Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: btc_angela on June 02, 2022, 09:55:19 AM

Title: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: btc_angela on June 02, 2022, 09:55:19 AM
I think this is the first of it's kind, criminals are faking the voice of Elon Musk, hire someone that sounds like him and the interview, but then change the words itself. But you can't really say that it's fake because the criminals took one step further to synchronize everything, from the opening and closing of his mouth and the words that are coming. Sounds comical, but this is a bold step to scam crypto investors out of their hard earn money.

I also urge everyone to report this video as it is circulating on Youtube just like the one below so that it will be taken down ASAP.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: Lucius on June 02, 2022, 10:29:25 AM
YT is full of fake videos that present themselves as Live events with various famous people from the crypto world, although these are recordings of some past events in which scammers or influencers then insert some of their ideas. People who listen to Musk with any ideas related to cryptocurrencies should know that they are wasting their time, because the man has publicly admitted that he is not very knowledgeable about these things.

Not only is the problem that someone is doing things like this, but the even bigger problem is that millions of naive people believe in fairy tales like this.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: acroman08 on June 02, 2022, 10:47:52 AM
did he just say "ayo!"? haha.

and yeah, this is far more thought out than the one where they just put a video of an interview and then claim that it is a giveaway or something. the channel is full of videos similar to the one you shared, and if you look closely at the movement of their mouth and eyes it seems like it has been CGI'd.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: Smartvirus on June 02, 2022, 12:48:09 PM
Lol,,, these guys just keeps making my day.
You know, the video was just so brief and they tend to have made it a lot first so, you don't get to grasps the wordings as they come pouring out of Musks mouth. I guess they've got to go right back to the studio and edit it a little bit.

Well, those that would fall for this would be those that still look and listens to Elon for crypto investment advices on what coin or projects to invest in. I mean, his a great guy but not so much anymore when it comes to cryptos after the episode he played sometime last year.

Let's hope users on the forum don't get to fa for this cheaply and unexperienced edition of a blue screen interview,  so poor!

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: DdmrDdmr on June 02, 2022, 02:01:26 PM
When I took a look at this deep fake video some days ago (, the impression I got it that it was rather lame, both in terms of content and voice tone, bordering being laughable.

I figure that a complete (gullable) outsider might fall for it, based on the 30% daily return the video claims to offer. The figure on the associates scam website ranged between 11% and 23% weekly, depending on the (dis)investment plan you chose. Why not match the criteria between the video and the site? Go figure …

What still manages to lure people to these crypto scam is a combination of factors, amongst which lies the perception that people get rich in crypto all the time, thus creating a ground for gullibility to develop over common sense.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: BitKongy on June 02, 2022, 02:23:10 PM
Ha you are right, I noticed so much Elon video on YouTube saying almost the same thing about BTC but the website is different, the words coming out of Elon's mouth is accurate with the fake website, directing people to get them scammed, I knew its a big new scam strategy.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: Upgrade00 on June 02, 2022, 03:56:49 PM
I figure that a complete (gullable) outsider might fall for it, based on the 30% daily return the video claims to offer. The figure on the associates scam website ranged between 11% and 23% weekly, depending on the (dis)investment plan you chose. Why not match the criteria between the video and the site? Go figure …
At first glance at both videos (the one in this thread and the one you linked), it is already glaring to me that it's an edited video, but I showed it to a couple other people and apparently, it's not so easy to spot for some; they maybe have not watched many of his interviews or understand fully how videos could be faked with the lip sync and voice similarities.
On more careful research, if those people chose to research they could likely have made out the irregularities, but it's still scary the number of people such videos could fool at first viewing.

What's more scary is how many people sheep into investments cause certain successful individuals said so, whether or not they have proven to be savvy in the said investment niche.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: JeromeTash on June 02, 2022, 08:58:10 PM
Hilarious  ;D ;D

It's funny how scammer get to such lengths. I watched the video and couldn't help but laugh  

I reported the video. YouTube is annoying though, when you report such frauds, they sometimes don't even bother removing them or take way too long to remove them but try reporting a case of hate speech against pointless movements like LGBTQ, they will act as if they are on steroids  :-\

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: Jating on June 02, 2022, 10:10:06 PM
Hilarious  ;D ;D

It's funny how scammer get to such lengths. I watched the video and couldn't help but laugh  

Yes, it's funny in the beginning, but it's really hard not to see if this is fake because as what everyone said, this is another level from these cyber criminals.

And maybe scammers will have the last laugh here if someone falls for their trick.

