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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: paxmao on June 10, 2022, 10:19:36 AM

Title: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: paxmao on June 10, 2022, 10:19:36 AM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Z-tight on June 10, 2022, 12:53:20 PM
Plato once said, "Those who are too smart to engage in politics, are punished by being governed by those who are dumber", this quote has always been a wake up call for political participation, because notwithstanding the reasons you have for favoring political apathy, when you remember that abstainment does not solve the issue, but instead worsens it, you will get involved.

You musn't be a politician to get involved, meaning you do not have to present yourself to be voted for, but if you are eligible in age, you should be a part of the electorate and make sure to vote during elections, and in favor of the best candidate.

It is sad that some countries are ruled through dictatorship, eliminating periodic elections, and even when elections are held, they are anything but free and fair.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: jrrsparkles on June 10, 2022, 02:09:24 PM
When people evolves then those politicians are also evolving and keep learning how to make the people to stay away from them, and if someone notice their harmful activities and raise their voice against them then the government will supress their voice with the thing called law. Nowadays we see more protest so the evolution is reaching next stage so the politicians are unable to control all the people raising voice against them?...

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Maestro75 on June 11, 2022, 04:53:37 PM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

I used to think that it is only in Africa that politics is seen as nasty and dirty until I started watching politicians in the US and UK. It is an inborn attribute of man to know how to do good and bad, but most people will choose to do bad. The so much propaganda and lies that go on in politics is what make decent people want to stay away from it. This is why I do not like getting involved in it. Politicians lie without thinking twice about their actions. I do not blame anyone who does not like getting involved too.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Newlifebtc on June 11, 2022, 06:51:22 PM
Politics is everywhere both in the kitchen living room sitting room churches schools and family so if you don't partake in politics it will surely come to you in your family or your school, politics is something that I know that is necessary everywhere we are so nobody can run away from politics. I know not the one we value very well is the kind of politics we play for government or with the government in order to represent our people in government but that is not actually a a politics I believe politics is a game of interest and dirty so if you don't have the mindset of lies you won't politic for life

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Gyfts on June 11, 2022, 08:00:36 PM
Most voters get involved in politics without actually knowing anything about the issues, then cast their vote like it's a sporting event and they want their side to win. The only accountability that ever happens is for the other "team," the political adversaries. When things don't work out, it's never the person or party you voted for, it's someone else because it's difficult to admit to buyer's remorse.

I'd rather have someone sit out from politics if they haven't done the absolute minimum of educating themselves about the issues opposed to getting involved and voting for whoever runs the most campaign commercials.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: TheNineClub on June 11, 2022, 09:23:49 PM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.

Your friend is right, however, being apolitical or flat out refusing to get into it could also be a sort of political activity where a person is voicing his/her dissapointment with the choices that are presented. So I do think you can chose not to get involved and still have the right to complain.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: 348Judah on June 13, 2022, 12:17:49 AM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you".

But on a real sense should things be done that way? are they telling us that truly politics is a dirty game? I want to believe all these are not what am thinking (politics as a game of scam), only for some heartless individuals to take advantage of being a leader to execute thier selfish interests.

There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

Honestly this is a bitter truth, we have access to them before they got emerged into the office just to later discover they can be approached, probe or access not to talk of the utilization of their position and power for the betterment of the people who voted them in.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Lida93 on June 13, 2022, 03:56:14 AM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.
Politics in the real sense of it is not distasteful as many may think, but rather it's the players that are actually distasteful in their actions and inactions while politiking.

If you refused to get involved in the politics of your country with an I don't care attitude then you are part of the problem for good governance and don't have a right to complain when those in government are not standing up to their responsibility.

There's a say; that evil triumph men in politics  because good men sit down and do nothing.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Cnut237 on June 13, 2022, 10:54:56 AM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.

Yes, this is true. I'd also add that a lot of people see democracy purely as a right, when really it's also a responsibility.

