Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: Wapfika on November 25, 2022, 11:28:26 AM

Title: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Wapfika on November 25, 2022, 11:28:26 AM
I made a topic( yesterday about asking help to find alternative way on my current method of dodging high withdrawal fee for Bitcoin on exchange using casino. I know how complicated is this if you are not aware or didn’t know the actual experience so I understand if there will be a lot of clarification post but instead I keep receiving a general or repetitive post that is not answering directly the main question.

I’m just so upset that if this post is made on other board. The normal response should be ignore the thread if you don’t know the answer but the response is different on the gambling discussion board. Out of bunch replies, Only less than 5 people actually understand the content and answer on topic while the rest is just really not helpful.  :-[

Self moderated topic is a must in there.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: PX-Z on November 25, 2022, 12:09:26 PM
Adding local rules and/or make it a self-moderated topic will keep spams on your threads.

About your case, it's the same how i usually do. I always use xrp or any other alt/token cheaper fee the is supported on both platform i used.
To be honest, i don't have any or tried other alternatives (if there is any) besides it when avoiding fixed a bit expensive fee on exchange.

For your safety, i will avoid sending funds directly from an exchange to any gambling platform because of legal reasons that connects your exchange fund to gambling.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: stompix on November 25, 2022, 12:10:06 PM
The gambling board is a spam fest but just look back at how you asked people for help with your problem:

I’m doing this so that I can still play while holding Bitcoin when I feel bullrun is coming but sometimes wagering on Duelbits makes me lose everything before I can transfer my funds to my other casino account

Nearly anyone reading this would identify you losing your money while gambling as the problem that needs to be solved, not how to dodge the fees you're losing in transferring coins and how to avoid withdrawing fees. Common, that board has far more problems than one which could have been easily solved by asking directly the question, not going through really confusing details, you basically locked the topic with the message that would have been the first.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on November 25, 2022, 01:01:32 PM
I made a topic(
This topic was started on 24th November which is yesterday, and was last edited today, I believe somehow that through the edit you did today, you changed some phrases to make the post better understandable, I do not know what the initial post was like, but I go with what stompix said.
The way you phrase your words in a sentence really plays an important role on how users will understand your post and what kind of comments they will chip in, though this does not rule out the fact that low quality posters will still spam, but in the situation where the OP fail to phrase the post in a way that it will be easily understood by everyone or atleast, the majority of reader, the OP shouldn't blame commenters for posting comments that are outrightly out of point.

In a post where you know most people will have a hard time understanding what you mean, to help them understand what you mean, you give illustrations, like an example that will help explain what the post is all about...
This is how you help your readers understand you and give you better comments that are on point of the topic..

And like I said above, doing this does not mean that low quality posters won't still spam, they will, but the spams will be insignificant or even unnoticeable if the majority of readers clearly understand the OP.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: UserU on November 25, 2022, 01:42:35 PM
I made a topic( yesterday about asking help to find alternative way on my current method of dodging high withdrawal fee for Bitcoin on exchange using casino. I know how complicated is this if you are not aware or didn’t know the actual experience so I understand if there will be a lot of clarification post but instead I keep receiving a general or repetitive post that is not answering directly the main question.

I’m just so upset that if this post is made on other board. The normal response should be ignore the thread if you don’t know the answer but the response is different on the gambling discussion board. Out of bunch replies, Only less than 5 people actually understand the content and answer on topic while the rest is just really not helpful.  :-[

Self moderated topic is a must in there.

Welcome to Bitcointalk, whereby over 50% of the responses on almost every thread are just repeating the same thing(s) over and over for the weekly quota. You'll get used to it, not just on the Gambling Discussions subforum.

But just to give you an advice, you might want to avoid converting cryptos through casinos. After all like you said, you'd have to wager the deposits and you might not be so lucky to keep your balance intact once the losses start kicking in.

If you wanna take advantage of the markets, keep the coins in a cold/ hardware wallet. Only gamble with the funds you can afford to lose.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: FatFork on November 25, 2022, 06:24:58 PM
I’m thinking if moderator will delete post if ever I report it as off topic. I admit many of the post is still constructive on different topic. I’m not saying they are shitpost rather they are just pushing a quality post even its out of the topic. Let’s say most of the suggestions are suitable for safety precautions.

It's often difficult to get relevant answers to questions that don't have a clearly defined structure. It is obvious that there is also a language barrier, so in the future try to be more direct and specific in your questions, and also try to use simple language. This will help you get better results.

