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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Ethan151 on October 28, 2022, 10:06:48 PM

Title: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Ethan151 on October 28, 2022, 10:06:48 PM
The world is fast growing because most of the inventions are probably supported by electricity, in health care, education, transportation, engineering, entertainment etc. Electricity has played a vital role in global development and that brings me to the questions.. how would the world be in 2022 without electricity, why are the investors of this great technology not celebrated globally in a particular day to mark their great achievement, the date is only set on the 9th of January but the awareness isn’t known by most people. This great achievement by this legends are indeed special and needs more recognition

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Zlantann on October 29, 2022, 12:50:59 AM
The world is fast growing because most of the inventions are probably supported by electricity, in health care, education, transportation, engineering, entertainment etc. Electricity has played a vital role in global development and that brings me to the questions.. how would the world be in 2022 without electricity,

Although man lived thousands of years without electricity, but currently it has became one of the most important needs of humanity. Almost everything is powered by electricity. Without electricity there would be lack of basic services such as mobile communication, internet, lightening, water, heating, etc. Industries might would produce nothing, which would lead to lack or insufficient supply of food and other consumable. The health sector would be a total mess because electricity is needed to offer medical services. Bitcoin would also be affected because mining would be affected and transactions would be hampered. Just imagine how life would be when the power source of your town is cut off for a whole week and you might get some some answers to your imaginative questions.

why are the investors of this great technology not celebrated globally in a particular day to mark their great achievement, the date is only set on the 9th of January but the awareness isn’t known by most people. This great achievement by this legends are indeed special and needs more recognition

I assume that your question is why are the inventor's of electricity not celebrated. Although there are diverse argument about the discovery of electricity, but it is generally agreed that Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. Several efforts have been made to immortalize and celebrate his achievement. There is a Benjamin Franklin Medals awarded to people that distinguished themselves in science. A science museum named Franklin Institute was also established to celebrate this great achiever.

Public awareness are carried-out mostly by professional bodies and non-governmental organizations. You might not be aware of these programmes except you are a member or connected to them. It is possible that people in the electrical engineering field might be more conversant with this awareness.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Queentoshi on October 29, 2022, 10:14:47 AM
Just imagine how life would be when the power source of your town is cut off for a whole week and you might get some some answers to your imaginative questions.
Because a lot of things are dependent on electricity, there will be lots of difficulty if the power source from the government is cut. But we will not just settle for a blackout, unless technology goes out with electricity, there will always be alternatives and ways to provide power privately. There are solar panels, generators, wind turbines etc. which can all be easily set up domestically. If all technology becomes fried like we have seen in some movies, then we will pass through a temporary difficult time trying to adjust to it, but we finally will and then the period where we enjoyed electricity will become like a fairytale to those the younger people who did not witness the electricity and technology go out.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Slow death on October 29, 2022, 10:46:56 AM
a sad fact is what has been experienced in many places in africa, but i will share a little bit of things that happen in my country, in my country there are places where people are born, grow up and there is no electricity, these people suffer a lot, when I see them every day in the dark, they don't have TV... the government just put solar panels in some houses and with that people can charge their cell phones, but it's not enough to watch TV, but they can listen to the radio. It's a very sad situation, but I don't think it's necessary to have a day to celebrate electricity or people who discover electricity, we already have so many commemorative dates that even to decorate it is difficult

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Maestro75 on October 29, 2022, 10:55:44 AM

That world without electricity still exists though it will not be as beautiful as what we have now. But those who will be there will not know what the power or presence of electricity will do for them. We can only miss electricity because we have seen what it can do and how it has made life easy.  Even now there are people who live in areas without electricity and they're still managing to cope without it.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: BADecker on October 29, 2022, 02:41:05 PM
Simply watch the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still." Or watch both of them, 1651 and 2008. You can find previews in Youtube... or maybe both whole movies.


Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Naficopa on October 29, 2022, 03:01:09 PM
We can't even imagine our life without electricity because we are born in this world where all these facilities are primary and available easily. Sometimes we have power cut and our life completely stops for that duration, we have to put a hold on all our tasks and work that we are doing because nothing is possible without electricity.
In my country there are still some places where there is no electricity and nothing is harder than that for them.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: montaga on October 29, 2022, 05:29:23 PM
The world is fast growing because most of the inventions are probably supported by electricity, in health care, education, transportation, engineering, entertainment etc. Electricity has played a vital role in global development and that brings me to the questions.. how would the world be in 2022 without electricity,

....basic services such as mobile communication

Phone is the first thing to throw away.
Amish, Mennonites, remote island... manage just fine without Electric.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on October 29, 2022, 05:44:36 PM
There are certain places in the world where there is no electricity and they are living in that world,not dead means one can live without electricity ,obviously they are lesser developed areas .They are more tough people than most of us and they carry out their tasks completely. Reason to discuss this is that if you don't have that facility named electricity that doesn't mean you'll die ,you will become habitual of that kind of life like we are habitual of life with electricity and we cannot think of living without that.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Rockstarguy on October 29, 2022, 07:36:30 PM
a sad fact is what has been experienced in many places in africa, but i will share a little bit of things that happen in my country, in my country there are places where people are born, grow up and there is no electricity, these people suffer a lot, when I see them every day in the dark, they don't have TV... the government just put solar panels in some houses and with that people can charge their cell phones, but it's not enough to watch TV, but they can listen to the radio. It's a very sad situation, but I don't think it's necessary to have a day to celebrate electricity or people who discover electricity, we already have so many commemorative dates that even to decorate it is difficult
People who are not used to electricity,  who don't make use of electricity in their area I don't think electricity is a problem to them because it is not a way of life for them. Electricity will only be a burden to People that it has been part of their life, because of electricity is used for so many purposes.  I believe there are some places in the world that don't have any idea about electricity,  in this area am not sure People even think of electricity because they are contented and used to their way of life.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Gyfts on October 29, 2022, 10:24:47 PM
I've traveled to some remote villages in 3rd world countries in the past around west Africa -- I can tell you that the luxuries the developed world takes for granted instill a sense of complacency that people are not aware of. These villages do have some electricity but issue is with the food supply and healthcare. Ironic that some folks in the developed world can have so much food that they eat themselves to death that they rely on the healthcare infrastructure to keep them alive.

The only time people do a bit of self reflection is when these luxuries are taken away.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: meser# on October 29, 2022, 11:23:45 PM
I already watched a tv series named "Revolution". Suddenly on earth electricity is gone and people tried to live without electricity. Don't push your mind to imagine just watch it:) Joke aside electricity has priority importance for humanity. But also we can adapt easily to absence of electricity. Because in the past people lived withouth electricity and even now many area doesn't have electricity.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Majestic-milf on October 30, 2022, 08:30:40 AM
It's no longer a news that there are parts of the world who lack the basic amenities like good power supply and although the situation is bleak and dreary, people still survive. The most disheartening situation tho is where these electricity bills are exhorbitant in some areas yet there is rarely power supply.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Frankolala on October 30, 2022, 01:09:45 PM
The world is fast growing because most of the inventions are probably supported by electricity, in health care, education, transportation, engineering, entertainment etc. Electricity has played a vital role in global development and that brings me to the questions.. how would the world be in 2022 without electricity, why are the investors of this great technology not celebrated globally in a particular day to mark their great achievement, the date is only set on the 9th of January but the awareness isn’t known by most people. This great achievement by this legends are indeed special and needs more recognition
Electricity has really changed the world made has made life more easier and comfortable for us. I know that we would even survive and make an alternative way replacing electricity with other energy. In some places in the third world country, they don't even know what electricity is.

Electricity isn't celebrated because not everybody in the world is benefiting from it. Therefore only those benefiting are those that are suppose to celebrate it but it is done not too loud. Only people in that sector celebrates it. Better till OP since you have known the date,it will be unfair for you not to celebrate it.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: rahmad2nd on October 30, 2022, 02:17:45 PM
In fact, the world doesn't really need electricity. electricity will have no effect on the world.

But not for us, especially modern humans. in fact our ancestors, early humans, did not know electricity, and without lighting from the tool we call electricity, they lived life as they should. however, not with modern humans.
electricity is a vital source of energy for the sustainability of human life today, its existence will always be needed both for the future and the present.

