Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: gmhingoro912 on September 14, 2022, 07:34:37 PM

Title: Is Corruption ok
Post by: gmhingoro912 on September 14, 2022, 07:34:37 PM
In a world of almost 200+ countries, there are trillions of people, and everyone likes to have more money because people wish growing day by day, and they don't care about money coming ways legal or illegal, So there is a big illegal way to collect more money is corruption, what do you think it's Wright?

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Zlantann on September 14, 2022, 08:40:52 PM
In a world of almost 200+ countries, there are trillions of people, and everyone likes to have more money because people wish growing day by day, and they don't care about money coming ways legal or illegal, So there is a big illegal way to collect more money is corruption, what do you think it's Wright?
I am sorry but this question makes no meaning to me. The answer is clear and indisputable, corruption is totally bad. Corruption is one of the reason the world is suffering today. It as destroyed individuals, communities, nations and it is gradually destroying the world. Corruption is the main cause of wars and underdevelopment. Anybody that is collecting or receiving illegal fund is a criminal and should be punished.

Although the society don't give a damn about how one makes money but It is not everybody that likes to make money illegally. And some person care about the kind of money that comes into their purse because they abhor illegal funds. Corruption is not and can never be ok

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: BADecker on September 14, 2022, 09:53:04 PM
Corruption is something that can't be avoided. The troubling thing is that people who are forced to live by corruption, often forget how to stop when there is no more need for it.


Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: rby on September 14, 2022, 10:09:19 PM
Corruption is something that can't be avoided. The troubling thing is that people who are forced to live by corruption, often forget how to stop when there is no more need for it.


People who forgot to stop corruption after they were forced to live by it tend to influence more people to be corrupt. I was about to refute your claim that corruption can't be avoided until I used a real life yardstick to measure your statement and understood that you are correct.  The illegally earned money is used to influence and implicate innocent members of the society, thereby indicting them

Take for instance, a corrupt money was given to the church, church being ignorant of the source of the money uses the money to train an innocent child through higher education. The innocent child has indirectly benefited from corruption.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Wakate on September 14, 2022, 10:40:35 PM
In a world of almost 200+ countries, there are trillions of people, and everyone likes to have more money because people wish growing day by day, and they don't care about money coming ways legal or illegal, So there is a big illegal way to collect more money is corruption, what do you think it's Wright?
Since corruption is everywhere then who are those people that are going to collect the money and from what group of people? This is a very hard question to answer because it is now looking like corruption is become a normal thing on the streets and in our place of businesses. Corruption involves different tactics so it's not just stealing of scamming people of their funds.

The government that intention to fight corruption is likely to be corrupt and it is very obvious that they can really try to arrest those people that are not in power to show a working system. There had been a continual efforts to fight corruption but I don't think that alone could make a difference because many illegal things are happening every seconds.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: OgNasty on September 14, 2022, 11:01:11 PM
After having just watched Rand Paul eat Dr. Fauci alive, I think corruption is not only wrong, but I think the pendulum is swinging the other way where people are getting sick of it.  As Rand Paul stated earlier, Republicans are going to take the house, senate, and presidency in 2024 and will change the rules so that they'll be able to see who is getting royalty deals from where with public companies.  Then you're going to see exactly how rich people like Anthony Fauci have gotten at the expense of the American people.  I hope they keep going with the insider stock trading against politicians as well.  If Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Fauci never have to serve a day in jail or pay millions in penalties, then there is no justice.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Anonohmon on September 14, 2022, 11:28:43 PM
Depends if its top down or bottom up. Top down means high up gov officials being corrupt. That is not okay because they are supposed to serve the people.

Bottom up is okay because its the people just trying to get by. Like for example, if you can, dont ever pay crypto capital gain taxes on trades. because its unfair that other countries dont tax trades but just when you cash out but in the USA they tax every little gain but you get nothing if you lose everything on a trade.
If you can be currupt and not pay taxes as an individual then you are doing good. you just have to anonymize yourself first. dont be dumb and do it when they can see you. it's harder for us the people to do it because we have consequences. but officials dont worry about much. they only get in trouble when there is too much light on them and the people rise up in anger and the government has to do something about it.

basically tldr it is only okay when honest people do it to get by or make it un an unfair world. people say its bad but why? why should the people sit and do nothing while they watch these psychopaths get rich and richer?

