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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: odunybiz on September 08, 2022, 07:05:12 AM

Title: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: odunybiz on September 08, 2022, 07:05:12 AM
Age has being a factor depreciating some people in vitualising their dreams. They keep saying "I'm too old to go school", I'm too old to start a new career", I'm too old to start a business". This make them remain stagnant throughout their life time. Age does define success as success comes in all forms. An adage says "when there is life, there is hope". That means success can still be actualized at any age so far ones is still healthy. Let's consider the list of 5 successful people who found success and achieve their dreams at above 60s:

1. Frank McCourt

Frank McCourt decided to start writing at 65 years old. In 1996, McCourt became the talk of the literary world with his impassioned memoir Angela’s Ashes. Detailing a painful and affecting childhood in both Brooklyn and Ireland, Frank was awarded both the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Critics Circle Award.

2. Harry Bernstein

Harry Bernstein spent a long life writing in obscurity but finally achieved fame at age 96 for his 2007 memoir, "The Invisible Wall: A Love Story That Broke Barriers."

3. Anna Mary
Anna Mary Robertson Moses, better known as Grandma Moses, began her prolific painting career at 78. In 2006, one of her paintings sold for $1.2 million.

4. Laura Ingalls

Laura Ingalls Wilder spent her later years writing semi-autobiographical stories using her educated daughter, Rose, as an editor. She published the first in the "Little House" books at age 65 in 1932. They soon became children's literary classics and the basis for the TV show "Little House on the Prairie."

5. Wally Blume

Wally Blume had a long career in the dairy business before starting his own ice cream company, Denali Flavors, at age 57 in 1995. The company reported revenue of $80 million in 2009.


Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: DrBeer on September 08, 2022, 03:08:11 PM
I don't see anything surprising or "unnatural"! If you are not paralyzed and are not completely incapacitated, there will always be an opportunity to either learn something new, or apply the previously accumulated experience to something. Of course, you should not try to become a povermen at 95, or an astronaut at 100 - there simply physiological limitations will become an obstacle, but intelligence can be used at virtually any age and in any condition!

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on September 08, 2022, 05:04:12 PM
Life is really lived only if one does and makes things that is deemed impossible, possible. That is, to live a dream, to achieve, to fulfil a goal. Most dreams have an age limit before it becomes invalid. For example, if at an age where hearing or sight becomes impaired, a dream of becoming a painter or becoming an interpreter would make no sense. If however, variables of physical concern do not interfere with a dream to be achieved at an odd age, i would say, why not take the leap.  

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: coupable on September 08, 2022, 06:04:02 PM
Unfortunately, not everything can be started at a later age. Practicing a particular sport or learning a complex musical instrument is not an easy task, even for those at a young age.
In addition to the people mentioned in the list, there are many who have succeeded in achieving great achievements at an advanced age. I can mention the Messenger of Islam “Muhammad” who started his call to a new religion after he was over forty and succeeded in establishing a new religion that is believed by hundreds of millions around the world today (the third most prevalent religion today).
Age is not an obstacle to learning something new. The important thing is that the person has the necessary mental capabilities .

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Davidvictorson on September 08, 2022, 07:45:15 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.
As some would have it, age is just a number, and when it comes to fulfilling a dream, age would just have to go along for the trip with the mind, body, and spirit. Humans have the divinely endowed capacity to indulge in a supposedly restless desire. You are aware of the thought or dream that one simply cannot shake. If the dream can be fulfilled without requiring a young person to have superhuman physical power or having a physical impairment, then it can absolutely be fulfilled. Never allow your age determine your ability to achieve your goals. Pursue any dream you have.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Gozie51 on September 08, 2022, 09:18:28 PM
Age may be a factor for some people while it is not for others. Age is what some see as a factor not to take step and for orders, it can't stop them. A procrastinator see age as an excuse not to work while he who is not lazy get to try, This is a simple analysis of whet it is with age . Procrastination is the factor that can hinder dreams and not age.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: goaldigger on September 08, 2022, 09:28:23 PM
Those are the perfect timing for them and we can all have that golden opportunity so when it knocks to our door better to grad that opportunity right away. We may not experience the same thing but those stories can be a good motivation to us not to give up easily. Those successful people also came from the bottom and that is something to look for, we can have our own time just keep on working and work wisely.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: jossiel on September 08, 2022, 09:57:56 PM
The most notable person for me is the owner of KFC, Colonel Sanders. He should be part of that top 5 and one of the most successful when he's thought that it won't happen to him.

I agree that success can be in all forms and that's why those that are thinking that they're quite old for something to do, they should just do it without any ifs and reasons.

Especially today in digital time, there could be a lot of ways to become successful. I see old people that are successful being a content creator in social media and they're loving and having fun with what they do.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Rufsilf on September 08, 2022, 10:25:00 PM
I'd agree it was a big factor that could affect our mindset as well.
Like saying that "I was Old to go to school" some people will say that they are not prioritizing to going school but instead, they have to find a job to provide for their family.

Some reasons are:
 * afraid - of being bullied, being looked down, afraid to face challenges
 * priorities - there is something it needs more attention
 * capabilities - they are not suitable for that certain job, carrier, or don't have the energy to perform their task

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Mr.right85 on September 08, 2022, 10:30:25 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.
As some would have it, age is just a number, and when it comes to fulfilling a dream, age would just have to go along for the trip with the mind, body, and spirit. Humans have the divinely endowed capacity to indulge in a supposedly restless desire.
As much as some might regard age as being just a number, I would also like to add that it doesn't apply in all cases. Like if we are to come to the world of sports, especially for a more physical sports like the baseball and football where there is meant to be contact, age place a role there as to your fitness. If we take a look at Cristiano Ronaldo right now, you can't say his a player at his peak anymore compared to his days under Alex Ferguson. His not playing like when he was in his prime anymore and his always in the gym and meets up with trainings most times. Age has come to limit his dreams. Same to other fields as, your body, mind and brain weakens.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: trendcoin on September 08, 2022, 11:00:03 PM
Immanuel Kant wrote the book "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" at the age of 57. He put an end to some of the discussions that have plagued us since Plato. But he didn't suddenly use this huge hammer at the age of 57. He accomplished a great job by being in the right place at the right time, on top of 57 years of experience. I agree with the main idea stated in the subject, but I would like to add that it is more possible for people who have accumulated their knowledge and experience in the background to achieve such successes. People who have accumulated years of experience can make the right moves at the right time. Age doesn't matter to them.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: autumnleaf on September 09, 2022, 01:53:31 AM
One's dream and passion are everything. I believe that if you are passionate about doing the things you love most, regardless of your age or whatever challenges you may have, you will work hard and generate excellent results. Age is only a number; anyone, regardless of age or appearance, can pursue their dreams and passions.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: electronicash on September 09, 2022, 02:17:43 AM
One's dream and passion are everything. I believe that if you are passionate about doing the things you love most, regardless of your age or whatever challenges you may have, you will work hard and generate excellent results. Age is only a number; anyone, regardless of age or appearance, can pursue their dreams and passions.

age can be a factor and most of the time prevents an old man doing what he does best. some old people realize it too late and starts doing it before dying. its why some bloggers have the bucket list to fulfill. because age may just be a number but the physical health will be the biggest factor.

for the young and with opportunity, but wasted the opportunity. he will look back to it and could see, it would have been the right time. many of the people realize it too late. there are many factors. some old men blames their wife before their wife stopped them from pursuing a career abroad for instance.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Jatiluhung on September 09, 2022, 02:27:07 AM
Age can't be used as an excuse to stop trying to achieve success. and in addition to the people mentioned by Op above. there are still many people who achieve success even though they are not young anymore. This is really good writing to build motivation in ourselves as readers. If people who are elderly can be successful because they never give up. then we too young people can do it.

To achieve success sometimes we have to learn the habits of people who have achieved success itself.
The following are habits that are usually owned by successful people.

1. Always dare to take risks.
2. Continue to hone yourself.
3. Clever and careful in reading opportunities.
4. Have big and high dreams.
5. Successful people are always open to criticism and suggestions.
6. Have good administrative skills.
7. Work smart and disciplined.
8. tenacious and patient
9. think positive and have high hopes so you don't give up easily.
10. Fully committed.
11. Able to adapt well in solving problems.
12. Good at building social relationships.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Razmirraz on September 09, 2022, 10:55:20 AM
Sometimes a golden opportunity actually comes in old age, unfortunately not everyone has the opportunity as you have described above. Basically everyone wants to be successful, every success starts from a dream. But dreams will not come true without effort, and every effort made will pay off. The successes obtained by Frank McCourt, Harry Bernstein, Anna Mary, Laura Ingalls and Wally Blume can be used as inspiration for others, because nothing is impossible if we keep fighting and trying.

Maybe some of the tips below can encourage anyone who has the desire to succeed, of course, must try to make it happen even though they have experienced failure in the past.

  • Throw away the lazy nature, start to do useful things even on a small scale.
  • Always be optimistic about something difficult, because being optimistic will encourage you to go through something that is considered difficult and make us mentally strong.
  • Always take advantage of the slightest opportunity that is in front of your eyes, everything can be achieved with effort, no matter how difficult the obstacles are, there will be a solution.
  • Success can be achieved with an unyielding attitude, someone who has the intention to succeed, of course, will try to make it happen even though he has to wait a long time.


Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Zilon on September 09, 2022, 11:39:51 AM
Age has being a factor depreciating some people in vitualising their dreams. They keep saying "I'm too old to go school", I'm too old to start a new career", I'm too old to start a business". This make them remain stagnant throughout their life time. Age does define success as success comes in all forms. An adage says "when there is life, there is hope". That means success can still be actualized at any age so far ones is still healthy. Let's consider the list of 5 successful people who found success and achieve their dreams at above 60s:
Of a truth success isn't age based. Determination, diligence and persistence is what makes the difference. But for those advanced in age to become successful it will require a lot of extra effort compared to the younger ones and most times the stress and humiliation that comes with learning at old age can be discouraging.

Encouragement from the younger ones to any old individual learning will go a long way both to keep them focused and to nurture their visions. Most time this senior citizens are more zealous than the younger ones when it comes to learning and because responsibilities are limiting their passions the settle for less 

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on September 09, 2022, 12:09:26 PM
Immanuel Kant wrote the book "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" at the age of 57. He put an end to some of the discussions that have plagued us since Plato. But he didn't suddenly use this huge hammer at the age of 57. He accomplished a great job by being in the right place at the right time, on top of 57 years of experience. I agree with the main idea stated in the subject, but I would like to add that it is more possible for people who have accumulated their knowledge and experience in the background to achieve such successes. People who have accumulated years of experience can make the right moves at the right time. Age doesn't matter to them.

Writing books in old age is a very smart choice. On the contrary, it is very strange to see books by young writers who talk about their life experiences. If we consider that Kant was also a "psychologist", then the books written by him are a gift to humanity for all his works.
But if we talk about ordinary older people who deny learning at their age, complaining that they are not able to learn something, or are simply unwilling to do something, thereby they bring the onset of senile dementia closer, although by training the brain you can easily push this disease away.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: paxmao on September 09, 2022, 12:28:14 PM
Sometimes being too old is just true. It does not mean that you cannot accomplish or learn, it means that the value is inevitably less because you will not use as much any new learnt skill, simply because you have less life time to do so. You of course can go to university with 70 years if you want, but you have little time left and possibly little chance to put that effort to good use.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: el kaka22 on September 09, 2022, 03:35:58 PM
Depends on the dream, isn't it? I mean if you want to be an NBA player you are not going to become one when you are 65 years old.

These people ended up building business', write, paint and so forth which never required young age to begin with, in fact being older meant wiser and have more time in your hands thanks to being retired and allow them to get more free time to practice and be better. My mother started painting after 60 as well, and suddenly she can paint, she didn't know how to draw stick guy, and now she paints views, all thanks to having free time and being much wiser to understand when studying how to be better at doing something.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Obito on September 09, 2022, 03:44:13 PM
Well, not everyone is like the people on the list, imagine if this world is just businessmen, it's a boring and depraved world. It's not like everyone has the ability to do business and if so then how come there are start ups that fail and how come small companies are sold to bigger companies instead of growing as a big one?

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: DrBeer on September 09, 2022, 08:42:35 PM
There are people who think that life stops when they're getting old. They're afraid that they can't reach their dreams anymore because of their age which is actually wrong. Age is just a number and what we need is motivation. To be honest, there are really dreams that we can't reach due to our age but there are still goals that we can achieve like buying our dream house, traveling, and so on. We can still fill our bucket lists so we should never lose hope when we're getting old.

