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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: fortunecrypto on August 03, 2022, 06:17:25 AM

Title: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: fortunecrypto on August 03, 2022, 06:17:25 AM
Everybody here has seen the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match against The Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich, these two are fierce rivals as internet sensations for having huge bodies like incredible hulk they finally settle their differences in the ring but unfortunately it's not the kind of fight that we want to see because it's too one-sided and it did not live through the hype

Obviously, the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match signed to this fight unprepared and with zero boxing skills, even an amateur boxer can beat this guy with Hulkster, watching this fight made me think that promoters are just exploiting their popularity and these so-called internet sensations just want to have a quick buck.

Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Eternad on August 03, 2022, 06:23:05 AM
This is just an exhibition match and not official matches so there’s nothing if they do this kind of shit because this is just for an entertainment purposes. It’s up to the viewers if they like it or not because they are the one who pays for the ticket. I’m not expecting much when watching this kind of fight which makes me not affected on the result. Watch official matches if you want to see real action and don’t expect good quality of fight on an exhibition match. This is just like a sparring for the professional to beat amateurs televised.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: swogerino on August 03, 2022, 06:44:41 AM
The hype is needed in order to sell as many tickets and other accessories like shirts and all related stuff from these two giants.They,the organizers do not really care much about the event as long as it brings entertainment to the viewers which in this case it didn't,they only want to make as much money as possible from such events,as every thing in life.

I have said several times that we should not believe the hype as when a direct fight between two humans,we don't know the physical form of each,sometimes the favorite can be beaten by the underdog because the underdog is in top physical condition while the favorite took the training easy.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: traderethereum on August 03, 2022, 08:37:05 AM
It could be that promoters exploit their popularity while they still have supporters who will support them in competing.
We can support the fight in the ring but also refuse it.
But even if we reject it, we don't know if it will work because if the promoter has someone behind it, the event will continue and more will follow.
But maybe it's common sense to exploit such fights to entertain the audience, although we might think it would be weird.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: coin-investor on August 03, 2022, 09:07:39 AM
It could be that promoters exploit their popularity while they still have supporters who will support them in competing.
We can support the fight in the ring but also refuse it.
But even if we reject it, we don't know if it will work because if the promoter has someone behind it, the event will continue and more will follow.
But maybe it's common sense to exploit such fights to entertain the audience, although we might think it would be weird.

Checking the fight it's clearly exploitation the Iranian Hulk has zero boxing skill, he just sign up for the money he even dedicated the fight to his country when he even doesn't know how to throw a punch, I don't think he is even into a fist fight, it's very obvious on this fight, he should not take the fight and just become a powerlifter because that's what he loves to do not fighting, I don't think he will even have a second fight no promoter will put him in the ring, he could get himself kill.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Reid on August 03, 2022, 12:23:53 PM
The sole purpose was just entertainment.
I have seen artists who are bashing each other in social media ending up fighting in a boxing ring.
They would put it in pay-per-view or just locally televised. It's not really mockery, boxing is a fist fight that could be done anywhere but there are beings who trained hard for it to go pro.
Anyone can box, but our expectations should be lower when they are known for the sport. I would not be much affected by it.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Wexnident on August 03, 2022, 12:45:29 PM
watching this fight made me think that promoters are just exploiting their popularity and these so-called internet sensations just want to have a quick buck.
Basically sums up the entire situation imo. Though the fact that the match went on goes to show that it was a possibility for the match to have traction and for people to pay for it. If the so-called "entertainment" they were looking for was one small laugh from me after seeing that immediate K.O. then they got it. Otherwise I wouldn't really support these kinds of exhibition matches, maybe against retired pros or experienced ones, but this kind of matches? Hard pass.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: acroman08 on August 03, 2022, 02:37:26 PM
I just finished watching their 3 minutes fight and yeah, it looks like it was a one-sided match. the dude has no idea how to properly punch and it also looks like he was afraid of getting hurt, he keeps flinching during the match. the only way I would support a non-boxer doing an exhibition match on boxing is if they at least gave an effort in their training or if they are fighting a fellow non-boxer. as for the paul brothers, my problem with them is that they act like they are the best boxers, I know it is part of their act but it still irks me.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: aioc on August 03, 2022, 02:43:39 PM
Are there regrets on the part of the promoters to hold an exhibition like this it's three minutes of waste of money, it is just hype I prefer to see up-and-coming fighters than this oversize so-called boxer in the ring, obviously it is for money if you don't know how to box or even don't know how to defend yourself then you have no business to be in the ring, you will just hurt yourself, the Iranian should do other things not box it's not for him.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: bittraffic on August 03, 2022, 02:43:58 PM
Doesn't look like an exhibition fight. The hulk doesn't even know how to position his hips nor his foot. I don't know them but clearly, the man in blue shirt doesn't know how to box. Doesn't know how to stand up and protect himself.

And the other guy pressured him and took all advances with skills to reach. If this is in the bookies, the odds will be ridiculous.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: robelneo on August 03, 2022, 03:03:27 PM
Doesn't look like an exhibition fight. The hulk doesn't even know how to position his hips nor his foot. I don't know them but clearly, the man in blue shirt doesn't know how to box. Doesn't know how to stand up and protect himself.

And the other guy pressured him and took all advances with skills to reach. If this is in the bookies, the odds will be ridiculous.

The Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi wants to prove something he was set to fight Martin Ford another guy with a hulking body but Ford decided to back up because he sees that the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi will totally outclass the way he reacts on their face-off, and the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi plans to fight Ford after this fight, but no promoter in his right mind will let Gharibi step in the ring again, he will just endanger himself, he should train himself first with a good trainer.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: dothebeats on August 03, 2022, 03:51:20 PM
It was not promoted as an amateur or professional boxing match so I guess that is okay. It is done for entertainment purposes and obviously, for these two giant walking muscles to make some quick moolah. Now if it was advertised as an amateur bout following all the rules of the sport and they did this kind of clownfest, that is the time when I would be complaining and obviously call for them to stop this nonsense.

It's good that no major bookies took this under their events because a lot of people would be insanely mad given how foolish the guy in blue acted. Even amateur flyweights can drop this guy down.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Doell on August 03, 2022, 03:51:40 PM
For entertainment, money, it is also possible for a fame and dignity. Gharibi this guy I think he not train before, putting himself in danger just have a big muscle body, I've seen fight like them a few months ago between local artists but just for prove, not money and fame. Gharibi is not only to prove but he also wants a career and popularity in free fight, it's just that he may not have a professional coach.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: avikz on August 03, 2022, 05:43:59 PM
Sajad Gharibi is a professional wrestler and not a boxer, so it's not a surprise that the match was completely one sided. Wrestling requires power while boxing needs agility. So the result was quite expected and I am sure majority of the people put their mkney on Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich as it was a boxing match.

Also such fancy matches are money making machine for both the organizers and the players. They all have earned couple of millions and had a good night sleep after the match.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: fullhdpixel on August 03, 2022, 05:52:58 PM
This is just an exhibition match and not official matches so there’s nothing if they do this kind of shit because this is just for an entertainment purposes. It’s up to the viewers if they like it or not because they are the one who pays for the ticket. I’m not expecting much when watching this kind of fight which makes me not affected on the result. Watch official matches if you want to see real action and don’t expect good quality of fight on an exhibition match. This is just like a sparring for the professional to beat amateurs televised.
Yeah, he said he is okay for the Paul brothers but what is their difference from this one? I guess nothing. Maybe he didn't like the participants involved, that's why he didn't get entertained or maybe he was expecting something more intense in the fights because the bodies of the participants are so big like hulk but he only got disappointed on what he sees.

We don't know if OP is one of those who pays for the ticket, that is why he has the right to complain but still, they can't do much anything about it because it's already over. The only thing that they can do is to avoid these types of matches next time and only watch those real fights instead.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Hydrogen on August 03, 2022, 05:59:44 PM
Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi made more than £1 million in this exhibition.

We know this as his previous opponent reported the number.

Martyn Ford missed out on seven-figure purse from doomed Iranian Hulk fight

Ford has revealed he would have earned over £1million from his fight with Iranian Hulk but ultimately saw the bout scrapped earlier this year

Sajad was paid more than £100,000 pounds for each blow to the head he received. Which is an excellent deal by most peoples standards.

Others like Mariusz Pudzianowski of world's strongest man fame, have made a similar transition in the past.

I don't mind people doing this. Although I hope they do it in a way that isn't harmful or embarrassing to them.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: jakelyson on August 03, 2022, 07:55:04 PM
This is just an exhibition match and not official matches so there’s nothing if they do this kind of shit because this is just for an entertainment purposes. It’s up to the viewers if they like it or not because they are the one who pays for the ticket. I’m not expecting much when watching this kind of fight which makes me not affected on the result. Watch official matches if you want to see real action and don’t expect good quality of fight on an exhibition match. This is just like a sparring for the professional to beat amateurs televised.
Yeah, he said he is okay for the Paul brothers but what is their difference from this one? I guess nothing. Maybe he didn't like the participants involved, that's why he didn't get entertained or maybe he was expecting something more intense in the fights because the bodies of the participants are so big like hulk but he only got disappointed on what he sees.

We don't know if OP is one of those who pays for the ticket, that is why he has the right to complain but still, they can't do much anything about it because it's already over. The only thing that they can do is to avoid these types of matches next time and only watch those real fights instead.

It was not even a fight. It seems like the Iranian Hulk came expecting there is no punch landing on his body. He was turning away from his opponent. This is what happens when you match YouTubers on the ring, don't expect anything of real value. They are there just for the money. At least with the Paul brothers, they came to the ring prepared and ready to rumble.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: jossiel on August 03, 2022, 08:21:38 PM
That's part of their way to entertain and make money.

Whatever is going to be offered with huge pot, they'll take as long as they know what to do and it's not really a new thing. We've seen this type of entertainment very effective on the other internet sensations.

And why not the others shouldn't try it for their own sake and fame?

Will the bookies have this on the list if they're that not popular? I guess not but if they are popular, bookies will have it listed even it's an exhibition match.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: carlfebz2 on August 03, 2022, 08:26:48 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Its your choice whether you do like or want to see these kind of exhibition matches yet we know that this wont really be having out that official record that would be set and just trying out to include boxing sport

and since they are popular or internet sensations then you would really expect that there would really be some interest specially into those followers or fans  of those people.You might see this to be that not ethical

but there's no way that we could really stop them on doing so.Its business and moneygrab after all and they would really be playing inside the ring and generate easy cash with it
which is something not that surprising.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Fortify on August 03, 2022, 08:35:24 PM
Everybody here has seen the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match against The Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich, these two are fierce rivals as internet sensations for having huge bodies like incredible hulk they finally settle their differences in the ring but unfortunately it's not the kind of fight that we want to see because it's too one-sided and it did not live through the hype

Obviously, the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match signed to this fight unprepared and with zero boxing skills, even an amateur boxer can beat this guy with Hulkster, watching this fight made me think that promoters are just exploiting their popularity and these so-called internet sensations just want to have a quick buck.

Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

Have you ever seen the WWF? You could argue that's been making a mockery of boxing for 25+ years - I know they call it "wrestling" but in reality it's all just theatrics in a boxing ring. I don't see any problem with it, if all fighters are aware of the risks and willingly want to participate then leave them to it. As we see with the popularity of the WWF contest every year, some people just like to watch this as a form of entertainment rather than a professional sport. There are serious tournaments and there are mock fights, follow whatever you like and it doesn't hurt anyone else. The real saps are the people paying for tickets which ultimately ends up funding the huge wage packets they get in return.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Mahanton on August 03, 2022, 08:38:59 PM

Have you ever seen the WWF? You could argue that's been making a mockery of boxing for 25+ years - I know they call it "wrestling" but in reality it's all just theatrics in a boxing ring. I don't see any problem with it, if all fighters are aware of the risks and willingly want to participate then leave them to it. As we see with the popularity of the WWF contest every year, some people just like to watch this as a form of entertainment rather than a professional sport. There are serious tournaments and there are mock fights, follow whatever you like and it doesn't hurt anyone else. The real saps are the people paying for tickets which ultimately ends up funding the huge wage packets they get in return.
Thinking off sensibly that if these mockery doesnt really get huge revenue or profits then we wont really be seeing for them to continue these things and i heavily agree on what you had said and compared it on WWF
which is basically been done on a boxing ring and we've been seeing these things for a long time and still present as of today which does simply imply that there's really a market for this.If you do find this stuff
to be not good or not right at all then you could just simply leave and ignore but there are people who do really like to see these things just for them to be entertained
and since people are different then we could really see different preferences.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: darkangel11 on August 03, 2022, 08:45:53 PM
It's not up to us to allow them to fight. If they want to do it it's their reputation and they're earning money just for being there so it's not like they're going to regret it.

The fight you used as an example was very bad. Reminds me of those david vs goliath style of fights in the UFC where they match opponents from different weight divisions just for fun, but this one was much worse. The Iranian didn't know how to fight. He was turning around to expose his back like it was some teenage brawl.

Some of these fights can be entertaining. This one was not.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Smartvirus on August 03, 2022, 09:08:08 PM
After going through OP and watching the clip from the provided link, you need no one to tell you who the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi is. His truly got zero boxing skills, probably because his too focused on the weight lifting and not doing any actual punching bag practice. He can't even get his hands up to guard his face. He seemed to have believed so much in his enormous weight to make the difference but that's so not it here and he couldn't even take hits.

Well, this was clearly a fun match and the Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich was the one having all the fun. Clearly untouched while he landed most of his punch on the body and head just right. Fair enough, it's just a fun match at the gym with few fans to entertain. I I think that's just about it, a fun match.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: livingfree on August 03, 2022, 09:50:40 PM
I don't see it as an exploitations.

They've chosen that path and they will agree first and sign a contract before doing any type of crazy exhibition match. This also goes and being applied to the Paul brothers and whoever they fight.

Well, they've been built for that and it's a plus that they make money, they entertain people and they love what they do.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: goaldigger on August 03, 2022, 09:58:11 PM
What we can expect from an exhibition match?
If you’re not interested to watch this kind of matches then you’re free not to watch but for the organizer of this one, if there’s still a money for this most probably they will push this through. This could be for entertainment and if you’re the influencer you are aiming to try something new and for the money as well.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Yogee on August 03, 2022, 10:26:50 PM
Everybody here has seen the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match against The Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich,
I feel left out because I don't even know who these guys are hehe.

Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.
I don't bet on these kind of fights and I don't spend a dime to watch them. I even skip ads if I just watch them on social media.

I don't see it as an exploitations.

They've chosen that path and they will agree first and sign a contract before doing any type of crazy exhibition match. This also goes and being applied to the Paul brothers and whoever they fight.

Well, they've been built for that and it's a plus that they make money, they entertain people and they love what they do.
It's clearly a money grab for both organizers and fighters but you're right that everyone involved knew what they are up to. Most fans are probably aware of what they're paying for.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Rruchi man on August 03, 2022, 10:41:30 PM
Everybody here has seen the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match against The Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich,
Not so sure that everyone has, i just did myself and certainly there are others like myself.

Obviously, the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match signed to this fight unprepared and with zero boxing skills, even an amateur boxer can beat this guy with Hulkster, watching this fight made me think that promoters are just exploiting their popularity and these so-called internet sensations just want to have a quick buck.
Very ridiculous what i just watched, I expected something a bit more tense considering their body size, not this child's play I saw. I'm very disappointed I must say, in them both and in the promoters that promoted this knowing well that it may not be as expected, clearly their aim was to make money, nothing more.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: samcrypto on August 03, 2022, 10:52:12 PM
Obviously, the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match signed to this fight unprepared and with zero boxing skills, even an amateur boxer can beat this guy with Hulkster, watching this fight made me think that promoters are just exploiting their popularity and these so-called internet sensations just want to have a quick buck.
Very ridiculous what i just watched, I expected something a bit more tense considering their body size, not this child's play I saw. I'm very disappointed I must say, in them both and in the promoters that promoted this knowing well that it may not be as expected, clearly their aim was to make money, nothing more.
We cannot blame viewers if they see this one as not worth to watch, but of course there's still money for this and that's why the promoter of this one push it through. This is just an exhibition match though, we can't really expect that it will be a more intense match since its a fixed match most probably. Well, this is the new trend now where retired boxer and social media personality came back to ring just to have fun and make money, you should not take this seriously and better not to place any bet on any exhibition matches.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Rufsilf on August 03, 2022, 11:23:24 PM
There should have a fair competition to know who is the strongest man or the real hulk as boxing isn't really fit for them. What do we think gonna happen in the ring? With no knowledge about the basics, We certainly can't expect them to do boxing but just an exercise inside. That actually it makes no sense and such criteria aren't right to tell who is the real man, the real hulk.

That was easy money for the promoters. But on the other side, this won't affect their reputation.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: AmoreJaz on August 03, 2022, 11:29:13 PM
There should have a fair competition to know who is the strongest man or the real hulk as boxing isn't really fit for them. What do we think gonna happen in the ring? With no knowledge about the basics, We certainly can't expect them to do boxing but just an exercise inside. That actually it makes no sense and such criteria aren't right to tell who is the real man, the real hulk.

That was easy money for the promoters. But on the other side, this won't affect their reputation.

in my opinion, this is basically just for the money and a clear exploitation of the sports. they are seeing that they can generate easy money here, why not? that's why, don't expect that they know the rules of this sports. as long as they can extract money from this type of fight, they will. now, it is up to the viewers if they don't want to see this kind of fight again.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: livingfree on August 03, 2022, 11:53:01 PM
I don't see it as an exploitations.

They've chosen that path and they will agree first and sign a contract before doing any type of crazy exhibition match. This also goes and being applied to the Paul brothers and whoever they fight.

Well, they've been built for that and it's a plus that they make money, they entertain people and they love what they do.
It's clearly a money grab for both organizers and fighters but you're right that everyone involved knew what they are up to. Most fans are probably aware of what they're paying for.

It's all for the hype and entertainment and everyone who pays for the ticket know what exactly they're watching for. Whether it's an exhibition, a scripted fight with some dramas.

That's what they pay for and these organizers know how huge these sort of entertainment are making and they're just taking advantage of it for them to rake money from fans and those interested people that are just there who wants to watch.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Vaskiy on August 04, 2022, 12:29:53 AM
Such matches too needs terms and conditions, just because an internet sensation has money he shouldn't be allowed to get into a sport in which he doesn't have good experience. This is completely for money and the Professionals too shouldn't accept such fights. This looks interesting and more funny to watch, at some point it is the exploitation of that particular sports. If I'm not wrong, certain group of people get interested in watching these matches and not the professional ones which is truly a setback.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Davidvictorson on August 04, 2022, 12:37:14 AM
The fight is for the clearly for the money. Can we call it a case of exploitation if both men had agreed to the fight? In my estimation, it was clearly neither fun nor entertaining to watch. Promoters would do anything to promote an official match, I guess this is a typical example. Right now, people would watch you anything as long as you are popular on the internet. And most people who are popular on the internet would do anything as long as will they get paid for it.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: TravelMug on August 04, 2022, 01:05:31 AM
Unfortunately, this is the first time that I heard about this match.

Are there any crypto betting options for this though? What are the odds for either? I'm just asking so that I can gauge if there is someone who lost or make money out of this fight, other wise it might be rigged or something.

And yeah, it's obvious that this is just a internet hype and nothing more, but then again, someone will have to fall for this kind of trick because of their popularity.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: cryptomaniac_xxx on August 04, 2022, 01:08:40 AM
For me this match seems to be for the money. They have created a name for themselves thru internet and they just want to take advantage of it. And I guess it shows that having huge body is not an advantage of something, maybe in Sumo wrestling, but in boxing, it's too taxing if you have those kind of muscles and it will make you tired very fast. And so makes the fight very boring for fans as it is not even competitive.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Kemarit on August 04, 2022, 01:24:39 AM
I think there is no debate here, it's a easy money grab for the two and then the network or promotions that carry this supposedly, hype fight.

But it is what it is, for a true fans of boxing, this is clearly an exhibition match. And when we talk about those kind of fights, the athletes are just going to the motion, no serious training behind, and this is what we get from this fight. It really messed up the industry though, as anyone can call anyone in the internet then have a fight and make money.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: traderethereum on August 04, 2022, 02:32:47 AM
It could be that promoters exploit their popularity while they still have supporters who will support them in competing.
We can support the fight in the ring but also refuse it.
But even if we reject it, we don't know if it will work because if the promoter has someone behind it, the event will continue and more will follow.
But maybe it's common sense to exploit such fights to entertain the audience, although we might think it would be weird.