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: 348Judah on September 15, 2022, 11:32:35 AM
In a world of almost 200+ countries, there are trillions of people, and everyone likes to have more money because people wish growing day by day, and they don't care about money coming ways legal or illegal, So there is a big illegal way to collect more money is corruption, what do you think it's Wright?

We know that everyone want money and have the intention to be rich but not everybody will emerge a millionaire because destinies are different, mindset are different, choices are different and the country we all live in are different as well, but any wealth accumulated through hard works earned incentives will always last long and be used for valuable things, while money illegally acquired will not last, that is just the truth, dont mind the so corrupt leaders that divert public funds to themselves, everything is going to wither just like a grass cut down in the evening, they may seem flourishing now but calamity awaits them, therefore we must be patient enough to wait for our time to make money and get it the right and lawful way.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Spontaneous on September 15, 2022, 02:04:39 PM
 Corruption is not good and the sad things can cause harmful for more things will be affected. Just like in my country more politicians that there's no right vision they just only think they're power an right and also the money of people. I may not say all of them but some of them inside the house of politics

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Gyfts on September 15, 2022, 02:42:59 PM
In a world of almost 200+ countries, there are trillions of people, and everyone likes to have more money because people wish growing day by day, and they don't care about money coming ways legal or illegal, So there is a big illegal way to collect more money is corruption, what do you think it's Wright?

A world with trillions of people, imagine that.

Billions is more like it, and there's less than 200 countries.

After having just watched Rand Paul eat Dr. Fauci alive, I think corruption is not only wrong, but I think the pendulum is swinging the other way where people are getting sick of it.  As Rand Paul stated earlier, Republicans are going to take the house, senate, and presidency in 2024 and will change the rules so that they'll be able to see who is getting royalty deals from where with public companies.  Then you're going to see exactly how rich people like Anthony Fauci have gotten at the expense of the American people.  I hope they keep going with the insider stock trading against politicians as well.  If Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Fauci never have to serve a day in jail or pay millions in penalties, then there is no justice.

It was very satisfying. Unfortunately most government corruption slides under the table. It's only when one party is in power, they go after the opposition. Opposing party gets into power, goes after their opposition. The only consolation is that it's a balancing act through an adversarial system. Doesn't work if there's only one party in power for too long.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Moneyprism on September 15, 2022, 04:40:43 PM
for correction, there are only 195 countries and 7,753 billion people on earth.. but if we talk about corruption maybe this has been human nature for a long time.. even though we can't tolerate this action but we can't prevent it.. even China itself with harsh punishments they are against corruptors, there are still corruptors in the country.. my point is that corruption cannot be tolerated but we also cannot prevent others from corrupting

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Marykeller on September 15, 2022, 06:23:28 PM
Corruption has been existing for a time memorial. Everyone is guilty of it. We all have somehow benefitted from it in one way or the other. Either by politics, education, employment or social care and so on. The whole world is corrupt, so everyone living in it is mostly to be inflicted by it. Even the government and her agencies are the most corrupt.

In my country, corruption is the order of the day, many have made billionaires their corrupt practices. In such a country where corrupt practices have become a norm, how do you intend it will stop? It continues from generation to generation.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Gozie51 on September 15, 2022, 08:15:31 PM
Corruption has been existing for a time memorial. Everyone is guilty of it. We all have somehow benefitted from it in one way or the other.

The fact that most people are doing certain things does not mean that it is right to do. Basically true that most people are corrupt but it takes the few in power or authority to command obedience and all the country will respect the authority in place. The solution is thannt So the government has a big roll they will play to make this act of corruption is reduced. They have to strengthen the laws and must allow the purnishment of offenders.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: coolcoinz on September 15, 2022, 08:28:13 PM
Most people want to have more money, but here's the deal, you don't get to do what you want. Life is not about doing what we want without any limits and at the cost of other people. Life is about coexistence, ethics, being a good man.

