Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Asiska02 on October 18, 2022, 06:42:34 PM

Title: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Asiska02 on October 18, 2022, 06:42:34 PM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:

(1) Government size and structure
(2) Political system and democracy
(3) Institutional quality
(4) Economic freedom/openness
(5) Civil service wages
(6) Justice system, press freedom, etc.

In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

When I was a student in the university, I recall that some of my fellow students who were given leadership roles in school organizations embezzled thousands of money into their own pockets. By this, I mean that some of the expenses for improvements to the school that benefited all of us which was mandatory to be paid by every students. Imagine if they had been exposed to millions or billions of money instead of only thousands of it at the time when they embezzled the money, I’m sure they’ll still embezzle more.

Most times, people like that are frequently given the opportunity to serve the public in elected office. When exposed to public finances, a person with a history of embezzlement will always find a method to make off with large sums of money. Before becoming a fully corrupt leader, everything starts in school at an early age. At that point in their lives, a mature individual who has corruption ingrained in their system will find it difficult to let go of it.

However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 18, 2022, 07:12:48 PM
In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age.
I disagree, as strenuously as one can disagree with any sentiment.  Why?  Because all of that corruption you mentioned has been going on since the beginning of mankind, and it's part of human nature.  There are laws regarding corruption in many places (not all, perhaps), and if you argued that politicians, law enforcement, corporate executives, and whoever else hadn't learned right from wrong at an early age, I wouldn't believe you.

The fact is that you can't eliminate the underlying cause, greed, at any age.  It's hardwired into us.  Hell, just look at all the drug prevention programs aimed at youth and how that's worked out.  It doesn't work, because once you tap the pleasure center of the brain, a lot of people will want more of whatever did the tapping.  Add to that youths' natural defiance of authority, and any preventative measures against drugs, corruption, or teenage pregnancy for that matter are doomed to fail.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: KingsDen on October 18, 2022, 08:30:56 PM
The first and most important step in combating corruption is teaching a child right from home. The parental home training is the key to teaching a child to avoid corruption. Using myself as a case study, I was brought up in a family where you cannot take anything that does not belong to you, infact as a child any amount of money in my hand no matter how small my parents will ensure that they know the means through which I earned the money.

I was brought up to believe that all smokers are criminals but actually it is not true, but that believe made me to avoid smokers at my tender age but when I became an adult, made friends that smoke but not steal, I realised that smokers are not criminals. Those initial trainings hibernated me till I am able to make decisions for myself.
I can confidently say that i will not embezzle public fund. I have been in many positions that I delivered even with my personal funds. It is not taught in school.

Mortality is the greatest tool to combat corruption and those kind of morals will only be gotten at tender age. Forget about the world, just ensure you raise a decent breed of children and you could make a difference from there.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Rruchi man on October 18, 2022, 08:40:14 PM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
The surest way to discourage corruption is to state clearly strong punishments for defaulters and ensure that the defaulters are made to face the full penalty of the law. If an example is made out of some individuals, it can prompt change which can have a ripple effect on the mindset of other individuals. Corruption can be an effect of an environmental factor that is when everyone around you is corrupt it is difficult for you to maintain an incorruptible culture, In other words, an environment full of incorruptible people can turn a corrupt person for the better.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Zilon on October 18, 2022, 08:54:01 PM
Children learn by example most of the times and the are a product of what the see, hear, feel and interact with.  Learning only shapes what this lads interact with as they move through the phases of life. You don't expect to teach a child the disadvantages of corruption when every thing the child interacts with on a day to day base is completely corrupt. If we teach a child about corruption from the home what happens when the same child interacts with a corrupt society. I am not saying teaching them about the impact of corruption is not good but it will require a corrupt free environment to see it fully effective.

Morals is never learnt it is transferred. Transferred in the sense that this kids grow with them. The see justice, peace, good morals, transparency and equity has the interact with their family and society every day.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Fortify on October 18, 2022, 09:21:29 PM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:

(1) Government size and structure
(2) Political system and democracy
(3) Institutional quality
(4) Economic freedom/openness
(5) Civil service wages
(6) Justice system, press freedom, etc.

In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

When I was a student in the university, I recall that some of my fellow students who were given leadership roles in school organizations embezzled thousands of money into their own pockets. By this, I mean that some of the expenses for improvements to the school that benefited all of us which was mandatory to be paid by every students. Imagine if they had been exposed to millions or billions of money instead of only thousands of it at the time when they embezzled the money, I’m sure they’ll still embezzle more.

Most times, people like that are frequently given the opportunity to serve the public in elected office. When exposed to public finances, a person with a history of embezzlement will always find a method to make off with large sums of money. Before becoming a fully corrupt leader, everything starts in school at an early age. At that point in their lives, a mature individual who has corruption ingrained in their system will find it difficult to let go of it.

However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

Unfortunately it is a generational problem that takes a very long time to fix and if the society you grow up in is tipped this way, then it is an incredibly hard thing to resist against. Take a look at the tipping culture in America for example, it makes absolute sense to abolish the whole concept and have a minimum wage (with tips entirely optional) but you have many states which skirt around paying their staff proper rates and they essentially have to put this nasty fake act on to appease (read: beg) every customer for money. It's degrading, but is so ingrained in their culture that it would be almost unfathomable to many in the USA to change it at this point - against all logic.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: South Park on October 18, 2022, 09:22:58 PM
In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age.
I disagree, as strenuously as one can disagree with any sentiment.  Why?  Because all of that corruption you mentioned has been going on since the beginning of mankind, and it's part of human nature.  There are laws regarding corruption in many places (not all, perhaps), and if you argued that politicians, law enforcement, corporate executives, and whoever else hadn't learned right from wrong at an early age, I wouldn't believe you.

The fact is that you can't eliminate the underlying cause, greed, at any age.  It's hardwired into us.  Hell, just look at all the drug prevention programs aimed at youth and how that's worked out.  It doesn't work, because once you tap the pleasure center of the brain, a lot of people will want more of whatever did the tapping.  Add to that youths' natural defiance of authority, and any preventative measures against drugs, corruption, or teenage pregnancy for that matter are doomed to fail.
I agree, I have read a little bit about the topic before and in countries and societies where corruption is endemic impunity is also very high, almost everywhere there are laws against corruption but in those countries the law is not applied, as such there are not negative consequences for this criminal behavior, as soon as this changes and the law begins to be applied to everyone regardless of your social class, political position or money in your bank account corruption decreases.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: DooMAD on October 18, 2022, 09:24:46 PM
Corruption is difficult to root out because, even if everyone is aware that corruption is taking place, power is often entrenched.  Those who benefit by exploiting a system usually take precautions to prevent anyone from dismantling that system.  They invariably reinforce their position and give themselves yet more power.  Education alone won't cut it.  At some point people need to act, which often involves resorting to civil unrest and violence.    

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: StanCrypt on October 18, 2022, 09:29:25 PM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
The surest way to discourage corruption is to state clearly strong punishments for defaulters and ensure that the defaulters are made to face the full penalty of the law.

Sadly, even if the punishment is death for you and your entire family, it won't still stop corruption. People will alway find better ways to carry out corrupt practices to avoid getting caught. its no one's fault, it's just the nature of man. Humans always find a way to break the law, some would argue that the law was made to be broken by the same one's who made it, it's just a matter of whose smart enough not to get caught.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: uneng on October 18, 2022, 10:01:40 PM
Corruption should be fought at home, by parents when teaching their kids since a very early age. When you see students stealing money that should be used for the benefit of the whole school, you can expect these people didn't have positive examples at home since they were younger. Actually, there are parents who teach their kids to take advantage of situations they occasionally find themselves in life.

Moreover, corruption is part of our socities and it is seem by many, if not by the most, as something trivial and that we must live within in order to thrive socially and financially, although they aren't going to state such things publicly.

That is a very sad reality which push me aside from society because I don't want to be part of this system.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Rengga Jati on October 18, 2022, 10:40:16 PM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.

In my country, corruption seems to be deeply rooted and very difficult to eradicate. This seems to have become a habit for anyone to commit corruption on a small or large scale. Meanwhile, the punishment for corruption here is also light. What an irony.

In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.
You know, even in my country, we have been provided with the prohibition of corruption, about the teachings of kindness so as not to do corruption, in religion, it is also strictly prohibited to do corruption, even from when we were in elementary school and were always taught these values at every level. Even when they were students, there were many of them who were always against corruption, saying "No to corruption" out loud. However, when they entered the system, they were unable to avoid it, and in the end, they were involved in this corrupt activity. Corruption is like a systematic congregational activity and is very difficult to eradicate. Although many have been caught, in fact, this never ends. Maybe because the sanctions are less severe for the corrupt.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Yogee on October 18, 2022, 10:55:08 PM
....However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
"Stealing is bad" has been thought to many young people for ages but has this really resulted in the decline of theft? I have no real data to support the answer to that but it's probably safe to say a portion still committed the act of stealing when they get the opportunity.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Hydrogen on October 18, 2022, 11:45:38 PM
In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

How would you educate youth to choose good over evil?

Isn't it the basis for religion and law over thousands of years of human history?

Maybe you could argue that there haven't been many amendments made to most religions in thousands of years. They can be modernized and improved upon through the addition of more real world data and applications. Criminals and thieves could be interviewed to tell their life stories and how crime doesn't pay. Bernie Madoff, Martin Shkreli and others might feel inclined to do testimonials about corruption not being worth it. Maybe that would persuade youth to follow other paths.

But I think the harsh reality is that if a person is working full time and not earning enough to pay their bills. They don't have many options aside from crime. In that sense, any attempt at raising social standards must also come with economic and job opportunities to give people options other than crime and corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: KennyR on October 18, 2022, 11:54:38 PM
....However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
"Stealing is bad" has been thought to many young people for ages but has this really resulted in the decline of theft? I have no real data to support the answer to that but it's probably safe to say a portion still committed the act of stealing when they get the opportunity.
Stealing habit among the younger generation can be lowered, but it is in the hands of the government. Good number of young generation get into stealing activities not by interest, but their situation force them and later they turn this to be a common practice. If the government is able to provide proper education, medical service and employment majority of the problems can be solved.

Almost similar is the corruption, we can lower the corruption among the officials, politicians and in all sectors. The change have to begun from the people, because we're the one paying them to make things done in an easier way.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Darker45 on October 19, 2022, 01:42:37 AM
I think corruption is just an unfortunate offshoot of a people who have low values. I mean, if a child has been taught from a very young age that taking what is not hers/her is bad, then she/he won't steal. Of course, he/she also would have to be living in a family or community where what is taught is also lived with. After all, a child learns a lot more from what he/she sees or observes than what he/she is taught.

So I don't think young children will have to be taught about corruption itself. Corruption is already a socio-political issue; it's just a result of a society with very poor values. It is actually an adult issue. Young children should be taught with the most fundamentals lessons. I believe giving them a very solid values foundation is enough for them to grow into responsible citizens or leaders.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: bittraffic on October 19, 2022, 01:55:14 AM
When I read the thread title, I was blown just thinking why you'll teach a kid to be corrupt.

The earlier a kid knows all these, there is chance the kid will actually do exactly what he learned. Corruption is everywhere and I think anyone will learn it when a kid grows. A sassy one will definitely suspect something is going on even to Church that accepts BTC donations, a person who thinks there could be something much more to it will think tax evasion or laundering.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Jawhead999 on October 19, 2022, 02:08:28 AM
Do you think there's no non-profit business or volunteer who cooperate with school to launch a seminar about corruption, alcohol, drugs, smoking, sex etc? It has been taught from the young age, but why this matters still arise? this mean those seminars still not helping too much to raise the awareness of these matters. It's too many factors that's make people are still did that and the reason may vary from each person to other person.

But mostly the reason is about money which mean the government should solve the matters about income distribution on their countries, because the gap between rich and poor people are really far.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Flexystar on October 19, 2022, 02:31:40 AM
That’s really bad idea. Know why? With this strategy we may teach our kids or future generation that corruption is part of our society and there exists something like this, a way using which one can go way around something and reach the destination quickly. Whether it’s bribing to or taking bribe from its same crime and could lead to bad ideas on the young minds.

We may teach them how to go against it but in the process it will teach them why it’s done, how it’s done and may start growing that foul seed on their minds.

This is why educational subjects, topics in those subject and much more is carefully screened before putting them into the syllabus.

What you grow is what you get back.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Gallar on October 19, 2022, 04:43:29 AM
maybe it is the initial stage of preventing corruption,
but it does not rule out the possibility that even educated people can commit corruption.

it can't be denied that in humans there is such a thing as greed, and that's normal because it's human,
but if that greed continues, will it be good? certainly not,
therefore the most important thing to be taught to humans is sympathy for others so that people can look in the mirror,
and the most important thing for me religious people, is to fear the almighty,
because corruption is a disgraceful act, it must be remembered, all of that there will be accountability later.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Ahli38 on October 19, 2022, 05:22:57 AM
This is about Morals and the source of the problem is because of the bad nature that exists in humans themselves. which begins with greed, and the impact of this greed can weaken the sense of caring for others. which results in actions that are beyond human morality. because those who are greedy do not really care about the impact of their actions that will harm others. and the evidence is that the government is corrupt and this has affected thousands and even hundreds of thousands of its people due to acts of corruption committed by that person. I doubt that people who commit corruption still have a high sense of caring for others. They become selfish and only selfish without caring about their actions have harmed many people. then it is appropriate for a corruptor to be called an immoral person. because he couldn't control his greed.

so I think the effort that can be done to eradicate corruption from an early age is to teach more about Moral itself from an early age. Teach our children the importance of being a moral person. starting with teaching a sense of caring for others by always sharing goodness in the form of services or materials. starting with relatives and neighbors.
and we as parents must be an example for our children to follow.

Moral is something that needs to be built from an early age. and a moral person usually he will be more able to care about the surrounding environment. he was used to living honestly. and obey the rules. and always be compassionate and share love with others. he is always willing to help without expecting anything in return. because he realized that humans are born to need each other and must help each other. because someday he too will need help. a moral person prefers not to be concerned only with himself. he will act carefully in every job so as not to harm others.
if this attitude is embedded in a person, then of course he will stay away from things that harm others, such as corruption, one of them.

but cultivating a moral attitude in today's environment is a difficult thing. because the attitude of individualism has been firmly attached in today's society. sometimes even in urban residential areas, we don't even know our neighbors well. we live alone in the crowd of people. and this kind of attitude is very prone to falling into the loss of caring for others and making selfishness superior to us. so that when we don't care about each other, doing corruption will feel like a normal thing and commonplace. and even the guilt fades away. and feel that everyone would do the same if they were in the same position.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Crypto Legend on October 19, 2022, 05:43:52 AM
Corruption is an enemy of everyone and is like being taught from an early age, early education must instill moral values that can make honest characters, even I agree that honesty is the most important thing to judge someone decent or not occupy positions in government.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: CageMabok on October 19, 2022, 07:19:20 AM
Corruption is an enemy of everyone and is like being taught from an early age, early education must instill moral values that can make honest characters, even I agree that honesty is the most important thing to judge someone decent or not occupy positions in government.
The problem is that truth and lies will never be known in the first place until there is more valid evidence on everyone. So this is what needs to be confirmed first because those who are eyeing a seat in the government are those who promise in their mouths to improve the country and prosper the people, but to make this happen it is clear that proof is needed. Because it will reflect whether the person is lying or honest.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Ani1985 on October 19, 2022, 09:05:01 AM
Actually, without being taught at school or since a young age humans have 2 more dominant traits, namely bad or good nature, the family is the first school for children so that what he gets in the first school will shape the character until he is an adult.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Marykeller on October 19, 2022, 09:32:45 AM
Children are silent and observant, they pick up ideas and attitudes displayed around them easily. Teaching without setting an example to be less corrupt will still fall out on deaf ears. That's why it is always advised to be mindful of what to say or do around kids.

We are living in a country corruption has eaten deep into, it will be impossible to get it uprooted due to the happening in society. Corruption has taken us to a point where for you to attain any level of success, you must surely encounter corrupt practices either in politics, education, business, exams and so on. That's to tell you deep corrupt practices have gotten to.

The only way I think will be good to stay above corruption is to set a standard of living for yourself. Learn to be content with what you have.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: kryptqnick on October 19, 2022, 12:45:07 PM
I think strong ethics classes at school could help with not engaging in corruption, especially big-time corruption. It's important to set some values, principles that would make people understand how deeply wrong corruption is and why they should not engage in it. IMO, though, it's also very important to make the classes viable for everyday life, and that depends on a country. Many things which could be considered corruption are just a norm in some countries and must be changed on structural level. But wherever it is possible not to bribe, this should be the go-to option. Also, there should be things a person decides not to take part in even if that can cost a job or something (such as privatization of taxpayers' money, trying to profit on social projects, wherever lives will be harmed from activities etc.). It's important to change the culture itself, to make it very shameful rather than totally fine to steal like that.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Die_empty on October 19, 2022, 12:50:36 PM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

There are so many subjects in both primary and secondary schools that teach about the negative consequences of corruption. Our children are ex[posed to subjects like social studies, citizenship education, and religious studies. But the world is gradually losing its value system. Our society celebrates criminals and dishonors men of integrity. Our society never questions the source of wealth of the rich rather they are idolized and worshipped. If you are a government official and you don't have expensive cars and estates, people would mock you for refusing to steal.  

Even if parents instill the right value or attitudes in their children, society would still fight to erase them and put them on the wrong path. But parents must not stop behaving how they want their children to behave. Our children should be guided and closely watched to ensure that unacceptable behavior is identified early and corrected. Most parents don't spend time with their children because of their work or other engagements, this might be challenging in the future.  

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on October 19, 2022, 02:29:22 PM
I think it's all about permissiveness. Very tough and strict laws are needed to prevent corruption. If some thieves' hands are cut off in public, and others are even sentenced to death, then surely others will think about whether it is worth taking what does not belong to them. A lot of democracy leads to the fact that people are no longer afraid. They begin to feel immortal, realizing that everything and everywhere can be bought and negotiated. 
Look at the laws in China. In order for people to become humane, they need very strict laws.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Jemzx00 on October 19, 2022, 03:51:21 PM
I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
Highly disagree, even if corruption will be addressed at a young age or on school, which is already the case, it will never be fully erased or resolved. Just as you've mentioned, corruption affects to much of the sectors of each country's society. For me, corruption is already embedded to every and each individual society and government. It's like a matter about what is right and wrong whereas people will often think and do the right thing but will have second thoughts about the wrong thing especially if it will be beneficial to them.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Dickiy on October 19, 2022, 04:08:10 PM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:

(1) Government size and structure
(2) Political system and democracy
(3) Institutional quality
(4) Economic freedom/openness
(5) Civil service wages
(6) Justice system, press freedom, etc.