Checking the fight it's clearly exploitation the Iranian Hulk has zero boxing skill, he just sign up for the money he even dedicated the fight to his country when he even doesn't know how to throw a punch, I don't think he is even into a fist fight, it's very obvious on this fight, he should not take the fight and just become a powerlifter because that's what he loves to do not fighting, I don't think he will even have a second fight no promoter will put him in the ring, he could get himself kill.
Yes, that's true but even if he could kill himself, he would still do it because of the money.
Many people will do anything for money, even if it can hurt themselves.
In this day and age where it is difficult to find money, people are willing to do anything to earn money.
Even if they did something that he wouldn't be able to do, they would try to do it.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: xSkylarx on August 04, 2022, 04:39:28 AM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring

Personally, I don't like supporting these type of matches unless the revenue goes to a charity. Most of the time, influencers just do those matchups for the sake of clout. The influencers will create a scripted issue, make it look serious, hype it on social media then settle it on a fighting match. Organizers also take advantage of it because of the influencers' big fanbase that can generate them a huge amount of profit.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: bittraffic on August 04, 2022, 05:20:35 AM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring

Personally, I don't like supporting these type of matches unless the revenue goes to a charity. Most of the time, influencers just do those matchups for the sake of clout. The influencers will create a scripted issue, make it look serious, hype it on social media then settle it on a fighting match. Organizers also take advantage of it because of the influencers' big fanbase that can generate them a huge amount of profit.

It's not up to us to support or not, they do have a promoter.

What Hulk probably thought is that because the Paul brothers did it well to make money by challenging fighters in the ring, he could also do it while embarrassing those who accept thier challenge. Maybe next time, this time he learned a lesson but I guess they still got the money right?

seven-figure purse
is a lot for this low level promotion.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: robelneo on August 08, 2022, 03:41:07 PM
The fight is for the clearly for the money. Can we call it a case of exploitation if both men had agreed to the fight? In my estimation, it was clearly neither fun nor entertaining to watch. Promoters would do anything to promote an official match, I guess this is a typical example. Right now, people would watch you anything as long as you are popular on the internet. And most people who are popular on the internet would do anything as long as will they get paid for it.

Yes that's for content I even see people eating live chicken just to be popular and gain followers, the trending videos now are those mukbang or

(especially in South Korea) a video, especially one that is live-streamed, that features a person eating a large quantity of food and addressing the audience.
"she is eating two pounds of lobster in this mukbang"

I don't know how they do this but this is gluttony, they are eating in one sitting what 5 people can eat, there are so many of these on Youtube some of them getting hundreds of thousands of views the highest I've seen is 14 million, yes you're right people will do something to get more views and followers and that's just what happened to Gharibi the Iranian Hulk.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Jemzx00 on August 08, 2022, 06:46:09 PM
The fight is for the clearly for the money. Can we call it a case of exploitation if both men had agreed to the fight? In my estimation, it was clearly neither fun nor entertaining to watch. Promoters would do anything to promote an official match, I guess this is a typical example. Right now, people would watch you anything as long as you are popular on the internet. And most people who are popular on the internet would do anything as long as will they get paid for it.
Yes that's for content I even see people eating live chicken just to be popular and gain followers, the trending videos now are those mukbang
That’s how things are right now, any content that will provide viewers whether it is discriminating or something that is out of ordinary that will garner tons of views and money. This kind of event whereas people would like to see these internet sensation to fight each to know how it will end will surely amass tons of viewers which is why the match has been held even without any experience.

But still the good thing about this, is that they will able to earn money from this matches and possibly continue their careers through this hype and maybe became a boxer as well whereas a rematch can be officially made.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Viscore on August 08, 2022, 06:54:32 PM
It could be that promoters exploit their popularity while they still have supporters who will support them in competing.
We can support the fight in the ring but also refuse it.
But even if we reject it, we don't know if it will work because if the promoter has someone behind it, the event will continue and more will follow.
But maybe it's common sense to exploit such fights to entertain the audience, although we might think it would be weird.
Definitely, its a clear manifestation that the promoters here want only money to sold out all tickets even if the match alone is not entertaining. Although some might still having fun but i bet, most have only gone there since they want to witness these two internet sensations. Well, to be honest, i'm not really into this fight because it only serves more of taking advantage their names while they are hot, and its up to the audience alone if they want to avail the tickets or not.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: goinmerry on August 08, 2022, 06:57:19 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Is there something we can actually do to prevent that kind of match? It's easy for organizers to make such fights since it's not prohibited in the first place. Even those professional players in that specific sport can't prevent that kind of match from happening even if they will voice out their concern that they are against at those exhibition games where it involves a personality that's not even a real player of that sport.

Simply, if we are again at this, we can take action by not supporting that match or just ignoring it.

But since many people are patronizing that event, then no choice but to keep our disappointment from ourselves.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: ralle14 on August 09, 2022, 03:15:52 AM
With how much they've made from the match I want to say they did it for the money.

Unfortunately, this is the first time that I heard about this match.

Are there any crypto betting options for this though? What are the odds for either? I'm just asking so that I can gauge if there is someone who lost or make money out of this fight, other wise it might be rigged or something.
If crypto sportsbooks decided to offer odds for this game it'd probably be around 1.1 for the favorite since that boxer looked like a professional while the other couldn't keep up with the punches being thrown at him.

I don't think it's rigged but there's a possibility if the outcome from the judges ends up the other way around like a draw for example.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: aioc on August 09, 2022, 03:43:04 AM

But still the good thing about this, is that they will able to earn money from this matches and possibly continue their careers through this hype and maybe became a boxer as well whereas a rematch can be officially made.

For the Iranian Hulk his career in boxing is over he had one minute of fame in boxing, I was disappointed after I see him in the video there's a lot of difference in pictures that he and his followers have uploaded to his video I thought he was huge and massive and had a lot of muscles like the incredible hulk turn out he is just a big fat guy, I like to believe those who alleged that all his pictures online are photoshopped to make him look like he is frightening on the online world.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: traderethereum on August 09, 2022, 06:33:24 AM
It could be that promoters exploit their popularity while they still have supporters who will support them in competing.
We can support the fight in the ring but also refuse it.
But even if we reject it, we don't know if it will work because if the promoter has someone behind it, the event will continue and more will follow.
But maybe it's common sense to exploit such fights to entertain the audience, although we might think it would be weird.
Definitely, its a clear manifestation that the promoters here want only money to sold out all tickets even if the match alone is not entertaining. Although some might still having fun but i bet, most have only gone there since they want to witness these two internet sensations. Well, to be honest, i'm not really into this fight because it only serves more of taking advantage their names while they are hot, and its up to the audience alone if they want to avail the tickets or not.
Yes, that's true.
If the promoter were more concerned with money than a serious match that could really entertain the crowd, they would do whatever it took to make a big profit in that match.
They will only try to create a sensation by using various means so that more viewers will be interested in buying tickets or can provide more profits for the promoter.
Maybe the audience won't think about exploitation because they just want some entertainment from the game.
But hopefully, the audience will not attract to the match the promoter is trying to exploit.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Pierre 2 on August 09, 2022, 06:46:53 AM
These are just taking place for attention and money. Internet culture makes everything important a mockery because of potential to profit. I am not totally against it as I understand people want to make easy money. But this type of matches should not ever be named sport match but instead a TV Show. Literally. Its %100 show. They are no different than actors.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: TopT3ns on August 09, 2022, 08:59:30 AM
These are just taking place for attention and money. Internet culture makes everything important a mockery because of potential to profit. I am not totally against it as I understand people want to make easy money. But this type of matches should not ever be named sport match but instead a TV Show. Literally. Its %100 show. They are no different than actors.
TV shows for football and other sports can fully be used for business as well because in some big clubs such as Barcelona, which sells broadcasting rights to investors at a very high value, this shows that on TV shows everyone can make a profit because when the TV gets bigger and The more visitors, the higher the selling price. forever everything has a clear legality in my opinion is not an important problem.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: fortunecrypto on August 10, 2022, 09:03:06 AM
These are just taking place for attention and money. Internet culture makes everything important a mockery because of potential to profit. I am not totally against it as I understand people want to make easy money. But this type of matches should not ever be named sport match but instead a TV Show. Literally. Its %100 show. They are no different than actors.

Based on what we've seen they are not actors in the ring, but they are actors and imitators of what they are showing on the internet I'm surprised that they let their rivalry settle in the ring, they should have done it in other sports like weight lifting, these two protagonists did not give us good boxing they but in fairness to Kazakh Titan he has boxing skills for Gharibi he should not ever step into the ring and just compete in weight lifting where he excels, and he should take down those photoshopped images in the internet showing his muscular physique. 

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: ethereumhunter on August 10, 2022, 10:23:39 AM
These are just taking place for attention and money. Internet culture makes everything important a mockery because of potential to profit. I am not totally against it as I understand people want to make easy money. But this type of matches should not ever be named sport match but instead a TV Show. Literally. Its %100 show. They are no different than actors.
Maybe it's all just to get a lot of money from the audience so they use the match show to attract their interest. Let's hope no one gets injured after the game, especially if the game is just entertainment. And hopefully, the players can also get a decent fee because they have entertained the audience with their abilities even though it's not a real match event. Maybe there will be more events because the audience at home or watching lives need such entertainment.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: chaser15 on August 10, 2022, 02:41:57 PM
Exhibitions matches are really for a money-making scheme purposes. That's why it called exhibition match in the first place.

In boxing, MMA or any other sports, these matches are not being sanctioned or governed by an official body council council of that sports making it as a free will for any organizers to just do what they want as long as those involved athletes agreed.

But on the other hand, exhibition matches is also a way to raise funds to help a certain charity or if there's a calamity.

We should only support an exhibition matches that involves helping a foundation for real and not for a fun or entertainment purposes.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: virasisog on August 10, 2022, 03:07:18 PM
Exhibitions matches are really for a money-making scheme purposes. That's why it called exhibition match in the first place.

In boxing, MMA or any other sports, these matches are not being sanctioned or governed by an official body council council of that sports making it as free will for any organizers to just do what they want as long as those involved athletes agreed.

But on the other hand, exhibition matches are also a way to raise funds to help a certain charity or if there's a calamity.

We should only support exhibition matches that involve helping a foundation for real and not for fun or entertainment purposes.

Yes, most exhibition matches have a purpose and that is mainly to earn funds either for charities or other things being organized by the management. The first goal is to earn funds and the negotiations will be between the management and the fighters. They could make the matches more exciting and thrilling and we can't blame them for that because their main goal is just to earn funds without any title involve.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: harizen on August 10, 2022, 05:17:23 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

That's not illegal in the first place so no choice but to allow them to just organize fights like that. Clearly, it's about earning money regardless of the purpose as no way obviously that they will held such events if not for money. The fact is, there are people who really wants that entertainment that's why even there's a call for real professional boxers to stop those sh*ts, nothing they can do.

Simply if we found an exhibition match as annoying, then just ignore those and never pay money to watch those.

That is something we need to accept now as it was considered as part of the entertainment.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: inthelongrun on August 10, 2022, 05:19:01 PM
I am not really against exhibition fights and even celebrities trying to enter into professional boxing. I don't call it mockery for boxing because it is the other way around since many boxing fans will laugh at their awkward fighting styles. If an op calls the Iranian Hulk fight a mockery of boxing then how come Shake Paul is not a mockery for you?

