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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: bittraffic on October 25, 2022, 02:38:28 AM

Title: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: bittraffic on October 25, 2022, 02:38:28 AM

The Circa opened at a time when online sports betting, which is now legal in more than twenty states and the District of Columbia, was in full march across the United States. This meant that the Circa not only faced stiff competition from well-funded competitors such as DraftKings, FanDuel and Caesars but it also was trying to sell an in-person experience that might very well be woefully out of date. For four of my friends and me, renting one of Circa’s “Millionaire’s Row” football-watching booths on an N.F.L. Sunday required a twenty-five-hundred-dollar drink-and-food minimum, with a mandatory five-hundred-dollar tip. Instead of just firing off bets on our phones in front of our own televisions, on our own couches, we had to stand in line to place bets at a window. Some of the modern innovations in sports gambling, which include live betting, where you can wager in the middle of a game, and elaborate parlays, where you can string together multiple exotic bets for one giant payday, are harder to find at a brick-and-mortar casino like the Circa. On an app, you can also bet on everything from South American soccer leagues and global cricket matches to political races, most of which were not offered at the brick-and-mortar Circa sportsbook and likely not at the smaller sportsbooks in Las Vegas.

In interviews and in the press, Derek Stevens, the owner of the Circa, has seemed a bit coy about why he built this place. But here’s my theory: Stevens intuits, perhaps correctly, that widespread sports-gambling legalization will bring what once was a barely clandestine culture fully out into the open. Betting apps, then, aren’t really his competition but, rather, client-outreach vehicles that could help lure people into his casinos, especially for big events like March Madness and the Super Bowl. He has created, in essence, the Disney World of sports gambling—a place where large groups of people go a few times in a lifetime, and splurge on everything from bets to cabanas and spa packages. All he needs for the vision to work is a nation of sports bettors ready to open their wallets.

Creating a nation of sports bettors would presumably require the participation of the nation’s most populous state. (Thirty per cent of visitors to Las Vegas last year came from California.) The state has two sports-betting-legalization measures on this November’s ballot. Proposition 26 would allow sports gambling, but only at brick-and-mortar tribal casinos and racetracks. Proposition 27 would legalize online sports betting, and passing it might result in something like the app-based, heavily marketed gambling blitzes we’ve seen in New York and New Jersey.

The supporters and opponents of both proposals have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to saturate Californians with ads; this has led to a great deal of confusion among voters. Nobody seems to know which proposal does what, which ones are supported by the tribes—an important political concern, especially within the progressive nonprofit space—or even what the bills will actually do. The Web site for YESon27, for example, mentions very little about sports gambling at all. Instead, it focusses almost exclusively on the money the bill would raise to ease homelessness through a monthly ten-per-cent state tax on sports betting: the funds would first be used to cover regulatory costs, but, after that, eighty-five per cent of that money would go toward addressing homelessness, and the remaining fifteen per cent would be distributed to Native American tribes that are not involved in sports betting.

Most of the money to stop Prop 27 has been raised by gaming tribes that operate casinos that, along with a broad coalition that includes the California Democratic and Republican parties, have brought up everything from the addictive properties of gambling on your phone to tribal-sovereignty issues. Their argument relies on the premise that online gambling is much worse than going to a casino in person, which, of course, is totally fine. In fact, the big gaming tribes seem to be saying that in-person betting is so fine that everyone should support Prop 26 instead and allow sports gambling—but only in racetracks and, of course, their casinos.

It’s all a bit silly and disingenuous. One side uses the homelessness crisis as a cover for legalizing sports-betting apps; the other pretends that they alone can provide a safe gambling experience. Neither proposition is polling well—a recent U.C. Berkeley poll showed that a mere twenty-seven per cent of voters support Prop 27, a response that is doing only slightly worse than that for Prop 26, which is seeing support from just thirty-one per cent of likely voters. The marked lack of support has pushed the proponents of Prop 27, which include the big app companies like FanDuel and DraftKings, to mostly give up and wait until 2024 to try again.

None of this means online sports betting is dead in California; in fact, all it really highlights is that many powerful interests appear to be cornering what they think will be a lucrative market. The amount of money at stake and the other states that have already bought in may actually broker some sort of compromise between the tribes and the app-based gaming companies. The tribes could also spend the next few years trying to build their own apps, and trying to control the market themselves.

Online sports betting, as I wrote last year, seems to fit in with Robinhood, stock-trading apps, and cryptocurrency trading in getting users—usually young, impressionable men—hooked on losing their money. It took New York State about a month after legalization to become, for a while, the largest sports-betting market in the country; thanks to aggressive customer-acquisition campaigns that included incessant ads and free bonuses and bets, gamblers in the state wagered $2.8 billion in the first seven weeks. Some studies have shown that sports betting is five times more likely to lead to problematic play than other types of gambling. Other studies say that online gambling is more addictive than analogue casino betting. (Though it should be pointed out that, at least in California, the casinos are helping to push that narrative.) Because the big online-gambling companies can roll out their services almost immediately after legalization, and have a seemingly unlimited amount of money for promotions, they will likely outpace whatever support infrastructure that can get built to help addicted bettors.

I’ve spent way too much of my adult life in casinos and cardrooms and sportsbooks, where I’ve met more than my fair share of problem gamblers. I’m still not sure if app-based sports betting is much worse than betting in the Circa sportsbook, where a few steps in any direction run you directly into a slot machine. The idea that it’s somehow healthier to place your bets at a racetrack than on your phone doesn’t really pass muster. Gambling addiction is, in many ways, built on sensory compulsions: the smell of the grass at the track, the sound of a roulette ball bouncing across the face of the wheel, the sharp edges of the dice digging into your fingers. It’s still an open question as to whether the apps can match up to the sensations of physical spaces that have been designed to suck the cash out of your pockets.

There’s a well-worn maxim in gambling that says you should assume everyone is lying to you at all times. This rule also seems to have carried over to the debates about online sports betting, where the only thing you can really trust is that every press release and every commercial is specifically aimed at cutting someone into the action or cutting someone else out. Instead of trying to cloak the issue in more palatable talking points such as tax revenue and homelessness funding, politicians, lobbyists, and the corporations who want FanDuel and DraftKings in their state might do better to just ask the question in a more up-front way. Because Americans, on the whole, do seem to want to become a nation of sports bettors—this year, Maine, Kansas, Minnesota, and Massachusetts passed sports-betting legislation. The will of the dudes in Instagram shorts with a few expendable dollars to put on a game will be served.

Prop27 focuses thier ads across the country exclusively on tax from sports betting being used to ease the homelessness problem.
Most supporters of Prop26 are just in favor of in-person betting than online gambling because it's much worse.

