Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CryptoHeadlineNews on June 15, 2022, 07:44:07 AM

Title: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on June 15, 2022, 07:44:07 AM
There is a saying which goes like this ‘‘Youths are the leaders of tomorrow’’ and a nation that has a strategic plan for the youths always reap a better future. So on that note, I decided personally to go share my little crypto knowledge about Bitcoin with some college students in the community and it all went well. But before then, I always knew Bitcoin has come to stay and as such there was a need to recruit more Bitcoin lovers, of which the only way that could be done was by creating awareness among these young ones now in their early teens so that as they grow up, they get to love it, use it and grow the crypto/Bitcoin community at large. So that was how the idea of this thread came about, and I will be happy to walk you through as you continue reading…
According to the statistics i got from, I am meant to understand that Bitcoin has a total supply of 21 million, of which an average transaction of 267,490 takes place daily, and the last Bitcoin is said to be mined in 2140, which is approximately 118 years from now, so imagine if after this generation there is nobody to succeed us in our crypto journey, who do you think will mine the remaining Bitcoin meant to be completed in 2140. Have you ever thought about that? So that’s the reason why there is a need to educate the young ones now than ever before, of which I like to thank the school management for giving me the privilege to talk to these students. So please pay close attention as I share with you guys how my journey about trying to teach college students about Bitcoin all started, the challenges, and possible findings.

Here are my Aims and Objectives

1.   To test their knowledge about Bitcoin with my Questionnaire
2.   To introduce it to those that will be hearing the name Bitcoin for the very first time
3.   To explain it to those who could have heard of it but never knew what it’s all about
4.   To explain its pros and cons
5.   And, to show them the least place to start investing in Bitcoin with the least minimum of $2 to $5 (since they are students and don’t have much).

So let’s start,
When I arrive at the school for the 1 hour Bitcoin briefing, the very first thing I did was to issue a Questionnaire to these students to test their knowledge about Bitcoin, and it was fun as I came to find out that 60% were hearing the name ‘Bitcoin’ for their very first time, 30% have heard the name but has no idea and 10% have heard it and could give a try that ‘’it’s a  cryptocurrency’’ and these data gave me a clue that I needed to start the briefing from the scratch.

How it started (Brief Introduction)
So I began my crypto briefing with the students by saying just as Naira, Dollar, or Pounds are physical currency we use on daily basis to pay for goods and services, issued by the central bank and controlled by the government, Bitcoin on the other hand is a digital currency independent of its own, not controlled by either the central bank nor government. Launched in the year 2009 by an anonymous fellow known as ‘’Satoshi Nakamoto’’, by which the name is called anonymous because till date nobody knows who he is or his whereabouts. As the name was only mentioned in its official whitepaper (i.e a manual which shows the road map or how to use a crypto project). That with the use of Bitcoin, one can now transfer money to anyone anywhere around the world within just a few seconds, which is unlike before that you have to pass through several processes just to receive or send money to a friend or family member studying overseas, which at times takes weeks or months to be delivered. As all that is needed is just a creation of a wallet of which we have got a lot of them on google playstore, but the most commonly used one called ‘’Trustwallet’’ which has a 12 digits seed phrase that is just like the key to your wallet funds and needs to be written down and placed in a safe place. And you are good to go.
I told them that just as every other thing has both pros and cons, that Bitcoin is no exception to that, as it is also good to know its advantage and disadvantage, and one of the advantages is that it can be used to transfer money to anywhere in the world in few seconds, it is the best choice for long term investment, it is easy to use (i.e anybody can create a bitcoin wallet to received bitcoin within few seconds e.g Trustwallet). And one of the disadvantages is that it is highly volatile (i.e the price always goes up and down), it is irreversible (i.e in case been transferred to the wrong address) and its transactions can’t be traced.

I also told them that Bitcoin has come to take over the worldwide currency because just as back then in 2010, how 10,000 BTC could only afford to buy 2 pizzas, that today the price of just one Bitcoin can not only buy 2 pizzas but 2 standards fast-food selling pizzas, since as the year goes by so is the price of Bitcoin increasing, which is why it is a good option for long term investment. And no amount of money is too small to get started, as they could only invest an amount they could afford to lose, because of the nature of its volatile market.
So I went further to tell them that getting started with Bitcoin is very interesting, as we have got a lot of already made tools which make things easier for us, e.g coinmarketcap (a website which helps us to track the price of all cryptocurrencies), Binance (a site where we could buy almost all kinds of cryptocurrencies), and (the official Bitcoin forum where you can learn everything about bitcoin and crypto). And I told them in other to buy a coin, Binance and Remitano both offer a p2p where you can buy crypto with the least minimum of $2 and $5 directly from your bank by just doing transfer. And I told them that for more information, they can get it from, google, youtube, or contact me via my phone number

Here are some pictures below ( ( ( ( ( (

Below are the Questionnaire test results

1. (
2. (
3. (
4. (

5. (
6. (
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8. (

9. (
10. (
11. (
12. (

13. (
14. (


So as a result of my questionnaire and brief interaction with the students, i got to know that thou Bitcoin has been around for over 13 years now, there are still some persons who hasn't heard the name "Bitcoin" before, and that create a sign that we all have much work to do in creating awareness campaign to enlighten the young ones about this currency for the future. So i have done my own part by teaching the young ones in my community, and its left for you now to play yours now. Because if only we could educate the young ones in each of our communities, Bitcoin will have a better future tomorrow.

