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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: odunybiz on October 04, 2022, 11:06:04 AM

Title: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: odunybiz on October 04, 2022, 11:06:04 AM
I stumbled on this online and I decide to analyze this on how it could help for finance freedom.

“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Bill Gates.
This may sound not too easy for someone from a poor home. Most people believe you should have millions of naira to start a business but this doesn't work that way often. Although all businesses need money for establishing and survival but always remember one can start small especially in a developing countries. There are some businesses that one can start with little capital.
Key word: In most developing countries, there are always a problem to solve in the community. This can be  financial strength. So, study your community, observe their problem and provide a solution to it through your business. No matter how small it is, you are now your own boss and this will grow big one day.

Time wait for no one, start anything you want to do on time. Remember, alot of people are in search of same opportunity. Delay may not be helpful. I remember 6 years ago, when I plan to start a POS business in my location, no such business around then. If I had started earlier, I would have gotten a stand before other but my delay make me lose the business opportunity. Today, we have over 10 POS in that same community.

Try to make people happy is always a the best. For a customer to be unhappy, there is a problem somewhere. Get involved, study their problems, learn from it, take into account any feedback they are giving you, as it’s a cheap and easy way to adjust and improve your product or service for the future.

Most today’s successful entrepreneurs live by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s now-famous motto: “Move fast and break things.”  In our ever-changing world, it’s essential to keep up with the constant updates and changes to technology. In a world that is full of new start-ups, you need to always move faster than your competitors. We raced to put our products into consumers’ hands as fast as possible. So always act fast on any opportunity that comes your way.

It’s nearly impossible to start a new business or launch a new product without some degree of risk-taking. Calculating ones risk in business may help to determine if the business worth investing on. Weigh your risk to your possible outcomes and determine the expected return. If a positive outcome the relative risk of a negative outcome, then such business opportunity can be utilized.

Traveling is part of education and learning. During the process, you meet new friends and learn new ideas which may be useful in your business in future. Travelling around the world can help to bring new business idea. Honorable Akin Alabi, the founder of Nairabet (a sport betting company in Nigeria) was the first person to introduce sport gambling to Nigerians. He brought the idea from overseas. The idea hits Nigerians and he makes alot of money from this. Till today alot of sport gambling company keep surfacing in Nigeria.

Nothing good come easy. It involves great work with passion. Your decision on what to become in life can drive you towards achieving your dreams. It may take some time to rationally get from where you are to where you want to be but you will definitely be there one day. Just take make a move, start something, be focus and see how success will drive you towards your dream.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: naira on October 04, 2022, 12:39:04 PM
Nothing good come easy. It involves great work with passion. Your decision on what to become in life can drive you towards achieving your dreams. It may take some time to rationally get from where you are to where you want to be but you will definitely be there one day. Just take make a move, start something, be focus and see how success will drive you towards your dream.
You forget something that to achieve success or achieve financial freedom is that we feel comfortable with what we are doing and feel that all that freedom does not need to move from where we stand. The potential for success is always in front of us in its own way and with the portion we take. Always remember the portion of success, because then we don't need to be anyone other than creating financial freedom according to what we can.

I just want to say that the 6 points mentioned are not foreign to our ears. Believe us we always try to do it according to the portion of life and the portion of each success. I follow all the motivations of Bill Gates but the portion of success according to Bill Gates and the portion of success according to us is clearly very different.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: livingfree on October 04, 2022, 12:52:55 PM
Nothing good come easy. It involves great work with passion. Your decision on what to become in life can drive you towards achieving your dreams. It may take some time to rationally get from where you are to where you want to be but you will definitely be there one day. Just take make a move, start something, be focus and see how success will drive you towards your dream.

And just as Bill Gates, what I've read with another wealthy guy in the name of Jack Ma. He said that when you're around 20s to early 30s is that you need to find a good boss.

Because everything that boss have learned with his entire experiences and run, he'll share to you just how good he is. There are people that don't have passion for business and making their own company so they stay in employment and working for a company.

That's applicable to them and when they have found a good boss, I guess all the learnings will be there and that good boss will encourage that person to start his entrepreneurial journey.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: bitmover on October 04, 2022, 12:54:57 PM
I stumbled on this online and I decide to analyze this on how it could help for finance freedom.

“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Bill Gates.
This may sound not too easy for someone from a poor home. Most people believe you should have millions of naira to start a business but this doesn't work that way often. Although all businesses need money for establishing and survival but always remember one can start small especially in a developing countries. There are some businesses that one can start with little capital.
Key word: In most developing countries, there are always a problem to solve in the community. This can be  financial strength. So, study your community, observe their problem and provide a solution to it through your business. No matter how small it is, you are now your own boss and this will grow big one day.

In developing countries there are problems everywhere, especially when trying to create your own business. This is why it is a developing country, and not developed. It is expensive to hire people, there are a lot of taxes, bureaucracy, etc... Things are much simpler in a developed country.

I know it is always possible to make money in a developing country, but big companies and great ideas (like amazon, microsoft, tesla, etc) never come from Brazil or Nigeria, but from United States, England, Germany.... There is a reason for that.

Anyway, those are nice suggestions from Bill Gates. I liked the last one "travel the world"

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Davidvictorson on October 04, 2022, 01:09:15 PM
Try to make people happy is always a the best. For a customer to be unhappy, there is a problem somewhere. Get involved, study their problems, learn from it, take into account any feedback they are giving you, as it’s a cheap and easy way to adjust and improve your product or service for the future.
This reminds me on Jeff Bezos in one of the earliest Amazon documentary. His philosophy has always been that the company should be customer-centric and he has always stuck with it. Here are some of my favorite quotes ('re%20not%20competitor%20obsessed,might%20each%20tell%20six%20friends.)
  • The most important single thing is to focus obsessively on the customer. Our goal is to be earth’s most customer-centric company.
  • If there’s one reason we have done better than of our peers in the Internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience.
  • We’re not competitor obsessed, we’re customer obsessed. We start with what the customer needs and we work backwards.
  • Focusing on the customer makes a company more resilient.
  • If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell six friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Bananington on October 04, 2022, 01:19:02 PM
“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Bill Gates.
We have to put into consideration those persons who are not cut out to handle any business or administrative position, but can do well as team players working with a group of persons under a company. No pressure, but I feel everyone should be able to find out the position best fitted for them on time and be the best accordingly, either the best boss, or the best team player. Everyone will like to be the boss of themselves, but truthfully, everyone cannot shoulder the responsibility that comes with the position and title, so just find what works for you. 

