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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Marykeller on October 01, 2022, 09:10:04 PM

Title: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Marykeller on October 01, 2022, 09:10:04 PM
If this is to be true, then women suffered back in the day. Imagine such ridiculous rules just because you find yourself a female.

The rules against women didn't start today. I am wondering if there was a similar rule book for men back then, but I am assuming the answer will be no. Thank God for civilisation.

Women are not where they would love to be yet, but they can't deny the fact that they have come a long way in their respective societies and work. That's what to be grateful for.
Imagine this kind of rule against female teachers in 1914 still existing. What would have been your reaction?

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Mr.right85 on October 01, 2022, 10:33:00 PM
Is this for real! Like really!! All that, just to maintain a rep for a teaching job!!!
That's too much. I dont know how women did cope with all that but, am sure it's some of the models that built the strong women in our world today.
Still a good thing these rules are mostly extinct or modified to its minimum but am sure they served there purpose for the time and now, we've got better to replace them. So much for 1914.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Kavelj22 on October 01, 2022, 11:26:07 PM
Since the emergence of the monotheistic religions, or the so-called monotheistic religions, the human race has never hesitated to reduce the role of the woman and despise her, even after civilization proved that it is comparable to man in strength and capabilities that qualify her to attain a prominent position in civilization.

Those rules that I am reading now in this narrative are no more than one manifestation of that scaling.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Iroh on October 02, 2022, 05:47:50 AM
This ridiculousness didn’t stop with female teachers as women in general was subjected to stupid oppressive rules set by men to subject women under their control.
White Men obviously didn’t have a rules book to dictate what they can and can’t do and civilization didn’t do a thing to make these oppressive rules go away. Women had to fight and protest themselves for these man made oppressive rules could go away.

With the Supreme Court ruling on abortion months back, men are again trying to take away the rights and freedom of a woman.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Coyster on October 02, 2022, 05:48:51 AM
Well that was in the past, and no set of rules like this exists for female teachers anymore, i know that in some places of the world women are still restricted by rules (not the ones listed in the OP), but these sort of places/areas are quite few, and sooner rather than later those restrictions will be squashed. Having said that, i think the feminist movement from all over the world has come a long way in providing awareness and ensuring that women are treated somewhat equally, right now women are leaders in different departments in schools and even in government, thus these days i don't hear or see too many complaints from women being unfairly treated at work or social gatherings.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: jrrsparkles on October 02, 2022, 12:51:09 PM
The concept of equality came into reality in the very late 90s only so women in the 2000 may not experienced such ridiculous rules but everyone who lived before that age has been suppressed by the male for sure and even in all the religions the women portrayed as a companion to men and they will be in charge for everything.

Fortunately we evolved to better community now, still there is no 100% equality and that stage can be achieved is a real question as well.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2022, 03:26:44 PM
If this is to be true, then women suffered back in the day. Imagine such ridiculous rules just because you find yourself a female.

The rules against women didn't start today. I am wondering if there was a similar rule book for men back then, but I am assuming the answer will be no. Thank God for civilisation.

Women are not where they would love to be yet, but they can't deny the fact that they have come a long way in their respective societies and work. That's what to be grateful for.
Imagine this kind of rule against female teachers in 1914 still existing. What would have been your reaction?

There's nothing wrong with these rules. Everybody at that time understood that these were the rules. If the woman didn't want to follow the rules, she didn't have to be a teacher. Find another job, and many did.

Right now, today, anybody who is an employer has rules. If you don't like the rules, don't work there.

Many of the rules are regulations formulated by government. If an employer doesn't like the rules government makes for his business, he has three choices:
1. Lobby government to get the rules changed;
2. Find a different business that doesn't have such obnoxious government rules;
3. Make the business into a Private Membership Association (PMA) so that it is outside of most government regulation and authority.

After all, it was the lobbying and protesting that got the rules changed ion the first place. And it is the PMA-type rules (religion) that keep the Amish from having to obey a lot of things that government says. Individual Amish people don't have to remain Amish if they don't want. And the Amish will accept others into their clans if those people agree to follow their rules.

It's called freedom. To force anyone to not obey their own rules is to take freedom away from them.


Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Queentoshi on October 03, 2022, 04:57:17 PM
Women are not where they would love to be yet, but they can't deny the fact that they have come a long way in their respective societies and work. That's what to be grateful for.
So far in the journey to gender equality, a lot has been achieved, but there is still a lot to be done. Some of these unfair rules may no longer be written down, but they still exist in some peoples mind and are practiced in different aspects of life and not just the workplace teaching job. There is need for an increased campaign for women rights and equality to abolish any crude thinking still adopted by some men.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Ripe_berry on October 04, 2022, 12:39:52 PM
Well thank God the rules were for women of 1914 female teachers. Because teacher of such gender will never follow and keep such rules in this 21st century. That men female teacher of those years passed through alot in the name of gender and profession.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: BADecker on October 04, 2022, 02:12:25 PM
Well thank God the rules were for women of 1914 female teachers. Because teacher of such gender will never follow and keep such rules in this 21st century. That men female teacher of those years passed through alot in the name of gender and profession.

Right now there are schools across the US that are private schools. They make their own rules for their teachers. If a teacher doesn't want to follow the rules, the teacher can withdraw her application for employment.

Private schools don't fall under the same requirements that public schools do, and a lot of people don't like public school requirements. You can tell by the number of home schooling there is throughout the US.


Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Gallar on October 07, 2022, 06:41:50 AM
it's not very good and not fair,
at least there should be no rules like that first,
because it's so selfish

everyone is lucky now, civilization and rules are different from the old days,
and the rules are now better and very fair.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: meser# on October 07, 2022, 02:12:21 PM
It is a really bad situation that until 100 years ago, women were seen as like a children under the control of men. Women determine the future of a country. Indeed, as a mother, as a teacher, as a wife, etc. Good mothers raises successful person; good teachers teach how to experts in their fields, and good spouses bring happy person to the society. Fortunately, such rules are a thing of the past and if somewhere has same rules i hope their woman gets their right!

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Ultegra134 on October 07, 2022, 08:34:39 PM
It's 2022 and we still see similar examples in middle eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia or Iran. Under the scorching sun, women are not allowed to wear whatever they want. They are forced to wear the hijab. Until 2018, women were prohibited from being issued a driving license in Saudi Arabia. They are even unable to apply for a passport without their male guardian's approval. Let's also not forget that women weren't allowed to vote a few decades ago. Thus, it wouldn't surprise me if this photo is actually real. Fortunately, for most countries, all these discriminations belong to the past. Hopefully in the future, women in less fortunate countries will share the same rights as men in the western world.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Majestic-milf on October 08, 2022, 07:31:23 AM
This post by the op reminds me of when my granny was a teacher and how she said she was not allowed to go on a date with a fellow teacher who was male. It's quite amusing to note that there were such rules against women in times past, but now there's a laxity.

  It's good to note that women are now allowed to own businesses, work in a male dominated areas, even vote because in times past, the woman's place was in the kitchen. Some where not even allowed to go to school as it was believed that it was seen as a wasted investment.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Asiska02 on October 09, 2022, 05:53:31 AM
Although not all, this rule is cool to some extent. With such regulations, there will still be a significant population of modest women worldwide. The development of religious practices has also contributed to a noticeable decrease in the number of immodest women, in my opinion.

However, before then, it was common for men to abuse women in general, not just female teachers, by treating them like slaves and giving them unrestrained orders. These initiatives led to gender equality today. While progress has been made, I believe some women continue to abuse the privilege of being treated leniently.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: jvanname on December 06, 2022, 03:25:16 AM
School starting at 8:00 a.m. is oppressive and unhealthy when high schoolers are biologically wired to stay up late and get up late. Science says so. The only reason that high schools start so early in the USA is because the USA is filled with worthless evil psychopaths who simply love seeing high schoolers suffer. Americans are fucked up obese sleep deprived pieces of shit.

Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, wealthy, and dead.-Benjamin Franklin

Early to rise and early to bed also makes a man healthy, wealthy, and retarded.

Maybe we should bring back these rules for teachers. After all, teachers oppress their students, so it is only fair that they themselves are oppressed so they learn some empathy.

-Former professor Joseph Van Name Ph.D.