Update 👇👇
The photos have been blurred and everything back on track. So I hope to update you more on this coming soon

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Pmalek on June 15, 2022, 08:07:06 AM
Great initiative to bring Bitcoin closer to the younger generations!

A few comments:

- You should teach the kids to never search for Bitcoin wallets on Google Play Store or via the Google search engine. Neither of the two services care and they will gladly advertise scam and phishing wallets. Your recommendation of Trust Wallet is also not the best. First of all, it's a closed-source multicurrency wallet. You don't need that for Bitcoin. Stick with a community-trusted open source Bitcoin-only client like Electrum if you want a light wallet or Bitcoin Core as a full node.

This hasn't been updated for some time, but it's still a good place to start:
[General] Bitcoin Wallets - Which, what, why? (

- Bitcoin won't become the world's #1 currency. Those in power won't allow it. But that doesn't stop any of us to use it. It is and will remain a viable alternative that will be developed alongside the traditional financial systems.

- When you describe P2P markets, mention Bisq as a great alternative to centralized exchanges who make up their own rules of who can and can't use their services.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: SatoPrincess on June 15, 2022, 08:10:33 AM
It’s generous of you to give your time to create a bitcoin class for the kids. However, from the photos I can tell they are secondary school students because of their school uniform, I believe you are in the one in photos whose face is covered, it will be good to also cover the faces and names of the students too. I think the questions are simple enough for beginners and gives an insight on how much they know about bitcoin.
) and its transactions can’t be traced.
Again, this is not entire true. Bitcoin is not anonymous but pseudonymous, Bitcoin transactions is public on blockchain and can be traced.

And I told them in other to buy a coin, Binance and Remitano both offer a p2p where you can buy crypto with the least minimum of $2 and $5 directly from your bank by just doing transfer..

Binance and Remitano are both centralized exchanges, when you buy bitcoins directly from your bank account on Binance you are exposing yourself. I would hope in your next class you teach your students the advantages of using decentralized exchanges like Bisq over centralized exchanges.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Lucius on June 15, 2022, 02:53:50 PM
A commendable attempt that I hope will bring results in the future, because knowledge is very important for anyone who wants to succeed in life. Children need to be taught the basics, but I don't think they should be encouraged to invest until they become independent and find their own jobs. Yet the greatest attention should be focused on security and on how to avoid online scams.

As far as teaching is concerned, in some African countries the situation is probably different from that in the EU or the US when it comes to education, and special permits should be sought for such things - in other words, you can't teach in public schools about something that is not in the education program.

As for privacy, I agree that faces should be blurred, as well as that the names of children from tests should be covered.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Husires on June 15, 2022, 03:18:10 PM
A good attempt on your part, but since you want to teach people who have no knowledge about money, the idea and importance of Bitcoin will be very difficult and complicated. To give you an example, hyperinflation was not a priority before 1971, and even in recent years, many developed countries did not give inflation a priority.

  • Try to give them the basics of money, decentralization, inflation, stocks, and why we need Bitcoin.
  • If you have a good internet, try to recommend to them the best bitcoin education channels on YouTube, and then try to translate everything you can into the local language.
  • Try distributing a small amount, for example $2, to each student, and that will make them think about using Bitcoin in practice or trying out testnet coins.
  • Don't tell them that Bitcoin is their way of getting rich quickly but rather that they don't get poor quickly.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Zlantann on June 15, 2022, 04:04:39 PM
I am really thrilled by your specific objectives because they are not vogue. Your entry behavior is also commendable because you adopted the questioning teaching method. The questionnaire gave you are clear understanding of the level of knowledge of the students as regards to Bitcoin. You have really done a great work theoretical and the next stage should be the practical learning. Although it might be expensive, but using a projector for practical explanation would be nice. You can also use diagrams or charts to do the explanation if a projector is not available. I can see your school is still using the chalkboard, please tell the students to darken the board so that your drawings would be clear. You can also get smartphones that would be used for practicals. As the class continue please identify students that have interest in Bitcoin and separate them fro other serious one. You can keep mentoring the interested ones until they are fully grounded. Please ensure you reiterate the fact that Bitcoin is not a get rich quick scheme because some individuals have been brainwashed by ponzi schemes and shitcoins. Great work sir.  

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: seoincorporation on June 15, 2022, 06:15:59 PM
This is an awesome initiative from OP, Is important that all the world learns about Bitcoin and Specially in the poor regions because BTC is one door to get out of that poor condition.

I would add some questions to that list:

1.-What's the max number of bitcoins that will exist when all of them get mined? (21M)

2.-How many Bitcoins were paid for the first pizza bought with Bitcoin? (10,000 BTC)

3.-What's the Bitcoin Halving? (When the bock reward is divided by 2)

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: PX-Z on June 15, 2022, 07:17:36 PM
What a great initiative, only few who can make this kind of effort to educate the young ones without getting compensated. I hope this will enlighten those guys why bitcoin is very important when it comes to privacy and financial freedom.
Teaching them the whole purpose why bitcoin is created as money, freedom and privacy  should be prioritize. Instead of you can be rich by investing bitcoin, because people only knows bitcoin is it's a store of value, a money scheme to make people rich and etc. It's the only meaning most people remembers what bitcoin is.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: minime0105 on June 15, 2022, 07:59:46 PM
Educating children for Bitcoin knowledge and cryptocurrency speculation and important, it's good for the country that doesn't know anything of bitcoin. When i checked the history and countries that knows bitcoin it's showing that no continent that does not heard of bitcoin. Student's who are smart and intelligent can know and learn Bitcoin through internet and youtube video

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Upgrade00 on June 15, 2022, 08:11:01 PM
Good job in educating younger generations about the pros and cons of bitcoin. It's a step in the right direction as many individuals grow into adulthood without understanding money or how it works.

