Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware wallets => Topic started by: jerry0 on October 08, 2022, 01:01:31 AM

Title: Installing Ledger Live On New Windows Laptop
Post by: jerry0 on October 08, 2022, 01:01:31 AM
I got a new windows 11 pro laptop.  I used a windows 10 pro laptop but will now be using the new laptop as my main laptop.

I previously had to install ledger live several times a while back due to me doing a clean reinstall of windows.  The big difference between this time compared to the other times is I still have access to my windows 10 pro laptop and ledger live is there and so are my other programs.  Thus it isn't wiped cleaned yet.  Previously I would wipe my laptop and then be starting fresh.  But I am going to start using this windows 11 pro laptop as my main laptop.  I will be keeping my old laptop as a backup laptop... but I am not sure if I will be wiping ledger live from it or not.  I do not plan to wipe the old windows 10 laptop hard drive but might ledger live because I don't want it on 2 machines.  Is that good/bad idea?  

I am still using the old nano ledger s.  I know I will have to go to ledger site and download ledger live.  Verifying ledger live on windows 11 pro is the same as windows 10 pro?  The way I verified the checksum was with the help of poster HCP last time.  The way he helped me with the ledger live verification was a bit different than how they tell you on the ledger live page.  But can anyone here confirm that method still works?

After verifying ledger live and installing it, I remember I have to add the accounts.  I have btc, bch, btg and waves added to my nano ledger s device.  I only have coins with btc, bch and waves though.  Don't have no coins in btg but just installed that app anyway a while back.  Now when I add BTC, I have to make sure I add the right chain right?  On ledger live, I see my btc is on BTC Segwit.  There is also a BTC Native Segwit that has 0 btc.  And there is BCH balance.

Once I add it, the amount of coins in BTC and BCH will show up immediately like with my old windows 10 pro laptop right?  I do recall I have to give the accounts a name so it will most likely be different from the account names on ledger live on my windows 10 pro laptop right?  Should I give the same exact name or it doesn't matter?

Let just say these are the account names on ledger live on windows 10 laptop.  The bolded is what I named each.

Bitcoin  Segwit
Bitcoin Account 1              X Balance

Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash 1              X Balance

Bitcoin Native Segwit
Bitcoin 1                      0 Balance

Now I only plan to do ledger live transactions from the windows 11 pro laptop.  But any transactions I do with it, the moment I do a transaction, if i were to log into ledger live on the windosws 10 pro laptop, everything would basically update to the correct balance and all transactions shown... is that correct?  The only difference would be assuming I don't name the bitcoin and bitcoin cash account the exact same on this windows 11 laptop as oppose to windows 10 laptop, then only that would be different?

Are there people that have ledger live installed on 2 different laptops but with just one single nano ledger device?  This is not recommended if sometimes you do a transaction on one laptop, but sometimes on the other?  I only plan to use ledger live on the new windows 11 laptop... but I do not plan to wipe clean my old windows 10 laptop.  I might however consider removing ledger live from it though.  Any pro/cons to keeping ledger live on the old windows 10 laptop if I plan to do all transactions on the new windows 11 laptop?

Title: Re: Installing Ledger Live On New Windows Laptop
Post by: bitmover on October 08, 2022, 02:10:22 AM
After verifying ledger live and installing it, I remember I have to add the accounts.  I have btc, bch, btg and waves added to my nano ledger s device.  I only have coins with btc, bch and waves though.  Don't have no coins in btg but just installed that app anyway a while back.  Now when I add BTC, I have to make sure I add the right chain right?  On ledger live, I see my btc is on BTC Segwit.  There is also a BTC Native Segwit that has 0 btc.  And there is BCH balance.

Once I add it, the amount of coins in BTC and BCH will show up immediately like with my old windows 10 pro laptop right?  I do recall I have to give the accounts a name so it will most likely be different from the account names on ledger live on my windows 10 pro laptop right?  Should I give the same exact name or it doesn't matter?

Só many questions for so simple procedure. I have a ledger nano s and I used it in windows 10 and now I use in windows 11.

Just go to click download and install.

Then just add each coin you have after you plug your device.
If you have native segwit  , compatible Segwit or legacy, just add one by one.

Account names do not matter.

If you want wipe the old ledger installation,  it makes no difference.

Title: Re: Installing Ledger Live On New Windows Laptop
Post by: jerry0 on October 08, 2022, 02:36:04 AM
Thanks for the response.  Do you still use ledger live with your windows 10 laptop or not?  Or you only use it with your windows 11 laptop now?

Well I want to verify ledger live and done that few times a while back.  HCP helped me with this and the process he did was very simple but it was a bit different from the instructions described on ledger live though.  So wanted to know if it is still the same.  

I don't remember how I did it exactly with my old ledger live installation on the windows 10 laptop.  But there is a bitcoin segwit, bitcoin cash, bitcoin native segwit account.  The bitcoin native segwit account doesn't have any btc.

Okay account names do not matter.  So if I write it differently this time for each account, and do my transaction as normal.  Then let say I log into ledger live on my windows 10 laptop.  It will still show all the transactions and everything on it?  The only difference is the name of each of the accounts would be different assuming I name it differently... is that correct?