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Techkoy407 on October 04, 2022, 01:42:07 PM
being a successful person is everyone's goal, especially financial success,
but not a little, people want to be successful, but only in the mind, and it must be improved,

because if we want to be successful and we devise plans,
but all the plans are not executed, then we will remain silent in that position,
most people want to be successful but they
• lazy
• don't dare to take chances
• procrastination
• too calculating in working hours
• and they are not looking for new knowledge or new innovations.

a lot of people have experienced that

"Be a person who continues to grow, innovate and have short and long term plans"

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Mauser on October 04, 2022, 01:44:01 PM
Nothing good come easy. It involves great work with passion. Your decision on what to become in life can drive you towards achieving your dreams. It may take some time to rationally get from where you are to where you want to be but you will definitely be there one day. Just take make a move, start something, be focus and see how success will drive you towards your dream.

It's always nice to read tips and strategies from billionaires, from their mouth it always sounds so easy. Like focus on your dreams, never give up and you will eventually make it. Don't get me wrong, all his points are valid and we can learn from them. But there are also factors that we can't control ourselves, for example luck and how much support we can get from our family. It makes a huge difference if you start from 0 or if you know successful people through your family who can support you with starting financing. Having access to a network through your parents is not only about seed money, but also important contacts. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, they all didn't start from 0.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: ethereumhunter on October 04, 2022, 02:29:12 PM
If you decide to become an entrepreneur, you must know the steps you should take to work according to your plan. You can set what has to be done and by doing it step by step, you can achieve the goals you want. Never stop, especially stop learning because learning can help you develop for the better and push you towards your dreams. It does take time to get to the destination and it all depends on how hard you try. If you are serious, you can achieve it and success will come to you.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: First Registration on October 04, 2022, 02:49:55 PM
If you want to be a good entrepreneur. Then you must first of all focus on it and make up your mind that everything is possible with Me. You have to progress through many rules. Then you can become a good entrepreneur. As far as I know is mentioned below.

  • The first thing you need to do is That is time control. Always complete the work on time.
  • You have to remove your laziness. Because if you are lazy in any work or any thing, you can never do it properly.
  • Always thinking about something new, planning to do something new etc. Doing these will develop the talent.
  • work harder Because there is no development in anything without hard work. And those who are able to do good things were more diligent.

One thing should always be kept in mind. Time must be controlled. If you can't do that, you can't improve anything.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Doan9269 on October 04, 2022, 02:50:36 PM
Bill gates is one of the people i have respect on when it comes to business and professional capacity building, having a good mentor or role model has a way of contributing to one's success in life, they have been through alot of experience in the professional fields and have encountered series of economical seasons, their advise is worth building on to have a good start, reading their books, and following them on media handles is never a waste of time, but rather a choice to follow a smooth path with them.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Obito on October 04, 2022, 03:14:03 PM
Sorry to tell you people but those life lessons won't make you as successful as Bill Gates, we should know by now that not everyone can rule the world or have the ability to be so successful. It might help you but it can't be like what it did to Bill Gates. Remember to also live your life, living shouldn't be that difficult.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Die_empty on October 04, 2022, 03:26:37 PM
I stumbled on this online and I decide to analyze this on how it could help for finance freedom.
All your points are valid but I want to make some contributions.

Becoming an entrepreneur should be a planned and calculated step. Before you start your business you must ensure that you have studied the business and draw a roadmap of its operations. I have seen people resign from their paid jobs without planning because they want to venture into a particular business. Most of them regretted their action because the business failed.

“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Bill Gates.

Everybody must not be an entrepreneur to be successful. Some people do not possess the attributes or temperament of entrepreneurs. They are wired to be hired by others. Their dream might be to be the best salesman in the company. If I am hired and paid well to assist someone builds his dream, then I am good.


Starting early means avoiding procrastination. If you have all you need to be an entrepreneur and you are sure that you would be successful and you keep postponing the start date. Starting early in business is relative and I don't think it is all about age. You start when you are ready. Some successful business owners started at a tender age, while others started when they were old. It is also important to utilize identified opportunities because you might lose them.


Focus on every customer. Treating happy customers well would motivate them to bring in more customers. If you focus only on the unhappy ones, you might lose the happy ones.


Traveling gives so much exposure and experience but it is very expensive. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to travel outside their environment because opportunities and innovative ideas can be identified. But you can travel on the internet and other forms of mass media. You can travel anywhere around the world with your computer or phone.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: noorman0 on October 04, 2022, 04:23:03 PM
Can I say that even if Bill Gates is not the founder of microsoft, he is a successful man because he was born to rich parents? He got some privileges such as adequate education, and because of that he was able to start his career with a more conceptualized than ordinary children.
I once said that the person who truly succeeds out of nothing is one in a million people.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: jrrsparkles on October 04, 2022, 05:23:35 PM
If you really want to be successful as an entrepreneur then learn the skills of getting the juice of your workers as much as possible and make that work for you, the goal should not be the money it should be achieving what you dreamt of, and sometimes you also have to be smart and unethical like buy something very cheap and sell the product for better margin and that is the real story behind the success of windows.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: DrBeer on October 04, 2022, 05:51:57 PM
Bill Gates is indeed the most interesting example of today's businessmen. I agree with all of the above, but there is one more thing.
I don't remember which article of his I read, it was quite a while ago, but there was a good emphasis on the next thought. And he is not the first, but he applied it very qualitatively in modern business. The essence of this thought is extremely simple - correctly assess the situation, identify real problems, draw the right conclusions. Sounds simple, even primitive. To clarify this slogan, I will cite one historical fact so that you understand its value. I do not answer for the accuracy of the nuances, I retell from memory, please take into account :)

