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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Majestic-milf on July 16, 2022, 12:49:38 PM

Title: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Majestic-milf on July 16, 2022, 12:49:38 PM
The case of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK have continued to skyrocket and according to the Office for National Statistics, figures show that around 3.5m people in the UK had come down with the deadly virus in the weekend of July 6th as against it's 800,000 recorded from the week before. (

  The above chart throws more light on the weekly registered deaths, estimated amount of people with the infection, weekly total admissions to the hospital and the total first set of vaccine doses administered. (

upload pic ( ( (
 The above charts give us an insight to the statics the ONS where able to conduct and vaccines have been issued out in doses. With them still battling inflation, and now with the newly discovered and fast spreading Omicron in circulation, what are the measures put in place to fight this? Your thoughts, please.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Dunamisx on July 16, 2022, 03:11:53 PM
We need to understand the conditions attached to the rise of the covid cases in the UK, firstly according to the research being made by the government and it disease management agencies, it was believed that covid 19 is prone to areas that are subscetible to cold in which UK is one, the rate of how it spread is fast and the other reason being that it was observed to be a disease common and liable to operate attack on the over ages ones, the adults parents with weaker immune system have the major conscequence of the covid attacks.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on July 16, 2022, 10:20:16 PM
We need to understand the conditions attached to the rise of the covid cases in the UK, firstly according to the research being made by the government and it disease management agencies, it was believed that covid 19 is prone to areas that are subscetible to cold in which UK is one, the rate of how it spread is fast and the other reason being that it was observed to be a disease common and liable to operate attack on the over ages ones, the adults parents with weaker immune system have the major conscequence of the covid attacks.

The goofy thing about this is that all kinds of diseases are easy to catch in colder climates. Covid is simply another flu/pneumonia/cold/etc., that the media talked a bunch of people into believing was different this time.


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Ultegra134 on July 17, 2022, 11:02:10 AM
Covid-19 cases are also increasing in Greece, which is worrying because supposedly transmission is somewhat reduced in the summer, due to being outdoors and the increased temperature. However, hospitalizations and severe cases have severely decreased, firstly because of the high vaccination rate and also because of the multiple virus mutations which are slowly turning Covid-19 into a flu.

I'm more worried about the upcoming winter, there's already a surge in cases now, we're bound to see another increase in the winter. Resorting to lockdowns will halt the economy, thus, I don't see it as a viable measure, but chances are that it'll be with measures against Covid-19 once again.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on July 17, 2022, 09:35:16 PM
Shocking! But Del Bigtree and his team figured out a whole bunch of these statistics a long time ago - The High Wire ( and

Whilst you were distracted by Boris resigning... (

A report quietly published by the UK Government, just hours before Boris Johnson announced he was resigning as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, reveals the Covid-19 injections are proving to have negative effectiveness against death among children in England.

With the most recent figures showing triple vaccinated children aged 10 to 14 are a shocking 13,633.33% / 137.3x more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated children.



Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Zlantann on July 18, 2022, 03:19:33 AM
The goofy thing about this is that all kinds of diseases are easy to catch in colder climates. Covid is simply another flu/pneumonia/cold/etc., that the media talked a bunch of people into believing was different this time.

Like I would also state each time the issue of Covid-19 is raised; I have never met or seen a Covid patient but I have heard of quarantine centers, sick people and death. Maybe it might be because Covid-19 has the same symptoms with malaria and typhoid fever that is why it is still unknown to me. Last year I had almost the same symptoms of Covid and it gradually subsided after I took malaria drugs. I am not insinuating that the disease is not real, I am just saying that I have not gotten a first hand information. Cold weather is the best time for pathogens to strive hence, it is expected that infection rate would increase.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Newlifebtc on July 18, 2022, 06:00:54 AM
I thought that covid19 have not working again and people is now covid19 free but don't know that some area is suffering for covid19 problem, but many countries is no longer into the challenges of covid19 i don't know why some parts of the country is still having such challenges, is coronavirus vaccine not there

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on July 18, 2022, 11:06:14 PM
The Covid scare is back in the US. The Dem-backed media is pushing it again to botch up the midterm elections. Take a look at their plan.

WAYNE ROOT: The Democrat Plan to Steal Midterms. Say Goodbye to Biden & Hello to “King Kong Monkey Covid.” (

Do you think the GOP will win a landslide victory in the November midterms? Do you think it will be a cakewalk? Boy are you naďve.

I've been warning about what's coming for many months on my nationally-syndicated radio show "Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered" on USA Radio Network. It's all starting to happen just as my crystal ball predicted.

First, I've been warning nonstop that Democrats are planning to steal the 2022 midterms, just like they stole the 2020 presidential election. More on that in a moment.

Second, I've been warning that Democrats (and their PR wing in the mainstream media) are planning to bring back Covid hysteria again. Just in time to steal the 2022 midterm election. This is the perfect timing to demand universal mail-in ballots, with no Voter ID or signature match to steal the midterms.

Third, I've been warning that Democrats would find a way to force Joe Biden out of office and then blame this whole economic disaster on him- thereby deflecting blame from the Democrat Congress.

Don't look now, but it's all starting to happen. The signs are all there.

First, Covid. It's back- just as I've predicted for many months. Just read the tea leaves. The WHO just recommended indoor masks for everyone. New York has mandated indoor masks again. Los Angeles is mandating indoor masks starting in two weeks. Both cities claim to be inundated with Covid cases.



Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Cnut237 on July 20, 2022, 04:01:40 PM

3.5 million people currently infected, 93% of people have had at least one dose of vaccine, latest deaths per week is 412. This tells quite a powerful story.

High cases is a consequence of the removal of all requirements for self-isolation and social distancing, and the guidance that even if you test positive, you should still go in to work or school if you feel able.
This guidance may or may not be considered somewhat controversial, and whilst it is partly a consequence of the latest variant being less deadly than earlier variants, it's also a direct consequence of the high levels of protection conferred by what has been a hugely successful vaccination programme.

If you're interested in the data for the UK, this is a great source that has everything you need:

Hello to “King Kong Monkey Covid.”

King Kong is an ape, not a monkey. He is also, like the disease with which you're trying to smear him*, fictional.

* How would you even do it? Attach a giant turkey baster to a old-style biplane and circle the Empire State Building until he shows up?

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on July 20, 2022, 05:24:45 PM
Everyday we are finding that it is the vaxxed people who are getting Covid, while the unvaxxed people have almost permanent immunity. The medical is simply extending their medical job for themselves with the vaxx, so they have something to do for a living in the future.


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Cnut237 on July 21, 2022, 07:45:46 AM
With the most recent figures showing triple vaccinated children aged 10 to 14 are a shocking 13,633.33% / 137.3x more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated children.

Do you want me to explain to you why this claim is misleading, or are you able to work it out for yourself?

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: whatspopping on July 21, 2022, 03:01:21 PM
Covid-19 cases are also increasing in Greece, which is worrying because supposedly transmission is somewhat reduced in the summer, due to being outdoors and the increased temperature. However, hospitalizations and severe cases have severely decreased, firstly because of the high vaccination rate and also because of the multiple virus mutations which are slowly turning Covid-19 into a flu.

I'm more worried about the upcoming winter, there's already a surge in cases now, we're bound to see another increase in the winter. Resorting to lockdowns will halt the economy, thus, I don't see it as a viable measure, but chances are that it'll be with measures against Covid-19 once again.

I'm with you on this one, I think the winter won't bring anything good and we're on our way back to all kinds of restrictions. Actually, I expect these things to start happening in autumn already and progress from bad to worse in winter.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Gyfts on July 21, 2022, 03:29:55 PM
Joe Biden tests positive for COVID-19:

He should be perfectly fine. Obese Trump tested positive with the more deadly delta variant, prior to vaccination, and turned out okay. I'm sure triple vaccinated Biden will do just fine with omicron (or whatever variants are floating around).

That means the world gets to enjoy President Harris for the time being while Biden is MIA.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: dataispower on July 21, 2022, 06:16:17 PM
We need to understand the conditions attached to the rise of the covid cases in the UK, firstly according to the research being made by the government and it disease management agencies, it was believed that covid 19 is prone to areas that are subscetible to cold in which UK is one, the rate of how it spread is fast and the other reason being that it was observed to be a disease common and liable to operate attack on the over ages ones, the adults parents with weaker immune system have the major conscequence of the covid attacks.
I want to know if covid19 is still active as we think or it this the effects of the formal covid19 that happened in 2020 and 2019 that we are still discussing, because i believe cryptocurrency covid19 has been struck out of any country, i don't understand why people is still giving analysis of covid19, i think if theirs is any place covid19 is still disturbing it should be open so that people will restrict their way of movement into those places. Because no News that is carrying the information of coronavirus any longer

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: LTU_btc on July 21, 2022, 10:46:51 PM
I don't think that it's still worth to pay much attention to Covid. In my country numbers of cases is also incresing significantly, despite that people barely get tested after all restrictions were lifted and now they don't even have to isolate themselves with Covid. But number of deaths is close to 0. So, were is the probelm? I think it's obvious that number of cases in autumn and winter is going to be much bigger. But I thought it's already accepted to consider covid as common flu or cold and things like lockdowns and restrictions like covid passports shouldn't even be considered.
Biden got Covid. How many times he is vaccinated? 4 if I'm not mistaken. Both vaccinated and not vaccinated people getting covid in big numbers, but most of them have light form of disease, not matter of vacciantion status.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: bakasabo on July 22, 2022, 06:44:48 AM
But I think it is worth paying attention to COVID, until there is a real vaccine that helps. As the virus is mutating all the time, who knows what will be the numbers and consequences in late autumn and winter, the time when the virus is most active. I dont feel comfortable living with virus that already killed a lot of people and we still dont know fully how to control and stop its spread.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: TheNineClub on July 22, 2022, 11:58:20 AM
I think it will still be some sort of measure, or measures implemented, however, it will be far less than in previous years. It makes sense. As the vaccines were implemented, and the numbers dropped, people wanted to take a riskier approach to see if works and not sacrifice anymore. So the measures in the future will be implementing fewer measures if we don't see any significant outbreaks. ANd of course a continuation of vaccination.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on July 22, 2022, 06:36:48 PM
The point is that the numbers were never rising in the first place. Check the statistics from 2020. Even the CDC said that 94% of those who died from Covid really died from comorbidities. This means that they were already almost dead from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc., already before Covid hit them, and nobody knows for sure what they died from.

