra problem is still warm so think one day btc will also be like that, it's true if you look at the price of btc in 2021 it can give you wealth but times will not repeat the same if bitcoin is always hit by bad news
Don't compare Bitcoin to Luna as it was here several years and was also noted for its credibility and it sustains despite many market downfalls that come. But Luna is a scam coin, while Bitcoin does not exist to have that kind of purpose. So I ask and encourage people to buy Bitcoin and stop worrying about the failure of other projects as it was another story.

Well, FUDs aren't new and people are already immuned hearing to such things. May these newbies got affected but these old-timers will simply just ignore them.

I know , just as a lesson from this LUNA . so that we do not follow our passions and do not measure the ability to buy something,
I don't equate LUna and BTC
it's just that financial processing must be the same, be careful and use cold money

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Vaskiy on May 30, 2022, 11:16:08 PM
I feel that at this time there are many holders who are panicking by seeing the current value of btc, sometimes this situation is used by investors to buy more bitcoins and release them when the price is high, so be prepared to participate in the discount now so it's not too late
but it all comes back to their own decisions and risks
Investors who made a buy when the price is down to $30k will be now enjoying their profit. The price have reached close to $32k. We can't conclude the market had turned bullish, but it gives some positive momentum for users to invest than getting panic and regret when the price moves high all of the sudden.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: chichigirl on May 30, 2022, 11:31:16 PM
True, if the price drop a lot of people may take it as a chance to invest with bitcoin. For those who are able to buy at the dip they are now gaining more and enjoying their profits.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: thet on May 30, 2022, 11:53:25 PM
Given a chance and i have a lot of savings with me. I will purchase as much as i could. I believe in Bitcoin earnings so i need to save more to but at the very dip.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: landheer on August 22, 2022, 01:02:36 AM
price drops are always there every year too, and with the decline in the price of bitcoin it becomes a good opportunity for people who want and are interested in investing in bitcoin, and now there are many big investors who want to invest in bitcoin. because they see the good potential of bitcoin for the future, including myself who started buying bitcoin, for long-term investment, because in the future I think the price of bitcoin will be higher. so I will not miss this great opportunity, which is to buy bitcoin.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: danadc on August 22, 2022, 04:42:02 AM
price drops are always there every year too, and with the decline in the price of bitcoin it becomes a good opportunity for people who want and are interested in investing in bitcoin, and now there are many big investors who want to invest in bitcoin. because they see the good potential of bitcoin for the future, including myself who started buying bitcoin, for long-term investment, because in the future I think the price of bitcoin will be higher. so I will not miss this great opportunity, which is to buy bitcoin.

It is a great decision and I congratulate you, there are people who seek to get the most out of having the best investment and those who invest in Bitcoin are ensuring a great future, there are still some people who have not opened their eyes and think that they will not emerge because they don't find the best investment, they try banks saving, they try businesses that are not the most appropriate decisions for the things we are experiencing.

Bitcoin investors can see today's price at 20000-23000 but when they see it at 3x 4x they will all want to buy, they will buy high and they will not take advantage of the opportunity that is already there.

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on August 22, 2022, 05:11:46 AM
there are people who seek to get the most out of having the best investment and those who invest in Bitcoin are ensuring a great future
there are still some people who have not opened their eyes and think that they will not emerge because they don't find the best investment, they try banks saving,

It is very unfortunate, because no matter the way you try to promote Bitcoin, there will still be some set of persons who definitely will not buy Bitcoin, but you actually can't force them. And it actually takes people who has no knowledge of Bitcoin to prefer bank savings for a long term investment, because I am very sure that the highest percentage rate a bank can offer an annual investment is from 6% to 10%, while that's what most investors gets in a day in Bitcoin investment, so Bitcoin stands to be the best option for long term investment

Title: Re: The bitcoin price drop is an excellent time to buy bitcoins
Post by: Mauser on August 22, 2022, 06:22:16 AM
We saw another bitcoin price drop last week, with a big drop on Friday BTC is down 8.5% over the last 5 days. Right now BTC is back at 21,300 USD. In my opinion these are good levels to buy again and I hope the price will stay like this during the week, because I can only buy new coins in the beginning of next week after getting my salary. So far this year was a good year for anybody who wanted to top off his bitcoin holdings. I have been buying for the last 6 months following the DCA strategy, to me it's the best way if you take some money each month from your salary and keep buying new coins. For this year my average purchase price for bitcoins is around 25,000 USD. I am sure next year at this time we will be much higher in prices again.