Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Mate2237 on September 14, 2022, 01:03:11 AM

Title: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: Mate2237 on September 14, 2022, 01:03:11 AM
There are three (3) Rays that transmit network in the globe. The rays are:

Gamma Rays: 5G network

Beta Rays: 2G, 3G and 4G Network

Ultra Rays:  Light Energy

My main discussion here is 5G network with bitcoin transaction

Gamma Rays
Gamma Rays: This is the 5G network producer. And 5G network brought covid 19. The world technologists (scientists) have been looking for a way to improve/fastest way to transmit/transact information in the digital space/field. And finally 5G network was discovered in China by scientists of different fields. Such field were:  The Pharmacists, these were the group who inserted the covid 19 (Corona-virus) to the network to infect humanity. Businessmen in advance countries who supported the project financially for their selfish interest. Biochemistry who created the chemical combination and the bacterial in the network and finally Engineering scholars (Physics), these group created the speedometer of the network. 5G network is the fastest network as of now. And covid 19 is moving with 5G network so covid 19 transmission is very fast as the network.

The day when the network was launched in Wuhan, China, those who sponsored the project in another countries switched off their cell phones. 5G network does not used normal phone but there is a specific phone manufacture for it. That was why it didn't affect anyone other person at that time but within those people that using the phone. As they launched the network, within one (1) minute, those that were using the phone died and those who did not died instant transmitted the virus to their families, friends, neighbours etc. And from there, people had started dieing so with the fear of some people they left China to another countries, there the virus started to spread to other parts of the world with the travelers. Gamma Rays produces the fastest network in the world and covid 19 transmission is the fastest in the disease diplomacy history. I also heard a story that in British 5G network Mask were burned down (

Therefore, The speed in 5G network is the best option for bitcoin transactions. I made a transaction on Monday with Electrum to a friend and it took  almost 1 to 2 hours to reflect on the person's wallet.  Although, I also look at the fees and the number of blocks the coin will transmit before going to the recipient wallet, but that not withstanding, if the network is very fast it wouldn't spend some seconds to receive.

5G with Blockchain transaction (

you can see some info
Gamma Ray  ( ,

 Beta Ray  (

 Ultra Ray  (

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: franky1 on September 14, 2022, 01:17:17 AM
quick science lesson

gamma is on the left of image..
5G   (109 frequency) is all the way on the right
microwave <> radio frequency range
butterfly <> human wavelength range

for a wave length to damage things at the cellular/atomic level the waves need to be so small that they can vibrate between the cells/atoms to break them

5G waves are bigger than a butterfly meaning they bounce back from objects, not get between them

as for your other narrative conspiracy about covid being fake and chinese people died due to 5G. your conspiracy got debunked 2 years ago. you are very late to be pushing that fake crap.

also its unrelated to bitcoin

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: jackg on September 14, 2022, 04:56:35 AM
Also all these travel at the same speed in a vacuum.

We only use microwaves and Radio waves for communication (and only microwaves are used for phones) - I'm pretty sure that's because of the limitations of processing them (light has also been used but not at a frequency that'd compete with microwaves - it's been used for convenience) and the heat they'd give off. Xrays and infrared are more used for static images/signals ehrte you can send one message that's repeated for a specific period (eg using a TV remote).

@franky1, I read that badly and was trying to work out what butterflies did to make microwaves ;D.

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: pooya87 on September 15, 2022, 03:32:32 AM
Basically everything in your topic was wrong!

Therefore, The speed in 5G network is the best option for bitcoin transactions. I made a transaction on Monday with Electrum to a friend and it took  almost 1 to 2 hours to reflect on the person's wallet.  Although, I also look at the fees and the number of blocks the coin will transmit before going to the recipient wallet, but that not withstanding, if the network is very fast it wouldn't spend some seconds to receive.
How long it takes for your transaction to confirm has absolutely nothing to do with your internet speed. After all bitcoin transactions are normally very small in size (less than a kilobyte) and it doesn't take that much to upload and then propagate them throughout the network with "normal" internet speed.
Dial-up internet speed is 56 kbit/s (8 kbyte/s), even at half that speed for upload that means it takes 0.28 second to upload a 1 kb transaction!

