Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Queentoshi on November 01, 2022, 09:23:26 PM

Title: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Queentoshi on November 01, 2022, 09:23:26 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Hydrogen on November 01, 2022, 11:07:47 PM
There are no college courses devoted towards acquiring assets and building wealth. Which is a major focus for most hungry and ambitious youth. Most would benefit financially from abandoning higher education asap to pursue being licensed as a real estate broker. That appears to be the most popular entry level path for aspiring millionaires/billionaires who lack an engineering, vocational or science background. Of course there are always exceptions where some might need to complete their university branch study as an important and necessary life goal. Although it could a rarity in this day and age given how most high paying jobs have swung back towards skilled labor in tech and other industries. There isn't much point to university unless its to pursue a skilled labor degree.

Most would do better building a social media, onlyfans or youtube presence than they would pursuing a liberal arts major in college. There aren't many courses which cover this process. There is a question of how cost effective university courses can be considering there may not be much if any increase in salary that comes from most curriculum courses.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Zlantann on November 02, 2022, 12:40:49 AM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

Everybody would not have a Post Graduate Degree and not everybody would be an artisan or entrepreneur. Choosing a career is based on individual passion and interest. Each field of profession have their entry or employment requirements. It is important to identify the skills and qualification required for the career you want to pursue and get them. Like for those that have passion to lecture in the university, it is advisable for them to pursue a Masters Degree and even a PhD. But others that are interested in maybe blockchain technology might not need any form of certification because the only requirement might just be to acquire the skills.
If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

As long as they have interest and passion for the path they have chosen, I would advice them to continue pursuing their goals. The truth is that the focus shouldn't be about how much one can earn from a job, but how much fulfillment and impact one can get or make from that particular profession. Every skill or profession is important, therefore no one should discourage anybody from pursuing a particular career because we feel that it is not high paying or important.   


Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: noorman0 on November 02, 2022, 06:49:41 AM
All back to ambition. In my environment, people are pursuing a bachelor's degree only to participate in the selection to enter government agencies and as bonded workers in companies.

Considering today is a different era where people prefer to start a self-business or work as freelancers, academic degrees are starting to be less important for private companies especially if you have a good portfolio especially technology based. That is, the embedded capabilities are more future prospects.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Plaguedeath on November 02, 2022, 07:28:05 AM
There's nothing wrong to choose to take further degree from school or learn a new skill since it depends on the choice of each person, I wouldn't give any advice when it's talking about education because it's wrong if you choose your education based on people opinion. You're the one who will take further of your degree from school, not the person who give you advice. I think it will be better if your friend can learn time management and do both.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Frankolala on November 02, 2022, 08:13:16 AM
I will do both, so that I can have vast knowledge. Both of them are important. Furthering your education doesn't mean you can not learn a skill.

First of all,I will learn the skill which might last for 2yrs after that, I will further my education. This will help me when in school, I can also render services to people around or even my fellow students in the area that needs service in my skill field.

These days in my area,parents are sending their children to school,after school when they are back, they send the children to the place where they have already registered them to learn a skill. When schools are on vacation, these children learning skill will be fully engaged to their workshops

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on November 02, 2022, 08:50:33 AM
The question to first ask yourself is what have you done or achieved with the first degree you had? The world is just revolving round about the same axis because we have failed to set the right priority, a graduate will spend four to five years in the university without having a practical application of these acquired knowledge, we need to have skills to learn along with our academic qualifications in other to make a balance of it all, it has been found that graduates couldn't exercise the theoretical aspect of what they have learnt in school in real life, both having a blend of both educational qualification and skills acquisition is the best and will make available more open opportunities for graduates.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: bakasabo on November 02, 2022, 08:55:19 AM
If I understand situation correctly, then I would choose to continue education after school and go to college to get a bachelor degree. This will be a minimum necessary to get a more or less good job. And only after receiving a real life experience from using skill that I've got from school and college (because what we study there is just information from books and other sources, while real life experience is much different), I would consider getting MBA or higher education. I consider having period of real life working experience is a must, because it helps to understand what person wants in future, what is demanded, which skills are necessary and which are not.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Zaguru12 on November 02, 2022, 08:57:19 AM
It all bows down to everyone's determination. Although majority of the youths in this current generation value more wealth than status so acquiring skills like coding work for them. But for people looking to gain status they go further in there education persuit. They are also people who are determined to be the best in there field or are determined to study a specialized course which might either be lacking in there community and the specialized the course the higher the pay and the higher the position in a place of work.

Even if skilled people finally establish a work they still need people with knowledge to do some certain works. Clear example is contract works are given to notable Engineers (this are people with higher degrees) while Artesian's do the work.

So my advice everyone should prioritize his own ambition but having both isn't bad

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Majestic-milf on November 02, 2022, 09:05:28 AM
The both choices are noble and very important. But its better to go for that which would make one valuable to economy. Those who are pursuing degrees, I'm not saying it's bad or something but looking at where I come from, they are looked down on and if there's no nepotism at work, there'd be scarcely any job available for them and as such, these individuals become what the government need to " settle".

 Skills put you on a pedestal and set you apart from the average individual and personally, I'd take learning a skill over getting a degree because I could still get that degree after having established something for myself.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: xSkylarx on November 02, 2022, 09:29:06 AM
It depends, that is what I could say because only some of the time do we need a degree, and not all the time do we need new skills. I belong to a third-world country. I would say that degree is important here because most job here requires a degree from a school, that is why I am having difficulty applying for a job in my own country, now let's go for skills, it is known here that in other countries mostly first world they don't care about your school background or you have a degree (but still its a plus to them if you have it) as long as you possess the skills that they need to improve their company. Let's take an example, let's say a programmer job, you have a degree on it and still stay on old languages (I will not mention what language this is), then couldn't hire you because you don't possess the new language or skills that can compete in today's technology; otherwise, if you have skills on it, you will be getting hired even if you haven't had a degree. Overall I will still say still it depends on the situation and place; if you want to get into government, then go for a degree but if you want to proceed to other stacks like NGOs or private sectors or other companies, then go for skill but still takes a lot of time on you and patience.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: JoyMarsha on November 02, 2022, 09:34:04 AM
With what the world is turning into education is no longer enough to survive in a given country. Having a skill is what people are using to survive. Every one of us has ambitions in life. People are just doing what will favour and be of help to them in the future

Graduates are learning skills after they must graduate from school, and undergraduates going back to school after they must have learned a skill first. There is no late time for someone to be educated or learn a skill.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Inwestour on November 02, 2022, 09:37:15 AM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
Everything is very individual, and it will be right if everyone chooses for himself what is best for her. Education is very important for getting a good job, but if a person feels that she has the strength to invest her time in a cause that can turn into something more, then this is the choice of each person. You need to believe in yourself and achieve your goals, this is important and possible.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: kro55 on November 02, 2022, 09:40:18 AM
Advice is that both should continue with their choice and passion, no one is wrong here. If your job requires a higher degree, then it is absolutely right for you to continue your studies at the school, if your job does not require a degree but requires a different skill, then you cannot choose like your friend, you must equip yourself with the right skills for your job.