The Second World War. Britain is fighting in the air of Europe with the German Luftwaffe. Of course, a problem arises - the survivability of combat aircraft. The designers are focusing on determining the damage to aircraft, very carefully studying the damaged aircraft that have flown to the airfields, in which the hull, engine, and control systems are damaged. The goal is to determine the thinnest places in order to correct and increase the survival rate of both equipment and crews. A lot of work is being done, constructive changes are being made to the design of aircraft. But what is surprising - it does not give a noticeable result ...
And only one young designer asks to give him the floor, promising to explain what the venerable designers are wrong about. Absolutely expected, he is "sent away", young, inexperienced, what can he say useful?! But some time passes and the designers understand that their great efforts do not give a noticeable change in the situation. And then they remember the young engineer and invite him to speak. He comes and says simple words, but which turned the minds of all venerable and experienced designers and engineers. He said the following:
- You have chosen the wrong point for defining problems. You are examining the planes that FLYED to the airfield, and we need to investigate those planes that DID NOT FLY and crashed, because. they were fatally injured! The planes that have flown in do not have such, there are damages that created big problems, but did not "kill the apparatus and pilots." After that, British engineers began to collect downed aircraft, and began to study OTHER damage that actually led to the destruction of aircraft. After that, completely different changes were made to the design of the aircraft, and the survivability of British aircraft instantly increased!

This is what I mean - we very often look for a problem not where it really exists, and based on incorrect conclusions, we make incorrect decisions.
Sorry if it's long, but very revealing.ling.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Russlenat on October 04, 2022, 07:58:33 PM
“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Bill Gates.
We have to put into consideration those persons who are not cut out to handle any business or administrative position, but can do well as team players working with a group of persons under a company. No pressure, but I feel everyone should be able to find out the position best fitted for them on time and be the best accordingly, either the best boss, or the best team player. Everyone will like to be the boss of themselves, but truthfully, everyone cannot shoulder the responsibility that comes with the position and title, so just find what works for you.  
If it’s hard for you to be your own boss, then find a well compensated job and a good boss that will bring out the best for you, and not the one that will pull you down. However, the sad fact about being employed all the time is that you are making the company richer and progressive, while leaving the employees loaded of work just to be compensated. The reason why most of us aim of making ourselves our own boss so that we can see our own worth and that we can be an asset to our own company.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Sanitough on October 04, 2022, 09:24:07 PM
If you decide to become an entrepreneur, you must know the steps you should take to work according to your plan. You can set what has to be done and by doing it step by step, you can achieve the goals you want. Never stop, especially stop learning because learning can help you develop for the better and push you towards your dreams. It does take time to get to the destination and it all depends on how hard you try. If you are serious, you can achieve it and success will come to you.
Being an entrepreneur should also be flexible. You should know how to face your losses sometimes, so you can easily recover and move  forward. And always learn from all your mistakes, because that will improve how you handle your business and grow being an entrepreneur so you can also attract consistent and sustainable profits. If you can do it, most likely you will be successful in the end.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: batang_bitcoin on October 04, 2022, 10:15:43 PM
Sorry to tell you people but those life lessons won't make you as successful as Bill Gates, we should know by now that not everyone can rule the world or have the ability to be so successful. It might help you but it can't be like what it did to Bill Gates.
It's a sad fact that many can't be successful. It doesn't matter if it will be par with Bill Gates or just plain success in our own terms. But everything that these rich and successful says becomes a words of wisdom for the people like us, plebs.
Extracting those life lessons is helping me and I am sure that others who are also fans of him are certainly being helped from those motivations that he's giving.

Remember to also live your life, living shouldn't be that difficult.
Yeah, it shouldn't be difficult. But we have to embrace the reality that when you're up with many obligations and you didn't planned well on how you're going to live like having a career or a business or any income generated assets then you have to deal with the consequences.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Vaculin on October 04, 2022, 10:57:14 PM
Nothing good come easy. It involves great work with passion. Your decision on what to become in life can drive you towards achieving your dreams. It may take some time to rationally get from where you are to where you want to be but you will definitely be there one day. Just take make a move, start something, be focus and see how success will drive you towards your dream.

It's always nice to read tips and strategies from billionaires, from their mouth it always sounds so easy. Like focus on your dreams, never give up and you will eventually make it. Don't get me wrong, all his points are valid and we can learn from them. But there are also factors that we can't control ourselves, for example luck and how much support we can get from our family. It makes a huge difference if you start from 0 or if you know successful people through your family who can support you with starting financing. Having access to a network through your parents is not only about seed money, but also important contacts. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, they all didn't start from 0.
That could be a sad reality that if you started with nothing, no big contacts, having no big influencers around, and even no family support, you will really find it hard to succeed in the end. However, this will not determine what will your future may be. Yes, it’s hard and tough at the beginning, but if you always have great motivation within yourself and you have your own set goal to achieve, I know in the long run the hard and rough road will become smooth and easy for you to achieve.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Hydrogen on October 04, 2022, 11:34:44 PM
AFAIK Bill Gates was a programmer who worked on FAT16. The native file system for windows back when CPUs had 16 bit registers, as opposed to today's 64 bit architecture. Eventually he wound up in an executive CEO position in microsoft where he read and answered emails all day. Aside from that I don't think he has any special skills or ability. He is one of those persistent types who have good focus. They don't get swept up in distractions and keep trying until they attain wealth.

Bill Gates was lucky enough to be an early adopter of silicon valley and the massive tech bubble that would eventually form around the dot com sector. That was the main reason for his fast track to wealth and success. Being in the right place at the right time. Bill Gates himself had no idea that microsoft or windows would someday grow to become the major successes they became. He's basically a guy who received 1,000 bitcoin when it was worth nothing. And was later shocked and surprised when his 1,000 btc massively appreciated in value.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: ethereumhunter on October 05, 2022, 04:33:27 AM
If you decide to become an entrepreneur, you must know the steps you should take to work according to your plan. You can set what has to be done and by doing it step by step, you can achieve the goals you want. Never stop, especially stop learning because learning can help you develop for the better and push you towards your dreams. It does take time to get to the destination and it all depends on how hard you try. If you are serious, you can achieve it and success will come to you.
Being an entrepreneur should also be flexible. You should know how to face your losses sometimes, so you can easily recover and move  forward. And always learn from all your mistakes, because that will improve how you handle your business and grow being an entrepreneur so you can also attract consistent and sustainable profits. If you can do it, most likely you will be successful in the end.
That's why if we can learn from mistakes and know where the mistakes are, we can avoid the same mistakes and can gain more knowledge of how to be better than before. Thus, we can manage our business well and will be able to benefit later. Maybe what we need to have is how to have patience so that we can continue the plans we have made and achieve them.