It is all about (1) how congested the mempool is in general. (2) how much fee you paid compared to the rest of the transactions in mempool. (3) your transaction itself and whether it had any unconfirmed parent(s), non-standard input, etc.

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: NeuroticFish on September 15, 2022, 03:15:16 PM
And 5G network brought covid 19.

I've stopped reading at this point.
The people on bitcointalk are smarter than this. You'll better find "customers" for this "story" (full of errors, and I'm being overly nice telling like this) on some flat earth believers forum (but of course, they will not know nor care about bitcoin, what a dilemma..)

PS. 5G is just another type of network and you like it or not, my fiber optic cable beats 5G.

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: Rruchi man on September 15, 2022, 04:09:12 PM
And 5G network brought covid 19.
I've stopped reading at this point.
I still wonder how people can believe this. OP, a brief research into the 5G network would have corrected this false knowledge that you seem to have accepted and will spare you the embarrassment associated with misinformation.

Please take your time OP to read this publication, so you can have a better understanding: COVID-19, 5G conspiracies and infrastructural futures (

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on September 15, 2022, 09:24:32 PM
..and it's you again, same dude that got his ass smacked on his last post which,infact is no better than this crap. I'm cut up dude!
Can you just carefully read and digest some meaningful thoughts into that half-dead brain cells so they'll be some rejuvenations cus I'm tired of this shitty wall of text?
...that serves you right ☹️

I mean, what has a virus got to do with a network? Lemme pretend that I'm dumb. Can you please--in a short sentence-- explain the phenomenon that links its criterion?
crappy dude, I'm cut up!👩‍🦱

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on September 15, 2022, 11:57:08 PM
How do you make a transaction with an ETA of around 25 blocks and expect it to be confirmed in seconds?
Looks like you are so ignorant about the Bitcoin network, is suggest you read about the mempool, transaction fee rates, block confirmations, hash rate, difficulty adjustment etc  pretty much everything about Bitcoin before you start making useless 5G conspiracy theory posts in order to farm for merit  :(

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: arcmetal on September 16, 2022, 12:43:46 AM
quick science lesson

gamma is on the left of image..

also its unrelated to bitcoin
Does this thread really need anymore replies over what franky1 has already stated ??

I think not.

Unless you are dealing with some highly radioactive material, or trying to study solar flares or supernovas, you will not run into "gamma rays".

As franky1 puts it, this is not related to bitcoin.

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: Techkoy407 on September 16, 2022, 01:10:27 AM
I do bitcoin transactions on the 4G and even 3G networks, it's normal, there's not much difference because the internet connection during bitcoin transactions doesn't really need a speed that's too fast, just the connection is stable in my opinion, that's enough and your narrative about covid 19 is too much.

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: Frankolala on September 16, 2022, 07:29:20 PM
I guess OP does not understand anything about the electromagnetic spectrum,which is the combination of the electric wave and magnetic wave,that is why he is talking about Gamma ray in bitcoin. It is always good we know more on a topic we are writing on so we don't give out wrong information.

Title: Re: Gamma-Rays (5G) Network With Bitcoin Transaction Speed
Post by: Charles-Tim on September 17, 2022, 05:52:23 AM
The Pharmacists, these were the group who inserted the covid 19 (Corona-virus) to the network to infect humanity.
You do not know what you are talking about.

Therefore, The speed in 5G network is the best option for bitcoin transactions. I made a transaction on Monday with Electrum to a friend and it took  almost 1 to 2 hours to reflect on the person's wallet.  Although, I also look at the fees and the number of blocks the coin will transmit before going to the recipient wallet, but that not withstanding, if the network is very fast it wouldn't spend some seconds to receive.
5G is not related to bitcoin at all. If you want to send bitcoin to someone and you want the transaction to be very fast and be included in the next block, why making use of low priority fee, you can make use of high priority fee and your transaction would be included in the next block.

I will advice you to always check the mempool (like to know the best priority fee to be used.