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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Hydrogen on September 08, 2022, 04:52:21 PM

Title: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Hydrogen on September 08, 2022, 04:52:21 PM
Financial catastrophe is now only a few clicks away, a problem that is showing quiet signs of becoming a crisis. "I can't just get rid of my phone," one problem gambler says.

It didn’t get bad for Jason until recently, when gambling on his phone became both available and socially acceptable.

For most of his life, he had enjoyed betting money here and there—say, during poker with friends as a teen and on the occasional casino trip. He even occasionally bet on sports through foreign-based companies.

None of it ever seemed or felt like much of a problem to him—that is, until the pandemic. The previous year, his home state of Illinois had legalized sports betting and expanded casino gambling, flooding the state with advertisements. It didn’t take long before Jason was hearing about gambling “all day every day,” he said. When he started to go through personal issues at home in 2020, he found himself at the casino trying to burn off some steam.

Soon enough, however, he preferred online gambling. The casinos, he came to believe, were less efficient—“too much non-gambling time,” he said—and led to questions about where he had been. By comparison, his phone allowed him to be “100 percent plugged in” from anywhere, without people asking questions. “I could do everything you could do at a casino on my phone,” he said. But, he added, “I didn’t have to explain where I was or anything like that. I didn't have to answer to anybody.”

“Being able to just sit in bed and go on my phone and gamble made it almost impossible to stop.”

Unlike sports betting, online casino gambling remained illegal in Illinois, and Jason wasn’t sure if the online games he was playing were legal or not. “But there was never any red tape to get past in order to play those games,” he said.

Regardless of the legality, the growing prevalence of gambling in society helped him legitimize his habit to himself. It felt less “seedy,” he said, even if he would gamble until three in the morning while his kids slept “and then wake up and do it again.” By this year, Jason didn’t go a day without gambling.

“I felt like I had to be gambling at all times,” he said.

He would ultimately blow through “a couple hundred thousand dollars” before admitting he had become a problem gambler in May. Still, Jason considers himself “a slightly better case than average.” Since he joined Gamblers Anonymous, he’s heard stories of people losing homes and living out of their car.

In the U.S. this century, gambling has become more wholly legitimized, released from the confines of Atlantic City and Las Vegas and into the broader culture. Gambling advertisements litter the country, and more than 20 states now allow casinos, compared to just nine in 2001. Roughly the same number have legalized online sports betting and more people are pushing for legal online casinos as well.

Politicians say the legalization of gambling provides states with much-needed additional revenue and allows the government to more adequately oversee gambling and responsibly help those who develop issues. These arguments, as well as ones against prohibitionary schemes generally, are difficult to refute in theory; in practice, it’s not yet clear whether state agencies are taking their oversight commitments as seriously as they should.

The omnipresence of gambling and gambling-like activities has made financial catastrophe a few clicks away for anyone with a phone. Experts increasingly see the simultaneous rise of online sports betting, online casinos (legal or not), cryptocurrency trading, and day trading as the same root thing—gambling—with the same root issues.

Often, they even involve the same people. Survey data out of  the National Council on Problem Gambling last year found a significant correlation between people who trade on a weekly basis and gamble as well. “There's a big overlap there,” said Keith Whyte, the executive director of the organization. The true extent of the issue is only now starting to emerge and is in need of additional study, said Lucas Trautman, the medical director of Oxford Treatment Center in Mississippi and a psychiatrist who has helped people with addictive disorders including gambling.

“It's blown up under our nose,” Trautman said.

Cindi M. has certainly noticed a lot of people like Jason coming to meetings recently. A member of Gamblers Anonymous who now serves as the public relations chair for the group’s board of trustees, she said there’s been a dramatic increase in the number of young men developing compulsive gambling issues and showing up to meetings since online sports gambling became legal in Illinois three years ago.

The effect on young people—and particularly young men—has been noticeable to Cindi, whose own sons have told her that all their friends gamble these days. (After Motherboard published this piece, Cindi asked that we remove her surname so she was not in violation of her program’s rules.)

That lines up with additional survey data from the National Council on Problem Gambling, which has found that over 40 percent of people ages 18-44 gambled online last year—compared to just 21 percent of people ages 45-54—and that over a quarter of them increased the amount they played during the pandemic.

“They have access to it 24/7 in the palm of their hands. The temptation is always there.”

“They have access to it 24/7 in the palm of their hands,” Cindi said. “The temptation is always there. You can stay away from casinos and racetracks but you can't stop using your phone.”

That has made it easy for people like Jason to develop gambling problems and harder for them to resist the impulse to place another big bet, according to Whyte.

“It's pretty conclusively established in the gambling literature that ease of access is a risk factor for the development of gambling problems,” Whyte said. “Ease of access alone doesn't make doesn't make someone a gambling addict. But it certainly can contribute to an increase in the rate and severity.”

The ease of access is clear and growing. In January, the first month mobile sports gambling became legal in New York, people wagered a record $1.6 billion online, more than any other state in its opening month. But Ashley Owen,  a team leader at the NYC Problem Gambling Resource Center, funded by the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports, still has trouble convincing people to take gambling issues seriously. Part of the issue, she said, is that problem gambling has become harder to detect. People with gambling problems less often exhibit physical symptoms compared to people with substance abuse issues.  And now, with the rise of mobile gambling, people can gamble in the privacy of their own home without their loved ones knowing, which has “altered the landscape significantly,” Owen said. 

“We call it the hidden addiction,” she continued. “As long as you have a smartphone, you have access to all sorts of gambling at your fingertips.”

One middle-aged man in the Chicago area— who asked that Motherboard not use his name as his job gives him access to clients’ personal information—was able to hide the true extent of his online gambling addiction from his wife until they wanted to get a new patio.

“Everything being at your fingertips was just terrible.”

The problem had begun when the Chicago man lost one of his jobs early in the pandemic and needed extra income to support his wife and three kids. “I got three kids. So when one of my jobs went away, that was a big hole in our budget,” he said. “It was pretty tough for me. Like, where the heck am I going to get this money?” That’s when a friend introduced him to an online poker app where people could host games. At first, he was open with his wife about his play, since nothing he was doing was too notable. Every once in a while, she’d even see a deposit for a couple hundred bucks in their bank account.

But the accessibility of the gambling games made it difficult to stop. “Everything being at your fingertips was just terrible,” he said. Soon, he was playing during work and thought about gambling so much he could barely sleep. “I'd be waiting for the next table to be opened up in the morning by the poker guys,” he said. Sometimes, he found himself physically shaking. “You get to this point where you just can't stop, and you're thinking all the time, I just got to go back on.” he said. 

He also became “really, really secretive.” He opened up his own checking account and multiple credit cards. He went into his payroll account and made sure to take out an extra $200 every two weeks. He even took out a loan to feed his online habit.

“I spun this web that was just awful,” he said.

Then, they applied for a loan to install a new patio in their backyard. The man knew they were going to pull their credit. What he didn’t realize was that they’d give his wife a copy of his. When she saw it, “she almost went insane—and understandably,” the man said. “I thought it was over. I totally thought my life and my marriage was over, and that I was gonna lose my kids.”

“We call it the hidden addiction. As long as you have a smartphone, you have access to all sorts of gambling at your fingertips.”

His wife stayed with him, and the man installed an anti-gambling app on his phone to try and stop himself from gambling online. The man also joined Gamblers Anonymous, where he was shocked by the number of young people he met there. “I can't believe that I see all these young 20-somethings coming in,” he said. “It's very disheartening.”

Nick, a 21-year-old in California, is one of those young people. He had first gambled as a young teen, when he visited family on the East Coast and one of his cousins introduced him to legal online sports gambling. Nick wasn’t old enough to gamble then, but he found it easy enough to get around the systems the companies had set up. “It really wasn't that hard to create an account under my dad's name,” he said. By the time he was a senior in high school, Nick was gambling on his laptop in class. Then, when he went to college, the situation devolved as he moved from online sports gambling to a bookie he could text at all hours.

“For me, being able to just sit in bed and go on my phone and gamble made it almost impossible to stop,” Nick said. “I can't just get rid of my phone.”

“I can't believe that I see all these young 20-somethings coming in,” one member of Gamblers Anonymous said.

He’d stay up until 4 a.m. gambling on his phone then go to class at 8 a.m. A straight-A student in high school, he earned a 2.2 GPA his first semester of college When Nick eventually realized he had a problem and joined Gamblers Anonymous, he was one of the youngest people there.

He couldn’t help but feel a bit different than the older people he was meeting. For one thing, unlike a lot of them, he had never entered a casino.

Taking a page from social media and online shopping sites, mobile gambling sites employ “very, very aggressive marketing” tactics that can be hard for problem gamblers to escape,  according to Keith Whyte, the executive director at the National Council on Problem Gambling. Third-party data collection, for example, allows the gambling industry to create customized, alluring offers designed to get people to come back and spend more, he said.

Numerous studies have indicated that phone addiction has become prevalent in society, especially among people under 30, but there isn’t yet even a clear and agreed-upon conceptual framework for analyzing the problem of gambling in the mobile-phone era. In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association recategorized gambling disorder as “similar to substance-related disorders” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. But it’s also proposed internet gaming disorder for potential addition as a distinct disorder, and cited a need for further research.

“The fact that it's on the phone is so crucial in the cultivation of an addictive disorder,” said Trautman, the psychiatrist who treats people with gambling disorders, of online gambling.

Whyte has been trying to get politicians to take his issue seriously since 1998. These days, he’s seeing even less interest from Washington D.C. in talking about the downsides of gambling. When they do talk to him, the politicians and policymakers are often still prone to place the blame on the individual, who they see as immoral or weak-willed, he said.

“They're still trapped in our traditional, moral, and religious cultural views around gambling,” he said.

Part of the problem comes from the fact that so many gamblers struggle quietly and alone, making problem gambling seem like less of an issue. Less than 1 percent of people with a gambling problem seek help, according to Whyte.

But another is that sports gambling looks increasingly like good politics. According to recent polls, as many as two-thirds of Americans believe sports betting should be legal, and the tax revenue can be substantial. Illinois has already generated over $100 million for itself, and New York this year has already earned $267 million in tax revenue from sports betting. The money will help fund education programs, as well as problem gambling prevention, treatment, and recovery services, though so-called “sin taxes” have been criticized as regressive in nature.

“I could do everything you could do at a casino on my phone.”

Since he stopped gambling in May, Jason has noticed with fresh eyes just how prevalent the gambling industry has become. Nationally, entire sports shows are now dedicated to gambling, and others don’t go long without mentioning an exciting potential parlay bet. Gambling commercials play all the time on the radio and when he watches sports, and the leagues themselves have signed official partnerships with companies like FanDuel and DraftKings.

“It is everywhere now,” Jason said. “It's kind of disgusting when you start to look at it from the outside in.”


One of the better pieces published on gambling addiction that I have seen.

It is possible that the form of addiction described here is a hybrid addiction. Its a cross between gambling addiction and internet addiction. With mobile phones being an enabler.

Reading some of the quotations I actually started to feel sorry for some of these people. Usually I consider gambling addiction to be a lower priority than substance abuse. But knowing how easy and convenient the internet makes things. It has to be an extremely difficult temptation for those suffering gambling addiction to resist.

Treatment for these types of addictions would also be difficult. If only due to the necessity of owning and carrying a phone in this day and age.

What can be done for these types of addicts? Even if they had no phones. There are still so many enablers around in the form of free WIFI and internet cafes.

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: masulum on September 08, 2022, 05:07:59 PM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble. From here, then many people are looking for online gambling, until finally getting used to it. This means, games (non-gambling) with a gambling-like interface also have an influence on the desire to start gambling. The terrible thing is, many 10+ yo children also play games with this gambling interface. This is considered normal by their parents because they are thinking its not a gambling, but mostly from this app have a high possibility of the child being addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: avikz on September 08, 2022, 06:07:06 PM
With the access to the faster internet service and high end mobile phone, it was expected! Gambling addiction was always a problem but with the easy access of various online platforms, it is becoming even more evident nowadays. It is also becoming difficult to catch problem gamblers early on as we just need a mobile phone to gamble.

It is indeed a problem in many countries. Online gambling platforms are restricted by the local law so even young people are getting addicted to such things.

I believe medical attention is needed but moreover an internet surveillance system is needed just the way people have in China. Otherwise, their penetration will just keep on increasing.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: dothebeats on September 08, 2022, 06:36:25 PM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: OgNasty on September 08, 2022, 06:41:05 PM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.

I think this falls under the category of a fool and their money are quickly parted...  Obviously whenever there's a chance you can win a ridiculous sum of money, someone out there is losing it.  Gambling is a good example of that.  A lot of people have to lose a lot of money in order for the casino and all of it's employees to make money.  It's the gamblers that pay for it all with the hope that they're the exception.  I honestly think sports betting is the only fair way to gamble and even then, the odds are setup so the house never loses.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: darkangel11 on September 08, 2022, 07:22:50 PM
I feel like it's nothing but an excuse.

Addicted gamblers feel like having access via phone makes them more addicted but there's no difference between that and accessing a casino from a stationary PC or a laptop. Both are easy to turn on and having it with you all the time doesn't change anything. I for one can't see a difference between losing your money playing 4 hours a day than losing it playing for 12 hours. A loss is still a loss and you'd have it anyway if you're addicted.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: yahoo62278 on September 08, 2022, 07:30:09 PM
Gambling addiction has been around since the beginning of time. Doesn't matter if you can now do it on your phone or not. People are just stupid, there's no other way to say it. People are addicted to drugs, gambling, sex, shopping, or damn near anything and all can lead you down the path to ruin or suicide.

They have hotlines and/or people you can talk to, but most choose not to get help. It's sad, but it is a well known disease. If you know someone who needs help, step up and help them. Don't wait for them to help themselves.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: decodx on September 08, 2022, 07:34:29 PM
I think it's safe to say that as technology advances and becomes more prevalent, we have seen both positive and negative effects; as with anything. As a result, gamblers will be able to gamble in ways they may not have been able to in the past. The internet has largely done away with the need for physical locations to gamble, for example. In fact, a lot of people who would have never even considered gambling ten years ago can now do so from anywhere, and with any device they want. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it does make it much easier for someone with gambling problems to fall back into their destructive habits. Sadly, it is a reality for many compulsive gamblers. On the other hand, however, those safeguards that were put in place may not always be enough to prevent problem gambling.

With that being said, it's important to be aware of the negative impacts gambling can have on your life, regardless of the platform, but it's also important to remember that gambling is a form of entertainment and it should be enjoyed responsibly. It all comes back to self-control and it's up to you to make sure that gambling doesn't negatively affect other areas of your life. Some of us may have an easier time saying "no" than others, but if you feel like it's starting to become problematic, then chances are you need to take steps toward eliminating that problem. If you think it could be affecting your life in a negative way, like your relationships, your career or finances, then it's time to take some steps toward limiting or stopping altogether.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Oshosondy on September 08, 2022, 07:36:02 PM
People today can find it easy to gamble, all can be done on mobile phone that can last for long before charge. Smart phone is with someone at night, during the day, when going somewhere, it is always with the owner. The internet is available and subscription is getting cheaper day by day. Gambling ads not restricted by many countries, just like my country, you will see celebrities advertising gambling sites, only few countries have law against that.

The best we can do today is to educate ourselves, our children and family about gambling, educating ourselves the reason we should not see it as a means of making money, which is where the greed can start from. We have to control gambling and not get addicted at all. People should know that gambling is not a way of making money, instead, it can take than give. Gambling should just be seen as fun and nothing more than that. This way, people will not see it s a problem, or becoming a problem.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Doan9269 on September 08, 2022, 07:39:26 PM
The intent for having mobile version for online gambling is for good and not to ruine lives but it's the gamblers that take that as a yardstick to manifest various wrongs in it, just as there have been abuse on every settings where man is involved, mobile version should be an easily accessible medium through which one can have access to gamble regardless of location at our conveniences and I think this should be encouraged rather than being discouraged.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fortify on September 08, 2022, 07:43:55 PM
With the access to the faster internet service and high end mobile phone, it was expected! Gambling addiction was always a problem but with the easy access of various online platforms, it is becoming even more evident nowadays. It is also becoming difficult to catch problem gamblers early on as we just need a mobile phone to gamble.

It is indeed a problem in many countries. Online gambling platforms are restricted by the local law so even young people are getting addicted to such things.

I believe medical attention is needed but moreover an internet surveillance system is needed just the way people have in China. Otherwise, their penetration will just keep on increasing.

With everyone having access to a smart phone these days, it does seem like the problem is at it's peak right now - hard to break any further into this saturated market. In reality, if someone is aware they have a problem then - at least when it comes to phone apps - it is relatively easy to quit compared to other addictions like chemical drug dependency or financial blackholes caused by gambling. The answer is to just re-evaluate and probably uninstall these games because that is really the only way to break free. They can be highly addictive, possibly the worst ones are the type that have lots of social integration because if you've built up a network of gaming buddies it can be hard to get out of that loop, but you may still need to step away.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: skarais on September 08, 2022, 07:48:53 PM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble.
Have you ever tried it? Lol
Yes, it is a sad fact when our country does not legalize any form of gambling. But who will prevent that from happening because of technological developments, it must be difficult even though the government has blocked hundreds to thousands of sites.

From here, then many people are looking for online gambling, until finally getting used to it. This means, games (non-gambling) with a gambling-like interface also have an influence on the desire to start gambling. The terrible thing is, many 10+ yo children also play games with this gambling interface. This is considered normal by their parents because they are thinking its not a gambling, but mostly from this app have a high possibility of the child being addicted to gambling.
I can say that the game has come under fire now and anyone caught will be punished and fined. I know it is not the fault of the players that make it gamble, but the fault of the government not controlling the game that can lead to gambling at the level of school age children. But who would have thought, the game will not be removed from the playstore and has not been banned until now.

I don't regret adults getting involved in gambling but when it comes to being touched by children then I think precautions should be taken especially as long as gambling is forbidden in this country.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: _act_ on September 08, 2022, 07:52:45 PM
In reality, if someone is aware they have a problem then - at least when it comes to phone apps - it is relatively easy to quit compared to other addictions like chemical drug dependency or financial blackholes caused by gambling. The answer is to just re-evaluate and probably uninstall these games because that is really the only way to break free.
It can be easily said that deleting the app should not be hard, but know that an addict is an addict, even without the app, addicts will go through the web. The gambling sites I am using are even not through the app, I prefer most of the time to just go through the web, especially if I see no much difference in accessing the site if both app and web are compared.

Also gambling addiction is very hard to quite, once someone is addicted, the problem begins. It is very hard for gambling addicts to quit unless something terrible which is financial losses through the gambling happened to the person in a way he knows that his family may be disappointed.

People should always avoid chasing money with gambling is all I can say, gambling with just little amount of money is enough.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: arimamib on September 08, 2022, 07:55:03 PM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble. From here, then many people are looking for online gambling, until finally getting used to it. This means, games (non-gambling) with a gambling-like interface also have an influence on the desire to start gambling. The terrible thing is, many 10+ yo children also play games with this gambling interface. This is considered normal by their parents because they are thinking its not a gambling, but mostly from this app have a high possibility of the child being addicted to gambling.
Mobile phones have become an inseparable part of humans, now almost every individual has a cellphone in his pocket. Most parents also give cellphones to their children for various reasons, they never limit their children to the games they play. There are times when children aged 10+ play regular games, but because they are addicted they switch to online gambling.
Gambling addiction in children aged 10+ can be avoided as long parent do restrict their children from holding cellphone. Wise parents will manage time management in children, study time, play time and rest time. If parental supervision of children can be tightened, it is very unlikely that children will become addicted to online gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: serjent05 on September 08, 2022, 08:08:38 PM
It is really a tough challenge to solve this kind of addiction.  Imagine, a person that has 24 hours access to gambling games, it would be very difficult to treat the person being a gambling addict when the temptation is in the palm of their hand.  I agree that treatment facilities should be located in a remote areas where an internet connection isn't available.  One of the first steps in treating gambling addiction is to make a person unable to engage in a gambling activity until he regained full control of himself.  Relapses may happen when he comes back to the city but I think that depends on how well the treatment is.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Google+ on September 08, 2022, 08:18:55 PM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble.
Have you ever tried it? Lol
Yes, it is a sad fact when our country does not legalize any form of gambling. But who will prevent that from happening because of technological developments, it must be difficult even though the government has blocked hundreds to thousands of sites.

From here, then many people are looking for online gambling, until finally getting used to it. This means, games (non-gambling) with a gambling-like interface also have an influence on the desire to start gambling. The terrible thing is, many 10+ yo children also play games with this gambling interface. This is considered normal by their parents because they are thinking its not a gambling, but mostly from this app have a high possibility of the child being addicted to gambling.
I can say that the game has come under fire now and anyone caught will be punished and fined. I know it is not the fault of the players that make it gamble, but the fault of the government not controlling the game that can lead to gambling at the level of school age children. But who would have thought, the game will not be removed from the playstore and has not been banned until now.

I don't regret adults getting involved in gambling but when it comes to being touched by children then I think precautions should be taken especially as long as gambling is forbidden in this country.
Yes we must act when we see minors gambling. advise them well and give a strong reason that gambling activities can harm yourself. Indeed as long as there is a small screen in the pocket then that is the beginning of a person's addiction to gambling and this is caused by the environment and other factors. the government and parents must protect their children from being curious about online gambling which is easy to do via smart phones. In my place, it can be said that the average gambling player has entered the age of 35 years and over and I rarely see minors playing gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: famososMuertos on September 08, 2022, 08:26:33 PM
There is an application called Family Link, I recommend it especially for those who have small children, especially between 8 and 16 years old, you can control everything, literally everything and it offers you usage statistics.

Someone who has that type of problem can use that App, but it is obviously only limited to that phone but at least it is something that can help you control your habits and show in the statistics that you are suffering from a problem.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: passwordnow on September 08, 2022, 09:00:35 PM
Do not forget that there's also mobile games addiction which also covers this problem. The solution that I can think of is to confiscate the phones of these people and have them explore outside their homes. Like going on a nature trip for them to have themselves relax and be out of the radiation that they're taking through their phones. It's not just going to implicate mental health but as well as a physical problem like implication in the eyes if the gambler has been holding his phone for so long and as well as looking at its screen doing his bets.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Zackgeno96 on September 08, 2022, 09:02:49 PM
If people like to gamble, it is always their own responsibility. No one is forcing them to gamble. I understand that for many it revolves around an addiction, but visitors have to face that for themselves and try to tackle their addiction. It is an addiction that is difficult to get rid of, but there are a lot of people who go through a deep valley after losing a huge amount of money. You even have gamblers who are clean for a while and then relapse again. That is part of life. I think you have to accept that and look for fellow sufferers who also struggle with such an addiction and try to resolve the situation together.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: BitcoinPanther on September 08, 2022, 09:06:56 PM
Addiction is every where so I do not think that this mobile gambling is any difference with the existing addiction.  Yes it may easily speed up a person's gambling addiction but as far as I believe, it isn't the mobile or the internet faults why people are getting addicted to gambling but it is the person's decision of letting himself got addicted to gambling.  Same goes with internet addiction, gaming addiction and any form of addiction.  It only needs personal discipline to beat all these kinds of addiction.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: cryptomaniac_xxx on September 08, 2022, 09:10:17 PM
I guess this is one negative aspects of technology, and now we understand why Bill Gates or Steve Jobs doesn't want this children near a phone or Ipad because of the bad side of it.

So it's really hard to control this kind of addiction specially that 20 something year old is involved because they are well adapt to the evolving technologies of mobile phone. And then operations see another way to promote their platforms so they created a mobile version wherein it is accessible 25x7 anytime this gamblers want.

I don't know, get their phones and destroy it?

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: coolcoinz on September 08, 2022, 09:25:28 PM
It's a joke if you ask me.

Please show me the difference between a gambler who sits in a casino all day, a gambler who plays on his computer all day and a gambler who plays on his phone all day. The action is the same, the time spent is the same, money wagered is the same. Each of them will say that it's easy for them to gamble and each will blame the place where they lose money. One will blame the physical casino, the others the online casinos. If they had access to a virtual reality casino, they'd blame that and said it's all because of easy access and immersion.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Taskford on September 08, 2022, 09:27:33 PM
As the modern technology evolves the business sectors also adopt and this is one of big consequences brought up by that and if a person cannot control his self towards the entertainments they see online then most provably they are prone to anything huge risk on the internet. For people understand more things about modern technology I think much better if the government will hold a educational campaigns towards many risk we can see on the internet. I see some of it on mainstream media but they need to be consistent to have this ads so that people will not forget about what things they need to avoid.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Saint-loup on September 08, 2022, 09:58:12 PM
It's a joke if you ask me.

Please show me the difference between a gambler who sits in a casino all day, a gambler who plays on his computer all day and a gambler who plays on his phone all day. The action is the same, the time spent is the same, money wagered is the same. Each of them will say that it's easy for them to gamble and each will blame the place where they lose money. One will blame the physical casino, the others the online casinos. If they had access to a virtual reality casino, they'd blame that and said it's all because of easy access and immersion.
Yes you're right but when you go to a land based casino you meet other people, who are real, so you can't hide your addiction, they see you and you are aware of it. But on a computer or a mobile phone nobody sees your addiction, even his wife and his kids in the testimony of the article didn't realize how addict he was becoming. Then you are not ashamed in front of anyone for having those compulsive habits, if you hide it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Yogee on September 08, 2022, 10:09:45 PM
Please show me the difference between a gambler who sits in a casino all day, a gambler who plays on his computer all day and a gambler who plays on his phone all day. The action is the same, the time spent is the same, money wagered is the same.
One major difference is the time spent to gamble. Those who play at the comfort of their home can use the travel time going to a physical casino. Jason described this "travel time" as a non-gambling activity. I guess he could use that added playing time to spin a hundred or more on slots and bet more money.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: PX-Z on September 08, 2022, 10:16:06 PM
The terrible thing is, many 10+ yo children also play games with this gambling interface. This is considered normal by their parents because they are thinking its not a gambling, but mostly from this app have a high possibility of the child being addicted to gambling.
That's terrible parenting as well, parents shouldn't let their child install any apps that they don't actually know or they never tried first. Or just don't let the child use any phones without approval and without their surveillance.

As the modern technology evolves the business sectors also adopt and this is one of big consequences brought up by that and if a person cannot control his self towards the entertainments they see online then most provably they are prone to anything huge risk on the internet.
Indeed, not just only in gambling but almost everything. Physical games or activities are lesser seen to these generation because of using phones compare the old generation.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Rruchi man on September 08, 2022, 10:20:49 PM
First I would like to add clarity to the narrative of this topic which can be mistaken to mean that mobile gambling is the chief ruinner of people's life. It is important to note that prior to the rise of mobile gambling there have also been some other things on mobile phone that people have access to that could ruin their life as well.

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step.
Another treatment that can help is the possible withdrawal or refrain from using phones with internet connections for a long period of time so you could gain control and break free from the addiction of always wanting to press your phone and surf on the internet. If you stay off the internet for a long time and depend less on your phone, and engaging yourself with other physical activities that existed long before the popularity of mobile phones, you will find out that if you begin to use a phone with an internet connection again you have better control of what you do on it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: DoublerHunter on September 08, 2022, 10:26:33 PM
It's a joke if you ask me.

Please show me the difference between a gambler who sits in a casino all day, a gambler who plays on his computer all day and a gambler who plays on his phone all day. The action is the same, the time spent is the same, money wagered is the same. Each of them will say that it's easy for them to gamble and each will blame the place where they lose money. One will blame the physical casino, the others the online casinos. If they had access to a virtual reality casino, they'd blame that and said it's all because of easy access and immersion.
Yes you're right but when you go to a land based casino you meet other people, who are real, so you can't hide your addiction, they see you and you are aware of it. But on a computer or a mobile phone nobody sees your addiction, even his wife and his kids in the testimony of the article didn't realize how addict he was becoming. Then you are not ashamed in front of anyone for having those compulsive habits, if you hide it.
^That is definitely right, it is on people who gamble that cannot control themselves not the gambling. Because they are the same gambling even if it is in different places like a mobile, land games, or in an online casino. Gambling addiction has been there when there is gambling, any form of gambling addiction will be possible as long as you don't have self-control, and people must know this aspect and stop blaming casinos due to their eagerness in gambling. Everything depends on us as a gambler, causing money is usually the common cause of this case.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Doell on September 08, 2022, 10:26:37 PM
Destroying a mobile or not having internet access, will make the gambler even more crazy, if he finds someone else's mobile phone on a relative, he will definitely use it. The case above is same as the case of my friend, unfortunately until now he is sickly if he doesn't gambling. The solution for this is appeals from within the family and people around, if he is locked up in a outlying place I doubt he will live, need a long time to recover ! But it depends on how severe the addiction.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: jossiel on September 08, 2022, 10:29:02 PM
Destroying a mobile or not having internet access, will make the gambler even more crazy, if he finds someone else's mobile phone on a relative, he will definitely use it.
Yes, they're like kids that when you take their candies, they'll have their tantrums that's why it's not going to be the best solution.

An addicted gambler will find a way to gamble no matter what is the situation. Laptop, desktop, tablet or a smartphone, they will access it wherever they are at any moment they want to do it.

The case above is same as the case of my friend, unfortunately until now he is sickly if he doesn't gambling. The solution for this is appeals from within the family and people around, if he is locked up in a outlying place I doubt he will live, need a long time to recover ! But it depends on how severe the addiction.
That's an extreme case if a person doesn't gamble and he's getting sick. It's not the first time to hear it but that's really crazy.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Baofeng on September 08, 2022, 10:30:28 PM
It's a joke if you ask me.

Please show me the difference between a gambler who sits in a casino all day, a gambler who plays on his computer all day and a gambler who plays on his phone all day. The action is the same, the time spent is the same, money wagered is the same. Each of them will say that it's easy for them to gamble and each will blame the place where they lose money. One will blame the physical casino, the others the online casinos. If they had access to a virtual reality casino, they'd blame that and said it's all because of easy access and immersion.

I agree with your point, gambling addiction is the same. But the point is that it is readily accessible to anyone with just a mobile phone and internet connection. Young generations might be intimidated to go to a landbased casinos because security will have to ask them ids and if they are age appropriate. Unlike in online casinos' again mobile phone + wifi then they can register start as like as to just pass the time and then became addicted to it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: South Park on September 08, 2022, 10:34:27 PM

What can be done for these types of addicts? Even if they had no phones. There are still so many enablers around in the form of free WIFI and internet cafes.

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.

Behavioral addictions are incredibly difficult to treat, when it comes to those which are addicted to a substance at first they need to find a source that can supply them what they want, then they need to go there and buy it and finally consume it, so there are a few more extra steps which makes it more difficult to maintain such an addiction, but now that gambling is everywhere and if we take into consideration that it is almost impossible to live your life without a smart phone or a computer then such addictions are becoming even more difficult to treat, because the temptation to gamble is always going to be there and only those which are completely convinced about leaving their gambling days behind will be able to avoid gambling completely, while those that still have some desire to do so will eventually relapse.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: livingfree on September 08, 2022, 11:15:23 PM
I agree with your point, gambling addiction is the same. But the point is that it is readily accessible to anyone with just a mobile phone and internet connection. Young generations might be intimidated to go to a landbased casinos because security will have to ask them ids and if they are age appropriate. Unlike in online casinos' again mobile phone + wifi then they can register start as like as to just pass the time and then became addicted to it.
True. It's an ease for gamblers these days and this impacts in having more addicted ones. The accessibility through gadgets and internet access will make more addicted gamblers and that's the reality.

And sometimes, we're having that lazy times and we don't want to go elsewhere because we can sit or lie in the bed all day long holding our phones or any gadgets and freely access casinos with easy deposits.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: harizen on September 08, 2022, 11:43:42 PM
What can be done for these types of addicts? Even if they had no phones. There are still so many enablers around in the form of free WIFI and internet cafes.

There are addicted gamblers that are still responsible outside gambling as far as I know.

Depending on the level of addiction, I think there's no need to be done if they seem responsible for other things.

If things are getting worst, the usual gambling treatment should take place. No need for these people to be treated in rehabilitation centers as a priority treatment but having a nice talk with the family or friends should be a good start.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: coin-investor on September 09, 2022, 12:01:43 AM

It is possible that the form of addiction described here is a hybrid addiction. Its a cross between gambling addiction and internet addiction. With mobile phones being an enabler.