I'm not a fan of Shake Paul because he is hyping beyond his boundary. I don't mind him fighting MMA fighters and earning money, but is he talking about him as the biggest star in boxing and beating Canelo Alvarez? That's funny and annoying. Did he cancel his fight with an unknown Rahman because of the weight issue? Didn't he realize that he was too heavy also against those past primed MMA fighters? He is talking about beating Canelo but why can't he accept Chris Eubank Jr.'s challenge? Eubank is only a middleweight and is willing to accept as a late replacement for Rahman. Paul is a cruiserweight I guess but is silent about the Eubank challenge. Good thing Mayweather Jr. made his face a punching bag before. :D    

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: coin-investor on August 11, 2022, 09:18:01 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

That's not illegal in the first place so no choice but to allow them to just organize fights like that. Clearly, it's about earning money regardless of the purpose as no way obviously that they will held such events if not for money. The fact is, there are people who really wants that entertainment that's why even there's a call for real professional boxers to stop those sh*ts, nothing they can do.

Simply if we found an exhibition match as annoying, then just ignore those and never pay money to watch those.

That is something we need to accept now as it was considered as part of the entertainment.

I can accept an exhibition match that is well organized and participants well trained and the organizers are taking care of the welfare of the participants but this one is very different, one participant did not know what to do in the ring he turn his backs many times which is a big no no in boxing, this is probably the worst exhibition boxing I've seen the promoters and the participants did a great job creating a big hype on their match.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Mahanton on August 11, 2022, 09:49:04 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

That's not illegal in the first place so no choice but to allow them to just organize fights like that. Clearly, it's about earning money regardless of the purpose as no way obviously that they will held such events if not for money. The fact is, there are people who really wants that entertainment that's why even there's a call for real professional boxers to stop those sh*ts, nothing they can do.

Simply if we found an exhibition match as annoying, then just ignore those and never pay money to watch those.

That is something we need to accept now as it was considered as part of the entertainment.

I can accept an exhibition match that is well organized and participants well trained and the organizers are taking care of the welfare of the participants but this one is very different, one participant did not know what to do in the ring he turn his backs many times which is a big no no in boxing, this is probably the worst exhibition boxing I've seen the promoters and the participants did a great job creating a big hype on their match.
There's nothing we can do if it would really be looking up that way because its an exhibition then they wouldnt care on what they would gonna do but its true that the fight should really be worthy on the amount been
paid for the tickets or ppv so that it wont really be ending up on disappointment and lots of discrimination from the fans.We know that this is a business and making money if we do talk about exhibitions
and doesnt matter on what would be the set up and on how they would taking those exhibition to happen.We can see clearly on whats the motive on the first place.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: DoublerHunter on August 11, 2022, 11:48:16 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

That's not illegal in the first place so no choice but to allow them to just organize fights like that. Clearly, it's about earning money regardless of the purpose as no way obviously that they will held such events if not for money. The fact is, there are people who really wants that entertainment that's why even there's a call for real professional boxers to stop those sh*ts, nothing they can do.

Simply if we found an exhibition match as annoying, then just ignore those and never pay money to watch those.

That is something we need to accept now as it was considered as part of the entertainment.

I can accept an exhibition match that is well organized and participants well trained and the organizers are taking care of the welfare of the participants but this one is very different, one participant did not know what to do in the ring he turn his backs many times which is a big no no in boxing, this is probably the worst exhibition boxing I've seen the promoters and the participants did a great job creating a big hype on their match.
^ An exhibition fight is supposedly an entertainment match and there is nothing we can do if it may result in a worse or it will be entertained very well to the audience. The purpose of that match is to collect funds, nothing else. They are not even fighting their reputation title, so sometimes I consider the exhibition fight is a boring match not unless if they performed very well.
But yeah, this is considering as an entertainment match.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on August 20, 2022, 09:01:04 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring

Personally, I don't like supporting these type of matches unless the revenue goes to a charity. Most of the time, influencers just do those matchups for the sake of clout. The influencers will create a scripted issue, make it look serious, hype it on social media then settle it on a fighting match. Organizers also take advantage of it because of the influencers' big fanbase that can generate them a huge amount of profit.

Well to tell the truth, I also agree with your opinion, when it comes to this type of event, I personally do not think much about sanctions on the internet, and it is as you say, it is better that if this type of event takes place it is for a charity occasion, otherwise I think it would not be very attractive.

On the other hand, influencers are usually used for this type of event and many times they do not do it to do a good charity work but for the money they can receive and that is something that I do not like either, if we were a little more human and that the same influencers making charitable donations was much better.

Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

That's not illegal in the first place so no choice but to allow them to just organize fights like that. Clearly, it's about earning money regardless of the purpose as no way obviously that they will held such events if not for money. The fact is, there are people who really wants that entertainment that's why even there's a call for real professional boxers to stop those sh*ts, nothing they can do.

Simply if we found an exhibition match as annoying, then just ignore those and never pay money to watch those.

That is something we need to accept now as it was considered as part of the entertainment.

I can accept an exhibition match that is well organized and participants well trained and the organizers are taking care of the welfare of the participants but this one is very different, one participant did not know what to do in the ring he turn his backs many times which is a big no no in boxing, this is probably the worst exhibition boxing I've seen the promoters and the participants did a great job creating a big hype on their match.
^ An exhibition fight is supposedly an entertainment match and there is nothing we can do if it may result in a worse or it will be entertained very well to the audience. The purpose of that match is to collect funds, nothing else. They are not even fighting their reputation title, so sometimes I consider the exhibition fight is a boring match not unless if they performed very well.
But yeah, this is considering as an entertainment match.

Well, in part I also consider it that way, if there is one thing that I have to do with exhibition it is for that, it is not something real, there is not that rivalry to make it something exciting, if we take into account that they can make a difference, yes, maybe, but they do this more than anything to raise money, I like it when it's for charity occasions, the only exhibition fight I'd like to see is Mike Tyson and that's something we can forget about, because he himself said that I wasn't going to do it, unless it was for a large amount of money, something really very large, I see this as friendly football matches.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: BitcoinPanther on August 20, 2022, 11:34:33 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

I don't agree with this kind of fight, It is so clear that the promoter is just taking advantage of the popularity of the two fighter just to grab money from the target audience.  Even if it is labeled as exhibition match, I don't see any exhibit in the fight since the other fighter is too noob to fight while the other fighter is well accustomed to the fight. 

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: AmoreJaz on August 20, 2022, 11:44:15 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

I don't agree with this kind of fight, It is so clear that the promoter is just taking advantage of the popularity of the two fighter just to grab money from the target audience.  Even if it is labeled as exhibition match, I don't see any exhibit in the fight since the other fighter is too noob to fight while the other fighter is well accustomed to the fight.  

well, as the audience saw what kind the fight it was, then, if the promoters will schedule a similar exhibition fight, then don't buy or watch it. clearly, the promoters are exploiting their popularity to earn money. but if the fight is not even worth to watch as exhibition fight, then the audience should not let these promoters earn from their ticket sales. because they will promote an exhibition fight as long as people are buying it.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: KennyR on August 20, 2022, 11:54:12 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

I don't agree with this kind of fight, It is so clear that the promoter is just taking advantage of the popularity of the two fighter just to grab money from the target audience.  Even if it is labeled as exhibition match, I don't see any exhibit in the fight since the other fighter is too noob to fight while the other fighter is well accustomed to the fight. 
Nowadays this has become a trend. Popular person even without any professional experience or any form of qualification can get into exhibition matches. This is all for money, and this can ruin the sports at some point. There is a big follower base and the same is being used. During the childhood I used to watch WWE and gets mesmerized. Later understood those are all just tricks. Same as that these are kind of fooling the audience and making money.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: abel1337 on August 21, 2022, 05:46:28 AM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

I don't agree with this kind of fight, It is so clear that the promoter is just taking advantage of the popularity of the two fighter just to grab money from the target audience.  Even if it is labeled as exhibition match, I don't see any exhibit in the fight since the other fighter is too noob to fight while the other fighter is well accustomed to the fight. 
Nowadays this has become a trend. Popular person even without any professional experience or any form of qualification can get into exhibition matches. This is all for money, and this can ruin the sports at some point. There is a big follower base and the same is being used. During the childhood I used to watch WWE and gets mesmerized. Later understood those are all just tricks. Same as that these are kind of fooling the audience and making money.
Money is easier that way since a famous person is doing the unthinkable match, everyone would be interested. If this kind of fight became a norm especialy in boxing, I'm sure this will leave a mark in boxing history. Making youth not understand what hardship boxer go through just to hold a belt. They can easily think it's easy enough to enter into such sports because their idol who little to no experience has a exhibition match with also a notable champion in that sports.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Adbitco on August 21, 2022, 08:14:20 AM
Do we say the Iranian Hulk went to the ring unprepared and might be an exploitation if not so how would he go into boxing ring without being able to showcase his skills or wanting not to win. Maybe a huge fans or supporters has paid for him to lose the fight. I don't see how Kazakh Titan Djumanov is in a way Iranian Hulk can't even defend himself in a fight.
This can't be for the just a Sport because it is clearly for Money others would probably welcome it as an entertainment purposes, yes its but can't just be in normal circumstances. 

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: coin-investor on August 21, 2022, 09:19:57 AM
Do we say the Iranian Hulk went to the ring unprepared and might be an exploitation if not so how would he go into boxing ring without being able to showcase his skills or wanting not to win. Maybe a huge fans or supporters has paid for him to lose the fight. I don't see how Kazakh Titan Djumanov is in a way Iranian Hulk can't even defend himself in a fight.
This can't be for the just a Sport because it is clearly for Money others would probably welcome it as an entertainment purposes, yes its but can't just be in normal circumstances. 

Either way, it's a big disappointment to those watching it even the sportscaster cannot define this as entertainment, you don't want to see somebody going up in the ring running and turning his back to his opponent giving the punch when his opponent is already away from him, this is a clumsy fight, you'll be entertained to watch a circus than a fight like this that did not live up to its hype, the social media is really good creating a hype but this is one hype that failed to excite spectators.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: jrrsparkles on August 21, 2022, 11:13:50 AM
Obviously it is happening for the money, that is why the organizers always pick the best rivalries or popular people so they can sell out completely and also get more money from the sponsors and you know the fighters also getting paid in millions so just like any business this uses the human excitement to make money.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: robelneo on August 21, 2022, 11:48:58 AM
Obviously it is happening for the money, that is why the organizers always pick the best rivalries or popular people so they can sell out completely and also get more money from the sponsors and you know the fighters also getting paid in millions so just like any business this uses the human excitement to make money.

