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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: fortunecrypto on July 05, 2022, 02:40:16 PM

Title: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: fortunecrypto on July 05, 2022, 02:40:16 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: fiulpro on July 05, 2022, 06:32:28 PM
Quizzes are deemed very effective and one can always look at their results and take care of them better in the future, there are certain things that one can do if they are a problem gambler :

1. Free online services available for gamblers
2. Get medications for addiction
3. Work on yourself and check your environmental impact as well.

Other than that I do think that there are other things as well : a person who is not a problem gambler and knows it does not have to actually take the quiz. It's all able controlling your urges and it's all about having or no having them in the first place.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Oshosondy on July 05, 2022, 07:29:38 PM
My result: High-Risk Gambler  ;D

The nine questions were easy but I answered like when I was addicted to gambling, I am no more addicted and I know I am not risking any amount of money I can not afford to lose, which means I am not a high risk gambler.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Rruchi man on July 05, 2022, 07:50:47 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you...
I like this, I just did my own assessment and it turns out that I am a moderate risk gambler.

Most of my answers fell under "never" and "sometimes", it is not like I have not always known that I was a moderate gambler, but I have never asked myself some of the questions that this test provided. I encourage everyone here to try it and be certain for themself the category they fall under.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: milewilda on July 05, 2022, 08:10:22 PM
Ended up on the result
Moderate-Risk Gambler

Those are basic questions asking out those particular or common behavior of someone who do get engage with gambling
even i do choose up Never and Sometimes into those options still ending up on moderate but its  still considerable.  :)
Gambling isnt bad as long you do have that control not only on your finances but also with your emotions since this is the main culprit on making you to be
that impulsive and ending up on bad decisions made towards gambling.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on July 05, 2022, 08:50:01 PM
After taking the quiz, I would rather call it a survey, I ended with up with the moderate risk gambler rating...
even without taking the survey, I know the kind of gambler I am, because I don't take unnecessary risk when gambling, I don't gamble frequently and when I do, I make sure not to gamble with money I cannot afford to lose, most of my gambles are just for fun.
And also, I don't think survey really mean much, cus I put never in almost all the question and still got the moderate risk gambler rating, i was actually expecting to end up with No-risk gambler...

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: samcrypto on July 05, 2022, 08:59:46 PM
As expected I’m a moderate gambler, but I thought i will ended up on a non problematic gambler since I choose never on most of the questions. Anyway, this kind of self assessment is good because it can help you analyze your status in gambling and be reminded that you should not take any risk beyond what you can afford to lose. Gambler should really be more responsible, don’t make this as your bad habit and stay on a good course.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: acroman08 on July 05, 2022, 09:05:28 PM
I got a "low-risk gambler". also, OP you should add the low-risk gambler on your poll, seems like you forgot it. I think the reason why I got low-risk gambler is because the quiz always asks "in the past 12 months". if they didn't put the "past 12 months" on their questions I would probably be on the "high-risk gambler".

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: lionheart78 on July 05, 2022, 09:06:01 PM
Got a non-problem gambler here.
Non-Problem Gambler
You likely have not experienced gambling-related problems in the last year. You’re conscious of how often you’re playing and how much you’re spending, without letting it negatively impact your daily life.

I answer the question with straight never LOL.  I wonder what will be the result if I answer different things, gonna play around a bit more and will update this post once done. 

Now, this raises some concerns about the reliability of the survey on how accurate their interpretation is, answering with a straight I don't know will result in the same category as the one who answered never.

Answering with straight sometimes was interpreted as
High-Risk Gambler
If you scored in this range, you may be experiencing a significant amount of gambling-related problems. Even if you’re just starting to notice your gambling becoming an issue, there are steps you can take to get help – and you’ve already started. Just taking this quiz is a huge step. The next step is talking to someone. You can even do so anonymously and free of charge. You don’t need to feel alone.

Straight sometimes has the same result as straight most of the time.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: darkangel11 on July 05, 2022, 09:09:05 PM
I'm a moderate-risk, although I wouldn't have said so if asked how I see myself, without taking the test first. I'd say I'm a non-problem gambler.
I don't know how this is scored but the only negative things that I've admitted to were a slight feeling of stress after gambling and sometimes returning to win back what I've lost. I don't see that as a huge problem, but I wasn't ever consulted by a psychologist either, so I can be half-way gone already :D

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: aoluain on July 05, 2022, 09:17:08 PM
I voted for Non-Risk Gambler and after the test/survey I got a Low-Risk result, which I
kind of knew would be the case.

I have to be very careful with my betting/gambling, I have kind of an addictive nature,
so I really do have to treat it as a fun/hobby sort of thing rather than a Bitcoin/money
making venture.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: serjent05 on July 05, 2022, 09:32:27 PM
I don’t know why I get the result of moderate risk gambler even though I choose the minimum things which a gambler do and the usual way on how you feel on gambling aftershock. The question on the survey is quite interesting because it ask the most common feelings and hobbits when playing gambling especially those part that you play on other day just to recover yesterday loss. I'm guilty to this feeling and I always think about my previous losses even I win on that particular day and hoping I can recover all of them on my next game which always leads me to more losses.

Probably you answered 3 or more questions with "sometimes" .

Same here, answered 3 with "sometimes" then I got moderate risk gambler result.  It is a good thing that the survey recommend some help depending on the severity of the result.  Well, I never knew that I have a somehow alarming level of risk of being a problem gambler, must put this one down to to low-risk gambler.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: jossiel on July 05, 2022, 09:45:39 PM
My result is, I'm a low risk gambler.

I think those questions were not enough to have a conclusion if the person is non-problematic, low risk or high. Because someone who answers the survey can choose the answers that are not for real to themselves.

It could just be a way to give the result of that person and have a validation that he's not a high risk gambler.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Johnyz on July 05, 2022, 09:46:07 PM
I take the quiz and its good to know that’s I’m a moderate risk gambling which is expected since I made some mistakes in gambling before and I also have bad experiences but of course its tolerable since I don’t gamble beyond my capacity. Gambling is very risky, I wonder those who got the high risk result here what kind of activities they are doing. Hopefully, they are still in control and wont ended up as addict.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Davidvictorson on July 06, 2022, 01:40:50 AM
The result of my the quiz - moderate gambler. I would say the assessment is not enough tell if the type of gambler that one is. In short it is not robust. Well, I would expect that being that it is not a paid service. In my opinion a proper assessment would include both quantitative and qualitative methods. This is the most effective approach. It eliminates any form of response bias.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: lienfaye on July 06, 2022, 03:27:43 AM
Low risk gambler is the result of my quiz. Im not surprise though because im not the type of gambler who spend lots of time just to gamble and I never use a money that I cant afford to lose.