In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

When I was a student in the university, I recall that some of my fellow students who were given leadership roles in school organizations embezzled thousands of money into their own pockets. By this, I mean that some of the expenses for improvements to the school that benefited all of us which was mandatory to be paid by every students. Imagine if they had been exposed to millions or billions of money instead of only thousands of it at the time when they embezzled the money, I’m sure they’ll still embezzle more.

Most times, people like that are frequently given the opportunity to serve the public in elected office. When exposed to public finances, a person with a history of embezzlement will always find a method to make off with large sums of money. Before becoming a fully corrupt leader, everything starts in school at an early age. At that point in their lives, a mature individual who has corruption ingrained in their system will find it difficult to let go of it.

However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

Corruption cannot be prevented if there is no strong legal basis to prevent corrupt actors from doing so. if only anti-corruption education will not have a significant effect on youth.
idealists formed in anti-corruption socialization or education will disappear if faced with attractive offers, especially if there are no strict sanctions for the perpetrators of corruption.
I think that the establishment of a firm and strong legal basis that must be made first, for example, the death penalty, exile, impoverishment of his family, and others, I think is enough for people not to commit corruption.
if only preventive measures are carried out without any punishment that makes the perpetrators of corruption deterrent, all prevention movements will only waste time and budget.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: crwth on October 19, 2022, 04:10:58 PM
I think every problem will always be about how a particular person grows up because usually what he does in the present reflects on what he learned during his childhood. There is also a factor in which people tend to do “what they think” they deserve or the necessary stuff because of what they have experienced. Especially those who have felt unfair with their situation. They would want the easy way out, usually, so they tend to be corrupt when they are put in a position of power.

What’s more, the people are electing people who don’t have the credibility to lead and tend to be corrupt.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: naira on October 19, 2022, 04:40:40 PM
In North Korea, the creator of the law is quite heavy, from the very beginning in terms of overcoming the disease and preparing the drug. A country will not be spared from corrupt activities, other than becoming blood when the need is high. Government officials tend to commit corruption, supported by light punishments in the country, making it seem as if they will operate freely. It is enough to bribe the authorities and give them a percentage of the profits and everything will be silent.

No school teaches to do anything negative but the implementation of corruption is rooted in the effort to prepare for something. Corruption has existed since time immemorial, the current and former concept is the media in exposing these activities. So we are limited to understanding how much corruption is born from greed. Not based on school education, because schools have only existed since the Middle Ages.

The solution to minimize corruption that we currently see is of course a criminal law regulation where corruptors are sentenced to life or death. In fact, every country is reluctant to implement it on the grounds of human rights, on the contrary when compared to the loss of a corruptor has killed a starving soul due to his actions.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Anonylz on October 19, 2022, 04:54:38 PM
Make people able to recognise corrupt practices because some corrupt practice has been made normal that some people having trouble understanding such are corrupt practices.
Also introduce a heavy punishment for anyone who is found guilty of any corruption regardless of position or status. Many politicians and affluent people consider themselves untouchable so they mostly get away with whatever corruption they engage in.
Teaching it in school alone won't change anything when there is to strict ways to handle the situation. It will be business as usual for them.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: $anounimus$ on October 19, 2022, 05:26:48 PM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:

(5) Civil service wages

Globally, corruption is one of the main problems facing leaders and their governments when it comes to development. Even though money, greed, and power are spread unequally around the world.

The solution to a problem like this story in the end is money. The government should pay its workers well so that they can live comfortably and be grateful to their organization. If a country has problems with corruption, it means that the living conditions of its people are very bad. This is most evident in third-world countries where many developing countries suffer from high poverty rates and low government salaries.

The government should stop this problem by using solutions such as increasing the salaries of all civil servants, including police and judges, to control corruption effectively and instill public confidence in the system. I believe we will begin to see a decline in the most common forms of corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: TimeTeller on October 19, 2022, 06:17:39 PM
Make people able to recognise corrupt practices because some corrupt practice has been made normal that some people having trouble understanding such are corrupt practices.
Also introduce a heavy punishment for anyone who is found guilty of any corruption regardless of position or status. Many politicians and affluent people consider themselves untouchable so they mostly get away with whatever corruption they engage in.
Teaching it in school alone won't change anything when there is to strict ways to handle the situation. It will be business as usual for them.

If the penalty is heavy enough, people will be more careful with their actions.
However, even if the government has certain penalties, most of the time, they are lenient about its implementation.
Hence, people have the notion to just do their stuffs, as you said, business as usual for them.
So to address this long-running problem, in my opinion, it is the combination of self-discipline and tough implementation of the laws.
A good example is in Japan, if the person himself feels he did something wrong, he will punish his own to the point of killing himself.
I don't think many nationalities have the same outlook when it comes to wrongdoings and how they punish themselves.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: bitzizzix on October 19, 2022, 06:22:02 PM
Corruption will not exist if humans are replaced with robots because only robots cannot corrupt. Humans are weak, short memory, easily confused, tired quickly and can not be separated from likes and dislikes.
and even if it's just time corruption such as taking longer lunches or information corruption because they don't provide complete information or queue corruption or rule corruption, humans must have been corrupted in their lives even if only once.
in small things, without realizing it we all have also done corruption, so that even small things can happen, let alone big things. because corruption will not be eradicated 100% in any country because we do not know it accurately even though it is very strict.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Jody.Drummer on October 19, 2022, 06:36:19 PM
Corruption is part of human nature, why do I say that, because the root of corruption is greed. And we certainly realize that greed is a trait that everyone has. Instead of eradicating from a young age, I even see that corruption has been carried out since a young age. I often see schoolchildren who lie to get more pocket money, that is the forerunner of corruption. Actually the dangers of corruption have been taught at the age of education, but that is not enough.
If we look deeper, the people who commit corruption are people who are highly educated and even know all the laws. But does that make them aware? the answer is no. It's basically their morals that have been destroyed.
Moral education is important to be applied at a young age, because it is the basis.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Oasisman on October 19, 2022, 06:59:03 PM

In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

When I was a student in the university, I recall that some of my fellow students who were given leadership roles in school organizations embezzled thousands of money into their own pockets. By this, I mean that some of the expenses for improvements to the school that benefited all of us which was mandatory to be paid by every students. Imagine if they had been exposed to millions or billions of money instead of only thousands of it at the time when they embezzled the money, I’m sure they’ll still embezzle more.

I understand where you're coming from, coz I was once a victim of corrupt school officers, but IMO, even though the schools were not implementing these kind of organizations in schools, we as human are greedy, discontented, will most likely to become corrupt eventually.
No matter how we're being taught the right things when we were young, some people or shall I say most people would eventually become corrupt when given a position in the society.
These corrupt politicians, most of them lived a comfortable lifestyle and for sure they're being taught the right things by their parents, but look at what they've become.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: rahmad2nd on October 20, 2022, 03:22:59 PM
Providing anti-corruption education from an early age is the right thing, because at least it can prevent future corruption. and instilling good morals in children, that corruption is a wrong action and harms many parties.

IMO, anti-corruption education is a conscious and planned effort to realize a teaching and learning process that is critical of anti-corruption values.
In this process, anti-corruption education is not just a medium for the transfer of cognitive knowledge, but emphasizes efforts to build character, affective, and "psychomotor" moral awareness against deviant corrupt behavior.
Anti-corruption education is a preventive effort carried out for the younger generation from an early age. Unfortunately, anti-corruption education is not in the curriculum in our country.

The school functions as a developer of intellectual education that aims to build character or build students' human values.
if applied in schools, anti-corruption education can be included in the category of value education.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Zanab247 on October 20, 2022, 03:39:39 PM
Corruption is an enemy of everyone and is like being taught from an early age, early education must instill moral values that can make honest characters, even I agree that honesty is the most important thing to judge someone decent or not occupy positions in government.
Yes, that is why many governments don't joke with corruption because corruption can destroy economy, and cause hardship in the land for the citizens to experience, which many countries that ignore corruption in their country are finding it difficult to overcome this inflation that is affecting other countries economy. Since many countries has created some sector were honesty, contentment, fairness can be impact to people in the community, show that corruption will reduce from the land of those that made all those vessel available for their citizens to use.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: jaberwock on October 20, 2022, 05:16:40 PM
Moral is something that needs to be built from an early age. and a moral person usually he will be more able to care about the surrounding environment. he was used to living honestly. and obey the rules. and always be compassionate and share love with others. he is always willing to help without expecting anything in return. because he realized that humans are born to need each other and must help each other. because someday he too will need help. a moral person prefers not to be concerned only with himself. he will act carefully in every job so as not to harm others.
if this attitude is embedded in a person, then of course he will stay away from things that harm others, such as corruption, one of them.

but cultivating a moral attitude in today's environment is a difficult thing. because the attitude of individualism has been firmly attached in today's society. sometimes even in urban residential areas, we don't even know our neighbors well. we live alone in the crowd of people. and this kind of attitude is very prone to falling into the loss of caring for others and making selfishness superior to us. so that when we don't care about each other, doing corruption will feel like a normal thing and commonplace. and even the guilt fades away. and feel that everyone would do the same if they were in the same position.
I think it is more about community understanding. There has been a lot of tests and thesis written about the fact that, if you take certain amount of people, and one of them starts doing something bad, and another follows, everyone will forget all their morals and ethics and realize that they can be bad people too and keep repeating that.

Meaning, this could be put into a larger scale and if a nation is bad enough, then all the people in it will realize there are too many bad people that get away with bad things and they start doing it too. The moment you reflect a mirror to what they have done, they don't regret it, they become vicious and angry about it, and not defend themselves but attack you.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: CryptoYar on October 20, 2022, 05:17:38 PM
I think people's thinking keeps changing according to their position. If someone is sitting in a big position and can launder money, I don't think he/she will avoid it.

Our politicians are a perfect example of such people. At first, they make very good statements, and after listening to them we begin to understand that this is the person who will solve our issues. But after coming to the government, he also starts corruption like those before him.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: meser# on October 20, 2022, 05:45:03 PM
I disagree with the idea. We should taught to next generation importance of the hard work, moral, labor etc. If you taught them corruption probably they will be part of corruption if bad things happened to them. If you taught them the real manner, they wont allow to collapse their character if they have to face with worst scenario. Its like if teenager sees the gambling profit on his first experience he wouldn't want to work anymore. But if that teenager knows value of the labor he dont want to spent his money on gambling.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: gantez on October 20, 2022, 07:35:25 PM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:

(1) Government size and structure
(2) Political system and democracy
(3) Institutional quality
(4) Economic freedom/openness
(5) Civil service wages
(6) Justice system, press freedom, etc.

I don't understand how these contribute to corruption. It is not very clear to me if you can explain.

Corruption is a big problem that is affecting the economy everywhere and that is an age thing that has been with humanity but human nature fighting against it. I like the rules of capital punishment for corrupt government officials. The countries in Asia are having such kind of law even though corruption is still around there like China but the laws is reducing the occurrence of it.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: coolcoinz on October 20, 2022, 08:25:34 PM
I disagree with the idea. We should taught to next generation importance of the hard work, moral, labor etc. If you taught them corruption probably they will be part of corruption if bad things happened to them. If you taught them the real manner, they wont allow to collapse their character if they have to face with worst scenario. Its like if teenager sees the gambling profit on his first experience he wouldn't want to work anymore. But if that teenager knows value of the labor he dont want to spent his money on gambling.

Does that mean that in your view learning about something makes you more prone to repeating it? Learning about war makes you want to wage war, learning about murderers makes you want to murder, and so on, is that right?

In fact it's the other way round. Learning about problems makes you aware of their existence and effects, especially those long term ones that aren't easy to see until they hit you with brute force.

I don't understand how these contribute to corruption. It is not very clear to me if you can explain.

Poor countries with limited access to basic needs and freedoms are usually more corrupt.
For instance, without free press you get limited reports of corruption. The officials can stop news from spreading without effort and when the public isn't informed it won't rebel.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: meser# on October 20, 2022, 08:51:10 PM
I disagree with the idea. We should taught to next generation importance of the hard work, moral, labor etc. If you taught them corruption probably they will be part of corruption if bad things happened to them. If you taught them the real manner, they wont allow to collapse their character if they have to face with worst scenario. Its like if teenager sees the gambling profit on his first experience he wouldn't want to work anymore. But if that teenager knows value of the labor he dont want to spent his money on gambling.

Does that mean that in your view learning about something makes you more prone to repeating it? Learning about war makes you want to wage war, learning about murderers makes you want to murder, and so on, is that right?

In fact it's the other way round. Learning about problems makes you aware of their existence and effects, especially those long term ones that aren't easy to see until they hit you with brute force.

I respect your opinion and i can agree on some point of your inference. I'm not saying we shouldn't mentioned about bad things. If we are going to raise good, responsible, kindhearted, visionary generation we should show them right behaviours. When their character built on good things then we should show them real world. If you show them real world in early age withouth good character it won't be efficient.  I responded it in this way because subject was releated with young age. Yes they have to teach younger but first they have to prepare the kids mentally. If they teach them only good things the kids would be fragile; if they teach them only corruption and war they would have some psychological problems and they will be part of problem.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: coolcoinz on October 20, 2022, 09:09:11 PM
Of course you have to adjust knowledge to the age of learners, that should be obvious. We don't show children pictures of decomposing bodies because it's going to shock them and make them wake up screaming, but that doesn't mean that we should never teach about these aspects of life.
I don't think that teaching about corruption in general will make children crave it, just like news about war don't make them want to go to one. Some stories are meant to serve as warnings and corruption and mistakes made by people throughout history should be taught so that they aren't repeated by future generations.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: serjent05 on October 20, 2022, 10:35:13 PM
Corruption can be combated by teaching kids and having them strong moral responsibility.  Since greed and other corrupt attributes are heavily embedded in human nature, I think the best way to combat this is by training, teaching, and manipulating kids' beliefs like brainwashing them into some kind of righteous propaganda.  Without a strong process of discipline, I do not think humankind can get rid of corruption.

Honestly, rallies will never get rid of corruption, exposing corruption will only solve the problem temporarily if the exposure successfully removed the perpetrator.  I believe there is no other way but to implement massive propaganda of brainwashing young kids against corruption and inculcate hate for it(corruption).

The term on the title somehow conveys a negative idea, IMHO.  it is like teaching kids to be corrupt...

Does that mean that in your view learning about something makes you more prone to repeating it? Learning about war makes you want to wage war, learning about murderers makes you want to murder, and so on, is that right?

I think this depends on the manner in which the subject matter is tackled.  If a kid is exposed to murder with the intent of teaching them to murder people then murder is prone to be repeated.  But if the kid is exposed to the same subject but was guided to despise and counter it, then the possibility of the same thing repeating is nullified because the subject matter is tackled to be avoided or prevented.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: ChiBitCTy on October 20, 2022, 11:00:30 PM
This is a bright thing to point out and of course I couldn't agree more.  The thing that I feel so many don't really understand is how important it is to train the mind when it is young.  Just look at all of the problems in the world, and a massive part of that is due to parents not teaching us the proper things when we are young.  It's very hard for someone to break out of this, if they aren't taught early on and have to learn things for themselves.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: yohananaomi on October 21, 2022, 01:51:21 AM

economic destruction and the destruction of a country so that the state cannot prosper its citizens, one of which can be very disturbing is "Corruption".
if all sectors that are directly related to the public, have been tainted with acts of "corruption" it can be ascertained slowly but surely the country will experience destruction and debt that cannot be paid, of course what is feared is inflation and the economic crisis. so that everything related to the main needs increased sharply and the people could not afford it. hunger and even violence will be rampant just to just be able to defend themselves from not starving.

In some countries, acts of corruption can be eradicated properly because indeed those who are corrupt can be dealt with very measurably and make a deterrent not to do it again. but there are some countries that are inefficient because they only imprison and do not confiscate their assets and the punishment is very light, so that there is no deterrent effect for themselves and for others.

In fact, if you really want corruption to be eradicated, it is clear that there are several ways;
- Doing prevention is the most effective action, so it does not provide an opportunity to be able to commit corruption with rules that are measurable.
- teach to an early age (young age) about the dangers of corruption because at a young age it is hoped that it will make an impression and be able to give birth to people who are afraid of acts of corruption.

So I strongly agree that at a young age if we continue to be taught and instilled about the dangers of "Corruption" it is certain that later leaders will be born who when leading in every public sector will not do that.
even so there are always very strict rules with penalties that make a deterrent when committing "Corruption:.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: ethereumhunter on October 21, 2022, 03:34:12 AM
Everything will depend on how a person can be honest with himself and if they have been taught since they were children and continue to strive to be honest people until they grow up, they will not commit corruption even if people force them. But unfortunately, as we grow up, we associate with many people, especially when we work in government agencies where we know that a lot of money is circulating around us. This gives a temptation for us to try to feel corruption and once we try it, we can do it and we will get used to doing corruption.

But if we can control ourselves and never try to corrupt and be honest, we will never try to corrupt even for small things.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Kakmakr on October 21, 2022, 07:27:27 AM
The problem in most cases are "greed" and the negative perception of people in the private sector, towards government officials. A lot of people in the private sector believe that people in the government should receive small salaries for the work they do. They cannot see that "Service" and "production" for profit are two different things.

You cannot pay a government employee a piss poor salary and then put them into a scenario where they have to make decisions about tenders worth millions of dollars and then expect them not to accept bribes from these private companies. (It takes two to Tango)

Pay them a decent salary for their contribution and service and you will see less corruption. (Note : I am saying less... not No corruption)

                                        Teach the kids not to be greedy and to accept what they have in life.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Frankolala on October 21, 2022, 10:30:28 AM
When you don't have the fear of  God and your are also not contented with what you have,the implication is corruption. To teach kids about corruption is by you giving them the best morals. Let them know that they shouldn't take what is not thiers and also not to tell lies. A liar must be corrupt,live a life of good example to them at home so that they can copy from you because children learn best by doing what they see their parents doing first. Give them some money to hold for you while they are young, after some weeks,you ask them about the money,you do that weekly just to ensure that they can keep peoples funds safe so that when they are grown up, they will be used to keeping any funds entrusted to them that is not theirs.  Lastly teach them to be satisfied with what they have and not to always want what they can not afford. Corruption is eating us up because we think more of our selfish desires than people around us.