If you are voting simply because you can, and have no real knowledge of what you are voting for, because you haven't really looked into it beyond reading a few breathless headlines and hearing a few catchphrases, then really you shouldn't vote.
It's your responsibility as a voter to make sure you are fully informed and that you have reached your own decisions based on the evidence.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: suchmoon on June 13, 2022, 12:33:24 PM
Your friend is right, however, being apolitical or flat out refusing to get into it could also be a sort of political activity where a person is voicing his/her dissapointment with the choices that are presented. So I do think you can chose not to get involved and still have the right to complain.

You're making it sound as if it's someone's (government's? LOL) responsibility to present lemmings with choices. No. People create the choices, people vote, people make them accountable.

And yes, they have the right to complain regardless of the above, but if they complain without doing anything then it's just lemmings complaining with no purpose or consequence.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Cnut237 on June 13, 2022, 01:31:45 PM
Your friend is right, however, being apolitical or flat out refusing to get into it could also be a sort of political activity where a person is voicing his/her dissapointment with the choices that are presented. So I do think you can chose not to get involved and still have the right to complain.

You're making it sound as if it's someone's (government's? LOL) responsibility to present lemmings with choices. No. People create the choices, people vote, people make them accountable.

And yes, they have the right to complain regardless of the above, but if they complain without doing anything then it's just lemmings complaining with no purpose or consequence.

Yes. If you don't vote and you're never going to vote, then a politician will see you as irrelevant. You can complain all you like, but if it has zero effect on elections, you don't matter.
Not voting is also an easy way out of making an unpalatable choice. If you don't like any of the candidates, then you must certainly dislike some more than others. There's a case to be made for holding your nose and voting for the least bad option. At least that way you can have an influence.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: amishmanish on June 13, 2022, 03:24:37 PM
French revolution, fall of monarchy and rise of politicians. Not elected but selected amongst the choices. Its like fishes electing the best crocodile in the pond. The fruits of democracy is already sour and 90% of worlds wealth is in hands of less  than 1%.
Where are we heading, maybe towards next level of governance wherein digital control over identities and resources will create a more equitable society and a society where state can control our privacy.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on June 13, 2022, 05:02:19 PM
Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.

Thou that politics is argumentative and full of lies, we can't fold our hands to see them squander what was meant for all of us. Everybody can not play politics at the same time. We need doctors, engineers, electricians, plumbers, scientist and pharmacist e.t.c Politicians will always be politicians (lies), but not holding them accountable when they leave the office will be the biggest mistake we can ever make as citizens of any nation. Because i was meant to understand by my government teacher back then in secondary that irrespective of your political, social or religious position, nobody is above the rule of law in any given Democratic state

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: OgNasty on June 13, 2022, 05:15:04 PM
"I did not 51% attack the network, but complain when it happens."

Seems legitimate to me.  If you think the system is broken and the majority of people have turned into wanting to know what their country can do for them, instead of what they can do for their country, then wouldn't excusing yourself from participating and instead trying to find ways to fix the system be more appropriate?

The fact is that our politicians have led us down an unsustainable path that leads only to bankruptcy.  However, they'd prefer to destroy our quality of life over taking the steps to fix the economy, because they wouldn't get ahead that way.  They'd rather just play options games in the market while leaving the ordinary citizen out to dry.  Don't believe me?  Compare Nancy Pelosi's investment returns to your favorite fund manager.  I just wonder how she finds the time to be the greatest investor in the world while also doing so much politically.  It's almost like the two go hand in hand... 

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: suchmoon on June 13, 2022, 05:21:00 PM
"I did not 51% attack the network, but complain when it happens."