Gambling is a past time for me even im using real money. Often, I lose but im not taking it seriously or trying to chase back what I lost. Because I know its gambling, there's a high risk to lose our money thus if you cant accept this consequence then dont ever gamble.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: electronicash on July 06, 2022, 04:29:14 AM

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.

* This information is not intended to be used for diagnosis, treatment, or referral services. Individuals should contact their personal physician and/or their local addiction or mental health agency for further information.

Tip: If your score indicates you might be at risk, there are options available to you. Find local help now..

Canadian really have the huge gambling problem that they have local treatment centers. its a wrong time to be one of the High Risk gambler due to the economy today but its also the reason why some engage in gambling because they expect to solve issues upon winning big amount in gambling. People losing jobs should just find another job but for some they gamble instead to see if luck is on their side.

i'm low risk but no need to ask help.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Wexnident on July 06, 2022, 04:57:06 AM
Why is Low-Risk Gambler not in the choices lmao. I mostly answered Never and had like one or two questions that had sometimes or most of the time. The quiz is kinda easy to idk, trick? yourself to believe you are a low/moderate gambler since the questions are pretty straightforward. Not that I did that though, I rarely gamble and I mostly do sports gambling anyway, I finance myself quite well imo and I never had that many issues with money.

I honestly hope the questions had some sort of idk, philosophical twist? or at least make the questions not so straightforward so that people can answer them subconsciously though that may just degrade the results.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: nakamura12 on July 06, 2022, 05:47:50 AM
Why is Low-Risk Gambler not in the choices lmao. I mostly answered Never and had like one or two questions that had sometimes or most of the time. The quiz is kinda easy to idk, trick? yourself to believe you are a low/moderate gambler since the questions are pretty straightforward. Not that I did that though, I rarely gamble and I mostly do sports gambling anyway, I finance myself quite well imo and I never had that many issues with money.

I honestly hope the questions had some sort of idk, philosophical twist? or at least make the questions not so straightforward so that people can answer them subconsciously though that may just degrade the results.
That choice is there when I answer the quiz. The result of my quiz is low risk gambler. I think you need more answer that is never in my opinion then you will get the low risk gambler result just like I did. I honestly answer the quiz base on what I do when I gamble and what I felt when I gamble. Many of those choices that my answers are sometimes and mostly never. I also gamble rarely and I am not sure why you didn't get the low risk gambler result. Do you mean the poll or in the site where you answer the quiz?. I did notice that op didn't add the low risk gambler in the poll.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Ziskinberg on July 06, 2022, 05:54:09 AM
I have taken the survey and the result for me is "Moderate-Risk Gambler".

Actually it didn't take 2 minutes, in less than a minute I have already finished the test.
I'm happy with the result though, and I really believe I have no problem with gambling despite the fact that I'm losing money sometimes.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Harkorede on July 06, 2022, 06:19:59 AM
I think those questions were not enough to have a conclusion if the person is non-problematic, low risk or high. Because someone who answers the survey can choose the answers that are not for real to themselves.

It could just be a way to give the result of that person and have a validation that he's not a high risk gambler.

The questions are well constructed enough to reach a reasonable to conclusion as what level of a gambler one is provided that the questions are answered appropriately, but maybe there could be a little changes to the questions or the number of options to pick from, I'd say some of the question needed to be a Yes/No options while some needed the severity options as available there in the survey.

I ended up as Moderate-risk gambler, I know for sure that I'm never a lose chaser. I consider each bet as independent one and the chances of losing has nothing to do with previous outcomes.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: swogerino on July 06, 2022, 06:29:54 AM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

I took it and my answers 70% were never and the rest of 30% were sometimes.The assessment ended and told me that I am a moderate risk gambler,I may have felt sometime guilty and sometimes regretting what I did which is absolutely the truth but I am in no way addicted or anything like that.It told me to stay cool and rethink these last 12 months and make sure you stay out of such behavior and hopefully I will remove the little stress and feeling of guilt which I have felt sometimes.Nice test for real.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: coin-investor on July 06, 2022, 07:08:48 AM
I'm glad that I'm a moderate gambler, but I'm trying to be a non-problem gambler and not being drawn to becoming a high-risk gambler, the quiz is simple and straight to the point, it's based on science this is Canadian supported study, the gambler should have something like this from time to time to access himself in gambling to monitor if he is in the danger zone and can do something about it to address the issue.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: rahmad2nd on July 06, 2022, 07:24:55 AM
I chose the moderate risk gambler poll, and the results of the quiz are the same.
the results might have been different if I filled out this quiz last 1 or 2 years when I was still a high risk gambler. This quiz can help benchmark someone who wants to know how badly he is affected by the effects of gambling addiction. However, I believe that many of us are well aware of whether or not we are problematic when it comes to gambling.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: aioc on July 06, 2022, 12:08:28 PM
So far the community are in good condition when it comes to gambling assessment, I've taken the quiz and I'm a moderate gambler we have one high risk that's unavoidable in a community will monitor the results hopefully at least 50 people participate here so we'll know what kind of gamblers are our community.

Non-Problem Gambler   - 5 (38.5%)
Moderate-Risk Gambler   - 7 (53.8%)
High Risk Gambler   - 1 (7.7%)
Total Voters: 13

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: dothebeats on July 06, 2022, 02:17:28 PM
I turned out to be a low-risk gambler. My gambling habits are not that bad to be a cause for concern. Though I play regularly every week with a fixed budget, I do it to entertain myself, and never have I chased any losses before. I'm also confident that my gambling habits will not put me in a bad position financially, as I know how to control myself and how to not play when I don't have the funds to do so. I have the money to develop this activity into something negative, but thankfully I haven't and I still know what I'm doing.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: bitzizzix on July 06, 2022, 02:55:17 PM
After taking the quiz I became a moderate risk gambler, although the answer is mostly never and sometimes but that's the truth.
and sometimes hesitate to choose the answer but this is a fun quiz and if we don't rush to answer it and also answer according to what we have and know, we will know how far our gambling is even if it's true or not. ;D

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Boristhecat on July 06, 2022, 03:02:10 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

Thank you for the link to the survey, but it seemed to me as idiotic as possible. Here is my result:

Moderate-Risk Gambler
If you scored in this range, you may already be experiencing some problems related to your gambling, like feelings of guilt or regret. Take some time to consider how much you’re spending, and be aware of how often you’re playing. If you feel like you want to make a change, or just want more information, there is help available.

I turned out to be a "Moderate-Risk Gambler" because I answered questions two and seven, "Sometimes." These are the questions:

2When you think of the past 12 months, how often…
Have you needed to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling of excitement?
7When you think of the past 12 months, how often…
Have you felt guilty about the way you gamble, or what happens when you gamble?