If I can give some of my daily upkeep money to someone in need and just eat alone for the day,then I will make that person not to get involved in a corrupt act just to get money which I gave to him. Let's also teach them how to share what they have with other people that don't have. All these will lead our kids away from corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: ShowOff on October 21, 2022, 11:32:42 AM
Even if my country has a Corruption Eradication Commission "KPK" but corruption is still happening until now. The problem is that this has happened in a structured way and would be very difficult to get rid of. The government teaches people to commit corruption at various levels from the top to the bottom. I mean, it happens all the time and is known to a lot of people.

I speak based on facts, corruption is very difficult to get rid of because it is ingrained in the government. If I received a $100 grant from the central government, I would probably only receive $30 or $50 into my account after going through various withholding processes. It's not funny, but it's the truth.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: gantez on October 21, 2022, 11:45:49 AM

I don't understand how these contribute to corruption. It is not very clear to me if you can explain.

Poor countries with limited access to basic needs and freedoms are usually more corrupt.
For instance, without free press you get limited reports of corruption. The officials can stop news from spreading without effort and when the public isn't informed it won't rebel.

Yes I understand that the countries that have less development are classified to be corrupt but why I say I didn't understand factors op listed means corrupt is no explanation to them. I know that country that don't give freedom to press means the people won't be aware of the running of government  and some more factors listed on it were not explained.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: YOSHIE on October 21, 2022, 03:14:16 PM
In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.
How do you teach young students about corruption, in fact, Corruption is rampant in the international student sector at top universities. (, I believe in your desire to teach young students to recognize that corruption is bad for the country's economy and the world, I think many people have done that right.

Corruption in education in Belarus (
This document is Olia Yatskevich's presentation at the Students' Forum "Can we educate the youth without the involvement of corruption?" at the tenth IACC. Corruption, especially bribery, is a widespread phenomenon in Belarusian universities. One must either engage in bribery or have an influential parent to be accepted into the more prestigious faculties (Law, International Relations, Medicine). Bribery is also rife during one's studies; professors may request $5-$100, gifts, or special favors (ex: translation work) in exchange for high marks on exams. The author's research indicates that private universities are less corrupt than public universities in Belarus. Factors that inhibit corruption in this context are as follows: students pay for their education; professors are afraid to lose their high-paid work; and the universities draw professors from other cultures. Perhaps private education provides a model for a solution to the problem of corruption in Belarusian universities.

However, it really didn't work, was caused by many factors, someone who had finished education and became a high-ranking official or state official and their method of life was also very much different, the knowledge they learn about the corruption curriculum is really not actually used when they serve as state officials.

I believe 100%, a person can avoid corruption when they become high-ranking state officials, it is very influential on the education of their parents since they were small, Many children in school, the lessons taught by lecturers are not attached to the child's brain, many researchers say so, but 80% of the actions, behavior and upbringing of parents can be embedded in the child's brain until they are old, For this reason, the influence of corruption can be overcome, the government must provide real understanding for parents in teaching their children at home the negative and bad effects of corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: panganib999 on October 21, 2022, 03:21:05 PM
I would agree that it should be taught from at least an earlier age than what was normally going around in our education system. However, Corruption is a school of thought that is connected to so many concepts, teaching it to a developing child would prove ineffective unless you teach them all the other things necessary to understand how it works, and even then information overload is imminent. Suffice to say, teaching corruption or at least the basic concept of it that would not pass through the student's head is needed, moreso how important it is that they recognize that this is a bad behavior.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: TheUltraElite on October 21, 2022, 03:39:33 PM
Corruption is something that you cannot address by just teaching people at young age or older age.

Corruption comes with the humane emotions of greed + lazyiness. These can be controlled only by discipline and that either comes from within or through punishment, sadly.

Having a higher up with strong morals about not accepting corrupt offers gives empowerment to the subordinate - still this is a very ideal scenario.

In most countries, not being corrupt or having an anti-corruption stance actually may bring more harm, because the people around you want to take bribes and favours and you are being a blockade on their path. You end up finding yourself in enmity with the rest of the staff just because you want to stay clean.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: xSkylarx on October 21, 2022, 11:59:28 PM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

As long as there are no strict law to punish those corrupt individuals, corruption won't be solved properly or even decline. The thing about corruption is people continues to tolerate it as long as it will benefit them also. They will do it even if it means troubling the people around them.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Gyfts on October 22, 2022, 05:40:12 AM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:
(1) Government size and structure

Government size isn't inherently terrible as long as the government doesn't interfere with basic liberties and participants in the government don't use the office for personal gain. Of course, that's logic that would exist in a vacuum which doesn't account for real world factors. I'm generally for limited government and small government size because it reduces the tendency for a central authority to begin housing the authority for corruption.

(4) Economic freedom/openness

Most important on your list IMO. Authoritarianism/corruption is always about the money. Decentralized currencies would of course help with this issue.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Fara Chan on October 22, 2022, 10:13:07 AM
As long as there are no strict law to punish those corrupt individuals, corruption won't be solved properly or even decline. The thing about corruption is people continues to tolerate it as long as it will benefit them also. They will do it even if it means troubling the people around them.
Which country does not regulate laws on corruption, it seems that almost the whole world has a rule of law on this issue, corruption occurs because of weak supervision and the attitude of someone who is dishonest, the implementation of the law is gray and cannot be translated by perpetrators and does not repeat corruption after being arrested and imprisoned.
To prevent corruption requires the awareness of every individual involved in it, if you hope the law will solve it, then corruption cases are very difficult to eliminate.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Yamifoud on October 22, 2022, 01:23:43 PM

In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

I've found it not a solution but instead, you are just trying to implant these young minds how the corruption and they'll soon try it once the grow old enough to join the government. It was not simply to teach these young minds how to correct this unstoppable corruption in society and you can no longer say they are the solution to this situation because we are not sure, they are one of these corrupt leaders in the future.

Though it is good to be taught but never think they will follow it. Politics is even more powerful and could influence people.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: indah rezqi on October 22, 2022, 04:18:01 PM
Don't get involved in government if you don't want to be corrupt. I even really believe that none of them are clean even though they have a high educational background. You may never commit corruption, but you find it difficult to prevent corruption and may have to support it simply because you have higher leadership.

It may be good to teach our children to have good leadership ethics in the future when they grow up, but really this is not an era that is free from the word corruption if you are in government. I really believe that nothing will work, unless they get out of there.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: dezoel on October 23, 2022, 12:59:03 PM
At a very young age like? Not under 18 or the legal age because what would this be the impact to the kids? I think they wouldn't care at all even if you explain it to them that your government is corrupt but it must be taught if their age are now close to 18 because this was usually the age where a person can now place a vote. A proper vote can help eliminate the corrupt people to work on the government.

We should teach them that receiving a bribe money from a politician in exchange of voting them is wrong and this can be a sign that they are corrupt. Anyway topics like this about corruption are already being taught in schools if I am not mistaken. So don't worry.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Zanab247 on October 23, 2022, 01:00:03 PM
Don't get involved in government if you don't want to be corrupt. I even really believe that none of them are clean even though they have a high educational background. You may never commit corruption, but you find it difficult to prevent corruption and may have to support it simply because you have higher leadership.

It may be good to teach our children to have good leadership ethics in the future when they grow up, but really this is not an era that is free from the word corruption if you are in government. I really believe that nothing will work, unless they get out of there.
I guess, not all government officials are corrupt, there are still genuine government officials who don't involves themselves in a corrupt things in the organization than to use themselves as an example to other people to repent from corruption. Since many countries has seen what corruption has done to some countries that feel corruption is a good thing in the past, are now looking for way to delete it from their countries so that their unborn children will not experience corruption in the land.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Tony116 on October 23, 2022, 02:35:43 PM

However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

Your ideas are really good, but who will teach them when greed still exists in schools. It can be said that corruption exists everywhere in the world, not only in the government so it is difficult to teach children about corruption even their teachers are corrupt.

It's a pity to talk about the current state of corruption in my country, if they go to school, don't take extra lessons, don't give gifts to their homeroom teachers, those students will be judged as average or weak and vice versa, students who take full extra lessons and have gifts on holidays will be good students of the school. As parents like us know it's a stain on the education industry as well as the government but we have no choice.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Victorik on October 23, 2022, 07:09:07 PM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:

(1) Government size and structure
(2) Political system and democracy
(3) Institutional quality
(4) Economic freedom/openness
(5) Civil service wages
(6) Justice system, press freedom, etc.

In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

When I was a student in the university, I recall that some of my fellow students who were given leadership roles in school organizations embezzled thousands of money into their own pockets. By this, I mean that some of the expenses for improvements to the school that benefited all of us which was mandatory to be paid by every students. Imagine if they had been exposed to millions or billions of money instead of only thousands of it at the time when they embezzled the money, I’m sure they’ll still embezzle more.

Most times, people like that are frequently given the opportunity to serve the public in elected office. When exposed to public finances, a person with a history of embezzlement will always find a method to make off with large sums of money. Before becoming a fully corrupt leader, everything starts in school at an early age. At that point in their lives, a mature individual who has corruption ingrained in their system will find it difficult to let go of it.

However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

No amount of teaching about corruption in schools at a young age will combat it.
You may end up enlightening them about corruption, but that will not guarantee addressing the menace called corruption.

The best bet is that every family should inculcate good values to their children, because the society starts from our various homes. If we can get it right there, then it will reflect in the larger society.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Fara Chan on October 24, 2022, 04:33:01 AM
Corruption occurs mostly in countries where there is weak law and order,
Where there is no accountability, 
where there is no check and balance,
Where all the institutions and sectors are under influence of corrupt people.
Not really in my opinion, there are still many countries that have complete systems but there are still cases of corruption, which became a problem when the law was passed, but it was not implemented fairly after the corruption case was caught, so there is a perception that can outsmart the implementation of corruption cases.
Although it's true what you say has an impact on corruption cases and almost entirely the sector plays a bigger role.

In those countries it is extremely important to tell and educate the youngsters and children about this evil and problem of corruption so that they should save their country if needed and they should know difference between right and wrong.
Ethics and responsibility need to be taught as early as possible to children and the new generation, so that in the future they have the responsibility to maintain and eradicate corruption cases, if awareness of the new generation has grown, corruption cases will disappear little by little, because awareness not to do cases against the law has grown as something tough responsibility.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: D ltr on October 24, 2022, 10:14:46 AM
it's not that easy to abolish corruption in every country if the force of law is not strict about this corruption problem, there are many countries that don't have special punishments for corruptors sometimes (sorry) law enforcers can still be bought

but there is nothing wrong , if the younger generation is given an early education with consequences if corruption.

implemented, it will not all return to the individual

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: maydna on October 24, 2022, 04:06:19 PM
it's not that easy to abolish corruption in every country if the force of law is not strict about this corruption problem, there are many countries that don't have special punishments for corruptors sometimes (sorry) law enforcers can still be bought

but there is nothing wrong , if the younger generation is given an early education with consequences if corruption.

implemented, it will not all return to the individual
That's because corruption has existed for a long time and seems to be taught to the younger generation that corruption is common. And that is why it is very difficult to eradicate corruption because if the lowest level law enforcers are punished, those at the next level can still move and are still protected by the highest level.

But if the younger generation wants to uphold justice and is given a high position so that they can eradicate corruption, maybe it can be done. Still, we don't know how long it will take for corruption to be eradicated. For this reason, the younger generation needs an honest, brave, and responsible attitude and has the desire to eradicate corruption from the bottom to the top. And if more young people can do it, it may have a higher chance of fighting corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: _BlackStar on October 24, 2022, 05:31:44 PM
I believe 100%, a person can avoid corruption when they become high-ranking state officials, it is very influential on the education of their parents since they were small,
99% of state officials are likely to have carried out or supported corruption efforts going on around them. Corruption can happen without desire, I mean it happens directly without any planning. At this point, your formal education and the education you get from your parents may not play a role in preventing it because there must be a situation that requires you to commit corruption because of your friends, agency or position.

I do not support corruption, but it always happens and is difficult to prevent anywhere when you are in government agencies. In third world countries, the percentage of corruption is definitely higher than developed countries and I believe that is true.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Renampun on October 24, 2022, 05:44:30 PM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

Corrupt officials are those who have no morals and did not receive good teachings from their parents when they were young, so when they are faced with money and power, they consider it their personal property.
whatever it is, the first education that a child must receive is about morals and that must be done by parents. I always teach my children not to take the rights of others even though their lives are difficult and in poverty.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: odunybiz on October 25, 2022, 05:21:54 AM
In some countries, corruption is inborn. For example, in Nigeria, a child has become corrupt immediately he/she is born. Almost all aspect of the country is corrupt. We just blame our leaders for our corrupt society but parental role is highly needed to fight corruption in any country.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: kro55 on October 25, 2022, 05:50:07 AM
Teaching corruption or not won't change anything.  It just the same thing teaching someone not to lie. It doesn't mean the person will hate lie. Corruption is in the human nature that can't be erase. Teaching corruption will help the child to an extent though, but it is not a guarantee that one will live with no corruption.

Yes, it is human nature, there will be no way to eliminate corruption unless we lose consciousness. Teaching children not to be greedy and lie from a young age is only a small part because when they grow up, depending on what life circumstances will turn them into. living environment will be decisive, when you live in an environment where everyone is corrupt, you can't fight them alone, you will be eliminated immediately if you don't become like them. We all know people today live extremely pragmatic, without money will not be respected by everyone, including family members. So to have a world free of corruption, that's never going to happen.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Victorik on October 25, 2022, 05:56:23 AM

No amount of teaching about corruption in schools at a young age will combat it.
You may end up enlightening them about corruption, but that will not guarantee addressing the menace called corruption.

The best bet is that every family should inculcate good values to their children, because the society starts from our various homes. If we can get it right there, then it will reflect in the larger society.

kids are taught in school about the lies and the right and the wrongs.
But when they grow up they start telling lie and stealing things. I think it is inborn and the parents teaching what action they are taking

If you observe very closely, children tend to learn more from example rather than what they are told.
If as parents and guardians, your children see you always doing the right thing, they are more likely to follow on your example. It's very easy to spot children with good family upbringing outside.

You can't give what you don't have. If you lack good character, you can't teach good morals.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Joshapat on October 25, 2022, 09:05:18 AM
Teaching corruption or not won't change anything.  It just the same thing teaching someone not to lie. It doesn't mean the person will hate lie. Corruption is in the human nature that can't be erase. Teaching corruption will help the child to an extent though, but it is not a guarantee that one will live with no corruption.

Surely there are differences, lessons about corruption are teaching that the action is very bad, and of course corruption is a major crime that is very detrimental to many people so it must be taught from school age, if not taught then it is only considered normal so that there is a lot of corruption and increases.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: el kaka22 on October 25, 2022, 07:06:23 PM
Corruption is not a class, it's not a topic, it's something that humans have inside them and teaching wouldn't change a thing. You could explain how bad it is from a very early age, but they are thought that killing and stealing are bad too and yet they grow up doing that if you look at the number of murderers and thieves in the world.

It means, if there is a person who would be a corrupt politician for example in the future, you can't teach them what to do without showing them how they could become what they will become. I believe it's all about the family, but it's a bit about position as well, if you are in a position where you could be corrupt and profit from it, it must be very hard not to be corrupt.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: harapan on October 25, 2022, 07:18:08 PM
Teaching corruption or not won't change anything.  It just the same thing teaching someone not to lie. It doesn't mean the person will hate lie. Corruption is in the human nature that can't be erase. Teaching corruption will help the child to an extent though, but it is not a guarantee that one will live with no corruption.

At a tender age? Don't you see this will be too big for them to understand, I will rather teach what's is good and what is bad, to treat people with respect and never to underestimate anyone they come across in the road to adulthood. Teaching corruption would make sense with the teen's, teaching them not to take what's not for them will make them content even with the little possession. Teach them not to talk to strangers and to be a good listener than talker.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: South Park on October 25, 2022, 08:29:51 PM
Corruption is not a class, it's not a topic, it's something that humans have inside them and teaching wouldn't change a thing. You could explain how bad it is from a very early age, but they are thought that killing and stealing are bad too and yet they grow up doing that if you look at the number of murderers and thieves in the world.

It means, if there is a person who would be a corrupt politician for example in the future, you can't teach them what to do without showing them how they could become what they will become. I believe it's all about the family, but it's a bit about position as well, if you are in a position where you could be corrupt and profit from it, it must be very hard not to be corrupt.
True, which is why the aim should be to avoid those people to come into power and if they do then to make sure they lose that power as soon as possible, and it is obvious we are doing a very bad job at this as corruption scandals are always appearing, and most likely that is the tip of the iceberg as I doubt we will ever know the true extent of something as corruption as it is in the best interest of all participants for this information to never be known.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: lalabotax on October 25, 2022, 09:35:07 PM
Teaching corruption or not won't change anything.  It just the same thing teaching someone not to lie. It doesn't mean the person will hate lie. Corruption is in the human nature that can't be erase. Teaching corruption will help the child to an extent though, but it is not a guarantee that one will live with no corruption.
This is because the culture of corruption is deeply rooted and seems very difficult to eradicate. Only self-awareness not to commit corruption is not strong. It takes more than just awareness because even when we are aware, we can be trapped in the mechanism of corruption. Why is that? Because, when we are in a system that is used to subtly corruption, we will be carried away. It's impossible to clean 100%, or it's likely to be very difficult (in some countries, maybe not all).

This may require tougher sanctions than just being fined and jailed. Because it is proven, in my country, corruptors can be like buying a prison, their prison is even like a hotel with complete facilities. Then, what's the difference?
And the punishment given is relatively light, especially if you later get leniency for reasons that don't make sense. Really annoying thing.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Crypto Legend on October 26, 2022, 08:44:07 AM
A good idea if from an early age children are introduced to positive and negative social values, recognizing negative values such as deceiving, corruption or others, by knowing corruption, our hope is that they avoid corrupt behavior that has proven to be detrimental to the public and can be said to kill many people So that corruptors deserve to be sentenced to death.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: KaliLinux on October 26, 2022, 10:25:00 AM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:

(1) Government size and structure
(2) Political system and democracy
(3) Institutional quality
(4) Economic freedom/openness
(5) Civil service wages
(6) Justice system, press freedom, etc.