We are living in a new era, an era where we lived our dreams and fantasy in an unreal world, gambling, gaming, and the internet are venues to live our fantasies, and struggles and get rewards that we have a hard time obtaining in the real world.

Reading some of the quotations I actually started to feel sorry for some of these people. Usually I consider gambling addiction to be a lower priority than substance abuse. But knowing how easy and convenient the internet makes things. It has to be an extremely difficult temptation for those suffering gambling addiction to resist.
It is and it's easy to find these people but it's hard to cure them because the temptation is around them and it's completely legal, the government and companies are making billions out of people's behavior, and the government even encourage it because it sustains their coffers.

Treatment for these types of addictions would also be difficult. If only due to the necessity of owning and carrying a phone in this day and age.
Responsible people are now shifting to '90s phones like old Nokia to get them out of the system, the android apps are making it hard for people to resist these temptations

What can be done for these types of addicts? Even if they had no phones. There are still so many enablers around in the form of free WIFI and internet cafes.
Only an intervention from a psychologist and family can change that behavior there is still hope, for this kind of addiction, it's not really hopeless.

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.

It's possible but it should be more than that, they need a new behavior and a new mindset to replace the old one to stop the triggers on activating the old ones.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Tumanggor on September 09, 2022, 12:38:05 AM
the article is very good and it's true that it's very difficult to cure those who just get addicted to gambling on smartphones

the sophistication of smartphones has made humans dependent on it, it is even said that we will not be able to live a day without a smartphone at this time, so it is necessary for each person's policy to manage their activities on a smartphone

Gambling if it reaches the stage of addicting then it will be dangerous for social life

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: nullama on September 09, 2022, 12:42:01 AM
It's a hard line to draw.

Personal responsibility is always there, and everyone decides what to do with their life.

And on the other hand you also have the business interest of putting themselves as conveniently as possible to a vast majority of people, in their phones.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to block businesses, instead it would be better that we think how to stop looking at our phones so often.

It's not only gambling, people staring at their phones, like zombies, swiping away their lives is really a problem.

Also the attention span of people has decreased substantially after smartphones became popular.

Phones are an incredible tool, but we need to use them more wisely.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Wexnident on September 09, 2022, 01:06:35 AM
What can be done for these types of addicts? Even if they had no phones. There are still so many enablers around in the form of free WIFI and internet cafes.
Remove the internet I think it'd become personal responsibility at some point? The rapid progress of the internet basically gave access to the problem the article indicates, so people's responsibility with what they should do should also adjust based on that (since I don't think companies would actually do something, they'd only put up a face imo). It's like we're at a transition so people don't exactly know what problems it could bring, but maybe in the near future, there are going to be simple solutions to it.

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.
Why I think it should start at a young age. It isn't that apparent right now but once the next few generations grow up, people would be able to see the effects, both positive and negative ones.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Darker45 on September 09, 2022, 01:30:38 AM
I agree that this combination of gambling and mobile internet is deadly, making gamblers easily lose their control and get addicted. The full access to gambling 24/7 at the comfort of your office, car, or home or couch or bed or restroom is really posing so much danger not just to adult gamblers but also to young minors.

I have a first-hand experience of how mobile gambling could lead even a kid into the brink of addiction. A neighbor who is a minor and who doesn't even have a smart phone was so hooked on online cockfighting that he had to wake up at dawn, go to a friend's house nearby, and borrow his phone to place bets.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: electronicash on September 09, 2022, 01:38:41 AM

gamblers were already struggling to stop themselves from gambling in the traditional casinos,  the more it will be a struggle when all a gambler will do is just sit down and open his phone. there could be a lot of gamblers right now that has this problem.

within my street alone, i have seen housewives playing a casino game (Pusoy Dos) that will make them earn real money. they are addicted to it. what they would do to the real money is probably gamble as well when addiction strikes.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Dave1 on September 09, 2022, 02:03:40 AM
Destroying a mobile or not having internet access, will make the gambler even more crazy, if he finds someone else's mobile phone on a relative, he will definitely use it. The case above is same as the case of my friend, unfortunately until now he is sickly if he doesn't gambling. The solution for this is appeals from within the family and people around, if he is locked up in a outlying place I doubt he will live, need a long time to recover ! But it depends on how severe the addiction.

But I think that is a good place to start, withdrawal, without any phone besides you because it's the thing that tick your addiction. And again, it's the mindset of the individual, if he wanted to stop his addiction then the person will distant himself to any phone around him. I think it's not just the addiction that needs to be tackle here, but the easy access of any casino's and gambling around with just a touch of your mobile phones.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: aioc on September 09, 2022, 02:28:17 AM
Destroying a mobile or not having internet access, will make the gambler even more crazy, if he finds someone else's mobile phone on a relative, he will definitely use it. The case above is same as the case of my friend, unfortunately until now he is sickly if he doesn't gambling. The solution for this is appeals from within the family and people around, if he is locked up in a outlying place I doubt he will live, need a long time to recover ! But it depends on how severe the addiction.

But I think that is a good place to start, withdrawal, without any phone besides you because it's the thing that tick your addiction. And again, it's the mindset of the individual, if he wanted to stop his addiction then the person will distant himself to any phone around him. I think it's not just the addiction that needs to be tackle here, but the easy access of any casino's and gambling around with just a touch of your mobile phones.

Avoidance will not help, it's temporary and misleading when it comes to addiction you have to face it and cure it and not avoid it because it will trigger once presented by things that will trigger your addiction, closing your eyes when the problem is facing you is not a solution you have to deal with it, face it, confronts it and win against it, and how to win it? By placing your faith and hope in people who can help you like your family friends and institutions to help addiction.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: btc78 on September 09, 2022, 03:28:21 AM
though the point is the same and the gambler can play same time long like in casino , or in computer or in Cell phone  yet the thing is that accessibility , it is more easier to deal and play using phone that using a computer that you cannot do while you are in Bus stop , playing in casino house when you are having lack of time traveling .
while in Mobile phone we can do it any time even when Pooping inside our comfort room.
so yes I agree with the title that it is more addicting and dealing in mobile phone than in casino house or  computer gaming.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Zlantann on September 09, 2022, 04:26:41 AM
though the point is the same and the gambler can play same time long like in casino , or in computer or in Cell phone  yet the thing is that accessibility , it is more easier to deal and play using phone that using a computer that you cannot do while you are in Bus stop , playing in casino house when you are having lack of time traveling .
while in Mobile phone we can do it any time even when Pooping inside our comfort room.
so yes I agree with the title that it is more addicting and dealing in mobile phone than in casino house or  computer gaming.
Curbing or controlling mobile gambling would be a very difficult task because you cannot separate people from their phones. These days’ people are so connected to their phones that they keep using them even while walking on busy roads. Although some people benefit from these mobile gambling and the government makes a lot of money from taxes, but this type of addiction is really on the increase. Hence, the government should ensure that the underaged population is protected from these compelling and attractive gambling adverts because they are the most affected.

More research needs to be done in this area to certain the root cause of this form of addiction and workable solutions should be identified and applied. Isolating addicts might be potent only if the gambler has the willpower to resist gambling after rehabilitation. This is because gambling triggers are everywhere around our communities.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: davis196 on September 09, 2022, 06:48:06 AM
I have always thought that online gambling via a smartphone isn't as convenient as online gambling via your laptop.
I guess that things are changing are the online casinos are becoming more mobile friendly and more convenient than before.
I've never gambled on my Android device. It's kinda hard for me to concentrate on the game.
Anyway, this seems like a big problem and the only solution seems to be banning all online casinos from access via mobile devices.
I'm not sure how this can be implemented and how the casinos will be legally forced to abide by such rules.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: _act_ on September 09, 2022, 07:05:12 AM
But I think that is a good place to start, withdrawal, without any phone besides you because it's the thing that tick your addiction. And again, it's the mindset of the individual, if he wanted to stop his addiction then the person will distant himself to any phone around him. I think it's not just the addiction that needs to be tackle here, but the easy access of any casino's and gambling around with just a touch of your mobile phones.
In today's world, even kids are using mobile phones, people are depending more on phones today as it makes life easier. You will want to call, brosw the internet for many reasons etc. You can not just do away with phone because of gambling, there should be other means in a way you can use your phone but not gamble again for a while to avoid addiction. Addiction is not good, but phones can not be avoided, it it not possible in today's world. Avoiding addiction effectively would come from the mind.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: traderethereum on September 09, 2022, 07:18:30 AM
Destroying a mobile or not having internet access, will make the gambler even more crazy, if he finds someone else's mobile phone on a relative, he will definitely use it. The case above is same as the case of my friend, unfortunately until now he is sickly if he doesn't gambling. The solution for this is appeals from within the family and people around, if he is locked up in a outlying place I doubt he will live, need a long time to recover ! But it depends on how severe the addiction.

But I think that is a good place to start, withdrawal, without any phone besides you because it's the thing that tick your addiction. And again, it's the mindset of the individual, if he wanted to stop his addiction then the person will distant himself to any phone around him. I think it's not just the addiction that needs to be tackle here, but the easy access of any casino's and gambling around with just a touch of your mobile phones.
Changing the mindset of individuals affected by gambling addiction is very necessary but I don't think it will be in his mind because once he feels addicted, it will be very hard to leave.
He needs help from the people around him and if cell phones are something he is addicted to, he should be kept from using them until he successfully cures his addiction.
Confining him in a secluded place was not a good solution because of how he could survive there, especially if he were used to all the things he had already experienced.
People who use cellphones should think about not gambling through their cellphones because it can result in them getting addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Davidvictorson on September 09, 2022, 07:18:46 AM
I beg to differ. The rise of mobile gambling isn't leaving people ruined and unable to quit, it is a lack of discipline. A lack of self-control that's leaving people ruined. Did you realize that there are just as many mobile apps to prevent or ban access to gambling websites as there are mobile apps themselves? Think about it. And even more to prevent addiction (although I doubt they are successful).

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: nullama on September 09, 2022, 07:50:51 AM
I beg to differ. The rise of mobile gambling isn't leaving people ruined and unable to quit, it is a lack of discipline. A lack of self-control that's leaving people ruined. Did you realize that there are just as many mobile apps to prevent or ban access to gambling websites as there are mobile apps themselves? Think about it. And even more to prevent addiction (although I doubt they are successful).

You're absolutely right, but also these apps are designed to be as addictive as possible.

At the end of the day of course it's the responsibility of every individual, but society also should be around to help and guide them. You could compare this with drugs. Why bother making some drugs illegal when every individual should be able to control themselves?. Yes, it's their responsibility, but some guidelines at least from society are helpful.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Adbitco on September 09, 2022, 07:51:05 AM
It could be amended and adjusted being addicted with his mobile phone is another bigger problems as a gambler. One thing for sure a gambler should do is not to give full attention to gambling otherwise their lives would turn upside down. Sometimes mobile gambling ease your time by going to road side to gamble nd therefore reduces over crowd most especially after covid and as a means of distancing from being affected.

Lastly he should learn to control his hunger and taste for gambling, the mentality of blow one day making him lose focused.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: arwin100 on September 09, 2022, 08:49:03 AM
I beg to differ. The rise of mobile gambling isn't leaving people ruined and unable to quit, it is a lack of discipline. A lack of self-control that's leaving people ruined. Did you realize that there are just as many mobile apps to prevent or ban access to gambling websites as there are mobile apps themselves? Think about it. And even more to prevent addiction (although I doubt they are successful).

The industry is rising due to modern technology and I also believe that this is not the main reason why there's people get ruined but I don't think they cannot quit since there are provability that lacking of money will be one of the factor they quit. Discipline is the main factor for us not to get addicted on what we currently do, but if the person doesn't have this because they think that high risk, high reward then they are prone to be ruined by this.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: bitzizzix on September 09, 2022, 10:05:37 AM
In an era that is increasingly made easier by the existence of electronic devices and social media, of course, many new technologies have emerged, including online gambling that can be played using a smartphone, laptop or PC with very easy internet access. Because it can be played anywhere and is also very relaxing.
and in my opinion, those who play it because some have a gambling mentality, and some are addicted at first, some don't know what to do but over time they like it.
It's hard to avoid because our lives are not far from our cell phones and as long as there are apps or online gambling sites they will continue to play them, unless they realize that by deleting everything or improving their game, they are more disciplined and able to control themselves and also use cold money . I think it will avoid addiction and aim to play just for fun.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Gozie51 on September 09, 2022, 12:18:55 PM
It could be amended and adjusted being addicted with his mobile phone is another bigger problems as a gambler.

Online gambling is one of the new ways to gamble and it is very easy because of the ease to do it but it is more tempting that you could empty your account before you know it. The emotion is always rising and you want to keep betting to regain your loses. I was gambling online through the phone and I realize this was really more tempting to play more than offline. You can find yourself playing unnecessary gambling because you have your apps ready to play always, this is difficult to control more than of line.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ultrloa on September 09, 2022, 12:34:25 PM
It could be amended and adjusted being addicted with his mobile phone is another bigger problems as a gambler.

Online gambling is one of the new ways to gamble and it is very easy because of the ease to do it but it is more tempting that you could empty your account before you know it. The emotion is always rising and you want to keep betting to regain your loses. I was gambling online through the phone and I realize this was really more tempting to play more than offline. You can find yourself playing unnecessary gambling because you have your apps ready to play always, this is difficult to control more than of line.

That's what they owner want their costumers feel since total satisfaction can make convince people to go back playing at them since they usually urge people to feel it was entertaining and quite profitable. This is why some of them use paid streamers since they want to create a scenario which people think that gambling is really fun and it can make them rich because for them to spend more then gain more money from those their costumers.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on September 09, 2022, 01:25:37 PM
Do people want to stop paying attention to their phones these days, let alone stop gambling on them? The device itself is addictive, let alone the apps in it that gives one much pleasure to remain glued.  Gambling on a mobile device is almost like a hobby for some as it saves them the drama of being with persons who neither add value nor have great money-making ideas.
Unless one cannot make anything good from it, quitting is often just a diversion of attention.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Saisher on September 09, 2022, 01:57:11 PM

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.

Sounds like a good idea but it's not, one of the steps of recovery is facing your fear and facing what controls you, deprivation will not work along the way, there should be a replacement for what triggers the urge to gamble, you don't just switch it off, you have to work on a replacement and that replacement should be strong enough to hold and withstand the old habit, so in reality absent of the internet will not cure it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Apocollapse on September 09, 2022, 02:22:06 PM
Internet connection and cell phones are created to help human activities to become more easy, it's the fault from the users if they're got addicted because they're lack of self control and time management. Removing internet connection or don't allow them to touch cell phones aren't a solution, it just like a temporary solution. The best solution is find a doctor or professional to take care them about addiction, different person will have a different treatment.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Gozie51 on September 09, 2022, 03:03:53 PM
Internet connection and cell phones are created to help human activities to become more easy, it's the fault from the users if they're got addicted because they're lack of self control and time management. Removing internet connection or don't allow them to touch cell phones aren't a solution, it just like a temporary solution. The best solution is find a doctor or professional to take care them about addiction, different person will have a different treatment.

What seem as a disadvantage is also advantage to others. It is looking like internet is pushing people more into gambling because they are losing. Just as they say failure doesn't have followers but some people are also happy that it is now easier to make money. For those that are profiting from online gambling it is a welcome innovation to help humanity.

Addiction may not be controlled from a doctor. The person that is addicted will have to have a reasonable zeal to come out from addiction before the advise from professional can be effective.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: D ltr on September 09, 2022, 03:41:18 PM
many 10+ yo children also play games with this gambling interface. This is considered normal by their parents because they are thinking its not a gambling, but mostly from this app have a high possibility of the child being addicted to gambling.

It's a shame for the children of this generation, so what will happen if they continue to play. and it's true what you said will definitely be addicted to gambling from an early age, here needs extra supervision from parents with what they install applications, but I do not deny that children are now smarter than their parents who did not have internet, even if there is only for the upper middle class,

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: virasisog on September 09, 2022, 03:43:34 PM
Mobile gambling offers lots of false hope for gamblers which actually leads to greed and ends up in gambling addiction. In the end, the gambling site benefited but the gambler was damaged financially and emotionally. In a world where temptation could not only be around but also on our mobile phones, we should be wise and know how to control and put limits on everything. We should be firm in facing temptations bravely and we shouldn't let our emotions take the lead.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Doell on September 09, 2022, 03:59:04 PM
Destroying a mobile or not having internet access, will make the gambler even more crazy, if he finds someone else's mobile phone on a relative, he will definitely use it. The case above is same as the case of my friend, unfortunately until now he is sickly if he doesn't gambling. The solution for this is appeals from within the family and people around, if he is locked up in a outlying place I doubt he will live, need a long time to recover ! But it depends on how severe the addiction.

But I think that is a good place to start, withdrawal, without any phone besides you because it's the thing that tick your addiction. And again, it's the mindset of the individual, if he wanted to stop his addiction then the person will distant himself to any phone around him. I think it's not just the addiction that needs to be tackle here, but the easy access of any casino's and gambling around with just a touch of your mobile phones.
I agree with the post aioc and traderethereum before my this post above at pages 3, the health department related to this problem such as psychologists or other doctors also does not recommend staying away from mobile phones. This is not dangerous at all, but is dangerous on mindset of addict's, so at the very exactly point of post traderethereum, an addicted person will be very "difficult to leave" that's right. Addicts have to fight back with it and the solution to this is family and care.
Indeed undeniable about the easy access to gambling, because we live in a very new world, the grow of the era is increasingly sophisticated, but we must control is our mindset from feel carnality.
btw it's not me who's addicted, but it is my friend.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: goldkingcoiner on September 09, 2022, 04:05:08 PM
Mobile gambling is really too convenient. I agree on that part. The easy accessibility is a problem because it really paves the road to a quick addiction. Its not really the same thing as physical gambling or even gambling on your desktop computer / laptop because its a completely different experience, so there is no point in comparing the different kinds of gambling.

This is obviously a new type of gambling addiction and probably needs a lot of new kinds of regulation laws to keep kids and endangered individuals like already known gambling addicts away from it.

Since its still in its early stages as any new tech, we will see a "wild west" and during that period a lot of people are going to suffer damage from it. Maybe the best thing to do right now is find a way to minimize the fallout?

I would maybe say that special licenses should be required and should only be given to online gambling businesses that have already proven to be responsible.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: qwertyup23 on September 09, 2022, 04:32:21 PM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.

Given that the pandemic boosted at least almost all mobile outlets, this is a natural occurrence that mobile games have encountered. With this in mind, mobile gambling has become some sort of an addiction that everyone is potentially addicted to. Unfortunately, mobile gambling is more prone to addiction due to its convenience and availability, compared to physical casinos.

In all honesty, the barriers that one can encounter in playing mobile gambling games is nothing. In fact, some streamers even advertise the use of such which attracts the younger generation into this addiction.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: masulum on September 09, 2022, 05:04:23 PM
Have you ever tried it? Lol

Yes, I tried it. Games that are said to be not for gambling, but games are similar to "Funky Games" in online gambling. and uninstalled it after few days using it.  :D

That's terrible parenting as well, parents shouldn't let their child install any apps that they don't actually know or they never tried first. Or just don't let the child use any phones without approval and without their surveillance.

It's a shame for the children of this generation, so what will happen if they continue to play. and it's true what you said will definitely be addicted to gambling from an early age, here needs extra supervision from parents with what they install applications, but I do not deny that children are now smarter than their parents who did not have internet, even if there is only for the upper middle class,

You guys may need to know, most children here starting from elementary school already have their own cellphones. Their parents let whatever they play as long as their child is not out of the house. Most parents do not pay attention to the games being played and for some parents, they aren't asking what the kind of the game, so they are out of control and do not understand if the game is similar with gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ralle14 on September 09, 2022, 05:42:22 PM
What can be done for these types of addicts?
These addicts need to step up and help themselves, they have to take the initiative since we know that casinos and other organizations are willing to help as long as they are willing to approach them. I think what you mentioned is a good example, providing different solutions is one of the best way to handle their addiction since no matter how much help we provide it still depends on their awareness and how determined they are to help themselves.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: coolcoinz on September 09, 2022, 06:01:28 PM
Please show me the difference between a gambler who sits in a casino all day, a gambler who plays on his computer all day and a gambler who plays on his phone all day. The action is the same, the time spent is the same, money wagered is the same.
One major difference is the time spent to gamble. Those who play at the comfort of their home can use the travel time going to a physical casino. Jason described this "travel time" as a non-gambling activity. I guess he could use that added playing time to spin a hundred or more on slots and bet more money.

That would be true only if a gambler had such a large amount of money that they could play all day. Most of us do not.
Does it really matter if you gamble for 6 hours and make hundreds of rolls or spins, or you gamble for 12 hours because you're at home and can keep going? In my case when I have money and decide to play everything is over in 1 hour. I either win or lose in that short time. You can technically gamble all day if you keep a few cents each time, but who does that?

Yes you're right but when you go to a land based casino you meet other people, who are real, so you can't hide your addiction, they see you and you are aware of it. But on a computer or a mobile phone nobody sees your addiction, even his wife and his kids in the testimony of the article didn't realize how addict he was becoming. Then you are not ashamed in front of anyone for having those compulsive habits, if you hide it.

Really? Would you be ashamed surrounded by people who do the same thing? Like a person who is naked isn't ashamed when they're at a nudist beach and other people are naked as well.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: lionheart78 on September 09, 2022, 06:37:03 PM
Destroying a mobile or not having internet access, will make the gambler even more crazy, if he finds someone else's mobile phone on a relative, he will definitely use it. The case above is same as the case of my friend, unfortunately until now he is sickly if he doesn't gambling. The solution for this is appeals from within the family and people around, if he is locked up in a outlying place I doubt he will live, need a long time to recover ! But it depends on how severe the addiction.

I agree, the thing with gambling addiction is that when the activity is suddenly stopped, the urge to gamble becomes greater so destroying the mobile phone of a person addicted to mobile gambling will have a negative outcome.  Some may think it will work but gambling addiction isn't just an ordinary wanting to gamble but it is an uncontrolled urge so the gambling addict may look for an alternative way to gamble by using his relative's phone or spending money to buy another phone to gamble again.  Unless the addicted person is treated in the right process, I do not think there is any other way in controlling that addicted person's urge to gamble.  It is said that consulting gambling addiction experts is the best way to treat a person with gambling addiction.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: abel1337 on September 09, 2022, 06:37:31 PM
We know that mobile gaming is now very popular because on how convenient it is plus the supported number of games that are available only on desktop is now transitioning into a mobile games. Casino won't let the opportunity pass so casino's are now playable on most smartphones. If you are a gambling addict and you are on a vacation, Mobile gambling is the way knowing that an addict that have an itch to gamble will find ways just to play and gambling on a smartphone is the most convenient and easiest way. There are problematic in their own way. Those who realize how bad their addiction can affect them should help themselves in trying to reduce their activities, They can still be stopped by doing counter measures like quitting on playing on smart phones and just stick with PC. This way, It can help them reduce their gambling activity and can possibly make them realize what can they do when they aren't doing gambling and eventually stop.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ShowOff on September 09, 2022, 06:47:30 PM
You guys may need to know, most children here starting from elementary school already have their own cellphones. Their parents let whatever they play as long as their child is not out of the house. Most parents do not pay attention to the games being played and for some parents, they aren't asking what the kind of the game, so they are out of control and do not understand if the game is similar with gambling.
Here parental control needs to be considered, especially if they understand enough how to set preferences for games that their children can download and play on their cellphones. Every parent can prevent it by setting and activating the parental control feature on their child's phone especially in playstore, at least that action can help.

But the problem is that not all parents care and are able to understand the technology. Even I can still find parents who don't use android while their kids always use it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fredomago on September 09, 2022, 06:58:59 PM
What can be done for these types of addicts?
These addicts need to step up and help themselves, they have to take the initiative since we know that casinos and other organizations are willing to help as long as they are willing to approach them. I think what you mentioned is a good example, providing different solutions is one of the best way to handle their addiction since no matter how much help we provide it still depends on their awareness and how determined they are to help themselves.

Self-will is the best solution to these types of addiction, though it's a really tough battle inside you as you already have a polluted mindset due to heavy gambling, and the arguments are valid since mobile gambling can be done in the best comfort. You can easily navigate your favorite gambling sites and play your favorite gambling games / sports bet without any problem. As long as you have good access to the internet, everything can go smoothly.

Your own decision to counter and solve this problem can be handled and help if you have your will to acknowledge your problem and to accept everything that will help you to move or quit away from gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: milewilda on September 09, 2022, 07:07:11 PM
What can be done for these types of addicts?
These addicts need to step up and help themselves, they have to take the initiative since we know that casinos and other organizations are willing to help as long as they are willing to approach them. I think what you mentioned is a good example, providing different solutions is one of the best way to handle their addiction since no matter how much help we provide it still depends on their awareness and how determined they are to help themselves.

Self-will is the best solution to these types of addiction, though it's a really tough battle inside you as you already have a polluted mindset due to heavy gambling, and the arguments are valid since mobile gambling can be done in the best comfort. You can easily navigate your favorite gambling sites and play your favorite gambling games / sports bet without any problem. As long as you have good access to the internet, everything can go smoothly.

Your own decision to counter and solve this problem can be handled and help if you have your will to acknowledge your problem and to accept everything that will help you to move or quit away from gambling.
Every decisions made in life would really be based up on self-will.We do know on whats good and bad.Honestly it isnt really that bad to gamble or making yourself involved with it because it would always falls down on how you would really make up decisions not only limited to gambling but in all things that you would be encountering.We arent that dumb on not to know on what are the consequences
if ever we do things excess in life.Despite on having fast access of mobile gambling on our phone then it wont really be automatically means that we could really be addicted and wont able to control.
You wouldnt be ruined or making your life to be a mess if you are really just sensible in regarding with your actions.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Issa56 on September 09, 2022, 07:10:56 PM
It's a joke if you ask me.

Please show me the difference between a gambler who sits in a casino all day, a gambler who plays on his computer all day and a gambler who plays on his phone all day. The action is the same, the time spent is the same, money wagered is the same.
I think their is difference, gambler can stay in a casino house all day but can't stay in casino house all night, because they will definitely close, you can gamble on your phone all day and all night, you can be at your work place and gamble at your convenience, you don't have to go to casino house before you can gamble. Maybe if you are having a job, you won't always be free to visit casino house always, but even when you are at your work place you can easily gamble just with your mobile phone and internet connection. I think it's more difficult for addicted gambler to stop gambling because of gambling mobile apps. You can gambe whenever you like, you can be in your house and gamble, you can be pressing your phone and come across the app then you will decide to gamble, if their is no mobile gambling, you will have to visit a casino house before you gamble which sometimes you will be lazy and you won't want to go.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: dothebeats on September 09, 2022, 07:16:25 PM
You guys may need to know, most children here starting from elementary school already have their own cellphones. Their parents let whatever they play as long as their child is not out of the house. Most parents do not pay attention to the games being played and for some parents, they aren't asking what the kind of the game, so they are out of control and do not understand if the game is similar with gambling.
Here parental control needs to be considered, especially if they understand enough how to set preferences for games that their children can download and play on their cellphones. Every parent can prevent it by setting and activating the parental control feature on their child's phone especially in playstore, at least that action can help.

This actually prevents a lot of bad things from happening on the kid's device like unwanted purchases, downloading apps that are not appropriate for the kid, etc. If only parents are keen on helping their kid develop into a responsible individual then we would not have a lot of problem with them in the future. Nowadays, it's just saddening that the younger generation is so caught up in everything that is fake in social media that they thought these influencers should be their role model.

But the problem is that not all parents care and are able to understand the technology. Even I can still find parents who don't use android while their kids always use it.

They just give it and do not care until the kid does something that they do not want. That's what parents are in this generation and it's really worrying.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Finestream on September 09, 2022, 07:34:19 PM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.
Mobile gambling has made so easy these days that even young ones have become gambling addicts at their very young age. As long as smartphone and fast internet connection is visible, I guess mobile gambling will always be unstoppable. However, if you think you find it hard to control anymore, then seek for medical assistance because that’s the only way to treat your addiction aside from choosing the environment that will not trigger your addiction anymore.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: blockman on September 09, 2022, 07:39:14 PM
Mobile gambling has made so easy these days that even young ones have become gambling addicts at their very young age. As long as smartphone and fast internet connection is visible, I guess mobile gambling will always be unstoppable.
And another problem is that there won't be any confirmation of age only through KYC but still can pass on that by underage gamblers. It is really easy for anyone to have their way on casinos because of it.
Everyone has smartphones nowadays and with some clicks away, they're ready to deposit and do it as easy as it is.

However, if you think you find it hard to control anymore, then seek for medical assistance because that’s the only way to treat your addiction aside from choosing the environment that will not trigger your addiction anymore.
One who is in denial won't do this.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Mahanton on September 09, 2022, 07:53:08 PM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.
Mobile gambling has made so easy these days that even young ones have become gambling addicts at their very young age. As long as smartphone and fast internet connection is visible, I guess mobile gambling will always be unstoppable. However, if you think you find it hard to control anymore, then seek for medical assistance because that’s the only way to treat your addiction aside from choosing the environment that will not trigger your addiction anymore.
Not only just for gambling but also in other things as well which you could really able to access it out on very convenient and easy way thats the beauty of our technology today but it does really have its cons
which it would be understandable that dealing with it on negative manner or excess would really be giving out that kind of impact or results if you arent really that mindful about its consequences.
We know that accessibility nowadays due to technology is really simple as pie and its up to you whether you would really be that engaging that much or would really be having in control manner.
You wouldnt really able to quit gambling addiction if you do always have the access of it on your mobile.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: BitcoinPanther on September 09, 2022, 08:31:14 PM
What can be done for these types of addicts?
These addicts need to step up and help themselves, they have to take the initiative since we know that casinos and other organizations are willing to help as long as they are willing to approach them. I think what you mentioned is a good example, providing different solutions is one of the best way to handle their addiction since no matter how much help we provide it still depends on their awareness and how determined they are to help themselves.

Self-will is the best solution to these types of addiction, though it's a really tough battle inside you as you already have a polluted mindset due to heavy gambling, and the arguments are valid since mobile gambling can be done in the best comfort. You can easily navigate your favorite gambling sites and play your favorite gambling games / sports bet without any problem. As long as you have good access to the internet, everything can go smoothly.

Your own decision to counter and solve this problem can be handled and help if you have your will to acknowledge your problem and to accept everything that will help you to move or quit away from gambling.

Pretty much I agree, as stated on an article the compulsive gambling has three phases, If the person is enable to identify this, then he can have it solve by himself.  Sadly many of us doesn't know these three stage of compulsive gambling so most of us don't know how to avoid it ourselves.

According to the article[1] the three phases of progressive gambling problem are

1st phase = winning

2nd phase = losing

3rd phase =  desperation

If we are able to evaluate ourselves and determine about this phases of  progressive compulsive gambling, we might effectively implement a self-will to end all the gambling addiction.  Of course we need to admit that we are under the phases of being a compulsive gambling, else we can never administer our self-will to stop our gambling addiction.  This method is effective even with the tempation in hand (mobile gambling access)


Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: rhomelmabini on September 09, 2022, 09:00:49 PM
Those who realize how bad their addiction can affect them should help themselves in trying to reduce their activities, They can still be stopped by doing counter measures like quitting on playing on smart phones and just stick with PC. This way, It can help them reduce their gambling activity and can possibly make them realize what can they do when they aren't doing gambling and eventually stop.
I don't think they're conscious over themselves or even know that they are addicted, as far as I've seen some addicts they're more likely unconscious to know those facts. The external factors such as your partner, friends and family are a huge deal for them to be stopped, most of the times this is the case for them to know that they are addicted and they need rehabilitation.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: TheGreatPython on September 09, 2022, 09:03:23 PM
In an era that is increasingly made easier by the existence of electronic devices and social media, of course, many new technologies have emerged, including online gambling that can be played using a smartphone, laptop or PC with very easy internet access. Because it can be played anywhere and is also very relaxing.
and in my opinion, those who play it because some have a gambling mentality, and some are addicted at first, some don't know what to do but over time they like it.
It's hard to avoid because our lives are not far from our cell phones and as long as there are apps or online gambling sites they will continue to play them, unless they realize that by deleting everything or improving their game, they are more disciplined and able to control themselves and also use cold money . I think it will avoid addiction and aim to play just for fun.
It is relaxing if you wish to feel like that and you are not expecting any other thing but if to relax isn't your priority then your wish is your command because the moment you start wagering you will feel nervous and angry if the results are negative or not really on your target/range.