Her old age is not in the passport in the column "date of birth". Old age is in the SOUL. Therefore, you can be an old man at 20, and young and full of ideas and goals - at 85 and 90! So the only real limitations of age are probably poor physiological or mental health. Which is often the result of not the most reasonable type of life in youth :)

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: blockman on September 09, 2022, 08:46:37 PM
There are people who think that life stops when they're getting old. They're afraid that they can't reach their dreams anymore because of their age which is actually wrong. Age is just a number and what we need is motivation. To be honest, there are really dreams that we can't reach due to our age but there are still goals that we can achieve like buying our dream house, traveling, and so on. We can still fill our bucket lists so we should never lose hope when we're getting old.
It's because they are no longer that active and stronger than before. That's why there's that belief that when you grow older, you're limited to do things but they are just stopping themselves because it is what's on their mind not until they do it on their own. And then they will realize that they can do so many things as they've grown older and they're the only ones that are stopping every potential that they can do. They are also the ones to prove it to themselves if they want to.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Fortify on September 10, 2022, 06:21:20 PM
Age has being a factor depreciating some people in vitualising their dreams. They keep saying "I'm too old to go school", I'm too old to start a new career", I'm too old to start a business". This make them remain stagnant throughout their life time. Age does define success as success comes in all forms. An adage says "when there is life, there is hope". That means success can still be actualized at any age so far ones is still healthy. Let's consider the list of 5 successful people who found success and achieve their dreams at above 60s:

Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

While age should never stop someone from trying anything, being realistic the older you get the more difficult it is to do certain things - whether that is due to losing mobility or even being able to capitalize on longer periods of time available. Take the compounding effect of investing for example, the longer you have to keep your money in companies, the more they will profit and the more your own profit will grow. An investment pot where you are adding $1k to it per month for 10 years will obviously grow much bigger than trying to start it tomorrow. Physically we also get weaker as we get older, so better to do as much as possible while you're young if you want to experience the most in life.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: lucates on September 13, 2022, 04:20:02 PM
Age may be a factor for some people while it is not for others. Age is what some see as a factor not to take step and for orders, it can't stop them. A procrastinator see age as an excuse not to work while he who is not lazy get to try, This is a simple analysis of whet it is with age . Procrastination is the factor that can hinder dreams and not age.

Age may be a factor for some people, while it's not for others. Every dream is not for any age, so for some kind of success, age really matters, but it is not the end of life. Because sometimes keeping plan B is a good thing too. Setting goals makes people more enthusiastic at every age. If we consider age is really a factor in depreciating people's dreams, then experience is questionable here. Remember this, every experience makes you grow.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: doomloop on September 13, 2022, 08:47:02 PM
Age may be a factor for some people while it is not for others. Age is what some see as a factor not to take step and for orders, it can't stop them. A procrastinator see age as an excuse not to work while he who is not lazy get to try, This is a simple analysis of whet it is with age . Procrastination is the factor that can hinder dreams and not age.
Age may be a factor for some people, while it's not for others. Every dream is not for any age, so for some kind of success, age really matters, but it is not the end of life. Because sometimes keeping plan B is a good thing too. Setting goals makes people more enthusiastic at every age. If we consider age is really a factor in depreciating people's dreams, then experience is questionable here. Remember this, every experience makes you grow.
I think it depends too if what is the career you are trying to pursue. As we can see most of the careers in the op are writing. That is because there is no age limit in writing. Young or old, you can always do it or get hired with it but of course as long as you have a passion for it. There is one guy in the list who do business.

There is also no age limit in doing a business but in fact many businessmen/women are adults. Right that there is always a plan b when we can't fit with the plan a. In short, try those careers who don't have an age limit and who knows, you might also like them and you will be shocked that you have a hidden talent at it.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: uneng on September 13, 2022, 09:35:41 PM
I agree age is a decisive factor in many cases. When we are young we have will and determination to work at low paying jobs, we can accept low standards, but always hoping it's going to be temporary and just a phase until we achieve something bigger and better. However, as the time goes by, if there are no improvements in our lives we lose determination, focus and will, because life somehow loses its meaning. Then everything you did before with a lot of energy and joy becomes boring, meaningless and a heavy burden that takes us to nowhere.

That is the weight of age over the shoulders of human beings. These examples mentioned on this thread are exceptions to the rule.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Johnyz on September 13, 2022, 09:54:50 PM
Age may be a factor for some people, while it's not for others. Every dream is not for any age, so for some kind of success, age really matters, but it is not the end of life. Because sometimes keeping plan B is a good thing too. Setting goals makes people more enthusiastic at every age. If we consider age is really a factor in depreciating people's dreams, then experience is questionable here. Remember this, every experience makes you grow.
This will always end up with your mindset and how you approach things. Many old people still not giving up about their dreams while the others already accepted their defeat in life which is too bad for them. Age doesn’t matter, we can achieve things at any age as long as we are determined to do so, let’s not be discouraged because of our age, we can still work things out and yes experience will always make us grow for the better.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: boris singer on September 13, 2022, 10:42:20 PM
This is true, and it has happened because of the fact that there are some people who are successful even when they are old. But the problem in this case is that when we are faced with this in real life only a small number of people can make this happen and when in the world of work it is clear that companies will still look for people who are still very productive in their age except for those who have more experience.
It's true that we don't have to be fixated on age if we want to be successful, but the problem is that the stigma has changed now and like it or not, we have to accept and realize that age is one of the most important factors, especially in terms of work.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: AjithBtc on September 13, 2022, 11:15:49 PM
Agreed, age is a factor that determines their dreams. Because a person who dreamt of buying a car during his young age never think of it after certain age. This isn't happening with everyone, but most will have such mentality. If they weren't able to achieve it at some age, they move on focusing on something else. In particular the next dream that arise is to travel on his son's car. Based on the age this gets a transition and some stay strong and succeed of what they dream unlike the age.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: andriarto on September 15, 2022, 07:01:15 AM
Agreed, age is a factor that determines their dreams. Because a person who dreamt of buying a car during his young age never think of it after certain age. This isn't happening with everyone, but most will have such mentality. If they weren't able to achieve it at some age, they move on focusing on something else. In particular the next dream that arise is to travel on his son's car. Based on the age this gets a transition and some stay strong and succeed of what they dream unlike the age.
Age makes a person more mature - with all the mistakes we do - we are a better and a more maturer person.
But the only bad thing about the age is the worry which is unmanageable as we grow old.
But I have now decided not to worry - regardless of anything
the main thing is age, no one knows how long we will live, and of course every human being has their own dreams, as humans who have goals, of course there will be achieved, delayed, or not achieved. from that journey, we can take the lesson that we must learn to be grateful, to keep our souls calm, as long as we try our best, of course there will be a lesson and regardless of the results.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 15, 2022, 12:58:04 PM
We are all bound to get old and it's only a matter of time. But if we have a dream and want to achieve it, don't wait until we already have something to start now.

And if we feel it's too late to try to achieve our dreams, we better keep trying and don't give up because who knows, we could be lucky and make our dreams come true in our old age.

Never give up, or complain about anything if we want to achieve our dreams because it will be a long journey that we have to go through. If we really want to achieve it, then just try.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Cookdata on September 15, 2022, 01:13:02 PM
If you believe you are too old to accomplish anything, I do consider it as an excuse to bring it out for yourself. If you believe you are going to defy any odd times, you need the determination to overcome a lot of things.
What do you have to say about the standard age limitations that are put on jobs? At first, I assumed that's what you were talking about. When an age difference is used as a yardstick for measuring success, I believe that some people may not be able to realize their dreams since certain goals require external support.
Let's take the example of music. The artist may have a sweet, talented voice that produces a good melody, but in order to be recognized, you need sponsors and a reputable label to pay your bills because they believe in you. At the moment, I don't believe any record label in the US that tops the Apple Music chart and Billboard would want to sign an elderly person, I hope I'm making some sense.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Stella Mese on September 15, 2022, 01:15:19 PM
The age factor can sometimes fade someone's hopes to achieve their dreams. it doesn't even happen to the elderly. but it also happens to people who are married. or people who already have family. like being a parent. sometimes parents will forget their dreams that have not been achieved and will focus more on helping their children to achieve their dreams.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: rahmad2nd on September 15, 2022, 02:09:26 PM

Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

To achieve the desire, there is no age limit. it's never too late to start and learn, like some of the examples you've mentioned.  However, there will be times when we run, there are times when our spirits are passionate, there are times when we stop running to chase our dreams. but most importantly, don't let our steps stop in life.

There are some things that we can't stop including, the movement of time, the change of time, and we are getting old.
Broadly speaking what you say is true, but the older we get, the more there is no guarantee at all to pursue our dreams, the more limited because of the age factor. In contrast, those who are younger can get what they want because of the fruit of their efforts.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: palle11 on September 15, 2022, 03:12:46 PM
sometimes parents will forget their dreams that have not been achieved and will focus more on helping their children to achieve their dreams.

I think this can be regarded as the roll of a parent and not to say the parent forgot their dream. They suppose to help in the moulding and guiding of the child, children and family at large. Alongside side with the family dream, the parent can get their dream also accomplished not only doing the other and leaving one aside. The children rely on the family to direct them on how to lead their lives.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Renampun on September 15, 2022, 04:11:14 PM
In my country, there is still a strong mindset that the old are those who should relax and retire with any activities...

persistent failures, economic factors, and support from the surrounding environment are the main factors for old people lazy to take advantage of their old age to produce works such as writing or drawing.

I have a neighbor who is 70 years old, after I investigated it turned out that when he was young he was a playwright but had stopped at the age of 40, now he is lazy to write scripts and prefers to do nothing at home.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: stomachgrowls on September 15, 2022, 06:54:33 PM
Depends on the dream, isn't it? I mean if you want to be an NBA player you are not going to become one when you are 65 years old.

These people ended up building business', write, paint and so forth which never required young age to begin with, in fact being older meant wiser and have more time in your hands thanks to being retired and allow them to get more free time to practice and be better. My mother started painting after 60 as well, and suddenly she can paint, she didn't know how to draw stick guy, and now she paints views, all thanks to having free time and being much wiser to understand when studying how to be better at doing something.
We arent that dumb on having those kind of dreams which doesnt really correlate with our current age which it would really be that understandable that we cant really able to achieve it thats why we should

leave out and move on with that kind of goal or target in mind and accept that it cant really be just possible.Totally opposite when we are just young and not old but there are things in life which no matter

how hard we do try and persevere but it wouldnt really be still that enough or possible on achieving your goals but it doesnt really mean that you should stop midway.
At least you do try out.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: yhiaali3 on September 15, 2022, 08:02:04 PM
This is a really inspiring topic, these stories give a huge positive charge to people who have lost an important success in their life, unfortunately people start feeling hopeless and frustrated when they get a bit old and think that the end is near and that they don't have time to achieve some success in things They love it, these stories are really inspiring to such people and may be a reason for many of them to start working towards a milestone in their life.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Silberman on September 15, 2022, 08:13:03 PM
In my country, there is still a strong mindset that the old are those who should relax and retire with any activities...

persistent failures, economic factors, and support from the surrounding environment are the main factors for old people lazy to take advantage of their old age to produce works such as writing or drawing.

I have a neighbor who is 70 years old, after I investigated it turned out that when he was young he was a playwright but had stopped at the age of 40, now he is lazy to write scripts and prefers to do nothing at home.
Most of the oldies lack motivation due to their age though they still have the strength and stamina to pursue their passion. They believe that it is getting late for them to pursue their dreams that's why in our country, most elderly people only rely on their children. They stop working because of the fear of discrimination and just have their children as a retirement funds.
We must also acknowledge that society treats the elderly as being disposable, so it is not really surprising that the elderly think of themselves in the same way, but the truth is that the amount of knowledge and experience people have accumulated over the decades they have been alive can make the elderly incredibly valuable and productive, it is just that society doesn't really appreciate them, and an example of this is the job market in which if you are above a certain age companies are not going to hire you regardless of how good you are at your job.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: justdimin on September 16, 2022, 07:48:33 AM
The age factor can sometimes fade someone's hopes to achieve their dreams. it doesn't even happen to the elderly. but it also happens to people who are married. or people who already have family. like being a parent. sometimes parents will forget their dreams that have not been achieved and will focus more on helping their children to achieve their dreams.
When you are getting older, if the chaotic stuff in your life leaves and you are left alone in a retirement world, where you just wake up and have nothing to do, then it would be quite difficult to get rid of the worry, because you would have nothing but worry in your life.