If you ask a question in a way that doesn't make sense, then you're going to get an answer that doesn't make sense. ;)

If you feel that a reply to your post is off-topic, it's okay to report it to the moderators so they can delete the comment. The moderators are there to help keep the forum clean.

Legit. Looks like a typical comment section on social media that most user doesn’t give a deym about discussion. I think Meta is the only board I know that I can get a better reply.

This is true most of the time. Just keep in mind that the Meta board is reserved exclusively for forum-related questions and comments.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: bittraffic on November 25, 2022, 06:43:07 PM
It got them confused probably to what you are doing  ;D  First, you wanna send XRP or Doge to a Casino and withdraw BTC going to another casino account. It branches out to holding your coins in the casino wallet which they would react to it.

It's true though those campaign participants are up to achieving the number of posts required to get paid and could end up straying the topic elsewhere.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Welsh on November 25, 2022, 07:11:38 PM
Probably just needs a another dedicated moderator that isn't a global moderator. Although, that might not be true I don't see how many reports are being made in the section, so without those reports, it might be fighting a uphill battle.

I've seen pretty much across the entire forum though that the attitude has sort of changed towards reporting. While, we used to have quite a few dedicated reporters, we've seem to have lost that. Now, that might be because they don't agree with how their reports are being handled or even a partial amount of them, but there's definitely been a attitude change.

I'd like to see us get back to the levels we were at before, but we probably need to make a few changes before that. Mainly, more moderators or at the very least having a few more dedicated moderators to sections that don't have them.

Gambling Discussion is quite wild at the moment. Reminds me of 2017 in the Altcoin section. I bet I could probably report 500-1000 reports a day there, and not make much of a dent. The spam has quite frankly got out of hand. The problem with it is there's a ton of vague posts there that if you aren't familiar with the sport might seem legitimate. For example, I don't watch basketball, and have no clue about it. If someone reports a post there that the user is just being very vague, and probably hasn't even watched the game, it's not always easy to tell if you don't watch it yourself. I see this a lot with the football threads, and boxing threads.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: goldkingcoiner on November 25, 2022, 08:25:01 PM
Probably just needs a another dedicated moderator that isn't a global moderator. Although, that might not be true I don't see how many reports are being made in the section, so without those reports, it might be fighting a uphill battle.

I've seen pretty much across the entire forum though that the attitude has sort of changed towards reporting. While, we used to have quite a few dedicated reporters, we've seem to have lost that. Now, that might be because they don't agree with how their reports are being handled or even a partial amount of them, but there's definitely been a attitude change.

I'd like to see us get back to the levels we were at before, but we probably need to make a few changes before that. Mainly, more moderators or at the very least having a few more dedicated moderators to sections that don't have them.

Gambling Discussion is quite wild at the moment. Reminds me of 2017 in the Altcoin section. I bet I could probably report 500-1000 reports a day there, and not make much of a dent. The spam has quite frankly got out of hand. The problem with it is there's a ton of vague posts there that if you aren't familiar with the sport might seem legitimate. For example, I don't watch basketball, and have no clue about it. If someone reports a post there that the user is just being very vague, and probably hasn't even watched the game, it's not always easy to tell if you don't watch it yourself. I see this a lot with the football threads, and boxing threads.

Perhaps the answer could be making sure signature campaigners do not post vague stuff is the responsibility of the bounty managers. And even if EVERY post was made to be productive, there would still be too many posters. So I think the issue is either setting stricter signature campaign limits or by setting stricter regulations on who is allowed to advertise/join such campaigns and how they should conduct said campaigns.

But a few moderators might also solve the problem, as you said.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on November 26, 2022, 07:38:34 AM
I made a topic(
This topic was started on 24th November which is yesterday, and was last edited today, I believe somehow that through the edit you did today, you changed some phrases to make the post better understandable, I do not know what the initial post was like, but I go with what stompix said.
The way you phrase your words in a sentence really plays an important role on how users will understand your post and what kind of comments they will chip in, <...>

The OP is unclear. For starters, he has put a post in this thread that wasn't written by him.

The post he's linked to is a reply from Yogee quoting him. His initial post in that thread wasn't edited, but I don't care, I don't know what he's protesting about, or yes, what bothers him is that almost all of us who responded to him were telling him that it was stupid to do what he was doing (with good words).

Just by looking at him talking about his thread and linking to someone else's reply we can see how well he expresses himself.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: UmerIdrees on November 26, 2022, 08:31:27 AM
I’m just so upset that if this post is made on other board. The normal response should be ignore the thread if you don’t know the answer but the response is different on the gambling discussion board. Out of bunch replies, Only less than 5 people actually understand the content and answer on topic while the rest is just really not helpful.  :-[

How are you confident that if you have posted in another section, you would have got the relevant answer to your question? I can bet that all the sections have the same problem whether it is a bitcoin discussion, Altcoin discussion, or gambling discussion.