The fact is that larger bets give more emotions, and the same bet amount is addictive and boring (this is about the second question).
There is nothing wrong with thinking about whether it is right to spend money on gambling in general and feeling guilty about it (it's about the seventh question), when I buy ice cream, I also think about it and feel guilty (diet and all that) but this does not mean that I have problems with being overweight - on the contrary, I try to avoid them as I am a conscious person.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: virasisog on July 06, 2022, 03:16:32 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

I'm surprised to know that based on the quiz, I'm a moderate-risk gambler. It made me realize that I oftentimes am too emotional with my betting results. I thought I was just a low-risk gambler but at least I still know my limits so I have nothing to bother about. Assessments like this are also a big help for us to know whether we're still on the right track when it comes to gambling.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Shamm on July 06, 2022, 03:49:29 PM
The result of mine when I am taking the quiz is little bit true in real life honesty I am in moderate risk taker gambler because like the question in the quiz I did not borrow any amount of money for my own happiness which is gambling and when I am loss yesterday because don't have my luck then I'll play again today to get my money back.  but ill bet what I can afford to loss cause I know in the world of gambling I am not the luckiest gambler that Can take all but in real I am always loss.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: rhomelmabini on July 06, 2022, 04:07:41 PM
The outcome was "High Risk Gambler" do I don't think what's the criteria to get one. Well, I only get 1 probably in the higher selection and I guess that wouldn't be considered solely to be at a high risk when most of my answer was at the minimum to never. Okay, it doesn't matter I guess.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Gozie51 on July 06, 2022, 04:28:24 PM
I've admitted to were a slight feeling of stress after gambling and sometimes returning to win back what I've lost.

Although I have not taken the survey yet but this is a sign of depression. When you gamble and lose you are suppose to walk away and not to keep fighting back, having the hope of trying your luck next time makes you better but if you insist of playing back and forth just to regain your losses you can go into depression.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: maydna on July 06, 2022, 05:09:45 PM
I take the quiz, and the result says I am Non-Problem Gambler. I guess that is right because I don't have any problem playing gambling, and I can take it easy if I lose as I don't bet as big as I can afford to lose. I realize that gambling is just entertainment. I don't have to be serious. Besides that, I always have two results at the end of the game: win or lose. So I don't need to play hard for myself or even too seriously because I want to have fun playing gambling.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: ryzaadit on July 06, 2022, 06:22:44 PM

My result from the quiz "High-Risk Gambler", damn never thought gonna get this result. To be honest, while doing gambling on win streak with a big money my bet size increases too.

Last time my crazy thing, betting 500-1000$ with win streak 25,000$ on Stake. Lukcy never get a huge debt from gambling.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: |MINER| on July 06, 2022, 07:22:37 PM
I thought I would be a Non-Problem Gambler, but here comes Moderate-Risk Gambler after answering all the questions. If surprised but I think it is never possible to analyze the whole judgment by these nine questions. But it's good it creates an different feels.  But whatever the results show me, I will always gamble as much as I can afford to loose and also never borrow for gambling

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Doell on July 06, 2022, 07:43:54 PM
I tried the quiz honestly and it turned out that I'm a low-risk gambler, though I myself think other that I'm a non-problem gambler. Although the results say low risk, but I don't want to have a problem even if it's just a little. Because it can be big in the future, so I have to try to suppress gambling again in my life.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: dunfida on July 06, 2022, 08:36:39 PM
I thought I would be a Non-Problem Gambler, but here comes Moderate-Risk Gambler after answering all the questions. If surprised but I think it is never possible to analyze the whole judgment by these nine questions. But it's good it creates an different feels.  But whatever the results show me, I will always gamble as much as I can afford to loose and also never borrow for gambling

Even me got surprised where everything almost "Never" in the selection because it was just honestly true that im not really that much having that involvement or perception towards gambling but surprisingly ive ended up

on getting that moderate-risk gambler which is somethings off but well we do know on whats the truth or deep inside which we know that gambling couldnt really affect the way we do make out bets and the behavior
that we are through it. Gambling isnt bad as long you do have that good control and discipline towards self in regards with your money and the beliefs you do have towards gambling then i dont really
see any problem on it but well people are totally entirely different to each other.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: jossiel on July 06, 2022, 09:25:32 PM
I think those questions were not enough to have a conclusion if the person is non-problematic, low risk or high. Because someone who answers the survey can choose the answers that are not for real to themselves.

It could just be a way to give the result of that person and have a validation that he's not a high risk gambler.

The questions are well constructed enough to reach a reasonable to conclusion as what level of a gambler one is provided that the questions are answered appropriately, but maybe there could be a little changes to the questions or the number of options to pick from, I'd say some of the question needed to be a Yes/No options while some needed the severity options as available there in the survey.

I ended up as Moderate-risk gambler, I know for sure that I'm never a lose chaser. I consider each bet as independent one and the chances of losing has nothing to do with previous outcomes.
I guess it's for overall surveys that someone can choose any answer that's not honest to the questionnaire.

But still, this is a good measure for those who want to look at on what type of gambler they are and if they're on the severe stage of gambling already.

It will still depend on us on how we'll accept the answer and we know the reality on what type we really are.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: robelneo on July 06, 2022, 09:43:33 PM
I'm a nonproblem gambler or a low-risk gambler and I know this before the start of the quiz, the quiz assesses your condition on a 12-month basis which is good enough for a total assessment of your motivation and mindset in gambling I believe in this quiz because it's created by professionals and commissioned by one country, we need to assess our selves from time to time to check if we are still in a safe side of gambling.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: ralle14 on July 07, 2022, 12:09:14 AM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you
I got the moderate risk gambler as I answered "sometimes" on most of the questions then answered a couple of "never" on the questions that are related to friends. Not too surprised about it since i've experienced nearly all of the scenarios mentioned by the questions but that's all in the past as i've already learned my lesson and moved on from my previous mistakes.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: alegotardo on July 07, 2022, 12:15:48 AM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

Well, I've been through two gambling situations in my life... one where I was addicted and where I'm sure my "score" on this quiz would be high, and one where I managed to re-establish myself and regain control.
I took the quiz based on my current situation and the result proves that I'm on the right track: "Non-Problem Gambler"
Thank you for sharing this study with us.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Yogee on July 07, 2022, 12:19:35 AM
I answered "don't know" to all the questions just for fun and it gave me a "Non-Problem Gambler" hehe. I'm not even sure what to make of that. Perhaps it has taken the consideration that you won't remember much if gambling is not that important to you.

The problem is the description they gave,
You likely have not experienced gambling-related problems in the last year. You’re conscious of how often you’re playing and how much you’re spending, without letting it negatively impact your daily life.

How would I be conscious if I "don't know"?

