Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: benjamindees on March 28, 2014, 09:22:51 AM

Title: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: benjamindees on March 28, 2014, 09:22:51 AM
Cantor Fitzgerald traders were insider-trading the options on the attacks that killed them.  Unbelievable.  Insider information provided by Jim Rickards in his new book The Death of Money reveals the CIA was aware of trading on targeted airlines leading up to 9/11.  Max Keiser corroborates this with his own experience.  Amazing.

People always ask why 9/11 whistleblowers don't come forward.  This is why.  They are afraid to speak out too soon.  Many have been killed.  But enough people are out there, keeping themselves in the public view so that they can safely reveal their piece of the puzzle when the time is right.

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: pedrog on March 28, 2014, 10:37:52 AM
So, Bush did WTC?

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: Lamalicious on March 28, 2014, 11:35:35 AM
So, Bush did WTC?
It's almost a well-known fact ;D

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: hilariousandco on March 28, 2014, 02:51:42 PM
Cantor Fitzgerald traders were insider-trading the options on the attacks that killed them.  Unbelievable.  Insider information provided by Jim Rickards in his new book The Death of Money reveals the CIA was aware of trading on targeted airlines leading up to 9/11.  Max Keiser corroborates this with his own experience.  Amazing.

Keiser is become quite the conspiracy theorist as well as a troll now.

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: Bit_Happy on March 28, 2014, 07:14:08 PM
So Osama Bin Dead-a-long-time had his cave people trading options?  ???

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: Wilikon on March 28, 2014, 07:43:56 PM
Cantor Fitzgerald traders were insider-trading the options on the attacks that killed them.  Unbelievable.  Insider information provided by Jim Rickards in his new book The Death of Money reveals the CIA was aware of trading on targeted airlines leading up to 9/11.  Max Keiser corroborates this with his own experience.  Amazing.

Keiser is become quite the conspiracy theorist as well as a troll now.

He needs to change the narrative of his RT channel employers from this:

So why not play the 911 insider / bush's fault card instead?

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: blackvoice on March 29, 2014, 11:21:24 AM
Cantor Fitzgerald traders were insider-trading the options on the attacks that killed them.  Unbelievable.  Insider information provided by Jim Rickards in his new book The Death of Money reveals the CIA was aware of trading on targeted airlines leading up to 9/11.  Max Keiser corroborates this with his own experience.  Amazing.

People always ask why 9/11 whistleblowers don't come forward.  This is why.  They are afraid to speak out too soon.  Many have been killed.  But enough people are out there, keeping themselves in the public view so that they can safely reveal their piece of the puzzle when the time is right.

what a shame of those people

they don't have humanity

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: AnonyMint on March 29, 2014, 07:38:02 PM
Discussion going on in another thread:

Anonymint - Don't bother with your standard (arrogant) "you don't understand" response just because I don't lap up your every word.

Breaking News! Smoking gun! Eyewitness account released by well known Jim Rickards (former intelligence agent turned analyst and author of best seller, Currency Wars) who was in the room when the CIA was doing the insider trading on option puts against the two airlines involved in 9/11. Corroborated by Max Keiser who was talking to Cantor Fitzgerald brokers who told him they were betting short against bombings and airplane attacks imminent on New York.

So STFU mofo! You dumb ass white boy slave.

You've had all these prior examples of false-flags, e.g. Pearl Harbor, Reichstag fire, etc. and you see the clear motivation for 9/11 was the Patriot Act and subsequent executive orders and laws that have created all seeing police and tax slavery state exposed by Edward Snowden. Yet you still want to believe your white world isn't so corrupt as it is. You want to live in your fantasy bubble.

The only thing you might understand is "Mooo. Mooo".

Arrogance? No. Just don't want to join dumb ass fools. I prefer humble, but am I supposed to just fall into the queue with you chattel.

It has nothing to do with lapping up my word. It has to do with you being too lazy to actually research. If you did the research, you would understand why it is physically impossible for the steel buildings to entirely collapse from fire and debris. Add to that free fall velocity of collapse, meaning no resistance. The only way for WTC7 to collapse the way it did was demolition. And if you are not an engineer then maybe you don't understand that, but we engineers understand why. And yes in fact the building was evacuated several times for long periods leading up to this. And in fact there were dozens of workers in the elevator shafts of the twin towers (where the structural steel beams were) for many weeks leading up to the demolitions. If you did some research and capable of understanding engineering and science, then you would know this.

This is another example of what I was explaining upthread (about Bitcoin's white male nerd demographic) wherein we can be separated from the masses who will never be able to comprehend the engineering about 9/11 and so will believe the government's impossible concocted whitewash (or in Bitcoin's case masses are not adopting, only white males against central banking are). We see the same ignorance of science or facts mechanism in play with all the current things white people are fooled into fighting for (to do what the elite want), e.g. Bitcoin, man-made climate change, discrimination, feminism, environment, etc.. The elite lull you into your comfort zone where you can be manipulated with emotional propaganda, e.g. "save those cute polar bears or cute little African kids".

Cantor Fitzgerald traders were insider-trading the options on the attacks that killed them.  Unbelievable.  Insider information provided by Jim Rickards in his new book The Death of Money reveals the CIA was aware of trading on targeted airlines leading up to 9/11.  Max Keiser corroborates this with his own experience.  Amazing.

People always ask why 9/11 whistleblowers don't come forward.  This is why.  They are afraid to speak out too soon.  Many have been killed.  But enough people are out there, keeping themselves in the public view so that they can safely reveal their piece of the puzzle when the time is right.

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: railzand on March 29, 2014, 07:50:10 PM
It was Princess Diana. On the grassy knoll. With an ice-pick.

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: Carlton Banks on March 30, 2014, 03:22:14 AM
Confirmed? I think the news is that someone with... different credentials is making the claim. Jim Rickards has a different kind of credibility to the German investigative reporter that I believe originally broke this story (also via the Max Keiser show).

But what's Jim's evidence? From what I've heard, "I was there" is his main contribution. Coming from a financial and intelligence community insider with his stature, maybe that represents a departure from what we've heard previously. But this is no revelation.

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: counter on March 31, 2014, 05:20:06 AM
I'm not even remotely surprised by this.  After looking over the issue I learned may things that were blatant red flags.  The fact the the designer of the building came out and said the the towers were designed to take multiple plane crashes and still stand.  Then there is building 7 and so many other blaring inconsistencies I could literally right a book about it.

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: hilariousandco on March 31, 2014, 11:09:48 AM
But what's Jim's evidence? From what I've heard, "I was there" is his main contribution. Coming from a financial and intelligence community insider with his stature, maybe that represents a departure from what we've heard previously. But this is no revelation.

Conspiracy theorists need evidence to support their claims now?  :D Just another guy selling another book.

Title: Re: 9/11 Insider Trading Confirmed
Post by: Jigme on March 31, 2014, 11:14:45 AM
those are true traders lol .