Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: 325btc on August 14, 2022, 12:38:38 PM

Title: Solution for crisis and poverrty here is crypto way stable coins
Post by: 325btc on August 14, 2022, 12:38:38 PM
Here is how
As prices are all ready high nothing to lose anymore.
Best way is to find someone from your social circle who can create token coin like tron usd or whatever.
For uk people will be tron pound it dont need to be same value with pound or any other fiat becouse its not backed with any fiat or commodities reserves like gold.
So for example you want to buy tron usd or eur or gbp you pay for like 1000 tron usd maybe 500$-700$ of real money. And who really cares  if its like real or not but it works and other people accept this as payment and dont need to be like one kind of tron usd it could be like 100 of them then we set up website for all stable coins copies

Tron usd 1 ratio to fiat are stated on the website then tron 2 tron 3 usd

Every team can create their own stable coin and its not even that hard anyone can learn and do it there is many blockchains for creating that.

So its like fake money but its fine its also private money offcourse you can excjange this in fiat anytime but with just lowrr rate but who cares ? You can mint a lot stable coins even if you make 500,000 $ tron usd then you give away this for 100,000$ exchange of the real fiat usd u still in the profit.
And each team who creates those coins will give rewards to shop owners who accept their team coins most.
This is new huge oppoertunity of grouwht the real business and UK people should do exacly like this right now
Do the high supply just  of the coin if u need more then mint more

And then yes prices will go higher but who cares? If you can mint as many fiat copy paste fake money u need it.

The real money shortages coming anyways once the fed cut rates companies lay offs...and banks dont lent money so then only option is copy the fiat and use it as u please
Any business owner will join with this becouse if each team will pay them like a 500,000$ of fake money the customers will need that fake money so they buy it with real money with cheaper rates its a win: win also you can lend out the fake money to make even more profit
Everybody will win from this and no shortages of the money

So simple