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Darker45 on July 07, 2022, 04:08:05 AM
I haven't taken the quiz as I know very well that I am far from being a high-risk gambler or even a moderate-risk gambler. I only gamble occasionally. I can easily spend an entire week or even an entire month without gambling. But when I do, I sometimes feel like I love the risk. So my bet has to be a significant amount, otherwise it wouldn't be much fun. Although it's always advised to gamble only what you can afford to lose, in reality gambling with an amount that makes you ecstatic when you win and bites a little hard when you lose adds a lot of fun in gambling.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: michellee on July 07, 2022, 08:20:03 AM
I am also a Non-Problem Gambler like many others. I am happy to see that I can handle my time gambling and know my limit so that it does not impact my real life. I also think that playing gambling does not have to use too big money as we only seek fun things in gambling games. But I also know that some people are using more money on gambling and yes, they enjoy playing gambling no matter the result. Hopefully, they do not lose so much money in gambling because that can hurt them.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: rahmad2nd on July 07, 2022, 08:45:39 AM
it's great if you are a non problem gambler, good for mental health, financial and no impact on real life. However, it is not impossible that non-problem gamblers can be influenced to become high-risk gamblers and it can even get worse to become a gambling addict if gambling activities become an active habit and do it excessively. and this can apply to anyone. as well as my experience. The change from a non-problem gambler increased over time with various factors influencing it to the point that I became a gambling addict. This quiz can be a reference to measure someone who doesn't know he has a problem or not. My experience teaches that something in excess is not good. I am currently a moderate risk gambler.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Oasisman on July 07, 2022, 08:54:19 AM
I thought the result for me is a non problem gambler, but it turns out to be a moderate risk gambler regardless of my answer to be "never" when it comes to problem in health and finances. Then, I only answered sometimes in all cases about gambling activities.
Well, It is not that accurate though and those questions are simple and direct, kinda get you to how far you are as a gamblers basically.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: TheGreatPython on July 07, 2022, 10:11:49 AM
I take the quiz and its good to know that’s I’m a moderate risk gambling which is expected since I made some mistakes in gambling before and I also have bad experiences but of course its tolerable since I don’t gamble beyond my capacity. Gambling is very risky, I wonder those who got the high risk result here what kind of activities they are doing. Hopefully, they are still in control and wont ended up as addict.
Gambling is very risky for those who believe it because that is what is known for but as soon as we try it for ourselves, the results can also be different because not all people are the same but there are some that has a strong control of their selves. I started gambling for fun and then I come to a point where I gambled for profit.

Like any other else I also went into some problems but I am glad that I overcome it. I only wonder why the results of the quiz shows that I am a high risk gambler? I think it was not accurate. A true high risk gambler are the ones who gamble out of their limits. We have many threads here about compulsive gamblers, you can read those if you want to know more about them.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Zilon on July 07, 2022, 12:44:21 PM
My result appeared moderate
On average i invest more than i gamble. I should rather be a low-risk taker. Most of my selection was never. I only gamble when i am bored, feel like trying out some new odds or have a bet fun for the week and my stakes are always low and moderate. Although i struggle with going back to gamble back what i lost the next day or days after but  i try not to let it influence me because no matter what i only fund what i have made budget of losing already

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: iv4n on July 07, 2022, 01:14:38 PM
My result appeared moderate
On average i invest more than i gamble. I should rather be a low-risk taker. Most of my selection was never. I only gamble when i am bored, feel like trying out some new odds or have a bet fun for the week and my stakes are always low and moderate. Although i struggle with going back to gamble back what i lost the next day or days after but  i try not to let it influence me because no matter what i only fund what i have made budget of losing already

Moderate as well, mostly never and few sometimes! I guess that gambling with larger amounts of money brings more excitement, of course, for some people spending $100 is a lot... each of us feels when the stakes are raised!

I tried it with "Don't know" answers to all the questions:

Non-Problem Gambler
You likely have not experienced gambling-related problems in the last year. You’re conscious of how often you’re playing and how much you’re spending, without letting it negatively impact your daily life.

"Have you bet more than you could really afford to lose?" I Don't know, maybe I am, maybe I didn't...! Ah, it's ok then, you are definitely a "Non-Problem gambler"!

Interesting quiz for "accessing yourself in gambling"!  ;)

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Boristhecat on July 10, 2022, 12:31:44 PM

My result from the quiz "High-Risk Gambler", damn never thought gonna get this result. To be honest, while doing gambling on win streak with a big money my bet size increases too.

Last time my crazy thing, betting 500-1000$ with win streak 25,000$ on Stake. Lukcy never get a huge debt from gambling.

I think this test was made by someone who has a huge prejudice towards gambling. The only chance of not falling into any risk category is to answer "never" everywhere. But this is complete nonsense, since many people treat gambling as entertainment and do not even feel any sense of excitement, for example, they simply bet on their favorite team to support it.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Ultegra134 on July 10, 2022, 01:01:05 PM
Moderate gambler too, however, I'm not quite sure how accurate these tests are. I'm considering myself a low-risk gambler due to how frequently and how much I gamble, something that the quiz doesn't take into account. The questions are pretty general in my opinion and should not be taken for granted. Obviously, if gambling is causing you problems in your daily life, either financially or mentally, you should seek help.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: |MINER| on July 14, 2022, 08:35:49 PM
I am agree that . And I am also saying that These few questions cannot determine the whole thing. But it's gives some excitement and joys. Even then  my opinion says it cannot guarantee the whole thing. And I also think gambling should take as entertainment purpose and not being addicted on it . Because I saw many people who were addicted to gamble now they are facing these problems which you have given above.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Smartprofit on July 14, 2022, 09:00:18 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

I passed this test and consistently answered all nine questions.  

It turned out that I am a moderate risk player.  The test result surprised me.  I was sure that I was a conservative low-risk player.... But the test showed a completely different result!  Perhaps I am prone to adventures and risky situations (but I do not realize this fact).  

Thank you!  This test was very helpful for me.  I learned a lot about myself.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Lanatsa on July 14, 2022, 09:49:06 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

I passed this test and consistently answered all nine questions.  

It turned out that I am a moderate risk player.  The test result surprised me.  I was sure that I was a conservative low-risk player.... But the test showed a completely different result!  Perhaps I am prone to adventures and risky situations (but I do not realize this fact).  

Thank you!  This test was very helpful for me.  I learned a lot about myself.
Yes, even myself got surprised on the result considering that im sure that im in low-risk type but ending up on moderate which does simply means that i would still need to make out some adjustments on dealing with it?