Many people say that today's degree is not so important, this is also true but not entirely true, there are still many companies that require a degree when applying for a job, and especially for high positions such as director, manager...If you have the conditions, studying is necessary, but if your finances are limited, you should find another more suitable solution.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Iroh on November 02, 2022, 09:50:26 AM
Acquiring a skill cannot be overemphasized. The world we live in is changing quickly and drastically. A college degree is good and furthering your education is also great.
But in this ever changing times we live in today, a college education will only get you so far. And that’s why we need to acquire a basic skill to add to your degree.

A skill is an added advantage when applying for any job and employees look out for applicants with skills. Having a relevant skill would greatly increase your chances when applying for jobs and there’s no loss in acquiring a skill.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: el kaka22 on November 02, 2022, 07:01:51 PM
I would definitely suggest learning another skill after college, in fact keep on learning something new every few years. How could you do that? They say in order to be masters of a thing you need to spend 10 thousand hours on it, if we spend 5 hours per day (give or take there will be some days missing) on something that means 2000 days which is about over 5 years to be master, and I mean literally be a master at it. That means if you spend about 6-7 years, you will become a master in that field.

If you graduate at 22, and start learning something at 23, you will be a master at it when you are 30, and you can learn another thing and be a master at 37, and another right after makes it 44 and another at 50. So by the time you are 50 years old, you are not just "I know how to do it" but literally "I am an expert at it and very few people are better than me" on 4 things + whatever you learned in college. That will make you rich for sure, not many people are masters at that many things.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: gabbie2010 on November 02, 2022, 08:26:47 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
Learning a skill is better after her college program companies are searching for skill based employees especially programming skill jobs which is one of the most sought after job globally, once she acquires any of those skills coupled with her college certificate she would be gainfully employed within the shortest period of time starting from an Intern to a Junior developer before becoming an expert which comes with time and experience, though furthering her education might afford her the opportunity to become a lecturer or other post graduate based career, however the opportunities in former option outweigh that of the latter.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: cryptomaniac_xxx on November 02, 2022, 09:31:33 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

It's really hard to answer though: but from what I have learn from my parents, and this is there advise,

"invest in yourself"

So it means you should go to college and learn things theoretically and then learn form life experiences. Easy choice for me, here, just to go to school. And if you have something, then no one can take that away from you.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: darkangel11 on November 02, 2022, 09:40:41 PM
It depends on whether your friends would like to work in the field that their college education prepared them for.
If I spend 3 years studying to be a lawyer and liked it, I'd continue in the same field for another few years and try to become better, but if my dream was to be a mechanic, I'd go and learn that.
What you learn should first and foremost be what you really like, not what you can find a job at. If you work in a place that you hate it's going to destroy you. It's much better to do a job that requires not much skill like mowing lawns but study what you love in the meantime than get a well paid job that you hate.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Rengga Jati on November 02, 2022, 11:12:36 PM
It would depend on what he would do afterward. He should have had various plans after graduation, whether to continue school or not. We in this group don't really understand his condition and what he really wants. If he himself was still confused, then it would be better to rethink the good and the bad.
If indeed he has a goal and it requires a higher degree, then he may need to continue to a higher level. Besides, can't he upgrade his skills as well, right? Even though this is a bit of a hassle, it can still be managed. However, if he doesn't have a definite goal after continuing the course, why would he do it? Wouldn't it be better to save money for other things? So, this will depend on what goals he actually wants in the future.

I can't say if continuing is better, or upgrading knowledge and skills is better. Because I'm not in his position and I don't know what his real goal is.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Silberman on November 03, 2022, 04:58:43 AM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
Depending on the field your two friends specialize the answer could change, there are some fields in which you need a master degree just to get yourself any chance of competing for a job, in which case someone in that field will need to further their education, however there are other fields in which you can go for a certification instead and get way more money than to go back to school, then as you can see there is not an absolute answer to your question.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: harapan on November 03, 2022, 05:23:17 AM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

At the long run both of your friends are likely to succeed and and also fail due to lack of commitment and determination in what they want to do. The first friend who considered furthering his or her career isn't really bad, it is a good move from anyone but how well will they get a job and the payment they desire from that job.
Getting a high paid job is vital, so you can save a lot of money to start small business that gives you daily returns.
Skills are worth it, Online skill, and also physical skill, she can learn as many as she likes if she has the energy, for it is wise to perfect a skill and then move to perfect another one. In the recent world, you need to have a skill or small business to back your college degree esle

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Techkoy407 on November 03, 2022, 08:24:39 AM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
the decision of your two friends is not wrong,
the most important thing is that it comes from your own desires and from your heart.

because every desire or goal that is based on the heart and is liked, it will be better.

because in my place there is also something like that,
some continue their education to college, some pursue and deepen their skills.
after I noticed that both are equally successful.

so the point must be from the desire of yourself and from the heart.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: SirLancelot on November 03, 2022, 09:52:50 AM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
Why not do both? I think not all times we are at school but we have off days too like on what we have when we are working. We can always learn a new skill during those days. If two of your friend just finished college then congrats. That means they are now ready to face the world or the real challenge in life and that is by working although it is still possible for them to find a job even without finishing a college but that is not recommended though.

Hunting jobs is going to be more difficult that way if you are a person with no skill or only have a less knowledge. Learning a skill doesn't cost money but furthering an education in school does but the decision will depend on them, I can't really tell if who is right or wrong between them.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 03, 2022, 10:37:06 AM
I don't see OP's scenario as any kind of dilemma--if the second person's degree has allowed her to earn a decent living, why bother going back to school (unless more education=more money)?

If you can afford to further your education and feel a strong desire to do so, that's a personal choice.  But man, tuition at colleges has exploded in the past 10-15 years, and right now it's at the point where if you don't study something that essentially guarantees you a job when you graduate, it would be a better choice financially to just enter the work force instead.  So many young people go to college and major in things like psychology, sociology, and other general subjects that are practically worthless on your resume.

If I could go back and do college all over again, I think I would study computer science or engineering.  Both things interest me in the present day, but there's no way in hell I'm going back to school now.  Ugh.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Jemzx00 on November 03, 2022, 10:54:01 AM
Both parties and decisions are correct and neither of them should advise the other to stop what they want to pursue. Both will be able to go through life whether they want to further their degree and/or further their skills thru other ways such as certifications.