The 6% that died from Covid without comorbidities, is far less than any annual Cancer deaths... far less than any annual heart disease deaths... far less than any annual diabetes deaths... and even less than any annual car accident deaths.

Then, when there were too few comorbidity deaths to count (because all the deathly sick, comorbidity people had already died), then the vaccines came. People started to die from something after they got the jabs. It looked like Covid. Maybe it even was Covid. But it affected regular, healthy folks after the vaccines came, not before.

Was it caused by the vaccines? Loads of doctors say it was and still is. So does the timing.

The medical turned an almost nothing-disease into a pandemic with lies, the media broadcasting the lies, and then the vaccines took over to make it real.


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Ultegra134 on July 22, 2022, 07:32:39 PM
Covid-19 cases are also increasing in Greece, which is worrying because supposedly transmission is somewhat reduced in the summer, due to being outdoors and the increased temperature. However, hospitalizations and severe cases have severely decreased, firstly because of the high vaccination rate and also because of the multiple virus mutations which are slowly turning Covid-19 into a flu.

I'm more worried about the upcoming winter, there's already a surge in cases now, we're bound to see another increase in the winter. Resorting to lockdowns will halt the economy, thus, I don't see it as a viable measure, but chances are that it'll be with measures against Covid-19 once again.

I'm with you on this one, I think the winter won't bring anything good and we're on our way back to all kinds of restrictions. Actually, I expect these things to start happening in autumn already and progress from bad to worse in winter.
Yeah, just wait till September, I highly doubt that we'll have another lockdown but restrictions will be placed for sure. I'm at least hoping that we won't have that many serious hospitalisations, due to high vaccination rate and multiple mutations SARS-CoV-2 has gone through.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: bakasabo on July 25, 2022, 09:23:49 AM
Yeah, just wait till September, I highly doubt that we'll have another lockdown but restrictions will be placed for sure. I'm at least hoping that we won't have that many serious hospitalisations, due to high vaccination rate and multiple mutations SARS-CoV-2 has gone through.

Previous year and this year first quarter case and death numbers in our country showed that vaccinated people were dominating with 3:1 ratio. Lots of people I know have vaccine and booster, but still managed to catch covid and their recovery period were not like "sitting relax at home for 10 days". Like you have said, covid is mutating all the time. I expect new virus strains, new boosters, masks, certificates, everything all over again.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on July 25, 2022, 04:20:13 PM
Yeah, just wait till September, I highly doubt that we'll have another lockdown but restrictions will be placed for sure. I'm at least hoping that we won't have that many serious hospitalisations, due to high vaccination rate and multiple mutations SARS-CoV-2 has gone through.

Previous year and this year first quarter case and death numbers in our country showed that vaccinated people were dominating with 3:1 ratio. Lots of people I know have vaccine and booster, but still managed to catch covid and their recovery period were not like "sitting relax at home for 10 days". Like you have said, covid is mutating all the time. I expect new virus strains, new boosters, masks, certificates, everything all over again.

The major personal point in this for each one of us is this. Stop listening to the media and the doctor for a moment. Just for a moment toss out everything you have heard about all of Covid and the pandemic and the mutating viruses. If you do this, what do you see? Sick people here and there.

If you have - JUST FOR A MOMENT - tossed out all the explanations, what you see around you isn't any worse than any other plague in all of history. And it might not even be a plague at all, if you aren't listening to the media, if you take a look, yourself at the sick and how many of them there are.

In 100% of this plague/pandemic, you have to trust what the doctors are saying, and they trust what the higher doctors and the researchers are saying. Even average doctors don't know from first hand experience. They simply trust.

Let's get the proof, that we can understand, where somebody can actually show us how they know what they know. So far this proof isn't there. It's all talk, and they want us to trust them.

Do you trust me? Give me all your money, and I will take care of it for you. That's what the dead people who died from Covid did. They gave their funds for the doctors, and then they died.


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on July 26, 2022, 07:21:50 AM

Senate committee on health and human services

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: bakasabo on July 26, 2022, 10:20:34 AM
Yeah, just wait till September, I highly doubt that we'll have another lockdown but restrictions will be placed for sure. I'm at least hoping that we won't have that many serious hospitalisations, due to high vaccination rate and multiple mutations SARS-CoV-2 has gone through.

Previous year and this year first quarter case and death numbers in our country showed that vaccinated people were dominating with 3:1 ratio. Lots of people I know have vaccine and booster, but still managed to catch covid and their recovery period were not like "sitting relax at home for 10 days". Like you have said, covid is mutating all the time. I expect new virus strains, new boosters, masks, certificates, everything all over again.

The major personal point in this for each one of us is this. Stop listening to the media and the doctor for a moment. Just for a moment toss out everything you have heard about all of Covid and the pandemic and the mutating viruses. If you do this, what do you see? Sick people here and there.

If you have - JUST FOR A MOMENT - tossed out all the explanations, what you see around you isn't any worse than any other plague in all of history. And it might not even be a plague at all, if you aren't listening to the media, if you take a look, yourself at the sick and how many of them there are.

In 100% of this plague/pandemic, you have to trust what the doctors are saying, and they trust what the higher doctors and the researchers are saying. Even average doctors don't know from first hand experience. They simply trust.

Let's get the proof, that we can understand, where somebody can actually show us how they know what they know. So far this proof isn't there. It's all talk, and they want us to trust them.

Do you trust me? Give me all your money, and I will take care of it for you. That's what the dead people who died from Covid did. They gave their funds for the doctors, and then they died.


So what are you trying to say? Covid is fake? We are all not endangered? I could have free walked with without the mask everywhere in 2020-2021 ? Then why in the end I have managed to catch covid, felt destroyed or empty for 4 days, had most of symptoms. Even though I had 2 vaccine shots (made to be able to travel) and booster. I cant say that I am unhealthy with bad immune system, but still managed to catch it after vaccines.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: jaminunit on July 26, 2022, 10:28:13 AM
Because the covid vaxes were a bigger scam than onecoin and bitcconect combined! It's aggravating that people don't take governments and the four profiteering pharma companies to task.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on July 26, 2022, 03:35:55 PM

The major personal point in this for each one of us is this. Stop listening to the media and the doctor for a moment. Just for a moment toss out everything you have heard about all of Covid and the pandemic and the mutating viruses. If you do this, what do you see? Sick people here and there.

If you have - JUST FOR A MOMENT - tossed out all the explanations, what you see around you isn't any worse than any other plague in all of history. And it might not even be a plague at all, if you aren't listening to the media, if you take a look, yourself at the sick and how many of them there are.

In 100% of this plague/pandemic, you have to trust what the doctors are saying, and they trust what the higher doctors and the researchers are saying. Even average doctors don't know from first hand experience. They simply trust.

Let's get the proof, that we can understand, where somebody can actually show us how they know what they know. So far this proof isn't there. It's all talk, and they want us to trust them.

Do you trust me? Give me all your money, and I will take care of it for you. That's what the dead people who died from Covid did. They gave their funds for the doctors, and then they died.


So what are you trying to say? Covid is fake? We are all not endangered? I could have free walked with without the mask everywhere in 2020-2021 ? Then why in the end I have managed to catch covid, felt destroyed or empty for 4 days, had most of symptoms. Even though I had 2 vaccine shots (made to be able to travel) and booster. I cant say that I am unhealthy with bad immune system, but still managed to catch it after vaccines.

I'm not saying Covid is fake. What I am saying is that Covid isn't a virus, and it isn't always the same thing. Some of the things that Covid is, are:
- media fake lies about what Covid is;
- wording that says that Covid is a virus when it really isn't;
- a combination of the simple cold, the flu, pneumonia, and others;
- toxins and poisons from the Covid vaccine and all other vaccines;
- toxins and poisons from other medications;
- toxins and poisons from the processed food we eat, when the medical working through the government directs processed foods to contain those toxins and poisons... which includes multitudes of processed foods;
- toxins and poisons from sprays that farmers spray crops with;
- toxins and poisons in chemtrails that government is allowing ??? to spray in the atmosphere;
- junk food that people eat, often from fast-food places;
- additional toxins and poisons from a large variety of sources, too large to list or name.

But mostly Covid is simply the declaration that doctors and the medical make, claiming that something is Covid.