Those questions are common which could really be answered it out but on mine it was almost "never" in every question but still ending up on that outcome.
Well, this is something personal kind of choice whenever you do deal with gambling.You cant really just able to find yourself to be that accurately to be that way on just answering
questions because it would be always varying with your decisions and actions.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on July 22, 2022, 02:16:50 AM
Moderate gambler too, however, I'm not quite sure how accurate these tests are. I'm considering myself a low-risk gambler due to how frequently and how much I gamble, something that the quiz doesn't take into account. The questions are pretty general in my opinion and should not be taken for granted. Obviously, if gambling is causing you problems in your daily life, either financially or mentally, you should seek help.
I agree with your statement, I could not say what type of player I am too, although I consider myself habitual but moderate, where I manage my own risk and do not bet or spend more than what I have destined to lose, where in one of those I get to winning would be accepted with great joy, but my greatest discipline is to follow my own rules without breaking them, because just like in trading those who break their own rules will lead to failure, and the game is a very high risk factor when the conditions Mental health is not very well defined in terms of risk management, personality, and even the way one gets along with other people.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: gunhell16 on August 26, 2022, 12:40:57 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

I was entertained by the short time I took to answer the quiz, and the outcome of the result was Moderate-risk gambler, in this matter it can be said that there is at least some truth. I'm honestly amused, thanks OP by the topic you've made it.

He helped quite a bit emotionally, it was also relieving, I just don't know who else answered that quiz. For me, that's exactly what I feel. So whoever came up with this, I think they also had gambling experience before.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Marykeller on August 26, 2022, 07:36:13 PM
Before taking the gambling survey, I already know that I will fall in as a moderate-risk gambler. Was never a bit addicted to gambling. This kind of survey is to be asked of every gambler.
Permit me to share this gambling survey with all my friends that are gamblers. It's quite entertaining when answering the gambling questionnaire

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: abel1337 on August 26, 2022, 08:11:53 PM
Before taking the gambling survey, I already know that I will fall in as a moderate-risk gambler. Was never a bit addicted to gambling. This kind of survey is to be asked of every gambler.
Permit me to share this gambling survey with all my friends that are gamblers. It's quite entertaining when answering the gambling questionnaire
That good for you that you didn't fall into a high risk gambler. It's an easy survey but the hard thing to do is the acceptance of yourself and being honest on how you are answering the questions. Most of the questions is blatant and easy to tell that you will fall into a high risk gambler if you answer honestly. Most of us should answer honestly since I think the goal of this survey is to self reflect on our actions toward our gambling activity. A simple survey like this should be shared in casinos which mostly wouldn't happen since it can potentially lose their revenue. So the best thing to do is to share it to forums like these or to friends who is a gambler.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Finestream on August 26, 2022, 08:22:24 PM
Before taking the gambling survey, I already know that I will fall in as a moderate-risk gambler. Was never a bit addicted to gambling. This kind of survey is to be asked of every gambler.
Permit me to share this gambling survey with all my friends that are gamblers. It's quite entertaining when answering the gambling questionnaire
I knew it too from the start that I am a moderate risk gambler and the result of the quiz agrees on it. Although I have my lapses sometimes and tends to gamble out of my budget, but in most cases, I prefer to gamble only as much as what I can afford to lose. Anyway, this quiz is quite entertaining too even for just a very quick time, and every gambler would want to try answering it too just for fun.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Issa56 on August 26, 2022, 08:42:13 PM
I participated in the quiz and i notice that am a moderate risk gambler, actually am not the type that gamble because i want to make money from gambling, mostly i gamble just for fun, i gamble whenever am board or whenever am stressed and i want to relax, i gamble just to clear my head whenever am stressed, so gambling those not have any negative impact on me because i dont gamble because i want to win and am not addicted to gambling because i only do it once in a while. i know some people that cant do without gambling, they can do anything just to get money to gamble which is very bad.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Oilacris on August 26, 2022, 08:58:39 PM
I participated in the quiz and i notice that am a moderate risk gambler, actually am not the type that gamble because i want to make money from gambling, mostly i gamble just for fun, i gamble whenever am board or whenever am stressed and i want to relax, i gamble just to clear my head whenever am stressed, so gambling those not have any negative impact on me because i dont gamble because i want to win and am not addicted to gambling because i only do it once in a while. i know some people that cant do without gambling, they can do anything just to get money to gamble which is very bad.
Even myself do ending up on Moderate-risk which most of the things i have chosen are never or havent done that but still ending up with this kind of result which im bit surprised on this one.

Im much sure that im on that non problem gambler because i do only play for fun and never ever go beyond my limits when it comes to spending because we do know that
gambling could really mess up your finances.
Have a good control with your emotions and have that awareness towards your actions then you should really be just fine.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Wakate on August 26, 2022, 09:22:51 PM
I participated in the quiz and i notice that am a moderate risk gambler, actually am not the type that gamble because i want to make money from gambling, mostly i gamble just for fun, i gamble whenever am board or whenever am stressed and i want to relax, i gamble just to clear my head whenever am stressed, so gambling those not have any negative impact on me because i dont gamble because i want to win and am not addicted to gambling because i only do it once in a while. i know some people that cant do without gambling, they can do anything just to get money to gamble which is very bad.
Even myself do ending up on Moderate-risk which most of the things i have chosen are never or havent done that but still ending up with this kind of result which im bit surprised on this one.

Im much sure that im on that non problem gambler because i do only play for fun and never ever go beyond my limits when it comes to spending because we do know that
gambling could really mess up your finances.
Have a good control with your emotions and have that awareness towards your actions then you should really be just fine.
Gambling mere looking at it is not meant to be a serious issues since we are looking for ways to make more money to what we are doing. Those that takes Gambling really seriously are those that does not have something doing that gives them money or those that see a good fortune in gambling. We don't have to gamble for big but for less if we can be having consistent profits that can be used to solve and pay minor bills.
I checked the site and I saw many articles we can always read to help us fight addiction that might have eaten us up.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Issa56 on August 26, 2022, 09:52:39 PM
Those that takes Gambling really seriously are those that does not have something doing that gives them money or those that see a good fortune in gambling. We don't have to gamble for big but for less if we can be having consistent profits that can be used to solve and pay minor bills.

Am always suprise when I see people gambling to make serious money, have seen gambler planning to buy a car and a house whenever he win any gamble, people like that will always end up losing, because mostly they gamble with hug amount thinking they will win big one day.
Do you think those that don't have anything doing are the only once that take gambling serious? I don't think you are right, I know a man that's working and he is living comfortably but he still gamble and he always gamble with huge amount of money, I think those people that take gambling very serious are the once addicted to gambling, they can do anything just because they want to gamble, have seen it on the forum before that a man took a loan to pay his house rent and went to use it to gamble. Maybe the man was thinking he will win the gamble then make extra cash before paying the house rent, that's really bad if you are addicted to gambling you can do anything just to gamble.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: serjent05 on August 26, 2022, 10:08:20 PM
Am always suprise when I see people gambling to make serious money, have seen gambler planning to buy a car and a house whenever he win any gamble, people like that will always end up losing, because mostly they gamble with hug amount thinking they will win big one day.