The politics related to these propositions are at work that gaming tribes want to control the market while the other side is where big online gambling companies like FanDuel and DraftKings want a bigger share of the market. But as the author said, the tribes can build thier own app to compete in online sports betting platforms in the future if prop27 wins. This leads to debate about online sports betting in the end and as he said you should assume everyone is lying at all times.

The author is still debating which prop he favors but he drifts to pointing out NY took about a month to become the largest sports-betting market in the country after legalization because online sports-betting companies can immediately roll out their aggressive promotions. Although he is unsure if app-based sports betting is much worse.

It doesn't matter whether you are a sports gamblers who sits in front of a big screen betting on football matches wearing football jerseys and baseball caps they wore backward or the sports gambler who just sits down wearing pajamas at home betting with thier phones. I think it drifted far enough to see what we look like upon deciding on online betting legalization. Wearing a cosplay costume will probably just apply on metaverse if there is ever a possibility of this. Would you wear a costume on Meta?

As a sort of compromise, both parties I think can just arrange not to decide until the tribes are ready to launch thier online app as well for better competition. For the sake of fairness. This is just about making money so in order to not cut each from opportunity, they could work out instead of resisting the future development which is going online betting and perhaps adopting crypto as well which I think is what they could next be dealing with. Things are going in this direction.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on October 25, 2022, 02:49:33 AM
I see two things here. The first is that I am surprised that there are a lot of states in the USA where gambling is not legalised. Gambling has its bad things, like alcohol for example, but it is more than proven that by prohibiting it you don't eliminate it, you leave it in the hands of mafias and you stop collecting taxes. And this brings me to the second part, that part of the taxes will be used to help the homeless seems to me to be a poor argument. What we have to do is to attack the root of the problem and try to avoid, or at least reduce the percentage of homeless people.

Then, as for the clothes that people may be wearing, I consider that a secondary issue.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: bittraffic on October 26, 2022, 02:54:58 AM
I see two things here. The first is that I am surprised that there are a lot of states in the USA where gambling is not legalised. Gambling has its bad things, like alcohol for example, but it is more than proven that by prohibiting it you don't eliminate it, you leave it in the hands of mafias and you stop collecting taxes. And this brings me to the second part, that part of the taxes will be used to help the homeless seems to me to be a poor argument. What we have to do is to attack the root of the problem and try to avoid, or at least reduce the percentage of homeless people.

Then, as for the clothes that people may be wearing, I consider that a secondary issue.

I actually see this a fight for old and new mafias.

Everybody likes the noble cause and if anyone oppose the Prop27, those guys will really look like a villain in the eyes of the society. The gaming tribes will  definitely look like they are the ones preventing the advancement of the legalization measures. But both party have politicians on thier sides which I guess this is going ot be a numbers game.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: swogerino on October 29, 2022, 06:18:08 PM
I see two things here. The first is that I am surprised that there are a lot of states in the USA where gambling is not legalised. Gambling has its bad things, like alcohol for example, but it is more than proven that by prohibiting it you don't eliminate it, you leave it in the hands of mafias and you stop collecting taxes. And this brings me to the second part, that part of the taxes will be used to help the homeless seems to me to be a poor argument. What we have to do is to attack the root of the problem and try to avoid, or at least reduce the percentage of homeless people.

Then, as for the clothes that people may be wearing, I consider that a secondary issue.

It is exactly like this,true.They prohibited gambling where I live in 2019 and guess who took it in their hands offering it underground in the web and different physical locations controlled mostly by them,yes the bad people,the outlaws,criminal bands.The government has made it legal again starting from 2023 because of this,so this is true,any thing you prohibit it will be used even more but just under the radar,that is why many groups here call for legalizing marijuana,legalizing public houses and many other things because in here even public houses are forbidden.

I don't like a nation of sport gamblers as they would be in default debt really soon because no one would really work,all of them would have their mind in their betting  ;D.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Queentoshi on October 29, 2022, 08:51:31 PM
I don't like a nation of sport gamblers as they would be in default debt really soon because no one would really work,all of them would have their mind in their betting.
A nation of sport gamblers will have the problem of having citizen who are mostly Irresponsible. The gambling will not affect everyone making everyone irresponsible, but it will surely have the number of irresponsible people more than the responsible. The irresponsibility is people who gamble without control, and those that will do anything just to keep getting money to gamble including involving in crime.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on October 29, 2022, 09:24:00 PM
I don't like a nation of sport gamblers as they would be in default debt really soon because no one would really work,all of them would have their mind in their betting.
A nation of sport gamblers will have the problem of having citizen who are mostly Irresponsible. The gambling will not affect everyone making everyone irresponsible, but it will surely have the number of irresponsible people more than the responsible. The irresponsibility is people who gamble without control, and those that will do anything just to keep getting money to gamble including involving in crime.
I totally agree with both you, here my country Nigeria, i dont have to go far to see how a city or nation of sports gamblers would look like, i just go to the ghetto, the rural part of a city, there, it is filled with youths of all ages, even old men who are so lazy to work but would rather sit at the betting shop all day chatting and ranting about stuffs that make absolutely no sense while smoking and drinking.

Indeed, a nation of sport gamblers, to me , would be one of the most useless nation in the world as such a nation will be filled with irresponsible men and woman and even children, everything in such a nation would be at their waste state both basic amenities, health care etc. as none would pay any attention to making sure this things are put in place and working as it should, all they will always think of is gambling, gambling and gambling.
May such a city or nation never come into existence in this world.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: traderethereum on October 30, 2022, 05:04:44 AM
I don't like a nation of sport gamblers as they would be in default debt really soon because no one would really work,all of them would have their mind in their betting.
A nation of sport gamblers will have the problem of having citizen who are mostly Irresponsible. The gambling will not affect everyone making everyone irresponsible, but it will surely have the number of irresponsible people more than the responsible. The irresponsibility is people who gamble without control, and those that will do anything just to keep getting money to gamble including involving in crime.
It will really cause problems for the government if its citizens cannot be responsible for gambling and will make many citizens addicted to gambling.
They also will not think about how their life will be because they are more busy thinking about how they can have money so they can gamble every day.
And it can also trigger crime rates to rise sharply because if people lose a lot, they will think about having more money, which can lead them to commit crimes.
Perhaps the government needs to modify the regulations on gambling and enforce them strictly so that its citizens not only gamble but can also be responsible for their lives.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: mindrust on October 30, 2022, 05:12:12 AM
I see two things here. The first is that I am surprised that there are a lot of states in the USA where gambling is not legalised. Gambling has its bad things, like alcohol for example, but it is more than proven that by prohibiting it you don't eliminate it, you leave it in the hands of mafias and you stop collecting taxes. And this brings me to the second part, that part of the taxes will be used to help the homeless seems to me to be a poor argument. What we have to do is to attack the root of the problem and try to avoid, or at least reduce the percentage of homeless people.