If you decide to become an entrepreneur, you must know the steps you should take to work according to your plan. You can set what has to be done and by doing it step by step, you can achieve the goals you want. Never stop, especially stop learning because learning can help you develop for the better and push you towards your dreams. It does take time to get to the destination and it all depends on how hard you try. If you are serious, you can achieve it and success will come to you.
Simply, if you chose to be an entrepreneur, always be ready to take the risk and know how to manage your investments ups and downs. Since losses are inevitable, then you should know how to handle them properly and with confidence. And always stay being at the positive side, that way you will always be encouraged and will always hope for the best to come.
Yes, it is true what you say. We must be able to overcome the risks that will come to us and be able to find ways to minimize the losses we will face. By learning from our mistakes and experience, we can know what to do to avoid big risks and turn them into an advantage for us. And that we will not be able to do if we do not want to learn from many things.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on October 06, 2022, 06:55:12 AM
The second motivational theme in recent times. The forum transforms into psychological training. 
And in fact, there are a lot of such guides on how to succeed and everything else on the Internet every day. Furthermore, when compared, all the topics are similar. 
However, if we return to religion, we will recall that God gives each person according to his or her talent. It is important to choose this talent correctly, not to make a mistake, and not bury it in the ground. In life, it is important not to miss your luck; "grab fortune by the tail." 
All those millionaires and successful people were just such people who caught their luck. Just walking through life with the flag "I'm doing well, and I'm rich" will not get you anywhere, even if you regularly read and follow these books.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: justdimin on October 07, 2022, 03:48:04 PM
Being an entrepreneur should also be flexible. You should know how to face your losses sometimes, so you can easily recover and move  forward. And always learn from all your mistakes, because that will improve how you handle your business and grow being an entrepreneur so you can also attract consistent and sustainable profits. If you can do it, most likely you will be successful in the end.
That's why if we can learn from mistakes and know where the mistakes are, we can avoid the same mistakes and can gain more knowledge of how to be better than before. Thus, we can manage our business well and will be able to benefit later. Maybe what we need to have is how to have patience so that we can continue the plans we have made and achieve them.
Losses are the best teachers, that's a true thing. However, do not get any lessons from Bill Gates, he might be a smart individual, and that's fine but that dude got all the teaching and lessons from his rich parents money. He is not the person to give anyone any life lessons, sure he took something big and made it huge, but he never had a life like us, if he never invented microsoft, he would still be a richer person than all of us here combined, that's why we shouldn't care about him.

Moreover, I would assume that the best thing for regular people like you and me to realize is savings will not make us rich, and we need something bigger, and get into the job that you already know very well about, not because it looks profitable and join something you never worked in before in your life.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: DVlog on October 07, 2022, 04:18:20 PM
Another lesson from his life. Steal the ideas of others and sell them to the world as your own! I do like how he became so successful but how he started is not appreciable. If you really want to be your own boss then you need to start a business for that. To do that you need to have proper financial knowledge from a person like him. Read his biography and how he expanded his empire.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: SirLancelot on October 07, 2022, 08:12:56 PM
The second motivational theme in recent times. The forum transforms into psychological training. 
And in fact, there are a lot of such guides on how to succeed and everything else on the Internet every day. Furthermore, when compared, all the topics are similar. 
However, if we return to religion, we will recall that God gives each person according to his or her talent. It is important to choose this talent correctly, not to make a mistake, and not bury it in the ground. In life, it is important not to miss your luck; "grab fortune by the tail." 
All those millionaires and successful people were just such people who caught their luck. Just walking through life with the flag "I'm doing well, and I'm rich" will not get you anywhere, even if you regularly read and follow these books.
Indeed there are lots of them now even on social media sites like fb and in tiktok I can see them. I think they are not helping anymore because people will get hook on reading them instead of doing the actual thing.

Some even said that motivation alone is not enough but you need to take real time actions along with it and whenever you started it, consistency must also put in place because I know that sometimes we got bored of doing the same thing every day and there are some days that we completely lost our motivation. For those who says that they are doing well, maybe they mean it? That is why they never try any harder anymore.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: South Park on October 07, 2022, 08:20:24 PM
Nothing good come easy. It involves great work with passion. Your decision on what to become in life can drive you towards achieving your dreams. It may take some time to rationally get from where you are to where you want to be but you will definitely be there one day. Just take make a move, start something, be focus and see how success will drive you towards your dream.

And just as Bill Gates, what I've read with another wealthy guy in the name of Jack Ma. He said that when you're around 20s to early 30s is that you need to find a good boss.

Because everything that boss have learned with his entire experiences and run, he'll share to you just how good he is. There are people that don't have passion for business and making their own company so they stay in employment and working for a company.

That's applicable to them and when they have found a good boss, I guess all the learnings will be there and that good boss will encourage that person to start his entrepreneurial journey.
Finding a boss which will also become your mentor is very hard, the one which is directly above you most likely does not want to teach you more than what they have to because they are afraid they could be replaced, it is very rare these days to find a generous boss which also wants to fully mentor you, they will have to be near retirement or simply like you a lot for this to happen, so most people have no option but to learn on their own, which as we know it is not as effective as learning from some that already knows a great deal of the pitfalls in which you may fall.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: odunybiz on October 07, 2022, 10:41:37 PM
Sorry to tell you people but those life lessons won't make you as successful as Bill Gates, we should know by now that not everyone can rule the world or have the ability to be so successful. It might help you but it can't be like what it did to Bill Gates. Remember to also live your life, living shouldn't be that difficult.

All this lessons are not to make you rich and famous like Bill gates but as a guide to success. If well followed it will definitely have a great impart in one entrepreneural life.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Accardo on November 15, 2022, 06:23:20 AM
Starting early is a good idea, but these days its not a necessity. We are in an ever changing world, and nurturing our ideas till it grows, is magical. An idea you had 2 years back can grow to something different today and when you start now, definitely, you'll stand out from the previous idea you had.