All of those who play gambling has a gambling mentality because if not and they only want to relax, they can take a rest instead, watch a movie or listen to music. And if all what they want to is earn then they can do it by working or selling (business). If you want to avoid mobile gambling, it's possible. You can just cut your internet and use basic phones with keypad.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: dezoel on September 09, 2022, 09:16:34 PM
I beg to differ. The rise of mobile gambling isn't leaving people ruined and unable to quit, it is a lack of discipline. A lack of self-control that's leaving people ruined. Did you realize that there are just as many mobile apps to prevent or ban access to gambling websites as there are mobile apps themselves? Think about it. And even more to prevent addiction (although I doubt they are successful).
Those huge number of mobile apps which helps prevent gambling only shows that gambling is now rampant these days and that is also due to lack of self discipline by the people. Me either I doubt they are successful because there will always be a way to bypass them for a seriously addicted gambler. At one point they can decide to stop but later on they will have the urge to gamble again.

It is truly hard to quit once you are heavily attached already on one thing but a strong will power can help you fix that. You just need to think about other things and think also about the worst thing which it will cause to you in the long run if you won't stop it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: KennyR on September 09, 2022, 09:20:34 PM
Those who realize how bad their addiction can affect them should help themselves in trying to reduce their activities, They can still be stopped by doing counter measures like quitting on playing on smart phones and just stick with PC. This way, It can help them reduce their gambling activity and can possibly make them realize what can they do when they aren't doing gambling and eventually stop.
I don't think they're conscious over themselves or even know that they are addicted, as far as I've seen some addicts they're more likely unconscious to know those facts. The external factors such as your partner, friends and family are a huge deal for them to be stopped, most of the times this is the case for them to know that they are addicted and they need rehabilitation.
The world is in need of more gambling rehabilitation centres. For now the addiction keeps on increasing as kids never think of outdoor games. The parents too encourage it without knowing the after effects. Recently saw a viral video in which a small boy made himself the character in the game and roaming around the street with some action talks within himself. These days we've got technology that can keep us in control. Atleast can make use of it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: dunfida on September 09, 2022, 09:25:42 PM
I beg to differ. The rise of mobile gambling isn't leaving people ruined and unable to quit, it is a lack of discipline. A lack of self-control that's leaving people ruined. Did you realize that there are just as many mobile apps to prevent or ban access to gambling websites as there are mobile apps themselves? Think about it. And even more to prevent addiction (although I doubt they are successful).
Those huge number of mobile apps which helps prevent gambling only shows that gambling is now rampant these days and that is also due to lack of self discipline by the people. Me either I doubt they are successful because there will always be a way to bypass them for a seriously addicted gambler. At one point they can decide to stop but later on they will have the urge to gamble again.

It is truly hard to quit once you are heavily attached already on one thing but a strong will power can help you fix that. You just need to think about other things and think also about the worst thing which it will cause to you in the long run if you won't stop it.
When you are already get addicted with gambling then no matter how you do try on avoiding gambling but you do still end up on having access with these apps then you would really still likely to play again and again.

Just like on what most people been saying on here is that it do all boils down on someones self control and discipline when it comes to gambling.Quit if you can but if you are still exposed with these things then it would

really be hard on doing so.We are really that exposed on technology and development nowadays on where access is really easy as simple as browsing with your own mobile phone.
You wouldnt be ruined if you are really that having that good control of yourself.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: serjent05 on September 09, 2022, 09:33:13 PM
I beg to differ. The rise of mobile gambling isn't leaving people ruined and unable to quit, it is a lack of discipline. A lack of self-control that's leaving people ruined. Did you realize that there are just as many mobile apps to prevent or ban access to gambling websites as there are mobile apps themselves? Think about it. And even more to prevent addiction (although I doubt they are successful).

The thing is, given the person lacks discipline and is trapped in a gambling addiction due to mobile devices, that person's escape route is almost shut down.  That is because mobile + internet connection is 24/7 access everywhere to gambling apps.  That makes it more difficult for those who lack discipline and got addicted to gambling to stop.  If they don't stop, they will be ruined.  So definitely, a gambling apps in a mobile phone is far more dangerous and addictive than any Casino out there.  (Though personally, I don't enjoy playing slots in a mobile device).

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Ojima-ojo on September 09, 2022, 10:08:11 PM
I beg to differ. The rise of mobile gambling isn't leaving people ruined and unable to quit, it is a lack of discipline. A lack of self-control that's leaving people ruined. Did you realize that there are just as many mobile apps to prevent or ban access to gambling websites as there are mobile apps themselves? Think about it. And even more to prevent addiction (although I doubt they are successful).

The thing is, given the person lacks discipline and is trapped in a gambling addiction due to mobile devices, that person's escape route is almost shut down.  That is because mobile + internet connection is 24/7 access everywhere to gambling apps.  That makes it more difficult for those who lack discipline and got addicted to gambling to stop.  If they don't stop, they will be ruined.  So definitely, a gambling apps in a mobile phone is far more dangerous and addictive than any Casino out there.  (Though personally, I don't enjoy playing slots on a mobile device).
You both are right, we can't blame technological development for people's indiscipline, because not everyone who has access to devices and the internet is addicted to gambling, there is more to addiction than just having access to substances because there are drug dealers who never are addicted to drugs, why am I saying is because self-discipline is the ultimate tool against any form of addiction. Smartphones and other internet devices are here to stay and in the future, we will see an increase in access to advanced technology that may make humans more exposed to some vices that may be seen as against the law or self wellness but with self control, we can navigate our way around it and utilize the positive aspects of them all.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Sirait on September 09, 2022, 10:29:04 PM
As explained on article, mobile phones accelerate the process of addiction in different forms. Gambling causes urge to deposit and it is easy for mobile users to click few times to refill his casino balance and keep repeating till it becomes zero, in worst case addiction leads to serious debt. Main reason is again access to faster internet, mobile banking, online casino combination, IMHO.
now with the growth of financial technology, we can make loans or payments via online only and it really makes it easier for those who want to make gambling transactions on smartphones, but once again we can't blame it because it's a convenience that is available today, those who are addicted to online gambling are those who are unable to regulate their desires when gambling so they are trapped.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Hispo on September 09, 2022, 10:49:28 PM
As explained on article, mobile phones accelerate the process of addiction in different forms....

This makes me realize that our current technological situation does not only make easier to gambling addicts to suffer from the consequences that come by gambling recklessly but also it may affect other kind of addictions and problems. Those with an addiction to pornography find themselves in an era where they do not even need to buy magazines or get up the bed to find material, those with alimentary disorders do not need to drive to MacDonalds to stuff themselves with fast food anymore, there are services which would get to our doors cigarettes and alcohol, all of this can be done on a smarthphone.

So while the gambling adiction is more obvious this may be a problem which makes the life of thousands or hundreds of thousands more difficult, specially because nowadays having a smarthphone is so common and in some situations necessary, to comply with family, job and access to important information/credentials.

I found a scientific article about it :

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: AmoreJaz on September 09, 2022, 11:10:11 PM
As explained on article, mobile phones accelerate the process of addiction in different forms. Gambling causes urge to deposit and it is easy for mobile users to click few times to refill his casino balance and keep repeating till it becomes zero, in worst case addiction leads to serious debt. Main reason is again access to faster internet, mobile banking, online casino combination, IMHO.
now with the growth of financial technology, we can make loans or payments via online only and it really makes it easier for those who want to make gambling transactions on smartphones, but once again we can't blame it because it's a convenience that is available today, those who are addicted to online gambling are those who are unable to regulate their desires when gambling so they are trapped.

at the end of the day, the decision will be on the individual who is a gambler what he really wants in life. is he going to go deep in gambling by allowing himself to be a slave of his desires? or find alternative activities which can improve his life. this is self-assessment per se. because only you can change your path for the better or for worse.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: robelneo on September 09, 2022, 11:40:44 PM
We're living in exciting and dangerous times where everything is presented to us on a silver platter, this technology has become a blessing and at the same time a curse for us, it makes things easy for us, in the old times we can hardly communicate with people in the other side of the world and information is very scarce, but now everything is so easy communication, information, almost everything the technology has manifest our desires and fears.
This is the time when we are either at our worse or at our best, we can use the phone to enjoy things at our convenience and at the same time to bring ourselves to our worse when we cannot discipline ourselves.
You have to discipline yourself, this technology is here to stay and it's your decision on how you will live your life.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: uneng on September 10, 2022, 02:11:50 AM
You have to discipline yourself, this technology is here to stay and it's your decision on how you will live your life.
Self-discipline is everything. These people can leave modern society for a while to treat themselves remotely at proper centers on the countryside, but sooner or later they will have to come back to the real world and make use of technology to engage socially with other people and even to work. Otherwise it's not possible to live a healthy, confortable and normal life. Then there is nothing addicted people can do besides educating themselves and learning how to limit their emotions and impulses towards so much accessibility, informations, tools and pleasures digital devices proportionate us.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: 8rch7 on September 10, 2022, 02:44:24 AM
As time goes by and the internet is growing, most of all people want to find a fast income, they use cellphones and the internet in the wrong place, many teenagers are affected by online gambling sites, online gambling practices are very worrying and there are many young people who trapped in online gambling and they dare to borrow money in online applications, if the government does not limit the gambling platform, I am afraid that our country will lose the next generation of a nation that has genius and character and has the ability to think clearly.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: wxa7115 on September 10, 2022, 04:49:44 AM
As time goes by and the internet is growing, most of all people want to find a fast income, they use cellphones and the internet in the wrong place, many teenagers are affected by online gambling sites, online gambling practices are very worrying and there are many young people who trapped in online gambling and they dare to borrow money in online applications, if the government does not limit the gambling platform, I am afraid that our country will lose the next generation of a nation that has genius and character and has the ability to think clearly.
Personally I think the problem is way larger than that, recently I took the time to watch a documentary about how early people are getting addicted to the use digital devices like smartphones and the reality is incredibly worrying.

There are kids of three or four years which are suffering from a severe hindrance in their ability to learn and to communicate with others because of the excessive use of smartphones, however I do not really think that we need the governments to create regulations, the parents must put their feet down and not allow kids or even underage people to use those devices, as they are unable to take informed decisions about their future and how to use them.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: xSkylarx on September 10, 2022, 05:54:45 AM
What can be done for these types of addicts? Even if they had no phones. There are still so many enablers around in the form of free WIFI and internet cafes.

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.

That is why there is really no cure for me to people who are addicted into gambling. It will always depend on them if they want to escape from their addiction. Even if you remove the things that tempt them to access the gambling platforms, they will find a way to do their gambling habit. As long as they have the urge to gamble in their mind, they will still come back to it even if they are able to stop for some time.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: traderethereum on September 10, 2022, 07:05:23 AM
What can be done for these types of addicts? Even if they had no phones. There are still so many enablers around in the form of free WIFI and internet cafes.

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.

That is why there is really no cure for me to people who are addicted into gambling. It will always depend on them if they want to escape from their addiction. Even if you remove the things that tempt them to access the gambling platforms, they will find a way to do their gambling habit. As long as they have the urge to gamble in their mind, they will still come back to it even if they are able to stop for some time.
Because of the pleasant sensation, they return to gambling and even play longer than usual if they have more money.
They will not be able to resist the sensation and continue to be tempted to play gambling until their money runs out and some of them borrow money to continue playing.
Only by having a strong desire to cure their gambling addiction can they help them get out of their gambling addiction.
If they can't, no one can help them and they will continue to sink into addiction.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on September 10, 2022, 07:12:58 AM
I've heard somewhere, recently, that the two fastest addictions in the US are online gambling and online porn addiction. Obviously, they have in common that they are online addictions that greatly enhance addictiveness and gambling. Both in porn and gambling, it is not the same to have to go to a physical place, move around, with the time it takes to get there, and be seen in order to gamble or rent a porn film, as it is to be able to do it anonymously 24/7 from your mobile phone.

Personally I think the problem is way larger than that, recently I took the time to watch a documentary about how early people are getting addicted to the use digital devices like smartphones and the reality is incredibly worrying.

There are kids of three or four years which are suffering from a severe hindrance in their ability to learn and to communicate with others because of the excessive use of smartphones, however I do not really think that we need to governments to create regulations, the parents must put their feet down and not allow kids or even underage people to use those devices, as they are unable to take informed decisions about their future and how to use them.

There is a dilemma here. Children today learn with tablets, not with pen and paper, or pencils and crayons, as was the case not so long ago. It is one thing that certain irresponsible parents let their children be online without paying attention to them for many things from an early age, with the dangers that this entails, but education today has to make use of the modern tools that we have, which are neither bad nor good, it depends on how they are used.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: gunhell16 on September 10, 2022, 07:51:58 AM
Being addicted to gambling is simply not going away in this industry. Most of them when get addicted to gambling and become greedy for money, and the result is having an addiction where their body and mind will search for it.

That's why it's rare for a gambling addict to change and abandon this habit. It will be very difficult on the part of the gambling addict to let go.

Moreover, I noticed that online gambling spread especially when the whole world faced the pandemic. Although almost all of the land-based casinos have closed eventually the gambling owners found a way to conduct online gambling that can be downloaded using a mobile device so that even if they are at home and do not go out, gamblers can still gamble.

So the gambling addicts had the hope of being able to play in casino apps even if it was online and they were at home. This is also probably what you are saying that gambling addicts have become hybrids because gambling owners have used the technology we have in this day and age.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Wapfika on September 10, 2022, 08:01:34 AM
There is a dilemma here. Children today learn with tablets, not with pen and paper, or pencils and crayons, as was the case not so long ago. It is one thing that certain irresponsible parents let their children be online without paying attention to them for many things from an early age, with the dangers that this entails, but education today has to make use of the modern tools that we have, which are neither bad nor good, it depends on how they are used.
Accessibility is too easy now that everything can be access anywhere. There are also ads where we can see games and people testifying how they are able to win and gain money. It’s easier now to cashin and cashout especially with crypto and there are also gambling games that can be search in app stores. It will be hard for parents to monitor their children especially if they can’t watch them 24/7. Also child needs now gadgets to do some homework for research. Parents can only do is by reminding their children and set sample to their children by not doing gambling as well limiting their screen time and have some family quality time. Monitoring also their finances and not giving too much money can be a key to not lead their children in gambling and debts.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: rodskee on September 10, 2022, 08:15:25 AM

There is a dilemma here. Children today learn with tablets, not with pen and paper, or pencils and crayons, as was the case not so long ago. It is one thing that certain irresponsible parents let their children be online without paying attention to them for many things from an early age, with the dangers that this entails, but education today has to make use of the modern tools that we have, which are neither bad nor good, it depends on how they are used.

we as parents has something to do each day , yeah we must look at our children but remember that this pandemic? children are literally has the power to their gadgets as they requires to use in their studies and with that research here and there happens so they can easily change course of the usage to something different.

Online gambling are truly liberating our child nowadays and it is a hard fight on our side , with those? it is really a problem for them to be prevented at all point.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Bitinity on September 10, 2022, 08:50:51 AM
People ruined, addicted and unable to quit because their own mistake. We cant blame others including the rise of mobile gambling. No matter how great the rise of technology in general, people wont be affected negatively if they can control themselves. What we need to do is to keep ourselves away from the possible negative effects. If we are worrying about our generation, we should start to educate our generation earlier about it so we can minimize the negative effects.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: swogerino on September 10, 2022, 09:17:34 AM
People ruined, addicted and unable to quit because their own mistake. We cant blame others including the rise of mobile gambling. No matter how great the rise of technology in general, people wont be affected negatively if they can control themselves. What we need to do is to keep ourselves away from the possible negative effects. If we are worrying about our generation, we should start to educate our generation earlier about it so we can minimize the negative effects.

That is true but what is also true is that having a mobile and being able to play your favorite slot game wherever you are or to place a couple of sport bets wherever you are to your favorite casino is a lot of temptation to fight with.I personally find that very hard to stay away.I have put a weekly bankroll and I play once or twice max per week which keeps me away from addiction but I was once addicted and only because of my will to stop addiction I have come at this level.I know that many people have not the same strong will as I have and this differs from person to person but most persons are weak when tempted by greediness.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: pieppiep on September 10, 2022, 09:42:56 AM
People ruined, addicted and unable to quit because their own mistake. We cant blame others including the rise of mobile gambling. No matter how great the rise of technology in general, people wont be affected negatively if they can control themselves. What we need to do is to keep ourselves away from the possible negative effects. If we are worrying about our generation, we should start to educate our generation earlier about it so we can minimize the negative effects.
Of course. This happens because they do not pay attention to how far they have played gambling and do not stop as soon as they see a lot of losses in gambling. Self-control in playing gambling can soon be lost when they are carried away by the lust to get a win or want to recover from a loss. This is what is feared to happen to the younger generation and parents should be able to supervise their children more before it is too late to realize it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: madnessteat on September 10, 2022, 12:09:43 PM
I believe that if a person has a gambling addiction and for some reason does not want to go to a specialist, then he should completely abandon the devices that allow him to gamble, stop talking to people who play gambling and find a hobby that could cause interest and bring pleasure. Otherwise, the likelihood that he will gamble uncontrollably again is very high. 

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Boristhecat on September 10, 2022, 12:27:08 PM
As explained on article, mobile phones accelerate the process of addiction in different forms. Gambling causes urge to deposit and it is easy for mobile users to click few times to refill his casino balance and keep repeating till it becomes zero, in worst case addiction leads to serious debt. Main reason is again access to faster internet, mobile banking, online casino combination, IMHO.

But most people enjoy it without negative consequences. They are just tools and some people know how to use them and some don't. What can we do to ensure that people do not use these tools for harm? In any case, do not ban mobile banking and the Internet. I think people who have problems with gambling should help themselves (or with the help of specialists) but not at the expense of restrictions and bans for other people.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: fortunecrypto on September 10, 2022, 12:59:00 PM
I believe that if a person has a gambling addiction and for some reason does not want to go to a specialist, then he should completely abandon the devices that allow him to gamble, stop talking to people who play gambling and find a hobby that could cause interest and bring pleasure. Otherwise, the likelihood that he will gamble uncontrollably again is very high. 

He cannot do that, it needs intervention if he tries to do it by himself he's going to fail, compulsive gamblers are always denying that they are gambling excessively, their mindset is as long as you enjoy what you are doing then you are fine and its better to gamble than do drugs or be an alcoholic, they always have alibis on what they do, the best way to cure addiction is to have the support of the family and intervention coming from professionals, addiction is caused by dopamine the feeling getting rewarded and winning something to get excited, it should be replaced by rewarding activities that satisfied the desire.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: decodx on September 10, 2022, 01:24:01 PM
I believe that if a person has a gambling addiction and for some reason does not want to go to a specialist, then he should completely abandon the devices that allow him to gamble, stop talking to people who play gambling and find a hobby that could cause interest and bring pleasure. Otherwise, the likelihood that he will gamble uncontrollably again is very high. 

That's easier said than done. How can someone who is addicted to gambling, and is in denial, possibly find pleasure or interest in anything else? Addiction affects the brain in very dramatic and extreme ways, and many people with an addiction need medical help and professional help to properly overcome it. In my experience, the simplest way to help an addict recover is by getting the person into the right setting that will give him the necessary help and education to overcome his compulsion. Without professional help, the odds of success are close to zero.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Johnyz on September 10, 2022, 01:48:50 PM
I believe that if a person has a gambling addiction and for some reason does not want to go to a specialist, then he should completely abandon the devices that allow him to gamble, stop talking to people who play gambling and find a hobby that could cause interest and bring pleasure. Otherwise, the likelihood that he will gamble uncontrollably again is very high. 
With the advance technology that we have right now, you can almost do everything with your phone, and if you are into gambling using only your phone that could be more easy for you to spend some time to gamble, addiction might only happen if you gamble carelessly without any discipline. If you thing you are already addict, seeking help are more effective because most probably dealing with that addiction alone, can't help you that much. Mobile gambling becomes more popular when the pandemic started especially in my country where you can see almost everyone having their own gambling site on their phone, it's spreading so fast.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Shamm on September 10, 2022, 01:54:41 PM
Addiction is every where so I do not think that this mobile gambling is any difference with the existing addiction.  Yes it may easily speed up a person's gambling addiction but as far as I believe, it isn't the mobile or the internet faults why people are getting addicted to gambling but it is the person's decision of letting himself got addicted to gambling.  Same goes with internet addiction, gaming addiction and any form of addiction.  It only needs personal discipline to beat all these kinds of addiction.

All people around the world has an addiction but the only way to fight our addiction then we need to control ourselves. About in Mobile gambling for sure there are some people got addicted because it will help them to became happy and When luck has come then they can make a profit also. But in reality all things has passed aways so we need to control our selves in order to prevent big losses .

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: YOSHIE on September 10, 2022, 02:04:23 PM
Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.
What's even worse is that minors, almost entirely in remote areas, are involved in domino gambling, this is concerning that the nation's generation has been involved and addicted to gambling from an early age, I think there is no way to get rid of their habit of gambling at this time, apart from super tight control.

I saw with my own eyes, remote and urban areas 99% young people, on average already have an Android phone and have fallen into online games, the next generation will be destroyed, if things like this continue to happen.

Maybe, the best solution for today's children, they should be a school that has a Dormitory and the rules are a bit strict for them and supervision.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: panjul07 on September 10, 2022, 02:30:59 PM
As explained on article, mobile phones accelerate the process of addiction in different forms. Gambling causes urge to deposit and it is easy for mobile users to click few times to refill his casino balance and keep repeating till it becomes zero, in worst case addiction leads to serious debt. Main reason is again access to faster internet, mobile banking, online casino combination, IMHO.

But most people enjoy it without negative consequences. They are just tools and some people know how to use them and some don't. What can we do to ensure that people do not use these tools for harm? In any case, do not ban mobile banking and the Internet. I think people who have problems with gambling should help themselves (or with the help of specialists) but not at the expense of restrictions and bans for other people.

True, those who are addicted and hardly affect their life are simply those who cant control themselves.
Internet access, mobile banking, cryptocurrencies, online gambling, etc are just part of technologies that cant be the one to be blame.
We are responsible for ourselves, even if we live in a place where there is no internet access but if we still want to gamble then we will try to find a way to gamble.
The main key is our mindset about gambling itself, we should know how to gamble and how to deal with its consequences to avoid the worst case.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Taskford on September 10, 2022, 03:22:50 PM
As explained on article, mobile phones accelerate the process of addiction in different forms. Gambling causes urge to deposit and it is easy for mobile users to click few times to refill his casino balance and keep repeating till it becomes zero, in worst case addiction leads to serious debt. Main reason is again access to faster internet, mobile banking, online casino combination, IMHO.

But most people enjoy it without negative consequences. They are just tools and some people know how to use them and some don't. What can we do to ensure that people do not use these tools for harm? In any case, do not ban mobile banking and the Internet. I think people who have problems with gambling should help themselves (or with the help of specialists) but not at the expense of restrictions and bans for other people.

True, those who are addicted and hardly affect their life are simply those who cant control themselves.
Internet access, mobile banking, cryptocurrencies, online gambling, etc are just part of technologies that cant be the one to be blame.
We are responsible for ourselves, even if we live in a place where there is no internet access but if we still want to gamble then we will try to find a way to gamble.
The main key is our mindset about gambling itself, we should know how to gamble and how to deal with its consequences to avoid the worst case.

The addiction phase is common on new players that's why its good for them to be guided well on what they need to do since if they are following on wrong group or people which always them think that they can earn the same with them or became rich quickly if they follow their methods then most provably they will just fall on the trap brought by those guys.

But over the time once they realize for sure those addicted person will get out on what they are on and can able to think if this activity still worth it for them or not. For sure all of us go on this phase where we think about our losses and start to move on.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fredomago on September 10, 2022, 03:26:15 PM
There is a dilemma here. Children today learn with tablets, not with pen and paper, or pencils and crayons, as was the case not so long ago. It is one thing that certain irresponsible parents let their children be online without paying attention to them for many things from an early age, with the dangers that this entails, but education today has to make use of the modern tools that we have, which are neither bad nor good, it depends on how they are used.
Accessibility is too easy now that everything can be access anywhere. There are also ads where we can see games and people testifying how they are able to win and gain money. It’s easier now to cashin and cashout especially with crypto and there are also gambling games that can be search in app stores. It will be hard for parents to monitor their children especially if they can’t watch them 24/7. Also child needs now gadgets to do some homework for research. Parents can only do is by reminding their children and set sample to their children by not doing gambling as well limiting their screen time and have some family quality time. Monitoring also their finances and not giving too much money can be a key to not lead their children in gambling and debts.

The best value is having a quality time for your children, even you are tired in your everyday routine but having that bond between you and your children will help them to be guided in life. It's true that the access is very easy now and with those ads that children can be a view that kind of curiosity will always be there for them. So it's really important for parents to have that time to secure whatever activities their kids have over the internet. Taking that extra effort to talk with your kids will keep them close to a good way of not letting them to explore.

Moving forward, the technology is keeping on growing and there's no way to stop it. You can adopt with how the system will move, but always try your best to be on the control side and not being controlled by the latest updates.

Even gambling is just a click away. It's you still that will decide whether to play or not to play, so better to keep your distance and now the right side to avoid ruining your life and turn yourself into addictions.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: virasisog on September 10, 2022, 03:32:36 PM
As explained on article, mobile phones accelerate the process of addiction in different forms. Gambling causes urge to deposit and it is easy for mobile users to click few times to refill his casino balance and keep repeating till it becomes zero, in worst case addiction leads to serious debt. Main reason is again access to faster internet, mobile banking, online casino combination, IMHO.

But most people enjoy it without negative consequences. They are just tools and some people know how to use them and some don't. What can we do to ensure that people do not use these tools for harm? In any case, do not ban mobile banking and the Internet. I think people who have problems with gambling should help themselves (or with the help of specialists) but not at the expense of restrictions and bans for other people.

True, those who are addicted and hardly affect their life are simply those who cant control themselves.
Internet access, mobile banking, cryptocurrencies, online gambling, etc are just part of technologies that cant be the one to be blame.
We are responsible for ourselves, even if we live in a place where there is no internet access but if we still want to gamble then we will try to find a way to gamble.
The main key is our mindset about gambling itself, we should know how to gamble and how to deal with its consequences to avoid the worst case.

The addiction phase is common on new players that's why its good for them to be guided well on what they need to do since if they are following on wrong group or people which always them think that they can earn the same with them or became rich quickly if they follow their methods then most provably they will just fall on the trap brought by those guys.

But over the time once they realize for sure those addicted person will get out on what they are on and can able to think if this activity still worth it for them or not. For sure all of us go on this phase where we think about our losses and start to move on.

Some gamblers who have fallen into gambling addiction still pursue gambling despite its negative effect on their lives believing that they could still regain their losses which is definitely a wrong mindset. That is the reason why they fall into addiction even worse. It's the greediness and false hope that keep them coming back to gamble. If a gambler has a proper mindset right from the start, he wouldn't go on the wrong track because he knows when to pursue and continue and when to quit.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: cabron on September 10, 2022, 03:46:12 PM
As explained on article, mobile phones accelerate the process of addiction in different forms. Gambling causes urge to deposit and it is easy for mobile users to click few times to refill his casino balance and keep repeating till it becomes zero, in worst case addiction leads to serious debt. Main reason is again access to faster internet, mobile banking, online casino combination, IMHO.

But most people enjoy it without negative consequences. They are just tools and some people know how to use them and some don't. What can we do to ensure that people do not use these tools for harm? In any case, do not ban mobile banking and the Internet. I think people who have problems with gambling should help themselves (or with the help of specialists) but not at the expense of restrictions and bans for other people.

True, those who are addicted and hardly affect their life are simply those who cant control themselves.
Internet access, mobile banking, cryptocurrencies, online gambling, etc are just part of technologies that cant be the one to be blame.
We are responsible for ourselves, even if we live in a place where there is no internet access but if we still want to gamble then we will try to find a way to gamble.
The main key is our mindset about gambling itself, we should know how to gamble and how to deal with its consequences to avoid the worst case.

The addiction phase is common on new players that's why its good for them to be guided well on what they need to do since if they are following on wrong group or people which always them think that they can earn the same with them or became rich quickly if they follow their methods then most provably they will just fall on the trap brought by those guys.

But over the time once they realize for sure those addicted person will get out on what they are on and can able to think if this activity still worth it for them or not. For sure all of us go on this phase where we think about our losses and start to move on.

Some gamblers who have fallen into gambling addiction still pursue gambling despite its negative effect on their lives believing that they could still regain their losses which is definitely a wrong mindset. That is the reason why they fall into addiction even worse. It's the greediness and false hope that keep them coming back to gamble. If a gambler has a proper mindset right from the start, he wouldn't go on the wrong track because he knows when to pursue and continue and when to quit.

Nothing can stop anyone from using his phone to do something like online gambling. The government will have to have control over their phones  or the internet before they can impose something like that. If a person is irresponsible of what he is doing, he should also accept consequences of his action.

There is one thing that the government can do to force an irresponsible person to do good, its the social credit system that China uses.  One would really behave or else he loses benefits.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: molsewid on September 10, 2022, 04:03:51 PM
Some gamblers who have fallen into gambling addiction still pursue gambling despite its negative effect on their lives believing that they could still regain their losses which is definitely a wrong mindset. That is the reason why they fall into addiction even worse. It's the greediness and false hope that keep them coming back to gamble. If a gambler has a proper mindset right from the start, he wouldn't go on the wrong track because he knows when to pursue and continue and when to quit.

Because gambling is more accessible nowadays, it is really hard to stop addiction. Almost all of the businesses nowadays are now accessible thru mobile it can also access via different social media accounts, if they want to change themselves it is possible but very difficult to manage and as much as we want to be consistent we cannot do it easily because resources are available everywhere.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Solosanz on September 10, 2022, 04:08:09 PM
There is one thing that the government can do to force an irresponsible person to do good, its the social credit system that China uses.  One would really behave or else he loses benefits.
Lol this social credit system is sucks, are you really want your life to get controlled by the country? there's no freedom and you're only do anything that can boost your social credit. After all, you're just like a robot to be programmed with the country rules.

Maybe, the best solution for today's children, they should be a school that has a Dormitory and the rules are a bit strict for them and supervision.
Dormitory doesn't really help, supervision might help for specific place, but if the children going to a place without supervision, then he can gamble without anyone know it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Cling18 on September 10, 2022, 04:16:00 PM
There are many things that attract gamblers and make them stay in casino sites nowadays. First are the promotions and bonuses as well as huge jackpot prizes that they want to win. We're now in the midst of the inflation crisis and the urge of some gamblers to win big amounts is higher than usual. The convenience that online gambling could provide also has a huge effect on gamblers' addiction. It will be hard for them to control their urge to gamble because temptations could only be found in their gadgets.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Sirait on September 10, 2022, 04:58:28 PM
Some gamblers who have fallen into gambling addiction still pursue gambling despite its negative effect on their lives believing that they could still regain their losses which is definitely a wrong mindset. That is the reason why they fall into addiction even worse. It's the greediness and false hope that keep them coming back to gamble. If a gambler has a proper mindset right from the start, he wouldn't go on the wrong track because he knows when to pursue and continue and when to quit.

Because gambling is more accessible nowadays, it is really hard to stop addiction. Almost all of the businesses nowadays are now accessible thru mobile it can also access via different social media accounts, if they want to change themselves it is possible but very difficult to manage and as much as we want to be consistent we cannot do it easily because resources are available everywhere.
all the things we want right now we can get just by doing activities on our smartphone, that convenience makes us dependent on smartphones.  Just imagine if those who are gambling offline will not usually calmly go to the toilet, but unlike those who play online gambling via smartphones, we usually gamble freely anywhere and anytime.