I mean think about it, if I buy bitcoin now and hold it for 10 years, I will think about it here and there but meanwhile I have to work every day, still travel, go out with friends, maybe spend good or bad time with my wife :D but basically do so many things that days are too short and not enough. Whereas when you are retired, you just wake up and start worrying because you have nothing to do, and that is scary and harder to do.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: maydna on September 16, 2022, 03:26:43 PM
Indeed, old age can reduce a person's creativity and productivity in their work or career. But that shouldn't stop someone from trying even if they feel it's too late to start. And if those older people still have something they want to achieve, they have to keep trying to achieve it. At least they will see how far they can go. And if possible, they can leave something to their children and let them pass it on as an inheritance from their parents. Many are like that, leaving something in the form of work or something else to their children, and their children continue it and raise the business so it can be bigger.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Zlantann on September 16, 2022, 06:00:03 PM
Indeed, old age can reduce a person's creativity and productivity in their work or career. But that shouldn't stop someone from trying even if they feel it's too late to start. And if those older people still have something they want to achieve, they have to keep trying to achieve it. At least they will see how far they can go. And if possible, they can leave something to their children and let them pass it on as an inheritance from their parents. Many are like that, leaving something in the form of work or something else to their children, and their children continue it and raise the business so it can be bigger.
Age could really affect someone's productivity especially when there is a health challenge. Most sicknesses are associated with old age and this makes the aged not contribute to society anymore. But old age in good health shouldn't be an excuse for an unproductive life. Old age is accompanied by a lot of experience, hence these experiences should be transferred to the younger generation. I perceive 60years and above as a time to mentor and teach the younger generation about acquired knowledge over the years.

Inspiration and innovative ideas have no respect for age. An elderly person can receive an idea to create or improve on an existing product. Age shouldn't be a hindrance to creating value through these ideas. The ideal thing to do is to employ the services of the younger generation in areas where the strength or ability of the elderly is minimal.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: KingsDen on September 16, 2022, 07:04:38 PM
Here comes the essence of the adage, "age is just a number"
As long as you are healthy and determined to achieve a particular thing, you will achieve it. Let me use myself as an instance. I enrolled for coding course early this year, at the learning place, someone who needed to register with me said that coding is for people below the age of 30, possibly youngies that he won't be able to concentrate. I obliged him to register and try first, but he ended up quitting after 2 months that he was unlucky not to learn in his early life, that responsibilities won't allow him concentrate now.

But few months down, I got HTML, CSS (Saas, tail wind css), Velina Js, ReactJs and trying my hands on nodejs now. At first I wanted to quit like him, but I persevered amidst responsibilities.

Anyone can be successful before 20 and anyone can be successful after 70. That is the mystery of time.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Cookdata on September 16, 2022, 07:10:43 PM
We must also acknowledge that society treats the elderly as being disposable, so it is not really surprising that the elderly think of themselves in the same way, but the truth is that the amount of knowledge and experience people have accumulated over the decades they have been alive can make the elderly incredibly valuable and productive, it is just that society doesn't really appreciate them, and an example of this is the job market in which if you are above a certain age companies are not going to hire you regardless of how good you are at your job.

I think this is base on the society we live and grow up, we have some environment that do place elderly people above other people, before they do anything, they have to consult them before they do anything.
You know how they used to say that what an elderly person can see when they sit down, even when a juvenile climb a mask, they wouldn't see them, elderly people are always experience because as they age, the more experience they accumulate, however, some elderly people act sometimes as young ones from the way they talk.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: skarais on September 16, 2022, 08:09:57 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.
Some of these people deserve to be an inspiration to anyone. I don't think age will get in the way especially when these people want to achieve their dreams and never give up. Many successful people achieve their dreams at the age of more than 50-60 years, so it is true that age is not a guarantee of one's success.

I agree with your conclusion, this is the inspiration that will motivate my mind not to give up on age.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: carlfebz2 on September 16, 2022, 08:20:23 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.
Some of these people deserve to be an inspiration to anyone. I don't think age will get in the way especially when these people want to achieve their dreams and never give up. Many successful people achieve their dreams at the age of more than 50-60 years, so it is true that age is not a guarantee of one's success.

I agree with your conclusion, this is the inspiration that will motivate my mind not to give up on age.
Majority would be saying that it cant be possible but there are indeed people who do able to reach out those pinnacle of success into those level of age which does signify that it cant really be that impossible on

having that way but we've seen and its proven out on what stated or shown in OP.There's no such thing about being too late, they might not able to cherish out their success or riches or having short time duration

but it is really something that they could pass it on or been gived as a inheritance into their sons and grandsons.There's no joy that could really be able to level on that one seeing
that someone had benefited on what you had worked so hard.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Hypnosis00 on September 16, 2022, 09:57:32 PM
I'd see not all are too lucky to have been known or successful at a very young age, and sometimes it was even a surprise. But, it was to believe that everyone has their own destiny, we never know exactly where we going. However, as long as we are still alive and never quit on what we aim for, I think we still have the chance.

While our age is increasing, our experience also increases which means that our chances also are increasing. That is why most of these people as OP had mentioned gain their fame when they are old and that was because their job is not also easy and also, only a few people recognized their artworks.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: AmoreJaz on September 16, 2022, 11:46:24 PM
I'd see not all are too lucky to have been known or successful at a very young age, and sometimes it was even a surprise. But, it was to believe that everyone has their own destiny, we never know exactly where we going. However, as long as we are still alive and never quit on what we aim for, I think we still have the chance.

While our age is increasing, our experience also increases which means that our chances also are increasing. That is why most of these people as OP had mentioned gain their fame when they are old and that was because their job is not also easy and also, only a few people recognized their artworks.
None of my dream came true till the ripe age of 50 = expect for adding up the furniture to my living room.
I am struggling and nothing has turned in my favour - my bank account alway zero and I am debt too. Life is hard and nothing seems to be working
age is also a very horrible factor for me now.

as Hypnosis said, as long as you are alive, you have the chance to change your path. i also do believe on this. but you need to do something different to alter your route. you don't need a dramatic change in life, but if you think a certain activity can slowly change your life, do it. don't expect an extravagant change. be patient. and most of all, don't lose hope. think of small things how to change your life's direction.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: maydna on September 17, 2022, 10:54:21 AM
Indeed, old age can reduce a person's creativity and productivity in their work or career. But that shouldn't stop someone from trying even if they feel it's too late to start. And if those older people still have something they want to achieve, they have to keep trying to achieve it. At least they will see how far they can go. And if possible, they can leave something to their children and let them pass it on as an inheritance from their parents. Many are like that, leaving something in the form of work or something else to their children, and their children continue it and raise the business so it can be bigger.
Age could really affect someone's productivity especially when there is a health challenge. Most sicknesses are associated with old age and this makes the aged not contribute to society anymore. But old age in good health shouldn't be an excuse for an unproductive life. Old age is accompanied by a lot of experience, hence these experiences should be transferred to the younger generation. I perceive 60years and above as a time to mentor and teach the younger generation about acquired knowledge over the years.

Inspiration and innovative ideas have no respect for age. An elderly person can receive an idea to create or improve on an existing product. Age shouldn't be a hindrance to creating value through these ideas. The ideal thing to do is to employ the services of the younger generation in areas where the strength or ability of the elderly is minimal.
At least I agree with what you say because if old age does not guide and teach the younger generation about their knowledge, it will be in vain. After all, that knowledge no one will pass on and develop it. This means that what the older generation has done will be in vain because no successor wants to continue.

Old age can still provide innovative ideas or input to the younger generation. Still, unfortunately, not many young people are willing to accept advice from the older generation and tend to belittle and say their time is up and now is the time for the younger generation to work. Not really, because as long as the older generation cares about what, the younger generation is doing and wants to help them develop what they do, it will benefit them.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Majestic-milf on September 17, 2022, 12:20:31 PM
I don't think age should be a reason one cannot actualize set goals because of a truth, it becomes a factor when you give into laziness and allow your brain go dormant. Considering the fact that as time goes by, the things one was able to achieve in their youthful age may seem impossible at an old age is just an excuse to be unproductive.

 We have individuals who still struggled to achieve their goals even at an old age. The difference there was perseverance and determination. Take the case of Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken for instance. At 65, he refused to join the bandwagon of people who believed their time is past and went on to make a name for himself.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Marykeller on September 17, 2022, 03:40:52 PM
I don't see age as a factor depreciating some people to attain the level they are meant to be.
Your success in life depends on the exact things you are doing. What is it that you are doing at the moment with your life? What kind of business are you into?   Because some business can takes years to mature. 

From what I can grab from the example of the list of successful people that made it in life was that they were into a business that took them years before they broke free from it.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: siniminomorocomunisakito on September 17, 2022, 05:56:19 PM
There is a lot of stigma attached to age especially the older generation are more likely to be preoccupied with family, career, and other jobs than devoting time and effort to starting a business. At first glance, age may be one of the factors that hinder the success of our business. This is due to the fact that young entrepreneurs have more energy and focus on starting new ventures.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Mahanton on September 17, 2022, 08:51:39 PM
There is a lot of stigma attached to age especially the older generation are more likely to be preoccupied with family, career, and other jobs than devoting time and effort to starting a business. At first glance, age may be one of the factors that hinder the success of our business. This is due to the fact that young entrepreneurs have more energy and focus on starting new ventures.
There's always that border line but if we do speak about real experiences and awareness of things then nothing beats out into those older people and since they are more matured and been more aware
then they do always have the edge but there are some limitations considering that we are not all-knowing since progress and innovation and other stuffs correlated to this would really be that
also a factor in overall learning you would have and since youngsters are more prone into that then application into possible investment or venture would really be possible which might
end up even more effective compared into those oldies who do make use of traditional stuffs and related things on it.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: South Park on September 17, 2022, 10:00:18 PM
There is a lot of stigma attached to age especially the older generation are more likely to be preoccupied with family, career, and other jobs than devoting time and effort to starting a business. At first glance, age may be one of the factors that hinder the success of our business. This is due to the fact that young entrepreneurs have more energy and focus on starting new ventures.
What happens is that as you become older you need to take safer and safer choices, for example if you're young and you invested in bitcoin during the all time high this is still not that bad for you since you can wait until the market recovers, as a few years aren't that much of a problem for you, but for someone that’s older this is more difficult as they don't have as much time left, so while the losses are the same the attitude of both people are completely different towards that loss, so this explains why the elderly aren’t as eager as the young ones to create a new business as the risk is simply too high for them at the time.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: erep on September 18, 2022, 11:48:24 AM
It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
One way to achieve life's dreams is to ignore negative responses from the closest environment because pressure makes us give up on achieving our dreams, but support from family and relatives will provide motivation to keep trying until we no longer know the word "give up" to achieve their dreams. However, struggling in old age faces more challenges because the various responsibilities and impacts of old age reduce productivity to work, but God Almighty will make it easy for every human being who tries and asks for prayer, so it is never too late to try, even though he failed to achieve his dream at a young age.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Shasha80 on September 18, 2022, 12:01:13 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.

It's true that most people fail to achieve their dreams just because they are influenced by the surrounding environment, people around us interfere
too much about our future. Sometimes our parents or our family don't support our dreams. Most parents want their children to follow in their footsteps.
For example, if the parents are doctors, usually their children will be forced to become doctors too, even though not every child has the same dreams as
their parents.

The mistake of parents is that they push their desires too much for their children, which is not necessarily good for their children's future. Even though
every child should be given the freedom to pursue their own dreams. Because everyone has their own dreams so let everyone pursue their own dreams.
Then regarding the issue of age, it is not a limit to stop chasing our dreams, no matter how old we are, never give up chasing our dreams. Because
chasing our dreams until they come true is the best motivation for us in life. Usually people who are still chasing their dreams are more enthusiastic in life, because it can make our thoughts more positive.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Wapfika on September 18, 2022, 12:22:20 PM

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
People who is dedicated to pursue their goal no matter how old, poor or rich they become they will sure find a way to conquer and be successful in it. It’s good that we have a goal that we are aiming to reach so we have something to look forward in life. Once we stop creating dreams life will be boring and seems no point at all so as we age we must know whether we’re doing what we really desire that makes us happy and glad we pursue it.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: michellee on September 18, 2022, 01:19:12 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
It's because they don't realize what they want and continue following what others want. That is the factor that can stop us from doing what we want. But usually, if we are old, our movements will be a bit hampered and different if we are young. Maybe there is pressure from people around us who don't want to see us too tired to do what we want and we really have to know ourselves because our health factor is not as strong as when we were young. We can still do what we want but we have to be able to divide the time because of the age factor.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Silberman on September 18, 2022, 08:46:00 PM

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
People who is dedicated to pursue their goal no matter how old, poor or rich they become they will sure find a way to conquer and be successful in it. It’s good that we have a goal that we are aiming to reach so we have something to look forward in life. Once we stop creating dreams life will be boring and seems no point at all so as we age we must know whether we’re doing what we really desire that makes us happy and glad we pursue it.
This is a problem which in fact comes with age, people set themselves goals when they're young and if they don't reach them then they simply stop pursuing any goals at all, while those that get their goals simply decide they're happy with how things are and become complacent, it's because of this that regardless of our age we need to always create goals for ourselves so we don't become stagnant and there is always something we want to obtain.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: BRINIRHA on September 18, 2022, 08:48:21 PM
The age factor is sometimes an obstacle for some people. but not an obstacle for some people.
it depends on the motivation obtained for each person.
it is important to keep the motivation in us so that it does not weaken even though we continue to grow. examples of successful people in old age. can increase our motivation. that age is not a barrier. as long as we are still healthy and able then do it. so basically maintaining physical health and mental health (motivation) is very very important in life. and motivation can grow if we continue to focus on the goals to be achieved.