Then, as for the clothes that people may be wearing, I consider that a secondary issue.

Gambling makes people poor and in a country like the US, you are literally fucked if you are out of money.

Smoking and drinking alcohol will ruin you financially too. See how expensive your health insurance will get when you consume both.

People in the US don’t smoke or drink alcohol, not because they hate these products. It is because they have done the math and they don’t want to get robbed by the big pharma.

Gambling on the other hand has nothing to do with your physical health (your mental health is another story) and that’s why there isn’t any entity to keep you in line other than the government and the government always ban the stuff which can’t have it under control.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Baofeng on October 30, 2022, 08:11:28 AM
I don't like a nation of sport gamblers as they would be in default debt really soon because no one would really work,all of them would have their mind in their betting.
A nation of sport gamblers will have the problem of having citizen who are mostly Irresponsible. The gambling will not affect everyone making everyone irresponsible, but it will surely have the number of irresponsible people more than the responsible. The irresponsibility is people who gamble without control, and those that will do anything just to keep getting money to gamble including involving in crime.

For a country like us, since when I have the ability to understand what gambling is, I saw a lot of problems as well. Crimes for one, and then parents becoming irresponsible like would just go and play all day without taking care of their kids. However, this is just prominent in provinces here because of the proliferation of illegal betting, underground cockfighting and others and it is being control by a group of powerful men and that they have corrupted and bribe the police and even government officials. On the other hand on the city, we have big casinos and you can see the same pattern though. Because when I go, I see a lot of gamblers who really trying their luck, just average joe who want to make it big by winning. We have a term here, "one day millionaire", and that's what their goals is. So I guess I have witnessed what a nation of not just sports gamblers, but gambling in general looks like.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: ethereumhunter on October 30, 2022, 12:48:12 PM
If a nation decides to legalize gambling and allow its citizens to gamble freely, the government must be prepared for the following problems. Maybe the problem will be financial problems, mental health, to losing everything that people have because they can experience big losses in gambling. This will be even greater if they are not responsible for themselves when playing gambling so they will continue to gamble until they forget the time. And if that is the case, the government should help those who are having problems because they will not be able to solve the problem if they are not aware of it.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: YOSHIE on October 30, 2022, 02:23:17 PM
Indeed if we talk about Las Vegas never ending in the world of the gambling industry, there are always new ideas and tricks that are applied to make gamblers feel happy and enjoy when placing bets, especially sportsbooks carried out by Circa Casino.

I just took the point that was conveyed by Derek Stevens, his goal was to build a sports gambling place only for clients who visited Circa Casino in Las Vegas from various nations, even though it's only once in his life to seek thrills in the online sports betting arena, he likes it when nations visit there betting sports betting, drinking, have fun and plus with the ladies of the night, it's a great gambling place and brilliant idea done by Derek, because casinos in other countries the rules are not the same as those in Las Vegas in the United States.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: qwertyup23 on October 30, 2022, 04:30:12 PM
I don't like a nation of sport gamblers as they would be in default debt really soon because no one would really work,all of them would have their mind in their betting.
A nation of sport gamblers will have the problem of having citizen who are mostly Irresponsible. The gambling will not affect everyone making everyone irresponsible, but it will surely have the number of irresponsible people more than the responsible. The irresponsibility is people who gamble without control, and those that will do anything just to keep getting money to gamble including involving in crime.

I do think that what the government is trying to do is by preventing addiction rather than curing it.

Though this may be the case, I find it too restrictive to the point that there are states that completely prohibit online gambling. But, this kind of problem may easily be remedied by visiting other states and gambling on it. While it may be inconvenient for you, but it relatively solves the issue of complete prohibition done by some states that prohibited gambling.

Again, while I am not in favour of completely prohibiting gambling, I do understand the implication that the government did by making this move.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on October 30, 2022, 05:01:09 PM
My imagination has traveled far and around, once I saw this thread.
 Well, it may not be as bad as one might assume, because I believe for a nation to agree to such, knowing fully well the pros and cons involved in gambling, stringent measures to ensure it is controlled will be put in place. However, with the way I see it, legalizing gambling, is as good as saying yes to other vices that symbiote with it.
No nation wants to have to exhaust its resources in keeping up with ensuring gambling is in moderation, and also provide security or medical/psychiatric free or paid sessions because of those who don't know how to call it quits during a game.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: noormcs5 on October 30, 2022, 05:09:43 PM
Gambling on the other hand has nothing to do with your physical health (your mental health is another story) and that’s why there isn’t any entity to keep you in line other than the government and the government always ban the stuff which can’t have it under control.

I don't totally agree with this. Gambling directly affects your mental health too. Do you know why people become a gambling addicts? This is because they play too much gambling that their mind fails to recognize how much gambling is good or bad for them. They are unable to make the right decisions and this is directly linked to mental health.

Also if people start to lose in gambling, they will become tense. They will have a very adverse and bad effect on their mind. Just like winning in gambling and getting a lot of money can have a good effect on the mind, losing money will have a bad effect on the mind.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: serjent05 on October 30, 2022, 06:11:49 PM
I don't like a nation of sport gamblers as they would be in default debt really soon because no one would really work,all of them would have their mind in their betting.
A nation of sport gamblers will have the problem of having citizen who are mostly Irresponsible. The gambling will not affect everyone making everyone irresponsible, but it will surely have the number of irresponsible people more than the responsible. The irresponsibility is people who gamble without control, and those that will do anything just to keep getting money to gamble including involving in crime.

Isn't the world have already lots of irresponsible people?  I don't see any difference in statistics even with sports gambling being the trend since being irresponsible is all in the trait of a person whether the Nation is a sports gambler nation or not, if a person decided to be irresponsible, he will be irresponsible.

Gambling on the other hand has nothing to do with your physical health (your mental health is another story) and that’s why there isn’t any entity to keep you in line other than the government and the government always ban the stuff which can’t have it under control.

I don't totally agree with this. Gambling directly affects your mental health too. Do you know why people become a gambling addicts? This is because they play too much gambling that their mind fails to recognize how much gambling is good or bad for them. They are unable to make the right decisions and this is directly linked to mental health.

Also if people start to lose in gambling, they will become tense. They will have a very adverse and bad effect on their mind. Just like winning in gambling and getting a lot of money can have a good effect on the mind, losing money will have a bad effect on the mind.

I greatly agree gambling has an effect on a person's whole being.  The moment the person is engaged and starts gambling, his time routine has already changed.  Whenever there is a change in time schedule, our body always react to this.    Every changes in environment and routine there is an effect to our physical and mental health.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Gozie51 on October 30, 2022, 06:39:12 PM

I don't totally agree with this. Gambling directly affects your mental health too. Do you know why people become a gambling addicts? This is because they play too much gambling that their mind fails to recognize how much gambling is good or bad for them. They are unable to make the right decisions and this is directly linked to mental health.