    Back in the middle of 2020, four buddies decided to go to the bar and have a night of drinking. All of these guys had been tested for Covid, and only the driver was positive for Covid. The other 3 were negative. They had a good time at the bar, and by the time they left, all four of them were kinda 'plotched'. On the way home, the driver lost control of the car, ran off the road, hit a tree, and killed all 4 of them. The medical called it 4 Covid deaths since the driver had tested positive for Covid.

This kind of thing has been done all over the place. It's lies. The medical is playing us based on our trust of them. And rather than getting proof for Covid as a virus, you simply want to play the game with the crooked medical.

Are you a doctor? Does one of your family members work in a medical field? Do you or your family sell medical machines to hospitals? Are you or your family part of the approximately 30% of the people in developed nations that work in a field tied to the medical somehow? No wonder you don't want proof. You or your family are making money through the fake Covid.

Or is it that you can't think deeply enough to figure out what proof is?


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Frankolala on July 26, 2022, 04:47:40 PM
Covid-19 is a dreadful disease which have brought fear to the world because it is a treat to human race.
  In the U.K I guess the cold weather is also contributing to the spread of the virus,if u observe people get sick more in cold weather that in summer, this was the advantage Africa countries had when the pandemic got there.
    Covid-19 have similar symptoms with malaria but are caused by different agent. I don't think there is malaria in UK,this makes the citizens unaware of malaria symptoms.The vaccine is to prevent and keep the body safe from attack of thethe virus.

   The increase of Covid-19 cases might be that people are no longer practising the prevention measures thinking the vaccine will prevent the transmission of the virus. The pandemic have come to stay so we should personally know how to prevent ourselves from it.

   It is sad that the number of new cases and death rate are increasing daily

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on July 26, 2022, 07:00:23 PM
Covid-19 is a dreadful disease which have brought fear to the world because it is a treat to human race.
  In the U.K I guess the cold weather is also contributing to the spread of the virus,if u observe people get sick more in cold weather that in summer, this was the advantage Africa countries had when the pandemic got there.
    Covid-19 have similar symptoms with malaria but are caused by different agent. I don't think there is malaria in UK,this makes the citizens unaware of malaria symptoms.The vaccine is to prevent and keep the body safe from attack of thethe virus.

   The increase of Covid-19 cases might be that people are no longer practising the prevention measures thinking the vaccine will prevent the transmission of the virus. The pandemic have come to stay so we should personally know how to prevent ourselves from it.

   It is sad that the number of new cases and death rate are increasing daily

Covid has never been proven to be a virus. Even franky1 can't find the proof.

Covid is a bunch of things:
- fake pandemic for no reason except to make money;
- the common flu redefined by the medical;
- a bunch of lying media hype;
- governments trying to take control of the people;
- people's fear and panic;
- lots more.

Or, can you find the proof where the Covid virus has been isolated, even once?

Wanna believe the medical? Go ahead. Their hospitals are where loads of people are dying from all kinds of things, including this fake Covid. Jump right in.


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Stella Mese on July 27, 2022, 04:57:40 AM
covid 19 has not disappeared from this world, in this world there are still many victims of covid 19, and the victims are not only physical humans, the impact of covid 19, the world economy has become weak, in my opinion we must maintain health and must vaccinate. and don't forget we have to pray to God, hopefully covid 19 will quickly disappear from this world.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: bakasabo on July 27, 2022, 07:05:07 AM
Are you a doctor? Does one of your family members work in a medical field? Do you or your family sell medical machines to hospitals? Are you or your family part of the approximately 30% of the people in developed nations that work in a field tied to the medical somehow? No wonder you don't want proof. You or your family are making money through the fake Covid.
Wanna believe the medical? Go ahead. Their hospitals are where loads of people are dying from all kinds of things, including this fake Covid. Jump right in.

Why are you so crazy about medicine, medical stuff, doctors and etc ? I am not a doctor. I dont want to dig in to find truth and etc. Reason is simple - I dont have medical education. It is hard for me to read smart medical reports, review, conclusions. I operate with facts. I hope you agree that we have a virus problem. Problem that causes people to die prematurely. Problem that hasnt been solved since 2020. That is what scares me.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on July 28, 2022, 02:30:02 PM


Why are you so crazy about medicine, medical stuff, doctors and etc ? I am not a doctor. I dont want to dig in to find truth and etc. Reason is simple - I dont have medical education. It is hard for me to read smart medical reports, review, conclusions. I operate with facts. I hope you agree that we have a virus problem. Problem that causes people to die prematurely. Problem that hasnt been solved since 2020. That is what scares me.

I agree that you have a problem. Maybe it's your personal death wish. Maybe nobody ever told you how to be cautious about believing and trusting other people. Maybe it's that you haven't realized that you don't need a medical education to see when the medical disagrees among its own members, and so there must be a problem in what they are talking about.

Hopefully you haven't become a zombie that simply accepts what other people tell you without checking it out. But the fact that you are commenting in a forum, shows that you have at least a little ability to think these things through. Your life and health must be yours, at least a little, no matter what the medical says.

Check the links in the below article to see how the authors of it are trying to help you.

Ivermectin reduces covid-19 mortality by 92%, reports new study out of Southern Brazil… this is why the medical establishment SUPPRESSED it (

A new prospective observational study that includes over 223,000 participants from Southern Brazil has found that ivermectin reduces covid-19 mortality by 92%. Ivermectin use was associated with reductions not only in COVID-19 mortality, but also in hospitalizations as well as infection rates.

As a prophylactic, ivermectin was found to be more effective in a dose-dependent manner. As the dose of ivermectin increased, patients were more likely to recover from covid-19. Preliminary evidence also shows that patients recover faster on ivermectin.
Thousands of lives saved in Southern Brazil using ivermectin

The latest study on ivermectin was conducted in Southern Brazil, in the city of Itajaí. In the study of confirmed covid-19 cases, 45,716 subjects (28.7%) did not use ivermectin and 113,844 subjects (71.3%) did use ivermectin. Out of those who used ivermectin to treat covid-19, 33,971 (29.8% of users) took the medicine irregularly. Irregular use was classified as dosages not exceeding 60mg. The most important group in the study were the 8,325 subjects who used ivermectin regularly. Regular use was classified as dosages greater than 180mg. Intermediate users included 71,548 (62.9%) of the ivermectin group and included dosages between 60mg and 180mg. This group was not compared in the study.



Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: bakasabo on July 28, 2022, 07:14:33 PM
I can admin that I am not a zombie that trust every single word that comes from TV or is written in my local news webpage. However I must admin that I am playing under local rules. If I must make a vaccine to be able to visit shops, leave home and got to job, well, I will take a vaccine. If I was told that it is obligatory to wear mask at work or when visiting shops, then I am not that kind of person that is going to make a scandal or shout, when security guard asks me to put mask on. I see that local news starts to flash with "covid" tags, that means government starts to plan to put limitations on us.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on August 12, 2022, 03:50:47 PM
The Covid scare is what got people into the mode of getting the Covid vaccine. Now the vaccine is doing far more damage than Covid could ever think of doing. Yet the media is censoring as much of the vaxx damage as they can.

COVID-19 vaccine injury support group faces online censorship (

The Vaccine Injury/Side Effects Support Group was created to support not only individuals who have been injured by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, but also the family members, friends and everyone going through the nightmare.

However, the group’s posts are now being censored by Facebook.

“We will be moving our group over to a new uncensored TrialSite News soon due to the growing censorship we are facing,” said Catherine Parker, the group’s founder.  She stressed the need for support groups like these to not be taken down from social media sites. (Related: Global campaign aims to break silence around COVID vaccine injuries.)

Parker, who was injured by Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine, added: “A lot of us have anxiety and depression from this now. And I hear people who just want to give up or they feel like they are dying or that [they] wanted not to wake up.”

She said she was never an anti-vaxxer. As a requirement for her job, she took the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on April 1, 2021 and the Pfizer booster on November 9, 2021.

Within two to three weeks of receiving the first shot, she began having chronic insomnia and exhaustion. But she ignored these and proceeded to have the Pfizer booster. Less than two weeks after getting the booster, she began losing hair and was diagnosed with dysautonomia, pseudoparkinsonism and Epstein Barr virus, also known as human herpesvirus 4.

Parker, 49, wanted to help others enduring similar experiences and founded the support group. Within two weeks, over 200 members from all over the world joined to “tell their heartbreaking stories and also inspire resiliency to keep going through the health conditions.”

“It has been difficult to get out our stories to the world,” Parker said. “Everywhere we turn, we are blocked and banned on social media. Our videos are removed for ‘community standards violations,’ which makes no sense when they are videos of our pain and suffering or us going through tremors and brain fog.”



Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: bakasabo on August 15, 2022, 11:03:22 AM
Since vaccine has been invented and made, there are only 200 examples of people having some side effects? I think this does not prove that vaccine does danger, but rather proves that it is not perfect. 200 cases out of millions of vaccine shots, this is like 0.000002 % variability of having a side effect ? How is it even possible to test and prove that depression and insomnia was caused by vaccine? Or other cases of side effects. I think it is not a secret, that on the documentary that comes with any medicine, there is a list of side effects. But I agree that covid vaccine is a tricky thing. It is hard to prove if it helps or not.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: yourthankyou on August 15, 2022, 12:55:23 PM
I would change the thread name to "COVID-19, go to hell!!"