The convenience provided by smartphones will certainly have pros and cons forever, but I see more positive things that smartphones provide to humans.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: erep on September 10, 2022, 06:08:57 PM
People ruined, addicted and unable to quit because their own mistake. We cant blame others including the rise of mobile gambling. No matter how great the rise of technology in general, people wont be affected negatively if they can control themselves. What we need to do is to keep ourselves away from the possible negative effects. If we are worrying about our generation, we should start to educate our generation earlier about it so we can minimize the negative effects.
I remember these words "your hands are your actions" that word describes life in the era of technology, we all hold gadgets for the freedom of internet access as the user wants, so the limit to avoid gambling addiction is to manage time using mobile gambling applications and use minimum funds to bet.
But advice for the younger generation, we must protect the use of gadgets from access to gambling and you should always check the search for words that are often accessed, if something suspicious is found in the gadget, especially regarding access to gambling applications, then you should limit or prohibit the use of the gadget for gambling for their good future.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: famososMuertos on September 10, 2022, 06:34:37 PM
If people like to gamble, it is always their own responsibility. No one is forcing them to gamble. I understand that for many it revolves around an addiction, but visitors have to face that for themselves and try to tackle their addiction. It is an addiction that is difficult to get rid of, but there are a lot of people who go through a deep valley after losing a huge amount of money. You even have gamblers who are clean for a while and then relapse again. That is part of life. I think you have to accept that and look for fellow sufferers who also struggle with such an addiction and try to resolve the situation together.

Addiction is not a problem related to profit or loss, it is a wrong belief to think that the addict is a loser, it is a relative associate that accelerates additive behavior, the positive or negative balance of your bankroll is not an indication that you are a addicted.

Players can have losses and not be addicted, they can also be winning players and have symptoms of addiction.

First of all, as I mentioned, you can control access to your phone and have time control in certain Apps, either of your own free will or that a third party monitors your actions on the cell phone, even with the possibility of blocking the use of the phone. or reduce the assigned times, it is a tool that should be used even if you think you have no problems because it is interesting to know how much time you spend on certain Apps (casinos).

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: jrrsparkles on September 10, 2022, 06:49:50 PM

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.

Rehab centres in the deep remote areas can work a bit but with the evolution of internet era then it is impossible to take smartphone from your hands anymore because we are so dependent on the internet even for our basic needs for example banking, as crypto enthusiast I can't stop using my device simply because it has the potential to do more harms.

We have to look deep into the issue to identify the root cause so we can deal the issue atleast in the upcoming generation, to me the reason why the reason is being so addictive is lack of knowledge and awareness is simply happened because the technology developed a lot in the last 10 to 20 years but the knowledge level isn't upto the standard for the kids to realize how to handle them productively.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: sana54210 on September 10, 2022, 07:02:35 PM
Online gambling is one of the new ways to gamble and it is very easy because of the ease to do it but it is more tempting that you could empty your account before you know it. The emotion is always rising and you want to keep betting to regain your loses. I was gambling online through the phone and I realize this was really more tempting to play more than offline. You can find yourself playing unnecessary gambling because you have your apps ready to play always, this is difficult to control more than of line.
That's what they owner want their costumers feel since total satisfaction can make convince people to go back playing at them since they usually urge people to feel it was entertaining and quite profitable. This is why some of them use paid streamers since they want to create a scenario which people think that gambling is really fun and it can make them rich because for them to spend more then gain more money from those their costumers.
That satisfaction is basically the ease of use. I mean when people are playing on their phones, that means they can play anywhere they want and they can play just 5 minutes and leave. Normally if you play on PC, even on laptops, it takes 5 minutes just to start properly, and that is why phones are getting the big bulk of mobile gambling apps.

At the end of the day, real gamblers will want to sit in front of a PC and gamble properly, that is a bit more serious situation. But, the current deal is that we are talking about a lot of people who do not want to gamble that much, and just for a while and when you have millions of these people, it is a serious thing.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: romero121 on September 10, 2022, 07:07:12 PM
There are many things that attract gamblers and make them stay in casino sites nowadays. First are the promotions and bonuses as well as huge jackpot prizes that they want to win. We're now in the midst of the inflation crisis and the urge of some gamblers to win big amounts is higher than usual. The convenience that online gambling could provide also has a huge effect on gamblers' addiction. It will be hard for them to control their urge to gamble because temptations could only be found in their gadgets.
With the existence of online gambling sites there are positive as  well as negative part. According to me the usage of mobile phones have increased drastically and the gambling market doesn't want to lag behind. For this reason Gambling access through Mobile have made been made easier. Control is with the user, because without the person's support one can't get him out of addiction.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Doan9269 on September 10, 2022, 08:03:11 PM
There are many things that attract gamblers and make them stay in casino sites nowadays. First are the promotions and bonuses as well as huge jackpot prizes that they want to win. We're now in the midst of the inflation crisis and the urge of some gamblers to win big amounts is higher than usual. The convenience that online gambling could provide also has a huge effect on gamblers' addiction. It will be hard for them to control their urge to gamble because temptations could only be found in their gadgets.
With the existence of online gambling sites there are positive as  well as negative part. According to me the usage of mobile phones have increased drastically and the gambling market doesn't want to lag behind. For this reason Gambling access through Mobile have made been made easier. Control is with the user, because without the person's support one can't get him out of addiction.

Of course many gamblers found it a comfort to them having mobile phones to easily gamble with and not until they went so far to a particular casino location point before they can gamble, also the casino developers see it as a need to make gambling readily available for gamblers at all time in other for them to attract more subscribers to thier online casino without minding the cost because they understand they will make their interest out of it from the gamblers, so here the two sides benefits from the introduction of mobile gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: DoublerHunter on September 10, 2022, 08:31:52 PM
There are many things that attract gamblers and make them stay in casino sites nowadays. First are the promotions and bonuses as well as huge jackpot prizes that they want to win. We're now in the midst of the inflation crisis and the urge of some gamblers to win big amounts is higher than usual. The convenience that online gambling could provide also has a huge effect on gamblers' addiction. It will be hard for them to control their urge to gamble because temptations could only be found in their gadgets.
With the existence of online gambling sites there are positive as  well as negative part. According to me the usage of mobile phones have increased drastically and the gambling market doesn't want to lag behind. For this reason Gambling access through Mobile have made been made easier. Control is with the user, because without the person's support one can't get him out of addiction.
^ We cannot deny the fact that all aspects of the internet have increased not only gambling. Since the pandemic was hit, everything made easier online and even jobs, games, tasks, and even classes were made online less hassle-free and avoid of course direct contact. But I don't think the word ruined people and unable to quiet is an appropriate word for this, it is on people that should be blamed not the gambling casino.
We should always remember that we have to control our urge in gambling and stop blaming those online gaming platforms that make people not become bored during the lockdown when there is a pandemic.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ChiNgadOr on September 10, 2022, 08:39:30 PM
There are many things that attract gamblers and make them stay in casino sites nowadays. First are the promotions and bonuses as well as huge jackpot prizes that they want to win. We're now in the midst of the inflation crisis and the urge of some gamblers to win big amounts is higher than usual. The convenience that online gambling could provide also has a huge effect on gamblers' addiction. It will be hard for them to control their urge to gamble because temptations could only be found in their gadgets.
With the existence of online gambling sites there are positive as  well as negative part. According to me the usage of mobile phones have increased drastically and the gambling market doesn't want to lag behind. For this reason Gambling access through Mobile have made been made easier. Control is with the user, because without the person's support one can't get him out of addiction.

Of course many gamblers found it a comfort to them having mobile phones to easily gamble with and not until they went so far to a particular casino location point before they can gamble, also the casino developers see it as a need to make gambling readily available for gamblers at all time in other for them to attract more subscribers to thier online casino without minding the cost because they understand they will make their interest out of it from the gamblers, so here the two sides benefits from the introduction of mobile gambling.
Controlling addiction when we are a mobile gamblers is very hard to quit because we can easily get online and continue making gambling predictions with less effort and without restrictions. Mobile gambling is the easily way to get to online casinos at the comfort of our homes.
We can easily send out Bitcoin or any other altcoins to casinos and start betting within minutes. Online betting has made the game or gambling houses have lesser participants which we need not to go out to make bets when we can easily scroll to our favorite sites and bettings with ease.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Saint-loup on September 10, 2022, 08:40:43 PM
Really? Would you be ashamed surrounded by people who do the same thing? Like a person who is naked isn't ashamed when they're at a nudist beach and other people are naked as well.
I'm not really ashamed to be naked when other people are naked as well, but many people are ashamed of it otherwise naturist beaches would be full of people. So I think it's the same for casinos, moreover not all people in casinos are addicted, there are even customers not gambling any money there, in addition to the staff. The first time I went into a casino I saw a quite old lady putting coins in a slot machine like a robot during hours, I wondered if she wasn't ashamed to spend all her money like that, without emotion nor reflection.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Lanatsa on September 10, 2022, 08:48:48 PM
Really? Would you be ashamed surrounded by people who do the same thing? Like a person who is naked isn't ashamed when they're at a nudist beach and other people are naked as well.
I'm not really ashamed to be naked when other people are naked as well, but many people are ashamed of it otherwise naturist beaches would be full of people. So I think it's the same for casinos, moreover not all people in casinos are addicted, there are even customers not gambling any money there, in addition to the staff. The first time I went into a casino I saw a quite old lady putting coins in a slot machine like a robot during hours, I wondered if she wasn't ashamed to spend all her money like that, without emotion nor reflection.
Spending our money isnt really on someones business yet it wont really matter on what his reactions nor impressions into his/her face whenever he/she play gambling.I havent seen someone so far though when i

do go on gambling casinos.Most of them does have that face of excitement but you cant avoid into those someone who are stressed but well just like i said that its their money then its none of our business.

Better to play your own if you are really tending to play or just simply observe inside the premises but most of people who are at on the casino would really be playing out.
Speaking about Mobile Gambling then due to this high tech era then its not surprising that access would really be just easy as pie.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: samcrypto on September 10, 2022, 09:06:48 PM
But it is not only fault of person who fall in trap, I guess current direction of general gambling promotions aims to get more users as much as possible. Some of gamblers have weak psychology that convinces them it is easy to win money on online gambling platforms while strong minds can make math to find odds of winning. Regulation should be mandatory for online casinos especially local platforms have to be checked due to the increasing traffic, IMO.
Most of the crypto casinos are not regulated yet and as a gambler we should be more careful on dealing with them because as we can see, those casinos are not compatible using only your phones which makes it more accessible to the gamblers. I agree that having a weak emotion can put you on a more risky place and you might get addict easily because of this. No matter where you play, you should still need to control yourself because too much is not good at all, just gamble what you can afford to lose and stay discipline.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: AmoreJaz on September 10, 2022, 11:44:27 PM
But it is not only fault of person who fall in trap, I guess current direction of general gambling promotions aims to get more users as much as possible. Some of gamblers have weak psychology that convinces them it is easy to win money on online gambling platforms while strong minds can make math to find odds of winning. Regulation should be mandatory for online casinos especially local platforms have to be checked due to the increasing traffic, IMO.
Most of the crypto casinos are not regulated yet and as a gambler we should be more careful on dealing with them because as we can see, those casinos are not compatible using only your phones which makes it more accessible to the gamblers. I agree that having a weak emotion can put you on a more risky place and you might get addict easily because of this. No matter where you play, you should still need to control yourself because too much is not good at all, just gamble what you can afford to lose and stay discipline.

unfortunately, it is easy to say such, but if you happen to be attracted by these games, you won't stop as you will find enjoyment and maybe possible way of getting money. as it is easy to access now those gaming sites because of the technology we have today, everyone is indeed prone to game addiction, if they don't control their desires.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Quidat on September 10, 2022, 11:53:28 PM
But it is not only fault of person who fall in trap, I guess current direction of general gambling promotions aims to get more users as much as possible. Some of gamblers have weak psychology that convinces them it is easy to win money on online gambling platforms while strong minds can make math to find odds of winning. Regulation should be mandatory for online casinos especially local platforms have to be checked due to the increasing traffic, IMO.
Most of the crypto casinos are not regulated yet and as a gambler we should be more careful on dealing with them because as we can see, those casinos are not compatible using only your phones which makes it more accessible to the gamblers. I agree that having a weak emotion can put you on a more risky place and you might get addict easily because of this. No matter where you play, you should still need to control yourself because too much is not good at all, just gamble what you can afford to lose and stay discipline.

unfortunately, it is easy to say such, but if you happen to be attracted by these games, you won't stop as you will find enjoyment and maybe possible way of getting money. as it is easy to access now those gaming sites because of the technology we have today, everyone is indeed prone to game addiction, if they don't control their desires.
Just take for example on which my wife had recently able to deal with some gambling sites online due to her friend was introducing it to here and because of the easy access and ways
on visiting the platform and find out that it was easy to make profits or money with those gambling games then she was almost getting addicted to it.First she was lucky on making
profits or money on fastest way as possible and believing that she could do it all day and make herself huge chunks but it was really just a  wrong belief on mind.
Quitting is hard on the time that you are already getting used to it.Some might say that it was easy but it isnt actually be that way.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Jemzx00 on September 11, 2022, 02:42:03 AM

Just take for example on which my wife had recently able to deal with some gambling sites online due to her friend was introducing it to here and because of the easy access and ways on visiting the platform and find out that it was easy to make profits or money with those gambling games then she was almost getting addicted to it. First she was lucky on making profits or money on fastest way as possible and believing that she could do it all day and make herself huge chunks but it was really just a wrong belief on mind.Quitting is hard on the time that you are already getting used to it.Some might say that it was easy but it isnt actually be that way.
Having been able to experience earning from gambling once will sometimes cause oneself to hard to avoid gambling. I too had experience winning a lot on gambling and unfortunately I hit a lose streak. I kept on thinking that I'll be able to win again especially that I've experienced it before however lose streak keeps on coming back until I've lose most of my gambling activities.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: traderethereum on September 11, 2022, 04:00:48 AM

Just take for example on which my wife had recently able to deal with some gambling sites online due to her friend was introducing it to here and because of the easy access and ways on visiting the platform and find out that it was easy to make profits or money with those gambling games then she was almost getting addicted to it. First she was lucky on making profits or money on fastest way as possible and believing that she could do it all day and make herself huge chunks but it was really just a wrong belief on mind.Quitting is hard on the time that you are already getting used to it.Some might say that it was easy but it isnt actually be that way.
Having been able to experience earning from gambling once will sometimes cause oneself to hard to avoid gambling. I too had experience winning a lot on gambling and unfortunately I hit a lose streak. I kept on thinking that I'll be able to win again especially that I've experienced it before however lose streak keeps on coming back until I've lose most of my gambling activities.
We can never always win at gambling but often lose at gambling.
But that is gambling and only people who can use gambling wisely can enjoy it and will not lose more money because they know when to stop.
Once we can win a lot from gambling, we should think about stopping and not continuing to play gambling because the results will not always give us a win.
I think we've all made big profits once or twice and only a few can stop in time while others lose their profits by continuing to play.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: lienfaye on September 11, 2022, 04:26:04 AM
I think it's safe to say that as technology advances and becomes more prevalent, we have seen both positive and negative effects; as with anything.
Indeed. We can now gamble online in the comfort of our home and that's very convenient. However it should not be a reason for a gambler to become addicted because even before, addiction already exist for gamblers who cant control themselves. It's just that, now, it's tempting to play because it's accessible anytime and anywhere. Thus if you cant control yourself you can really end up becoming addicted.

Anyway it depends for every gamblers on how they will limit themselves to play. It might hard to refrain ourselves from playing but remember that not everyone who gamble online using their phone are ending up as addicted. So it's not an excuse and a reason for gamblers to find it hard to quit because it depends on what kind of gambler you are.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Ben Barubal on September 11, 2022, 05:22:47 AM
   Nowadays, we can say that gambling is really widespread in different parts of the world and I think it will not stop or disappear in every

country even if it is still prohibited. Because the number of gamblers has spread, others have developed an addiction and it has become a vice

because of greed and savagery for money thinking that they will suddenly get rich here without any difficulty because most of them rely on luck

here in gambling. Gambling is now too high-tech in the current generation, so I can also say that gambling is at a hybrid stage level.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: GigaBit on September 11, 2022, 05:57:12 AM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble. From here, then many people are looking for online gambling, until finally getting used to it. This means, games (non-gambling) with a gambling-like interface also have an influence on the desire to start gambling. The terrible thing is, many 10+ yo children also play games with this gambling interface. This is considered normal by their parents because they are thinking its not a gambling, but mostly from this app have a high possibility of the child being addicted to gambling.
I have witnessed such a situation. Some young kids in my area get addicted to these types of games and then they are able to get all the gambling activities. The worst part is that on of them learned to steal money from his family. He used to spend money and gamble constantly. At one point he started getting separated from his family. If a minor gets involved in gambling it is difficult to bring him back.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 11, 2022, 11:16:42 AM
Nowadays, we can say that gambling is really widespread in different parts of the world and I think it will not stop or disappear in every country even if it is still prohibited. Because the number of gamblers has spread, others have developed an addiction and it has become a vice because of greed and savagery for money thinking that they will suddenly get rich here without any difficulty because most of them rely on luck here in gambling. Gambling is now too high-tech in the current generation, so I can also say that gambling is at a hybrid stage level.
They can get rich from gambling but not everyone can because in gambling, there is always luck that will help people to win. This factor is what people are less aware of because they only see that other people can get a lot of wins from gambling. And this is what triggers them to keep coming back to gambling and keep trying to play even though they already know what the outcome will be within a certain time. And nowadays, many people are using their cell phones to gamble and can make playing clandestinely without anyone else knowing. This can also trigger their addiction because they can access gambling sites easily.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: madnessteat on September 11, 2022, 11:20:58 AM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble. From here, then many people are looking for online gambling, until finally getting used to it. This means, games (non-gambling) with a gambling-like interface also have an influence on the desire to start gambling. The terrible thing is, many 10+ yo children also play games with this gambling interface. This is considered normal by their parents because they are thinking its not a gambling, but mostly from this app have a high possibility of the child being addicted to gambling.
I have witnessed such a situation. Some young kids in my area get addicted to these types of games and then they are able to get all the gambling activities. The worst part is that on of them learned to steal money from his family. He used to spend money and gamble constantly. At one point he started getting separated from his family. If a minor gets involved in gambling it is difficult to bring him back.

To prevent this from happening parents need to control the entertainment of their child and limit children from this kind of games. If a child is already involved in gambling, educate him or her about the principles of casinos and the likelihood of winning at a particular game of chance. Children's future depends on parents' willingness to help them make the right choice when they themselves are not experienced enough.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Daltonik on September 11, 2022, 11:37:38 AM

“I could do everything you could do at a casino on my phone.”

Since he stopped gambling in May, Jason has noticed with fresh eyes just how prevalent the gambling industry has become. Nationally, entire sports shows are now dedicated to gambling, and others don’t go long without mentioning an exciting potential parlay bet. Gambling commercials play all the time on the radio and when he watches sports, and the leagues themselves have signed official partnerships with companies like FanDuel and DraftKings.

“It is everywhere now,” Jason said. “It's kind of disgusting when you start to look at it from the outside in.”


Yes, indeed, the popularity of gambling advertising and online casinos and bookmakers in mobile games sometimes simply discourage the desire to play a particular game on a mobile phone, but this is more likely to show the desire of developers to make money on advertising. And yes, this additionally pushes addicted people to relapse, it has become so sophisticated (not news) that, for example, if you try to turn on a VPN and run some game on your mobile, you can see that the advertising offered to you will also be in the language of the region installed in the VPN.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: harizen on September 11, 2022, 11:45:36 AM
To prevent this from happening parents need to control the entertainment of their child and limit children from this kind of games. If a child is already involved in gambling, educate him or her about the principles of casinos and the likelihood of winning at a particular game of chance. Children's future depends on parents' willingness to help them make the right choice when they themselves are not experienced enough.

Preventing the minors to the extent that parents will show a strict might not be effective. It mostly leads for these minor to become more curious about what gambling is all about. There's no 100% way to prevent them encountering gambling while they are growing up. With just a simple walk in park, they might encounter gambling-related stuff. Or while at their school, one of their classmate is already doing some small gambling etc.

The best way is to continue educating them, as you mentioned, all the risks associated in doing gambling. Believe me, it's not that a minor will just have an interest in gambling that easily even nowadays we are in the generation where most minors are exposed in gadgets playing games freely. It's still depend on their preference. Just because they are minors, they are not capable of thinking what's right or wrong.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Wakate on September 11, 2022, 12:37:05 PM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble. From here, then many people are looking for online gambling, until finally getting used to it. This means, games (non-gambling) with a gambling-like interface also have an influence on the desire to start gambling. The terrible thing is, many 10+ yo children also play games with this gambling interface. This is considered normal by their parents because they are thinking its not a gambling, but mostly from this app have a high possibility of the child being addicted to gambling.
I have witnessed such a situation. Some young kids in my area get addicted to these types of games and then they are able to get all the gambling activities. The worst part is that on of them learned to steal money from his family. He used to spend money and gamble constantly. At one point he started getting separated from his family. If a minor gets involved in gambling it is difficult to bring him back.

To prevent this from happening parents need to control the entertainment of their child and limit children from this kind of games. If a child is already involved in gambling, educate him or her about the principles of casinos and the likelihood of winning at a particular game of chance. Children's future depends on parents' willingness to help them make the right choice when they themselves are not experienced enough.
Getting access to the internet is as easily and we could never think and both children and adolescents are always eager to search for whatsoever they like on the net without anyone knowledge or control. Mobile games are becoming more popular and we the current trend that we are, since we don't need to send fiat again to casinos in order to make bets but using crypto looks somehow easy without any traces.

Children will have to go to bet and play any mobile games they like and with this, addiction is becoming likely faster than what we think which can eat up our time and ways we respond to things.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: goaldigger on September 11, 2022, 12:40:34 PM
Getting access to the internet is as easily and we could never think and both children and adolescents are always eager to search for whatsoever they like on the net without anyone knowledge or control. Mobile games are becoming more popular and we the current trend that we are, since we don't need to send fiat again to casinos in order to make bets but using crypto looks somehow easy without any traces.

Children will have to go to bet and play any mobile games they like and with this, addiction is becoming likely faster than what we think which can eat up our time and ways we respond to things.
Those underage still have no capability to control their emotion, that's why they easily get addict in something they usually do, if they are already exposed in gambling then that is something that their parents needs to address or else, their whole life will become more miserable. Mobile gambling is very comfortable and very accessible, I see this as a good advantage if you can't go outside and play in casinos, but again if you are playing too much and spending too much time on the screen, you might also ended up addicted. Control yourself as early as possible, don't let those addiction takes you from real world, be responsible on your gambling activities.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Wapfika on September 11, 2022, 12:50:47 PM
Children will have to go to bet and play any mobile games they like and with this, addiction is becoming likely faster than what we think which can eat up our time and ways we respond to things.
As much as possible parent should keep their children busy, maybe providing schedule for them to follow can help them avoid getting into gambling. Parents can still do something as their child character will depend on how they allow them to grow. Though it can only be possible to children who are still relying in their parents but those who already into gambling ,maybe giving samples on how it can ruin their lives once they don’t do anything to control their habits. It’s still a matter of self discipline and how one wanted to enjoy or run their lives.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Taskford on September 11, 2022, 01:05:30 PM
Children will have to go to bet and play any mobile games they like and with this, addiction is becoming likely faster than what we think which can eat up our time and ways we respond to things.
As much as possible parent should keep their children busy, maybe providing schedule for them to follow can help them avoid getting into gambling. Parents can still do something as their child character will depend on how they allow them to grow. Though it can only be possible to children who are still relying in their parents but those who already into gambling ,maybe giving samples on how it can ruin their lives once they don’t do anything to control their habits. It’s still a matter of self discipline and how one wanted to enjoy or run their lives.

Its very tiring and might your child will be rebellious to you if you dictate what things they need to do and you push them to do it even if they dislike what activity feed to them. Maybe much better if you educate them about this since learning it on early stage will make them realize more earlier than engaging to much on this is so risky for them and most provably they avoid this especially if they didn't start to go with this activities.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: madnessteat on September 11, 2022, 01:57:12 PM
To prevent this from happening parents need to control the entertainment of their child and limit children from this kind of games. If a child is already involved in gambling, educate him or her about the principles of casinos and the likelihood of winning at a particular game of chance. Children's future depends on parents' willingness to help them make the right choice when they themselves are not experienced enough.

Preventing the minors to the extent that parents will show a strict might not be effective. It mostly leads for these minor to become more curious about what gambling is all about. There's no 100% way to prevent them encountering gambling while they are growing up. With just a simple walk in park, they might encounter gambling-related stuff. Or while at their school, one of their classmate is already doing some small gambling etc.

The best way is to continue educating them, as you mentioned, all the risks associated in doing gambling. Believe me, it's not that a minor will just have an interest in gambling that easily even nowadays we are in the generation where most minors are exposed in gadgets playing games freely. It's still depend on their preference. Just because they are minors, they are not capable of thinking what's right or wrong.

I did not say that we should be strict with our children because they need a completely different approach. First and foremost, a parent should be a friend to his or her child, not a forbidding boss.
My main idea is to explain to the child that he can either spend his money on something material here and now and enjoy it, or he can spend it on a chance that will probably increase his money, but with a very small chance.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: dimonstration on September 11, 2022, 01:59:43 PM
Getting access to the internet is as easily and we could never think and both children and adolescents are always eager to search for whatsoever they like on the net without anyone knowledge or control. Mobile games are becoming more popular and we the current trend that we are, since we don't need to send fiat again to casinos in order to make bets but using crypto looks somehow easy without any traces.

Children will have to go to bet and play any mobile games they like and with this, addiction is becoming likely faster than what we think which can eat up our time and ways we respond to things.
Those underage still have no capability to control their emotion, that's why they easily get addict in something they usually do, if they are already exposed in gambling then that is something that their parents needs to address or else, their whole life will become more miserable. Mobile gambling is very comfortable and very accessible, I see this as a good advantage if you can't go outside and play in casinos, but again if you are playing too much and spending too much time on the screen, you might also ended up addicted. Control yourself as early as possible, don't let those addiction takes you from real world, be responsible on your gambling activities.

This is true. I have a niece that use his parent credit card to purchase in game items on the game he was addicted. His parents didn’t notice it until the credit card bill arrive with 1000$ on it. Luckily they manage to refund the credit money and just ban my niece account. I believe there are worst scenario like this that involves mobile gaming addiction especially on minors. It’s very hard to moderate there mobile phone activity because it’s very handy.

I think setting a parent control on the underage person is the best way to moderate them without attacking too much there privacy.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: TheGreatPython on September 11, 2022, 04:29:39 PM
Being addicted to gambling is simply not going away in this industry. Most of them when get addicted to gambling and become greedy for money, and the result is having an addiction where their body and mind will search for it.

That's why it's rare for a gambling addict to change and abandon this habit. It will be very difficult on the part of the gambling addict to let go.

Moreover, I noticed that online gambling spread especially when the whole world faced the pandemic. Although almost all of the land-based casinos have closed eventually the gambling owners found a way to conduct online gambling that can be downloaded using a mobile device so that even if they are at home and do not go out, gamblers can still gamble.

So the gambling addicts had the hope of being able to play in casino apps even if it was online and they were at home. This is also probably what you are saying that gambling addicts have become hybrids because gambling owners have used the technology we have in this day and age.
Yeah some will remain to be an addicted gambler because they choose this path and they are willing to face any consequences. In today's era, the rate of gambling addictions has increased dramatically and this of course by the help of portability or the smartphones where people can play almost anywhere. I think not all who are greedy in gambling is due to the want of too much money but there might be some who got addicted because of its ambiance and fun factor. Same to those who got addicted in video games.

The pandemic did also contribute because people got removed from their jobs and others were only forced to stay at home. This is why they look for a way to earn or way to have fun so they discovered online gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: jostorres on September 11, 2022, 04:39:59 PM
As explained on article, mobile phones accelerate the process of addiction in different forms. Gambling causes urge to deposit and it is easy for mobile users to click few times to refill his casino balance and keep repeating till it becomes zero, in worst case addiction leads to serious debt. Main reason is again access to faster internet, mobile banking, online casino combination, IMHO.
But most people enjoy it without negative consequences. They are just tools and some people know how to use them and some don't. What can we do to ensure that people do not use these tools for harm? In any case, do not ban mobile banking and the Internet. I think people who have problems with gambling should help themselves (or with the help of specialists) but not at the expense of restrictions and bans for other people.
Maybe what they are playing is the free/demo version of the game but if play the normal way then there will be negative consequences if you lose because you will also lose your hard earned money. Gambling is too big to become a tool but when you say tool, they are small things which can be use to fix the main thing. Gambling is not hard to understand but it all boils down if how one will accept its outcome.

If you will think deeply about every losses you make even if it's only small then you aren't gambling the right way. Better if you will not continue but you can only find an alternative to make you money or to make you entertained.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: uneng on September 11, 2022, 04:47:10 PM
As explained on article, mobile phones accelerate the process of addiction in different forms. Gambling causes urge to deposit and it is easy for mobile users to click few times to refill his casino balance and keep repeating till it becomes zero, in worst case addiction leads to serious debt. Main reason is again access to faster internet, mobile banking, online casino combination, IMHO.
But most people enjoy it without negative consequences. They are just tools and some people know how to use them and some don't. What can we do to ensure that people do not use these tools for harm? In any case, do not ban mobile banking and the Internet. I think people who have problems with gambling should help themselves (or with the help of specialists) but not at the expense of restrictions and bans for other people.
Maybe what they are playing is the free/demo version of the game but if play the normal way then there will be negative consequences if you lose because you will also lose your hard earned money. Gambling is too big to become a tool but when you say tool, they are small things which can be use to fix the main thing. Gambling is not hard to understand but it all boils down if how one will accept its outcome.

If you will think deeply about every losses you make even if it's only small then you aren't gambling the right way. Better if you will not continue but you can only find an alternative to make you money or to make you entertained.
Most people will play for free or will play for real money in a manner it won't affect them negatively. Someone might ask then why addiction rates are increasing so alarmingly then. And I would say it's because internet and technological gadgets are spreading so fast nowadays that every rates are increasing quickly, but on the same proportion: that means the number of gamblers is rising, while the number of addicted gamblers is also rising, although most of them won't present any problematic behavior, just like it has always been. I believe a small percentage of population is fine in losing money constantly like addicted gamblers do. Others will simply give up.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: gabbie2010 on September 11, 2022, 04:49:17 PM
Children will have to go to bet and play any mobile games they like and with this, addiction is becoming likely faster than what we think which can eat up our time and ways we respond to things.
As much as possible parent should keep their children busy, maybe providing schedule for them to follow can help them avoid getting into gambling. Parents can still do something as their child character will depend on how they allow them to grow. Though it can only be possible to children who are still relying in their parents but those who already into gambling ,maybe giving samples on how it can ruin their lives once they don’t do anything to control their habits. It’s still a matter of self discipline and how one wanted to enjoy or run their lives.
Work schedules and other activities of the parents always took most of their time thus wouldn't have time to check on their wards or children behavior towards gambling, it's worrisome that in third world countries parents doing 9-5 daily job wouldn't get home till late night due to road traffics thus by the time they get home they would be tired and go straight to bed after eating their supper. The best bet should have been preventing them from having access to those devices that will aid gambling, unfortunately parents wouldn't be around to follow it up with strict complaince then how do we control their habit? Honestly once these kids are earning some amount of money they will become addicted to it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: virasog on September 11, 2022, 07:52:36 PM

What can be done for these types of addicts? Even if they had no phones. There are still so many enablers around in the form of free WIFI and internet cafes.

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.

When you say about the bitcoin addiction treatment, we cannot just take the gambler to a place with no internet so that he stays away from gambling. This is not a practical solution. Internet is here to stay, and we need to find a way to stay away from gambling, even if gambling can be accessed from our phone anytime.
For this, a proper counselling of the gambler addict should happen, and he should be told a path where he could spend his time other than gambling, yet giving the same pleasure which he gets from gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fortify on September 11, 2022, 08:03:14 PM
One of the better pieces published on gambling addiction that I have seen.

It is possible that the form of addiction described here is a hybrid addiction. Its a cross between gambling addiction and internet addiction. With mobile phones being an enabler.

Reading some of the quotations I actually started to feel sorry for some of these people. Usually I consider gambling addiction to be a lower priority than substance abuse. But knowing how easy and convenient the internet makes things. It has to be an extremely difficult temptation for those suffering gambling addiction to resist.

Treatment for these types of addictions would also be difficult. If only due to the necessity of owning and carrying a phone in this day and age.

What can be done for these types of addicts? Even if they had no phones. There are still so many enablers around in the form of free WIFI and internet cafes.