This could also be compared to those who were not able to go through college and those who does. Street smart and book smart are different but none of them are wrong. I myself, am satisfied with what I've learned in school and want to have working experience as well as get some certification to further my career.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: kryptqnick on November 03, 2022, 12:16:27 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
Doesn't it depend on a future job and on the area? In my country, obtaining higher education isn't hard and isn't expensive, but at least having a Bachelor's degree is something that is strongly expected for the vast majority of intellect-related jobs. The particular area you got your degree in doesn't matter, and neither do your marks, normally. But having a degree is desirable even if you want a pretty generic job like a community manager, SMM, etc. That's because if you went through higher education, it's assumed that you learned to self-organize, you know how to manage your time, and you have a flexible brain, which can help you pick up new things and adapt to new conditions. So if 'college' is basically high school or a bit more, I'd go for Bachelors. After Bachelor's, it's okay not to do Master's unless you want an academic career.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: cozytrade on November 03, 2022, 12:57:35 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

I far I realized after my graduation that both sides are needed in real life. You can not apply for a proper job without your certificate, and you will not get a good job without skills. Just be the master in any topic you are interested in and try to get a relevant degree along with your learning. You can get your degree with an online class if you do not have sufficient money for an institution.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: monineklutak on November 03, 2022, 01:19:05 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

I far I realized after my graduation that both sides are needed in real life. You can not apply for a proper job without your certificate, and you will not get a good job without skills. Just be the master in any topic you are interested in and try to get a relevant degree along with your learning. You can get your degree with an online class if you do not have sufficient money for an institution.
We cannot close our eyes that degrees are still an important part and inevitably but that is the reality,
sometimes those who have a degree but they are not responsible for the title they get,
that's also important to have skills

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: cozytrade on November 03, 2022, 01:23:55 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

I far I realized after my graduation that both sides are needed in real life. You can not apply for a proper job without your certificate, and you will not get a good job without skills. Just be the master in any topic you are interested in and try to get a relevant degree along with your learning. You can get your degree with an online class if you do not have sufficient money for an institution.
We cannot close our eyes that degrees are still an important part and inevitably but that is the reality,
sometimes those who have a degree but they are not responsible for the title they get,
that's also important to have skills

A degree gives you the authenticity and trust that you have achieved something. It doesn't show your working experience or proficiency. That is why most of the working sectors focused on working experience. If you can prove you have done the work already somewhere, then your degree doesn't matter mostly. But still, it's relevant to our working sectors, and it gives you the privilege of ranking yourself among other workers.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: maydna on November 03, 2022, 02:09:15 PM
I would advise both to stick to what they chose. If one is considering continuing his education, he should try it, and so should the other if he wants to learn a skill he enjoys. We don't know which is more prospective between the two, but we do know that both have their own choices, and we can only help them by giving them full support. As a friend, especially if it is a good friend, I will encourage both of them to do the best they can, especially regarding their future.

Who knows, each of them will have a bright future and can achieve what they aspire to. We must encourage them and give them encouragement and support because they are our friends.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: BigBos on November 03, 2022, 02:55:28 PM
I think any suggestions will ultimately refer to your friend's decision and comfort. There is nothing wrong with continuing education to a higher level. After all, knowledge can be found anywhere, whether formal or informal. As for if you look at the current state of technological sophistication, if your friend is diligent and tenacious, it is enough to learn it on the internet. But it is necessary to know how the workplace environment or some demands in carrying out a job. It could be that a high certificate is needed but skills that are not qualified will be in vain. Therefore, it needs to be considered properly, spending a lot of money if only to get a title but the output is still not being considered, then it's just a waste of money.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Adbitco on November 03, 2022, 03:11:58 PM
The question is why do we go to school and what is our arm of going through school?
Naturally we are going to school to get educated probably after finishing our study's to gain good job and live a good life right ?
Yes absolutely correct because after all degrees what we thought of is well paid job to start establishing ourselves and raise a family also have our kids. If the certificate she obtain is well okay with her maybe she can use it to acquire any forms of work that could give her a good earnings then she should focused on the skills after which she will be self employed and starts making her earnings through her business and skills.
So let whoever that wants to go school to attend and anyone who wants to learn skill should do but as friend you are to them just give them the usefulness of school and skills.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Ultegra134 on November 03, 2022, 05:54:26 PM
We're living in a fast-paced society, and those lacking the necessary skills or failing to adapt to this new reality will fall behind in the job market or have trouble advancing their careers. Honestly, there's no direct way to answer the OP's question. It solely depends on the person. Personally, I've recently graduated from university with an economics degree, and now I'm participating in a master's in digital transformation. I want to constantly acquire new skills and knowledge whenever possible in order to further advance my career. In order to broaden your horizons, you may have to learn skills that aren't necessarily related to your college or university degree, such as website development, for instance.

Acquiring solely one skill after school, such as coding, may work for some, but it's generally a good idea to diversify, something that does happen in university, where they teach you a little bit of everything and you can choose where you want to specialize in the future.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: serjent05 on November 03, 2022, 09:46:20 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

It is always best to master what you have acquired if you are going to go on the path of career development.  Having more specialization of your course will ensure you a better position while taking another course will give you lots of job options but won't assure you of a higher position especially if the competitor holds master's degree or PHD.  Though further education can be taken in the later years, it is always better to have it early.

But of course, if the point of view and interest is taken into account, your friends must do whatever interests them.  Taking learning of things without interest won't have the same effect as learning things that interest you most.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: goaldigger on November 03, 2022, 09:49:31 PM
This will depend on your goal and dreams in life, many still push to learn more and that’s good for them while the others are already contented and don’t want to spend another years in school, they tend to try something new and many succeed on this as well.

What I realize in life is that, you can a learn a lot of things outside the school so better to explore it more and have a determination to succeed, many billionaires today didn’t even finish their college so I guess this is not all about your school education, but more on experiences.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: kawetsriyanto on November 03, 2022, 10:29:19 PM
This will depend on your goal and dreams in life, many still push to learn more and that’s good for them while the others are already contented and don’t want to spend another years in school, they tend to try something new and many succeed on this as well.
Agree. Further education is the right choice if you want to get a job that requires more education. For example, once you want to be a lecturer, it mostly requires a master's degree. So, it is not enough if you only pass a bachelor's degree, you must continue further education. But if you feel bored educating at university and eager to get a direct job after finishing a bachelor's degree, it is better to learn some skills that can ease you to finding a job. So, both are the right options, depending on the ambition/goal.

What I realize in life is that, you can a learn a lot of things outside the school so better to explore it more and have a determination to succeed, many billionaires today didn’t even finish their college so I guess this is not all about your school education, but more on experiences.
Yep. However, it is not recommended to follow them. Not every single person can be successful in the same way.
We have our own way, and education is always needed. Don't be inspired by the billionaires who failed in their education, no guarantee to be successful as them.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: tabas on November 03, 2022, 10:39:05 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
I'll advice them to follow their hearts, whatever they think is right for their future careers then just do it. They may have a different path to take but it seemed planned from the beginning and they know what they're doing. Both of them can stop at anytime as well and pursue to work since both of them finished college. So, when they feel exhausted to the paths that they've taken, they can stop and do something else that will make them in the perfect shape and form. We all have our own timelines and we can't dictate what they have to do for their own lives and futures.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: panganib999 on November 03, 2022, 10:57:53 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
I have a friend tell me a good trick for whether you would have to keep pursuing your studies, or if you are to stray from the path and make your own way through entrepreneurship or some other venture that does not involve the four corners of a classroom. What you have to do first is determine what your passion really is, and if you think your passion is worthy enough to be pursued. Next, check if your passion's learning curve and career curve is linear or exponential. Linear is when you just have to get a degree for it, probably study masters, and then get a job that hardly changes for the rest of your life. Exponential careers are those that are dynamic and changes in intensity over time, due to certain conditions and parameters. Summed up, it will all make sense especially for the peeps right here who's still conflicted on what to do for their future.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on November 04, 2022, 01:34:07 AM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

  - Based on your story, it appears that the other wants to get a master's degree in the course he took in college. And the other one was hired to become an employee right after graduating from college. did I understand correctly?

