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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Proro on August 14, 2022, 03:17:14 PM

Title: Christian and politics
Post by: Proro on August 14, 2022, 03:17:14 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Agbe on August 14, 2022, 04:34:41 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

If Christians do not involved in politics then who will come and change the Society? Do you understand the concept or meaning of Politics? Now I believe you yourself is a Christian. Will be involved in Politics so you can do what others have not done to change the Society? Even in the Bible there is Politics. In the book of first Samuel and second Samuel, when the Israelites asked Samuel to tell God to give them King. And Samuel asked God and God told Samuel to select Saul as the king in Israel. Who was the first Government appointment by man in Israel. And the people were happy because they believed that Saul would do what they ( the Israelites) need in the Society. Therefore, Christians participating in Politics is the best way to develop the countries. Now we are suffering because the leaders are not born again.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: BADecker on August 14, 2022, 05:31:55 PM
Just because a person is born on the land within the territorial borders of a State or the United States, doesn't make him a citizen of that State or the United States... not until he says he is.


Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: JeromeTash on August 14, 2022, 07:02:04 PM
You do realize that Christianity itself or the whole idea of religion is politics?
If there was no politics in religion then we wouldn't be witnessing any religious leaders, priests, Imams, reverends etc

People wouldn't be killing each other because of religious beliefs. The whole thing about religion is about power and dominion and with that comes politics.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: TheNineClub on August 14, 2022, 08:21:01 PM
Politics in itslef is not lying or making promises that are not true, rather that's a byproduct of politics. So in a sense, no, there is nothing wrong with them engaging in politics. However, when they lie, it's not vecause of politics, it's because they choose to.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Kavelj22 on August 14, 2022, 08:39:09 PM
Politics in itslef is not lying or making promises that are not true, rather that's a byproduct of politics. So in a sense, no, there is nothing wrong with them engaging in politics. However, when they lie, it's not vecause of politics, it's because they choose to.

Working in politics requires constant evasiveness and cunning. Traits we usually find in wolves. This is because the politician is in a continuous battle with his opponents, who will come to power or who will implement his political agenda and implement his views on the ground.
Religion is supposed to possess the ultimate truth through the authority of God. If we combine it with politics, it spoils both. Here I am talking about religion in general and not about Christianity in particular or any specific religion.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: yourthankyou on August 15, 2022, 12:59:20 PM
The chuch always goes close to the politics. Even is the country is secular, it doesnt change much  :(

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: yeosaga on August 15, 2022, 03:06:45 PM
Christian (and other ESTABLISHED religions) were made to define "good" and "bad"

From there laws were made.

Hope this clears it up.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Masplanc on August 15, 2022, 03:33:56 PM
Politics is not something for one set of religion people, Politics is for everyone from different religion.  Politics needs good religious people , if we abandon Politics because of the religion we belong to then we will keep on having the kind of bad politicians we have today.  Good people needs to go into politics.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on August 15, 2022, 05:05:04 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

Remove "Christian" and replace it with "Muslim" or "Jewish", etc and there's your answer. EVERYONE should be engaged in politics imho and everyone should be free to run provided they qualify for the position. Then it's just a matter of making sure they keep their religious/ethnic biases out of their decision-making and that they not give preferential treatment to their "kind".

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

No. We've barred doctors from endorsing brands in ads because of possible conflicts of interest, the same should apply to other "professionals," including the clergy.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: LTU_btc on August 16, 2022, 11:27:02 PM
I'm not really sure why you're targeting christians? Why not muslims, jews or buddhists?
Many people considers themselves as part of one of religions. And some of them get involved in politics. But how many of them mix their job (being politician) and religious views? I don't know.
But I hate when religion is going into politics. Like when christian church is going against abortion or islamists trying limit rights of women.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: yhiaali3 on August 17, 2022, 08:16:04 AM
Believers in the Christian religion or any other religion cannot engage in politics in its current form because it is based on lies. Politics in short is “the art of lying” and lying is a sin in any religion, so it is difficult for any real religious man to work in politics, only in an existing government On the true religion in its divine form, the clergy can work in politics. This does not exist at the moment.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: BADecker on August 17, 2022, 02:40:42 PM
^^^ Christians should engage in politics for the exact reasons you say they shouldn't. In their engagement, they should use truth rather than lies. If the nation will not accept them, they will be ousted. But if they make enough sense, people just might start to wake up. Things might start to change.

Politics doesn't really mean simply being a politician. What did Trump do? He started a media program to counteract the evil in media today... although he may not be wholeheartedly engaged in it. Bitcoin mining people could start power plants to supply their electricity. Christian politicians might need to start all kinds of businesses - not they themselves, directly; rather, their supporters - just to bypass the control the current, evil politicians have over the nation.

It will take time. But more and more of current business will throw in with Christian politicians once they see the sense of their platforms.


Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Gyfts on August 17, 2022, 03:54:24 PM
Most democracies follow Judeo-Christian values -- if you're a Christian you shouldn't any issues running in a democratic election if your constituency is also primarily Christian based or follow Judeo-Christian values. If you want to be a true politician, however, your job is to tell people what they want to hear, not what they need to here, ie your job is to lie for a living. Don't like it, then perhaps public office is not for you.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: BADecker on August 17, 2022, 06:15:37 PM
So, let Christians be honest and truthful politicians to start the system changing.


Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Adbitco on August 18, 2022, 09:03:19 AM
In politics there is no christian, as long the law demanded anyone via Muslim and Christian can contest to change the country. In all these body what the society needs is a good leadership and good governance which will help the growth of the country or Nation. Of course if a Christian Aspirant can be considered as most qualified candidate with some prove of a good records, sound certificates then he should be voted. All they need is a God fearing leader who would seek the attention of their citizens,wellbeing, tackle insecurity, save lives and properties then such people should be Voted and Elected in as a president or any of the governmental offices to govern her Nation.

So, let Christians be honest and truthful politicians to start the system changing.

What the masses needs is just a free and fair leadership, not by favoring other religion while others faces hardship or being un-considered for any political appointments.
At this points if a Christian and Muslim is chosen there will be a balance system of leadership also unity in the Nation. 

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Queentoshi on August 18, 2022, 06:43:39 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.
Like it or not politics affects us all without minding our religion. If you're a Christian and choose to be uninterested in the politics of your nation, if a bad person becomes leader, you will still be affected by whatever decisions they make. As a Christian, even if you do don't like to get your hands dirty by being a candidate, you can still be very involved in the electoral process of your nation, do don't just stand aside.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: jrrsparkles on August 18, 2022, 08:37:43 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

Lying and giving fake promises are not morally right irrespective of what religion the person belongs too and if God punish everyone who made fake promises then this world should be a lot better place than now so it means people are doing what they can do within their power, social status, financial status, etc and if the judgement day is true then they will get what they deserves.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: yeosaga on August 18, 2022, 09:30:06 PM
'free speech' means anyone can lie...especially those who call themselves part of a religion like Christian.

You cannot trust any human to govern you ever, period. That is why true Christian (or other religions that teach God is good) teach each other to look to God (and the good lessons involved with the religions...I will say 10 commandments as example). Never look to another HUMAN... they have greed by nature which is a natural, but something we always should be aware. (Everyone wants to feed their own mouth first, not anyone else's mouth)

Religion is like an institution on how to do good things throughout our lives. Without this knowledge passed down through generations, humans would elevate men into God status again (we already did that in human history)

Maybe that is a good way to look at it. Before God was popular idea, people elevated other humans to be gods...

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: passwordnow on August 18, 2022, 10:31:00 PM
They can, as a citizen but if they're defending their faith against the policies of the government, they clearly have to do whatever it takes to prove their faith. But for me, they should just focus in saving souls rather than joining these debates and supporting political parties and personalities. Known is that politics is dirty and they should be the one to clean themselves or avoid anything related to it unless the politicians are the ones asking them help but, we can't be sure if those are pure intentions. Because we know that politicians will always be politicians that will make politicking obvious when they approach a group, religious or not.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Lordhermes on August 20, 2022, 02:28:39 PM
It is not good for a Christian to join politics or be a politician,reason being that politicians are liers,and lieing is a sin.Most person's  say that the best way is not to make promises that you cannot fulfill but why they need to avoid politics is because the Bible says christians should abstain from all appearance of evil. Nevertheless,it is good for Christians to vote during election so that they will have a leader that will that can guild them well.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Gosgosking on August 22, 2022, 11:45:35 AM
It is not good for a Christian to join politics or be a politician,reason being that politicians are liers,and lieing is a sin.Most person's  say that the best way is not to make promises that you cannot fulfill but why they need to avoid politics is because the Bible says christians should abstain from all appearance of evil. Nevertheless,it is good for Christians to vote during election so that they will have a leader that will that can guild them well.
This why we will always have bad politicians because good Christians and other religious body have choose to leave politics for one particular set of persons.  It is not bad for a Christian to be a politician, Christian can use their good Character to change the bad political system. If we have politicians that don't lie we won't have leaders that steals funds.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Crpyto hunter on August 22, 2022, 05:28:17 PM
In politics today we've Christian involve because of the educational aspect and the knowledge our elderly one have, it will keep to  buy the ideals of the youth and the elderly one in keeping his promises toward what he/she can do to help the youth and everyone covern,
He/she will will bring a good government that everybody will benefit from the good government,
A good government that have good Christian will admit good body's.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Proro on August 23, 2022, 05:54:13 AM
Religious leaders are role models, the people that follows them tends to believe in what ever they say because they think they hear from God directly. It will be bad if such person tell his congregants that God said and the things God said did not come to pass. It questions the faith of the people.

Religious leaders have used name of God in politics and there is no results. What does such act do to the congratulation. Let religious leaders stay away from politics.i think it's better that way

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Die_empty on August 26, 2022, 12:12:24 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

Christianity has its foundation on the teachings of Jesus Christ and He and his followers was never involved in any form of  politics. They criticised the government for their wrongdoings and remained apolitical. After His death many false Christian leaders began to adulterated the religion with their views and ideologies. Kings and government began to use religion as a tool for expansionism and imperialism. Currently religion is now a tool of manipulation and wealth acquisition.

