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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Marcellin9 on November 21, 2022, 04:15:22 PM

Title: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Marcellin9 on November 21, 2022, 04:15:22 PM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Queentoshi on November 22, 2022, 01:19:25 PM
What makes it so incredibly popular ?
There is a lot of media around it, even before the competition started, the experience also attracts people who choose to travel to the host country for a live experience and for others who watch from home to have the experience of watching live games on the world's highest stage of football. People like me who are not super fans of football are even attracted to watch the games because everyone is talking about it.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Frankolala on November 22, 2022, 02:55:01 PM
Football is a sport that is loved by everyone since it is a sport that most people know how to play from childhood. World cup brings 32 countries together every four years to represent their country in football and so many players can't wait for this opportunity to show that their country is the best in football because it is a game of respect.

Football fans can go as far to watch the world cup if they since it is part of  tourism in which the host country is the tourist center. Countries will also go along with their fans,this is the biggest competition in football and it comes once in awhile if you miss it sorry till the next four years where you might not see the players you love most playing anymore because of old age. Lastly everybody wants to watch their country playing because their fathers,brothers or children are the players.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Jatiluhung on November 24, 2022, 02:18:04 AM
what makes it very lively is of course because of the many people who like soccer. and even when the World Cup comes, it's not just football fans who celebrate the World Cup. but people from various countries who qualify will certainly be very enthusiastic to support the national teams of their respective countries. and even the world cup also attracts business people in various fields to follow this trend. so that in the market even world cup souvenirs in various countries have a high level of demand (good for business people / generate profits). and many more things that certainly make the FIFA World Cup always a lively event and everyone has been waiting for. Even people who usually don't watch football matches sometimes want to watch too.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: len01 on November 24, 2022, 04:10:35 AM
because the world cup is held only once every 4 years. and on this occasion the world cup made people unite to uphold their respective favorite teams.
on the other hand because the world cup is the right time for all national teams in various countries to show their best matches to occupy 1st place and can be recognized throughout the country

and the last other reason is because the world cup brings benefits to anyone who is involved in it. I mean definitely big organizations will take the opportunity to benefit from this world cup

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Moneyprism on November 24, 2022, 07:42:22 AM
we know that football is not just a sport, but this is a matter of pride and prestige and is also related to politics, this is what makes this sport a sport that is loved by the majority of people in the world.. the euphoria of the world cup is also proof that Football is a very prestigious sport and is loved by many people, and this is a very big industry

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Lordhermes on November 24, 2022, 08:03:02 AM
The world cup has a larger purpose than just bringing people together via football. The only sport where fans from around the world get together to support their countries is the world cup. A fan's greatest thrill is to visit the host nation and cheer for their home team. Additionally, it offers them the chance to socialize with others from around the globe. Some people seize the chance for a holiday, while others do so for business. It's good to see players from other tribes and religions come together for a game in a nation other than their own.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Zlantann on November 24, 2022, 11:55:18 AM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?

Apart from the glamour and excitement of football matches, people go to the World Cup for several reasons. Tourist see it as a big privilege to visit most host nations and other neighboring states. During this period most host nations reduce the entry requirement of their countries because they are expecting more people. Also the World Cup period bring together many people from different culture. Tourist find this time very interesting because they would meet people from other lands or country.
Businessmen and companies also cease this opportunity to meet clients and advertise their goods and services. Some companies can also use this chance to carryout feasibility studies of the host and its neighboring countries so as to identify business opportunities.     

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on November 24, 2022, 12:09:43 PM
Football in total has been a spectator sport for as long as I can remember. No wonder people travel across the globe just to feature in its games. Its  advantages of encouraging trade relationship between nations, added to the fact that it a sport wherein the participants socialize thereby fostering unity and creating bonds, makes it one of the best games in the sports history.
The world cup unlike other tournaments hosted is like the grand occasion or top tier of football. Only top players are ever granted the privilege to participate and make their name seared in the pages of history. Here careers are made and rising stars are discovered. Careers can also be destroyed if these players or fans dare to contravene the laws guiding such a huge tournament. The worst is to be banned for misconduct, and it can happen to both an individual and even a nation in whole.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: gantez on November 24, 2022, 01:09:27 PM
The real reason that you have people to the world cup like that is because they are watching the most loved sports game in the world. If you check in the numbers of sports that is watched by many homes you see it is football and you expect the kind of number of people when it is bringing the whole lovers of it in the world together in a season. Apart to the numbers watching direct in the stadium that it is played, the people watching in different countries are too much also the money that is coming from it through the different businesses going on within that season. Media hype is on to it and TV stations get money from the viewing, viewing stations too and bars all make profit this season. It is the most followed sports events of the world that is the reason of billions of people watching it.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: jrrsparkles on November 24, 2022, 06:31:18 PM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?
Actually the business behind the soccer made very popular cause its multi billion dollar sports and probably the highest revenue making sport as well. The other reasons are some what it connects with the people and it involves every player from both the team to win the game unless other games need special physique to excel and ofcourse the agression among the players on the field connects and separate the audience so its one of the popular sport.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: philipma1957 on November 24, 2022, 07:06:40 PM
  I detest football/soccer. Find it to be really boring.
Too many times I watched a game played in the midfield with zero shots on goal for over 30 minutes in a row.