Teaching about Bitcoin invariably would open discussions about investments and financial awareness. This would build young minds to be able to handle financial decisions and begin the journey of being independent much earlier.
My takeaway would be not to give close ended statements, like Bitcoin is the best investment, the students should be able to explore and study how investments work, read books and then make up their mind on that.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: franky1 on June 15, 2022, 08:58:59 PM
Great initiative to bring Bitcoin closer to the younger generations!

A few comments:
- Bitcoin won't become the world's #1 currency. Those in power won't allow it. But that doesn't stop any of us to use it. It is and will remain a viable alternative that will be developed alongside the traditional financial systems.

food for thought. for both you and topic creator
many "believe" that the dollar is the #1 world currency.
but ask yourself based on what.

there are only 330million americans. so yes more people use the dollar than brits use the Pound.
.. but..
the Yuan, is used by over 3x more then the dollar. yep over 1 billion people use the yuan.
so is the dollar really #1 if not that many people use the dollar compared to the yuan

there are 8 billion people. bitcoin developers and their sponsored altnet creators have refused to allow BITCOIN(not to be confused with altnets brand stealing the name) BITCOIN cant cater to support say 1.5billion peoples daily needs ON THE BITCOIN NETWORK(the only place bitcoins exist)
so yes bitcoin cannot become #1 currency.
but its not designed to replace all currency needs of entire nations/continents. its to hedge against the nations native fiat currency as a second choice.
more of a savings account "for the unbanked". rather than a visa card to spend "for the unspendable"

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: coupable on June 15, 2022, 09:58:19 PM
According to my experience in this field, the most important obstacle facing a person who wants to teach new generations about Bitcoin is first of all defining what money is and how the global financial system works, as well as about canceling the preconceived notion that Bitcoin will enable its user to get rich quickly.
It is also preferable to stay away from trying to explain Bitcoin through complex technical concepts such as blocks and transaction history.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Rruchi man on June 15, 2022, 10:28:38 PM
i have done my own part by teaching the young ones in my community, and its left for you now to play yours now. Because if only we could educate the young ones in each of our communities, Bitcoin will have a better future tomorrow.
Great job OP, certainly these kids will not forget about you in a hurry, and your contribution to the growth of crypto is valid. I once made a post here where i stated my contributions through delivery of branded items and asked how others here have or are contributing to crypto growth, it is good to see that others here are making effort in their own way. This your little steps OP will yield great result, in the future when some of these kids who may have by then become big crypto personalities, and are asked how their crypto journey began, many will point to you as the one who first introduced them to it and stimulated their interest.

It is also good that they learnt/heard about bitcoins first from you and not through a fraudulent investment website or individual who do not care about the first experience any user has. You have saved some of these kids if not all from a potential first time negative experience about bitcoins.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: qwertyup23 on June 15, 2022, 11:29:23 PM
According to my experience in this field, the most important obstacle facing a person who wants to teach new generations about Bitcoin is first of all defining what money is and how the global financial system works, as well as about canceling the preconceived notion that Bitcoin will enable its user to get rich quickly.
It is also preferable to stay away from trying to explain Bitcoin through complex technical concepts such as blocks and transaction history.

I agree with you. It is like saying, money is the foundation of everything that can be purchased in the world, while cryptocurrencies are a branch of what emanates from money itself- something that is more specific and complex compared to fiat alone.

OP, what you have done is truly remarkable and commendable. By your own efforts, you are slowly integrating and teaching the foundations of cryptocurrencies to the youth. You are exposing them to something that may be highly relevant in the future. With these, they can now start trying or attempting to use cryptocurrencies which sparked their curiosity towards this subject.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Rengga Jati on June 15, 2022, 11:56:16 PM
Here are my Aims and Objectives

1.   To test their knowledge about Bitcoin with my Questionnaire
2.   To introduce it to those that will be hearing the name Bitcoin for the very first time
3.   To explain it to those who could have heard of it but never knew what it’s all about
4.   To explain its pros and cons
These steps are good steps. Moreover when you are using questionnaires at first in order to test their responses, knowledge, and also about their though about Bitcoin. It may not be easy moreover if you find most students are new to the crypto world.
But, first, is crypto legal in your country? And what college students are they? if there are some relevant, these may be appropriate to them. But if it is not, maybe it cannot be continuous learning. However, it may be useful to teach them at first.

5.   And, to show them the least place to start investing in Bitcoin with the least minimum of $2 to $5 (since they are students and don’t have much).
If I were you, I will not suggest this. Investing in Bitcoin is risky, will you take the risk of all your students?
I will do those 4 lists, but suggesting they invest in Bitcoin is not wise. they need to learn at first, know, and be aware of themselves if they really want to invest in Bitcoin. Never promise anything to them, moreover promise the profits that they will probably take. Although we have known that Bitcoin is very profitable, this is also risky, moreover when the price crashed and they are not ready for this. But, if they have been learning by themselves and they want to invest based on their own awareness and willingness, it can be.