Politics especially in Africa stinks. It is full of hatred, killings, intimidation, lies, betrayal, corruption, wanthom stealing,  selfishness, rituals, etc. The challenge is that even if you want to be a decent politician, you might either be killed or frustrated out of politics. Except African political system changes, it will never be conducive for a true follower of Jesus Christ.   
And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?
My political orientation is far above religion and tribe. Only competent and trusted candidate should be voted into political offices. Poverty has no religion or tribe, hence they should never be a political factor. Currently clergymen have been blinded by strong desire for material things. They endorse candidate because of their selfish interest and not for the good of the masses. There is nothing wrong for religions leaders to sincerely endorse reliable, competent and trusted candidates.   

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Rockstarguy on August 26, 2022, 03:10:54 PM
Religious leaders are role models, the people that follows them tends to believe in what ever they say because they think they hear from God directly. It will be bad if such person tell his congregants that God said and the things God said did not come to pass. It questions the faith of the people.

Religious leaders have used name of God in politics and there is no results. What does such act do to the congratulation. Let religious leaders stay away from politics.i think it's better that way
According to the Bible history Christians did not neglected politics.  If leading a country was a sin or will lead to sin, people  like David, Solomon wouldn't have had interest to be leaders of their country, and they did very as leaders because they have the truth in them.
According to Bible it's say when the righteous rules the people rejoice, 
If truly this is what the Bible says I don't see why Christians will see politics as something that is not good, Christians need to involve in politics. Most Christians allow ignorance and too much believe not to allow them to do right things. You don't expect unrighteous people to rule and think good things will come .

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: 348Judah on August 28, 2022, 02:42:39 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

No any political seat is designed or meant to be engaged with lies, deceit and all manners of atrocities, it's the people themselves that render the high level of insanity to these positions, if you're truly a Christian indeed then there's nothing bad in engaging into politics but because of large number of those in there were occultic, they wouldn't but drag you into their circles to become a member and begin to misbehave showing ungodly behaviors, if you're not interested in them then they begin to raise oppositions against you, so nothing bad with politics and religion but alot wrongs has been set by we human being that has tune my mindset and mentality on the wrong path.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Asiska02 on August 28, 2022, 03:45:55 PM
A leader who has not been honest in their actions is inhumane. The person's religious beliefs are irrelevant. Lies can be used to persuade people to believe untrue things and gain their support. False information has a well known tendency to influence people's perceptions of those in power. They get at least some grasp of the complexity through lying, which may encourage them to refrain from making broad allegations on them. Politicians are known for lying, and they do it to benefit the interests of the people. Whether Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism etc lying to get People’s love and to be voted into a position is not right.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Mate2237 on August 28, 2022, 08:27:00 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

I also see reason for your question. If politics is a dirty game why must christian involved in politics? And really politicians are not truthful, they lie, they kill, they idolatry, they do all such of evil and they are inhuman. So if Christians join politics are to do all the above characteristics in politics and those things are against God's principles. And the preachers of the gospel are against these things. Therefore, with all these things. Should a christian join politics? OP I support your question.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Adbitco on August 28, 2022, 09:19:43 PM
Let religious leaders stay away from politics.i think it's better that way

Well to clear it from you i will give you an instance, Religious leaders have never applied such principles but i can say those are false prophet who always speaks that God say of this and that. A Leader is always far away from being Paster as i know too well if not they can not maintain good Relation with Mighty God as politicians are not a sincere body. So any Pastor who involved in politics has soiled his mantle and may likely working with canality.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Desmong on August 28, 2022, 09:45:04 PM
I don't know why many christians are afraid to get into politics allowing the bad people to dominate and spoil things for us. The christians need to do the right thing to safe the world and get to do the right thing. Some persons that are into politics may have missed it all affiliating with the currupt people that have bad intensions to create uncertainty that could be detrimental to the merit citizens.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Masplanc on August 29, 2022, 07:36:08 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

I also see reason for your question. If politics is a dirty game why must christian involved in politics? And really politicians are not truthful, they lie, they kill, they idolatry, they do all such of evil and they are inhuman. So if Christians join politics are to do all the above characteristics in politics and those things are against God's principles. And the preachers of the gospel are against these things. Therefore, with all these things. Should a christian join politics? OP I support your question.
The reason why all this characters are their in politics is because Christians and believers have abandoned politics for very long time. So the people who are accupying the seats are liers who have turned politics to a place where dirty game is being played. Politics was not made for bad people.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: OgNasty on August 29, 2022, 08:14:52 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

My take is that it's pretty foolish to lump any category of people into a certain behavior.  Granted this is sort of what politics has come to, us vs them, but it's no less dumb.  Everyone is different.  Some Christians lie, some Christians don't.  I don't think there's anything exclusive to Christianity that makes it's followers more likely to lie than other religions, so I find your thread a bit emotional and stemming from your personal experience more than a broad overview of people. 

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Frankolala on August 29, 2022, 09:22:26 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie.
  Yes Christians are to get involved in politics in order to make the country a better place. It is not everybody that calls himself a Christian, is a true Christian because most of them don't practice Christianity. For instance,the catholic church Pope is the head of all christains in the world,if a Christian country is having challenges in good leadership or maltreatment of citizens by the government,the Pope can visit such country to see the president or send representatives to put the president back on track on the right way he is suppose to lead his people.