You did not use, buy, or mine it, and you incessantly trolled people who did, is what's being discussed here.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Zlantann on June 13, 2022, 09:41:11 PM
I might never get involved in politics in my home country. This because the political space is not governed or controlled by competency or meritocracy. Rather it is guided by tribalism and nepotism. I hate political thuggery, threats and sometimes killings because of the quest to gain political power by all means. I would not be a part of vote buying and other electoral malpractice that is the other of the day in my continent. Hence, I am far from politics of my home state. But we would keep protesting using every legal means to showcase our dissatisfaction. The social media, industrial actions and peaceful protest are our avenues to complain. We would keep exposing their evil ways until the change and serve the masses. 

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: libertasbella on June 13, 2022, 09:47:29 PM
However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.

We're quickly nearing the point where your disapproval of politicians' actions will have no bearing on what they actually do.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: minime0105 on June 14, 2022, 04:51:01 PM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

I used to think that it is only in Africa that politics is seen as nasty and dirty until I started watching politicians in the US and UK. It is an inborn attribute of man to know how to do good and bad, but most people will choose to do bad. The so much propaganda and lies that go on in politics are what makes decent people want to stay away from it. This is why I do not like getting involved in it. Politicians lie without thinking twice about their actions. I do not blame anyone who does not like getting involved too.
No man politics as the name implies has gone beyond what we can imagine most times I feel all the people in politics have a group that brings them together. The things you see in African politicians are also in the other ones, especially the word corruption,  they never stop lying and doing wrongs to the people they claim they are representing, any one who wanna be a politician is ready to join them in their evil ways or they will kick you down. We can not blame most people who don't like joining politics because they know what they are avoiding.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Majestic-milf on June 14, 2022, 08:33:01 PM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.
The thing is, not every one wants to be apathetic when it comes to politics, but I've discovered that most of these individuals who complain about a bad government are ones who where actually die hard supporters but then, with rigging and some malpractices in the electoral body, you find their interest wane.
 Where I come from, politics is seen as a sport; only the fit and "smart" can play.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: GideonGono on June 15, 2022, 05:27:36 AM
I am one of those people who also avoids politics,
But complaint if things didn't go well.
I just don't want to waste my energy on debating about something that wouldn't really be helpful or useful to me.
Besides I am not really interested about it.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: GiftedMAN on June 17, 2022, 03:27:17 PM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their gain and trying to radicalize people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold them to account.
The same goes for me here, I wasn't going out to vote during the election in my country since I was 18 years old, you are only eligible to vote and be voted for when you are 18 years and above. Secondly, I was having this thought that my vote will never count but all that changed when I realized that things get worse when we don't get involved in the politics of our state or country. I believe the best way to stand out against bad leadership or government is by coming out bold to play politics in a good way, be a good example of a good politician, don't fold your arms and watch those selfish politicians and  their political parties destroy your countries economy.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: teosanru on June 17, 2022, 06:01:27 PM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.
Politics is not just the national or state of government politics. I think politics and mankind are really two inseparable things, humans will always be involved in poltics no matter if it's within family, your workplace or entire national politics. Because you always have to defend your interests which can only be done if you take sides and be smart enough to do politics. People who say they are not into politics are just ignoring this fact and importance of politics. And you are absolutely right when it comes to national politics protection of your interest and your thinking is very important and eventually it will come back to you if you do not become a part of it.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: franky1 on June 17, 2022, 07:09:44 PM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.

it also helps to know how to defend/ argue/get heard.

politicians know that there is a set avenue people are suppose to follow to get things heard and mentioned in the capital building/parliament/political centre.

however media will tell people not how to do it right. but instead tell people to just chant and scream in a empty street(protest) and hope to get heard

lobby groups know better. you never see a formal lobby group do 'peaceful protest' chanting on a street.

so here are some lessons.
1. petition your representatives.
dont chant on a street. instead set up a petition.
get enough local signatures from citizens, enough to actually make the representative feel unease if they stay quiet/ignore the issue being petitioned.. and post the petitions to the representative.
(cant ignore it that way)

force your local representative to read and respond. hold them to their response. if the response is negative then petition them again showing your hand that you have X people that wont vote for them if they dont change their way.
repeat for each regions representative until you have enough representatives falling into line.

