Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: SeeBiscuit on August 16, 2022, 12:53:09 AM

Post by: SeeBiscuit on August 16, 2022, 12:53:09 AM

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: mk4 on August 16, 2022, 06:58:37 AM
What have you guys learned since joining?
Most of what I've learned concerning bitcoin/crypto is still mostly from reading articles, not necessarily forum posts. What mostly interests me with Bitcointalk is the opinions of other people, giving me different points of views and all that.

Personally, I've been reading through old posts of legendary and hero members like books essentially, some posts dating back to 2013 and stuff.
Just a heads up that high rank doesn't automatically mean knowledgeable. A lot of hero/legendary members only got their merits from the initial airdrop.

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: Pmalek on August 16, 2022, 08:46:46 AM
I have learned that just because it looks like Bitcoin, sounds like Bitcoin, uses similar terminology as Bitcoin, and it can be mined in one way or the other just like Bitcoin, it doesn't make it Bitcoin. One was created to benefit the people by the people, the others were created by individuals or groups that wanted to get rich from the investments of the people. 

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: PowerGlove on August 16, 2022, 08:50:16 AM
{...} I've been reading through old posts {...}
Yeah, going through old posts can be rewarding. This old thread [1] about struggling to keep the Wikipedia page up in the early days is pretty surreal. There's also a little "dad joke" in there about the specific editor that issued the deletion (supposedly an expert on glaciers) being an "ice-hole" ;D

{...} What have you guys learned since joining? {...}
So much stuff! This can be a great place to learn, especially if you're not in a rush and read more than you write. It's a bit of a mixed bag though, and there's a lot of "quota" posting so you have to get used to picking out the good stuff and ignoring the bad.


Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: un_rank on September 21, 2022, 05:22:59 PM
I've learned so much about what crypto is, and what Bitcoin is, and I'm thankful for all the knew insight I have because of the short time I spent reading.

What have you guys learned since joining?
This forum is an actual goldmine of information. Since I discovered here, I have been hooked to it and the loads of information available. For the younger generation, writing ad reading here would need some getting used to, but when you settle in, you start to build good community habits and understand more how a forum works.

I have learnt a lot. School and work keep me away, but whenever I got some free time, I log in to learn some more and write a few of my thoughts.

- Jay -

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on September 23, 2022, 11:28:49 PM
Uhm, I knew little or nix about bitcoin but my ignorance began to fade as time went by. Then I was introduced to this great site and just then, I discovered I knew virtually nothing more 'bout BTC than its name and the volatility of the price and lastly, the market structure.

Overtime, in here, I have been thoroughly, pruned to become a cryptographical type; the forum is more or less a platform where people ain't denied thier prerogatives, people ain't molested for ignorance et most importantly, everyone is left to thier own discretion.

That's the same reason why we have alot of wise, trustworthy fellows in here and we also have alot of shitty-head trolls; cus Knowledge in here is willful. The more you try to learn yourself, the better. some Peeps don't really care even if this is the best place they'd earn them( unforgettable experience/ knowledge)

I just hope you stay cool and follow the right path so you could achieve Major; rank-wise, etc... welcome onboard!

Sandra 👩‍🦱

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: 348Judah on September 24, 2022, 09:07:38 AM
This is my first account

I don't think telling us about this is important, that should be something within you personal and none cares if you do or not all the forum want is your true identity in abiding with rules and regulations.

and I have reached 1 full day of activity

Not about hiw long or short havebwe all stayed on the forum but how impactful have we make through our stay, not how far butbhow well, when you're keen to giving resourcefulness that others can actually benefit from, then your presence will be felt.

I first dove into crypto around a year ago and can't believe I didn't come here first

So many people have also been in this kind of experience that they got to discover the forum after some years of wandering around in cryptocurrencies while some right before they got into crypto, they already have this privilege with the forum, bit the funniest of it is that, some don't even take it serious not until they got the biggest surprises of lost out there before realizing bitcointalk is the place to get adequate and reliable information in cryptocurrency and bitcoin in particular.

What have you guys learned since joining

Countless of opportunities, knowledge, expositions, insights among others, just learn to be active and everything will follow through your learning process on the forum, it's a place you can grow from where you were to get to where you desired.

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: hugeblack on September 24, 2022, 07:08:41 PM
I don't remember that I learned by looking for old posts and then trying to understand what the legendary members are trying to write, in the end ranks mean nothing and most of the legendary members were stupid in the past.
Learning comes with constant questioning and development.

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: indah rezqi on September 24, 2022, 07:26:11 PM
I don't remember that I learned by looking for old posts and then trying to understand what the legendary members are trying to write, in the end ranks mean nothing and most of the legendary members were stupid in the past.
I'm interested in that last sentence, but I have to admit that it's true.

Not all Legendary members are knowledgeable, some of them are ordinary users who might be called stupid because their knowledge of bitcoin is too small. I thought that Legendary were experts then because they had been on the forum for a long time. But they weren't because there were quite a number of them who rank up to Legendary just because make post and qualified to rank up without any good qualities.

Learning comes with constant questioning and development.
Of course, knowledge exists because of learning and experience exists because we have been directly involved in this forum.

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: KingsDen on September 24, 2022, 11:04:09 PM
This is my first account

How many do you intend to own in the future? The language  you used seems that you are about creating more accounts as this is just your first. Maybe grammar syntax didn't work for us here.

What have you guys learned since joining?

Here's to many more days for us all :).

This forum taught me in real terms the principles of "Learn before you Earn". I have used the adage or phrase without knowing the real implications, but this forum taught me that.
Also, this forum made me to understand how to identify a scammer at a glance. Before now I trust random internet users, but this forum made me correct that impression.

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: yahoo62278 on September 25, 2022, 04:11:29 AM
This is my first account, and I have reached 1 full day of activity. I first dove into crypto around a year ago and can't believe I didn't come here first.

Personally, I've been reading through old posts of legendary and hero members like books essentially, some posts dating back to 2013 and stuff. Honestly, it opened my eyes to a lot of how this forum views cryptocurrencies as a whole. I've learned so much about what crypto is, and what Bitcoin is, and I'm thankful for all the knew insight I have because of the short time I spent reading.

What have you guys learned since joining?

Here's to many more days for us all :).
When I first joined this forum I was overwhelmed with the information found here. Bitcoin was pretty new to me. Now I feel like I would be lost not visiting here daily. Not to forget some of the friends I have made here in the last 8 years.

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: Falconer on September 25, 2022, 04:45:06 AM
When I first joined this forum I was overwhelmed with the information found here. Bitcoin was pretty new to me.
The average new users are those who have no knowledge of bitcoin, it makes them feel lost in the forum with no one to guide them. But day by day when these users are constantly discussing with other established users, they will become more and more educated. I, you, and the average other user have had the same experience.

Now I feel like I would be lost not visiting here daily. Not to forget some of the friends I have made here in the last 8 years.
When we love something, then I'm sure we will not easily forget it. Likewise someone's feelings about their contribution to bitcointalk, they will feel lost if they are not active here even if they only read a few posts.

Title: Re: Total time logged in: 1 days, 14 minutes.
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on September 25, 2022, 05:00:31 AM
Having gotten to this forum by accident, I was literally magnetized by it. But yes, even getting here, I started the wrong way. Reading the bounty posts, I thought for a while that I had found a goldmine. But after realizing in a few months that all bounty projects are the most common scam, I began to expose such projects actively. At the same time, while reading posts on the forum, I became so involved in bitcoin that now every morning and evening I end and begin with this forum.