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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Tallupooh on October 31, 2022, 12:01:37 AM

Title: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: Tallupooh on October 31, 2022, 12:01:37 AM
Honestly I like both, outdoor activities have cool and fresh air. While indoors I can stay away from the crowd, and sometimes being alone makes me feel more comfortable.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: Sayakaaja on October 31, 2022, 12:46:29 AM
I like outdoor activities, because I can enjoy fresh and beautiful nature. The body becomes more relaxed. But, if there are certain activities that must be done indoors, well, they have to be inside.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: Bazzu on October 31, 2022, 03:38:20 AM
if I like outdoor activities, because it feels fresher when outdoors, but of course at night I prefer indoors. because it's time to rest and sleep. so actually outdoors and indoors are both needed.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: bitterguy28 on October 31, 2022, 03:43:03 AM
depending on what would i do or interest that time , I mostly go Outdoor because of ambiance and refreshing , but I also love Indoor when it comes to personal matters .

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: DrNicholson on October 31, 2022, 08:38:22 PM
Пo дaнным ( Aктивный oтдыx для мyжчин пpeдпoчтильнee чeм oтдыx в дoмe.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: DeathAngel on October 31, 2022, 10:12:11 PM
I think a healthy mixture of both indoor & outdoor activities are good for you.
You can take part in both with family & friends, depending on what time of year it is & what the weather is like etc.
it’s important for mind & body to do at least some form of outdoor activity semi regularly. You can watch movies & stuff like that with family indoors too so there is a healthy balance.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: Ursurio on October 31, 2022, 10:21:39 PM
I always rest only actively

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: Raceonsucced on March 14, 2023, 01:19:17 PM
Depends what to do. But I like both, indoors or outdoors.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: Car22 on March 14, 2023, 05:28:15 PM
I love both indoors and outdoors activities as it refreshes and sothen our mind

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: mich on March 17, 2023, 06:00:03 AM
I enjoy spending my time doing outdoor activities because it makes me feel young and remember when I would go camping with my grandfather. I also enjoy going on walks to feel the fresh air and being able to set up my BBQ grill to cook hot dogs and hamburgers.
By the time I am done eating, I like to catch up on a few chapters by reading my favorite book called, “ A Travel Guide To Heaven” by Anthony Destefano. It’s a really good book that I recommend to anyone that believes in Heaven and the afterlife.
Another type of outdoor activity that I enjoy is running. I literally can work up a good sweat that has me jumping into a lake just to cool off and feel relaxed when I come out of the water. By the time I dry myself up, I'll sit down to appreciate the sunset while watching a good movie on Netflix with my phone.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: Hydrogen on March 20, 2023, 12:23:54 AM
To train the body while neglecting the mind, leads to a regressive development.

The same with training only the mind, while neglecting the body.

Training the body and mind is optimal, and leads to both mind and body complimenting each other.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: Marshall Chord on March 21, 2023, 10:58:08 AM
I suggest outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, or biking. :)

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: cute nmp on March 21, 2023, 08:18:54 PM
I like both and all can be fun.Outdoor activities are more interesting when hanging out with friends and relatives while indoor activities are usually enjoyable when you are alone like watching favorite tv shows and listening to your favorite tracks.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: Docnaster on March 23, 2023, 10:07:59 AM
I love more of outdoor activities as a die-hard football fan. In Africa, football of strength, power and techniques are the most common and I enjoy playing it with my friends. Another outdoor activity activity I so much like is going to new and exciting places and making beautiful videos and snapping memorable pictures.  But I wouldn't be writing off indoor activities because playing video games like COD and PES is one indoor activity that I do almost everyday with my friends.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: Yuray Borushko on March 27, 2023, 05:30:45 AM
Both outdoor and indoor activities have their own unique benefits. I mean, being outside and breathing in the fresh air can be really refreshing and invigorating. Plus, there's something special about being surrounded by nature and all its beauty.

On the other hand, I think indoor activities can offer a sense of comfort and security. Sometimes, it's nice to have a quiet, private space where you can be alone and do your own thing without being bothered by others. And with so many options for indoor entertainment these days, there's really no shortage of things to do.

Title: Re: Outdoor or indoor activities?
Post by: cute nmp on March 27, 2023, 08:52:35 PM
I like both outdoor and indoor activities it depends on the situation.Personally prefer indoor activities when i am alone but when hanging out with friends outdoor activities is more fun and entertaining.