In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

When I was a student in the university, I recall that some of my fellow students who were given leadership roles in school organizations embezzled thousands of money into their own pockets. By this, I mean that some of the expenses for improvements to the school that benefited all of us which was mandatory to be paid by every students. Imagine if they had been exposed to millions or billions of money instead of only thousands of it at the time when they embezzled the money, I’m sure they’ll still embezzle more.

Most times, people like that are frequently given the opportunity to serve the public in elected office. When exposed to public finances, a person with a history of embezzlement will always find a method to make off with large sums of money. Before becoming a fully corrupt leader, everything starts in school at an early age. At that point in their lives, a mature individual who has corruption ingrained in their system will find it difficult to let go of it.

However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

Even while teaching what corruption is and not partaking in it is a good thing, young people have been thought that value by their parents from the beginning or their young age and still most of them end up participating in corrupt practices in their future endeavor but the problem in my view is the system. The system that have ceased to punish those individuals be it Politicians or others that engaged in corrupt practices.

What was done to the students in your school that "embezzled thousands of money into their own pockets" cos you never told us what was done to them and same goes to our Politicians, not within the Government or Subsequent Government do we see some one calling for the punishment of those people.  We have heard about countries where persons are executed for some level of corruption, that might not totally stop it but it will drastically reduce it. There must be some hard level of punishment to deter people from committing such crimes else it wont stop, the next person will just be like, what was done to the first person? nothing will be done to me too and the circle continues.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Leviathan.007 on October 26, 2022, 10:25:09 AM
I'm not sure about the situation in all countries in the world but usually what you learn from school which is under control primarily by the government, is not going to help people to learn anything from what true corruption is, they mostly do all the dirty jobs and political stuff while they show everything white and clear to people and no university will teach people anything about that, teaching children from home can be a situation for it, which no something they can get from university after they get a degree.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: TheUltraElite on October 31, 2022, 09:50:23 AM
Like I said in my previous post, fighting corruption needs rigourous punishment and not school teaching. To be able to understand what corruption is and how it spreads there needs to be a good level of maturity which is lacking in school kids. Moreover corruption is so much ingrained in many countries that for them it is normal and not being corrupt is abnormal.

Again your morals might be strong, but the people around you might not be. If you need up trying to control corruption the people around you will get annoyed eventually plotting against you.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: DudeAtWork420 on October 31, 2022, 12:24:09 PM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:

(1) Government size and structure
(2) Political system and democracy
(3) Institutional quality
(4) Economic freedom/openness
(5) Civil service wages
(6) Justice system, press freedom, etc.

In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

When I was a student in the university, I recall that some of my fellow students who were given leadership roles in school organizations embezzled thousands of money into their own pockets. By this, I mean that some of the expenses for improvements to the school that benefited all of us which was mandatory to be paid by every students. Imagine if they had been exposed to millions or billions of money instead of only thousands of it at the time when they embezzled the money, I’m sure they’ll still embezzle more.

Most times, people like that are frequently given the opportunity to serve the public in elected office. When exposed to public finances, a person with a history of embezzlement will always find a method to make off with large sums of money. Before becoming a fully corrupt leader, everything starts in school at an early age. At that point in their lives, a mature individual who has corruption ingrained in their system will find it difficult to let go of it.

However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

Its mostly unemployment problem that is behind most of the problem in our society. People wants security that they will not get hungry if they lose their job or something bad happens to their economy. So they start increasing wealth beyond their needs and at some points they failed to resist themself from illegal activity even they wants to. If I have guaranty that my belly will be full no matter what my economical condition will be in the future then why would i do corruption?

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Wong Gendheng on November 01, 2022, 08:48:39 AM

Its mostly unemployment problem that is behind most of the problem in our society. People wants security that they will not get hungry if they lose their job or something bad happens to their economy. So they start increasing wealth beyond their needs and at some points they failed to resist themself from illegal activity even they wants to. If I have guaranty that my belly will be full no matter what my economical condition will be in the future then why would i do corruption?
Some kids are taught good manners - but they end up the most corrupt people - this comes from within and no teaching works

We must teach Kids that corruption is an inappropriate bad behavior, we must say that corruption is the same as killing slowly. Besides being taught, of course corruption must always be campaigned as a negative thing.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Mpamaegbu on November 01, 2022, 10:47:24 AM
In my opinion, only two things can be taught to combat corruption and these are: (1). Contentment and (2). Repercussions. In most countries where corruption festers much, go check their behavioural pattern and you will discover that those two are completely messed up. In such countries, citizens aren't contented with whatever they've acquired. Those who've want to flout it at those they think they're better off than. There's constant display of obscene wealth on social media from these ones. More so, those who are caught in corruption are let loose with little or no repercussions to the crime committed. All that will weaken the morale of those who want to remain pious. This is what happens in most Africa countries with weak institutions that ought to be the standard bearers in addressing corruption. The institutions are gone, completely.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: 19Nov16 on November 02, 2022, 01:06:51 PM
Corruption has become a destructive thing in many countries, even corruptors will not care about the impact of his corruption, poverty will continue to be maintained in the hope that the people will become stupid and they can be free of corruption, and the current trend of corruption is to provide enormous allowances and pension funds so that Corruption that occurs is increasingly massive.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Punakawan on November 02, 2022, 01:10:11 PM
Moral education is the key to stopping corruption, currently many countries make departments or institutions to control corruption, but the cost for these institutions is very large and the result is that corruption is not reduced, but if the state has a long -term plan, it must be taught from an early age.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: tygeade on November 03, 2022, 04:48:31 PM
In some countries, corruption is inborn. For example, in Nigeria, a child has become corrupt immediately he/she is born. Almost all aspect of the country is corrupt. We just blame our leaders for our corrupt society but parental role is highly needed to fight corruption in any country.
Your post deserves a merit, because you have said a truth that many people aren't ready to accept, if Nigeria is going to ever change for the better it should start from within, every home now have parents that leads their kid to do bad things all in the name of a bad country, the leaders are doing their own and so are the people too and when it's time to elect another leader we always forget that the new leader will come from the people too.
I don't know much about Nigeria but I can definitely tell you that it's true in my nation as well. Leaders are corrupt because people are corrupt as well and they want to see people like them leading the nation. They are corrupt from the moment they are born because their parents are corrupt, their friends grow to be corrupt, the places they shop from are corrupt, everywhere they go there is corruption so they think it’s part of the world and never see any better.

It means when it comes to voting and electing an official, corruption is not a problem to them because they think it’s how the world is. Turning that to better would take decades of decent politician fixing everything and punishing hard on corruption, but they wouldn't be able to get elected.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: serjent05 on November 03, 2022, 09:10:24 PM
When I saw the topic title, I didn't understand it at first. Turns out there was a misunderstanding. A person should be taught early how bad corruption is. After being taught, it should also be constantly reminded of it. A person should make it a philosophy of life not to get involved in corruption. If a person grows up with the awareness of this, there will also be hope for the world.

Same here, the title somehow conveys encouragement on corruption and should be taught to kids which give a negative thought but when we read the post it is the opposite.  It somehow encourage us to expose how bad corruption is.

Corruption is deeply rooted in the traits and attributes of a person.  We all know that a person when born is a completely blank slate and is ready for molding.  So basically, corruption first lies in the family, and how to combat it greatly depends on how the parents raise their kids. 

When the next generation is taught how bad corruption is and their family is able to mold them not to lie, sincere and honest and have a strong foundation of integrity, even with a present corrupt government, I believe that when this next generation assumes the seats in the government, corruption will be extinguished.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Sayakaaja on November 04, 2022, 01:20:04 AM
The reason people are corrupt is nothing more than wanting wealth and fame.

corruption is a bad thing. we have to teach the younger ones that corruption is not allowed.

because young people will become the nation's successors, and of course they must be taught good morals from an early age, in order to avoid bad behavior, and so that the country they live in becomes a safe and peaceful country.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: blockman on November 04, 2022, 11:38:16 AM
The reason people are corrupt is nothing more than wanting wealth and fame.
But before that, whatever the younger one sees with the older folks, they'll just do the same thing as if it's just a normal thing. And that's why corruption is being passed on.
When a person who's been used to it and got some acquaintance, that person teaches them how to be corrupt even if he's not being taught directly. Because, he sees the activity and just copies it and thinks that it's a normal thing to do and that's why it's a good idea to teach to avoid corruption at a young age.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Questat on November 04, 2022, 02:52:53 PM
The reason people are corrupt is nothing more than wanting wealth and fame.
But before that, whatever the younger one sees with the older folks, they'll just do the same thing as if it's just a normal thing. And that's why corruption is being passed on.
When a person who's been used to it and got some acquaintance, that person teaches them how to be corrupt even if he's not being taught directly. Because, he sees the activity and just copies it and thinks that it's a normal thing to do and that's why it's a good idea to teach to avoid corruption at a young age.
Ohh, that become an ongoing practice by now. Once the oldies died, the new generation will carry the torch and continue, and even worse.
The more we teach young ages, the more it gives them the idea of how these things have been done and might be leading to planning earlier. The best thing I have found is not to teach about politics, not to teach about corruption until such time they are old enough to understand the situation. It is best to keep them ignorant of this and to give them no idea, otherwise, they have some reason of doing it in the future.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Doan9269 on November 04, 2022, 03:16:07 PM
We should all know that corrupt does not only start with bad leadership or money laundering, even the young ones engage in corrupt practices, as long as you engage doing something that your mind forbids and go against the act, doing things the wrong way is part of ways to exhibit corruption but we all try to defend ourselves to assume those in political powers as the only corrupt individuals, so our children were expected to learn that lying and other forms of falsification is part of what constitute corruption, it all started with inability yo curb moral interest at early stage.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Cling18 on November 04, 2022, 05:04:30 PM
We should all know that corruption does not only start with bad leadership or money laundering, even the young ones engage in corrupt practices, as long as you engage in doing something that your mind forbids and go against the act, doing things the wrong way is part of ways to exhibit corruption but we all try to defend ourselves to assume those in political powers as the only corrupt individuals, so our children were expected to learn that lying and other forms of falsification is part of what constitutes corruption, it all started with inability yo curb moral interest at an early stage.

Parents and the environment are the most influential factor that affects the morals of the younger generation. Honesty and transparency should be first taught at home. We should teach the younger generation to avoid greed and power abuse. They need corrections whenever we notice unacceptable behavior which relates to dishonesty and greediness. If we will enlighten them about the negative effects of greediness and corruption, they will carry those lessons until they grow up. Corruption could be everywhere so even a little form of correction will have a good impact on the morals of the younger generation in the long run.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: blockman on November 04, 2022, 09:23:05 PM
The reason people are corrupt is nothing more than wanting wealth and fame.
But before that, whatever the younger one sees with the older folks, they'll just do the same thing as if it's just a normal thing. And that's why corruption is being passed on.
When a person who's been used to it and got some acquaintance, that person teaches them how to be corrupt even if he's not being taught directly. Because, he sees the activity and just copies it and thinks that it's a normal thing to do and that's why it's a good idea to teach to avoid corruption at a young age.
Ohh, that become an ongoing practice by now. Once the oldies died, the new generation will carry the torch and continue, and even worse.
The more we teach young ages, the more it gives them the idea of how these things have been done and might be leading to planning earlier. The best thing I have found is not to teach about politics, not to teach about corruption until such time they are old enough to understand the situation. It is best to keep them ignorant of this and to give them no idea, otherwise, they have some reason of doing it in the future.
This is the reality in countries that are not progressive. The corrupt officials are just passing by the practice that they've made on their tasks and not just only going to nitpick the government but also the private sector.
There has been a lot of these that happens and you'll just have to watch it somewhere like in the news or any media that you can see. This is really something that's hard to be stopped.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Ahli38 on November 05, 2022, 12:11:18 PM
Of course it is a quite bad thing, and people should be taught about it from school. Maybe that's how we won't have corrupted elites
The increasing level of corruption from time to time is accompanied by a decreasing level of morale from time to time.
And in school the lessons on morals have been reduced. and moral education is actually more effective if it is taught directly in the family environment.

Being a moral person means being a person who can control himself by not disturbing others, not harming others, and of course controlling his greed for wealth. So it is not wrong if the root of the problem of corruption is because of the greedy nature that has taken over a person. and greed is present in everyone. but some can control it and some can't.
and Moral education is about controlling all the vices within us so as not to harm ourselves and others. and corruption is an act that harms others. and a moral person will not do it. so I hope that moral education can be improved either in the school environment or in the family environment. it would be better if it was also applied in everyday social interactions.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Marvell1 on November 05, 2022, 12:43:13 PM
Moral education is the key to stopping corruption, currently many countries make departments or institutions to control corruption, but the cost for these institutions is very large and the result is that corruption is not reduced, but if the state has a long -term plan, it must be taught from an early age.

In my opinion, there will be no effective way to prevent corruption. Today, corruption in schools is bigger than any other profession, achievement disease...even the principal and teachers are corrupt, who will teach the children?

Corruption only stops when everyone has a dream life, which means that society will be equal, no longer distinguish between rich and poor, no longer compete with each other, and have full amenities for everyone...but this will never happen, so corruption never goes away.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: xSkylarx on November 05, 2022, 01:33:30 PM
Moral education is the key to stopping corruption, currently many countries make departments or institutions to control corruption, but the cost for these institutions is very large and the result is that corruption is not reduced, but if the state has a long -term plan, it must be taught from an early age.

In my opinion, there will be no effective way to prevent corruption. Today, corruption in schools is bigger than any other profession, achievement disease...even the principal and teachers are corrupt, who will teach the children?

Corruption only stops when everyone has a dream life, which means that society will be equal, no longer distinguish between rich and poor, no longer compete with each other, and have full amenities for everyone...but this will never happen, so corruption never goes away.

Only pure intention, a good heart, and honesty can prevent corruption, but mostly when we say these words, those people will just laugh. I know this is very impossible because when money is involved, people will tend to find a way to get some of it if no one is looking. I hope in the next generation this will be gone. I am very hopeful about this. But as of the moment, there will still be corruption, even if we haven't seen it.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Doan9269 on November 05, 2022, 01:54:28 PM
Moral education is the key to stopping corruption, currently many countries make departments or institutions to control corruption, but the cost for these institutions is very large and the result is that corruption is not reduced, but if the state has a long -term plan, it must be taught from an early age.

This same moral character start from the home where each child comes from, their must be proper orientation about the way a child is expected to live his life at home, in school or in the society, children can always remember what had been taught because they have a retentive memory, let's build up our children right from home so that they will stand out amidst corrupt individuals in any place they find themselves.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: adzino on November 05, 2022, 02:25:34 PM
Would make no difference to be honest. All those countries that are highly corrupted, has been like this for years and no changes have taken place. Do you think their people aren't aware what is going on? Yes, they all are aware, yet they don't do anything to get rid of the corruption. They would prefer to sit and watch and blame their own people and the government, rather than doing something to over throw their government and elect someone that will bring changes to their country. They shouldn't be taught about corruption only, they should also be taught about fighting corruption, but I wonder if a corrupted country would allow that...

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Raflesia on November 05, 2022, 02:37:09 PM
The most real problem for now is that corruption is ingrained because it is not only about now but even corruption has occurred, perhaps even before our lives, so that indeed things like this will obviously be a little difficult to eradicate regardless of anything.
Personally, I'm actually quite pessimistic if anyone or the government says it will eradicate corruption as long as the conditions don't change and there's no punishment that really deters them forever.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Yatsan on November 05, 2022, 02:55:40 PM
The most real problem for now is that corruption is ingrained because it is not only about now but even corruption has occurred, perhaps even before our lives, so that indeed things like this will obviously be a little difficult to eradicate regardless of anything.
Personally, I'm actually quite pessimistic if anyone or the government says it will eradicate corruption as long as the conditions don't change and there's no punishment that really deters them forever.
Can't blame you. Candidates of different terms have mentioned about this countless times but nothing happened. Corruption is an undending process simply because it is not only person who runs each and every sector. Indeed there's a president but how about his/her subordinates? would he be able to watch every actions of the administration which is why I see no end to it. Even if 10/20 would be good, the remaining won't and as long as there's atleast one corrupted officer, things will just continue. It should not be normalized but because of the long years which have passed, things aren't surprising anymore, people are just hopeless of change.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Bitcoin2009 on November 05, 2022, 03:07:02 PM
Corruption is something that keeps the country from progressing, unfortunately corruption is currently being carried out jointly from all state institutions from the executive, judiciary and legislative, things that are clear are corruption but they consider it like a normal thing so it is very difficult to stop.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Rockstarguy on November 05, 2022, 07:45:20 PM
In some countries, corruption is inborn. For example, in Nigeria, a child has become corrupt immediately he/she is born. Almost all aspect of the country is corrupt. We just blame our leaders for our corrupt society but parental role is highly needed to fight corruption in any country.
I still blame the government for corrupt practices.  When the government is corrupt every part of the system will be corrupt. The foundation of corruptions are the leaders, leaders are suppose to lead by examples. When young people are coming up you don't expect them to be free from corruption when we have leaders that are already corrupt. A government who hates corruption Will make the people to also hate corruption. The leader have a serious role to play to kick away corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Majestic-milf on November 05, 2022, 11:05:00 PM
Corruption is like malignant cancer. When not noticed at the beginning stages, it can grow to become fatal. Just like @The Chymist observed, it's hard to avoid such an anomaly when we are inherently born greedy.

 Sometimes coming from a morally upright background can't help who we are, especially when given that which excited the pleasure and comfort part of the brain.
Sometimes I wonder how you when you take a cookie from a child and offer cash, the child becomes disinterested in that cookie and instead wants the cash.
 I think if we can curb greed from a young age, then we can be close to fighting off corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Paul Pogba on November 06, 2022, 02:38:57 AM
Corruption is like malignant cancer. When not noticed at the beginning stages, it can grow to become fatal. Just like @The Chymist observed, it's hard to avoid such an anomaly when we are inherently born greedy.

 Sometimes coming from a morally upright background can't help who we are, especially when given that which excited the pleasure and comfort part of the brain.
Sometimes I wonder how you when you take a cookie from a child and offer cash, the child becomes disinterested in that cookie and instead wants the cash.
 I think if we can curb greed from a young age, then we can be close to fighting off corruption.
sometime people don't teach their kids bad thing by that turn out to be evils. It take a village
 and not only parent but the society is responsible for building the character of the person

Children's first school is in the family, when they often see bad things then the child will be bad, but if the family teaches good things and introduces bad things then he will become a moral person and the next step is the environment, the family's job is to find a house that has good environment to shape children's character.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Ahli38 on November 06, 2022, 02:54:16 AM
Corruption is like malignant cancer. When not noticed at the beginning stages, it can grow to become fatal. Just like @The Chymist observed, it's hard to avoid such an anomaly when we are inherently born greedy.