Also if people start to lose in gambling, they will become tense. They will have a very adverse and bad effect on their mind. Just like winning in gambling and getting a lot of money can have a good effect on the mind, losing money will have a bad effect on the mind.

The reason people become gambling addict is because they lose and they keep playing. If you lose a game there is the tendency that you want to go back chasing the money that you have lost and you find yourself always playing and like you said it gives a tense feeling and hatred, anger or envy may develop from this and this change the character and the way the person behave. You see a gambling also doing drugs because of such effect on their lives.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Maestro75 on October 31, 2022, 04:54:18 PM

A nation of gamblers would be a nation of irresponsible citizenry. The constant fights that will often come on will be a thing of worry. Take for instance communities where gamblers are much and see the irresponsible living in that community with youngsters not wanting to get proper jobs or do anything meaningful with their lives. Everybody wants to hit it big so they can display their wealth. Morality and communal living will be lost in such nation and people can kill in such communities at the slightest disagreement.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: AmoreJaz on October 31, 2022, 06:21:37 PM

A nation of gamblers would be a nation of irresponsible citizenry. The constant fights that will often come on will be a thing of worry. Take for instance communities where gamblers are much and see the irresponsible living in that community with youngsters not wanting to get proper jobs or do anything meaningful with their lives. Everybody wants to hit it big so they can display their wealth. Morality and communal living will be lost in such nation and people can kill in such communities at the slightest disagreement.

you have a point on this scenario. we can't tell the repercussions of having all gamblers in the house, with different degree of addiction to this habit. a sports gambler will focus on the sports he wanted to bet on, and being addicted with it will give him other emotions that may not favourable to many if he got lost with his bet. so having to deal with such kind of emotions for all people, will be a messy and chaotic one. i don't think everybody will have their peace of mind when they go to sleep. certainly, this will create unhealthy environment for all. would not be advisable to happen in any country.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: dothebeats on October 31, 2022, 07:47:26 PM
If they are capable of self-control I think this is okay. I don't think gamblers are irresponsible as a whole, but I don't think this would work as intended in the long run. There ought to be a problem (eventually) when the citizens are doing the same thing for the longest of time. A nation needs diversity of its people in order to survive, and that includes what they do to make money and what they do as a hobby, as gambling isn't a very viable industry to focus on for a nation.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Hydrogen on October 31, 2022, 11:10:44 PM
Back when I was serious about sports gambling. Efforts were made to use math, science, psychology and other avenues of study towards anticipating the outcome of matches.

Sometimes you can tell how hungry and motivated athletes are going into events simply by watching their interviews and paying close attention to their body language and responses. It is also possible to tell when they're unmotivated and distracted.

When Cain Velasquez fought Francis Ngannou. Cain Velasquez was sweating heavily despite not moving or exerting himself much at the open workout. He looked out of shape or injured. I used that indicator to bet heavily on Ngannou and won. Later it emerged Velasquez had a knee injury and wasn't able to run much to prepare his cardio for that bout. There were other occasions where I tried to use the law of large numbers and other aspects of math, science and strategy to be successful in gambling.

A nation of sports gamblers might study the psychology of sports and cold reading athletes to gauge performance at events. As well as strategy and math for better understanding odds and strategizing. A nation of gamblers wouldn't necessarily have to be a decadent or regressive trend. It could actually encourage people to embrace fields of study which might be useful for being profitable in the industry.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: bittraffic on November 01, 2022, 05:54:16 AM
Back when I was serious about sports gambling. Efforts were made to use math, science, psychology and other avenues of study towards anticipating the outcome of matches.

Sometimes you can tell how hungry and motivated athletes are going into events simply by watching their interviews and paying close attention to their body language and responses. It is also possible to tell when they're unmotivated and distracted.

When Cain Velasquez fought Francis Ngannou. Cain Velasquez was sweating heavily despite not moving or exerting himself much at the open workout. He looked out of shape or injured. I used that indicator to bet heavily on Ngannou and won. Later it emerged Velasquez had a knee injury and wasn't able to run much to prepare his cardio for that bout. There were other occasions where I tried to use the law of large numbers and other aspects of math, science and strategy to be successful in gambling.

A nation of sports gamblers might study the psychology of sports and cold reading athletes to gauge performance at events. As well as strategy and math for better understanding odds and strategizing. A nation of gamblers wouldn't necessarily have to be a decadent or regressive trend. It could actually encourage people to embrace fields of study which might be useful for being profitable in the industry.

This applies to boxing and MMA but for team sports like soccer or basketball, you may just depend on their best players like Curry, Klay Tom, or Lebron. All the time the pickers spread thier word and often they are right when you look at the odds.

A nation of gamblers would be a nation of irresponsible citizenry. The constant fights that will often come on will be a thing of worry. Take for instance communities where gamblers are much and see the irresponsible living in that community with youngsters not wanting to get proper jobs or do anything meaningful with their lives. Everybody wants to hit it big so they can display their wealth. Morality and communal living will be lost in such nation and people can kill in such communities at the slightest disagreement.

Or would you say a nation of sports gamblers is a competitive citizen?
During Olympics, all I see on the top gold getter are the US, China, Germany, and Russia. I don't see Mexico being the top gold medalist in boxing.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Daltonik on November 01, 2022, 06:39:52 AM
Or would you say a nation of sports gamblers is a competitive citizen?
During Olympics, all I see on the top gold getter are the US, China, Germany, and Russia. I don't see Mexico being the top gold medalist in boxing.

After all, Olympic sports require huge support from the state, countries such as Mexico cannot or do not want to provide such support to their national teams, hence the difference in results, but in professional sports the results are somewhat different.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: AicecreaME on November 01, 2022, 08:28:52 AM

A nation of gamblers would be a nation of irresponsible citizenry. The constant fights that will often come on will be a thing of worry. Take for instance communities where gamblers are much and see the irresponsible living in that community with youngsters not wanting to get proper jobs or do anything meaningful with their lives. Everybody wants to hit it big so they can display their wealth. Morality and communal living will be lost in such nation and people can kill in such communities at the slightest disagreement.

Unfortunately, this makes sense.

Having a nation of gambler could be chaotic. While we could somehow lean on the positive aspects of gambling, we can't really deny the fact that gamblers tend to be greedy and boastful in the long run. I agree with what you said that constant fights could possible happen from time to time because different types of gamblers have different opinions and all of them want to be heard which could lead to some disagreements and fight amongst each other. Since they hold different kinds of beliefs and principles, as well as perspective, it is probable that they'll clash the moment the other try to impose what works for him.