But basically, I really appreciate your efforts. This may be not easy and hopefully will continue again and again to let more people know about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on June 16, 2022, 01:45:13 AM
But, first, is crypto legal in your country? And what college students are they? if there are some relevant, these may be appropriate to them. But if it is not, maybe it cannot be continuous learning. However, it may be useful to teach them at first.
Crypto is partly legal in my country Nigeria, and in as much, Nigeria happens to be the number country with the highest crypto trading volume in the world, which shows that irrespective of the government's policy we still have great minds who are passionate about Bitcoin, and thats what gave me the mora to continue with  this, because i saw how passionate they were eager to learn this new digital currency, which gives me the feeling it was actually the best option i did.

If I were you, I will not suggest this. Investing in Bitcoin is risky, will you take the risk of all your students?
I will do those 4 lists, but suggesting they invest in Bitcoin is not wise. they need to learn at first, know, and be aware of themselves if they really want to invest in Bitcoin. Never promise anything to them, moreover promise the profits that they will probably take. Although we have known that Bitcoin is very profitable, this is also risky, moreover when the price crashed and they are not ready for this.
I tried as much to erase the idea that Bitcoin was a get rich quick scheme. I made them understand that Bitcoin is a currency, but which has more great features, which prices always goes up and down, which is why its only advisable to invest a little percentage you could afford to lose in case of the unforeseen circumstances

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: uneng on June 16, 2022, 03:31:32 AM
I tried as much to erase the idea that Bitcoin was a get rich quick scheme. I made them understand that Bitcoin is a currency, but which has more great features, which prices always goes up and down, which is why its only advisable to invest a little percentage you could afford to lose in case of the unforeseen circumstances
You have accomplished a great deed and thanks to you, many of those students can now adopt bitcoin and start investing few bucks, working or doing online tasks for satoshis, although I don't know how accessible internet and mobile or desktop devices are in your area. In negative case, it can be a big obstacle for adoption and then alternatives must be elaborated to give conditions to these students and their families to have access to bitcoin on practice, since they were already introduced to it theoretically. Congratulations again for your work and I'm sure you will be recognized for your good will and effort futurely!

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: dataispower on June 16, 2022, 03:48:19 AM
According to my experience in this field, the most important obstacle facing a person who wants to teach new generations about Bitcoin is first of all defining what money is and how the global financial system works, as well as about canceling the preconceived notion that Bitcoin will enable its user to get rich quickly.
It is also preferable to stay away from trying to explain Bitcoin through complex technical concepts such as blocks and transaction history.
If you are passing the knowledge of cryptocurrency to young youths, you will tell them what will motivate them and also see the chance of making money with bitcoin and how difficult it's for making with another technique. It is right to teach the blockchain technology of bitcoin because bitcoin as currency started from there. Therefore the beginning of bitcoin development is mandatory for them to know. Op work hard to bring multiple people for cryptocurrency chain from tender age which is good, because for the students knowing bitcoin now from starting age, i don't think that the knowledge adopted now can be waste of time or will not be put into practice

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Wind_FURY on June 16, 2022, 09:41:31 AM
OP, good job ser! Please inspire/encourage these children to learn how to code, or to have more interest towards computers in general. Plus maybe next time emphasize on Bitcoin mainly as an unstoppable tool, that's open/available for everyone, to send/receive/store value over the internet, WITHOUT a middleman, WITHOUT government, WITHOUT the banksters. When they grow up, enough young minds carrying that realization could become a powerful force.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Cookdata on June 16, 2022, 10:26:01 AM
I once had a one on one discussion about bitcoin with my friend's students, they were so ready to learn but I was focused on privacy, how important it is for everyone and how not to break it for any cash back. I used them as an example and some things they kept secret within themselves, I encourage them to employ that with finances, investments and personal information to be within them and should not in any way let it go in the hands of anyone. Their mistress was giving me this weird look by the window but I know my students got the message I was passing to them and I was happy I did.


You blur your image, can you do the same for those kids? They are still under their parents and I don't think you have the permission to publish their faces on the internet, Please blur it for their own privacy too.

Edit: The images has been blurred.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Markinzo on June 17, 2022, 07:24:56 AM
It's a wonderful job you have done and it's really encouraging cause the young really need to have a prior knowledge of bitcoin, for me this was the opportunity I never had growing up as a kid. And now I had to struggle so hard to devote myself to it's rudiments, a thing which if I had had the opportunity to know about while young it would have been easier for me now. But unfortunately at my young age bitcoin haven't been introduced.

Another thing I believe the young ones need to have a good knowledge about is ICT, for a good number of children in Africa have no computer literacy as a result of lack of access to it and that is why you see most of them don't even know that such word as BITCOIN does exist. Even an Android phone only a very few can afford.

So there's so much that needs to be done in bringing Bitcoin knowlege to those that are lacking in knowlege about it's existence and workings, especially to the young.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: BlackBaron on June 17, 2022, 07:50:58 AM
An idea exemplary by other universities, implementing Bitcoin as a scientific method among students is a relatively good thing to come.

It's only natural, especially in Africa, that Bitcoin is one of the assets that should be studied, Africa can be said to be a country that has a minimal economy than other countries, with the knowledge you have about Bitcoin, who knows it can generate ways to trade and invest to increase income for students.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: bayudndy on June 17, 2022, 09:17:02 AM
You know, you give opportunities to those close to you, and it would be great if the people who understand the good sides of it also spread the knowledge that you have to others. The conditions may be difficult, but it is not a barrier to prevent people from having the opportunity to understand them better. I feel that those children are very lucky to have your help. By the way, I also want to share more about how the people I know who are wasting their time and knowledge on useless things, may soon change their mind about the knowledge they have to have a Life is easier with what you have.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: so98nn on June 17, 2022, 09:36:13 AM
You objective seems very nice and it has splendid future if you follow it until you get success at it. Bitcoin is definitely tech savy, something new and must be known by Gen Z considering the direction in which the world's moving. Yes, you will face unlimited challenges in the above objective considering our Governments are not fascinated by the concept of bitcoin. However, these are the faces of future, imagine if every youth is taught about the bitcoin then they are the one who will part of next Government system. Sounds like big plan for us, and it could really help shape the future world. Imagine slowly slowly all of them getting replaced with these Gen Z's whose all set for bitcoin acceptance, the worlds definitely gonna get Bitcoined!