As far as I can see, there is nothing wrong with two college graduates. We don't know the situation of the one who has learned enough that he wants to earn money, because he may be one of the expectations of his family, so he said that there is no need to get a master's degree.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Wexnident on November 04, 2022, 02:14:22 AM
I'd only continue furthering my education if I was chasing a major degree. If not then I'd be better off working and studying new skills both at the same time so that I can one, increase my investment portfolio if possible and two, increase the possible sources of income one can have. That doesn't mean that in the first case you can't stop studying though, just that a major degree can bring you bigger job opportunities in the long run.

It ultimately depends on what you want to do though, efficiency would only come once you have a solid idea or goal of what you want to be in the future. Both paths lead to you being able to build up your wealth anw as long as done properly, it's just a matter of "how".

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: bittraffic on November 04, 2022, 02:24:20 AM

Two college degree means the person really multiple interests. Some people discover thier passion late like 10 years after graduating from Business they suddenly have an interest in becoming a doctor. If he just learned his passion for curing and nursing patients, he likely wouldn't take a business degree.

It really is not a problem also if after graduating in business, he pursues a master of business administration (MBA).

But having multiple degrees and then starting again with another degree, then this guy will end up as a MASTER OF NONE.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Dickiy on November 04, 2022, 02:41:09 AM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
If asked who do you support among them? Of course, I answered that I would support both of them because judging by the decisions they made for their own development, they both aim to develop themselves in different ways and maybe they have studied and analyzed what things they will go through to achieve their goals, especially in the learning stage. The advice that I give whatever their decision on the path of life they take, I hope they are consistent and disciplined in achieving their goals.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Mauser on November 05, 2022, 07:16:45 AM
It's a bit hard to give a detailed recommendation without knowing more about them, their field of studies and where their interest are. Let's say you really like the college atmosphere, studying a lot and writing papers, than I would recommend you go for a higher eduction. Getting a PhD only makes sense if you have a passion in the field and like to study. Getting a higher qualification only with the goal to get a better job later than it's not the best move in my opinion. There is only a small fraction of jobs where a PhD is really necessary to get the job, in most fields getting work experience is much better. You can be the best qualified and educated person, if you have 0 work experience it's going to be hard to get a good job. My advice would be to find the area you want to work in later in life and work towards that goal. Get the necessary work experience when you are young and don't be afraid to switch career paths if it helps your long term goal.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Ultegra134 on November 05, 2022, 05:06:15 PM
This will depend on your goal and dreams in life, many still push to learn more and that’s good for them while the others are already contented and don’t want to spend another years in school, they tend to try something new and many succeed on this as well.
Agree. Further education is the right choice if you want to get a job that requires more education. For example, once you want to be a lecturer, it mostly requires a master's degree. So, it is not enough if you only pass a bachelor's degree, you must continue further education. But if you feel bored educating at university and eager to get a direct job after finishing a bachelor's degree, it is better to learn some skills that can ease you to finding a job. So, both are the right options, depending on the ambition/goal.
Depending on your country of residence, a bachelor's degree isn't enough. I don't know the situation in the USA for instance, but here chances are that a bachelor's degree is likely to provide you with a slightly above minimum wage job in your field. Education has no limit, technology is rapidly evolving, and we need to constantly be on the move. I'm now finishing a master's in digital transformation, but I'm also planning on completing a data analyst course.

What I realize in life is that, you can a learn a lot of things outside the school so better to explore it more and have a determination to succeed, many billionaires today didn’t even finish their college so I guess this is not all about your school education, but more on experiences.
Don't get inspired by success stories, because there are thousand others that have failed following that path.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Flexystar on November 05, 2022, 05:16:19 PM
I think higher education is very important in the current era. The world revolves around talent and skills these days but they need to be higher forms to overcome the competitions and also stand out of the crowd.

The problem with school skills is little off the track. School isn’t the place where they teach specialised subjects or give skill set viable to sustain the career in private sector or even government sectors. Schools are mostly basics and also mixture of various topics and subjects.

However, higher education can prosper the knowledge to such level it gives us tactics to specialised experimentation to survive in the real work environment.

The only exception case would be if they are highly talented to grasp surrounding quickly and are going into the business right after the school. Not everyone can do that easily. So better think twice for any diversions.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Pokapoka124 on November 05, 2022, 05:36:00 PM
It depends on whether the person has found purpose in that career or field his/her college education has prepared them for. Bagging a dozen degrees doesn’t guarantee success in life  In my country, the field of study is usually decided by parents even before the child is born, the choice is already made for you and it’s always one of these three options; A doctor, lawyer, or Engineer…anything else is considered a disappointment. People who go through this route end up working at a job they hate and feel miserable doing it because they have no passion for it. It takes guts to defy the status quo and do what you love. My advice to anyone choosing a career path is look inward and find your “WHY”, when you do that, you will find a career that suits your God given gift.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Lizzylove1 on November 05, 2022, 05:37:17 PM
Let the one that want to continue with her education do so, and not be discouraged, maybe it's her destiny, and let the one that want to learn a skill not be discouraged to doing so. As for me, I will rather learn a skill than going back to school. I learned every necessary skill I am now using to make money from my home with just my computer. I should have started learning skill earlier.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on November 05, 2022, 07:29:35 PM
If I had the chance to go back to college, and read the course I read all over again, am very sure i would opt to learn a new skill after graduation. The economy right now doesn't favor those that have studied a non-professional course. Wherebeit, one has to relearn a job description inorder to fit into a field or office.
On the other hand, those that have a skill have the advantage of working for themselves while having the ability yo increase their income as they gain more experience with a seeming easy progression.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: chaser15 on November 05, 2022, 07:39:17 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

Why should we give them advice? Let them decide on their own what path they will choose.

We are not in a place to give advice or suggestions but rather support them in what will they do because either of the options is both good depending on how they will work on it on the way.

Just give them a nice saying of good luck and show them some support on their respective decision.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Findingnemo on November 05, 2022, 07:48:22 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
I will say NO, don't waste your time on getting those degrees because its actually useless probably can give a job if you are from a high grade college in decent company but you only persist in the job only with the skills and honestly the degrees aren't giving the knowledge they just teach something which we don't really apply anywhere in the real world. So better focus on learning a new skill or related to the degree you completed so it will help getting the job as well as excell in it.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Hamphser on November 05, 2022, 07:58:40 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
They are the ones who do really need to make up such decision because they are the ones who do need to choose on whats best for them.If one of them had decided to get further courses then its his/here choice

and if someone do choose on getting other skills then its his choice.But the thing which others been mentioning earlier that having a degree or skills cant guarantee success ahead.

It would always matter on how you do make use of your intellect and knowledge on various things which we do know that it could not really give out that kind of assurance.
There's no way that we could see on whats our future but at least we do have the idea on which path we would go.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on November 05, 2022, 08:04:41 PM
For your #1 friend, it really depends actually such as the industry that she will be working on. Here in my country, pushing through Master's Degree would be beneficial to some courses like IT where it would lead to a more "higher" position especially in the government jobs. Other industries might be or might be not.