Indeed, everyone's goal will be hitting the jackpot just for the sake of bragging and not really inspiring other gamblers. In fact, this so-called inspirational and motivational posts about winning could be a trap too, for you to bet over and over chasing the winning prize. Without actually knowing how they got there: the process, time, and fund spent altogether.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: TheGreatPython on November 01, 2022, 11:49:31 AM
I do think that what the government is trying to do is by preventing addiction rather than curing it.

Though this may be the case, I find it too restrictive to the point that there are states that completely prohibit online gambling. But, this kind of problem may easily be remedied by visiting other states and gambling on it. While it may be inconvenient for you, but it relatively solves the issue of complete prohibition done by some states that prohibited gambling.

Again, while I am not in favour of completely prohibiting gambling, I do understand the implication that the government did by making this move.
And like the saying says "prevention is always better than cure" But when someone is already addicted, then curing would be the obvious thing that we can do to get their selves back to normal. Restricting/banning gambling is one of the ways to prevent people from accessing it.

Maybe you are new on gambling that is why you find it too restrictive when some states are prohibited about it but did you know that there are countries where gambling is fully banned? So how about that? I think that is more restrictive. It's true that there are remedies but not all can do it, so this is better than if the government won't take any actions and just watch the public turning into a compulsive gambler.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Slow death on November 01, 2022, 12:57:30 PM
I understand that if we wanted a country where it was for gamblers it would be necessary to put strong measures of KYC, the solution to many problems of gambling addicts is in KYC, for example:

the country would force all online or physical casinos to force customers to make KYC right away when creating an account in the case of an online casino and in the case of a physical casino they would have to ask customers for documents at the door of the physical casino

in case someone becomes addicted to gambling that person would have to be banned from gambling for at least 3 years, this means that the hospital would issue a note to all online and physical casinos forbidding and account creation of this addicted person in gambling

with that it could be possible that there was a nation of  sports gamblers

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Maestro75 on November 02, 2022, 06:52:28 AM
A nation of gamblers would be a nation of irresponsible citizenry.
Or would you say a nation of sports gamblers is a competitive citizen?

How will it promote competitive citizenship when we know how angry gamblers get when they lose? That is not possible. Look at what fans of different clubs do to others when their clubs lose, even right there at the soccer pitch. Many people have taken because of this and do not like going to watch live matches to avoid fights that normally erupts. At home, we have heard of wives refusing their husbands food and sex when the teams they support lose to their husbands opposing teams. Where is the competitiveness then?

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Bananington on November 02, 2022, 04:35:12 PM
At home, we have heard of wives refusing their husbands food and sex when the teams they support lose to their husbands opposing teams. Where is the competitiveness then?
This is too much, and I also don't see how a nation with majority of sport gamblers will promote competition. When different people have a common interest in an activity, it can lead to closer bonds formed. In a country where majority of the people gamble on sports, apart from all the bad it can cause, it also gives everyone a common topic that they can all relate to and foster better relationship. You can notice how easily smokers become friends, even people who drink, that's the same effect it will provide for a nation where majority of people sports gamble.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: freedomgo on November 02, 2022, 04:42:54 PM
Back when I was serious about sports gambling. Efforts were made to use math, science, psychology and other avenues of study towards anticipating the outcome of matches.

Sometimes you can tell how hungry and motivated athletes are going into events simply by watching their interviews and paying close attention to their body language and responses. It is also possible to tell when they're unmotivated and distracted.

When Cain Velasquez fought Francis Ngannou. Cain Velasquez was sweating heavily despite not moving or exerting himself much at the open workout. He looked out of shape or injured. I used that indicator to bet heavily on Ngannou and won. Later it emerged Velasquez had a knee injury and wasn't able to run much to prepare his cardio for that bout. There were other occasions where I tried to use the law of large numbers and other aspects of math, science and strategy to be successful in gambling.

A nation of sports gamblers might study the psychology of sports and cold reading athletes to gauge performance at events. As well as strategy and math for better understanding odds and strategizing. A nation of gamblers wouldn't necessarily have to be a decadent or regressive trend. It could actually encourage people to embrace fields of study which might be useful for being profitable in the industry.

This applies to boxing and MMA but for team sports like soccer or basketball, you may just depend on their best players like Curry, Klay Tom, or Lebron. All the time the pickers spread thier word and often they are right when you look at the odds.

It's still applicable in soccer, basketball and baseball or in any sports that requires team effort. However, it will be much tougher to analyze the datas available because we are weighing more things unlike in boxing and MMA where we are just comparing two different fighters to know who's who and which is which. Team sports does have many facts to consider as well because if their stars players cannot play due to injury, their fire power will be reduced and will give the opposite team an advantage.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Maestro75 on November 03, 2022, 06:07:10 AM
You can notice how easily smokers become friends, even people who drink, that's the same effect it will provide for a nation where majority of people sports gamble.

You are right with the smokers example you gave and how they quickly make friends but you have to know that smokers are not braggers. Gamblers are braggers. That is where the difference is. It is very hard for those who brag alot to remain in peace when they meet with those who also brag. This is what happens most times when gamblers meet.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Yatsan on November 03, 2022, 07:40:50 AM
At home, we have heard of wives refusing their husbands food and sex when the teams they support lose to their husbands opposing teams. Where is the competitiveness then?
This is too much, and I also don't see how a nation with majority of sport gamblers will promote competition. When different people have a common interest in an activity, it can lead to closer bonds formed. In a country where majority of the people gamble on sports, apart from all the bad it can cause, it also gives everyone a common topic that they can all relate to and foster better relationship. You can notice how easily smokers become friends, even people who drink, that's the same effect it will provide for a nation where majority of people sports gamble.
Competition? I see greed.
As mentioned in this topic, younger generation are also influenced by gambling to the exntent wherein reliance do now exist in their life. It became a culture- as it sounded to me. There's no right or wrong culture for sure but if it is based with greed, I can say that it is just a manifestation of wrongdoings. It is no longer solely to playing or act of gambling but their reliance to the prize from doing so which puts more weigh into such activity, and on the latter, makes them more affected of the outcome.

You can notice how easily smokers become friends, even people who drink, that's the same effect it will provide for a nation where majority of people sports gamble.

You are right with the smokers example you gave and how they quickly make friends but you have to know that smokers are not braggers. Gamblers are braggers. That is where the difference is. It is very hard for those who brag alot to remain in peace when they meet with those who also brag. This is what happens most times when gamblers meet.

I doubt with bragging. Gamblers are also sharing commonalities which makes them good friends, try to observe in a casino. They are all going along at first and things are just changing to worse once it is money which is in the 'middle'. Once there are people losing huge amounts, the tension will change. Far different with the comparison on vices wherein there's no such thing involved; only killing time. So I'm guessing this is quite irrelevant.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Maestro75 on November 03, 2022, 02:29:34 PM
It is very hard for those who brag alot to remain in peace when they meet with those who also brag. This is what happens most times when gamblers meet.