It's a big black eye for the organizer, they expect a fair fight because both the rival made them believe that they can take their rivalry inside the ring, sometimes these organizers check if these rivals on the internet can carry it in the boxing ring, they should have preferred a competition that suited to each other like weightlifting, or who is the stronger man, not everyone is built to box, The Iranian Hulk is not cut to be a boxer.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Kakmakr on August 21, 2022, 12:07:25 PM
It is very clear that most of these exhibition fights are just hosted to ride the hype and to make loads of money. It is fake and most of the fights are rigged, so the outcome are pre-determined. They also arrange for a re-match and then you will find that the challenger will win that fight, so that they can cash in on a 3rd fight.  ::)

So, no thank you..... the TikTokers should stay with what they are doing... and leave the professionals to do their thing. I am kinda sick of all the "fake" stuff in this world.  ::)

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: qwertyup23 on August 21, 2022, 03:42:59 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

Does the fight drew lots of attention in the public to the point that its profits reached sky high? I think so; but
Does the fight go against the spirit of boxing where two boxers would fight and the winner would be decided based on their individual skills and techniques? Arguably yes.

Unfortunately, the entertainment industry focuses too much on drawing attention from the public in order to gain and earn a quick buck. Since the public also saw the match entertaining, they spent their money watching, even if the match is somehow one-sided.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Jemzx00 on August 21, 2022, 03:53:44 PM
It is very clear that most of these exhibition fights are just hosted to ride the hype and to make loads of money. It is fake and most of the fights are rigged, so the outcome are pre-determined. They also arrange for a re-match and then you will find that the challenger will win that fight, so that they can cash in on a 3rd fight.  ::)

So, no thank you..... the TikTokers should stay with what they are doing... and leave the professionals to do their thing. I am kinda sick of all the "fake" stuff in this world.  ::)
Unfortunately, as much as we know that these exhibition matches are fake and rigged but they also provide a lot of viewers to watch the match. They might not be professional but they provide chance for amateurs and professionals a lot of audience which will also receive more pay.

Exhibition matches are not really about the match and fight but to provide audience, and opportunities to other fighters. Also, they bring some entertainment and satisfy their viewers as most of them wanted to see the match.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: jrrsparkles on August 21, 2022, 03:57:38 PM
Obviously it is happening for the money, that is why the organizers always pick the best rivalries or popular people so they can sell out completely and also get more money from the sponsors and you know the fighters also getting paid in millions so just like any business this uses the human excitement to make money.

It's a big black eye for the organizer, they expect a fair fight because both the rival made them believe that they can take their rivalry inside the ring, sometimes these organizers check if these rivals on the internet can carry it in the boxing ring, they should have preferred a competition that suited to each other like weightlifting, or who is the stronger man, not everyone is built to box, The Iranian Hulk is not cut to be a boxer.
Boxer and fighter can be different but when it comes to special events the only concentration will be on how popular the event will become and how much money they can earn from the fight and importantly we can't deny when the person himself accept the terms and getting paid for it so the ultimate aim is money and for the people they want their man to fight with another popular so that is the main selling point.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Gozie51 on August 21, 2022, 05:29:50 PM
This is just like a sparring for the professional to beat amateurs televised.

That is what it is, it is meant for the spectators delight on something to relax with but my thinking is with this we might have begun to see same kind of showbiz going on in wrestling matches too where you don't understand when a fight is real or not. Boxing seem to be more real and taken seriously. If promoters are going to come with that they should clearly state the purpose and not to leave the public to wonder.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: dothebeats on August 21, 2022, 06:16:56 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

Does the fight drew lots of attention in the public to the point that its profits reached sky high? I think so; but
Does the fight go against the spirit of boxing where two boxers would fight and the winner would be decided based on their individual skills and techniques? Arguably yes.

Unfortunately, the entertainment industry focuses too much on drawing attention from the public in order to gain and earn a quick buck. Since the public also saw the match entertaining, they spent their money watching, even if the match is somehow one-sided.

The entertainment industry just aims to use your emotions and feelings against you to make some money. With what they're doing here, it's no different than trying to sell you a new soap opera or a new movie. They're trying to milk the hype that is created by the names they put on the bout, and when the time of the match comes, they can't give us a proper match that is actually satisfying to watch.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: lionheart78 on August 21, 2022, 06:52:59 PM
The entertainment industry just aims to use your emotions and feelings against you to make some money. With what they're doing here, it's no different than trying to sell you a new soap opera or a new movie. They're trying to milk the hype that is created by the names they put on the bout, and when the time of the match comes, they can't give us a proper match that is actually satisfying to watch.

The sports industry is a business after all. It wouldn't be established if they don't think of gains.  Exhibition fights are created to get money out of the audience by giving them a chance to see rare matches that is impossible to see in Professional Match.  The more popular person participating in this exhibition fights, the bigger or greater the amount the institution can collect.  And I don't see this kind of stuff as annoying, since sports are there to entertain viewers.  As long as the viewers are entertained, or get the value of every penny they spend on that game, I do not think it is that bad.  Besides, it is a given fact that matches are there to get profit for the organizer so it doesn't make a difference if the participant or the fight is scripted as long as it gives entertainment to the viewers.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Fortify on August 21, 2022, 07:18:30 PM
Everybody here has seen the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match against The Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich, these two are fierce rivals as internet sensations for having huge bodies like incredible hulk they finally settle their differences in the ring but unfortunately it's not the kind of fight that we want to see because it's too one-sided and it did not live through the hype

Obviously, the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match signed to this fight unprepared and with zero boxing skills, even an amateur boxer can beat this guy with Hulkster, watching this fight made me think that promoters are just exploiting their popularity and these so-called internet sensations just want to have a quick buck.

Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

At that level of fighting, it's all about the money, but obviously they train very hard still and want to win - because that gains them access to future fights and the winner takes a larger amount of earnings home. I don't know much about Sajad Gharibi but surely somebody nicknamed "The Hulk" has a lot of strength which is a pretty important attribute for a boxer to begin. Places like Saudi Arabia are throwing out a lot of money in order to attract these fights, and while I doubt they'll be hosting an Iranian, it just goes to show that they are highly popular entertainment and draw in large crowds. If this Iranian is going in fully aware of the skill discrepancy, then there should be nothing stopping it.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Viscore on August 21, 2022, 08:32:12 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Is there something we can actually do to prevent that kind of match? It's easy for organizers to make such fights since it's not prohibited in the first place. Even those professional players in that specific sport can't prevent that kind of match from happening even if they will voice out their concern that they are against at those exhibition games where it involves a personality that's not even a real player of that sport.

Simply, if we are again at this, we can take action by not supporting that match or just ignoring it.

But since many people are patronizing that event, then no choice but to keep our disappointment from ourselves.
This kind of match is definitely more on fun or entertainment, and those who support it do not question it since they also love to see these internet sensations in the ring. Most likely, the promoters of this kind of game is just taking advantage while they are hot and popular, and while the people still favor and support them on their shows.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: South Park on August 21, 2022, 08:38:18 PM
Everybody here has seen the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match against The Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich, these two are fierce rivals as internet sensations for having huge bodies like incredible hulk they finally settle their differences in the ring but unfortunately it's not the kind of fight that we want to see because it's too one-sided and it did not live through the hype

Obviously, the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match signed to this fight unprepared and with zero boxing skills, even an amateur boxer can beat this guy with Hulkster, watching this fight made me think that promoters are just exploiting their popularity and these so-called internet sensations just want to have a quick buck.

Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here
This is something we have seen many times before, there have been many cases of bodybuilders facing against boxers and the results were what you could expect, which was an utter and complete trashing of the bodybuilder by the boxer, this shows that boxing is not only about your physical capabilities but about your technique and your intelligence to lead the fight to a path that is beneficial to you, however you do not have to worry too much about this as sooner or later people will get bored and stop watching those fights.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: acroman08 on August 21, 2022, 09:02:53 PM
At that level of fighting, it's all about the money, but obviously they train very hard still and want to win - because that gains them access to future fights and the winner takes a larger amount of earnings home.
judging on their fight, I doubt they actually train hard. no offence to them but watching the fight is cringe-worthy, none of the two knows how to properly punch or how to defend. if they want to get future fights and actually entertain people with proper boxing they'd need to train and learn more about boxing.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: chaser15 on August 21, 2022, 09:40:59 PM
Most likely, the promoters of this kind of game is just taking advantage while they are hot and popular, and while the people still favor and support them on their shows.

And if these promoters saw that these kinds of matches were not being patronized by most people, surely they will stop organizing fights like that.

Just continue to ignore those non-sense matches in order for these promoters to just spend money without getting the revenue they are expecting.

I'm not a fan of these boxing exhibition matches unless it was between "BIG NAMES" and the reason is for charity purposes or any helpful act on the community. It's good to support those kinds of boxing matches instead of just for entertainment and involved fighters are not really into that sport.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Cookdata on August 21, 2022, 10:34:29 PM
Obviously it is happening for the money, that is why the organizers always pick the best rivalries or popular people so they can sell out completely and also get more money from the sponsors and you know the fighters also getting paid in millions so just like any business this uses the human excitement to make money.

I don't like to bet my money against this type of sport, they are sometimes just based on entertainment and the final say from the anonymous decision makers, they know how to play their cards and know who to favour in most of the matches, this is something you cannot do in football because you can't manipulate 11 players on the field or tell the strikers and wingers not to do their job but boxers are just different. Kamaru Usman and Anthony Joshua's last match came to my mind, who would have thought Kamaru would fall down helplessly like that and most people thought AJ will do anything to retain his champions belt.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: molsewid on August 21, 2022, 10:41:42 PM
At that level of fighting, it's all about the money, but obviously they train very hard still and want to win - because that gains them access to future fights and the winner takes a larger amount of earnings home.
judging on their fight, I doubt they actually train hard. no offence to them but watching the fight is cringe-worthy, none of the two knows how to properly punch or how to defend. if they want to get future fights and actually entertain people with proper boxing they'd need to train and learn more about boxing.

We can't say that if the match is not yet started. Maybe yes it is an exhibition match only but can we consider that they are still both a boxer? Yes there will be money involved and it maybe they are not equal in terms of experience that's why many people find it unfair and can be considered an exploit and only fixed match, but let us see if it  is really a matter of money and not an interesting one.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: TimeTeller on August 21, 2022, 11:54:25 PM
Obviously it is happening for the money, that is why the organizers always pick the best rivalries or popular people so they can sell out completely and also get more money from the sponsors and you know the fighters also getting paid in millions so just like any business this uses the human excitement to make money.