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinking99 on June 17, 2022, 11:02:14 AM
About Bitcoin Bitcoin is very important to college students.You have done a very good job with this question. Many students are not able to study well due to financial problems. If those students are given ideas or taught about this bitcoin.Then all those students working on this bitcoin they can get back the success of their life. I think very few students know about Bitcoin.I think college students should take a class on Bitcoin so that they can work on Bitcoin very easily.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Leviathan.007 on June 17, 2022, 11:53:53 AM
That's a very good idea to teach them about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as new technologies they should get familiar with it, The idea can be a great idea, especially for people when they are interested in learning new technologies. Regardless of that, I don't know if bitcoin is completely legal in Nigeria or not but you should consider any possible regulation issues from the government side. I also suggest you teach them in defferete levels if you have enough knowledge from basics to more complex and technical stuff which can be useful for them.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: TheGhostMan on June 17, 2022, 12:18:12 PM
Undoubtedly a very good gesture, currently there are very few places that have implemented the study of cryptocurrencies in the learning of schools or universities. And this character on his own account has implemented this subject for his students... I can denote that they are high school students which is not bad at all since these young people are the future and if they learn as soon as possible it is much better since with time You will learn more and more and you will have a better handle on the subject and above all knowledge, since as they say out there "every day you learn something new". I wish that in our times I had met someone who explained to me everything I know today, it is not much but I am proud of it and above all I know that if these students take advantage of this opportunity that you offer them and put into practice the acquired knowledge, they will always thank you. ;)

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: barbara44 on June 17, 2022, 09:08:43 PM
Teaching college students is one thing, but teaching older people would be even more beneficial, like classes on youtube and other course material websites are a lot more valuable. Because, someone who is 18 years old could care about it and listen and learn, but majority of college students do not really listen and learn these things. They end up just going to college for fun and they end up not doing anything regarding studying all that much.

This means that if they end up with something profitable for them, then they could end up with a big deal in the long run after a while. So just focus on people who are 30+ years old, who will actually listen and care.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Cookdata on June 17, 2022, 10:16:13 PM
Teaching college students is one thing, but teaching older people would be even more beneficial, like classes on youtube and other course material websites are a lot more valuable. Because, someone who is 18 years old could care about it and listen and learn, but majority of college students do not really listen and learn these things. They end up just going to college for fun and they end up not doing anything regarding studying all that much.

This means that if they end up with something profitable for them, then they could end up with a big deal in the long run after a while. So just focus on people who are 30+ years old, who will actually listen and care.

There is nothing wrong if you teach older people about bitcoin but it will be very hard to convince them to start because they are brought up to understand the financial burden of government, even if you manage to Persuade them to invest, they wouldn't vibe it like the younger generation, the young ones are way more inquisitive to learning and smart.
They say the young ones are the leaders tomorrow, let them be the leaders of Bitcoin, let them embrace bitcoin now and grow to it, by the time they becomes use to it, they wouldn't rush to the banks like our parents did back over years till now.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Hyphen(-) on June 19, 2022, 08:22:06 AM
The concept is good, and educating students at a young age is a smart idea that will provide background Bitcoin knowledge to college students. It's an excellent job, and I wish you the best of luck.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: sklopan on June 19, 2022, 09:39:43 AM
I believe this is the right decision. It should be understood that in the case of literacy of students in this industry, there is immediately a possibility of obtaining a more positive result of work, and this is a definite plus.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Ebede on June 19, 2022, 11:01:36 PM
About Bitcoin Bitcoin is very important to college students.You have done a very good job with this question. Many students are not able to study well due to financial problems. If those students are given ideas or taught about this bitcoin.Then all those students working on this bitcoin they can get back the success of their life. I think very few students know about Bitcoin.I think college students should take a class on Bitcoin so that they can work on Bitcoin very easily.
Bitcoin can not support student that does not have money to continue school for moment only what Bitcoin can do to student who is ready to learn bitcoin is that they will learn and notice that their is way place you can invest that will give you encouragement for live, because students don't have money to start with, out of hundred student's it is like 10 student we be capable of having small funds for investment

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Stanlo on June 23, 2022, 05:20:42 AM
This is so satisfying to read, keep up the good work OP.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: TopT3ns on June 23, 2022, 06:58:17 AM
Teaching college students is one thing, but teaching older people would be even more beneficial, like classes on youtube and other course material websites are a lot more valuable. Because, someone who is 18 years old could care about it and listen and learn, but majority of college students do not really listen and learn these things. They end up just going to college for fun and they end up not doing anything regarding studying all that much.