P.S. We need to criminalize alarm clocks AND have a reverse curfew. Under the reverse curfew, absolutely nobody is allowed outside before the morning Pluto time. And yes, Pluto time is the time of day where it is as bright outside as it is on Pluto at high noon.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: franky1 on December 06, 2022, 07:13:54 AM
here is the thing about rules

they also reveal what women did do

EG travelling to the moon is not a thing people did. so there was no moon rules

but revealing that women did dye their hair and loiter at ice creameries.. shows that women did do those things
hence why some idiots thought rules needed to be applied

it also reveals women in 1914 had jobs because there would not be rules for women if no women were teachers.

so take a pinch of salt about the rules and read what it implies outside the rules

yes the rules are bad. and exploitative but read whats not said but implied by having the rules.

yep women did travel in cars with random guys, dye their hair and flirt. and have jobs. but once in a job the rules sucked the life out of woman

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: o48o on December 06, 2022, 09:44:27 AM
It's 2022 and we still see similar examples in middle eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia or Iran. Under the scorching sun, women are not allowed to wear whatever they want. They are forced to wear the hijab. Until 2018, women were prohibited from being issued a driving license in Saudi Arabia. They are even unable to apply for a passport without their male guardian's approval. Let's also not forget that women weren't allowed to vote a few decades ago. Thus, it wouldn't surprise me if this photo is actually real. Fortunately, for most countries, all these discriminations belong to the past. Hopefully in the future, women in less fortunate countries will share the same rights as men in the western world.
And let's not forget, oppression is not just happening because of religion, it's about strong build in culture history of oppressing women that happens in western countries too. Religion is just a tool used to maintain the power and keep it for men only. Some men would like very much to do it without regilion but religion is the easiest way to accomplish that.

Just because these "discriminations belong to the past" in the western world, doesn't mean that they wouldn't echo today. Just because we change the laws, doesn't mean the attitude would change. They only changes slowly and needs laws to keep in check. Otherwise they could change in a heartbeat and and it might seem absurd to us but women already lost their right for their own body in US.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Majestic-milf on December 11, 2022, 06:43:38 AM
Its funny that such rules existed at all. Teachers are supposed to be appreciated because IMO after a psychiatrist, a teacher is next in line in terms of being equipped with loads of patience to take shit from students.

 A friend of mine disclosed that in her school, teachers were not meant to sit while teaching. It's kinda weird tho. In some cases, teachers are made to formulate positive results and words of encouragement on the cards of even the worst form of students! Sheesh, that's a lot.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Subbir on December 11, 2022, 01:23:12 PM
The attitude of teachers should be positive it can be expected that the teacher's teaching is as expected if the learning results can be expressed among the students. Every educational institution wants to improve the overall quality of its students through quality teaching. The aim of an ideal educational institution is for them to develop with integrity and character and to adapt themselves efficiently in the competitive world and to display their creativity and innovation in the workplace.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: xSkylarx on December 11, 2022, 01:36:29 PM
I am not shocked; I laugh at this since the rules now and before are very far. They are not the same. Also, I am sure they are very strict on this, not only for teachers but also for women in the past decade, such as with no shorts at the time. (I have it should be the knee wouldn't be visible). The rules written were a tradition for women before, and they needed to do it, unlike now that there are rules. But still, some teachers wouldn't follow and we can see in the news or social media those teachers on their wrong doings.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: BADecker on December 11, 2022, 05:36:36 PM
It's honorable for men to treat women well. But if Adam had used his head, and had taken a little more control of Eve so that she didn't eat the apple, the world might still be a paradise.


Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: paxmao on December 11, 2022, 11:38:01 PM
These are the rules for all female in Muslims extremist regimes, you do not need to travel to 1914. Even in moderate regimes, the rules are implemented effectively to fully control the life of women, except that they are actually more stringent than the ones you have published.

The free world is at risk of going back to those ridiculous rules as there are many fundamentalists, including Christian fundamentalist that would be happy to have that set of demands of women.

It's honorable for men to treat women well. But if Adam had used his head, and had taken a little more control of Eve so that she didn't eat the apple, the world might still be a paradise.