For your #2 friend, if she would pursue to be a freelancer, then it would be a great help plus the cost would be a bit lower since resources for learning skills out there are almost free. If we would put web dev skills for example, you could just watch plenty of tutorials and do your own project then google the rest for almost free of charge.

Both of your friends are already fine in the first place since they are both degree holder, now it all just depends on "what" are they going to pursue.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Gozie51 on November 05, 2022, 08:51:19 PM
who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

I will advise both of them. For the one that is wanting to further her education from the degree she had, I would ask her if the field is a lucrative field because that is to be considered. This time around the economy is thriving from certain field and so studying courses related to that field will be beneficial. And for the other that want to learn skill, this is a superb thinking and if the background you have is a lucrative field then learn skill related to it so that you will have advantage and learn faster.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: dothebeats on November 05, 2022, 09:53:38 PM
I already have a degree and a masters, and would still love to earn one for a different field that I can use to integrate on what I want to do later down the line. I don't learn that much when it comes to solo learning, so I guess it'll be hard for me to pick up a new skill that I can make money off. True that is way cheaper and more flexible than going back to college, but not everyone is capable of learning things by themselves. Also, I am quite okay financially so I think I can fund my college degree if I want to. Luckily, I do not live in the US where college is extremely expensive, and so I think I'll go back to college if given the chance (and time).

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: TimeTeller on November 05, 2022, 09:56:38 PM
who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

I will advise both of them. For the one that is wanting to further her education from the degree she had, I would ask her if the field is a lucrative field because that is to be considered. This time around the economy is thriving from certain field and so studying courses related to that field will be beneficial. And for the other that want to learn skill, this is a superb thinking and if the background you have is a lucrative field then learn skill related to it so that you will have advantage and learn faster.

It depends on the goal of the person himself. But in my case, I would further get masters or doctorate degree.
The chances are different but if you want to hone your skills, you can always opt to this path.
There is no absolute answer to this anyway, because it depends on your ultimate mission in life.
Where do you think you can find your passion? Because finding your passion will give you better satisfaction in life.
Because everyone has their own calling, and so this aspect varies from person to person.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: nurilham on November 05, 2022, 09:59:02 PM
I will say NO, don't waste your time on getting those degrees because its actually useless probably can give a job if you are from a high grade college in decent company but you only persist in the job only with the skills and honestly the degrees aren't giving the knowledge they just teach something which we don't really apply anywhere in the real world. So better focus on learning a new skill or related to the degree you completed so it will help getting the job as well as excell in it.
People who continue their education to get a higher degree should have a strong reason. It is surely about the job that they want to pursue after graduation. Some jobs/professions require a higher degree, sometimes it becomes the main requirement. In my country, you usually need to get a master's degree to get a specific job such as lecturer, consultant, cyber security, or software engineering. But I don't know in other countries, the job requirements can be different. I know a country like Japan doesn't really care about degree but they more focus on the skills, but in my country the degree is still necessary too.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: odunybiz on November 05, 2022, 10:59:07 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

Learning a skill along side with ones education seems to be better. This will serve as a plan B for someone especially in a developing country like Nigeria. Alot of people survive after school here in Nigeria with the skills they have previously learnt.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: BitcoinPanther on November 05, 2022, 11:19:56 PM
I will say NO, don't waste your time on getting those degrees because its actually useless probably can give a job if you are from a high grade college in decent company but you only persist in the job only with the skills and honestly the degrees aren't giving the knowledge they just teach something which we don't really apply anywhere in the real world. So better focus on learning a new skill or related to the degree you completed so it will help getting the job as well as excell in it.
People who continue their education to get a higher degree should have a strong reason. It is surely about the job that they want to pursue after graduation. Some jobs/professions require a higher degree, sometimes it becomes the main requirement. In my country, you usually need to get a master's degree to get a specific job such as lecturer, consultant, cyber security, or software engineering. But I don't know in other countries, the job requirements can be different.

True master's degree and PHD is needed for higher position.  So most graduates plan to get a master's degree in order to improve their career and have a better chance to be hired in high paying positions.  And those who look for another degree seems to have given up on their current education probably because they know they have little chance of success on that field.  So for them getting a new set of education will give them more option to get hired.

I know a country like Japan doesn't really care about degree but they more focus on the skills, but in my country the degree is still necessary too.

My country is also giving high salary to those who have high education such as master's degree and Phd.  Our country gives more priority to education than skills.  The worst thing is, education plus backer is more prioritized than education + skill.  So in my country as long a person have good backer, he will get the job or promotion than the person with high skills and education but no backer at all.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: agustina2 on November 05, 2022, 11:31:56 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

What they believed is right, what they believed is the best thing to do, what they believed they will grow their careers, - push on that goal.

We don't actually have to give them what to choose from. Only they know what to choose because they know their own capabilities.

It's always good to learn new skills after college but sometimes, there is a person that truly wants to pursue their original goals why in the first place, they choose that said course during their college days.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Davidvictorson on November 05, 2022, 11:39:03 PM
Learning a new skill could entail going back to college to further your education. Anyways this is dependent on the personal and professional goals of the individual. Some of these goals may require one to return to the four walls of a tertiary institution while some others may require the individual not to...both requires discipline, time and dedication. So like I said, it all depends on what the goal(s) of the individual may be.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: KingsDen on November 05, 2022, 11:51:52 PM
If any of your friends want to study professional courses that will make them become lawyer, doctor, pilot, engineer etc. They should further their education to achieve that. But if they are studying any other random courses like mass communication, business administration, computer science etc. They should go for in demand skill instead. Someone can learn programming in code camps, some mass communicators did go to tertiary institutions but they are making big money.

Finally, my advice is highly subjective to the country you are and how effective is education in the country.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Silberman on November 06, 2022, 03:27:22 AM
who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

I will advise both of them. For the one that is wanting to further her education from the degree she had, I would ask her if the field is a lucrative field because that is to be considered. This time around the economy is thriving from certain field and so studying courses related to that field will be beneficial. And for the other that want to learn skill, this is a superb thinking and if the background you have is a lucrative field then learn skill related to it so that you will have advantage and learn faster.

It depends on the goal of the person himself. But in my case, I would further get masters or doctorate degree.
The chances are different but if you want to hone your skills, you can always opt to this path.
There is no absolute answer to this anyway, because it depends on your ultimate mission in life.
Where do you think you can find your passion? Because finding your passion will give you better satisfaction in life.
Because everyone has their own calling, and so this aspect varies from person to person.
Everyone has their own views about how to live their lives, but at least to me when it comes to their education people need to really think about what kind of job they can get once they are done with it, after all education is not only time consuming but very expensive in many countries, so more than anything your college education is no longer about what you may like to do for the rest of your life but what kind of salary you can get out of it.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: crwth on November 06, 2022, 03:40:26 AM
It depends on the person's future wants and plans because that would be regarding the path he is creating for himself. It will be a hard decision if they don't know what he wants in the future. I hope it will be fruitful for your friends because that's their future. It is making sure to know what will happen or what he will do.