This means that if they end up with something profitable for them, then they could end up with a big deal in the long run after a while. So just focus on people who are 30+ years old, who will actually listen and care.
I think giving information or lessons about cryptocurrency using these two media is very good because for sure when people who attend lessons on cryptocurrency on campus will try to find information on YouTube as well so that both offline and online media will make it easier for students or parents to catch information about cryptocurrencies. the results will be different when you only apply the lesson only for people to know or vice versa. So it would be great when both of them could understand the presentation given.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Retiicle on June 24, 2022, 04:02:49 AM
I think it would be a great step to educate college students about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It’s true that the crypto market is going a little down these days but it is here to stay. The financial lessons taught will help them obtain the basic bitcoin knowledge and make use of it when they are trading or investing in it. Early learning will surely help them overcome the barrier easily.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Apocollapse on June 24, 2022, 04:07:22 AM
I think it would be a great step to educate college students about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It’s true that the crypto market is going a little down these days but it is here to stay. The financial lessons taught will help them obtain the basic bitcoin knowledge and make use of it when they are trading or investing in it. Early learning will surely help them overcome the barrier easily.
It's not about only Bitcoin and altcoins, but they can teach about overall asset/investment in economic subject. Not all college students do invest on Bitcoin or altcoins, maybe they're invest on other asset, or they might don't have idea with it so they didn't invest anything yet. However I don't think you can teach so many thing in economic, since it's about price related, while Bitcoin is mainly a new technology currency that can be discussed in technical/IT subject.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: evichi on June 24, 2022, 05:33:09 PM
That was a unique effort towards the growth of Bitcoin. Your effort is commendable, it is an effort in the right direction. The basic knowledge is very important so that they can appreciate the technology behind Bitcoin. There is also need for them to know the real reason for Bitcoin invention, as well as government views (government of different countries) about Bitcoin. Another important aspect is on security in the cryptocurrency space. Too many scams online, etc. So when they come of age to invest or use Bitcoin, they should be aware of the associated risks in handling/ investing in Bitcoin and other digital currencies. I commend your efforts. Kudos.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: AakZaki on June 25, 2022, 06:49:24 PM
a very good effort to introduce bitcoin to students, so they can know and be aware of advances in payment technology other than using Fiat.
Nowadays education is very easy to get, although in teaching what you do is very simple, this will certainly arouse their interest.
You will open the door to the future for them, by introducing bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and understanding Blockchain.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: DVlog on June 26, 2022, 02:00:19 PM
Actually, it is hard to do this type of educational activity where BTC is illegal. Where I am living is not a very crypto-friendly place But I also hope I will arrange a seminar or meetup about BTC in my country one day.

What amazed me is those exam papers. They have used BTC-related questions there which means they also have discussed it in their classes with the students. That is something needed to spread awareness about BTC to our youth because they are going to lead this community in the future.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Smartvirus on June 27, 2022, 05:07:58 PM

You blur your image, can you do the same for those kids? They are still under their parents and I don't think you have the permission to publish their faces on the internet, Please blur it for their own privacy too.
Having this quote still in this way actually defeats your aim of safeguarding the children's identity/privacy. You might want to edit your quote as OP have effected your correction.

Mean while, I don't know if this was the best initiative as its got some biasness to it but, I hope the children don't get it wrong and see crypto for some easy way to be rich. There is a phrase that goes "catch them young". It's the way warlords in times past used in raising soldiers out of children and craft them to become so routeless and feared almost nothing. This is the sort of effect teaching cryptos to minors might result as, it would tend to be all they care about since its got monetary value attached. I hope that doesn't become the case as there are other aspects to life for them to look out for and gain knowledge on too.

In the end , you've done noble in ensuring they understand or at least get some knowledge of the opportunity in there environment and the true knowledge of what is reduced to a vice by ignorant and anticrypto people/organisations in the society. Keep it up.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Gosgosking on June 27, 2022, 05:50:12 PM
Very nice to teach young ones about bitcoin  because they need to get understanding about bitcoin,  bitcoin is becoming a global currency that is playing a good role to some countries economy and its helping some individuals financially who are investing in bitcoin.
They need to know more about bitcoin and not to invest at this their level of life.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: D ltr on June 27, 2022, 10:39:10 PM
I say you are extraordinary in this, where you provide basic knowledge of what bitcoin is, in a country that still doesn't know much about bitcoin. but i have a few questions for you
do you discuss the problem if btc can make people rich in a short time ( if lucky ) and will make people poor if we have the wrong strategy in terms of sales graphs ?
because most people think bitcoin can make people rich even though behind the success of people here it takes effort and accuracy of predictions, right?

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: TelolettOm on June 27, 2022, 11:07:58 PM
do you discuss the problem if btc can make people rich in a short time ( if lucky ) and will make people poor if we have the wrong strategy in terms of sales graphs ?
because most people think bitcoin can make people rich even though behind the success of people here it takes effort and accuracy of predictions, right?
I agree with you. I think that this condition is also important to tell them. For, they may have very high expectations on Bitcoin achevement that they invest, it probably makes them expect that their life will be really changing with Bitcoin and being rich soon because of Bitcoin. This is important to tell that it may not be instant to be rich with Bitcoin, it needs process and also consistency. Moreover, the Bitcoin price is fluctuating, volatile, and also unpredictable, the price can be really dropped like recently. They should know that Bitcoin also has risks and they should consider and ready witht he risk before starting to invest their money to Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: kawetsriyanto on June 27, 2022, 11:58:06 PM
You have 10 questions related to Bitcoin, and those are tested on 14 students. Is it true?

It is better to make a stats according to your research.

For example:

- Question number 1.

How many students answered option A (Yes), option B (No), and option C (Not sure).

After you get the details of the student's answer to each question, then you can make a conclusion below it.

I suggest you will continue your research.