To succeed in a business don't launch it like others do. Reconstruct your thought and begin on a level ahead of others, so you won't have to share the same market with lots of people. E.g. Selling a program instead of selling your skill as a programmer; the app already signify you as a programmer amongst clients.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: eightdots on November 15, 2022, 07:31:05 AM
Sorry to tell you people but those life lessons won't make you as successful as Bill Gates, we should know by now that not everyone can rule the world or have the ability to be so successful. It might help you but it can't be like what it did to Bill Gates. Remember to also live your life, living shouldn't be that difficult.

All this lessons are not to make you rich and famous like Bill gates but as a guide to success. If well followed it will definitely have a great impart in one entrepreneural life.

There are thousands of other activities in the environment where people live. These environmental factors shape people. Yes, the substances here can bring people to the point of improvement, but this always happens when they are considered independent of the environment. The same results may not occur when two different people in different places do the same things. I agree with both of you here. As I said in my example, different life experiences separate people from each other. Therefore, these substances can provide improvement up to a certain level. The real development is the discovery of one's own limits.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: xSkylarx on November 15, 2022, 07:54:07 AM
Sorry to tell you people but those life lessons won't make you as successful as Bill Gates, we should know by now that not everyone can rule the world or have the ability to be so successful. It might help you but it can't be like what it did to Bill Gates. Remember to also live your life, living shouldn't be that difficult.

All this lessons are not to make you rich and famous like Bill gates but as a guide to success. If well followed it will definitely have a great impart in one entrepreneural life.

There are thousands of other activities in the environment where people live. These environmental factors shape people. Yes, the substances here can bring people to the point of improvement, but this always happens when they are considered independent of the environment. The same results may not occur when two different people in different places do the same things. I agree with both of you here. As I said in my example, different life experiences separate people from each other. Therefore, these substances can provide improvement up to a certain level. The real development is the discovery of one's own limits.

Life experiences such as failure, problems encountered, and the people around you can all impact your success. The examples given by the OP show that it serves as a guide and motivation for us, but it is not what we follow because Bill has his path. Though we are different, past experiences can mold us into greatness and lead to success. Most people I've known are scared to take risks, and I'll admit I am too. Taking risks is the first step to we should to overcome so we can start our journey to success.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Smartprofit on November 15, 2022, 09:22:31 AM
Bill gates is one of the people i have respect on when it comes to business and professional capacity building, having a good mentor or role model has a way of contributing to one's success in life, they have been through alot of experience in the professional fields and have encountered series of economical seasons, their advise is worth building on to have a good start, reading their books, and following them on media handles is never a waste of time, but rather a choice to follow a smooth path with them.

There are many things in business that are not written in books.  For example, in my country, Microsoft Office has been free for a long time.  Its pirated copies were used not only by households, but also by government agencies.  As a result, local developers were unable to create their own operating systems and went bankrupt.  Virtually all basic computer software in the country was "pirated".  

Bill Gates could not have been unaware of this, but he did not make any claims against anyone.  

And then, unexpectedly, a criminal case was opened against a school teacher who installed unlicensed software on school computers.  It became a signal.

At this time, my country has already emerged from the economic crisis.  All software has become paid and licensed, and Microsoft has become an absolute monopoly in the field of software for laptops and computers.  Laptops and computers were sold with Microsoft Office pre-installed.  

In my opinion, Bill Gates will never tell this story.

At the same time, no one denies that he is a talented businessman and programmer.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: FanEagle on November 16, 2022, 04:52:45 PM
Bill Gates was lucky enough to be an early adopter of silicon valley and the massive tech bubble that would eventually form around the dot com sector. That was the main reason for his fast track to wealth and success. Being in the right place at the right time. Bill Gates himself had no idea that microsoft or windows would someday grow to become the major successes they became. He's basically a guy who received 1,000 bitcoin when it was worth nothing. And was later shocked and surprised when his 1,000 btc massively appreciated in value.
Let’s not forget the fact that he was already in sillicon valley and his parents were so rich that they literally bought a few computers and hired a computer teacher for his high school so that "all" kids there but mainly Bill would learn about computers at a young age. Which allowed him and his friend to spend insane amount of hours to learn what computer is and how it could be improved.

Not to forget he definitely copied a lot of technology while doing that, just as we would when we build websites and just use others code, but that is mainly how he succeeded. Sure, he could also be a rebel and do drugs and never be interested in computers even when he had the chance, so kudos to him for not doing the wrong thing I guess?

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: virasisog on November 16, 2022, 05:12:16 PM
Bill Gates was lucky enough to be an early adopter of silicon valley and the massive tech bubble that would eventually form around the dot com sector. That was the main reason for his fast track to wealth and success. Being in the right place at the right time. Bill Gates himself had no idea that microsoft or windows would someday grow to become the major successes they became. He's basically a guy who received 1,000 bitcoin when it was worth nothing. And was later shocked and surprised when his 1,000 btc massively appreciated in value.
Let’s not forget the fact that he was already in sillicon valley and his parents were so rich that they literally bought a few computers and hired a computer teacher for his high school so that "all" kids there but mainly Bill would learn about computers at a young age. Which allowed him and his friend to spend insane amount of hours to learn what computer is and how they could be improved.

Not to forget he definitely copied a lot of technology while doing that, just as we would when we build websites and just use others' code, but that is mainly how he succeeded. Sure, he could also be a rebel and do drugs and never be interested in computers even when he had the chance, so kudos to him for not doing the wrong thing I guess?
Bill Gates has an advantage because we were able to afford computers at an early age and have the privilege to learn everything about it through his computer lessons. Not everyone could have the same privilege so he has an edge on that part. It's just that he was too determined to get rich and be successful.
Being privileged is an advantage yet not enough for us to be successful unless we'll have the determination and willingness to strive for better and reach success.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: stomachgrowls on November 16, 2022, 06:15:03 PM

Nothing good come easy. It involves great work with passion. Your decision on what to become in life can drive you towards achieving your dreams. It may take some time to rationally get from where you are to where you want to be but you will definitely be there one day. Just take make a move, start something, be focus and see how success will drive you towards your dream.
Every success does involved pure hardwork and time effort had been put up and you cant really achieve these things easily or not doing these things.Of course you would really be needing yourself to be that versatile

on different or various conditions which you should really make yourself adapt.Never ever make yourself stop on learning on everything.Life is full of errors and mistakes which it would really be that normal that there

are indeed times which you could really make yourself that quitting but of course it would be depending on someones perseverance and consistency on such condition.
Although not all do really ends up successful in the end of the line but at least you had tried your best rather than on sitting all way round.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Renampun on November 17, 2022, 04:39:25 PM

Nothing good come easy. It involves great work with passion. Your decision on what to become in life can drive you towards achieving your dreams. It may take some time to rationally get from where you are to where you want to be but you will definitely be there one day. Just take make a move, start something, be focus and see how success will drive you towards your dream.

bill is one of my idols because of his ability to grow Microsoft to become a large company with a value of billions of dollars from nothing (although in the end he had to divorce his wife in old age.