I'm always going to be a go for education, whether it's related to the track they had in college, as long as it's going to be beneficial and suitable for them.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: sulendra12 on November 06, 2022, 12:00:10 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
What skill are we talking about here?

If that means going to college again but with another degree to actually learn that skill then it's a bit waste IMO. I'd prefer the second person just work after graduating from college to build up the experience for better job in the future. Most of the job requires you to have 2 or more years for skill that is required for that job so it's just better to go to work for that matter and then go to another "skill" if you want to for better job and pays.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Maidak on November 06, 2022, 12:28:04 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?
I will say NO, don't waste your time on getting those degrees because its actually useless probably can give a job if you are from a high grade college in decent company but you only persist in the job only with the skills and honestly the degrees aren't giving the knowledge they just teach something which we don't really apply anywhere in the real world. So better focus on learning a new skill or related to the degree you completed so it will help getting the job as well as excell in it.
Not really, it depends on the job and the goals you are pursuing. It is true that there are some jobs that sometimes will not be able to apply the knowledge taught in school. But there are also jobs, people with extensive knowledge will always grasp and absorb faster than those without basic or theoretical knowledge. And if you work in a state-owned company, then to get to the top positions of the company, they not only ask for your skills, but they also require higher qualifications such as masters and doctorates. Both girls in this case are right, there is no mistake in choosing because their goals are different.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Inwestour on November 06, 2022, 12:30:26 PM

People who continue their education to get a higher degree should have a strong reason. It is surely about the job that they want to pursue after graduation. Some jobs/professions require a higher degree, sometimes it becomes the main requirement. In my country, you usually need to get a master's degree to get a specific job such as lecturer, consultant, cyber security, or software engineering. But I don't know in other countries, the job requirements can be different. I know a country like Japan doesn't really care about degree but they more focus on the skills, but in my country the degree is still necessary too.

At work, it is your skills and experience that will be valued, but without a higher education, they will not want to hire you. It may even be a higher education not in the specialty, but it should still be. I looked at a lot of vacancies and if you want to get a good salary, then higher education in this case will be mandatory. Perhaps there are some exceptions, but I do not know of such examples.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Taskford on November 06, 2022, 12:45:06 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

Tell your friends that never explore risky things if you are not sure about your future, use your degree first to get a job which can give you a convenient life then after you get enough savings then you could choose to learn new skill and test out what new things you learned if this will work for you because if you succeed on it then this will give you a huge success to get out on stressful 9-5 jobs. But if you fail you still have safety net since your job will help you not to get broke.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Agbe on November 06, 2022, 02:40:56 PM
In Nigeria, the government and the lecturers are even doubting the education given to the students in the school system. When they, the students are University, there is a general course called, entrepreneur where different skills and skill acquisitions are taught and learned. Then after school that is when you have graduated from University, you used one year to serve the country as a corps member, even in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) they still taught you still acquisitions again, yet the youths can not use all these training to do anything, that means there is some wrong in the whole system, that had to addressed first before the youth can utilize those skills in a meaningful way.
Upon all that, skill is more preferable to further the education because after all the degrees you will acquired in the country, you will see no where to work. 

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: bitgolden on November 06, 2022, 09:06:21 PM
I agree that it’s a personal thing for each person and not one set answer. Some people would be great learning by themselves and using them accordingly, some people would be a great academic and they would shine in a school situation. I have a friend who is a professor right now and he is doing amazingly, put him in a business situation and he would fail miserably, I also know many business people who failed at school as well.

So, this is not really a question that could be answered in a single situation, it would require you to end up with something much better. I know that it’s not that simple yet, but it should be a bit of a trouble in the long run if you pick the wrong thing.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: romero121 on November 06, 2022, 09:37:44 PM
Completely personal choice, but having a degree and more other skills seems to be good and paves path in getting a job with ease. These days every employer looks for the person with the required skills, however the degree stands as the eligibility criteria and the skills serve as the requirements. Learning and keeping ourselves updated to the development happening around is good, but degree adds more value to what you've learnt.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: _BlackStar on November 06, 2022, 09:51:55 PM
I like the field of economics for the study program in my education at school. I continued my studies for this course of study but unfortunately it was not for long. The family's economic limitations forced me to give up and couldn't finish my studies for an economics study program, but since I'm still relatively young for a student, I have plans to continue again when my economy is ready.

Educational background is very helpful to have formal job, but I don't think this will always matter because formal jobs tend not to pay wages commensurate with the consequences of the work and the demands of the rules. I thought it would be good to have bachelor's degree, but the lack of job opportunities made me start to hesitate to continue this education. Maybe will think some good things about the business and gain some skills for my online activities including content creator or crypto trading and investing. Now this option is more promising than formal job with all kinds of centralized rules.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: 2stout on November 07, 2022, 12:00:01 AM
I believe it all depends on where you land after college.  If you are making a decent salary in your field, enjoy it, and getting an advanced degree will significantly increase your earning potential, then yes, I could see one further their degree from school.  If you aren't making money in your field and hate it, then I could see one learning a new skill.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: CageMabok on November 07, 2022, 03:46:36 AM
I believe it all depends on where you land after college.  If you are making a decent salary in your field, enjoy it, and getting an advanced degree will significantly increase your earning potential, then yes, I could see one further their degree from school.  If you aren't making money in your field and hate it, then I could see one learning a new skill.
What I have seen so far in my place is very few people who hate the field of lectures or schools they take when they want to go to college or school. Because it has been carefully considered the field they will take and they like before they apply to a particular campus or university or to a particular school. So there is no hate when someone has graduated in the field they have applied for before, although not all of them can immediately get a job after graduating from university or school.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: gantez on November 07, 2022, 09:38:24 AM
Sometimes real work after school can be different from what we learn at school, skills development or other things, of course we must always do it, do not just focus on the fields or things we learn at school because I think many things we learn at school are only 10% or less than what is needed when working or business.

Our field of study don't determine what we finally decide doing in future. Experience of the life of many show this to us like I see many medical doctors not doing the health job but going to be doing other kind of jobs. Also the people studied art courses have ended up to diversify themselves into different kinds of work. What matters is two things and one is the passion we have. This passion sometimes is discovered in the middle of our lives that cause the switching to different area of work. Another is the reality of life or frustration if I can say that way. When the life expectation is not coming with the way that we have planned it, it can also change our work plans.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: mu_enrico on November 07, 2022, 09:47:38 AM
If after college people still ask this kind of question, then our education especially higher education has failed us. After college, you should always try to implement your skills in the real world, yes by working. There's no point to be an expert in your school and getting trolled in the real world. From my experience, the sooner you get your hands dirty, the faster your progression in the real world. Also, it's easier to get employed if you have lesser education since the "overqualified" problem is real. Employers will be hesitant to accept highly educated people since (1) they usually demand higher salaries and (2) still have no practical skills. In other words, garbage :D

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: nara1892 on November 08, 2022, 05:23:52 PM
I agree that it’s a personal thing for each person and not one set answer. Some people would be great learning by themselves and using them accordingly, some people would be a great academic and they would shine in a school situation. I have a friend who is a professor right now and he is doing amazingly, put him in a business situation and he would fail miserably, I also know many business people who failed at school as well.