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on August 15, 2022, 05:03:35 PM

"Toxic Skies" a movie from 13 years ago.
The illness is caused by toxins from chemicals that have been added to jet fuel.
Covid is a chemical attack, many ways to distribut it, this is one way

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on August 15, 2022, 09:40:13 PM
I would change the thread name to "COVID-19, go to hell!!"

Ahah definitely! I am absolutely sick of it!

It's not the Covid that should go to Hell. Rather, it's the scammers in the CDC, the medical, and the governments/media who promote this scam that should be on their way to hell. For now, let's put them in prison.


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on August 19, 2022, 07:14:51 PM

The test kit scare,

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Gyfts on August 24, 2022, 04:13:38 PM
Trump pressured government agencies to accelerate authorization on COVID-19 therapeutics:

Without not even the slightest utterance of shame, this democratic committee is investigation and criticizing Trump for bringing vaccines too early. I was informed that Trump was anti-vax and that all COVID-19 cases were his fault, and I'm surprised to learn this committee of quadruple vaxxed democrats seems to be finding out two years later that the vaccine testing process was expedited.

We understand the vaccine doesn't work against new variants -- what measures would be prevented to stop the government from bending the rules in order to approve an experimental vaccine prior to testing? It only takes a bit of fear for people to voluntarily give up their liberties.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on August 25, 2022, 08:34:01 PM
Looks like California Governor Newsom overstepped his authority regarding his Covid mandates, and now the people have to support paying off the court stipulated reimbursements. Three rulings in one week, and the cases are just getting started.

Maybe when the drought drops the water levels so low that they have to shut down the power plants in the dams... by then they should have a squirrel cage ready for Newsom to start paying a little of it back. LOL.

3 California Courts Ruled Against Gov. Newsom and State Govt. COVID Business Lockdown Orders (

California courts are ruling that the government may have overstepped its authority when they followed Gavin Newsom's shut down orders. The cases can move forward and begin discovery. The first case involves a church that was shut down, but Newsom overstepped his constitutional authority. The second case involves an Orange County nail salon; the 2nd court ruled that since Newsom picked which businesses were allowed to remain open in order to "flatten the curve," the government may be liable for the damages those businesses suffered as a result of following the governor's order. In the third case, the Tinhorn Flats restaurant alleges that it was targeted because it expressed its opposition to Newsom's shutdown orders.

The third California court in a week has ruled in favor of the people of California and the United States Constitution, against the government over state ordered Covid lockdowns. California courts are ruling that the government may have overstepped its authority when they followed Gavin Newsom's shut down orders, according to Constitutional Attorney and U.S. Senate candidate Mark Meuser. The cases can move forward and begin discovery.

The Globe spoke with Meuser about these three groundbreaking judicial decisions. "Any one of these cases is interesting," Meuser told the Globe. "But three in one week is huge!"



Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: libertasbella on August 26, 2022, 07:15:19 PM
The goofy thing about this is that all kinds of diseases are easy to catch in colder climates. Covid is simply another flu/pneumonia/cold/etc., that the media talked a bunch of people into believing was different this time.

And they're still riding high after the greatest success of their careers.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on August 26, 2022, 08:16:19 PM
The goofy thing about this is that all kinds of diseases are easy to catch in colder climates. Covid is simply another flu/pneumonia/cold/etc., that the media talked a bunch of people into believing was different this time.

And they're still riding high after the greatest success of their careers.

Gradually their evil success is crashing down on them.


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on August 27, 2022, 03:20:57 PM
We need to understand the conditions attached to the rise of the covid cases in the UK, firstly according to the research being made by the government and it disease management agencies, it was believed that covid 19 is prone to areas that are subscetible to cold in which UK is one, the rate of how it spread is fast and the other reason being that it was observed to be a disease common and liable to operate attack on the over ages ones, the adults parents with weaker immune system have the major conscequence of the covid attacks.

The goofy thing about this is that all kinds of diseases are easy to catch in colder climates. Covid is simply another flu/pneumonia/cold/etc., that the media talked a bunch of people into believing was different this time.


Covid is real and a BIOWEAPON, nothing else.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Eden Loomis on August 30, 2022, 08:36:06 AM
There is no method has 100% protect you from COVID. I think a combination of methods, such as vaccine, mask will be better. The most important thing is people need to be careful

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on September 04, 2022, 04:24:23 PM
Actually, Ivermectin has been approved for years, as one of the safest drugs out there. I heard that the creators of it even received the Nobel Prize for making it.

Why should anybody care if there is proof that Ivermectin works on Covid? Some people say it works. And since it is safe, try it.

While horse Ivermectin wasn't created specifically for people, if you can't get it elsewhere, get the horse kind. As with all medications, if you use it while not under the care of a doctor, use at your own risk.

For additional info, consider

STUDY: Ivermectin reduces covid death risk by 92% (

New research out of Brazil has found that ivermectin, a generic anti-parasite drug, is 92 percent effective at stopping mortality caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

When used as a prophylactic, says Dr. Flavio A. Cadegiani, who tweeted about the study, ivermectin has a “dose-response effect,” meaning “the more you used, the more protection you had. (Related: Another study out of Australia declared ivermectin to be a “broad spectrum antiviral of interest.”)

People who took ivermectin regularly every 15 days for at least six to eight weeks almost all survived “covid,” while those who did not were much more likely to die after the disease ran its course.

The findings agree with those of Dr. Harvey Risch, an esteemed epidemiologist from Yale Medical School who testified before the Senate that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) could have saved thousands, or even millions, of lives that were needlessly lost by not using these drugs.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), meanwhile, has been on the offensive against ivermectin, calling it a “horse dewormer” despite approving the drug from human use back in the 1990s.

“Hold your horses, y’all,” the FDA mocked in a tweet. “Ivermectin may be trending, but it still isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19.”

Let the people have ivermectin!

For some bizarre reason, the FDA and the leftists who believe every word the agency says are determined to end as many lives as they possibly can by depriving the public of ivermectin.

When mocking the drug and the people who use it does not work, the government then resorts to trying to ban the drug. When that does not work, the government then tries to punish medical professionals who try to prescribe it to their sick patients.



Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: landheer on September 06, 2022, 12:49:40 AM
We need to understand the conditions attached to the rise of the covid cases in the UK, firstly according to the research being made by the government and it disease management agencies, it was believed that covid 19 is prone to areas that are subscetible to cold in which UK is one, the rate of how it spread is fast and the other reason being that it was observed to be a disease common and liable to operate attack on the over ages ones, the adults parents with weaker immune system have the major conscequence of the covid attacks.

so of course we have to maintain our health by being diligent in exercising with nutritious food and drinks, but of course we don't panic because panic will make our bodies weak and for sure we have to follow the advice from the government, which is to get vaccinated. Hopefully with the covid 19 vaccine will soon disappear from the face of this earth.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on September 06, 2022, 01:45:23 AM
We need to understand the conditions attached to the rise of the covid cases in the UK, firstly according to the research being made by the government and it disease management agencies, it was believed that covid 19 is prone to areas that are subscetible to cold in which UK is one, the rate of how it spread is fast and the other reason being that it was observed to be a disease common and liable to operate attack on the over ages ones, the adults parents with weaker immune system have the major conscequence of the covid attacks.

so of course we have to maintain our health by being diligent in exercising with nutritious food and drinks, but of course we don't panic because panic will make our bodies weak and for sure we have to follow the advice from the government, which is to get vaccinated. Hopefully with the covid 19 vaccine will soon disappear from the face of this earth.

Over 3,000,000 million dead worldwide from the vaccines. Plus millions more with all kinds of sickness and pain from the vaxxes.

To see this, combine the info from these two webpages:


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Dunamisx on September 06, 2022, 09:03:46 AM
We need to understand the conditions attached to the rise of the covid cases in the UK, firstly according to the research being made by the government and it disease management agencies, it was believed that covid 19 is prone to areas that are subscetible to cold in which UK is one, the rate of how it spread is fast and the other reason being that it was observed to be a disease common and liable to operate attack on the over ages ones, the adults parents with weaker immune system have the major conscequence of the covid attacks.

so of course we have to maintain our health by being diligent in exercising with nutritious food and drinks, but of course we don't panic because panic will make our bodies weak and for sure we have to follow the advice from the government, which is to get vaccinated. Hopefully with the covid 19 vaccine will soon disappear from the face of this earth.

Over 3,000,000 million dead worldwide from the vaccines. Plus millions more with all kinds of sickness and pain from the vaxxes.

To see this, combine the info from these two webpages:


I got you guys point clear enough, but i as for me i think the covid vaccine still needs to be checked upon that, why should a proposed vaccine meant to cure illness now be the cause of death on some particular set of people, in this case the vaccine to me isn't effective enough in serving it purpose, because some use it and die which shouldn't, it's serving the opposite of what it's meant to do, who knows what the vaccine does to the immune of us all who are young adults unaware to us, that's why I don't blame some for not taking it.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: beej on September 06, 2022, 09:45:43 AM
There is no method has 100% protect you from COVID. I think a combination of methods, such as vaccine, mask will be better. The most important thing is people need to be careful

I agree with this all too well, I had several vaccines and boosters already and still I am all too weary and
extra careful of getting Covid. However I am a bit curious on the new vaccines being able to fully protect
anyone from emerging variants and strains. I mean it's like Pokemon these days, it's evolving and getting
nasty.. it catches you and your in for a ride.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on September 06, 2022, 08:16:24 PM
I think that when Trump endorsed Operation Warp Speed, he already had a good idea about two things. And this was the reason he didn't fight as hard as he could have to stop the steal and get the Presidency back. What 2 things?
1. That the vaccines would probably be killers.
2. The Dems would be inclined to be vaxxed the most.