And so that people do not easily give up on the dreams achieved, the motivational factor must be maintained.
The following factors can be expected to keep the motivation within us so that we do not give up on our dreams even though we are getting old.

1. Have a Clear Vision of Life
2. The feeling of wanting to be a winner
3. Want to be successful in facing life's challenges
4. Have someone who wants to be happy
5. have a high sense of love either to someone or to yourself
6. the desire to always give the best.
7. the desire to always set an example for our families and children.
8. know the benefits that will be obtained from the thing being fought for.
9. have a high sense of responsibility in fulfilling rights and obligations.
10. have someone who always supports and appreciates us.

These are the factors that must be possessed so that motivation is maintained so that we do not give up on achieving our dreams.
may be useful.

Referensi : Kompasiana (

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Fortify on September 18, 2022, 09:06:53 PM
Age has being a factor depreciating some people in vitualising their dreams. They keep saying "I'm too old to go school", I'm too old to start a new career", I'm too old to start a business". This make them remain stagnant throughout their life time. Age does define success as success comes in all forms. An adage says "when there is life, there is hope". That means success can still be actualized at any age so far ones is still healthy. Let's consider the list of 5 successful people who found success and achieve their dreams at above 60s:

Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

It is only natural that age will prevent you reaching some dreams. Many people would love to become a millionaire before they are 30 and that dream is almost always shattered. People want to become a millionaire by such an age because the body goes into a slow but steady decline. To ignore that is to ignore reality, it is better to embrace and accept it rather than deny the truth. Dreams can also change over time, those things that we thought were most important when we were young may no longer be important as you get older. Many older people would happily trade half of their wealth to get some of their health back because it can get debilitating.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: dothebeats on September 18, 2022, 09:30:24 PM
I have lots of regrets in my career, and I've always wondered if I can start again and pursue a math-centric career or perhaps just write some code. Ultimately, I just brush it off because it is not economical and impractical since I would have to leave my work just to study college again. I am really amazed with programming and algorithms but I can no longer find the time to focus on it since I have a full time work and some small businesses to attend to. And perhaps I share the same reason why people no longer pursue their dreams due to age because it is impractical and takes a longer time to bear some results. It is a valid reason IMO, and if we are only given a choice, we'd surely pursue what we love to do and make a career out of it.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Ultegra134 on September 18, 2022, 10:15:35 PM
As easy as it may sound, I find it a cliché. Don't get me wrong, I support that you should do whatever pleases you despite your age, but usually, we don't have the courage nor the stamina to do it. Personally, I was interested in participating in another bachelor's program regarding environmental and climate change, a doctoral degree perhaps, or at least a second Master's degree. I don't want learning to stop. We should constantly acquire new knowledge. That's how I see things. However, after spending 5+2 years studying and working throughout most of my university years, I can't find the courage to continue. I'm not in the right mental state nor have I settled on what I want to do in the future.

I always had trouble making decisions. Taking a decision that concerns your future career path is extremely challenging and one that I'm currently incapable of making. I'd appreciate any advice, but personally, it looks hopeless to me.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Scripture on September 18, 2022, 10:26:14 PM

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
People who is dedicated to pursue their goal no matter how old, poor or rich they become they will sure find a way to conquer and be successful in it. It’s good that we have a goal that we are aiming to reach so we have something to look forward in life. Once we stop creating dreams life will be boring and seems no point at all so as we age we must know whether we’re doing what we really desire that makes us happy and glad we pursue it.
We fail because we stop dreaming but if you really want to pursue something, at any age you can still achieve it as long as you believe nothing is impossible. There’s a lot of successful people today that started from the scratch and they just get the taste of success at the old age but still their desire to achieve it is there and nothing can stop them. We all have our own success stories at a different time, we might not be able to see success right now but soon it will come, just continue to dream and don’t stop working for that.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: qwertyup23 on September 18, 2022, 10:44:21 PM
Unfortunately, not everything can be started at a later age. Practicing a particular sport or learning a complex musical instrument is not an easy task, even for those at a young age.
In addition to the people mentioned in the list, there are many who have succeeded in achieving great achievements at an advanced age. I can mention the Messenger of Islam “Muhammad” who started his call to a new religion after he was over forty and succeeded in establishing a new religion that is believed by hundreds of millions around the world today (the third most prevalent religion today).
Age is not an obstacle to learning something new. The important thing is that the person has the necessary mental capabilities .

With age comes that inevitable of depreciation in all sorts of mental and physical health. While there may be people who achieved success as they aged, there are far more people who have achieved the same result but in a younger age! Though the point of this thread was to encourage everyone that success is relative, everyone should always have that goal and aim to strive for the better.

In associating it with cryptocurrency, we will never know when its price may actually skyrocket again due to its unpredictable nature. But what matters is that we are already have the investment and we believe that its price would increase in the future.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: stomachgrowls on September 18, 2022, 11:41:11 PM
Unfortunately, not everything can be started at a later age. Practicing a particular sport or learning a complex musical instrument is not an easy task, even for those at a young age.
In addition to the people mentioned in the list, there are many who have succeeded in achieving great achievements at an advanced age. I can mention the Messenger of Islam “Muhammad” who started his call to a new religion after he was over forty and succeeded in establishing a new religion that is believed by hundreds of millions around the world today (the third most prevalent religion today).
Age is not an obstacle to learning something new. The important thing is that the person has the necessary mental capabilities .

With age comes that inevitable of depreciation in all sorts of mental and physical health. While there may be people who achieved success as they aged, there are far more people who have achieved the same result but in a younger age! Though the point of this thread was to encourage everyone that success is relative, everyone should always have that goal and aim to strive for the better.

In associating it with cryptocurrency, we will never know when its price may actually skyrocket again due to its unpredictable nature. But what matters is that we are already have the investment and we believe that its price would increase in the future.
Everyone does have the chance on achieving their goals and targets in life despite on what age they would able to do so.It is really just people do really find out to be that odd then this is where they do

make out some conclusions that it wasnt worth nor not even possible but there are people who do able to attain up such success despite of the age that they do have.

Age wasnt a factor because if someone do really wants to reach out something then you would really work hard for it and it doesnt matter if it would last long or not.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: coupable on September 19, 2022, 12:09:07 PM
Unfortunately, not everything can be started at a later age. Practicing a particular sport or learning a complex musical instrument is not an easy task, even for those at a young age.
In addition to the people mentioned in the list, there are many who have succeeded in achieving great achievements at an advanced age. I can mention the Messenger of Islam “Muhammad” who started his call to a new religion after he was over forty and succeeded in establishing a new religion that is believed by hundreds of millions around the world today (the third most prevalent religion today).
Age is not an obstacle to learning something new. The important thing is that the person has the necessary mental capabilities .

With age comes that inevitable of depreciation in all sorts of mental and physical health. While there may be people who achieved success as they aged, there are far more people who have achieved the same result but in a younger age! Though the point of this thread was to encourage everyone that success is relative, everyone should always have that goal and aim to strive for the better.
Looking at the experience of others throughout history, it is not possible to count the large number of people who discovered their talents at a late age or began working to achieve their dreams at an advanced age. Just as circumstances serve young people to achieve their goals early, circumstances may prevent others from achieving the simplest goals until a later age.
Even in the heavenly religions, almost all the prophets began to call for new religions after they reached the age of forty (the age of forty is called the age of maturity for some sects in Christianity and Islam).
I will always insist that age is just a number if the will is available .

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on September 19, 2022, 04:38:03 PM
whatever it is, what moves people to achieve their dreams is themselves. the number of elderly people who stop dreaming when they are old is usually caused by many factors and on average it is a health problem. Dreams are one's driving wheel to become a better person from day to day, it's really regrettable if someone stops dreaming just because of old age and declining health.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: freedomgo on September 19, 2022, 08:20:45 PM
I don't see anything surprising or "unnatural"! If you are not paralyzed and are not completely incapacitated, there will always be an opportunity to either learn something new, or apply the previously accumulated experience to something. Of course, you should not try to become a povermen at 95, or an astronaut at 100 - there simply physiological limitations will become an obstacle, but intelligence can be used at virtually any age and in any condition!
Well, there are no rules in life that people at the age of 50 or 60 above should stop seizing life’s opportunities. They can always chose to chase for it and continue to reach their set goals and live their dreams regardless of their old age. However, only few of these people still manage to reach exceptional achievements in life since most of them are just enjoying the years left before they pass away.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Viscore on September 19, 2022, 08:34:25 PM
Those are the perfect timing for them and we can all have that golden opportunity so when it knocks to our door better to grad that opportunity right away. We may not experience the same thing but those stories can be a good motivation to us not to give up easily. Those successful people also came from the bottom and that is something to look for, we can have our own time just keep on working and work wisely.
Probably it is since there are still some people in their golden age manage to live their lives at its very best. Though this is not possible for some who have been experiencing serious illnesses at their old age, but for those who think that they are still capable to reach another heights in life and continue to make remarks achievements, I guess they can still be success as long as the passion and determination is there.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: nurilham on September 19, 2022, 09:04:21 PM
I agree that old age isn't an obstacle to starting a new career or dreaming of something. As far as someone has a strong intention and wants to struggle seriously, nothing is impossible to achieve success in old age. Those successful people you shared above, are only a few examples of successful people in old age. There should be many people who succeed in their careers although they are already 50+ years old. Old age shouldn't be a problem for people who have a serious intention to achieve their dreams.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Russlenat on September 19, 2022, 09:32:47 PM
This is a really inspiring topic, these stories give a huge positive charge to people who have lost an important success in their life, unfortunately people start feeling hopeless and frustrated when they get a bit old and think that the end is near and that they don't have time to achieve some success in things They love it, these stories are really inspiring to such people and may be a reason for many of them to start working towards a milestone in their life.
People do not just reach success not only because of motivation but also because of the inner interest and passion that they have been keeping all along thinking that this old age will bring them only less opportunities compared to young ones. Though it’s quite true for some reasons, but if you think you are still able and have the capabilities to push through and become successful, then why not. After all, age is just a number, it won’t determine your achievements in life.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Finestream on September 19, 2022, 09:40:51 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
That’s mostly the outcome if you let others control your life and dictate what you should have to do. When the fact is, you are the only one responsible of your own life and your ow n actions. If we consider the norm, when you reached the golden age, you should be enjoying your retirement, but to be honest, if you are not paralyzed and you still have the potentials to pursue your dreams in life, then just keep on doing so until you reach  another heights in life.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: milewilda on September 19, 2022, 11:33:49 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
That’s mostly the outcome if you let others control your life and dictate what you should have to do. When the fact is, you are the only one responsible of your own life and your ow n actions. If we consider the norm, when you reached the golden age, you should be enjoying your retirement, but to be honest, if you are not paralyzed and you still have the potentials to pursue your dreams in life, then just keep on doing so until you reach  another heights in life.
Not really that bad if you do really consider out on listening on others suggestion and recommendation but not into the point that you would really be relying of those information for you to consider when
making up decisions.Doesnt matter on what age you do have or how early or sooner you had able to start because success wont really be determining on what age you should really have.
The early the better but there are ones who do took long time for them to start out or even those who had started early but success do really comes too soon.It does vary thats why
we cant really make out any direct conclusions something like this and like that since we dont know the story behind their success at those age.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Mauser on September 20, 2022, 07:03:29 AM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

That is a good advice for anybody who is struggling with getting older. Age should never be a deciding factor when it comes to our passions. We are living now in the best period humans have ever lived in terms of medical treatment and life expectancy. There are so many people these days reaching 90 or even 100 years and still be fit and clear in their mind. Also there a lot of mobility sultions now which make it much easier for older people to get around. I noticed this in my home town that the university is providing more and more courses for elderly people. There are extra courses only for the elderly that even offer diplomas. It's a great way to keep people engaged in learning and also to give them another purpose in life. The worst thing we can do is to stop and not learn anything new. The human brain is designed to be used every day and learn something new, if we stop with it, our functions are going to decline. Passions it was keep us young, we should be following them as long as possible.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Jody.Drummer on September 20, 2022, 08:54:23 AM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

That is a good advice for anybody who is struggling with getting older. Age should never be a deciding factor when it comes to our passions. We are living now in the best period humans have ever lived in terms of medical treatment and life expectancy. There are so many people these days reaching 90 or even 100 years and still be fit and clear in their mind. Also there a lot of mobility sultions now which make it much easier for older people to get around. I noticed this in my home town that the university is providing more and more courses for elderly people. There are extra courses only for the elderly that even offer diplomas. It's a great way to keep people engaged in learning and also to give them another purpose in life. The worst thing we can do is to stop and not learn anything new. The human brain is designed to be used every day and learn something new, if we stop with it, our functions are going to decline. Passions it was keep us young, we should be following them as long as possible.
I remember the quote from Henry Ford "It's never old to learn!".
Age is just a number but that doesn't mean we are free from creativity. The key is learning because regardless of any strong desire and hard work accompanied by the learning gained will certainly produce positive results in the end.
Not a few people who are successful at their age can be said to be old but this also depends on a strong desire and determination because logically it must take hard work and a strong desire, we must be tired first in order to achieve the results we sow.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: kesmex on September 20, 2022, 12:16:08 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
That’s mostly the outcome if you let others control your life and dictate what you should have to do. When the fact is, you are the only one responsible of your own life and your ow n actions. If we consider the norm, when you reached the golden age, you should be enjoying your retirement, but to be honest, if you are not paralyzed and you still have the potentials to pursue your dreams in life, then just keep on doing so until you reach  another heights in life.
This is what everyone must realize and pay attention to that our lives are in our own hands,
so when we are continuously dependent on others, of course that is something that is not good,
taking responsibility for ourselves is a must

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: minairia3 on September 20, 2022, 12:36:40 PM

Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

It's true that age shouldn't be an obstacle in achieving your dreams, but I think it depends on what your dreams are. If you dream of becoming an athlete or a bodybuilder, but your age is too old, your health does not meet the needs to start, here age is the most obvious obstacle. You can still ignore the age issue to begin with, but you will have to take the risks that the job creates. If risk assessments are beyond your ability to perform, you should ignore them. So, when you are young, your enthusiasm is still full, do everything you dream of, don't wait until you are old to regret it.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Poker Player on September 20, 2022, 01:57:57 PM
Depends on the dream, isn't it? I mean if you want to be an NBA player you are not going to become one when you are 65 years old.