But I will watch it on and off hoping for huge upsets like Japan over Germany or Saudi Arabia beating Argentina.

I know both German and Argentina fans are suffering bigly which brings a smile to my face. That morons can actually get upset over their teams losing.


BTW I am still pissed off that the Mets lost to San Diego. So whenever I think about them I switch my mind to German and Argentina fans that I know are suffering.

I think all non fans of any sport that is big do this.

So When the World Cup comes along if they are like me they will watch hoping for a big favorite to lose.

I think same for Olympics. Hell I watch curling and find it watchable just to see a long shot team win.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Bananington on November 24, 2022, 08:23:19 PM
The reason the world cup attracts billion of fans worldwide, is because it is like a way of connecting the continent together, the world cup is the biggest cup on the planet earth in soccer, and it hardly comes by, that's why you see every player that plays in their various leagues, try as much as possible to make it to the world cup. Soccer on it's own is a game of excitement, talk more of when it comes to the world cup that comes every four years. Every fan want to see their top players in one competition representing their countries, that's why it attract billions of fan.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on November 25, 2022, 08:03:54 AM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?
Because it's the most prestigious football competition in the world. It is used by the government to unite the people, and countries together. Then, also, it is played every four years. It is the most sponsored competition in the world. And it is the biggest football competition. So that's the reason why it is the most followed football competition in the planet. Every player's dream is to play in the World Cup. It is the most important competition for a footballer. And it is also regarded as the biggest footballing competition in a footballer's career.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Marcellin9 on December 02, 2022, 02:11:44 AM
  I detest football/soccer. Find it to be really boring.
Too many times I watched a game played in the midfield with zero shots on goal for over 30 minutes in a row.

But I will watch it on and off hoping for huge upsets like Japan over Germany or Saudi Arabia beating Argentina.

I know both German and Argentina fans are suffering bigly which brings a smile to my face. That morons can actually get upset over their teams losing.


BTW I am still pissed off that the Mets lost to San Diego. So whenever I think about them I switch my mind to German and Argentina fans that I know are suffering.

I think all non fans of any sport that is big do this.

So When the World Cup comes along if they are like me they will watch hoping for a big favorite to lose.

I think same for Olympics. Hell I watch curling and find it watchable just to see a long shot team win.

I certainly share your view. We are just the same kind of people who are excited about the "unexpected outcome". Japan winning Germany might be a surprise to you or to many football fans but beating Spain absolutely proved Japan's rapid and solid growth. Now Germany has lost all and gone back home, Japan and Spain are going to the next level of competition. There will be more surprises that strike more fans. We'll see.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Marcellin9 on December 02, 2022, 02:24:49 AM
The world cup has a larger purpose than just bringing people together via football. The only sport where fans from around the world get together to support their countries is the world cup. A fan's greatest thrill is to visit the host nation and cheer for their home team. Additionally, it offers them the chance to socialize with others from around the globe. Some people seize the chance for a holiday, while others do so for business. It's good to see players from other tribes and religions come together for a game in a nation other than their own.

I think you made a very good point from the cultural and social perspective. Footbal is indeed more than a sports game and brings more social and economic benefits to countries and fans. Another factor that could have made this happen is the consistency of hosting the World Cup. It has been the most watched sports event in history and through 92 years, it has accumulated an enormous fame and impact to the world. Nothing else is as global and influential as the World Cup. Look forward to more exciting matches to come. Cheers !