All Trump has to do is sit by and wait for the Dems to become immobilized before 2024. They will either be dead, or so sick that they won't even think about voting. And Trump will win by an easy landslide... way more than before, percentage-wise, while just sitting arouind and waiting for it to happen.

This is the way it is happening. Statistics show lots of dead already. Who were they? Dems who sat in the basement along with Brandon, and took the jabs, faithfully, and even lovingly. They will mostly be gone by 2024.

Obedience is a killer: 91% of Biden voters took the DEATH jab… huge demographic and ELECTORAL changes coming for America as vax clots kill Democrats and liberal women the most (

A new poll from The Economist and covered by Breitbart News has found that the vast majority of both Biden and Trump voters were easily tricked into taking a suicide shot falsely labeled the “covid-19 vaccine.”

According to the poll, 91% of Biden voters took at least one of the jabs, most likely because those who support Biden are obedient, oblivious NPCs who blindly trust government and corporations with their lives, even when those governments and corporations are quite literally trying to exterminate them.

Orange Man Bad, but Orange Man’s vaccine GOOD…

Interestingly, 66% of Trump voters also took the jabs, no doubt stemming from the fact that Trump fraudulently promoted the vaccines as safe and effective after launching Operation Warp Speed to rush untested, unsafe vaccines into widespread adoption.

See the results of the survey here (PDF). (Go to page 67 for vaccine results.)

The upshot of this survey? Both Biden and Trump supporters are remarkably gullible when it comes to vaccines, with Biden supporters proving to be far more gullible than Trump supporters.

The lesson here? Just because your “leader” tells you to go jump off a cliff doesn’t mean you should do it.

Independents achieved the highest rejection of covid-19 vaccines, with 39% saying they took no shots whatsoever. This confirms that political independents are, indeed, true to their philosophy of thinking for themselves some of the time (although 61% actually took the jab, which means they aren’t as independent as they would like to believe).

College-educated liberal white women shown to be the most gullible and compliant with vaccine propaganda

The survey reveals something quite fascinating. While men, Blacks and Hispanics all caught on and largely stopped taking the fraudulent covid-19 vaccine after the first or second dose, White liberal women (college-educated / indoctrinated) continued to remain shockingly obedient to the covid-19 propaganda and demanded three or more doses.

From the study, while only 42% of Hispanics took three jabs, and 55% of Blacks took three jabs, and even White college-educated men only had 58% compliance with three jabs, White women with college degrees (i.e. liberal women) showed 70% compliance with triple jabs.

This shocking finding reveals that White women are heavily indoctrinated in today’s colleges and are incredibly obedient to socially-engineered demands for mass extermination. While a larger number of Blacks, Hispanics and even White men came to their senses and stopped taking the clot shots, liberal White women doubled, tripled, and even quadrupled down and demanded more injections (most likely while screaming at everybody around them to put on more masks and keep their distance).

This finding is consistent with another study covered by Information Liberation that has found the following shocking beliefs among White liberals (mostly women):

    They now believe that Whites are more violent than Blacks
    They believe that Whites are more lazy compared to Blacks
    They believe that Whites are less intelligent than Blacks

These beliefs have been hammered into White liberals via the fake news media and pop culture programming (movies, TV, advertising, etc.). White liberal women soaked it up like a mindless sponge.

White liberal women, it seems, are practically incapable of independent, non-racist thinking and have been largely brainwashed with false beliefs about culture, race, medicine and science. As they are taking their fourth shot, a White liberal woman is likely to scream, “I trust the science!” even though they are being slowly genocided by the jab.

The rise of modern tyranny across Western Civilization, by the way, is supported — if not outright spearheaded — by insane, angry White liberal women. These are the same women, by the way, who support child mutilations, transgenderism, grooming, abortions and who despise God. No surprise there. They hate men and they also hate women (feminists). They of course hate Trump, America and the American flag. But they love to run school boards and city councils, and they want to control your life and wield political power over everything you’re allowed to do.

Covid-19 vaccines have been proven to be a complete fraud

The entire premise behind the so-called covid vaccine has been proven to be a total fraud, of course. As Breitbart reports:



Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on February 17, 2023, 02:41:05 PM
Dr. David Martin’s Lawsuit   Griner v. Biden et al ( against Biden: The COVID Injection is a Bioweapon

Go on tell em

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on February 17, 2023, 06:13:55 PM
^^^ Del Bigtree of The Highwire fame has been talking about this kind of stuff since before Covid. Del has a weekly video that usually comes out on Thursdays, and can be seen at, or at his own site, (

There's so much stuff on Del's site, and there are so many medical and other experts that he talks to, that one could spend months digging into it all. One of my favorites is this 12-minute cut, U.S. HEALTH LEADERS IGNORE THE SCIENCE - It starts getting really good at 3 minutes.

Vaccines have always been harmful to people. They are more harmful than simply letting viruses (if they exist) run their natural course and die.


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on May 15, 2023, 05:55:50 PM
Hospital ventilators were the devices that killed loads of Covid patients in the hospitals. Simply upping the oxygen fed directly to patients, rather than using ventilators, would have saved most of them.

Most COVID-19 Deaths May Be The Result of a Completely Different Infection (
Note that this list changes daily.
COVID-19 is no longer classed as a global health emergency by the World Health Organization, but scientists are still working hard to understand more about the virus and its impact – including how the coronavirus affects the body and leads to death.

A new analysis suggests that a high percentage of people who required help from a ventilator due to a COVID-19 infection also developed secondary bacterial pneumonia. This pneumonia was responsible for a higher mortality rate than the COVID-19 infection.

So while COVID-19 may have put these patients in the hospital, it was actually an infection brought on by the use of a mechanical ventilator that was more likely to be the cause of death when this infection didn't respond to treatment.

"Our study highlights the importance of preventing, looking for, and aggressively treating secondary bacterial pneumonia in critically ill patients with severe pneumonia, including those with COVID-19," says Benjamin Singer, a pulmonologist at Northwestern University in Illinois.

The team looked at records for 585 people admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, also in Illinois. They all had severe pneumonia and/or respiratory failure, and 190 had COVID-19.
... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Newlifebtc on May 15, 2023, 11:16:11 PM
Covid-19 cases are also increasing in Greece, which is worrying because supposedly transmission is somewhat reduced in the summer, due to being outdoors and the increased temperature. However, hospitalizations and severe cases have severely decreased, firstly because of the high vaccination rate and also because of the multiple virus mutations which are slowly turning Covid-19 into a flu.

I'm more worried about the upcoming winter, there's already a surge in cases now, we're bound to see another increase in the winter. Resorting to lockdowns will halt the economy, thus, I don't see it as a viable measure, but chances are that it'll be with measures against Covid-19 once again.

I'm with you on this one, I think the winter won't bring anything good and we're on our way back to all kinds of restrictions. Actually, I expect these things to start happening in autumn already and progress from bad to worse in winter.
I want to know if winter can bring covid19 that we has forgotten back to existence, I don't the point actually because the content of this thread is emphasising on the covid19 diseases or viruse as you may implies

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on May 16, 2023, 04:48:49 AM
The Covid scare Bioweapon
European Parliament, International Covid Summit III - part 1

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on May 16, 2023, 06:19:17 PM
The Covid scare is simply one of the many ways government and the medical have been intentionally destroying people and their lives for money. The way they are doing it is to make it look like they are doing their best... even to offer some successes at times... so they can talk more people into handing over their money, and letting the medical destroy them.

Top 7 UNCONVENTIONAL weapons of mass destruction (
Many people are familiar with conventional weapons, such as combat helicopters, warships, landmines and artillery. Then there are weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear bombs, nuclear missiles and weapons that are radiological, chemical and biological.

What most people don’t think much about as being weapons of mass destruction are those that are categorized as “medicine” or “vaccines” and other so-called “treatments” for disease and disorder.

Many of these are very detrimental to humankind, and serve much more as a threat and risk to human life than as a benefit, thus often making them weapons of mass destruction, of genocide, and of a means of population reduction.

Government designs and administers “vaccines” to maim and kill off millions of people, including children

It’s not easy to face the truth sometimes, but once people do, it’s often easier to overcome any adversity that comes with it. This would be the case with the US government and regulatory agencies, who well know the harm and mass death that comes with injecting known neurotoxins (including spike proteins) into the bodies of its own citizens, including military members, teens, children, babies and pregnant women.

Another mainstream form of “medicine” does much more harm than good, and that is known as chemical “therapy” for cancer cells, or “chemotherapy.” Cancer cells are literally fueled when humans consume chemicals, including chemical herbicides and chemical insecticides, but still the medical industrial complex insists on giving cancer-infected Americans the chemical “drip” that creates NEW cancers and often spreads the cancer from which they already suffer.