These people ended up building business', write, paint and so forth which never required young age to begin with, in fact being older meant wiser and have more time in your hands thanks to being retired and allow them to get more free time to practice and be better. My mother started painting after 60 as well, and suddenly she can paint, she didn't know how to draw stick guy, and now she paints views, all thanks to having free time and being much wiser to understand when studying how to be better at doing something.

I completely agree with what you say, and, moreover, we cannot take these examples as the norm. For me the moral is not to put barriers on yourself as you get older regarding your goals or what you can do, but always being realistic and aware of your goals.

whatever it is, what moves people to achieve their dreams is themselves. the number of elderly people who stop dreaming when they are old is usually caused by many factors and on average it is a health problem. Dreams are one's driving wheel to become a better person from day to day, it's really regrettable if someone stops dreaming just because of old age and declining health.

Well, there are times when circumstances push you to it. If you are 100 years old, you live in a bed, multimedicated, all the close people of your close age such as childhood friends and relatives have died, your children and some grandchildren have also died and you live full of pain despite mediation, the normal is that you do not have many illusions and you are thinking more about eternal rest.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: el kaka22 on September 20, 2022, 06:09:40 PM
^ That is why I am trying to do as well, that's how I know. I am planning on working super hard until I am retired, and hopefully retire at a young age, not like 30-40, I am already there, but like 50-55 hopefully but at worst 60 years old. After that I am going to not think about money since I will be retired and from that position of power I will be able to do whatever I want.

I have some ideas, which can be done right now as well but that doesn't change the fact that I do not have the time for it right now, it would require a lot of time, and I am working right now to support my life, when I no longer need it, I will be able to do what I want and maybe it will worth money.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Fredomago on September 20, 2022, 06:16:08 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

That is a good advice for anybody who is struggling with getting older. Age should never be a deciding factor when it comes to our passions. We are living now in the best period humans have ever lived in terms of medical treatment and life expectancy. There are so many people these days reaching 90 or even 100 years and still be fit and clear in their mind. Also there a lot of mobility sultions now which make it much easier for older people to get around. I noticed this in my home town that the university is providing more and more courses for elderly people. There are extra courses only for the elderly that even offer diplomas. It's a great way to keep people engaged in learning and also to give them another purpose in life. The worst thing we can do is to stop and not learn anything new. The human brain is designed to be used every day and learn something new, if we stop with it, our functions are going to decline. Passions it was keep us young, we should be following them as long as possible.

With how the technology emerge with the innovations, we can say that age should not be hindrances anymore in achieving success, we do have lots of venues to learn and to continue our journey, age alone can't stop us but it's our beliefs that create intimidations to what we really wanted to achieved, but if you have the passion, you should continue and aim for better success.

There are many successful stories about age not being a hindrance, but a good motivation to continue doing what we think is good for us.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Silberman on September 21, 2022, 08:56:51 PM
^ That is why I am trying to do as well, that's how I know. I am planning on working super hard until I am retired, and hopefully retire at a young age, not like 30-40, I am already there, but like 50-55 hopefully but at worst 60 years old. After that I am going to not think about money since I will be retired and from that position of power I will be able to do whatever I want.

I have some ideas, which can be done right now as well but that doesn't change the fact that I do not have the time for it right now, it would require a lot of time, and I am working right now to support my life, when I no longer need it, I will be able to do what I want and maybe it will worth money.
It is great that you have goals but remember to also care for your health, I have seen many people that work extremely hard to get an early retirement but they never took care of their health and it is not pretty, basically all the freedom they thought they were going to get at the end of their professional careers is not there as they do not have the health to enjoy it, so while working hard towards your goal is fine remember to also take the time to take care of yourself so you can enjoy the benefits of an early retirement.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Sanitough on September 21, 2022, 09:45:14 PM
This is a really inspiring topic, these stories give a huge positive charge to people who have lost an important success in their life, unfortunately people start feeling hopeless and frustrated when they get a bit old and think that the end is near and that they don't have time to achieve some success in things They love it, these stories are really inspiring to such people and may be a reason for many of them to start working towards a milestone in their life.
Being in a golden age might put us into thinking that your time to chase your dreams is over and it’s time to just enjoy your retirement. However, with motivation and positive encouragement around us, those golden aged people will develop confidence again to continue what they have started because that may mean another opportunity to finally reach success and self-fulfillment. As long as people are alive, there will always be chances and opportunities waiting for them.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Natalim on September 22, 2022, 11:50:56 AM
The older, of course, the more understand the meaning of life, many things I haven't achieved and now I am around 25 years old, 
Many people had achieved their goals and dreams in life at a higher age and that was because the experience makes them more hesitant to take risks and gamble on their future. But I think, it was better to start building our future earlier so we still have enough time to accomplish it and much time to prepare. Because we mostly observe, the majority have become more aggressive when their time is limited already and weak enough to handle things which I believe was a big mistake and wrong practice.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Smitty Werben Man Jensen on September 22, 2022, 02:11:24 PM
The older, of course, the more understand the meaning of life, many things I haven't achieved and now I am around 25 years old, I plan to get married at a maximum age of 27 years and everything I have prepared, and age is a sign we have to think about life provisions After this world.
Basically everyone has an achievement target and that is normal,
and we also can not compare the achievement of one target with another because it must be different,
everyone has their own journey where we don't know how long it will take to reach the target

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: bitzizzix on September 22, 2022, 04:17:03 PM
I agree that old age isn't an obstacle to starting a new career or dreaming of something. As far as someone has a strong intention and wants to struggle seriously, nothing is impossible to achieve success in old age. Those successful people you shared above, are only a few examples of successful people in old age. There should be many people who succeed in their careers although they are already 50+ years old. Old age shouldn't be a problem for people who have a serious intention to achieve their dreams.

Old age proves that age is not an obstacle to work, as long as hard work is always and never gives up as a guide and until God really allows success.
and age is just a number, not a determinant of success or maturity, some are in their teens and are adults and some are 50 years old, some are successful at a young age, some are successful in old age. The most important thing is not to give up easily after failure and then get up and keep trying until God allows us to succeed regardless of age, because everything is with God's permission because of his hard work and patience.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: erep on September 22, 2022, 06:19:42 PM
^ That is why I am trying to do as well, that's how I know. I am planning on working super hard until I am retired, and hopefully retire at a young age, not like 30-40, I am already there, but like 50-55 hopefully but at worst 60 years old. After that I am going to not think about money since I will be retired and from that position of power I will be able to do whatever I want.
Did you know that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, those aged 60 years and over are still in the productive category of working as workers, so that even though you have retired at the age of 50, you can do non-institutional work for other professions, the data below shows the working age of 65 and 70 years respectively has grown to 117% in the last 5 years of 2014.
source :

I have some ideas, which can be done right now as well but that doesn't change the fact that I do not have the time for it right now, it would require a lot of time, and I am working right now to support my life, when I no longer need it, I will be able to do what I want and maybe it will worth money.
You have prepared a strategy for old age work, I really appreciate it because not everyone thinks about preparing for old age and they are so busy working at a young age even some of them don't have money to save for after retirement.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: imamusma on September 22, 2022, 09:40:00 PM
You have prepared a strategy for old age work, I really appreciate it because not everyone thinks about preparing for old age and they are so busy working at a young age even some of them don't have money to save for after retirement.
The most promising job in old age is to enjoy all kinds of investment returns that we do today. I don't think too much about how people can be successful in their old age, but investing is the first answer I think of.

Yes, investing in anything that you think is profitable in the long run should be the best way to prepare your old age to look successful. It doesn't take much, if the investment is successful then the results will also be very useful. Success is just a different level for each person, so it can be of various kinds.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Captain Corporate on September 22, 2022, 09:43:39 PM

Another big detail is that not everyone may want to do something that would be profitable business ventures, maybe I want to wake up, drink some coffee, sleep, wake up again, eat dinner, watch netflix and sleep again? I mean why would that not be acceptable to the world? The world is so focused on making a rich life and unlocking all the possible things that could give you joy, that we sometimes forget to make joy out of what we already have. I personally focus on what I have, no matter how boring it may get, just because I already have them and enjoying them is easier than trying to get something much bigger "eventually".

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Mahanton on September 22, 2022, 10:52:42 PM

Another big detail is that not everyone may want to do something that would be profitable business ventures, maybe I want to wake up, drink some coffee, sleep, wake up again, eat dinner, watch netflix and sleep again? I mean why would that not be acceptable to the world? The world is so focused on making a rich life and unlocking all the possible things that could give you joy, that we sometimes forget to make joy out of what we already have. I personally focus on what I have, no matter how boring it may get, just because I already have them and enjoying them is easier than trying to get something much bigger "eventually".
When you do have the money specially having that passive then you could eventually make those things possible where you could just wake up on anytime you do want, play or make activities or dealing with other people
without minding about money that you could really spend because you do know that it could really sustain on whatever things that you do tend to do.This is why we do always aim on having that financial freedom
since you could really do all sorts of things despite on what age you do have.The younger the better but people does have different perspective in life which some might be that common
and some would really be coming the other way around.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: dataispower on September 22, 2022, 11:18:32 PM
Age matters and age can deprived a success. Yeah i know that many will not this suggestion, it's better to start pursuing your dreams in youthful age, because people brain get depreciate in reasoning when the are aged, their is some certain things you not be able to achieve when you are aged, so some of us saying that age are like numbers, i will agree with you but it's not when you are above 68 to 70 years, because the functionality of someone that's at age bracket 28 to 30 and 40 year's method of creativity can't be as much as someone of age of 68 to 70 years, their thinking faculty will not be same. It's good to work your target against your age, because looking at the world today most of the people who invents the major things today are not aged before their invention, so let us use that as case of study. Let it be as results of encouragement to our new children.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Rockstarguy on September 23, 2022, 01:56:11 PM
Age matters and age can deprived a success. Yeah i know that many will not this suggestion, it's better to start pursuing your dreams in youthful age, because people brain get depreciate in reasoning when the are aged, their is some certain things you not be able to achieve when you are aged, so some of us saying that age are like numbers, i will agree with you but it's not when you are above 68 to 70 years, because the functionality of someone that's at age bracket 28 to 30 and 40 year's method of creativity can't be as much as someone of age of 68 to 70 years, their thinking faculty will not be same. It's good to work your target against your age, because looking at the world today most of the people who invents the major things today are not aged before their invention, so let us use that as case of study. Let it be as results of encouragement to our new children.
It is good for people to pursue dreams and goals at the right time. As for those who didn't find it possible to achieve their goals it doesn't mean anytime they get opportunities to achieve their goals they shouldn't strive for it. Like I know of some people that didn’t have opportunity to go to school at the age they were supposed to go after education,  they had to go after trade and business for survival and after some years they went back to school to have education. Age is never an option to stop people from achieving what they need I'm life. 

People have missed alot to consider that it is too late for them to achieve what they desire. At most if it is too much to go after what one may desires it can't be more 5 years. It won't take anything from anyone  who want to go after things that they could not get when they were young at old age.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: worldofcoins on September 23, 2022, 01:58:48 PM
Age matters and age can deprived a success. Yeah i know that many will not this suggestion, it's better to start pursuing your dreams in youthful age, because people brain get depreciate in reasoning when the are aged, their is some certain things you not be able to achieve when you are aged, so some of us saying that age are like numbers, i will agree with you but it's not when you are above 68 to 70 years, because the functionality of someone that's at age bracket 28 to 30 and 40 year's method of creativity can't be as much as someone of age of 68 to 70 years, their thinking faculty will not be same. It's good to work your target against your age, because looking at the world today most of the people who invents the major things today are not aged before their invention, so let us use that as case of study. Let it be as results of encouragement to our new children.