  God is the best leader,therefore a good Christian that practices his faith will also be a good leader because he will be directed by God. Go back to your bible and see it yourself.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: BADecker on August 29, 2022, 09:47:55 PM
Protestant churches in America and elsewhere don't accept the Pope. Neither do Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox. The Coptic Christian Churches of Aswan, Egypt, which make up about 10% of the people of Egypt, don't accept the Pope, either. Besides this, there are loads of Catholics who quietly don't accept the Pope except when they are forced into showing it.

We don't want Papal Politics in America.


Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Myleschetty on August 29, 2022, 10:10:17 PM
I don't know why many christians are afraid to get into politics allowing the bad people to dominate and spoil things for us. The christians need to do the right thing to safe the world and get to do the right thing. Some persons that are into politics may have missed it all affiliating with the currupt people that have bad intensions to create uncertainty that could be detrimental to the merit citizens.
I believe it's a matter of them being afraid but politics being the game of lies, death, cheating, and other sorts of ungood things.
Nevertheless, this doesn't stop some Christian from joining the political race but most Christian decision is based on if their calling or destiny responsibility has to do with politics.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: BADecker on August 29, 2022, 10:12:56 PM
Trump's a Christian. So is Putin. Biden is the perfect example of what politics can do to a Christian.


Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Unked1990 on September 02, 2022, 11:28:26 AM
The Christian faith was founded upon the belief that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again. He is the only way to God. Christians believe that he is the son of God who came down to earth to die for us. We believe that his death paid for our sins and we have been given eternal life. We believe that Jesus is the savior of mankind. visit this site (

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: White pawn on September 02, 2022, 05:15:12 PM
Religion has undergone a transition and has now become a tool to for control and self enrichment. Religion has no place in government. Any religious fanatic going into politics should keep his beliefs in his household.
Christians are free to go into politics but must be able to follow the constitution and laws of the nation  knowing they are governing and representing not just their household but people of different religion and beliefs.
Religion is personal and should be kept that way. The common ground of christianity is love. We already have laws and rules and definitely do not need any radical religious rules in government. Religion and government should be kept apart and religious leaders should never be political.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: BADecker on September 02, 2022, 07:51:44 PM
Politics IS a religion. Political dedication among politicians is way stronger than most religions among those who are members of their various faiths. One must indeed be extremely grounded in his Christian faith to pick up the religion of politics and maintain his own Christian religion at the same time.


Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Masplanc on September 05, 2022, 03:21:40 PM
I don't know why many christians are afraid to get into politics allowing the bad people to dominate and spoil things for us. The christians need to do the right thing to safe the world and get to do the right thing. Some persons that are into politics may have missed it all affiliating with the currupt people that have bad intensions to create uncertainty that could be detrimental to the merit citizens.
I believe it's a matter of them being afraid but politics being the game of lies, death, cheating, and other sorts of ungood things.
Nevertheless, this doesn't stop some Christian from joining the political race but most Christian decision is based on if their calling or destiny responsibility has to do with politics.
Some Christians participate in politics and they are still clean and they still hold to the faith they believe. The reason why some Christian don't like politics is because they feel if they go into politics they may fall in faith , that's is why some Christian believers are not interested in it.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Tellek Garing on September 06, 2022, 06:29:31 AM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?
God created man to be ruled by the laws of spirit rather than his fellow man. However, because of sin, we are subject to human rules that are full of lies, nepotism, tribalism, and other societal vices that we see today. Politics is about lies, deception, and corruption, and a Christian who has been redeemed from sin and Satan should not participate in it. There is nothing good in it, and true Christians filled with the Holy Spirit have no desire for it.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: BADecker on September 07, 2022, 05:30:10 PM
Take a look at the pictures of Biden's recent talk in Milwaukee. Then compare them with the crowds of people for Trump in 2020. Trump beat Biden by landslides... dozens of them. And he will again prove stronger... prove what a practicing Christian can do over somebody that you could barely tell by his actions, that he is a Christian.

MORE PROOF The Election Was STOLEN!!! (

Does a picture really paint 1000 words? If so this short article contains a small novel worth of valuable information that you probably won't find on (m)any, conservative or liberal, news outlets. Years ago I turned them all off and started finding my own truth. If almost no one shows up to see the President of The United States speak on labor day, isn't that big news? I think so.

Thanks to The Gateway Pundit, we have more proof of Biden's "popularity," or lack thereof. Dozens of people support this president America!!! The average IQ of those dozens is the real question.

Thanks to the robust economy, literally dozens of union workers gave President Biden a roaring welcome on Labor Day in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Here a some pictures and videos:



Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Ripe_berry on September 07, 2022, 09:15:37 PM
It is perfectly good for christains to be involved in politics, because the bible says "when the righteous the people rejoice. proverbs 29:2" getting your dirty in politics is a thing of choice and not fulfiling your campaign promises is about personal integrity so saying christains should not be involved in politics is true

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: BADecker on September 07, 2022, 09:47:41 PM
It is perfectly good for christains to be involved in politics, because the bible says "when the righteous the people rejoice. proverbs 29:2" getting your dirty in politics is a thing of choice and not fulfiling your campaign promises is about personal integrity so saying christains should not be involved in politics is true

That's what I think we should do. We should make the platform a candidate runs on to be a contract. If he wins, and doesn't fulfill his campaign contract, execution.


Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Stable090 on September 11, 2022, 10:29:45 PM
Politics should not be connected to religion, when candidates are contesting we should make sure we select the best candidate irrespective of the candidates religion, religion have been affecting politics in my country, people will see the right candidate but they won’t vote for him because they are not the same religion, they will endup voting for the candidate that’s there religion or tribe. We should all learn how to vote for the right candidate irrespective of there religion or tribe, we both have good Christian and bad once, we are also having good Muslim’s and bad once.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Awwal08 on September 29, 2022, 09:16:24 AM

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?
Actually on this issue is so complicated because some of the gospel may be saying the true base on what they see and how they see the person, that is what he had done before. The gospel will say this with fear of God. But some of the gospel do it base on their personal interests, that is what they are getting from that person.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Doan9269 on September 29, 2022, 03:02:25 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?
God created man to be ruled by the laws of spirit rather than his fellow man. However, because of sin, we are subject to human rules that are full of lies, nepotism, tribalism, and other societal vices that we see today. Politics is about lies, deception, and corruption, and a Christian who has been redeemed from sin and Satan should not participate in it. There is nothing good in it, and true Christians filled with the Holy Spirit have no desire for it.

First thing first, politics is different from Christianity lifestyle, a Christian can participate in politics and there's nothing bad in it, but does every politician fear God? No, thisbis common and notbonky in politics but every life strata, it is wrong for a man of God to endorse a political candidate for a position, he can bless him privately but very wrong to make a public proclamation of a candidate, we need to bebvery careful on how we relate political things with the dealings of the Lord, give caesar what belongs to it, give God what is due to Him.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: BADecker on September 29, 2022, 03:52:08 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

Ministers of God have their job... training Christians. Since only a small percent of Christians are ministers, there are a whole lot of them that can be Christian politicians. The ministers should, as ministers, preach the truth and what is right. That way Christian politicians will know how to act.

However, in the USA, there is generally nothing that says a minister cannot change his occupation and become a politician. But get out of the ministry first, and try to get somebody else who is good and right to take your place.


Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Tallupooh on October 15, 2022, 04:12:03 AM
Do not immediately assume that people who are Christians are all bad people. There may be many people who are good in nature, even though they are Christians.

Politics is for everyone. If politics is limited, and only for a handful of people then it is not called politics.

This is just my opinion, don't always jump to conclusions that are bad for other people.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: 348Judah on October 15, 2022, 11:05:52 AM
Do not immediately assume that people who are Christians are all bad people. There may be many people who are good in nature, even though they are Christians.

Politics is for everyone. If politics is limited, and only for a handful of people then it is not called politics.

This is just my opinion, don't always jump to conclusions that are bad for other people.

Regardless of religion you will always find the good and the bad ones, same applicable in genders as well, but when we are talking of politics, we should be mindful that it's different fron religious practice, Christian religion is a way of life after Christ, politics is a career path in life to choose to serve people and not God, but that's not annexcuse from serving God because at the end we will all be accountable regardless of our position, career or ambition in life.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Rockstarguy on October 15, 2022, 11:28:45 AM
Do not immediately assume that people who are Christians are all bad people. There may be many people who are good in nature, even though they are Christians.

Politics is for everyone. If politics is limited, and only for a handful of people then it is not called politics.

This is just my opinion, don't always jump to conclusions that are bad for other people.

Regardless of religion you will always find the good and the bad ones, same applicable in genders as well, but when we are talking of politics, we should be mindful that it's different fron religious practice, Christian religion is a way of life after Christ, politics is a career path in life to choose to serve people and not God, but that's not annexcuse from serving God because at the end we will all be accountable regardless of our position, career or ambition in life.
Politics is for everyone , for all religion.  The people  bad and corrupt people we have in politics belong to a religion. People see politics as a ground to make money,  whoever joins politics and does not have self control towards money will change to steal much money as possible because politicians see politics as life opportunity to steal money. Anybody can politics,  it is left for people to have self control to remain good.  Politics is not designed for only bad people.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: teosanru on October 15, 2022, 08:13:56 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?
I won't comment anything on Christianity specifically but almost all the religions advocate the same thing to not to lie. But if you see almost all the religious stories you'll find politics was the backbone of all the dynasties in the mythology. Also churches or any other religious institutions are places where politics is played the most. The people use politics so much to reach to the heights of these institutions. So i don't think it's a sin to practice poltics.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Alisha-k on October 17, 2022, 06:51:32 AM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?
I will like to say this religion and politics can't be submerged together. If a religious fellow gets involved in politics one of two things are bound to occur, its either they get too rigid that their administration becomes too boring or they compromise and become worst than the core politicians. In the christian holy book a popular prayer goes, Lead us not into temptation and believe me or not christians getting involved in politics is a big temptation for them