 Sometimes coming from a morally upright background can't help who we are, especially when given that which excited the pleasure and comfort part of the brain.
Sometimes I wonder how you when you take a cookie from a child and offer cash, the child becomes disinterested in that cookie and instead wants the cash.
 I think if we can curb greed from a young age, then we can be close to fighting off corruption.
Corruption is not only caused by greed, it is also caused by high selfishness. attitude is always more selfish without caring about others. and such an attitude must be controlled from a young age. because if left unchecked a trait can grow into a person's character. and when it has turned into a character. then it will be difficult to change/repair.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on November 06, 2022, 03:14:31 AM
In some countries, corruption is inborn. For example, in Nigeria, a child has become corrupt immediately he/she is born. Almost all aspect of the country is corrupt. We just blame our leaders for our corrupt society but parental role is highly needed to fight corruption in any country.
I still blame the government for corrupt practices.  When the government is corrupt every part of the system will be corrupt. The foundation of corruptions are the leaders, leaders are suppose to lead by examples. When young people are coming up you don't expect them to be free from corruption when we have leaders that are already corrupt. A government who hates corruption Will make the people to also hate corruption. The leader have a serious role to play to kick away corruption.

I agree that corruption will be solved if we have a non-corrupt government, but government is also a collective and one person cannot manage all the rest. The president is not corrupt but he does not have enough time to manage his subordinates will not be corrupt. You should know that people who work for the government, in addition to being responsible for the country, are also responsible for their family, so it is inevitable that there will be times when emotions interfere with work. Greed is a part of our body and it is very difficult to get rid of it. You still blame the government but if you were in that position I'm sure you would also be corrupt, that's human nature.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Raflesia on November 06, 2022, 09:38:41 PM
The most real problem for now is that corruption is ingrained because it is not only about now but even corruption has occurred, perhaps even before our lives, so that indeed things like this will obviously be a little difficult to eradicate regardless of anything.
Personally, I'm actually quite pessimistic if anyone or the government says it will eradicate corruption as long as the conditions don't change and there's no punishment that really deters them forever.
Can't blame you. Candidates of different terms have mentioned about this countless times but nothing happened. Corruption is an undending process simply because it is not only person who runs each and every sector. Indeed there's a president but how about his/her subordinates? would he be able to watch every actions of the administration which is why I see no end to it. Even if 10/20 would be good, the remaining won't and as long as there's atleast one corrupted officer, things will just continue. It should not be normalized but because of the long years which have passed, things aren't surprising anymore, people are just hopeless of change.
The problem is sometimes there are a lot of big people who have authority in this matter which always takes root because when one of them is caught clearly than to have their rottenness exposed they all prefer to give a lighter sentence.
On the other hand, things like this are common knowledge in some circles, including the country I live in. Not only from the government system but even when children enter school, they must be made objects for corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on November 07, 2022, 11:53:15 AM
Indeed, in this case, it is very difficult for us to overcome the corruption that has become ingrained in an institution or an institution in the environment we live in.
I will not refer to distant things, I will refer to my own country here because indeed in my country, corruption is like an open secret because every behavior that is carried out cannot even be separated from corruption it seems.
Looking for a job, Being someone who has authority in the government, Even trying to get children into a proper education is very difficult to happen because there is indeed a lot of corruption that requires it, like it or not, this has become a common culture.

But on the other hand, that doesn't mean it can't be changed, because as long as everyone synergizes well and establishes strict rules, it's certain that things like this can be changed.The fact is that currently there are several countries that can be said to be very clean from corruption, such as Denmark, Finland and New Zealand.
source (
With this we can already know that things like corruption may be eliminated but it must be with appropriate synergy and everyone has the same desire to eliminate corruption, but when this cannot be done because there are still many people who always put forward personal desires then this is definitely very difficult and forever corruption will continue to exist.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Ahli38 on November 07, 2022, 12:37:36 PM
Indeed, in this case, it is very difficult for us to overcome the corruption that has become ingrained in an institution or an institution in the environment we live in.
I will not refer to distant things, I will refer to my own country here because indeed in my country, corruption is like an open secret because every behavior that is carried out cannot even be separated from corruption it seems.
Looking for a job, Being someone who has authority in the government, Even trying to get children into a proper education is very difficult to happen because there is indeed a lot of corruption that requires it, like it or not, this has become a common culture.

But on the other hand, that doesn't mean it can't be changed, because as long as everyone synergizes well and establishes strict rules, it's certain that things like this can be changed.The fact is that currently there are several countries that can be said to be very clean from corruption, such as Denmark, Finland and New Zealand.
source (
With this we can already know that things like corruption may be eliminated but it must be with appropriate synergy and everyone has the same desire to eliminate corruption, but when this cannot be done because there are still many people who always put forward personal desires then this is definitely very difficult and forever corruption will continue to exist.
yeah right. The application of strict regulations does play an important role in combating corruption. as in New Zealand. there besides education there are also other things that make corruption not so much in the country. namely the existence of transparency in the law. Residents there also uphold and respect the law. Transparency and openness are strictly enforced, so that people can easily access any data or any type of report that they need. and the result of transparency and openness in all fields being strictly enforced in New Zealand seems to be quite effective in fighting corruption there. but even in Indonesia, steps like this have been taken several years ago. But apparently because the population of Indonesia is much larger than in New Zealand. then the result is not as effective as in new zealand. because the population in New Zealand is less than in Indonesia.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Minecache on November 07, 2022, 04:12:02 PM
Indeed, in this case, it is very difficult for us to overcome the corruption that has become ingrained in an institution or an institution in the environment we live in.
I will not refer to distant things, I will refer to my own country here because indeed in my country, corruption is like an open secret because every behavior that is carried out cannot even be separated from corruption it seems.
Looking for a job, Being someone who has authority in the government, Even trying to get children into a proper education is very difficult to happen because there is indeed a lot of corruption that requires it, like it or not, this has become a common culture.

This is also happening in my country, so in the not too distant future corruption may become the culture of the country. In my country no matter how well you study with an advanced degree but if you don't have money you will never get a job. No matter what job you do from hospital, school or related to administrative procedures, if you don't have money, you will never be able to solve it. For me corruption can never go away, it will stay with us forever.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: gantez on November 07, 2022, 04:22:32 PM
Moral education is the key to stopping corruption, currently many countries make departments or institutions to control corruption, but the cost for these institutions is very large and the result is that corruption is not reduced, but if the state has a long -term plan, it must be taught from an early age.

It will get you surprised that the department or institutions that you thinking can expose corruption and the people on the corruption table are the one doing corruption act and collaboration with government officials to hide stolen money of the people. Corruption is a very serious problem in some countries, it will take plenty of time to reduce because it will hardly go totally. I think serious laws against corruption should be in place for the people that are practicing it and stealing public money.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: uneng on November 07, 2022, 05:41:09 PM
The most real problem for now is that corruption is ingrained because it is not only about now but even corruption has occurred, perhaps even before our lives, so that indeed things like this will obviously be a little difficult to eradicate regardless of anything.
Personally, I'm actually quite pessimistic if anyone or the government says it will eradicate corruption as long as the conditions don't change and there's no punishment that really deters them forever.
Can't blame you. Candidates of different terms have mentioned about this countless times but nothing happened. Corruption is an undending process simply because it is not only person who runs each and every sector. Indeed there's a president but how about his/her subordinates? would he be able to watch every actions of the administration which is why I see no end to it. Even if 10/20 would be good, the remaining won't and as long as there's atleast one corrupted officer, things will just continue. It should not be normalized but because of the long years which have passed, things aren't surprising anymore, people are just hopeless of change.
I can't generalize, but most countries are ran by corrupt practices. Maybe it's not the intention of a president or prime minister when he takes on the duty, but once there, he faces many different interests in game and in order to have support from those different sectors and individuals he becomes part of the problem (part of the corrupt system). Where I live it's said the president, governor or mayor have to do immoral things, otherwise it's impossible to rule. It's disgusting and repulsive to hear such things, but that is what citizens of the country say. As we can see, they are also part of the problem, because they have already accepted corruption as a trivial and essential aspect of the society.

After all, 'every nation has the government it deserves and every government is the reflex of its own citizens'.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Obari on April 18, 2023, 08:25:09 PM
Moral education is the key to stopping corruption, currently many countries make departments or institutions to control corruption, but the cost for these institutions is very large and the result is that corruption is not reduced, but if the state has a long -term plan, it must be taught from an early age.

It will get you surprised that the department or institutions that you thinking can expose corruption and the people on the corruption table are the one doing corruption act and collaboration with government officials to hide stolen money of the people. Corruption is a very serious problem in some countries, it will take plenty of time to reduce because it will hardly go totally. I think serious laws against corruption should be in place for the people that are practicing it and stealing public money.

I agree to this fact but I think every lifestyle shown by every person including a child is as a result of heredity if a person is to be honest that is what is flowing in him and can not depart from that lifestyle but if he or she is to be corrupt then it is obviously heredity

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Hamphser on April 18, 2023, 08:31:31 PM
Moral education is the key to stopping corruption, currently many countries make departments or institutions to control corruption, but the cost for these institutions is very large and the result is that corruption is not reduced, but if the state has a long -term plan, it must be taught from an early age.

It will get you surprised that the department or institutions that you thinking can expose corruption and the people on the corruption table are the one doing corruption act and collaboration with government officials to hide stolen money of the people. Corruption is a very serious problem in some countries, it will take plenty of time to reduce because it will hardly go totally. I think serious laws against corruption should be in place for the people that are practicing it and stealing public money.

I agree to this fact but I think every lifestyle shown by every person including a child is as a result of heredity if a person is to be honest that is what is flowing in him and can not depart from that lifestyle but if he or she is to be corrupt then it is obviously heredity
Its not something that could really be in default but since things on what we do see on our surroundings specially if its been taught by our parents or someone who do raise us up then most likely you would really be
ending up on the same path as if you would really be thinking that it is really just that fine to do so since you've been seeing on whats happening and on what are the results but not all would really be that dumb on not to be able to differentiate on whats good and bad when it comes to things because stealing things which isnt yours is considered bad in default which means that if you are really that having that principle
on life on where you would really be sticking on being a good person then you could really be able to make choice of your own which one you would be following.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: superman184 on April 18, 2023, 08:48:19 PM
I agree to this fact but I think every lifestyle shown by every person including a child is as a result of heredity if a person is to be honest that is what is flowing in him and can not depart from that lifestyle but if he or she is to be corrupt then it is obviously heredity
The hereditary factor for this does exist, because it is usually always easier to attach to each offspring so that it will be more easily transmitted to the next offspring. Although such traits can be changed by the next generation, the basic upbringing of parents about honesty and dishonesty in any case is very influential. Even though every parent will educate their children to be better and will forbid each of their children to do bad things, crimes like corruption can indeed happen again to the next generation or descendants of that family.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Unbunplease on April 18, 2023, 11:36:03 PM
The concept of "good" or "bad" is not universal. Each individual community establishes its own concepts. For example, in some tribes cannibalism is considered normal.
On the one hand, corruption is bad. On the other hand, the salary level of many civil servants allows them to survive only through corruption. Moreover, an expression of some gratitude is the norm for many.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Bitstar_coin on April 19, 2023, 02:52:00 AM
If you want to combat corruption, you have to tackle it from every angle, not necessarily from young age while the grownups whom they look up to are still deeply corrupt.
They say children learn from their parents, corruption is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed from all angles, from the aged down to the younger ones.
In a very corrupt country the best thing to do is handling it head-on. Meaning from the government down to the masses, no exception. If the government is corrupt, the system is corrupt, the people will equally be corrupt.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Oasisman on April 19, 2023, 04:10:51 AM
Moral education is the key to stopping corruption, currently many countries make departments or institutions to control corruption, but the cost for these institutions is very large and the result is that corruption is not reduced, but if the state has a long -term plan, it must be taught from an early age.

It will get you surprised that the department or institutions that you thinking can expose corruption and the people on the corruption table are the one doing corruption act and collaboration with government officials to hide stolen money of the people. Corruption is a very serious problem in some countries, it will take plenty of time to reduce because it will hardly go totally. I think serious laws against corruption should be in place for the people that are practicing it and stealing public money.

I agree to this fact but I think every lifestyle shown by every person including a child is as a result of heredity if a person is to be honest that is what is flowing in him and can not depart from that lifestyle but if he or she is to be corrupt then it is obviously heredity

Not entirely true, an honest person could actually change when he is sitting with a massive money and get influenced by someone who is already corrupt. In other words, when you step into a position where you can have access to the money of the people, let's say within the city, it's inevitable not to encounter things that makes you think in stealing portions of the specific budget intended for the government projects.
Have seen several people like this though, one of them is even my childhood friend.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on April 19, 2023, 07:38:46 AM
If you want to combat corruption, you have to tackle it from every angle, not necessarily from young age while the grownups whom they look up to are still deeply corrupt.
They say children learn from their parents, corruption is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed from all angles, from the aged down to the younger ones.
In a very corrupt country the best thing to do is handling it head-on. Meaning from the government down to the masses, no exception. If the government is corrupt, the system is corrupt, the people will equally be corrupt.

The way we combat corruption requires long term action because as what I see multiple generations have been engaged in corruption and it is sad to think that it might be inevitable to stop. It is not only the young generation that should be the focus, but it should also be a part so that we can teach them to have a sense of responsibility in the society. We should let them see the consequences of engaging in it. I agree that we should address it to all people including the major source of corruption which is the government. I am always a firm believer of being transparent in government transaction so that they can know that their every move is being watched by the public so that they end up not engaging in corruption. But, in our country, they do not really want that type of government, so it is not that surprising that corruption is still prevalent in the society.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Fortify on April 19, 2023, 08:23:11 AM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:

(1) Government size and structure
(2) Political system and democracy
(3) Institutional quality
(4) Economic freedom/openness
(5) Civil service wages
(6) Justice system, press freedom, etc.

In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

When I was a student in the university, I recall that some of my fellow students who were given leadership roles in school organizations embezzled thousands of money into their own pockets. By this, I mean that some of the expenses for improvements to the school that benefited all of us which was mandatory to be paid by every students. Imagine if they had been exposed to millions or billions of money instead of only thousands of it at the time when they embezzled the money, I’m sure they’ll still embezzle more.

Most times, people like that are frequently given the opportunity to serve the public in elected office. When exposed to public finances, a person with a history of embezzlement will always find a method to make off with large sums of money. Before becoming a fully corrupt leader, everything starts in school at an early age. At that point in their lives, a mature individual who has corruption ingrained in their system will find it difficult to let go of it.

However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

Corruption is one of the biggest reasons that some countries are successful and others stuck in a constant quagmire. No country is completely free of it, but all politicians and government institutions should constantly be thinking of processes that can be improved when in comes to transparency. Corruption adds so much friction to the whole economy, it makes it harder to complete business, makes honest people avoid or reduce their activity and prevents progress entirely in some situations - for the benefit of very few.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Ahli38 on April 19, 2023, 09:17:48 AM
If you want to combat corruption, you have to tackle it from every angle, not necessarily from young age while the grownups whom they look up to are still deeply corrupt.
They say children learn from their parents, corruption is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed from all angles, from the aged down to the younger ones.
In a very corrupt country the best thing to do is handling it head-on. Meaning from the government down to the masses, no exception. If the government is corrupt, the system is corrupt, the people will equally be corrupt.
yeah that's right. everything must be repaired from the root of the problem that gave rise to corrupt behavior. because at this time corruption has even been considered commonplace. when we hear of a corrupt government we even respond with less excitement.

The root of the problem of the increasingly high acts of corruption in various countries is due to the low level of honesty in these countries. The current recession of honest attitudes is increasingly concerning. even today we become more alert and find it difficult to trust those around us. because we know that even around us there are lots of lies that happen and it's rare to find honest people.

and the root cause of the declining level of honesty in people is due to the current lack of moral education in schools and also in families. even today a parent rarely teaches Morals very well to their children. the majority of education today is devoted to ways to amass the world's wealth. it's not wrong. it's just that it must be balanced with moral education. if economic education is 50% then moral education must also be 50%. but currently the moral education taught in schools is even less than 10%. so don't be surprised if today we see many people who are good at doing business. but very few who have good morals (honest, fair and trustworthy).

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on April 19, 2023, 10:30:48 AM
A fish can only be only be folded or bend while it is still fresh but once dried, there's no more remedy to ameliorate anything concerning it because it's already too late, if we want a generation that is free from corruption then it all begins with the present one we are in, that we must put all hands together in fighting against it and ensuring the young ones don't have anything to do with corrupt related offenses.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: YUriy1991 on April 19, 2023, 10:46:25 AM
A fish can only be only be folded or bend while it is still fresh but once dried, there's no more remedy to ameliorate anything concerning it because it's already too late, if we want a generation that is free from corruption then it all begins with the present one we are in, that we must put all hands together in fighting against it and ensuring the young ones don't have anything to do with corrupt related offenses.

Yes, Corruption is a deep-rooted problem that needs to be tackled at its core. It is true that prevention is better than cure. By educating and teaching young people about the effects of corruption, we can create a society that is more resistant to corruption.

It affects not only individuals but also institutions and ultimately, entire societies. Therefore, it is very important to build a culture of integrity and honesty from an early age, as this can help prevent corrupt practices in the future. I think, We here have a responsibility and work together to create a better future for the next generation.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Synchronice on April 19, 2023, 11:32:42 AM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
I bet no parent tells their children that corruption is good and I bet no one will kid ever read that corruption is good. The problem is that this is the nature of human, when you grow up, you start to understand and analyze thing, you understand that the world is not what you expected it to be, you'll understand that the only reason you were in center of attention was that you were a kid and you'll understand that life is very harsh if you are from poor family, you'll understand that everyone expects from you to work, get things done.
Then, you understand that money matters and it matters a lot because it can buy everything [I know you all will argue with me but you are welcome, I'll prove my words]. Then you understand that people will do everything to earn money easily. This is where you understand that if you throw away some money, you can do things easier. Now, you are welcome to the corrupt world.