I don't like to bet my money against this type of sport, they are sometimes just based on entertainment and the final say from the anonymous decision makers, they know how to play their cards and know who to favour in most of the matches, this is something you cannot do in football because you can't manipulate 11 players on the field or tell the strikers and wingers not to do their job but boxers are just different. Kamaru Usman and Anthony Joshua's last match came to my mind, who would have thought Kamaru would fall down helplessly like that and most people thought AJ will do anything to retain his champions belt.

It is indeed not worth to place bet on exhibition matches, as you have no idea if they have prior arrangement or not.
As mostly, they are after for their possible paycheck, it doesn't matter if they really did train hard or not.
Most promoters are looking for how will the popularity of their boxer can gain more viewers or buyers of their ticket.
Because after all, it is only an exhibition match and no belt is involve. So what else they would be after here?

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: passwordnow on August 21, 2022, 11:59:25 PM
We can't say that if the match is not yet started. Maybe yes it is an exhibition match only but can we consider that they are still both a boxer? Yes there will be money involved and it maybe they are not equal in terms of experience that's why many people find it unfair and can be considered an exploit and only fixed match, but let us see if it  is really a matter of money and not an interesting one.
Before a match happens, they're telling it that it's an exhibition or a titled one. And from that, you'll know if it's a professional fighter or just an entertaining fight for the fans that have been pushing matches like this for their idols. That's how these matches are earning when there's a hype and the fans are following an issue that's been known online and they're capitalizing with the situation and taking advantage of it while it's still hot and being talked so, they fight.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: acroman08 on August 22, 2022, 03:00:42 AM
We can't say that if the match is not yet started. Maybe yes it is an exhibition match only but can we consider that they are still both a boxer? Yes there will be money involved and it maybe they are not equal in terms of experience that's why many people find it unfair and can be considered an exploit and only fixed match, but let us see if it  is really a matter of money and not an interesting one.
can't say what? that they were bad fighters? that their match was cringe-worthy? that they didn't train enough for their match? also, already over in case you didn't know, just check the OP's post you'll see a link to their full match.

anyway, everyone knows that the fight was just about money(or probably some clout) and nothing more.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on August 22, 2022, 03:39:01 AM
Everybody here has seen the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match against The Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich, these two are fierce rivals as internet sensations for having huge bodies like incredible hulk they finally settle their differences in the ring but unfortunately it's not the kind of fight that we want to see because it's too one-sided and it did not live through the hype

Obviously, the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match signed to this fight unprepared and with zero boxing skills, even an amateur boxer can beat this guy with Hulkster, watching this fight made me think that promoters are just exploiting their popularity and these so-called internet sensations just want to have a quick buck.

Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

At that level of fighting, it's all about the money, but obviously they train very hard still and want to win - because that gains them access to future fights and the winner takes a larger amount of earnings home. I don't know much about Sajad Gharibi but surely somebody nicknamed "The Hulk" has a lot of strength which is a pretty important attribute for a boxer to begin. Places like Saudi Arabia are throwing out a lot of money in order to attract these fights, and while I doubt they'll be hosting an Iranian, it just goes to show that they are highly popular entertainment and draw in large crowds. If this Iranian is going in fully aware of the skill discrepancy, then there should be nothing stopping it.

Yes, you're right, in fact a person or a fighter nicknamed "Hulk" is scary just knowing it, I don't know, but if boxing is expanding much more in Arabia, it means that the money that moves is a lot, and this It is undoubtedly what attracts boxers as well, the amount of money they can earn can certainly fix any damage in their lives, but here they are clearly presenting the best option as a business model, even as it is above sport, which does not seem fair to me, the interest in sport should prevail over money, I know that the bets that would be moved would be many, all this means that some things are lost.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Strongkored on August 22, 2022, 03:59:25 AM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring
It's up to you because this has entered the industrial area and the goal is to make money, if you feel this is not something worth watching or if it turns out that a ridiculous match is in the bookmaker's bet simple just ignore it, and I think nothing can stop this is because the orientation makes money that as long as they get money this type of match will reappear, and I don't think this will affect the actual sport of boxing at all.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Wexnident on August 22, 2022, 05:37:16 AM
At that level of fighting, it's all about the money, but obviously they train very hard still and want to win - because that gains them access to future fights and the winner takes a larger amount of earnings home.
I honestly don't think that's true for this match. Even if it's an exhibition match, the least they could do is match players with a similar skill level or so, it wasn't even a matter of training hard, it's like matching someone who trained for 20 years to someone who just picked up working out a week ago. I wouldn't really consider it as anything else other than a simple hype exhibition, wouldn't even call it a match really. To simplify, it's like the odds between a very weak vs a very strong team.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: rodskee on August 22, 2022, 05:57:50 AM
At that level of fighting, it's all about the money, but obviously they train very hard still and want to win - because that gains them access to future fights and the winner takes a larger amount of earnings home.
I honestly don't think that's true for this match. Even if it's an exhibition match, the least they could do is match players with a similar skill level or so, it wasn't even a matter of training hard, it's like matching someone who trained for 20 years to someone who just picked up working out a week ago. I wouldn't really consider it as anything else other than a simple hype exhibition, wouldn't even call it a match really. To simplify, it's like the odds between a very weak vs a very strong team.
actually  recently ? sports are becoming more on Hyping depending on how the fans wanted to response and react about the matches no matter if these are fair or not , just like in Boxing recently that Youtubers are being matched with professional boxers ?

If we will look deeply about the situation of our gambling field in sports betting or even the sports itself?
we will find that this is all Hyping and the gains for the promoter and the player but not the respect for the sports itself.

so lets get out of this and brings back how Sports move in the past with full respect in specific sports.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Mauser on August 22, 2022, 06:43:41 AM

Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Boxing is the same as any other sport, it's a form of entertainment that is meant to attract viewers. Without any viewers there would be no sponsors and no money in the game. Professional athletes couldn't afford to only be involved in the sport and need a real job. Money plays a big role in any sport and makes it also more desirable for young kids to follow a career in sports. The biggest events are usually the world champion ship games or big title fights, that attract the most viewers and will also generate the most money. And in today's time things seem to be changing, if big internet stars can attract an millions of viewers for amateur fights. Without the internet this would have never been possible. To me it seems this is all about the money and people use the excuse of feuds between each other to settle it in the ring. Trash talking has always been part of boxing and helps to make it a bigger event. There will always be more viewers if two big rivals fight each other than if two friends fight each other.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: goldkingcoiner on August 22, 2022, 07:03:51 AM
Internet sensations and celebrity influencers are indeed making a mockery of the noble sport of boxing, if you were to ask me...

I have never liked seeing these "pretend" matches which only serve as entertainment for the lowest of minds in the world of boxing.

Although maybe they are just fillers because there are not enough famous boxers fighting, so they try to fill in the time with the celebrity influencer clowns.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: molsewid on August 22, 2022, 08:21:15 AM
actually  recently ? sports are becoming more on Hyping depending on how the fans wanted to response and react about the matches no matter if these are fair or not , just like in Boxing recently that Youtubers are being matched with professional boxers ?

If we will look deeply about the situation of our gambling field in sports betting or even the sports itself?
we will find that this is all Hyping and the gains for the promoter and the player but not the respect for the sports itself.

so lets get out of this and brings back how Sports move in the past with full respect in specific sports.
To be honest, you have a point. People nowadays become interested in sports because of the influencers or the fansclub they are making. I remember a conference here wherein people only shows attention to the sports because of the influencers and those individuals they are making fun with but the real essence of the game is not there anymore, some or the organizers are taking advantage this thing because it is more about the money.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: AmoreJaz on August 22, 2022, 10:24:25 AM
Internet sensations and celebrity influencers are indeed making a mockery of the noble sport of boxing, if you were to ask me...

I have never liked seeing these "pretend" matches which only serve as entertainment for the lowest of minds in the world of boxing.

Although maybe they are just fillers because there are not enough famous boxers fighting, so they try to fill in the time with the celebrity influencer clowns.

the exhibition matches proliferated when we were still in the height of pandemic where real boxing matches were not yet scheduled owed to covid protocols and others. remember, a lot of these boxers got covid and so many of the matches were also suspended or delayed. i believe, these exhibition matches will slowly lose their popularity when the boxing fans already have enough of these "fake" matches and are not selling anymore. but as long as these promoters can milk such kind of fight, they will promote it.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Cookdata on August 22, 2022, 11:37:54 AM
To be honest, you have a point. People nowadays become interested in sports because of the influencers or the fansclub they are making. I remember a conference here wherein people only shows attention to the sports because of the influencers and those individuals they are making fun with but the real essence of the game is not there anymore, some or the organizers are taking advantage this thing because it is more about the money.

Being influenced by a person shouldn't be a problem in my opinion, we all are influenced by one or two players in every sport. I remember when Ronaldo was still playing for Spain, they all love him for who he his and the club(Real Madrid) he was playing for, he is still the highest goal scorer to date but the moment they announced his transfer to England, one-third of the fans followed him, now imagine how many the number of sales ticket the new club will make from these fans.

Sport is business, the same way it's been done in Boxing too, they have to make ways or even compromised some matches just to stay relevant that's why you see some fight doesn't worth your time spent in watching them.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: BitcoinPanther on August 22, 2022, 11:53:33 AM
Internet sensations and celebrity influencers are indeed making a mockery of the noble sport of boxing, if you were to ask me...

I have never liked seeing these "pretend" matches which only serve as entertainment for the lowest of minds in the world of boxing.

Although maybe they are just fillers because there are not enough famous boxers fighting, so they try to fill in the time with the celebrity influencer clowns.

You may look at it that way and I fully understand why you don't like them.  I am a bit inclined to have an open mind and just let things flow in the sports industry without thinking too much.  Often times exhibition fight such as internet sensation vs. sports legend are created to cater fund and support some charity.  It is somehow a noble act entertaining the sports fans and at the same time giving part of the fund raised to help people but yeah, sometimes it is a mockery of the seriousness of sports.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Yamifoud on August 22, 2022, 01:34:48 PM
Internet sensations and celebrity influencers are indeed making a mockery of the noble sport of boxing, if you were to ask me...

I have never liked seeing these "pretend" matches which only serve as entertainment for the lowest of minds in the world of boxing.

Although maybe they are just fillers because there are not enough famous boxers fighting, so they try to fill in the time with the celebrity influencer clowns.