Chemotherapy is like a serial killer dressed up as a doctor and cloned as nearly every oncologist in the country. What a shame this unconventional weapon of mass destruction is deemed a first line of treatment for cell mutation disorder. Chemotherapy has a very low success rate at beating back cancer, at only about six percent, and even when it does that, the cancer that goes into “remission” often comes back with a vengeance after 5 years, so that’s when mainstream medicine stops counting, for statistical purposes.


7 Most popular yet unconventional weapons of mass destruction

#1. mRNA spike protein “vaccines”

#2. Opioid-based pain killers and fentanyl

#3. Mercury in vaccines, flu shots and dental fillings

#4. Abortions — even as late as day of birth

#5. Chemotherapy (often creates new cancers or kills the patients itself)

#6. SSRIs (often the culprit of suicide, homicide, and mass shootings)

#7. Gain of function used to create novel viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites
... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on May 25, 2023, 04:09:39 AM

Why the government is creating lethal viruses
By Wayne Drash, CNN
Published 5:39 PM EST, Tue December 19, 2017 (

CNN  —

The US government on Tuesday lifted a ban on making lethal viruses, saying the research is necessary to “develop strategies and effective countermeasures against rapidly evolving pathogens that pose a threat to public health.”

Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, made the announcement, in which he outlined a new framework for the controversial research. The work with three viruses can now go forward, but only if a scientific review panel determines that the benefits outweigh the risks.

“We have a responsibility to ensure that research with infectious agents is conducted responsibly, and that we consider the potential biosafety and biosecurity risks associated with such research,” Collins said in a statement.

The decision brings an end to a three-year moratorium on research involving the influenza virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (known as SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (or MERS). Critics say the research could unleash a new germ that threatens millions if it is not properly stored or if it escapes from a lab.

The government paused the research in 2014 to review the practices in handling and storing infectious agents. At the time, Collins said that biosafety and biosecurity risks needed to be “understood better.”
exp GPS 0625 WitW Bioterrorism_00001501.jpg

What in the World: Spread of deadly pathogens

The pause came after several incidents involving the mishandling of potentially dangerous pathogens at government laboratories.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention accidentally exposed dozens of workers to anthrax in 2014, and a subsequent investigation detailed other instances in which lab workers did not follow protocol. Around that time, vials of the deadly smallpox virus were found in a cardboard box in an unsecured refrigerator at the National Institutes of Health’s campus in Bethesda, Maryland.

In Tuesday’s announcement, the institutes said that approved research would take place only if the researcher and institution where the research is being conducted demonstrate the “capacity and commitment to conduct it safely and securely, and have the ability to respond rapidly” should things go wrong.
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See the latest news and share your comments with CNN Health on Facebook and Twitter.

It also said that the research must be “ethically justifiable” and that any pathogen created, transferred or used in the research “must be reasonably judged to be a credible source of a potential future human pandemic.”

Dr. Tom Frieden, who was the director of the CDC from 2009 to 2017, applauded Tuesday’s decision, saying such studies “help scientists better understand how dangerous organisms work, with the ultimate goal of learning how to stop them.”

“There’s benefit to be gained from this research, but only if lab safety is a top priority and limited to a small group of highly trained staff,” said Frieden, who now serves as president and CEO of the initiative Resolve to Save Lives.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on June 17, 2023, 08:30:21 PM
With previous vaccines, if there were reports in the tests like this one, the vaccine would have been dropped faster than immediately. Why are they still promoting it?

It just hit the fan! - Horowitz: Confidential Pfizer Document Shows they Observed 1.6 MILLION adverse events Covering Nearly EVERY Organ System (
Hold onto your seats, folks, because a few hours ago, Daniel Horowitz from Conservative Review unleashed Pfizer's Post Marketing Adverse Event Report ..

Daniel Horowitz

Over 10,000 categories of nearly 1.6 million adverse events – many of them serious and debilitating – brought to you by Pfizer!

You might not have heard it in the news, but in recent months, Pfizer's pharmacovigilance documents requested by the European Union's drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, have been released. They show that Pfizer knew about a sickening level of injury early on. An August 2022 document shows that the company already had observed the following scope of vaccine injury:

508,351 individual case reports of adverse events containing 1,597,673 events;

One-third of the AEs were classified as serious, well above the standard for safety signals usually pegged at 15%;

Women reported AEs at three times the rate of men;

60% of cases were reported with either "outcome unknown" or "not recovered," so many of the injuries were not transient;

Highest number of cases occurred in the 31-50 year age group, and 92% did not have any comorbidities, which makes it very likely it was the vaccine causing such widespread, sudden injury.
... (


Title: Ivermectin Could Have Saved Millions of Lives, Why Was It Suppressed
Post by: BADecker on June 25, 2023, 05:17:56 PM
Ivermectin isn't the only thing. There are many others, including: Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide, and even straight oxygen. Why are we only finding out now? Why didn't the medical know... or did they?

Ivermectin Could Have Saved Millions of Lives, Why Was It Suppressed (
This is actually a winnable class action suit and demonstrates criminal intent.  The science is now catching up fully and clarifying the indefensible nature of the actions taken to actually maximise the death rate in order to stampede the population into taking the JAB.

proof of criminal intent allows all supporting legistlation to be actually set aside and it will all revert to common law.

I do suspect that the perps all planned on having 4,000,000,000 drop dead making it impossible for hot pursuit.  The JAB did include apparent KILL agents for the short term and we do have evidence of an increased death rate not obviously abating yet.

I do suspect that the primary KILL agent was meant to be a modified AIDS.  I hope this was actually diverted.  The modified form may well be impossible to treat.

I have no such evidence, and this is pure speculation based on the perps actual intent.


In 2004, the US Congress passed an amendment to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act known as Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). This piece of legislature legalized an anti-regulatory pathway to allow experimental medical interventions to be expedited without proper safety evaluation in the event of bioterrorist threats and national health emergencies such as pandemics. At the time, passage of the EUA amendment made sense because it was partially in response to the 2001 anthrax attacks and the US's entry into an age of international terrorism. However, the amendment raises some serious considerations. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, EUAs had only been authorized on four occasions: the 2005 avian H5N1 and 2009 H1N1 swine flu, the 2014 Ebola and the 2016 Zikra viruses. Each of these pathogen scares proved to be false alarms that posed no threat of any pandemic proportions to Americans. The fifth time EUAs were invoked was in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, which seemed far more plausible than previous EUAs.
... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on October 19, 2023, 06:47:19 PM
I had forgotten about this one. During the Covid lockdowns, children were not allowed to take part in a bunch of activities that they had normally been active in. It seems that childhood deaths went down by something like 30% during the pandemic times, before the Covid vaccines for kids came into play.

Childhood mortality dropped during lockdowns when many children couldn’t get routine vaccinations (
During the pandemic, health authorities were worried about people avoiding getting routine healthcare, whether it was out of fear of being infected with the virus or due to lockdown restrictions. One area of particular concern was children missing routine vaccinations.

However, something very interesting happened during the lockdown when children couldn’t get their routine shots: childhood mortality actually went down.

Data from the first few months of the pandemic appears to confirm a link, with the death rate dropping in American children precisely when everything was shut down. In fact, deaths in children went down by a remarkable 30 percent, going from an average of 700 deaths per week to less than 500 in April and May of 2020.

Part of this may be attributed to a drop in SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Although there is no official cause of SIDS, childhood vaccines are suspected of playing a role. Indeed, Australian researcher Viera Scheibner noted, using the term “cot death” to refer to SIDS, “Vaccination is undoubtedly the single biggest and most preventable cause of cot-death…”

It’s also unlikely to be a coincidence that the U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate among all developed First World countries – and it gives children the highest number of vaccine doses in the world prior to their first birthday at 26; Canada falls just behind with 24. If vaccines prevent deaths, why are so many kids here dying?

Researchers have linked childhood vaccinations to a range of health problems

It’s not just deaths that are being pinned on childhood vaccines; they’ve also been linked to everything from autism to Type 1 diabetes and even ear infections.
... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Wiwo on October 19, 2023, 08:12:38 PM
We need to understand the conditions attached to the rise of the covid cases in the UK, firstly according to the research being made by the government and it disease management agencies, it was believed that covid 19 is prone to areas that are subscetible to cold in which UK is one, the rate of how it spread is fast and the other reason being that it was observed to be a disease common and liable to operate attack on the over ages ones, the adults parents with weaker immune system have the major conscequence of the covid attacks.

The goofy thing about this is that all kinds of diseases are easy to catch in colder climates. Covid is simply another flu/pneumonia/cold/etc., that the media talked a bunch of people into believing was different this time.

The politics behind covid-19 have made the virus to become so scary and highly popular even though covid 19 seems to be the most simple class of flud to contact and also treat but with all the media propaganda,  a lot of people have now become scared and uncertain about the possible outcome of anyone that contact the virus,  with some governments officials now making up numbers of covid patients so as to keep their budget high from the government..

For example in my country,  the presidential covid 19 committee have failed in their duty to give the country the accurate figure of those who are truly infected by this virus and almost every cases that relate to cold,  fluds and even Maria to be a case of covid 19 to keep the number high and to get bigger allocation from the government, these actions have made citizens to doubt any number being put up as covid19 active cases.