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Gosgosking on October 17, 2022, 01:50:37 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?
I will like to say this religion and politics can't be submerged together. If a religious fellow gets involved in politics one of two things are bound to occur, its either they get too rigid that their administration becomes too boring or they compromise and become worst than the core politicians. In the christian holy book a popular prayer goes, Lead us not into temptation and believe me or not christians getting involved in politics is a big temptation for them
Normally politics is something that will accommodate all kind of people. The way people have taken religion,  they think having interest on politics will make the backslide from what they believe.  Whoever is good is good, if politics will make people to deviate from from their belief that means they have never change.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: LesterNavarro on October 31, 2022, 11:08:20 AM
1. Christian and Politics
 I am not going to go into much detail about my political views here, but I do want to say that I believe in God and Jesus Christ. I am a Christian first and foremost. I have been raised in a Christian home and was taught to love God and others. I believe that we should treat everyone with respect and dignity regardless of their background or beliefs. We should strive to live our lives according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
 2. Political Views
 I am a Democrat. I believe that government should work for the people and not just the wealthy elite. I believe that we need to make sure that everyone has access to healthcare and education. I believe that we can help those who are less fortunate if we try hard enough. I believe that we must protect the environment and animals. I believe that we have a responsibility to take care of each other.
 3. How does religion play a role?
 I think that Christianity has played a huge role in shaping me into the person that I am today. I grew up in a Christian household where I learned to love God and others and to treat them with respect and dignity. I believe that we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally. I believe that we were put on earth to serve God and others. I feel that we are all responsible for taking care of each other and the planet. I believe that we all have a duty to take care of ourselves and the world around us.
 4. What would you change about the way things are now?
 I would change the way things are right now. I would like to see a system where we don't have to worry about money anymore. I would like to create a system where everyone has access to healthcare. I would like to make sure that everyone gets educated and has a job. I would like to ensure that everyone has food and shelter. I would like to improve the environment and make sure that the Earth stays alive.
 5. Do you believe that the Bible is the word of God?
 Yes, I do. I believe that the Bible is inspired by God and is his word. I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that he died on the cross for our sins. I believe that he rose again and that he is coming back soon. I believe that he will return to judge the living and the dead. I believe that he loves us and wants us to follow him. I believe that he sent his only begotten Son to die for our sins. I know that he is real and that he is coming soon.
 6. What do you believe about abortion?
 I believe that abortion is wrong. I believe that it is murder. I believe that it takes away the life of a human being. I believe that it should be illegal. I believe that women should have the choice to decide what they do with their bodies.
 7. What do you believe happens after death?
 I believe that after we die, we go to heaven or hell depending on how good or bad we lived our lives. I believe that we get judged based on our actions. I believe that we either go to heaven or hell. I believe that we spend eternity with God. I believe that we will be reunited with loved ones.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Mate2237 on October 31, 2022, 03:39:18 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?
Christians are allowed to participate in politics, even the vice president of Nigeria is a Christian and he was handling one the youth empowerment programme in the country and he was doing very. All the youths in the country was very Happy and enjoying the programme until when the president gave the programme to his Muslim sister, and that woman is suffering the Nigeria through the program. Even from this aspect of thinking, I understand that Christian involving in politics is much more important than any other religions.

Not all Christians lie and also the lieing rate of a Christian is not strong as others. Please I'm not insulting my Muslim brothers and sisters but I am talking about the reality. The president in my country now a Muslim and I heard from news (Radio and TV) that Muslim faithfuls killed/imprisoned people if someone insult Mohammed (their prophet) and the president is there but he could not stopped such but if the president is a Christian with a gradual process he would stopped it. Any how a Christian can lie he would not kill or imprisoned someone because the person insult Christ (their prophet).

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Maestro75 on October 31, 2022, 06:18:28 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

Because of the untruthfulness involved in politics, Christians should be mindful of going into it. Christians can serve as guides or consultants and pilot the affairs of the nation from that angle. But christians standing in to be voted for is wrong. Alot of lies are told during campaigns and after it to convince citizens. They may say it is harmless lies but that is not true. Every lie is harmful and it is a sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

They can do that. They are leaders in their own field and have every right to their followers to lead them. But what will be wrong will be to stand at the altar while preaching is going on and say it. They can find a way to let their congregation know without broadcasting it.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Jfeat on November 04, 2022, 05:16:23 AM
In this regard,I see it very necessary for christians to involve in politics, because it will go a long way in bringing law and order,peace and stability, the Bible said if the ringtous rule the people rejoice.
The reason why the system is corrupted and polluted is because christian had term politics to be a dirty game also, with the fear of the unknown that if the get there they will also join them,but to me I say that ideology is a false, because there are still christians in the politics and still maintain their standard.
It's important for christians to participate in politics,so as to also be among the policy makers,to make policy's that have the interest of the body of Christ in it, because if they are not there all the policy would be made and wether it's for there interest or not they can do anything.
So I  SUPPORT the christians to join politics, because God is the creator of all systems and he will back anyone who go and maintain its believe system and in standard of his faith.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: White pawn on May 28, 2024, 07:59:01 AM
In my opinion I think it's in two ways not only Christians  can go into politics, though the Bible said when the righteous rules the people rejoice,if we look at it the other way,Christians can go into politics and still have a corrupt mindset and heart, Christians will still lie and cheat, embezzle and steal,so for one to involve in politics it means that you must have good intentions towards your new plan or achievement to be able to handle whatever comes your way.
You must determine to deliver and replicate truth,honesty,genuity and exercise the necessary foundations for a stable leadership.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Hispo on May 28, 2024, 10:37:09 AM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