You may look at it that way and I fully understand why you don't like them.  I am a bit inclined to have an open mind and just let things flow in the sports industry without thinking too much.  Often times exhibition fight such as internet sensation vs. sports legend are created to cater fund and support some charity.  It is somehow a noble act entertaining the sports fans and at the same time giving part of the fund raised to help people but yeah, sometimes it is a mockery of the seriousness of sports.
More often it was announced as an exhibition fight and literally, it was clear to everyone about the nature of the said fight was compared to a title fight. So I think this won't affect the sports industry nor their reputation as well knowing that someone or group of people will benefit from the money earned from this. And this kind of event will still be going to continue as long as there is someone who would offer it.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: ethereumhunter on August 22, 2022, 02:11:44 PM
Internet sensations and celebrity influencers are indeed making a mockery of the noble sport of boxing, if you were to ask me...

I have never liked seeing these "pretend" matches which only serve as entertainment for the lowest of minds in the world of boxing.

Although maybe they are just fillers because there are not enough famous boxers fighting, so they try to fill in the time with the celebrity influencer clowns.
Some people really don't like watching "pretend" matches because we don't see the seriousness of each player. But we also cannot reject their habit of providing similar entertainment later and what we can do is turn off the television or watch other broadcasts that can entertain us. Those who make entertainment are trying to present something that can give something different to the audience and even if some people don't like it, they will still do it again because that's where the money flows into their account.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: D ltr on August 22, 2022, 03:41:12 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring

everything can be done at this time, it's up to you because this is already an entertainment industry meant by holding this match, but I don't agree with the promoter where the promoter clearly wants to make money with the existing popularity. this should be stopped because it is detrimental in my opinion

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: STT on August 22, 2022, 09:01:50 PM
The crowd is mainstream and a large part are not otherwise viewers of boxing, its probably to the benefit of boxing to have a widely publicized match that isnt for any actual belt.   I dont see how it could be banned from taking place really, it would be a poor form of censorship if it were.
  Fortunately or unfortunately its a modern phenomena, people like the hype even if its purely for show not actual competitive sport; this wont be a one off but I do think trends move on and people get bored of fake.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: coin-investor on August 22, 2022, 09:10:11 PM

  Fortunately or unfortunately its a modern phenomena, people like the hype even if its purely for show not actual competitive sport; this wont be a one off but I do think trends move on and people get bored of fake.

Thanks to social media we are seeing something weird like this, they made participants like larger-than-life heroes I was impressed when I first saw the Iranian Hulk on the internet is full of muscles and has a slim waist, he really looks like a hulk and I also though he is a very tall man when I saw him in his face off against Ford, he is just an overweight guy and Ford is towering over him, it turns out many of his picture in the internet are photoshopped make him appear like a hulk.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: serjent05 on August 22, 2022, 09:10:48 PM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring

everything can be done at this time, it's up to you because this is already an entertainment industry meant by holding this match, but I don't agree with the promoter where the promoter clearly wants to make money with the existing popularity. this should be stopped because it is detrimental in my opinion

I don't think so, entertainment has cost.  If you want to get entertained then you need to spend money.  Promoters are selling fights to the audience.  It is up to the audience's decision if they will buy the exhibition match presented by the promoter.  It is not only the exhibition match that wanted to make money but the whole sports industry.  

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: AicecreaME on August 23, 2022, 12:11:12 AM
Boxing is a sport that is enjoyed by the enthusiasts. It is a kind of recreational activity wherein the strength of the boxers are measured through their overall performance. I think people doing boxing are in it for either one of the things you've mentioned or mixed of both. To some people with amazing strength and stamina, boxing is their way to make name and of course, to make money.

Making a reputation in boxing industry is no joke. You will undergo tremendous hardships such as training and the actual fight itself to develop more of your potential. Some people start small and eventually get big. Some initially started because of money, while some are in it because of their passion to fight and showcase their ability.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: traderethereum on August 23, 2022, 03:47:22 AM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring

everything can be done at this time, it's up to you because this is already an entertainment industry meant by holding this match, but I don't agree with the promoter where the promoter clearly wants to make money with the existing popularity. this should be stopped because it is detrimental in my opinion
But how do we stop it because nowadays with so many ways to broadcast the match, it won't be a problem for the promoter to keep broadcasting it.
They can choose broadcasting media that doesn't forbid them to keep providing entertainment to people.
In addition, people will also definitely look for wherever the match will be broadcast because they feel that the match already entertains them.
This should come back to the individual because if more and more people disagree with the spectacle and choose not to watch it, then the game will not earn much money and in the end, the matches will stop.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: rodskee on August 23, 2022, 05:22:52 AM
actually  recently ? sports are becoming more on Hyping depending on how the fans wanted to response and react about the matches no matter if these are fair or not , just like in Boxing recently that Youtubers are being matched with professional boxers ?

If we will look deeply about the situation of our gambling field in sports betting or even the sports itself?
we will find that this is all Hyping and the gains for the promoter and the player but not the respect for the sports itself.

so lets get out of this and brings back how Sports move in the past with full respect in specific sports.
To be honest, you have a point. People nowadays become interested in sports because of the influencers or the fansclub they are making. I remember a conference here wherein people only shows attention to the sports because of the influencers and those individuals they are making fun with but the real essence of the game is not there anymore, some or the organizers are taking advantage this thing because it is more about the money.
and that makes me sad as a Sports lover since younger years when sports are being respected and being treat as a precious area of entertainment and skills, nowadays sports are becoming more on popularization and making money more than the real version in which to bring Name and honor to their country or their states .
now almost every sports game happens with money and with popularity .

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: madnessteat on August 23, 2022, 05:39:52 AM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring

everything can be done at this time, it's up to you because this is already an entertainment industry meant by holding this match, but I don't agree with the promoter where the promoter clearly wants to make money with the existing popularity. this should be stopped because it is detrimental in my opinion
But how do we stop it because nowadays with so many ways to broadcast the match, it won't be a problem for the promoter to keep broadcasting it.
They can choose broadcasting media that doesn't forbid them to keep providing entertainment to people.
In addition, people will also definitely look for wherever the match will be broadcast because they feel that the match already entertains them.
This should come back to the individual because if more and more people disagree with the spectacle and choose not to watch it, then the game will not earn much money and in the end, the matches will stop.

I absolutely agree with you. Promoters create a hype around a sporting event, which means they attract not only spectators but also advertisers and sponsors, without which athletes' income would be severely diminished. That's why I think that nowadays the promotion is the main vector that helps athletes to strive to achieve better results.   

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: davis196 on August 23, 2022, 06:16:20 AM
There's no sport here. This match was made for entertainment purposes and for the money. It's basically a circus for the masses.
I saw a Youtuber talking about a similar topic. He said that going to the gym, drinking steroids and getting big muscles doesn't mean that you are able to fight. A guy, who is prepared at boxing and martial arts can beat a bigger and stronger "gym bro", if the gym bro doesn't have fighting experience and preparation. The Paul brothers are mediocre fighters, but at least they are actively training boxing.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: cabron on August 23, 2022, 06:43:31 AM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring

everything can be done at this time, it's up to you because this is already an entertainment industry meant by holding this match, but I don't agree with the promoter where the promoter clearly wants to make money with the existing popularity. this should be stopped because it is detrimental in my opinion
But how do we stop it because nowadays with so many ways to broadcast the match, it won't be a problem for the promoter to keep broadcasting it.
They can choose broadcasting media that doesn't forbid them to keep providing entertainment to people.
In addition, people will also definitely look for wherever the match will be broadcast because they feel that the match already entertains them.
This should come back to the individual because if more and more people disagree with the spectacle and choose not to watch it, then the game will not earn much money and in the end, the matches will stop.

I absolutely agree with you. Promoters create a hype around a sporting event, which means they attract not only spectators but also advertisers and sponsors, without which athletes' income would be severely diminished. That's why I think that nowadays the promotion is the main vector that helps athletes to strive to achieve better results.  

Weren't there a sports commission to prevent them  from doing all these?  

If it were for the money, its going to be easy to organize a fight night for internet celebrities. But Logans are doing it right since they have their teams who  will also  train them. Without boxing pro teams, the outcome will be like this Iranian Hulk. Internet celebrities though are more of helping the sport bringing new fans.

Espinoza was interviewed by the media outlet Fight Hub Tv where he commented on being involved with Jake Paul and stated that Paul has brought in new fans to the sport.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on August 23, 2022, 07:30:28 AM
For me, I see no passion in this match against the Iranian hulk, because this is a clear exploitation and money driven kind of match, because the Iranian hulk fights just like a Newbie,  he has total no fighting experience, because I always tell people that fighting is totally different from bodybuilding, of which this video is a clear definition of it. And I really love the caption of this tweet that "Iranian hulk should be paid off never to enter ring again".. (

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on August 23, 2022, 09:51:41 AM
Everybody here has seen the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match against The Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich, these two are fierce rivals as internet sensations for having huge bodies like incredible hulk they finally settle their differences in the ring but unfortunately it's not the kind of fight that we want to see because it's too one-sided and it did not live through the hype

Obviously, the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match signed to this fight unprepared and with zero boxing skills, even an amateur boxer can beat this guy with Hulkster, watching this fight made me think that promoters are just exploiting their popularity and these so-called internet sensations just want to have a quick buck.

Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring I'm ok with the Paul brothers but these two other so-called internet sensations are making a mockery of boxing.

Watch the whole fight here

- Please correct me if I'm right from what I saw, the one wearing a blue T-shirt is the Iranian Hulk called, is this the one who fell? right? Then according to my observation, I think with the weight of the Iranian Hulk's body, he did not control his movements properly, so when he was hit, even though the impact was not that strong, he fell immediately. And the fact that Kazakh Titan is lighter in his body is also his advantage so that he can easily hit Iranian Hulk. But all in all, it was still very entertaining in the end, after all, it was an exhibition match.

They probably did that to attract more sponsors for that exhibition match and promote it a lot, so I don't see any exploitation in what they did, it's just for entertainment.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: iv4n on August 23, 2022, 10:26:47 AM
For me, I see no passion in this match against the Iranian hulk, because this is a clear exploitation and money driven kind of match, because the Iranian hulk fights just like a Newbie,  he has total no fighting experience, because I always tell people that fighting is totally different from bodybuilding, of which this video is a clear definition of it. And I really love the caption of this tweet that "Iranian hulk should be paid off never to enter ring again".. (

This is a good comment! Nice catch! :)

It's clear exploitation, and it's not the first nor the last time! Many people paid to watch them, a lot of money was involved and these two just decided to cash their popularity with this stupidity! But in the end, they probably earned a lot of money, I guess that makes them smart in some way... something I can't say for all the people who sponsored this event, people who paid to be there, to watch this!