Yea I am not sure if i want to wipe ledger live on the old windows 10 laptop.  The reason is because it would be a backup laptop for me... but I only would use it when necessary.  But it also isn't good security wise to have ledger live installed on an old computer and thus an extra computer if not necessary right?

What should be the exact process I should now do then?  I know you first go to install ledger live and verify it.  Then you connect the nano ledger to it to add the accounts right?  Then once you do that, do you update each of the apps on your nano ledger s first?  Such as the btc, bch, btg and waves app first?  I see there is no firmware update.  

I took a look at old post and messages with HCP.  Can someone explain how do I get to the downloads folder on the windows powershell?  I see I am suppose to type something like this this on the windows powershell? This was what I typed last time with the ledger live 2.33.1 version to verify it.

PS C:/Users/jerry/downloads> Get-FileHash ledger-live-desktop-2.33.1-win.exe -Algorithm SHA512 | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap

When I type in windows powershell on search and enter it shows a blue screen and

PS C:/Users/jerry

How exactly do I get this part?  PS C:/Users/jerry/downloads>

I am pretty certain you cannot type that in manually.  I know you are suppose to manualy type in Get-FileHash etc though.  Can someone xplain to me how I get that part in bold?

Title: Re: Installing Ledger Live On New Windows Laptop
Post by: joniboini on October 08, 2022, 11:33:10 AM
Have you tried to use the cd command? There are guides online about powershell that are easy to access. I don't have access to Windows now but I'm sure you can use cd to change your current directory just like in the command prompt. Also, you don't have to post twice in a row, just edit your last post.

Title: Re: Installing Ledger Live On New Windows Laptop
Post by: jerry0 on October 08, 2022, 09:05:23 PM
Okay so I went and did the verify ledger live.  It does show the correct below in bold but I did it a different way compared to what i copied and paste below from ledger live signature below.

$ Get-FileHash ledger-live-desktop-2.48.0-win-x64.exe -Algorithm SHA512
2e6cce50a694ceed0399c22826ac16efc725449725c5f794753d0bb067c71f13a699a16c6b1d7cb ad694c6cc085a86503511d1e0e600f7cb385a56609c26048f

What I did was HCP had suggested a while back.  I had did this with ledger live 2.33 a while back to verify.

I went to the folder where ledger live 2.48.0 is downloaded which is the downloads folder.  I then hold SHIFT and right click and clicked on open powershell windows here

I then typed in the rest.

PS C:/Users/jerry/downloads> Get-FileHash ledger-live-desktop-2.48.0-win-x64.exe -Algorithm SHA512 | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap

Then it displayed pretty much in bold.  So that is correct right?

Also can someone here confirm when installing ledger live, the layout and colors is much different?  It is like black and white compared to that ledger live back in 2.33 where it was mostly blue and white background.

I click on get started, then pick nano ledger s.

Then it gives you 3 options... set up as first time using it, connecting the nano ledger s to the laptop... or the last option is enter the recovery phrase to it?  I do recall that is how I looked a while back with the older ledger live a while back except the color was blue and white compared to black and white now? 

As long as you connect the nano ledger s to it to add accounts, that is good? 

Thing is I do not see a reinstall ledger live video on youtube recently with a more up to date ledger live version.  So want to make sure it is right one and doing it correctly. 

But even if someone downloads the wrong ledger live and set it up, as long as you don't type your seed phrase on the keyboard, then there is no issue right?

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]

Title: Re: Installing Ledger Live On New Windows Laptop
Post by: joniboini on October 09, 2022, 11:53:47 AM
If the hash match then yea it should be correct and your file should be safe. UI changes should not be a surprise. No app will stay the same forever. You should not focus on the UI but on the hash of the file itself. Assuming you did the verification correctly and the hash match, then the app is definitely not fake. Even if you don't type your seed on a keyboard, a fake app can do other things, such as change your receiver address to the hacker's address. So don't be that optimistic. Just verify the file and double-check it before you do anything with it.

Title: Re: Installing Ledger Live On New Windows Laptop
Post by: jerry0 on October 10, 2022, 03:05:31 AM
The hash tag does match with the way I checked it.

Yes I know the UI changes is no surprise but it looks lot different.

If the app is fake and you don't type your seed on the keyboard, what exactly can happen?  I heard people who download the fake ledger live, they are asked to type in the seed phrase.  So if you don't ever type it in the keyboard, what happens?  You say change your receiver address, do you mean when you send?  But you still are the one checking and confirming the address before you send right?

Can others who installed or installed ledger live recently can give insight here?


Title: Re: Installing Ledger Live On New Windows Laptop
Post by: joniboini on October 10, 2022, 12:01:19 PM
You say change your receiver address, do you mean when you send?  But you still are the one checking and confirming the address before you send right?
Yes. That's true, but they can simply program to show an address you type but send it to a different address when they broadcast it. Anything is possible. They might install a backdoor to your computer so you don't have to open the Ledger app to record your keystroke, etc. In short, don't take the risk. If the hash doesn't match then don't use it.