You have two options, either to make a self-moderated thread and manually delete the irrelevant posts and or go through all the posts and see if there are some posts that give value to your question and you get your answers.

Well in both cases you have to go through all of the posts  :) The reason is that everyone will try to give you the response, even if they are not the subject matter expert.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Ryker1 on November 26, 2022, 10:25:17 AM
Self moderated topic is a must in there.
Well you already answered your concern --a self-moderated thread is essential if you don't want irrelevant answers and locking the thread is a good action if you have been satisfied with their response.
For me --it is a discussion board and as long as it discusses relevant to your questions does not matter if the response did not help your question directly. People are free to give their opinions as long as it is related to your question and that board called [gambling discussion] to discuss their opinion.
However, if there is an off-topic reply or response, just hit the button [Report to moderator] and the moderator will surely delete their reply.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Ultegra134 on November 26, 2022, 06:47:34 PM
Well, that's also common in other subforums as well. I might gamble every once in a while, but generally, I'm not really interested in gambling conversations; most are also directed towards sports betting, and guess what? I'm not into sports either. Thus, I rarely participate in gambling discussions. If I were to guess, I'd say that quite a few signature campaigns have a certain post requirement to be made in the gambling section. As a result, there are people who may have zero interest in gambling who try to fit into conversations in order to achieve their quota.

I'm not following the gambling sections, and it's just my personal opinion, but I thought there might be a correlation between spam posts and the minimum post requirement in the specific section of the forum.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: KingsDen on November 27, 2022, 06:26:19 PM
This your complain is not a new one in the bitcointalk community. It is something that happens very often and it is not totally avoidable in as much as some persons trying to profer solution to other people's problem do not even understand the problem.
With respect to your topic, most of those people providing you with solutions are not even gamblers and does not even understand what it means to wager.
Again some persons do not even read the original topic, they will base their reply with what the other person's have replied above them.

For instance the first reply to your topic, if it is off topic the second person will likely based their own answer with that of the previous answer and before it goes to the second to third pages, you will understand that your topic is totally blown off context.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Saint-loup on November 27, 2022, 07:09:58 PM
Self moderated topic is a must in there.
Well you already answered your concern --a self-moderated thread is essential if you don't want irrelevant answers and locking the thread is a good action if you have been satisfied with their response.
For me --it is a discussion board and as long as it discusses relevant to your questions does not matter if the response did not help your question directly. People are free to give their opinions as long as it is related to your question and that board called [gambling discussion] to discuss their opinion.
However, if there is an off-topic reply or response, just hit the button [Report to moderator] and the moderator will surely delete their reply.
It's cocky to say that in the Meta section. I think you should read the forum rules ( again. Especially the first one, because before the off-topic rule there is another one : 1. No zero or low value, pointless or uninteresting posts or threads.

And it's not up to readers and moderators to report and delete spams, it's up to posters to follow the rules and to refrain from spamming first. It's the same thing as a thief telling you I'm free to rob you because if you disagree you can call the police...
As it has been said above moderators fully dedicated to the (Gambling) section and maybe more temporary bans would certainly help to reduce spam though.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Hispo on November 27, 2022, 07:38:54 PM
Interestingly, I saw your thread asking for advice or help and I could not understand your problem. Initially, I thought you were asking for advice to save money when you decided to withdraw your money from that casino, but after reading again I could not be sure 100% that was your issue, so I decided not to reply.  :P

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Welsh on November 27, 2022, 11:18:09 PM
Perhaps the answer could be making sure signature campaigners do not post vague stuff is the responsibility of the bounty managers. And even if EVERY post was made to be productive, there would still be too many posters. So I think the issue is either setting stricter signature campaign limits or by setting stricter regulations on who is allowed to advertise/join such campaigns and how they should conduct said campaigns.

But a few moderators might also solve the problem, as you said.
We've been advocating that for years, but ultimately a lot of signature campaigns are gambling related, and therefore they want their posts in that section. I doubt the forum is going to enforce rules/guidelines specifically for signature campaigns, if theymos does decide to address the issues caused by it, I imagine it would be less restrictions, and more just outright banning it. Although, theymos has expressed in the past that he likes that signature campaigns have created an economy within the forum. So, I imagine it would be with reluctance, and I don't think the signature campaigns are our biggest problem right now.