You should not be surprise about the fact that people are serious in gambling to win money because it is the main purpose why the person is taking chance to win something.  If it is just for entertainment then it wouldn't be called gambling but gaming instead.

Do you think those that don't have anything doing are the only once that take gambling serious? I don't think you are right, I know a man that's working and he is living comfortably but he still gamble and he always gamble with huge amount of money, I think those people that take gambling very serious are the once addicted to gambling, they can do anything just because they want to gamble, have seen it on the forum before that a man took a loan to pay his house rent and went to use it to gamble. Maybe the man was thinking he will win the gamble then make extra cash before paying the house rent, that's really bad if you are addicted to gambling you can do anything just to gamble.

I do not think that only gambling addicts take gambling seriously.  Professional gambling who has little chance to be gambling addict take gambling seriously because gambling is their bread and butter.  while regular players are also serious when gambling because it s their monthly salary that is at stake at the gambling table.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Pierre 2 on August 26, 2022, 10:14:02 PM
Quiz told me that I am moderate-risk gambler. I always felt like I am very safe with it cause when I gamble I generally do not go all in so my losses are controlled. But I guess my desire to not lose money hides my risk. If I lose a lot of money I tend to bet with bigger amount.
I think to hit low risk gambler in this test you should be prophetic - which is nearly impossible.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Issa56 on August 26, 2022, 10:25:27 PM
while regular players are also serious when gambling because it s their monthly salary that is at stake at the gambling table.
I don't really understand you, do you mean some people gamble with their monthly salary or do you mean some people gamble to make their monthly money? Am not really sure about what you mean but I can tell you is very bad to gamble with your monthly salary and also is very bad to depend on gambling to make their monthly money. If you gamble with your monthly salary, what if you end up losing how are you going to survive the month, no matter how seriou you are you will definitely lose, because nobody is assured of win in gambling.
If you depend on gambling to earn money monthly, if you have been winning every money and their is a month that those not favor you how are you going to survive that money.
I think if you can gamble with your monthly salary or depend on gambling before you can make money, that's gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: adzino on August 27, 2022, 04:42:35 AM
Quiz told me that I am moderate-risk gambler. I always felt like I am very safe with it cause when I gamble I generally do not go all in so my losses are controlled. But I guess my desire to not lose money hides my risk. If I lose a lot of money I tend to bet with bigger amount.
I think to hit low risk gambler in this test you should be prophetic - which is nearly impossible.
This is what a "about to become" gambling addict thinks (i am not calling you a gambling addict). He thinks that he is betting safe and spending only as much as he can afford and that he isn't doing anything wrong. But eventually as he starts winning, he is going to think that he has extra money from the wins and can bet more. The same goes when he starts losing. He thinks that he can win back  all his losses (since he was able to win before) but eventually ends up losing everything. Goes around begging for money only to gamble more.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Chato1977 on August 27, 2022, 04:51:12 AM
My result: High-Risk Gambler  ;D

The nine questions were easy but I answered like when I was addicted to gambling, I am no more addicted and I know I am not risking any amount of money I can not afford to lose, which means I am not a high risk gambler.
Lol I can feel you now  ;D ;D but wondering why I resulted like High Risk gambler when I only play very limited times and money.

Nowadays I even played once a week or sometimes even longer?

who can attest that the quiz is truly serving what gambler we really is  ;D

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Mauser on August 27, 2022, 06:47:12 AM
Very short and interesting quiz you posted here, but I clearly misunderstood it.  First I thought it is about how you view yourself and the way you take risks in gambling. I would categorise myself as a high risk gambler, except for Dice and Roulette games where I am only taking 50% bets, I try to go for the low chance / high payout gambles. I think that gambling is to go for the big wins, I rather lose a few more times if I one day manage to hit the jackpot.  Making only mediocre wins is not so satisfying as having a good night where u make a few hundred bucks. But the survey seems to access rather how risky you are in terms of becoming addicted to gambling. Almost all of the nine questions are focused on if gambling is a problem in your life or if you can handle your own emotions and remain in control. So personally I think I am a high risk gambler but based on the quiz I am only a moderate risk gambler.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Botnake on August 27, 2022, 07:44:23 AM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you...
I like this, I just did my own assessment and it turns out that I am a moderate risk gambler.

Most of my answers fell under "never" and "sometimes", it is not like I have not always known that I was a moderate gambler, but I have never asked myself some of the questions that this test provided. I encourage everyone here to try it and be certain for themself the category they fall under.

Same here, I got the same result and I really do think that if we answer more on sometimes than never then I guess that would really give us the same exact result of being a moderate-risk kind of gambler. Although, I really thought I will have the result of being a non-problem gambler because I rarely gamble at all and I'd like to say that I gamble once or twice only per quarter of the year or occasionally.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Ondekinecakabilirim on August 28, 2022, 04:22:12 PM
I learned that I am a moderate risk gambler. I thought I was a high-risk gambler, but the test said I wasn't. Maybe now I can be happy. :D

I gamble for fun. Actually, I'm not addicted to gambling. When we gamble, our bodies release adrenaline and endorphins. I'm gambling for this. I bet on football matches because I think they are predictable. But I can bet on anything. What matters to me is the excitement that what I'm betting will give me. If there was anything else that could give me the same excitement, I would have used it as well.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: dothebeats on August 28, 2022, 04:56:22 PM
I learned that I am a moderate risk gambler. I thought I was a high-risk gambler, but the test said I wasn't. Maybe now I can be happy. :D

I gamble for fun. Actually, I'm not addicted to gambling. When we gamble, our bodies release adrenaline and endorphins. I'm gambling for this. I bet on football matches because I think they are predictable. But I can bet on anything. What matters to me is the excitement that what I'm betting will give me. If there was anything else that could give me the same excitement, I would have used it as well.

So long as you're not trying to use money that you don't have just to scratch the gambling itch, I think you're fine and can be considered a moderate gambler. Even I gamble for fun, and rarely evee think of hitting the jackpot. But of course, I still try to bet sensibly by checking the odds on games I'm interested on, and base my decisions from there and the latest news they might have on the teams. I'd be lying if I never desired to win. Of course I did, but a lot of times my excitement and my interest in the game overshadows my desire of winning the bet I placed.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Jemzx00 on August 28, 2022, 05:03:56 PM
I learned that I am a moderate risk gambler. I thought I was a high-risk gambler, but the test said I wasn't. Maybe now I can be happy. :D

I gamble for fun. Actually, I'm not addicted to gambling. When we gamble, our bodies release adrenaline and endorphins. I'm gambling for this. I bet on football matches because I think they are predictable. But I can bet on anything. What matters to me is the excitement that what I'm betting will give me. If there was anything else that could give me the same excitement, I would have used it as well.
The same goes for me, I've taken the test and most of my answers are either sometimes or never and the result turned out to be a moderate risk gambler.

