Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Legal => Topic started by: Husires on June 25, 2022, 05:06:30 AM

Title: UK P2P crypto trading taxes
Post by: Husires on June 25, 2022, 05:06:30 AM
I have a friend who wants to move to the United Kingdom, create a bank account, LocalBitCoin account and start peer-to-peer trading where he receives bank deposits and transfers Bitcoin or vice versa.

how does he calculate taxes?
What are the amounts that he can deal with on a daily basis, meaning can  he receive 100,000 dollars per day in his bank account, or does he need to create a company or a commercial account to receive transfers? and how to calculate taxes?

Title: Re: UK P2P crypto trading taxes
Post by: jackg on June 25, 2022, 04:08:32 PM
He'll have to register here to provide a crypto trading service (if he wants to be legal):

He should be able to do everything from personal accounts (if he wants to and doesn't want the protection of segregating assets and liabilities in a limited company). There are tax registrations that he'll have to complete but those only have to be done by the October of the first year of trading. Multiple bank accounts would probably be recommended (but most have 24/7 customer service lines anyway in case an account is suspended or something - eg if the bank suspects a scam or something).

Taxes shouldn't be too hard to calculate either as long as he keeps logs of trades (local bitcoins might be able to offer downloadable statements too) hell just be paying capital gains tax of 10-20%depending on his other income/taxes.

Title: Re: UK P2P crypto trading taxes
Post by: Husires on June 25, 2022, 07:02:39 PM
Taxes shouldn't be too hard to calculate either as long as he keeps logs of trades (local bitcoins might be able to offer downloadable statements too) hell just be paying capital gains tax of 10-20%depending on his other income/taxes.

Thank you, I will pass it on to him.

How will taxes be calculated for regular account and crypto? Is it annual, after a year, or when selling because I believe that bitcoin is not taxed until after making a profit from the sale.
Is it possible for a normal account to receive about $ 100,000 per day, or does it need more papers?

Title: Re: UK P2P crypto trading taxes
Post by: Mbitr on June 26, 2022, 08:51:08 AM
I know jackg has given you some good advice, but this might help your friend too.

The tricky issue may well be if your friend will be paying Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax - have a look at this …

Quote - “ Only in exceptional circumstances would HMRC expect individuals to buy and sell exchange tokens with such frequency, level of organisation and sophistication that the activity amounts to a financial trade in itself. If the taxpayer’s activity is considered to be trading then Income Tax will take priority over Capital Gains Tax and will apply to profits (or losses).”

It may well be if your friend is trading with this “frequency”, it may well be considered that it will fall under Income Tax

Below examples are taken from…

Crypto Capital Gains Tax rates UK

Unlike many other countries, the UK doesn't have a short-term and long-term Capital Gains Tax rate. All capital gains are taxed under the same rates. The amount of Capital Gains Tax you'll pay depends on how much you earn.

Here are the 2020-21 rates

Tax rate   Taxable income
10%   Basic Rate Income Band (up to £50,270)
20%   Higher Rate Income Band (up to £150,000)
20%   Additional Rate Income Band (more than £150,000)
So as you can see, you'll pay either 10% or 20% tax on any crypto gains, depending on what band you fall under.

If you earned less than £50,270 in 2021 - you'll pay 10% on crypto gains.
If you earned more than £50,279 in 2021 - you'll pay 20% on crypto gains.

How much tax will you pay on crypto income?

To figure out how much tax you'll pay on crypto income, you need to first know the crypto Income Tax rates. These are the same Income Tax Bands for your regular income. For 2021 - 2022, the Income Tax Bands in the UK are as follows:

Tax rate   Taxable income   Band
0%   Up to £12,570   Personal allowance
20%   £12,571 - £50,270   Basic rate
40%   £50,271 - £150,000   Higher rate
45%   £150,000+   Additional rate

Hopefully you can see that there’s a big difference with the tax rates , ie , Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax !!

It would be worth having a chat with an accountant who’s had experience with crypto clients. These may be hard to find, but most accountants will offer you a free initial consultation- even by phone or zoom. Don’t be afraid to talk to a few different accountants  :)

Some pretty good references

Title: Re: UK P2P crypto trading taxes
Post by: jackg on June 26, 2022, 03:52:08 PM
Quote - “ Only in exceptional circumstances would HMRC expect individuals to buy and sell exchange tokens with such frequency, level of organisation and sophistication that the activity amounts to a financial trade in itself. If the taxpayer’s activity is considered to be trading then Income Tax will take priority over Capital Gains Tax and will apply to profits (or losses).”

Adding to what you've put here. There's also 3-6% national insurance that'll be paid in top of those tax rates on income.

It's harder to file capital gains than it is income tax too though (hmrc requires evidence for cgt).

How will taxes be calculated for regular account and crypto? Is it annual, after a year, or when selling because I believe that bitcoin is not taxed until after making a profit from the sale.
Is it possible for a normal account to receive about $ 100,000 per day, or does it need more papers?

Yes it's annual after the year (the January after normally - with the tax year ending the previous april 5th). You won't be taxed on profits (eg by the bank) until you file your tax return (and then they'll give you a link you can use to pay through).

Tax seems high when you have to pay it all at once in the January (and you're in a higher band) he might think it worthwhile at that point (or anytime after he's finished his balance sheet) to employ a tax advisor to take a look at it to see if they can find any ways to reduce taxes (if he's got all the information ready, they probably won't charge much just to check it over and offer advice).

I wouldn't know about how much you can expect to receive and transfer out of your account (and it depends on how you want to do it - you definitely won't get £100k in cash straight out of a high street bank). It'd be better to send a quick email to customer services with banks and be insist on what you actually want from them (such as: a personal account being able to transfer large sums in and out - they might give you advice you don't want or something inadequate because they think they can answer it when they don't actually know how it's handled).