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: aioc on August 23, 2022, 12:30:10 PM
For me, I see no passion in this match against the Iranian hulk, because this is a clear exploitation and money driven kind of match, because the Iranian hulk fights just like a Newbie,  he has total no fighting experience, because I always tell people that fighting is totally different from bodybuilding, of which this video is a clear definition of it. And I really love the caption of this tweet that "Iranian hulk should be paid off never to enter ring again".. (

No promoter in his right will do that anymore, he will get criticized and people will not support that kind of event, its all over for the Iranian Hulk, I read that he is very disappointed and under depression, his friends should reach out to him, there is life after that match, he made the wrong decision of trying to please people, and he was led to this scenario, its time for him to take control of his life and do what he pleases not, not on people wants him to do.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Cookdata on August 23, 2022, 05:38:39 PM
To be honest, you have a point. People nowadays become interested in sports because of the influencers or the fansclub they are making. I remember a conference here wherein people only shows attention to the sports because of the influencers and those individuals they are making fun with but the real essence of the game is not there anymore, some or the organizers are taking advantage this thing because it is more about the money.
and that makes me sad as a Sports lover since younger years when sports are being respected and being treat as a precious area of entertainment and skills, nowadays sports are becoming more on popularization and making money more than the real version in which to bring Name and honor to their country or their states .
now almost every sports game happens with money and with popularity .

Have you observed growth in players pay, ticket prices, the cost of joining leagues, and the amount of money to set aside for each position won? These were not too demanding back then, but things have changed and evolved with time.
Take Brazil, for example, they love football and in fact, every household now wants their young kids to be in a sports academy to pursue their goals rather than carrying engineering pencils and papers, Jamaicans are well known for races and winning medals, all of which brings honours and revenue to their country, this is what sports are today and not like yesterday when they had to beg Samsung and Fly emirate to come and sponsor them, it is the companies that are doing the lobbying and sponsoring them in return for other deals and Ads.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: traderethereum on August 24, 2022, 04:18:27 AM
Should we allow or support internet sensations to fight in the ring

everything can be done at this time, it's up to you because this is already an entertainment industry meant by holding this match, but I don't agree with the promoter where the promoter clearly wants to make money with the existing popularity. this should be stopped because it is detrimental in my opinion
But how do we stop it because nowadays with so many ways to broadcast the match, it won't be a problem for the promoter to keep broadcasting it.
They can choose broadcasting media that doesn't forbid them to keep providing entertainment to people.
In addition, people will also definitely look for wherever the match will be broadcast because they feel that the match already entertains them.
This should come back to the individual because if more and more people disagree with the spectacle and choose not to watch it, then the game will not earn much money and in the end, the matches will stop.

I absolutely agree with you. Promoters create a hype around a sporting event, which means they attract not only spectators but also advertisers and sponsors, without which athletes' income would be severely diminished. That's why I think that nowadays the promotion is the main vector that helps athletes to strive to achieve better results.   
You are right and I agree with you.
If I was a promoter, I also wanted to earn money in many ways and if an event like this could bring in a lot of money and entertain the audience, I would do it.
In addition, the athletes also earn a lot of money from this event and clearly, they do not need to compete strictly because this event is only for entertainment for the audience at home.
Promoters won't think about if anyone doesn't like this event because the most important thing for them is how they can make money from this event.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: lixer on August 24, 2022, 07:05:56 AM
At that level of fighting, it's all about the money, but obviously they train very hard still and want to win - because that gains them access to future fights and the winner takes a larger amount of earnings home.
I honestly don't think that's true for this match. Even if it's an exhibition match, the least they could do is match players with a similar skill level or so, it wasn't even a matter of training hard, it's like matching someone who trained for 20 years to someone who just picked up working out a week ago. I wouldn't really consider it as anything else other than a simple hype exhibition, wouldn't even call it a match really. To simplify, it's like the odds between a very weak vs a very strong team.
It's about money and they are being paid huge than compared to the money that they will get if they play the match in a fair way and for this, there is no need for the players to train hard but maybe they need to act hard in order for the play to look legit and it won't look like it was being fixed but they fail with that already because if we watch the video, it looks very obvious.

If this was meant to be an exhibition match, what you are saying is not possible but every exhibition match do always has a weird composition of players, like for example lately in boxing. One player is a youtuber without any experience in boxing while the other one is a pro boxer.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on August 24, 2022, 01:20:00 PM
- I watched the video, honestly, I laughed. Why? Because when I saw the movements of the two boxers who were fighting in the middle of the ring, they were like children who were just throwing punches, not looking properly to see if their punch would hit the opponent. Don't let anyone get mad at me for saying this.

I think it's like watching only amateur boxing. I don't even know if there is any exploitation in these events. Just for me, I was entertained by what I watched.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: AicecreaME on August 24, 2022, 01:37:42 PM
At that level of fighting, it's all about the money, but obviously they train very hard still and want to win - because that gains them access to future fights and the winner takes a larger amount of earnings home.
I honestly don't think that's true for this match. Even if it's an exhibition match, the least they could do is match players with a similar skill level or so, it wasn't even a matter of training hard, it's like matching someone who trained for 20 years to someone who just picked up working out a week ago. I wouldn't really consider it as anything else other than a simple hype exhibition, wouldn't even call it a match really. To simplify, it's like the odds between a very weak vs a very strong team.
It's about money and they are being paid huge than compared to the money that they will get if they play the match in a fair way and for this, there is no need for the players to train hard but maybe they need to act hard in order for the play to look legit and it won't look like it was being fixed but they fail with that already because if we watch the video, it looks very obvious.

If this was meant to be an exhibition match, what you are saying is not possible but every exhibition match do always has a weird composition of players, like for example lately in boxing. One player is a youtuber without any experience in boxing while the other one is a pro boxer.

Exhibition matches became popular during the peak of pandemic. I noticed it became a thing when boxing matches were limited due to safety contraints and there are only few boxers who are willing to fight because of restrictions and health related reasons as well. The set up was a match against a professional and amateur boxer most of the time and you can really tell that it's already a fixed match. I mean, you could already guess and tell that there's already an agreement made.

I gues exhibition matches are more on money and entertainment only and not really sports because of the set up. The level of strength and knowledge about boxing is evident and the stamina as well. But despite this, there are still people who support and are fond of it and I have nothing against them. I just find exhibition matches not really interesting.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: YOSHIE on August 24, 2022, 03:35:48 PM
Everybody here has seen the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match against The Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich, these two are fierce rivals as internet sensations for having huge bodies like incredible hulk they finally settle their differences in the ring but unfortunately it's not the kind of fight that we want to see because it's too one-sided and it did not live through the hype
Many Iranians blame Gharibi in this match and are disappointed Gharibi's actions in the ring look bad, they hope Gharibi does his best in the ring, the fact is not what the bettors expected.

From what I watched, the match between Gharibi vs Kazakh must be questioned, whether Gharibi is not ready to fight the Kazakh Titan or indeed there are other elements that need to be questioned, The tKO in the first round was completely inconceivable for me, considering the strength and muscle that Gharibi has, it couldn't have happened like that, funny, like children boxing, indifferent.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Cling18 on August 24, 2022, 04:02:22 PM
Everybody here has seen the Iranian Hulk Sajad Gharibi match against The Kazakh Titan Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich, these two are fierce rivals as internet sensations for having huge bodies like incredible hulk they finally settle their differences in the ring but unfortunately it's not the kind of fight that we want to see because it's too one-sided and it did not live through the hype
Many Iranians blame Gharibi in this match and are disappointed Gharibi's actions in the ring look bad, they hope Gharibi does his best in the ring, the fact is not what the bettors expected.

From what I watched, the match between Gharibi vs Kazakh must be questioned, whether Gharibi is not ready to fight the Kazakh Titan or indeed there are other elements that need to be questioned, The tKO in the first round was completely inconceivable for me, considering the strength and muscle that Gharibi has, it couldn't have happened like that, funny, like children boxing, indifferent.
I wonder what's the real reason of Gharibi for doing such a thing because it's tok obvious that he has the strong stamina to face Titan fairly. This is unfair to those who bet because it seems like the match was arranged. They should have provided a concrete explanation regarding this fight so viewers and bettors will understand things clearly.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: lionheart78 on August 24, 2022, 04:33:59 PM
There's no sport here. This match was made for entertainment purposes and for the money. It's basically a circus for the masses.
I saw a Youtuber talking about a similar topic. He said that going to the gym, drinking steroids and getting big muscles doesn't mean that you are able to fight. A guy, who is prepared at boxing and martial arts can beat a bigger and stronger "gym bro", if the gym bro doesn't have fighting experience and preparation. The Paul brothers are mediocre fighters, but at least they are actively training boxing.

Definitely, a person who knows self-defense and offensive combat can beat any gym guy who has bigger muscles but doesn't have battle experience.  People in boxing and martial arts have a well-conditioned body they also hit the gym for muscle and strength growth.  In short, they have more advantages than people who just hit the gym and pump their muscle with steroids. Just like what happened in the fight stated by OP. And I think this kind of fight is all hyped and it is obvious that the Iranian hulk doesn't want to get hurt during the fight.  You can see it in how he turns his back just to protect his face from getting hit.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: chaser15 on August 24, 2022, 05:03:51 PM
I wonder what's the real reason of Gharibi for doing such a thing because it's tok obvious that he has the strong stamina to face Titan fairly. This is unfair to those who bet because it seems like the match was arranged. They should have provided a concrete explanation regarding this fight so viewers and bettors will understand things clearly.

Why blame the event instead of the bettors who put money on that?

It's not always advisable to bet on an exhibition match for an obvious reason that it's not even an official match. Any technical analysis will not work in an exhibition match because at most of the cases, the result was pre-planned as the goal is just to show entertainment to the people.

I just wondered if that exhibition match really listed on the sportsbook. Sometimes those fights are not being considered by bookies.

Title: Re: Is It For The Money Or For The Sport Or A Clear Exploitations
Post by: Fatunad on August 24, 2022, 08:59:28 PM
I wonder what's the real reason of Gharibi for doing such a thing because it's tok obvious that he has the strong stamina to face Titan fairly. This is unfair to those who bet because it seems like the match was arranged. They should have provided a concrete explanation regarding this fight so viewers and bettors will understand things clearly.

Why blame the event instead of the bettors who put money on that?

It's not always advisable to bet on an exhibition match for an obvious reason that it's not even an official match. Any technical analysis will not work in an exhibition match because at most of the cases, the result was pre-planned as the goal is just to show entertainment to the people.

I just wondered if that exhibition match really listed on the sportsbook. Sometimes those fights are not being considered by bookies.
Most exhibition matches do really indeed doesnt really care nor follow about fundamentals and other analysis which you do said that results are already determined or had been already known before the fight starts.
Some exhibition fights are been posted but there are some which arent because most of the time results would really be just too obvious on whose gonna win specially into those players or fighters

in between cross sports with just having your own common sense you would really be able to determine whose gonna win even if you do just hear up their names.  :P