I'll ask you a question, OP. Would you sacrifice all your dignity for money? If not then where's the limit? At which point do we say no? If you cannot show such a point then maybe we should put this limit at any unethical thing, regardless of how little damage it does?

what do you think it's Wright?

Your typo actually made it look pretty legit. Craig Wright is corrupt and it's not OK :D

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: BADecker on September 15, 2022, 08:43:03 PM
Most people want to have more money, but here's the deal, you don't get to do what you want. Life is not about doing what we want without any limits and at the cost of other people. Life is about coexistence, ethics, being a good man.

I'll ask you a question, OP. Would you sacrifice all your dignity for money? If not then where's the limit? At which point do we say no? If you cannot show such a point then maybe we should put this limit at any unethical thing, regardless of how little damage it does?

what do you think it's Wright?

Your typo actually made it look pretty legit. Craig Wright is corrupt and it's not OK :D

If it was a typo, he wouldn't have capitalized the 'W'. He probably had some weird thinking he was trying to pass on, but maybe only trying to say that Craig Wright is a crook without coming wright out with it. :D


Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Mr.right85 on September 15, 2022, 09:47:34 PM
This thread might seem unnecessary. As either for people or citizens of any nation to be arms open with corruption is an impossibility.
Corruption is undermining and a marginalisation of a people and there means to a good life and stable governance.

Corruption is a menace that should be rooted out where ever it is found. The issue is, its always amongst the high status men and the common man have got little to do about it after handing all the powers to the government.

Sme of the ways to a change is through a revolution and its always at a great cost, making it hardly an option for most but the hope for a leader with a good heart to maethe needed changes.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Agbe on September 15, 2022, 10:24:23 PM
In a world of almost 200+ countries, there are trillions of people, and everyone likes to have more money because people wish growing day by day, and they don't care about money coming ways legal or illegal, So there is a big illegal way to collect more money is corruption, what do you think it's Wright?

Politicians see corruption as a norm. There are diverse ways corruption is executed by political leaders in the world. The money that is meant to developed would be diverted to a personal accounts. Employment reduction: When an empowerment scheme is given to them to carry out, they would cut off the total number of persons that would be empowered and took the large amount of money and empowered the few. Then remaining unemployed youth would look for a way to survive. And that led to illegal business by the youth to survive, therefore corruption is a deliberate act by the political leaders to suffer the masses. It is the leaders that can eliminate corruption in a country if only and really they want to do that. But I doubt if they will do it because it will affect them badly. As for me I did not the masses that are corrupt but the leaders are the caused of everything.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Majestic-milf on September 16, 2022, 09:44:51 AM
I think the best way to understand how fast corruption spreads is using the case of oil on a finger. If it touches one, it show will transcend to the other. Some people, especially politicians see it as a necessary evil which can be used to get things achieved faster.
 Where I come from, I think there's anyone who is free from the practice of it and if one begins to strategize on ways to end corruption, you will be shocked to find people who will be lobbying for it to remain. To them, it would be like starting a thing you can't finish.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Yawa2020 on September 16, 2022, 09:55:30 AM
There are trillion of people in the world? Where do you have data? That aside since that's not the topic of discussion. The bitter truth is that corruption is absolutely bad and should be condemned in every society but I don't see that achievable since we call it connection when it has to do with us. And it becomes corruption when we are not involved. This particular act is the reason why corruption will not end.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Iroh on September 16, 2022, 12:23:47 PM
Corruption has been going on secretly and openly all over the world. So called developed and under developed countries experience corruption. It has gone on for so long that we seem not to be able to do without it. It has somewhat become a norm to delve in corruption. Corruption is never okay but now, if you wouldn’t be corrupted, you would most likely be booted out. With corruption, we can’t possibly grow as a nation.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Jawhead999 on September 16, 2022, 12:51:15 PM
I think everyone knows corruption is like an open secret and it mostly done by the government, but since government have higher title and citizens can't know behind how can the government corrupt, they don't have any idea and to proven if the government is doing corruption.