Bounties on the other hand are still a problem, despite theymos' efforts with the bumping changes.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: rat03gopoh on November 28, 2022, 01:02:47 AM
You raised several issues in that thread, including:

  • You're looking for an alternative way to avoid unwanted fees (in the title).
  • You intend to follow the bullrun with bitcoin (more stable volatility) while in the casino you can lose all of it.
  • You tell that you want to transfer to another casino (which may be different fee policies, your problem will never be solved)

Among the three, people only answered the most relevant to their experience. The problem isn't the people throwing in the answers, your question is too complex.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: yahoo62278 on November 28, 2022, 03:07:39 AM
I think part of the problem is us managers and our requirements for posts in the gambling sections. I only ask for 5 when managing a gambling sites campaign, but some ask for 10+. Not that 5 is much better.

You get these guys needing to make a quota each week and they know the gambling discussion board is a spam fest. Half have no clue what they're commenting on and those that do have a clue are covered by a river of junk, so it's hard to even spot a decent post in the section.

I've noticed people are getting pretty desperate lately and are opening threads like the history of bingo I'm not gonna call out everyone whom I think has opened a shit topic that they know is going to be a spam fest, but it's definitely an issue.

As a manager I will lower my gambling section requirement to 4 per week. It's not much but it is better than not lowering it at all. Hopefully some managers will follow suit and lower the requirements as well.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 28, 2022, 05:37:04 AM
Welcome to Bitcointalk, whereby over 50% of the responses on almost every thread are just repeating the same thing(s) over and over for the weekly quota. You'll get used to it, not just on the Gambling Discussions subforum.
Oh my goodness, no.  There are sections much, much worse than the gambling ones, and at least OP got some responses.  There have been quite a few times where I've asked a specific question in sections like Altcoin Discussion, and since nobody there knows much or even gives a shit about any given coin (much less answering a question that would require thought) all I got was the sound of crickets.

OP probably will get used to it, but it takes time and can be extremely frustrating when you see that nobody is reading anything that anyone else has posted in the thread you're reading.  Ugh.

There are exchanges with relatively low BTC withdrawal fees, by the way.  I always check this site (, which is helpful for altcoins too.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Edwardard on November 28, 2022, 05:55:57 AM
I always check this site (, which is helpful for altcoins too.
Btw, the btc network withdrawal fee for binance is probably given wrong there. The fee is 0.0002 btc currently, not 0.0005, checked myself on the exchange. So not sure how reliable it is :(

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: KingsDen on November 28, 2022, 09:25:50 PM
I think we are already getting used to gambling discussion spams. It is something that cannot return to normalcy but with checks and actions such as yours, it can be curtailed or moderated.
When I was new in this forum, I never posted in the gambling section because I read about the spam in the board. I didn't want to be banned  ;D Not until  I applied for my first campaign bring Rollbit, then I started posting there.

As a manager I will lower my gambling section requirement to 4 per week. It's not much but it is better than not lowering it at all. Hopefully some managers will follow suit and lower the requirements as well.

Will you also set maximum gambling post per week? I ask because some users may decide to complete their weekly post quota all in the gambling section. Will there be penalty for that?
The majority  of the spammers in gambling board are natural spammers who will also spam in other boards but may be easily detected, so they have to hide in the gambling section.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Apocollapse on November 29, 2022, 07:47:05 AM
I always check this site (, which is helpful for altcoins too.
Btw, the btc network withdrawal fee for binance is probably given wrong there. The fee is 0.0002 btc currently, not 0.0005, checked myself on the exchange. So not sure how reliable it is :(
Don't mix between Binance US and Binance, if you scroll down little bit you will find Binance and the withdrawal fee is 0.0005 BTC which mean @The Pharmacist is share a helpful and legit site, while you're the one who actually wrong.

Anyway this topic is discuss about gambling discussion matter, not exchange withdrawal fee.

I didn't want to be banned  ;D Not until  I applied for my first campaign bring Rollbit, then I started posting there.
I'm surprised, so you're actually not a gambler but force yourself to post in gambling section because of the campaign requirement? actually you shouldn't join the casino campaign in the first place.

Will you also set maximum gambling post per week? I ask because some users may decide to complete their weekly post quota all in the gambling section. Will there be penalty for that?
The majority  of the spammers in gambling board are natural spammers who will also spam in other boards but may be easily detected, so they have to hide in the gambling section.
There's nothing wrong if someone make all of his post on gambling section as long as it's high quality post.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: actmyname on November 29, 2022, 10:16:47 AM
he problem with it is there's a ton of vague posts there that if you aren't familiar with the sport might seem legitimate. For example, I don't watch basketball, and have no clue about it.
That's not much of a problem, as even those who don't watch any sport can simply post play-by-plays or retell the points and events of a game.