Have you ever thought why we don't have anarchy? Because humans are social animals and humans will always form a bond, a collective team even in anarchy, then another group will form teams, everyone will form a team and finally we only have one winner, so, anarchy will turn into government, this is just inevitable, this example explains why corruption is inevitable.

Hell, just look at all the drug prevention programs aimed at youth and how that's worked out.  It doesn't work, because once you tap the pleasure center of the brain, a lot of people will want more of whatever did the tapping.  Add to that youths' natural defiance of authority, and any preventative measures against drugs, corruption, or teenage pregnancy for that matter are doomed to fail.
When you are prescribed Adderall and someone comes and tells you that this is bad, it's hard to believe them, you know :D

Well, the reason why drug prevention programs fail is that they don't tell you the truth. In school, once in a while we had a lecture about that and you know what, all they tell you is that drug usage causes death, it kills people and that's why it is bad. Rarely but sometimes they would add that drug usage cause depression but this part was mostly ignored but death was strongly highlighted. Youth don't care about it, you have to tell them truth: Drugs don't kill that easily, especially if they are pharma grade. What they do is that they mess with your psychology, destroy your brain's reward center and you don't feel a joy in life anymore, you have zero motivation, zero reason in your head to live or do something. They don't explain these details, they never talk about dopamine and serotonin, this is the real problem.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Jody.Drummer on April 19, 2023, 01:16:56 PM
A fish can only be only be folded or bend while it is still fresh but once dried, there's no more remedy to ameliorate anything concerning it because it's already too late, if we want a generation that is free from corruption then it all begins with the present one we are in, that we must put all hands together in fighting against it and ensuring the young ones don't have anything to do with corrupt related offenses.
The younger generation must be properly supervised and educated. One thing that must be taught is morals, morals are the basic foundation in my opinion that must be instilled in children from an early age. It will be a very valuable provision for him in the future. Because what I see now is that the younger generation doesn't have that, many of them are very far from morals. There may be several factors that cause this, and the first is the family. The family can be said to be their first environment that will influence their personality before the wider environment.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Dickiy on April 19, 2023, 01:59:36 PM
If you want to combat corruption, you have to tackle it from every angle, not necessarily from young age while the grownups whom they look up to are still deeply corrupt.
They say children learn from their parents, corruption is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed from all angles, from the aged down to the younger ones.
In a very corrupt country the best thing to do is handling it head-on. Meaning from the government down to the masses, no exception. If the government is corrupt, the system is corrupt, the people will equally be corrupt.
To eradicate corruption, in my opinion, is by justifying laws that must strictly suppress and close acts of corruption, this can be done by imposing very severe sanctions such as the death penalty or exile or impoverishment, these things will help reduce crime. corruption and I really believe people will be more afraid to commit corruption, this dirty behavior is very disturbing to the economy and the implementation of development so that it causes delays or has a worse impact than that both within the scope of the family and the country.
And it is a fact that every child will emulate what his parents and the behavior of the environment have done, if the environment has been touched by corruption it is likely that it will spread more easily to small children.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: posi on April 19, 2023, 02:12:28 PM
A fish can only be only be folded or bend while it is still fresh but once dried, there's no more remedy to ameliorate anything concerning it because it's already too late, if we want a generation that is free from corruption then it all begins with the present one we are in, that we must put all hands together in fighting against it and ensuring the young ones don't have anything to do with corrupt related offenses.

It is simple to say but to deal with corruption, I am pretty pessimistic and do not believe that any government or organization can completely prevent corruption. Corruption comes from the greed of each person, and you cannot control the thoughts and actions of others. Even in a family, members sometimes have different personalities and different views on life. Then finding ways for people to join hands in the fight against corruption, calling them to stop being greedy for money will never be possible.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Baoo on April 19, 2023, 02:31:48 PM
A fish can only be only be folded or bend while it is still fresh but once dried, there's no more remedy to ameliorate anything concerning it because it's already too late, if we want a generation that is free from corruption then it all begins with the present one we are in, that we must put all hands together in fighting against it and ensuring the young ones don't have anything to do with corrupt related offenses.
The younger generation must be properly supervised and educated. One thing that must be taught is morals, morals are the basic foundation in my opinion that must be instilled in children from an early age. It will be a very valuable provision for him in the future. Because what I see now is that the younger generation doesn't have that, many of them are very far from morals. There may be several factors that cause this, and the first is the family. The family can be said to be their first environment that will influence their personality before the wider environment.
I absolutely agree with what you said. In addition to that, it is really important to let this younger generation make their own decisions but with providing guidance. Unfortunately, the rate of morality is getting decreased due to a lot factors such as, the bad impact of social media on people specifically the younger category, they literally spread toxicity and negativity more than positivity. In fact,  most of people are following each other, they more like sheep. Also, the role of family is really necessary to guide and control this new generation. In conclusion , we should isolate ourselves and our kids from the negativity and feed our minds with knowledge, education and success. The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts , the better mental health you will build.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Jody.Drummer on April 19, 2023, 09:41:16 PM
A fish can only be only be folded or bend while it is still fresh but once dried, there's no more remedy to ameliorate anything concerning it because it's already too late, if we want a generation that is free from corruption then it all begins with the present one we are in, that we must put all hands together in fighting against it and ensuring the young ones don't have anything to do with corrupt related offenses.
The younger generation must be properly supervised and educated. One thing that must be taught is morals, morals are the basic foundation in my opinion that must be instilled in children from an early age. It will be a very valuable provision for him in the future. Because what I see now is that the younger generation doesn't have that, many of them are very far from morals. There may be several factors that cause this, and the first is the family. The family can be said to be their first environment that will influence their personality before the wider environment.
I absolutely agree with what you said. In addition to that, it is really important to let this younger generation make their own decisions but with providing guidance. Unfortunately, the rate of morality is getting decreased due to a lot factors such as, the bad impact of social media on people specifically the younger category, they literally spread toxicity and negativity more than positivity. In fact,  most of people are following each other, they more like sheep. Also, the role of family is really necessary to guide and control this new generation. In conclusion , we should isolate ourselves and our kids from the negativity and feed our minds with knowledge, education and success. The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts , the better mental health you will build.
I think this condition depends on the environment, because indeed when the environment and the people closest to them are good, no matter how bad the current morality is, which is indeed being beaten from various angles, such as social media or the influence of the internet, the person will still be good because he is surrounded by the environment and people. the good one. Vice versa, when we are good but the environment and the people around are bad enough, of course we will be carried away.
We really can't make young people as a whole good, but at least of course there are those who must be saved and the people closest to us are of course not too much of a problem for us to embrace.
At least that would be the best thing so that we reduce conditions that are already very bad to say the least.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Cookdata on April 19, 2023, 10:43:39 PM
If you want to combat corruption, you have to tackle it from every angle, not necessarily from young age while the grownups whom they look up to are still deeply corrupt.
They say children learn from their parents, corruption is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed from all angles, from the aged down to the younger ones.
In a very corrupt country the best thing to do is handling it head-on. Meaning from the government down to the masses, no exception. If the government is corrupt, the system is corrupt, the people will equally be corrupt.

It is very important to instill values of integrity and discipline in children from an early age, ideally within the time frame when they can still be influenced. However, external factors such as societal norms and surroundings can also impact an individual's development and character as they mature. For example, growing up in the US may provide less exposure to corruption compared to growing up in other places. Nevertheless, this does not imply that other places are corrupt countries, but rather that corruption has become ingrained in some aspects of society, necessitating vigilant monitoring and guidance for children to avoid falling prey to it.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: loopes on April 19, 2023, 11:50:45 PM
In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age. This means that students should be taught about the negative effects of corruption in society and how it may influence them in the future, outside of the classroom.

When I was a student in the university, I recall that some of my fellow students who were given leadership roles in school organizations embezzled thousands of money into their own pockets. By this, I mean that some of the expenses for improvements to the school that benefited all of us which was mandatory to be paid by every students. Imagine if they had been exposed to millions or billions of money instead of only thousands of it at the time when they embezzled the money, I’m sure they’ll still embezzle more.
I got the class focused on topic "anti-corruption" when i was in the university, not every university giving this class to its students. In this class, we got intensive theory how to prevent corruption and how to influence people around us to avoid the corruption. But as you said, teaching anti-corruption to the young people not enough only in the class but also outside of the classroom.

In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:
(6) Justice system, press freedom, etc.
one more factor that contributes to corruption is the less severe punishment for the corruptors. There is a legendary judge (one of the most honest and fairest judge) in my country named Artidjo Alkostar who wants to give the most severe punishment, death penalty, to the coruptors. This punishment will create a feeling of deterrence for people who did the corruption and even for those who intend to corrupt. But,, he never success to do that because of law in my country is made like "defend" the corruptors. So the corruptors will never deter for what they were done and corruption will always grow.

Reference: (

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: puloweh555 on April 20, 2023, 12:02:02 AM
Yes, Corruption is a deep-rooted problem that needs to be tackled at its core. It is true that prevention is better than cure. By educating and teaching young people about the effects of corruption, we can create a society that is more resistant to corruption.

It affects not only individuals but also institutions and ultimately, entire societies. Therefore, it is very important to build a culture of integrity and honesty from an early age, as this can help prevent corrupt practices in the future. I think, We here have a responsibility and work together to create a better future for the next generation.
Corruption is indeed a complex problem and difficult to eliminate quickly. Moreover, if corruption is deeply rooted in the system and culture of a country, efforts to overcome corruption will be even more difficult.

Yes, I agree with you, although it is difficult, it does not mean that it is impossible to overcome deep-rooted corruption. To overcome corruption that has taken root in the system, strong commitment and efforts are needed from various parties, including the government, civil society, and the private sector to create a future that is better than before for the younger generation. I think the main thing that needs to be strengthened is the integrity and professionalism of the bureaucracy, including by improving the quality of human resources and providing incentives for good behavior. Because we have to admit that corruption occurs because the incentives are small so they commit corruption.

Efforts to tackle deep-rooted corruption do require a long time and patience, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to achieve. With continuous commitment and efforts from various parties, positive changes can be achieved and corruption can be reduced or even eliminated from a country. In order to create a better and honest generation in the future.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: slapper on April 20, 2023, 02:19:40 PM
Corruption, you crafty villain, you! It's like trying to hide and avoid being found, only to end up losing the search every time. This is a major issue that needs to be addressed immediately!

It's much like a contagious virus that can infect anyone or anything it comes into contact with. The structure and funding of government, among other factors, only serve to exacerbate the situation. It's like getting further and deeper into a maze that only gets more perplexing.

Where do we find our true power? Education! We can end this epidemic if we start talking to youngsters early on about the consequences of cheating. It's like a group of superheroes came and saved us at once! Don't doubt me!

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: ivankoh on April 20, 2023, 02:48:24 PM
Moral education is the key to stopping corruption, currently many countries make departments or institutions to control corruption, but the cost for these institutions is very large and the result is that corruption is not reduced, but if the state has a long -term plan, it must be taught from an early age.

It will get you surprised that the department or institutions that you thinking can expose corruption and the people on the corruption table are the one doing corruption act and collaboration with government officials to hide stolen money of the people. Corruption is a very serious problem in some countries, it will take plenty of time to reduce because it will hardly go totally. I think serious laws against corruption should be in place for the people that are practicing it and stealing public money.
Agree, Corruption is like a damn virus that can spread and resonate.  Corruption is one of the ingredients that causes injustice, lack of equality, inhibits human rights and freedoms, and reduces competition for the comprehensive development of society.  Either way, today's society and government cannot eliminate corruption because it has eaten too much into the blood of some people, it is replicated by levels or even an entire organization.  .  It has seriously affected ideology from ideology or nature… education can be a good way to get rid of ideology but if it still happens by nature.  The rebuilding will be a process that takes a long time.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on April 20, 2023, 03:03:05 PM
In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age.
I agree if corruption is taught at a young age, it can be nipped in the bud before it blooms. Parents, uncles and aunts serve as role models for kids to follow. They first teach them the appropriate way to behave in the society and how the society frowns on individuals who are of bad behaviours.High school kids can first be taught about upholding the moralistic values of the society and then damming impact of corruption in the society. But I believe that this education has to begin with the family. As a high school kid one of the subjects I took was civic education. It served as the foundation for anti-corruption studies, law.and society, accountability, and integrity.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: AicecreaME on April 20, 2023, 03:35:33 PM
Corruption can not be prevented because not all of us wanted to end it. Rather than searching for the truth, most of us get easily swayed by sugarcoated words by politicians, their broken promises, etc. To end corruption, we must come up with a unity, that has one goal, and that is to vote someone who is really trustworthy of our shared dreams and hope for every countries around the globe.

But it's all hopeless now, in my opinion, because people are blinded with money and power, and poor people doesn't have the voice to make a move because they are being oppressed by powerful individuals.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: jostorres on April 20, 2023, 07:26:00 PM
A fish can only be only be folded or bend while it is still fresh but once dried, there's no more remedy to ameliorate anything concerning it because it's already too late, if we want a generation that is free from corruption then it all begins with the present one we are in, that we must put all hands together in fighting against it and ensuring the young ones don't have anything to do with corrupt related offenses.
Pretty interesting on how you relate a fish with the corruption but why will you fold the fish anyway? It would die then but when you fold a dried fish, it can still be cooked and eaten right away. The same thing can go with the corruption. There is still a chance to clear it up by re-electing the right person on the government.

It only starts with us (the public). We must not be greedy and don't just accept bribe money from the politician but we must vote wisely next time. We can teach the young ones about the good things and this corruption and then they should teach their children too when they get older. That is the only way to ensure a corrupt-free country.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: coupable on April 20, 2023, 11:30:12 PM
The title of the topic was very tempting to see the different ideas in this regard, especially since it is a specialty understood only by specialists (experts, lawyers...).  But is it really possible to believe that this can be taught to children?  
The rule is that children should be taught good deeds and then, in a slightly advanced year, they will ask themselves questions and try to find answers.  In principle, everything cannot be taught, since each field has special legal rules that may not include other cases.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: jossiel on April 20, 2023, 11:35:11 PM
What a timely topic for me. I was just browsing with some short videos and there's this interesting vid that I've watched that teaches about sin, lying and honesty.

I think what should be taught at a young age is to be honest. Corruption's root is from being dishonest so the other criminal minds do have these activities building up because of dishonesty.

And if we're going to imagine that all people in the government are honest, all companies are honest, everyone is honest. We'd be living in utopia.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: romero121 on April 20, 2023, 11:38:05 PM
The title of the topic was very tempting to see the different ideas in this regard, especially since it is a specialty understood only by specialists (experts, lawyers...).  But is it really possible to believe that this can be taught to children?  
The rule is that children should be taught good deeds and then, in a slightly advanced year, they will ask themselves questions and try to find answers.  In principle, everything cannot be taught, since each field has special legal rules that may not include other cases.
These days the parents and teachers were much into educating the children than teaching them disciplines of life that makes him/her a good person in the society. Everything needs to start from the home, we need to teach them how to be good than how to become a physician/engineer/scientist, etc. When a kid is disciplined and know what to do and what shouldn't, automatically he/she will understand and learn the right thing to make a change and support the society.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: coupable on April 20, 2023, 11:57:10 PM
The title of the topic was very tempting to see the different ideas in this regard, especially since it is a specialty understood only by specialists (experts, lawyers...).  But is it really possible to believe that this can be taught to children?  
The rule is that children should be taught good deeds and then, in a slightly advanced year, they will ask themselves questions and try to find answers.  In principle, everything cannot be taught, since each field has special legal rules that may not include other cases.
These days the parents and teachers were much into educating the children than teaching them disciplines of life that makes him/her a good person in the society. Everything needs to start from the home, we need to teach them how to be good than how to become a physician/engineer/scientist, etc. When a kid is disciplined and know what to do and what shouldn't, automatically he/she will understand and learn the right thing to make a change and support the society.
This is agreed. 
The problem is whether it is permissible to teach children all possible dangers and how much this helps them in an early educational stage.  Studying the risks of anything is supposed to be part of the course.  It's really complicated and I don't think it's been seriously addressed even academically.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: karmamiu on April 21, 2023, 05:41:28 AM
Most counseling would probably tell you this "children will follow whatever the parents show as an example not their words", and that is partially true. This may also be off topic but, you know people are honed not only by their home but also from their environment, life style, norms and traditions. In regards to corruption, a child can be taught that it has bad impact on your home, but the thing is, would they understand that? A child can slowly mature and learn the process of life through their experience and what we as parents can contribute is just to guide them not to lose their paths.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Iroh on April 21, 2023, 07:08:19 AM
I think teaching the young ones about corruption wouldn’t have the effects in the long run like you think it would. We all know the difference between right and wrong and actually don’t need to be taught that stealing from the public funds is not a good thing to do. People will do whatever they want to do especially if there is no repercussions for their actions.
More people would be inclined to indulge in wrongdoings cause everybody would seem to be doing it. There will always be greedy and selfish people everywhere and you can’t change that with education about corruption
While teaching the young ones about the dangers of corruption wouldn’t totally eradicate it in our societies, it might just put a small dent.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: cryptoknightt on April 21, 2023, 07:16:25 AM
Indeed socialization from an early age regarding corruption can have a positive impact on life in the future. It cannot be denied that corruption is a big problem. In my opinion, dissatisfaction with what is obtained from the work done is the initial factor for people to commit corruption. a thank you is not enough to repay hard work.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Latviand on April 21, 2023, 08:00:52 AM
I totally agree with you but I think that we should put that lesson somewhere along the age of 12-18 years old because the concept of corruption is complex and young underdeveloped minds might not be able to handle the complexities, to be honest I think that we should focus more on morality, behavior, ethics and individuality, with a strong moral and ethical foundation, even if they don't know the complexities of corruption, their conscience will be a big stop gap.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on April 21, 2023, 08:45:06 AM
Teach the kids by example like how countries are destroyed by corrupt leaders and how corrupts damages a country and individuals. 
Now in our time where corruption is at its peak there is dire need to teach kids about what is corruption and what are its consequences.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Inwestour on April 21, 2023, 09:11:48 AM
I think teaching the young ones about corruption wouldn’t have the effects in the long run like you think it would. We all know the difference between right and wrong and actually don’t need to be taught that stealing from the public funds is not a good thing to do. People will do whatever they want to do especially if there is no repercussions for their actions.
More people would be inclined to indulge in wrongdoings cause everybody would seem to be doing it. There will always be greedy and selfish people everywhere and you can’t change that with education about corruption
While teaching the young ones about the dangers of corruption wouldn’t totally eradicate it in our societies, it might just put a small dent.
In developed countries, the level of corruption is much lower, what could be the reason for this? Indeed, in these countries there is no subject, that studies the harm of corruption. Most likely, the standard of living in these countries is much higher, respectively, the population is more conscious and people have different values.