It's true that the brain depreciates over time but once a skill is learned then, there isn't much brain required compared to once you started learning a skill.
Another thing that happens is the person sometimes loses interest as they can't keep up with their peers.
40 years is what I would say is the best "by the time" I mean, by 40 a person should be a master in what they do.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Fredomago on September 23, 2022, 05:08:04 PM

Another big detail is that not everyone may want to do something that would be profitable business ventures, maybe I want to wake up, drink some coffee, sleep, wake up again, eat dinner, watch netflix and sleep again? I mean why would that not be acceptable to the world? The world is so focused on making a rich life and unlocking all the possible things that could give you joy, that we sometimes forget to make joy out of what we already have. I personally focus on what I have, no matter how boring it may get, just because I already have them and enjoying them is easier than trying to get something much bigger "eventually".
When you do have the money specially having that passive then you could eventually make those things possible where you could just wake up on anytime you do want, play or make activities or dealing with other people
without minding about money that you could really spend because you do know that it could really sustain on whatever things that you do tend to do.This is why we do always aim on having that financial freedom
since you could really do all sorts of things despite on what age you do have.The younger the better but people does have different perspective in life which some might be that common
and some would really be coming the other way around.

Yeah, it's depends from how they foresee their future even it's not on your early age as long as you have that goal you are capable to make it there's no limitation if you are keen to succeed, the idea of having that kind of setup is possible if you set everything right. Though even it's late, as long as you are still alive and you still have the resources better to continue and push things forward, you only failed once you stop, but if you keep moving, the chance of success is still on your side.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: DrBeer on September 23, 2022, 09:29:49 PM
I don't see anything surprising or "unnatural"! If you are not paralyzed and are not completely incapacitated, there will always be an opportunity to either learn something new, or apply the previously accumulated experience to something. Of course, you should not try to become a povermen at 95, or an astronaut at 100 - there simply physiological limitations will become an obstacle, but intelligence can be used at virtually any age and in any condition!
Well, there are no rules in life that people at the age of 50 or 60 above should stop seizing life’s opportunities. They can always chose to chase for it and continue to reach their set goals and live their dreams regardless of their old age. However, only few of these people still manage to reach exceptional achievements in life since most of them are just enjoying the years left before they pass away.

I cannot fully agree with you.
If we talk about private business - companies and corporations are headed very often, just not 20-30 year old personalities, most owners are 40+ and much more.

With what I agree - the situation is if you are an employee. I’ll warn you right away - older people definitely lose to physiologically young people, where the physiological state is a key factor, for example, a loader, courier, etc. But these are positions where there is no need for high-quality experience, or the specifics are such that this experience is easy to get. The problem of a person aged for many employers is just the experience and formed opinion of a person. It is difficult to manipulate an adult, mature, experienced person. He has a clear motivation, a clear understanding of his position, and it is extremely difficult to feed him with empty promises. and it is extremely difficult to feed him with empty promises.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Wong Gendheng on September 24, 2022, 01:48:46 AM
Dreams will never stop even though we are get older, humans will continue to get older and will grow older, this is a law that has been established, when many dreams have not been achieved, we must be patient and realistic, it's better to be grateful for everything we already have.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: gunhell16 on September 24, 2022, 02:38:55 AM
I don't see anything surprising or "unnatural"! If you are not paralyzed and are not completely incapacitated, there will always be an opportunity to either learn something new, or apply the previously accumulated experience to something. Of course, you should not try to become a povermen at 95, or an astronaut at 100 - there simply physiological limitations will become an obstacle, but intelligence can be used at virtually any age and in any condition!

You are quite right in what you say, Sir, disability should not be an obstacle to not reaching the dreams we want to achieve, there is always a way to achieve it.

I have seen and read many testimonies on social media, books, and others that they achieved their dreams because of determination and dedication, and of course above all they did not give up despite their disability if these This person has done this even if they have a physical problem or because of old age they did not look at it, how much more those who are not disabled and are not old.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: DrBeer on September 24, 2022, 08:53:48 AM
I don't see anything surprising or "unnatural"! If you are not paralyzed and are not completely incapacitated, there will always be an opportunity to either learn something new, or apply the previously accumulated experience to something. Of course, you should not try to become a povermen at 95, or an astronaut at 100 - there simply physiological limitations will become an obstacle, but intelligence can be used at virtually any age and in any condition!

You are quite right in what you say, Sir, disability should not be an obstacle to not reaching the dreams we want to achieve, there is always a way to achieve it.

I have seen and read many testimonies on social media, books, and others that they achieved their dreams because of determination and dedication, and of course above all they did not give up despite their disability if these This person has done this even if they have a physical problem or because of old age they did not look at it, how much more those who are not disabled and are not old.

Moreover, I will add to your opinion - people with disabilities are much more often more goal-oriented, and can achieve goals that are not achievable for people without such limitations. This is a consequence of their forced constant struggle, out of the most limited possibilities. An ordinary person is much more often lazy, and extremely rarely stubbornly achieves some small achievements.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: TribalBob on September 24, 2022, 02:48:01 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

in my country age is a major factor to achieve success in a career if in one company, but for independent / entrepreneurial success I think it is the same as the example you mentioned.
It's true that if you want to be successful, it doesn't look at age, but it must be based on intention and determination to the goal, namely Success

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Sterbens on September 25, 2022, 08:00:38 AM
This is the same as we study in the teachings of my faith, we must learn from the time we are born until we die. And this is related to success for someone, because how can we be successful without learning? That's one thing that can't happen. So agreed that age is not an obstacle for us to be successful.
Everyone has a different standard of success. But now it seems that success has to do with money.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: autumnleaf on September 25, 2022, 08:42:38 AM
Passion is really something, don't you think? Any person, regardless of age, can create wonderful things out of passio and love for what they do. Before it is too late, I believe that we should pursue our passions while we are still young. We should follow our dreams and make them come true no matter how long it takes, as long as we are happy with the results.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: jossiel on September 25, 2022, 11:24:01 AM
Passion is really something, don't you think? Any person, regardless of age, can create wonderful things out of passio and love for what they do.
There is no doubt that passionate people will continue what they're up to. Even they're already aging as long as the passion is doable, they'll do it whatever it takes.

Before it is too late, I believe that we should pursue our passions while we are still young. We should follow our dreams and make them come true no matter how long it takes, as long as we are happy with the results.
I agree to that, because I've seen old people that has never done what they love to do and they can't do it anymore because of their limited strength and resouces.

That's why we're learning from them and they're also telling and giving advise that we should do what we're passionate with no matter what it takes.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: 2stout on September 25, 2022, 08:16:10 PM
It is true that age does depreciate many people of their dreams, guess many get to the point where they accept "that ship" has passed them by.  But you have the few who preserve and against all odds achieve in their advanced years, however this is atypical and kudos to them.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: tygeade on September 26, 2022, 04:24:29 PM
Passion is really something, don't you think? Any person, regardless of age, can create wonderful things out of passio and love for what they do.
There is no doubt that passionate people will continue what they're up to. Even they're already aging as long as the passion is doable, they'll do it whatever it takes.
If it is about body, then it turns to mind because your body can't take it for too long, after all we do not hear "65 year old starts running and beats Hussain Bolt" anywhere and it would never happen. But art, business, and many things like that could always end up getting better with age, because if you do it once, you do it again without those same mistakes again, and third time it's even better and by fourth it's even better and it goes on like that.

So, it's clear that there are some things in life that you could be amazing at if you just give your all, and that is why it's much better if you could end up something much more proper that way.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: lizarder on September 28, 2022, 06:41:45 PM
Age has being a factor depreciating some people in vitualising their dreams. They keep saying "I'm too old to go school", I'm too old to start a new career", I'm too old to start a business". This make them remain stagnant throughout their life time. Age does define success as success comes in all forms. An adage says "when there is life, there is hope". That means success can still be actualized at any age so far ones is still healthy. Let's consider the list of 5 successful people who found success and achieve their dreams at above 60s:
Psychologically, people who have aged have memory and ways of thinking that are getting slower, this is clearly driven by age. Several studies that I read, it turns out that people who are elderly have limitations in thinking, acting and doing things so quickly.
So that at this time elderly people are considered no longer potential in career development and achieving success.

From the few people you mentioned, it doesn't represent 50% of the elderly people on earth who can achieve success.
If you calculate the success rate of elderly people around the world, there is no correlation between old age and total success.
This is in line with the vision and mission of large companies, that retirement is determined at an age that is no longer productive at work, but most people are no longer productive when they are in the elderly category.

1. Frank McCourt
2. Harry Bernstein
3. Anna Mary
4. Laura Ingalls
5. Wally Blume
Only a few percentages of the examples you give, but if you calculate the whole world for elderly people, then the examples are not very precise and accurate in my opinion

Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.
Thus, old age can be said to be unproductive in career development and achievement of the value of success.
The successful cases you mention don't represent 50% of parents in my opinion.
And it can be concluded that the five examples you mention, have a good fate line, and the process they go through is a perfect timing and hand line.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: gabbie2010 on September 28, 2022, 07:41:19 PM
This topic had indeed given me some hope and inspiration in my bid to begin software development journey at 40+, I now understand that age isn't a barrier to achieving one's aims and objectives, I believe as a STEM oriented fellow and a physics teacher I think I am going to get on well with my programming expedition as I embark on it at this age, I feel motivated to start learning C# which is my main preferred language and I also intended to learn it after closing from daily job, I had also read a lot of motivational topics about learning programming at a later age isn't a barrier towards achieving or being successful, it's up to individual full commitment and dedication.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Vaculin on September 28, 2022, 07:41:30 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
It’s not bad to consider other people’s opinions and ideas but in the end, you should still have the final decision. However, age and the environment are big factors that could contribute to one person’s success or failure. That is why we should always be cautious from choosing which decisions to make so that there will be no regrets in the future. And for that, the lesson we gained from our past experiences could be very helpful in determining our future success.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: dunfida on September 28, 2022, 07:59:28 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
It’s not bad to consider other people’s opinions and ideas but in the end, you should still have the final decision. However, age and the environment are big factors that could contribute to one person’s success or failure. That is why we should always be cautious from choosing which decisions to make so that there will be no regrets in the future. And for that, the lesson we gained from our past experiences could be very helpful in determining our future success.
Success is something that could be achieved whatever age you are ending up with because we do have indeed different level or types of goals in life but mostly it would really be talking about having financial freedom.

It would really be just normal that it might take up some time, it will vary on how much hard work and time you had put in.Sometimes it does really need some a little luck for these things to happen.
WE cant fully rely on luck and just pure hard work.Just dont make yourself that too hopeful or been anticipating for positive results because everything wont really
be guaranteed that it would happen along the way.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Fredomago on September 28, 2022, 08:28:27 PM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

It should rather be that we must not let people dictate us from doing what we want to do because environment also contributes to the factor for some people to not achieve their dreams. The pressure from the people around them to do this or that and just follow the norm of the society makes them forget what they really want. By the time they realize their mistake, they already have too many responsibilities to take care in life.
It’s not bad to consider other people’s opinions and ideas but in the end, you should still have the final decision. However, age and the environment are big factors that could contribute to one person’s success or failure. That is why we should always be cautious from choosing which decisions to make so that there will be no regrets in the future. And for that, the lesson we gained from our past experiences could be very helpful in determining our future success.

I like that sentiment. At the end of the day, it's still you who can decide, considering all those factors that may affect you, but the decision to proceed in achieving your success still depends on how you project your future goals. If you really wanted to move forward and be successful in your chosen field, no one can stop you. As long as you have all the resources and you have the kind of mentalities not to stop learning, it's you who will decide your fate.

Don't be bothered unless there are case to case basis or any hindrances that are unavoidable, otherwise just proceed and be mindful of your own success.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Cookdata on September 28, 2022, 09:32:56 PM
Age matters and age can deprived a success. Yeah i know that many will not this suggestion, it's better to start pursuing your dreams in youthful age, because people brain get depreciate in reasoning when the are aged, their is some certain things you not be able to achieve when you are aged, so some of us saying that age are like numbers, i will agree with you but it's not when you are above 68 to 70 years, because the functionality of someone that's at age bracket 28 to 30 and 40 year's method of creativity can't be as much as someone of age of 68 to 70 years, their thinking faculty will not be same. It's good to work your target against your age, because looking at the world today most of the people who invents the major things today are not aged before their invention, so let us use that as case of study. Let it be as results of encouragement to our new children.

It's true that the brain depreciates over time but once a skill is learned then, there isn't much brain required compared to once you started learning a skill.
Another thing that happens is the person sometimes loses interest as they can't keep up with their peers.
40 years is what I would say is the best "by the time" I mean, by 40 a person should be a master in what they do.