For the next plan, you may give them again several questions (test) after you give them some lessons about Bitcoin knowledge. So, you can determine the improvements in their knowledge about Bitcoin.

You can continue more tests until your aims and objectives are achieved. I assume you need 3 tests at least.

Test 1: Before giving them Bitcoin lessons

Test 2: After giving them Bitcoin lesson 1

Test 3: After giving them Bitcoin lesson 2

Then, you can make a conclusion related to the aims and objectives

* Just a suggestion, ignore it if you think it is not necessary.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: KingsDen on July 01, 2022, 08:44:10 PM
I once had a one on one discussion about bitcoin with my friend's students, they were so ready to learn but I was focused on privacy,
You did the right thing though, but it is always difficult for newbies to understand the importance of bitcoin from the privacy aspect of it. Many of the newbies don't know the importance of privacy and liberty to control your finance. That is why it sounds awkward to them. What they always want to hear is invest and get huge profit. And this strategy always back fire because they end up losing money.

You blur your image, can you do the same for those kids? They are still under their parents and I don't think you have the permission to publish their faces on the internet, Please blur it for their own privacy too.
Op, has blured the image and it's left for you to do yours. Remember you quoted the image, kindly edit your comment and delete the image you were referring to. Thanks

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Mahanton on July 01, 2022, 08:50:42 PM
do you discuss the problem if btc can make people rich in a short time ( if lucky ) and will make people poor if we have the wrong strategy in terms of sales graphs ?
because most people think bitcoin can make people rich even though behind the success of people here it takes effort and accuracy of predictions, right?
I agree with you. I think that this condition is also important to tell them. For, they may have very high expectations on Bitcoin achevement that they invest, it probably makes them expect that their life will be really changing with Bitcoin and being rich soon because of Bitcoin. This is important to tell that it may not be instant to be rich with Bitcoin, it needs process and also consistency. Moreover, the Bitcoin price is fluctuating, volatile, and also unpredictable, the price can be really dropped like recently. They should know that Bitcoin also has risks and they should consider and ready witht he risk before starting to invest their money to Bitcoin.
Everything should really be explained of the ff;

1. Investment opportunities
2. Risk of volatility
3. Actual application or utility
4. Regulation aspect
5. Anonymity and Decentralization

These are the common traits and things that should really be explained out.Dont give out any assurances and guarantees about on investment aspect that they could
really be ending up on making huge money in a short time because we know thats not how reality works.Teaching them on any angle which makes them
knowledgeable about it pro's and con's which is something worth to shared upon.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Cookdata on July 01, 2022, 09:15:10 PM
You blur your image, can you do the same for those kids? They are still under their parents and I don't think you have the permission to publish their faces on the internet, Please blur it for their own privacy too.
Op, has blured the image and it's left for you to do yours. Remember you quoted the image, kindly edit your comment and delete the image you were referring to. Thanks

 I received bot notification some days ago by Smartvirus but something came up and I forgot to modify the post. I shouldn't have quote the image since I was asking for a change but better late than never, I have edited the post and deleted the quote message. Thanks for reminding me again.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on July 02, 2022, 02:28:30 AM
Dont give out any assurances and guarantees about on investment aspect that they could
really be ending up on making huge money in a short time because we know thats not how reality works.
Yes actually, because in the crypto world there is no assurance, so doing that will be my very first and biggest mistake so far, as it is full with ups and downs, volatility and price changing every moments. And one of the thing I tried doing was telling them, Bitcoin wasn't a get rich quick scheme where you could invest X dollar day and expect to get double tomorrow or a weeks time, as price could go up or down, depending on the market, which is why it's advisable to invest an amount you can afford to lose

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: on July 02, 2022, 06:09:12 AM
What a awesome initiative, simplest few who could make this type of attempt to educate the younger ones without getting compensated. I am hoping this could enlighten those men why bitcoin is very important in terms of privations and economic freedom.  It is the best that means most people recollects what bitcoin is.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: haasanjui on July 02, 2022, 06:17:45 PM
If you want to teach something to someone then you need to have good knowledge about your topic. If you want to teach BTC to the college students then you need to have good knowledge about BTC. Then you will able to teach and explain BTC to them and also able to give answers of their questions.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on July 13, 2022, 02:05:30 PM
Teaching college students is one thing, but teaching older people would be even more beneficial, like classes on youtube and other course material websites are a lot more valuable. Because, someone who is 18 years old could care about it and listen and learn, but majority of college students do not really listen and learn these things. They end up just going to college for fun and they end up not doing anything regarding studying all that much.
Yes.. you have a very good point here Sir, and I'm going to look into it, but however, teaching college students will even go a long way, because despite the fact that students this days seems not to be serious with there studies, we still have a few who are serious and never joke with there studies, so if out of 100 students 40% or 50% were able to understand what I taught them, it's still a good credit to the Bitcoin community at large

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Davidvictorson on July 13, 2022, 02:56:42 PM
I always tell my friend who is a high school teacher that how you teach kids matters as much as what you teach them. Personally, I am interested in how kids learn. I got a couple of questions to ask you:
1) Did you conduct any post-test to measure if their knowledge about bitcoin increased as a result of you lecture?
2) What were some specific questions the students asked during the lecture?
3) You mentioned you taught them for 1hour. So was it a one-off class or have you had any other bitcoin class with them since you posted it here?