And if young people are taught that corruption is bad, but they will see a completely different picture that is actually happening in their government, then there will be very little benefit from such training, because there will be a discrepancy with reality.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: YUriy1991 on April 21, 2023, 09:22:20 AM
I think I really agree with the statement that corruption must be taught from an early age. Children are the future leaders of our society and it is important for them to understand the negative impact corruption has on individuals and the nation as a whole.

One effective way to teach children about corruption is through example. Educators can use real life examples of how corruption has caused the downfall of countries and the suffering of people. This approach can help children understand the seriousness of corruption and its long-term effects.

I would add In addition to using examples, it is important to emphasize the consequences of corruption. This could include discussing how corruption affects the economy, the environment and society as a whole. Yes, our children should be encouraged to think critically about this issue and realize that corruption is not just an abstract concept, but a real problem that affects everyone.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Iroh on April 21, 2023, 10:45:51 AM
In developed countries, the level of corruption is much lower, what could be the reason for this? Indeed, in these countries there is no subject, that studies the harm of corruption. Most likely, the standard of living in these countries is much higher, respectively, the population is more conscious and people have different values.

Perhaps because most developed countries, having been in existence for far more longer than most developing nations and has had decades to go at it over and over till they finally got it right.
Now, you wouldn’t actually expect a developing nation that is obviously still developing to overnight have the characteristics and qualities of a developed nation. All that would take work and time which the developed nations has fortunately had a lot of.

The level of corruption would seem higher in developing countries than in developed countries. I do not doubt that. But like I stated, developed countries has had some good time to put in place working policies that would deter and punish wrongdoers irrespective of who the person is.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: ilovealtcoins on April 21, 2023, 10:51:32 AM
Greed is a part of being human, we can control our own greed but cannot control the greed of others. Today, corruption has become a cultural feature of government work, and its elimination is impossible, and no politician wants to eliminate it. We are citizens, so it is very frustrating and annoying to see so many others corrupt. But I believe that if you or I become a politician, corruption will happen.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: bayu7adi on April 21, 2023, 01:43:06 PM
When a country is deeply rooted in a culture of corruption, starting from the lowest levels of government institutions, corruption becomes the heart of the administration and will continue to regenerate across future generations. Its ever-growing presence within the government makes it difficult for anti-corruption fighters to prevail, as other legal channels within relevant institutions are also compromised. Corrupt officials with established financial and political power can easily defeat anti-corruption warriors. In light of this, many countries should follow China's example, where every corrupt official deserves the death penalty. No obstacles such as Human Rights that have become a shield for corrupt officials.

In fact, in one country, this action has already become public knowledge. Many people openly engage in corruption, but society chooses to remain silent, realizing that their actions will not lead to a better outcome.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: bestcoins1 on April 21, 2023, 04:45:25 PM
Indeed socialization from an early age regarding corruption can have a positive impact on life in the future. It cannot be denied that corruption is a big problem. In my opinion, dissatisfaction with what is obtained from the work done is the initial factor for people to commit corruption. a thank you is not enough to repay hard work.
Obviously a word of thanks would not be enough to pay for any work today as they are just additional words to complete the payment of wages to each worker. I also agree with the matter of early socialization for corruption problems because it is also an effort to eradicate corruption from an early age before it continues to happen in the future, and things like a person's dissatisfaction with what he has done are because he cannot be grateful. existing income so that they still want to take the rights of others by committing corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: cydrix on April 21, 2023, 04:47:38 PM
Even when everyone is aware that corruption is occurring, authority is frequently entrenched, making it difficult to eradicate.  People who gain from manipulating a system typically take efforts to stop others from destroying it.  They always strengthen their position and increase their own authority.  Education by itself is insufficient.  People must take action at some time, which frequently entails using violence and civil unrest.   

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Faisal2202 on April 21, 2023, 05:17:31 PM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
You raised a very good point mate, No wonder if we start to teach our Childs from a young age, How? By doing it ourselves if we will not avoid embezzling money whenever we will get a chance, at some point our child will see us and will try to copy us because that's what the children do, (copy us).

Like, i have seen many people at work, taking their children with them and then they embezzle things that are valuable to the owner in front of their Childs. Sometimes, it's the nature of a child to not adopt the act of corruption but once he/she does it, all becomes so easy for them.

So we definitely stop them at an early age by showing them the good and bad. Even if we think about it, we unintentionally do it. Like when we want to get our children to do something we give them the excuse of something like a smartphone or candy or money maybe. Is it, not a type of corruption we are teaching them unintentionally because at the start things look small and unimportant to some extent that we ignore them but when they got big (our Childs) and then things get out of hand to that extent that they will not listen to you. So we should not take our acts as a light and should teach them the basics by not doing it in front of them.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: CryptSafe on April 21, 2023, 05:23:46 PM
It is very sad that corruption has eaten deep into the society and world at large. There is not a government in the world where you can not see a corrupt official both elected and Services workers all do the same thing all in the name of gratification.

Like I always tell my friends, if you must fight corruption in a system then you will need to overhaul the entire system and bring in new minds and mentality totally different from the previous because once there is a mix up again, there is the tendencies that the new ones would face challenges as a result of the old making things difficult for the changes and thereby forcing them into the system. That's how corruption works.

It is not all about teaching the children, but instilling discipline in them so as to grow up with it and doing the right thing irrespective of the situation they find themselves in.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Supreemo on April 21, 2023, 06:53:40 PM
It is very sad that corruption has eaten deep into the society and world at large. There is not a government in the world where you can not see a corrupt official both elected and Services workers all do the same thing all in the name of gratification.

Like I always tell my friends, if you must fight corruption in a system then you will need to overhaul the entire system and bring in new minds and mentality totally different from the previous because once there is a mix up again, there is the tendencies that the new ones would face challenges as a result of the old making things difficult for the changes and thereby forcing them into the system. That's how corruption works.

It is not all about teaching the children, but instilling discipline in them so as to grow up with it and doing the right thing irrespective of the situation they find themselves in.
no matter what principle you are going to teach the children, it is up to you how you show them what life truly is. financiially they will teach what's the most effictive way but is that the most efficient way?

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Smartvirus on April 21, 2023, 07:21:46 PM
In addition to all of the aforementioned factors, I believe corruption in society can be combated at a young age.
I disagree, as strenuously as one can disagree with any sentiment.  Why?  Because all of that corruption you mentioned has been going on since the beginning of mankind, and it's part of human nature.
Corrupt practices constitutes some of the world's problem today and has show its effects in the part of slow development as those put at public offices see it for a chance to enrich themselves and change the scale of things for the rest of there generation.

Corruption is a broad thing and not something you just put to some kid and hope that they understand that, such is what it entails. Its a matter of moral standard. If you don't think a thing is right, see reasons why it's wrong and choose to stay clear of these practices that you've deemed wrong, there would be less corruption in our society.

Meanwhile, corruption doesn't reside in just politics but, in the little things we do to undermine fair practices. It's how it grows to a spegerr that is felt by neighbours far and near.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: iv4n on April 21, 2023, 07:42:14 PM
no matter what principle you are going to teach the children, it is up to you how you show them what life truly is. financiially they will teach what's the most effictive way but is that the most efficient way?

Showing is teaching... Kids simply absorb everything they see or hear. And while some kids have everything they want and the best possible conditions for growing up, there are also many kids who grow up in complete poverty. What will they see and hear, and what opinion will they have about the world?

It matters what principle we will teach our kids. And the question is whether we are all capable and able to teach our kids about the right values... and what are the right values! The world shows that many are not, and the situation is much worse in reality, many children go through all kinds of traumas while growing up, what kind of people can they grow into if everything about their growing up is quite negative?

We all learn about corruption from an early age, but as kids, we have no possibility to change anything. Once we grow up, we realize that we too just accepted it as something normal.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Mauser on April 22, 2023, 07:18:49 AM

However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

I am baffled on how big still the corruption problem is in today's world. With all the technological advances we are still not able to make sure that people in power act trustworthy and in good faith. There are basically two ways to get rid of corruption, the first one is your proposal to reach kids at a young age. It sounds nice if we could get only moral superior people in a country where nobody would even consider bribing others or accepting a bribe. The question is how realistic is it to teach all children that, or will there always be some bad kids trying to take the easy way. The second solution would be to get much better oversight and increase the punishment for corruption. Increasing prison sentences is probably not an option as many countries try to get criminals more quickly back into society to have more taxpayers. So the last real solution would be to create more oversight and leave one person in charge of major decisions. The problem here is that all the politicians who accepted bribes in the past will never vote for stronger laws with higher oversight.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: cryptoknightt on April 22, 2023, 03:25:28 PM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
The surest way to discourage corruption is to state clearly strong punishments for defaulters and ensure that the defaulters are made to face the full penalty of the law. If an example is made out of some individuals, it can prompt change which can have a ripple effect on the mindset of other individuals. Corruption can be an effect of an environmental factor that is when everyone around you is corrupt it is difficult for you to maintain an incorruptible culture, In other words, an environment full of incorruptible people can turn a corrupt person for the better.

True, but socialization from an early age is needed to make the younger generation aware of the evils of corruption, corruption sanctions and the bad consequences of corruption

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: uneng on April 22, 2023, 03:48:18 PM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
The surest way to discourage corruption is to state clearly strong punishments for defaulters and ensure that the defaulters are made to face the full penalty of the law. If an example is made out of some individuals, it can prompt change which can have a ripple effect on the mindset of other individuals. Corruption can be an effect of an environmental factor that is when everyone around you is corrupt it is difficult for you to maintain an incorruptible culture, In other words, an environment full of incorruptible people can turn a corrupt person for the better.
Corruption is rooted on many countries nowadays. It's not seen as something people should fight at all costs anymore, but something that people should learn how to live and deal with. I agree when you say about punishing defaulters with the maximum rigor of the law, however the most important factor to decrease corruption levels is when you live in a society based on loyalty and honor. A society which has strong principles followed by its leaders and older generations will forge new generations on the right path as well.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: khiholangkang on April 22, 2023, 05:35:49 PM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
It will only waste time, even if you teach anti-corruption education from an early age, like you prohibit your child from smoking and forbid your child from drinking alcohol, no matter how hard you try, even if you are at an early age and know the journey of being a teenager, your child will try and curious about what he hasn't tried, anything including corruption, and if he grows up the orientation of thinking will change according to your child's personal interests, the mentality of a corruptor is formed because of an offer of high payments from a co-worker on a project, and moreover there is no firm law in enforcing the prohibition of corruption, it will be easy to do and corruption will continue to grow.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: beerlover on April 22, 2023, 06:54:51 PM
Hell, just look at all the drug prevention programs aimed at youth and how that's worked out.  It doesn't work, because once you tap the pleasure center of the brain, a lot of people will want more of whatever did the tapping.  Add to that youths' natural defiance of authority, and any preventative measures against drugs, corruption, or teenage pregnancy for that matter are doomed to fail.
When you are prescribed Adderall and someone comes and tells you that this is bad, it's hard to believe them, you know :D

Well, the reason why drug prevention programs fail is that they don't tell you the truth. In school, once in a while we had a lecture about that and you know what, all they tell you is that drug usage causes death, it kills people and that's why it is bad. Rarely but sometimes they would add that drug usage cause depression but this part was mostly ignored but death was strongly highlighted. Youth don't care about it, you have to tell them truth: Drugs don't kill that easily, especially if they are pharma grade. What they do is that they mess with your psychology, destroy your brain's reward center and you don't feel a joy in life anymore, you have zero motivation, zero reason in your head to live or do something. They don't explain these details, they never talk about dopamine and serotonin, this is the real problem.
I would say prescribed and otherwise are different. When someone smokes weed, that is not killing them right away neither, it is a slow process that may happen when they are elderly, but nothing happens at that moment, unless they smoke and drive. However, when they are prescribed it, that means they need it.

In many nations of the world weed is prescribed as medicine for people who are doing chemo, you know why? Because during chemo you can't eat and you are constantly in pain, as someone who had a loved one go through chemo for 6 months, I can tell you that weed would have been great if it was legal where I live. Why? Because since it has a numbing effect, and makes you hungry, that person would have gone through the same process better, eat better, less pain. So what is right may change depending on the situation.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: HajiBagi on April 23, 2023, 11:31:55 AM
Children learn by example most of the times and the are a product of what the see, hear, feel and interact with.  Learning only shapes what this lads interact with as they move through the phases of life. You don't expect to teach a child the disadvantages of corruption when every thing the child interacts with on a day to day base is completely corrupt. If we teach a child about corruption from the home what happens when the same child interacts with a corrupt society. I am not saying teaching them about the impact of corruption is not good but it will require a corrupt free environment to see it fully effective.

Morals is never learnt it is transferred. Transferred in the sense that this kids grow with them. The see justice, peace, good morals, transparency and equity has the interact with their family and society every day.

Children can be taught about the effects of corruption, but that doesn't mean they won't be drawn to it. Corruption can never end in any country because it began with our great-grandparents, and I don't think it will stop with us. In many countries, corruption is the best way to improve your life or become successful. Take Nigeria as an example. There are 100% of the population who believe that in order to be a successful citizen, you must attach to corruption.
My opinion is that corruption will never cease since it has permeated every aspect of human civilization. If you don't take care of your kids, nothing can halt corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: cryptoknightt on May 07, 2023, 09:25:15 PM
I think it's all about permissiveness. Very tough and strict laws are needed to prevent corruption. If some thieves' hands are cut off in public, and others are even sentenced to death, then surely others will think about whether it is worth taking what does not belong to them. A lot of democracy leads to the fact that people are no longer afraid. They begin to feel immortal, realizing that everything and everywhere can be bought and negotiated. 
Look at the laws in China. In order for people to become humane, they need very strict laws.

Right, we have to publish concrete evidence of punishment due to corruption, so that people think hard about committing corruption because of the severity of the punishment and also teach the younger generation about the impact of corruption

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Unbunplease on May 07, 2023, 10:24:22 PM
If an official has a small salary (budget), then he has no choice but to participate in any corrupt schemes. The system controls the individual, not the individual controls the system. Yes, it is possible to talk hypocritically about the harm of corruption, but often the system leaves no other choice. And children... What do most of them understand about the problems of adults...  If the father works all day long, receives a small salary - and he is offered a bribe, what can be done for the sake of the child?

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: ammo121810 on May 08, 2023, 08:35:51 AM
I disagree that corruption to be taught from a young age. Corruption is a serious issue that undermines the rule of law, damages public trust and harms society as a whole. Instead, it is important to teach children the values of honesty, integrity and accountability. By instilling these values to children during their young age, we can help prevent or control corruption and we can promote transparency and fairness. It is better to teach the children the right path and never do anything against the law.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Lorence.xD on May 08, 2023, 09:16:26 AM
You could teach them that corruption is a bad thing to do in such young age but children doesn't have to do with corruption. It already existed before when centralized system with low democracy causes them to divide the higher rank of people to low. It's already a thing before where civilization adapted it even to today current's government. Even when you tell a kid how corruption works you can't still say they might do it because from what I see some corrupt government once they tasted the instant money from corruption, they would be addicted to rob them all.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: nesty on June 13, 2023, 02:14:51 PM
Teaching children about corruption from a young age can have significant impact on reducing corruption in society. By educating the children about the negative effects of corruption, they can develop strong moral compass and understand the importance of honesty and integrity. Children are impressionable and can easily absorb values and beliefs from their surroundings. Therefore, by teaching them about corruption, we can instill in them a sense of responsibility towards society and encourage them to become ethical citizens. Corruption is a complex issue that affects every aspect of society. By teaching children about corruption we can help them understand various forms and how it impacts everyone including themselves.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: hannahB4 on June 13, 2023, 02:45:50 PM
Where I came from, we are been taught right from primary school in business studies and social science but you can't get the meaning from that until you get to secondary school and you're been taught Economics, Ethics, and all. I know all parents and teachers do their best in teaching morals to their children and students. But it gets to a certain stage in life where greed comes in and this makes some act irrationally.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: capedbaldy on June 13, 2023, 06:21:41 PM
Teaching children about corruption from a young age can have significant impact on reducing corruption in society. By educating the children about the negative effects of corruption, they can develop strong moral compass and understand the importance of honesty and integrity. Children are impressionable and can easily absorb values and beliefs from their surroundings. Therefore, by teaching them about corruption, we can instill in them a sense of responsibility towards society and encourage them to become ethical citizens. Corruption is a complex issue that affects every aspect of society. By teaching children about corruption we can help them understand various forms and how it impacts everyone including themselves.
Even though we teach education on the negative effects of corruption but without the support of education to be added to the school curriculum, our children are not easily influenced by environmental behavior because the majority of people in certain countries do not care about corruption because the government is not firm and there are no severe penalties for perpetrators of corruption, they even get remissions and just behave well will get a reduced prison sentence.

There is an animated film series entitled "Upin & Ipin - Perangi Rasuah (Combat Corruption), but unfortunately there is no English dub version yet but you can enable subtitles to translate the text, the point of the story is very useful for children to study education about the dangers of corruption and there is a message useful morals, the storyline is made child-friendly about discussing education to avoid corruption from an early age.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Alpha Marine on June 13, 2023, 09:16:48 PM
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.

In my country students are taught from a very young age to not steal, or tell lies. They are taught to be honorable people and be trustworthy. Students are taught to be good people from a very young age. I mean, there are even a few subjects that teach students about being better people in society. All these don't change anything.
To me, the only way to fight corruption is to have a system that works. Human beings would always look for ways to exploit a situation, but if there is a system that can check and balance these things then corruption will be reduced.