I doubt with bragging. Gamblers are also sharing commonalities which makes them good friends, try to observe in a casino. They are all going along at first and things are just changing to worse once it is money which is in the 'middle'. Once there are people losing huge amounts, the tension will change.

You said you doubt about gamblers bragging and I said bragging leads to fight. Ok, you agreed that once losing huge amounts is involved there can be fights among gamblers. Whether they brag or not, it is the fights that matter. We need a country that its citizens live in peace, no fights. A gambling nation will be without peace whenever the major or dominating side loses huge amounts.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: panganib999 on November 08, 2022, 11:27:26 PM
I see two things here. The first is that I am surprised that there are a lot of states in the USA where gambling is not legalised. Gambling has its bad things, like alcohol for example, but it is more than proven that by prohibiting it you don't eliminate it, you leave it in the hands of mafias and you stop collecting taxes. And this brings me to the second part, that part of the taxes will be used to help the homeless seems to me to be a poor argument. What we have to do is to attack the root of the problem and try to avoid, or at least reduce the percentage of homeless people.

Then, as for the clothes that people may be wearing, I consider that a secondary issue.
Gambling houses will do whatever they could to gather people in their favor, even if the means they employ to reach is that is of poor taste. To be honest I don't think it would work with the people. The fact that it insinuates that gambling does good is already a flawed concept, let alone that the taxes they incur are being paid to fight homelessness. We take a look at everywhere and it doesn't seem like actions against homelessness is being taken to alleviate it, let alone to completely eradicate the tragedy. This advertisement, if true, is done in poor taste and should be a lesson to every gambling company out there not to.

You also have a point in attacking the homelessness tragedy but without the primary proprietary entities to handle the issue, there wouldn't be an end to people lying in cardboard boxes in the streets. The government needs to be urged, or we could just leave it to the NGOs and watch it gloriously fail because they lack the proper funding.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: bittraffic on November 09, 2022, 05:57:09 AM
When I read article I was surprised to see that it claims sports betting is more problematic than other kinds. I don't see why. Sports betting happens when there are competitions. But you can gamble 7/24 on online casinos. Sports betting takes amount of experience skill, knowing teams to hit a win etc But other kinds of gambling games are mostly very easy and luck based. So easy to hook. I don't agree with argument.

So many sports pickers these days that some of the gamblers don't even know the game, they just bet based on what YouTubers pick for them.

The article actually branches out to different sub-topics about sports betting but it's a very political article that lets every voter see whichever party wins, the winning party will do no different than the other will do, all lies. The same effect and the same thing, sports betting will continue either in the area or online.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on November 25, 2022, 02:54:02 AM
When I read article I was surprised to see that it claims sports betting is more problematic than other kinds. I don't see why. Sports betting happens when there are competitions. But you can gamble 7/24 on online casinos. Sports betting takes amount of experience skill, knowing teams to hit a win etc But other kinds of gambling games are mostly very easy and luck based. So easy to hook. I don't agree with argument.

So many sports pickers these days that some of the gamblers don't even know the game, they just bet based on what YouTubers pick for them.

The article actually branches out to different sub-topics about sports betting but it's a very political article that lets every voter see whichever party wins, the winning party will do no different than the other will do, all lies. The same effect and the same thing, sports betting will continue either in the area or online.
Yes, in fact it is a very clear option that when we make a bet it is like in trading, we ourselves are to blame, we cannot predict exactly what may happen in a sport, but there is something clear, here in sports betting we have more chance to win than to play in a slot machine, because in sports betting our decision is what makes us win or lose and we do not depend on a random system, if luck can be mixed, but it is optional. In the event that I choose a particular sport to bet without a doubt, it is soccer, other sports can be boxing and UFC, in other sports I need to learn, I do not have the experience to face making a bet blindly, it would be losing money.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: bugwaysa on November 25, 2022, 04:43:24 AM
When I read article I was surprised to see that it claims sports betting is more problematic than other kinds. I don't see why. Sports betting happens when there are competitions. But you can gamble 7/24 on online casinos. Sports betting takes amount of experience skill, knowing teams to hit a win etc But other kinds of gambling games are mostly very easy and luck based. So easy to hook. I don't agree with argument.

So many sports pickers these days that some of the gamblers don't even know the game, they just bet based on what YouTubers pick for them.

The article actually branches out to different sub-topics about sports betting but it's a very political article that lets every voter see whichever party wins, the winning party will do no different than the other will do, all lies. The same effect and the same thing, sports betting will continue either in the area or online.
Yes, in fact it is a very clear option that when we make a bet it is like in trading, we ourselves are to blame, we cannot predict exactly what may happen in a sport, but there is something clear, here in sports betting we have more chance to win than to play in a slot machine, because in sports betting our decision is what makes us win or lose and we do not depend on a random system, if luck can be mixed, but it is optional. In the event that I choose a particular sport to bet without a doubt, it is soccer, other sports can be boxing and UFC, in other sports I need to learn, I do not have the experience to face making a bet blindly, it would be losing money.

You clearly did not made a mistake since you are replying to QueenVera

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on November 25, 2022, 04:59:36 AM
When I read article I was surprised to see that it claims sports betting is more problematic than other kinds. I don't see why. Sports betting happens when there are competitions. But you can gamble 7/24 on online casinos. Sports betting takes amount of experience skill, knowing teams to hit a win etc But other kinds of gambling games are mostly very easy and luck based. So easy to hook. I don't agree with argument.

So many sports pickers these days that some of the gamblers don't even know the game, they just bet based on what YouTubers pick for them.

The article actually branches out to different sub-topics about sports betting but it's a very political article that lets every voter see whichever party wins, the winning party will do no different than the other will do, all lies. The same effect and the same thing, sports betting will continue either in the area or online.
Yes, in fact it is a very clear option that when we make a bet it is like in trading, we ourselves are to blame, we cannot predict exactly what may happen in a sport, but there is something clear, here in sports betting we have more chance to win than to play in a slot machine, because in sports betting our decision is what makes us win or lose and we do not depend on a random system, if luck can be mixed, but it is optional. In the event that I choose a particular sport to bet without a doubt, it is soccer, other sports can be boxing and UFC, in other sports I need to learn, I do not have the experience to face making a bet blindly, it would be losing money.

You clearly did not made a mistake since you are replying to QueenVera

Hello bugwaysa, yes I answered, but if you look closely I did it in this board of the wrong forum (which does not belong), when they told me this, that was the reason why I deleted it, because I did it and I did not pay attention to what was inside from another thread, if I leave a post from another thread in this thread it is not correct, anyway I apologize for the inconvenience and misunderstanding caused.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Mauser on November 26, 2022, 07:41:19 AM

The author is still debating which prop he favors but he drifts to pointing out NY took about a month to become the largest sports-betting market in the country after legalization because online sports-betting companies can immediately roll out their aggressive promotions. Although he is unsure if app-based sports betting is much worse.