2. then petition the capital/parliament to be heard. and to get representatives to draw up a new law or policy that caters to the peoples needs. heck even send them a draft law/policy for them to copy and paste.

3. when they submit a potential law/policy. if they have changed it from the ones the citizens want to see. petition them again to alter it.

(thats the way to do it without bribing representatives)

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on June 17, 2022, 10:33:32 PM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.
Unfortunately, this has been the case for most persons and when I mean most persons, I am very much included. Politics is such a dirty and detestful scumbag that we often shy away from and don't which to be affiliated or associated with but, it very much affects our daily lives as we can't escape the problems that emerges off this. We ought to participate but somehow, the 'How' becomes the issue.
One thing I have come to realise is, we've got a right to a change the government at certain times and somehow, we ofte don't use them. Vote in elections and ensure credibility within your units so the peoples choice gets to emerge and you better suck it up for the whole tenor.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Moneyprism on June 18, 2022, 02:54:06 PM
Yes, politics is a part of our life.. we can't ignore politics,, even if we don't participate in active political activities, but we also have to be able to voice our opinion and protest against something that is wrong, whether it's participating in demonstrations or voicing it via social media

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Rockstarguy on June 18, 2022, 04:44:37 PM
Most politicians are not pure , their only aim is to fight for what benefits their interests. Because of the insincerity character that politicians exhibit, most common citizens have giving up in politics,  they don't care about anything concerning politics, even coming out to vote to choose who they want as leader does not mean anything.  Despite the kind of behaviour we see from our politicians we shouldn't give up to come out to choose who will want as leader, because if anything still go wrong in the government the politicians will still be blame, so it will be better for everyone to not loose concern in politics.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Newlifebtc on June 18, 2022, 09:21:47 PM
Politics is a game of interest and the system of it have changed this time around because they believe on selection through the existing politicians who is already in seat so our vote does not count for certain countries so therefore any country that the citizens vote count normally choose a rightful president but country that the citizens don't have say they will choose for you and whoever that is in the nation without your vote count

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: minime0105 on June 20, 2022, 05:18:49 PM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold them to account.
Everybody must not be a politician or involved in politics for things to get better, and we have  the right to complain, disagree and protest when things aren't going well in our country due to bad governance or ineffective representation. It is the right of every citizen of a country to speak up when the so-called politicians are stealing funds that ought to be used for infrastructures because when we don't speak up , our voices won't be a weapon to them anymore because they may be in the position but our comice and noise will always remind them that we are watching them.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Desmong on June 20, 2022, 08:52:20 PM
Politics is not for everyone and we have the right to complain if anything goes wrong with the person we put on the seat. Since everybody can not be a politician and we can not at the same time compete for who will seat on the seat, then we have the liberty to complain and ask questions when ever things goes wrong with the politicians that are on the seat. This is democratic and it is time for everyone to voice out their opinion.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: Yawa2020 on June 27, 2022, 08:46:09 PM
The term politics itself has always been a victim of misinterpretation. It's actually not what many people think of it to be. You might agree or not, but the fact remains that you're either doing politics or politics is doing you. It's all about making decisions. Hence, politics is what we do daily.

Title: Re: "I do not get involved in politics, but then complaint if things do not go well"
Post by: rahmad2nd on July 03, 2022, 08:06:28 PM
A friend of mine once told me "if you do not do politics, they will do politics to you". Politics are mostly distasteful - arguments, propaganda, politicians creating problems for their own gain and trying to radicalise people to their side. There is probably nothing clean anywhere in the political arena.

However, as disgusting as they are, the option of not getting involved does not really work. You need to defend your interests and make sure that the politicians of your country know that you are watching and that you will hold the to account.

yes what you said I totally agree, politics is disgusting including politics to destroy the crypto market there are many rumors for this. especially state politicians, most of them are really disgusting in politics there is no eternal enemy that lasts is group interests. but somehow I have to be involved at least for my own sake.