A lot of us that blame governments every day for stealing public funds will most likely do the same if given the opportunity. Funny enough we even do it in our own little way. I'm very certain those colleagues of yours blame the government every day for bad leadership but they're doing the exact same thing.
There are very few people in this world that won't use their position to benefit themselves illegally if it is certain that they won't be caught, or nothing will happen even if people found out able it.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: loopes on June 13, 2023, 09:34:35 PM
In many nations around the world, corruption is a serious problem. It is regarded as a weapon of mass destruction that has greatly damaged several nations' public and private sectors.
Several of the factors that contribute to corruption are listed below:
(5) Civil service wages
However, I believe that if the problem of corruption can be addressed at a young age, every country's degree of corruption will significantly decline in the near future.
Civil service wages is one of reason corruption because some civil servants who feel that their wages is low will think how they can make more money. So the corruption may be their option to reach high wages . More over, civil servants who work in the tax department is the most likely to be tempted to the corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Ahli38 on June 13, 2023, 09:35:27 PM
Where I came from, we are been taught right from primary school in business studies and social science but you can't get the meaning from that until you get to secondary school and you're been taught Economics, Ethics, and all. I know all parents and teachers do their best in teaching morals to their children and students. But it gets to a certain stage in life where greed comes in and this makes some act irrationally.
In order not to give birth to a corrupt generation, education is the most suitable and must be implemented from an early age, not only by teachers at school but also by parents at home. namely the lesson on Ethics and Morals.

Whether we realize it or not, nowadays Ethics and Moral education is taught less and less, either in the school environment or at home by parents. Currently, many parents are even busy with their jobs and only rely on schools to educate their children.
The main cause of the increasing number of corruptors is due to a decrease in the level of ethics and morals, especially in terms of honesty.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Slow death on June 13, 2023, 09:58:00 PM
about this issue of teaching people from an early age not to become corrupt, I think the idea is good, obviously everyone knows that this should be done, but the question we all have to ask ourselves:

Why don't they do this in most countries?

the answer is the following:

to govern a country it is necessary to have a political party (I am talking about Africa in particular), this is because only then will the person have financial, human and material resources to convince the majority of the population, it happens that each person in the political party asks for something in exchange for the support he will give to the candidate who will be president of the country and when that person becomes president of the country he starts to fulfill what he promised to everyone in his political party who supported him and this is where all the problems begin, the person comes to power being a person without character, he lies to the people and the blind and dumb people vote for that person's shit

this person starts robbing the whole country and divides with his political party and to deceive the people he builds some small things with debts he makes in international banks such as the IMF or the world bank and the stupid people are fooling themselves and continue to vote for this person and his shitty political party, this is what has happened in africa, so every step of government from the base (the lowest position) to the top are made up of corrupt people and the system cannot arrest them en masse because they are the people who they support the president of the country, without their support the president of the country may not be elected again or the day he stops being president he will suffer a lot

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Onyeeze on June 13, 2023, 10:03:34 PM
Corruption does not have a limit so I believe that any country who is embracing corruption is getting their self into trouble more in that country because I know quite well that fighting of corruption stand fan condition or rules and regulation of that particular country which if anyone I learnt the rules and regulation of the country the person will be penalized due to what the law said

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: dunfida on June 13, 2023, 10:27:18 PM
Where I came from, we are been taught right from primary school in business studies and social science but you can't get the meaning from that until you get to secondary school and you're been taught Economics, Ethics, and all. I know all parents and teachers do their best in teaching morals to their children and students. But it gets to a certain stage in life where greed comes in and this makes some act irrationally.
In order not to give birth to a corrupt generation, education is the most suitable and must be implemented from an early age, not only by teachers at school but also by parents at home. namely the lesson on Ethics and Morals.

Whether we realize it or not, nowadays Ethics and Moral education is taught less and less, either in the school environment or at home by parents. Currently, many parents are even busy with their jobs and only rely on schools to educate their children.
The main cause of the increasing number of corruptors is due to a decrease in the level of ethics and morals, especially in terms of honesty.
Both good teaching on those sides whether it would be teach up on school and on your own home on which you are the ones who had been raising up kids and if they would be able to follow up those good values.
Then its unlikely that they would really be raised up as a bad child or whatsoever but there's no way that we could really be that conclusive when it comes to this on which we know as our children gets old then
it would really be that understandable that there would be lots of factors on which it could influenced out their overall behavior and ideas on mind specially if they are really that exposed into that.
This would really be molding up those bad ideas and other approach which it would really be opposing that being ethical.

Although teaching up some good values and other ideas which do opposed on bad stuffs, but still it wont really be giving out that assurance that it would really be followed in the end of the line.
We know that once you do place yourself into such position on which you do have the power and influence then for sure you would be thinking about on how to make more money.  :P

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Vaskiy on June 13, 2023, 10:39:20 PM
Where I came from, we are been taught right from primary school in business studies and social science but you can't get the meaning from that until you get to secondary school and you're been taught Economics, Ethics, and all. I know all parents and teachers do their best in teaching morals to their children and students. But it gets to a certain stage in life where greed comes in and this makes some act irrationally.
In order not to give birth to a corrupt generation, education is the most suitable and must be implemented from an early age, not only by teachers at school but also by parents at home. namely the lesson on Ethics and Morals.

Whether we realize it or not, nowadays Ethics and Moral education is taught less and less, either in the school environment or at home by parents. Currently, many parents are even busy with their jobs and only rely on schools to educate their children.
The main cause of the increasing number of corruptors is due to a decrease in the level of ethics and morals, especially in terms of honesty.
Education will make things in order, but the sophistication and the ease of achieving their work done leads to corruption. So, we need to change and the same could really make an impact.

As said the parents itself unable to educate the kids on their busy schedule doesn't think of mere amounts spend on something. Lets assume, both father and mother were working and they earn good. Now they need something to be registered or some official need. They reach the government office and to get the job done they just gift the officer or something. Now the parents have provided it, because they're in a position to give and this doesn't hurt their finance in any means. They get the job done easily. Now the officer expect the same with everyone and does the job for some after getting bribe. This hurts the poor and this is where change needs to happen. Education doesn't gonna change anything in the system.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Myleschetty on June 13, 2023, 10:45:02 PM
The idea of teaching a young kid about corruption at a young age will affect or impact the understanding of the kids when they are mature because their understanding will be small to understand what corruption entail.
I know some parents want their children to understand this around them at the early stage but we must also consider the danger inside it.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: jossiel on June 13, 2023, 11:06:10 PM
The idea of teaching a young kid about corruption at a young age will affect or impact the understanding of the kids when they are mature because their understanding will be small to understand what corruption entail.
I know some parents want their children to understand this around them at the early stage but we must also consider the danger inside it.
There's the danger and that's why it's better be taught early because some activities and norms that these kids may not could be the start of corruption.

While they're still young and little, they'll have the idea on what they should avoid and what it can be in the future. These kids are easy to teach but you need also to be careful with the wordings you'll use on them so that they can easily understand why it has to be learned.

And out of their own curiosity, soon they'll be the one asking questions related to it.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: greek_hephaestus on June 13, 2023, 11:42:47 PM
The idea of teaching a young kid about corruption at a young age will affect or impact the understanding of the kids when they are mature because their understanding will be small to understand what corruption entail.
I know some parents want their children to understand this around them at the early stage but we must also consider the danger inside it.
There's the danger and that's why it's better be taught early because some activities and norms that these kids may not could be the start of corruption.

While they're still young and little, they'll have the idea on what they should avoid and what it can be in the future. These kids are easy to teach but you need also to be careful with the wordings you'll use on them so that they can easily understand why it has to be learned.

And out of their own curiosity, soon they'll be the one asking questions related to it.

At small age itself study about corruption is become at teen age are damage about this ideas or increase the impact because and know about the corruption is small thought only and parent our children's are know this at beginning stage itself and i know about this  and also the bad things are kept in mind is important  and so this only the corruption should be taught from young age.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Fullcoinese on June 14, 2023, 12:08:15 AM
The idea of teaching a young kid about corruption at a young age will affect or impact the understanding of the kids when they are mature because their understanding will be small to understand what corruption entail.
I know some parents want their children to understand this around them at the early stage but we must also consider the danger inside it.
There's the danger and that's why it's better be taught early because some activities and norms that these kids may not could be the start of corruption.

While they're still young and little, they'll have the idea on what they should avoid and what it can be in the future. These kids are easy to teach but you need also to be careful with the wordings you'll use on them so that they can easily understand why it has to be learned.

And out of their own curiosity, soon they'll be the one asking questions related to it.
I don't know, even though we teach anti-corruption from an early age to the younger generation, it can still change because we cannot control all the environment and outside influences that are accepted and become habits.

In my opinion, corruption in every country probably exists and occurs in every sector of the organization, and in my opinion, corruption is a big current that is difficult to reduce. I think the only way to eradicate corruption is for the country to make strict laws for corruptors.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: vvikkass on June 14, 2023, 02:08:00 AM
I don't know, even though we teach anti-corruption from an early age to the younger generation, it can still change because we cannot control all the environment and outside influences that are accepted and become habits.

In my opinion, corruption in every country probably exists and occurs in every sector of the organization, and in my opinion, corruption is a big current that is difficult to reduce. I think the only way to eradicate corruption is for the country to make strict laws for corruptors.

If corruption can be eliminated through education then all developed countries will have zero corruption rare and only illetrate people will do corruption but we see highly educated people doing corruption. There are many things that give way to corruption and to remove corruption we have to address the causes that are giving way to corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: uswa56 on June 14, 2023, 03:55:21 AM
I don't know, even though we teach anti-corruption from an early age to the younger generation, it can still change because we cannot control all the environment and outside influences that are accepted and become habits.

In my opinion, corruption in every country probably exists and occurs in every sector of the organization, and in my opinion, corruption is a big current that is difficult to reduce. I think the only way to eradicate corruption is for the country to make strict laws for corruptors.

If corruption can be eliminated through education then all developed countries will have zero corruption rare and only illetrate people will do corruption but we see highly educated people doing corruption. There are many things that give way to corruption and to remove corruption we have to address the causes that are giving way to corruption.
actually corruption can be eliminated, but it is very difficult because the perpetrators of corruption are those who are state officials who regulate the system.
education does have an effect but it is very small, when they have gaps or opportunities to commit corruption it is very likely that they will do so, in fact most corruption is carried out not because it is planned but because they have the opportunity.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: xSkylarx on June 14, 2023, 04:26:06 AM
I don't know, even though we teach anti-corruption from an early age to the younger generation, it can still change because we cannot control all the environment and outside influences that are accepted and become habits.

In my opinion, corruption in every country probably exists and occurs in every sector of the organization, and in my opinion, corruption is a big current that is difficult to reduce. I think the only way to eradicate corruption is for the country to make strict laws for corruptors.

If corruption can be eliminated through education then all developed countries will have zero corruption rare and only illetrate people will do corruption but we see highly educated people doing corruption. There are many things that give way to corruption and to remove corruption we have to address the causes that are giving way to corruption.

The problem with this is that the more you get educated, the smarter you get, and the meaning of this is that you'll now easily see the loopholes in the systems, which is why you'll now try to exploit them. Others also get influenced by those corrupt people and can't say no because it's money or gets threatened. The only solution to corruption is either the government will really investigate this (the president) or the hardest one is to play fair and not do it, and that's for everyone, which we know is really impossible.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: CageMabok on June 14, 2023, 04:36:15 AM
At small age itself study about corruption is become at teen age are damage about this ideas or increase the impact because and know about the corruption is small thought only and parent our children's are know this at beginning stage itself and i know about this  and also the bad things are kept in mind is important  and so this only the corruption should be taught from young age.

What makes me feel confused here is why should the study of corruption be taught to children? Isn't that the biggest part that can destroy a country, because usually such studies only need to be known by those who are already teenagers, but that's not how they put it into practice in life. Knowledge like that needs to be known so that they (the youth) can know what are the impacts and the bad effects if it is done in a country. So it is more for the purpose of just knowing it and there is no need to practice it in life.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Ahli38 on June 14, 2023, 09:14:01 PM
In order not to give birth to a corrupt generation, education is the most suitable and must be implemented from an early age, not only by teachers at school but also by parents at home. namely the lesson on Ethics and Morals.

Whether we realize it or not, nowadays Ethics and Moral education is taught less and less, either in the school environment or at home by parents. Currently, many parents are even busy with their jobs and only rely on schools to educate their children.
The main cause of the increasing number of corruptors is due to a decrease in the level of ethics and morals, especially in terms of honesty.
Both good teaching on those sides whether it would be teach up on school and on your own home on which you are the ones who had been raising up kids and if they would be able to follow up those good values.
Then its unlikely that they would really be raised up as a bad child or whatsoever but there's no way that we could really be that conclusive when it comes to this on which we know as our children gets old then
it would really be that understandable that there would be lots of factors on which it could influenced out their overall behavior and ideas on mind specially if they are really that exposed into that.
This would really be molding up those bad ideas and other approach which it would really be opposing that being ethical.

Although teaching up some good values and other ideas which do opposed on bad stuffs, but still it wont really be giving out that assurance that it would really be followed in the end of the line.
We know that once you do place yourself into such position on which you do have the power and influence then for sure you would be thinking about on how to make more money.  :P
Maybe that's true. But basically good ethics and morals can usually be maintained from two factors, namely external environmental factors (school and social relations) and internal environmental factors (family). Even if we learn about child psychology at a certain age, there is an age where a child will imitate everything he sees and hears for the first time. and it was at that time that habits and the formation of a child's character and character began to be carried on to adulthood. starting from that age, the role of parents is very important in educating and setting a good example and even limiting any media that can have a negative impact on children's moral learning. so that it is hoped that children will grow up and continue to have good moral principles into adulthood.

And as said before that currently education about ethics and morals in schools has decreased dramatically. the curriculum on it has been whittled down and little is taught. and at school more are taught about business and opportunities to make money. so that the mindset of students will be formed to only be about money and money. When money has become the main thing and it will bring greed on one side. and well when someone gets the opportunity to become a high official and there is an easy opportunity to commit corruption. So when a person's ethical and moral honesty is really low, it means that the value of honesty and trust is low and he is used to being taught about the importance of money and building better finances no matter what. then yes that person will have a higher potential to commit corruption.

But when someone has been taught about honesty and ethics and morals that are already attached to their principles (formed into character and mindset) then usually they will have more brakes in their life. such as when there is an opportunity for corruption, their character who is accustomed to honesty will have less potential to fall into corrupt behavior. because people who are ethical and moral are used to always not wanting to harm others. and at least their potential to become corruptors is smaller than people who do not have ethical and moral character who of course will always justify any means and do not care about the losses suffered by other people.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: jossiel on June 14, 2023, 11:52:23 PM
There's the danger and that's why it's better be taught early because some activities and norms that these kids may not could be the start of corruption.

While they're still young and little, they'll have the idea on what they should avoid and what it can be in the future. These kids are easy to teach but you need also to be careful with the wordings you'll use on them so that they can easily understand why it has to be learned.

And out of their own curiosity, soon they'll be the one asking questions related to it.
At small age itself study about corruption is become at teen age are damage about this ideas or increase the impact because and know about the corruption is small thought only and parent our children's are know this at beginning stage itself and i know about this  and also the bad things are kept in mind is important  and so this only the corruption should be taught from young age.
Kids can remember easily and that's why whatever is taught to them at a very young age and if you've told them that it is bad to do such things, they'll remember it so as corruption or being corrupted.

I don't know, even though we teach anti-corruption from an early age to the younger generation, it can still change because we cannot control all the environment and outside influences that are accepted and become habits.

In my opinion, corruption in every country probably exists and occurs in every sector of the organization, and in my opinion, corruption is a big current that is difficult to reduce. I think the only way to eradicate corruption is for the country to make strict laws for corruptors.
You're right.

The influence, surroundings, peer and environment can play an impactful part of a kid's growth. But it's still a good measure that a parent is teaching their kids the right path and reminding them what is corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Finestream on June 27, 2023, 08:58:54 PM
Corruption does not have a limit so I believe that any country who is embracing corruption is getting their self into trouble more in that country because I know quite well that fighting of corruption stand fan condition or rules and regulation of that particular country which if anyone I learnt the rules and regulation of the country the person will be penalized due to what the law said
Of course corruption might only put into its end if the government officials will first show transparency most particularly on their bank accounts. That way, if corruption might still continue, at least the number of cases may somehow declined. However, since corruption is already part of our growing economy, then it’s hard to prevent it especially that most aspiring government officials these days are all for money and power, not on the advocacy for helping the people especially those unfortunate ones.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Qiubell5 on June 28, 2023, 02:24:14 AM
The corrupt person is not aware of his responsibility to the state. He doesn't care about other people, or in other words he only cares about himself.

And I agree that corruption must be taught from a young age. Young people must be taught that besides corruption harming others, corruption also harms themselves. The most important thing is that young children must apply the habit of honesty, and instill a character that is aware that corruption is wrong and does not lead to anything good.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: reagansimms on June 28, 2023, 05:18:19 AM
The poverty rate will increase with corruption, state officials have seized people's rights with dishonorable actions taken to enrich themselves.
It's useless to educate students from an early age to stay away from corruption when they are entrusted with certain positions, especially in government divisions, the system that applies in government is not free from bribery. I prefer the government to issue strict laws against corruptors, only the government system can eradicate corruption.
Government laws are more effective than early education in schools, this is about greed, they are very aware that their actions are against the law which can harm other people. Amputation or execution is one of the most effective ways to eradicate corruption.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: Pierre 2 on June 28, 2023, 08:28:21 AM
I also feel that people who are corrupted in later ages are generally not well taught at family. And their friendships are probably focused on money. Its sad to see that corruption can start from bottom and reach to parliament members or judges so in some countries its impossible to combat... But I think good people stay good. I know many young public officers that were offered bribe but instantly rejected because they wouldn't feel good about it.

Title: Re: Corruption Should Be Taught From Young Age
Post by: erep on June 28, 2023, 05:59:53 PM
I prefer the government to issue strict laws against corruptors, only the government system can eradicate corruption.
Every country has strict laws to eradicate corruption but the implementation factor of the corruption eradication agency is not handled optimally even corrupt suspects have been on the run for almost 3 years, they claim to have tracked down and identified their hiding area but were not arrested for various reasons, even the last statement was that Covid conditions cannot catch corruptors hiding in other countries, but now the case has been abandoned because the corrupt factor is part of the government party.

It's useless to educate students from an early age to stay away from corruption when they are entrusted with certain positions, especially in government divisions, the system that applies in government is not free from bribery.
So I agree with you, how to educate students from an early age to avoid corruption but they show unfair punishments against corruptors from part of the government party, but corruptors from ordinary people are immediately dealt with more quickly and punished severely. If we want the next generation to be free of corruption, then clean up all corruptors with fair law without considering the status of any officials.