Corruption is fine as long as you're the one who do corruption, just kidding. Corruption is an illegal activity to achieve more money or wealth, it's never can be said okay since there's no benefit to the citizens.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: BADecker on September 16, 2022, 02:13:38 PM
Governments have exactly one reason for existing. This reason is to help their people, the people of their country. All else is corruption in government.


Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: suzanne5223 on September 16, 2022, 05:15:11 PM
In a world of almost 200+ countries
That's not true. United Nations acknowledges 237 countries and territories. Therefore, the world countries are already 200+, not almost.

there are trillions of people
No, the world population ( was said to reach 8 billion on 15 November 2022.

and everyone likes to have more money because people wish growing day by day, and they don't care about money coming ways legal or illegal
Not everybody doesn't care about where the money is coming from if it's legal or illegal but this depends on the personal self. What also defines people's habits is their environment and the people the company they keep when in the juvenile stage.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: darkangel11 on September 16, 2022, 08:45:07 PM
Corruption is like stealing. It feels more OK when you do it, but not when it's done to you LOL

We hate it because we usually don't have a chance to profit from it. It's easy to judge others when you're clean and you're clean not because you're incorruptible but because you haven't got an offer high enough. IMO you can buy pretty much everyone and it's a matter of price.

If you were a police man and saw someone speeding and they offered you big money just to let them go, would you take it or give the ticket and get nothing?
If they offered $100 you wouldn't do it for sure, but what about 1k? How about 10k, just to let it go? 50k? At some point you'd do it, it would be too much money to miss out.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: teosanru on September 16, 2022, 09:03:04 PM
In a world of almost 200+ countries, there are trillions of people, and everyone likes to have more money because people wish growing day by day, and they don't care about money coming ways legal or illegal, So there is a big illegal way to collect more money is corruption, what do you think it's Wright?
In this world where money is considered to be above everything, morals, laws, ethics, and everything some people would easily say that yes money is the most important facet but no matter how many arguments you will find in favor corruption at the very root it is obviously a wrong thing to do. There is no way it is justifiable, especially the argument that because those in power are doing it we can do it too. Because eventually, someone has to stop, be it you or that one in power. Because if everyone will behave in an ill-mannered forgetting the business ethics there won't really be any business left for humans to do. Eventually laws are just for help ethics are the things which always keep the business alive, if corruption reaches a certain extent even a normal transaction between two people will be doubted in future.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: dbc23 on September 17, 2022, 01:00:35 PM
Corruption is detrimental. It's difficult for any nation to grow with it. With the rate at which the present society crave for more money it's becoming tempting to see corruption as something that should be normalized. But no matter how it's been presented  corruption brings down development and stagnates economic growth using Africa as a case study.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Rockstarguy on September 17, 2022, 03:28:55 PM

We all have benefited from corruption from one way or the other, directly or indirectly. Corruption is an act that humans can't avoid,. Corruption is like a parasites or disease that spread all through the body. Because of how dangerous corruption is the only way we can't abstain from it is to make laws with tough punishment that will make people to run from it. If not for the law that is against corruption I think everyone will be swimming in it when it has do with something they can afford to it. If not for laws against corruption most people would want always play smart and it can change good people who have been cheated to learn how to be corrupt .

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: ThemePen on September 17, 2022, 05:09:33 PM
Corruption can never be ok.

Corruption is a disease which is eating our society slowly slowly.

First of all think that what the corruption do.?

Let's think you are going for a job, and the job requirement is graduation and you have a degrees of Masters, and due to corruption an intermediate degree holder get the job. What will be you feelings at that time.

Rich people are giving money and they are getting everything according to their taste but the poor people are not able to get anything.

Therefore Corruption is a disease and this is not ok.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: BADecker on September 17, 2022, 05:19:41 PM
Corruption can never be ok.

