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Other => Serious discussion => Topic started by: Marvell1 on June 01, 2022, 03:21:09 AM

Title: What is self-victory?
Post by: Marvell1 on June 01, 2022, 03:21:09 AM
People always set limits for themselves, that they cannot or can only go there. That causes us to set limits on ourselves, which will unintentionally sag us as we move on.

We never know, The Universe is infinite and human has no limits, let everything go according to nature, try your best and always do your best, then your life will change. That way, your life will have a worthwhile change or a new miracle emerge in you.

Remember, thinking is our own limit, keeping unlimited thoughts will help you constantly move forward, overcoming yourself is the victory over your limited thinking.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: PowerGlove on July 16, 2022, 10:12:31 PM
[...] The Universe is infinite and human has no limits [...]
The idea that humans have no limits and can accomplish anything they put their mind to, is a big ol' load of shit. It's feel-good nonsense that we all like hearing and repeating to each other, but it's an objectively bad theory of human capability.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: Agbe on July 18, 2022, 04:13:03 AM
Those who set limit for themselves do not even understand themselves. Even the world richest man is still doing business to sustain his wealth. Nobody can at smart nature. There is no limit for human achievement but there is limit in human life. You can achieve every thing you want in the world but when you die, everything is gone. That is why the Holy book (Bible) says, vanity upon vanity, all is vanity. And also human beings in sometime limit themselves because of the fear of the unknown. They don't know what will happen to them if they took the action or the journey, so with that fear, they give up their mind to embark on the action or life journey.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: Frankolala on July 28, 2022, 02:22:16 PM
  Human are limitless because God has made us so. Great men in life knew this,that is why they are successful. We can achieve or get to greater height in whatever we are doing we must think positively in wherever we are doing, we need to be hardworking,stay focus,have confidence in ourselves,consistence and self determination.

  Without knowing all these we will be giving limits to ourselves thinking we can not achieve or get to a great height in achieving our goals. Sometimes we have negative thoughts about our goal these affects and discourage  our victory in life.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: Agbe on August 29, 2022, 08:45:17 PM
People always set limits for themselves, that they cannot or can only go there. That causes us to set limits on ourselves, which will unintentionally sag us as we move on.

We never know, The Universe is infinite and human has no limits, let everything go according to nature, try your best and always do your best, then your life will change. That way, your life will have a worthwhile change or a new miracle emerge in you.

Remember, thinking is our own limit, keeping unlimited thoughts will help you constantly move forward, overcoming yourself is the victory over your limited thinking.

I disagree with you. Not everyone set limit for themselves. Therefore, your opening paragraph or clause should be paraphrase. It is only fear making people to make such statement that they can not go to the place. But those who are brave enough and have courageous mind always face the challenges ahead. I still oppose your phrase "us", you can not use us when we have different character and nature of thinking and doing things. In life, you can only change your life when face challenges and the only person that can change your life God. Because even your are brave and courageous without God you won't achieve anything. That is your life is useless.

Your victory can also free some people that are in bondage to achieve their goals. Therefore, you have to work yourself out from myopic thinking of the mind. Miracle? According to the Holy Bible, faith without work is dead. What does that mean. It means when you faith on something to come to pass, you have to work for it because if you stay in one place, that change you are talking Wil not come to pass. Yes everyone has thought. That is, what you think in life that is how you become in life. That is why when you think about it put it into action.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: saxydev on August 30, 2022, 08:59:42 AM
When you are freed from desire. This is the ultimate self-victory.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: franky1 on August 30, 2022, 11:31:26 PM
if your mindset is to set a limit.    also expand your mind. set a goal.
yep limit is a wall.. but a goal is a target. where you can easily move the goal posts, alot easier than moving a wall

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: Jazzi Mahesh on September 02, 2022, 07:17:44 AM
So victory over oneself begins with self-discipline and making sure that a person not only does the right thing or says the right thing at the right time and place, but more importantly, doesn't do or say that he does not do or say that he is motivated by any impulse, whim or passion and want to do.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: Naficopa on November 14, 2022, 01:28:15 PM
Everyone set some goals for themselves and limits to move on in life and when they are successful in attaining those goals and working on those limits that is self victory . No doubt human desires are unlimited but to set your life and working on your limits and boundries is your success.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: harapan on November 23, 2022, 11:58:41 AM
When you are freed from desire. This is the ultimate self-victory.

I agree with you that when you're freed from desire is the ultimate self-victory but that would mean nobody can attain self victory. My reason been that no matter the level one has attained in life he/she would always have desire(s). It doesn't matter if you are a president, billionaire, monk, preacher, father, mother, business tycoon etc.

The desires don't have to be material desires. It could be a desire to grow old, find love, serve your country, help the poor.
I believe every human being on earth would always have desires as far as they're alive.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: philipma1957 on November 24, 2022, 05:12:15 PM
People always set limits for themselves, that they cannot or can only go there. That causes us to set limits on ourselves, which will unintentionally sag us as we move on.

We never know, The Universe is infinite and human has no limits, let everything go according to nature, try your best and always do your best, then your life will change. That way, your life will have a worthwhile change or a new miracle emerge in you.

Remember, thinking is our own limit, keeping unlimited thoughts will help you constantly move forward, overcoming yourself is the victory over your limited thinking.

I thought about this a long time. I am older then many here. 65 to be exact.

Years ago I pushed hard to improve and be better.

So I stopped gambling. 1990
I quit all illegal drugs. 1991
I quit tabbaco.1996

I found out doing all of the above was good but in 2018 I found out I have diabetes so I now need to eat keto from now on.

Dropped my A1c from 12.1 to 6.5

Reallity is as a human you have been presented with a time game. Ie your life.

whether you will get 1 day or 125 years you simply do not know.

You get to make choices about what to do with your time.

Self victory is not a big goal for me. Making my life with my wife and my friends nicer is more important to me.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: Newlifebtc on November 28, 2022, 09:25:38 PM
I will say from my own definition that a safe victory is a victory that is not measurable and of them are your seriousness and their plans so any other person that have its own personal definition of this according to it own ability of understanding

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: KupaCrypto on January 08, 2023, 10:28:21 PM
Before I proceed let me note that two words are in consideration here, the first being SELF and the later being VICTORY.
Self can be seeing as and individual personality , or specifically refering to ones individual.
 While victory simply means winning a competition, conquering a battle or fight,.
So self victory is individually conquering or winning a battle, competition or game with the help of anyone. Self victory can come in many ways be it spiritually or physically even emotionally, as long as that battle, that situation was conquered individually without the help of anyone.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: jovan85 on March 06, 2023, 09:13:36 PM
Self Victory is when you overcome your opinion, your convictions, when you overcome the inner voice that tells you that it is not possible and you do the opposite of your expectations, because you believe it is possible.It's hard, but miracles do happen.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: DeathAngel on March 11, 2023, 05:53:53 AM
We can only ever be the best version of ourselves, that's all we can aim to be. Set realistic goals & targets to achieve in life. If you are trying to lose weight, set a target & go hit it. If you are working hard before an exam go get that pass. If you are trying for a new job go smash the interview & land that position.

Self victory is a personal thing, we all have our own private goals. Only you will know what is achievable for you. You can only be the best version of yourself so go do it.

Make your family & friends proud of the person you are, that in my opinion is self victory. You can do it, anon.

Title: Re: What is self-victory?
Post by: Pezroly on March 22, 2023, 01:44:02 AM
I also think that the idea that humans have no limits and can accomplish anything they put their mind is 100% wrong. Try to speak and listen chinese language ( if you are not from China ) and shortly you will understand your limits.