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: ZoeSamantha on December 02, 2022, 06:54:10 AM
Football is a very exciting sport, a team represents a country, there are some loyal fans, just like basketball, the fans have faith, I love this sport because I can bet on which country will be the winner , I bet that there will be a corresponding return.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: HughMunro on December 02, 2022, 07:04:14 AM
In terms of interests, half of the fans are half of the gamblers. It is also an interest for all countries to host the World Cup. The commercial value of the World Cup is higher than that of other sports events. It increases the country's GDP and has the most investors.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: JordanMychal on December 02, 2022, 07:08:25 AM
In terms of interests, half of the fans are half of the gamblers. It is also an interest for all countries to host the World Cup. The commercial value of the World Cup is higher than that of other sports events. It increases the country's GDP and has the most investors.
First of all, let’s talk about economic benefits. Games with high economic value can be favored by more organizers. Besides, influential football is the number one sport in the world. Countries all over the world, regardless of their economic size, have people participating in football. In sports, the popularity of Messi is higher than that of the president of Brazil.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: lenexn on December 02, 2022, 08:44:45 AM
It can improve the popularity of the country. There are many sponsors of the World Cup. The World Cup attracts not only fans but also various brands, which improves the development of the country and generates greater profits. Especially when it is held every four years, everyone is looking forward to it , everyone benefits.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Lordhermes on December 02, 2022, 09:31:44 AM
Football is the only sport, that unify the world. Is a sport that doesn't care about religion and race. People likes what unite the world.but at times to keep same in all aspect of life After the world cup is a problem. If we can maintain the unite and love we shared in world cup tournament. The world would have been in peace. People spend money just to Cheers Their country up. they travel far and near just to witness their country play in the tournament. It's because of Passion and happiness football bring to people.

World cup tournament is a game where people meet all over the world, to exchange contracts and business development.  It has a lot of political and economic reasoning for the fans.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: bakasabo on December 02, 2022, 10:37:40 AM
First of all, let’s talk about economic benefits. Games with high economic value can be favored by more organizers. Besides, influential football is the number one sport in the world. Countries all over the world, regardless of their economic size, have people participating in football. In sports, the popularity of Messi is higher than that of the president of Brazil.

There is also another side of that "economic" coin. Having World Cup held in your country is prestige, but it also are huge expenses. Imagine you make hundred of million investment in stadiums, infrastructure, build additional places to live. And in 2-3 weeks no one needs that anymore, if football is not Nr1 activity in your country. All what was built becomes abandoned and start to collapse slowly. I think that all those investment in Football cups or Olympics infrastructure does not pay off at all.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Dunamisx on December 02, 2022, 02:49:57 PM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?

This thread count have more appropriately be in the gambling section but being on the politics and society board isn't that bad as well, FIFA world cup from the terms used you will discover it's what deals with commonness of the people throughout the world to come together and share in sports activities especially football and through that create an international relations with each other to form unity among nations regardless of the colour or race, football or sport in general brings about friendliness of the dive into the history very deep and this same motive is what we all enjoyed having the FIFA world cup.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Marcellin9 on December 03, 2022, 03:16:53 AM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?

This thread count have more appropriately be in the gambling section but being on the politics and society board isn't that bad as well, FIFA world cup from the terms used you will discover it's what deals with commonness of the people throughout the world to come together and share in sports activities especially football and through that create an international relations with each other to form unity among nations regardless of the colour or race, football or sport in general brings about friendliness of the dive into the history very deep and this same motive is what we all enjoyed having the FIFA world cup.

Thanks for your comment. By far, you have made the most objective and reasonable point. FIFA's huge success surpasses the meaning of a sports game and involves much more about politics, economies and cultures. As long as its nature remains correct, let's just sit tight and enjoy all matches FIFA brings to us. By the way, which team would you think be the champion ? Just asking.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: rahmad2nd on December 05, 2022, 09:57:15 PM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?

Football is a sport that is very easy to play with simple rules. Football is a very fun part of entertainment and can be played by all kinds of people from all walks of life in the world. Football is the most popular sport compared to other sports, apart from not having to spend a lot of money. this type of sport also involves many people. generally, involves 11 players as a team. besides that, football is the cheapest sport because it only requires one ball and everyone can play it. Football has become the most familiar sport, almost anywhere in the world. the development of football has evolved from time to time until now it has become a profitable business for both the players, as well as the club owners.

Speaking of the world cup, this event that takes place every four years will be eagerly awaited by millions/billions of people in parts of the world. imagine, all the great players will appear in the tournament. this euphoria is not only for the perpetrators but football connoisseurs as well. the world cup tournament is also part of the most prestigious event of all football events.

because this is why every time the world cup is held, it will always steal the attention of many people in all corners of the world.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Marcellin9 on December 06, 2022, 06:40:36 AM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?

Football is a sport that is very easy to play with simple rules. Football is a very fun part of entertainment and can be played by all kinds of people from all walks of life in the world. Football is the most popular sport compared to other sports, apart from not having to spend a lot of money. this type of sport also involves many people. generally, involves 11 players as a team. besides that, football is the cheapest sport because it only requires one ball and everyone can play it. Football has become the most familiar sport, almost anywhere in the world. the development of football has evolved from time to time until now it has become a profitable business for both the players, as well as the club owners.

Speaking of the world cup, this event that takes place every four years will be eagerly awaited by millions/billions of people in parts of the world. imagine, all the great players will appear in the tournament. this euphoria is not only for the perpetrators but football connoisseurs as well. the world cup tournament is also part of the most prestigious event of all football events.

because this is why every time the world cup is held, it will always steal the attention of many people in all corners of the world.