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: kryptqnick on July 13, 2022, 03:33:07 PM
I agree with the op that youth is important, and making them more educated means ensuring a better future. If there are many people like you in Nigeria, I think your country has a bright future.
I'm really happy you got a chance to talk about Bitcoin to college students.
Transactions of Bitcoin CAN be traced, as SatoPrincess pointed out as well, so I believe you meant that the ID of a person is not in them.
As for $2-5 investments, though, I honestly think they're not viable. Often the transaction fee will be half of that, many exchanges won't allow selling such small amounts for fiat, and even if Bitcoin grows tenfold, you're left with almost nothing, just like you started.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Stacaato on July 19, 2022, 05:47:50 AM
We actually need teachers like you in schools that teach the importance of Bitcoin and crypto. Your work is commendable, keep doing the good work!

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: broulayecommissioner on July 20, 2022, 08:49:29 PM
Well, of course, it's cool that now someone can teach college students cryptocurrency. Still, I think this is a bit excessive information because, as we see now, the cryptocurrency has lost value in the market since bitcoin has fallen in price a lot. And I don't think there will ever be a sharp rise in cryptocurrency prices, so all such lectures and tests are useless for a person, at least I think so. When I studied economics at asa florida ( college, they wanted to start teaching us cryptocurrency. Still, they changed their mind later, and it's good that it turned out that way.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: dataispower on July 20, 2022, 10:36:53 PM
Very nice to teach young ones about bitcoin  because they need to get understanding about bitcoin,  bitcoin is becoming a global currency that is playing a good role to some countries economy and its helping some individuals financially who are investing in bitcoin.
They need to know more about bitcoin and not to invest at this their level of life.
Teaching young ones cryptocurrency is good but we have to have the age bracket that the we supposed to have before teaching them cryptocurrency because some children Brain can not understand and accommodate the statistics of cryptocurrency. So what should be teaching cryptocurrency is advance adult that can understand the technology of cryptocurrency and also add their own knowledge into cryptocurrency in order to picture out the image of cryptocurrency to the society.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Codswallop on July 21, 2022, 06:09:02 AM
This would undoubtedly be a great decision by college authorities. No offence but real life finances are not taught in any of the schools or colleges. With bitcoin as a subject, students will get to know how they can manage their finances in the future.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: 8rch7 on August 10, 2022, 10:47:13 AM
It's not easy to teach bitcoin to young people, but I really applaud you because you are willing to provide free services to them to get an amazing experience in the future, the beginner guide we have to teach them is to understand the crypto market capitalization and how to calculate it, I am very sure if they succeed one day surely your service will be remembered by all of them.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Cryptodebjoe on August 10, 2022, 07:56:09 PM
I actually havent been priviledged to tutor large set of students but i remember introducing BTC to my younger siblings and a few of their friends about bitcoin as as a long term savings plan for their graduation i told them that Warren Buffet said that one of the major things to do during an economic reccession such as we have now is invest in ventures that has low capital i now told them if they can buy 20USD worth of bitcoin and allow it remain that it will be their greatest graduation package in the shortest future and 3 of them downloaded their wallets and bought it with their disposable cash....

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: Smartvirus on August 10, 2022, 08:15:37 PM
i told them that Warren Buffet said that one of the major things to do during an economic reccession such as we have now is invest in ventures that has low capital i now told them if they can buy 20USD worth of bitcoin and allow it remain that it will be their greatest graduation package in the shortest future and 3 of them downloaded their wallets and bought it with their disposable cash....
You've done a good job to have convinced them to invest but, I hope they understand that, its doesn't end with buying but it proceeds to how long they could hodl. That's of the most importance as, that's probably the best way to gain from bitcoin market. Also, 3nuser that they realise security is next to non in the cryptospace, trust is everything and they be guided that what is lost is most likely unrecoverable except in rear cases involving an escrow. In all, in as much as you've managed to get a few folks to appreciate cryptocurrency, when they fully understand, the would appreciate you. I get  few of this from some persons I've introduced in the past but the number that couldn't push through is far greater than the once that did. These days, I tend to be more conserved in my dealings.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: xSkylarx on August 11, 2022, 08:02:45 AM
It's not easy to teach bitcoin to young people, but I really applaud you because you are willing to provide free services to them to get an amazing experience in the future, the beginner guide we have to teach them is to understand the crypto market capitalization and how to calculate it, I am very sure if they succeed one day surely your service will be remembered by all of them.

We need this kind of people to lessen the disinformation about bitcoin. It could really be hard to learn for some people that are not into tech stuff but they should atleast know that bitcoin is a currency and not some ponzi scheme like what scammers often tell people.

What he taught was the very basics about bitcoin. Understanding the crypto market is already an advance topic and I think he should properly learn about it first before teaching it to his students.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: tomos81 on August 11, 2022, 09:28:30 AM
Bitcoin is a well-known currency in almost all countries. There are very few countries where people are not aware of Bitcoin because now in the modern age if anything has to do with social media it must be about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a virtual currency, people of all countries must know something about it. However, through our various discussions, you will definitely know better about science.

Title: Re: Teaching college students about Bitcoin
Post by: TribalBob on August 11, 2022, 02:28:08 PM
Bitcoin is a well-known currency in almost all countries. There are very few countries where people are not aware of Bitcoin because now in the modern age if anything has to do with social media it must be about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a virtual currency, people of all countries must know something about it. However, through our various discussions, you will definitely know better about science.

yes they know what bitcoin is from google and existing articles, but of the many articles that do not explain in detail the good and bad that can be faced after entering the bitcoin space itself, as we know the media is very much public lies about bitcoin and
most of them think bitcoin is some kind of MLM and ponzi,