I mostly gamble for fun as well and I sometimes gamble too much to try and see if I'll be able to recover the funds I've lost. However, I never tried to bet funds that I don't own especially loaning just to gamble to avoid further loss if anything happens.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Kakmakr on August 28, 2022, 06:58:54 PM
It says I am a "Low-Risk Gambler" .... and I agree with it, because I can stop whenever I want to and I do not have a constant urge to gamble. I see gambling as something like entertainment, even if it can be a bit stressful at times.

The Quiz will ask some hard questions ... that some people will lie about... so the outcome might not be the correct result, if people are not honest with the answering of the questions.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Viscore on August 28, 2022, 09:36:10 PM
I participated in the quiz and i notice that am a moderate risk gambler, actually am not the type that gamble because i want to make money from gambling, mostly i gamble just for fun, i gamble whenever am board or whenever am stressed and i want to relax, i gamble just to clear my head whenever am stressed, so gambling those not have any negative impact on me because i dont gamble because i want to win and am not addicted to gambling because i only do it once in a while. i know some people that cant do without gambling, they can do anything just to get money to gamble which is very bad.
Even myself i also ended up in a moderate risk gambler, and I really think I am since i’m not into gambling obsession and I never gamble to earn a living. Gambling just made me entertained especially when I’m with my circle of friends, and I only gamble out of my extra money so that if I lose, it won’t affect my finances as it won’t be a big deal at all.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: AicecreaME on August 30, 2022, 02:20:20 AM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

Mine's result is low-risk gambler which I believe is true.

I seldom gamble and when I do, I make sure that I only gamble what I can afford to lose so that it won't bother me and it won't be a pain in my pocket or account. I don't really like to gamble beyond my capacity so I make sure to assess the situation first before gambling and making a risk so I won't regret later on. Because overthinking and regretting due to lost money is really bothering. Personally, it affects my mental state and influence how I behave whenever I gamble.

Every time I take my chances with betting such as risking to profit over something in general, it makes me nervous most especially if I'm uncertain of the outcome. I have my fair shares of mistake in gambling and I certainly wouldn't fall into the same mistake in the future because I already learned my lesson. Hence, the answer I chose in the self-assessment was more of never and a little of sometimes.

I'm sure a lot of people are opposite of me because of course, being a high-risk gambler could also mean higher rewards if ever you will win. Perhaps I'm just really more on calculated side rather impulsive because I once lost a huge amount thinking it would profit and be a good source of income, turns out it isn't worth it. Although I'm aware that it is my fault for not thinking long-term.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: xSkylarx on August 30, 2022, 03:27:23 AM
Took the quiz and I'm surprised that I got high-risk gambler even though I just gamble once or twice a month. Though I admit that I get greedy sometimes when my adrenaline is high telling me to play more ending of losing all my capital.

I don't know if the test is really accurate that I need to consult someone about my gambling habit because of the result because for me I don't consider myself that addicted yet that I gamble way more than I can afford to lose and only do it when I have spare amount of money.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Jawhead999 on August 30, 2022, 11:10:50 AM
Took the quiz and I'm surprised that I got high-risk gambler even though I just gamble once or twice a month. Though I admit that I get greedy sometimes when my adrenaline is high telling me to play more ending of losing all my capital.

I don't know if the test is really accurate that I need to consult someone about my gambling habit because of the result because for me I don't consider myself that addicted yet that I gamble way more than I can afford to lose and only do it when I have spare amount of money.
Gamble once or twice in a month is really safe, someone even can gamble everyday and didn't get addicted, so I'd say the quiz isn't accurate. I took the quiz and fill it the safest answer (not the safest) but the result is moderate-risk gambler, I don't think it's correct, it should be on low-risk gambler. The reason is I never broke after gamble and only using money that I can afford to lose.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Findingnemo on August 30, 2022, 12:18:58 PM
Took the quiz and I'm surprised that I got high-risk gambler even though I just gamble once or twice a month. Though I admit that I get greedy sometimes when my adrenaline is high telling me to play more ending of losing all my capital.

I don't know if the test is really accurate that I need to consult someone about my gambling habit because of the result because for me I don't consider myself that addicted yet that I gamble way more than I can afford to lose and only do it when I have spare amount of money.
If you are in control of your financial management then you don't have to take some random survey too seriously and try to find the solution. The result shows that you take high risks while gambling it doesn't mean it can harm you unless you lose your control of your betting and financial stability.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Pierre 2 on August 30, 2022, 12:23:23 PM
Quiz told me that I am moderate-risk gambler. I always felt like I am very safe with it cause when I gamble I generally do not go all in so my losses are controlled. But I guess my desire to not lose money hides my risk. If I lose a lot of money I tend to bet with bigger amount.
I think to hit low risk gambler in this test you should be prophetic - which is nearly impossible.
This is what a "about to become" gambling addict thinks (i am not calling you a gambling addict). He thinks that he is betting safe and spending only as much as he can afford and that he isn't doing anything wrong. But eventually as he starts winning, he is going to think that he has extra money from the wins and can bet more. The same goes when he starts losing. He thinks that he can win back  all his losses (since he was able to win before) but eventually ends up losing everything. Goes around begging for money only to gamble more.
I exactly have first mentality I really cannot deny. When I first started gambling with tiny bit of sports betting, anytime I won, I put in %90 of money I made through wins. In long run I kept losing and losing and it became pretty big net negative. I feel like I am bit safer with your second argument as I could stop somewhere, somehow for months and return later. But I think moderate-risk test result may be on point.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on August 30, 2022, 12:53:33 PM
It had been quite a while since I gambled with real money, because I am always weary of the tension between friends when money gets involved, let alone with someone I barely know. Recently, a friend introduced me to betting online again, and though I might say am tempted to delve back in.
  I was still an undergraduate then when I tried betting, the kind that prints out slips; for the first time, and noticed how I felt anxious and uneasy because I was awaiting the outcome of my bet. I couldn't sleep that day. Betting with exchangeable items or any other valuables or better still with prank dares comes with a kinda flow that makes it fun, but I wonder if we can call it gambling because money of cash is not involved.
I turned out a moderate-risk gambler after the quiz. I guess I understand better.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: ChiBitCTy on August 30, 2022, 02:08:37 PM
I feel under the modern risk gambler which is pretty much where I would have thought I’d find myself. I’ve always been able to control my gambling habits, and only bet the amount that I feel comfortable losing and I’ve never felt personal pressure to bet more than that. I guess I consider myself lucky for it.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: traderethereum on August 30, 2022, 03:24:38 PM
Becoming a Non-Problem Gambler isn't really that hard but what's hard is avoiding the temptation to spend more money.
Many people often face this and most of them fail to avoid it.
Maybe the casinos' promotions can make them come back more often than they planned, making them fall into gambling even more.
Maybe at first, they will not be tempted but the longer they play gambling and in a certain time, the temptation will get bigger and make them forget what they have to do so they just want to deposit money and continue to gamble.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: RealMalatesta on August 30, 2022, 06:10:31 PM
Took the quiz and I'm surprised that I got high-risk gambler even though I just gamble once or twice a month. Though I admit that I get greedy sometimes when my adrenaline is high telling me to play more ending of losing all my capital.