It doesn't matter whether you are a sports gamblers who sits in front of a big screen betting on football matches wearing football jerseys and baseball caps they wore backward or the sports gambler who just sits down wearing pajamas at home betting with thier phones. I think it drifted far enough to see what we look like upon deciding on online betting legalization. Wearing a cosplay costume will probably just apply on metaverse if there is ever a possibility of this. Would you wear a costume on Meta?

In my opinion gambling should always be legal in a country. Having a nation wide ban on gambling is wrong as it will never remove gambling complete from society. The only thing that a ban is going to do is shifting it not hiding from the government. Private underground casinos will pop up and still satisfy the demand for gambling and sports betting. The government is missing out on taxes and also will not offer a legal framework for the citizens. It should be every persons choice to decide if he wants to engage in gambling or not. And as long as it's legal a gambler doesn't need to be afraid that he will scammed out of his winnings, he has the law on his side. In my country sports betting is a big market and is part of the culture over here, if politicans would try to ban it then there would be a public outcry. As for the metaverse I think it's the future and will be a big part for people watching sports, betting and engaging with each other while sitting on the couch at home. I would only be wearing a costume in the metaverse if I am getting paid for it. It feels a bit like making a promotion on Facebook or Instagram, as everybody else is going to see you with it. And a company should offer some goodies or monetary reward for people to promote their business.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Wexnident on November 26, 2022, 08:33:17 AM
Everybody likes the noble cause and if anyone oppose the Prop27, those guys will really look like a villain in the eyes of the society. The gaming tribes will  definitely look like they are the ones preventing the advancement of the legalization measures. But both party have politicians on thier sides which I guess this is going ot be a numbers game.
To be fair, prop26 is also fighting for a moral reason, which is (from what I understood), limiting the influence of sports betting towards brick and mortar. Letting it spread online makes it easier for younger audiences to touch upon it after all (though considering how the internet has grown, is kind of too late).

The same effect and the same thing, sports betting will continue either in the area or online.
I'd say that's infinitely better than a country-wide ban on gambling. At least it's controlled in a way. Though at this point I'd just say they're fighting for the profits they'd gain, prop27 wins and brick and mortar casinos drop in users, prop26 wins, and online would never even be able to be released.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on November 26, 2022, 10:42:16 AM
We will know very soon here in the United States.  My state, Illinois, legalized gambling about a year ago. Honestly besides the extra tax income which is great and put to good use (well, some of it) not much has changed here.  There are a shit ton of video poker machines stores allllll over my city, I live in a city of 100k-ish people and I bet we have poker machines set up in at least 4-500 different establishments.

I mostly support the freedom of will.  It's super duper easy to gamble online illegally so why not legalize it and make tax money for the betterment of the city. 

Like marijuana legalization here, gambling legalization has made it a better, more free place.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Boristhecat on November 26, 2022, 12:31:21 PM
In my opinion gambling should always be legal in a country. Having a nation wide ban on gambling is wrong as it will never remove gambling complete from society. The only thing that a ban is going to do is shifting it not hiding from the government. Private underground casinos will pop up and still satisfy the demand for gambling and sports betting. The government is missing out on taxes and also will not offer a legal framework for the citizens. It should be every persons choice to decide if he wants to engage in gambling or not. And as long as it's legal a gambler doesn't need to be afraid that he will scammed out of his winnings, he has the law on his side. In my country sports betting is a big market and is part of the culture over here, if politicans would try to ban it then there would be a public outcry. As for the metaverse I think it's the future and will be a big part for people watching sports, betting and engaging with each other while sitting on the couch at home. I would only be wearing a costume in the metaverse if I am getting paid for it. It feels a bit like making a promotion on Facebook or Instagram, as everybody else is going to see you with it. And a company should offer some goodies or monetary reward for people to promote their business.

I agree about the ban - it never solves the problem (if there is one at all) and only worsens things for the people whom the ban is supposed to protect. As for the Metaverse, you argue logically, but corporations have long switched to a model where users do everything themselves and also pay for it themselves, so I would not expect that the development of the Metaverses will take a different path. Of course, 0.001% of all users will receive some kind of compensation for their activity, but the rest will not.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: molsewid on November 26, 2022, 01:20:19 PM
I understand that if we wanted a country where it was for gamblers it would be necessary to put strong measures of KYC, the solution to many problems of gambling addicts is in KYC, for example:

the country would force all online or physical casinos to force customers to make KYC right away when creating an account in the case of an online casino and in the case of a physical casino they would have to ask customers for documents at the door of the physical casino

in case someone becomes addicted to gambling that person would have to be banned from gambling for at least 3 years, this means that the hospital would issue a note to all online and physical casinos forbidding and account creation of this addicted person in gambling

with that it could be possible that there was a nation of  sports gamblers
Yeah, there's a lot of things we need to see and we need to have a set of rules that everyone should follow, let us assume that government in that certain country legalize gambling and don't have any problem with it, they should list all the things that they might encounter for his such as the addiction that it is very hard to in this industry, everyone can suffer greed but not everyone can handle it very much that it will lead to addiction.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: jrrsparkles on November 26, 2022, 01:42:27 PM
We will know very soon here in the United States.  My state, Illinois, legalized gambling about a year ago. Honestly besides the extra tax income which is great and put to good use (well, some of it) not much has changed here.  There are a shit ton of video poker machines stores allllll over my city, I live in a city of 100k-ish people and I bet we have poker machines set up in at least 4-500 different establishments.

I mostly support the freedom of will.  It's super duper easy to gamble online illegally so why not legalize it and make tax money for the betterment of the city. 

Like marijuana legalization here, gambling legalization has made it a better, more free place.

Legalization is good for the government but for the existing offline business sharks its not going to be so they will push the government with all their influence to stop legalization. Making the online gamble will not affect the existing casino business for sure but still the empire they build for decades will not be upright but with the evolution its not possible to suppress for too long.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: Cling18 on November 26, 2022, 02:25:56 PM
We will know very soon here in the United States.  My state, Illinois, legalized gambling about a year ago. Honestly besides the extra tax income which is great and put to good use (well, some of it) not much has changed here.  There are a shit ton of video poker machines stores allllll over my city, I live in a city of 100k-ish people and I bet we have poker machines set up in at least 4-500 different establishments.

I mostly support the freedom of will.  It's super duper easy to gamble online illegally so why not legalize it and make tax money for the betterment of the city. 

Like marijuana legalization here, gambling legalization has made it a better, more free place.

