Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Collectibles => Topic started by: mx12.levins on October 26, 2022, 10:21:48 AM

Post by: mx12.levins on October 26, 2022, 10:21:48 AM
Proudly present you the «Einundzwanzig Magazin»! BTC
"Einundzwanzig"(Twentyone) Magazine Issue 1, (0 number)
There will be only 2100 hand-numbered magazines ( ( ( (

I decided to share this project here because maybe there are collectors who want to collect something like that. I know the information is on German but the magazine includes a lot of illustrations, cover design and there is even a few pages of comics. Artworks, illustrations is mostly created by me, mx12art but of course it was done together with the German Bitcoin community "Einundzwanzig", without them this wouldn't be possible.

After almost five months of preparation, you are holding the first Bitcoin-only magazine for the DACH(D-Deutschland(Germany) A -Austria and CH-Schweiz(Switzerland)) region in your hands.
The magazine was printed on October 21st, but unfortunately it will take another 2 weeks until the Bitcoin community "Einundzwanzig" can send it out, but the first step is done.

This magazine is supposed to be a community project. But before we let you dive into the diverse contributions, I would like to give you a few thoughts with, why Bitcoin and paper are not necessarily in contradiction.As we all know, paper is patient and just currently is printed at full speed, which is not even worth the raw material on which the information is recorded in each case. And it was characteristically a "Shitcoin" magazine, which tempted "Einundzwanzig" to call this project into being, which looks for its equals - at least in the German-speaking countries. Because if there are reports about Bitcoin in classical media, these articles are in the best case badly researched or mostly deliberately reputation-damaging and manipulative. Moreover, "crypto" and Bitcoin are blithely mixed together in the same pot, and this, not surprisingly, the impression can arise in the external perception that Bitcoin represents no value for society. However, we now want to counter this superficial impression with the "Einundzwanzig Magazine" and its qualified contributions to counteract this superficial impression.

The idea is of course to learn/develop people to use the lighting payments as well, and that's why the "Einundzwanzig" community accepts only Bitcoin Lighting payments, if you really want this magazine you will need to learn how to use the Lighting network:) kind a cool, because most magazines or even all other Bitcoin magazines accepts fiat

You can order magazine here:

Post by: Iced on October 30, 2022, 01:25:23 PM
If there is an interest in this magazine, I would love to set up a GB

Post by: mx12.levins on November 13, 2022, 10:01:04 PM
If there is an interest in this magazine, I would love to set up a GB

Created some photos in much better quality. ( (

Post by: MoparMiningLLC on November 13, 2022, 10:06:57 PM
I looked into getting one once (believe I saw it on twitter? where someone tagged me in it) but they dont have US listed as shipping location so I could not order. Would definitely need to be someone in EU who would then ship to the US - I imagine the shipping would cost more than the magazine too :(

Post by: bitbollo on November 13, 2022, 10:58:09 PM
I looked into getting one once (believe I saw it on twitter? where someone tagged me in it) but they dont have US listed as shipping location so I could not order. Would definitely need to be someone in EU who would then ship to the US - I imagine the shipping would cost more than the magazine too :(

I can help you with shipping from Italy.
I can send you a registered letter (tracking code until delivery) with a 20% discount on the official price. 
See below from Poste Italiane (USA is zone 2)

Post by: mx12.levins on November 13, 2022, 11:15:08 PM
I looked into getting one once (believe I saw it on twitter? where someone tagged me in it) but they dont have US listed as shipping location so I could not order. Would definitely need to be someone in EU who would then ship to the US - I imagine the shipping would cost more than the magazine too :(

I can help you with shipping from Italy.
I can send you a registered letter (tracking code until delivery) with a 20% discount on the official price. 
See below from Poste Italiane (USA is zone 2)

Group buy should be cheaper?
By the way, if you enter code [einundzwanzig] 21 on german you will receive 21% discount on the Magazin itself

Post by: cygan on November 15, 2022, 01:14:17 PM
i will order ~10 copies of this magazine this week - done
afterwards there will be auctions/free raffles etc. from me ;)