Perhaps treatment centers would be located in remote areas with no internet access? That seems like it could represent a good first step. But of course the second they returned to modern society. There would always be the temptation to revert to former behavior. Which could be tough to resist.

It seems like different age groups need to be handled in different ways, but ultimately the best solution would be a worldwide gambling register that somebody could sign up to and self exclude themselves from every single gambling activity for a specified length of time. Gambling, like many addictions, can be tricky to break free from and many people are so stuck in one environment that they do not see any ability to change. Deep down, it does require the solid will from within to be able to beat it, because even short term solutions will eventually require you to think about gambling differently - to realize that it can be very detrimental to your finances and accept you should never go near it if you cannot handle it responsibly.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: seleme on September 11, 2022, 08:04:08 PM
But it is not only fault of person who fall in trap, I guess current direction of general gambling promotions aims to get more users as much as possible. Some of gamblers have weak psychology that convinces them it is easy to win money on online gambling platforms while strong minds can make math to find odds of winning. Regulation should be mandatory for online casinos especially local platforms have to be checked due to the increasing traffic, IMO.
Most of the crypto casinos are not regulated yet and as a gambler we should be more careful on dealing with them because as we can see, those casinos are not compatible using only your phones which makes it more accessible to the gamblers. I agree that having a weak emotion can put you on a more risky place and you might get addict easily because of this. No matter where you play, you should still need to control yourself because too much is not good at all, just gamble what you can afford to lose and stay discipline.
I agree with you, it takes time to understand for an addicted gambler what you have explained in this post because of being on HYPE and ignoring external suggestions. It becomes easier every past day and we are in charge of controlling our emotions along with online bank accounts for mentioned reasons. Discipline and money management skills are needed to save money and not lose it instantly after paycheck on various online casinos. Risky methods have an awesome winning ratio unless you can't afford to lose the money you used for making deposits on a gambling platform.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: goinmerry on September 11, 2022, 08:06:01 PM
Honestly once these kids are earning some amount of money they will become addicted to it.

Don't underestimate the ability of those kids to become responsible even at that age. Once a kid exposes to gambling, it's always 50-50 if they will turn into addicted ones or not. At that age, there are lots of things that kids can do that can make them not focus on only gambling. Nowadays, kids are being exposed to gadgets therefore they will usually spend time at online games and not directly gambling in general.

Kids also have the mindset of being worried about spending their money. It's not that they will just throw away it easily in gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: serjent05 on September 11, 2022, 08:37:41 PM
Honestly once these kids are earning some amount of money they will become addicted to it.

Don't underestimate the ability of those kids to become responsible even at that age. Once a kid exposes to gambling, it's always 50-50 if they will turn into addicted ones or not. At that age, there are lots of things that kids can do that can make them not focus on only gambling. Nowadays, kids are being exposed to gadgets therefore they will usually spend time at online games and not directly gambling in general.

Kids also have the mindset of being worried about spending their money. It's not that they will just throw away it easily in gambling.

I agree, kids have different reactions on things.  Not because we witness a kid that doesn't react well on certain things, it means all of them are the same.  I have known some kids you have high emotional intelligence, they sometimes know how to handle things better than adults.  Aside from that, in terms of gambling topics on kids, I think parents can greatly help in guiding these kids to adjust accordingly.  Shutting their worlds on gambling isn't a healthy thing because it will be a stranger territory when they come to age and engaged with it.  Besides kids will be able to access them on mobile devices in one way or another.  It is always better for kids to have awareness and proper guidance, especially in gambling to avoid problems in the future.

Technology will continue to advance and it is best for parents and guardians to educate kids in a proper way about gambling and other stuff.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Issa56 on September 11, 2022, 08:56:57 PM
I have witnessed such a situation. Some young kids in my area get addicted to these types of games and then they are able to get all the gambling activities. The worst part is that on of them learned to steal money from his family. He used to spend money and gamble constantly. At one point he started getting separated from his family. If a minor gets involved in gambling it is difficult to bring him back.
I think it's just better you should always educate your children about gambling, you should always monitor their mobile devices, monitor the friends they make and always monitor their movements, some of those minors are always influenced by their friends or their environment, It's really common now that you see minor gambling, since they are lacking sense so they will do everything possible to get money to gamble, it's really difficult for minor to control their self when gambling compare to adults which will lead to involving their self in illegal activities just to get money to gamble, most of them always look for online gambling websites that won't request for kyc before they can gamble.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Viscore on September 11, 2022, 08:58:56 PM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.
Gambling addiction even from mobile gaming has also become rampant these days maybe because mobile gambling has become so easier that even kids these days have learned to access on it and become totally attached. The reason why most of the kids these days become lazy from doing household chores and sometimes turn into dishonest kids so they can ask money from their parents.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Vaskiy on September 11, 2022, 11:04:13 PM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.
Gambling addiction even from mobile gaming has also become rampant these days maybe because mobile gambling has become so easier that even kids these days have learned to access on it and become totally attached. The reason why most of the kids these days become lazy from doing household chores and sometimes turn into dishonest kids so they can ask money from their parents.
Only parents have control what the kids doing with phone, so it is responsibility of parents to keep away children from dangerous websites. Using various softwares like VPN of Parental Control services can be helpful for avoiding it. I have seen underage people using their dad's credit card to play slots and make some money to buy new stuff. It doesn't make sense to blame casino but when they ask KYC, it becomes hard to tell parent and explain situation.
These days keeping kids away from mobile is really a hard task, because the education is somehow connected with mobile phones. Kids are allowed to learn through different applications. This is good, but it also have its drawbacks. Parents need to keep watching, but at some point they itself find it to be a disturbance to their kids. Providing them with the limited access could stop them from entering unwanted sites.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: AicecreaME on September 12, 2022, 01:28:35 AM
Gambling has indeed positive and negative effects to the player. The effects of it will depend on how the gamblers take responsibility on their behavior towards betting. If they are impulsive and high-risk gamblers without the literacy about financial and risk management, they are likely to suffer gambling addiction and other problems related with gambling such as money aspect. However, if they are calculated and moderate-average gamblers with financial and risk management enough knowledge, they are lesser prone with gambling addiction and monetary issues because they won't bet more than what they can afford to lose.

The rise of mobile gambling has become an entertainment for some and way of generating income to some. To others, it is a mixture of both. It brought advantages to those who utilized it in strategic and right manner while it brought misfortunes and troubles to those who are haste in making a decision. It's up to us whether which of the two we want to be. Because gambling has a lot of risks and one of it is the serious case of addiction that is hard to managed and hard to treat most especially if the person is uncooperative and unwilling to be diagnosed by the professionals.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: electronicash on September 12, 2022, 02:07:29 AM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.
Gambling addiction even from mobile gaming has also become rampant these days maybe because mobile gambling has become so easier that even kids these days have learned to access on it and become totally attached. The reason why most of the kids these days become lazy from doing household chores and sometimes turn into dishonest kids so they can ask money from their parents.
Only parents have control what the kids doing with phone, so it is responsibility of parents to keep away children from dangerous websites. Using various softwares like VPN of Parental Control services can be helpful for avoiding it. I have seen underage people using their dad's credit card to play slots and make some money to buy new stuff. It doesn't make sense to blame casino but when they ask KYC, it becomes hard to tell parent and explain situation.
These days keeping kids away from mobile is really a hard task, because the education is somehow connected with mobile phones. Kids are allowed to learn through different applications. This is good, but it also have its drawbacks. Parents need to keep watching, but at some point they itself find it to be a disturbance to their kids. Providing them with the limited access could stop them from entering unwanted sites.

kids actually are also hard to control. they now know too much that they'd curse and call me gay when i limit their access to the internet. its the way they contact friends and classmates in school. internet is useful to them. but they all learn all this thru the internet too. if they start to use their access to gamble, i guess i'd have to really use my most powerful tool, my belt.

government today also limit parents to execute consequences when they are committing mistakes. during my time, my parents whip me with rice cooker wire. if i whip my kids using wire, i'd be sleeping in a prison cell the next day.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fundamentals Of on September 12, 2022, 03:05:52 AM
If gambling is very accessible, that would be very dangerous. If you love gambling, and there's really a reason why we love gambling, and it's because it is really fun, it poses a lot of danger if it's in front of you all day long, night and day, every day. That's going to be a very difficult thing to resist especially if you lack self-discipline and self-control. And because each one of us has mobile phones already and internet connection is already available all the time, this fear of ruined people is right in front of us.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: AicecreaME on September 12, 2022, 03:27:00 AM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.
Gambling addiction even from mobile gaming has also become rampant these days maybe because mobile gambling has become so easier that even kids these days have learned to access on it and become totally attached. The reason why most of the kids these days become lazy from doing household chores and sometimes turn into dishonest kids so they can ask money from their parents.
Only parents have control what the kids doing with phone, so it is responsibility of parents to keep away children from dangerous websites. Using various softwares like VPN of Parental Control services can be helpful for avoiding it. I have seen underage people using their dad's credit card to play slots and make some money to buy new stuff. It doesn't make sense to blame casino but when they ask KYC, it becomes hard to tell parent and explain situation.

It's one of the possible ways parents can resort to, to protect their children from the possible effects of gambling. Although this won't really guarantee that their children will be safe from the influence of gambling because like what is already known, gambling is all over the Internet and they can easily have an access to it if the gambling website do not really ask for KYC. In addition, the kids are now getting smarter and more techy which means some kids are already knowledgeable enough to bypass the security.

I still believe that it is much better to educate the children once they reach the right age to understand the concept of gambling. This is to ensure that no matter what they see, hear, or read online, they won't be lost in the wrong path and instead, they will know how to determine a risk and an opportunity and when to do actions that will benefit them.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Silberman on September 12, 2022, 03:28:02 AM
These days keeping kids away from mobile is really a hard task, because the education is somehow connected with mobile phones. Kids are allowed to learn through different applications. This is good, but it also have its drawbacks. Parents need to keep watching, but at some point they itself find it to be a disturbance to their kids. Providing them with the limited access could stop them from entering unwanted sites.
It is true that it is quite a challenge to try to keep the kids away from mobile devices, because as we know now they are essential in order to function in our modern society, but even if it's hard we cannot just raise our hands and admit defeat, it is very important that we keep children away from gambling sites, because they are simply not ready to take informed decisions about what to do with their money, assuming they had any to actually gamble.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fredomago on September 12, 2022, 05:20:39 AM
These days keeping kids away from mobile is really a hard task, because the education is somehow connected with mobile phones. Kids are allowed to learn through different applications. This is good, but it also have its drawbacks. Parents need to keep watching, but at some point they itself find it to be a disturbance to their kids. Providing them with the limited access could stop them from entering unwanted sites.
It is true that it is quite a challenge to try to keep the kids away from mobile devices, because as we know now they are essential in order to function in our modern society, but even if it's hard we cannot just raise our hands and admit defeat, it is very important that we keep children away from gambling sites, because they are simply not ready to take informed decisions about what to do with their money, assuming they had any to actually gamble.

A responsible parent would not just raise hands and accept that kind of defeat. I mean why will you let the technology to pollute your kids mindsets, though we all understand the current situation and everything are more on online services and functions but the authority still in our hands, limiting the use of gadgets and access to the internet still can be done by parents.

If there's a will, there's always a best way. You can counter any threat if you know how to handle it.

Never to allow heavy engagements, even the access is too easy, find ways to divert the attention of those kids or if in case there's already someone who is already addicted to gambling, your capabilities to help are always there.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: slaman29 on September 12, 2022, 05:57:16 AM
I really don't get why mobile games are the demon here. Everything has bad apples. Personally, also hate most mobile games that have a paying option, I know even small kids who pay their lunch money just to buy a few crystals or extra lives to play something dumb like Candy Crush clones. But that's the fault of the devs, and they are the ones who need to be punished.

The worst now is crypto is being blamed for P2E nonsense, people buying up loads of NFTs with hard earned savings and then realizing they aren't earning anything back but wasting all their hours breeding.

Phones seem addictive, games seem addictive, crypto seem evil but the real problem is and has always been greedy and unethical devs.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 12, 2022, 06:17:59 AM
I really don't get why mobile games are the demon here. Everything has bad apples. Personally, also hate most mobile games that have a paying option, I know even small kids who pay their lunch money just to buy a few crystals or extra lives to play something dumb like Candy Crush clones. But that's the fault of the devs, and they are the ones who need to be punished.

The worst now is crypto is being blamed for P2E nonsense, people buying up loads of NFTs with hard earned savings and then realizing they aren't earning anything back but wasting all their hours breeding.

Phones seem addictive, games seem addictive, crypto seem evil but the real problem is and has always been greedy and unethical devs.
It all depends on how they use it and as long as they can control how long they play and don't forget about other activities, they won't be addicted. But many people continue to play, whether mobile games or gambling games until they lose track of time so they don't do anything but play. We have to prevent this ourselves before it's too late and we'll have a hard time stopping it.

Cell phones and all that stuff is a tool and it has two sides that we can use. If we can use it well, nothing will happen to us.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: peter0425 on September 12, 2022, 06:33:56 AM
everything in gambling depends on the player and the people surrounds him  so Yeah either in mobile or in casino houses ? or even in laptop and PC? I think both are addicting and can ruined peoples living.
no matter what it is our decision and action that will bring us there.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: TopT3ns on September 12, 2022, 06:54:19 AM
These days keeping kids away from mobile is really a hard task, because the education is somehow connected with mobile phones. Kids are allowed to learn through different applications. This is good, but it also have its drawbacks. Parents need to keep watching, but at some point they itself find it to be a disturbance to their kids. Providing them with the limited access could stop them from entering unwanted sites.
It is true that it is quite a challenge to try to keep the kids away from mobile devices, because as we know now they are essential in order to function in our modern society, but even if it's hard we cannot just raise our hands and admit defeat, it is very important that we keep children away from gambling sites, because they are simply not ready to take informed decisions about what to do with their money, assuming they had any to actually gamble.
I think that on some smartphone devices there are already features to limit gambling sites but at least children are given information about gambling from an early age so that they will know the good and bad of gambling places so that the child will not linger in the gambling place because the child is indeed knew exactly what he was going to get.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: kotajikikox on September 12, 2022, 07:59:04 AM
I am very thankful of the arriving of Mobile gambling in this time now , because in the past I had to spend time and also playing Lonely without a friend and makes me feel uncomfortable in each time.
Now that I can access site using my Mobile? so me and my wife can play together and enjoy our precious time to gamble(but of course limited time and money lol).

Anyway it depends for every gamblers on how they will limit themselves to play. It might hard to refrain ourselves from playing but remember that not everyone who gamble online using their phone are ending up as addicted. So it's not an excuse and a reason for gamblers to find it hard to quit because it depends on what kind of gambler you are.

even in Real life gambling or online? it is always depend on us to how we will deal in gambling and how much we will spend each time to play and lose.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: yazher on September 12, 2022, 08:22:36 AM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.

These kinds of advancements have not been experienced in the past by most people and that's why when they get addicted, they most likely don't know what to do until it's too late for most of them. That's why with this ongoing trend, concerned people also need to warn those others who are about going to get themselves into trouble in the future by just merely trying these new things. Always take care of yourself before trying anything new because, at the end of the day, you are the one who will suffer, and sometimes you also get your family in trouble by diving too much into addictions.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: rodskee on September 13, 2022, 02:08:09 AM
There are many things that attract gamblers and make them stay in casino sites nowadays. First are the promotions and bonuses as well as huge jackpot prizes that they want to win. We're now in the midst of the inflation crisis and the urge of some gamblers to win big amounts is higher than usual. The convenience that online gambling could provide also has a huge effect on gamblers' addiction. It will be hard for them to control their urge to gamble because temptations could only be found in their gadgets.
With the existence of online gambling sites there are positive as  well as negative part. According to me the usage of mobile phones have increased drastically and the gambling market doesn't want to lag behind. For this reason Gambling access through Mobile have made been made easier. Control is with the user, because without the person's support one can't get him out of addiction.
way back when we need to gamble? it took time and effort to go in casinos or in gambling places locally that we can do our betting , but nowadays? it become easier from laptop and Desktop ? now we are accessible in using our tablets and mobile in which made us become easier to access and easier to Loss as we can win lower chances.
but the main issue here is that Even the youngsters , I mean those teens that can access those site and gamble using online funds , even those young that had learn crypto , they are the ones who are prone from addiction.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: btc78 on September 13, 2022, 02:22:49 AM
You have to discipline yourself, this technology is here to stay and it's your decision on how you will live your life.
Self-discipline is everything. These people can leave modern society for a while to treat themselves remotely at proper centers on the countryside, but sooner or later they will have to come back to the real world and make use of technology to engage socially with other people and even to work.
Nope even how disciplined people are? yet in our time now? we cannot live without gadgets and internet as the world now lives with those technology so this means one thing that the discipline they needed is to control themselves from gambling and nothing more we can do about it.
Otherwise it's not possible to live a healthy, confortable and normal life. Then there is nothing addicted people can do besides educating themselves and learning how to limit their emotions and impulses towards so much accessibility, informations, tools and pleasures digital devices proportionate us.
actually it is the experience that will let them learn mate , because gambling addiction is indeed for the people that has no self control or those people that has eager for everything they desire.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: bittraffic on September 13, 2022, 02:47:07 AM
You have to discipline yourself, this technology is here to stay and it's your decision on how you will live your life.
Self-discipline is everything. These people can leave modern society for a while to treat themselves remotely at proper centers on the countryside, but sooner or later they will have to come back to the real world and make use of technology to engage socially with other people and even to work.
Nope even how disciplined people are? yet in our time now? we cannot live without gadgets and internet as the world now lives with those technology so this means one thing that the discipline they needed is to control themselves from gambling and nothing more we can do about it.
Otherwise it's not possible to live a healthy, confortable and normal life. Then there is nothing addicted people can do besides educating themselves and learning how to limit their emotions and impulses towards so much accessibility, informations, tools and pleasures digital devices proportionate us.
actually it is the experience that will let them learn mate , because gambling addiction is indeed for the people that has no self control or those people that has eager for everything they desire.

This is where the government will come useful and will take action to block casino websites that even the use of proxies will not work. And then regulations for casinos also will be tighter and penalties for gamblers caught will also be scarier. They'd find it necessary to do this because it can affect the lives of families. While it may be effective, the tech-savvy gamblers will still be playing.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: lienfaye on September 13, 2022, 02:48:54 AM
I am very thankful of the arriving of Mobile gambling in this time now , because in the past I had to spend time and also playing Lonely without a friend and makes me feel uncomfortable in each time.
Now that I can access site using my Mobile? so me and my wife can play together and enjoy our precious time to gamble(but of course limited time and money lol).
That's one of the pros of online gambling, you can gamble with your loved ones. We dont need to go to any physical casinos to play because gambling through our mobile phone made it possible to play while at home. However if there's a good side, it has a bad side too and probably we're all aware of it. So gamble in moderation.

Anyway it depends for every gamblers on how they will limit themselves to play. It might hard to refrain ourselves from playing but remember that not everyone who gamble online using their phone are ending up as addicted. So it's not an excuse and a reason for gamblers to find it hard to quit because it depends on what kind of gambler you are.

even in Real life gambling or online? it is always depend on us to how we will deal in gambling and how much we will spend each time to play and lose.
Regardless of where you prefer to play (either in physical casino or online) if you have discipline then you're not one of those gamblers who will experience a gambling problem because of their way on how they deal with it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: traderethereum on September 13, 2022, 04:10:34 AM
It is obvious that with these technological advancements also come some negativities for a lot of people, great example outlined here are gamblers who cannot control their gambling urges. Usually self-exclusion solves this problem. But there are still cases wherein people can access other gambling platforms due to a weak self-exclusion system. By this time, it would be best if the gambler would seek advice from a psychologist regarding their condition. Intervention really is the key and perhaps the last resort for addicted gamblers if they keep on finding ways to gamble even though they want to stop.

These kinds of advancements have not been experienced in the past by most people and that's why when they get addicted, they most likely don't know what to do until it's too late for most of them. That's why with this ongoing trend, concerned people also need to warn those others who are about going to get themselves into trouble in the future by just merely trying these new things. Always take care of yourself before trying anything new because, at the end of the day, you are the one who will suffer, and sometimes you also get your family in trouble by diving too much into addictions.
But people who are addicted may not tell others because they may not know that they are addicted to gambling.
This is a serious problem for those addicted to gambling and maybe those around them need to pay more attention to people who are always alone and busy with their cellphones or computers.
Knowing early about the existence of a gambling addiction that afflicts someone in their family, it will help people who are addicted to gambling to be able to get first aid that can help them to start staying away from gambling.
Maybe inviting people who are addicted to using their cellphones to do other activities can give them the opportunity to open up and tell if something is wrong with them.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: inthelongrun on September 13, 2022, 05:26:47 AM
There are always positive and negative effects on everything even if that something is intended for good purposes. Mobile gambling is supposed to make it easier and more convenient for people to gamble instead of needing to come into a land-based casino or the need to operate a computer.

That is why we also have governments to manage and decide based on research. So I cannot blame the Chinese government for taking a ban on casinos and gambling. It protects its people from possible addiction and loss of huge assets but at the same time, it deprived the people to gamble. The rich Chinese though can travel to nearby Macau and other countries if they want to gamble.   

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on September 13, 2022, 05:59:01 AM
Too much of everything is always bad, and the gambling industry is no exception to that very fact, because mobile gambling was invented to ease the stress of traveling long distances just before you could place a bet or gamble right from the comfort of your home. But it is evident enough that for every advantage then there is a corresponding disadvantage, so in regards to this very scenario, the best remedy for mobile gamblers will be a total internet disconnection, because, in a situation whereby they can't access the Internet, the rate of mobile gambling will surely reduce

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Kakmakr on September 13, 2022, 06:47:18 AM
I really don't get why mobile games are the demon here. Everything has bad apples. Personally, also hate most mobile games that have a paying option, I know even small kids who pay their lunch money just to buy a few crystals or extra lives to play something dumb like Candy Crush clones. But that's the fault of the devs, and they are the ones who need to be punished.

The worst now is crypto is being blamed for P2E nonsense, people buying up loads of NFTs with hard earned savings and then realizing they aren't earning anything back but wasting all their hours breeding.

Phones seem addictive, games seem addictive, crypto seem evil but the real problem is and has always been greedy and unethical devs.

Let me be the "Devil's advocate" here....

Why are the developers evil and greedy, if they are coding things that people are asking for? You will always find that there are one breakthrough concept being released and then a trend forms around that concept, because the users shown interest in it.

The developers are simply giving the users more of the things they like. We always say.... look what people want.. and give that to them..and you will be successful.

I hate it when developers create something that they like .... and they do not do some market research to see what their target market wants.  ::)  Mobile gaming has become a trend..... and developers has noticed that, so they are coding what people are asking for. 

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Oasisman on September 13, 2022, 06:51:44 AM

It is possible that the form of addiction described here is a hybrid addiction. Its a cross between gambling addiction and internet addiction. With mobile phones being an enabler.

There's no other way to say it, but yeah that's actually a hybrid addiction. I guess majority of all the people around the world is now addicted to internet. Every step we make nowadays might usually needs internet. But being addicted with gambling in the internet is some kind of a leveled up kind of addiction. A hybrid one. Which is a serious case like how people are addicted with drugs and alcohol. However, even with series of rehabilitations and treatment, these addictive things are still available and can be accessible anytime anywhere.
So, there's no rehabilitations and treatments that would really work for some individual if they don't want to change themselves.
I should never let my family member or a friend rehabilitate forcefully. I should talk to him first and convince what kind of monster he'd become being addicted with gambling. He should be willingly surrender himself for rehabilitation. That way it could be more effective.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: jossiel on September 13, 2022, 08:44:00 AM
Regardless of where you prefer to play (either in physical casino or online) if you have discipline then you're not one of those gamblers who will experience a gambling problem because of their way on how they deal with it.
Well, sometimes people who really are experiencing a gambling problem, they don't want others to notice it but only them.

And as they notice it and admits that they're experiencing one, they are also highly declining that they're at a worse situation while dealing that problem.

They think that they're still at moderation but they can notice their habits are changing.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Quidat on September 13, 2022, 09:23:26 PM

Just take for example on which my wife had recently able to deal with some gambling sites online due to her friend was introducing it to here and because of the easy access and ways on visiting the platform and find out that it was easy to make profits or money with those gambling games then she was almost getting addicted to it. First she was lucky on making profits or money on fastest way as possible and believing that she could do it all day and make herself huge chunks but it was really just a wrong belief on mind.Quitting is hard on the time that you are already getting used to it.Some might say that it was easy but it isnt actually be that way.
Having been able to experience earning from gambling once will sometimes cause oneself to hard to avoid gambling. I too had experience winning a lot on gambling and unfortunately I hit a lose streak. I kept on thinking that I'll be able to win again especially that I've experienced it before however lose streak keeps on coming back until I've lose most of my gambling activities.
We can never always win at gambling but often lose at gambling.
But that is gambling and only people who can use gambling wisely can enjoy it and will not lose more money because they know when to stop.
Once we can win a lot from gambling, we should think about stopping and not continuing to play gambling because the results will not always give us a win.
I think we've all made big profits once or twice and only a few can stop in time while others lose their profits by continuing to play.
Gambling do always mean about losing in the end of the day.The ones who doesnt lose are the ones who do accept that they do lost all of their money once they do engage with gambling
which is in fact the reality.If you do really make yourself that believe that you could beat out the house or casino then its a wrong mindset to believe on which would really cause up
that addiction within you.With having the easy access on todays technology then it do really contributes into people to be addicted on something even not just talking about
gambling but also with social media which is also a form of addiction for some people too.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: traderethereum on September 14, 2022, 04:16:47 AM

Just take for example on which my wife had recently able to deal with some gambling sites online due to her friend was introducing it to here and because of the easy access and ways on visiting the platform and find out that it was easy to make profits or money with those gambling games then she was almost getting addicted to it. First she was lucky on making profits or money on fastest way as possible and believing that she could do it all day and make herself huge chunks but it was really just a wrong belief on mind.Quitting is hard on the time that you are already getting used to it.Some might say that it was easy but it isnt actually be that way.
Having been able to experience earning from gambling once will sometimes cause oneself to hard to avoid gambling. I too had experience winning a lot on gambling and unfortunately I hit a lose streak. I kept on thinking that I'll be able to win again especially that I've experienced it before however lose streak keeps on coming back until I've lose most of my gambling activities.
We can never always win at gambling but often lose at gambling.
But that is gambling and only people who can use gambling wisely can enjoy it and will not lose more money because they know when to stop.
Once we can win a lot from gambling, we should think about stopping and not continuing to play gambling because the results will not always give us a win.
I think we've all made big profits once or twice and only a few can stop in time while others lose their profits by continuing to play.
Gambling do always mean about losing in the end of the day.The ones who doesnt lose are the ones who do accept that they do lost all of their money once they do engage with gamblingwhich is in fact the reality.If you do really make yourself that believe that you could beat out the house or casino then its a wrong mindset to believe on which would really cause up that addiction within you.With having the easy access on todays technology then it do really contributes into people to be addicted on something even not just talking about gambling but also with social media which is also a form of addiction for some people too.
That's why in playing gambling, they shouldn't think about all kinds of things, let alone think about how they can win at gambling.
With the defeat that can befall us at the end of the day, we must be aware that in gambling, we must be careful with using the money.
We don't want to see the money we deposit run out in a short time and, therefore, limit the amount of money to bet to reduce the number of losses.
And we are also responsible for using mobile phones and not using them for unnecessary purposes so that we will not be trapped in an addiction that is difficult to cure.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Pierre 2 on September 14, 2022, 06:48:17 AM
When I first experienced how addictive internet is, my mind was blown. Over time it became even far more addictive with many gaming options. I think smartphones enable this so hard. When you have computer you need to leave it to move. But smartphones are always with us. It definitely makes online gambling businesses far more profitable. Although gambling addiction can hit vulnerable people so hard. There must be "quit" mechanism.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Boristhecat on September 14, 2022, 07:50:09 AM
When I first experienced how addictive internet is, my mind was blown. Over time it became even far more addictive with many gaming options. I think smartphones enable this so hard. When you have computer you need to leave it to move. But smartphones are always with us. It definitely makes online gambling businesses far more profitable. Although gambling addiction can hit vulnerable people so hard. There must be "quit" mechanism.

Doesn't this mechanism exist now? Self control. We can blame progress for anything, but in the end, we make the decisions ourselves. We ourselves send money to the casino account and risk it ourselves (realizing that we can lose it). To stop doing it, you just need to stop doing it and not wait for some mechanism to be invented to stop doing it, hehe. Unfortunately, many players come to the point that the most effective mechanism works - they run out of money.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Mauser on September 14, 2022, 08:39:38 AM
When I first experienced how addictive internet is, my mind was blown. Over time it became even far more addictive with many gaming options. I think smartphones enable this so hard. When you have computer you need to leave it to move. But smartphones are always with us. It definitely makes online gambling businesses far more profitable. Although gambling addiction can hit vulnerable people so hard. There must be "quit" mechanism.

I agree it's the Internet together with smartphones that offers so many opportunities which can lead to afflictions down the road. Our cell phone gives us  the opportunity to be online wherever we are, there is no real escaping. In times of lockdowns the tablet and desktop where also very easy to access, but our phone we tend to move around with us anywhere. It's not only gambling which leads to addictions, but also mobile gaming or even social media. I noticed it with my cousin, she is constantly checking Facebook, Instagram and 2-3 more apps. There is no chance of having a conversation with her without she looking at her phone. I think the overall problem is the cell phone and not gambling itself. We need to have restrictions on ourselves to limit our use of Apps and the Internet. One good thing I try to do is no electronic devices in the bedroom. I try to avoid my phone and my laptop on bed. It helps me to fall asleep and is also good for the eyes.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fredomago on September 14, 2022, 10:53:22 AM
One good thing I try to do is no electronic devices in the bedroom. I try to avoid my phone and my laptop on bed. It helps me to fall asleep and is also good for the eyes.

Make sense, if you don't have any devices near you there's no disturbance that may take place while you are sleeping though for sure in most time, those addicted people not just to gambling but far more with internet access they can't resist not to use their mobile devices to access the internet and check latest news and updates.

Gambling business understand the growing technology, so adopting to these changes will bring a good edge to their business and look how
big this industry now.

It will all be depends now on how you conceptualize your limitations and how will you adjust to avoid being engaged that much
with any gambling related online.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 14, 2022, 11:11:47 AM
When I first experienced how addictive internet is, my mind was blown. Over time it became even far more addictive with many gaming options. I think smartphones enable this so hard. When you have computer you need to leave it to move. But smartphones are always with us. It definitely makes online gambling businesses far more profitable. Although gambling addiction can hit vulnerable people so hard. There must be "quit" mechanism.
I think it is felt by many people, especially those new to the internet. They can discover many things they do not know, increasing their knowledge. Especially now, having a smartphone has become a necessity for most people, especially those busy working outside the home without carrying a laptop. This is also experienced by gamers who use their smartphones to play games and make them addicted. I think this also happens in the gambling business, where some people play gambling using their smartphones and this allows them to play anywhere.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: rhomelmabini on September 14, 2022, 11:15:57 AM
But smartphones are always with us. It definitely makes online gambling businesses far more profitable. Although gambling addiction can hit vulnerable people so hard. There must be "quit" mechanism.
Responsibilities will make you think twice and that's likely a quit mechanism to me if you really care for your family or even for yourself, addiction is far more dangerous than we can probably think of.

Unfortunately, many players come to the point that the most effective mechanism works - they run out of money.
For some it is, but to those who want to stay addicted will always find a way to do what they like to do unless those who around him/her starts to notice and put them on a rehab.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Adbitco on September 14, 2022, 12:21:20 PM
It could be amended and adjusted being addicted with his mobile phone is another bigger problems as a gambler.

Online gambling is one of the new ways to gamble and it is very easy because of the ease to do it but it is more tempting that you could empty your account before you know it. The emotion is always rising and you want to keep betting to regain your loses. I was gambling online through the phone and I realize this was really more tempting to play more than offline. You can find yourself playing unnecessary gambling because you have your apps ready to play always, this is difficult to control more than of line.

It's a self determination, you can decide either to be gambling with your mobile app. Is true though but whenever a man is chasing loses always ends up losing more money at this point as a mobile app gambler you can decide to bet any game which you quickly predicted without knowing that you are emptying your pockets.