If you learn a skill, you need your brain to be creative most of the time, you can't learn how to cut fabric the way you were thought and then apply that notion for the rest of your life, modernization comes through improvement, you have to step up your game to match the standards. Crypto is one of the clear examples of how things are no longer the same as they were in 2009, when bitcoin was created, we only had a legacy wallet as an address but today we have an improvement because of the creativity of some brains, even if Satoshi did not do some of those improvements, the brain is required for life improvement.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: kawetsriyanto on September 28, 2022, 11:32:38 PM
with age comes wisdom and success.
But that is a package - sometimes person become so egoistic that they forgot that in their anger and ego they are burning  their own blood and destroying the peace of mind of the other people too
Yep, older people mostly become wiser and have a bigger chance to succeed because of their good attitude. But it is true that some of them can be more egoistic because they think they have more knowledge and experience. This is sometimes an obstacle to success, some old people aren't open-minded. They don't want to wait for a long time, and don't want to have an investment with a too high risk like Bitcoin. Actually, it is not only for old people, it is also happening to young people, too. Sure, it will be difficult to succeed once someone can't control his ego and anger.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: ChiBitCTy on September 29, 2022, 03:02:05 AM
This is a good reminder to never say you’ll too old for this or that. Even though I know I’m not old, I’m also no spring chicken anymore and sometimes think to myself “I’m too old to do this, or I’m too old to do that”, most in regards to work type stuff, but this is an important reminder that it’s never too late to change jobs, or careers and continue to pursue things that you enjoy or are your passion.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Bitcoin2009 on September 29, 2022, 04:18:08 AM
Passion is really something, don't you think? Any person, regardless of age, can create wonderful things out of passio and love for what they do.
There is no doubt that passionate people will continue what they're up to. Even they're already aging as long as the passion is doable, they'll do it whatever it takes.
If it is about body, then it turns to mind because your body can't take it for too long, after all we do not hear "65 year old starts running and beats Hussain Bolt" anywhere and it would never happen. But art, business, and many things like that could always end up getting better with age, because if you do it once, you do it again without those same mistakes again, and third time it's even better and by fourth it's even better and it goes on like that.

So, it's clear that there are some things in life that you could be amazing at if you just give your all, and that is why it's much better if you could end up something much more proper that way.
with age comes wisdom and success.
But that is a package - sometimes person become so egoistic that they forgot that in their anger and ego they are burning  their own blood and destroying the peace of mind of the other people too

Actually the older we get the wiser, not everything we want or hope for can be fulfilled and this proves we are full of limitations, and believe that death will come soon and as believers we must prepare provisions for eternal life.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Tallupooh on October 04, 2022, 12:12:05 AM
A dream is something that other people want to achieve in their life. However, in its achievement, there are situations that make us become depressed, give up, also think whether there is hope to reach that dream. Some people think about giving up on their dreams, but there are also some people who don't give up. The person who reaches his dream, but he still hasn't succeeded, until his age is increasing from year to year, even though he still hasn't succeeded in reaching it, but he is determined not to give up on his dream, but surely one day he will succeed, even though he is already a bit old. old. Achieving a dream is something that requires struggle. Ignore your age, in reaching your goals. If you continue to have ambitions about an increasing age range, but the dream has not succeeded, surely the first thought is to give up. So, age is not something that hinders. The big regret is regret, doing nothing, while there is still time and opportunity.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: budi691 on October 04, 2022, 02:54:51 PM
Yes, that's right, sometimes people feel old and can't do anything because they are old, and they just want to enjoy the rest of their lives, but not a few people can achieve their dreams when they are old, because they just realized it. he. the potential that exists in them is when they enter old age, and for sure age is not an obstacle to success

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Obari on April 12, 2023, 05:31:04 PM
Age they  say is a number I don't think age is something that should stop us from starting a business or focusing on our dreams but most people today feel reluctant to go out for their goals because they felt they might be older than what they intend doing which is very bad most great men today succeeded today not because they were meant to succeed they already had In mind to be successful in life and it didn't just start immediately it is something they have been thinking about since when  they were younger and it came to pass most people get tired on the way because they felt everything comes easy

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Unbunplease on April 12, 2023, 11:44:30 PM
Age they  say is a number I don't think age is something that should stop us from starting a business or focusing on our dreams but most people today feel reluctant to go out for their goals because they felt they might be older than what they intend doing which is very bad most great men today succeeded today not because they were meant to succeed they already had In mind to be successful in life and it didn't just start immediately it is something they have been thinking about since when  they were younger and it came to pass most people get tired on the way because they felt everything comes easy

I agree, you can start a business at any age. Sometimes you become a successful businessman at the age of 11, and the children of chimney sweepers in 1900 started cleaning pipes at the age of 3. Trump failed many times but found the strength to start again. My father started a new business at age 70. It's about the man and his character, not his age.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Obari on April 13, 2023, 01:24:50 PM
Age they  say is a number I don't think age is something that should stop us from starting a business or focusing on our dreams but most people today feel reluctant to go out for their goals because they felt they might be older than what they intend doing which is very bad most great men today succeeded today not because they were meant to succeed they already had In mind to be successful in life and it didn't just start immediately it is something they have been thinking about since when  they were younger and it came to pass most people get tired on the way because they felt everything comes easy

I agree, you can start a business at any age. Sometimes you become a successful businessman at the age of 11, and the children of chimney sweepers in 1900 started cleaning pipes at the age of 3. Trump failed many times but found the strength to start again. My father started a new business at age 70. It's about the man and his character, not his age.

Exactly mate and I've personally seen a 67 years old man who started a restaurant business and it did thrived so well and today his children are feeding in the profits from such business and I even wondered what would have happened if the 67 years old man gave up hope and never started the business, I always pick up courage from the story of this man and constantly remind myself that no time is late and all I have to do is make a move and I always prefer to start and fail  rather than not start and make some silly assumptions.
In conclusion, age is never a barrier but rather just a number

Yep, older people mostly become wiser and have a bigger chance to succeed because of their good attitude.

With all due respect, I think foolishness isn't a respecter of any one, as there are fools who also grow old, hence age isn't a guaranty of wiseness.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: alastantiger on April 13, 2023, 01:40:49 PM
I concur with you that age consideration has drastically caused many individual not to reach their expected height or goal in life.
I know of a man who refuse to further his education because of his age. I began to wonder if age is a determinant of goals or success in life.
The only hinderance i can imagine or that can determine or depreciate my goal in life is death. Or maybe my bones are weak.
As long as am walking with my legs and air in my lungs, every dream is achievable

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: DevilSlayer on April 13, 2023, 02:08:40 PM
Age they  say is a number I don't think age is something that should stop us from starting a business or focusing on our dreams but most people today feel reluctant to go out for their goals because they felt they might be older than what they intend doing which is very bad most great men today succeeded today not because they were meant to succeed they already had In mind to be successful in life and it didn't just start immediately it is something they have been thinking about since when  they were younger and it came to pass most people get tired on the way because they felt everything comes easy

I agree, you can start a business at any age. Sometimes you become a successful businessman at the age of 11, and the children of chimney sweepers in 1900 started cleaning pipes at the age of 3. Trump failed many times but found the strength to start again. My father started a new business at age 70. It's about the man and his character, not his age.
I saw it as alibi or just a some bs reasons whenever they mentioned age when talking about success or following their dreams. The age for me is not a factor, it doesn't determine what you can achieve in your life. Everything comes from a price and you can achieve anything that you want as long as you have desires and have faith that you can achieve it. I have experience with it when I said to my family that I will be the richest man in our bloodline and I said I'll never apply in 8-5 job, they laugh at me and now I proved them that they are wrong. They said I need a lot of experiences and many years of working just for me to achieve some specific money but they are wrong because I spend 1 hour every single DAY on how can I increase my service for me to increase my income. I'm still young and I'm now earning 10x of the minimum wage, I'm grateful to things that I have and it is the proof that age is not a factor for the success. You can become successful even if you are in teens, you can become successful in your 30s, you can be successful even if you reached 60s or 70s. If I will summarize what I said, You can become successful at any age and any stage of your life as long as you have DESIRES and FAITH on yourself. Consistency is also a factor, hardship cannot be avoided you should have endurance to overcome it and eventually success will come to you.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Cling18 on April 13, 2023, 04:44:24 PM
I concur with you that age consideration has drastically caused many individual not to reach their expected height or goal in life.
I know of a man who refuse to further his education because of his age. I began to wonder if age is a determinant of goals or success in life.
The only hinderance I can imagine or that can determine or depreciate my goal in life is death. Or maybe my bones are weak.
As long as am walking with my legs and air in my lungs, every dream is achievable
I certainly agree with you. As long as we have the strength to pursue our passion and to reach success then we shouldn't quit despite our age. The chance of being successful won't be hindered by age but rather by our lack of motivation to strive higher. We should never lose confidence if we are aging because as long as we are alive, we will always have the chance to reach our dreams.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: panganib999 on April 13, 2023, 05:26:18 PM
You can't really blame them, most people sees age as not a number, but as a countdown for when things are "too late". That's why you'd see people giving up on their dreams, especially the old ones, I once rode an Uber on the way to work and the driver that drove me there talked about how he wanted to be a lawyer, but couldn't go back to that dream even though there's nothing that's really stopping him because he sees himself as "too old" for the craft. I felt defeated back then trying to talk him out of that silly notion but he seems indignant.

You can tell people that they can be whoever they wanted to be but it only goes so far, age, dreams, all of that comes to play. They can't be who they wanted to be if they don't want to be anything in the first place.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: mm2543363580 on April 13, 2023, 05:56:06 PM
You can't really blame them, most people sees age as not a number, but as a countdown for when things are "too late". That's why you'd see people giving up on their dreams, especially the old ones, I once rode an Uber on the way to work and the driver that drove me there talked about how he wanted to be a lawyer, but couldn't go back to that dream even though there's nothing that's really stopping him because he sees himself as "too old" for the craft. I felt defeated back then trying to talk him out of that silly notion but he seems indignant.

You can tell people that they can be whoever they wanted to be but it only goes so far, age, dreams, all of that comes to play. They can't be who they wanted to be if they don't want to be anything in the first place.
Age is just a number but the real depreciating point of your life is when your health is not good and you are following a unhealthy lifestyle. Your lifestyle determines alot hos you'll love your old age , if you adapted a healthy, active lifestyle in your young age plus exercise then be sure you'll have a good old age and you can do anything you want at that time too .

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Rruchi man on April 13, 2023, 06:11:29 PM
The chance of being successful won't be hindered by age but rather by our lack of motivation to strive higher. We should never lose confidence if we are aging because as long as we are alive, we will always have the chance to reach our dreams.
I want to agree with you, but to agree to this statement is to tell ourselves the partial truth. There are some dreams that are tied to certain age range after which those dreams become no longer achievable mainly because of your age. The sooner you realize this the better for you so you can work harder to achieve that dream while you still can. Imagine someone whose dream is to be a professional footballer of an athlete. If they passes a certain age, they will no longer be eligible to achieve their dream even if they do not let go of the dream.

 Know your dreams and determine if they are tied to time, if they are, work hard to achieve them while you still can, if they are not, then do not put yourself under too much unnecessary pressure.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: cryptoknightt on April 13, 2023, 06:32:07 PM
It is true that age is not something that limits us from achieving our dreams because we never know what will happen to us in the future, but don't let so many people achieve their dreams in their old age that it makes us lazy to try. achieve future dreams. our youth, never stop trying to achieve your deams

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: n0ne on April 13, 2023, 06:36:06 PM
Most of the time people have made themselves within specific circle. I'm stating the mindset of a common man from a third world country. Very few follow their passion whereas the majority live for the society. There is a timeline, within 25 years of age studies need to be completed. Within the next five years marriage and within 32 a baby and further run for the betterment of the family. Very few break this and follow their passion. This is where most of the people were unable to reach their dreams. Once again after their retirement they start a new life. Maybe by that time following the mentioned person's everyone can follow their dreams.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on April 13, 2023, 06:45:27 PM
Truth be told I feel I am running out of time. I have had this feeling since the past couple of weeks. My goals are seeming further away and almost out of reach. I am getting old.
I tried to watch motivational videos but it didn't work. I think this is the most motivational thing I have read today and it has gotten my spirits.
I have read of the KFC man story. Maybe it's not too late for me after all. Maybe I can still achieve my goals even though I am a late bloomer. I must stop being so hard on myself.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on April 13, 2023, 07:28:44 PM
The dream we have is more or less the way we should live our lives. If we go against what we love and follow a career that bids out time till we are almost out of age range to fulfil what our soul desire, then I see only two if not an option of path to follow.
I believe a dream can be reinvented or improvised on no matter the age. If someone above the age of 32 intends to still play football to professional level, but had to work all the while to Carter for family or loved ones, there's no reason to start from that age to try to fulfil that dream because the muscles are too weak, and it is at that age most footballers retire. Instead, such a one can opt to be a football trainer for younger folks, like a mentor, a coach, ot can even sponsor or own a training club to encourage others to fulfil their related dreams of being a professional footballer.
It is left for us to reinvent despite the age or circumstances.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Wong Gendheng on April 14, 2023, 07:18:05 AM
It is natural that dreams are very dependent on age, when we are teenagers, of course, have a high dream, but when we are adults and find many obstacles then slowly the dream is reduced or maybe disappear and now I am around 30 years old and I just want to make my old Have passive income so it is not difficult anymore.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Dickiy on April 14, 2023, 09:39:03 AM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