Discussion posts lead to vague, general, redundant responses.
Sports threads look similar to the current spam function of the Press board.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on November 29, 2022, 11:55:41 AM
As a manager I will lower my gambling section requirement to 4 per week. It's not much but it is better than not lowering it at all. Hopefully some managers will follow suit and lower the requirements as well.
I think it's more to what the gambling platform wants or why would managers will have a minimum requirements to post in gambling sections? No doubt that gambling platforms feel more comfortable to spend their marketing budget on the forum. It obviously pays their costs.

Probably just needs a another dedicated moderator that isn't a global moderator.
This may help. There are side effects of everything. A lot of sites want to advertise on the forum, they bring money on the table which attract forum users to be regular in the forum. It's like a chain and beneficial for the whole ecosystem.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: KingsDen on November 29, 2022, 02:12:41 PM

I didn't want to be banned  ;D Not until  I applied for my first campaign bring Rollbit, then I started posting there.
I'm surprised, so you're actually not a gambler but force yourself to post in gambling section because of the campaign requirement? actually you shouldn't join the casino campaign in the first place.

Not really as you understood it. The story is more than that. I wasn't a gambler but I was a sports lover, especially soccer. So, I found it enjoyable posting in those threads as; EPL, Serial A, Bundesliga, Laliga, Ligue 1, Europa League, Champions league etc.

But when I joined the forum newly, my attention was all at how to grow and not to please myself. As I realised that merits are not or are hardly gotten in gambling section, coupled with the accusations of spamming, I avoided the gambling threads. Yet, I'll read whatever is happening there at my leisure and especially weekends.

But when I hard the opportunity to post there, and be paid for it and by then I already had senior member merits, I had no option than to join the campaign and exploit.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: NdaMk on November 29, 2022, 10:38:40 PM
Ever since I came into this forum, I’ve seen post been reported about shit posting in the gambling sections. I don’t think there’s a board with much discussion than that board. Firstly, users see there as a place to shit post. With or without the knowledge of the discussion at hand you’ll definitely see people replying to a post. Looking for past replies that the event already took place and quoting them as reply again to fill in signature posts too. Sorry if you couldn’t get your question attended to as it should be, don’t expect much good response from there often.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on December 12, 2022, 08:28:30 PM
There's nothing wrong if someone make all of his post on gambling section as long as it's high quality post.
Absolutely agree--and I'd point out that there are a lot of gamblers in crypto who know what they're talking about, whether it's sports betting, online crypto casinos, or even....cockfighting.  *ahem*

I assume that's partially why those two gambling sections were created in the first place, although that's a piece of forum history that I'm in the dark on.  Pretty sure Gambling and Gambling Discussion were both here when I registered in 2015.  In any case, I do see a lot of thoughtful posts in both sections, whether they're made for the sake of campaigns or not.  In fact, I tend to see much longer posts with more thought put into them than I see in many other sections, so it's clear a lot of members are passionate about the threads they're posting in.

There have also been a few threads dealing with gambling addiction that I found myself sucked into, even though I'm not a gambler.  Anyway.

Title: Re: What’s wrong with Gambling Discussion board
Post by: Mpamaegbu on December 13, 2022, 10:13:03 AM
As a manager I will lower my gambling section requirement to 4 per week. It's not much but it is better than not lowering it at all. Hopefully some managers will follow suit and lower the requirements as well.
I wouldn't want to go into all that arguement of 4 posts weekly not being any different from 5 posts per week, I think what managers should do is ask for maximum weekly posts in gambling as against minimum. That will help curtail spam posting. I've run into a few posters whose posts were all in gambling and that's for the purpose of meeting up weekly quota. They spam to meet up.

I always check this site (, which is helpful for altcoins too.
Btw, the btc network withdrawal fee for binance is probably given wrong there. The fee is 0.0002 btc currently, not 0.0005, checked myself on the exchange. So not sure how reliable it is :(
Anyway this topic is discuss about gambling discussion matter, not exchange withdrawal fee.
Well, while at it I think it will be better to settle the score at once. Edwardard wasn't wrong in what they pointed out after all. There are two Binance exchanges listed there and both have two different withdrawal charges. On my Binance account the withdrawal charge for Bitcoin is 0.0002 BTC and that's $3.4 in today's value. I know my account isn't Binance US because I opened it the same year Binance was established in 2017. Then Binance had just one account.