That is rather a matter of personal choice and how each one of us sees their religion and also depends on the church ones attends.
For example, Catholics and Christians (in general) do not see anything from by participating within the world of politics, because to them, it is rather a way to try to improve the world and fighting sin and evil. Which is rather a very optimistic approach on how politics works. Though, because of their system of believes, it is common to see people of faith missing their personal religious views with the state.
In the other hand, there are sects of Christianity which discourage people from participating in politics, because in the eyes of theor church, the wordly things are already are already predefined and controlled by their settings on the books of revelations. The Jehova Witnesses are a good example, they do not participate much beyond voting, they pray and wait for the second coming of Jesus, since the world is to be cleaned from all evil since that coming day.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: moneystery on May 29, 2024, 03:55:22 AM
we are talking about the context of religion and politics, these are two things that cannot be separated, this is because a christian who is involved in politics can implement his religious values ​​in his political methods. even though at times they cannot fulfill their promises or act inconsistently with their religious values, at least they have tried to implement their religious values ​​in their political ways. because no one is perfect, even a religious leader can make mistakes, let alone a politician.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Marvelockg on May 29, 2024, 05:25:46 AM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?
is it not bolding wrteen in the Christian holy book that when the righteous rules, the people rejoice? how then can they rule if they don't belong to a political party and get themselves involved in the electionary process?

One of the biggest problem we're facing in the society today is that most people that are competent and able to carrying out the task of leadership in the society have decided to told there hands allowing incompetent and aggressive folks to lead us and all they do is to sit back, point of errors that they aren't ready to help solve.

Regardless of your religious affiliation, if you're not ready to get involved in politics, be ready for whatever comes your way cause a time will eventually come when you will find out that the tye decision that's made by these supposed sinner politician must always stand and that you have no option rather than carrying it out regardless of your faith.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: FinePoine0 on May 29, 2024, 08:45:32 AM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

Everyone can be involved in politics, there is no obstacle, but politics should be done for the benefit of the people.  But politics should never be done for the benefit of ministers. Now you notice the past history of all the ministries that have been born in the present time either Mastan Rahazani was involved in dacoity etc., misused their power to become the leader in the present time.  Such leaders create a stir in this country by masking their politics for many reasons.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Fiasem20 on May 31, 2024, 08:44:09 PM
The bible did not state any reference that Christians should not partake in politics.You being a Christian doesn't stop you from contesting an election.Some people think that when a Christian has been elected into power,the person compromise his or her faith and follow the worldly things,no it isn't that way expect the person has a different motive.It is expected of a Godly leaders to rule the people rightly and in the fear of God,even the bible says when the righteous rule the people rejoice,it simply means when the Christian rule there's gonna be a change and a turnaround.In my country the Ex vice president is a pastor,so don't neglect any political positions because your christian but accept it without compromising your faith.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Jerrycrypto2024 on June 01, 2024, 03:58:59 AM
Politics is a general thing in human nature it does not matter of any religion even family has politics in build as hereditary from human origin, no matter how one changes environment the in build nature can't change that one is in one religion can't take away the blood in the vain or arteries, human can do away with politics no matter any religion been found if the heart of dominance is not found in him for any that seek to be recognized it's a must that politics can't be overruled.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: FinePoine0 on June 01, 2024, 04:28:04 AM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

There is no obstacle that anyone can enter politics, but politics must be done honestly. But present day honest politics is most lacking, you mention any country you see ministers are doing most bad deeds. Every person wearing the mask of politics is seeking support from public and when they get support they start doing dirty work. This is not the fault of the Christians, the fault is their character, the more character people have, the better for this society.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Essential10 on June 01, 2024, 06:28:00 AM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

There is no obstacle that anyone can enter politics, but politics must be done honestly. But present day honest politics is most lacking, you mention any country you see ministers are doing most bad deeds. Every person wearing the mask of politics is seeking support from public and when they get support they start doing dirty work. This is not the fault of the Christians, the fault is their character, the more character people have, the better for this society.

Yes I agree with you politics is open to all, only you do such things that your society or country moves forward. Politics is not only about politicians and governments but also about the collective action of individuals within society to bring about change. I don't think religion is an issue in politics. Whoever of us participates in politics and works for a better future for all, we can contribute to the progress of our community and nation.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Bushdark on June 01, 2024, 08:57:14 AM
we are talking about the context of religion and politics, these are two things that cannot be separated, this is because a christian who is involved in politics can implement his religious values ​​in his political methods. even though at times they cannot fulfill their promises or act inconsistently with their religious values, at least they have tried to implement their religious values ​​in their political ways. because no one is perfect, even a religious leader can make mistakes, let alone a politician.
I don't think religion has anything to do with politics. We need to differentiate the two and anybody trying to use religious practice to face politics is doing that at their own interests. Many of the politicians have selfish reasons why they are into politics and we should not be surprised because even pastors joining politics are not a true pastor.
We need to understand the reason why many people want to join politics in respective of their positions.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: laijsica on June 01, 2024, 09:05:37 AM
Everyone has the right to politics and it is constructive if your overall efforts are for public welfare. Everyone should have equal opportunity irrespective of caste and religion. No matter which country or society you belong to, each country has a different culture based on religion. Most of the representatives in states dominated by Christians will be from among themselves which is normal and the same can be observed in states of different religions as well. But in some cases there may be differences but very little.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on June 01, 2024, 12:01:07 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