Lastly I would suggest to set a limit of gambling per weeks or per months to reduce your attention on the mobile app as well as reducing risk of losing money.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: coinerer on September 14, 2022, 02:41:18 PM
Considering all the aspects mobile gambling offers more advantages to gamblers. People can now gamble freely in their comfort zone. Non-stop gambling is also available here. Moving anywhere is not a problem and is best suited for fast gambling. There are also various features that increase the demand of gaming and users feel comfortable to using it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Reatim on September 15, 2022, 02:25:06 AM
  Nowadays, we can say that gambling is really widespread in different parts of the world and I think it will not stop or disappear in every country even if it is still prohibited.
lol, who says it will disappear ? the question is about the rise of mobile gambling and  and addiction is nothing to be blamed for the site it is every persons problem.
Because the number of gamblers has spread, others have developed an addiction and it has become a vice because of greed and savagery for money thinking that they will suddenly get rich here without any difficulty because most of them rely on luck here in gambling. Gambling is now too high-tech in the current generation, so I can also say that gambling is at a hybrid stage level.
we are free to do everything we wanted, Gambling only offering fun and chance to win but it is our obligation to deal with it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Silberman on September 15, 2022, 02:34:33 AM
When I first experienced how addictive internet is, my mind was blown. Over time it became even far more addictive with many gaming options. I think smartphones enable this so hard. When you have computer you need to leave it to move. But smartphones are always with us. It definitely makes online gambling businesses far more profitable. Although gambling addiction can hit vulnerable people so hard. There must be "quit" mechanism.
I think it is felt by many people, especially those new to the internet. They can discover many things they do not know, increasing their knowledge. Especially now, having a smartphone has become a necessity for most people, especially those busy working outside the home without carrying a laptop. This is also experienced by gamers who use their smartphones to play games and make them addicted. I think this also happens in the gambling business, where some people play gambling using their smartphones and this allows them to play anywhere.
It seems to me that what it is happening is that people are having trouble adapting to this new reality in which we are interconnected 24 hours a day, just a decade ago this was still relatively rare and people could get away with not having a smartphone, but in today's world this is something impossible to do, this means that those that have some problems with their impulse control can easily become addicted to anything they can do with their phones, and a few examples of this are social media or gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: 8rch7 on September 15, 2022, 02:57:16 AM
Considering all the aspects mobile gambling offers more advantages to gamblers. People can now gamble freely in their comfort zone. Non-stop gambling is also available here. Moving anywhere is not a problem and is best suited for fast gambling. There are also various features that increase the demand of gaming and users feel comfortable to using it.
We must really pay attention to all online gambling, we must also be able to control ourselves from all gambling activities, because if we can't control ourselves and also can't get out of gambling, surely destruction will come to us, because gambling definitely promises. a very extraordinary advantage, so make gambling as entertainment is not a must, I am sure if we consider gambling as entertainment, our lives will not be destroyed, I personally only play sports gambling, because in my opinion sports gambling can provide fun and sports gambling will not destroying our economy.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Poker Player on September 15, 2022, 03:34:12 AM
Considering all the aspects mobile gambling offers more advantages to gamblers. People can now gamble freely in their comfort zone. Non-stop gambling is also available here.

Yes, that's the problem, today's problem gamblers can gamble from home or anywhere else at any time of the day. Digital availability, that makes it convenient for someone who bets in a responsible way from home, is a potential danger for problem gamblers, because it gives an ease to go in gamble binges that was not there before the digital era. And it's much harder to stop when they do think about it, too.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: rodskee on September 15, 2022, 04:26:47 AM
Considering all the aspects mobile gambling offers more advantages to gamblers. People can now gamble freely in their comfort zone.
with less hassle mate, no possible raid if ever we are playing in local gambling outlet, no possible caught from our love one if we are hiding our gambling activities.
Non-stop gambling is also available here.
there are even casino houses in real that offers non stop gambling so i think it goes both ways from online to real casinos.
Moving anywhere is not a problem and is best suited for fast gambling. There are also various features that increase the demand of gaming and users feel comfortable to using it.
fast gambling but also fast losing if you don't have luck by your side lol.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 15, 2022, 04:41:55 AM
When I first experienced how addictive internet is, my mind was blown. Over time it became even far more addictive with many gaming options. I think smartphones enable this so hard. When you have computer you need to leave it to move. But smartphones are always with us. It definitely makes online gambling businesses far more profitable. Although gambling addiction can hit vulnerable people so hard. There must be "quit" mechanism.
I think it is felt by many people, especially those new to the internet. They can discover many things they do not know, increasing their knowledge. Especially now, having a smartphone has become a necessity for most people, especially those busy working outside the home without carrying a laptop. This is also experienced by gamers who use their smartphones to play games and make them addicted. I think this also happens in the gambling business, where some people play gambling using their smartphones and this allows them to play anywhere.
It seems to me that what it is happening is that people are having trouble adapting to this new reality in which we are interconnected 24 hours a day, just a decade ago this was still relatively rare and people could get away with not having a smartphone, but in today's world this is something impossible to do, this means that those that have some problems with their impulse control can easily become addicted to anything they can do with their phones, and a few examples of this are social media or gambling.
This makes them explore further what the internet is and once they find that gambling is an interesting activity, it will be difficult for them to stay away from it or limit their time playing gambling. This also requires attention from us as smartphone users, especially for those who have money or a 24-hour internet connection. Yes, social media is a great example of limiting smartphone use so that it will not interfere with our other activities. Maybe if the development of smartphones and the internet is more advanced than now, this requires more attention and restrictions from us so that we can use smartphones and the internet properly.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fredomago on September 15, 2022, 05:01:50 PM
When I first experienced how addictive internet is, my mind was blown. Over time it became even far more addictive with many gaming options. I think smartphones enable this so hard. When you have computer you need to leave it to move. But smartphones are always with us. It definitely makes online gambling businesses far more profitable. Although gambling addiction can hit vulnerable people so hard. There must be "quit" mechanism.
I think it is felt by many people, especially those new to the internet. They can discover many things they do not know, increasing their knowledge. Especially now, having a smartphone has become a necessity for most people, especially those busy working outside the home without carrying a laptop. This is also experienced by gamers who use their smartphones to play games and make them addicted. I think this also happens in the gambling business, where some people play gambling using their smartphones and this allows them to play anywhere.
It seems to me that what it is happening is that people are having trouble adapting to this new reality in which we are interconnected 24 hours a day, just a decade ago this was still relatively rare and people could get away with not having a smartphone, but in today's world this is something impossible to do, this means that those that have some problems with their impulse control can easily become addicted to anything they can do with their phones, and a few examples of this are social media or gambling.
This makes them explore further what the internet is and once they find that gambling is an interesting activity, it will be difficult for them to stay away from it or limit their time playing gambling. This also requires attention from us as smartphone users, especially for those who have money or a 24-hour internet connection. Yes, social media is a great example of limiting smartphone use so that it will not interfere with our other activities. Maybe if the development of smartphones and the internet is more advanced than now, this requires more attention and restrictions from us so that we can use smartphones and the internet properly.

Over-usages of your time online make you prone to getting addicted. It's not just the gambling concern, but there are bigger features that internet capabilities really provide to all the people who have access without restrictions. Though gambling is really a big concern since you can play wherever you are and whenever you want, unlike before which you needed to visit the offshore casinos to enjoy our favorite gambling games.

The technology really affects the time duration that people who enjoy or maybe get addicted to gambling, by simply clicking the site and everything is set to go.

It's alarming and without proper control of your time and good money managements, the chance of getting broke is really high.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: masulum on September 15, 2022, 05:41:05 PM
a very extraordinary advantage, so make gambling as entertainment is not a must, I am sure if we consider gambling as entertainment, our lives will not be destroyed, I personally only play sports gambling, because in my opinion sports gambling can provide fun and sports gambling will not destroying our economy.

Sports betting would indeed be better to do and prevent you from always betting without any limit. Generally, sports gamblers will focus on important matches or just bet on their favorite team. not too much time consuming to gamble every minute. Unlike slots or live casinos. However, sports betting can also destroyed the economy if the gambler does not control how many clubs he bets on and how much money he can spend. So, in fact, control is number 1 when it comes to the potential big loss of the economy from/because of gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: noormcs5 on September 15, 2022, 05:50:11 PM
Over-usages of your time online make you prone to getting addicted. It's not just the gambling concern, but there are bigger features that internet capabilities really provide to all the people who have access without restrictions. Though gambling is really a big concern since you can play wherever you are and whenever you want, unlike before which you needed to visit the offshore casinos to enjoy our favorite gambling games.

The technology really affects the time duration that people who enjoy or maybe get addicted to gambling, by simply clicking the site and everything is set to go.

It's alarming and without proper control of your time and good money managements, the chance of getting broke is really high.

We are living in an online free world where we can access a lot of things including gambling. Everyone's has their own time and own money and it is their free will to spend the time and money as per their own will. Everyone is responsible for their acts. So we cannot blame that mobile gambling is running people life. If anyone is playing excessive gambling he is ruining his own life while other are using mobile  to access gambling anytime anywhere but play moderately.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: jossiel on September 15, 2022, 07:34:54 PM
The technology really affects the time duration that people who enjoy or maybe get addicted to gambling, by simply clicking the site and everything is set to go.

It's alarming and without proper control of your time and good money managements, the chance of getting broke is really high.
Time is quicker when we're in front of our gadgets and that's why it's really making us spend a lot of time using these gadgets. It's a very effective way to kill time if you don't have anything to do.

You just sit and use your gadget and then later on, an hour has already passed.

Alarming as it is when you're not worried about your usage and time. And for the bettors that uses their phone, there's not that much of a problem if it's consuming their time.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: lionheart78 on September 15, 2022, 08:38:02 PM
The technology really affects the time duration that people who enjoy or maybe get addicted to gambling, by simply clicking the site and everything is set to go.

It's alarming and without proper control of your time and good money managements, the chance of getting broke is really high.
Time is quicker when we're in front of our gadgets and that's why it's really making us spend a lot of time using these gadgets. It's a very effective way to kill time if you don't have anything to do.

You just sit and use your gadget and then later on, an hour has already passed.

Alarming as it is when you're not worried about your usage and time. And for the bettors that uses their phone, there's not that much of a problem if it's consuming their time.

Consuming time with gambling using a gadget is ok if they are not being drowned in gambling addiction.  We all know gambling usage itself is pretty much addictive, we have seen lots of cases on gadgets.  You can refer to this study for further information.[1]  But the thing is being exposed to gambling in any form may develop gambling addiction especially when a person is too hooked on their gadgets, passing time with gambling applications.  And gadget + gambling is one of the best time-consuming tandems with a negative side effect of either gadget addiction or gambling addiction, worst case scenario is possibly developing both.  So users who are into playing gambling games on their mobile should be aware of this possibility and impose self-control to not succumb to any of the stated addictions.


Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Mahanton on September 15, 2022, 08:45:29 PM
The technology really affects the time duration that people who enjoy or maybe get addicted to gambling, by simply clicking the site and everything is set to go.

It's alarming and without proper control of your time and good money managements, the chance of getting broke is really high.
Time is quicker when we're in front of our gadgets and that's why it's really making us spend a lot of time using these gadgets. It's a very effective way to kill time if you don't have anything to do.

You just sit and use your gadget and then later on, an hour has already passed.

Alarming as it is when you're not worried about your usage and time. And for the bettors that uses their phone, there's not that much of a problem if it's consuming their time.
When you are already compromising other important things or responsibilities then this is where problems do started.Its not really that bad on having those past time in your mobile phone.
Doesnt only limit out on playing gambling but also with social media and other stuffs that you could possibly do on mobile since accessibility is there then everything could really be able
to engage on.Speaking about gambling then it is really that users were prone into that and we know that excess dealing or engagement is never been considered to be good.
When you are already addicted but still have the access on your phone then it would really be still useless.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: South Park on September 15, 2022, 09:03:31 PM
The technology really affects the time duration that people who enjoy or maybe get addicted to gambling, by simply clicking the site and everything is set to go.

It's alarming and without proper control of your time and good money managements, the chance of getting broke is really high.
Time is quicker when we're in front of our gadgets and that's why it's really making us spend a lot of time using these gadgets. It's a very effective way to kill time if you don't have anything to do.

You just sit and use your gadget and then later on, an hour has already passed.

Alarming as it is when you're not worried about your usage and time. And for the bettors that uses their phone, there's not that much of a problem if it's consuming their time.
A great deal of the problem is the notification system, if you have to use your phone you just grab it and do whatever you want, however with notifications your phone is always ringing and reminding you that something is happening, most of the time what's happening is not important and it doesn't matter if you take your time and respond whenever you have time available, but this creates anxiety in people believing that they are missing something important, so they check the phone not because they actually want to do it but as a reaction to a stimulus, and if you do this enough times then it will become impossible for you to ignore those notifications, wasting a lot of time in the process.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ChiBitCTy on September 15, 2022, 09:14:34 PM
I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: dothebeats on September 15, 2022, 09:17:24 PM
I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.

Strict supervision on developing youths is the key to prevent this. A lot of kids nowadays are involved in a lot of mobile games and some even tend to use their parents' money to gamble, or to buy in-game items and them gamble it online. If it's kept tight by their parents and shut down every opportunity for the kid to gamble, then I think the kid will realize that if their parents are that strict, it must be something that is really, really grave. Then again, supervision is not something that millennial parents are good at. They are busy making money that they are forgetting to watch their kids grow and learn of their habits and activities.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: milewilda on September 15, 2022, 10:38:29 PM
I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.

Strict supervision on developing youths is the key to prevent this. A lot of kids nowadays are involved in a lot of mobile games and some even tend to use their parents' money to gamble, or to buy in-game items and them gamble it online. If it's kept tight by their parents and shut down every opportunity for the kid to gamble, then I think the kid will realize that if their parents are that strict, it must be something that is really, really grave. Then again, supervision is not something that millennial parents are good at. They are busy making money that they are forgetting to watch their kids grow and learn of their habits and activities.
This is what im doing and always been reminding into my kids about gambling and other things which could be possibly be seen online whether those violence related things too which you should really make them aware and tell them about avoiding it as much as they could so that they wouldnt really be able to make themselves getting involved  with those.Parenting and guidance might not be perfect but at
least you have done your part as a parent.It would always be depending on how you do guide them on the right path although each one of us does have their own will and intellect on doing things
and make out some judgement but at least you had told them about its cons.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: jossiel on September 15, 2022, 11:25:16 PM
The technology really affects the time duration that people who enjoy or maybe get addicted to gambling, by simply clicking the site and everything is set to go.

It's alarming and without proper control of your time and good money managements, the chance of getting broke is really high.
Time is quicker when we're in front of our gadgets and that's why it's really making us spend a lot of time using these gadgets. It's a very effective way to kill time if you don't have anything to do.

You just sit and use your gadget and then later on, an hour has already passed.

Alarming as it is when you're not worried about your usage and time. And for the bettors that uses their phone, there's not that much of a problem if it's consuming their time.
A great deal of the problem is the notification system, if you have to use your phone you just grab it and do whatever you want, however with notifications your phone is always ringing and reminding you that something is happening, most of the time what's happening is not important and it doesn't matter if you take your time and respond whenever you have time available, but this creates anxiety in people believing that they are missing something important, so they check the phone not because they actually want to do it but as a reaction to a stimulus, and if you do this enough times then it will become impossible for you to ignore those notifications, wasting a lot of time in the process.
You have to set that manually for you to still be on time with how long you're using your phone, whether it's for gambling or gaming.

But that's a good idea and there are people who have been doing that to remind themselves voluntarily that they should stop once the notification and alarm rings.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: uneng on September 15, 2022, 11:36:31 PM
I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.

Strict supervision on developing youths is the key to prevent this. A lot of kids nowadays are involved in a lot of mobile games and some even tend to use their parents' money to gamble, or to buy in-game items and them gamble it online. If it's kept tight by their parents and shut down every opportunity for the kid to gamble, then I think the kid will realize that if their parents are that strict, it must be something that is really, really grave. Then again, supervision is not something that millennial parents are good at. They are busy making money that they are forgetting to watch their kids grow and learn of their habits and activities.
Yes, parents aren't giving enough attention to their kids and punishing them accordingly when needed nowadays. I see kids think it's fine to steal parents' credit cards in order to use it for in-game purchases and some parents even record videos about these situations, showing it to the public as entertainment and as if it were interesting, curious and funny. When this happens, of course other children also watch those videos and develop a desire for repeating the same actions with their parents at home. If adults had a more serious approach regards this matter with their children I think these cases would decrease a little, at least.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: len01 on September 15, 2022, 11:37:09 PM
The technology really affects the time duration that people who enjoy or maybe get addicted to gambling, by simply clicking the site and everything is set to go.

It's alarming and without proper control of your time and good money managements, the chance of getting broke is really high.
Time is quicker when we're in front of our gadgets and that's why it's really making us spend a lot of time using these gadgets. It's a very effective way to kill time if you don't have anything to do.

You just sit and use your gadget and then later on, an hour has already passed.

Alarming as it is when you're not worried about your usage and time. And for the bettors that uses their phone, there's not that much of a problem if it's consuming their time.
A great deal of the problem is the notification system, if you have to use your phone you just grab it and do whatever you want, however with notifications your phone is always ringing and reminding you that something is happening, most of the time what's happening is not important and it doesn't matter if you take your time and respond whenever you have time available, but this creates anxiety in people believing that they are missing something important, so they check the phone not because they actually want to do it but as a reaction to a stimulus, and if you do this enough times then it will become impossible for you to ignore those notifications, wasting a lot of time in the process.
You have to set that manually for you to still be on time with how long you're using your phone, whether it's for gambling or gaming.

But that's a good idea and there are people who have been doing that to remind themselves voluntarily that they should stop once the notification and alarm rings.

this is a great way to remind yourself that your time is up to hold your phone while you are gambling or playing games.
but it seems very difficult for an addict who is already very brave to sacrifice everything to play gambling. they don't care what's going on or what's going on all he thinks about is to keep gambling until he gets what he wants until he feels the satisfaction inside the phone.
but if only for gamblers who don't have an addiction, this method is very effective as one of the easy ways to do it

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 16, 2022, 08:16:42 AM
When I first experienced how addictive internet is, my mind was blown. Over time it became even far more addictive with many gaming options. I think smartphones enable this so hard. When you have computer you need to leave it to move. But smartphones are always with us. It definitely makes online gambling businesses far more profitable. Although gambling addiction can hit vulnerable people so hard. There must be "quit" mechanism.
I think it is felt by many people, especially those new to the internet. They can discover many things they do not know, increasing their knowledge. Especially now, having a smartphone has become a necessity for most people, especially those busy working outside the home without carrying a laptop. This is also experienced by gamers who use their smartphones to play games and make them addicted. I think this also happens in the gambling business, where some people play gambling using their smartphones and this allows them to play anywhere.
It seems to me that what it is happening is that people are having trouble adapting to this new reality in which we are interconnected 24 hours a day, just a decade ago this was still relatively rare and people could get away with not having a smartphone, but in today's world this is something impossible to do, this means that those that have some problems with their impulse control can easily become addicted to anything they can do with their phones, and a few examples of this are social media or gambling.
This makes them explore further what the internet is and once they find that gambling is an interesting activity, it will be difficult for them to stay away from it or limit their time playing gambling. This also requires attention from us as smartphone users, especially for those who have money or a 24-hour internet connection. Yes, social media is a great example of limiting smartphone use so that it will not interfere with our other activities. Maybe if the development of smartphones and the internet is more advanced than now, this requires more attention and restrictions from us so that we can use smartphones and the internet properly.

Over-usages of your time online make you prone to getting addicted. It's not just the gambling concern, but there are bigger features that internet capabilities really provide to all the people who have access without restrictions. Though gambling is really a big concern since you can play wherever you are and whenever you want, unlike before which you needed to visit the offshore casinos to enjoy our favorite gambling games.

The technology really affects the time duration that people who enjoy or maybe get addicted to gambling, by simply clicking the site and everything is set to go.

It's alarming and without proper control of your time and good money managements, the chance of getting broke is really high.
With the internet connection available everywhere, it makes it easy for users to search for what they want and of course, if they want to search for a casino site, they will find it easily. But at least, if we can still control ourselves by not letting us gamble for too long, it will help us to avoid bankruptcy like most people out there.

Internet technology is like becoming a new friend to everyone because they can access it secretly without anyone knowing it. This is why we really need self-control so that things don't happen that are detrimental to us. Only using the internet properly can make us survive and even be able to use it well for our benefit.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fundamentals Of on September 16, 2022, 09:02:43 AM
I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.

Parents as well as schools since most kids are spending longer hours at school with their friends than at home with their parents. A big challenge for this is not only that minors can easily declare themselves to be at a legal age online, they're also mostly given privacy at home. Parents are often respecting their children's space and boundaries so much so that it is somehow rude for them to check their kids' phones.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fredomago on September 16, 2022, 10:23:35 AM
The technology really affects the time duration that people who enjoy or maybe get addicted to gambling, by simply clicking the site and everything is set to go.

It's alarming and without proper control of your time and good money managements, the chance of getting broke is really high.
Time is quicker when we're in front of our gadgets and that's why it's really making us spend a lot of time using these gadgets. It's a very effective way to kill time if you don't have anything to do.

You just sit and use your gadget and then later on, an hour has already passed.

Alarming as it is when you're not worried about your usage and time. And for the bettors that uses their phone, there's not that much of a problem if it's consuming their time.
A great deal of the problem is the notification system, if you have to use your phone you just grab it and do whatever you want, however with notifications your phone is always ringing and reminding you that something is happening, most of the time what's happening is not important and it doesn't matter if you take your time and respond whenever you have time available, but this creates anxiety in people believing that they are missing something important, so they check the phone not because they actually want to do it but as a reaction to a stimulus, and if you do this enough times then it will become impossible for you to ignore those notifications, wasting a lot of time in the process.
You have to set that manually for you to still be on time with how long you're using your phone, whether it's for gambling or gaming.

But that's a good idea and there are people who have been doing that to remind themselves voluntarily that they should stop once the notification and alarm rings.

A good idea to interrupt you while enjoying the game. The only problem with that is when you already have the addiction inside you. It will be easy to ignore knowing that notification is just created by you. We all understand how aggressive each addicted gambler just to play the game, the focus is centered inside the game and they are impossible to be disturbed.

I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.

Parents as well as schools since most kids are spending longer hours at school with their friends than at home with their parents. A big challenge for this is not only that minors can easily declare themselves to be at a legal age online, they're also mostly given privacy at home. Parents are often respecting their children's space and boundaries so much so that it is somehow rude for them to check their kids' phones.

That's how the generation being treated now, child privacy are also being respected by their parents, digital devices are mostly allows and they are free to do things that they've desire, not generalizing though but there are places where these practices are being observe.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Baofeng on September 16, 2022, 10:28:46 AM
I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.

Parents as well as schools since most kids are spending longer hours at school with their friends than at home with their parents. A big challenge for this is not only that minors can easily declare themselves to be at a legal age online, they're also mostly given privacy at home. Parents are often respecting their children's space and boundaries so much so that it is somehow rude for them to check their kids' phones.

I guess it boils down to the culture, In Asia, children are being taught to respect their elders. And in turn elders or parents can snoop on their children without having their kids calling the cops or something like in the West.

But I do agree that parents is one factor that really shape the minors. If they see that their parents are playing around with their smart phones, for sure they could be influence and might play their parents phone or them registering and gambling when their parents is not around.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: BitcoinPanther on September 16, 2022, 09:45:44 PM
I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.

Parents as well as schools since most kids are spending longer hours at school with their friends than at home with their parents. A big challenge for this is not only that minors can easily declare themselves to be at a legal age online, they're also mostly given privacy at home. Parents are often respecting their children's space and boundaries so much so that it is somehow rude for them to check their kids' phones.

I guess it boils down to the culture, In Asia, children are being taught to respect their elders. And in turn elders or parents can snoop on their children without having their kids calling the cops or something like in the West.
I think children are just uninformed that they have the right to sue their parents if their parents verbally assaulted them.   It is more on information dissemination I think,  those people who are in asia that knows their right file a complaint against their parents with the help of either their neighbor and/or trusted person.  There are cases happening like that but rare because of the stated reason.

But I do agree that parents is one factor that really shape the minors. If they see that their parents are playing around with their smart phones, for sure they could be influence and might play their parents phone or them registering and gambling when their parents is not around.

It is agreed and proven that parents is one who has a greater influence in shaping minors.  Because minors learn as they grow, and their parents are mostly around during those times so kids often inherit their parents traits and attitude.  So it must be the parents task to guide and ground their children in relation to gambling activities.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Lanatsa on September 16, 2022, 09:57:58 PM
I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.

Parents as well as schools since most kids are spending longer hours at school with their friends than at home with their parents. A big challenge for this is not only that minors can easily declare themselves to be at a legal age online, they're also mostly given privacy at home. Parents are often respecting their children's space and boundaries so much so that it is somehow rude for them to check their kids' phones.

I guess it boils down to the culture, In Asia, children are being taught to respect their elders. And in turn elders or parents can snoop on their children without having their kids calling the cops or something like in the West.

But I do agree that parents is one factor that really shape the minors. If they see that their parents are playing around with their smart phones, for sure they could be influence and might play their parents phone or them registering and gambling when their parents is not around.
In todays era then it is really hard to avoid yourself on having your phone with you considering that everything is almost circling around with mobile phones because this is the main communication that we do have.

Having it doesnt automatically means that we are involved in games or other things which arent that important.Lets say it is crucial for your everyday work since communication with other co-workers will really
be that important.

Therefore, your children would able to see it most of the time.It all matters on how you would really be handling out your kids on those various situations.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: jossiel on September 16, 2022, 10:24:05 PM
You have to set that manually for you to still be on time with how long you're using your phone, whether it's for gambling or gaming.

But that's a good idea and there are people who have been doing that to remind themselves voluntarily that they should stop once the notification and alarm rings.

this is a great way to remind yourself that your time is up to hold your phone while you are gambling or playing games.
but it seems very difficult for an addict who is already very brave to sacrifice everything to play gambling. they don't care what's going on or what's going on all he thinks about is to keep gambling until he gets what he wants until he feels the satisfaction inside the phone.
but if only for gamblers who don't have an addiction, this method is very effective as one of the easy ways to do it
You can break your own rule if you will rely on it.

I've read several confessions that have done it but it didn't worked for them when they've tried to because that's not how it is. And as an addicted gambler, no one can stop them when they're enjoying, eager and focused.

Given to non addicted gamblers, they can easily acknowledge those notifications and alarms because they're not eager and they can stop completely when it's necessary.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: wxa7115 on September 17, 2022, 02:36:05 AM
Parents as well as schools since most kids are spending longer hours at school with their friends than at home with their parents. A big challenge for this is not only that minors can easily declare themselves to be at a legal age online, they're also mostly given privacy at home. Parents are often respecting their children's space and boundaries so much so that it is somehow rude for them to check their kids' phones.

I guess it boils down to the culture, In Asia, children are being taught to respect their elders. And in turn elders or parents can snoop on their children without having their kids calling the cops or something like in the West.

But I do agree that parents is one factor that really shape the minors. If they see that their parents are playing around with their smart phones, for sure they could be influence and might play their parents phone or them registering and gambling when their parents is not around.
Humans learn by imitation, basically if a baby sees their parents do something then the baby will want to do the same as well, as for them this is what is normal.

But if what they’re seeing is a behavior which is out of line then they’ll learn to imitate this as well, this is a known phenomena, which is why parents that abuse drugs or alcohol most likely will have children with the same problems, and it seems we’re making the same mistake but now with digital devices.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Jatiluhung on September 17, 2022, 03:57:21 AM
Gambling addiction has become commonplace in my area. for an adult who is no longer in school, we can't blame him for that because he makes his own money and it's up to him what to do with the money he has. but what makes me concerned is that gambling addicts are now emerging from among school students who are still underage. they spend their pocket money on gambling. because they can't make their own money. then I'm afraid it will damage their mental before plunging into the world of work. for adults gambling is entertainment in the midst of a hectic job. but I don't understand if a student does it. I hope the parents can keep an eye on them. but this is indeed difficult to avoid because easy access via smartphones makes it easy for teenagers to access it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: virasisog on September 17, 2022, 04:35:24 AM
Gambling addiction has become commonplace in my area. for an adult who is no longer in school, we can't blame him for that because he makes his own money and it's up to him what to do with the money he has. but what makes me concerned is that gambling addicts are now emerging from among school students who are still underage. they spend their pocket money on gambling. because they can't make their own money. then I'm afraid it will damage their mental before plunging into the world of work. for adults gambling is entertainment in the midst of a hectic job. but I don't understand if a student does it. I hope the parents can keep an eye on them. but this is indeed difficult to avoid because easy access via smartphones makes it easy for teenagers to access it.

Students who have fallen for gambling addiction will surely have a hard time recovering. They are still young enough to control their emotions so we can't blame them if they felt overwhelmed when gambling. They're not using their hard earned money so they will never have a concern over their expenses in gambling. Temptations could also be everywhere online so they will always be tempted to gamble. I think that's when the role of parents should matter. We must always monitor our kids as well as their online activities. We should also enlighten them about the risks of gambling so we will be able to help them get rid of it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Jatiluhung on September 17, 2022, 04:46:16 AM
Gambling addiction has become commonplace in my area. for an adult who is no longer in school, we can't blame him for that because he makes his own money and it's up to him what to do with the money he has. but what makes me concerned is that gambling addicts are now emerging from among school students who are still underage. they spend their pocket money on gambling. because they can't make their own money. then I'm afraid it will damage their mental before plunging into the world of work. for adults gambling is entertainment in the midst of a hectic job. but I don't understand if a student does it. I hope the parents can keep an eye on them. but this is indeed difficult to avoid because easy access via smartphones makes it easy for teenagers to access it.

Students who have fallen for gambling addiction will surely have a hard time recovering. They are still young enough to control their emotions so we can't blame them if they felt overwhelmed when gambling. They're not using their hard earned money so they will never have a concern over their expenses in gambling. Temptations could also be everywhere online so they will always be tempted to gamble. I think that's when the role of parents should matter. We must always monitor our kids as well as their online activities. We should also enlighten them about the risks of gambling so we will be able to help them get rid of it.
precisely. The role of parents is very important here. and education about gambling is indeed important. because sometimes these students are not aware of the risks they are taking. because like you said. they do not feel a loss because they get money not from work but from pocket money given by their parents. so when the money runs out. then they just wait or ask to be given pocket money back. then of course this is a difficult thing for teenage students who are addicted to gambling. because they feel light even though they lose. because they find it easy to get money back. Parents must teach their children the impact of their actions on family finances. Of course, teaching must be slow and at the right time.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Gozie51 on September 17, 2022, 09:57:52 AM
Parents must teach their children the impact of their actions on family finances. Of course, teaching must be slow and at the right time.

Parenting is important but it looks like the virtues of it is falling and failure by the day, this is as a result of hard means of sourcing for livelihood and both parents have to work to take care of the family. Moreover maybe this is just difficult to do these days with the rate of technological development even if the parents are saints, the children have to learn certain things outside the home through friends in school and they try those things out in their private hours. A smartphone with data for browsing is the world at hand.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fredomago on September 17, 2022, 10:46:39 AM
Parents must teach their children the impact of their actions on family finances. Of course, teaching must be slow and at the right time.

Parenting is important but it looks like the virtues of it is falling and failure by the day, this is as a result of hard means of sourcing for livelihood and both parents have to work to take care of the family. Moreover maybe this is just difficult to do these days with the rate of technological development even if the parents are saints, the children have to learn certain things outside the home through friends in school and they try those things out in their private hours. A smartphone with data for browsing is the world at hand.

The value of parenthood among these new generations of high-tech technologies is really important. We all discuss the potential risk of those young minds, especially with all those bad influences that they can watch/read online. But you are right with your sentiments, kids nowadays are protected by local laws which give them the right to put their parents in jail, the reality that way back kids are the one who are in jail when parent restrict them to anything.

Today's generation is prone to the threat of any potentially addicted hobbies. It's not limited to gambling, but there are more things that really engage people by using the internet.