Thanks for your explanation. The perspective of football's competitive advantages over other ball games is quite outstanding and true. The easy access to it draws millions of people from all walks of life, especially from those who are poor and eager to change living conditions by professionally playing football. Cristiano Renaldo is definitely one of them. Football, in many dimensions, has changed countless people's destiny and its glamour and huge influence continue to grow as time goes by.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: franky1 on December 06, 2022, 07:03:55 AM
it didnt and doesnt always have the world view you think it did/does

america loves american football and basketball
       (the carry in hand ball games)
canada loves hockey
india loves cricket
asia loves martial arts

for football(soccer)you did not need to buy much equipment all you needed was a ball and some friends, where everyone got a chance to play at the same time instead of taking turns

unlike for instance
basketball which needed a hoop(net)
cricket that needed a bat, wickets, and pads and a hat
american football that needed pads and helmet

taking turns:
cricket, baseball, were 'take turns' style of play which meant it was a slow game and boring to view unless really passionate(or gambling on results)

so football(soccer) met the fun and cheap needs of the masses

kids used their own sweaters as goal posts in any open space they can find. and boom. they had fun

then it got professional with game matches done internationally since things like aeroplanes made it easy to travel the world. and things ramped up from there FAST and when media and TV came about decades ago, then countries started to adopt it faster.

it was cheap, easy to play and the rules were simple

heck even iran have a team now. which is something not really thought of as possible during the gulf war/ middle east conflicts periods
they started in '78, but didnt get involved again until 1998,
then due to 9-11 stopped(didnt do 2002). then got involved again in
2006, then stopped..
then finally in "peacetime" now they are seriously members in the world cups of 2014, 2018 and 2022.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: worldofcoins on December 17, 2022, 12:22:18 PM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?

Many factors are involved in its popularity; many people love football because of the most popular and liked games compared to the others, i.e., hockey and cricket. e.t.c. Also, many popular players playing for their countries, like Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, and their fans are eager to watch their games. Also, the rivalry on the country level makes it more popular as compared to other games.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Sayakaaja on December 18, 2022, 03:36:43 AM
the world cup is always eagerly awaited by everyone, because in this soccer match all senior and famous players will play, and of course if a country wins in sports, then surely that country will be very proud.

then, the reason why soccer is famous in my opinion, because soccer is a sport that is easy to play, can be played anywhere as long as there is a ball, also the rules are quite easy, soccer can be played by anyone including children and parents. somehow but, the match is always fun and tense.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: coin-investor on December 18, 2022, 09:50:06 AM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?

It's a game of speed strategy and teamwork easy to play and fast-paced every country can play this game and there's no superiority in height compared to basketball besides it is the oldest sport in the world dating back to 200 B.C it is one sport that has been adopted by almost all country in this planet, for additional information why Football is the world's favorite sports do check out this article

17 Reasons Why Soccer is the Most Popular Sport in the World (

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Majestic-milf on December 18, 2022, 12:15:42 PM
Football/Soccer is such a fanscinating sport that attracts billions of fans all over the world. The World Cup represents the highest level of its competition. What makes it so incredibly popular ?

Having football as one of the most watched sports in the world just tells you how interesting it is. Club football can't be compared to the world cup since this event happens every four years and one gets to support his home country without having conflicting interests as is the case of club football.
 The most interesting and amazing part of football is that out of the twenty two players pitched on the field, the ball still manages to get to each players legs.

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: fortunecrypto on December 18, 2022, 12:35:58 PM
There are a total of 210 countries that are registered with FIFA and they all played competitively which means that they have leagues on their own in their regions this makes Football the number one sport and the most watched sporting events the game evolve into the world's favorite sports because of the fast-paced and suspenseful to watch

According to the FIFA Big Count, there were 265 million football players in the world, 270 million when referees and match officials were included.

Interesting facts about Football

Title: Re: Why the World Cup attracts billions of fans worldwide every four years ?
Post by: Kavelj22 on December 18, 2022, 03:23:27 PM
Simply because it is a sport of the poor that is played collectively. Before the advent of football, individual sports were dominant, and those sports were the preserve of the wealthy class in society. Football required nothing more than the ball itself. Since the launch of the first competitions between teams, the game has been very popular and raises the challenge for the fans of different teams.
Then, throughout history, football contributed to the rapprochement between peoples and cultures, with the launch of annual global tournaments.

The most important characteristic of many football events is that many peoples converge and compete in an intimate spirit, even in the reality of political differences. The elites of the Soviet Union and North Korea were able in 1966 to reach the World Cup in Britain, with which they were at war, and which had to grant them travel and residence visas, even though it had emerged from the Korean War with about 1,000 dead a few months ago.