Everything that modern humans do depends on electricity, from small things to big things. as I am currently doing, to make this post. i need electric power and all the basic equipment as a connecting device.
however, related to this discovery, without having to be celebrated globally, their services will always be imprinted in the history of the modern world.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: teosanru on October 30, 2022, 05:57:09 PM
The world is fast growing because most of the inventions are probably supported by electricity, in health care, education, transportation, engineering, entertainment etc. Electricity has played a vital role in global development and that brings me to the questions.. how would the world be in 2022 without electricity, why are the investors of this great technology not celebrated globally in a particular day to mark their great achievement, the date is only set on the 9th of January but the awareness isn’t known by most people. This great achievement by this legends are indeed special and needs more recognition
This is such a deep thought and the wierd part is that our ancestors just 100 years ago could have really very easily imagined this because for them this was what their life actually was but in just a matter of 100 years things have turned so much that even 1 minute of complete energy blackout of the world will not only will be disastrous but deadly as well. Definitely electricity is one of the most useful invention apart from wheel.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Naficopa on November 01, 2022, 12:00:09 PM
In fact, the world doesn't really need electricity. electricity will have no effect on the world.

But not for us, especially modern humans. in fact our ancestors, early humans, did not know electricity, and without lighting from the tool we call electricity, they lived life as they should. however, not with modern humans.
electricity is a vital source of energy for the sustainability of human life today, its existence will always be needed both for the future and the present.

Everything that modern humans do depends on electricity, from small things to big things. as I am currently doing, to make this post. i need electric power and all the basic equipment as a connecting device.
however, related to this discovery, without having to be celebrated globally, their services will always be imprinted in the history of the modern world.

That's true this is totally our life now that needs electricity all the time . The people in old times they were also living their life without electricity so that means its all about how you are in habit of living your life . Like I know some people who loves to take cold showers during winters and they are absolutely healthy. Soo it's all about how you train and tune yourself. 
We, modern day human we can't live without electricity,  our life revolves around it.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: BADecker on November 01, 2022, 02:41:03 PM
One place they don't have to imagine what it is like to be without electricity (and water) is Ukraine. And it isn't really only Kiev and Kharkiv.

Russia is being nice. They could have destroyed Ukraine long ago. But, they are holding off doing that, so that they don't cause any more loss of life than necessary.

Much of Kiev without power and water following latest round of missile strikes from Russia (

There is no more electricity or water in many parts of the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv following the latest round of Russian airstrikes against the target.

We are told that the Russian military launched numerous “successful” strikes on multiple key areas of Kyiv’s vital infrastructure. Here is what Russia’s defense ministry had to say about the hits:

“The Russian Armed Forces continued to launch strikes with high-precision long-range air and sea-based weapons against Ukrainian military and energy facilities.”

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal later confirmed direct hits on 18 sites across Kyiv, most of which are tied to the nation’s energy supplies. Many Ukrainians are now in a panic as the cold winter season approaches.

“The goals of the strikes were successful,” Shmyhal said. “All assigned objects were hit.” (Related: Three months prior to the appearance of “covid,” the U.S. Department of Defense [DoD] awarded a “COVID-19 Research” contract to Ukraine.)

“Missiles and drones hit 10 regions where 18 sites were damaged, most of them energy-related. Hundreds of settlements in seven regions of Ukraine were cut off.”

Ukraine calls targeted Russian attacks “war crimes”

The Ukrainian military says it was able to intercept some projectiles launched over the Lviv region of the country, sparing this western part of Ukraine from similar damage.

Reports do indicate, however, that the areas of Cherkasy and Kirovohrad were attacked just like Kyiv was. There are now power outages not just in Kyiv but also in the Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions.

Below is a closer look at what transpired:



Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Tallupooh on November 02, 2022, 12:15:27 PM
If there was no electricity in today's world, life would be the same as it used to be. War still uses arrows, swords, shields. Maybe even cooking is still like centuries ago. Come to think of it, if there were no invention of electricity, life would not be as advanced as it is today.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: Sayakaaja on November 03, 2022, 12:27:44 AM
If there was no electricity in today's world, life would be the same as it used to be. War still uses arrows, swords, shields. Maybe even cooking is still like centuries ago. Come to think of it, if there were no invention of electricity, life would not be as advanced as it is today.

Just imagining it, was scary enough. However, smart people are always there. If in ancient times there were no people who were broad-minded, and had nothing to achieve, it must be somehow the state of the world today.

As a result, humans are always looking for comfort, that's why people used to try to find and find what makes them comfortable, so that today's sophisticated tools are created.

Title: Re: Imagine a world without electricity
Post by: mm2543363580 on November 03, 2022, 07:37:46 AM
Just imagine life without appliances, your gadgets ,your air conditioning, your heating ,your all facilities  ,really unbelievable and we can't even imagine our life without electricity.
We are so used to these things that we can't even spent a minute without these comforts.