The easy access using any mobile or digital devices permits them to enjoy whatever they desire to do.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: fullhdpixel on September 17, 2022, 12:49:00 PM
I guess it boils down to the culture, In Asia, children are being taught to respect their elders. And in turn elders or parents can snoop on their children without having their kids calling the cops or something like in the West.

But I do agree that parents is one factor that really shape the minors. If they see that their parents are playing around with their smart phones, for sure they could be influence and might play their parents phone or them registering and gambling when their parents is not around.
Will kids really do that? Calling the cops just because their parents or sibs, checking out their stuffs? Dang that's kinda crazy but you are right, that it's mostly about the culture. I too noticed that most Asian kids are polite and not that spoiled as when compared to the kids in other foreign countries ie U.S.A. We as a parent, we also need to be careful with what we are doing and when we know that it's not right for our kids then we should only do it away from their sight. On the original topic, the rise of mobile gambling isn't only bringing an issues but it also have lots of advantages but can be mainly applied for those who have a control of themselves.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: molsewid on September 17, 2022, 02:39:06 PM

The value of parenthood among these new generations of high-tech technologies is really important. We all discuss the potential risk of those young minds, especially with all those bad influences that they can watch/read online. But you are right with your sentiments, kids nowadays are protected by local laws which give them the right to put their parents in jail, the reality that way back kids are the one who are in jail when parent restrict them to anything.

Today's generation is prone to the threat of any potentially addicted hobbies. It's not limited to gambling, but there are more things that really engage people by using the internet.

The easy access using any mobile or digital devices permits them to enjoy whatever they desire to do.

Almost everything can access via mobile right now, but most of the modern parents now cannot monitor their child usage of mobile phones or any device they are using, they are too busy at work or in their own recreational activities, new generations are easily be affected by fraudulent acts online, and if they want to gamble even they are not yet at legal age they can still do it as long as they have the money. If we feel difficulties managing our loses what more to those younger age right.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: arimamib on September 17, 2022, 03:00:02 PM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble. From here, then many people are looking for online gambling, until finally getting used to it. This means, games (non-gambling) with a gambling-like interface also have an influence on the desire to start gambling. The terrible thing is, many 10+ yo children also play games with this gambling interface. This is considered normal by their parents because they are thinking its not a gambling, but mostly from this app have a high possibility of the child being addicted to gambling.
The influence on the game that results in bigger bets must be prevented when the child has not fallen into gambling that can damage morale. Supervision needs to be done by parents to prevent their children from becoming gambling addicts. As a result of parental negligence or being too indifferent to what the child does, sooner or later it will backfire for parents.
The more sophisticated the technology, the easier it will be for anyone to play gambling, gambling applications can be installed easily and can be played anywhere. Prevention from parents must be done early on so that children do not take actions that can harm people when they are addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Marykeller on September 17, 2022, 03:11:32 PM
Before the introduction of the mobile phone, people were addicted to gambling. Now, they have introduced online gambling, the addiction has become deadly. Even the underage can now have access to gambling without being cautioned or monitored. Which is not right.

Having easy access to the Internet is good but it has ruined the lives of the young ones. Which has led them to the wrong part of life.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: pawanjain on September 17, 2022, 03:33:13 PM
There are two things here. One is the mobile gaming and second is the mobile gambling. Both are interrelated and the fact that it has become more than easier to play games on your mobile devices these days have made youngsters addict to their mobile phones.
It has been observed that many youngsters are addicted to mobile gaming and stick to their phones throughout the day.
Adding to that, gambling has taken it's advantage and has made mobile gambling very effective way for casino owners to earn a hefty income.
As we know how addicted people are to mobile gaming, gambling at the same time has made many youngsters addict to gambling as well.
The problem arises when these youngsters are losing big amounts of money which they haven't even earned yet.
Many times it's either borrowed from someone else or it's their parents'/relative's money which they use for gambling.
The rise of mobile gambling has definitely increased the number of gambling addicts as well.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: erep on September 17, 2022, 07:59:05 PM
The more sophisticated the technology, the easier it will be for anyone to play gambling, gambling applications can be installed easily and can be played anywhere. Prevention from parents must be done early on so that children do not take actions that can harm people when they are addicted to gambling.
The role of parents is highly expected to educate their children from an early age to use mobile devices, if the parents are negligent and do not monitor their children's activities, they will be easily influenced by accessing casino sites due to gambling application advertisements from large platforms, so their mobile devices must be filtered with search features and also use of mobile applications. But even though the child is not comfortable for its protected use, he will know the benefits when he is an adult.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Lanatsa on September 17, 2022, 09:51:32 PM
The more sophisticated the technology, the easier it will be for anyone to play gambling, gambling applications can be installed easily and can be played anywhere. Prevention from parents must be done early on so that children do not take actions that can harm people when they are addicted to gambling.
The role of parents is highly expected to educate their children from an early age to use mobile devices, if the parents are negligent and do not monitor their children's activities, they will be easily influenced by accessing casino sites due to gambling application advertisements from large platforms, so their mobile devices must be filtered with search features and also use of mobile applications. But even though the child is not comfortable for its protected use, he will know the benefits when he is an adult.
Parenting is a crucial role for us parents which we do really need to guide up our children on the right path even though gambling isnt really that 100% bad but in overall when addiction hits then it would really be

destroying your childrens life and this is why its really important that letting them know on what the truth and whats the con's on dealing up with gambling and in todays tech and accessibility then it cant really be

possible that you would able to avoid them 100% which means that it will really be playing out on how you would really be making them out those kind of realizations which is a must for them to at least
aware on what are the actions should be made if ever they would encounter it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: serjent05 on September 17, 2022, 10:31:37 PM
Since parenting is crucial to the kids development, parents must know the current technology, issues and problems.  Parents must be always updated on the technology of controlling their childrens access to the applications that connect to the internet.  Parent's must know an app that enable them to tap on the devices and limits tv programs, online videos and other stuff that may bring harm to their children especially gambling activities.

Since mobile applications of gambling are rampant, the parent must use a programmable application that limits their children from accessing gambling sites, porn site, and other violent-oriented sites and videos.  And if ever kids are exposed to gambling unexpectedly while accessing the mobile device, parents must be well equipped with gambling knowledge so that they can explain clearly about the possibilities of getting involved in gambling. I always believe in exposure and education than totally shutting down to the subject matter.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: EdenHazard on September 17, 2022, 10:53:45 PM
The more sophisticated the technology, the easier it will be for anyone to play gambling, gambling applications can be installed easily and can be played anywhere. Prevention from parents must be done early on so that children do not take actions that can harm people when they are addicted to gambling.
The role of parents is highly expected to educate their children from an early age to use mobile devices, if the parents are negligent and do not monitor their children's activities, they will be easily influenced by accessing casino sites due to gambling application advertisements from large platforms, so their mobile devices must be filtered with search features and also use of mobile applications. But even though the child is not comfortable for its protected use, he will know the benefits when he is an adult.
Well thesedays parents get too comfortable leaving their children playing with their mobile devices and as for the result when the child found something interesting like an apps that earn you cash then as time goes by they found a game that earn you money then you finally found gambling as a comfortable game.

Trouble has been found! And everyone has a responsibility to solve this all.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: TimeTeller on September 17, 2022, 10:56:37 PM
The more sophisticated the technology, the easier it will be for anyone to play gambling, gambling applications can be installed easily and can be played anywhere. Prevention from parents must be done early on so that children do not take actions that can harm people when they are addicted to gambling.
The role of parents is highly expected to educate their children from an early age to use mobile devices, if the parents are negligent and do not monitor their children's activities, they will be easily influenced by accessing casino sites due to gambling application advertisements from large platforms, so their mobile devices must be filtered with search features and also use of mobile applications. But even though the child is not comfortable for its protected use, he will know the benefits when he is an adult.
Well thesedays parents get too comfortable leaving their children playing with their mobile devices and as for the result when the child found something interesting like an apps that earn you cash then as time goes by they found a game that earn you money then you finally found gambling as a comfortable game.

Trouble has been found! And everyone has a responsibility to solve this all.

As parents can't look after their kids 24/7, what they can do is instill the discipline or teach about money principles.
Teach the importance of money and where to spend it best. As kids will try at one point one of these apps.
But if they knew where the money comes from and how it is being earned, they may think twice.
We can't dictate these young people because you can't be there all the time. They have their own disposition even at a younger age.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Silberman on September 18, 2022, 12:30:21 AM
As parents can't look after their kids 24/7, what they can do is instill the discipline or teach about money principles.
Teach the importance of money and where to spend it best. As kids will try at one point one of these apps.
But if they knew where the money comes from and how it is being earned, they may think twice.
We can't dictate these young people because you can't be there all the time. They have their own disposition even at a younger age.
It's because of this we need to teach children the value of money, obviously they understand the concept of exchanging money for products and services already, but they need to understand how much effort you need to put forward to earn that money, and if you teach that lesson to your kids at an early age then you'll not have too much to worry about your kids squandering their money, as they'll understand very well how much effort is needed to get back all the money they could potentially lose if they gamble.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: lienfaye on September 18, 2022, 12:58:15 AM
As parents can't look after their kids 24/7, what they can do is instill the discipline or teach about money principles.
Teach the importance of money and where to spend it best. As kids will try at one point one of these apps.
But if they knew where the money comes from and how it is being earned, they may think twice.
We can't dictate these young people because you can't be there all the time. They have their own disposition even at a younger age.
It's because of this we need to teach children the value of money, obviously they understand the concept of exchanging money for products and services already, but they need to understand how much effort you need to put forward to earn that money, and if you teach that lesson to your kids at an early age then you'll not have too much to worry about your kids squandering their money, as they'll understand very well how much effort is needed to get back all the money they could potentially lose if they gamble.
That's true. I have a teenager kid, at her young age she already know how to value money and how to spend it wisely. I think she became matured as being the eldest, the one who understand us more (her parents) who are both working. Thus I dont have this kind of problem about gambling even they have their own mobile phone. They always ask permission if they want to install a gaming app and even they're playing, there's a limit on when they are allowed to play (often after school activities).

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: X-ray on September 18, 2022, 12:59:54 AM
Before the introduction of the mobile phone, people were addicted to gambling. Now, they have introduced online gambling, the addiction has become deadly. Even the underage can now have access to gambling without being cautioned or monitored. Which is not right.

Having easy access to the Internet is good but it has ruined the lives of the young ones. Which has led them to the wrong part of life.

People were having some difficulties to access the gambling place like casino in the past but this time people can access it even from their hand. That was easily making people become addicted with the gambling that can ruin their life anytime. The additiction will be even more massive caused by this time majority of people owned phone. People are always prefer doing such thing from their phone. that's why macau was become a dead place for now. it's caused by so many gamblers are accessing it through their device.
I do agree if people spent mostly of their time in their phone. Even they can do this anywhere and anytime.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: uneng on September 18, 2022, 02:06:25 AM
As parents can't look after their kids 24/7, what they can do is instill the discipline or teach about money principles.
Teach the importance of money and where to spend it best. As kids will try at one point one of these apps.
But if they knew where the money comes from and how it is being earned, they may think twice.
We can't dictate these young people because you can't be there all the time. They have their own disposition even at a younger age.
It's because of this we need to teach children the value of money, obviously they understand the concept of exchanging money for products and services already, but they need to understand how much effort you need to put forward to earn that money, and if you teach that lesson to your kids at an early age then you'll not have too much to worry about your kids squandering their money, as they'll understand very well how much effort is needed to get back all the money they could potentially lose if they gamble.
It can be done by not giving children everything they want and ask anytime. Normally, kids who don't have any limits are likely to develop problematic behavior when they grow up. Since everything in their lives was so easy to achieve, they don't value things, especially money, because it has become trivialized and easily acquired from their parents without any rules or conditions.
Then these children won't think twice before spending money irresponsibly, as they know there is more from where it has come and can be claimed as soon as they demand. Of course at some point it will become a serious issue and there won't be enough money to cover the children's expenses, so it's better parents pay attention to them and change this reality before it's too late...

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: GigaBit on September 18, 2022, 03:56:37 AM

The value of parenthood among these new generations of high-tech technologies is really important. We all discuss the potential risk of those young minds, especially with all those bad influences that they can watch/read online. But you are right with your sentiments, kids nowadays are protected by local laws which give them the right to put their parents in jail, the reality that way back kids are the one who are in jail when parent restrict them to anything.

Today's generation is prone to the threat of any potentially addicted hobbies. It's not limited to gambling, but there are more things that really engage people by using the internet.

The easy access using any mobile or digital devices permits them to enjoy whatever they desire to do.

Almost everything can access via mobile right now, but most of the modern parents now cannot monitor their child usage of mobile phones or any device they are using, they are too busy at work or in their own recreational activities, new generations are easily be affected by fraudulent acts online, and if they want to gamble even they are not yet at legal age they can still do it as long as they have the money. If we feel difficulties managing our loses what more to those younger age right.
There is no prohibition for gambling but when it turns into an addiction it poses a threat in some cases. Especially in places where gambling is still illegal. Today's mobile devices are so sophisticated that even devices like computers. If this gambling is managed by the gamblers through regulation then it does not have any bad effects. The biggest challenge is self-control.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Webetcoins on September 18, 2022, 06:48:21 AM
Before the introduction of the mobile phone, people were addicted to gambling. Now, they have introduced online gambling, the addiction has become deadly. Even the underage can now have access to gambling without being cautioned or monitored. Which is not right.

Having easy access to the Internet is good but it has ruined the lives of the young ones. Which has led them to the wrong part of life.
Yes, because gambling was invented long time ago but the number of addicts before are only less when compared to now that people can now access the web using only their mobile phone. Underage people can access the gambling site but they are only limited there. They can't sign up on it because they are not 18 years old or above as we know that many crypto casinos now are asking for a KYC.

What underage people are addicted at is not mobile gambling but it was mobile gaming. I don't generalize them because there are still kids who have a self discipline and know how to use their gadgets properly. Thanks to the parents that raised them.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: iv4n on September 18, 2022, 07:45:42 AM
Before the introduction of the mobile phone, people were addicted to gambling. Now, they have introduced online gambling, the addiction has become deadly. Even the underage can now have access to gambling without being cautioned or monitored. Which is not right.

Having easy access to the Internet is good but it has ruined the lives of the young ones. Which has led them to the wrong part of life.
Yes, because gambling was invented long time ago but the number of addicts before are only less when compared to now that people can now access the web using only their mobile phone. Underage people can access the gambling site but they are only limited there. They can't sign up on it because they are not 18 years old or above as we know that many crypto casinos now are asking for a KYC.

What underage people are addicted at is not mobile gambling but it was mobile gaming. I don't generalize them because there are still kids who have a self discipline and know how to use their gadgets properly. Thanks to the parents that raised them.

With a phone, everything is more accessible, and it's not a phone anymore it's a little computer! When I was a kid my first comp was PC 286, 640 KB RAM memory... discs and floppy discs. Now, these phones are like supercomputers.

Well, some parents are trying to provide other options for their kids. My kids are little, but they spend less time on phones than other kids of their age I see around. Simply we try to find something interesting for kids to do throughout the day that isn't a phone or cartoons. It's easier to manipulate kids while they are little, we will see what will be when they grow up and when the world and friends become a more important factor in their life.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Jemzx00 on September 18, 2022, 08:01:47 AM
What underage people are addicted at is not mobile gambling but it was mobile gaming. I don't generalize them because there are still kids who have a self discipline and know how to use their gadgets properly. Thanks to the parents that raised them.
There are still a lot of kids and teenagers that are not into online gambling but rather to online gaming. However there are some instance where these teenagers will want something to buy but they can afford to which is why they try to find ways of earning such as online gambling while some capitalize their gaming skills to online gambling. It's best for us grown ups to moderate what our children are doing and try to educate them about other alternatives to avoid such as thing.

With a phone, everything is more accessible, and it's not a phone anymore it's a little computer! When I was a kid my first comp was PC 286, 640 KB RAM memory... discs and floppy discs. Now, these phones are like supercomputers.

Well, some parents are trying to provide other options for their kids. My kids are little, but they spend less time on phones than other kids of their age I see around. Simply we try to find something interesting for kids to do throughout the day that isn't a phone or cartoons. It's easier to manipulate kids while they are little, we will see what will be when they grow up and when the world and friends become a more important factor in their life.
If you try to compare old computers and devices before to what we have right now, then almost everything can be considered as supercomputer since almost all gadgets before are too old and outdated.

Unfortunately, as much as you want to avoid your children to computers, phones and other electronics, you can't. Just as you've said, most people their age are already into electronics, in time your children will also be influence in the near future. It's good that you try to  avoid your children to electronics now however there are a lot of positive things that can be associated to electronics to children such as educational videos, activities and such. I suggest to let them explore gadgets and electronic but limit them as it is what the current times are now.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Jatiluhung on September 18, 2022, 08:04:02 AM
Before the introduction of the mobile phone, people were addicted to gambling. Now, they have introduced online gambling, the addiction has become deadly. Even the underage can now have access to gambling without being cautioned or monitored. Which is not right.

Having easy access to the Internet is good but it has ruined the lives of the young ones. Which has led them to the wrong part of life.
that's exactly what's happening right now. The presence of online gambling has made it easier for gamblers. Access can be achieved by anyone who has a smartphone and internet connection. including minors. I even found many parents who had stopped gambling to become active again when they found out that through their cellphone they could easily gamble. In countries like Korea and Japan, gambling is under their control. because people there gamble more during payday. and the children there have been given education related to gambling which can only be done by adults. and minors are prohibited from entering it.
So gambling is quite controlled in the country so it doesn't damage the younger generation.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: minime0105 on September 18, 2022, 08:59:54 AM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble.
online gambling are threading gambling everywhere but the thing is that nobody is trying to play a manual gambling this present time, in the most of the countries they playing gambling seriously and i believe that gambling now is being Best online and no country who is lover of gambling that has not turn up in online gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Alisha-k on September 18, 2022, 09:38:30 AM
I feel like it's nothing but an excuse.

Addicted gamblers feel like having access via phone makes them more addicted but there's no difference between that and accessing a casino from a stationary PC or a laptop. Both are easy to turn on and having it with you all the time doesn't change anything. I for one can't see a difference between losing your money playing 4 hours a day than losing it playing for 12 hours. A loss is still a loss and you'd have it anyway if you're addicted.
It really makes no difference but having your phone around you at all times will keep the urge to try some more bets constant compared to physical casinos or PCs. Mobile phones are always available to the gambler at all times and could make this addiction faster. If it were a PC or offline casino someone might be kind enough to monitor their loved once who get frequently involved in gambling but on mobile phones its hard to tell what someone could be doing with their mobile phone and that could trigger more gambling appetite

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Peanutswar on September 18, 2022, 02:04:24 PM
I feel like it's nothing but an excuse.

Addicted gamblers feel like having access via phone makes them more addicted but there's no difference between that and accessing a casino from a stationary PC or a laptop. Both are easy to turn on and having it with you all the time doesn't change anything. I for one can't see a difference between losing your money playing 4 hours a day than losing it playing for 12 hours. A loss is still a loss and you'd have it anyway if you're addicted.
It really makes no difference but having your phone around you at all times will keep the urge to try some more bets constant compared to physical casinos or PCs. Mobile phones are always available to the gambler at all times and could make this addiction faster. If it were a PC or offline casino someone might be kind enough to monitor their loved once who get frequently involved in gambling but on mobile phones its hard to tell what someone could be doing with their mobile phone and that could trigger more gambling appetite

It's all about the decision of the gambler because even though they have the tools to make it still their urge to play is on their decisions no one can stop if the person itself can't help their decision making. That's why if you want to stop playing gambling good to do is discipline yourself and not just because you want the first lesson is at your self not from the thoughts of other people.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Cookdata on September 18, 2022, 02:36:43 PM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble.
online gambling are threading gambling everywhere but the thing is that nobody is trying to play a manual gambling this present time, in the most of the countries they playing gambling seriously and i believe that gambling now is being Best online and no country who is lover of gambling that has not turn up in online gambling.

This life we live is now about optimization and iteration, the classic gaming house may be exciting and entertaining, especially with the sounds and other practical VIPs that are provided, but lives require improvement at a cheap cost. The availability of mobile gaming has provided some people who have always disliked leaving their homes with the opportunity to do so, all you need is your mobile app and a means to fund.

We're not even talking about how crypto has made funding casino applications so sleek and quick. Gone are the days when you had to deal with credit card troubles and rely on a single bookie since they were the only ones permitted to operate in your region, things have changed, and it's a good thing.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 18, 2022, 04:30:29 PM
It really makes no difference but having your phone around you at all times will keep the urge to try some more bets constant compared to physical casinos or PCs. Mobile phones are always available to the gambler at all times and could make this addiction faster. If it were a PC or offline casino someone might be kind enough to monitor their loved once who get frequently involved in gambling but on mobile phones its hard to tell what someone could be doing with their mobile phone and that could trigger more gambling appetite
I don't think so because if someone uses his phone for other activities such as for work using a cellphone, I don't think he will think about gambling. Maybe if he had free time, he wouldn't use it to gamble either. But it will be different if the person is addicted to gambling which can make him use his phone to gamble. And because we always carry our phones with us wherever we go, it allows us to have more time to gamble discreetly. But it will all depend on the person because if he can monitor or know that playing gambling on a phone or computer can still make him addicted, he will not try to gamble at all.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: lionheart78 on September 18, 2022, 06:50:35 PM
Their is no difference between online gambling and live gambling . The both types of gambling plays the same role. In my area people are allays in the gambling shop to play bet. The physical gambling even have more influence because people gets to know live gambling before trying to play the online to see how it looks.

If yo are comparing about land base gambling and an online gambling, I believe there is a huge difference between the two in terms of access, excitement, and experience.  They probably offer the same varieties of games but the fact that you need to go to the place in order to access land base gambling while you can access online gambling anywhere and any time, that is already a huge difference.  Experience and excitement vary to the player but we cannot deny the fact that ambiance is way too different between the two.

It really makes no difference but having your phone around you at all times will keep the urge to try some more bets constant compared to physical casinos or PCs. Mobile phones are always available to the gambler at all times and could make this addiction faster. If it were a PC or offline casino someone might be kind enough to monitor their loved once who get frequently involved in gambling but on mobile phones its hard to tell what someone could be doing with their mobile phone and that could trigger more gambling appetite
I don't think so because if someone uses his phone for other activities such as for work using a cellphone, I don't think he will think about gambling. Maybe if he had free time, he wouldn't use it to gamble either. But it will be different if the person is addicted to gambling which can make him use his phone to gamble. And because we always carry our phones with us wherever we go, it allows us to have more time to gamble discreetly. But it will all depend on the person because if he can monitor or know that playing gambling on a phone or computer can still make him addicted, he will not try to gamble at all.

Well if he is done with his work using his mobile phone then he is free to use his time in any way possible, that includes playing a gambling game in his mobile device.  We cannot give a conclusion to anyone's activity because they are not us.  People may or may not gamble but we cannot conclude that everyone who is using their mobile phone for work won't gamble using their phone after their work is done.  It doesn't need for a person to be a gambling addict in order to play gambling games after doing their office work. There is always a possibility.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fredomago on September 18, 2022, 07:37:31 PM

The value of parenthood among these new generations of high-tech technologies is really important. We all discuss the potential risk of those young minds, especially with all those bad influences that they can watch/read online. But you are right with your sentiments, kids nowadays are protected by local laws which give them the right to put their parents in jail, the reality that way back kids are the one who are in jail when parent restrict them to anything.

Today's generation is prone to the threat of any potentially addicted hobbies. It's not limited to gambling, but there are more things that really engage people by using the internet.

The easy access using any mobile or digital devices permits them to enjoy whatever they desire to do.

Almost everything can access via mobile right now, but most of the modern parents now cannot monitor their child usage of mobile phones or any device they are using, they are too busy at work or in their own recreational activities, new generations are easily be affected by fraudulent acts online, and if they want to gamble even they are not yet at legal age they can still do it as long as they have the money. If we feel difficulties managing our loses what more to those younger age right.
There is no prohibition for gambling but when it turns into an addiction it poses a threat in some cases. Especially in places where gambling is still illegal. Today's mobile devices are so sophisticated that even devices like computers. If this gambling is managed by the gamblers through regulation then it does not have any bad effects. The biggest challenge is self-control.

Precisely! that challenge is the one that most addicted gamblers are unable to beat. They are quickly being influenced by emotions. If that can be controlled the right way this kind of problem might be prevented, though we are also considering young people who have a direct access online by means of digital devices people who are unaware of the risk of getting addicted. Not just those who are adults who have a huge issue with self-control.

But most with young people who are prone to learn this kind of activities without any notice from the guardians or parents.

It's important to monitor if possible and not to let those people to get too much engagement that can lead them to heavy addictions.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: BitcoinPanther on September 18, 2022, 08:16:44 PM
I feel like it's nothing but an excuse.

Addicted gamblers feel like having access via phone makes them more addicted but there's no difference between that and accessing a casino from a stationary PC or a laptop. Both are easy to turn on and having it with you all the time doesn't change anything. I for one can't see a difference between losing your money playing 4 hours a day than losing it playing for 12 hours. A loss is still a loss and you'd have it anyway if you're addicted.
It really makes no difference but having your phone around you at all times will keep the urge to try some more bets constant compared to physical casinos or PCs. Mobile phones are always available to the gambler at all times and could make this addiction faster. If it were a PC or offline casino someone might be kind enough to monitor their loved once who get frequently involved in gambling but on mobile phones its hard to tell what someone could be doing with their mobile phone and that could trigger more gambling appetite

I agree, with mobile phone it is like we have a portable casino that can be accessed anytime and anywhere.  Mobile phone can strengthen the urge to gamble because the temptation is just around our palm.  With an internet, gambling apps can be access almost in an instant with just a press of the gambling application shortcut. 

It can also increase the risk of gambling addiction because of how easy we can access gambling do experience all sort of things that make a person addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: eaLiTy on September 18, 2022, 08:41:33 PM
I agree, with mobile phone it is like we have a portable casino that can be accessed anytime and anywhere.  Mobile phone can strengthen the urge to gamble because the temptation is just around our palm.  With an internet, gambling apps can be access almost in an instant with just a press of the gambling application shortcut. 
Playing with a mobile phone will not give you the same level of experience like you get in a real casino and if anyone thinks that mobile casinos are fascinating to spend a lot of money then you need to seek help from a doctor  :D.

It can also increase the risk of gambling addiction because of how easy we can access gambling do experience all sort of things that make a person addicted to gambling.
As long as you have savings in your account you will gamble, after that what happens, he has to start from scratch to build those savings and no one in the right sense will gamble with everything you have thinking you will recover the lost money. In a physical casino yes you get the rush and the comradery that comes with it but not in online ones  ;).

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Viscore on September 18, 2022, 08:53:23 PM
I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.
Well, good training should always starts at home and that parents are obliged in providing it. However, with the high technology we have at the present and that smartphones have become very affordable and accessible these days, we cannot blame for the rise of mobile gambling as this is one of negative effects brought by new technologies. I guess self discipline is the only way not to fall deeply in mobile gambling addiction.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: jossiel on September 18, 2022, 11:53:50 PM
It can also increase the risk of gambling addiction because of how easy we can access gambling do experience all sort of things that make a person addicted to gambling.
There's this report that I've read during the first heavy blow of months of the pandemic.

That, this pandemic too many people have been hooked with their phones and made a lot of addiction, including gambling. It's because many are looking for ways to make money and they've thought of gambling is one of the easiest and quickest way.

In result, it made some money but many made it addicted.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: AicecreaME on September 19, 2022, 02:31:09 AM
It can also increase the risk of gambling addiction because of how easy we can access gambling do experience all sort of things that make a person addicted to gambling.
There's this report that I've read during the first heavy blow of months of the pandemic.

That, this pandemic too many people have been hooked with their phones and made a lot of addiction, including gambling. It's because many are looking for ways to make money and they've thought of gambling is one of the easiest and quickest way.

In result, it made some money but many made it addicted.

This is true. This pandemic lasted for almost two years strict to moderate lockdown here in our country and I can attest that it is so boresome to the point  that I also wanted to find way to entertain myself and to make some income as well. During the pandemic, people decided to find something they can be busy with that can make money at the same time. In the middle of the crisis, NFTs were popular and people were enticed by the things it offer.

I myself, decided to invest in NFT during its peak. It is one of my most impulsive decisions in my life that is why a part of me regrets that I risked a huge amount of money without doing a background check and only to be driven by emotional aspect, not weighing the consequences. Although I've learned so much from that experience which I surely will look back when making decisions in the future. It taught me that money is earned with proper ways. There's no shortcut in generating a huge amount of money and therefore, do not be blinded by too good to be true offers and promises, most especially if you know little or nothing about the particular method they are referring. Because it will be addicting and the repercussions will cost you so much without you noticing.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Jatiluhung on September 19, 2022, 03:29:57 AM
It can also increase the risk of gambling addiction because of how easy we can access gambling do experience all sort of things that make a person addicted to gambling.
There's this report that I've read during the first heavy blow of months of the pandemic.

That, this pandemic too many people have been hooked with their phones and made a lot of addiction, including gambling. It's because many are looking for ways to make money and they've thought of gambling is one of the easiest and quickest way.

In result, it made some money but many made it addicted.
It's true when the Pandemic takes place and people are forced to isolate themselves in their respective homes. it makes people play more on their phones. so that while the pandemic is taking place, online game industry enthusiasts are increasing rapidly. and it turns out that online gambling users are also increasing rapidly. the reason may be the factor of losing a job and trying to get money from profits through online gambling. or indeed because they are bored at home all the time so that people have fun in online gambling and online games. so it's only natural that after the pandemic many people are addicted to the internet. whether it's because of online games or online gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: kamvreto on September 19, 2022, 08:38:47 AM
Most people just aim to have fun by doing online gambling and some online games. Online gambling such as slot games and several other gambling games. and some of them also use online gambling games to get profits through online gambling games. Online gambling that is getting easier to be accessed by anyone certainly has negative effects that are not good, they will be addicted and continue to play. which at first was just for entertainment, but after getting addicted they spent some of their money on gambling. this will make them crushed and unable to stop.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: yazher on September 19, 2022, 09:01:58 AM
Their is no difference between online gambling and live gambling . The both types of gambling plays the same role. In my area people are allays in the gambling shop to play bet. The physical gambling even have more influence because people gets to know live gambling before trying to play the online to see how it looks.

In our place, old retired people are getting addicted to online gambling and just a few days ago my friend told me that she is once again asked by his boss to cash in for his wallet for online gambling and the poor old man is making himself comfortable playing while in his bed all day. Because nowadays, the way people get money from youtube is to advertise these online gambling just before they show their content. at least this is the case in our country, and I think this is the same reason why they spread so fast.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: minime0105 on September 19, 2022, 12:34:36 PM
I feel like it's nothing but an excuse.

Addicted gamblers feel like having access via phone makes them more addicted but there's no difference between that and accessing a casino from a stationary PC or a laptop. Both are easy to turn on and having it with you all the time doesn't change anything. I for one can't see a difference between losing your money playing 4 hours a day than losing it playing for 12 hours. A loss is still a loss and you'd have it anyway if you're addicted.
It really makes no difference but having your phone around you at all times will keep the urge to try some more bets constant compared to physical casinos or PCs. Mobile phones are always available to the gambler at all times and could make this addiction faster. If it were a PC or offline casino someone might be kind enough to monitor their loved once who get frequently involved in gambling but on mobile phones its hard to tell what someone could be doing with their mobile phone and that could trigger more gambling appetite

It's all about the decision of the gambler because even though they have the tools to make it still their urge to play is on their decisions no one can stop if the person itself can't help their decision making. That's why if you want to stop playing gambling good to do is discipline yourself and not just because you want the first lesson is at your self not from the thoughts of other people.
You made a good emphasis, but what i you to know is that stopping gambling is a personal decision, it's not what you will do to please others, it's your way of understanding the basic things concerning gambling, with the way of things am sure that gambling is something that you will determine to do at your own detriment, and that is why people who is addicted to it doesn't take advice from someone who is condemning gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: BobK71 on September 19, 2022, 05:07:58 PM
I think this is an issues that has been around for some time and I’m not sure all the new legal gambling in places like the United States really is making a big difference in the rise or mobile gambling. I think it comes down to parents doing a better job raising their children and teaching them about the dangers of excessive gambling and doing a better job monitoring them.
Well, good training should always starts at home and that parents are obliged in providing it. However, with the high technology we have at the present and that smartphones have become very affordable and accessible these days, we cannot blame for the rise of mobile gambling as this is one of negative effects brought by new technologies. I guess self discipline is the only way not to fall deeply in mobile gambling addiction.
If one can control himself then he is perfect everywhere. I believe self control is not an easy task. Today most of those who have lost a lot of money in gambling could not control themselves. With the advancement of mobile devices, people can now gamble anywhere, whether at home or at work. It can be said that mobile is giving you the opportunity but the main fact is to have responsible gambling which is rely on own self.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: jossiel on September 19, 2022, 05:31:45 PM
It can also increase the risk of gambling addiction because of how easy we can access gambling do experience all sort of things that make a person addicted to gambling.
There's this report that I've read during the first heavy blow of months of the pandemic.