I reported the video. YouTube is annoying though, when you report such frauds, they sometimes don't even bother removing them or take way too long to remove them but try reporting a case of hate speech against pointless movements like LGBTQ, they will act as if they are on steroids  :-\

It's a hit or miss, at least from my experience, sometimes Youtube are very quick to take down the reported videos. But most of the time very slow or not even removing it until the scammers have victimizes a lot to the tune of hundreds if not millions of dollars.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: Cookdata on June 02, 2022, 11:47:57 PM
Hilarious  ;D ;D

It's funny how scammer get to such lengths. I watched the video and couldn't help but laugh  

I reported the video. YouTube is annoying though, when you report such frauds, they sometimes don't even bother removing them or take way too long to remove them but try reporting a case of hate speech against pointless movements like LGBTQ, they will act as if they are on steroids  :-\

The problem is not the scammers, it is the YouTube who are lazy for checking out what is happening, I have not seen a useless AI bots like that of YouTube, the annoying part is that when you report these scams, I think there should be scam folder somewhere that shows list of scams reported but even with that, they wouldn't delete or stop the live stream.
I don't know the kind of algorithm they use in all kinds of this fake videos, If they use the energy to do some thing that's more productive, they will gain something but a scammers will always be a scammer. However, newbies should know that there is no free money anywhere.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: PX-Z on June 02, 2022, 11:48:42 PM
Hilarious  ;D ;D

It's funny how scammer get to such lengths. I watched the video and couldn't help but laugh  

Yes, it's funny in the beginning, but it's really hard not to see if this is fake because as what everyone said, this is another level from these cyber criminals.
If you're one of the fans of elon, and know what his stands in cryptocurrency, or just even got a glimpse of what he is shilling in crypto, you will eventually know that what he's saying in the video is suspicious and fake. Then you will eventually check if its legit if you care.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: NotATether on June 03, 2022, 05:02:40 AM
I had a project where I attempted to get user submissions for scam sites and then combing them in a host file.

Now, I think it would be a better idea if I crawled websites, programmatically, open their index pages and scan them for any words such as "crypto", "BTC" etc. For good measure employ an AI which scans the pictures for stuff that looks like crypto. That would be a good way to make a hosts file with the vast majority of crypto sites (innocent websites that get caught in the net can be filtered out with a whitelist).

The only problem is that would the hosts file be able to process thousands of entries without lag. I suppose somebody could make a DNS resolver which solves this issue, takes the proccessing away from the hosts files as well. But I doubt any big corp is interested in that at present.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: cryptoaddictchie on June 03, 2022, 05:08:50 AM
If you're one of the fans of elon, and know what his stands in cryptocurrency, or just even got a glimpse of what he is shilling in crypto, you will eventually know that what he's saying in the video is suspicious and fake. Then you will eventually check if its legit if you care.
He maybe a crazy shiller but this one is kinda looks fake in my opinion. Elon has been known in the entire crypto for shilling dogecoin but this one, like others said its quite more of a fake one.

Thanks OP. This should be literally reported and keep it down.

Youtube are quite lazy to dig some things up thats why there are lots of things like that happening under their nose.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: mk4 on June 03, 2022, 05:25:31 AM
Faking voices are unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg. With the rise of AI and deep fakes, misinformation and fake news will just get slowly but surely worse from here.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: caffu chino on June 03, 2022, 06:25:52 AM
YT is full of fake videos that present themselves as Live events with various famous people from the crypto world, although these are recordings of some past events in which scammers or influencers then insert some of their ideas. People who listen to Musk with any ideas related to cryptocurrencies should know that they are wasting their time, because the man has publicly admitted that he is not very knowledgeable about these things.

Not only is the problem that someone is doing things like this, but the even bigger problem is that millions of naive people believe in fairy tales like this.

yes you are right, there are many fake live streams that use video recordings of interviews from the past on youtube. the problem with the live streaming is that it comes from a hacked youtube channel. a lot of youtubers from my country experienced this, their channel was hacked and renamed, then used it for live streaming.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: mk4 on June 03, 2022, 07:03:20 AM
yes you are right, there are many fake live streams that use video recordings of interviews from the past on youtube. the problem with the live streaming is that it comes from a hacked youtube channel. a lot of youtubers from my country experienced this, their channel was hacked and renamed, then used it for live streaming.

Hacked accounts is one, but there also have been a lot of 'fake' livestreams whereas the scammer just creates a fake Twitch/YouTube account and plays an old stream recording (with some huge text plastered on the video like "free airdrop or something), and just adds a scam link on the description.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 03, 2022, 02:20:10 PM
Reason why I don't depend on YouTube videos or videos at all to decide what to invest in, scammers will never rest, as their tactics are being exposed, so also they are coming out with new ones, scammers are becoming so advanced this days that their skills somehow surprises me as to where they got such skills from, someone with such a good editing skills can earn a good amount of money legitimately working as a video editor in a movie or music company(editing movies or music videos).
But na, they prefer scamming, sometimes I wonder if there is any joy in stealing.

Title: Re: Elon Musk and the scam - You have been warned!!!
Post by: PX-Z on June 03, 2022, 04:17:58 PM
If you're one of the fans of elon, and know what his stands in cryptocurrency, or just even got a glimpse of what he is shilling in crypto, you will eventually know that what he's saying in the video is suspicious and fake. Then you will eventually check if its legit if you care.
He maybe a crazy shiller but this one is kinda looks fake in my opinion. Elon has been known in the entire crypto for shilling dogecoin but this one, like others said its quite more of a fake one.
No need to doubt, it's 101% fake. This man never shills any crypto related  company before and not for a something new/unknown exchange or whatever that site is called on the video.

Good thing the video is now shutdown, i know it will not be the last but a thread or warning like this will notify people here to at least report any video/url/app that is a red flag and a scam.