Corruption is a disease which is eating our society slowly slowly.

First of all think that what the corruption do.?

Let's think you are going for a job, and the job requirement is graduation and you have a degrees of Masters, and due to corruption an intermediate degree holder get the job. What will be you feelings at that time.

Rich people are giving money and they are getting everything according to their taste but the poor people are not able to get anything.

Therefore Corruption is a disease and this is not ok.

The problem is, all of us have at least a little bit of corruption in us. Who gets to judge how bad it has to be before somebody gets punished for it? And to make matters worse, is the judge corrupt in his decisions? That's why in small matters, we all need to be forgiving... so we don't all get to be destroyed for our corruption.


Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: ThemePen on September 17, 2022, 05:30:44 PM

The problem is, all of us have at least a little bit of corruption in us. Who gets to judge how bad it has to be before somebody gets punished for it? And to make matters worse, is the judge corrupt in his decisions? That's why in small matters, we all need to be forgiving... so we don't all get to be destroyed for our corruption.

Don't drag everyone into it. I think not everyone. If anyone thinks that, he/she is eating someone's right. So I don't think so that, he/she will do Corruption.

But if there is Corruption so you are right in your confess that we need to be forgiving.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: BADecker on September 17, 2022, 05:45:08 PM

The problem is, all of us have at least a little bit of corruption in us. Who gets to judge how bad it has to be before somebody gets punished for it? And to make matters worse, is the judge corrupt in his decisions? That's why in small matters, we all need to be forgiving... so we don't all get to be destroyed for our corruption.

Don't drag everyone into it. I think not everyone. If anyone thinks that, he/she is eating someone's right. So I don't think so that, he/she will do Corruption.

But if there is Corruption so you are right in your confess that we need to be forgiving.

I agree. Doing a corrupt thing now and again isn't corruption. Corruption is the idea of continuing the bad thing, especially if it is a group of bad things in a bad direction.

But how deep does corruption go? When we think that we are good enough to not be corrupt, is it because we really are not corrupt? Or maybe we have a bit of corrupt pride in us that makes us think that we are really the good ones.


Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Kavelj22 on September 17, 2022, 09:25:18 PM
In a world of almost 200+ countries, there are trillions of people, and everyone likes to have more money because people wish growing day by day, and they don't care about money coming ways legal or illegal, So there is a big illegal way to collect more money is corruption, what do you think it's Wright?

The capitalist system or the global system in general is based on the control of financial capital led by banks in association with major financial institutions. This system can be summarized mainly in that it is a large system of debt.

Its crises have deepened since its appearance and it is characterized by the frequency of crises in it because banks create fictitious assets without value to support them, so they issue financial products based on debt and not on value. This system creates a corrupt system that people will resort to to fulfill their debt obligations. It is a system that creates wealth for free for a very small group of people who lend it to the rest of the people and enjoy watching people practice all kinds of corruption including fighting to pay those debts.

This is a crazy system and fortunately Bitcoin and the blockchain came to save us from it.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: just_Alice on September 18, 2022, 04:14:53 PM
Corruption is venom. However, on the basis of snake venom, for instance, antiplatelet drugs can be created, which are of great value in thrombotic cardiovascular events. Even something absolutely terrible and abnormal can find positive aspects of application in an extreme situation.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: btcbeograd on September 18, 2022, 05:33:22 PM
Corruption is definitely not ok, but sometimes it can be really useful :D :D

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Awwal08 on September 20, 2022, 10:16:17 AM
Corruption is something that can't be avoided.
The main problem here is that the punishment of corruption is divided into two parts.
1. Punishment for the rich person.
2. Punishment for the poor person.
If this types of punishment have been desolve and make it at one punishment then I think it can be avoided

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: BADecker on September 20, 2022, 01:27:58 PM
Corruption is something that can't be avoided.
The main problem here is that the punishment of corruption is divided into two parts.
1. Punishment for the rich person.
2. Punishment for the poor person.
If this types of punishment have been desolve and make it at one punishment then I think it can be avoided

Misjudging the truth regarding corruption, is itself corruption.


Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: paxmao on September 23, 2022, 09:08:05 PM
Most systems go in the way that the incentives are set. That is human nature. Corruption is a cancer for all societies, it makes systems unfair and make people do things that are against their ethics. However, it seems that even in better designed democracies corruption is unavoidable, despite strong incentives to demotivate the stealing of public resources.

Thus, what it is really important is that society as a whole does not accept to live with it, prosecute those that are corrupt and do not allow it to grow on the basis that "is a natural thing".

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Theones on September 25, 2022, 11:35:31 PM
Most systems go in the way that the incentives are set. That is human nature. Corruption is a cancer for all societies, it makes systems unfair and make people do things that are against their ethics. However, it seems that even in better designed democracies corruption is unavoidable, despite strong incentives to demotivate the stealing of public resources.

Thus, what it is really important is that society as a whole does not accept to live with it, prosecute those that are corrupt and do not allow it to grow on the basis that "is a natural thing".
corruption is not okie
sooner or later we realize that the corruption is not the thing needed and there are more important things to worry about. and those are peace and a comfortable sleep too.
Let's relax the fact that money is not the only thing in the world

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Masplanc on September 26, 2022, 01:44:18 PM
Corruption can never be ok.

Corruption is a disease which is eating our society slowly slowly.

First of all think that what the corruption do.?

Let's think you are going for a job, and the job requirement is graduation and you have a degrees of Masters, and due to corruption an intermediate degree holder get the job. What will be you feelings at that time.

Rich people are giving money and they are getting everything according to their taste but the poor people are not able to get anything.

Therefore Corruption is a disease and this is not ok.

The problem is, all of us have at least a little bit of corruption in us. Who gets to judge how bad it has to be before somebody gets punished for it? And to make matters worse, is the judge corrupt in his decisions? That's why in small matters, we all need to be forgiving... so we don't all get to be destroyed for our corruption.

Corruption is a nature of man just as lies.  Their is no man without lies same thing with Corruption but it doesn't mean we have to take corruption as a lifestyle. Curuption is bad and dangerous.  Any country that takes corruption as away of life always produce outcomes,  nothing good to talk about it.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: bitgov on September 26, 2022, 08:09:45 PM
Corruption is a nature of man just as lies.  Their is no man without lies same thing with Corruption but it doesn't mean we have to take corruption as a lifestyle. Curuption is bad and dangerous.  Any country that takes corruption as away of life always produce outcomes,  nothing good to talk about it.
There are the rules and regulations in every country about corruption but devils never stop to gain it. And these are the people which are destroying the system. Every government should make the strict rules about corruption. And should punish the culprits.
everytime you would do something bad - it would surface soon or later.
Keep set standards of life and do not compromise on them whatsoever

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: ThemePen on September 26, 2022, 09:41:46 PM
everytime you would do something bad - it would surface soon or later.
Keep set standards of life and do not compromise on them whatsoever
Of course the standard life always turn your face to the right path, but the condition is that, your standards of life should be correct and are on the community rules. Otherwise you can never stand in the community. You standards and the community standards should be same to survive.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: BADecker on September 27, 2022, 01:56:00 PM
To understand what is happening regarding corruption, we need to first understand what corruption is.

The greatest form of corruption is to not love God above all things... and the second is to not love other people. Corruption is in all of us. But, as bad as things might look, it is being corrected by God.

Let corruption be gradually corrected in yourself. Continually seek God and what He is all about... while at the same time, helping other people.


Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: bitgov on September 29, 2022, 10:05:35 PM
To understand what is happening regarding corruption, we need to first understand what corruption is.

The greatest form of corruption is to not love God above all things... and the second is to not love other people. Corruption is in all of us. But, as bad as things might look, it is being corrected by God.

Let corruption be gradually corrected in yourself. Continually seek God and what He is all about... while at the same time, helping other people.