Entrepreneurs who are now successful have consistency and also make the right decisions in their business journey, besides that they also mostly act decisively/hard on their subordinates (one of the things I like about successful entrepreneurs), many people say that "just make first move" but those who go through it without a strong foundation will only end in bankruptcy.

The important thing that everyone who wants to open their business today must have is network, consistency, mental toughness and management ability.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: xSkylarx on November 17, 2022, 05:01:22 PM
Bill Gates was lucky enough to be an early adopter of silicon valley and the massive tech bubble that would eventually form around the dot com sector. That was the main reason for his fast track to wealth and success. Being in the right place at the right time. Bill Gates himself had no idea that microsoft or windows would someday grow to become the major successes they became. He's basically a guy who received 1,000 bitcoin when it was worth nothing. And was later shocked and surprised when his 1,000 btc massively appreciated in value.
Let’s not forget the fact that he was already in sillicon valley and his parents were so rich that they literally bought a few computers and hired a computer teacher for his high school so that "all" kids there but mainly Bill would learn about computers at a young age. Which allowed him and his friend to spend insane amount of hours to learn what computer is and how they could be improved.

Not to forget he definitely copied a lot of technology while doing that, just as we would when we build websites and just use others' code, but that is mainly how he succeeded. Sure, he could also be a rebel and do drugs and never be interested in computers even when he had the chance, so kudos to him for not doing the wrong thing I guess?
Bill Gates has an advantage because we were able to afford computers at an early age and have the privilege to learn everything about it through his computer lessons. Not everyone could have the same privilege so he has an edge on that part. It's just that he was too determined to get rich and be successful.
Being privileged is an advantage yet not enough for us to be successful unless we'll have the determination and willingness to strive for better and reach success.

Though he still faces failure on his first day with his company, right? The main reason he has been successful is that he is very determined and is constantly improving himself. Only the items and things he possesses are a plus for him. People who is lack of determination will not be successful because they will stop doing what they are doing and settle for what they have. Having determination can make you strive harder and take more risks no matter how big the problem you've been facing or if you fail. As others have said, failure is also a success since you will learn many valuable lessons from it.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: BigBos on November 17, 2022, 06:25:38 PM
Bill Gates is indeed a figure who is a motivator for life in the world of technology. At first, he bought programs from other companies, but he was able to modify and create something new called MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System).
This thread is not meant to demand you become Bill Gates but rather to look at the principles of taking chances in your field to reap success.

Talking about success in every business, I think privilege or background can affect the percentage of success, why is that?
If a rich person uses his wealth and connections to support innovations or experiments that he makes into something better and new to achieve his goals, the presentation of success will be very high. Meanwhile, ordinary people who do not have a lot of capital and connections who want to support them will find it very difficult to innovate, let alone experiment, because, in their mindset, family needs come first.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Cling18 on November 17, 2022, 06:50:00 PM
Sorry to tell you people but those life lessons won't make you as successful as Bill Gates, we should know by now that not everyone can rule the world or have the ability to be so successful. It might help you but it can't be like what it did to Bill Gates. Remember to also live your life, living shouldn't be that difficult.

All this lessons are not to make you rich and famous like Bill gates but as a guide to success. If well followed it will definitely have a great impart in one entrepreneurial life.

We all have different pathways and destinies yet we could follow all these tips to be on the right track as what happened to Bill Gates. Of course, it's hard to be as rich as him but that tip will guide us so our entrepreneurship would work. I agree that we should start as early as possible and never miss all the opportunities that may come our way but we should also embrace life lessons whenever we fail because that will always be a part of our journey.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: serjent05 on November 17, 2022, 11:02:34 PM


Focus on every customer. Treating happy customers well would motivate them to bring in more customers. If you focus only on the unhappy ones, you might lose the happy ones.

Happy customers will definitely bring more customers whether you take notice of it or not.  Focusing on the unhappy ones make you see the shortcoming of your business.  It is obvious that everyone is taken care of but troubleshooting the problem behind the unhappy customer will greatly boost the service of your company.  Besides, it will only need 1 unhappy customer to lose lots of potential clients.

I do agree with the reply that not everyone is made to be a boss.  If everyone is a boss then there will be no people to hire to manage and maintain our business needs.  There are people who have a knack for business while others love to compete in a corporate world where they feel proud when they are recognized as a top employee.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: lalabotax on November 17, 2022, 11:19:16 PM
Time wait for no one, start anything you want to do on time. Remember, alot of people are in search of same opportunity. Delay may not be helpful. I remember 6 years ago, when I plan to start a POS business in my location, no such business around then. If I had started earlier, I would have gotten a stand before other but my delay make me lose the business opportunity. Today, we have over 10 POS in that same community.

This is true, no matter how many ideas we have, no matter how well we plan, if we don't start early, we won't know how it will turn out. Maybe, we will actually be preceded by others and we regret it. Sometimes, we have to be forced which makes us have to start quickly instead of staying silent. Here, we'll find out more about how that went.

Indeed, the ideal is that we should start according to our target, but when? It takes courage to start something so that we are able to start earlier by carefully preparing for our business.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: KennyR on November 17, 2022, 11:44:03 PM
Simple thing, we discuss what he said. Why this is happening, because he have succeeded in it. If the same is being putforth by someone who have failed in life, we won't take into consideration. This is the difference between the successful people and the unsuccessful one. If you want someone to discuss what you putforth then you need to prove yourself to the world. This doesn't mean you need to follow someone's footsteps to be successful, be yourself which is the real success in life.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Viscore on November 18, 2022, 08:59:47 PM
Nothing good come easy. It involves great work with passion. Your decision on what to become in life can drive you towards achieving your dreams. It may take some time to rationally get from where you are to where you want to be but you will definitely be there one day. Just take make a move, start something, be focus and see how success will drive you towards your dream.