I don't know if the test is really accurate that I need to consult someone about my gambling habit because of the result because for me I don't consider myself that addicted yet that I gamble way more than I can afford to lose and only do it when I have spare amount of money.
Don't worry because some users above do also got an incorrect result. I think the quiz is highly sensitive and most of the questions being asked there will tag you as high risk gambler if you answer it as a yes. I don't know if every quiz/testing website is like that but it's better to depend on the real specialist about this matter if you are serious of knowing your status because they can do some physical testing, not just mental like taking a quiz.

I think all of us have gone to a point where we get aggressive or greedy in gambling but we overcame it all by ourselves and now we are only gambling for fun or playing to test our luck and see if we can win something.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: YOSHIE on August 30, 2022, 06:44:15 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.
I know that gambling is high risk, of course it is known by many gambling addicts, whose name addiction cannot be forgotten, sometimes many do not care about the important risk of betting and chasing dreams that have never been dreamed of.

However, I prefer to gamble choosing sites or bets that are not problematic, if I can avoid problems I will avoid them, although sometimes it can't be avoided, but I prefer to be without problems.

Regarding quizzes in gambling assessments, I will try to follow after I understand the questions asked, because some questions I have never done, for example, big bets and beyond my ability.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Oilacris on August 30, 2022, 09:14:44 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.
I know that gambling is high risk, of course it is known by many gambling addicts, whose name addiction cannot be forgotten, sometimes many do not care about the important risk of betting and chasing dreams that have never been dreamed of.

However, I prefer to gamble choosing sites or bets that are not problematic, if I can avoid problems I will avoid them, although sometimes it can't be avoided, but I prefer to be without problems.

Regarding quizzes in gambling assessments, I will try to follow after I understand the questions asked, because some questions I have never done, for example, big bets and beyond my ability.
There are indeed questions which you havent done ever since on your gambling activity which you would be normally answering it out with "never" or no.
Doesnt matter on what you do as long you do see yourself not be affected when it comes to finances then you should really be fine.People do experience
problems whenever they do really go past into limits.

Addiction is a tough problem to get rid off and this is why you should really mind off about that risk on getting it via having good control
of yourself towards it.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Slow death on August 30, 2022, 09:23:42 PM
in my case I don't put a lot of money in the game, I make a small deposit and fight to be able to make a profit and with that I make the capital grow, when I lose all my deposit I stop for a while and then I deposit the same amount again, always I deposit the same amount because it is an amount that I know I can afford to lose, sometimes it wins and I withdraw, but as we can all see the game is something that in the long run only casinos come out winners, so we have to look at games as fun. once someone from the real world asked me to tell him about sports betting, I explained everything to him but to my amazement the guy went to bet everything he had and lost, he only told me after he had made a bet, I was saddened by that news When he told me, for a moment I felt guilty and that's why I don't tell anyone about gambling

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: freedomgo on August 31, 2022, 04:13:10 PM
Took the quiz and I'm surprised that I got high-risk gambler even though I just gamble once or twice a month. Though I admit that I get greedy sometimes when my adrenaline is high telling me to play more ending of losing all my capital.

I don't know if the test is really accurate that I need to consult someone about my gambling habit because of the result because for me I don't consider myself that addicted yet that I gamble way more than I can afford to lose and only do it when I have spare amount of money.
Don't worry because some users above do also got an incorrect result. I think the quiz is highly sensitive and most of the questions being asked there will tag you as high risk gambler if you answer it as a yes. I don't know if every quiz/testing website is like that but it's better to depend on the real specialist about this matter if you are serious of knowing your status because they can do some physical testing, not just mental like taking a quiz.

I think all of us have gone to a point where we get aggressive or greedy in gambling but we overcame it all by ourselves and now we are only gambling for fun or playing to test our luck and see if we can win something.

The quiz wasn't really a real assessment to reveal our true situations towards gambling, and the results aren't that really accurate so it doesn't really matter if you fell under high-risk type of gambler or non-problematic type of gambler. The true assessment starts with ourselves and then what our close relatives/family/friends thinks about our situation.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: Cling18 on August 31, 2022, 05:20:48 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

I took the quiz and I wasn't surprised with the result. I'm a low-risk gambler and I always think before I bet especially if I'm risking my hard-earned money. I always value what I worked for so I gamble responsively. It's fine to enjoy gambling especially if we seek entertainment but we shouldn't allow it to ruin our lives. Gambling isn't hardful but our decisions are.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: goldkingcoiner on August 31, 2022, 05:53:04 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

Well well well, here I thought I was a low risk gambler but it turns out I am not quite that careful with my money and my gambling habits. ::)

High risk gambler is now an attribute which that little quiz has given me.

Although I somewhat doubt the accuracy of that test, as it seems a bit too simple for any realistic assessment (it seems like more of a Facebook personality quiz, to be completely honest), it did make me reflect on my gambling strategy a bit harder. So thanks for that.

Title: Re: Take This 2 Minutes Nine Step Quiz To Access Yourself In Gambling
Post by: freedomgo on September 01, 2022, 05:47:22 PM
Have you assessed yourself on what kind of gamblers are you, this quiz which is a 2-minute nine-step quiz that will assess you on what kind of gamblers are you after you take the risk to be sure to answer the poll so the community will know how many of us here are Non-Problem Gambler, Moderate-Risk Gambler or High-Risk Gambler.

This self-assessment is based on the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Self Assessment Quiz  (

Well well well, here I thought I was a low risk gambler but it turns out I am not quite that careful with my money and my gambling habits. ::)

High risk gambler is now an attribute which that little quiz has given me.

Although I somewhat doubt the accuracy of that test, as it seems a bit too simple for any realistic assessment (it seems like more of a Facebook personality quiz, to be completely honest), it did make me reflect on my gambling strategy a bit harder. So thanks for that.

I feel you mate ;D this quiz also makes me anxious enough because I am also classified as a high-risk gambler like you, though this type of quiz doesn't really assess the real situation we are in towards our gambling activities but I can't take it off my mind because of the result I received and made me realize something to ease my activities.