You should not confuse the Christian mythology with reality. Please, go to a qualified person for your treatment if you are also hearing voices.  And NO, your priest is not a qualified person for that.

here is the thing about rules

they also reveal what women did do

EG travelling to the moon is not a thing people did. so there was no moon rules

but revealing that women did dye their hair and loiter at ice creameries.. shows that women did do those things
hence why some idiots thought rules needed to be applied

it also reveals women in 1914 had jobs because there would not be rules for women if no women were teachers.

so take a pinch of salt about the rules and read what it implies outside the rules

yes the rules are bad. and exploitative but read whats not said but implied by having the rules.

yep women did travel in cars with random guys, dye their hair and flirt. and have jobs. but once in a job the rules sucked the life out of woman

Women have had jobs since the beginning of time - a completely different thing is getting paid for said jobs. Women in 1914 had a limited choice of works - very very limited - factories, teaching, nannies, secretaries,... And they could only keep working if married with permission with the husband.

Women who dyed their hair, went with random guys, etc... were pretty much excluded from social circles as that was considered immoral. Obviously a teacher cannot, even nowadays, show an unsocial behaviour in private life - except that now none of that would be unsocial.

All that you are "discovering" by reading the rules is well known history, there is no need to re-analyse the wheel.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: digaran on December 12, 2022, 12:11:34 AM
Morality police of Iran🤣

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: BADecker on December 12, 2022, 02:20:35 AM

It's honorable for men to treat women well. But if Adam had used his head, and had taken a little more control of Eve so that she didn't eat the apple, the world might still be a paradise.


You should not confuse the Christian mythology with reality. Please, go to a qualified person for your treatment if you are also hearing voices.  And NO, your priest is not a qualified person for that.

That wasn't mythology, Christian or otherwise. All anybody has to do is look at you to see that paradise would have been lost, anyway. It was simply wishful thinking on my part.

Get into the Bible for your training. But always keep a second pair of pants with you... for when God reveals Himself to you, and it scares you s***less.


Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: worldofcoins on December 14, 2022, 10:21:38 AM
If this is to be true, then women suffered back in the day. Imagine such ridiculous rules just because you find yourself a female.

The rules against women didn't start today. I am wondering if there was a similar rule book for men back then, but I am assuming the answer will be no. Thank God for civilisation.

Women are not where they would love to be yet, but they can't deny the fact that they have come a long way in their respective societies and work. That's what to be grateful for.
Imagine this kind of rule against female teachers in 1914 still existing. What would have been your reaction?

These might not be the universal rules for all female teachers worldwide and in a specific region or school.
However, it shows the requirements of the discipline of teachers, as teachers should be role models for their students.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: jvanname on December 14, 2022, 02:04:44 PM
Teachers hate hard work.

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: alastantiger on December 14, 2022, 02:20:17 PM
This is preposterous. And I know that in some places of the world some of these rules will still be in place. It may not be stated like this but in another language. I am totally against this. As a matter of fact Rule 12 is just terrible. I know that this was written by a bunch of men. I am glad that the world has made some progress but in places where some of these rules are practice, it must and should be exposed. No woman , talk less of a female teacher should have to live under such ridiculous rules. 

Title: Re: The most ridiculous rules for female teachers
Post by: Zlantann on December 15, 2022, 09:54:33 AM
This is preposterous. And I know that in some places of the world some of these rules will still be in place. It may not be stated like this but in another language. I am totally against this. As a matter of fact Rule 12 is just terrible. I know that this was written by a bunch of men. I am glad that the world has made some progress but in places where some of these rules are practice, it must and should be exposed. No woman , talk less of a female teacher should have to live under such ridiculous rules. 

These rules were acceptable and okay at that time and I don't think it was perceived as inhumane then. If the rules for men teachers are unveiled, many of us will also see it as unacceptable. Women have always suffered discrimination and intimidation in most societies. The punishment women receive from committing a perceived offenced is always more than what their male counterparts get. Like in my area women are sometimes beaten and disgraced if they are caught in the act of adultery but the men go unpunished. Let's check out the issues in Afghanistan where women are not allowed to go to school while the other sex can freely access education. Women in that country under the current government is been treated less than animals because of some tribal or religious sentiments.