So, this is not really a question that could be answered in a single situation, it would require you to end up with something much better. I know that it’s not that simple yet, but it should be a bit of a trouble in the long run if you pick the wrong thing.
Yes, this is indeed the choice of each individual, because according to them it is the path they prefer and they must take. They already have their own way of thinking and I'm afraid that any suggestions that come in will shake their beliefs and have a negative impact on the path they choose. They will definitely consider what they decide later. If I might be more supportive of his decision than having to advise on which path to choose, because that's basically what they need when making a decision. And I will give more advice to be more serious about what he chooses.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Gozie51 on November 08, 2022, 05:44:32 PM

It depends on the goal of the person himself. But in my case, I would further get masters or doctorate degree.
The chances are different but if you want to hone your skills, you can always opt to this path.
There is no absolute answer to this anyway, because it depends on your ultimate mission in life.
Where do you think you can find your passion? Because finding your passion will give you better satisfaction in life.
Because everyone has their own calling, and so this aspect varies from person to person.

It is just like the idea that I raised. Passion where it is not lucrative may also bring frustration at the end of the day. But passion in a lucrative field is already a plus. It is much as someone doing a job he has passion for already and getting paid for it. There are people who enjoy writing naturally and they working and getting paid in a media house where it is majorly about writing. An engineer that likes mathematics will see more joy doing mathematical works. So learning skills or furthering education in the area of interest and passion is a plus to success already.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: rahmad2nd on November 09, 2022, 04:13:45 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

First of all, I'd like to ask him what he wants to do with the degree he currently has. after that, what does he want to do after getting a higher degree. what plans he wants to do in the future, if it's to pursue his brighter future with the degree he has and equal to his abilities. then I will encourage him, to continue his studies at a higher level.

For the second, I will not prevent him if he does not want to continue his studies. chances are, I'll ask him. what skills does he want and what are the prospects for the future, whether after getting the skills it gives him high space and opportunity to create decent jobs or can bring in income that is equivalent to the skills he gets. furthermore, the choice is theirs.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Accardo on November 09, 2022, 05:57:57 PM
Life is about decisions and every body has a unique dream and goal in life. However, the best idea is having a good skill then furthering your studies for another degree to back the skill. Students, infact, forget that school is not all about degree, building networks in school shouldn't be neglected.

Anybody, anywhere, in any school can gain a master's degree but the difference is the kind of network they gained in the school, if networking is forsaked the degree may not worth it. Many a persons further their studies to reach out to other like-minded students about their skills and ideas such that after the program they'll have projects to handle together and build wealth.

A person with a PHD in a particular skill who pursues a business will make good connections than a person without a PhD in the same business.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Lanatsa on November 09, 2022, 07:55:42 PM

It depends on the goal of the person himself. But in my case, I would further get masters or doctorate degree.
The chances are different but if you want to hone your skills, you can always opt to this path.
There is no absolute answer to this anyway, because it depends on your ultimate mission in life.
Where do you think you can find your passion? Because finding your passion will give you better satisfaction in life.
Because everyone has their own calling, and so this aspect varies from person to person.

It is just like the idea that I raised. Passion where it is not lucrative may also bring frustration at the end of the day. But passion in a lucrative field is already a plus. It is much as someone doing a job he has passion for already and getting paid for it. There are people who enjoy writing naturally and they working and getting paid in a media house where it is majorly about writing. An engineer that likes mathematics will see more joy doing mathematical works. So learning skills or furthering education in the area of interest and passion is a plus to success already.
It is where mostly do prefer but there are really instances or situations which we do really end up on having a work which is really out of our interest because we do really end up on having no choice.

This is why it would really be that situational and not all really do falls down into this situation which if you do end up on working on a place which is really in the area of your interest then your'e lucky but if not

then you would need to sustain and survive it because we do all need some job for us to sustain our daily living needs and so on.Speaking about further degree or adding up more skills
then it would always boils down on someones preference and interest.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Asiska02 on November 09, 2022, 09:09:31 PM
Each of them has the right to their own views. What works for you may not work for me since I may not be able to manage it as well as you do. The decision of what you want to become in the future and the road to take is influenced by your ideas and potential for success. If you want to follow a path to success in this life, it has to be with desire, and the path one travels in today's world is always driven by passion. Every one of them can pursue what is best for them, regardless of the path they will take to get there.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: lalabotax on November 09, 2022, 09:33:31 PM
It may depend on her situation. However, if she has money and doesn't matter about the money to spend on education, I think that studying again will be okay as long as she really wants to do it and wants to explore more about the knowledge she learned in college. So that she can prepare herself to achieve the ideals according to her wishes. Especially if this is an urgent matter. However, if she is still not stable, why continue? It's better to start working while honing and deepening certain skills that she really wants, right? So that later the skill can really be useful and help her.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: DrBeer on November 09, 2022, 10:19:14 PM
If after college people still ask this kind of question, then our education especially higher education has failed us. After college, you should always try to implement your skills in the real world, yes by working. There's no point to be an expert in your school and getting trolled in the real world. From my experience, the sooner you get your hands dirty, the faster your progression in the real world. Also, it's easier to get employed if you have lesser education since the "overqualified" problem is real. Employers will be hesitant to accept highly educated people since (1) they usually demand higher salaries and (2) still have no practical skills. In other words, garbage :D

It didn't disappoint. It is what it is, only the dynamics of changing the world has changed.
Now I will explain, from my point of view, what the problem is. In a very simple example.
I received my first higher education, from 1990 to 1995. Real time systems software engineer. The theory was taught, at that time - from the 2nd to the 5th year of the institute. To be honest, at that time, the development of the market and technologies more or less coincided with the OBJECTIVITY of the knowledge provided. Taking into account a small lag associated with objective reasons, teachers themselves need to update their knowledge, prepare training materials, prepare the material and technical base, ...
Now, approximately from 2000-2005, the development of, at least technologies, has gained such speed that the above scheme, with the classical construction of training, began to stupidly lag behind, and strongly, noticeably and with an increase in the lag .... In the west, this process is organized a little differently (I did an internship and training in the USA, I know from personal experience). There is mentoring, there is involvement of external specialists, there is a strong connection between high-tech companies, market leaders, and educational institutions (this is a separate issue). Therefore, apart from the countries that occupy the leading positions in adaptive higher education or "upskilling", the gap is becoming more and more felt in the rest. The gap between reality and knowledge. You came to an institution to study, you come out not stupid, but ... your knowledge is 50% no longer relevant and not in demand ... Yes, there is such a problem. But who wants to learn and gain knowledge, will find how and where! :)

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: 2stout on November 10, 2022, 03:54:03 AM
I believe it all depends on where you land after college.  If you are making a decent salary in your field, enjoy it, and getting an advanced degree will significantly increase your earning potential, then yes, I could see one further their degree from school.  If you aren't making money in your field and hate it, then I could see one learning a new skill.
What I have seen so far in my place is very few people who hate the field of lectures or schools they take when they want to go to college or school. Because it has been carefully considered the field they will take and they like before they apply to a particular campus or university or to a particular school. So there is no hate when someone has graduated in the field they have applied for before, although not all of them can immediately get a job after graduating from university or school.