But in some other countries like the UK as mentioned in the old is really affected and we can see from the news how the public is beginning to reconsider another phase of lockdown since we are about to approach the cold season winter is around the corner and we will be seeing rising cases of covid 19.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on October 20, 2023, 03:14:23 PM
I was among the many who didn't even know about Nuremberg trials for the vaxx. If I had heard of it, I had forgotten about it. But guess what the media didn't do. They didn't make it a front page item for the world to see. It should prove interesting.

Judge Orders Nuremberg Public Hearing on Nov 9, For Illegality Of Covid-19 Vaccines! (
September 13, 2023 the Appellate judge ordered a date for an oral hearing on our appeal to stop the injections! All it took was a few months to get it to the right Appellate court after it got lost in the Costa Rica system. The appeal is to stop the covid-19 vaccine entirely off the market.

We were afraid the appeal would be denied for being late due to the courts online upload technical glitches and then our appeal documents literally disappearing (cyber polygon?) so we had to call and ask the clerks to figure it out. The clerks gave us an address to mail to so we printed a ton of pages and delivered the documents late.
... (

The people are waking up. Will they awaken enough that they will realize that it was partially their own elected government people who destroyed their lives with the vaxxes?

Pfizer CUTS COSTS after significant decline in uptake of COVID-19 vaccine and Paxlovid (
Vaccine giant Pfizer has been forced to implement cost-cutting measures after a significant decline in the uptake of its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine and medication over the past 12 months.

According to a Pharmaphorum report, the New York-based pharmaceutical firm is set to cut costs by $1 billion this year and at least $2.5 billion in 2024 – amounting to a rough total of $3.5 billion. Pfizer recorded an annual revenue of more than $100 billion in 2022, with sales of its mRNA COVID-19 injection comprising $56 million of that total.

Now, it projects a much lower revenue for 2023 ranging between $58 billion and $61 billion. The company has not provided any indication of the total jobs to be cut, however.

Pfizer's reduced revenue stemmed from lower sales of its COVID-19 injection and antiviral drug Paxlovid. It projects sales for these to hit $12.5 billion, roughly $9 billion lower than its initial forecast. The U.S. government's return of 7.9 million Paxlovid treatment courses at the end of 2023 as part of an amended supply agreement, alongside other factors, slashes expected revenues for the antiviral drug.

"The return is on a non-cash basis, so the U.S. government will have a credit note that will be redeemable for Paxlovid supplied in [the] future," wrote Pharmaphorum. "The U.S. will keep an ongoing stockpile of one million Paxlovid courses that will be refreshed as it expires, until 2028."

"For now, the drug has been made available under emergency use authorization (EUA), but a full marketing application was approved earlier this year. The commercial transition will begin in November as the government begins to discontinue the distribution of EUA-labelled Paxlovid. The drug will be made available to people with private health insurance from the start of next year, said Pfizer."

"We remain proud that our scientific breakthroughs played a significant role in getting the global health crisis under control," Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said following the announcement. "As we gain additional clarity around vaccination and treatment rates for COVID, we will be better able to estimate the appropriate level of supply to meet demand."

Pfizer could go BANKRUPT, warns Igor Chudov
... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on October 22, 2023, 06:36:03 AM
Lot number matter a lot
On the same day at the same location, 30 people got "vaccinated"  - all are nor death

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Pingrapole on October 22, 2023, 10:59:43 AM
We need more detailed research on COVID-19. In fact, the exact climate in which it spreads more is actually an unknown because it is not only cold that spreads more because it is cold and fever is cold It seems that coughs are more common and many viruses and bacteria spread more during colds but our fear is because of past events I think this disease has become a common disease now. I almost see people who are affected by heaven on this disease but actually none of them are affected. This is the root cause of a V that has entered into us I have taken the vaccine so the spread of this disease will not be more If we raise awareness about the coming of cold, we may save a lot not only from this disease but also from the diseases that are caused by cold.I don't think there will be a repeat of the kind of study we are currently facing or will see more of the effects of covid, so there is no reason to fear that by raising awareness, the disease is already gone Now we should go back to the previous position I think we should think about going back to high speed and take care of our health with awareness then all kinds of fear will be removed.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on November 02, 2023, 03:11:26 PM
Elon Musk: The Ventilators, Not COVID, Destroyed Lungs

Vaccine Theory VS. Exosome Theory

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on November 06, 2023, 05:31:43 PM (

The one question they cannot answer (
Executive summary

The one question they can't answer has been found.

They will either change the topic or start telling you how stupid you are.

The question: "If the COVID vaccine is so safe, how do you explain Fig 1 in this article?"


I want to thank Dr. Graham Bottley for inspiring this. I finally have a single simple question that every mainstream doctor will run from.

Bottley is a "scientist" whose credentials are so formidable (in his own view), that he does not have to answer any questions. I asked him two softball questions and he avoided answering them and instead requested that I answer HIS question. I said "happy to, right after you answer my question."

The two questions I asked in a DM to him:
... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on November 15, 2023, 06:02:56 PM
The black goo Vaccine starts to work, Zombies on the way... (

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on November 16, 2023, 03:19:37 PM
The info that Open VAERS ( has been showing us for a long time now, is coming out into the public in many different ways. But government is quietly fighting against the medical being sued for any of what they have done wrong.

Biden DOJ Quietly Hires More Lawyers For Vaccine Injury Lawsuits (
In January, the CDC was forced to reveal the results of its VAERS safety signal monitoring for COVID-19 vaccines (thanks to a FOIA request by Zachary Stieber of the Epoch Times), which painted an alarming picture. The analysis, spanning Dec. 14 2020 through July 29, 2022, revealed:

• There were 770 different types of adverse events that showed safety signals in ages 18+, of which over 500 (or 2/3) had a larger safety signal than myocarditis/pericarditis.

• The CDC analysis shows that the number of serious adverse events reported in less than two years for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is 5.5 times larger than all serious reports for vaccines given to adults in the US since 2009 (~73,000 vs. ~13,000).

• Twice as many mRNA COVID-19 vaccine reports were classified as serious compared to all other vaccines given to adults (11% vs. 5.5%). This meets the CDC definition of a safety signal.
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Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on November 16, 2023, 05:06:53 PM
Dr. Creep, released the song "Pandemic" in 2013, interresting lyrics.
At 69 sec in ist the corona scare.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on November 18, 2023, 03:40:32 PM
The lockdowns didn't help at all regarding Covid safety. But they destroyed the lives of many in multiple ways.

Covid lockdowns were NO more effective than Swedish-style softer approach, major Oxford University-backed study suggests (http://)
Covid lockdowns were no more effective at controlling the pandemic than letting people adapt their own behaviour to the threat, a major Oxford University-backed study suggests.

Researchers modelled virus death and unemployment rates in response to different pandemic policies.

Results showed imposing blanket shutdowns, which forced people to stay home and closed essential shops, squashed fatality rates for the virus.

However, leaving people to adapt their own behaviour — similar to the controversial approach used in Sweden — was just as effective, data revealed.

Experts concluded that both policies led to 'similar trade-offs' for people's health and the economy, with both approaches triggering huge job losses.

The researchers said strict non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) — lockdowns, social distancing and face masks — were 'critical' to reducing the spread of Covid.

However, they noted that individuals changing their behaviour of their own accord — such as by minimising contacts and less frequent trips to shops or restaurants — could have also minimised deaths.

To determine the effects of both approaches, the researchers created an economic model based on the first wave of the pandemic.
... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on November 24, 2023, 08:00:15 AM
Official Letter from the highest European Medical Authority, the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

The EMA says that vaccination was never launched to combat infections and incidence!
The EMA further explains that vaccination was only intended for risk groups, but in no way for a mass vaccination of the population.

The EU Parliament  MPs  Marcel de Graaff, Gilbert Collard, Francesca Donato, Joachim Kuhs, Mislav Kolakušić, Virginie Joron, Ivan Vilibor Sinčić and Bernhard Zimniok ask for clarification for the approval of the Corona Vaccines. Lots of excuses, but also a clear statement that vaccine was never approved for mass vaccination, that it does not prevent transmition.........

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on November 24, 2023, 06:25:45 PM
Official Letter from the highest European Medical Authority, the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

The EMA says that vaccination was never launched to combat infections and incidence!
The EMA further explains that vaccination was only intended for risk groups, but in no way for a mass vaccination of the population.

The EU Parliament  MPs  Marcel de Graaff, Gilbert Collard, Francesca Donato, Joachim Kuhs, Mislav Kolakušić, Virginie Joron, Ivan Vilibor Sinčić and Bernhard Zimniok ask for clarification for the approval of the Corona Vaccines. Lots of excuses, but also a clear statement that vaccine was never approved for mass vaccination, that it does not prevent transmition.........

They know the story, but they are only telling some of the details. If you want to see the basics of the technology behind the Covid biological warfare used against us, check out the video. It's about circular chunks of DNA that have been used for over 70 years, called plasmids -

DNA plasmids are made from snake venom, and are the 'things' behind HIV, AIDS, Covid, both 1 and 2, and a whole bunch of other medically made diseases. And they are preparing the new pandemic disease with it.

Watch the video to learn the basics of how to protect yourself from it.

What's Plasmid DNA? Why's the Cabal Putting it in Food, Water, Air & Vaccines?! Dr. Ardis Interview -


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on November 25, 2023, 05:01:28 PM
Pfizer suing Poland? Lol. But it does place Polish officials on the spot. If they use the fact of the dangers of the vaxx as a defense, they will be indicting themselves in front of the people for killing off a whole bunch of their citizenry. This whole scenario should prove interesting. Besides, the fact that it is happening at an election time, shows that there is more afoot than just a simple lawsuit.