I fully agree with this we shouldn't have any excuses when we are still healthy even though we are old the opportunities and opportunities to achieve success are definitely there, but I think those you mentioned are more mature at their age and from their consistency from when they were young or good character education from young, I think it's more precise when we are consistent with what we are trying to reap satisfying results even though it comes in old age, I think it's more logical than starting to learn new things in old age, I think it's more correct to have a deeper understanding of the field in young age so that they have enough ability in old age and reap success.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Joshapat on April 14, 2023, 03:08:26 PM
After we know about life, of course we start to think realistically that it turns out to make dreams come true is a difficult thing, but I'm not disappointed because many of my dreams haven't been realized, I'm grateful that even though there are still many shortcomings I can get things that I think are comfortable.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Gallar on April 14, 2023, 07:16:17 PM
that's how it should be, don't let age get in the way of the dreams we once intended in our hearts. Especially if we are still young, don't waste that opportunity, because youth is the golden period to start a career. Don't lose to old people, they alone can make good and beautiful works, especially for those of us who are young, we have to be more enthusiastic.
And indeed in life learning is something that must continue to be done, so that we become human beings who are wiser and smarter in responding to all things.
And don't think that learning is only limited to elementary school until graduating from high school, learning must continue, as long as the brain is still given reason, and can still think normally, It would be nice if it continues to be used to continue learning, so that life will continue to be more meaningful.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Gyfts on April 14, 2023, 08:53:40 PM

Unfortunately the retirement age is going to rise as the aging population live longer and run out of funds because they did not save/invest enough. Hardly any of these workers are "living their dreams," only working so they can afford to live.

The mistake I see people making is they start investing too late. Investing when you're young is crucial because they grow over 30-40 years ensure that you'll at least have something to retire on. It isn't ever too late to invest, I just think people should be cautious about starting too late and not having enough when you cash out.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: samcoin on April 14, 2023, 09:27:18 PM
Age wasn't and won't be a hurdle for people who have ambition, but people differ in their ability to keep up with their dreams, as some people give up easily, while others follow their passion until the end with the full belief that life will smile for them someday. Indeed, the real success happens after a long period of experiments and work. That is why we saw many young people in crypto rise up fast and fall down fast, like SBF, Do Kwon, and many others. I want to add to your list one of the well known stories, which is the story of Harland Sanders, the founder of Kintaki (KFC), who started his success story in his 65 and managed to build a famous worldwide food chain.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Unbunplease on April 14, 2023, 11:17:52 PM
Age is no reason to stop. Everything depends on your mind and character. You can get rich at 10, and at 90 years old. The main thing - firmly believe in yourself and in your luck. If you doubt, then you yourself are rejecting luck. Forget about the fact that "I can not, it's not for me. You are the creator of your own destiny, and do not give in to despair.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Fredomago on April 15, 2023, 02:07:22 AM
Don't let age be an obstacle in achieving your dream. It's not to late. Neglect your age and let passion move you towards achieving your desired dreams.

I fully agree with this we shouldn't have any excuses when we are still healthy even though we are old the opportunities and opportunities to achieve success are definitely there, but I think those you mentioned are more mature at their age and from their consistency from when they were young or good character education from young, I think it's more precise when we are consistent with what we are trying to reap satisfying results even though it comes in old age, I think it's more logical than starting to learn new things in old age, I think it's more correct to have a deeper understanding of the field in young age so that they have enough ability in old age and reap success.

I like your argument and that's true, knowing things in a much earlier stage can give you the advantage but it's also true that if you are really keen in aiming success there's always opportunities and always time to learn as long as you are in a good health and you have the capabilities to explore more, age is not a factor if you really love and you wanted to explore for your opportunities.

You have to be precise and determine in finding and learning the right process, and personally, we don't know what the future may bring us.

Age is no reason to stop. Everything depends on your mind and character. You can get rich at 10, and at 90 years old. The main thing - firmly believe in yourself and in your luck. If you doubt, then you yourself are rejecting luck. Forget about the fact that "I can not, it's not for me. You are the creator of your own destiny, and do not give in to despair.

Yes, anything can happen if you are willing to take the risk, age is just a number and like what you said there's also luck that may change the direction of our life, especially if we are dealing with financial success, how you percept the future is how you want the direction to favor you, it will be on your action and not because you are too old.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Semar Mesem on April 15, 2023, 03:51:32 PM
We must always be optimistic to pursue the dreams we have made, age should not be an excuse for making these dreams not happen, as long as we keep trying then these dreams will come true, many people are successful when they are old or are over 60 years old and as long as they are life then we never stop dreaming.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: virasisog on April 15, 2023, 04:34:28 PM
We must always be optimistic to pursue the dreams we have made, age should not be an excuse for making these dreams not happen, as long as we keep trying then these dreams will come true, many people are successful when they are old or are over 60 years old and as long as they are life then we never stop dreaming.

As we get older, we should be more determined and more motivated to reach success not just for ourselves but also for our children. It is a good thing that we'll leave something for them in the future. Aging is normal but we shouldn't see it as an end point. Let's be inspired by lots of successful people who reached their goals despite their age. We only need strength, motivation and hope to reach more.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Distinctin on April 15, 2023, 09:52:06 PM
The chance of being successful won't be hindered by age but rather by our lack of motivation to strive higher. We should never lose confidence if we are aging because as long as we are alive, we will always have the chance to reach our dreams.
I want to agree with you, but to agree to this statement is to tell ourselves the partial truth. There are some dreams that are tied to certain age range after which those dreams become no longer achievable mainly because of your age. The sooner you realize this the better for you so you can work harder to achieve that dream while you still can. Imagine someone whose dream is to be a professional footballer of an athlete. If they passes a certain age, they will no longer be eligible to achieve their dream even if they do not let go of the dream.

 Know your dreams and determine if they are tied to time, if they are, work hard to achieve them while you still can, if they are not, then do not put yourself under too much unnecessary pressure.
Well, if those dreams require strength training, then old aged people will never be capable for that knowing their body is not that healthy and strong. But when it comes to business, as long as they have previous experience before and they have high knowledge on the business that is going to manage, achieving success will still be possible. Old aged people only depreciate in exerting force, but never in their wild and creative imagination when it comes to business prosperity.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: passwordnow on April 15, 2023, 10:10:01 PM
We must always be optimistic to pursue the dreams we have made, age should not be an excuse for making these dreams not happen, as long as we keep trying then these dreams will come true, many people are successful when they are old or are over 60 years old and as long as they are life then we never stop dreaming.
It depends on the circumstances that you're facing. If there is more urgent than the situation that you're in, then it shouldn't really be pursued anymore if you've changed ways already and accepted that there's another fate that you need to take the path of it. Although nothing stops a person from pursuing his dreams even if the situation isn't favorable anymore and there's no more hope in finding that passion and dream that you've built when you're younger. But the reality today is that the drive for that hunger to chase the dreams you've once thought of is changing and mostly gone.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: serjent05 on April 15, 2023, 10:49:29 PM
We must always be optimistic to pursue the dreams we have made, age should not be an excuse for making these dreams not happen, as long as we keep trying then these dreams will come true, many people are successful when they are old or are over 60 years old and as long as they are life then we never stop dreaming.
It depends on the circumstances that you're facing. If there is more urgent than the situation that you're in, then it shouldn't really be pursued anymore if you've changed ways already and accepted that there's another fate that you need to take the path of it. Although nothing stops a person from pursuing his dreams even if the situation isn't favorable anymore and there's no more hope in finding that passion and dream that you've built when you're younger. But the reality today is that the drive for that hunger to chase the dreams you've once thought of is changing and mostly gone.

People's mind set changes as they grow old.  They are more experienced and they know wether they had a chance to make those dream come true or not.  Having the wisdom in old age keeps them from wasting resources in achieving their previous dream that they deemed to know worthless in their present and future situation.  Most of the aged people feels that they had successfully done their responsibility and there is no use pursuing their dreams just to boost their ego.  Obviously, old people will still dream and pursue it if they are capable but due to their wisdom will not pursue dreams that is either a waste of resources or impossible due to their current condition.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: passwordnow on April 16, 2023, 05:38:16 PM
It depends on the circumstances that you're facing. If there is more urgent than the situation that you're in, then it shouldn't really be pursued anymore if you've changed ways already and accepted that there's another fate that you need to take the path of it. Although nothing stops a person from pursuing his dreams even if the situation isn't favorable anymore and there's no more hope in finding that passion and dream that you've built when you're younger. But the reality today is that the drive for that hunger to chase the dreams you've once thought of is changing and mostly gone.

People's mind set changes as they grow old.  They are more experienced and they know wether they had a chance to make those dream come true or not.  Having the wisdom in old age keeps them from wasting resources in achieving their previous dream that they deemed to know worthless in their present and future situation.  Most of the aged people feels that they had successfully done their responsibility and there is no use pursuing their dreams just to boost their ego.  Obviously, old people will still dream and pursue it if they are capable but due to their wisdom will not pursue dreams that is either a waste of resources or impossible due to their current condition.
That's true, it's just all about setting priorities and giving up their dreams doesn't mean that they gave up. It's just what they think is right to do and time is an issue and that's why it's better to do what's right and necessary than to chase what they are unlikely to chase.
This is the reason why we often some parents are telling that they're passing on their dreams to their children or old folks saying to their grandchildren that they might be the one to achieve their goals and dreams not noticing that they've already achieved goals and even dream of others as well.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: bangjoe on April 16, 2023, 06:31:04 PM
I don't see anything surprising or "unnatural"! If you are not paralyzed and are not completely incapacitated, there will always be an opportunity to either learn something new, or apply the previously accumulated experience to something. Of course, you should not try to become a povermen at 95, or an astronaut at 100 - there simply physiological limitations will become an obstacle, but intelligence can be used at virtually any age and in any condition!

Yes, of course, this is quite a logical thought in determining the percentage of success in old age by trying new things because the body is no longer as strong and not as fit as when you were young, you also have to pay attention to this, the mindset of age is not a very good reason to grow motivation and enthusiasm, but in this context, look at those who have the abilities they built from a young age and apply them to old age. The likelihood of success will be greater than starting something new at a young age or the consistency of a hobby, such as painting from a young age, which is increasing until old age.
In my opinion intelligence is also built from the many experiences of thinking at a young age and if in old age memory and understanding can be used properly I think that is great but as we know that in old age memory will decrease as well as accompanied by conditions weaker physically.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: bestcoins1 on April 16, 2023, 06:57:33 PM
We must always be optimistic to pursue the dreams we have made, age should not be an excuse for making these dreams not happen, as long as we keep trying then these dreams will come true, many people are successful when they are old or are over 60 years old and as long as they are life then we never stop dreaming.
Dreaming is always permissible for everyone who wants to get success, but what you need to know is that realizing every dream is not an easy matter because it is inseparable from the process that everyone must really go through. Well, in this case, the main thing to look at is everyone's level of effort in realizing their dreams, because some people who are successful at old age are those who start realizing their dreams later. So they get it at an age that can be said to be no longer productive.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Botnake on April 16, 2023, 08:38:27 PM
Age is just a number and it will never define your future’s journey. There are those who came successful at their late age while some have lost their opportunities to succeed when old age comes. So this is a clear manifestation that everything still relies on the individual itself. If he has still the will power and determination to succeed, he will  set a goal for it and never stops until he succeed. But for those who have lost their hope and confidence, it will be too hard for them to succeed simply because they let their emotions rule over their mind. Not unless one is unhealthy and incapable, then success will never be achievable.

Title: Re: Age as a factor depreciating some people of their dreams
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on April 16, 2023, 10:48:12 PM
Age is just a number and it will never define your future’s journey. There are those who came successful at their late age while some have lost their opportunities to succeed when old age comes. So this is a clear manifestation that everything still relies on the individual itself. If he has still the will power and determination to succeed, he will  set a goal for it and never stops until he succeed. But for those who have lost their hope and confidence, it will be too hard for them to succeed simply because they let their emotions rule over their mind. Not unless one is unhealthy and incapable, then success will never be achievable.

I think as we grow old we always have that shift of dreams that we sometime let our past dreams to be just dreams because the dream at present is much more needed and it is something that would make us be satisfied at the present. Age would always be a factor in our dreams since we can have different dreams at different parts of our life. There is no rule regarding dreams in relation to age so as long as we are capable to achieve those dreams, let's continue to achieve it. Just be adaptable to the change of time so that we get the satisfaction and peace of mind from achieving our dreams at the present.