It is good for christians to be involved politics, if not for anything at least correct the anomaly in the political system, especially those lies that are told during election period. Politics needs upright people. Funny enough, there are laid down procedures and policies for people in government to follow, yet politicians don't always want to follow through, so we need people with integrity to come into the political arena and help out. Though politics involves people with different religious belief, however Christianity teaches you to be modest in your way of life, which most politicians don't want to be, they want a situation where they can leave a carefree life without being accountable to the people.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Zanab247 on June 01, 2024, 01:39:06 PM
Christian and Muslim can play politics in the society, and they will rule well to bring good name to the society and to encourage others religion to go into politics because that is what will make people to believe the true religion, which they will like to do positive things to promote their religion.

There are some Christians in politics in my country, but they are more corrupt than those who are not a Christian in the country because they just believe that you can only succeed in politics through lie and corrupt.

I will not advise Christian, who don't have other sources of income to finance their political assignment to join politics because the seniors members on top will force them to do evil that will make people to hate them be a Christian or Muslim, which are some of things that is happening in our society today.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Hispo on June 02, 2024, 12:49:56 AM
Christian and Muslim can play politics in the society, and they will rule well to bring good name to the society and to encourage others religion to go into politics because that is what will make people to believe the true religion, which they will like to do positive things to promote their religion.


Though, Are you aware that many of the constitutions around the world, specially those in countries which are in the West have articles which directly collide with the teachings in many of the religious and sacred texts of both the Christian Bible and the Muslim Koran?. For example, according to Koran anyone who is not a Muslim does not desire to convert to Islam is forced to pay a tax for them to continue to live within the Muslim community and keep their religion. That is against the rules of many countries, also in the Jewish and Christian scriptures it is mentioned that anyone to be found guilty of adultery is supposed to be put to death by stoning. It may not even require a formal trial of the person, to be stoned at all.
In many countries the death penalty is outlawed, being the maximum penalty life in prison.

So, indeed people of faith can enter within the world of politics, but they also need to respect the constitution and realize there must be convivence among people of different systems of faith and churches.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: FinePoine0 on June 02, 2024, 05:28:53 AM
Christian and Muslim can play politics in the society, and they will rule well to bring good name to the society and to encourage others religion to go into politics because that is what will make people to believe the true religion, which they will like to do positive things to promote their religion.

There are some Christians in politics in my country, but they are more corrupt than those who are not a Christian in the country because they just believe that you can only succeed in politics through lie and corrupt.

I will not advise Christian, who don't have other sources of income to finance their political assignment to join politics because the seniors members on top will force them to do evil that will make people to hate them be a Christian or Muslim, which are some of things that is happening in our society today.

It is true that any person can enter politics, but basically politics should be done with honesty then it will spread in the society in the country and in the world. But now politics is essentially biased, those in power take away the power of the political party, and people's rights are being taken away. I am not saying this to anyone because almost every country has such politics, the people in the country where I live and live are mad for power. There is no doubt that they can do any kind of evil to grab the seat of power.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: teamsherry on June 02, 2024, 08:47:40 AM
Personally I believe God calls men for different purpose and would give men abilities to do According to the purpose he gives each of them, they are people called to be leaders and hold positions in political groups and they don't all have to lie and collect bribes, people who collect bribes bribes poor and have low intelligence, cause if you are wealthy and even more than the person who wants to bribe you then you can't or won't even consider his bribes as a thign to make you fail yourself, so to me na people wey poor dey do that rubbish.

Title: Re: Christian and politics
Post by: Ever-young on June 05, 2024, 03:58:07 PM
Is it a good idea for Christians to get involved in politics, because if they are involved in it, they tend to lie, make promises they can't fulfill and sometimes get their hands dirty which is sin.

And ministers of the Gospel, are they suppose to endorse any candidate to their congregants. What's your take?

If Christians do not involved in politics then who will come and change the Society? Do you understand the concept or meaning of Politics? Now I believe you yourself is a Christian. Will be involved in Politics so you can do what others have not done to change the Society? Even in the Bible there is Politics. In the book of first Samuel and second Samuel, when the Israelites asked Samuel to tell God to give them King. And Samuel asked God and God told Samuel to select Saul as the king in Israel. Who was the first Government appointment by man in Israel. And the people were happy because they believed that Saul would do what they ( the Israelites) need in the Society. Therefore, Christians participating in Politics is the best way to develop the countries. Now we are suffering because the leaders are not born again.

Of course, you are absolutely right, assuming our leaders are born again, the high rate if suffering won't be this much.

People are also suffering because of selfishness, most people who are in politics are using politics for power, greedy and also to use it to oppress others and also using it as God will like accepting bribe, lie, bear false witness etc.

So participating in politics as christian is not really bad but doing it in to help the less privilege, that is what that matters and not to use it to increase their suffering.