In addition, find out that US law makes it illegal for anybody or company to discriminate against anybody else for refusing to get the vaxx. Click the image, below, both for more details and to download a copy of the image indictment. (

Pfizer is suing Poland over vaccines. This is how we got here  (
U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is taking the Polish government to court over missing payments for 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with BioNTech.

The lawsuit, which comes as Poland prepares for a change in government following its October election, marks the culmination of a 19-month struggle between Warsaw and Pfizer over a glut of vaccine doses.
... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on December 05, 2023, 09:00:36 AM

The Biggest Scientific Fraud and Political Crime of All Times: No One Died of Coronavirus!

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Y3shot on December 09, 2023, 04:53:39 PM

The Biggest Scientific Fraud and Political Crime of All Times: No One Died of Coronavirus!
I think covid-19 existed and people died of the virus but the number of people affected and that was recorded was not accurate,  I think the government lied about it. This untrue figure that was given about people affected with the virus made things worse ,  it generated fear into people that they were scared of coming out for business and other activities. Many people used covid-19 as advantage to generate money by gaining support.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on December 09, 2023, 06:43:42 PM
Clot shot victims continue to die suddenly. But the CDC is corrupting and removing the data about their deaths from VAERS (, to make it look like the Covid vaxxes aren't all that dangerous. A few people are tracking what the CDC is doing and how they are doing it. The below video shows one of them.

Vaxx Deaths SUPPRESSED In Corrupt VAERS ( Database: -


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on March 02, 2024, 06:34:23 PM
In case someone does not know, the spike protein is a lie.

Just say NO!

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on March 06, 2024, 08:50:10 PM
Why isn't somebody prosecuting murderers like Fauci and Brix?

WND - Dr. Deborah Birx admits she deceived Trump to push COVID measures 'I couldn't do anything that would reveal my true intention' (
We all know Fauci lied to everyone, as well as his cohorts - including "scarf lady"!!

Art Moore By Art Moore
Published July 18, 2022

Dr. Deborah Birx, who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Donald Trump, has admitted in a new book that she manipulated data and quietly altered CDC guidance without authorization.

In "Silent Invasion," she confesses she "devised" a "strategic sleight-of-hand" method of reporting she described as "subterfuge."

"This wasn't the only bit of subterfuge I had to engage in," she writes.

Birx insisted, contrary to the White House and the CDC, that the asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 was significant.
... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on April 27, 2024, 02:33:58 PM
Another way to make money is to join Biden and the Chinese in their Covid preparations. This might include buying Big Pharma stocks. Of course, doing this is highly unethical. But it is money, now, even though it may mean disaster for you in the Judgment.

EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden And CCP Created COVID-19 And Made Billions (
Mike McCormick, a whistleblower who used to be Joe Biden's stenographer, joins Chase Geiser and Harrison Smith live to break down how Joe Biden and the CCP created the COVID-19 virus and profited massively from it.

... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: Bushdark on April 27, 2024, 05:22:49 PM

The Biggest Scientific Fraud and Political Crime of All Times: No One Died of Coronavirus!
I think covid-19 existed and people died of the virus but the number of people affected and that was recorded was not accurate,  I think the government lied about it. This untrue figure that was given about people affected with the virus made things worse ,  it generated fear into people that they were scared of coming out for business and other activities. Many people used covid-19 as advantage to generate money by gaining support.
In my region the numbers that was publish was never accurate and the government were already manipulating the results.
The death rate really escalated that the doctors were even losing their lives because of how serious many of the cases were.
It is very important we learn from this so that we don't feel relaxed and spend all we have without think what could happen in the time of trials. We can always make money when we are in good health. I have really learnt a lot from the experience.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on April 27, 2024, 08:35:32 PM

The Biggest Scientific Fraud and Political Crime of All Times: No One Died of Coronavirus!
I think covid-19 existed and people died of the virus but the number of people affected and that was recorded was not accurate,  I think the government lied about it. This untrue figure that was given about people affected with the virus made things worse ,  it generated fear into people that they were scared of coming out for business and other activities. Many people used covid-19 as advantage to generate money by gaining support.
In my region the numbers that was publish was never accurate and the government were already manipulating the results.
The death rate really escalated that the doctors were even losing their lives because of how serious many of the cases were.
It is very important we learn from this so that we don't feel relaxed and spend all we have without think what could happen in the time of trials. We can always make money when we are in good health. I have really learnt a lot from the experience.

But take the time to watch the video in my post above yours^^. It proves that Covid was built by Chinese labs, and how it has been done in a decade, and how Biden has supported it, and, with the Chinese, even planned it.

In addition...

Spirulina protects against COVID death, study finds (
A new randomized controlled trial published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology reveals that spirulina, a nutrient-dense blue-green algae, is powerfully effective against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

For six days, patients who tested positive for COVID took either spirulina and a conventional remedy, or just a conventional remedy without spirulina. Everyone in the spirulina group survived, but 15 percent of the non-spirulina group ended up dying.

“The overall results of the present study showed that a six-day course of Spirulina platensis plus the standard treatment of COVID-19 was superior for the recovery of patients compared to standard treatment alone,” the authors wrote.

The research took place at two separate Iranian hospitals and involved 189 total patients. The spirulina group took 15.2 grams of the supplement powder in capsules alongside a standard COVID treatment while the other group just took the standard treatment.

The dosage of spirulina used was based on earlier research suggesting this amount is effective both as an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant.

In both the spirulina and the non-spirulina group, half of the test patients were in an intensive care unit (ICU) while the other half were in a non-ICU.

(Related: Supplementing with spirulina is also effective against chemical dioxins, helping to detoxify them from the body.)

Imagine the benefits of spirulina alone

All in all, 91 patients took spirulina. Some of them ended up withdrawing from the study, but not a single person died, including from the ICU group where patients suffered more severe symptoms.
... (

National Academies badly misleads America about the safety of the COVID vaccine (
Executive summary

The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) recently issued a safety report on the COVID vaccines with the following conclusions (for the Pfizer vaccine):

    Causes: myocarditis (but not pericarditis).

    Do not cause: infertility, Guillain-Barré syndrome or Bell’s palsy, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), heart attack, and ischemic stroke.

    Inconclusive: all other conditions tested including chronic headache, tinnitus, capillary leak syndrome and sudden death.

I wrote an email to the Vice Chair of the committee saying that the clinical reality doesn’t match their rhetoric and offered to have a discussion to resolve the conflict.

My email was ignored, exactly as 78% of my readers predicted.

The medical community is violating the first rule of holes: if you find yourself in one, stop digging.

These 100% verifiable anecdotes are statistically impossible if the vaccines are safe

You only need one example to reject the null hypothesis.

Yet I can easily come up with many.

For example, I just did a survey of 1,140 people who experienced one of the 28 side effects studied in the report. You can view the results here. Basically only 1 person thought their injury (I only allowed the 28 side effects in the NASEM survey) was NOT due to the vaccine!!

That fact alone is damning, but some people could just claim that everyone who follows me is a nut case that thinks that everything is caused by vaccines.

More objectively, in 23 of the 28 side effects, the event rates were not evenly spread out over time. That means something is going on.

In short, it seems pretty obvious that in at least 23 of the 28 side effects, the vaccine was more likely than not causing the effect.

The signal for died suddenly is stronger than for myocarditis
... (


Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: montaga on June 01, 2024, 06:14:14 PM
Mock an outbreak to inject some unhealty junk in a lot of people.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: teamsherry on June 02, 2024, 08:55:55 AM
We need to understand the conditions attached to the rise of the covid cases in the UK, firstly according to the research being made by the government and it disease management agencies, it was believed that covid 19 is prone to areas that are subscetible to cold in which UK is one, the rate of how it spread is fast and the other reason being that it was observed to be a disease common and liable to operate attack on the over ages ones, the adults parents with weaker immune system have the major conscequence of the covid attacks.

And that itself is quite a large population of individuals that didn't have any idea what was coming their way and what is worse we haven't even gotten the truth about the origin of that bio weapon or disease that gave the world a big panic, some time ago there was a popular rumor in my side that it was China that made that weapon in the lab and realsed it as a retaliation to US during, but still I don't believe this and I also don't believe it was a new disease that just popped out of no where.

Title: Re: The COVID-19 scare
Post by: BADecker on June 05, 2024, 07:17:30 PM
We need to understand the conditions attached to the rise of the covid cases in the UK, firstly according to the research being made by the government and it disease management agencies, it was believed that covid 19 is prone to areas that are subscetible to cold in which UK is one, the rate of how it spread is fast and the other reason being that it was observed to be a disease common and liable to operate attack on the over ages ones, the adults parents with weaker immune system have the major conscequence of the covid attacks.

And that itself is quite a large population of individuals that didn't have any idea what was coming their way and what is worse we haven't even gotten the truth about the origin of that bio weapon or disease that gave the world a big panic, some time ago there was a popular rumor in my side that it was China that made that weapon in the lab and realsed it as a retaliation to US during, but still I don't believe this and I also don't believe it was a new disease that just popped out of no where.

If you want the truth, go to The Dr. Ardis Show - - and watch the videos.