Legalization is good for the government but for the existing offline business sharks its not going to be so they will push the government with all their influence to stop legalization. Making the online gamble will not affect the existing casino business for sure but still the empire they build for decades will not be upright but with the evolution, it's not possible to suppress for too long.
Some online casinos don't focus on legalization but their main goal is to earn and make their business grow even without any connection with the government. But for offline casinos, they always need the approval of the government for them to continue their operation.
If a city would be filled with sports gamblers, it will help the economy through their taxes which is beneficial for both parties. However, it's still important that people would still know their limits when it comes to gambling.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: ajochems on November 26, 2022, 02:27:09 PM
Legalisation of online casino was the easy one for the government. Because by passing the law, it was the easy one. The offline casino will affected, if the government legalised the online casino. So the offline casino people will not allow this to occur. It’s common one in all the business. The Offline casino running people will be more powerful person of their country. So their influence was made effective as compared to online casino. So this type of activity can’t be changed at any circumstances. Only solution is both can earn by not interfering other business.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: jrrsparkles on November 26, 2022, 02:39:56 PM
We will know very soon here in the United States.  My state, Illinois, legalized gambling about a year ago. Honestly besides the extra tax income which is great and put to good use (well, some of it) not much has changed here.  There are a shit ton of video poker machines stores allllll over my city, I live in a city of 100k-ish people and I bet we have poker machines set up in at least 4-500 different establishments.

I mostly support the freedom of will.  It's super duper easy to gamble online illegally so why not legalize it and make tax money for the betterment of the city. 

Like marijuana legalization here, gambling legalization has made it a better, more free place.

Legalization is good for the government but for the existing offline business sharks its not going to be so they will push the government with all their influence to stop legalization. Making the online gamble will not affect the existing casino business for sure but still the empire they build for decades will not be upright but with the evolution, it's not possible to suppress for too long.
Some online casinos don't focus on legalization but their main goal is to earn and make their business grow even without any connection with the government. But for offline casinos, they always need the approval of the government for them to continue their operation.
If a city would be filled with sports gamblers, it will help the economy through their taxes which is beneficial for both parties. However, it's still important that people would still know their limits when it comes to gambling.
Maybe in the past it was possible for online casinos to grow without having license or legalized by the government but nowadays it's not possible almost all the reputed casinos have licence and if new members are looking for a new casino they always check for the licence and feedback from the existing users so if a new casino want to grow and survie along the huge competition then they need to tick all the boxes.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: uneng on November 26, 2022, 06:02:10 PM
Actually, they can do nothing to stop online betting. It's like piracy, there can be laws forbidding and punishing the practice, but most people will still go for it, doesn't matter what regulators say. And in fact, who should choose what kind of gambling is better (virtual or physical) are the customers, so casinos' owners (including the tribes) adapt themselves to what customers are demanding. It never works on the contrary in business and service provider to customer's relationship.

I'm sure they are all going to work together on the solution which provides online gambling and sports betting to the community. After all, it's the only alternative anyway.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: serjent05 on November 26, 2022, 08:18:17 PM
Actually, they can do nothing to stop online betting. It's like piracy, there can be laws forbidding and punishing the practice, but most people will still go for it, doesn't matter what regulators say. And in fact, who should choose what kind of gambling is better (virtual or physical) are the customers, so casinos' owners (including the tribes) adapt themselves to what customers are demanding. It never works on the contrary in business and service provider to customer's relationship.

The government can do something, like tracing these illegal activities and shut them down.  Though I believe the government cannot stop these kinds of illegal activities at least they can trim them down and punish a few.  That may also give examples to those who plan to create illegal online betting and will possibly slow down the growth of it. 

I'm sure they are all going to work together on the solution which provides online gambling and sports betting to the community. After all, it's the only alternative anyway.

Well, I agree that the government instead of totally banning gambling must think of regulating the online gambling industry instead.  This way they can get profit from the activity and at the same time reduce their budget for tracking people who do illegal bets.

Maybe in the past it was possible for online casinos to grow without having license or legalized by the government but nowadays it's not possible almost all the reputed casinos have licence and if new members are looking for a new casino they always check for the licence and feedback from the existing users so if a new casino want to grow and survie along the huge competition then they need to tick all the boxes.

I think the earlier years of online casino does not need much regulation but as it becomes popular and problem about money laundering being attached to online gambling then the government or authority decided to implement regulations and KYC to prevent illegal activities online.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: darewaller on November 27, 2022, 06:12:21 AM
Legalization is good for the government but for the existing offline business sharks its not going to be so they will push the government with all their influence to stop legalization. Making the online gamble will not affect the existing casino business for sure but still the empire they build for decades will not be upright but with the evolution its not possible to suppress for too long.
Yes, because when gambling is now legalized, it means that it can now be taxed and tax can also go in the development of the country but that is if the government of that country is not corrupt however there are people who won't agree with it because they are selfish and don't like to be charged by a tax and there are also people who think gambling is bad so they won't agree to legalize it.

I don't know on why say that the legalization of gambling is bad for the offline business sharks. Is it because they don't want to be taxed as well? But they will still bribe the government, which is still the same. A new gambling biz can affect the existing ones only if they can offer better stuffs.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: traderethereum on November 27, 2022, 06:27:03 AM
Legalisation of online casino was the easy one for the government. Because by passing the law , it was the easy one. The offline casino will affected,if the government legalised the online casino. So the offline casino people will not allow this to occur. It’s common one in all the business. The Offline casino running people will be more powerful person of their country. So their influence was made effective as compared to online casino. So this type of activity can’t be changed at any circumstances. Only solution is both can earn by not interfering other business.
The legalization of online casinos may be easy. Still, we know that online casinos can be created in countries where gambling is allowed and they can easily grant operating licenses for those online casinos.
But here, what needs to be considered is what will happen to its citizens if casinos are allowed in their country because this can trigger citizens to play gambling often. After all, they think that by gambling, they can get money easily.
We have seen that online casinos are getting more and more popular nowadays and lots of new people want to try to earn money from gambling.
So what are the consequences if, in the end, a country legalizes gambling for its citizens?
They will use gambling to make money.

Title: Re: What Would a Nation of Sports Gamblers Look Like?
Post by: roslinpl on November 27, 2022, 06:55:27 AM
Online betting is unstoppable one for now. Most the big whales involved in online betting. The punishment was not a speed breaker for the online betting. Many people using the platform to escape from the money laundering, they will do the betting and withdraw by the mean of they doing it as a resource. All use this strategy to do exchanges of money. If they well at gambling strategy, it help them to earn more money from it. But if they loss without the strategy, it won’t affect them a lot. So it’s reason they chose of Online betting. In many countries online betting is legal one and people earning more from it. It may over take the Offline betting one day.