And just as Bill Gates, what I've read with another wealthy guy in the name of Jack Ma. He said that when you're around 20s to early 30s is that you need to find a good boss.

Because everything that boss have learned with his entire experiences and run, he'll share to you just how good he is. There are people that don't have passion for business and making their own company so they stay in employment and working for a company.

That's applicable to them and when they have found a good boss, I guess all the learnings will be there and that good boss will encourage that person to start his entrepreneurial journey.
Having a good boss will always be your own advantage since he will be your role model and will guide you  until you find yourself wanting to have a business too. Because in reality, no one gets to progress if you stay behind your boss’ shadow. You have to make a separate journey and let all his good teachings be your own inspiration to start on your own. Sooner or later, success will come to you.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Findingnemo on November 19, 2022, 02:58:43 PM
What, those are some motivational lines created from random dudes over internet.

Ironically, how Bill Gates became successful is somehow morally not correct cause he made billions from Windows but it is not invented by himself, he just learn the art of getting the innovative ideas of others.

Think about future and take risk.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Yatsan on November 19, 2022, 03:11:46 PM
What, those are some motivational lines created from random dudes over internet.

Ironically, how Bill Gates became successful is somehow morally not correct cause he made billions from Windows but it is not invented by himself, he just learn the art of getting the innovative ideas of others.

Think about future and take risk.
But that's business, right? You don't need to create something if you want to be a businessman. An entrepreneur uses all of the resources available and it happened that Billgates (if this information is true) had that money to buy windows and he,himself developed it to be a better version and to be sold to more people. That would be even greater if windows did not start from him because there's more into who he was before he had that company of him. This somehow related to privilege wherein people condemn those who has it and totally disregarding how that certain individual made use of that advantage.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Findingnemo on November 19, 2022, 04:18:51 PM
What, those are some motivational lines created from random dudes over internet.

Ironically, how Bill Gates became successful is somehow morally not correct cause he made billions from Windows but it is not invented by himself, he just learn the art of getting the innovative ideas of others.

Think about future and take risk.
But that's business, right? You don't need to create something if you want to be a businessman. An entrepreneur uses all of the resources available and it happened that Billgates (if this information is true) had that money to buy windows and he,himself developed it to be a better version and to be sold to more people. That would be even greater if windows did not start from him because there's more into who he was before he had that company of him. This somehow related to privilege wherein people condemn those who has it and totally disregarding how that certain individual made use of that advantage.
Yeah, that is what my point is, "we don't have to work hard or find something innovative or something exceptional", all we need to do is how to sale the package we have so its about what people demands and sell those things to them.

Yes, the information was right because he didn't write the codes of windows or anything but the company got from someone along with his partner Allen and made some changes and sold it.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Lubang Bawah on November 21, 2022, 06:20:52 AM
Sometimes we are too obsessed with successful characters like Bill Gates so they want to know whatever he does every day, I'm sure if we have children and apply everything in Bill Gates, it will never guarantee successful like him or may be more successful From him, life is like a mystery that makes us have to always try our best even though the results are not in accordance with our estimates.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: gantez on November 21, 2022, 04:52:52 PM
Try to make people happy is always a the best. For a customer to be unhappy, there is a problem somewhere. Get involved, study their problems, learn from it, take into account any feedback they are giving you, as it’s a cheap and easy way to adjust and improve your product or service for the future.

This is important thing to do, get the unhappy customers back with your effort because if you make no effort in that they go out to spread bad news to your business in the mind of the positive customers and your business you begin to drop very bad to leave them to go unhappy. This is the work of PR in the company. The PR person is train to do this role in the company to build customer relations is good. As the owner too is good to have the character of good relationship to people.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: xSkylarx on November 21, 2022, 05:08:04 PM
Try to make people happy is always a the best. For a customer to be unhappy, there is a problem somewhere. Get involved, study their problems, learn from it, take into account any feedback they are giving you, as it’s a cheap and easy way to adjust and improve your product or service for the future.

This is important thing to do, get the unhappy customers back with your effort because if you make no effort in that they go out to spread bad news to your business in the mind of the positive customers and your business you begin to drop very bad to leave them to go unhappy. This is the work of PR in the company. The PR person is train to do this role in the company to build customer relations is good. As the owner too is good to have the character of good relationship to people.

It is also because those happy customers are already content with your service. I heard this before when I was still in college because you can learn a lot and know where to improve from negative comments or feedbacks from your customers, and most of the time they will take the low ratings feedback more seriously to see how to make their service or product more customer-friendly so that the unhappy customer can be turn into a satisfied one. Though it is not always easy because there are always negative comments about your services, you can filter out those that are relevant. 

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: sovie on November 21, 2022, 11:19:45 PM
Try to make people happy is always a the best. For a customer to be unhappy, there is a problem somewhere. Get involved, study their problems, learn from it, take into account any feedback they are giving you, as it’s a cheap and easy way to adjust and improve your product or service for the future.

This is important thing to do, get the unhappy customers back with your effort because if you make no effort in that they go out to spread bad news to your business in the mind of the positive customers and your business you begin to drop very bad to leave them to go unhappy. This is the work of PR in the company. The PR person is train to do this role in the company to build customer relations is good. As the owner too is good to have the character of good relationship to people.

It is also because those happy customers are already content with your service. I heard this before when I was still in college because you can learn a lot and know where to improve from negative comments or feedbacks from your customers, and most of the time they will take the low ratings feedback more seriously to see how to make their service or product more customer-friendly so that the unhappy customer can be turn into a satisfied one. Though it is not always easy because there are always negative comments about your services, you can filter out those that are relevant. 
sometime there are more smart people but they keep on struggling through out their lives and die in isolation
Bill Gates is genius and obviously there is so much to learn from them

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: bakasabo on November 22, 2022, 08:54:42 AM
My conclusion on such articles, books, movies and etc is simple - that is just past. Read it, watch it, evaluate other peoples experience, but make own decisions, live your own life. What they have done 20-50 years ago to become successful and rich now, does not work now. We are developing all the time. World is developing and changing every day. A story of "buy an apple for 1 dollar, sell it for 2 dollars, buy two apples and re-sell them, continues doing" wont work now. Simply because we have a oversaturated market. Lets be honest, we have overabundance of everything. That is why better try to create something unique, then copy someone else. All these life lessons a like fairy tales for current generation.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: janellebowlerr on November 23, 2022, 06:01:06 PM
This should be number 1.  ::)