Corruption is not okie - corruption is evil and evil cannot be good - anything bad you do in private can surface sooner or later so better stay away from evil and keep yourself such company at arm distance which pull you in bad activities
Live a good life and enjoy to fullest.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Tallupooh on October 07, 2022, 03:19:56 AM
Corruption is something that is not good. Many people are miserable because many governments are corrupt, and do not deliver aid from the government to people in need.

Those who are corrupt, only care about themselves, without knowing that their people are suffering.

Corruption must be eradicated, for the sake of world peace.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: landheer on October 07, 2022, 07:14:25 AM
corruption in any form is still not good. because it harms everyone, and many countries are destroyed because of their corrupt leaders, and corruption is hated by everyone. and that corruption
destroys everything, and corrupt people must be punished.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Naficopa on October 07, 2022, 10:51:06 AM
corruption in any form is still not good. because it harms everyone, and many countries are destroyed because of their corrupt leaders, and corruption is hated by everyone. and that corruption
destroys everything, and corrupt people must be punished.

Corruption is like a disease that errodes and rusts your economy and have damaging effect on your country۔ Corruption isn't ok as it harms and destroys people lives and countries۔ The consequences of Corruption are faced by common man as those who are doing it will escape after being caught۔   

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Lordhermes on October 07, 2022, 11:24:46 AM
In today's culture, corruption of any kind is intolerable, be it political, economic, social, or environmental. Citizens must refrain from giving and taking bribes in order to create a society free of corruption. We shall have a society free of corruption if we can achieve this within the family and in our communities. You can only imagine the devastation that corruption has done to public service providers. Corruption is the abuse of power for personal benefit, to put it simply. Because it infringes on people's fundamental rights anywhere in the world, this is wrong.

I believe that by banding together, we can stop injustice and impurity in their tracks. I will do whatever it takes to do this, including speaking out against it, being honest about where you work, and refusing to accept payment in exchange for services. furthermore by promoting an anti-corruption campaign on social media.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Bazzu on October 07, 2022, 11:47:57 AM
The word corruption is familiar to my ears, and I often see the news on television and the news is that it tells the story of the economic collapse of a country and the cause of the country's destruction due to a lot of corruption.


Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: browsiek on October 07, 2022, 03:07:13 PM
Corruption is something that can't be avoided. The troubling thing is that people who are forced to live by corruption, often forget how to stop when there is no more need for it.

I don't agree with the sentence that corruption can't be avoided, because in the field evidence in other countries such as China and North Korea, they can avoid corruption well, of course, they firmly punish the perpetrators of corruption, namely the death penalty.

Take for instance, a corrupt money was given to the church, church being ignorant of the source of the money uses the money to train an innocent child through higher education. The innocent child has indirectly benefited from corruption.

it looks like a robinhood that steals wealth from the authorities for the community, but still the name corruption is something that is detrimental to the state or related government because the budget plan that has been budgeted in accordance with the needs of state development is not right on target.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: NotFuzzyWarm on October 07, 2022, 08:09:44 PM
No it is never 'ok'. Those who are corrupt should always be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Period.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Gallar on October 09, 2022, 08:26:12 AM
corruption is the thing i hate,
because it hurts a lot of people.

If only in this world there was no corruption, it would be better.

a lot of people are starving out there because of the corrupt,
they eat other people's rights

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on October 12, 2022, 05:38:31 PM
No it is never 'ok'. Those who are corrupt should always be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Period.
Yes , I agree with you corrupt people should be punished quickly,because they harms and damages everything . Corrupt people unfortunately most of times are strong and influential and they easily save themselves from all the charges(as they have different institutions under control) and that's sy mostly they are left unpunished. So corruption is not ok at all.

Title: Re: Is Corruption ok
Post by: Marcellin9 on November 10, 2022, 08:23:09 AM
In general, corruption is not OK and should be banned. Most countries in the world, especially for those developed countries, corruption is a serious violation and even a crime. There is a real corration between corruption and the lousy efficiency of government functions. However, in some places and/or countries, corruption exists for some reason. You can never judge a nation by its face and sometimes a little bit corruption is the cultural genes in their bones.