That, this pandemic too many people have been hooked with their phones and made a lot of addiction, including gambling. It's because many are looking for ways to make money and they've thought of gambling is one of the easiest and quickest way.

In result, it made some money but many made it addicted.
It's true when the Pandemic takes place and people are forced to isolate themselves in their respective homes. it makes people play more on their phones. so that while the pandemic is taking place, online game industry enthusiasts are increasing rapidly. and it turns out that online gambling users are also increasing rapidly. the reason may be the factor of losing a job and trying to get money from profits through online gambling. or indeed because they are bored at home all the time so that people have fun in online gambling and online games. so it's only natural that after the pandemic many people are addicted to the internet. whether it's because of online games or online gambling.
It does makes sense because all of us were locked up in our homes for the first few months when the outbreak has happened.

Because of everyone being at home and has nothing to do, that's the best thing that everyone can and that's to find something to do while at home.

And many have found it through gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: qwertyup23 on September 19, 2022, 05:42:22 PM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble.
online gambling are threading gambling everywhere but the thing is that nobody is trying to play a manual gambling this present time, in the most of the countries they playing gambling seriously and i believe that gambling now is being Best online and no country who is lover of gambling that has not turn up in online gambling.

The problem with online gambling is that you can cloak it and integrate it into different platforms. For example, a well-known game may implement crate boxes that are in a form of gambling where young people get exposed too quickly from it. From this alone, this creates an impression where the younger generation will participate in an online gambling within their game.

I just hope that the government may somehow intervene and find the boundary between earning profits and preserving the integrity and character of the younger generation. Let's face it- gambling is highly addictive where it can attract all users of any age.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: doomloop on September 19, 2022, 08:59:40 PM
Most people just aim to have fun by doing online gambling and some online games. Online gambling such as slot games and several other gambling games. and some of them also use online gambling games to get profits through online gambling games. Online gambling that is getting easier to be accessed by anyone certainly has negative effects that are not good, they will be addicted and continue to play. which at first was just for entertainment, but after getting addicted they spent some of their money on gambling. this will make them crushed and unable to stop.
I thought they are only used to have fun so why will they get addicted? I think the obsession for money are the ones who are truly addicting because when you have money you can do almost anything and this can make a person more happier but a continuously playing for fun will get you being bored later on and you will quit on it for a while in order to do something else.

There are ads that we see online. They are like a gambling game but totally free to play but the best part of them is that you can earn some money by playing. I think that is because these games have ads inside them. Many people are hook on them right now to earn additional income without taking a risk.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: rhomelmabini on September 19, 2022, 09:52:47 PM
Excess of everything is bad
Mobile has done more damage to the world than good.
i sometime feels sick and addicted not being able to get away fro the mobile phone. Such miserable our lives have become.
I don't think it will labeled at that, you can set boundaries on gadgets if you have proper management and value your health. This can be achieved personally and there are several ways to do it, the only thing that hard is the commitment and to start.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Lanatsa on September 19, 2022, 10:27:05 PM
Excess of everything is bad
Mobile has done more damage to the world than good.
i sometime feels sick and addicted not being able to get away fro the mobile phone. Such miserable our lives have become.
I don't think it will labeled at that, you can set boundaries on gadgets if you have proper management and value your health. This can be achieved personally and there are several ways to do it, the only thing that hard is the commitment and to start.
Everything would really be depending on someones will and control because if your mind is really been aware on what are the things that you should gonna do then for sure you will really be doing it.
If ever you do encounter some distractions then its up to someones discipline whether they would really be going back on track or would simply avoid it.It all matters with the mindset and each
person does have different levels when it comes to this.

With having the easy access on almost everything that we do have today then its really hard to quit up something specially when you do know that you could simply
just pull off your mobile phone on you own pocket then you are ready to go once again.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: edgycorner on September 19, 2022, 10:29:59 PM
This is spot on. Gambling addiction is a very real and serious issue, and it can be very difficult to overcome. Smartphones and easy access to sites is a very huge enabler.

One way to fix this problem would be to make it more difficult to access these gambling sites on smartphones. For example, there could be a limit on how many times someone can open the app or website in a day, or there could be a pop-up that comes up every time someone tries to access a gambling site that says something like "Are you sure you want to do this? gambling can be addictive and lead to financial problems." This would at least make people think twice before accessing these sites, and it might make some people decide not to gamble at all.

Another way to fix this problem would be to provide more education on the risks of gambling addiction. This could be done in schools, or even on the gambling websites themselves. If people are more aware of the dangers of gambling addiction, then they might be less likely to get hooked in the first place.

The bottom line is that the easy access to online gambling sites via smartphones is a problem that needs to be fixed. There are a few ways to do this, but it will ultimately come down to people making better choices about whether or not to gamble.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: serjent05 on September 19, 2022, 10:43:24 PM
I thought they are only used to have fun so why will they get addicted? I think the obsession for money are the ones who are truly addicting because when you have money you can do almost anything and this can make a person more happier but a continuously playing for fun will get you being bored later on and you will quit on it for a while in order to do something else.

It has something to do with the secretion of Dopamine.  Since having fun means a person is in a state of happiness or pleasure Dopamine is responsible for that.  Though addiction as stated isn't caused by Dopamine you can refer to this process why dopamine plays a certain part.

Generally speaking, when you experience a positive sensation and dopamine is released into the pathways of the reward center, your brain takes note of:

What triggered the sensation: Was it a substance? A behavior? A type of food?
Any cues from your environment that can help you find it again. Did you experience it at night? What else were you doing? Were you with a certain person?
When you’re exposed to those environmental cues, you’ll begin to feel the same drive to seek out that same pleasure. This drive can be incredibly powerful, creating an urge that’s hard to control.

There are ads that we see online. They are like a gambling game but totally free to play but the best part of them is that you can earn some money by playing. I think that is because these games have ads inside them. Many people are hook on them right now to earn additional income without taking a risk.

Often time this kind of ad is a trap.  Indeed they can give you earnings but how long do you need to play to actually earn on that gambling game?  People are impatient so to fast tract their earnings, they will then start to deposit until they are trapped in the scheme of that game.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: kamvreto on September 19, 2022, 11:05:55 PM
Most people just aim to have fun by doing online gambling and some online games. Online gambling such as slot games and several other gambling games. and some of them also use online gambling games to get profits through online gambling games. Online gambling that is getting easier to be accessed by anyone certainly has negative effects that are not good, they will be addicted and continue to play. which at first was just for entertainment, but after getting addicted they spent some of their money on gambling. this will make them crushed and unable to stop.
I thought they are only used to have fun so why will they get addicted? I think the obsession for money are the ones who are truly addicting because when you have money you can do almost anything and this can make a person more happier but a continuously playing for fun will get you being bored later on and you will quit on it for a while in order to do something else.

There are ads that we see online. They are like a gambling game but totally free to play but the best part of them is that you can earn some money by playing. I think that is because these games have ads inside them. Many people are hook on them right now to earn additional income without taking a risk.

at first it's just fun, but when the entertainment becomes a game that you can't let go of then you will continue to do it. Even some gambling applications do not directly use money, but use a coin which can then be purchased on their website or several marketplaces that already provide it. Slot gambling games are becoming very popular games for online gambling, because you only use your smartphone to easily play them.
Many think it will be a game that can provide additional income, but in reality the risk of losing everything will continue as long as you can't control it.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: masulum on September 20, 2022, 03:50:09 AM
online gambling are threading gambling everywhere but the thing is that nobody is trying to play a manual gambling this present time, in the most of the countries they playing gambling seriously and i believe that gambling now is being Best online and no country who is lover of gambling that has not turn up in online gambling.

That is what makes online gambling the main topic that each country must pay attention to. There are fewer gamblers in offline gambling and switching to online will make access easier. When the government is negligent, then I believe that underage youth will be trapped in gambling from an early age. It doesn't matter if we are adults and we take responsibility for the risks we make. but for children who are stuck in games that resemble gambling, it will make them curious about gambling moments, and their parents need to take responsibility from what they are doing.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: traderethereum on September 20, 2022, 05:02:35 AM
You are correct excessive everything can cause problem in environment I know that yes one people is addicted in gambling because of their plans and what they want to achieve in gambling so when they're out of the environment they will still try to keep that kind of target in order to make such the mind or search target they need
That is why you should not exceed what you budgeted beforehand to avoid losing and eventually getting addicted to gambling in the future.
We want to avoid it but the temptation from the casinos is stronger than we think because they always offer attractive offers and even send links to mobile phones.
Only strong self-control can help us prevent gambling for too long and although not many people can do that, we should still try not to become addicted to it like everyone else.
It's just time for us to control ourselves properly and requires daily training.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: AicecreaME on September 20, 2022, 05:03:52 AM
online gambling are threading gambling everywhere but the thing is that nobody is trying to play a manual gambling this present time, in the most of the countries they playing gambling seriously and i believe that gambling now is being Best online and no country who is lover of gambling that has not turn up in online gambling.

That is what makes online gambling the main topic that each country must pay attention to. There are fewer gamblers in offline gambling and switching to online will make access easier. When the government is negligent, then I believe that underage youth will be trapped in gambling from an early age. It doesn't matter if we are adults and we take responsibility for the risks we make. but for children who are stuck in games that resemble gambling, it will make them curious about gambling moments, and their parents need to take responsibility from what they are doing.

The regulation and strict imposition of rules and policies should really be the priority of the government together with the casino owners. This is to ensure that the gambling space will not be infiltrated by the underaged who aren't allowed to be involved in gambling in the first place. A campaign for awareness about gambling's repercussion could be one of the ways to help spread information about the consequences of gambling to the youth.

KYC could be an option too by the casinos which I believe most casinos are already doing this. However, this has its cons on the side of the player because some do not really like undergoing KYC to maintain anonymity and to maintain confidentiality. Although it has been slowly being asked in some sites now so that they can filter those underaged trying to make an account to have an access in betting. While it could be helpful to narrow down those who are accessing the site, the children are now becoming more on more knowledgeable about bypassing and making various ways just to access some platforms. So this will still boil down to becoming disciplined and aware of a person, whatever the age may be. There will just be helping factors to let the youth avoid the possible negative effects of gambling.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Jatiluhung on September 20, 2022, 05:58:51 AM
That is what makes online gambling the main topic that each country must pay attention to. There are fewer gamblers in offline gambling and switching to online will make access easier. When the government is negligent, then I believe that underage youth will be trapped in gambling from an early age. It doesn't matter if we are adults and we take responsibility for the risks we make. but for children who are stuck in games that resemble gambling, it will make them curious about gambling moments, and their parents need to take responsibility from what they are doing.
Now even many who initially gambled manually (offline) have switched to online gambling. if in the past I often saw them gathering in certain places to gamble. now the gambling place is getting quiet. maybe because of the ease of gambling via the internet.
and this convenience must be considered by parents so that children do not fall into gambling when they are still underage. because by law children are still prohibited from doing so. because they don't know what risk they are taking.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fredomago on September 20, 2022, 08:26:03 AM
Most people just aim to have fun by doing online gambling and some online games. Online gambling such as slot games and several other gambling games. and some of them also use online gambling games to get profits through online gambling games. Online gambling that is getting easier to be accessed by anyone certainly has negative effects that are not good, they will be addicted and continue to play. which at first was just for entertainment, but after getting addicted they spent some of their money on gambling. this will make them crushed and unable to stop.
I thought they are only used to have fun so why will they get addicted? I think the obsession for money are the ones who are truly addicting because when you have money you can do almost anything and this can make a person more happier but a continuously playing for fun will get you being bored later on and you will quit on it for a while in order to do something else.

There are ads that we see online. They are like a gambling game but totally free to play but the best part of them is that you can earn some money by playing. I think that is because these games have ads inside them. Many people are hook on them right now to earn additional income without taking a risk.

at first it's just fun, but when the entertainment becomes a game that you can't let go of then you will continue to do it. Even some gambling applications do not directly use money, but use a coin which can then be purchased on their website or several marketplaces that already provide it. Slot gambling games are becoming very popular games for online gambling, because you only use your smartphone to easily play them.
Many think it will be a game that can provide additional income, but in reality the risk of losing everything will continue as long as you can't control it.

Gambling sites are good in enticing gamblers, they can use every channels or every ways to attract and engage people who will use their platforms, there are some that might have a good control and not to allow losing a lot just to be entertained, but let's accept the fact that there are more gamblers who are unable to control and unable to manage their finances. Gamblers who losses lot of money by playing the game that they are involved with, especially now that it's really easy to play. It's a just device away from you.

That is what makes online gambling the main topic that each country must pay attention to. There are fewer gamblers in offline gambling and switching to online will make access easier. When the government is negligent, then I believe that underage youth will be trapped in gambling from an early age. It doesn't matter if we are adults and we take responsibility for the risks we make. but for children who are stuck in games that resemble gambling, it will make them curious about gambling moments, and their parents need to take responsibility from what they are doing.
Now even many who initially gambled manually (offline) have switched to online gambling. if in the past I often saw them gathering in certain places to gamble. now the gambling place is getting quiet. maybe because of the ease of gambling via the internet.
and this convenience must be considered by parents so that children do not fall into gambling when they are still underage. because by law children are still prohibited from doing so. because they don't know what risk they are taking.
They are prone to addiction, that's the main fact, and yes, you don't need to travel just to gamble but instead you just need to turn on your digital device who has access to internet and you are now good to go. Something that parenthood's additional challenge, monitoring and making sure that you are guiding your kids not to be involved or not to explore with this kind of activities while you are away from them. It's hard, but you need to work on it to make sure they are safe.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 20, 2022, 08:30:34 AM
It really makes no difference but having your phone around you at all times will keep the urge to try some more bets constant compared to physical casinos or PCs. Mobile phones are always available to the gambler at all times and could make this addiction faster. If it were a PC or offline casino someone might be kind enough to monitor their loved once who get frequently involved in gambling but on mobile phones its hard to tell what someone could be doing with their mobile phone and that could trigger more gambling appetite
I don't think so because if someone uses his phone for other activities such as for work using a cellphone, I don't think he will think about gambling. Maybe if he had free time, he wouldn't use it to gamble either. But it will be different if the person is addicted to gambling which can make him use his phone to gamble. And because we always carry our phones with us wherever we go, it allows us to have more time to gamble discreetly. But it will all depend on the person because if he can monitor or know that playing gambling on a phone or computer can still make him addicted, he will not try to gamble at all.

Well if he is done with his work using his mobile phone then he is free to use his time in any way possible, that includes playing a gambling game in his mobile device.  We cannot give a conclusion to anyone's activity because they are not us.  People may or may not gamble but we cannot conclude that everyone who is using their mobile phone for work won't gamble using their phone after their work is done.  It doesn't need for a person to be a gambling addict in order to play gambling games after doing their office work. There is always a possibility.
When people use their phones, it's a private moment for those people; if we're not allowed to see them, we can't try to see them. Otherwise, they will be angry for trying to see what they did. I agree that people can always play gambling from their cell phones and with the advancement of technology that every cell phone has today, it makes it easy for them to explore every site on the internet and even gambling sites.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: rhomelmabini on September 20, 2022, 10:12:07 AM
Excess of everything is bad
Mobile has done more damage to the world than good.
i sometime feels sick and addicted not being able to get away fro the mobile phone. Such miserable our lives have become.
I don't think it will labeled at that, you can set boundaries on gadgets if you have proper management and value your health. This can be achieved personally and there are several ways to do it, the only thing that hard is the commitment and to start.
With having the easy access on almost everything that we do have today then its really hard to quit up something specially when you do know that you could simply
just pull off your mobile phone on you own pocket then you are ready to go once again.
You're correct on that but as adults I think we're more capable to fight the urge and set those boundaries over gadgets. That's the disadvantage of it but if the individual always have that expectations like difficulty on quiting, that will definitely the thing will come and not the other way around.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: swogerino on September 20, 2022, 10:24:39 AM

When people use their phones, it's a private moment for those people; if we're not allowed to see them, we can't try to see them. Otherwise, they will be angry for trying to see what they did. I agree that people can always play gambling from their cell phones and with the advancement of technology that every cell phone has today, it makes it easy for them to explore every site on the internet and even gambling sites.

Yes this possibility and advancement there is today easily accessible to anyone however only if these individuals want and search for such sites,it is their desire that brings them to gambling and not the gadgets they are holding like mobile phone or tablet which are the most used devices in online gambling.As long as these people have a desire to play gambling the rise of such technology only helps them achieve it,we know that many of them end up addicted and ruining their life but in the first place the choice was theirs,they wanted to visit such sites no one and surely no gadget forced them to visit these sites.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: livingfree on September 20, 2022, 12:54:26 PM
That is why you should not exceed what you budgeted beforehand to avoid losing and eventually getting addicted to gambling in the future.
We want to avoid it but the temptation from the casinos is stronger than we think because they always offer attractive offers and even send links to mobile phones.
Only strong self-control can help us prevent gambling for too long and although not many people can do that, we should still try not to become addicted to it like everyone else.
It's just time for us to control ourselves properly and requires daily training.
The temptation will always be there, it's not just with gambling but also with other recreational activities that we're enjoying to do. It's just so hard to resist when you're happy doing it and you're enjoying, having fun with it.

Ruining our lives will depend on how we deal with ourselves. The worst enemy would always be ourselves, the fun, the enjoyment that we deal with is playing a big part on it.

Because even if we play with our emotions, there's one thing that we're not seeing the part and that's of losing money.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: makishart on September 20, 2022, 01:47:21 PM
In my country, online gambling began to spread to a wider user because of the games that were originally developed not for gambling, but user used this app as places to gamble.
online gambling are threading gambling everywhere but the thing is that nobody is trying to play a manual gambling this present time, in the most of the countries they playing gambling seriously and i believe that gambling now is being Best online and no country who is lover of gambling that has not turn up in online gambling.
Online platform was making it to be even more easier for people to be accessed. People will think again if they can access what they wanna to play only in a few second and why do they need to pick manual to play the game?
In my opinion if covid was also changing the way those people to play the game. This is changing everything not only how we will work in our daily life but it's also changing our habits.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 20, 2022, 02:50:51 PM
When people use their phones, it's a private moment for those people; if we're not allowed to see them, we can't try to see them. Otherwise, they will be angry for trying to see what they did. I agree that people can always play gambling from their cell phones and with the advancement of technology that every cell phone has today, it makes it easy for them to explore every site on the internet and even gambling sites.
Yes this possibility and advancement there is today easily accessible to anyone however only if these individuals want and search for such sites,it is their desire that brings them to gambling and not the gadgets they are holding like mobile phone or tablet which are the most used devices in online gambling.As long as these people have a desire to play gambling the rise of such technology only helps them achieve it,we know that many of them end up addicted and ruining their life but in the first place the choice was theirs,they wanted to visit such sites no one and surely no gadget forced them to visit these sites.
Having a cellphone or other gadget will make it easier for them in various kinds, including playing gambling. This will make it difficult for them to quit and if they are addicted to gambling, they will find it difficult to stay away from their cell phone because they feel their world is on their phone and they need to be connected to their cell phone all the time. And when they are in a state like this, that will make them always busy with their cellphones even though they are with other people around them.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fatunad on September 20, 2022, 07:59:32 PM
When people use their phones, it's a private moment for those people; if we're not allowed to see them, we can't try to see them. Otherwise, they will be angry for trying to see what they did. I agree that people can always play gambling from their cell phones and with the advancement of technology that every cell phone has today, it makes it easy for them to explore every site on the internet and even gambling sites.
Yes this possibility and advancement there is today easily accessible to anyone however only if these individuals want and search for such sites,it is their desire that brings them to gambling and not the gadgets they are holding like mobile phone or tablet which are the most used devices in online gambling.As long as these people have a desire to play gambling the rise of such technology only helps them achieve it,we know that many of them end up addicted and ruining their life but in the first place the choice was theirs,they wanted to visit such sites no one and surely no gadget forced them to visit these sites.
Having a cellphone or other gadget will make it easier for them in various kinds, including playing gambling. This will make it difficult for them to quit and if they are addicted to gambling, they will find it difficult to stay away from their cell phone because they feel their world is on their phone and they need to be connected to their cell phone all the time. And when they are in a state like this, that will make them always busy with their cellphones even though they are with other people around them.
We shouldnt really just focus of the cons on having mobile phone.It wasnt really just intended for the sake of using it into that particular thing but rather been having it mainly for communication which is crucial.
It is really just an added up utility which you could eventually browse almost everything here on online space and that do really includes gambling.It isnt really that bad to deal up something as long you do know
on how to deal with it with moderation and never intend to go beyond your limits.We do have our own will which we know which is bad and which is good and which is in neutral.
If you do find out things which arent that good anymore or doesnt give out something positive effect then better avoid.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Silberman on September 21, 2022, 02:43:10 AM
It can be done by not giving children everything they want and ask anytime. Normally, kids who don't have any limits are likely to develop problematic behavior when they grow up. Since everything in their lives was so easy to achieve, they don't value things, especially money, because it has become trivialized and easily acquired from their parents without any rules or conditions.
Then these children won't think twice before spending money irresponsibly, as they know there is more from where it has come and can be claimed as soon as they demand. Of course at some point it will become a serious issue and there won't be enough money to cover the children's expenses, so it's better parents pay attention to them and change this reality before it's too late...
You are correct, those are the kind of kids which eventually develop all kind of issues as they were never taught by their parents any kind of limits, they may be thinking they are being generous to their kids but instead they are creating someone which lacks any sense of proportion, and then when they finally begin to hear from other people the word no they cannot accept it and they will try to impose their will over others, so in order to avoid something like that limits need to be imposed so they can grow and become healthy and functional adults.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: traderethereum on September 21, 2022, 03:49:23 AM
That is why you should not exceed what you budgeted beforehand to avoid losing and eventually getting addicted to gambling in the future.
We want to avoid it but the temptation from the casinos is stronger than we think because they always offer attractive offers and even send links to mobile phones.
Only strong self-control can help us prevent gambling for too long and although not many people can do that, we should still try not to become addicted to it like everyone else.
It's just time for us to control ourselves properly and requires daily training.
The temptation will always be there, it's not just with gambling but also with other recreational activities that we're enjoying to do. It's just so hard to resist when you're happy doing it and you're enjoying, having fun with it.

Ruining our lives will depend on how we deal with ourselves. The worst enemy would always be ourselves, the fun, the enjoyment that we deal with is playing a big part on it.

Because even if we play with our emotions, there's one thing that we're not seeing the part and that's of losing money.
That's for sure because gambling will always tempt every gambler to keep playing and only gamblers with good self-control can withstand that temptation.
So be careful when you want to play gambling and maintain self-control so it doesn't decrease.
We've seen many people lose control of themselves while gambling and it's only a matter of time before they can destroy themselves.
And never play gambling with emotions because it will risk and endanger our money so that we can lose our money on the gambling table.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: BITCOIN4X on September 21, 2022, 04:11:09 AM
You are correct, those are the kind of kids which eventually develop all kind of issues as they were never taught by their parents any kind of limits,
I think it's hard to conclude that many parents nowadays don't care about what their children do outside the home because I believe every one of them has educated their children well. However, it is undeniable that it is difficult to prevent the misuse of media including cellphones that are used for things related to gambling, pornography or other things that are detrimental to children's morals and finances in the long term.

I believe that the digitalization of this era has destroyed the morale of minors even though they are actually taught good things by their respective parents. We can't prevent it by just making inaudible assumptions or suggestions, these are just as meaningless. The next generation could be worse, but I hope all of us who have become parents are able to educate our children well.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Jatiluhung on September 21, 2022, 04:35:22 AM
That's for sure because gambling will always tempt every gambler to keep playing and only gamblers with good self-control can withstand that temptation.
So be careful when you want to play gambling and maintain self-control so it doesn't decrease.
We've seen many people lose control of themselves while gambling and it's only a matter of time before they can destroy themselves.
And never play gambling with emotions because it will risk and endanger our money so that we can lose our money on the gambling table.
Correct. Even in gambling we need an emotional control in ourselves. do not let our emotions dominate our bodies. so that our actions become reckless. because if an action is based on strong emotions then usually the action becomes a rash action. because emotions can make the mind become restless. so that the decisions taken can be wrong. and most of those who are addicted are those who cannot control their emotions. so they are sometimes hard to stop once they have started. and they become gambling without limits. and if already addicted it will be difficult to cure. because psychological therapy takes a long time and seriousness and support is also needed. but with the ease like now it will be very difficult not to become addicted.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: makishart on September 21, 2022, 04:40:01 AM
You made a good emphasis, but what i you to know is that stopping gambling is a personal decision, it's not what you will do to please others, it's your way of understanding the basic things concerning gambling, with the way of things am sure that gambling is something that you will determine to do at your own detriment, and that is why people who is addicted to it doesn't take advice from someone who is condemning gambling.
Environment we leave self can contribute to engage in gambling again and also help to engage in gambling because I believe from educational field that environment matters and then even meant you find yourself you will behave like that environment or the nature of the environment whether you are the addicted or not in gambling if you find yourself in an urban City why you we are living in rural City there will be a change and that change is being determined by the environment you find yourself so environmental matters a lot in any living thing
Excess of everything is bad
Mobile has done more damage to the world than good.
i sometime feels sick and addicted not being able to get away fro the mobile phone. Such miserable our lives have become.
You are correct excessive everything can cause problem in environment I know that yes one people is addicted in gambling because of their plans and what they want to achieve in gambling so when they're out of the environment they will still try to keep that kind of target in order to make such the mind or search target they need
There's no need plan to be addicted in gambling. Addiction was coming when someone has been winning for a few bets but he was being so greedy to make bunch of money from there. So, he was intentionally using more and more money to multiple it instantly. The environtment may give bad or good impact to that depending upon the culture of environment itsefl. Remember that there are so many kids have been playing online gambling caused by it can be accessed easily.
That was also giving bad contribution to their attitude and many things as these kid doing everything to get money to play with

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 21, 2022, 09:39:22 AM
When people use their phones, it's a private moment for those people; if we're not allowed to see them, we can't try to see them. Otherwise, they will be angry for trying to see what they did. I agree that people can always play gambling from their cell phones and with the advancement of technology that every cell phone has today, it makes it easy for them to explore every site on the internet and even gambling sites.
Yes this possibility and advancement there is today easily accessible to anyone however only if these individuals want and search for such sites,it is their desire that brings them to gambling and not the gadgets they are holding like mobile phone or tablet which are the most used devices in online gambling.As long as these people have a desire to play gambling the rise of such technology only helps them achieve it,we know that many of them end up addicted and ruining their life but in the first place the choice was theirs,they wanted to visit such sites no one and surely no gadget forced them to visit these sites.
Having a cellphone or other gadget will make it easier for them in various kinds, including playing gambling. This will make it difficult for them to quit and if they are addicted to gambling, they will find it difficult to stay away from their cell phone because they feel their world is on their phone and they need to be connected to their cell phone all the time. And when they are in a state like this, that will make them always busy with their cellphones even though they are with other people around them.
We shouldnt really just focus of the cons on having mobile phone.It wasnt really just intended for the sake of using it into that particular thing but rather been having it mainly for communication which is crucial.
It is really just an added up utility which you could eventually browse almost everything here on online space and that do really includes gambling.It isnt really that bad to deal up something as long you do know
on how to deal with it with moderation and never intend to go beyond your limits.We do have our own will which we know which is bad and which is good and which is in neutral.
If you do find out things which arent that good anymore or doesnt give out something positive effect then better avoid.
What you say is true because if we can regulate what we do, there will be no negative impact. Even if there is an impact, we already know how to deal with it. Having a cell phone is now a necessity and as long as we can use it for things that can benefit us, it will be okay; even if we use a cellphone for gambling, it will also be okay for us. The key here is how to use the mobile phone properly and manage the time to play the gamble. Thus, we can enjoy moments when playing gambling and can get pleasure.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Google+ on September 21, 2022, 10:44:26 AM
There's no need plan to be addicted in gambling. Addiction was coming when someone has been winning for a few bets but he was being so greedy to make bunch of money from there. So, he was intentionally using more and more money to multiple it instantly. The environtment may give bad or good impact to that depending upon the culture of environment itsefl. Remember that there are so many kids have been playing online gambling caused by it can be accessed easily.
That was also giving bad contribution to their attitude and many things as these kid doing everything to get money to play with
Everyone will do the same. The first win makes someone interested in getting the next win. addiction does not come in a short time but addiction is triggered by curiosity and thinks they are easy to conquer the croupier. In this increasingly advanced era, the world of gambling is getting easier for young and old people to access by only having a smart phone. So it is natural for us to see gambling activities anywhere regardless of age.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Fredomago on September 21, 2022, 05:34:08 PM
That's for sure because gambling will always tempt every gambler to keep playing and only gamblers with good self-control can withstand that temptation.
So be careful when you want to play gambling and maintain self-control so it doesn't decrease.
We've seen many people lose control of themselves while gambling and it's only a matter of time before they can destroy themselves.
And never play gambling with emotions because it will risk and endanger our money so that we can lose our money on the gambling table.
Correct. Even in gambling we need an emotional control in ourselves. do not let our emotions dominate our bodies. so that our actions become reckless. because if an action is based on strong emotions then usually the action becomes a rash action. because emotions can make the mind become restless. so that the decisions taken can be wrong. and most of those who are addicted are those who cannot control their emotions. so they are sometimes hard to stop once they have started. and they become gambling without limits. and if already addicted it will be difficult to cure. because psychological therapy takes a long time and seriousness and support is also needed. but with the ease like now it will be very difficult not to become addicted.

I can say that it's not sometimes but most of their time, once they've started gambling there's no limitation anymore, controlling your emotions is really something that triggers the addictions, without any control you will just finding yourself gambling excessively, so the importance of having a self-control inside you is the key factor to enjoy your gambling activities and not to allow yourself to engage too much.

It's a big test to everyone's emotions, with the technology and easy access to most of everything, internet and digital devices make it simpler to do or cater your gambling activities.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: livingfree on September 21, 2022, 09:20:04 PM
The temptation will always be there, it's not just with gambling but also with other recreational activities that we're enjoying to do. It's just so hard to resist when you're happy doing it and you're enjoying, having fun with it.

Ruining our lives will depend on how we deal with ourselves. The worst enemy would always be ourselves, the fun, the enjoyment that we deal with is playing a big part on it.

Because even if we play with our emotions, there's one thing that we're not seeing the part and that's of losing money.
That's for sure because gambling will always tempt every gambler to keep playing and only gamblers with good self-control can withstand that temptation.
So be careful when you want to play gambling and maintain self-control so it doesn't decrease.
We've seen many people lose control of themselves while gambling and it's only a matter of time before they can destroy themselves.
And never play gambling with emotions because it will risk and endanger our money so that we can lose our money on the gambling table.
I have no problems controlling myself as I'm done on that part when I was able to conquer my addiction but these days, with modern technology and access to everything through mobile.

Yeah, to resist it is a challenge.

Someone who gambles with emotion is going to wreck himself and he's not going to like it. Learn from the mistakes of those gamblers that have done it and shared their experiences.

Title: Re: The Rise of Mobile Gambling Is Leaving People Ruined and Unable to Quit
Post by: Doan9269 on September 21, 2022, 09:43:05 PM
I want to advise that mobile phones should be restricted on children not to talk of having access to gamblings while with the use of mobile phone, this is what children needed to be monitored of, gambling with phones is not a proper way of bringing up a child when he needed to face his studies and grow to develop himself through perpetual study of his books, because it has two dangerous disadvantage over a child, one he won't read his books and secondly he got addicted easily while being too early for exposure on gambling, parent should note this, training a child is not to over pampered the child even with unnecessary things.