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: bitzizzix on November 24, 2022, 06:27:15 AM
Bill Gates or other successful people they can only motivate others to keep trying and not give up easily, but we don't have to be like him because maybe he has been outlined for that.
it is simply the motivation we must take to set our goals and business or future plans to succeed by developing or exploring skills or suitability for us to be financially successful.
and the most important thing for me, so the lesson we can get from this incident is never to miss an opportunity, don't lose the opportunity that is there. The real secret to success, in my opinion, is not to miss opportunities like you are doing now and keep doing it until creativity and innovation exist and develop.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: palle11 on November 24, 2022, 08:01:31 AM

The real secret to success, in my opinion, is not to miss opportunities like you are doing now and keep doing it until creativity and innovation exist and develop.

Working towards not missing opportunities is going to put a trader in frustration when they put their mind in not missing it and if that happens, they may not be able to manage it. It is better to keep our minds open to anything happening instead of foreclosing ourselves from it. Having miss opportunities is better than forcing yourself into what will not work or lead to profit.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: justdimin on November 24, 2022, 09:31:04 PM
The real secret to success, in my opinion, is not to miss opportunities like you are doing now and keep doing it until creativity and innovation exist and develop.
Working towards not missing opportunities is going to put a trader in frustration when they put their mind in not missing it and if that happens, they may not be able to manage it. It is better to keep our minds open to anything happening instead of foreclosing ourselves from it. Having miss opportunities is better than forcing yourself into what will not work or lead to profit.
I would guess that people who are active on the trading scene, even if they are not actively trading but actively looking for trades, will end up profiting. Stuck on missed chances means you are not making any new profit, and you are just looking at the past, any investor would know that the only way to make a profit is look to the future and that means past has already happened and you can't change it.

If you want to make a profit, look at what’s going on and what could happen and you would be making a good profit for sure. I personally do not believe that there will be opportunities at all times, so it is vital to check all times to not miss anything in the future.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Kasabus on November 24, 2022, 09:42:33 PM
Nothing good come easy. It involves great work with passion. Your decision on what to become in life can drive you towards achieving your dreams. It may take some time to rationally get from where you are to where you want to be but you will definitely be there one day. Just take make a move, start something, be focus and see how success will drive you towards your dream.

And just as Bill Gates, what I've read with another wealthy guy in the name of Jack Ma. He said that when you're around 20s to early 30s is that you need to find a good boss.

Because everything that boss have learned with his entire experiences and run, he'll share to you just how good he is. There are people that don't have passion for business and making their own company so they stay in employment and working for a company.

That's applicable to them and when they have found a good boss, I guess all the learnings will be there and that good boss will encourage that person to start his entrepreneurial journey.
Finding a boss which will also become your mentor is very hard, the one which is directly above you most likely does not want to teach you more than what they have to because they are afraid they could be replaced, it is very rare these days to find a generous boss which also wants to fully mentor you, they will have to be near retirement or simply like you a lot for this to happen, so most people have no option but to learn on their own, which as we know it is not as effective as learning from some that already knows a great deal of the pitfalls in which you may fall.
Definitely it’s hard but you are not there to have a full mentoring but just learn on your own based on what you saw and experienced from your boss. Later on, when you think you are good enough and you can stand already on your own, and you have sufficient capital to start to, then it’s not hard to be as successful like your boss  as long as you also do what it takes to become successful in the end.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: boyptc on November 24, 2022, 09:43:05 PM
I want to travel the world but he's too privileged to do that and not all of the people that listens to his advice will be able to do that.

I've been hearing this from the old folks and they all regret that they've done travelling when they're already old. Well, it's because when they're younger they just can't leave the opportunities that were behind them and they're not that rich at all.

I know it's possible to travel even if you're not rich but we all want to enjoy it having no budget constraints and worry about the finances as we travel.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Reatim on November 25, 2022, 01:59:00 AM
I stumbled on this online and I decide to analyze this on how it could help for finance freedom.


I took out the word " as possible" because we can be boss at all cost , even with small business or service we can be if we will be wanting to start from dust.

I myself is a boss though still struggling to make my business grow but at least I am the boss.

thanks for this thread made hoping that many will use this as reference from their plans in future.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on November 25, 2022, 03:46:26 AM
Simple thing, we discuss what he said. Why this is happening, because he have succeeded in it. If the same is being putforth by someone who have failed in life, we won't take into consideration. This is the difference between the successful people and the unsuccessful one. If you want someone to discuss what you putforth then you need to prove yourself to the world. This doesn't mean you need to follow someone's footsteps to be successful, be yourself which is the real success in life.

It's true, those who succeed when they say something will be revered by everyone and always believe it to be true, because those things are said to have helped them succeed. I'm not saying what he said is wrong but I agree with you that don't follow in anyone's footsteps to become successful, be yourself. Those things they can apply successfully, but not necessarily suitable for us. Let's discover for ourselves what suits us best, to make ourselves successful in our own way. People won't care how successful you are, but when you're successful, whatever you say will turn out to be right.

Title: Re: Life lessons from Bill gates and how it could make you a successful entrepreneur
Post by: sovie on November 26, 2022, 11:18:15 PM
Simple thing, we discuss what he said. Why this is happening, because he have succeeded in it. If the same is being putforth by someone who have failed in life, we won't take into consideration. This is the difference between the successful people and the unsuccessful one. If you want someone to discuss what you putforth then you need to prove yourself to the world. This doesn't mean you need to follow someone's footsteps to be successful, be yourself which is the real success in life.

It's true, those who succeed when they say something will be revered by everyone and always believe it to be true, because those things are said to have helped them succeed. I'm not saying what he said is wrong but I agree with you that don't follow in anyone's footsteps to become successful, be yourself. Those things they can apply successfully, but not necessarily suitable for us. Let's discover for ourselves what suits us best, to make ourselves successful in our own way. People won't care how successful you are, but when you're successful, whatever you say will turn out to be right.
these people are the source of inspiration for all the world there life is the mix of happiness and sorrow
they have struggled so much I wish we get to know more about these people so that we also focus on the right and achieve success