I would say every place is different as from what I've seen over here are plenty of people that really hate their field that they went to college for, not all but quite a lot; culture can also play a role in this as well.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: xSkylarx on November 10, 2022, 04:42:43 AM
I believe it all depends on where you land after college.  If you are making a decent salary in your field, enjoy it, and getting an advanced degree will significantly increase your earning potential, then yes, I could see one further their degree from school.  If you aren't making money in your field and hate it, then I could see one learning a new skill.
What I have seen so far in my place is very few people who hate the field of lectures or schools they take when they want to go to college or school. Because it has been carefully considered the field they will take and they like before they apply to a particular campus or university or to a particular school. So there is no hate when someone has graduated in the field they have applied for before, although not all of them can immediately get a job after graduating from university or school.

I would say every place is different as from what I've seen over here are plenty of people that really hate their field that they went to college for, not all but quite a lot; culture can also play a role in this as well.

Many college graduates now find jobs unrelated to their courses; I believe this is due to the pandemic, and they desperately need to find work to help their parents. With regards to culture, that is a big factor since it is your tradition to follow, and you shouldn't violate it, though it is still your choice since you are the one taking it and gaining from it. Imagine going to a college course or job you don't like. How can you enjoy it? That would be stressful a lot

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Yatsan on November 10, 2022, 12:55:14 PM
Using what you've practiced and learn at school is just fine. Extending your capabilities and learning on other fields of interest is better. But either of the two would be fine. We're all different; some are school or book smart, and some are into skills or 'street smart'. What's important is how will you utilize it as an individual if you are seeking for success.
I believe it all depends on where you land after college.  If you are making a decent salary in your field, enjoy it, and getting an advanced degree will significantly increase your earning potential, then yes, I could see one further their degree from school.  If you aren't making money in your field and hate it, then I could see one learning a new skill.
What I have seen so far in my place is very few people who hate the field of lectures or schools they take when they want to go to college or school. Because it has been carefully considered the field they will take and they like before they apply to a particular campus or university or to a particular school. So there is no hate when someone has graduated in the field they have applied for before, although not all of them can immediately get a job after graduating from university or school.

I would say every place is different as from what I've seen over here are plenty of people that really hate their field that they went to college for, not all but quite a lot; culture can also play a role in this as well.

Many college graduates now find jobs unrelated to their courses; I believe this is due to the pandemic, and they desperately need to find work to help their parents.
Possible but my take on this is lack of experience with their chosen field. Indeed they have a degree, but there are just companies who are requiring years of experience. This pushes graduates to move in other fileds who will accept and trust them despite of having no experience at all. But that is indeed true;urgency to get a job because they're breadwinners. That's just how tough living is, nowadays. Pride would be swallowed dometimes in order to fill the tummy.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on November 10, 2022, 05:39:26 PM
Now that you mention it, a lot of fresh graduates also have ended up just leading a fast-food restaurant just to get their first experience in the work environment and it kinda sucks that I read some job postings requiring relevant experience to that field, but those people just find it hard to get experience. Some universities have internship as part of their curriculum in order to help their students the the stand at the door once they apply for work and not entirely go off the rails from their degree just to get a single experience.

Having higher education won't "increase" the chances of getting hired, but it would instead help you in the long run to land a promotion. This is why some companies tend to do the honors to provide the needs of the said "employee" for their higher education, just for the sake of keeping the employee and not outsourcing anymore. Why hire another and train all over again if you could just train one of your current employee and provide the means to attain the requirement to land the promotion.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Tommiewill on November 12, 2022, 06:02:33 AM
I will learn a new skill, and my friends around me have chosen to continue their education. When I entered the society and entered the company, I found that the knowledge I learned in school was far from enough to support me easily in the company. A lot of knowledge is new and not learned in school. There are also a lot of other knowledge used, and many majors are related, and you must master them all.
If you want to choose to improve your qualifications, you can choose other skills related to your major, which will be beneficial to your future work in the company.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Truyet Lan on November 12, 2022, 06:20:08 AM
You can choose to continue to improve your education. When your professional knowledge and technology are strong enough, you can choose a company that suits your heart at will. While many positions are two-way options, your higher education will make it easier than others to get a job.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Sterbens on November 13, 2022, 12:55:13 PM
Each of them has the right to their own views. What works for you may not work for me since I may not be able to manage it as well as you do. The decision of what you want to become in the future and the road to take is influenced by your ideas and potential for success. If you want to follow a path to success in this life, it has to be with desire, and the path one travels in today's world is always driven by passion. Every one of them can pursue what is best for them, regardless of the path they will take to get there.
You are right, everyone has their own path to success, we cannot imitate what other people do to make us successful. Don't follow what other people are too much because I think it will cover the skills we have because we are too motivated to do something exactly like other people. We can be motivated by hard work and effort that is done wholeheartedly and we must also apply it to ourselves to achieve something we want.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Cling18 on November 13, 2022, 01:19:11 PM
You can choose to continue to improve your education. When your professional knowledge and technology are strong enough, you can choose a company that suits your heart at will. While many positions are two-way options, your higher education will make it easier than others to get a job.

It will be their personal choice on what they want to pursue based on their life goals. If one wants to continue acquiring a higher degree then there's nothing wrong with it because having a higher degree will be an advantage for her to grab better opportunities on her chosen field. If one wants to learn new skills to broaden up her knowledge then it's also a good decision. As long as their choice will be for their own growth and success, both decisions are good steps for them to prepare for a better future.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Renampun on November 13, 2022, 02:16:57 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

I think both are right, they do what they want, alluding to success, everyone has different views on the meaning of success and it's not an exact science, some say higher education is a success but some say money and position are a success.
so do what you like, don't be burdened with other people's opinions, and make other people's opinions just a consideration, if indeed it is contrary to your heart then leave it.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: Vlad1977 on November 14, 2022, 01:29:25 AM
If you are in a small village, your education is not high, but you have an outstanding skill, you can work in this small village and pay well. If you're in a big city, you don't have a high degree of education and only have one skill, some companies may prefer candidates with a high degree of education.

Title: Re: Will you further your degree from school, or learn a new skill after college?
Post by: DaNNy001 on November 14, 2022, 09:29:39 PM
What will be your advice to two friends who have just finished from college, one is considering furthering her education in the degree she has gotten from college, the other says she has learnt enough from school and rather than looking to further her education in the degree she has gotten from school, she is considering learning a good skill that she considers will be highly sort after. If it will cost roughly the same amount of money for the both of them to go with what they like and both choices are prospective, who would you advice to reconsider, and who would you encourage to continue?

Well the too friends are not wrong in choosing their different part to follow.
In this modern era learning a skill after your first degree  is not actually bad choice seeing to the fact that some people just want to be self dependent and that's their own view of been actually successful and their happy with it..

While some individuals see it fit that a higher level of education springs them the opportunity to be very successful and respected in the society